The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 19, 1902, Image 2

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    ood Iiver Slacier.
The Glacier buggy will be given
- away wlien the lust of the 1000 tickets
are given out. No ticket is given out
without a year's subscription in cash
or Its equivalent. It will take some
.time to dispose of 1000 tickets, plenty
of time to give every subscriber, a
chance to get the buggy. If he is in
arrears and pays up he gets a ticket for
every year paid for. We have several
reasons for giving away this buggy Jo
subscribers. The principal reason is
that we want more subseriliers, and we
are getting them. There is hardly a
home in the valley now that does not
take the Glacier. The Glacier being in
every home that has readers makes it
valuable as an advertising medium.
Our merchant know its value and
make good use of its columns to tell
the readers what they have for sale.
The Glacier is strictly a home paper.
It doesn't solicit foreign advertising;
doesn't care whether it is rated in the
newspaper directories or not. Its waste
basket is filled every week with adver
tising propositions from a distance.
The fact is the Glacier has turned down
advertising propositions when it need
ed the money they would have brought.
But by protecting the home advertiser,
and giving its readers a clean local
paper, it has built up a home subscrip
tion list and patronage it is proud of.
There are few country papers in Oregon
outside of a county seat that can boast
of better home patronage than the
Glacier. And there are few country
papers that can compare with it in the
number of columns of reading matter.
None compare with it in its freedom
from hideous patent medicine and
other objectionable ads. Another rea
son why we are giving away a buggv,
knowing our subscribers are wise
enough to take a chance to win some
thing when it doesn't cost them any
thing, is that we need the money now.
Money paid on subscription before next
strawberry season will do us more good
' than if paid a year from now.
This is the time of year when the city
editor tells the farmer how to get rich
by going into the poultry business.
Eggs are .35 cents a dozen in Portland
and chickens soli for from 50 to 75 cents
apiece. There is money in the poultry
business money that will never be
gotten out again by many who have
counted their chickens before they were
hatched. If one lien can lay 150 eggs
in a year, 100 hens will lay 15,000, they
figure. Hut it is found that when more
than 50 hens are kept on a ten-acre
patch ;o( ground that chickens don't
pay. There is room for the city editor
to go into the chicken business and try
his fortune. Did he ever hear of any
one making money on chickens exclu
sively by selling his chickens and eggs
on the market? Chicken fanciers eome
; times Biaka money by selling fine birds
at fancy prices and pure-bred eggs for
hatching. The eggs that supply the
markets of the big cities and towns come
from the ranches and small farms,
where the farmers' wives look after the
poultry and find it profitable to keep a
few more hens than enough to supply
their own tables. Hens must have
plenty of range and a variety of food,
but principally grain, to make them
lay and to make their eggs palatable.
Hens in crowded quarters will not lay
rich' eggs. There is as much difference
between eggs from hens in crowded
quarters and those that have a good
range as there is between pork fattened
on slaughter-house offal and that fed on
the rich yellow corn of the Middle West
ern states.
The question of what can we do for
better roads in Hood River is being dis
cussed on every hand. It is surely a
leading question. Several East Side
citizens have started a movement to
ward better roads by calling a meeting
of those interested. This pall will be
found in another column. It is sugges
ted by some that the legislature be peti
tioned to pass a measure giving the
people of a road district the right to vote
a tax for road purposes. The East Side,
more than any other part of the valley,
just now feels the need of good roads.
The biggest part of the apple crop is yet
to be hauled to market, and the roads
may not be expected to improve much
between now and spring. If the or
chardists of the East Side find it difficult
to market their apple crop now because
of bad roads, they will find themselves
in worse predicament a few years hence,
when the big orchards recently planted
come into bearing, unless something is
done to better the condition of the roads.
It would pay the farmers and fruit
growers of the East Side, if -allowed to
do so, to tax themselves for a macadam
road from Pine Grove school house to
the city limits. A trolley line is what
is needed, but even with a trolley line
a good macadam ri-ad would not he a
bad investment, timid roads are costly,
but then' is no w ay to set good roads
w ithout paying for liieni. .
The mayor of Waco, Texas, was re
cently impeached by the city council.
He vetoed the action of the council, ami
now there is a conflict of authority that
will have to lie settled by the courts. So
long as the veto power remains with the
mayor, it would seem that he had the
same right to veto the action of his ow n
impeachment as well as any other meas
ure acted upon by the council.
' The Northwest Poultry Journal, pub
lished at Salem, Oregon, is a well con
ducted publication that should be taken
by all poultry fanciers and persons in
terested in poultry. The IVopmUt
number of the Journal is full of illustra
tions, well written articles and oiiits
for the care of poultry and how to nia&e
poultry pay. Published monthly; 50
cent a year j
Sonic fine morning we will wake up
and hear the toot of the locomotive' en
the Washington side of thpluuibia.
