The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, November 28, 1902, Image 4

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    3(qq& Iiver Slacier
FRIDAY, SOVEMBEll 28, 1902.
Surprise Birthday Dinner.
Last Thursday the 20th, at 10 o'clock a.
m., M. F. Jacobs received a telephone
message to report immediately at low
ers A Son's store to make arrangements
for a fishinir trip to Trout Lake. He
took the bait with the voracity of a 'steel
head," and Harvey Ryrkett played with
him until nearly noon, when he slipped
away from him to join the crowd that
had invaded the jacons residence witn
lunch banket, in the name of F. C. & L.
in honor of the 60th anniversary of his
birth. On enterine the house he was
greeted by a room full of comrades and
V. II. C. members lustily singing or
rather shouting that old riot, "March
ing through Georgia." Surprised?
Dumbfounded rather, for he tried to
speak to his daughter, Mrs; Frederick,
but no sound came from his lips. Tears
came to his eyes but the smiling faces
was not indicative of a funeral.' Grasp
ing the situation, up went his hands in
token of surrender, and in answer to a
question "How old are you?" he fell
short of the t ruth 40 years and promptly
answered, "I'm twenty and you're
twenty too." The falsehood was con
firmed by the boyish joy beaming from
liia face, and the renewal oi youth
seemed infectious, for all the old boys
and staid W. R. C ladies who are not
to be called old girls dropped their dig
nity and formality and the result was a
hilarious time. Marshal. Dukes was
telephoned for to quiet the disturbance,
but he seemed to have caught the mal
ady, as his only answer was a laugh. I
thought how appropriate the couplet
from Oliver W. Holmes:
"We're twenty, we're twentywho says we
are more?
He's a Jackanapes, put him out at the door.
What? grey temples at twenty? Yes, white
tf you please.
Where the snow flakes fall thickest there's
nothing can freeze.
Comrade Jacobs was made eligible to
membership in the G. A. R. by serviee
in the 1st Minn, in the Indian war, and
also as private in Co. B, 8th Minn, from
1802 to the close of the civil war. After
the battle of Wilkinson Pike., near Mnr
freesboro, Tenn., he went with his regi
ment to Washington and joined Sher
man's annv at Wilmington, N. C. Join
ed Canby P ost by transfer last year and
has already won first place in the hearts
of his comrades and is well respected by
all who have made his acquaintance.
After that dinner that was so satisfy
ing to even the Hood River appetite, he
sent for L. Bradley, Hood River's popu
lar scenic artist, and had a picture taken
of the group on the front porch and
wanted a view of the same group on the
upper porch, and also a view of the
Columbia and the hills of Washington
at White Salmon, with Mount Adams in
the background, but the last view was
postponed until the next day.
Those present on the occasion were.
Mrs Caroline Abbott, Harvey Byrkett,
Mr and Mrs J L Blount, L Bradley, Mrs
Blowers, Mr and Mrs II H Bailey, Mr
and Mrs and Arthur Cunning, Miss
Carrie Crowell, Mr and Mrs Ilansberry,
Mrs Katie Frederick, Joseph Frazier, Mr
and Mrs M P Isenberg, Misa Eva Nick
leson, Mr and Mrs W II Perry and Mrs
M A Shoemaker.
It was certainly a happy anniversary,
and it was hard to tell who had the most
enjoyment out of it, the genial comrade
or the promoters. He showed his ap
preciation, not of the dinner alone, but
the friendly interest and atmosphere of
good-fellowship, without the least taint
of formality There was no time for
speech making, story telling or song
singing. It was an electric storm of
good nature, and Comrade Jacobs felt
good clear down to his hock joint.
"(to to the record where his years arc told,
Count his grey hairs, they can't make him
For him In vain the envious seasons roll
Who bears eternal sunlmer in his soul.
There was a strong desire to make the
comrade a useful present but as all de
sired a repetition of such gatherings, the
precedent of present making might come
to be burdensome.
Peregrinations of . 1). Calkins.
Weiser, Idaho, Nov. 23, 1902. Editor
Glacier: I arrived here at 4 p. ni. on
the 18th inst., and found it had been
raining (or the past ten days, and the
roads were in bad shape; but it has
changed to tine winter weather, warm,
Biinshiny days and cold nights. I met
a former Hood River man here, George
Tripalo, who is connected with hotel
Weiser, and he was surprised at our
great improvements in Hood River.
