The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, February 06, 1903, Image 3

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    Good Uoads Legislation.
The good roads legislative committee
nut Tnesdav evening and transacted
uei as follows: Our representative
it Fuh "Hn- N- Whealdon, has been
tii'.fsieuto lose no time in supporting
best road bill that will enable any
?1 district to build better roads.
committee is favorably impressed
hi most of the features of the bill in
duced by Senator Smith of Umatilla
duty. Judge Scott, chairman of the
,te roads association, has been written
relative to the organization of a per
cent good roads association for Hood
ter valley in order that we may be in
4 for our shared the 20,000,000appro
riation bill now before congress for the
-igblishingof good roads throughout the
i - ni ted States.
The committee on legislation desires
, tender their congratulations to the
It ltmg committee for their noble work
great success in securing so many
- bcriptionB for the good cause, but we
jire to call the attention of the solicit-
committee to what seems an appar
el neglect in not obtaining the signa
ls ot all the citizens who are benefitted
1hi8 fund. We notice one of the
ret prominent apple growers has not
ued the subscription list. The com
utltee should call on every one in the
,id district and give every person an
opportunity to be a benefactor and a
iiogressive citizen.
V. Winchell, )
A. I. Mason, jomniuiee.
C. H. Sproat, )
I The White Collar Line.
The White Collar Line, now opera
ing steamboats between Portland and
Astoria, Portland and The Dalles, and
jet t tie and Tacoma, was organizd as a
jettle aim iaconia, wag organic
o&ipany twenty-five years ago
.hi name of Columbia Trauspor
Joiupany, changed to Columbia
ula Kiver
n,fl rUgei ouuuu navigtuiwu vai. in
8J1. The original founders were Capt.
JIB. Scott, L. B. Seeley, S. H. Brown,
W. Crichton and Z.T. Hatch.
Messrs. Seeley, Brown and Crichton
ui still identified with the company,
iilig president, vice-president and
icteiary, respectively.
jhis company are pioneers ou both
hi upper Columbia and Willamette,
ifiting operated the steamer Ohio, the
light draught boat on the upper
Willamette and the steamer Fleetwood
;o tjhe Cascades conuecting with the
steamer Gold Dust above.
This company has built and operated
hofastest boats which have ever run
n Northwest waters. The steamer
telephone made the run from Portland
;o lAstoria, 100 miles, in 4 hours 34
'f lie steamer Flyer has covered nearly
r, million miles since she was laun
:h$d, having been ou the Seattle
raenma run since 1891, making daily
'ouj round trips of 56 miles each be
.ween these two cities and during that
inie has maintained her time schedule
.vil'h the regularity of a railroad. Dur
nif all this lime, of all the pasengers
iurried, not a single one was injured
vhile aboard the'Flyer or was auy one
ost overboard. We consider this a
eetird to be proud of.
The Baily Gatzert was the first boat
vtiich demonstrated the fact that a
oond trip could be made between Port
mid and The Dalles in one day. Dur
ng the past two seasons she has han
lied immense crowds of tourists who
vill testify as to the excellent accoui
iiodutions afforded by ttiis boat, the
neals furnished being a lasting adver
iseruent. The Gatzert also has the honor of
saving made the fastest time between
lie Dalles and Portland yet made; the
"Sisiou beiug when she carried the
pi erne lodge of the A. O. U. W. from
H i Dalles last June.
Wherever this company has operated
ha people have secured the lowest
ates consistent with the amount in
terned by the company and have al
ways maintained the policy of adjust
ing claims for loss or damage at once,
hereby saving1 their patrons muob
,rou bit; and loss of time generally cau's
'() by transportation lines in this mat
;er$ The company has under consider
uibn the rebuilding of the Telephone
' jiecially for The Dalles run, and the
i me will likely be done this year.
-i amaiiia Pioneer. ,
I Doug is Allltigiit.