The Northern Pacific surveyors are at
Lyle, having run a line from a station
on the main line of the Northern Pacific
to the Columbia river at Lyle. The
supposition is they will continue on
down the north bank of the river to
Governor Bailey of Kansas, who is a
bachelor, has received 1,000 proposals of
marriage from women i the United
states and Canada. Jus( think of 1,000
missives breathing love! It must be
nice to be governor of Kansas and a
ThePortland Journal has ordered a
fast Hoe perfecting press, which will
soon be set up, and the paper will be
E. D. Calkins at
Boise, Idaho, Dec, 12, 1902. Editoi
Glacier: I left Weiser on the 8th and
came to this town in a sleigh. Found
less snow all the way up, ana many
along the road were plowing. The
Snake river country is a. great stock
country. But no stock is sheltered ex
cept work horses and dairy cows.
Here 1 found my sister, Mrs. uuuie,
who located here in' 1881, having come
from Colorado, and from the states to
Colorado, with ox teams. They have
a fine farm here; keep some fifty head
of blooded Shorthorn cattle and took
some of the prizes at the state rair.
Boise is a nne city of some 13,000 In
habitants. Improvements are going
on in every direction, showing there
must be a good country baca or it as
well as good mines. Laud Is worth
from $100 to $200 an acre. I saw a
Hock of 3000 sheep going out to pasture
on the higher sage-brush plateaus.
They can't pasture there in summer
for the lack of water. Ditches have
been taken out to cover nearly all the
lower land. The altitude here is 2800
I met a former acquaintance from
Kansas,- also William Tillett, formerly
of Hood Kiver. Tillett claims he litis
struck rich placer mines on Smith Boise
They have the finest quality of hiy
here I ever saw. Blue grass pastures
along the creeks and ri ver bottoms is
capable of supporting three head of
stock to the acre. Everything Is as
cheap here as in Hood Itiver, except
wood, which is $5 and f (i a cord. Coul
is worth J7.50 a ton. E. D. Calkins.
Barrett School.
Report of the Barrett school for the
mouth ending December 5, 1902:
Whole number of days attendance,
1930.5; whole number of days absence,
128.5; whole number of times tardy, 34 ;
per cent of attendance 93.8.
Those who were neither absent nor
tardy :
March Morse Ralph Ilinrichs
Ethel Church Ora Parrot
Hulda Ilinrichs Stroud Smith
Garland llollowell Carl Galligan
Will Metcalf Freda Hinrichs
Mildred Metcalf Helen Boorman
Lucy Jenkins Peart Crapper
Alta Boorman Orland Morse
Alma Ilinrichs Albert Thornburg
Grace Kherrieb Roy Crapper "
lierthel Copple Waldo Emerson
Ernest Smith Laura Hinrichs
Nina llollowell Willie Davidson
Echo West Millie Gibbons
Edwin I)eu Pree Guy Crapper
Mable Steward Ray Boorman -
Clifford Helms Leslie 8herrieb
Arnie Copple Grace Hoskins
Johnnie JJavis Ralph Sherrieb
Wilford Jenkins . Aylmer Tawney
Susie Daniels Edgar Copple
Ellis Morse Emma Gibbons
IjOrenk Bkiooks, Principal.
Measly Weather but a Desirable Climate
Bhanlko Leader.
Eight inches of the beautiful covered
the ground with a soft, thirty mantle
on Sunday morning, and a drizzle or
rain and sleet came in the afternoon,
which was frozen to a crust that night.
Monday and Monday night the weath
er was warm and balmy and the snow
thawed rapidly. Tuesday was cooler,
and Wednesday a dense and disagree
able fog arose which was turned into
an inch and a half of snow that niirht.
followed by more fog Thursday. There
has been no cold weather as yet, and
we are assured that Shuuiko takes the
cake when It comes to a desirable cli
Master Milo Fredericks bought a sad
die horse laBt week of George Smith.
Miio wants to let people know he owns
a horse, hence tins item.
William McCrum, an old resident of
Tne Dalles, died in that city December
11. Deceased was employed for a time
in the car shops of the O. a. .. Co.,
and later opened a carpenter and cabi
net shop in The Dalles. He served four
years during the civil war in the 73d
New York regiment. The Chronicle
says of him: "Mr. McCrum always re
fused to join the Grand Armv of the
Republic, and when asked why lie didn't
secure a pension said he enlisted to free
the niggers at f 13 a mouth and having
received a month's overpay didn't con
aider himself entitled to' any further
The days are at their shortest in the
evening now, the sun setting at 4:20
o'clock, and the evenings begin to
lengthen, it is the shortening of the
mornings that will farther shorten the
days. The days will continue to shorten
in the morning till December 31, from
7:07 now to 7 :30. Then the rising time
of the sun will remain stationary till
January , when it commences length
ening. R. M. Hall, advertising agent for the
O. R. & N. Co., while in Baker City the
other dav made this statement: "The
(). R. & N. proposes to carry on next
year, u anyiiiing, a more extended and
systematic plan of exploiting the resour
ces of Oregon and Washington than we
have yet pursued. This vear we have
spent some 1 111,000 in telling the people
of the east w hat there is in the Pacific
.Northwest fr home buildingand invest
ments. Oregon and Washington offer
unrivaled opportunities for the liome
seekers who would find an agreeable
climate and sure crops, or a place to es-
laonsti manutactories and business en
terprises w ith certain returns nmin the
capital invested."