Weiser is a thriving town of 1,500 in
habitants, and is headquarters for the
fitting out of miners for Thunder Moun
tain and other sections. There are sev
eral irrigating ditches in this seotion,
taken from the Payette and Snake rkers,
which make it favorable for stock rais
ing. They also have tine orchards of
prunes, apples, pears, and some peaches
are raised in sheltered sections, and the
fruit crop has not failed for the past ten
years. Th first church built in Weiser
was built by Rev. E. A. Paddock, and
was pioneer work.
Having lost his first wife, Mr. Paddock
went East for three years, and w hen
he returned he built the first academy
building and commenced teaching; after
a time he resigned, and three years ago
commenced the industrial school on
a corner of his homestead without a
dollar's capital. He went East and
raised (2,500 and commenced building.
There are 43 students, representing sev
eral different states. The running ex
iienses are fi'OO a week, and is a hercu
lean task for one man to undertake, but
bids fair to equal the Tuskogee institute
of Booker T. Washington if cousin's life
is spared. He is surety building a mon
ument that will bless future generations.
He lectures and preaches to raise funds
for the institute. Last year he raised
f7,000, and leaves on another trip this
week again.
The buildings are worth flO,000,stock,
land and implements $30,000. They
have three dormitories, a greenhouse 32
x 100 feet, blacksmith and carpenter
shops, four wind mills, feed grinders,
a modern dairy of 20 cows, equipped
with modern improvements, the brooms
used being made in the institute. They
have a modern dairy barn 32 x 100 feet
under construction, and a grain and
store house, also a flock of 200 chickens.
Each department is under the eiier
vision of a competent manager. The
cooking department is run by Mrs.
Smith, a graduate of the Boston techni
cal cooking school. !he also gives lec
tures on food composition. She lias
not been late w ith meals but once in
two years and then but five minutes on
account of slow fire.
All students are required to attend
some church. No roughness is allowed,
and no tobacco is used by students or
others on or around the school. 1 am
repairing the harness, and giving talks
two nights a week on the care and use
of harness. I expect to go to Hois
about the 15th of December, and will
write yon from there of that section and
its resources. E. D. Calkins.
Advertise Utter list.
November 24, I'.Vi.
Miller, Mr A II I'ncket, Mrs S E
Roberson, Swie E Marshal, on FVa.
Weist,F. O. ant Hill.
Spear, David
W. M. YATES. P. M.
White Salmon Items.
Wm. Hyberger reports work progress
ing nicely on the White Salmon.
Pearl Meade who has been visiting at
George Purser's for some time, returned
to Portland last week.
Mrs. A. II. Jewett spent several days
in Portland last week.
Mrs. U. S. Drake, who has been in
Portland for several days, is expected
home on Wednesday s boat.
Mr. Lauterhach is plasteringthehouse
occupied by U.S. Drake.
The Emmet Bros, have bought the
Samuels place near Pine Flat and have
moved to it. They also went to Port
land last week and purchased a saw
The remains of C. W. Wilson, w ho
died atChenoweth on Monday the 17th,
wero interred here on Wednesday, the
PJth; Rey. U. S. Drake conducting a
snort service.
Frank Groshong has traded part of
his ranch to air. Liyde for town prop
erty, and will erect a dwelling on it next
spring. He has leased part of the Phene
house and will move to town soon.
The teachers and pupils will give an
entertainment in Lauterbach hall on
Wednesday evening. The ladies' club
will furnish the lunch. The funds are
for the use of the school.
The dancing club tried to materialize
Inst Friday night in Lauterbach hall.
The latest reports say there were three
ladies and ten gentlemen present. Very
"select" indeed. Whether they will
try again rumor sayeth not.
Sam. C. Zeigler purchased a ranch
the other day located near his home
stead. M. J. Kast went to Portland on Tues
day to spend Thanksgiving with his sis
ter. X.
Bethel Congregational Church. Rev.
U. S. Drake, pastor. Services every
Sunday. Sunday school at 10 a. m.
PreRching at 11 a. m, and 7 r. m. Spe
cial sermon next Sunday morning.
Fakir'n Fair.
The ladies' aid of the Congregational
church will give a novel and highly in
teresting entertainment entitled the
Fakir's Fair, at the Knights of Pythias
hall (up stairs) on Thursdav Thanks
giving evening. There will be booths
presided over by fakirs, at which both
novel and useful articles will be sold
traveling fakirs with their wares
and novel entertainment to interest all
who attend. The following interesting
programme will be presented:
Selection by orchestra, Misa Roberts,
Messrs. (jilbert, Sheets, lsenbergand
Vocal solo, J. R. Nickelsen.
String quintette, Mr. and Mrs. Knapp,
Air. and Mrs. Kees, Miss Agnes lng-
Vocal solo, Chas. N. Clarke.