Si. D. Langille, a forest inspector of
la interior department, arrived in Can-
i City Wednesday from the country
I ar Baker City, where he has been in
jecting large tracts of mineral land
i. :it is included within the limits of the
sroposed Blue Mountain forest reserve.
ii i Langille comes here for the purpose
it examining every part of the proposed
i-erve in Grant county, and to acquaint
i department of the interior with for-
and other conditions as he finds
u.ini. He states that it is not the in-
i.tion of the government to create this
c.-erve for the purpose of embarrassing
my of tjie people of Grant county, but
mply to withdraw from from entry the
,i inhered and other lauds that are not
'tillable for agricultural purposes and
litit all agricultural lands as far as pos
sible will be eliminated from the re
:er?e. Grant county has been visited in the
last by a number of special agents of
i he government, w ho came to inspect
uhe i territory that was afterward in
:luded in the temporary withdrawal.
Slot few people of the county ever knew
l.t if mission, in fact, they generally
woided having such become known.
vV ith Mr. Langille it is different. He
s fite to explain to the people the na
are of his mission to this county, and
- inady and willing to listen to every
1 id the people to have to say to him.
-ing the next few weeks that he will
id in this part of the county exam
g the reserve, he expresses a desire
! having the company of anyone
1 -I is acquainted with the
ntry, in order that the ag
ltural, as well as the timbered tracts
' be thoroughly examined. He
ta the people of Grant county to
in interest in this work, and be
i - to show him the country, with the
trance that whatever steps the de-'-ment
may take relative to this mat
. that the interests of resident cattle
i and sheepmen of the county will
- carefully safeguarded. Blue Moun
am Eagle.
f!iu Wlou's Arnica Salve.
The best and most famous compound
;i 'he world to conquer nelies and kill
is. Cures cuts, heals burns and
r , ses, subdues hiilamation, masters
1. Millions of boxes sold yearly,
ks wonders in boils, ulcers, felons,
i eruptions. It cures or no pay. 25c
:. i 'has. X. Clarke's drug store.
. of P's. Attention! A donation
xt wiil be given to members of the
ention to be held in our hall next
irday, the 7th, at 6 p.m. Bring in
r good things and let's have an old
; supper. Invitations will be re
ted to inembersoftheorder only,
company has been organized in
ouis wuh a capital of f 100,000 to
j.i,000 acres of wild land in eoathern
-jnri snd northern Arkansas, which
vtred principally with scrub oak,
-s and tiaiel brbsh. Then it will
;i loose several thousand Anger
which will clear the land better
i men can, and bring in an income
e doing eo. One the tract is clear
sill be put on the market as fruit
farm lands.
. . . ri-....J XT : .i.. rt
Odell Notes.
Coasting down the school house hill
is a favorite sport these beautiful moon
lit nights. The track for about 300
yards is smooth and well-beaten and it's
a wild ride, yet the young folks enjoy it,
as does some of the older ones. The
writer speaks fram experience.
There is a touch of la grippe here
these frosty days, but nothing serious. '
Mr. and Mrs. C.G. Roberts are spend
ing a few days in town.
Rogers, the apple man, is still in evi
dence here, packing and hauling the
red apples. E, T. Folts is doing his
Tom Lacy and family, William Ehrck
and family and Mrs. J. R.Crosby visited
at Chris Dethman's last Suuday.
A literary entertainment and basket
social will be given at the school house
Saturday evening. Tables will be set
and supper served to those who do not
purchase baskets. An admission fee
will be charged and the proceeds will go
toward the purchase of an organ. This,
together with the fact that Mr. Brown,
the principal of the school, has charge
of the entertainment, should -insure a
good crowd. Everybody is invited, and
those who improve the opportunity will
not regret it.
Sherman Young, the jolly mail car
rier, was on hand Monday after a two
days lay-off. He says we can count on
him at least twice a month.
The Davenport mill has been closed
for a week but will start up as soon .as
the weather moderates.
Charles Davis is always busy, regard
less of the condition of the roads or
weather, and he does not go of necessity
either. The man who works is the man
who enjoys life best.
The horses are neighing for hay and
the stoves calling for wood. Raise more
hay and cut more wood.
A "Itoast" for "Verdant."
Hood River, Oregon, January 31, 1903.
Editor Glacier: In this week's Gla
cier "Verdant" gives me a little roast
on the water question. When he .states
that I made a motion to "pass first
reading without reference or amend
ment," he utters a malicious untruth.
