3f66d$$Vif ladies FIUDAY, JANUARY 23, 1903. Council Procpedinps. Council met in regular 'session 1 Mon day evening, January 19,Ut03. Present: Mayor Coon, Aldermen Blowers, P. S. DavidHon, Prather, Gessling and Mayes, Recorder Nickelnen and Marshal Dukes. On motion of Gesslina. the mayor ap pointed standing committees for the en suing year. Following are the commit tees as appointed by the mayor, tne first Darned being chairman of the com mittee: Finance-J-Gessling, II. F." Davidson, Blowers. Fire and Water H. F. Davidson, Pratlier. Maves. Streets and Public Property Blow ers, Gessling, Mayes. Judiciary P. 8. Davidson, Prather, OeHsling. Health Pratlier, II. F. Davidson, P. 6. Davidson. Printing and Police Mayes, P. S. Davidson, Blowers. Mayor's message was received and read : 4 MAYOR'S MBSSAdfc. ' To the Honorable Common Council of the citv' of Hood River Gentlemen Permit me, at this time, to offer for your consideration some suggestions and rec ommendations which I think will be found in line with the views and ex- Dectations of the citizens of Hood Kiver. We have a charter which of itself leaves little to be desired. Ample pow ers are granted by which the city is en abled to supply to its citizens all need ful public utilities the bonding limit however tieing too- low. As yet little progress has been made in establishing these utilities nor indeed has there been adopted any definite policy by which the people can know what utilities are to be provided by the city, or by what means they are to be maintained. Thus lar, no provision tias ueen maae Dy which a permanent revenue may be se cured, unless it be admitted that as a city we have already become liable to that fearful indictment: "Woe to him that buildeth a town with- blood, and established a city by iniquity." Probably no city in our fair etate has better natural advantages than the city of Hood River for the supplying by . the city itself of light,and of water for domes tic uses, lor lire protection ana tor sew eraee nurnoees. The charter guards the city against the granting of exclusive franchises. But, until such time as it may be ' con sidered best for' the city to undertake ist duty in these matters, I - would res pectfully suggest that it is incumbent upon the city council to protect the city against improper systemsoi water supply us well as against the' planting of the same at an extravagant cost, lest such system and cost be at some future time unloaded Dpon the city. Furthermore the council should be careful not to bind the city to any agree ment which shall practically have the effect to prevent the city from doing business for itself just as a good business man may be expected to do, namely, in its own best interests. It will doubtless occur to the council that it is not good business manage ment to enter into contracts with com panies which are not responsible, and who will not give sufficient ' bonds. " . The future growth and prosperity of this city will depend in no small meas ure upon the business sagacity with which its affairs shall be managed by you. It is my belief that the people of Hood River expect, as they have a right to do, that you who have been intrusted with the conduct of its affairs will not only protect thenr ; against excessive rates charged by public corporations, when such corporations are employed in the public service, but also that such a policy will be adopted as will not be in consistent with the prospective owner ship of public utilities as a means of providing- a permanent revenue. If possible, cities, as well as individuals, ought to be self-supporting. It is a cause for humiliation that heretofore the chief revenue of this city has been derived from the licensing of public vice. As the executive officer of the city, permit me to say that if there are any ordinances which in youi opinion ought not to be enforced, I would recommend that such ordinance be repealed. 