The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 12, 1902, Image 2

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    3od Iiver Slacier.
The Torreiis law, a system of register
ing land titles, enaeted by the Oregon
legislature, is about to be given a trial
by Judge Bellinger, who has applied to
Lave a piece of land owned by himself
registered under this law. The chief
. . point of the law is to give the owner of
a piece of real estate ail official certifi
cate of title which will be absolute, and
which may be sold or transferred with
' the same facility as a certificate of stock
in a bank or a government bond. This
law was passed by the legislature nearly
four years ago, but for some reason the
system has never been put in practice
iu Oregon. Attorney John Leland Hen
derson of Hood River attempted to reg
ister titles to real estate for different
parties soon after the law was passed,
but the county court refused to do its
part in the matter, and Mr. Henderson
was obliged to give up the attempt for
the time being, but has half-a-dozen
cases on file and will push the matter
' till the law is recognized by the courts
and county officials if he has to appeal
to the legislature. Mr.' Henderson was
. the first attorney in the state to file ap
plications for certificates 6f land titles
under this law. The Glacier has never
learned of any other attorney in this
or any other .county filing applications
under this law. Now that Judge Bel
linger has taken ttie matter in hand he
may succeed in getting his title regis
tered. Others will follow, and the law
. will become popular with all except the
abstract companies, the lawyers and
the county officials whoso fees will be
cut short by this simple method of
transferring title.
The editor of the Fruewater Times
. finds editing a news paper not the easy
task it is cracked up to be by his critics.
His local page doesn't loom up as it
should, but he is bound to make her
loom if he has to use up his ten volumes
of cyclopedias. Judging from the fol
, lowing editorial in a recent issue, the
editor is having a strenuous time of it.
He says:
"The last weeks issue seemed to be
quite free from proof, but the many
, readers of the Times know already of it
.. being my first attempt at editing. You
no doubt will notice the progress in this
issue. My local page of last week did
not loom up as it should, or would, had
a more experienced head have put it up.
But by the aid of ten volumes of an en
cyclopedia I will endeavor to make a
more able sheet than before. As we
grow older we learn more, as experience
is a great teacher.
"My editorial columns also were the
remnants of bad luck and much com
ment was upon them.
"But how well we know' there Is but
few journalists in this amediate country,
if they were numerous the poor editor
would not have to pay so many bills to
the shoemaker, but he will never quit.
"He will ever press onward and up
ward, and when he has succeeded you
will say, 'Well done our good editor is
still with us.' "
The Dalles Mountaineer calls for the
election of an Eastern Oregon man to
the United States senate. Eastern Ore
gon has had but one senator in the 44
years since the state was admitted to the
Union. Eastern Oregon's interests may
demand a representative in both branch
esof the national congress ;an open river
and the reclamation of its deserts may
require an advocate in the senate as
well as in the house; but the senator
will not be elected from Eastern Oregon
this time. The people elected a sena
tor last June; the politicians will attend
to the election of the man who will take
his seat. --
Thos. B. Reed, statesman, ex-speaker
of the house of representatives, and jne
of the most noted men in American his
tory, died in Washington city, Decem
ber 6. He was the author of the rule
In the lower house of congress to count
a quorum w hen a sufficient number of
members are present and not all voting,
and which has since been adhered to,
making it possible for the house to trans
act business. By this ruling ho gained
the sobriquet of "Czar" Heed.
The economy of high wages has often
been disputed, but the American mana
gers of the electrical works at Manches
ter, England, believe in it. They have
raised the wage scale in their works one
third and are demanding that their
workmen hustle after Yankee fashion.
As a result they are getting double the
work each day that their English com
petitors are getting and the latter are
complaining about the "Americanua
tion" of English industries.
The Northern 'Pacific and Great Nor
thern railroads have contributed $50,000
to the Lew is and Clark centennial. This
with Portland's contribution makes a
total of $410,000 guaranteed for-4he fair.
The legislature will undoubtedly make
ample appropriation, rongress will do
the same, and the centennial of Ixwis
and Clark's exploration of the Oregon
country will be fitly celebrated at Tort
land in 1905.
Among the varieties of winter apples
warded social prizes at the apple
growers' congress at St. Louis w as the
Clayton. This is an old variety, much
grown in Indiana. It is fully as hardy
as Ben Davis, and is excellent in quality.
It is decidedly of the York Imperial
type, and it may prove identical with
that now popular new variety.
The recent heavy rains in south Texas
lias hastened the ripening of the straw
berry. Usually the first berries to reach
the San Antonio market are found on
the Christmas tables. But thin season
ripo berries, were found on the Thanks
giving table. In jhe coast rvgion the
early crop promises to give the largest
yield harvested for several years.
The woman suffragists of Oregon have
not given up hope of the privilege of
voting. A movement is on foot to ask
the legislature to again submit the
woman suffrage amendment to a vote of
the people. This amendment was de
feated ii) 1888 and again in 1900.
