The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 12, 1902, Image 5

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    FRANK. A
Always Up To Date.
He'dq'rt'rsfor Reliable Xmas Goods
Ladies' Handkerchiefs, Purses,
Chatalaines, " Gloves, golf and kid,
Warm Slippers,
Bath Robes,
MEN'S Gloves,
Silk Handkerchiefs,
Silk Mufflers,
Smoking Jackets,
Fine Wool Sox,
Etc., etc., etc.
Dress Goods,
Ice Wool shawls,
Etc., etc., etc.
MEN'S Neckties,
Guarant'd Cuff Buttons,
Cardigan Jackets,
Laminated Comforters,
Etc.", etc., etc.
MEN'S Slippers,
Linen Handkerchiefs,
Dress Shirts,
Etc., etc., etc.
N. B. We will allow a special discount of 10 per cent on all
IDzess 0-ood.s Patterns.
A few new MONTE CARLOS just opened, also subject to 10 per cent dwcimnt from the 12th of Ve-'.
ceruber until January 1.
Ladies' Cloaks of all kinds deeply reduced. Rebate checks on every sale.
Cash Stores Offer the Prices.
Yours truly, -
Buying and present giving canbe made a double pleasure if you direct .
your attention to useful articles.' We have them ready at your call,
and by early purchases you have the advantage of the late shoppers.
We will keep your parcels until Christmas If you wish.
Of the Style, Quality and Trice of our special holiday goods, will
show they are just what you are looking for;
The Best for the Least Money.
We mention only a few of our many good things-. Ladies' Velvet
' Slippers, fur trimmed, fancy buckles, very pretty, fl-50. Men's Em
broidered Velvet Slippers, Vlci Kid and Monkey Skin, $1.00 to $1-35.
A beautiful line of Celluloid Handkerchief Cases, Glove and Necktie
boxes. These are all new goods, and the very latest and most artistic
effects, 50c a set to $2.00 each. If you buy before seeing these, you
Our Handkerchiefs! Well, it is hard to give you an idea of the
many pretty effects in bwisb, L.ace, tmoroiaereu, ouk. ion mwuiu
gee them, that's all; and our superb line pf lee Wool Shawls, hand
made Circular Shawls and Fasciuators, in rich and beautiful effects.
Ladies Sorosis Kid Gloves; Gentlemen's Kid Gloves. None can
approach us on gloves. , .
NecktieS The Lftte8t and Pre111681 Mufflers.
- UNI A- .. . 1 ... tl.n.
Ladies Jrine biik jviuiens unu xuuuoiim. iou uwu buiuc ui mem
our low prices. Boys' Fancy Sweaters.
Jewelry at Less Than Wholesale.
Prather Investment Co.
Abstracts, Coveyancing, Real Estate
Insurance and Money to Loan.
Lots aud Blocks for sale. Taxes paid for non-residents. Correspondence so-
licited. Townsliip Plats and Blanks in stock.
Apple, Berry and Timber Lands for Sale.
Some of the best bargains in real estate ever offered in Hood
Elver have recently been placed in our hands. Among them is
Riverview park Addition
Lots $100 to $800.
Lots $75 to $150.'
Full lots at these prices, and there are some special bargains.
These lots are from 5 to 8 blocks from the post office and depot.
Terms One-third to one-half cash. Discount for cash.
Title perfect, with iusura-ice policy issued by Title and Trust
Company of Portland. Phone 51.
East bound
No. 2, Chicago Special, 11:25 a. m.
No. 4 Htxikune Fiver. 8:40 u. m.
No. I), Mull and Express, 11:22 p. m.
West bound
No. 1, Portland Special, 2:05 p. m.
No. 3, Portland Flyer, 4:: a. rn.
No. 5, Mall and Express, 5:42 a. m.
Get Bartmcss' prices on shingles.
Write your insurance with Friday &
Barnes. ;
No. 1 baled hay for sale at the Transfer
& Livery Co.
i.laf vniii nronertv with Friday &
Barncef j ' ; -j
Bottom prices on doors and windows
at Bartmess'.
For Rentr-Unfurniihed house,7 rooms.
Inquire of Friday & Barnes.
You can got a good Mcintosh at Bone
& McDonald's at lees than cost.
