The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, February 06, 1903, Image 4

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    3ood Iftver ; Slacier;
Conntil Proceeding.
Council met in regular eeBgion Mon
day evening, February z, iwm. rreeent:
Mayor Coon, Aldermen Blotters, H. F.
Davidson. P. 8. Davidgon. Prather,
Geesling and Mayes; Recorder Nickel-
ten and Marsnai cunning.
Minute of two previous meetings
were read and approved.
Petition presented asking that side
walks be laid on the east side of Third
street between Oak and River streets,
and on the south side of River street
from Second street in Hood River proper
to Third street in the first addition west.
The conncil decided that Park avenue
wae the street meant. On motion the
petition was referred to the committee
on streets and public property.
Petition was presented asking that
J. L. Henderson be authorized to estab
lish grades on the streets in Riverview
Park addition; referred to committee on
streets and public property.
The finance committee reported back
the bill of Ex-Marshal Dukes, with the
recommendation that the bill be allow
ed, less certain pound fees collected.
Also, the bill of J. E. Rand with the
recommendation that it be allowed.
Report of committee was accepted and
bills allowed.
H. F. Davidson of the committee on
Are and water, reported a substitute for
ordinance No. 68, granting the Mount
Defiance Water, Power 4 Light Co. the
right to lay water mains and erect poles
and wires in the streets, recommending
that it be referred to the judiciary com
mittee for an opinion as to its legality.
After considerable discussion the
council decided to take up the ordinance
and report of committee was accepted
except as to reference. The ordinance
was read and on motion oi r. e. uaviu-
son it was amended to give the company
. 30 days instead of 10 days in which to
accept such ordinance. On motion of
Blowers the ordinance then passed
second reading and was put upon its
final passage, being passed by a unnni
mous vote.
On motion of H. F. Davidson the
ordinance was referred to the committee
on judiciary, with instructions to get
legal advice thereon and report at a
special meeting of the council on Friday
nieht. -
Prather, chairman of the committee
on health, reported one case of small'
pox in the city; that it was thought
best not to remove the patient to the
pest honse at this time, and that the
case was being closely quarantined by
the marshal, and all precautions taken
to prevent the spread of the disease.
The following bills were presented and
allowed :
The Glenwood, 10 meals for
election board 2 50
Lost Lake Lumber Co., lumber
for cross-walks 24 68
Gessling made a motion that the
mayor appoint two members of the coun
cil to act with himself as a committee
to investigate and report in regard to
amending the rules and order ol busr
liens ; motion tost.
On motion of P. 8. Davidson, Alder
man Blowers was elected president of
the council lor the ensuing year.
On motion of P. 8 Davidson the chair
men of the committees on streets and
public property, ore and water and
health were appointeda special commit
tee to investigate and report on the
sewer question.
The committee on streets reported
back the petition asking for sidewalks
with the recommendation that the same
be referred back to the sinners for
more definite description of the location
where such walk is desired. Report of
committee was accepted.
On motion of P. 8. Davidson the com
mittee on streets and public property
were instructed to formulate plans for a
citv buildine and renort same for hids.
Adjourned to meet Friday, February
o, at i :) p. m.
Judge Henry Goes Fishing.
Santa Monica, Cat., Jan. 27, 1903.
Editor Glacier: This is a rainy day, the
iirw rain we nave na since we nave
been here. Rain Is something needed
nere very rnucu. we nave had sun
shine nearly all the time. Three fogs
since we came. The weather has beeu
about like June at home; the mornings
and eveulngs cool and the rest of the
any warm.
The bathers are in the ocean every
day, men, women and children. It is
great sport for those that can endure
it; but there are some who can't stand it.
The city extends aloug the beach for
two miles and Is laid out to Twenty
fourth street. The north half is as
level as a floor, with a slight elevation
to the north. The south part is some
what broken. There are some tine
business houses and a good many Hue
residences. Many flue houses are now
vacant; they are owned, by people who
live In Los Angeles, who come litre for
the summer. The different churches
are well represented. Secret societies
are numerous, but there is not a Grand
Army poht In the city." The nearest
post Is at Sawtell, four miles eat, where
the soldiers' home Is- located. There
are about 1,800 of the old men in the
home, and about 500 out on furlough.
The dcalliH at the home average about
two a duy.. I meet old comrades here
from all pnrta of the I ultra States.
If Neighbor Hyrkett was here and
could see some of the big fish caught
ho would Oiitihitler the catches made In
Hood Klver rather small fry. The
largpst one I have seen on the market
weighed 4S0 pounds. I haven'tcaught
any that weighed over 10 or 12 pounds.
