The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, November 28, 1902, Image 2

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    (ood Iiver Slacier.
' "FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1902.'
Of lute years Thanksgiving lms be
come with most of us little more than
an occasion for indulging in unlimited
turkey and plum pudding, perhaps go
ing to the matinee or a football game or
some other sort of junketing in the af
ternoon. We scarcely realize the deep
solemnity of the first Thanksgiving day
ever celebrated on this continent by our
stern Puritan forefathers from whom
we inherit both Btrenuous disposition
and our dyspepsia. The first Thanks
giving oecurred in the Plymouth colony
soon after the landing of the Pilgrims,
in 1621. The little harvest of the set-,
tiers had been successfully gotten in,
the Indians were for the moment peace
ful, and everything looked brighter and
more promising to the little community
than it had for a long time, so a day of
thanksgiving to God for his great mer
cies, was appointed. Of the best hunts
men of the colony four were singled out
by the governor, who sent them "fowl
ing, that there might be wherewithal
. for a feast of rejoicing." The game
they brought back with them was the
wild turkey; hence the bird whose sov
ereignty on that day has for over two
hundred years been undisputed. It is
believed by the best authorities that the
first celebration took place in October,
as it was out of doors and lasted nearly
a week. Every twelvemonth or soother
days of thanksgiving followed for 47
vonra lint. At no oi'vpn HmA nr Rpaonn
1 ' c - - - -
Each congregation appointing the day
that it deemed most convenient. Some
times it occurred in the spring, after a
hard winter; more often in the fall, to
return thanks for a generous harvest
McCall's Magazine.
The quarterly of the Oregon Histor
ical Society, No. 3, Vol. 3, September,
1902, lies upon our table. As usual it
is full of interest to all who cure to
know anything about the beginnings
of things in Oregon, and what good
citizen does not? The contents are as
follows: Sheep husbandry iii Oregon,
by Hon. John Minto, a pioneer of 1844;
The Origin aud History of the VVillam
ette Woolen Factory, the first on the
Pacific coast, by the late L. E. Pratt,
who constructed the factory and man
aged it for several years; The American
Fur. trade in the Far West, a review of
the recent work by Capt. Hiram M.
Chittenden, U. S. corps of engineers,
by Mrs. Frances Fuller , Victor; Reiui-
niscencesot James Jory, a pioneer of
1847, and D. K. Warren, a pioneer of
1852, by II. 8. Ly man; Iieniineseeiices
of Mrs. Tabitha Brown, a pioneer of
1846, best known as "Grandma" Brown,
who taught the first school at Forest
Grove, ont of which has grown the
Pacific university of today, by Mrs.
Jane Kinney Smith. In addition there
are three interesting documents: (1)
Relating to the formal taking of the
Columbia river August 10, 1818, by
Capt. J. Biddle, U.-8. N.; (2) Letter of
March 4, 1843, published in the Nation
al Intelligencer, Washington, D. C, re
lating to Oregon; (3) Extract from a
lecture by George L. Hilliard in Hart
ford, Conn., in 184 opposing the idea
of the U. S.givlug up its claim to the
Oregon country. Every copy of this
quarterly should be carefully preserved.
In a few years it will become invalua
ble to every student. It is sent to a
large number of historical societies and
public libraries in Eastern states, and
in this way is largely assisting in mak
ing historic Oregon better known (o
the people of our land. Any one desir
ing to secure copies can do so by
applying to Geo. H. Rimes, Assistant
Secretary of the Society, City Hall,
Portland, Oregon.
A good story on Uncle Joe Cannon is
revived now that he has won his victory
as a candidate for speaker. ' He arose to
speak in congress once and rather sen
tentiously remarked : "I have lived long
enough" when cries of "good," "hear
and applause began. The cheering and
chaffing continued until he took his seat
without ever getting beyond the one
statement. He is a very nervous and
energetic speaker, which allowed Sunset
Cox to get the laugh on him once. Mr.
Cox was awarding time to various
Bpeakers ot the close of a debate when
Mr. Cannon asked to speak. "Put your
hands in your pockets," said Mr. Cox.
Mr. Cannon complied. "Now you may
have as much time to speak as yon keep
them there." He had talked about a
minute when out both came iu an ex
plosive gesture, and the speaker rapped
rum down with "Time s up."
Congress meets next Monday. This
w ill be the short session of the fifty
seventh congress, ending March 4
Should there be a special session called,
Representative - elect Williamson will
take his seat. If there is no special set
sion, Mr. Williamson will take his sent
at the regular session in Hecenilier, 1903,
18 months after his election. Mr. Will
iamson is still a member of the Oregon
state senate and will take his seat in
"that body when the legislature meets.