Dressed chickens, young and old, at
McGuire Bros. Saturday.
Flour and Feed at Spot Cash Gro
cery. It will pay you to get Bartmess prices
on building material.
toors and windows Bartmcss has
the most complete stock in town. .
Fetch Portland quotations 'on house
furnishings to liartuiess and save freight.
If you want to tile on timber laud
homesteads, call on George T. Prather,
V. S. Commissioner, district of Oregon.
It will pay you to get our prices
before buying your winter supply ot
groceries. The Spot Cash Grocery.
Remember that Bone & McDonald are
retiring from business and are making
prices on their goods that, will cause a
rush to their to their store; so if yon re'
quire any goods of any kind it will pay
you to make the purchase now.
The amount taken in at the fakirs'
fair was f&J; expenses about $8.50.
Rev. U. S. Drake and daughter of
White Salmon, paid Hood River a short
visit Tuesday. .
Miss Gladdys Hartley spent Sunday in
The Dalles and attended the Llk memo
rial exercises.
The ladies' aid of the Congregational
church will meet at Mrs. E. M. W har
ton's Friday, December 12. A full at
tendance is desired. -
T r. Rnvder. vice president of the
Rock Creek Mining and Milling Co.,
-....,i T.,,.0,1.1, for stark. Montana,
i, ; tftknnr unto himself
rih " and return to Hood
i.:... -i.,, .lumiarv 1. and make his
i.ivi i i ...... . .. . . j . ,
home here in the city..
The entertainment Friday night for
the benefit of the school library brought
out the friends of education in full force,
and the large hall was filled to overflow
ing with a well-pleased audience. The
enntnta Tif Red Kidinar Hood was well
rendered by the little folks and all who
took nart. The sinaine showed that
V;.,a ia fn Taclrintr in talailt.
Mr. RubIi and family came down from . amoug tne little folks as well as among
A. 0. Ilershey on Saturday made sale
of 5 acres-off the Jamison tract, a mile
from town, to T. F. Johnson for $200
an acre.
Joe Wilson, while in town Saturday,
remarked upon the condition of our
streets. He called Oak street the
Gilliam county last week and moved to
their place at Mount Hood. Mr. Rush
bought 40 acres of the Fredenburgs and
60 of John Vanthiers.
John A. Wilson was in Portland last
week and took in the bazaar given by
the W. R. C. of Portland, to raise funds
for the soldiers' monument. He says
the bazaar was a great success.
Percy Cross, son of State Senator
Cross of Oregon City, has taken a posi
tion in Williams' drug store. His father
was an old-time business partner of
Captain Shaw's in Oregon City.
McGuire Bros, meat market has re
ceived two handsome meat blocks from
San Francisco. They are made of hard
manle. inlaid in sections. They cost
$28 each, freight $4.50, and set off their
meat market in fine shape.'
Cook & Cox recently completed Sears
& Porter's big apple house. As a cold
storage plant this is the biggest in Hood
River. It is 28x50 feet in size, with a
capacity for 7,000 boxes of apples. The
house is now full of first-class apples.
Chicken pox is likely to be prevalent
in Frankton district. Edna and Ellie
Boorman and Frankie Forbes went
through the siege last week, It is not
known where tliey contracted the dis
ease; tliey nau oyen uiiunuuig ouiuui
every day.
Miss Florine Shaw, daughter of Lap
tain Shaw, came up from Portland Sun
day. Miss Slmw has just passed tnrougn
a siege ol lypnoiu iever miu aa wa
nned in St. Vincent's hospital for seven
weeks. She can expect to regain her
accustomed health in the healthful cli
mate of Hood River. Miss Shaw is an
accomplished trained nurse aud will
make tier home in Hood River.
As one of the echoes of the recent city
election in Hood River, the Glacier is
informed, an Eastern capitalist with
large Interests in Hood River, will erect
a cold storage plant ana aiso a Kamioij
tn tnkfi rare of our surplus fruit. Ground
has been secured adjoining vthe Union
noreliociHii on the rai road track. It is
the intention to use up our second grade
strawberries and apples in miming ex
tracts that will bring in more returns to
the grower than if tins class oi iruii
is thrown npon the market along with
first grade fruit. Too much of our sec
ond or third-class berries are shipped
along with first grade and help to knock
down the price on an.
the older ones. Mrs. P. S. Davidson fur
nished the accompaniment on the piano.
