The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 19, 1902, Image 1

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NO. 31.
I'ublisheil Kvery Friday by
8. K. K1.YTHE, TublUhxr.
Terma of subscription-a yeai when paid
in aavauce.
The mal? arrlvet (rom Mt. Hood at 10 o'clock
a. m. W tvim'MlayB and Saturday; departs the
ameaai at noon.
Kor ('hunoweth, leaves at S a. m. Tnesdays,
Thuradaya and fcaturdaja: arrives at 6 n. m.
For Whit Salmon (Wa.) leaves daily at :
a.m.; arrives at r.ui l m.
F rom Wbit Kaltiion leaves for Fulda, Gilmer,
Trout Lake and (ilenwood daily at 9 A. M.
ForBniKen (Wash.) leavea aio:4jp. in. ; ar.
rix et at 2 p. ra.
f FKN DO. Meets tte rJecoiu ana i-ourtn
' Fridays of the month. Vliritum cordially wel
comed. C. I'. Dakin, Counsellor.
Mrs. Henby McCuiks, Secretary.
I'nion No. 1(2, meets in Odd H'llows' hall
aecond and fourth Saturday In eaen month,
7:au V. U. Cui-ixb, 1'resideiit.
lJB. H. L. Uuhblk, Secretary.
1 87, 1. O. O. F. Meets tlrsl and third Moil
drya In each mouth.
Mm. V. 0. Ash, N. 0.
Misa Ota Waj.kks, Secretary.
CANBV POST, No. 16, (i. A. K. Meets at A.
O. V. Yi. Hall M'l oiiil and fourth Matur lays
of each mouth at It o'clock p. in. All U. A. K.
intiu hers invited to meet with us.
J. W. Kiuuy, Commander.
0. J. Hayes, Adiuiant.
(ANHY V. K. C, No. 16-Meets first 8atnr
) (lay c.f ninnlh in A. O. U. V. hall at 1
). m. M ks. B F. Hhokmakkr, President.
Mrs. 0. L. Stranahan, beeretary.
11 M. Meets Saturday evening on or before
eai h full moon. Win. M. Vatks. W. M.
C. I). Thompson, Secretary.
Meets third Friday uiglit of each month.
E. U Smith, H. P.
A. N. Rahm, Secretary.
HOOD KIVEK CHAPTER, No. 2A, O. B. 8. -Meets
second and fourth Tuesday even
inks of each month. Visitors co dially wel
comed. Mas. (,'. Coi.k, W. M.
Mrs. Maev It. Davidson, Secretary.
0I,ETA ASSEMBLY No. 103, United Artisans,
Meets first and third VYedneadats, work;
accond and fourth Wednesdays social; Art!
tans hall. F. C. Kkosiis, M. A.
Mks. E. A. Barnes, Secretary.
TITAl'COMA I.OIKIE, No. 30, K. of P. Meets
in A. O. U. W. hall every Tuesday night.
C. E. Makkham, C. C.
W, A. Firrbauoh, K. or R. and S.
KIVERBIDE I.OfKiK, No. 68, A. O. l W.
Meeta first and third Saturdays of each
month. Fkeu Huwe, V, M.
E. R. Bradley, Financier.
Chehteh Shute, Recorder.
1 PLEWILDE LODCE, No. 107, I. O O. F.
J Meeli iu Fraternal hall every Thursday
night. W. O. Ash, N. ti.
J. L. Henderson, Secretary.
HOOD RIVER TENT, No. 19, K. O. T. M..
meets at A. O. U. V. hall on the first and
third Fridays of each month.
Walter (Jkbkinb, Commander.
l HONOR, A. O. l. W.-Meets first and
third Saturdays at 8 P. M.
Mrs. E. It. Bradley, C. of II.
Mrs. II. J. Frederick, Recorder.
HOOD RIVER CAMP, No. 7,702, M. W. A.,
meets In Odd Fellows' Hall the first and
third Wednesday,! of each month.
F. L. Imvumon, V. C.
E. R. Bradley. Clerk.
lttorney-at-Law and U. S. Commissioner.
Uuldendale, Wash.