Reduced hotneseekers' rates will go
,into efiect on the Union Paeiiie, Great
Northern and Northern Pacific, after
February 15, and continue until April
30. It will then cost 13 from Chicago
to the coast, and $25 from St. Paul and
St. Louis. .
Odcll Notes.
Odell, December 3, 1902.
The Rev. C. A. Wyman resumed his
lectures on "Rome and Romanism," last
Sunday at 3 p. in., in the Union church.
Hans Jochimsen has recently been
showing a gentleman from Kansas over
this wonderful country, and, I under
stand, has made sale of the Fonts place,
above the bridge on the Cloud Cap Inn
road. Hans is a hustler and usually
lands his game.
Bert Boardman must be a crack shot,
judging from the shot which won him a
turkey for Thanksgiving.
The people of Odell have been enjoy
ing themselves ffecently, judging from
the pleasant parties they have had. A
birthday party at Mr. Crockett's for
Miss Ethel Wood, and a dancing party
at Cop Henrich'8.
F. P. Friday, of Friday & Barnes, is
preparing ground for an apple orchard
on his land near Frank Stanton's.
W. A. Slingerland is now using the
Japs that H. F. Davidson bad on Willow
Flat, and is clearing 20 acres of ground
he purchased of Mr. Crockett. -
And still the red apples go to market.
R. Shellev shipped about 100 boxes to
Portland last week .
Albert Shelley, eon of the Rev. Troy
Shelley, is spending the winter in Port
land. Johnnie Roberts., in company with his
brother from Portland, is spending the
winter days on his homestead, and judg
ing from the class of goods thev are
using lliey musi 03 enjoying u princely
time. In early days within, the recol
lection of the writer, the homesteader
did not enjoy the luxury of oysters, eggs
and condensed cream. Hut Hood Kiver
is truly an exception.
The new Harbison bridge has, been
used for a week or more, very much to
the satisfaction of the residents along
Neal creek.
The literary club will discuss the fol
lowing Question Thursday night: "Re:
solved, that the recent strike of the coal
miners was justifiable." This being a
live, vital question and the leaders, Mr.
l ames and Mr. .Brown Deing aDie ae
baters, should draw a large crowd. In
additiou to the debate a musical and
literary programme will be rendered.
Why don't some one start a dairy and
creamery in Hood Kiver valley t witn
good stock . and clover meadows and a
steady demand tor sucn products, some
enterprising party will soon do so; then
what will the old-timers say f
The hay crop of East Hood River val
lev is almost all sold and winter inst
tairly started. Is it true that this fer
tile section will continue to let the M u
lamette valley and the meadows along
the Columbia river supply the local
market? It should not be so. Plant
clover as well as apples and strawberries
Roswell Shelley and wife returned
from Portland, luesday, and report bus
iness good there. Evidences of prosper
ity are everywhere manifest, but while
walking lu or lz blocks only saw one
box of Hood River apples displayed for
sale. I he markets are well supplied
with colorless, wormy apples from the
Willamette valley, such as no grower
here would have nerve sufficient to ship,
They are much inferior to the culls here,
but these will not last long and then
Hood Kiver apples will be in demand.
Uncle Sam's Model Farm.
Newberg Graphic.
It is stated that the United States is
to have a model farm run by the agri.
cultural department and situated just
across the Potomac river trom Hashing-
ton, the purpose of Secretary Wilson be
ing to make it the Mecca tor larmers.
not only of the United States but of the
whole world, farmers who have at
some time been beguiled into planting
"department" seeds liberally supplied
bv zea ous consressmen would like Mr
Wilson to try his hand on the model
farm with a liberal assortment of the
"model" seeds which his department
deals out so generously all over the
country every spring. In that case he
might feel a good deal as did the man
who said:
I nearly hate the thought of sprl ng,
With Its delightful sun,
For well I know the mall will bring
A pock from Washington;
A little package, duly franked,
No postage, stamps to show,
And It contains those lit Lie seeds
The kind that never grow.
Our good and zealous congressman,
Remindful of our vole,
Upon his memorandum's page
ruts down a little note,
And when the proper time arrives
For ns to w ield the hoe,
He sendeth us the llllle needs
The ones that never grow.
There's squashes with enticing names; ,
Ami cahhages. 1 wot.
80 large that you would think that one
Would shade a garden spot;
(So with the pack from Washington
You amble forth to sow.
With many a drop of sweat, the seeds
That never care to grow.
Itow often have I piled the rake,
flow oft I've lounged about
With eyes alert to catch the first
Signs of Ihe coining sprout;
In vain, in vain, my hopes have fled,
My heart htts filled with woe,
Above the seed from Washington
The seeds that uever grow.
Hut yet each year my hopes revive,
As spring reclol hes t lie tree.