The exercises on the gymnasium bar
hv Filsincer and Isenbera wore good,
as was also the tumbling of Baldwin and
Iscnbere. "Punch" Isenberg as clown
won rounds of applause. The enter
tainment was creditable alike to all who
planned it or took part in it. The door
receipts amounted to $77.35; expenses
about $18.
Jim Langille was in Portland Satur
dav. nnd visited the rooms of the Ore-
gou Historical society, presided over by
Geo. II. Himes. Mr. Langille is loud
in his praises of the exhibition made by
the society. The writer of this visited
several museums during his recent trip
East, and on his way home visited the.
rooms of the Historical society in Port
hind, and he is free to say that he saw
more to interest him among the relics
of the pioneers of Oregon than he saw
in all the rest of his travels. Hood
River people should not fail to see this
exhibition when they go to Portland.
Mr. Himes or his assistant will be there
to give visitors the glad hand and assist
in allowing them the things that will
most interest.
T. J. Cunning and family, who have
been living in their barn while their
new house was in course of construction,
moved into the new house last week.
The horse and cow and calf now occupy
the barn and seem as glad of the change
as tho folks in the new house. Mr.
Cnnnini! has one of-the best dwellings
on Nob Hill. Its cost will be about
$2,000. .-.
While loading dishes from the Model
...... . . . , . A 1 1 .... v.. t..nm talran
to the Artisans' hajl, Monday evening,
for the dance and supper, the team
started and the driver undertook to hold
on to tho dishes. He saved most of
them, hut half-a-dozen were broken.
The team ran as far as the armory and
-NECKTIES, Cravats, Four-in-Hands, Tecks, Batwings, Tourists Bows,
Strinu Tics, etc., make acceptable Christmas present s-23c.
IITTLE GIRLS, don't forget the Doll Show In our window Sulur
day. Prwn Your dolly In her best and bring her in.
. I !l .w.i-th n viit fiolll VOtllli: or old
fii if nv Ntore
telephone Outfits,
I- u-i.rth n visit from ymillir r
Games, Rooks, Iron Toys, Tin Toys,
.. -r.... Wuunna. Meets. inii-i n
; Al&. 22 Bines! Printing Presses,
Kteii i Ftiiritie Tool Chests, Drums, liorns. i .,
-ny other things.
(Come and see them.
r 1 Cup and Sam-ens Cake Plates, Salad Dishes, Bowls, etc.,
Cllina 'in bcau.iful profusion, at very little pruvs.
t . rind Wick Vases, Card Plates. Pin Tiays,
Opal WareCni5ff S,. tc Pitiful ware, and socheap.
w 4rA Semi-Porcelain Tea PeU, 24 large pieces, given
DeCOrated ' gold decorations:.:. perse..
At r'At Purses, Tockel Books, Hand Bags, Mu-
Leather UOOUS .te WU and many o-her
beautiful thing. .
Celluloid Novelties
!,, Ink .Mands, Maich Saf Trinket Roxc, e. txcill
' r:lioe Justin. Fine large pitHH.
New Premium Uisnes Your d...k for $2.
worth of our trade tickets.
. v-f will! nt our Toy Store anain this year. His
Santa Claus iVn"- iu u-i frui..f .rrtr nt
week. IV nk lo .I'XVob ay Christmas. A tick-
loii't f..ruet I hut fine automobile e are 10 j
t i.h every five rent, worth puM.1
Bed Bundles Bought at Bcotn s.
was stopped without further damage.
At the citv election, last week. Indian
Charley Jolinson was sent in to vote by
one of the contesting parties. He was
questioned by the judges and got along
all right until asked where he lived.
Over the hill, about two miles from
town," he answered. His vote was bar
red. Voting Indians is sometimes i
hard way to serve your party.
Theodore Dallas is still the best man
n town, lie was oui eariv punaay ana
Monday mornings with his big wooden
shovel making a trail through the snow
on the sidewalks from Dallas corner as
fr H9 the Mount Hood hotel, the (jla
cier nominates the Hon. Theodore Dallas
for street commissioner.