Makes a specialty of land ottlce work. Final
proofs In timber and homestead entries made
before him.
WIU make regular monthly visits to Hood
River. Residence 3t3 Sixteenth Street,
Portland, Oregon.
1 II. JENKINS, I). M. D.
Specialist on Crown and Bridge Work.
Telephones: Ofllce, 281; residence, 94.
Office In Langille bid. Hood River, Oregon.
R. K. T. C A UN'S,
Gold crowns and bridge work and all kinds of
Up-to-DaU Deutlstrj.
Successor to Dr. M. F. Shaw.
Calls promptly answered in town or country,
Dav or Mitht.
Telephones: Residence, 81; Office, 83,
Office over Everhart's Grocery.
J r. WATT, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon.
Telephones: Office, 281 ; residence, 2S3. ?
For 28 vf ars a resident of Orenon and Wash
fnston. Has hnd many years experience in
Krai Estate matters, as abstractor, searcher of
lilies and ageuL. batisfaclion guaranteed or
Lo charge.
Estimate! furnishevl for all kinds of
work. Hepairirg a apet'ialtv. All kin ts
of thop ork. Shop on State Street,
between FirBt and Second.
Is the plar to pel the latent and in
I'onffctioneriw, Candiee, Nuw, lobacco.
Cigars, tw.
W. B. COLE, Pniprietor.
p C. BKOSiUS, M. D.
Tlione Centra!, or 121.
Office Honrs: 10 to U A. L; 2 to S
and 0 to 7 1 M.
Do a general banking brines.
Middlemen (Jetting $11 to $12 Per Ton
for Coal While Poor Are Freezing.
Scranton, Pa., Dec. 18. When the
coal strike commission met yester-
djiy Chairman Gray opened the pro
ceedings by saying that the com
missioners were Impressed with the
spectacle of the little girls who were
before the commission yesterday and
testified that they worked all night
He said the people of the community
and citizens of the commonwealth
should not let the Incident pass with
out taking -some steps to have the
Legislature of Pennsylvania serious
ly consider the enactment of a law
that will forbid the employment of
children at night. At the suggestion
of the commission the statements of
the wages of the fathers of two of
the girls were presented. One earned
more than $1000 last year and Jhe
other over $900.
The miners sprung another sur
prise by presenting an Individual
operator on the witness stand against
the operators. He was John C. Had
dock, of Wlkesbarre, president of
the Plymouth Coal Company. Mt.
Haddock, in answer to questions put
to hl.m by C. S. Darrow for the
miners, said he had been In the coal
business 35 years. Hid company op
erated the Black Diamond and Dod
son mines near Wilkesbarre. He said
his company went Into the hands of
receivers on March 14, and on No
vember 14 trustees took hold of the
Mr. Haddock then explained that
the miner's ton, which runs from 2700
to 3200 pounds, was fixed years ago
so that the employer could get out
of the ton 2240 pounds of pure coal
above the size of pea. Pea coal and
all sizes below that was waste. This
Is now being utilized.
Regarding the price of Coal Mr.
Haddock said the middlemen in New
York are paying $11 and $12 a ton.
Judge Gray Do they pay the op
erators that price?"
Oscar Bradshaw Must Suffer Death
Kellett Oct 20 Years.
Walla Walla, Wash.. Dec. 18. Un
der sentence of death to be carried
out, at the state penitentiary, 03car
Bradshaw, a young man, arrived In
the city yesterday .morning, In charge
of Sheriff I. J. Davis, of Franklin
County. Bradshaw was sentenced to
death at Pasco by Judge Rudkin, of
North Yakima, for the murder of
Peter Nelson, at Pasco, last July.
The death penalty is to be Inflicted
February 2, unless an appeal to the
Supreme Court Is perfected.
With Bradshaw came William Kel
lett, a much older man, under sen
tence of 20 years at hard labor, for
the part he took in. the murder of
Nelson. Bradshaw was tried Decem
ber 3 and 4, and a verdict of guilty
of murder in the first degree was en
tered by the jury after a strong ef
fort for a lighter verdict. Upon the
action of the jury being announced to
Kellett he asked to be allowed to
plead guilty to murder In the second
degree. After the state had advised
In the matter the plea was accepted,
and the sentence of 20 years Inflicted
by Judge Rudkin, yesterday.