And to my homestead surely comes
The package marked 4,M. C.;"
And, fiHilish like, again I wield
The sprinkler and the lure.
And, like a ninny, plant the seeds
Thai never care to grow.
The town of I.yle is still experiencing
a boom. It has six stores and had seven
saloons, but the saloons were run with
out license and the authorities closed
them up and took their proprietors to
(oldendale to answer before the courts
for selling liquors without licenses.
Theodore II. Liebe, the well-known
Dalles jeweler, and Miss Winona Gray
were married at The Dalles, Novem
ber I'ti.
Twenty-one inches of rain fell during
the mouth of November at Cascade
Icks. The enormity of this amount
may be comprehended w hen it is stated
that the entire annual rainfall in some
parts of our country has fallen as low as
seven inches. During the November just
past 10 inches-fell at Portland. Pio
neer. Track laying on the Lyle-Goldendale
road is progressing slowly, it is said, on
account of the lack of hands to do the
Earl Sanders has locate,! at Ca-nrd'
Alenecitv, Idaho, and will practice law.
Mr. Sanders is a worthy young man who
will succeed at his chosen profession.
Miss IVarl Evans died at Seattle. No
vember 28, aged 15 years, 10 months
and 2S days. Her remains were brought
to Mosier for burial.
Seventeen cars and a locomotive have
been received at I.yle for the Lyle-Uol-dendale
railroad. The company haa an
incline from the l. H. A Ji. track at
Rowena to tat their rolling 8tock on
the boats for Lvle.
We Are Getting Ready for Christmas.
Our line of SHOES is the largest and most complete in Hood River. We can give you the kind
yon want at a lower price than you can buy them in Portland.
Do you know that we Lave a nice line ot MEN'S HATS and that we are making very low prices?
We have a full and complete line of
Perfumes and Toilet Articles,
All of which are strictly guaranteed. Money returned if goods are not satisfactory after half of (he
contents have been used.
1 TheHome of Low Prices. Fair Treatment to All.
Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned
has been duly appointed executor of the Last
Will of Van Johnson, deceased, by order of
tlio Hon. County Court of the County of
Wasco, Htute of Oregon; and nil persons hav
ing claims against said estate are hereby
notified to present the same, properly veri
fied, to the undersigned, at the olliee of A. A.
Jayne, In Hood Ulver, Uregon, within six
months from the daUj of first publication of
this notice. HKNRY 1'IUitblK,
Kxecutor of the lust Will of Van Johnson,
Dated at Hood Kiver, Or., deceased.
this 15th day of October, lf2. o!7
iTimher Land, Act June 3, 187S.I
United Mutes Land, Vancouver,
Wash., Hue. 1, UKtt. Notice Is hereby given
that lu compliance w ith the provisions of the
act of congress of Juno 3. 1K78, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lauds In the Hlates of
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
territory,'' as extended to an me public land
slates by act of August 4, 1W2,
of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of
Oregon, has this day filed in this oillce his
sworn statement, -No. .KrJO, tor the purchase of
the southwest quarter of the northwest quar
ter of section No. S, in township No. 5 north,
range No. 11 east,, and will oiler proof to
show that the laud sought Is more valuable
lor Its timber or stone than for
purposes, and to establish his claim to said
land before the Register and Receiver of
this oftlce, at Vnncouvtr, Washington, on
Wednesday, the Kth day of April, UHI.'I.
He names as witnesses: Charles K. Kergh of
Montnville, Oregon; Hobert K. Cox unit Albert
W. Lobdell of Portland. Oregon, and James
K. Cox of Trout Lake, Washington.
of Montavllla, county of Multnomah; state of
Oregon, has this day filed In this oltlcc
his sworn statement, No. !X(!l, for (lie purchase
of the SKof theSE.i of .Sec. , In township
No. 5 north, range No. Il east, W. M and will
offer proof to show that the land sought Is
more valuable for Its timber or stone than lor
agricultural purposes, and to estab.lsh his
claim to said land before the Register nnd
Receiver of this oil leu at Vancouver, Wash.,
on Wednesday, the 8th day of April, iwi,
He liftmen as witnesses: Albert .lohannm,
Robert K. Cox and Albert W. Lobdell, all or
Portland, Oregon, and Jiiiiies b Cox of Trout
Lake, Washington.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described hinds are requested to file
their dalms In this oltlce on or before said
8th day of April, W0I.
diifU W. H. DUN1IAR, Register.
Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878.1
United Ktates Lund Oliice, The Dalles, Ore.,
November 25. 11102. Notice is hereby given
that In compliance with the provisions 01 Hie
actor congress 01 .nine a, ikiS, entitled "An
act for the sale of Umber lands in the states of
California. Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory," as extended to nil the public, land
stales by act of August 4, IHifj, the following-
named persons nave, on May i,, iito, 11 leu in
this office their sworn statements, to wit:
of The Dalles, county of Wasco, stale of Ore
gon, sworn statement No. .'t',4, for-the pur-
enaseol trie uorineasi quarter section 11, town
ship 2 north, range 9 east, W. 'M.
of The Dalles, county of Wusco, slate of Ore
gon, sworn statement No. ajf, for the pur
chase of the southwest quarler section 2,town
shlp 2 north, range 9 east, W. M.
of The Dalles, county of Wasco, state of Ore
gon, sworn statement No. X, for the pur
chase of the east halt'southcastqusrter;south
west quarter southeast quarter and southeast
quarter northeast qinuter section 2, township
2 north, range V eiisl, W. M.
That they will oiler proof to show that the
land sought Is more valuable for Its Umber or
stone than for agricultural puisses. nnd to
establish their clslms 10 said hind before the
Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon,
on (Saturday, the 7th dsy of February, 1IKI3.
They name as witnesses: ,1. YV. Harvey, P.
R. Olson, C. H. Smith, ole Olson and J. II. St.
Arnold, all ofT'he Dalles, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
their claims In this oltlce 011 or before said
7th day of February, WW.
d(ifl JAY P. LUCAS, Register.
Timber Land, Act, June :l, 1878.1
United Suites Land olltce, Vancouver,
Wash., Nov. 28, 11102. Notice is hereby given
that in compliance with t lie provisions ot
the act of congress of Juno 3, 1878, entitled
"An act for the sale of timber lands In the
Hlates of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territory, " as extended to all
the public land stales by act of August 4. 18H2,
of Athena, county of Umatilla, state of Ore
gon, has this day filed In this oltlce his sworn
statement, No. SOU, for the purchase ol the
north half southeast quarter and southwest
quarter northcastquarter of section No. 28, In
township No. 4 north, range N. 12 enst, w, m.,
and will oiler proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for tt tilnberor stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to estab
lish his cltiiin to ssid land before the Register
and Receiver of this ottlce at Vancouver,
Washington, on Tuesday, the 2lth day of
March, I'Mi.
He names as witnesses: John Myers. Frank
.1. Myers, William B. Ramsey and Ksta H.
Ramsey, all of Lyle, Wash.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
their claims in this otiiee on or before said
24th day of March, l'HKI.
Q-'l" W. It. Dl'NIlAK, Register.
(Timber Land, Act June 3, IS78.1
United States Land Office. The Dalles. Oie.
fon, Oct. 24, HKfi. Notice is hereby given thai
n compliance with the provisions of the net.
of congress of June 8, 1878, entitled "An act
for the sale of timber lands In the states ot
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
territory," as extended to all the public land
states by act of August 4.
orsin h. Hartley,
Of Hood River, county of Wimn, state or Ore
gon, has on Sept. hi, Ki2, Hied In Ihlsollliehis
sworn statement. No. ror the purchase of
lot H, southeast quarter of northwest quarter,
southwest quarter of north ast quarter and
noniiwesi quarter oi soutneast quarter of
section No. a, in township No. - 2
north, range No. V east W. M., and
will oiler proof to show thai, the land sought i
more valuable for its limber or stone than for
agricultural purposes, and lo establish Ms
claim to said land ti, fore (ieo. T. Prather. V
8. Commissioner at Ins oHiivin Hood Kiver
Uregon, on Thursday, Ihe l ,Ih day of Janu
ary, l:Mt.
He names as witnesses: s. W. Cnsor .tumeu
dilute, A. 4. Wright and James Kgserl, all
of Vlento, Oregon.
Any and all claiming adversely the
above described lauds are requested to Hie
mrir nanus in mis on'ce on or la-tore said
15th day of January, hyl.
n7Jn.v JAY P. Ll'CAS, Register. ,
(Timber Land, Act June .1. 1S7S !
t'nlted Nhiles Land Odlre. Vu.s,vr J
U'uC V...l fit ' ... . M
given that In conipliniiee with the nrovisl,,,,'.
of the act of congress of June X ls-s, eniitled
-An aci lor me sate or limber lamta In the
slates of California, Oregon, Nevada and
asningion territory,' as extended lo ad the
public land stab's hv act of vucasH sVa
1 ALKKkli K. MM ITU rounty of Multnomah, state of
Oiwon, has tlis day it led in litis ottlce
his sworn statement. No. v,, f,,r the pur-cha-w
of the northeast of northwest i.
of section No. an. In township No. s north
range tNo. 11 east w. w,ll
otter proof lo show that the land sought Is
more valuable for Us tiinlxT or stone than for
agricultural purposes, nnd to establish his
claim to said land before the Kegisier and
Keeelverof this office at Vancouver, Wash.,
on Thursday, the h'th day of l-ebniary, imc
He nomes s witnessed: K. K. Cox. Ueorge
ttreeter. Ueorge Kadderlv and Herman C
ssnuin. an or rortland. i insgon.