October 20, four horses were stolen
from A. A. Bonnev s ranch in Tyeh val
lev. Sheriff Sexton did some fine de
dive work and has since recovered
three of the horses in M anon county,
1 ,,n Hii. and tieorce Williams are
now 111 li e peniUJiiunry, tuuviticu ui
stealing the horses.
V. II Hoeakman. secretary of the
fruit crowers union at Aeosho, fllo., was
in town over Sunday, accompanied by
his father. He repo'rta the strawberry
prospects for next year in Missouri and
Arkansas ueiter Mian ever ut-iurc.
sho union will ship 150 carloads.
John Donahue and Rev. Hershner are
having their lot9 on the lull grubbed
and cleared. Mr. Donahue is having a
full block cleared and Mr. Ilershner
half a block. This clearing will make
quite a change in the looks of things on
the mu.
Miss Ezma R. Jones is now in Siou
Falls. South Dakota, where she is set-
tlinsi up the estate of her father, who
died October 3, 11K12. Louis Jones ac
compauied her to Dakota, but has re
turneu 10 1)18 iiome hi ii aim 11 nun.
John L. Henderson has sold the C. B
Pmthar nlace on the East Side to N. G
Tenoid for $1,000. He bought Tenold's
farm at White Salmon lor f 1,500 and
now has the same to lease to a responsi
ble party.
Our poetical contributor received
manv compliments upon her write-up
of the fakirs' fair. All the characters
but three were written up next day
from memory.
Word was received Saturday by J. L.
Henderson that Mrs. Robinson, the
mother-in-law of Professor L. F. Hen
derson of the Uuiversity of Idaho, died
at Moscow, Idaho, Decembers.
Mrs Sarah A. Shattuck. widow ol the
late Jinle E. D. Shattuck. died at her
home in Portland, lecember 8. She
was the mother of Miss Lucy Shattuck,
well known in Hood Kiver.
Miss Marie Mohr of the East Side
went to The Dalles. Saturday, to visit
relatives and friends.
Ed Williams wants 500 babies at his
drug store. Read his ad.
Mrs. N. S. Moses is visiting frieods at
Woodburn, Oregon
The settlers in the upper valley who
undertook to bridge the west branch of
Hood river, near Maple Dell on the Lost
Lake trail, were unfortunate in not get
ting the bridge built before winter set
in. A force ol seven men were at. worn
on the structure two weeks ago, and had
the piers all in and the stringers across
when one of the stringers slipped and in
falling into the river took the scaffolding
with it. Fortunately all hands had
gotten off to a safe place when the
stringer went down, or they would have
been thrown into the river and probably
killed or downed. The bridge is 144
feet long, 30 feet above the water, with
six piers; the main span 48 feet long.
t:W were raised bv subscription to
build the bridge. The work will be re
sumed in the spring as soon as the
weather will permit, and the trip to
Lost Lake will be much easier and can
be accomplished much earlier in the
season when this bridge is finished.
. The Glacier clubs with the Toledo
Blade and Chicago Inter Ocean, republi
can papers; the St. Loues twice-a-week
Republic, democratic; the Rural
Northwest of Portland, semi-monthly,
and the best agricultural publication in
the Northwest. Subscribers who have
paid in advance for the Uiacier can
order through us any or all of these
publications at the louowing prices;
ftlnne. fine: Inter Ocean. 40c; Republic,
50c; Rural Northwest 25c. By ordering
direct trom tne pumisners inese pupcio,
all of thnm. would cost $3.60:bv ordering
thmiiirh the Glacier the cost will be
F. G. Church sent some specimens by
. T. Williams of the Delicious and i
Stayman Winesap apples to the govern
mont. nomologist at Washington City.
G. B. Brackett, nomologist, wrote a let
ter of thanks to Mr. unurcn, ana saiu;
'These were both very hne Sjecimen9
Delicious and Stayman winesap
nnles. From the Delicious 1 have bad
model and painting made to plai!e on
record in tins office. It is the first
specimen I have had here for examina
tion, and I find it to be an apple of good
quality and fine appearance."
The entertainment and social at 1 ine
Grove this, Friday night, promises to be
a successful affair. The programme is
varied and interesting and will delight
an audience. The social hour will be
replete with baskets, the "shadows oi
pretty girls and amusements. Those
WbO taae pleasure in luriuermg goy
cause and in having a good time will
well renav themselves by being present.