Piano solo, Miss Sproat.
Grand inarch, by "The Fakirs."
Admission, adults 25c, children 10c.
Dainty refreshments, including coffee
and cakes, included in price of admission.
School Report.
The following named pupils were
neither tardy nor abesent for the month
ending Nov. 21, 1902:
Lizzie Gault Eva Yates
Anna McCafferty Guy Walker
Lilly Thompson Willie MeMurray
Teddie Button Mabel Coon
Leonard Miller Etta Blagg
Floyd Arnold Charlie Godsey
Harry Rood VirgieCrow
Georgie Prather Earl Donaldson
Susie Vaughan Fanny Hunt
Willie Evinger Mignon Abbott
Vera Allen Henry Brown
Estee Broeius Rnie Blagg
Burleigh Cash Florence Cox
Neil Evans Merrill Gessling
Garnet Green Julia Godsey
Macy Gardner Lelia Hershner
Blanch Howe Florence Hanna
Emma Miller Stella Parsons
Walter Parsons Cora Peugh
Ruth Rigby Ilia Rood
Amanda Sieverkrop Claude Thompson
Horatio Wood Harry Cash
Eleanor Coe Florence Smith
Harold Hershner Homer Wood
Pearl Bradley Edyth Cook
Grace Prather Ruth Coon
Nettie Peugh Hubert Searles
Florence Coon John Connell
Ellwood Coon Nettie Allen
Nellie Hoar Cecil Green
Charles Shute Ellsworth Hanna
Irl Blagg Edgar Van Allen
Howard Mcllroy Elsie Gabriel
Ida Brace George Mann
Florence Buchanan Stella Stuhr
Donald Allen Pearl Curtis
Ivy Jones Maude Milton
Ella McDonald Glenn Mclntyre
Robert McCuistian Retta Parsons
Clara Rand Mamie Sinnott.
Anna Sinnott Ernest Samuels
Marian Sloat Wilma Thompson
Aila Tenold Clarence Macomber
Clyde Arnold Malcolm Button
Nellie Blowers Harrold Cox
BirdieCase ' Susie Emry
Etta Godsey Marian Howe
Bessie Hutson Jessie Hutson
Maynard HumplireyOscar Jones
Willie McGuire Maurice Richter
Russell Vaughan Basil Williams
John Sutherland lxis McBaiu
Fred Curtis - Claude Filsinger
Edgar Franz Virgil Hart.
Ethel McDouald Lulu McCuistian
Le. n Noble Clvde Rand
George Struck Samuel Tenold
Grace Williams Richard Y'ates
Esther Cox Greta Gerdes
Mary Godsey William Hall
Blanche Howell Garnet Havnes
Joe Spangler Elsie Udell
Joe Hvrd Kay Emrv
Milo Fredericks Viola Jones
Arthur Kerr Bessie Martin
Mae Miller Donald Nickelsen
Everett Rand Ray Samuel
Wilbur Walker Lee Boehmer
Natie Macomber Ray Blagg
Paul Blowers Mav Case
Iila Emry Orpha Filsinger
Earl Franz Mabel Fuller
Lottie Gabriel Elmer Godsey
Ruth Hanna Mabel Hunt
Fred McMillan Ella McKahan
Henry Richter Vera Williams
Harold Wood Frank Brace
Edward Klipel Gussie Fosbarg
Eugene Mann Ray Evans
Nellie Horner.
C. D. Thompson, Principal.
A Startling; Surprise.
Very few could believe in looking at
A. T. Hundley, a healthy, robust black
smith of Tilden, Inl.t that for ten years
he suffered such tortures from rheu
matism as few could endure and live.
But a wonderful change followed his
taking Electric Bitters. "Two bottle
wholly cured nie," he writes, "and I
have not felt a twinge in over a year."
They regulate the kidneys, purify the
blood and cure rheumatism, neuralgia,
nervousness, improve digestion and
give perfect health. Try them. Only
ode at t'has. N. Clarke's drug store.
Filing on timber claims was not stop
ped by the department, as reported ty
the public press generally. The gov
ennient simply sent out land agents
to investigate reported fraudulent en
tries. People are filing on timber land
in Wheeler county utmost every day,
and it will soon be all taken up. R fa
r ported that an effort will he made Id
the next congress to greatly Increase
the price per acre nf the remaining
irovernnient timber land, In order to
if possible prevent ita wholesale gob
bling by speculators. Fossil Journal,
Mr. Coon's Position on Leading Questions
I am Informed that certain unscrupu
lous parties are making use of false
statements as to my position on local
matters, hoping thereby to mislead
some voters and induce them to cast
their ballots against me for mayor.