Any and nil persons chilmmg adversely the
bove-ierribcd lands are re,in.-stl to rile
their claims In this offl,-e on ur before mid
IPth day of February, hm.
o31Jn W. K. L'LSBAK, Register.
We are dosing out a lot of Women's .Shoes, conflating of about
50 pairs of the jtudiy Celebrated Miller Make, wii.eiw
we sold originally ut from $2.00 to;3.50 a pair, but to move them
quickly we are making the very low price of
A PAIR FOR YOUR CHOICE. Come in soon if you wish to avail
yourself of this opportunity. Tliene goods will certainly not last
long at this ridiculously low price.
Hello, Central!
"Where U the best place to buy Christmas presents?"
"At Cue's' They hare a fine line of HOLIDAY (JOOI)S;
and you are treated just tight there, too."
The Golden Rule Bazaar
la known as a pluoe where they make a .specialty of goods that give
satisfaction, sucti ns Uhinawnre, Lamps, (ilasswaie, Fancy Stone
ware, Teapots, Celluloid Goods and Iron Toys. -In fact, everything
for the Holiday trade.
Yours for trade,
1,h,, eJ1 GEO. F. COE & SON.
Next door to Rank.
Are evcry-day prices. Read them and then give iih a trial order:
Sugar, per sack , $5 20 1 lieans, white and bi'ofvn, per Hi . . 5
Coin Special Lard, 10 lbs : . 1 55 j English Rreakfast Tea, per 11) 50
Coin Special Lard, 5 11)9 . . .... 80 Gunpowder Tea, per Hi 60
B. Bacon, per lb .' 19 Currants and Raisins, per lb LU
D, S. Pork, per 11 16 Citron, Orango and Lemon Peel. . 25
We keep everything you will
Phone 22"). Free Delivery.
Meats and Fruits.
Will Meet All Honorable Competition.
For YOU to Remember
When you need any tliiim in the line of
You should call on
The Ql
WaucomaManufacturing" Co
Tilirf.SM lust ..
I CAN DIVIDE The usual profits with my customers.
liecHiiw my expenm-s are tiiiall, and iell WATCHES, ladies' and Kent'
size, (f EiAiis, Wai.tham, Mamtdes or SrKiNOFiKi.n movement in
Fiihy'n Moiitimt or 11 M and Si year cases with Simmons' -0 year
t'olil-lilled elmiii, the very best standard i;.mK f r even LESS THAN
EASTERN TRiCES. Ukeuise with LOCKS; Alarm clicks, Eight
day striking clock..-, as well a the WONDERFUL 400-DAY CLOCK.
My BtiM-k ttlo include RAZORS, the tineol made, SILVER and oth
er Fancy TaBLVWAUI aopropriate for presents, iiw-ful, ornamental.
SPECIAL BARGAINS in Cult Button., Brooches, solid gH RlN'iiS
and in fict in all kinds or jewelry. JEWELUY KEPAlhlNU neatly
done; watch whkk a M'WIALTV and wcond to none in aitunicv,
owinjr t loil(; experience and careful aiudy. Sal'.sfaetinn Guaranteed.
IK Ynt K KYIS NKK1 ATTKXTIOX, I can fit tlleili With the ro-r
(tlast? im. -ins of scientific; tenia, and furnish yu witli t'ie 11 told
tilled Frame at reasonable prices. Jf XEEIPjLEa
need for your Christinas dinner.
Our shop now has every facility for
ttiruini! out work in the line of
PASII. At our mill at Odell we
keep a stock of SHIl' LAP,
Call U bv I'iioxe.
Jjind Oltlce nt Vancouver, Wash., November
21, 1MB. Notice is hereby given that the fol
lowing-nnmed witter las nied nollce of
his intention lo make final proof In
support of his claim, and that said proot
wilt be miule before W. B. 1'resby, United
States Commissioner for district of Washing
ton, at tils utile In Ooldendale, Wash., on
Wednesday, January 7, l!M, viz.:
Homestead entry No. 11757, for the HFM or
HW'4 and lot 4 of atvtlon SO; XK)i of SWy,
and NWJi of NE 1-4 of section ill, township fi
north, range- 12 east. w. u.
He names the billowing witnesses to provi
his continuous residence upon and cultlva
tion of said land.vlr.:
Nelson Anderson, of Fuldn, Wssh., Robert
Barker, of (llenwood, Wash., Chris Krsnzer,
of I.yle, Wash, and Thurinan K. Wright of
Uoliiendale, Washington.
niSJ2 W. R. HL'NBAR, Register.