January 12, 1903.
The apple growers' congress at St
Louis last week adjourned until Novem
b?r, WOti, when the second annual con
gress will be held in St. Ijjuis. Nearly
two hundred apple growers were in at
tendance. A committee was appointed
to devise a better plan of shipping ap
pies. It is proposed to adopt some
method which will do away with the
shipment of apples in barrels, as it is
claimed the latter wav causes heavv
losses to the1 shipper.
The Oregon agricultural college ar
n'Minres a special dairy course of eight
weeks from January 7 to February 23.
Tne course is designed to "familiarize
I'udenUwith the modern form of dairy
apparatus and teach the underlying
principles of the production of milk into
butter and cheese." It will be open to
all persons of good moral character who
have a common school education and
who are not less than 18 years of age.
Hood River has much to be grateful
for at this Thanksgiving. We live in
the best part of Oregon, and Oregon is
the best and most favored part of the
Union. We are blessed with a mild
and healthy climate, where crops never
fail ; good citizens, mostly of the same
political faith; nt costly litigation; no
criminal cases ; no poverty ; everybody
employed all contented and happy. If
not contented and happy we should be.
We can all cheerfully obey the presi
dent's proclamation, cease from labor
and gather at the places of worship and
give thanks for the blessings we re
ceive. We cab divide our stores with
less fortunate neighbors in other parts,
and enjoy our turkey, chicken or corn
beef and cabbage, as the case may, to
day in true thankfulness.
General DeWet is writing a - book,
'The Struggle Between the Boer aad
Briton." A summary of advance sheets
says the work dispassionately, digni-
fiedly and frankly reproaches England
for provoking the war and for commit
ting cruelties in conducting it, but the
author does not spare his own people,
of whom he says the noble characters
were extremely rare among the fighting
Boer. Stupidity, cowardice, lack of
discipline, faithlessness and abominable
treason were to be met with among
them to an appalling degree. Had th$re
not been so many traitors in their own
camp the Boers would never have been
so utterly defeated.
The state horticultural commissioner
of Washington ordered 50,000 fruit trees
destroyed that were shipped from New
York state by Brown Bros. The trees
were infested with wooly aphis, crown
galls and root galls. Had the trees not
been examined and been allowed to scat
ter over the state, the commissioner says
it would have cost the state millions of
dollars to have restored the tone of the
orchards to where they are today.
The Crook county commissioners have
withdrawn the bounty on coyotes. The
Crook County Journal favors the repeal
of the scalp bounty law, or else, it says,
there should be a bounty given on rab
bit scalps. The rabbits have increased
wonderfully since the scalp bounty law
has . been in operation. The Journal
rightly Claims that farmers deserve pro
tection as well as the sheepmen. ,
The ' Log Cabin eating house at
Meacham, Or., built by the O. R. & N.
and presided over by Grandma Munro,
was burned last week. Loss about $10,-
000. Of course the company will re
build; the traveling public who have
had a taste of Grandma Munro's meals
would never forgive the company if it
A Sherman county young man en
gaged to be married ordered engraved
on the wedding ring "From A. to Z."
from Arthur to Zenobia and the stupid
jeweler put in the whole alphabet. The
engagement was then declared off by
MiBS Zenobia.
Back to Old Hood Elver.
(Dedicated to an absent friend.)
I'm goin' back to old Hood Htver.
Where the big red applet grow;
Where autumn leave to gold are turnln'
And trout fishln's good, you know.
I spend Thanksglvln' times with mother
On the dear old homestead farm,
Where every cranny, nook and corner
moms ror ma some special charm.
Such dinners no one else can compound
Every dish la perfect, quite;
And the rich contents I shall sample,
Knock a apell of blues to flight.
Old china, glass and snowy linen
I have seen since boyhood days, "
Where back again my mind now wanders
And to ma's old fashioned ways.
There'll be fresh oytrs and erlsp eel'ry,
Entrees season 'd well with spice,
Fat roasted dock an' chicken salad,
Dresstn' fixed up awful nice.
Onions stewed with rml cream gravy,
Corn and sweet potatoes brown;
Tomatoes, turnips, beets and parsnips,
'Alnt so hard to choke 'em down.
A young turkey gobbler's waltln'
For a tale he knows not what.
An' the big plum puddln's ready,
Full of raisins an' what not.
E'en now I seem to taste the sweetness
Of the ateaniln', fragrant sauoe
Ma's "Boston beans" are simply perfect.
