The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 19, 1902, Image 3

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Hood River, Ore.
oliday Goods of Every Description
able for Everybody
Toilet Caw, Necktie Boxes, Glove Boxen,
Collar and Cuff Boxes, Work Boxes, and
Shaving Sets, Smoking Sets, Photograph Al
burns, Autograph Albums, Fancy Box Paper,
Fancy Glassware, Vases, .Mugs, Cups and Sau
cers, Toothpick Holders, Jewelry, Beaded
Purses, Pocket Books, Suspenders, Handker
chiefs, Mufflers, Neckties, Shirts, Gloves of all
Looking Glasses, Umbrellas, Undershirts,
Fancy Hosiery, Shirt Waist Patterns, Table
Bed Spreads, Bugs, Gents' Hats, Caps,
Pocket Knives.
Ladies' and Children's Mittens.
Remember, That some one of our Customers will
Wo can
fit you,
Your wife,
and your
with the
A Free Round Trip SovIT
Heart and Arrow Brand Shoes.
Buy a pair of Heart and Arrow Brand Shoes and get a
guess In the LaPrello Shoe Company's Guessing Contest.
A Coupon with ererjr pair. Be sure to ask for it.
Best wearing SHOES on earth for the money.
Moderate prices, latest styles, perfect fitting.
Dress Slippers,
House Slippers
Rubber Boots,
and in fact "
that can be
found in a
first class
shoe store.
01 Every Description.
Doll Buggies, Go Carts, Blackboards, Musical
Toys, Iron Toys, Tin Toys, Mechanical Toys.
All Kinds of Games.
.., , , Air Guns, Cap Pistols, etc.
Tin and China Dishes, Tree Ornaments in
Almost anything you could
think of for young or old.
Our Prices are Always the Lowest. We Lead. Others Follow.
. Council Proceedings.
Council met in regular session. Pres
ent., Mayor Brosiui", Aldermen Blowers,
McDonald, P. S. Davidson, Rand, Mar
shal Dukes and Surveyor Henderson.
Recorder Nickelsen not being present,
tlie council appointed P. S. Davidson
recorder pro tern.
An ordinance was introduced to repeal
ordinance No. 63, which granted a ten
year contract to the Electric Light,
Power and Water Co. to furnish water
to the city for fire protection. It was
explained in introducing the ordinance
for the repeal of said ordinance granting
such contract, that in view of the fact
that this contract was the principal issue
at the last election, and that a majority
of the voters decided against the -existing
contract by electing those who were
'opposed to it, it woi Id be only fair to
all parties concerned to give the people
a chance through their chosen represen
tatives, to make arrangements for city
water that would be satisfactory to the
people, and if they should decide to in
stall a new water plant or grant a char
ter to another company, would entail no
loss on the present company if the ques
tion :ia settled before they commence
laying mains. On motion of McDonald
- the ordinance passed first reading; Blow
ers and Hand voting no.
The following bilf was presented, al
lowed and ordered paid:
J. H. Dukes, marshal's salary foO.OO
The resignation of J. L. Henderson
as city surveyor was presented, to take
effect immediately. On motion of Mc
Donald the resignation was accepted.
. .. ; , Oilell Notes.
C. G. Roberts goes to Portland
today to meet his daughter who is at
tending school at the agricultural col
lege at Corvallis. She will spend the
holidays at Odell with her pareuts.
Cop Hinrichs' new cottage is a favor
ite resort for the young people. Another
dancing party was given there last Fri
day night.
. The question :"Uesolved, that the re
cent Anthracite Coal Strike was Justi
fiable," was discussed at the literary
last Thursday night, and decided by the
three judges in the affirmative. Parties
from Mount Hood were in attendance.
The next question will be: "Resolved
that we as American People are More
Indebted to our Natural Resources for
our Greatness, than to our form of Gov
ernment." With the present encroach
ing evils and the tendency to one man
ipower, this question is pertinent, and
we predict a good hearing.
W ood cutting is the order of the day
mow. James Eggert is cutting 50 cords
for Mr. Wyuian o be .used in burning
brick. Chas. M. lWey and Mr. Miller
liave contracted to cut 100 ricks for
IJoswell Shelley, and ('has. Green has
also commenced on a 100 rick lot for the
same party.- The wood is being cut on
the Busev' place which he recently sold;
about th'ree )re of which, already
cleared, will be set to apples in the
Win. F.hrck has let a contract to
Jas. Eggert and Thus. Lacy for the clear
. ing of ten acres of laud. The demand
for the peerless Hood Itiver apptos is
an incentive to increase the acreage
and with a prospect for water upon the
high land next season, no doubt clo
ver fields and "straw berries will also en
gage the attention of the people here.