The big llsh are caught about two
miles from shore.
We are all well and feeling flue since
we got over the colds contracted on our
trip down here. I haven't had any
rheumatism so fur and feel as if 1
would escape tbla winter. L Hkxby.
Protracted Meeting.
The Valley Christian church will be-
f in a series of meetings on Sunday even
ng, February 8, and will continue about
two wevks.
A praise ami prayer service will be
held each evening, beginning at 7;J5
an! the preaching will begin promptly
at 7:45. The singing will be in charge
of the chorister, J. W. Kmmel, Mrs.
May Morgan presiding at the organ.
The preaching will he done by the
pastor, and during the first week he will
complete a -ric of sermons on the
Cause of Our Salvation, Divine and
Human. The Originating Cause, The
Procuring cause, The Regenerating
Cause, The Qualifying Cam, The Re
ceiving Cause and The Retaining Catit.
The aim of each service will be the
cdincation of the church and the salva
tion of those out of Christ
All are cordially invited to attend
these meetings and join with us in the
study of the Scriptures and the worship
of the Lord. J. W. Jknklns, Pastor.
sleigh, while standing in front of his
place of buainese, became frightened at
a loose horse and started down the street
at a lively eait. increasing their speed
as they went. As they neared Hanoa's
grocery thev left the street and took to
the sidewalk, holding right of way un
til Hanna's store was reached. Seeing
the piles of good things to eat in the
windows and finding the front door
open, they struck for the inside, the
near horse getting through while the
other remained on the outside. The
sleigh tongue just missed the door and
passed on the outside, smashing several
large glass in the show window. One
of the horses was thrown down by the
shock when they struck the store front,
and received some injury to its hind
legs. The sleigh tongue was broken,
but otherwise the sleigh received no in
jury. The damage to Mr. Hanna's buil
ding and stock will amount to -5 or $30,
3ft. Hood Note.
Plenty of snow and good sleighing
snow about 25 inches deep.
Messrs. Kelloge and Ayers made a
business trip to Hood Kiver last week
Hensou & Leasure had a horse crip
pled last Wednesday. Jhehorsecaught
its foot under a log and tore off bis
hoof. This stopped their logging oner
ations for the lime; but they think
they can save the horse.
We understand there is to be an
other contest on a homestead, which
will make the bovs stick a little closer
to their claims. It is much easier for
a mail to live up to the law than to
fight a contest.
Robert Leasure has gone back to
work ai Davidson's logging camp; also,
Roy Hensou will try the cump again.
As a result of the high water recent
ly, the county will have two new-
bridges to build uciofh the Kant Fork
and one to repair. But the county is
getting used to that kind of work, it
being the regular thing after high
Crupper Croppings.
This looks more like winter than ever.
The snow measured 24 inches in deptli
at Mr. Ilengst's place last Friday and
some enow has fallen since then, making
it the heaviest snow-fall of the season.
The coldest night of the winter so far
was Snnday and Monday night, the
thermometer registering 7 degrees above
Nearly everybody is busy doing noth
ing at present.
The smiling countenance of Tommy
Bishop is seen on our streets once more
after being away nearly all winter on
his homestead up in Northern Washing
Any one wanting a grubbing machine,
drum turned out of hard oak, will do
well to call on L. II. Nichols who can do
a first-class job on short order.
Mr. and Mrs. 11. h. Kioelier gave a
dance and supper last Friday night.
1 hero were about -U couples present
Mr. and Mrs. Blocher know how to en
tertain the young as well as the older
ones. That coffee and those cakes
couldn't be beat, no matter where you
would go. Every one present expressed
themselves as having spent the most en
joyable evening of the ueason. It was a
merry party indeed that started home
about 3 o'clock in the morning, singing
ag they went. Mr. and Mrs. Blocher
expect to give another dance and oyster
supper in the near future and invite all
to come and have a good time, the old
as well as the young. J. I. C
Circuit Court Jurors.
Following is the panel of jurors for the
February term of circuit court, which
convenes on the 9th of February :
George Snipes, The Dalles.
Chas T Raw son. The Dalles.
Wm laenberg, Hood River.
Robert Densmore, The Dalles.
Joe Kenebel, The Dalles.
T M B Chastain, Victor.
G C Campliell, Kingsley.
J C Johnston, Dufur.
Geo R Castner, Hood River.
J T Nealeigh, Hood River.
II King, Nansene.
E 8 F Newcomb, Shaniko.
Hoyle Green, Hood River.
T A Seufert, The Dalles.
G W Jordan, Kingsley.
J W Blakeley, The Dalles.
J K Riggles, Victor.
P C Fagan, The Dalles.