An' ber brown bread Is the boss.
The old older preaa, home, Is drtppln'.
With a tin cap hanglu' near;
Ev'ry swallow of the nectar
Fills the quarter's soul with cheer.
An' them round, old-fashioned crullers
Mother made me when a boy.
She knows I've not forgot their fondness,
A n' to please me !s her Joy. "
Mother's thick pumpkin plea are golden.
An' I have the lion's share;
I do full Justice to her cook In',
Good as any monarch's fare.
O, them short-cakes of luscious berries.
Smothered In sore Jersey cream;
I tell you, then, life's worth the llvln',
An' IU "good things" alnt no dream.
There'll be fruitcake crom'd with mysteries.
Which I'll never try to solve;
But its savor I've not forgot tea,
To make ma smile Is my resolve.
Cranberry 'aits an' aauoe of apples,
Pickles, Jams and jells galore;
Many fix Ins I aunt mention
Will be 'mnngst that goodly Store.
( s'pose yon think I have forgotten
The most honored dish of all
fumpkln aana boiled down la 'lames,
Juki as good, now lam tall;
Flakey mince plea, too, cut a figure
In the dear old-time repast.
Oee hoiMter! but I'm gettln' hungry;
Wish this train run twice as fast.
Dear mother's gettln' old and feeble.
An' her hair hs tamed to grey;
But she'll ne'er forget ber "sonny,-'.
Who beside her Med to play.
She humors me well n'.gh to spollln'
Forgets the years which Intervene.
An' to the past keeps oft referrln'.
To bright childhood's happy scenes.
I never throw It np to wlfey
How my mother need to eook,
But I keep up a lively thinkln'
How that sumptuous spread will look.
My empty stomach la a fnawln.
Hope we'll get there pretty soon;
Why, here we are now at the station.
And it's half an bour till noon.
M. C
Hood River, November V, 1902.
Always Sets the Price for Holiday Goods.
"' We will have anything you want. We have the goods in stock, but we haven't the room to show
them. But they will be on. exhibition in pleuty of time. As a sample of what we have and the prices
that are going to-rule is steel (not tin) v
'V'.L-'Locombtive and Tender, 30 in. long, Only 85c
We have stacks of goods we must sell in order to make room for our Holiday Goods. We have a
few Misses' Tan Shoes, vestinir toD. eood soles, that we will sell for 80c a pair. These are not the old
1 style pointed toes. . ' ' ..
Men's heavy fleece-lined Sox, lOo. Men's bate' that are light in quality and low In price.
i Special prices In ladies and misses Capes and Jackets.
We have a full Hue of Ladies' Walking and Dress Shoes.;
. There seems to be a scarcity of school
teachers all over Oregon". The scarcity
is accounted for by the fact that teach
ers' salaries are not so good as salaries
in other vocations. The country dis
tricts, where salaries are lowest, are
suffering the most from the dearth of
teachers. - "
The Salem Journal, November 19,
wired Secretary Cortelyou inviting the
president to come to Oregon to hunt
bear, assuring him he could kill from
one to three bears a day, any day in the
year, in the mountains of Lincoln
county " ' ' 1 ''
A party of three Pendleton hunters
killed 242 wild geese in the wheat fields
near Arlington in three days last week.
The birds readily sold for 50 cents
apiece in Pendleton.
Thirteen hundred fires were caused in
New York last year .by parlor matches.
The storage of parlor matches has . been
prohibited in that city after January 1,
19031 "' :i ,; : "' " " .
Hood River city election next Tues
day, December 2. '
. Had Forgotten Much. .
. AalorU News.
He was neatly dressed and had a neat
tourist's case in his hand. Lee Herring
readily set out the red liquor on his re
quest, and be turned to go out without
liquidating. "Haven't you forgotten
something?" said the suave bartender.
"Yes; I have forgotten more than you
ever knewl" replied the dapper tourist.
Lee was so dumbfounded with the
man's audacity that he forgot to call a
cop and give the confidence man iu
charge. He showed up there never
more. fTlmbor land, Act June, 1878.
United States Land Office. The Dalles, Ore-
?on, Oct. 24, 1902. Notice is hereby given that
n compliance with the provisions of the act
of congress of J line 8, 1K78, entitled "An act
for the sale of timber lauds in the states ot
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
territory," as extended to all the public fund
suites by act of August 4, 1KU2,
Of Hood River, county of Wasco, state of Ore
gon, has on Hept. W, 1!KI2, tiled in this office his
sworn stuluient. No. li;(9, for the purchase of
lot 8, southeast quarter of northwest quarter,
southwest quarter of north uti quarter and
northwest quarter of southeast quarter of
section No. 2, In township No. 2
north, range No., V east, W, M., and
will offer proof to show t hat the land sought Is
more valuable for Its timber or stone than for
agricultural purposes, and Id establish his
claim to said land before 4eo. T. l'rather. U.