B. T. Young has accepted a position
-ith Davenport Pros, and will take
charge of the Fuller stable in town, re-4-entlv
purchased by the above parties.
Mr. " Young's experience with, and
.knowledge of horses renders him very
.competent for such a position.
Otto Ehrck and Collins lelt yesterday
for San Francisco. The boys are going
to see the elephant, then, no doubt, will
be g'ad to return to Hood River.
D D. Dodon of Duke's valley is the
owner of a very nice new top buggy.
When asked as he drove by the other
dav, what this meant, his ready reply
was "Fun," and Dan knows how to
have it.
nukes' Vallef Item.
n :..(. -till imiiL's on un in this
part of the world. The snow averap"
lom two to eight inches i do pth. ac
cording to the elevation. Although i is
not very com, m . .
working out of doors, and there i not
w, oiSch Wng done at present in the
w,v of improvements, etc; still every
bfy seems to be busy at something or
0,Rey D D. Dodge started with his
famfly for Anslev, Nebraska, last 1W
JLvcV He rented his land to
j'Q:'Carnahan.who will improve the
land during Mr. Inge's absence. Mr.
, Carnah.n has bought a
chiue and he expects l ",b ,15 ,T, ,
, cs of land this winter h,c wd to
iet out to fruit trees as soon as possible.
Fred and Ruby Chandler and Bert
Tyler were visiting friends in this vicin
ity last Sunday.
Miss Ellen Dodge is down in the Crup
per neighborhood for a week's visit
among her friends and former school
mates. Four of our neighbor boys took a rifle
and shotgun and went up to the top of
the mountain west of here with the in
tention of getting a bear or something
larger. They hunted until about 4
o'clock when they accidently ran on to
a bear track. Instead of taking the
trail and following the bear, they took a
trail for home and the way they came
down that mountain would put a wild
broncho to shame; a Sahara desert
camel couldn't begin to step in the
tracks those boys made. They reach
ed home all right and say they are
going out to get that bear yet, if they
can get some one to go with them.
The Shiftless Poor.
Dulles Chronicle.,
As the winter season comes cm apace
the usual calls for assistance are crowd
ing in on our county judge, who is put
to his wit's end to discriminate as to the
merits of each. Not only is the county
besieged, but charitable institutions and
individuals are in the same box.
The noor we have alwavs with us and
referring to such the Divine Teacher
said, "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto
the least of these, ye have done it unto
me." There is a class of alleged poor
to whom we believe this does not refer,
and these we have more abundantly
than the deserving ones. The latter it
is next to impossible to find for they are
not going about parading their wants on
the street corners, and the only way the
comity can determine their need is
through some neighbor from whom they
cannot hide their destitution. Such as
these (he county and private philan
thropists would gladly assist, particular
ly as the season for gift-giving is close
upon us.
There are in The' Dalles large families
who yearly make their appeal to'the
county or others, whether times are
prosperous or otherwise. To them it
makes no difference. The public owes
them a living whether they have at
tempted to earn it or not. In these
families are grown sons and daughters
lying idle in unkept shanties; The har
vest season comes and is gone, and while
the cry has gone up- iroin all sides for
harvest hands, the boys have cat in the
shadoof some tree and whittled; the
farmers' wives have begged for help at
this time and the city housekeepers
have placed advertisement after adver
tisement in the papers endeavoring to
secure assistance in the kitchen, but
still the husky daughters of these "un
fortunate poor'' lounge about.
Winter conies and the mothers of
these "poor" boys and girls call upon
the judge with a pitiful tale of we and
beg from door to door of neatly-kept,
prosperous homes, where the sons and
daughters have been out in the world
battling for a livelihood ever since they
left school, after receiving not the least
hit more education than is offered to the
children of the parents who now beit of
their "more fortunate" neighbors. Why
this difference? Simply localise the
one has made the most of their opxr
tnnitif s ; the other has done nothing but
live off the remainder of the community.
These people, ol course, row ill at
times, and a howl at once noes up and
the entire city is exercised and assist
ance comes from all sides. The physi
cian is called to administer to them; to
leave hit bed in the dead of the night
and make his wav to some shack far
back of the city ami give them the nec
essary assistance, without money and
without price. One of these men said
the other dav, "If you don't come when
vou are sent for I'll know tue reason;
there's a law that comndsynu todo
When, as a matter of fact there is no
such law.