My position on the saloon question
has been, and is fully understood by
my friends who have unanimously
placed me in nomination. I am one
of those who besought the city council
during the last year to hold fust to the
provisions of the charter, and refuse to
grant licenses except upon an "actual
The most active supporters of the so
called republican and taxpayers ticket
at this time are parties w ho secured an
ordinance permitting the granting of
licenses upon the petition ot twenty
voters, under which ordinance licenses
were actually granted last year. As
this ordinauce seemed in conflict with
the charter, it was repealed or changed
so as to agree with the terms of the
charter, and as it now stands I should
certainly favor granting a license only
on a petition signed by an actual ma
jority of the voters of Hood River.
I should say that any one claiming
to be an American citizen and no an
archist, would be willing to abide by
majority rule. But we have some
among us who dislike to be bound by
this most fundamental principle in all
good government. Is it not time for a
majority rule ticket to lie put up? As
for me, the law and the majority that
makes it must be respected. Each
voter is responsible for the condition
of things which lie votes for. I be
lieve in progress, nnu nave an ardent
hope that this city slmll break the
usual record of young and growing
cities, in making it not only prosper
ous, hut u good place for hiw-abiding,
self-respecting people to live in. Let
us liuim the town up, nor. down. I, el
us prevent jobbing and scheming of all
kinds. It. wili tie noticed that the
schemers nre not supporting the ma
jority rule ticket, turn I am able to say
that the ticket is not in the interest of
any scheme or combination whatso
ever. Our ticket is correctly named.
I believe in calling things by their
right names. Let no man be deceived.
Let the voters choose what they want,
and If I go in as mayor 1 shall do all in
my power to see that majority rule
prevails on nil other questions as well
as license. T. R. COON.
Close Call for Jackson. Ed Miller,
C. Jackson and J. E. Hanna were out
looking for homesteads Wednesday.
Jackson got down to drink out of a
spring, when his pistol fell from his
pocket and was discharged, the bullet
missing his rightsboulderabontan inch.
Capt. Henry C. Coe sold from his pop
ular addition this week the following
described lots, to Mrs. Carrie B. Coe,
lot 1, block C, consideration f2o0, and
to Mrs. Kate B. Dumble, lot 8, block B,
consideration KM.
Dr. Jenkvns and fannlv went to The
Dalles Wednesday, where they will
spend Thanksgiving and return Monday.
The doctor will also take in the football
game, of which manly art he is a gradu
ate. SimpBon Copple of the East Side had
1,500 boxes of marketable apples from
his orchards this year. He shipped 600
boxes to Portland tins week, lor which
he received from 80c to f 1.30 a box.
Regular meeting of the Hassalo Com
mercial club will bo held in the club
room Tuesdav. Dec. 2. at, 8 n. in. Full
attendance desired. Busines, election
of trustees. D. McDonald, secretary.
Herman Everhart returned this week
from F'ort Stevens, where he has been
employed for the past couple of months.
Mr. F.verhart expects to remain in Jtlood
River during the winter.
Brick laying commenced on Geo. P.
Crowell's new building last week,
and the walls are up to the
second story. Butler & CVs bank will
occupy the lower room in this building.
A. w . McLaughlin, who has betn
employed in the Glacier office for some
time, left Wednesday for his old home
at Milwaukie, where he expects to
spend the winter.
the Hood Kiver telephone system
now has 180 phones. Central had 382
calls last Sunday. A vear ago the Sun
day before thanksgiving there were 05
B.C. louts rallied off a pony last
week. Charles A. Slutts of Mount
Hood was notified that he won the nonv
and came down Monday to take it home.
Ihe women s alliance of the Unitarian
church of Hood Riuer will meet at the
residence of Mrs. E. L. Smith on Friday
of this week, at 2 p. m. sharp.
Mrs. Joseph leal, who has been visit
ing friends in Spokano and The Dalles,
was the guest of her daughter. Miss
Teal, a few days this week.
No meeting of the Order of ashine-
ton Saturday of this week, being the
5th Saturday. Only four meetings a
Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Church will eat
Thanksgiving turkey in Spokane, where
they went lussday to visit relatives.
i.lwood Minchin of inch berg, Oregon,
was a guest at the home of G. I). Wood
worth the first of the week.
Capt. Henry C. Coe sold last week to
James E. Hanna, lots 1 and 2 of Coe's
addition to Hood River, for $525.
M. Mark s guild will meet with Mrs.
C. N. Clarke December 3. A full at
tendance is required.