Jas Burlingame, Mosier.
J W Zumwalt, Wamic.
J P Knodgrass, Victor.
E Henderson, Wapinitia.
John McDonald, Celilo.
II Readel, The Dalles.
C V Durham, The Dalles.
W G Obrist, The Dalles.
II II Ragley, sr., Hood River.
J M Nolan, Dufur.
J A Davidson, Endersby.
A A Bonney, Tjgh.
A Card.
I desire to say that, thoiich mv wife
and l cannot agree to live togethor, nor
agree in business relations, 1 never sus
pected she had done anything criminal.
I believe her morally pure in character.
t JH. ti. iottkr.
'cw Today.
Valentines at Coe & Son's.
Go to McGuire's for prepared mince
meat. None better.
Clover Ilarmonophone and np-to-date
Harmonicas at Coe & Son's.
D. F. Lamar has 50 tons of No. 1 hay
or sale wheat, timothy and clover.
New line of V alentines just received
from Chicago by Coe & Son.
Bring your chickens and eesa to Hood
Kiver Commercial Co.
Just received a line of watches.
clocks, jewelry and Bilverware, at F. W.
Clarke's, opposito postotlice.
Pressed chickens for Sunday at Hood
River Commercial Co.
If you want to tile on timber land
homesteads, call on George T. leather,
U. S. Commissioner, district of Oregon.
It will nay vou to set our nrices
before buying jour winter supply of
sroceries. tne mm lasn uroeerv.
Are you contemplation buvim; a
r'watch? Before purchasing see"F. W.
Clarke, opposite postomVe.
Dry Oak Wood for Sale. Pavennort
Bros. Lumber Co. have drv oak cord
wood for sale. Inquire at Mount Hood
Stajte Co.
For Sale 210 acres, all farm imple
ment, imiudini; new hav baler, and
stock. Free water; fine stock ranch.
Inquire of Friday & Karnes.
For watches, clocks, jewelrv and sil
verware, tee K . Clarke. at Cl-irl.'
drug store, opposite postollice.
Two hundred Ui iVOOO to loan on real
estate, if your security is nood rour
money is ready. Prather Investment Co,
Dayton has the honor of Uin th
first town in Oregon to inaugurate the
rural telephone system. The svstem
has become so popular that it is spend
ing like wild ri ail over the ttu. in
the ditmay of old companies, who, like
te.egrapn companies, have coined mon
A Exciting Ranawaj.
A lively runaway on Oak street yes- ey from the people, bv iron bound rules
terday. Helped to break the monotony oi conduct granting itoaccuinmodationa
i f.. ! ",,r morning and cause a ! except hen dearlv paid for. Salem
thrill of excitement to those who it-1 a ill oou be comiecleJ from all sections
nessed the spirited team as they printed ! by rural telephones, when besines men
down the street. The delivery team of j aud citiiens generally learu the benefit
JUrtley grocery ,tom, attached to a iol the svstem. Dayton Herald.
Church Notices.
Congregational Church. Preaching
service with worship will be conducted
by the pastor, Rev. J. L. Hershner,
on Sunday at 11 a. m. Sunday school
at 10 a. m., with A. ". Staten, super
intendent. Christian Endeavor service
at 7 p. m. Mid-week meeting on
Thursday at 7 p. m.
U. B. Church Herbert C. Shaffer,
pastor. Sunday School at 10 a. m. Wor
ship and preaching of the Word at 11
a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Y. P. S.C. E. at 7
p. m Junior C. E. at 3 p. m. Meeting
for prayer and praise, ednesday even-
Uii at :.). All are welcome.
Valley Christian Church J. W. Jen
kins, pastor. Sunday school at 10 a. m.
Preaching at 11a.m. and 7:30 p.m.
Christian Endeavor meeting at 6:30 p.
All not worshiping elsewhere are cordi
ally invited to attend these services.
M. E. Church Rev. F. R. Spaulding,
pastor. Sunday School at 10. Preach
ing services at 11a.m. and 7:30 p.m.
Junior League at 3 Epworth League at
6:30 p. m. Sunday, and E. L. prayer
meeting Tuesday evening at 7:30. Gen
eral prayer meeting Thursday evening
at 7:30. The public is cordially invited.
Advertised Letter List.
February 2, 1903.
Lietz, Miss Edvthe McGartin, Mrs M
Taylor, Mrs J P Taylor Mrs M E
care J II Walker Billings, J N
Jackson, J C Jenkins, Dr O C
Springer, Cooper Springer, C C (2)
Wm. M. Yates, Postmaster.