Timber Land, Act June S, 171.1
t'nlted States Land Office, Vancouver,
Washington, October 21, 1!I2. Nollce Is
hereby given that In compliance with the
provlslonsof theaetof eongressof June.'t, 187K,
entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands
In the states of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territory," nsexlended lo nil the
public land stiites by act of August 4, lHItt,
of Albion, county of Whitman, state ol
Washington, has tills day Hied in this office
tiis sworn statement No. 2702, for the purchase
of the southeast (tiarter southeast quarter,
section II); south tmif northeast quarter and
northeast quarler northeast quarter station
15, township II north, range II east, W, M. and
will oiler proof to show that the land sought
is more valuable for Its timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and lo establish his
claim to said land before Ihe Register arid
Receiver of this olliceut Vancouver, Wash.,
on Tuesday, the I7lh day of February , 1(108.
He names as witnesses; George W. (fibson
of Pullman, Wash.; Henry brown of Palouse
City, Wash.; William Richardson of Colfax,
Wash., and Thomas A. Hudson of The Dalles,
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested, lo tile
their claims In tltia oftlce on or before said
171 h day of Fibruary, I'.m.
olJlJH W. ft. DUNBAR, Register.
Timber Ijind, Act June 3, 1K7S.1
Unlld Hlates Land Office, The Dalles, Ore.,
October HI, 1U02. Notice is hereby given
that in compliance with the provisions of the
net of congress of June 8, 1K7S, entitled "An act
for the Rule of timber lands In the states ol
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
territory," as extended to all the public lund
slates by net of August 4, IHitt,
Of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of
Oregon, has on Julv 2H, 1(102. tiled in this office
his sworn statement No. 1127, for the purchase
of the northwest 'A of northwest section, 20,
west )i southwest section 17 and northeast
VioflsK section 18, township No. 1 north,
range No. il east, W.M.and will offer proof to
show that I lie land souglil is more valuable ror
lis timber or stone than foragricuitural pur
poses, and to establish his claim to said laud
before the Register and Receiver of this office
at t he i nines, uregon, on f riitay, the I2na
any oi .lununry, nut
He mimes as witnesses: E. C. Miller. K. C.
lingers. It. Norder and T. D. Tweedy, all of
lioou niver, uregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
their claims in ibis office on or before said
2nd d:iv of January, 11108.
o21d20 JAY 1'. l.UCAH, Register.
Timber Lund, Act June 8, 1878.1 -NOTICE
Untied Stales Land Office, The Dulles,
Oregon, Oct. 12, KHI2 -Nollce Is hereby given
that in compliance with tiie provisions of Die
act of congress of June 3, 1K78, eniitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands In the states ol
1'alilornln, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
territory," as extended to all the public land
stales uy act in Aiignsi 4, isi'y,
Of Arlington, county of Uilliam, state of Ore
gon, bus on August 15, 1!K)2, filed in this office
Ills sworn statement No. 1000, lor Ihe pur
chase of the SK!4 of SK'i section 14, 8WJ of
SW'i section IM, NW4 of N Wk section 21 and
of N YM section 28. In towns i d No. 1
north, range No. 10 east, W. M., nnd will oiler
proof Ut show Hint the land sought Is
more valuable for its timber or stone than
for ngiicullu nil purposes, and to establish his
eiinm oi sum lana neiore Heorge 1. 1 rntlier,
1 S. ComuilsKoner, at Hood River, Oregon
nn Friday, the 2nd day of January. I'.KW.
He names as witnesses; J. Joss, K 0. Miller.
J. R. Steel and J. M. l.enz, ull of Hood River,
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
ineir claims in mis ornoo on or ueiore said
2nd day ol January, l!i.l.
o2ld2 JAY 1'. UJCAH, Register.
I.nnd Office nt The Dalles, Oregon, Nov. 8,
WB. Notice Is hereby given that the follow-Ing-nnnied
settler has filed not ice of his In
tention to make filial proof in support of
nis claim, ami mat sain proot will be made
before Ihe Register and Receiver nt The
Italics, uregon, on Muuraay, December 20,
KKI2, viz:
of The Dulles, Oregon, H. K. No. (1283, for ttie
lots It and 7 and east half of southwest quarter
section H8, township 2 N., range 11 K., w. M.
He names Ihe following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of siiid land, viz:
W. E. Huskey, (i. V. Huskey, E. L. Root
ana i . 'K.winrK, anoi .nosier, uregon.
nHdl'j . JAY 1'. l.l'CAS, Register,
ITimher "I .and, Act June 3, 1878.
United States Land Oltlce, Vaneoover.Wash.,
NoVj. 7, 11X12. Notice Is hereby given that In
compliance with ttie provisions of the act of
eongressof JuneS, 1878, entitled "An act for
the sale oi limner lands in the wtntesoieal
il'ornla, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory," ns extended to all the public land
suites oy aci oi August, lsirz.
nf Th. n.11,., n..,.nt .. ..f 11'...., t
gon, has this day filed In this office his
sworn statement, No. 2i81 for Ihe purchase ol
southwest quarter of section No. 34, town-
snip no. o norm, range no. i east, w. M.,and
win oner proei 10 snow I mil t be land sought
Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than
for agricullural purposes, nnd to establish his
claim lo sain land oeiore the Register and
Receiver of this office at Vancouver, Wash.,
on Wednesday, the 2rlh day ol February, 1H03.
lie mimes as witnesses: unsries u. Connor,
ricnry it. normy, james Murray ana A
Upton, all of Lyle, Washington.