The general admission will be fifteen
cents. The programme win uegiu m o
O'clock, sharp.
Revival meetings at the U. B. church
closed last Sunday evening. Quite a
number were added to tne cnuren. i ne
sermons and Bible readings given by
Elder Neff and BiBhop Castle were very
helpful to the church. Pastor Shaffer
considers the church stronger and better
vininnal for work than at anv time
"J-T", - -- - - ,
Since ne nas oeen nere. ivetcijuuo
new members next Sunday morning;
also baptismal services.
Wm. Kennedy has taken a contract
to grub six acres of land on the Last
Side for Dr. Brosius and two acres tor
Mr. Woost. He blowed himself tor a
$150 grubbing machine. He set it up
Saturday, and as soon as the rains cease
so as to allow him to work, he will com
mence grubbing. The ground will be
planted to apples in tne spring.
D. G. Jackson, who bought 40 acres
of W. J. Baker about a year ago, pre
sented the Glacier with an even dozen of
Prizetaker onions. The Glacier man
has seen larger larger onions, but none
more handsome. The Prizetaker is of
good size, oblong, solid, and smooth skin,
and very tempting to lovers of t.iis
healthful vegetable.
Turkey Shooting. Amos Underwood
will give the boys a chance to get their
turkeys and chickens for Chr!stinas,and
there will be shooting at his place on
Saturday, December 20. You are always
sure of getting fat birds at Underwood's
shooting matches.
Mrs. W. B. Cole is recovering from
the measles. The measles were brought
down from Eastern Oregon by party
of hunters who went from here last Oc
tober and Biuce then the disease has
gone through several families.
Mrs. K. E. Bartmess and Marie went
to Portland Monday morning. Their
little dog followed them on the train,
but as he had no ticket, he was put off
before, the train got lully under way
Alvin Smithline, who has been spend
ing the past two months in Hood Kiver,
left Mondav for his home in Jackson
eounlv. Mr. Smithline is a brother of
Mm w. E. fenerriu.
The rieht kind of renter can secure
comfortable Quarters by applying to J
L. Henderson, who nas pari oi a large
furnished house to rent.
The 8-months-old son of Mr. and Mrs,
W-S: Crarner died ovember 28, 11K12
and was buried tne louowing eunuay
Mrs. H. Pueh is in quite feeble health
Sh has had two light paralytic strokes
that affected her right arm and eye.
D. S. Craoper. who lias been in feeble
health for the past three or four months,
is reported, to be mucn improved.
S. C. Jackson did the fine job of deco
rating and papering in Clarke's new
store room.
Captain J. Bagley sold his steamer
Majato Frank Davenport and J. W.
Mrs B. F. Moset is visting relatives in
Woodburn, Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Bonney are visit
ing in The Dalle.
Not much time to stop and think days are flying and so are the goods. Why wait? Why stop?
Why think? . No risks. Never any risks buying here. Money back, if you wish.
Our Store is Full of Good Things.
Dress Scarfs,
Kid Gloves,
Battenburg Doilies,
Cups aud Saucer ,
Dress Goods,
Lunch Cloths,
Golf Gloves,
We have the agency for the THOMPSON GLOVE-FITTING CORSET, and our new stock has just
Cosmopolitan Modern Paper Patterns.
Phone 91.
Free Delivery
A. Ad Keller of The Dalles has taken
the agency for "Treasury of Knowledge,"
Pure Bred Jersey Cows
And heifers for sale. Homo oiu lomiauuon
a publication of 1050 pages, edited by cows. About. i head ol heifers, from young
S..!..i...ii uh.;. .i.i il Xna f v,i calve to 2-year-old.., all pure bred. Also, my
Trumbull White, which is one of
most meritorious recent works that
have come under the observation of the
writer. It treats of five different sub
jects, viz: "The Industrial Age," "The
World's Science and Inventions," "Mar
velous Peculiarities and Noteworthy
Facts of All Nations," "Amazing Won
ders of Nature," "Things We All Should
Know." These subjects are treated Dy
well known authors and writers in a
clear and concise manner, and compiled
bv Mr. White in a way to be compre
hended by all. The book is highly il
lustrated, making it very attractive. It
is sold at $2.75, $3.50 and $4.50, accord
ing to binding. This work should be in
in every family.
