The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, November 28, 1902, Image 1

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    1 ' 4
iJ1Hllt f;, Jr
vol. xi v;
NO. 28.
V',, ;
.- i
, j
rubltahed Every Friday by
. r. Bl.VTIIK A SON, rubll.hers,
S F. Ulythe. K. N. Blythe.
Te m of aulierlption--ll.aO year when paid
a advance, i
The mll arrives (mm Mt. Hood t 10 o'clock
. m. Wednesdays mid Sjaturdays; departs the
tunic date at ii'". n.
tut Chenoweili, leavee at I a. m. Tuesdays,
1 hursdnys end KHltmiays: arrives lit n. m.
For W hlte Salmon aah.) leave daily at t M
a. m.; arrives at 7;16 p. m.
From W Nile Hal mini learee tor Fulda, Gilmer,
lioiil Lake am: (ih-nwood daily at A. M.
For Hmgen (Waali.) leaves at o:4a p. in. I ar
rives at 2 p. m.
l I'KNPO. Meela the Second and Fourth
Hilars of the month. Visitors cordially wel
coined. C. U. Uaxin, Councilor.
Mm. Ulnar McfllJiKE, Secretary. OK WASHINGTON. Hood liver
I'nlon No. 14", meets In Odd Felli.wa' halt
aecond and lourtu Saturdays In eacn monili,
7:ai o'clock. C. Ii. loi'MJt, 1'rosi .onl.
Da. II. I.. Di'KBi.i, Secrelary.
1 W, 1. O. O. F.Meela first aud third Mon
days In each mouth.
Mrs. W. O. AsH, N. O.
Miss Ota Walker, Secretary.
SANDY FOST, No. 1, 0. A. R.-McetsatA
O. II. W. Hall second and fourth Snlur lay
each month at t o'clock p. m. All ti. A. U.
Bieiubers Invited to meet with in.
J. W. Hiuuy, Commander.
0. J. Hayes, Adlutant.
(1ANBY W. R, C, No. 1(1-Meet flrstSatitr-
day of each month In A. O. U. W. hall at 2
p.m. Mki. B. F.Sin,MAKKn, President.
Mm. O. U Mtranahan, Secretary.
1OOI RIVER I.OIK1E No. 1115, A. F. and A
Jl M.- Meels Saturday evening on or before
tu b full moon. Wm. M. Yates, W. M.
C. 1). Thompson, Secretary.
Mcet third Friday mtrtic of each mouth.
JL. 1m OMIIU, II. r.
A. N. Rama, Secretary. -
11 Meet aecond and fourth Tuesday even,
iiiga of each mouth. V niton ro.diaily wjl.
coined. Hk, Moixia V. COI.K, VV. M.
Mas. MaT B. Daviukon, Secretary.
Ol.KTA AKSKMBLY No. 103. United Autumns,
-MeeU hmand third edmtilH.vs, work;
around and fourth Wedneadaya locial: Aril
tana ball. F. ('. liKosus, M. A.
Mh. K. A. Bakkkh, Secretary.
WAUCOMA I.OIKiE, No. SU, K, of I'.-Mceta
III A. O. U. W. hall every Tiiesilav nlsliu
C. K. Mabkham, C. C.
W. A. Firbhauou, K. or R. and S.
KIVERBIDF. I-ODGl!, No. 68, A. O. I', W.
Mceu tlrat and third Hmurdaya of each
month. Fkku Howe, W, M.
K. R. BitAni.itY, Financier.
Chkbtkr Khuti, Recorder. .
DI,EWIU)E LODGE, No. 107, I. O O. F.
Meeta iu Fraternal hall every Thnrmlay
Dlfjht. W. O. Ash, N. U.
J. U Hkndrkron, Secretary
mecta at A. 0. V, W. hull on the tlrat and
third Krldaya of each niolilh.
WaLtkb tiKRKiNO, Commander.
HONOR, A. O. U. W.-Meeta first aud
' third Saturdaya at F. M.
Mrs. E. R. Bradley, C. ol II.
Mrs. H. J. Frederick, Recorder.
HOOD RIVER CAMP, No. 7,702, M. W. A.,
meets in Odd Fellows' Hall the Drat and
third VYednebdaya oi each month.