8. Commissioner at his niticein Hood River,
Oregon, on Thursday, the lath day of Janu
ary, 1UU3.
He names rs witnesses: 8. W. Cusor, James
Chi lite, A. Q. Wright and James Kggert, all
ol v lento, uregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to Hie
their claims in inis omce on or neiore sum
loth day of January, HW.
nijnys , jay i lu'Jah. Register.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.1
United Slates Land Office, The Italics, Ore
gon, October 2tf. 1IKI2 Notice is hereby given,
Hint In compliance with the provisions of the
set ol Congress of June 3, 1"78, entitled "An
act for the sale ol Umber lands in the slates of
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory," as extended to all the public Hind
slates by act of August 4, 1K2, the followlng-
nameu persons nave on wept, a, iwk, niea
in this office their sworn statements. to-wlU
of Hood River, county of Wasco, state of Ore
gon, sworn !tmiPnt No. 1IS4, for the pur
chase of the NWV of the 8 WU and lot 4, sec.
84, and lot 1, sec. 88, T. 2 N., K. E., and lot 4,
secS, T. 1 N.. R.DK., W. M.
JOMSl'll r . BAlt lir.l.UrjR,
of Portland, county of MuKaomah. state of
Oregon, sworn statement No. 11S8, for the
purchase of the northwest quarter of section
34, township 3 north, range east.w.M.
inai mey win oner prool to snow tnai tne
land sought is more valuable for Us timber or
stone loan for agricultural purposes, and to
establish their claims to said land before
Oeo. T. l'rather, U. H. Commissioner, at his
office In Hood River, Oregon, on Thursday,
ine loin uay oi January ham.
They name as witnesses: W. E. Sherrill, M.
k ( unri lnlm. O rivln nf Ulvs,
OrcKon, aud Joseph V. iiatchelder of Portland
Oregon; also C. 8. Ixiwe aud U. W. Jones of
noon Kiver, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
shove-described lands are requested to file
their claims In this office on or before the
said loth day of January, l!Kll.
Ji7Jny9 JAY Jhl.UCAS, Register
Timber l.nnd. Act, June 3, 1K7K.1
United States I .and Office, Vancouver, Wash.
October 27, Wttt. Notice is hereby given
that In compliance with the provisions of the
act of congress of June 8, 1S7S, entitled "An act
ror I lie sale in timber limits In the states ot
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
territory," as extended to all the public laud
states by act of August 4, lsirj
of White Salmon, eountv of k'lirkltnt. tjit
of Washington, has this day filed in this office
his sworn statement No. iSnM, tor the purchase
oi iuo noriuws 4 01 section ivo. ;to, in town
ship No. 5 north, runxe No. 10 east, W.M.,
and will offer imsif to show that the lunH
ought Is more valuable for its timber or
stoue than for agricultural pnrpows, and to
establish his claim to said land before the
iwinsier -una iteeeiver oi nits office at Van
couver, Washington, on Kriday, the 18th dav
of February, 1H0.1.
He names as witnesses: Wlllam J. Frost
and Itennls- Carney of Portland, Oregon
Porter McMillan of Hood River, Oregon, and
Ronald D. Cameron of W bite Salmon wul,
Any and all persons riaiminx adversely the
above-described lands are mtoesied to file
,M-n ,-inimi in huh noire wt, or Defor said
lath day ol Febmarv, li.
Q-'lJnS W. K. HL'SBAR, Register.
Timber Land, Apt Juno 3, 1S7K.1
United Ktntrt Ijinrt Offlr, Vancouver.