Crack Shots and Old Mountain Men from
Montana Will Join Venezuelan!.
Butte, Mont., Dec. 18. It Is Btated
on what appears to be good author
ity that a filibustering party Is being
organized in Butte to go to Venezuela.
It is said, at least, that an alleged
josh" story in the Inter-Mountain,
concerning a party of Montana fili
busters, who are organizing to go to
Venezuela, is really based upon fact.
A number of Butte .men have
alrendy enlisted. The men conduct
ing the scheme are keeping it quiet,
but it Is said at least one well-armed
company, all crack-shots, and oii
mountain men, will go South In a few
days. A number of Spanish war vet
erans and several veterans of the
Fenian invasion of Canada are among
the men enlisted.
Ludlngton Advising House Committee
Against Contract System.
Washington, Deo. 17. Quarter
master-General Ludington of the
Army, before the House committee on
military affairs, today advocated con
tinuing the transport service under
the control of the War Department.
He said the cost' of the service as now
conducted Is about $3000 less than
any of the estimates submitted by
private concerns, but said that In his
opinion It would be in the Interest of
the soldier and service for the War
Department to operate its own line.
General Ludington, speaking of mat
ter of carrying private parties on the
Government transports, said the num
ber was insignificant and that where
abuses had occurred In that direction
they already had been corrected.
A Western Philanthropist.
Louisville, Ky., Dee. 18. A deed
was recorded yesterday, whereby
South Park, formerly a Summer re
sort, situated 13 miles from Ixwis
vllle, passed Into the hands of Wil
liam H. Beach, a Los Angeles, Cal.,
capitalist. It is stated that he will
convert part of the property Into a
Summer resort and another part into
t children's home, where abandoned
waifs will he given every care and
attention. The place contains about
300 acres of land and 25 acre lake.
Russians Raised Wheat la Alaska.
Tacoma, Dec. 18. That wheat was
grown in Alaska by the Russians a
century ago is proved by the discov
ery of two old flour mills built by
the subjects of the Czar. One of
tl.ese is on Wood Island, In South
eastern Alaska, and the other in the
irterlor. The former mill has Just
teen investigated by K. B. Taylor.
He says the old flour mill was built
early in the last century.
Eastern Oregon Wants Law Prohibiting
Sheep Herding Within Two Miles of
Habitations Wasco la Refused Rural
Mail Routes -Linn County Sportsmen
Favor More Stringent Oame Laws.
Commissioner Hermann hat recom
mended the repeal of the lieu land law.
The Multnomah club of Portland has
commenced airangements for bo'ding
a street fair.
Three men have been arrested at Ash
land charged with the recent Grants
Pass stage hold-up.
The present session of congress will
not be asked for a government appro
priation for the 1905 fair.
F. S. Ingram, who is circulating a
petition asking for aid from the state
legislature, is securing many signa
tures. He has in the neighborhood of
400. Very few people refuse to sign.
Linn county sportsmen ars taking
active measures to secure the enact
ment of better game laws. All concur
in the opinion that hunting for the
market should be entirely prohibited.
E. C. Clement, snecial aeent of rnral
free delivery, after viewing two ruial
free delivery rontes out of Wasco, states
that he is not able to approve the peti
tions. The reason eiven is that there
are not the required number of families
within the 50 miles of territory covered
by the two petitions.
There is a petition being circulated
in the eastern part of the state asking
the legislature to enact a law prohibit
ing the herding of Bheep within a dis
tance of two miles of any habitation
It is being pressed by cattlemen in the
mam although a great many business
men who are not inte'ested in stock are
signing. Idaho and California have
such lawr.
Senator Mitchell called the attention
of Commissioner of Pensions Ware to
the number of applications for pensions
under the Indian war veteran act of
the last session which have not as yet
been granted. The commissioner
states that considerable difficulty is
being experienced in getting the mili
tary service of the claimants but be
hopes to have all straighened up shortly.
Free delivery of mail will commence
in Albany March 1, 1903.