Jf. L. iMVimoK, V. C.
E. R. Bradley. Clerk.
Attorney-at-Law and II. S. Commissioner.
Ut.ldendale, Wash.
Makea a apeclalty of land oflice work. Final
liroofa in timber aud homestead entries made
before hlin.
Will make regular monthly vlslta to Hood
lilvor. Residence 863 Sixteenth Street,
I'ortland, Oregon.
Bpeclallat on Crown and Bridge Work.
Telephones Oflice, 281; residence, 94.
Office In Langille bid. Hood Ulver, Oregon.
Cold crowns and bridge work and aHklndaof
Up-to-DaU Dentistrj.
Bucceasor to Dr. H. f. Shaw.
Calla prom idly answered In town or country,
Day or Nlirlil.
Telephone!: Residence, 81 ; Office, 83.
Office over Everhart'a Grocery.
Physician and Surgeon.
Telephones: Oflice, 281 ; residence, 283.
For 23 years a resident of Oregon and Wash
ington. Has had many yearn experience in
kral Estate matters, as atntractor, at-arciier of
titles and ageuL batisfavliou guaranteed or
Bo charge.
Kitinmte farniaheil fur all kinds ot
work. Repkiricfi a apetrialty. All kinds
of shop work. Miop on State Street,
between Firat and Second.
la til plao to pet tlie latest and beat In
fonlectionertee, Candies, Nuta, Tobacco,
Cigart, etc,
W. B. COLE, Proprietor.
p C. BR0S1US, M. D.
Phone Central, or 121.
Office Honrs: 10 to 11 A. M.j 2 to 3
1 ... T I l
Do general banking basinet.
(,'nlted SUtei May Not Take Up Nicaragua
Route Alain.
Washington, Nov. 27. The cabinet
meeting; yesterday was devoted almost
exclusively to the consideration of
the status of the reciprocity treaty with
Cuba and the canal treaty with Colom
bia. The bitches that have occurred
iu the negotiations were discussed, as
weie also the prospects of settlement.
Secretary Hay, while presenting the
subject of the canal negotiations,
was not able to report that
any progress had been made dur
ing the past week. In fact, it appears
that tho negotiations have come to a
dead stop, and while no such thing as
an ultimatum has passed, the precite
situation may be described in the state
ment that the Colombian minister here,
Concha, has distinctly . informed the
state department that he cannot, in
behalf of his government, accept the
last proposition Of the United States
a basis for a canal treaty. Trie
state department has already let it be
known that it has come to thr end of
its concessions, so (he chances of a
renewal of the negotiations in the
near future are not very bright.
This state of affairs will stiujiilnte
the negotiations with Nicaragua; and
Costa Riaca for the alternate route,
but it now appears that the diplo
matic representatives of those coun
tries are not disposed to allow them
selves to be used to coerce Colombia,
and therefore are desirous of remaining
in the background until it shall be
clearly established that no treaty can
be made between Colombia and the
United States.
One of the statements of fact in
connection with the Panama route
which has been brought to the atten
tion of the state department is that the
original canal concession will expire in
1904, and it has been suggested that
the Colombian government has that
fact in mind, and is disposed to re
frain from n aking a treaty now, in ez-
iiectation that the franchise will lapse,
and it thuB may be in a position to
build the canal itself, or to sell a new
concession. Such a Course wculu raise
a very serious question between the
Colombian government, the Tanama
canftl company, the French government
and the government of the United
states as to whether or not a supple
mentary decree extending the conces
sion 10 years from 1904 was valid.
United Stales Took the Place of Spain
In Cuba.
Washington, Nov. 27. The Spanish
claims commission has enunciated the
principles by which it will be governed
in passing upon the various demurrers
which have been submitted to it in con
nection with the claims now under
consideration on account of the war be
tween S ain and Cuba. The general
basis is laid down that in ns-nming the
responsibility which would have other
wise been Spain's the United States is
bound to pay all claims for which Spain
could have been held. It ii further
held that the insurrection In Cuba had
gone beyond the control of the Spanish
government and that it was not respon
sible for damnges done to foreigners by
the insurgent'!. If, however, it be
shown that the' Spanish authorities
might have prevented the damage done
in any particular case by the exercise
of due diligence the commission an
nounces that it will hold that Spain is
The commission announces further
that it will take induUl notice that the
Cuban insurrection passed from first be
yond the control of Spain, Bnd so con
tinued until .the intervention of the
United States. It is further held that
?pain was entitled to adopt such war
measures for the recovery of her au
thority as are sanctioned by the rules
and usages of international warfare.
