The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 12, 1902, Image 4

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    3(ood liver Slacier.
FRIDAY, DIvCEMBEIt 1-', 1902.
Council Proceedings.
Council met in adjourned session on
Thursday evening, December 4. Pres
ent: ('nuncilmen Blowers, McDonald,
P. S. Davidson, Clarke, Rand; Recorder
Alderman Blowers, president of the
Council, pteftided.
Minutes of the last meeting were read
and approved.
A communication was received from
the 0. R. & N. company offering to pay
the sum of f40.00 in settlement of the
city's claim for damages by fire. On
motion of , Rand the compromise was
A petition was presented asking that
a survey be made and grades established
between the west line of Park street and
Dr. Adams' premises. On motion of
McDonald the petition was referred to
the city surveyor, who is already author
ized to make such surveys.
On motion of McDonald bids for con
struction of the city hall were ordered
returned to the bidders unopened, as
the council did not deem it advisable to
begin the work of construction during
the winter season.
The following bills were presented,
allowed and ordered paid :
I). McDonald, recording deed . . f 1.25
The Ulacier, printing ordinances,
election notice and notice to,
contractors, . . . . .", . . .". 3.85
The council proceeded to. canvass, the
vote cast at tins recent' city election, and
on motion j' McDonald the following
city oflicers'were declared elected:
T. R. Coon, mayor, V- l-;A ,
G.J. Uessling, , ..1 .''
Ed Maves, " "aldermen,
Geo. T! Prather,
J. R. Nickelsenj recorder, r
Truman Butler, treasurer.
Bone & McDonald selling at auction.
John Leland Henderson has tendered
his resignation as city surveyor.
The horseless carriage at Williams'
drug store. Take a chance. " Only- a
few chances left.
Bince Holman&Son have moved their
shop to the hill, East Siders are com
plaining that we have no harness maker
down town. ,
Another of those popular dances will
be given at Oat Eastman's house this
Friday evening. Stable room will be
found for horses. ,
Joe Purser has sold his home place at
Belmont to Underwood Brothers, 22lj
acres, for 5,0(XX Mr. Purser will con
tinue to reside on the place until spring.
Frank Stanton has on exhibition at
the Mount Hood hotel a freak of nature
in the sliape of an' apple, half Russet
and half Spitzenberg. The apple grew
on a Spitzenberg tree.
Chas. Temple will have " an auction
sale Saturday; from 11 a, ni. to 1 o'clock,
and will continue every Saturday, but
hereafter in the afternoon. Diamond
rings, gold watches, aud other high grade
goods will be sold. . ' ,
Jim Langille loft on his annual tour
to California Wednesday. He will go by
easy stages, stopping to visit placer min
ing districts, and expects to reach San
Francisco about the first of the new
year. He may remain there till spring.
Bone & McDonald haven t room to
display all their goods at their old stand,
so they will move to the building just
vacated by dark, the druggist, and
cutting and siasuing of-prices win go
on at both places.
McGuire Bras.vliave further beauti
fied their market by laving linoleum on
the floor.' Their handsome meat blocks
have been painted. The new improve'
ments giVe the market nnairof neatness
that agrees with the business the firm is
engaged in. ..
Mr. and Mrs, R. R. Bradley w ere sur
prised Monday, by the arrival from Ta
coma of Mrs. M. I. Christner, a sister to
Mr. Bradley, who will pejidthe holidays
at Hood River and with other relatives
at Portland and Dilley. Mrs. Christner
ss accompanied by her youngest son
Master Forrest. '
A man who was in" arrears for sub
Bcription to the Jefferson Review failed
to receive his paper one week. He had
the nerve to write the editor that if it
occurred again he would stop the "in-
lernai rag." it mat man had been in
arrears to the Glacier four years he
would be in luck. He could come in,
pay up and walk off with four chances
to get the buggy we are giving away.
Miss Lulu Anderson of Portland spent
pan, ui last wees in riootl Kiver, and
was the guest of Miss Ethel Moonev.
Miss Anderson's parents are residing in
Oregon City at present, but are think
ing of returning to Hood River in the
spring. Mr. Anderson, who has been
Buueriiig lor me greater part ot a year
wun a lame loot, is able to be at work
A fibx ol 'bon
tonsnnkes an nc
eptiible Xnia?
lift. Coe & Son
eep the best.