The motion to pass first reading is
simply to say that the council will con
sider the ordinance and after the motion
is carried, the mayor will refer it to the
proper committee. As I did not care
what committee he referred it to, I did
not include any reference to a commit
tee in my original motion, but as a
brother councilman wanted to refer it
to a particular committee, I accepted
his amendment. The time to amend is
after first reading, and I stated to the
chairman of the committee to which it
was referred that 1 would not vote for
the ordinance( until several objection
able features were changed.
In all places the anonymous letter
writer is the most contemptible creature,
but if I was as ignorant of legislative
proceedings as "Verdant," I too might
be too cowardly to sign my name to an
attack on a fellow citizen,: Section 102
of the city charter practically prohibits
the city f rom putting ip its own water
works, but if "Verdant" wants the char
ter changed why does he not take the
necessary steps to have it changed. But
that would disclose his identity. A man
who claims he is the people should have
the courage to come out in the open.
In the three years "Verdant" has been
in our midst, he has always tried to run
the town.
I am afraid "Verdant" is interested
in something he wants to unload on the
town. G. J. Gessunq.
A Pioneer River Man Sick.
William Drano; otherwise known as
"Freuch Billy," is reported being quite
ill on his old ranch, now the Coulter
place. William Drano is the oldest and
possibly only exclusive navigator of the
Middle Columbia! Having operated on
the river between Portland and The
Dalles since 1864. He claims his aee as
67 years, but he is believed to be at least
ten years older. , He was sever married,
and settled on his place in 1868. Since
then 40 acres of it have been cleared,
and it is known as one of the best
ranches on the river. It was transferred
bv him to Mr. Coulter upon the latter
giving bond that he would care for Mr.
Drano during the remainder ' of his life.
Three years ago Mr. Drano lost an arm
from blood poison. 'He is one of the
best known characters along the river.
Pioneer. ,
Collins Hot Springs.
C. T. Belcher, who at one time was
interested with the St. Charles peaple
in developing a hot spring on the old
Woodard place on Nelson creek, has se
cured a 15-year lease from the O. R. &
N. company, contingent upon finding
within 90 days the vein of hot water at
the Collins springs above high water
mark. This Mr. Belcher is trying to do.
If he succeeds he intends to put up a
$15,000 hotel and Hath house. Pioneer.
Saved Her Child's Life.
"Iu three weeks our chubby little boy
was changed by pneumonia almost to
a skeleton," writes Mrs. W. Watkins of
Pleasant City, O. "A terrible cough set
in, that iu spite of a good doctor's treat
ment for several weeks, crew worse
every day. We then used Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption, and
our darling was soon sound and well.
We are sure this grand medicine saved
his life." Millions know it's the only
sure cure for coughs,-colds and all lung
diseases. Chas. N. Clarke will guaran
tee satisfaction. 50c, $1.00.' Trial bottles
Give References.
Hood River, February 2, 1903. Edi
tor Glacier: In your last week's issue I
read an unwarranted attack on the
standing of the Homeseekers' Asso
ciation by J. E. Hanna, who claims to
have thoroughly investigated the finan
cial standing of said association and
through your columns assails it as a
wild-cat scheme, his conclusions being
drawn from his own personal opinion.
Now, as a rule, the American people
stand foremost in all this great nnivtrse
for fairness, so befure condemning our
association, I ask all the citizens and al
so the farmers of Hood River to corres
pond with a few of the hundreds of the
people who have obtained homes through
loans from our association and satisfy
themselves as to the correctness of Mr.
Hanna's opinion. Beginning with the
name of L. R.Heffner, locomotive engi
neer, Ogden, Utah, $3,000; Martha
Williams, Provo, P. O., Utah, $2,000;
B. Henry, Denver, Colorado $3,000;
Michael Mauss, Murray; Utah, $1,000;
H. F. Jallinadz, farmer, Geneva, Ne
braska, $3,000; Miss Jennie Hixron,
North Yakima, $1,000; Walker Bros,
bank, Salt Lake City; Bank of Littleton,
Littleton, Colorado; E. Swarts, - 714
Marquette building, Chicago, Ills.,
$3,0UO. So I could keep on naming in
to the thousands. But it isuDnecesrary,
as our banks are in touch with yours, as
is also our home Dffice at Denver and
other places. So, in all fairness, we ask
you to investigate our standing then
draw your own conclusions, based on
facts, not on the imagination of a self
conceited would-be-brains of Hood
River, who is willinz to DUt his opinion
against that of thoufands of intelligent
business men who are doing business
with-oar association. I could say a
great deal more that would be detri
mental to Mr. Hanna statement, but
will refrain. With charity, I am most
respectfully. D. W.Covt.,
Agent National Home Association.
tribute to Robert Burns.