Missionary Commissioner to Japan
The appointment was announced yes
terday of Rev. T. L. fcliot, pastor oi
the First Unitarian church, as special
commissioner to Japan in missionary
u-nrt for ths Unitarian society. Dr
Kliot has lone been one of the best
known ministers in the city of Portland
anil liia Qnrviintmpnt to this Position
will no doubt be a sourceof gratification
to many of his friends who realize nis
true wortti.
Th Unitarian Society, which has its
headquarters in Boston, will send Dr
Kliot. rn Tnlcio. where he will remain
nhont two months, carefully investigat
ing the whole matter of Japanese mis
sions. Dr. Eliot will leave on or about
March 1, and will not be accompanied
by his tamily. uregoniau.
Notice to Water Consumers.
AnnlicationR for water must be filed
at tho office of Davenport Lumber Co.
Upon receiving the application we will
inform parties what they may expect.
Parties not fullv paid up for water re
ceived in lyuz need not apply.
All Applications Must be In by Feb. I.
Fbank Davenport, President.
The Dug Tax.
I hereby notify all owners of dogs
within the city limits that the tax on
dogs must be paid or the dogs will suf
fer the consequences, as the ordinance
will be enforced. II. A. Cunning,
Citv Marshal.
The Spot Cash Grocery
Buckwheat Flour,
Salt Salmon,
Dry Herring,
And all Country Produce taken in exchange for goods.
- K. of P. Dramatic Club. -
Thursday Evening, Feb. 19, 1903,
A good show for a good cause. Under the auspices
of the Knights of Pythias. Entitled
The Old Dairy Homestead
Ruby A little waif. Miss Brown.
Mrs. dinner A dashing widow adventuress Pearl Cox.
Maud The farmer's niece Miss Nell Moor.
Becky Wilkins An old maid Mrs. F. Davidson.
Mike Donnavin A traveling tinker Punch Lsenberg.
Jason Wilkins A farmer .' Walt Isenberg.
Josh Arrowroot Town constable Frank Davidson.
Malcolm Gray Schemer and ex-convict Maltie Dukes. '
WILLIE WORK A gentleman of leisure, born tbed..JAS. F. DeBOED.
In 3 .afLcts.
We Have
Ladies' Dress Goods,
ladies' Underwear,
Men's Shirts, ?
ladies' and Children's Hose,
Shirt Waists,
German Sox,
Men's Hats,
ladies' Arctics,
dozens of other articles
Children's Underwear,
Shoes for everybody,
Children's Suits,
House lining,
Mrs. Potts' Sad Irons,
Cow Bells,
Rubber Boots,
Men's Arctics,
usually carried in a general store'
e mean
Intend to Retire. Outside business DeJ
mands Our Attention. ,
We are now working for you. You can have all the profit. We are paying expenses out of capital.
No profit to us in these goods. Our prices will convince you. There is a good substantial Christmas
present for every man, woman and child -I n the1 valley In our store at factory prices.
bone & Mcdonald.
We keep a Grocery store and that you can get the
best bargains with us. YOU KNOW THAT, so
we need only mention a few new things:
Minced Hani, the tiling for lunches.
Olives in bulk. Saur kraut.
Comb and Strained Honey.
Fresh oranges and Bananas always on hand.
Salt Mackerel. Golden Star and Diamond W Soap
rare v lute 1 lour.
Yours for good goods, Q ft HARTLEY.
Real Estate Dealer,
Has Lands of all kinds in Hood Kiver valley for
sale at from f 5 an acre up to $400. Strawberry
land, apple land, Meadow land and Timber lands.
.Also, Town Lots and Blocks.
See Him for Bargains.
Buy a Home.
And Own A Home of Your Own.
A paid-up Contract in the
National Home Seekers'
Will entitle you to a Home or a Farm or
$1,000 in Cash. .
The poor man or woman phuvd on an equal
footing with the rich. We lend you money on such
terms- that a Home is in the reach of all.
Money loaned for buying timln-r claims. Farms
and city probity. You become vour own suretv.
Money loaned for 10 years and 8 months, with
privilege of paying back at h:y time,
Ottitv LG3 Bussell street. Portland. See '
At the Office of Prather Investment Co., Hood Tuver.
You will never regret it if you buy some of our bargains, as
Hood River Real Estate
you fine City Lots on grade, with good water
and fine view on EASY TERMS.
BSTStreets will be improved in the Spring. For
full particulars see
Prather Investment Go.
Established 1881.
Pioneer Fruit and Produce
Big Bargains in Town
Block of 14 Lots in Dean's Subdivision; fine
view of both mountains. Will sell one lot or the .
whole block at $125 a lot. Buy now and get
your pick of these choice lots.