Everything you
leed for the holi
lays at the Gol
ren Rule Bazaar;
uid its always the
est. ;
Mrs. C. Rathbuin ios a valuable cu
rio last Sunday night. In company with
her luisbaiidshe. returned, from Portland
on the' midnight . train. On the way
from the depot she lost a' small tusk
with two gold bands. The value of the
tusk to her 'is considerable as it was
brought froro.the Philippines by her
husband, who served in the Second
Oregon. There were two w ild boar tusks,
fastened together with gold bands, and
made a very pretty pin. The tinder
will be rewarded by leaving the tusk
with C. Ratlibun or at the Glacier office.
Slawson & Stanton reKrt that sales
of fruit trees from their nurseries have
been good during the past season. They
have sold a great many trees to till the
big demand for all kinda of fruit trees.
They still have in stock a big variety of
choice trees. Tho demand for Spitzen
berg aud Newtown trees this fall has
been unprecedented. Next year this
nursery will put ia a big stock" of these
popular varieties; enough to supply any
number that may be called for. Any
persons who want the new varieties of
apple trees that are talked about would
do well to leave their order with Slaw
son & Stanton and they can propagate
II. S. Richmond and wife of Monn.
Hood are visiting in Portland. Mr. Rich
mond last August read of a man from
Mexico being iu Portland wanting to
buy apples for the market in Mexico.
He" wrote to him and sent him three
boxes of Newtow n apples of the pre
vious year'f growth. The man was so
well pleased with the samples sent him
that lie became a regular customer ever
since. Mr. Richmond makes ship
ment of two boxes every week to this
man in Mexico. The eypress charge?
cost f 14 a box, and Mr Richmond gets
K'abox. Apples groa n lu the Mount
Hood neighborhood are long keeers
Baldniu ill kp Nearly year.
Don't forget . the Unitarian sale.
Christmas presents a specialty and ' be
sure and bring your family and eat your
lunch and supper with ug. Baked
beans, brown bread, coffee, mince and
pumpkin pies, good cold meats rand ro
one shall go away hungry. Home made
candies for sale, and orders taken for
boxes of candy for Christmas. The rum
mage counter will be an attraction where
all kinds of articles will go at your own
price the fancy and useful articles are
in the best of taste and there is abso
lutely no trash. Come and see for
yourselves. Lunch from 11 :30 a. in. to
2 p. m. Supper from i too p. m. ah
to be found in the room two doors north
of McGuire's meat market, Saturday,
December 13.
The old and well-known firm of Bone
& McDonald, doing business in Hood
River for years, has decided to quit bus
iness. All of the general merchandise
stock of the firm is advertised for sale
at record breaking prices. The firm
finds it costs money to pay rent and pay
clerks while they are selling out, and
have decided to make quick sales by
offering goods at prices known by the
general customer to be way down. They
want to go out of business, and the
sooner they can get out the better they
will be suited. The firm has rented
the store building formerly occupied by
Clarke's drug store, in which they will
have part of their goods for sale, and
where they can make better display than
at their over-crowded store room at
their old stand.
C. H. Stranahan started East Wed
nesday over the O. R. & N. He goes
in the interest of immigration and other
matters in the employ of the 0. R. & N.
Mr. Stranahan is an old resident of Ore
gon and the Northwest, is a rustler, and
will do good service for the eountry and
the company he represents. It is Hood
River's good fortune also to have a
Hood River man on the road in the in
terest of immigration. Mr. Stranahan
will go as far as Wisconsin, Minnesota
and the Dakotas, and will be gone about
two months.
0. Freden'mrg, the mail carrier to
Mount Hood, corrects the report in last
week's Glacier that there was eight
inches of snow at Mount Hood. He
says at no time has there been more
than three inches on the ground. Mon
day morning last, there was about three
inches on the ground. According to this
statement, Mount Hood has had no
more snow so far this season than the
lower part of the valley.
The streets of Hood River are a fright.
Mud is about six inches deep through
out the principal streets. These muddy
streets are due to prosperity. When
we didn't have more than one team on an
average pass up and down our streets in
a day, we had good streets and didn't
even need sidewalks. When the rains
ceased the streets were eolid and good.
The only way to get relief is for the city
fathers to order the streets graded anil
graveled and let the property pay for it.
The Hood River Boom and Transpor
tation company held their regular an
nual meeting December 9 and elected
C. R, Bell, George T. Prather, P. S.
Davidson, George P. Crowell and J. E.