Washington, January 23. Senator
George F. Hoar of Massachusetts de
livered a scholarly and exceptionally
interesting lecture this evening at All
Souls' church on Robert Burns. Sena
tor Hoar spoke in the highest terms
not only of Burns himself, but of all
the Scottish people. He compared the
Scots constantly with the people of
New England. He spoke of their rug
ged characters and traits in common.
Senatiir Hoar characterized Robert
Burns as the best-known character in
history or literature. No educated
man, woman or child, where the En
glish language is spoken, he declared,
was unfamiliar with the poems of
Burns. His fame circles the earth like
a parallel of latitude, his words are
known by heart by couutless thousands.
Mr. Hoar spoke of the peculiar fitness
of certain languages to convey certain
meaniDgs. No fitter vehicle for the
pathos, the emotions, the tender senti
ment" and sympathy, the wit and
humor of Burns could possibly be found
thau the lowland Scotch.
The speaker declared that David
might have written bis psalms, Solo
mon his proverbs and Aesop his fables
iu lowland Scotch and they could only
have been the better for it. He spoke
of the value of rhythm and said Burns
was a master of it. Burns had a re
markable gift of humor.
Mr. Hoar told of an Englishman who
once declared it would take a surgical
instrument to get a joke Into the head
of a Scotchman, when a Frenchman
nearbv replied: "Yes, an English
Mr. Hoar said that with all due re
spect to the English humorists of all
ages, aud with all due respect to a race
from which he immediately descended,
he must say that ' if there is one man
above another to whom humor does
not appeal it is the ordinary English
man. "Do not be so sure, my sanctimoni
ous friend," continued the senator,
"that Burns' life was not a gay life in
any sense. God gave him his choicest
gifts. He gave him humor and a ten
der, pitying heart. In him there
dwelt in close relationship the fount
ain of laughter aud the fountain of
"God gave him the love of flowers,
of birds, of home, of father, of mother,
of woman and child, and country.
Would any one dare to say that the
poems which have brought so much
cheer to humanity through all these
ages brought none to the author? I
say Burns was no figure of sorrow or
despair, but one of glory and joy. God
gave him thousands of golden hours,
each one an age in itself. What toil
and hardships would we go through
today to thiuk the thoughts of Burns?
He was a noble lover and a noble hater,
the hatred being born of love.
"He loved Scotland, he loved her
flowers, be loved the hills, he loved
justice, liberty and humanity. He
hated the things that were enemies or
these. He hated arrogance aud cruel
ty, self-righteousness, pride of rank,
bigotry, tyranny. That these things
do not exist as much today as they did
in the time of Burns is due as much as
any other influence to his writings."
Senator Hoar spoke of the great work
Burns had done for Scotland. He said
he would be disloyal, however, to a
favorite author if he did not give
Walter Scott a share in the achieve
ments. The names of Burns and Scott
are eternally linked, he declared.
These two immortal spirits made of
their country another Greece, ot their
capital another Athens. Ihey dwell
in mighty companionship now and
Glad to Get Back.
The editor of the Salem Journal re
cently returned from an Eastern trip.
He is glad to get home, and in express
ing his gladness, says :
"Only a person who has been sub
jected to the freezing, shivering thing
they call air in the prairie states for a
few weeks in January, when you breathe
something that tingles with ice, and the
wind cuts you like a knife, can appreci
ate the soft and balmy Italian atmos
phere of Western Oregon. The air sweet
with the tragrance ot evergreen verdure
and savory of the coniferous forests fills
the lungs like cooling ambrosia, i ure
as the breezes that waft toward the dis
embodied spirits winging their way
across the Elesyan fields, come the soft
and mellifluous zephyrs that greet the
weary denizen returning trom the trozen
climes of the East. Farewell to rub
bing your ears to keep them warm ; fare
well to icicles on your moustache that
make you look like a tushed walrus
from the briny deep ; goodbye to over
shoes, buffalo coats, fur gloves, horse
blanket underclothing, chilblains and
froBted shinbones that make you feel as
if each pedal extremity was a combina
tion of aching boils and rheumatics;
where shivering you go to bed and shiv
ering arise ; all those jack-frost cinches
are a thing of the past after you cross
the Cascade range and drop softly down
into the land where roses bloom tiie year
round on the cheeks of those you love
aa well as under the sheltering walls of
comfortable homes, where the furnace
is not eating up in the winter what you
earned the rest of the year.