If, however, it be alleged and proved
in aov particular case that the acts of
the Spanish authorities or toldiers were
contrary to such rules and usages,
Spain will be held liable in that case.
This decision does not, however, i p
(o the extent of saying that the recon-
centration orders wete legitimate acts
of war. There is to be a further argu
ment on that subject.
Kx-Senator Chandler, chairman of the
committee, and Commissioner Msury
dissent from the rules adopted.
Called to Washington.
Memphis, Tenn., Nov. 27. General
W.uke E.Wright, vice governor of the
Philippines, left last night for Wash
ington, w here it is understood he has
been summoned by the president for a
onference on the proposed Philippine
legislation. It is expected thatgemril
Wright wiil assist in the preparation
of the bills which wiil be piesented to
congress at the forthcoming session,
among which will be one for the estab
lishment of a stable currency and an
extension of the civil service laws in
the archipelago will be recommended.
Big Coal Lard D-'al.
Indiana, Pa., Nov. 27. Ry a deal
coneumaied here tnlay, 6,000 acres of
untouched Pittsburg coal land in Young
and Conemaugh tow nships, this county,
changed hands for a consideration ap
proximating 1,200,000. The transfer
of the ocal is but preliminary to the
formation of a mining company w ith a
capital to (2,000,00, which w iil begin
in the sp'ing to develop the field and
to construct a new railroad into the
Fatal Locomotive Boiler Explosion,
rittsburg, Nov. 27. A trainman
killed and seven others seriously in
jured by the explosion of locomotive
boiler a Thompson, on the Mononga
hela division of the Pennsylvania road
today. Of the injure 1 all are railroad
employes and none is expectel to die.
Commercial and Financial Happenings of
the Paat Week Brief Review of thr
Growth and Development of Varlouj
Industrie Throughout Our Common
wealth Latest Market Report.
Eugene ' baa secured an additional
maij carrier for city delivery.
The new electric car line from Gresh
am into Portland will be ready lor
operation in about two weeks.
Burglar entered a Salem residence
and ransacked the place, - securing a
small amount of cash and some jewelry.
Baker City will be compelled to re
main in darkness for while longer
owing to the ncn-arrival of the trans
formers and street lights.
A six-stamp mill with a capacity of
50 tons a day has been pcrchased for
the Red, White and Blue mine in the
Malheur district. The mine Js owned
by a Boston syndicate.
A number of cities throughout the
state will hold municipal elections De
cember 1. Considerable local interest
is being taken on account of factional
lights, prohibition measures, etc.
The Baker City lodge of Elks has
purchased a site and will erect a two
story stone and brick building 60x100
feet. When complete the structure
will cost about (25,000.
Three prisoners under detention at
tliA ponntv fall at ITn'nn. mada their
es ape by sawing through the bars of
their cells. I he prisoners were await
ing a hearing before the grand jnry,
two charged with assault and one with
mayhem. - -
The Oregon dairymen's association
will meet in Corvallis De ember 10'
and 17. Cream separator and other
dairy supply firms are invited to make
exhibits of their goods. Addresses of
interest will be delivered bv well known :
dairymen. Special rates will be given
by the transportation companies.
The noted Bowden mine and Braden
mill, situated near Gold Hill, with its
water power, has been transferred to a
cornnration cardial ized at 1500.000.
The purchase pi i"e was "in the neigh-
Dornooti oi f iuu.uuu. southern uregon
is . coming to ti e front as a mining
m n rv and J.Iim tvircliaflnra n th a
mine are going .to put in n wand
heavy machinery and do considerable
development work.
Albany will hold its regular city
election Monday, December 1. Con
siderable lo.:aI interest is manifested.
The Methodist church in Oregon City
is being raised high enough to permit
of a store room being built on the
ground floor. This arrangement will
bring the church people about (150 per
m nth.
The heavy rains have washed out a
large portion of the dam of the Condor
water and power company, at Yolo.