Rand as a board of directors. The
secretary and treasurer's report showed
the company to be in a flourishing con
dition. The company has over 31AI acres
of land, a dam that cost ft), 000, and the
big boom at the mouth of Hood river.
Geo. D. Culbertson & Co. sold on
Wednesday of this week, the north (80)
eighty acres of Geo. P. Perkins' farm
about two miles south of Mount Hood
post office, to Richard Becker and John
Hollowell, the former of Portland and
the latter of Hood River. Considera
tion $1,400. Messrs. Becker & Hollowell
will begin very soon to open up this land
and plant it to fruit.
It pays to advertise. The little error
made by the Glacier make-up man un
der the head of born in last week's issue
was pointed out to the editor by about
1700 constant readers, the pointers even
came by mail. One correspondent sug
gests the compositor might make fat by
keeping the type a sufficient length
of time.
Fred Coe has returned to his first love
and gone back to work in the store again.
After January 15 the store of Geo. F.
Coe & Son will be found in the annex
to the Masonic building, opposite the
post office, where their many custo
mers will receive the same courteous
treatment as at their old stand.
The Electric Light Co. held its annual
meeting Tuesday. N. C. Evans, J. H.
Ferguson, Ralph Savage, A. A. Jayne
and D. McDonald were elected directors.
The secretary's report showed that 33,
5X7.92 in cash has been expended by
the company since its organization two
years ago.
Amos Underwood, the old Indian war
veteran, celebrated his 68th birthday
Wednesday. Mr. Underwood was a vol
unteer in the Indian war of '50 and saw
bard service. May he live to celebrate
many more anniversaries of his birth, is
the wish of his many friends.
Miss Laura Hill's school at Mount
Hood closed Friday, December 5. The
directors were so well pleased with her
success as teacher that they extended
her time and gave her another month of
teaching. This is Miss Hill's first term
as teacher.
Lee Tong, an enterprising Chinaman
from The Dalles, bomlit the Model res
taurant, corner Second and Oak, Thurs
day, and will take possession Saturday.
Mr. long will continue the business at
that favored location.
Chas. N. Clarke, the druggist, has
moved his store into the Masonic build
ing, opposite the post office, where he
will lie pleased to see all of Ins custom
ers and any one else in need of anything
in his line.
Mrs. M. II. Nickelsen had a fine dis
play ot ladies needlework for sale at
Jackson's store Wednesday. The pro
ceeds of the sale will go to improving
me parsonage 01 tne ueimont cnurch.
J. T. Washer of Barnard, Kansas, an
old neighbor of the Morse Brothers in
Kansas, is here on a visit. Mr. aslier
is a veteran of the civil war, having
served in the 39th Wisconsin.
All orders left at McGuire Bros'.
for dressed turkeys for Christmas, up to
December 21, get a chance to draw a
turkey for New Year's. They will give
aw ay a turkey to the lucky purchaser.
Advertisers often ask us to put their
ads in a prominent place where all can
see it. If they would put them under
the "born" bead, all would see them.
Tomorrow, Saturday, is the regular
meeting day of Canby post G. A.R. and
W. H. V. A full attendance is desired,
as election of otficers will take place.
D. S. Crapper went to Portland Mon
ilav, where he will visit his daughter.
Mrs. M. A. Hackett. The health of the
old gentleman is much improved.
Crokonole, combinola and archarena
boards at Coe'.
St. Mark's guild will meet next Wed
nesday afternoon at the home of Mrs.
Savage, at 2 o'clock.
Dolls, candy, toys, vases, at the Gold
en Hule Bazaar.
James Dellord made a short business
trip to Portland the first of this week.
Rev. take will preach at A. O. U. W.
hall next Sunday, at 7:30 p. m.
Celluloid goods at Coe's.
Albums at Coe's.
Cranner School. '
Report for month ending November
28, l'JOL':
Days attendance '. ..686
Days absence 82
Times tardy
Average daily attendance 36
Pupils neither absent nor tardy were:
Laura Prigge Ivan Miller
Irma Miller Ashley Miller
Willie Miller Susan Kelley
Henry Hackett Lavina Hackett
Johnnie Lindsay Nettie King
Anna Fischer Clair Fischer
Eino Jakku Armas Jakku
Oskar Hakel Ellen. McCurdy
Hazel Jordan Etta Jordan
Willard F'riedley
L. H. Arneson, Teacher.
Mount Hood School.
Report of school district No. 6. Mount
Hood, Oregon, for the month ending
December 5, 1902.