Any and all a'rsons claiming adversely the
noove-descrinea lauos are requested to nie
their claitiTs. in this office on or before said 2,'ilh
day of rebruary, 1003.
iiitj.'j w. u. iunbau, Register,
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.1
Unlled States Land Office. Vancouver. Wash
October 27, hit!. Notice Is hereby given
nun in compliance wun me provisiousor the
act of congress of June 3, 1878. entitled "Anact
for the sale of timber lands In the slates ot
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
territory," ns extended lo nil the oublic land
siaies ny aci oi August i, is:,
of While Salmon, eountyof K lickltat, stnte
of Washington, has this day filed in this office
his sworn statement No. 21tii, lor the purchase
of the northwest H of section No. 35, in town-
sum .-so. a norm, range ino. to east, W.M.,
ami will niter proof lo show that Ihe land
sought Is niore valuable for Its timber or
stone llian for nm-icultiirnl ntirnose. and to
establish his claim to said land before the
Kegister and Receiver ol this office at Van
couver, Washington, on Friday, the lKlh day
of February, KHil.
He names as witnesses: Wlllnm J. Frost
nnd Dennis Carney of Portland, Oregon:
Porter McMillan of ilisd River, Oregon, and
Ronald 11. Cameron of White Salmon, Wash.
Any and all pi-rsous claiming adversely the
above-descrltM-d lands are requested to file
tlieirelalms in tills office on or before said
18th day of February, li.
oiljnd WJt. lUNHAR, Register.
(Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.1
United States I.snd uili.-e. The Dalles, Ore
gon, l M-totsT 23. li'J Nol ice is lireby given.
Mini In compliance with the provisions of the
.ict ot Congress of June:l. IsTs, entitled "An
:ict for the sale ol UiiiImt lands in ttie states of
California. Oregon, Nevada and Washington
rerrilory." as extended to all the public land
states by act or August 4. Isstt, Ihe foltowlng
ntimed persons have on Sept. 21, 1(102, ft,-d
in this oiliie their sworn sistnicnts, tiwit:
Robert r. f.iiwin,
f Hood River, county of Wnsco, slate of Ore
ton, sworn statement No. 114, for Ihe pur or the N W'.j of Ihe sW'i and lot I sec
H. and lot 1, see. 81, T. 2 N, H. y K.. and lol 4
c. 3, T. I N.. R. W. M.
of Portland, county of Mulinoimth, state of
Oregon, sworn Unti ment No. Ils.1, for the
purchase of Ihe northwest quarter of section
ti ') n..rl K ......
' ' e v rn-i , . m. I
That they will oiler proof to show that the
iitnij sougui is more vHinsine tor us timticr or
stone than for agricultural purposes, and to
stahlisii tin ir cUims to said nd before
is. T. Prath. r. I . s. omniissloner, al bis
lli.-e in Hood River, Oi.gon, on Thursday
the 1-ttii tiay ol Jnnuary V.u.
Tin y tisiiie as w imc-.,-; W. E. SUerrlll M
A. Cook and Robert IU Erwln of ll.,.l u
ijregoi.. and Joseph F. llai. hrlder of Portland
'; also C. s. It and 1. W.Jones ol
i'ssi mer, , regon.
Any and all person clnlmln? nily. ru.u- n...
Is. vi- described lands are request ed to hi,-
,d l.ith day of Janutrv, lu. .
uTjuyll J. vv i LI CAS, Register
For Sale
1. Lots in Waucoma Park addition
2. Eligible residence lots in Spangler's
gtibdiviHion, near cannon house; only
(1100 ; terms easy.
3. The C. B. Pratliar place, lfiO acres,
on the hill east of Hood Kiver; price
flOOO. p
4. 1(50 acres fine timber, Al land near
White Salmon, on west bank of White
Salmon river, known as the Hamre tim
ber claim. About tour miles from Hoot!
Kiver, for sale cheap.
4. 320 acres of timber land at the falls
of Hood River, belonging to George ..
Forsyth ; price $4000.
6. The Kopliu place at Frankton. 17
acres well improved; free irriiratinu
water. Price $4,000.
7. Barrett-Sipina addition; $100 per
lot: $10 down and $5 per month; no in
UireBt. 8. One of the most valuable corners
in the center of Hood River. Price
12. One hundred sixty acres on White
Salmon. 12 acres cleared, some fruit,
good soil and timber. Price $1,500.