E. W. Winans on Tuesday picked up
in his pasture a downy woodpecker that
had been shot to death by some ruth
less "sportsman." Mr. Winans saya
these birds do no harm but on the con
trary are of great service in destroying
insects. It seems a nitv that our youth
cannot be taught to feel the wrong they
are doing by destroying little birds.
mill gruneia uuu uuiuid
ize to prevent in every way the destruc
tion of birds. Our songsters and other
useful birds are getting scarctr every
year through the wanton destruction
meted out to them by the small boy and
other "sportsmen" who ought to know
ninrenoe 1 astines of Spokane. Wash.,
brother-in-law to Warren Miller, visited
the latter from Wednesday to Sunday
Inst. Mr. Hastings farms S4U acres oi
land. His crop of wheat averages 12,000
sacks. He thinks Hood River is all
right, and some day he may conclude
to make his home here.
Cole A Wriirht have Sold the Klon
dike confectionery to Joseph Tompkins.
Mr. Cole and family will spen l me
winter in California and return to Hood
River in the spring.
Mrs. Smith, sister of J. F. Hanna,
left on Monday for Lincoln, Jebraska,
where Mr. Smith has located.
4-yeH.r-old Hull, Dewey, of 1 lie Oludes, anil Ills
son "Kilw n ol Hie miiiuuh, iiinmuM uiu. m
prevent too much, iiiureedinif the only object
of!ile. A. K. IIYIIKKTT,
d5 umgen, warn
Land Oftlee at The Dulles. Oregon, Dee. 8,
1H02. Notice Is hereby given that the follow-lng-nanied
settler has tiled notice of his In
tention U commute and make linal proof In
support of bin claim, and Hint, said proof will
be made before Ueo. T. I'm! her, H. II. Com
missioner, at Hood River, Oregon, on Mon
day, January W. li, viz:
of Mosler. Oregon: H. K. No. bMO, for the
southwest quarter of northeast quarter and
lots la nd 2, section Uti, and HKof 81 of
section 21, township 2 north, range 11 cast,;w.M.
He Dames the following wilnesues to prov
his continuous residence upon and cultlva.
linn i,r ttuifl tuilil. VIZ?
Charles A. trainer, wainuei r.. r lsner, am
K. Peterson and Siamuel D. Usher, all of
Mosler, Oregon.
dl2Jli JAY 1'. LUCAS, Register
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.
United States Land Office, Vancouver, Wiish.
October IS, 1902. Notice ii hereby given that
in compliance with the provisions of the act
of congress ot June 8, 1878, entitled '-An act for
t he sale of timber lands In the states of Cal
ifornia, Oregon, Nevada and Washington ter
ritory," as extended to all the public land
slates by act of August 4, 1S92,
ITimlicr Land, Act June 3, 1878.
United Htates Land Offlce, Vancouver,
Wash., December 1, lata Notice is hereby
given that in compliance with the provisions
of the act of Congress of J line 3, 1S7S, entitled
"An act fortlie sale of timber lands In the
states of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territory," as extended to all
the public land states by act of August 4, 18D2,
r eium.m H. PKKiOTT.
nf Portland, county of Multnomah, state of
Oregon, has this day tiled in tills otlice his
sworn statement, No. aim, for Hie purchase
..( ti mwu andNVV KWk section
NO. -fc), 111 lOWllsnip o. n nomi, iuiiku iiimu
east W. M., ami will offer proof to show that
the land sought Is more valuable for it tlm
beror stone than for agricultural purposes,
and to establish his claim to saut lauit beiore
the Kegister ana itei-eiver oi mis oiucv i
Vancouver, Washington, ou Thursday, the
th day of April, lmtt.
He names as witnesses: Oliver Jones,
Thomas Edwards. John Chapman aud
Karl A. Pu ree, all of Trout Lake, Wash.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
thclrclalins In this otlice on or before said 9th
dv of April, lla. ,
W. It. DUNBAR, Regfster.
ot Trout Lake, county of Klickitat, state
Washington, has this day filed In this off
bis sworn statement, No. 2U41, for the pur
chase of I Ait 2 of section No. 1, township No. S
north,rangeNo.lOeast,wn, andwIlloBer proof
to show that the land sought is more valuable
for Its timber or stone than for agricultural
fiurposes, and to establish bis claim to said
und before the Kegister. and Receiver of this
office at Vancouver, Wash., on Tuesday,
the 6th day of January, ltluX
lie names as w unease: narry rowers,
Jacob V. W. t'latterbos, Fred Hloller and
Joshua Aernl, all of Trout Lake, Washington.