Number of days taught 18
Number of days attendance 452
Number of times tardy 18
Number of days absent 95 5
Averagedailyattendance ". 25
The following named pupils were
neither absent nor tardy during the
month :
Myrtle Tomlinson Joseph Hess
Donald Larwood Walter Larwood
May Cooper George Cooper
Leonard Larwood Gladys leasure
Dave Cooper Hattie Cooper
John Cooper. .
Laura Hill, Teacher.
School District 43.
The following pupils were neither ab
sent nor tardy for the month ending
Ruth Hillstrom Albert Hillstrom
Louis Rlioades Delia Steele
Troy Shelley, Teacher.
Advertised Letter Lint.
December 8, 1902.
Bailey, Ethel White, liertha
Brower, Mr Ward, Billie
Caples, Dave Wickham, Clarence
Davis, Ed Willingham, J W
Murray, Leslie Willingham, Budd
Thompson, Lloyd X L
W. M. YATES, P. M.
Election of Officers.
At the regular meeting of Riverside
lodge of the A. O. U. W. No. 68, Satur
day night Dedember 6, the following
officers were elected to serve during the
ensuing year:
Master workman F B Barnes,
Foreman W B Shute,
Overseer H J Frederick,
Recorder Chester Shute,
Receiver T Butler,
Financier E R Bradley,
Guide Dr J F Watt,
Inside Watchman Chas Copple
Outside Watchman E L Smith,
Trustee E L Smith.
The Degree of Honor elected the fol
lowing officers for the ensuing year:
C of H Mrs Kate M Fredericks,
L of H Mrs Etta 11 Barnes,
C of C Mrs Georgia Hand,
Financier Mrs Lucretia Prather,
Recorder Mrs May Cook,
Treasurer Miss Carrie Crowell,
Sister Usher Mrs Marybeth Crowell,
I W Mrs Georgiana Smith, .
O W Mies Edith Moore.
A Million Voices
Could hardly express the thanks of
tiomer nan, ot West I'oint, la. Listen
why : A severe cold had settled on his
lungs, causing a most obstinate cough.
Several physicians said he had con
sumption, hut could not help him.
When nil thought he was doomed he
began to use Dr. King'B New Discovery
for Consumption and writes "it com
pletely cured me mid saved my lite.
I now weigh 227 lbs." It's positively
guaranteed for Coughs, Colds and Lung
troubles. Price 50c hikI $1.00. Trial
bottles free at Chas. N. Clarke's.
Strayed A small black and white
spotted cow, white spot in forehead and
lower half of tail white; no brands. Has
a dark colored heifer calf 5 months old.
No white on calf. Reward at Glacier
otfice for their recovery.
Estray Notice.
I hnve taken lip al my homo near Alt. Hood,
Ore., the following described cuttle, and owner
i;an have same by paying for their care and
this notice: 1 yellow and white spotted cow
about 8 yours old, marked crop each ear and
branded ML on right hip; 2 young calves, red,
same mark; 1 red cow about 8 ve.irsold mark
ed crop rlht ear nml undeibll loft, wearing
bell and has calf. Apply to (IKO. PERKINS,
At my place, on llie Mt Hood rond, one
miln MJ,llth j.F t.itun F l.. ...... 1 - i-t
. , "'""i ,rciicu n r lour
and freed Store. No need now to haul your
feed up the big hill from town when you can
buy of me at bottom prices.
and Builder
Plans and Estimates Furnished.
S. H. COX.
and Builder.
P. F. Friday f. B. Barnes
Real Estate
Town and country property pntintno.r
bands will be promptly brought to the btiye '
attention. We also do Insurance and Notary
Public work.
Abstract furnished. Money loaned
L. C. Haynea
James f. Dehor
The place to get an easy shave, an
up-to-date hair cut, and to enjoy the
luxury of a porcelain bath tub.
Traoc Marks
attlrkly Moertain our nptn.a fr whbr ma
knwmtbm H prohshlr mtenuhta. rnmmiinkv.
tion.mnnlr -i.nnrlfntll. Handbook on HUWU
ant fre. oi1m wwiff fur Mfunii patent.
Hvrnu taarn thnmnh Munn A Co. ncvlr.
tpf-vU ttnfiec, without cbxrro. IB tb.
Scientific American.