FRI DAY & BARNES, Sole Agts.
Solicit Consignments of Apples,
Pears; all Green and Dried Fruit.
Meat Market!
McGuire Bros., Propr's. f
Dealers In Fresh nnd Cured Meats, Liti,'
roultry. Fruits and Vegetables.
Free Deliverv.
Phone 35.
Farm For Sale.
40 acres near Belmont, known as the
Armor Place.
10 Inches free water, all nnder cultiva
tion, 4 acres in strawberries and 0 acrei
In orchurd all bearing trees. For partic
ulars Inquire on the premises,
fltf J. W. ANDERSON,
After January 20, 1 will be ready to repai
and oil harness at my shop at Frankton, ami!
have ordered the best oil and stock on Hit
market. E. D. CALKINS, f
Taken Up
An 8-months-old Jersey bliTI came to our:
place about a month aeo. The owner cai',
nave same by paying for this notice and keept
ing. 23 E. C MOONEY. B
To lease for term of years, fruit or berri
farm. Cimh ront rMranarilKiildMnI nianL.r?
office. i
Pure Bred Jersey Cow
And heifers for sale. Some old fonnriaJmr
cows. About 50 head of heifers, from yomi
Calves tn 2-VAnr.nlrit nil nn kmil 1 Ion tmf
4-year-old Bull, Dewey, of The Glades, andni
son "Edwin of the Glades." 4 months old. T.j,
prevent too mnch Inbreeding the only objecte,.
of sale. A. R. BYKKETT. f
Bingen, Wash,
Frank Davenport. Warren Davenport. J. F. Short
Mt. Hood Stage Co.
DAVENPORT & SHORT, Proprietors.
Buy and sell Horses, Hay, Grain, and do a gen
eral livery and drayage business. 'Phone 171.
Books and Stationery.
School Supplies, Legal Blanks. Blank Books.
In fact everything that should go with a first
class Book and Stationery store.
Geo. D. Culbertson & Co.,
Sales Agents op
Money Lenders. Rental and Insurance Agents.
Place your land with us to sell. Come to us for
bargains to buy.
Montaug Restaurant.
iuis iffltHunini is inraritn nt itx nnrrnH i
Street. Portland, nnnraitj ilemt. anii is run hv.
a Hood River (inn. Lodgings furnished. 1:
J 14
Cow For Sale.
A fine cow for sale that will be fresh Febro
ary 1st. p. f. FOUTS.
And wagon repairing attended to promptly at:
my shop on the ML Hood road, south of town.
Good work at reasonable prices.
ep!7 Q. A. HOWELL
For Sale.
Ten acres for two, 6 or 6 acres of It as good J
fruit land as there is In Hood River valley;i
uue-quaner mile rrom post office and scnooi,
near river and railroad Inquire of
alo M B NOBLE,
At Frankton,
Water & Light Notice!
All water and light bills are payable at the
Hood River Electric Light, Power and Water jr
IV, 'a t.l . ... . .... ...... ,h.iF
vw. n umia; utmi iue .si w vne lUlU UI
month, in advance.
oltf n. c. EVAN8, Manager.
A 3-year-old white and red spotted steer I
marked two under hiia I n rirrht rat and OH
under bit Id left ear; branded J7 on left hip f
are ascertained
irv- . ta- iiL' unV
Surav Pumt) for Sale!
w x- E
A Pf.mi.nn Sum wt lnn tn maJ wn1.tim..f
le at 15. j;U J. H.YlLSlKtiEK.
for sale
DrpssTY.olHr.0 I
I have ODened drHminiibin. nnrliini on tn ; -
hill. ODDraiUt IKrn.i,.hal Rivm' mtnro Prices I
reasonable and work guaranteed. BY:
Cheap Fruit Boxes.
I Wish tn ffciv tn tho frnit vrftwerrt of Hood
River that I can furnish apple boxes in any jf
quamitv at rites cheaper than hey can ot
bought elsewhere. The lumber In these box t
Is of the best oualitr roiinnwood compW
Mn, l . . , w L fir- .
ther information and for order, apply to lh' ,
St Johns Box Factory. St. Johns. Oregon, i
Stockholders' Meeting.' !
The first meeting ot the stockholders of tb 1
Snow Line Water Tympany of Monnt Hood.
Wasco count v, Oregon, will he beld in tlx t
"fno of the company, at Cedar Ieil rnc I
Mount Hood, county snd state aforesaid, o
Friday, February 17, 1HB, at I: p. m. for W
purpose of electing three dlreotora, and
other business aa may come before the mt ,
ing. Signed, LE.RICF, !
, I. L. RICE,
Incorporaiorfc ;