Wanli., Ootiibor 24. wl. N,,Ui-e In hrrrhT
Ulven that In roiiipllnm- with the provision
of the ai-t of mvreKr JuiipX. 1ST. piiUiIpU
"Ao apt for the ml of timber Innig tu Ihp
tmp of California, Orpcmi, Nevada ajid
W aahinirtnn temlory." aa rxtpnded to all the
public land tate bv act of August 4. iyv
of Portland, wainly of Multnomah, atate or
Oregon, ha tain day tiled In Vhln offli
hi sworn statement. No. for tl.a pur
ehajw of the m.rtheiutt of north ct K
of aeetion o. m. In tvrnhip ,n. 6 north
Tamre ,No. n w and
otter proof to show that the land eooeht t
more valuable Ibr It tinilwr or alone than lor
Mrteulmral pnrposen. and in entahlwb bia
claim to said land before the KevinK-r and
Repeirerof thlsotTW at Vancouver. W-h
on Thursday, the l'h dav of February l'K
He name. a wiiikr-mwt K. K. Ooit. Ueorre
ftrwter, (ieoree kadderlr and Herman r
8milh,allof IWlland. Oregon nPrtu4" L-
Any and all permm ci.Hn j, adveraoly the
irmveeaprlbed land, are reoncted to Die
LVhVJj Ti-"L"'"' ",m 00 ur u
1W h day of t ebrnarv. lain,
oJn4 W. R. DCNHAR. R,Uter.
We are closing out a lot of Women's Shoes, consisting of about
50 pairs of the Justly Celebrated Miller Make, which
we sold originally at from $2.00 to. $.1.50 a pair, but to move them
quickly we are making the very low price of
A PAIR FOR YOUR CHOICE. Come in soon if you wish to avail ,
yourself of this opportunity. These goods will certainly not last
long at this ridiculously low-price. . .
a: s. BLOWERS & SON.
Prather Investment Co.
Abstracts, Coveyancing, Real Estate
Insurance and Money to Loan.
Lota and Blocks for sale. Taxes paid for noii-residenta. Correspondence so
Melted. Township Plats and Blanks in slock. '
Apple, Berry and Timber Lands for Sale.
Some of the best bargains in
River have recently been placed
Lots $75 to $150.
Full lots at these prices, and there are some special bargains.
Terms One-third to one-half down; balance in one to two years tit
8 per cent, and 10 per cent off for cash.
Title Warranty deed, with Insurance policy issued by Title
and Trust Company of Portland. - , Phone 51.
COE & SON have a well selected stock of
Toys and Games.
Do not forget to call and see our line liefore purchasing your
Xmas presents. We have the best games, Authors, Ac, Ping Pong,
Table Tennis, Iron Toys, Toy Furniture, Pyrographlo Novelties and
Calendars, Leather Gpods, Fancy China, "Stereoscopes nnd views,
Photo and Auto Albums, Papetries. Gift Bonks, &c , China Dulls,
Kid Body Dolls, Drums, Mechanical Toys, Shells and shell goods,
Celluloid Goods.
Yours for business,
"w GEO. F. COE & SON.
Meats and Fruits.
Will Meet All Honorable Competition.
For YOU to
When you need anything in the line of y - r
You should call on
The Glacier Pharmacy
The school where thorough work is done; where the reason t
thvays given; where confidence is dereloped; where bookkeepin.
is laurht exactly as books are kept in business ; where shorthand i
nmi'je easy ; where penmanship is at its best ; where hundreds i
lo.kl.eepers and stenographers have been educated for success i,
life; heie thousands more will be. Open all the year. Catalogue free
real estate ever offered in Hood
in our hantl-t. Among them is
- . .. T .. . V.uramluir
ldinnumce si Vancouver, nwit., ..........
21, 1!U Notice Is hereby given that the fallowing-named
settler bss filed notice pi
his intention to make final proof In
support of his claim, and that said prool
i... K,.f.. w It PrHKhv. United
stales Commissioner for district of Washlng-
.... .,..1.... I., lun.tula WlLstl.. (Ill
Hill, HI IIIB OJM.7 ll ....-., - ,
Wednesday. January 7, l'", viz:
jiwi,v t MUNHAY
Homestead entry No. 11757. for the HFM ot
8Windlot4 of section 80; NKH uf N 'A
and SWMofNE 1-4 of section 81, mwushtp 5
north, range 12 east. w. M.
He niiines me ioiuiwiiir wuubboi
his continuous residence upon and cultlva
tlon of said land.vly.: . .
Nelson Anderson, of Knlda, Wash., Itohert
isiiraer, ot uienwoou, wasu., uuris
of Lyle, Wash, and Thin-man K. Wright of
Uoiiiendale, Washington.