A New Jersey couple announced on
the occasion of their golden wedding
that during their married life the kit
chen tire had to be built 18,263 times;
that papa always built it, and during that
period they had nevei enjoyed a eross
word. If there is anything in the citv
of the New Jerusalem that that fond
slid suffering head of the bouse wants
when he gets there he will doubtless
only have to mention it. Oregon City
lolls a Deadly Attack
"Mr wife w as so ill that inval nlivai.
oians were nnable to help her," writes
M. M. Austin of Winchester, Ind.. "but
vas completely cured bv Dr. King's
New Life Pills." They work wonders
in stomach and liver troubles. Cure
constipation, sick headache. 25c at
Chas. N. Clarke's drug store. '
How to Enter a Print Shop.
Parties desiring to enter a country
print Bhop at this season of the year
should be governed by the following
rules; .
Advance to the door and give three
distinct raps. The "devil" will open
the door for you, when you will give him
your name, post office address, and state
that you do not wish to lick the editor.
He will admit you to the office and point
to the editor. 'You will then advance
to the editor's desk, where he ' will al
ways be found, and address him in the
following way : Extend the right hand
about two feet from the body, with the
thumb and forefinger grasping a (5 bank
note or a treasury certificate, and say,
"Were you looking for me?" The edi
tor will extend his left hand, into which
you will drop the note, when- he will
immediately grasp your right hand and
say, "You bet." After giving him the
news of your locality, the names of pos
sible subscribers and the number of
years you desire to pay for the sub
scription in advance, you will be per
mitted to retire with an obligation prop
erly discharged, and the knowledge that
the editor is happy. Ex.
Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned
has been duly appointed executor of the Last
Will of Vun Johnson, deceased, by order of
the Hon. County Court of the County of
Wasco, Htateof Oregon; and all persons hav
ing claims against said estate are hereby
notified to present the same, properly veri
fied, to the undersigned, at the olllce of A. A.
Jayne, la Hood River, Oregon, within six
months from the dute of ftrsl publication of
this notice. HENRY l'RIU(4E,
Executor of the last Will of Van Johnson,
Dated at Hood Kiver, dr., deceased.
this lfith duy of October, 1B02. ' , o!7
iTImber Lund, Act June 3, 178.1 '
ITulted Stales Land Office, Vancouver,
Wash., Ilee. 1, IHOi Notice Is hereby given
that in compliance with the provisions of the
act of congress of June 8, lS.'S, entitled "An
acl for the Hale of timber lands In the Hiates of
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory," as extended to all the public land
statesby act of August 4. lsitt,
of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of
Oregon, has this day filed in this otlice his
sworn statement, No. SWA), lor the purchase of
the sunt Invest quarter of the northwest quar
ter of section No. !i, in township No. 5 north,
range No. 11 emit, W.M., and will oiler proof to
show that the land sought Is more valuable
tor Its timber or stone than for agricultural
fiurposes, and to establish his claim to said
and before the Register and Receiver of
tills olllce, at Vancouver, Washington, on
Wednesday, the 8th day of April, l'JU:t.
He names as witnesses: diaries K. ltergh of
Montavllle, Oregon; Robert K. Cox and Albert
W. Lobdell of Portland. Oregon, and James
K. Cox of Trout Lake, Washington.
of Montavilla, county of Multnomah, state of
Oregon, has this day filed In this olllce
his sworn statement , No.HtEl, for the purchase
or the HEHoftheSiEJi otXee. a in township
No. 5 north, range No. Il sast, W. M., and will
offer proof to show that the land sought is
more valuable for Its timber or stone than for
agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim to said land before the Register and
Receiver of this ottice at Vancouver, Wash.,
on Wednesday, the 8th day of April, UKVt,
He names as witnesses: Albert Johanson,
Robert F. Cox and AlbortW. Lobdell, all of
Portland, Oregon, and James F. Cox of Trout
Lake, Washington.
Any and all persons eluimlng adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
their claims In this otlice ou or before said
8th day of April, lllOt.
dftfti W. H. DUNBAR, Register.
Timber Land, Act June S, 1878.1
United Slates Land Olllce, The Dalles, Ore.,
November ", 1IK)2. Notice Is hereby given
Unit. In compliance wilh the provisions of the
actor congress oi June s, is,s tin i lieu "An
act for the sale of timber lands In the slates ol
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory," as extended to all the public land
statesby act of August 4, isiti, the following
named persons have, on May 15, 11102, filed in
this otlice ineir sworn statements, to wit:
of The Dalles, county of Wasco, slate of Ore
gon, sworn statement No. iiSJ, for the pur
chase of the noriheastquaitcr section 11, town
ship 2 north, range east, W. M.
of The Dalles, county of Wasco, state of Ore
gon, sworn statement No. I&'j, for the pur
chase of the southwest quarter section 2,Uwn.
ship 2 north, range t) east, W. M.
of The Dalles, county of Wasco, state of Ore
gon, sworn statement io. wi, lor the pur
chase of the east half southeast nuurtensoLith-
west quarter southeast quarter and southeast
quarter northeast quni ter section 2, township
2 north, range U east. W. M.