The Blessed Rain.
After a Ions spell of drv and windv
weather we have at last returned to
normal Oregon climatic conditions and
all living creation heaved a sigh of relief
when rain once more poured down.
The east winds wrought sickness and
disease in its wake, and attacked all
alike, old and young, large and small
The rain, Oregon's pride, has at last
come to undo all of the mischief of
sunny winter days; and the poor rheu
matic sufferer feels like going out bare
footed aud bathe his swollen loints in
the nerve-elevating fluid from out the
All nature is awake! Aroused bv the
raiu, man and beast alike feci the sooth
ine effects of the precious moisture.
Nothing can live, nothing can grow or
prosper without our rain. All nature
must wilt and decay without it. The
talk about too much rain is idle bosh.
We cannot have too much rain in Ore
gon. Go out and be drenched to the
very skin, and after dry clothing has
been donned yon will feel as if emerged
from a sea of paradise.
The people of the East may be happy
with plenty of snow and ice and many
opportunities to nurse frozen limbs, but
our lovely Oregon can dispense with
such and feast on rain, as the messenger
of all the good and beautiful.
Sickness is down to the minimum
whenever the valves of the Oregon sky
open tip, and the doctor can take his
fishing outfit without fear, for he is sel
dom wanted, but let it be dry with east
winds for a little time, and we all feel
that our old friend, the rain, is sadly
Of all the thousands of drugs and
medicines contained in our pharmaco
pia, the greatest medium, Oregon rain,
should head the list. Take plenty of it
inside and outside and nothing will dis
tnrb your peaceful slumber.- The'drop
piug rain on the roof of your house
should loll yon to sleep, and the very
first thing to greet yon in the morning
ought to be Oregon rain. Then yon will
get old slowly, grow fat and be happy.
Skamania Pioneer.
Potatoes wanted at Hartley's.
The Country Telephone.
By Etgr L. Hampton, In the Seattle Mail
and Herald.
In the West the country telephone is
a new thing. As a matter of fact it is
not more than a few vears old in any
part of this country. Within ten years
its value has become recognized iu a few
sections of the East, and it. has now
come to stay in the New West.
During the week of holidays just past,
I was in the city of Portland, Oregon,
and in several of the smaller towns that
the hand of thrift aud enterprise has
sown so thickly and so well along the
two banks of the Willamette river. In
these smaller towns and in the country
round about I became somewhat con
versant with the history and some of
the intricacies of the country telephone.
lhe idea of. a country system oi
phones originated in the New West, first
among the thriving business men of
iSewberg, Oregon, a town ot i.ouu in
habitants or thereabouts, situated on
the west bank of the Willamette river,
twenty-three miles from Portland.
It was the outgrowth of a bluff on the
part of that well-known, soulless corpo
ration, The Pacific States Telephone and
Telegraph Co., known in Seattle as the
Sunset Telephone Co. The business
men of Newberg called the bluff.
To begin with there was the Willam
ette Telephone Co., a small long-distance
concern connecting the county seat of
Yamhill county with Portland. This
company placed a few phones in each
town through which it passed, and it
thus placed a few phones in Newberg.
As the town grew in importance there
was a demand for more phones, and the
Bell company came along and put in a
system, charging a rental of $1.00 per
month for resident, and for business
phones, $1 50 per month.
But the country round about New
berg is very populous with small ranches
and gardens, dairy and fruit farms.
There was a necessity for a better and
closer means of communication between
these country people and the town mer
chants. Therefore the merchants united
with 'he country people in requesting
the Bell Telephone Co. to put in a coun
try system.