Timber Land, Act June , 1H7SJ
ITnlted HtAlea Land Office. Vancouver,
Washington. October 21. 1IW2. Notice is
hereby. (Iveti that In compliance with the
provurtotm ol ine acioi cnnKi-uwoi juiie, urn,
entitled "All act for the Bale of limber lands
in tliti Btatesof California. Orecnn, Nevada and
WRHtitiiKton Terrliory," u oxtenaaa loan uie
public land state by acini AUirusi i, intu,
of Albion, county of Whitman, (date of
Washington, has thla day tiled in this office
his sworn statement. No. 2702. for the Kiircliase
of the southed si. quarter aoutlieast quarler,
section 10; aouth half northeast qnurter and
northeast quarter northeast quarter section
lt, township n norm, range li east, w. i. anu
will oiler proof to show that the land sought
la more valuable for Its timber or stone than
for oirricultiirul nnrnosea. and to establish his
claim to said land before the Register and
Receiver or this omce at Vancouver, wash
n Ti,.u,l.o Hit, ITIli jlfltf nf ITehrmirv. 1INL1.
He iihiiiix as witnesses: George W. Gibson
of I'ullman, Wash.; Henry Brown of Palouse
.-.i... nr...... . tirmi..... ui..k..j..
Wash., and Thomas A, Hudson of The Dulles,
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
Bbove-descrlbod lands are requested u file
their claims in tins omce on or rjeiore saia
17th day of Ftbruary, ,
OSIJM w. If,. UViSBAU,, itegister.
Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878.1
United RUites Ijind Office, The Dallos, Ore.,
October ID, IW2. Notice la hereby given
that in compliance with the provisions ot. the
act of congress of June 8. 1878, entitled "An act
for the sale of timber lands In the stales ol
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
territory," as extended to all the public land
status oy act or August iswz,
Of PortUnd, county of Multnomah, state of
Oregon, has ou Julv 2H, KKri tiled in this office
his sworn statement o. vu, tor tne purcnase
of the northwest hi of northwest H section 20,
west soutn west section n ami nortncasi
4 of be section 18, township No. 1 north,
range No. 11 east, W.M.and will otter priKif to
show that t he land sought Is more valuable for
its tinnier or stone man tor agricultural pur
poses, and to establish tils claim to said land
before the Register and Receiver of this office
at The nanus, Oregon, ou 1'riaay, the 211a
day ot January, iwm
lie names as w messes: r;. i;. Miner, n. v.
Rogers, R. Norder and T. I). Tweedy, all of
moou itiver, uregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
tneir claims in tins omce on or neiore saiu
nd day of January, 1M08.
o24diM JAV r. LUCA8, Register.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.1
United Htates Land Office. The Dalles
Oregon. Oct. 12. 1902.-Notice Is hereby given
that In compliance with the provisions of the
act of congress of June 8. 1878. entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands In the states of
California. Oregon. Nevada and Washington
territory," as extended to all the public land
states oy act or August , iwz,
Of Arlington, county of Gilliam, state of Ore
gon, has on August 15, 1IK12, Hied in this oiliee
Ins sworn statement No. 1000. foP the pur
chase of the of HEW section 14, fW4 of
v J4 section t-1, im w oi v y section m ana
KKm of NEW section 2:1, in lownshlp No. 1
north, range No. 10 east, W. M., and will otl'er
prool to snow tnai uie iaua sougnt is
more valuable for its timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish his
ciaim to saiu lanq oeiore ueorge t. rratner,
U. H. Comnnssoner, at Hood River, Oregon
on Krlduv. the 2nd day of Januarv. HUM.
ile names as witnesses; J. Joss. K C. Miller,
.1. R. Hteel and J. M. Len., all of Hood River,
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
their claims in tins omce on or uetore said
2nd day of January, IHKi.
O2ld0 JAY r, LUCAH, KeglStor.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, Octo
ber 14, 11102. Notice Is hereby given that the
following-named settler has filed notice
of his Intention to make final proof in
support, of his claim, and that said proof
win oe muae oeiore tne Kegister ana ks-
ceiver at ine Danes, Oregon, on Monduy
uecemoer i, vnu, viz:
of Mosler; H. K. No. 8liKl. for the southwest yt
oi tne norinwest quarter oi section at, town
shlu 2 north, range 11 east, W. M.
He mimes the following witnesses to prove
n is con 1 1 ii nous rest deuce u pon und cult I vatlnn
of, said land, vi'.: Charles Cromer, Alex
Peterson and Carl Carlson of Mosler, Oregon,
ano r.. n. wihiq oi inetianes, Oregon.
o24n28 JAY V. LUCAS, Register.