What applies to the physician in
such cas-s applies to ali professions, all
trades. The shiftless live off the in
dustrious. We would not be understood
to say that in many cases those w hom
the county and others are assistine are
not worthy and such as should be
helped ; but the majority, we must say,
br'"1" t" t'ie other class.
But what's to be done in the matter?
In a Christian community none will be
left in want; and yet "are we not in
mnnv instances simply fostering idleness
by helping such? I it uncharitable to
refuse aid in such cast's? While such
questions are propounded each year,
they remain unanswered, f ir our people
would rather foster a w .iole army of
undeserving idlers thsn that "one of the
least" of the deserving ones should
remain in want.
Sliss Hatlie Han!Trv wag the re
cipient of a piano Tuesday.
Looking fur Boys.
The London Free Press strikes the
nail on the head In the following:
"When we see the boys on the
street and in public places we often
wonder If they know that the business
men are watching I hem. In every
bank, store, or olllee, than will soon
be a place for a boy to fill. Those who
have the management of the affairs of
the business will select a boy In whom
theyJiave confidence. When they se
lect one of the boys they will not select
him for his ability to swear, use slang,
smoke cigarettes, or tap a beer keg.
These men have a few of these habits
themselves, but they are looking for
boys who are as near gentlemen in
every sense of the word as they can
find, and they are able to give the
character of every boy in the city..
They are not looking for rowdies, and
when a . hoy applies for one of these
places and is refused they may not tell
him the reasou why they do not want
him, but the boy can depend upon it
he has been rated according to big be
havior. Doys cannot afford to adopt
the habits and conversation of loafers
and rowdies if they ever want to be
called to responsible positions.
There is gladness in her gladness when
she's glad there is sadness in her sad
ness when she's sad but the gladness
of her gladness nor the sadness of her
sadness is nothing to her madness when
she's mad. There is kickness in her
kickness w hen she kicks there is lick
ness in her lickness when she licks; but
the licknessof her lickness is nothing
to her uixness when she's nix. There
is crossness in her crossness when she's
cross, there is glossing in the glossness
of her gloss but the crossness of her
crossing nor glossness of her glossing is
nothing to her bossing when she's boss.
Cheap Rates to the West.
From February 18, to and including
April 30, 1903, the several lines inter
ested will put into effect greatly reduced
one-way rates from points in the East
to points in Oregon, Washington and
Rate from Missouri river points to
Portland fc5.00; from Chicago 133.00,
and from St. Louis $30.00.
These tickets wtll admit of stop-overs
at any point west of Pocatello, Idaho,
and Havre, Montana, not to exceed ten
days. A. N. Hoar, Agent.
Illustrated Edition "Bridge of the Gods"
By Frederic II. Balch, in a new and
attractive binding, with 8 full-page
drawings by Laurens Maynard Dixon.
A most desirable holiday gift to Fast
en! friends or relatives, and should
find a place in every home library in
the West. I am now prepared to fill
all orders for this book. Price $1.50 at
your home. Gertrude B. I no alls,
Hood River, Oregon.
Sylvester She is a woman with a
past, I understand.
Randolph Yes, and more coming
Baltimore Sum
Saved at Grave's Brink.
"I know I would long ago have been
in my grave," writes Mrs. S. II. New
som, of Decatur, Ala., "if it had not
been for Electric Bitters. For three years
I suffered untold agony from the worst
forms of indigestion, waterbrash, stom
ach and bowel dyspepsia. But this ex
cellent medicine'did me a World of good.
Since using it I can eat heartily and
have gained 35 pounds." F'or indiges
tion, loss of appetite, stomach, liver and
kidney troubles, Electric Bitters are a
positive, guaranteed cure. Only 50c
at Chas. N. Clarke's drug store.
la the Circuit Court of the stale of Oregon,
for the County or Waaeo.
Clara Christiansen, iilainttff, va Nel Chrta-tiHiiM-n,
defendant. Suit for Divorce.
To Nela Christiansen, the above-named de
fendant: In the name of the St at of Oregon, you
I are herel required to appear and aimwer the
i complaint tiled anal lot you In the above en-tith-d
suit, on or before atz weeka from the
j l.'lh dav of lieeember, l!2. and If yon tall so
i to answer, the plaintiff above named will
! take Jtntirnient azaint yon for want thereof.