Master vt Hour Phillips returned home
Sunday after a week's visit with rela
tives in Portland.
Dr. Watt has returned and can he
found at his cilice at usual office hours.
St. Mark's guild will give a tea at
Mrs. Dumble's December 10.
Saturday, December 13.
On the aliove date the ladies of the
Unitarian church will hold a sale of
fancy and useful articles suitable for
Christmas gifts. They will also serve a
business man's lunch and supper on
this day of baked leans and Boston
brown bread, hot coffee and mince and
pumpkin pie. Place of sale and meals
to lie given at the store building now
occupied by Charles X. Clarke's drug
store. Don't buy your presents or fruit
cake for Christum until the l;5lli, the
day of sale.
Teachers' Association.
The Hood River teachers' association
met Saturday, November 22. An en
joyable session was had, with the fol
lowing teachers present: Miss Bridges
Miss Riddell, Mrs. Shaw, Mrs. Reid;
Messrs. Thompson, Arnesou, Brown,'
Metcalf, Gunnell and Gilbert. The re
ports for the second banner month
were as follows:
Rose Hill, 0O.37 percent.
Cascade 1X'k", 07.83 per cent.
Pine Grove, 97.75 per cent.
Hood River, 1)7.01 per eenf.
Barrett, 90.50 r vent.
Crapper, 94 84 er cent.
Odell. 93 40 per cent.
Mount Hood, 8! rxr cent.
This brings Ihe banner from Cascade
Locks to Rose Hill. We wonder what
valley eehool will bring it down from
its lofty height or rather, will come
up to its excellent standing? The next
association meeting will le held at
Hood River, Saturday, Itecember 6, at
2 p- in. P. . (.i nxrm, fjec'y.
In Hood River, November 25, 1902 to
Rev. and Mrs. II. C. Shaffer, a son. j
In Hood River vallev, November 25 !
Ir2, to Mr.jmd Mra t. II. Haynor, a
eon. '
Church Notices,
M. E. Church Rev. F. R. Spanlding,
pastor. Sunday School at 10. Preach
imr spruiiviQ of 11a m and 730 D. m.
Junior League at 3 Kpworth League at
6:30 p.m. Sunday, and E. L. prayer
meeting Tuesday evening at 7 :30. O
oral m-ut'os ,,,w.;.ir TrilirodaU AVPfl
vi hi -m j y t nice i "& ui . ' - e
at 7 :30. The public is cordially invited.
Congregational Church ltev. J.
Hershner. Dastnr. Sunday School at
Preaching service with worship at
a. m. Christian Endeavor service
i at 7
p. m. Preaching at 7:30 p. m
week meeting on Thursday evening
at 7. All not worshiping elsewhere
invited to attend these services,
fessor W. F. Wersehkul of Portland
I will
render vocal selections at Doin
morning and evening serviee.
Valley Christian Church. Sunday
L I 1 . . , , i I ' , 1 1 n it, ...
ocuooi ttb i". 1 rcaciuiig ni, 11 .
7:30 p. m. Christian Endeavor meeting
ato:,W p. m. All not wursuijiuis cibc
where are cordially invited to attend
T, I, l t. - .1 .?.OA
iuiny nay service aner r.nueavorav i
TTW Cn.lnu. Kan V X Pnu-.
ell, formerly of California, will preach
in A. O. U. V. hall Sunday at 11 o'clock
Special music by barytone solo from
Sew Today.
Mask ball Foresters.
Pure White flour at Hartley'
Bob White Flour is the best. Try it.
Wheat hay for sale by II. Prigge.
Lewis & Clark tablets at Coe & Son's
All kinds of feed at Hartley's.
Baled Hay for sale at McGuire Bros.
Read Slocom'a list of new books in
his large ad
If you are afUicted with the gout, see
the inedecine man at the Fakir's fair.
Don't forget the Fakir's festival,
Thanksgiving night,
Don't fail to hear the Fakir's band at
the K.of P.hall on Thanksgivmgevening,
Dressed chickens for Sunday at Hood
River Commercial Co,
Bring your chickens and eggs to Hood
River Commercial Co.
Keerj vour eve on the. Foresters of
America, as they contemplate a fine
masque ball shortly.
See the display of Fancy, decorated
table-ware at The Spot rash urocery.
L. J. Mulkin, who bought part of the
Butts place, is offering 60c a rick for
wood chopping.
If Slocom hasn't the book yen want
he will only be too glad to order it for
you. Ask him.
If you want good bread, buy "Bob
White" Hour, tor sale at spot uasn
If you have broken and crippled um
brellas, take them to the umbrella men
der at the Fakir's fair.