Known as the P. M. Gatchell plaee.
18. Thos. Shero 9 acres ; new cottage ;
near Barrett school house; price $1,500.
21. N. S. E. H, S. N. E. sec.
4, T. 3 N., R. 11 E White Salmon; fine
timber land ; $10 per acre.
22. The Fmerson homestead, only one
mile east of town ; fine range ; $1,500.
32. Emma G. Robinson's 1(50 acres on
hills east of White Salmon, known as
the Dryer place; fine timber; unim
proved; $785. .
Money to loan.
At the Emporium is kept a flrst-clafg
solar compaes, and ttie proprietor
being a practical surveyor, is well pre
pared to do the work of laying out acre
age property in lots and blocks, and do
ing all kinds of surveying and platting.
The new company now offers for sale
lots formerly belonging to the Hood
River Townsite company, of which com
pany John Iceland Henderson is secre
tary and the Hood River Bank treasurer.
Choice Bargains.
The Geo. Melton lot and cottage in
Barrett-Sipma addition, $375.
KiO-acre ranch at White Salmon,
known as the Tenold farm, offered now
for fU.iiOO. Will cost $1,700 in 30 davs
Corner lot in front of school house.
$200. '
The two Macomber lots in Hull's ad
dition east of Abbott's store, $250 each.
ltK) acres at the forks on White Sal
mon, Washington. Price $i)00, half
cash ; balance, 1 and 2 years.
1(50 acres 7 miles southeast of Hood
River; joins Jerome Wells; 100 acres
nearly level; small house;" 3 to 5 acres
cleared; best apple land; dirt cheap;
$850 for a few days only.
For Iease or Sale A fine improved
farm, property of J. L. Henderson, 30
acres in cultivation : ft in LD.;,n
chard. Free irrigating water. If leased
...;ii ., i. t- .
pay in wura. rariy securing
the lease must be man of family and
bring recommendations.
For Sale Tim X. 40.
east 20 acres, in one body, of the Hen-
uerson no acres west oi Lvraan Smith's.
Free irrigating water for "the lower 40.
Six acres in apples and cherries just
beginning to bear. Five acres of straw
berries among fruit trees. Price $5,000,
12.701) cash, halanee in fivo i.oam t 7
per cent Sold subject to McCuistion's
ieanc,iuur yeura iu run.
Estray Notice.
A small hay mare, weight about 850. two
V I t htnd fnl nluml 11 voh, .ih
- - - " . w c tier win
come and take her away and pay for this
j. r. isnuKT,
JJ!! Barrett Ranch.
Three head of cattle; all branded D on left
llllV hit)) in ritrlit aw r anil a-..... ...
One is a black and white speckled heifer,
cii. iiu. ivcvmu win ut; paid.
An Iron-grey mare, nrnehed mane, branded
P on left Bhonlder, weight about HU). Was taut
Been near Udell aeliool house. Any one tak
ing her up and notifying me will be paid for
their trouble. ) I. C. NEaLKIUH.
In the Clreult Court of the'ntate of Oregon,
for W aura County.
John (1. FiHeher, plaintiff,
Theresa R. Flacher, defendant.
ToTherauU I'la lu. ,. ..I ... . j j
- . . , -11 (I III I U Ut
fc ml ii nt:
In the imme of the State of Oregon: You are
....iitu I., n',it-4ir anu aiinwer the
eomplalnt tiled agaliiMt you In the above en
ti ed milt on or before nix wH-k from the
th day of .November, lwrj, and If y fu w,
toannwer, the plnkiititr will take judgment
agairn.1 yon for want thereof, and apply to the
and lorever annulled.
Tbl an,,,,.,.,,,, i. . .
palter tml.lUh..,t u, : J .-...r, "ewa-
an d 1. i, rrVe, i,v "virtu, oH "oVdern
Judge ot aaid ,-onrt. The aate of ald ord "r Ta'
M"'M'' '. d Ihe duieTf the tlr' "
publication In November 2k, lim.
ii n. . .a. j a .!-., Attorney for I'laintlff.
I M.tti (lf?tta al Tk. Ii..ii ...
in n... . .. , L I1 meioi ow-
1 , .o r ?,r hr',','"U,and make n""1 P'f "
Xi' mart- tir "P1 thftt "Ulld P""" "HI
aTThi lZ '"SI. the H'' and Receiver
!a. Mii! vl 0reg"n' on Monday. DecemUr
Ifkllvr ti
,...,; " " nuaner 01 aeetlon 14.
low nhip 1 north, range eaat, W. M.
bi. " nig a iineawi to prove
llnf i ,,;.,r,,,i?n,-e u''on "d cul"v-
I JiK h"HkJrk f The Pallea, Oregon, and
ill of u'i'Ji'" N, n " lubo W nana
an or H.aal River, Oregon
n,,1. JAY P. l.t:CAJWI.teir::
New License,