I and applv to the rourt for the relief prayed
for In the complaint on tile herein, to wit:
I Thai the bonds of matrimony now extstin
betweeu you and the plaintiff herein be dia
1 wived aiid forever annulled, and Sir the rare,
; etiatody and romrolof the infant child born
; from your union with the aaid plaintiff, and
loreneril relief.
1 hi Mimmona laaerved upon yoo by pob-ii.-ioi.m
thereof oncea week for m eonaxco
tive weeka. and for aeven mnsmiillve lner
tiona. in the Hod River tJlacler.a neampaper
, ot ei neral circulation, designated aa moat
I likelv to rive yon notice, published weekly
' In tl.eCoiinty of Waaco, rUate of Oregon, and
' in o served hv virtue of an order made and
entered herein on the ih dav of December, A
: D. fati. by the Hon. W. U Bradnhaw. judneof
: aaid cejru The date of aaid order la iwrem-h.-r
, nil. and the date of the first publication
'oftliia uotiee and summons la ilecembef li,
j1 Attorney ft- Plaintiff.
Christmas Greetings
Spot Cash Grocery.
Persian Dat'8, new,
California Figs,
Nuts and Candy,
Mince Meat,
Sweet Pickles,
Sweet Potatoes,
Buckwheat Flour,
Maple Syrup,
All kinds of Cereal Foods,
Salt Salmon, home packed,
Pop Corn,
Hams, Bacon and Lard,
Yours for quick sales and small profits,
Free Delivery.
Hione 53.
Free to the Babies.
will present to every baby under one year of age in this vicinity
one solid
Gold Baby Ring ffioneBaby s
In same. You do not have to pay one cent nor buy anything to
get this ring. Darst Company are large jobbers of Jewelry and
have taken this method of advertising their goods. Instead of
spending thousands of dollars for magazine advertising they have
decided to give It away direct to consumers.
Has been made distributor for Darst Company. Bring your baby
to his store and give its name and'age and you will receive one
of these beautiful gold rings free of cost.. This is not a cheap ar
ticle, but solid gold of elegant design. While
At Q. E. Williams Drug Store
don't fail to look over the elegaut line of Jewelry on display.
Established 1892.
, Offers a full line of
Getf mm Ml, U nl Two-yoar-aM Ais
And other Fruit Trees, Plants, Shrubs and Vines.
You are Invited
To examine the stock and let us know what you want.
H. C. BATEHAM, Proprietor.
Telephone 604.
America's BEST ubl
Editorially Fearless.
Consistently Republican Always.
News from all parts of the world. Well written original sto
ries. Answers to queries on all subjecU. Articles on Health, the
Home, Xew Books, and on work about the Farm and Garden.
The Weekly Inter Ocean.
The Inter Ocean la a member of the Associated Tress and is
also the only Western newspaper receiving the entire telegraphic
news service of the Xew York Sun and special cable of the Xew
York World, besides daily reports from over SU'D special corre
spondents throughout the country. Xo pen can 1. 11 more fully
w hy it Is the best on earth.
52 Twelve Page Papers S 1 a Year.
Brimful of netct'from everywhere, ami
a ptrfevt feaxt of rpfcUil matter
Subscribe lor the Glacier and the Week
ly Inter Ocean one year, both for $1.90.
Stoves, Tin, Sheet Iron and
Copper Ware,
Bath Tubs, Sinks and Lavators, Wash Stands and Sink Brackets, Lead
and Iron Fipe, Rubber Goods.
Williams Pharmacy,
Otten Building,
G. E. WILLIAMS, Prop'r.
Headquarters for
Pure Drugs, Toilet Articles,
Prescriptions my Specialty.
Books, Bibles, Albums, Stationery,
Drop in and See them.
Coe's Addition to Hood River.
The most sightly location in Hood Iliver. Large lots, at prices
that will be sure to suit. This will bear Immediate investigation.
Don't let this opportunity slip by. It means a home to yoo at very
small cost.
We have listed Farm Lands, Homesteads, Timber Claims in
fact, most anything that you want, improved or unimproved.
Our prices are always right. Call on or address
lacksmith Slop.
J. It. NICKELSEN, Proprietor.
Cor. 4th and Columbia. 'Phone 245
Millinery at Cost.
All our Tat tern, Htreet and Tailored Hats at cost. See our
show window for prices that defy competition.
Make your wives, daughters or sweethearts a Xmas present of
one of those lovely Pattern Hats.
MAE B. ROE, Milliner.
Stages to Cloud Cap Inn.
Ticket ofiice for the Regulator Line of Steamers Telephone and
have a hack carry you to and from the boat landing If you want
a fir?t-clas turnout call on the