1 would recommend that an ordinance be enacted providing for the referendum . iu all cases wherein it is found neces sary or desirable to ascertain the will of the people. I think you will agree with me in this, that after all Vet are only the agents and servants of the people, Yours for the common good. T. R. Coon, Mayor. Report of the marshal wag -read, ap proved and ordered placed on file. The report showed that the sum of $10 was due the city for impounding cattle, and the amount was turned over to the city. P. 81 Davidson, for the committee on finance; reported that the committee had found a discrepancy of $23.76 be tween the reports of the treasurer and recorder, but that such discrepancy had existed at the beginning of the pan year. It was explained that the difference had arisen in the sale of the city cow after the small pox cases had subsided and was caused by a check having been lost. On motion of Gessling, the report was accepted. Resignation of J. H . Dukes as mar shal and street commissioner wag pre sented. On motion of Blowers, the res ignation as street commissioner was ac cepted, the charter requiring that the marshal hold over until his successor is appointed and qualified. Ordinance No. 8 was presented grant ing to the Mount Defiance V'ater,Power and Light Co. the privilege of laying mains and putting in hydrants for fire protection and to erect poles and wires for light and power purposes. On mo tion of. Gessling, the ordinance ' passed first reading. Ordinance No. 69 was read, contract ing with the Mount Defiance ' Water, Power and Light Co. to furnish water for fire protection purposes for 4 - period of 60 years.-On motion the ordinance passed the first reading and was referred to committee on' fire and water. Ordinace So. 70, granting a franchise to the Electric Light, Power and Water Co., to lay mains and furnish water for tire protection purposes for a period of 10 years, was read and on motion of P. 8. Davidson, passed first reading and was referred to" committee on streets and public property. The following bills were presented: Truman Hutler, treasurer f.V) 25 J. H. Dukes, marshal's salary 23 35 J. E. Hand, nails for cross walks. 2 20 On motion of Gessling, the bill ofTru ftian Butler was allowed and ordered paid, and the other bills referred to the finance committee for report at next meeting. Bond of Truman Butler as treasurer in the sum of $2,000, with Islie Butler as surety, was presented and approved. Bond of J. R. Nickelsen as recorder in the sum of $2,000, with F. K. Jack ton and 8. E Bartmees as sureties, was presented and approved. On mo tion of P. S. Davidson it was resolved that the offices of marshal and street commissioner be consolidated for the coming year at a salary of $50.00 per month. The mayor appointed U. A. Cunning as marshal and street commissioner, and on motion of Gessling the nomina tion was approved. - Adjourned. Nice Spring weather; chinook winds. Fresh Columbia River smelt at -Mo Guire Bros. Don't forget the Hoosior social Febru ary 22. A literary programme will . be given. Elder J. W. Jenkins will preach at the Union church on Sunday, January 25, at 3 p. ra. II." F. Jochimsen during the week made sale of 10 acres of the Ferguson place to I. M. Wilson. Special at McGuire Bros. Saturday, 5-pound pails of lard 75c, 10-pound pails of lard $1-50. Rex hams Hie per pound. Miss Laura Cramer, one of Hood River's popular "hello" girls, went to The Dalles Tuesday to attend Ue lun eral of a friend. You will never reeret it if vou no to C. H. TemDle. the exnerienced and competent jeweler and optician, for any thing in his line. His work, guaranteed The Mount Defiance Water, Power & Light Co. of Hood River, have tiled articles ot incorporation, rrank uaven port, C. T. Early and Geo. W. Stapleton are the incorporators. Shares $l0Ueacii Qualifications necessary to entitle one to attendance at the Uoosier basket social are: Any person, male or female who has at some time made Indiana hie or her home, and the family of any such person. The new council had a full house to listen to its proceedinirs Monday night, Every chair was tilled and some of the npeotators occupied the platform, it is well that our citizens turn out and see that our city fathers earn their fat sal aries. Tuesday there was grief in the office ot Dr. Dumbie. One ot tne pair ot nun canary birds that the doctor and Miss Congdon had learned to love and be charmed by its sweet song, fell from its perch dead. Billy Dick was the bird's name. The Useful Knowledge society met af Mr. tricars residence Monday evening. Horace Mann and his school work was the subject discussed. Ella Wheeler Wilcox has been selected as the sub ject for the next meeting, which will be held at Dr. Dumme . -Miss Nell Isenberg came up from her school on Fridav to spend Saturday and Sunday at home. On Saturday a few of her friends, who learned she was homo, called on her. The evening was passed with gainesand a general good time. Miss Nell returned to her school Sunday. Diohtheria is prevalent at Trout Lake, Dr. Dumbie made a trip there last week to attend the family of