Of course the Bell company refused,
laughing at the idea. In fact it laughed
once too often. For the merchants, be
coming vexed at its sneers and its gen
eral demeanor, called a public meeting,
formed an organization, elected officers,
incorporated under the laws of the state,
secured a franchise and subscribed
money for a telephone system of their
own, Doth country and city, similar to
the one known to be in successful opera
tion in some Eastern states. This is the
story of the beginning of the first coun
try telephone system, so far as I know,
in the Pacific Northwest.
Its history from its inception, twelve
months ago is most interesting. I regret
that space prevents my telling it here
at greater length.
Of course the Bell company put in a
competitive line in the country forth
with ; and with great bluff and bluster
put men forth into the country districts
to install telephones, using the argu
ment that all the merchants in Newberg
had the Bell 'phone and only a few had
the "home" 'phone a statement that
could not be denied. And of course,
then, a mass meeting was called of the
patriotic town people and all the Bell
phones in the city were ordered out in
one day ; just as might have been expec
ted of any plucky country town. '
The one card held by the Bell com
pany was the fact that the Bell 'phone
people had persuaded the railroad to re
fuse to put the "Home" 'phone in the
local railway station. Here was a des
perate strait I But it was speedily rem
edied when all the merchants of the
town, without a word of .explanation,
began to ship their freight back and
forth by river. Thus the hand of the
plucky country people was on the throat
of the monopoly ; and it is the first in
stance outside of the Bible, wherein two
have successfully put ten thousand to
As for the Newberg Telephone com
paayif the best reports may be credited
it is as well established and firmly fixed
as Gibraltcr. Its example has inspired
a spirit of emulation in other towns, and
at least half a dozen towns in the valley
have already put in similar systems,
each towii running its own line out half
way to meet its neighbor; go that they
are joined together by the local tele
phone system all over the valley. Dif
ferent localities have also formed small
companies, running their lines in to
meet the switch boards in the several
towns. Seven of such lines run into the
little town of Newberg, at an expense of
less than $3.00 per phone por year. In
this way at least two thousand square
miles of the beautiful fertile Willamette
valley are made a network of telephone
The valley women sell their eggs over
the telephone. Farmers residing up
under the brow of Chehalem mountain
telephone their banker about overdrafts.
Young married people visit by proxy,
as it were, enjoying all the conveniences
ot city lite, farmers sell their horses
and cows ; dates are made aud broken
again, by phone. Young men woo bash-
e.. I . I 1 .1 i ; i i I j
iui inaiuH in open uayugnt, unmoicsiea,
hiding their blushing cheeks in the
shadow of the friendly receiver, while
they pour out to the listening telephone
the utmost longings ol their hearts; and
many a warm good-night kiss has gone
pulsating, by telcphono, over the blue
ridges of the Willamette valley in the
silent, purple hours of twilight.
Style at the White House.
"Shall I wear evening clothes?" asked
a Western man of the president, w ho
had invited him to dine at the White
House informally.
"Why, yes," said the president ;"wear
them if they will mako you feel any bet
ter. I shall probably wear my riding
costume as I will get in from my
ride quite late." New York World.
The Inquiry.
The following verse weru written by Cbas.
Mackuy ot London. The poem was Immured
by the tut) O. L. Itiehurdxon, and la pub'
lUhed by request;
Tell nie, ye winged winds.
That round my pathway roar,
Do ye not know Koine Sm it
W here mortal weep no more?
Home lone and pleawant dell,
Home valley In the Wont,
Where, free from toil and prfln,.
The weary Houl may real?
The loud wlud mfu.ncd to a whlxpar low.
And Highed for pity, as It wliinpered "No!"
Tell me, thou mighty deep,
Whorte billows round me play,
Kdow'hI thou Kome favored ttpot,
Home bland far away.
Where weary man may find
The bliss lor hii U be aighM,
Wh?re Monow never live.
And friendship never die.,?
The loud wave, rolling in perpetual flow.
Ktopped, for awhile, and niched to aumer
And tbou, nerenext moon.
That with nueh holy face,
IAmi look tixD the earth,
AnU-eptn night '.-rnbraee,
Teii me. In all thy round.
Hat! tboa not wen tome Pot,
Where tiiiwrahle man
Might find a Happier lot?
Behind a cloud the moon withdrew In woe.
And a voice, aweet but Had, rexjiouded, "SuV,
Tell me, my were noiil,
U, tell me, Hope and Faith!