That they will oiler proof to show that the
land sought Is more valuable for Us timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish their claims to said land before the
Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon
on Saturdey. the ;th day of February. I!KW.
They name as witnesses: J. W. Harvey, P.
R. Olson, U. S. Smith, Ole Olson and J. U. HI.
UVrnold, all of The Dalles, Oregon.
Any nnu an persons claiming aaversciy tne
above-described lands are requested to tile
their claims lu this olllce on or before said
7th day of February. HUM.
dtlft JAY 1. LUCAS, Register.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.1
United States Laud office. Vancouver
Wash., Nov. 28, 1IKU. Notice is hereby given
thai in compliance with the provisions ol
the act of congress of Juno 3. 1h7S. entitled
"An act for the sale of timber lands in the
states or California, "Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territory." as extended to all
the public land stales by act of August 4, Mt)2,
of Athena, county of Umatilla, slate of Ore
gon, has this day tiled In this office his sworn
statement. No. HOI J. for the nurcliase of the
north half southeast quarter and southwest
quarter normeasi quarter ol section No. is, tu
township No. 4 north, range No. VI east, w. M.,
and will otter proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for its timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to estab
lish his claim to said laud before the Register
and Receiver of this ollico at Vancouver.
Washington, on Tuesday, the 21th day of
mure ii, iaui.
He names as witnesses: John Myers, Frank
J. Myers, William 11. Ramsey and Esta H.
Ramsey, all of Lvle. Wash, v
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to tile
their claims in this olllce on or belore said
litth day or March, ma.
df.lH W. R. DUNBAR, Register,
Timber Ijinrt, Act June S, 1878.1
United States Land Otlice The Dalles. Oin.
eon, Oct. 24, 1IHI2. Notice Ik hereby given that
111 eoniiiiitwiee w mi tne provisions OI Mie acl
of congress of June 8, 1.S7K, entitled "An act
for the sale of timber lauds In the states ol
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
territory," as extended to all the public land
stAtes by act of August 4. 1WA
Of Hood River, county of Wasco, stele of Ore
gon, has on Seit, hi. Implied In thlsotlice his
sworn statement, No. 11:19, for the purchase of
lot .1. soiiinessi quarter oi norm west quarter,
soul h west quarter of north-a-t Quarter and
northwest quarter of southeast quarter of
section x o. z, in townsmu No. 2
north, range No. It east W. M.r and
will offer proof u show that the land sought la
more valuable for its timber or stoue than for
agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim to mtd land belore Ueo. T. Prather. IT.
S. Commissioner at his olllce In Hood Kiver,
Oregon, ou Thursday, the l."th day of Janu
ary, ISO. J.
He names as witnesses: 8. W. Cusor. James
Chime, A. it. Wright and James Eggert, all
of V lenti, Oregon.
Any and all pcrsousriaimlng adversely the
above described lands are requested to file
uicir nanus in una onice on or belore said
l.'rth day of January, l'.HH.
nTJnytl JAY V. LUCAS, Roister.
Timber Land, Act June .t, 1S7S.1
United statin Ijnd (ifflw. Vmnvin,
Wab., October 14. 1!"02. Notice is hereby
given thai in compliance with the iirovil,m
of the act ofcoiurreK of June t 1S7S, entitled
-Anaeiror ine sine ol timiM-r hums tu the
state of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington territory." as extended to all the
public laud mates by act of August 4, INWi
of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of
uregon, oas i ns nay niel In this office
his sworn statement. No. 2hV, tor the pur
chase of the northeast K. of mini, ..- i.
of section In township No. s north
runif iN'o. II east, w. ., and will
orler proof fo show mat the land sought is
more Taluahle lor Its timber or stone than for
urieullursl purpos.-. and lo eMahll.h his
claim In said land before Ihe Renlster and
Receiver of thlsofflce at Vancouver, Wash.,
on Thurxlay. I be huh dav of February, !'..
He name, as tlium: R. K. Cox." In-unre
Stm-ter, Un Kadderiy and Herman C
Smiih. all of IWiland. or, von.
Any and all r-fis clMlunmr ,ivr.iv o,A
ahove-desi-rihrd lands tire requested to tile
their claims In this oin -e on or before said
linn uay ui rcornary, l!o.
VHJ w. R. M NBAR, ReglMer.
uiristmas ts
Lots from .f 75 up in River-view Park and Idle
wildo Additions, Streets will be o vnded and side
walked as soon as the weather will permit. Buy
now and get your pick before prices advance, ns
they surely will b April 1. Special inducements
to parties who will build. Lots centrally located,
convenient to school, postoffice and -depot. Fine
views of the Columbiia river and Mount Adams.
Terms easy. For particulars call on, or address
Prather Investment Co.,
IVe are closing out a lot of Women's Shoos, eousisling of about
50 i.n:s of ihe justly Celebrated Miller Make, which
weold originiilly lit from 2.X) to.f.j.SO a puir, hut to move them
quiekly e are making the very, low Jwlce it'. " '
TEl n bv .11
A PAIR FOR YOUR CHOICE.'-' Conio in soon if you wish to avail
yourself of this opportunity. These goods, will certainly not lust
long at this ridiculously low price.