James Cox, who had three children sick witn tne dis ease. Two of them, a boy aged 9 and a girl aged three, were so near death's door that nothing could save tnem, and they di d January 12. One other boy recovered. Sundav last he was again called to Trout Lake to attend the nine-year-old'son of Jacob Claterbos, who was sick with the same disease, x lie boy is in a fair way to recover. A pleasant party was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Frazier at Belmont Fridav evening January 16 Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Frazier, sr: Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Frazier, jr., Mrs. Maggie Galligan, the Misses Audrey Markley, Mary Gerking, Idell Woodworth, Mary Foley, Bess isenberg, Ethel Church, Messrs. Bert Kullv, Walter Gerkine, Alfred Ingalls, Arthur Johnston, Wal ter f oley, hdwtn fc. Jolinston, Joe Tompkins, Roy Woodworth, and Marsh Isenberg. A delicious lunch of coffee, sandwiches and cake was served. Odell Note. The teachers of the school ars making preparations for an entertainment, the proceeds of which are to go toward pur chasing an organ for the school. Notice r . T i . x i oi me uaie win ue given next weex. State Superintendent Ackerman, in his report to the legislature, submits a good plan for the upbuilding of schools, as follows: In neighborhoods where there are several schools, to select a central location and build sufficient to accommodate the pupils and teach the higher grades. To insure a full attend ance he would have carryalls go around after the children and take them to school and return them to their homes in the evening. By this method better and more systematic work could be done; hence better results. The plan would oe to pav tne additional expense by taxation. This seems a good plan and is endorsed by the teachers here. C. G. Roberts went to Portland yes terday on business. Grubbing and wood cutting is being vigorously prosecuted. The ground is in excellent condition for grubbing. John Kroeaer went to Portland this week and dame rumor has it that he will not return alone. The Davenport mill at Charlev Davis' place is being enlarged, and we under stand that a box factory will be one of the features this season. This is as it should be, the timber and apples grow here and why not make the boxes here. This will increase the pay roll and benefit the people in more ways man one. ' Sherman Young, the rural carrier, is circulating a petition for an increase in salarv, which is being numerously signed, but it is questionable whether congress will do anything along this line, v mi sucn efficient service, 1 think the patrons should be willing to aid if the government should refuse, as it is a well known fact that he is giving too mucn ior me amount lie receives. The mellow rays of the sun this morn ing give promise of spring's early return. Miss Brown, Deaconess. Miss Brown from Spokane, deacon- ess in the M. E. church, has been con ducting a series of meetings at the M. K. church the past week with gratify ing' results. The services have been well attended and much religious In terest has been awakened especially among the young people. On mat Sunday afternoon, the good lady gave a heart to heart talk to the ladies of Hood River and on Sunday eve nlngshe earnestly pleaded for the young men, biking - for Her text the 2!Kli verse of the 18th chapter of 2d Samuel: '-And the king said, 'Is the young man Absalom safe?'" Drawing inspi ration from the text, the dwelt upon the love of David for his son, and asked "are the young men of Hood River safe?" She then quoted statistics from prlwnis, asylums and eleemosynary institutions to show that a very large percent of those conttned in these places is the result of false teaching, or rather, lack of teaching by the parents of the unfortunates. Card parties and club dunces, the deaconess avers, are but the kindergarten to ihe gambling liens and brothels, services will con tinue throughout the week. The Doe Tax. I hereby uotity all owners of dftgs within the city limits that the tax on dogs must be paid or the dogs will su' fer the consequences, as the ordinance will be enforced. H. A. Ctnnish, City Marshal. New Today. Salt mackerel at Hartley's. Valentines at Coe k Son's. Go to McUaire'g for prepared mince meat. None better. ' House to Let. A four-room cottage, furnished. Apply to Mrs. Alma Howe. Clover Harmonophone and np-to-date Harmonicas at Coe & Son's. D. F. Lamar has 50 tons of No. 1 hay or sale wheat, timothy and clover. New line of