Ik there do resting plare
Kroin sorrow, hid and death?
Xa there no happy apot.
Where mortala may be blest,
Where grief may nnd a halm.
And wearine a ret?
Fallh, Hope and Ixve beat boon ta mortala
Waved their brisht wing and wh.ipered,
- "Vea, In Heaven."
Committees for the Hoosler Social.
The followins are tho committees
appointed to arrange for and conduct
the tioosier oasnei social, n is uesireu
that the different committees meet as
soon as possible and get their work in
Refreshments W E Sherrill and
w ife, Mrs 3 E Hanna, Mrs F E Newby,
Rev II C Shaffer and wife, L Butler.
Seats and Tables S W Arnold, ' C II
Temple, Harrum, U G Dyer.
Uottee iurs u u tiaruev, iurs is a
Bartmess, T C Dallas.
Press D N Bverlee, S E Bartmess, A
O Hershev. Rev II O Shaffer.
Programme J E Hanna,David Upson,
D N Byerlee, lit E X (Jams, Oladdys
Hartley, Miss Earle.
Finance S E Bartmess, F E Newby,
O B Hartley, Mrs Edgington, Gladdys
Hartley, Miss harle.
Reception Mesdames S E Bartmess,
S W Arnold, F E Newby, O B Hartley,
Miss Carrie Butler, the Misses Wilson,
L Butler, T Butler, Mr and Mrs G B
Spray Your Trees.
I have ordered a complete spraying
outfit and will be prepared to spray or
chards either with the winter spray or
for the codlin moth. Also, am prepared
to dig wells. R. M. Hunt.
For Sale.
Fine family horse and new Studebaker
wnKon; also two Planet Jr. horse cultivators
and one-horse Oliver chilled plow. All but
little used; good (is nw.
t Flint) K. BAILEY.
Dissolution Notice.
The partnership heretoforocxistlnff between
John ti. Itooth and William 8. Orlbble of Mt.
Hood, Wasco county, Oregon, under the firm
name of Booth llrtbble, known as the "Mt.
Hood Store," is hereby dissolved by mutual
consent, the said John 8. Hooth withdrawing
from, and the said William 8. Orlbble con
tinuing In said business. All assets and 11a
bllltiesoi'snid firm are assumed by the said
William 8. Orlbble.
(Signed) W ILMAM S. (HUBBLE.
Hood River, Oregon, February 4, W03.
A good farm hand and wife to work on
farm. Will pay good wages. Apply to
Monkland, Oregon.
I want Energetic and Enthusiastic men
and women, young or old, for local aud trav
eling Agency. We give splendid terms. En
close sell'-nddressed, stamped envelope.
W. A. COBYKA, General Agent.
myfl The Dalles, Oregon.
Stockholders' Meeting.
Stockholders of the East Fork Irrigating Co.
take notice Unit their annual meeting will be
held at Bone & McDonald's store on February
21. 1IK1.S, at 1 o'clock p. m.
J&IUO C. H. BONE, President.
Milk 6c a Gtuart.
I now have more milk for sale than Is taken
by my customers. Would like a few more
customers at fi per mont h per quart.
All corporations and Individuals who take
water across the public highway In road dis
trict No. II, are hereby notiiled that they must
put their culverts down on a level with the
road-bed Immediately.
jot) ii. D. WOODWORTH, Supervisor.
Hogs for Sale.
1 have 8 young brood sows for sale. Also, i
good Jersey cow. II. W. WAIT.
and Builder.
S-Pt,ans and Estimates Fitrnihhrd-s
Barber Shop,
On the Hill,
S. C. JACKSON, Proprietor. Will
do picture framing in connection. Room
moldings and all kinds of picture and window
glass constantly on hand. Call and see sam
ples of vfall paper.
Get Your Shoes.
All Blioes repaired in J. W. Rlggs' shop In
Hood River, left over 30 days will be sold lor
the cost ol repairing. iu u. w. Miuua,
And time may go, but we will con
tinue to do all kinds of pluiu and
Job Printing
at the same old stand, satisfactorily
and expeditiously.
Your orders respectfully solicited
P. F. Friday F. B. Barne
Real Estate
Town and country property put Into our
hands will be promptly brought to the buyer,
attention. We also do Insurance and Noliuy
Public work.