Ed Mayes has received a supply of
those white sweet turnips, the kind you
used to get, and can supply the trade at
the Commercial to
We handle the Hillwood creamery
butter and guarantee it to be as high
grade as any in the Northwest. Hood
River Commkhcial Co.
If you want to buy Christmas presentB
wait and see the Jew peddler at the
iakir s fair on thanksgiving evening.
The Hood River Commercial Co. have
made another cut in meats. They are
now selling the sirloin steaks at 12)c n.
Slocom's stock of stationery, books
bibles, albums, etc., is the largest and
best ever put in the town
Two hundred to 15,000 to loan on real
estate. If your security iB good your
money is ready. Prather investment
F. W. Clarke, practical jeweler and
optician : all kinds of repairing neatly,
quickly and cheaply done at the Glacier
We wish to remind the public that we
advertise to meet an prices on gooas in
our line and deliver them. Hood River
Commercial Co.
100 acres fine timber, Al land, near
V hite Salmon, on west bank of lute
Salmon river, known as the llamre tim
ber claim for sale cheap at the Em
You will never regret it if you go to
C. ti. Temple, the experienced and
competent jeweler and optician, for any
thing in his line. His work, guaranteed
100 acres, 900 bearing fruit trees, 100
inches free water, good house, barn, 4
head stock, 2 horses, wagon, tools and
crops included ; 30 tons hay $4,500 ; 16
miles up valley. Friday Barnes.
can't, your eyes need attention. Call
on F. W. Clarke, the jeweler and op
tician. He can fit vou out. At the
Glacier Pharmacy. .
Coe's addition to Hood River, over
lookingithe Columbia and Mount Adams,
large and pleasantly situated lots, con
venient to school, churches and business.
The most popular resident section of our
city. Prices right and terms easy. Call
on or address Gko. D. Culbektson & Co.
The Dalles Chronicle, October 8, says
"In the layer cakes awarded the first
prize at the l'alles carnival were Schu
lings Best baking powder, soda and ex
tracts. It is unnecessary to comment.
for good cooks know Schillings Best
commodities make such results easy."
Mrs. Otto Patterson baked the cakes
and so might you, for all Hood River
merchants sell Schillings ueet,
J. R. Rand, who is employed as mo-
torman on the street cars in Portland,
spent his thanksgiving in Hood Kiver,
The Reform School.
"We have 134 bovs in the reform
school," said Superintendent H. E.
Bickers, of that institution, at the Per
kins vesterdav."The boys not only get a
regular education but have a trade
school in which they learn tailoring,
shoemaking, cooking, baking, carpenter
ing, olacksmithlng and farming. Al
though sectarian religion is not allowed,
we have religious teaching three times
a week and the boys are required to
learn thoroughly their scripture lessons.
We maintain strict discipline. We do
not believe in extreme punishment and
have very few cases of corporal punish
ment. Oregonian.
Illustrated tditlou "Bridge of Ihe mls"
Ttv Fru.lri., Tf in n npu.' uiA
attractive binding, with 8 full-page
drawings by Laurens Maynard Dixon.
X moat H,uin.Ula Imtiilttv (rift In
"-' nrimuiC .,,., p.""- - ' 1
erti friends or relatives, and should
nnu a place In every uome nnrary in
the West. I am now prepared to fill
nil nri1m fi, th, !.,!.- Prieetl .'tO Hi
your home. Gkktri de B. Inoamji,
llooa Kiver, uregon.
Election Notice.
Notice is hereby given that on the 2nd
day of lecember, 1902, at the A. O. V.
W .1 - I II a i-; ..... ;n
" . nan, iii me vaj i
the county of Wasco, an election wul be
neni lor utv officers, namely:
One Mayor, '
Three Aldermen,
One Recorder, and
One Treasurer.
ci.:..k . mi i. i.i.t . a 'i,.w
, mi ii election m in w hc-iu m o v
in the mnminn mill mntinne nntil
6 in the afternoon of said day.
Uated this 21st day of November. 19H2. j
J. R. Xiceclsex, Recorder.
1 lb Schilling's Baking Powder. . 4")
I lb Price's Bilking Powder 40
20 lbs G Sugar, full weight $1 00
5 It) pail Lard 05
5 lb pail Cottoline. 00
1 11) star lolmcco (we reserve lags) 45
1 lb Fountain Ohon Tea, 4
Imported Liverpool Salt, .10 lbs . . 7-1
New Citron and Lemon Peel ..... 18
2 lbs Royal Club Raisins 2:
Loose Lurd Compound Vl
We Make a Specialty of 'Fine Teas
and Coffees.