Land Office at The Dulles, Oregon, Nov. 8,
11102. Notice Is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of his in
tention to make final proof in support of
his claim, and thai said prool will be made
before the Register and Receiver nt The
panes, uregon, on aturaay, December 2U,
lK, viz:
of The Dalles, Oregon, H. K. No. 6233, for the
lots tl and 7 and east half of southwest quarter
section SI, township 2 N., range 11 E., w. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
W. E. Huskey, G. W. Huskey, E. L. Root
and c. A. tark, all or Mosler, Oregon.
nl4dl9 JAY P. LUCAS, Register.
Land Office at The Dalles. Oregon, Nov
1002. Notice Is hereby given that the follow
ing named settler has filed notice of his In
intention to commute and make final proof In
support of his claim, and that said proof will
be made before the Register sod Receive
at The Dalles, Oregon, on Monday, December
22, Viz:
Of Hood River, Oregon, H. E. No. iWlii, for the
south halt of northwest quarter ot section 14,
township l norm, range M east, w. i.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
J. P. lliisklrk of The Dalles. Oregon, and
L. Wlnans, Frank Neff and Audubon Winans
all of Hood River, Oregon.
nHdl9 JAY P. LUCAS, Register,
Timber Land, Act, JnneS, 1878.1
TTnltfwt Aim;. t jinrt Itftirw Vftneonvpi- Vi'nuh
$ov. 7, ll02. Notice is hereby given that In
compliance with the provisions of thtruet of
congressof June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for
the sale of timber lands In the States of Cal
ifornia, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory," as extended to all the public land
nates Dy act oi August t. ikto.
of The Dalles, county of Wasco, state of Ore
gon, has this day filed In this office his
worn statement. No. 2HS1, for the purchase ol
southwest quarter of section No. 34, town
ship No. 6 north, range No. 12 east. v . M.,and
will otter proof to show that the land sought
is more valuable for iu tinilier or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish hi:
claim to said hind before the Register and
Receiver of this office at V ancouver. Wash
on Wednesday, the 2"th day of February, HUB.
Ho names rs witnesses: Charles C, Connor
Henry R. Murray, James Murray and A
Upton, all of Lvle. Washington.
Any and ail persons claiming adversely the
.ihove-deserilx-d lands are req nested to file
their claims in this office on or before said 25tb
lay of rehruary. l!w.
nl4J23 W. R. DUNBAR. Register
New License,
Manufactured In Hood River by A. White
he . a lietter cigar than Is obtainable else
where ftir the monev .
Stockholders Meeting.
The annual meeting of stockholders ot the
Valley Improvement r.nnjmnv will lie heid
m Monday, No,-niber 17, Iwrj, at 2 o'elot x
i. m .In A. O. U. W. hall, for the purpos- of
Icting officer and the transaction of such
alter husinewus mat- come before (he meet
Cows & Calves For Sale
I will I at Underwood. V'a h, on Nov. 17,
"n1 I. 1 wid II Cow. and Calvm. Any
me wishing to buy will p!ei call on 18 and
Mb. WR8. U. OLbEN.
For Sale
Colony of iioiiHiseekers, take notice:
1500 acres of land, East Side Little
lute balmon, 1,000 acres in one bodv.
good fruit and grass land, 300 acres tim
ber suitable toreaw-loesand wood.rilentv
of cedar tributary, seven miles of Hume,
900 inches of water to operate same as a
vesteu right, len cubic feet of water
per second additional filed on. No bet
ter chance for an irriuatinir plant. Flumo
ends in lake at Drano landing, Washing
ton, ou uoiumuia river. Tins landing
and 21 acres, including store building
and 15 or 20 other buildings on land, go
with the property. Only six miles from
Hood River. This soil is well adapted
to raising strawberries, fruit and grass.
Fine range. Five or ten acres in culti
vation. Finest place to 'get out wood.
This land will be sold in one body or
in tracts to suit the purchasers at
$15 per acre, including flume, timber,
and water rights. Terms cash. Title
perfect. Patented land. Inouire of
John Iceland Henderson or J. F. Short,
Hood Kiver, Ore., or J. D. Casey, Ilil
gard.Oregon, sole owners.
1. Lots in Waucoma Park addition
2. Eligible residence lots in Spangler's
subdivision, near cannon house; only
flOO; terms easy.
3. The C. 15. Prathar place, lfiO acres,
on the hill east of Hood Kiver; price
4. 160 acres fine timber, -Al land near
White Salmon, on west bank of White
Salmon river, known as the Ham re tim
ber claim. About lour miles from Hood
River, for sale cheap.
4. 320 acres of timber land at the falls
of Hood River, belonging to George E.
Forsyth ; price 1000.
6. The Koplin place at Frankton. 17
acres well improved ; free irrigating
water. Price $4,000.