L. C. Ilaynca
James F. DeBor
The place to get an easy shave, an
up-to-date hair cut, and to enjoy the
luxury of a porcelain bath tub.
On the Mount Hood road, South
of town, keep constantly on hand
the best quality of
Hay, Grain und Feed,
At lowest Prices.
621 V. K. LAMAR, Prop.
and Builder
Plans and Estimates Flrnihhko.
S. H. COX.
Dissolution Notice.
Notlr is her' hy given that the partnership
heretofore existing between J. T. llolinan and
K. M. Holinmi, under the Arm name of llol
man A Kon, Is dlilvd by mutual cotiaent;
J. T. llolinan continuing tiie bulm-aa but he
haa moved down Uiwn to hlaoid stand, cor
ner Hinie and Third atrn ta. J. T. Holman
will rollcctallowinglheflrm and pay all bills
against It. Dalrd, January II. I'":l.
J. T. Hol.MAN.
fii e. m. holm an.
Woven Wire Fence.
j-LltLi l i -i i 4 4 l U !, : -'
Ik-nt and cheapest wire fence on eartb
all tilings considered. I)on't fail to see
I). N. I'.yerlee before buvlug your fence.
o2Ut - l'houe 4U Sub
Land Plaster
"Will more than double the profits on your hay crop.
This year we will deal exclusively in UTAH PLAS
TEIt, as the experience of Hood River farmers is
practically unanimous as to its superiority. Place
your orders early. First car will arrive about
February 15.
Commercial Fertilizers.
To produce the fancy quality of fruit that brings
the hig-h prices, while at the same time increasing
the yield, growers should judiciously apply fertil
izers. AVe are agents for prepared fertilizers that
have been known as o. k. in Hood IUver valley by
our most successful fruit growers.
AA'e can also furnish Muriate of Potash, Phos
phoric Acid, Nitrate of Soda and Ground Bone.
Davidson Fruit Co.,
Sole agents for Pomona and Sentinel Spray
Pumps, Studebaker AAragons and Vehicles, Canton
line of Plows and Cultivators
AAThen in
In the line of
Drugs, Patent Medicines, Paints and
Get it at CLARKE'S
Opposite Post Office.
Williams Pharmacy,
Otten Building,
G. E. WILLIAMS, Prop'r.
Headquarters for
Pure Drugs, Toilet Articles,
Prescriptions my Specialty.
Millinery at Cost
All our Pattern, Street and Tailored Hats at cost. See our
show window for prices that defy competition.
Make your wives, daughters or sweethearts a Xmas present of
one of those lovely Pattern Hats.
MAE B. ROE, Milliner.
Stages to Cloud Can Inn.
Ticket office for the Regulator Liue of Steamers Telephone and
have a hack carry you to c.l.1 from the boat landing If you want
a first-class turnout call on the
Established 1802.
Offers a full line of
Gunl Nursery M, on aii Tiro-year-i Ais
And other Fruit Trees, Plants, Shrubs and Vines.
You are Invited
To examine the stock and let us know what you want.
H. C. BATEHAM, Proprietor.
Telephoue 604.
15j W. G. Snow and W. L. Upson a first-class
Blacksmith ami Wagon shop on the corner of Kiv
er and Fourth streets, where they are prepared to
do all kinds of
Bttitlg nd Carriage ii ffw Wool Wnt
Special attention given to horses with bad feet.
Our work neatly and promptly done. Oiveusacall.
America's BEST Repubiia
Editorially Fearless.
Consistently Republican Always.
News from all parts of the world. Well written original sto
ries. Answers to queries on all subjects. Articles on Health, the
Home, New Books, and on work about the Farm and Garden.
The Weekly Inter Ocean.
The Inter Ocean is a member of the Associate d Press and to
alo the only Western newspaper receiving the entire telegraphlo
news service of the Xew York Sun and special cable of the New
York World, besides daily reports from over 2000 special corre
spondents throughout the country. No pen can tell more fully
why it is the bext on earth.
52 Twelve Page Papers $1 a Year.
Brimful of newt from everywhere and
a perfect earf of tpectal matter.
Subscribe lor the Glacier and the Week
ly Inter Ocean one year, both for $1.00.
need of