A haTMhometr tltawrrfttM wwlr. T jtrvst rtr
riln,n of nr Mmitr V.un,l. Trnw 14 .
tow: fm,r month. L Sola bj all nvwadoalcn.
mm iCo."' New Tort
nck OHM, Ol r it, Waatuikf loo, D. C.
Sew ToJay.
Don't forget the auction.
Xmas novelties at Coe & Son'a.
Bob White Flottr ia the beat. Try it
Lewis & Clark tablets at Coe & Son'i
Baled Hay for sale at McGuire Bros,
Auction Saturday atl o'clock .Clarke'i
oiu urug Btanu.
To Rent. Eight-room house; inquire
ol t. i.. Jackson.
Only a few chances left to net the
horseless carriage at Williams' drug
store, lake a chance. "
Dressed chickens for Suirday at Hood
Kiver Commercial Co.
If you want something nice for Xmas
..... .a , ... . i:
presents, iook over blocom s nonuay line,
For RentrFurnislied house, close in
Inquire of Friday & Barnes.
Always up-to-date. Anything you buy
at Slocom's- you may be sure ia the right
thino. ite.doesn' keep anytiung else
Bone & McDonald are closing out, and
will sell you good goodB for less than
you are paying tor poor stun eisewnere
Bring your chickens and eggs to Hood
Kiver Commercial Co.
See the display of Fancy, decorated
table-ware ut I lie Spot IJash Urocery
Take a' chance on the horseless.'' car
riage at Williams' drug store. Only a
lew chances left
Ladies wishing switches made or re
paired, should call on Mrs. D. Mcintosh
now at the Olenwopd, llood Kiver,
Just received a line of watches
clocks, jewelry and silverware, at F. W
Clarke s, opposite postoihee.
Bone & McDonald have a good stock
of the best shoes in the market. So
don't buy cheap stuff, but try their full
stock tor less money.
Auction! Auction I Goods at vou
own price in the building juBt vacated
Dy Mr. Liarke. commences Saturday
Flour and Feed at Spot Cash Gro.
If you want good bread, buy "Bob
W hite ' .Hour, lor sale ut Spot Cash
Are you contemplating buying a
watcnr ueiore purchasing see t. W
Clarke, opposite postothce.
For Sale 210 acres, all farm imple
ments, including new hay baler, and
stock, tree water; tine stock ranch
Inquire of lriday & Barnes.
Ed Mayes has received a supply of
those white sweet turnips, the kind you
used to get, and can supply the trade at
the Commercial Co.
We handle the Hillwood creamery
butter and guarantee it to be as high
grado as any ia the Northwest. Hood
River Commercial Co.
BoneA McDonald areabout to dissolve
partnership and In order to close ou
their stock of general merchandise, will
slash prices right and left.
The Hood River Commercial Co. have
made another cut in meats. They are
now selling the sirloin steak a at l-'c iu
For watches, clocks, jewelry and sil
verware, seo F. W. Clarke, at Clarke's
drug store, opposite postoffice.
Two hundred to $5,000 to loan on real
estate. If your security is good your
money is ready, rrather investment Co,
Bone & McDonald's sale that is now
on will continue until everything is
closed out. They have a large Btock, but
are making prices to sell quick.
F. W. Clarke, practical jeweler and
optician ; all kinds of repairing neatly
quickly and cheaply done at the Glacier
We wish to remind the public that we
advertise to meet all prices on goods in
our line and deliver them. Hood River
Commercial Co.
t a"jx "P8 sit puaa
pue pveq auoA uo pinna o) et ); sb aui
ApOq Bq 18 3(OOi piltt 8,tUODOS 1B u
d9s oi 8qnoui qoiiui sfl jptti 1,0.81 u
You will never regret it if you go to
C. H. Temple, the experienced and
competent jeweler and optician, for any
thing in his line. His work, guaranteed
can't, your eyes need attention. Call
on F. V. Clarke, the jeweler and op
tician. He can fit you out. At the
Glacier rharmacv.
In order to effect a dissolution of part
nership.we are now offering our entire
stock ol general merchandise at cu
price. We have a large stock of tin
derwear and good line of shoes, bu
everything w ill be sold as we are anxious
to retire from tho business. Bone .
At. tlia linmp of tlin hlilo'a naronta I
White Salmon, December 10, 1902, Miss
Anna wethereu to Jjouie Andrews;lvev
J. W . Jenkins ofliciating. the Impi
pair left on the afternoon boat for The
Dalles. After their return from their
wedding tour they will locate at White
Miiinon, w nere uir. Andrews nas pu
chased property.