Hello, Central!
"Where h Uih best place to buy Christ uins prtwetitK'"
"At Coe'a. They have a line line of HOLIDAY GOODS;
and you are treuted just light there, too."
The Golden Rule Bazaar
Is known as a place where they make a specialty cf goods that give
satisfaction, such as Cbinaware, Lamps, Glassware, Fancy Stone
warevTeapots, Celluloid Goods and Iron Toys. In fact, everything
for the Holiday trade.
Yours for trade,
nonem GEO. F. COE & SON.
Next door to Hank.
Are every-dtty prices. Rend them
Coin Special Lard, 10 lbs 1 5o I
Coiu Special Lard. 5 lbs 80
B. Bacon, per lb 19
D. S. Pork, per lb 16
We keep everything you will
rbone 225.
Meats and Fruits.
Will Meet All Honorable Competition.
Go there for your Turkeys, Chickens and Kt gs and all kinds
of Fresh and cti'ed meats at the lowest pries. They can do bet
ter for you than those who are trjintr to run all kinds of busi
ness, Everything is neat and clean nt our store. We keep I he
best of everything in our line and will treat you right, so we invite
you to come and see us. We have a nice lot of fresh Eggs for
Christinas. Thanking von for past putniiuire, we remain vours,
I, CAN DIVIDE The usual profits wilh my customers.
becans my expenses are small, and sell WATCHES, ladies' and gents'
sizes, tf Eixii.v, Wai.tham, Hamtdkn or Si'iunukiki.d movements in
Fahy'g Moutauk or B'ws 20 and 25 year cases with Simmons' 20 year
.gold-filled chains, the verv best standard foods, fT even LKSS THAN
EASTERN PRICES. Likewise with LOCKS; Alarm clocks, Light
dav striking clocks, as well as the WONDERFUL 4(KI-I).Y CLOCK.
5ry stock also includes RAZORS, Ihe finest made, SI EVER and oth
er Fancy Tam.kwake, impropriate for presents, useful, ornamental.
SPECIAL BARGAINS in Cufl'IUittotn, ttr-inclies, solid gold RINGS
and In fact in nil kinds or jewelry. JEWELRY HEPAlhING neatly
done; WATCH work a jspkci ai.ty and second to none in accuracy,
owing to long experience and careful study. Satisfaction (iuaraiitced.
Ik your kyks nkkd attention-, I can tit them with the proH'r
Glasses by means of scientific tesls, and furnish yon with the best gold
til led Frames at reasonable prices. t JJ TEBIPXiE
C. T. It.VSON.
We respectfully announce to the public that we have for the
raining planting seasons a fine lot of trees of all kinds
Thrifty, Smooth, and True to Name.
Orden are now being booked tt9 received and varieties furnished
as long as they last. This season w ill w itness larger plantings of
single sorts than any in the history of (his valley, and to get what
you want will necessitate early orders.
We would also state that w are prepared to furnish for next
seam's planting any nurulier and AN V VARIETY, GROWN
Long experience in the nursery business enables us to guarantee
Nursery on E;ist Side, at crying of Ncal creek. Ordeissolii-iw-d.
RAWSON & STANTON, Hood River, Or.
and then give us a trial order:
Beans, while and brown, per Hi
"icautast lea, per ii
Gunpowder Tea, per Hi.
Currants and Ruisins, per Hi
Citron, Orange and Lemon Peel
need for your Christmas dinner.
Vree Delivery.
Ijnl Office t Vsneonvcr, Wash., November
21, 1IU2. Notice Is tiereby given that the fol-lovvliiK-iiiiiiuid
wttler tnn fllwl notice ol
his intention to niHke flniil priKif 111
support of his claim, mid that said prool
will be mncle belore W. B. I'resby, United
Mtiitot) Commissioner for district of WRHliing
tnti, at Ills olllce In Ooldcndiile, Wash., ou
Wednesday. January 7. 1!, vl:
HENRY It. Ml! Ml AY,
Homestead entry No. 11757, for the f K'i of
KV'iandlot4 of wctlon .HI; SKii of NWk
and N W ' of N K 1-4 of section SI, township 11
liorlli, ramie locust, w. M.
He imini'S the tollowliiK witnesses to prnvi
hlsKontinuoUD residence upon and culllva
lion of said land, viz:
Nelson Anderson, of Kulda, Wash., Robert
Barker, of Ulenwood, Wash., Chris Kranxer,
of Lyle, Wash, and Thurman E. Wright of
Uoldcmlalc, Washington.
n2ji W. II. DUNBAR, Register.
Tlmlier Land, Act June 8, 1S7S.