7. Barrett-Sipma addition; $100 per
lot : $10 down and $5 per month ; no in
terest. 8. One of the most valuable corners
in the center of Hood River. Price
$2,500. '
12. One hundred sixty acres on White
Salmon. 12 acres cleared, some fruit,
good 6oil and timber. Price $1,500.
Known as the P. M. Gatchell place.
IS. Thos. Shere 9 acres j new cottage ;
near Barrett school house; price $1,500.
20. Fifteen acres one mile from town
on main road ; one-half cleared, house
and barn. Price $200 per acre. Can be
sold in 5-acre lots.
21. N. S. K. H, S. N. E. -i sec.
4, T. 3 N., R. 11 E White Salmon; fine
timber land ; $10 per acre.
22. The Emerson homestead, only one
mile east of town ; fine range; $1,500.
32. Emma G. Robinson's 1(K) acres on
hills east of White Salmon, known as
the Dryer place; fine timber; unim
proved; $785.
Money to loan.
, At the Emporium is kept a flrst-clas a
solar compass, and the proprietor
being a practical surveyor, ib well pre
pared to do the work of laying out acre
age property in lots and blocks, and do
ing all kinds of surveying and platting.
The new company now offers for sale
lots formerly lielonging to the Hood
River Townsito company, of which com
pany John Leland Henderson is secre
tary and the Hood River Bank treasurer.
Cottage for rent down town.
Choice Bargains.
The eo. Jlolton lot and cottage in
Barrett-Sipma addition, $375.
ltW-acre ranch at White Salmon,
known as the Tenold farm, offered now
form. 000. Will cost $1,700 in 30 days
Corner lot in front of school house.
The two Macomber lots in Hull's ad
dition east of Abbott's store, $250 each.
100 acres at the forks on White Sal
mon, Washington. Prioe $000, half
cash ; balance, 1 and 2 years.
1G0 acres 7 miles southeast of Hood
River; joins Jerome Wells; 100 acres
nearly level; small house; 3 to 5 acres"
cleared; best apple land; dirt cheap;
$850 for a few days only.
For Sale The X. 40 acres and the
east 20 acres, in one body, of the Hen
derson 80 acres west of Lyman Smith's.
Free irrigating water for the lower 40. -Six
acres in apples and' cherries just
beginning to bear. Five acres of straw
berries among fruit trees. Price $5,000,
$2,700 cash, balance in five years at 7
per cent. Sold subject to McCnistion's
lease.four years to run.
Land Office at The Dalles. Oregon, Oct. 14,
Mfi. Nollce Is hereby given that the following-named
settler has It led not ice of his in
tention to commute and make final proof In
support of his claim, and that said proof will
be made before the ResfiKter and Receiver at
The jHcs, Oregon, ou Mond ly, December I,
of Hood River, Oregon; H. K. No. 7.Vn, for lots
.1 and 4, section 8. township i north, ranire 10
east, and southeast M or northeast ! aud lots
I and 2 of section 1. township north, rant-e
9 eut, V . M.
He names the following witnesses tc, prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion ol, said land, vii:
William Ihivis, Kmnuel McCniTery, Charles
Rogers and Krank Davenport, all of Hood
River. Oregon.
Ql'tn-a JAY P. l.rCAS. Register
In i the Circuit Court of the Slateof Oregon,
for V asco I Viuntv.
John O. Klsche'r, plaintiff,
Theresa R. Fischer, defendant.
To Theresa R. Fischer, the above-named de
fendsfit: In the nsme of the Slate of Oretront You are
hereby required to .(-r and answer the
complaint tiled avalnst yuu In the sliove en
lltleil suit on or before six weeks from the
iKh day of Novcmtier. lanv, and If you fall so
losnsuir. Hie plulntitr wiil take judgment
against oo for wunt thereof, and apiilv to the
court &.r tne relief p:a)ed for iu the complaint
on ill herein, to- it; '
That the bonds of matrimony now etthuln
between plaintiff and defendant be dissolved
and lrevr annulled.
1 hl summons is served npon you bv pnb
I'catlon thereof once a week for si x ennsecti
tHe weeks tu the Hood Kiver Olaelcr a news
paper published In Wasco eountv, Oregon
and is so served by virtue of an order duly
ma.le and entered herein on the 1 tth day if
November Iwj, hy the Hon. W. L. Ilradshaw,
Jndse of said court. The date of said order I
Noveuila-r l.itli. l.m. and the date of the first
publication is November s, IHO-i.
J A. A.JA.NK, Attorney forl'laintirr.