Any and all persons claiming adversely Ilia
above-described lands are requested to file
their claims In this office on or befon) said
litb day of January, 1WW.
olu2 W. R. DUNBAR, Register.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, December
8 1(102 Notice is hereby given tiiai ine 101-
. . . ...... I. ...... MI..H millMnf l.iw
lowmg-nameu m-iuir m --
luitumfii . . .. . ;
In i.nnnrt llf his C aim. anUllllll nam prwil
ill be made beiore ueo. i.i rauier, u. r.
Commissioner, at Mono itiver, uregon, on
Saturday. Jiinnnry 17, lwB,yir:
of Hood River, Oregon, H. K. No. (WiO, for the
northwest quarter of section 2j, township i
north, range II ea-it, w. H.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viK
Ulysses . Dyer, Ralph Jarv s, Jerry
Brown and Charles J. Hayes, sll of Hood
J&T' JAYr.LCCAg, Bcg..
rTimber ljnrt, Act June 8, 1S7S.
United Htstes !-and Office, Vancouver,
Wash.. Dec. s, WJ. Notice Is hereby given
that in compliance with the provisions of the
act of connrcssof June IsTS. entitled "An act
for the iwie ? timlier lands In the mates ol
California. Oregon. Nevada, and Washington
Territory, a exi'iioe.i io an ine puoue wi
slates by act of Anirut 4, W2,
of Hood River, county of Wish, state of
Onvon has this dav filed In this otlice his
sworn statement. No. Mi. for the purchaw of
the northeat quarter of northwmt quarter
of section Ml Z..m umnmip 1
ranee No. IU eM, . m., ami in oner
Uishow that the land ounm m
ble for Its timber or stone than for auricul
lural purpow. and to eirtblndi his -claim to
said land before the K.ititer and Receiver of
this otlice at Vancouver. Wash., on Krtday,
the 10th day of April. 1HK.
He names it news: Robert F.
Jnme txx, Bvnrd U Hamilton and Alden
Kingman, all of Trout Lase.W ashington.
Anv snd all person claiming dverly the
hnvextearrihed lands are r.'quested U tile
th'r rlaims lu tin" office ou or before said
Wj6 day Apri. Kegtrter.
Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878.
United Slates Land O.Bce, Vancouver
W ash.. rsOV. S, l-"' .oiie io urivi'j nn,
iht iii pniiiDlianee Willi the provisions of
ti,u u.-i or impress of June 8. 1S78, entitled
"An act for the sale of timber lands lu the
uiuin r. California. Oregon. Nevada, and
Washington territory." an extended Wall the
Public ljinit states bv net of August 4, IWI2,
lush I'll I M MKKMANN.
or Hnhliiuilv. county of Marlon, state of
hus' ibiv tiled in tills otlice bis
sworn slMiemeiit, No. SusT, for the purchase of
the soiuli ;-aol northwest yt aim soum oi
northeast '4 or section .o. iH, in vown
ship No. a north, ruiiire No. ii! east, Vt . M.,and
Will Oiler prSH io BIIOW m inu .nuw
i. vlni.tili. for its timber or stone than
for agricultural purses, and to establish bis
claim to said laud before the Register and
Receiver of tilts ollice at Vancouver, nnsu.,ou,i.v ihpllih dav of March. 1WB.
He names us witnesses: Wesley A. Miller of
Seattle, Wash.: John Kintiot buunmiiy, ur.;
JolinKiaer and Ueorge L. Chandler of Glen-
wood. Wash. ado
of Hnbllnitv. ounty of Marlon, state of
i Mtfiti, li. ul dav filed ill this olfice his
.u..., n Mii.i. in. nt. Nil. v". for the pun'lisseof
n... .niiiwest K. of northwest a. eat 'i of suit northwest of soulhwesl
quarter of section No. 4). In Uiwnlnp
No. d north, riuie No. 1J ea.t, w. M
will oiler nmof to show that the lam
sought l more valuable ior its timber or
stone than for agricultural purpose, and to
establish his claim to said kind before the
Register and Receiver of this ortlec at tin
.couver, Wah., ou Wednesilay, the lllh day
of March, lwck
He names as W esley A. Mlllerof
Seattle, Wb.: John Mnt oi siitiiimity, tir.;
John Kier and tieorge U Chandler of Ulen-
wisl, V ahmirlou.