Eighty men of the crew have been laid
off and work is practically abandoned
for the winter.
The farmers of Linn county will fco'd
a farmers' institute November 28 and
29, under the auspices of the experi
ment department of the Oregon agri
cultural collge. The meeting will be
held at Grange Hall No. 10, near Al
bany. The tides of the past few days have
done many thousand dollars' worth of
damage to the diked lands on Young's
river and the Lewis and Clark. How
much cannot yet be estimated, but it is
believed that it will reach at least
Three weeks ago J. J. Jackson, a
Negro charged with breaking open a
fieigbt car at Huntington in August,
sawed through the bars in the county
jail and escaped. The fact was only
made public a few days ago. Jack
son's trial was scheduled for next week.
Wheat Walla Walla, 7172;; bine
stem 777Pc; valley, 74)i75c.
Barley Feed, (23 50 per ton; brew
ing, (24 03.
Flour Best grade, 3.6003.75. grah
am, (3.203.60. .
Millstuffs Bran, (19.00 per ton;
middlings, (23.50; shorts, (19.50;
chop, (18.
Oats No. 1 white, (1.18(9 l.ntf:
gray, 1.12'1.15 per cental.
Hay Timothy, (10(911;' clover,
(9.00; cheat, (89 per ton. . -
Potatoes Best Burbanks, 6080
per sack; ordinary, 50(J55c per cental,
growers' prices; Merced sweets, $1.75(3
2 per cental.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3.50(3
4.25; per pourd, 10c; hens, (4(94.50 per
doxen; per pound, 11c; springs, (3.00
(83.50 per doren; fryers, (2.503.C0;
broilers, $2.00(2.50; ducks, $4.503
8.00 fet doven ; turkeys, yonng, 12H
lsc; geese, (.OO(a6.50 per dozen.
Cheese Full cream, twins. 15
16c; Young America, 16m17
factory prices, 11 k'c less.
Buttei' Fancy creamery, 30 32V
per pound; extras, 30c; dairy, 20
22)ic; store, 15(J18.
Eggs 25(t30c per doren. -
Hops New crop, 23f2fic per ponnd
Wool-Valley, 12X31Sc; Eastern
Oregon, 814Hc; mohair, 2628c.
Beef Groas, cows, 3(33 per
pound; steers, 4c; dressed, 6(3 7c.
Mutton Grow, 3c per pound;
dreseed, 6c.
Lambs Gross, S)o per ponnd;
dreaeed, IH&
Hogs Gross, I V8 )c per ponnd ;
dressed, 77c
Fluctuations of Silver Seriously Interfere '
In Transaction of Business.
Manila, Nov. 26 Silver Las suffered
another decline in talue. The govern
ment has issued a proclamation making
the official rate (2.60 for (1 gold. The 1
Hornier rate was (2.50.
- The possibility of the adoption by
the Straits settlements of a gold stand
ard, and the reports enrrent that Mexi
co is about to abandon the silver stand
ard, have greatly weakened the Indian
and Asiatic silver market. Large quan
tities of Mexican f.lvei are coming here
from China, as it is believed that much
gold is being circulated here on account ,
of government expenditures. The fuct
is that American trade is going to
China, and the losses in silver are seri
ously affecting thejinsular treasury and
business interests generally. The rap
idly changing rates enibarrasa the busi
ness houses, making it almost impossi
ble to fix prices. The native officials
are beginning to petition for the pay
ment of salaries in gold, and the de
mand for stable curency is universal.
The secretary of finance says:
"There is nothing to indicate a more
hopeful future (or the currency ques
tion. It will probably be as bad as
now, if not worse, until congress acts
aud gives us a stable currency."
Pittsburg Switchmen Sent Out 95 Trains
Inside of Five Hours.
Pittsburg, Nov. 26. After 36 hours
of the most strenuous activity on the
part of the greatly augumented forces
of men and locomotives, the Penn
sylvania railroad system has made a
comparative cleaning up of its congest
ed tetminals. The car movement
breaks all records of a similar kind. It
is estimated that 50,000 cars were
moved in and out of Pittsburg. In five
hours 95 trains were started for Altoona
by the Pennsylvania, 20 per cent heav
ier than tho record.