Valentines just received from Chicago by Coe & Son. If you want your rvyla delivered at once, order them at Hartley's. Bob White Flour is the best. Try it. For Rent Furnished house, close in. Inquire of Friday & Barnes. Bring your chickens and eggs to Hood River Commercial Co. Bee the display of Fancy, decorated table-ware at The Spot Cash Grocery. Just received a line of watches, clocks, jewelry and silverware, at F. W. Clarke's, opposite postotfice. Dressed chickens for Sunday at Hood River Commercial Co. Flour and Feed at Spot Cash Gro cery. If you want good bread, buy "Bob White" Flour, for sale at Spot Cash Grocery. If you want to file on timber land homesteads, call on George T. Prather, U. 8. Commissioner, district of Oregon. It will pay you to get our prices before buying; your winter supply of groceries. The Spot Cash Grocery. Are you contemplating buying a watch? Before purchasing see F. W. Clarke, opposite postotlice. Dry Oak Wood for Sale. Davenport Bros. Lumber Co. have dry oak cord wood for sale. Inquire at Mount Hood Stage Co. For Sale 210 acres, all farm imple ments, including new hay baler, and stock. Free water; fine stock ranch. Inquire of Friday & Barnes. For watches, clocks, jewelry and sil verware, see F. W. Clarke, at Clarke's drug store, opposite postotlice. Two hundred to $5,000 to loan on real estate. If your security is good your money is ready. Prather Investment Co. F. V. Clarke, practical jeweler and optician ; all kinds of repairing neatly, quickly and cheaply done at the Glacier Pharmacy. Church Notices. Congregational Church. Preaching service with worship will be conducted by the pastor, Rev. J. L. Hershner, on Sunday at 11 a. m. Sunday school at 10 a.m., with A. C. Staten, super intendent. . Christian Endeavor service at 7 p. m. Mid-week meeting on Thursday at 7 p. m. U. B. Church Herbert C. Shaffer, pastor. Sunday School at 10 a. m. Wor ship and preaching of the Word at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Y.P.S.C. E. at 7 p. m Junior C. E. at 3 p. m. Meeting for prayer and praise, Wednesday even ing at 7 :30. All are welcome. Episcopal Church. Rev. Clarence Lake will hold evening service at the A. O. U. W. hall Sunday at 7:30. Valley Christian Church J. W. Jen kins, pastor. Sunday school at 10 a. in. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Christian Endeavor meeting at 6:30 p. m. Morning subject, "The Testament (or will) of Jesus Christ and its Admin istrators." The evening subject will be "The Testament (or will) of Jesus Christ its Blessings, and How Bestowed." All not worshiping elsewhere are cordially invited to attend these services. M. E. Church Rev. F. R. Bpaulding, pastor. Sunday School nt 10. Preach ing services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Junior League at 3 Epworth League at 6:30 p.m. Sunday, and E. L. prayer meeting Tuesday evening at 7 :30. Gen eral prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7:30. The public is cordially invited. Danger hf Deforestation. Philadelphia North American. It is too late now to avert entirely the calamity which will follow forest des truction as surely as night follows day, but there is yet time to modify them. Not one in a thousand of the people of this country probably realizes what the consequences of deforestation are. When fertile valleys become wind swept, tor- I rent scarred deserts, and vast areas now productive become incapable of support ing human life, the next generation will understand, and it will wonder what sort of a fool it had for a father. Frank Davenport. Warren Davenport. J. F. Short Mt. Hood Stage Go. DAVENPORT & SHORT, Proprietors. GENERAL LIVERY FEED STABLE Buy and sell Horses, Hay, Grain, and do a gen eral livery and dray age business. 'Phone 171. Buy a STOP PAYING RENT And Own A Home of Your Own. A paid-up Contract in the National Home Seekers' Association. Will entitle you to a Home or a Fnnn or $ 1 ,000 in Cash. The poor man or woman placed on an equal footing with the rich. We lent! vou monev on such tt'rnis that a Home is in the reach of all. Money loaned for buvinjr timlier claims. Farms and city )rojH'rty. You become your own surety. Money loaned for 1G vears and 8 months, with privilege of paying back nt any time, Office 2G.'J Russell stnvt. Portland. See D. W. COYLE, At the Office of Prather Investment Co.. Hood River. Mount Hood School. Report for school district No. 6, Mt Hood, Oregon, tor montn ending J an nnrv 13. I'Hl.t: No. davs taught . 