Anv and all person rlaimlng adversely the
above rt.'critt lauds are requested to file
their claims in this otlice on or before said
Uth dav of March, l'"'i-
nil.iJt W. R. DCXBAR. Roister.
Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878.
United States Land Offloe, Vancouver,
Wash., Nov. 8, 1902.-Notloe Is hereby given
that In compliance with the provisions of the
act of congress of June , 1878. entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands In the states of
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory, as extended to all the public land
states by act of August 4, 1HM2,
of Trout Lake, county of Klickitat, state of
Wash., has tills day filed in this offlce his
sworn statement, No. 2M48, for the pur
chase of the northeast of northeast Vof sec
tion No 7, and south at southeast and
northwest quarter of southeast quarter of
section No. 6. In township No. tt north, range
No. 11 east. W. M., and will otter proor to
show that the land sought is more valuable
for Ita timber or stone than for agricultural
fiurposes, and to establish his chum to said
and before the Register and Receiver of this
otlice at Vancouver, Wash., on Friday, the
ftth day of March, IWH.
He names as witnesses: jurist vtmer, niu.
M.Campneld and Fred Moore of Trout Like,
V ashlugtou, ana wm. oeriugeroi rurviauu,
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
their claims In this office on or before said
lh day of March, 1IW3.
I And offlce atVanoouver, Wash., Oct 81,
Ma. Notice Is hereby given that the following-named
settler baa died notice of his In
tention to make final proof In sup
port of his claim, and that said proof will
be made before W. B. Presby. U. a Commis
sioner for district of Washington, at hi
oftlee In Uoldendale, Washington, on Mon
day, December 15, 1H02, vis:
Homestead entry No. lOjtW, for the northeast
flu, lowosuip e purtu,
Ho names the followlnc witnesses to pro'
his continuous resldeooe upon and eultlv
quarter of section
ranra 12 earn, w. jb.
lion nt Bttlri land, vis;
Mary Baraer and David Plett of Golden
dale, Washington; August Berg and Tboiuaa
Uulgley of Uleowood. Washington.
n7dU W. R. DUNBAR, Register.
Government Land.
I can locate bonie--ker 011 government
i.nrfai.i fruit land, with sprine; sonic
with water to irrigate; easily cleared; 12 to 13
miles from Hd River near county road.
n21 t-CMIU-tll, Uood Kiver, Or,
TTImber Land, Act Jnne 8, 1878.1
United Stale Ind Offlce, Vanoaover, Wash..
November 8, WIL Notice Is hereby given
that Incompliance with the provisions of the
act of congress of J une 8, 1878, entitled "An act
for I tie sale of timber lands In the stales of
California, Oregon, Nevada and WashlngUiO
territory," as extended tp all lbs public land
states by act of A ngnst L lsJ,
JOHN KINliC, ": -of
Kubllmlty, county of Mvlnq, JW of
nmnm. has this day filed In Mil offlce;
bis sworn statement No. , tor the mi re base
of the N WH of .N east H of NW and
SVVU of the NK! of sec lion No. . In
. ... . . .. . A 1 M ., Jr
tnwusnip 30. a mmii, ttaiirtj 1-1. ......
and will offer proof to show that the land
sought Is more valuable for Its timber or ston
than for agricultural purjywa, and to
his claim lo said land before Ihe Register
and Receiver of this office at Vancouver,
Wuli, on Tuesday, tne 10th day of March,
I'1- . .
He names as witness Joseph Simmer
mannand John Klmmermann of Sublimity,
tlregon; Weeley A. Miller of Heat tie. Wash,
nd Ueorge L. Chandler of Olenwood. Waab.
Any and ad persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
their claims in this office on or before said
loth day of March, Wrt.
n-Ujii W. R. H'N'BAR, Register,