An Odd Fellows lodge has been in
stituted at Durkee, Eastern Oregon.
There are about 30 members.
Probably the largest shipment of
wool ever made from Independence at
one time occurred last week. H. A.
Doutj shipped direct to Boston 120,000
pounds of wool. The shipment made
up almost 10 freight cars.
The Linn county Jail walla will be
lined with three-sixtepntbs inch steel
plates. The ceiling will also be cov
ered with a network of steel bars.
These improvements to the jail have
been made necessary by numerous jail
breaks in the past two years.
The new Oregon code, compiled by
Judge C. B. Bellinger and W. W.
Cotton, has been issued. This code
was authorized by the last legislature
and will hereafter be used in the courts
in place of the codes heretofore in use.
One thousand copies will be delivered
to the secretary of state.
There is a movement on foot to di
vide the Eighth judicial district, con
sisting of Baker, Umatilla and Wallowa
counties, into two districts. Union
and Wallowa will constitute one, and
Baker county will be constituted a
judicial district by itself, if the plan
is carried out. The reason for the
change is that the district is so popu
lous that there is too much for one
judge to do.
Wheat Walla Walla, 70971c; blue
stem 7879c; valley, 75$76c.
Barley Feed, $23.60 per ton; brew
ing, $24.00.
Floor Best grade, S.604 10; grah
am, $3.20(33.60.
Millstuffg Bran, $19.00 per ton;
middlings, $23.50; shorts, $19.50;
chop, $18.
Oate No. 1 white, $1.1591..17;
gray, $1.12i'1.15 per cental.
Hay Timothy, $10(311; clover,
$9.00; cheat, $S per ton.
Potatoes Best Bnrbanks, 6079t
per sack; ordinary, 60B0c per cental,
growers' prices; Merced sweets, $ 1.75(3
$2 per cental.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, 11c;
young, 10c; bens, llfllc; turkeys,
live, 13 He; dressed, 1517K;
ducks, f56 per dozen; geese, $6.6 '
Cheese Fall cream, twins, 16
l'H'c; Young America, 17X818
factory prices, 131 He less.
Butter Fancy creamery, 27X30c
per pound; extm, 30c; dairy, 20
22c; store, 15(318.
Eggs 25 (g 35c per dosen.
Hops New crop, 2326c per pound.
Wool Valley, 110 15c; Eastern
Oregon, 8314)ic; mohair, S6(328c
Beef Gross, . cowi, S3Xe per
pound; steers, 4c; dressed, 6(3 7c "
Mutton Grose, 3c per pound;
dressed, 6c
Lambs G-oes, Jc par pound;
dreaeed, 6 H.
Hov; Gross, 6ig8e per ponnd;
dreewed, 7fl7c
Fell Over Large Area and la Oladly Wel
comed in Most Places.
. Denver, Dee. 17. The entire Rocky
Mountain region from Northern Wyom
ing to Southern New Mexico has been
visited by a storm daring the past 30
hours. The ground in the plateau
section is covered to a depth of six
inches,, while the fall in the moan
tains has been much heavier. The
greater portion of the precipitation
fell yesterday and last night. Today
about two inches of snow fell during
the morning in most sections of Colo
rado, but tonight the weather has
cleared. No snow fell in Western Wy
oming today, although around Chey.
enne and in the .region immediately
north of there a light snowfall was ex
perienced. In Southern New Mexico
a light rainfall was reported, with snow
in the north. In some parts of Colo
rado, particularly in the San Luis val
ley in the south, the snow was the
heaviest for years.
For the past three years drouth has
visited the San Luis valley, and the
present moisture has brought rejoicing,
assuring as it does good conditions for
next year s crops. Railroad traffic is
experiencing no serious interruption
as a result of the storm, because of the
fact that the enow drifted but little.
Kor the same reason there is no fear for
the safety of stock on the ranges, and
no losses have been reported. The
storm originated in Arizona, and the
temperature at no time Las been un
comfortably cold.
Only One Owes the Government, Accord.
ing to Commissioner Longatreet.