Lyon and Arbuckle's Coffee", per Hi 12
Iloasied Codec, h very good article, 1.1
Rousted CoH'ce, limey, regular price
2-10 per Hi i'O
Roasted Co flee, Bull Dog roust, 20c
or 3 lbs for .10
We also cany a full line of Schilling's goods at regular prices,
being cnuihinatiolj goods we are not allowed to cut.
We Are Headquarters for Breakfast
and Health Foods
And in order to introduce our new line of Health foods, we have
arranged to give away FREE a beautiful 4-piece SILVER TEA
SET, the wholesale price of w hich is S.
Price List of Health Foods, inchidijig one chance of drawing Tea
2 pkgs f'eerli ss Wheal Mush 15
1 pkg Force 15
i pKg j um ho Mush , : . 10
i pkgs lolel Oats 25
Peerless Crown Mush 21 His 10c, 2 for 15
Peerless Rolled 0:N, 10 lb sack 40
Peerless Peacock Flour lie, tw o for. . 25
We do not quote prices on Salt or Smoked Meats; also Flour
and Feed, ns the market is so unsettled and prices fluctuating.
However, you can depend upon always getting the very lowest
! cash prii cs and good goods. We could quote yon equally low prices
; on many other lines, but printer's ink casts money, and while we
love Hie printer, we have to look out for our trade by keeping
; ARE TWIN BROTHERS. The merchant who pays rent and
hires clerks necessarily has to make his customers pay it. We pay
no rent and hire no help, consequently we are able to sell you
goods at a much lower figure. All kinds of
Farm Produce Taken Same as Cash.
Wc pay cash for Butter and Eggs. Yours for business,
Phone 110 On Top of the Hill.
Not Aladdins's Lamp,
Other Lamps at otiier prices; you pay your money and take your choice at
Doors and
Paints and Oils,
Furniture, Carpets, Beds and Bedding.
WaucomaManufacturino; Co
' J-
We respectfully announce to the public that we have for the
coming plaining' seasons a fine lot of trees of all kinds
Thrifty, Smooth, and True to Name.
Orders are now being booked ns received and varieties furnished
as long as they lust. This season will witness larger plantings of
single sorts than any in the history of this valley, and to gut wliut
you want will necessitate early or lers.
We would also stale that wa aie prepared to furnish for next
season's planting any number end ANY VARIETY, GROWN
Long experience in the nursery business enables us to guarantee
Nursery on Flast Side, at eross'ngof Neal creek. Orders solicited.
RAWSON & STANTON, Hood River, Or.
Woven Wire Fence.
BeM and cheapest wire fence on earth I
all tilings considered, lion'l fail to see ,
D. N. Byerlee before buying your fence, i
0241 r I'lione ill t-uo '
T. H Williams, "Itoyl Bakery." '
Try tloe nice large miiice pies,
home made, nt T. II. W' Bakery.
Washington Pie, Macaroons,
Cocoa nut Drop, Cream Bread,
Rye Bread, . , Graham Bread,
Buna, Roll. Warm, at 4 p. m. d.dly.
& CO's
and Holiday
1 10 lb sack Peerless Rolled Oats . .
I 1 lb fresh Mixed Nuts
2 lbs choice Creamery Butter.
1 Hi new Figs M
1 can Standard Corn
1 can Ktiindard Peas
1 2-lli em Tonu.toes
1 2-lbcan Tomatoes, R. V,. 1.1c or
two for
3 '3 lbs fancy Head Rice
Spices, all kinds, ( er tan
Premier pure Mocha and Java, the
very best 40
1 H) Spider Leg Tea, sold by many
dealers at 75c 55
1 lb Gunpow der Tea, well worth 75c 51
1 II) English Breakfast, superfine . . 55
I Peerless Farina
Peerless Oat Flakes 15c, two for. . .
j I'eerless Barley Food .
Peerless Self-rising Pancake Flour
15c, two for 25
I'eerless Semoline, 41bpakages 20
Peerless Breakfast Cereal 15c, two for 25
Our shop now has every facility for
t urning out first-class work in the line of
SASH. At our mill at Odell we
keep a stock of SHIP LAP,
Call Us by Phone.
And lime may go, hut we will con
tinue to do all kinds of plain and
Job Printing
at the same old stand, satisfactorily
ai.d expeditiously.
Your order respectfullvsoliciieri.
Land for Sale.
, For Hip next trn dv I will sell rtlr 5 tern
nrar Iv'inioni, cli.-p ttr ch.Ii. Kor "utrtiru-
P. F. Friday F. B. Barue
Real Estate
Town and country proierty put Intoo , r
hands will lie promptly liroimlil to the bnye 's
HlU'iillon. We also do Insurance mid Notury
Public work.