(,'linrcli Notices.
M. E. Church Rev. F. R. Spaulding,
pastor, hunday school at it). 1'reach
ing services at 11a. m. and 7:30 p. m
Junior League at 3 Epworth League at
0:30 p.m. Sunday, and E. L. prayer
meeting niesuav evening at 1 :t. gen
eral prayer meeting Thursday evening
at 7:30. 1 tie public is cordially invited
U. B. Church Herbert C. Shaffer;
pastor. Sunday School at 10. Wor
ship and preaching of the Word at 11
a. m. and 7:30 p.m. Y. P. S C. E. at 7
p. m Junior C. E. at 2:30 p.m. Meeting
lor prayer and praise, ednesday even
iiig at 7 :30. All are welcome.
Brotherhood of Andrew and Philip.
open at 7 o'clock Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturday evenings. Open for boys
irom 1 10 4 Saturday afternoon. L p-to-
aate library open at all above hours.
Congregational Church Rev. J. I,.
Hershner, pastor. Sunday School at 10
Preaching service with worship at 11
a.m. Christian Endeavor service at 7
p. m. Midweek meeting on Thursday
evening at 7.
Episcopal Church. Services will be
held in the A. O. U. W. hall Sunday
evening at 7:30.
Valley Christian Church. Sunday
School at 10. Preaching at 11 a. m. and
7:30 p. m. Christian Endeavor meeting
at o:.(U p. m. All not worshiping else
where are cordially invited to attend.
House to Rent 8 room house to rent
and furniture for sale. Inquire at Han
na's store.
Mistress (to new servant) There are
two things Mary, about which I am very
particular; they are truthfulness and
Mary. Yes'm; and when yon tell me
to say you're not in, w hen person calls
inai you don t wish to see, which slialj
it be, mum truthfulness or obedience;
Ixtndon King. ,
"Is thisthe cracked wheat, Jane?" "I
dun know, muni. I ain't looked at or
fetched it, an' if it's cracked, it win
cracked afore I cum here." New York
"One half of the world," I say to my
w ise friend, "doesn't know how the oth
er hall liven." "Then," concludes my
w ise friend w ith an air of deliberation,
"one half the world hasn't any neigh
bors." J udge.
Ladies' Dress Goods,
ladies' Underwear,
Men's Shirts,
ladies' and Children's Hose,
, ; Cutlery,
Shirt Waists,
German Sox,
. Men's Hats,
ladies' Arctics,
Aud dozens of other articles
Intend to Retire. Outside business De
mands Our Attention.
We are now working for you. You can have all the profit. We are paying expenses out of capital.
JCo prollt to us in goods. Our prices will convince you. There la a good substantial Christmas
present for every imm, woman and child in the vulley in our store at factory prices.
Not Aladdins's Lamp,
Other Lump tit other prices; you pay vour money and take your choice at
Doors and
Paints and Oils,
Furniture, Carpets, lleds and Redding.
Free to the Babies.
will present to every buhy tinder one year of age in tills vicinity
one solid
Gold Baby Ring SsneBaby!
in same. You do not have to puy one cent nor buy anything to
get th'w ring. Paist Company Mre large jobbers of Jewelry and
have taken this method of advertising their goods. Instead of
spending thousands of dollars for mngimne advertising they have
' decided to give it away direct to consumers.
G. E. Williams
Has been made distributor for Ihirst Company. Bring your baby
to his store and give its name and age and you will receive one
of these beautiful gold rings free of cost. This Is not a cheap ar
ticle, but solid goitl of eleg;tnt design. While
At Q. E. Williams Drug Store
don't fail to look over the elegant line of Jewelry on display.
We respectfully announce to the public that we have for the
coming planting seasons a fine lot of trees of all kinds
Thrifty, Smooth, and True to Name.
Orders are now being booked us received and varieties furnished
as long as they last. This season will witness larger plantings of
single sorts than any in the history of this valley, and to get w hat
you want will necessitate early orders.
We would also state that we tire prepared to furnish for next
season's planting any number ami ANY VARIETY, GROWN
Long experience in tbe nursery business enables us to guarantee
- satisfaction.
Nursery on East Side, at crow-Migof Neul creek.. Orders solicited.
RAWSON & STANTON, Hood River, Or.
Pioneer Fruit and Produce
Solicit Consignments of Apples,
Tears; all Green an I Dried Fruit.