Washington, Dec. 17. The annual
report of General Longstreet, the com
missioner of railroads, says that, of the
railroad companies which have received
government subsidies in bonds, all have
settled their indebtedness with the gov
ernment except the Central Branch
railway company, the suxessor of the
Central Branch Union Pacific railway
company. The reports of the bond
aided and land grant roads show an in
crease of $20,000,000 in net earnings
over those for 1901. There was an in
crease of over $5,000,000, in gross
earnings and of $27,000,000 in ex
penses. The report deals with detailed an
nual summaries of the operations of
the roads, embraces the principal laws
of congress that relate to the bond-aided
and land grant roads, and includes ab
stracts of the decisions of the supreme
court in cases affecting the bond-aided
Pacific companies, and to which the
United States is party.
Coxe Brothers' Miners Demand Reinstall.
ment of Union Men.
New York, Dec. 17. More than 4,
000 miners at Drifton, near Hazelton,
will go out on strike unless their em
ployers adjust grievances they com
plain of, says a dispatch from Scran
ton to the Press. The shipment of
coal to New York will be decreased
10,000' tons a day if this strike is de
clared. The dissatisfied miners are
employed by Coxe Bros. & Co., the
large independent operators. They
say that the company has repeatedly
refused to re-employ all IU union
District Presidents Duffy, Fahey and
Nichols, "who -are in this city, have
had a conference regarding the ques
tion. Duffy upholds the attitude of
the Drifton miners, but the other dis
trict presidents, together with their
attorney representing the miners be
fore the strike commission, are doing
their utmost to prevent a suspension
of work. They bellve that the action
of the Drifton miners in declaring a
strike before they see whether the
commissions intend to protect their
rights in their decision will have a
bad effect.
Leopold of Belgium Fired Upon as He Was
Leaving the Royal Train.
New York, 'Dec. 17. The Ameri
can's correspondent at Brussels says:
As Leopold, the king of the Belgians,
was leaving the royal train at the sta
tion at Laken, two shots were fired at
him, although neither took effect.
It is not known' whether the shots
where fired by an asrassin or by poach
ers, but in view of the dissatisfaction
with the king becasne of bis cruel treat
ment of bis dauglher, the Princess
Stephanie, the shooting is generally be
lieved to have been s deliberate at
tempt to kill him, and much excite
ment prevails.
The guards that surrcund the king
have been doubled. ,
Snow All Over Kansas.
Topeka, Kan., Dec. 17. The first
heavy snowstorm of the winter pre
vailed all over Kansas today. The fall
in some places amounted to fonr inches
on the level. No severe cold accom
panied the storm, and great goodt o the
wheat crop in Central Kansas will
reeolt. Trains on all roads were de
layed today, the snow in some places
preventing traffic. There has been no
relief of the fuel famine in Kiowa
Log to Increase la Price.
Vancouver, B. C. Dec. 17. Another
increase in the price of logs Is ex
pected by coast logger within the
next few day. At the present time
the ruling price is from $7.60 to $1
It is thought this will be Increased by
at least &0 cent before the end. of the
Towed Them to Sea from the Harbor of
La Ouayra and Returned Two Hours
Later Without Them Cannon Shots
Were Distinctly Heard by Officers In
Venezuelan Forts.
Caracas, Dec. 18. The Governor of
Margarita Island reports that British
and German warships are off that
When the combined fleets seized
the Venezuela ships at La Guayra the
German commander delivered to the
Venezuelan captains the following
"By order of my sovereign and at
the command of the commodore of
the German squadron in West Indian
waters, I, the commander of the Pan
ther, request you to lower your ship s
flag Immediately and leave your ship
with your crew within ten minutes.
This is not a measure of war on the
part of Germany, but only with the
object of making a provisional seiz
ure of your ship in order to oblige
the Venezuelan Government to re
cognize our just demands. In case
you disobey and wish to defend your
ship I shall be obliged to prevent you
from so doing by the discharge of
"ECKERMAN, Commander."
Further details of the sinking of
the Venezuelan ships have been ob
tained from an entry .made In the
books of the signal men of the fort
ress at La Guayra. It is as follows:
"Tuesday, December 9, 1:30 night.