DrutHcher Advokat.
Abstracts furnished. Money louncd.
I C. Hay nes
Jhiik'k 1. DelJor .
The place to get an easy shave, an
up-to-date hair cut, and to enjoy the
luxury of a porcelain bath tub.
Choice Meats.
It is a fact, well-known by every one,
that meats of all kinds are high but
one fact siiouhi lie kept in mind and
that is that you can buy of us the
choicest meats that the Suite of Oregon
can produce and as cheap as you can
buy poorer meats elsewhere.
We invite you to call and examine
our meats and see for yourself that tlio
assertions wo make are facts.
Yours for business, McGcihb Bros.
At my plane, on 'lie Mt. Hood road, one
mile soulli of lown, I have opuned a Flour
and Feed Store. No need now to haul your
feed up the bii? hill from town when you cau
buy of me at bottom prices.
s2H I). F. LAMAR.
and Builder
Plans and Estimatks Furnished.
S. H. COX.
and Builder.
-1'i.ans and Estimates Fiihnisiiei)-S8
Established 1SS1.
Pioneer Fruit and Produce
Gnisii BgfcMs,
Solicit Consignments of Apples,
Pears; all (lieen and Dried Fruit.
Montaug Restaurant.
This restaurant Ik lottitert nt 178 North Sixth
street, Portland, opposite depot, and Is run by
a Hood Kiver flint. IjOdgimjs furnished.
JU D. li. 1.EAM1NO.
40 Acres.
7 miles out, on Neal creek; ((20 per acre.
Good thiiiR. b22
R. SHELLEY, Odell.
160 Acres.
Ten tulles out on the Mount Hood road;
real cheap. M list go quick.
It. HHEM.EY, Odell.
80 Acres.
Ei!ht miles out, overlooking East Hood
River valley and lmkes. valley. 1,100 growing
fruit trees; 5 acres of berries: unsurpassed
..i.,. , Luiii ni;,fi inns; memy oi waier.
li. KllKLLKY, Odell.
Milk for Sale.
I will deliver milk In town for $' a month,
per quart. oil w. T. Hansiikkkv
For Sale.
The Hoarding House, known as Ihe Thomp
son House, corner ltlverand Third streets, In
cluding all the furniture, Ik for sale. Inquire
on the premises of 'M. THOMPSON.
For Rent.
1 he building formerly occupied bv ihe Da
vidson Fruit Co. as a box faelory. "Key can
be had of the Davidson Fruit Co.
Jy J. ii. middijKton.
Organ for Sale.
A good new Cornish organ, oak linrsh. Can
be seen at liOUTll'8, For sule by
Piano for Sale.
A good square Emerson Piano, price 2110,
will be sold on reasonable terms. Inquire at
this office. 024
Fresh Cow for Sale.
Inquire of o2l
And wagon repairing attended to promptly at
my shop on the ML Hood road, south of uwu.
Uood work at reasonable price.
"Cl'l? O. A. HOWELL.
For Sale.
Ten acres for fiVI, 5 or li acres of it as good
fruit land as there Is In Hisid Ktvcr valley
one-quarter mile from iKixl ollleo mid school,'
near river and railroad Inquire nf
a'j M H NOlil.E,
At Krankton,
Honiestesds with living springs located on
'old bum near romls, schoolx, steamboat
landings, for i-ii lo gun. half ndvance (balance
when filing.) Kich soil easily cleared. Hood
for applet), M'arx, timothy, clover and straw-t'r"v-
P.M. C. Wii.ij,.
sU Stevenson, Skamania Co., Wash.
Pigs for Sale.
I have some slx-weeks-old PoUn.1 n.i...
pigs for sale. JOKIU'II FItAZIEH. Jr
li M
24 Acres.
. .. . i." . . ' rr"" town, on
Mount Hood road. Bargain. See
K. SHELLEY, Odell.
To hire a man h tne year to work on straw
rI,Tirni n",rrl"1 """ preferred. Will
........... ,,.,., ,,., Adrtrena
-V U. this utile.
I tmv. i rmD of dm ur.j. t t--.
ired .-.v pi. l'the vaT!ey:W
H. J. M. COX.
Water & Light Notice
ii !! n r V, "rht "" Pvahle at Ihe
(. ollice f,in the M to Ihe i.ui, .iTl
in advance.
C EVAN8. Manager.
Pigs for Sale.
l-lil A J. LMLltsoN, Sipma j,.