20 No. davs attendance 434 No. davs absence 51 No. times tardv 3!) Average daily attendance 21 Tho following named pupils were neither absent nor tardy : May Cooper Leonard Larwood Hattie Cooper Clyde Fredenburg Donald Larwood Dave Cooper Laura Hill, Teacher. Card of Thanks. We desire to express our sincere thanks to all who so kindly gave us help and sympathy in our recent uureaveineni. Wa feel that Hood River neoole know how to nut in practice the sweetest of divine lessons and shall remember them with deepest gratitude. Ai.ich J. Dickkn and Children Notice to Mater Consumers. Applications for water must be filed at the office ot Davenport number uo. Upon receiving the application we will intorm parties what they may expect, Parties not fully paid up for water re ceived in VMl need not apply. AH Applications Must be In by Feb. I. VALLEY IMPROVEMENT CO. Frank Davenport, President. B. F. Belien of Hood River, Oregon came Tuesday afternoon from Lamon and visited until yesterday at the home of his nephew, Bert A. Belieu. He went from here to Long Island, Kan., to visit, and will visit at Lamoni again before returning home. Mr. Belieu is a contractor and builder. Mt. Ayr(Iowa) News. Advertised Letter List. January 19, 1903. McNeil, Miss Tina Fewell, Ed Tonilinson, Mvrlle Thomas, MrsH ' White, Mrs Clara Parchot, J K Rogers, C II Steed, Henrv WM. M. YATES, . M. Knrnr Yam Tee.a ' r - ... I have ordered a complete spraying outfit and will be prepared to spray or chards euner wiin me winter spray or ior tne couun mom. Also, am prepared lo dig wens. K. iu HUNT. Get Your Shoes. All shoes repaired In J. W. Hlggs' shop In Hood ltiver, left over 30 days will be sold lor me cost oi repairing. id u. w. kiuus, Water Notice. Applications for water of the Water Suppl: Co. of Hood River Valley m ust bo In by r eb, 1. ll'Wi. Blank applicat ions can be had of any oi tne uouru oi directors J: ap. M AKKH AM, Secretary. EUREKA Meat Market. McGuirb Bros., Propr's. Dealers In Fresh end Cured Meals, Lard, poultry, r runs ana vegetaoies. Free Delivery. Phone 85, B. F. BELIEU, Contractor and Builder. ej-1'l.ANS AND ESTIMATES FlTRNIHIIKD-5 THE Barber Shop, On the Hill, . S. C. JACKSON, Proprietor. Will do picture framing in connection. Hoom moldings and all klndsof piclureand window glass consiiinuy on nunu. uau ann see mav pies of wall ppr. Cheap Fruit Boxes. I wish lo say to the fruit growers of Hood River that I can furnish apple boxes in any qnnntitv nt rates cheaper than 'hey can be bought elsewhere. The lumber tn these boxes Is of the best quality cotton wood complete except t he ends, which are hemlock. For fur ther information snd for orders, apply to the i. jonns nox racuiry, jonns. uregon. Jit M. V. HAND. Stockholders' Meeting. The first meeting ot the stock hotdnrs of the Snow Line Water Company of Mount Hood, Wasco county, Oregon, will he held In the office of the company, at Cedar Dell ranch, Mount Hood, county and state aforesaid, on Friday, February 27, ltM, st l::tO p. m. for the purpose of electing three directors, and such other business as may come before the meet' ing.. mgnea, lu it. kick, I. L. KICK, J23B7 O. W. W EYGANDT, Incorporators. PJ ini Ladies' Dress Qobds, : Flannels, ' Blanketsr ladies' Underwear, . lien's Snlrt3r. ladies' antt "Children's-fiose, Mackintoshes ' GfioVfis," . ciueenswaire; Cutlery, Shirt -Waists German Sox, Men's' Hats, Axes, , Rubbers, ) ladies', Afctks, And dozens of other article Intend to ' Retire. Outside business De matnds Our Attention. We are now working for ydaf You an have all the! profit. We arj paying expenses out of capital. No profll to us iu these gootJsl - Our prlcfes wltt" convince you. There is a good substantial Christ maa present for every man woman and child In the valley In our store at. factory prices. RWERPIW park. , ' . I I .in. H-'-'l." BEGIN THG You will never regret it if yoiibuy some of bur bargains, as Hood Riyeit ReaH Estate WILL NEVER ' BE AS CHEAP AGAIN. We can offer you fine City Lots oil ad0, with good water and fine: view ori EASY'tfERMS. ' 4 SPECIAL INDUCEMENT? S TO THOSE WHO WILLI f BUILD: &S-Streeta will' be 'improved in the Spring. For full particulars see Prather Inves HOOD RIVER OREGON. Big Bargate'hi Block of 14 ! Lots in Dean's Subdivision; fine view of both mountains. Will sell one lot or the whole block- at $125 J a 1 lot. " Buy now and get your pick of these choice- lots. FRIDAY & BHRNES; Sole Affts. WE HAVE SOMETHING Else to do besides writing big ads, but wisn tcrsay wer will meet all' honbrablo competi tion, i O. B. HARTLEY. Phone 225 Books andl Stationery. School Supplies. Legal Blanks: Blank Books. In fact everything thafohould go with a first class Book and Stationery store. Geo. D. Culbertson & Co., Sales Agents of HOOD RIVER: AND WASHINGTON LANDS. Money Lenders. Rental axi Insurance Agents. Place your land with ns to sell.