"The Adjutant called me to see If
I knew the steamer Retribution of
the English Navy was towing the
steamers Crespo and Totune, of the
National Navy, three or four miles
north. I had heard four cannon shots
and saw the two steamero had disap
peared and understood they, had
been sunk by the VIneta and Retri
bution. At the end of an hour the
Retribution returned to the harbor
The fact that the Retribution re
turned to La Guayra alone two hours
after leaving with the captured ves
sels was confirmed by English res
idents of La Guayra. Consequently
she did not have time to conduct the
Venezuelan ships to Curacoa or Trin
Oermany Accepts America's Protest.
Berlin, Dec. 18. Secretary Hay's
note excepting American ships from
certain restrictions of the Venezuelan
blockade Is favorably received by the
German Government. The Foreign
Office treats the matter as not rais
ing any essential difficulty as being
without precedent, Blnce Germany
made a similar reservation In the
Cretan blockade. The precise status of
American vessels under the blockade
will be defined in an official notifica
Minister Bowen's communication to
Germany through the United States
Government in behalf of President
Castro, received here yesterday, was
simple proposal to arbitrate the
question in dispute, and was not ac
companied by any conditions.
England Will Qo After Castro.
London, Dec. 18. Replying to a
question In the House of Lords to
day, Lord Lansdowne, the Foreign
Secretary, said that if the seizure of
the Venezuelan gunboats did not pro
duce the desired effect, further co
ercive .measures would be employed.
The matter had been considered In
consultation with Germany, and It
had been decided to resort to a block
ade of the ports. It was not intended
to land a British force, and still less
to occupy Venezuelan territory.
New York, Dec. 18. Secretary Hay
has cabled to Ambassabor Tower, at
Berlin, says the World's correspond
ent at Washington, to ask the Ger
man government to define for thU
country exactly what is meant by a
peaceful blockade.
Although It has not been put into
public expression, this government
contends tnat there is no such thing
as a "peaceful blockade." If a state
of war does not exist this government
will contend, at the proper time, that
United States ships must be allowed
to pass.
The test will come when the Red D
Line steamer Caracas arrives lit La
Guayra, probably next Saturday. If
that ship goes through, as it Is ex
pected it will, other ships from other
nations will also demand to go
through, and the "peaceful blockade"
will become a farce.
If Germany insists on its right to
blockade peaceably and refuse to let
American ships through, then Ad
miral Dewey'a fleet will be sent W
Venezuela to convoy the American
ships through the German and English
lines. Admiral Dewey has been told
to keep his fleet together. The rea
son this government makes this de
mand of Germany Is because it has
In writing In black and white, the
fullest statement of Germany's inten
tions in Venezuela. It has ncTsuch
statement from England. The diplo
mats of that country were shrewd
enough to make only a verbal state
ment of intent
The Administration is awaiting Ger
many's answer with same anxiety.
The situation Is now more critical
than It baa been since the trouble be
Italian! Gladly Join In Blockade.
London. Dec. 18. News has been
received in London that all the em
ployes of the La Guayra-Caracas and
Puerto Cabello-Valencia Railroads
are safe. Telegrams received here
from Berlin confirm the statement
that It has been arranged for Italy
to Join the blockade, and say that
the German Government will ak
consent of the Bundersrath to a pro
posal to make the Venezuelan block
ade more stringent
Widow of Warrior President Succumbs
to Heart Failure.
Washington, Dec. 15. Mrs. Ulysses
S. Grant died at her residence in this
city at 11:17 o'clock Sunday night
Death was due to heart failure, Mrs,
Grant having suffered for years from
valvular disease of the heart, which
wag aggravated ' by a severe attack of
bronchitis. Her age prevented her
rallying from the attacks. Her dangh
ter, Nellie Grant Sartoris, was the only
one of her children with her at the time
of her death, her three sons, who had
been summoned here, all being ont of
the city. There also were present at
the bedside when the end came Miss
Rosemary Sartoris, a grand daughter;
I. Bit-hop, one of the attending physi
cians, and two trained nurses. Death
came peacefully, the sufferer retaining
consciouness practically to tbe end.
Julia Dent Grant was born January
213, 1820. She was married to U. S.