United Hiates Land Olllce, Vancouver,
Washington. October 21. MB. Notice ifc
hereby kIvimi that in compliance with the
provisions ol tup nclof congress or Jtiuert, ISS,
emit led "An net for the sale of timber lands
In the states of California. Oreiron, Nevada and
Washington Territory," as extended toall the
public hind states by act ot Almost 4, IW.',
of Albion, county of Whitman, state of
Waslilntcton, has this day filed In this otlice
Ills sworn statement No. 270:2, for the purchase
oi ine souineast quarter southeast quarter,
section 10; south half northeast quarter and
northeast quarter northeast quarter section
15, township H north, range 11 east, W. M. and
will otter proof to show that the lund sought
Is more valuable for its timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and lo establish his
claim lo said land oetore the Register and
Receiver of this olllce at Vancouver, Wash.,
on Tuesday, the 17th day of February, 1KI8.
He names as wilnesses: Oeoige W. Gibson
of Pullman, Wash.: llenrv Brown of Palonse
ell,. UT..I, . UMIlt.,,., li..l,..M,lu..n ,.r,.lr..
Wash., and Thomas A. Hudson of The Dalles,
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described hinds are requested to file
ineir claims in tins otlice on or Detore said
17th day of Kibruary, liKW.
ollljtt W. R. DUNBAR, Register.
Timber Land, Act June S, 1S78.1
United Htutes Ijind Office, The Dalles, Ore.,
October lti,- 11102. Notice is hereby given
that in compliance with the provisions of the
act of congress of June 8, 1S7S, entitled "An acl
for the suie of timber lands in the stales ol
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
territory," as extended to nil the public land
slates by act of August 4, 1I2,
(Jk'flOlll.' t mi I.IIUV
Of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of
Oregon, mis on juiv as, jikk. men in thtsomce
his sworn stutenient No. 1127, for the purchase
(if the northwest, y. of northwest H section 20,
west southwest section 17 and northeast
JofsK yt section IS, township No. 1 north,
range No. 11 east, W.M.and will otter proof to
show that the land sought is more valuuble for
Its timber or stone than foragrleultural pur
poses, and to establish hlsclaim to said land
before the Register and Receiver of this office
at The Dalles. Oregon, ou Kriday, the 2nd
day of January, 1IKM
He names as witnesses: K.C.Miller, E. C.
lingers, R. Norder and T. D. Tweedy, all of
flisid River, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
their claims In this office on or before said
2nd day of January, lilOJI.
o2td2o JAY V. J,UCAH, Register.
Timber Land, Act June 8, 1S78.
United Stales Land Office, The Dalles,
Oregon, Oct. 12, l'J02.- Notice is hereby given
that In compliance with the provisions of the
actof congress of June 8, )K7S, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands in the states ol
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
territory," ns extended to nil the public land
states by act of August 4, 1HII2,
Of Arlington, county ol Oilliam, state of Ore
gon, has on August 15, P.KI2, tiled In this office
Ills sworn statement No. 100(1, lor the pur
chase of the lsE' of MK'i section 14, BWU of
HWV section 18, NW'4 of N Wi4 section 21 and
ir.- oi i-v section A, in township o. i
north, range No. lOeast, W. SI., and will offer
proof to show I lint the land sought is
more valuable for Its timber or stone than
foragrleultural purposes, and to establish his
claim Ui said land fiel'ore (ieorge T. Prattler,
V. S. Conimissoner, at Hood River, Oregon,
on Friday, the 2nd dny.of January, 1IHI8.
tie names as witnesses; J. Joss, F. C. Miller.
J. R. .Steel and J. M. Iamz, all of Hood River,
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
abovedescribed lands are requested to file
their claims in this office on or before said
2nd day of Januarv, 11108.
o2W2ti JAY P. LUCAS. Register.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, Nov. 8,
iHl- ,ti, 1 l,i.p..l,,. tl,u, o,ar..n.!,..
Ing-niiiued settler has tiled notice of his in
leutioii to jiiukc nnai prooi in support oi
hi ..lull,, nri.l Hint u.iiil ..r.w.f ...III K.. A
..., r.,.,1. u,.r.. lll 1J, , (ir.ltc
before the Register and Receiver at The
Dulles, Oregon, on Saturday, December 20,
11)02, viz:
of The Dalles, Oregon, H. K. No. 11213, for the
lots 0 and 7 and cast half of southwest quarter
section 8:1, township 2 N., range 11 K., w. M.
iiu iiitiue iiu mowing witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz;
W. V.. Iftlskev. i. Vr. Hnwltov I.' T. It. ml
and C. . Shirk, all of Mosier, Oregon.
nuui-j j a r i: i.uuAS, Register.
ITImber Land, Act JuncS, 1K78.1
United States LandOtliee.Vancoiiver.Wnsh.,
Nov. 7, 1002. Notice is hereby given that in
compliance with the provisions of the act of
congress of June8, 1S7S, entitled "An act for
tnesaieoi limner latins tu the States of Cal
ifornia. .Oregon. Nevada and Wiwhimrton
Territory," as extended to all the public land
states by act of August 4. lsu2.
of The Dalles, county of Wasco, slate of Ore
gon, has this day tiled In this office his
sworn stutenient, No. 2!txl, for the purchase ol
southwest quarter of section No. 81, town
ship No. 5 north, range No. 12 east, W. M.,and
win finer pnsii to snow inn tne lana sought
Is more valuable for its timber or stone than
foragrleultural nurrjoses. and to establish his
claim to said land before the Register and
Receiver of this olllce at Vancouver, Wash.,
on Wednesday, the 25th day of February. 1008.