- Come to us for bargains to buy. HOOD RIVER, ' OREGON. Bed Spreads, Cdmforters, Rubbers, Children's Underwear, Sweaters, Shoes fof everybody, Mackinaws, Children's Suits, Glassware, lanterns,' House lining, Mrs; Potts Sad Irons, Cow Bells, Mattocks, Rubber Boots, Men's Arctics, usually carried in a general store mm& Mcdonald. YEAR RIGHT I Free Delivery. Town 6SS1 wpr ram MMjjpr g Established 1831. PAGE & SON, Pioneer Fruit and Produce 15, PORTLAND, OREGON. Solicit Consignment? of Apples, Pears; all Green and Dried Fruit. Ol7tf Farm For Sale. 40 acres near Belmont, known as the Armor Place. 10 lilt-hen free water, all under cultiva tion, 4 acres tn Btruwbcrrlea and tt acres In orchard all bearing trees. For partic ulars Inquire on the premises, fltf J. W. ANDE11HON. Notice. After January 20, 1 will be ready to repair and oil harness at my shop at Frankton, and have ordered the best oil and stock on the market. E. l. CALK INK. Taken An K-nionths-oia jersey Dull came lo our have same by paying for this notice anil keep- lag. Wanted To lease for term of years, fruit or berry (arm. Cash rent, Leave particulars ot Ulacier office. Pure Bred Jersey Cows And heifers for sale. Some old foundation cows. About. 50 head of heifers, from young calves U 2-year-olds, all pure bred. Also, my 4year-old Hull, Dewey, of The Ulades, and his son "Edwin of the Olades," 4 mouths old. To prevent too much Inbreeding the only object of sale. A. R. 11YKKKTT, do Uinjten, Wash. Montaug Restaurant. This restaurant i located at 178 NorthHIxth street, Portland, opposite depot, and Is run by a Hood Kiver firm. Lodgings furnished. JH V. B. I.EAM1NQ. Cow For Sale. A fine cow for sale that will be fresh Febru ary Ist. P. F. KOUTS. Blacksmithing And wagon repairing attended to promptly at my shop on the Mt Hood road, south of town. Good work at reasonable prices. cpl7 O. A. HOWELL. For Sale. Ten acre for S-VK), 5 or H acres of It as good fruit land as there is In Hood River valley; one-quarter mile from post ollli'e and school, near river and railroad Inquire of alo M R NOBLE; At Frankton, Squirrels Wanted. I will give 15.00 for a good healihy pair (male and female) of the large silver-grey sq u Irrels. jft H. V. CUE. Water & Light Notice All water and light bills are payable nt the Hood River Electric Light, Power and Water Co.' ollice from the 1st to the 10th of the month, in advance. QJIItf it. C. EVANS, Manager. Strayed. A S-year-old white and red simtted steer marked two under bits in right ear and one under bit In left ear: branded J7 on left hln. reward If delivered; tZ.M if whereabout are ascertained. Jffl K. M. JACKSON. Spray Pump for Sale. A Pomona Hpray Pomp, In good condition, for sale at Hi. J;U J. H.YlLBlNUKK. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the hi Ate of Oregon, for Ihe IVtlintv nt Wum Clara Christiansen, plaintiff, vs Nels Chris Hansen, ueH-naani. huh lor Divorce. iui n r. To Nels Christiansen, the above-named de- enaani: In the name of theHUteof Omron. von are hereli mini red U anuear and answer th eninplalnt filed aealnst you In the atmve e ti ll lira sum. on or neiore stx weeks from the I'Jthday of liecember, lwr2, and If you fall so to answer, the plaintiff above named will take Judgment aicalnst yoa for want thereof, and apply to the conrt for the relief prayed for in the mmnlainl on tile herein t.it. That the bonds of matrimony now existing Between you ana tne plalntiir herein he dis solved and forever annulled, and for tl. -r custody and control of the Infant child horn irom your union witn tne said plaintiff, and for general relief. This summon. Is served npon yoa hy pub. Ilcation thereof once a week for six nmarn. live weeks, and for seven consecutive Inser tions, In the Hood River Olaeler.a newspaper ol general circulation, designsted as rntsat imcijr io give yon nonce. ptmiiKhed weekly In thefounty of Wasco. Ntate nlommn. anH is so served by virtue of an order made and eniered herein on the tMh dav of December A I), lfti by the Hoa. W. I.. Kradohsw t,1...f said court. The dale of said order Is ls--em-ber , MM. and the dale or the first pnbliratiou otthla DotK-e and summons Is Iiccembvr IX lri JoHN LKLANb HKMIKR.SON. Ji3 Attorney fur Plaintiff.