Grant August 22, 1848.
Four children were born to her
three sons. Frederick Dent, Ulypses,
Jr,. and Jesse, and one daughter,
Tbe remains of Mrs. Grant will be
deposited in the tomb at Riverside
park, New York, where those of her
husband now repose. Whether they
will betaken there immediately or this
ceremony postponed for a time could
not be ascertained tonight.
Sheet Steel Company's Mills Burned at
a Loss of $1,000,000.
Canal Dover, O., Dec. 18. The corrn-
gating mills, tbe paint shop, the store
room and the building containing the
four mills on the west side of tbe
American sheet steel company's mills,
were burned to the ground here last
night, and the company is confronted
with a loss of over $1,000,000, nearly
$750,000 is finished product and tbe re
mainder in buildings and machinery.
A strong wind was blowing. over tbe
burning pile toward the offices and the
machine shop. Fear that these, too,
might be doomed caused a call for help
to be sent to New Philadelphia. The
fire engines from that city rendered
good service. Tbe offices, machine
shops, galvanizing department and the
mills on the east side are 'all that re
main of this great paint.
The loss is partially covered by in
surance. A dozen railway cars stand
ing at tracks were consumed.
BUI to Classify and Provide for Examina
tion of Applicants.
Washington, Dec. 16. A bill has
been introduced in tbe house by Repre
sentative Adams, of Pennsylvania, to
provide for the reorganization of the
consular service of the United States.
Provision is made for the classification
of consuls general and consuls, specify
ing the number and salary of each
class, and for tbe examination of ap
plicants and thope now in the service.
Of the latter, those who fail to pass are
to be dropped, but none can be called
for examination within six months of
the day of tht passage of the bill.
Consuls general and consuls may be
transferred by the president from one
place to another of tbe same class.
Special examinations are provided for
thora who may be sent where tbe
United States exercises extra territorial
Naval Training Station on Lake.
Washington, Dec. 16. Secretary
Moody has transmitted to congress tbe
report of the naval board, headed by
Admiral Taylor, which was created to
select a site for a naval training sta
tion on the great lakes. The report
recommends that tbe station be located
on Lake Michigan, oelow latitude
43:30, and aeks for an appropriation of
$250,000 to buy the land and develop
the station, leaving the exact location
to be determined later by the board.
Secretary Moody approved the report
and points out that an immediate ap
propriation will prevent the raising of
land values.
Union Men May Picket.
Indianapolis, Ind., Dec. 16. Judge
Carter, in the supreme court today,
issued an order restraining 20 onion
men by name from gathering at the
plant of the Drop Forge company,
where a strike has been on for several
mouths, for tbe purpose of intimidat
ing men who wanted to go to work.
Tbe court refused to interfere with the
peaceful picket, which he held to be
legal. The order is a modificationfof a
former decision, which restiained tbe
entire anion from gathering at tbe
Fatal Wreck In Missouri.
Kansas City, Mo., Dec. 16. A spec
ial to the Star from Bucklin, Mo., aays
a serious wreck occurred on the Hanni
bal & St. Joseph railroad tonight at 9
o'c ock. A local freight was wrecked
four miles west of Bucklin. A steam
wrecker was sent from Bloomfield. The
wrecker and eng'oe went through the
bridge at Yellow creek. Five men were
killed and one other fatally injured and
half dozen others seriously hurt.
All are railroad employes.
Contract for Rapid-Firc Ouna.
Washington, Dec. 16. General
Crosier, chief of ordinance, has award
ed a contract for the manofactuie of 30
15-pound rapid fire guns and monntt
to tbe Bethlehem steel works at its bid
of $3,930 for guns and mounts. The
only other bid received was from the
American & British ordnance companX
at slightly higher flgnffc.
Secretary of State Hay Denies That Peace
Blockade Has Ever Been Recognized
la Following Precedent Established In
1898-Must Declare War on Venezue
la to Stop All Shipping.