He names ns witnesses: Charles ;. Connor,
Henry R. Murray, James Murray and A.
Upton, nil of Lyle, Washington.
Any anil all persons claiming adversely the
shove-described lands are requested ti hie
their claims in this office on or belore said 25tn
day of February, 1110.1.
ultra w. R. DUNBAR, Register.
ITImber Land, Act June 3, W7H.1
United Slates I jind Ottice. Vancouver. Wash.
October 27, IU02. NoiIcp Is hereby given
t It nt in compliance with the provisions of the
act of congress of June 8, 1S7S, entitled "Anact
for I he sale of timber lands In the states ol
California, Oregon, Nevada and W ashington
territory," as extended lo all the public laud
slates by act of August 4, 1SH2,
of While Salmon, county of K llckltat, state
of Washington, has this day tiled In this office
tils sworn statement No. 2001. tor the rjurchase
of the northwest '-i of section No. 85, In town
ship No. 5 north, range No, 10 east, w. v.,
anil will otter prsf to show that the land
sought is more valuable for Its tlmlier or
stone than for agricultural purposes, and to
...,i...i(. i. i.i., ... . .i .
(--milium, ,nn .mm, Mm mm UVIOre UHl
Register and Receiver of tills office at Van
couver, Washington, on Friday, the 18th dv
of February. 1008.
Ho names as witnesses: Willam J. Frost
and Iiennis Carnev of Portland. Iirnnm.
i oner :ii-.i unin oi nooa t i ver, Oregon, and
Ronald D. Cameron of White Salmon, Wash.
Any and all persons clalmlnir adverwlv the
above-described lands are requested to file
ineireianns in tins omee n or Oefore aald
i.iin nayoi reoruary, cui:;.
oujnii v.. R. DUNBAR, Regisjr
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1S7H
United KtlltC I Jltlri I Ifflrw The IWlt.. f
Knii, ,n uMM-i itu- notice is Tjercny given
that In compliance with the provisions of the
... ... .....,..,. ,, .,, r, nine, i "An
net r,,r the sab; ot Umber lauds in I lie states of
I 'ulilitriiiit I Vnv..l. .....l 1. '
TVrntiirv " u. .. v .1..., ... 1 1 .1 , . . ,
-'.'"n'lwnilinB IHIOIte U4IIU
stales by acl of August 4, ivri, the foiiowing-
.......... , ,,, u ii, unr,;, nied
in this oilicetht-lr sworn statements. u-wli- I' U L-liU'lsr
of Hood River, rounty of Wasco, 'mat f ore-
c I,,,,-,,,..!,!. ,1,.. lor ihe nur
cliase of the NW'. if IhesW 4 and loi 4 mv
M, and lot 1 v. .1.1. T. 2 N, R. 5 L., and 'lot 4
see. 3, T.I N.. Ii. ME.. W M '
JlhiVplJ I' II t T, -11 L-I 1 ,ru
of Portland, etniuiv ,,r i,,i,'n.,.. Ik' r
Oregon, nworn statement No. 1IM, ' f,,r the
puicuaw- 01 ine norlUwest quarter of section
84. Uiwnshlp t non h, range V easi.w M
That they w ill oiler proof to show that the
land sought is more valuable for its I.iuIh r or
stone than for agricultural
li.Mih their tt-Uitn i.t s
' T.'"".''.-, 1 S- Uommissionor, this
'.t J'r.L", MJr'v,'r' "r,,"n. n Thursday,
the 1 ,th day of January l'.v
They name as itn.He: w. E. Sherrlll, M.
A. i .k and Robert K. Krwin of H.smI River
(r. gni.,,,nd Jow ph F. l'-atei-lder of Portland
onvii; !,, r. k. LuWe ,nil L, V, Jonea of
H.d Kiver, or.-iion.
Any and .11 p.-r.,,,. rlatmlng adversely the
:i'M,ve-detti.ritM.,t Ln.l. .... .... . '
- , - i" iirsini ii nie
said l lh day of Januarv, Isut
n7jn JAY P.LLV.AS, Regl.UT
For Sale
1. Lots in Waucoma Park addition
2. Eligible residence lots in Spanker's
subdivision, near cannon house; on! v
$100; terms easy. -
3. The C. B. Prathar place, 100 acres,
on the hill cast of Hood Kiver; price
4. KS0 acres fine timber, Al land near
White Salmon, on west bank of White
Salmon river, known as the Hanire tim
ber claim. About tour miles from Hood
River, for sale cheap.
4. 320 acres of timber land at the falls
of Hood River, belonging to George K.
Forsyth; price $1000.
6. The Koplin place at Frankton.
acres well improved; free irriimthikr
water. Price $4,000.
7. Barrett-Sipma addition; $100 per
lot: $10 down and $5 per month; no in
terest. 8. One of the most valuable corners
in the center of Hood River. Price
12. One hundred sixty acres on White
Salmon. 12 acres cleared, some fruit,
food soil and timber. Price $1,500.