We Have
Bed Spreads,
Children's Underwear,
Shoes for everybody,
Children's Suits,
House lining,
Mrs. Potts' Sad Irons,
Cow Bells,
Rubber Boots,
Men's Arctics,
usually carried in a general store
bone & Mcdonald.
Choice Meats.
It is a fact, well-known by every one,
that meats of all kiiuls me liiph t ut
i one fart should lie kepi in inititt and
that is that yon can buy of us the
j choicest meats that the State of Oregon
can produce and as chesp its you can
ituy niorer uieais ei-ewnere.
V invite you to call ami examine
our meals and see for yourself that th
I n.seitiiii we make are f;tels.
on in fT business, MctiriKB Pro.
Two steers one red, with bell on; the other
brlndle with white spot, white on end of tail
and white about the hoofs. Also, a dark red
hclter, while feet, belly und end of tall: star on
forehead. All tmve box brand on left hip.
V hereubouu thankfully received by Ulacier.
Horse for Sale.
S-yenr-old filly. Also, ghigle harness. For
gale by d2tl IJ. H. McCUlWTIAN.
Montaug Restaurant.
This restaurant m located at 178 North Sixth
street, Portland, opposite depot, and is run by
a Hood Kiver tlrni. Lodgings furnished.
40 Acres.
miles out, on Neal creek; $20 per acre.
Good thing. tt22
R. SHELLEY, Odell.
160 Acres.
Ten miles out on the Mount Hood road;
real cheap. Must go quick.
K. HHELLEY, Odell.
80 Acres.
Eight miles out, overlooking East Hood
River valley and Dukes valley. 1,100 growing
fruit trees; & acres of herries: unsurpassed
..v. , wi, iuhi ucvcrmiiH; ineniy 01 water
XV. out
JEL.LEV, Odell.
Milk for Sale.
I will deliver milk In town for $2 a month-,
per quart, o3 W. T. Hansbebry
For Sale.
The Boarding House, known as the Thompv.
son House, corner Kiver and Third streets. In
cluding all the furniture, Is for sale. Inqnlro
on the premises of WM. THOMPSON.
Cow For Sale.
A fine cow for sale that will be fresh Febrn
ajTlst; p. K. KOUTS.
For Rent.
rhe building formerly ocenpied by lhe Da
vidson l rult Co. as a box foetory. Key can
be had of the Davidson Krnit Co.
li J. H. MI DDI.. ETON.
Blacs mithing
And wagon repairing attended to promptly at
my shop on the ML Hood road, south of town.
Good work at reasonable prices.
For Sale.
Ten acres for f2o0, 5 or 6 acres of It as good'
fruit land as there Is In Hood River valley
oneKjuarter mile from post office nd school,
near river and railroad Inquire of
At Kranklon,.
Homesteads with living springs located on
'old burn" near roads, schools, steamboat
landing", for V) to 8100. half advance (balance
when filing.) Rich soil easily cleared. kd
for apples, pears, timothy, clover and straw
berries. P. B.C. Wills,
b12 Stevenson, HkamanU Co., Wash.
Pigs for Sale.
I have some six-weeks-old Poland China
pigs for sale. JOHEPH FRAZIER, Jr.
24 Acres.
Fine apple land, 6'i miles from town, on
Mount Hood road. Bargain. Hee
K. SHELLEY, Odell.
Water & ight Notice
All u-nfpr anil Unlit Mill. i . .
, , " "- "" nic itjnuit? Hi inn
U. h offlce from the 1st to the 10th of the
minim, iu suvaiiw.
n. C. EVAN8. Manager.
Land for Sale.
For the next ten days I will sell my S acre .
near Kelmont, cheap for cash. Kor particu
lars apply on premises.
Team for Sale.
A light team, democrat spring wagon and'
hariieM Can be seen at the Merrill place,.
LaMHIUe. Price 1150. J. L. VAN LOAN.
Pullets for Sale.
About five down Brown Leghorn pullets lor
sale bv
Phone 301
J. u. KOllfcKU.
Woven Wire Fence.
Beet anil chparMt ! ru, ....
all thltiKi considered. Don't fail to see
Ii'erIt' before buying your feoc.
rnone fit bub
Snrar Ynur T
I nave ordered m complete sprayinir
outfit and mill be prepared to epray or
chards either with the winter spray or
wiuiiii mom. aiso, am prepared.
w uig ciio. al.