Washington, Dec. 17. Minister
Bowen has confirmed the press re
ports to the effect that the guns of
the allied forces which bombarded
Puerto Cabello were directed entire
ly at the fortifications and not at the
town. Regrettable as It was, this
statement relieves the affair of the
first -suspicion that it constituted a
violation of International law, in the
fact that 24 hours notice was not
served of the bombardment. The re
quirements as to the notice applies to
unfortified or fortified towns where
the fire must be directed upon the In
habitants, and this was not the case
at Puerto Cabello, so that, while the
officials here regret that the firing
took place, they have as yet no cause
to protest.
But it is now probable that the Unit-
ed States will break its attitude of in
activity In the event that an attempt
is made to enforce the "peaceful
blockade" toward an American ship.
While the allies were considering the
ways and means of bringing Vene
zuela to terms and a blockade of this
character had been decided upon,
the German government informed the
United States that when the blookade
was established It would turn back
all shipping, though no effort would
be made to seize the ships. The Unit
ed States government made no re
sponse to this statement at the time
(last year) not feeling called unon to
do so, before presentation of an actu
al case. But now that the blockade
fs sought to be established, Secretary
Hay has informed the German govern
ment that American sMns should not
be Interfered with in their trading,
except the inhibition applies to all
shipping, and further, the note Inti
mates a disapproval of stoppage at
In so doing the state department is
following a precedent, for, during the
effort of the pewers to establish a
peaceful blockade" off Crete In
1&8, Secretary Sherman formally re
corded a refusal to be bound by it.
It happended that no American ship
had occasion to enter a Cretan port
during the brief period of time the
blockade was In force, so the Issue
was not .made then, but In the present
case, with regular lines of American
steamers entering Venezuelan ports
at short Intervals, a test case may
soon follow. It is within the legal
rights of the allies to close these
ports, but probably this can be ac
complished without a protest on our
part only after a formal declaration
of war. The hope Is growing here
that such a declaration can after all
be averted, owing to the energy with
which Mr. Bowen has acted
The proposal of President Castro to
the allied powers for a peaceful set
tlement was suggested by Mr. Bowen,
and It came to the State Department
throueh his hands. It has been for
warded to London and Berlin through
the embassies here, and as both Great
Britain and Germany have heretofore
professed a desire to settle the issues
peaceably. It Is hoped that they will
avail themselves of this opportunity.
The proposal did not mention the
methods of arbitration nor the limita
tions, and the point of doubt which
may prevent the acceptance of the
scheme is believed to be Castro's un
willingness to bind himself In advance
to the recognition of the principal
liability; he would leave the arbitra
tors to determine whether or not he
is liable at all.
Invade Nicaragua In Order to Hold
Both Canal Routes.
Washington, Dec. 17. Whatever
doubt existed In Nicaragua as to the
Intention of Columbia to carry out her
threat to attack her as soon as her
own revolutionary movement had
been checked has been removed by
the receipt of advices of a semiofficial
character here that the Colombian
army officers at Panama and Colon
are steadily but quietly making ready
for an invasion of Nicaragua.
It is stated further that there Is a
double reason for the attack. In the
first place, Colombia wishes to take
forcible possesion of the Mosquito
strip, which would control both routes
available for an Isthmian canal, and
eo enable her to make her own terms;
and secondly, she must find congenial
employment for the Colombian sol
diers who have been lighting rebels
for four years, and cannot now be
easily turned to ways of peace, and
would, it is feared, start a new revo
lution if not allowed an outlet for
their energies outside of Colombia.
The advices are to the effect that
the officials In Managua are seriously
disturbed at tbe outlook and are cast
ing about for means to avert the at
tack by Colombia.
Want Patos Island.
Panama, Dec. 17. It is the general
opinion on the isthmus that Patos Is
land is at the bottom of the aggres
siveness of England. It is believed
that England has combined with Ger
many under the futile pretext of col
lecting unacknowledged debts and to
punish President Castro for his firm
determination not to allow England
to quietly usurp Patos Island and
other valuable acquisitions In the
neighborhood of the Orinoco river.
Shot Down for Lack of Coal.
Wilmington. Dec. 17. The works
of the Diamond State Steel Company
In thla rltv wprn ahut rlnwn trvfnv nn
account of inability to obtain coal,
temporarily throwing about 3000 men
land boya out of employment