Inown as the P. M. Gatchell place.
18. Thos. Shere 9 acres ; new cottage ;
near Barrett school house; price $1,500.
21. N. S. E. X, 8. N. E. H sec.
4, T. 3 N., R. 11 E White Salmon; fine
timber land ; $10 per acre.
22. The Emerson homestead, only one
mile east of town ; fine range ; $1,500.
32. Emma G. Robinson's 160 acres on
hills east of White Salmon, known as
the Dryer place; fine timber; unim
proved; $785.
Money to loan.
At the Emporium is kept a first-cfass
Solar COIU DUPS. anil ft in lirntieiut,,r
being a practical surveyor, is well pre
pared to do the work of laying out acre
tore mvmortir in t,,4a ami l,l..l.n A..
O" I I v " V .v'Ml UIUVAD, I&1IU UU"
tng all kinds of surveying and platting.
The new company now offers for sale
lots formerly belonging to the Hood
River Townsite company, of which com
pany John Leland Henderson is secre
tary and the Hood River Bank treasurer.
Choice Bargains.
The Geo. Melton lot and cottage fn
Barrett-Sipma addition, $375.
Corner lot in front of school house.
The two Macomber lots in Hull's ad
dition east of Abbott's store, $250 each.
HiO acres at the forks on White Sal
mon, Washington. Price $1)00, half
cash ; balance, 1 and 2 years.
100 acres 7 miles southeast of Hood
River; joins Jerome Wells; 100 acres
nearly level; small house; 3 to 5 acres
cleared; best apple land; dirt cheap;
$850 for a few days only.
For Lease or Sale A fine improved
farm, property of J. L. Henderson, 30
acres in cultivation; 5 in bearing or
chard. Free irrigating water. If leased
will take pay in work. Party securing
the lease must be man of family and
bring recommendations.
For SaleThe N. 40 acres and the
east 20 acres, in one body, of the Hen
derson 80 acres west of Lyman Smith's.
Iree irrigating water for the lower 40.
Six acres in apples and cherries iuet
beginning to bear. Five acres of straw
berries among fruit trees. Price $5,000,
$-,(00 cash, balance in five vears at 7
percenk. Sold subject to McCuistion'a
lease.four years to run.
Estray Notice.
??'!. !,ny nittle' weight about ISO, two
white hind feet, about 8 years old. Owner will
come and take her away and pav for this
n7.,,','- J. V. SHORT,
ia Barrett Ranch.
h Strayed.
hil hrneadf cattle; all branded Don left
" P. role in right ear and square cut off left.
One Is a black and white speckled heifer,
same brand. Reward will be paid '
P,,,?i 7,ni?r7.mttre' "'ftehed mane, branded
Je? Z L8 7Y.,l"'Ywe BL" B,Kul WH8
seen near Odell school house. Anv one Ink-
i,JiC,1Ha"dnotifv,nn'e wl" be paid for
theit trouble. (Jj) i. c. NEALklOH.
In the Circuit Court of the Slate of Orenon.
for W asco County.
John U. Eiacher, plaintiff,
Theresa R. Fischer, defendant,
fendan '" ri8cfler. above-named do
h,frehve"'",ef t!l?ltt?'V You are
mmnf,.i ,V i j , 1 F uu answer I lie
ui lilJ ..... llU"d "'""t he above en
js!hH J or b,,'ore ' weeks from the
7 ovriiiiM-r, iw, and Ifvoti fa I sik
Zr?:?rW ,"",n,"r wl" l""lg m n
mi r for, "'r"f. nl apply to the
.Tnlf ZXU1 f"r ,D ,,,e !m,'"""1
"I list ihe Is, nds of matrimony now exlsttmr
rMf':,;!..- defeudant bedi'i"";J
live wks In the H..l River (jU'leV . iTw
paper publlsh.Kl In Wamx. unlv 'onion
n,aderrV.",1brV.Vlr,"e onier du"'
made and entered herein on Ihe l ti h dav of
November. hu, hy the Hon.. W. I Hradshaw
Judge of said court. The .ate of Vd rd "hs
nn'he" Mr i l' '."nd the date of the nrst
piibheallon Is November 2S, IMUJ.
& . A A. J A V N E, A ttorney for llaiutlff.
,Jf n,'.im-e The Imllea, Oregon, Nov. 8,
nfentl rd,,U'W bH1 D"'"' "
nii .J i,S"'V",",,,d m"k fl," P"""
.... . , "u mat auia pnsir win
aTT l !,,'" ",e H'Kller and Receiver
n, vxrl vir tvim'oa Monday, DwemUr
, the
i, .,.. i... , quarter ol auction 14,
township I north, range tl east, W. M
He num.. ti.Ar..ii i
hi. lowing wuneaMesin pnive
tl.mof iliV,r"rw,',,'nc uPtm ndcuUiva-
ii ni ii .... r" ",lu Auauoon inana
all of Hood Rtver Oregon.
" ' "li" JAY r. LCCAH. Reitlster
New License,
MinufiriiiNi. i t. . ... . . .
h m.n, ivivrr oy a. w nne-
wnere lir the money.