Tonight the Pennsylvania tailroad
yards are freet ham obstructions than
at any time within five months, but the
receipts of eras destined for Pittsburg
shippers will, fill them up before tomor
row is passed. The cars, will be moved
in from the outlying sidetracks which,
for 30 miles along every approach to the
eit), have been stagnated with cars
aden with all manner of crude pro
In the yards of the Pittsburg & Lake
Erie and Baltimore & Ohio also good
work was accomplished, and tonight
their terminals are comparatively close
to normal conditions. Before 6 o'clock
eight trainmen had been taken to the
hospital injured at various points.
Members of Congress Arriving and Pre
paring for the Coming Session.
Washington, Nov. 26. Senators and
members of the house of representatives
are beginning to arrive in Washington
preparatory to the meeting of congress
next Monday. Most of the leaders will
be here during the early part of the
week, as the president desires to confer
with them before putting the finishing
touches on bis txiestae. Today's ar
rivals included Senators Spooner, Alli
son, Fairbanks and Bailey, and Speaker
Henderson. Senator Spooner. suent
so ne time at the white house tonight
in conference with the president.
Speaker Henderson expressed the
opinion in an interview tonight that
there would be little legislation at the
coming short eeion aside from the
passage of the appropriation bills. He
ad'led, however, that the president
would have the first inning. The
speaker expressed his belief to some of
his callers that a constitutional amend
ment would be the only means of deal
ing with the trust question.
Increase in Prices of Building Materials
Delaying Government Work.
Washington, Nov. 26. The attention
of Secretary Moody was directed today
to the fact that it would be impossible
to complete the buildings at the naval
academy within the limit of cost fixed
by congress, owing to the very large in
crease in thj price of material. When
the ' new. academy buildings were
planned congress fixed the limit of
cost at (300,000, and Secretary
Long apportioned this sum among the
various buildings and improvements.
Since then it has been decided to erect
hospital and a'so to do certain
dredge work in the Severn. Captain
Brownson, superintendent of the acad
emy, who was at the academy today,
called the secretary's attention to the
fact that since 1900 tbs price of build
ing material had increased on an aver
age of over 30 per cent. This, he told
the secretary, would make it impossible
to complete the buildings within the
limits fixed by congress. It is prob
able that the secretary will call the at
tention of congress to the matter in bis
annual report.
Major Reed Dead.
. Washington, Nov. 26. Major Wal
ter Reed, an officer of the surgeon
general's department of the army, died
here last night. Major Reed was sent
to Havana to investigate the yellow
Fever question, and it was largely
through bis texearches that the deter
mination was reached that tbe disease
was communicable through tbe no
quito. - His death was due to appendi
citis, for which an operation was per
formed last Monday.
Ex -Queen LH In Washington.
Wsshington, Nov. 26. Ex-Queen
I.iliaokalani, of Hawaii, arrived in
Washington lat night, to remain for
some time. She was accompanied by
her maid and by John D. Aimoko.
She is seeking favorable action by con
gress on measures for her relief.
Will Be No Private Conference to End the
Affair, On Account ef the Independent
Operators-They Demand a Full Hear
big, and Assert Moreover, That They
Have a Good Defense.
Washington, Nov. 26. All prospects
for an understanding. between the Unit
ed Mineworkers and the coal operators
outside the anthracite coal strike com
mission came to a Budden termination
late yesterday afternoon through tbe
receipt of a dispatch to Wayne Mac
Veagb, representing the Pennsylvania
coal company and the Hillside coal
and iron company, notifying him that
at a meeting of the anthracite coal road
men in New York it had been decided
not to grant any interview to Mr.
Mitchell and his associates, which
had been suggested for Friday next.
The announcement, coming as it did
after an all day conference in this city
between Mr. MacVeagh and Mr.
Mitchell and his associates, attended
part of the time by Carroll D. Wright,
in an endeavor to adjust some details
of the prop' sod agreement between the
operators and the miners, completely
surprised everyone here.
from a reliable source it is learned
that the proposition that the operators
meet Mr. Mitchell on Friday next was
made at the instance of Mr. MacVeash,
who was no less surprised than Mr.
Mitchell himself at the turn affairs
took today. . From statements made
by Mr. Darrow early in the day, the
impression had spread that a complete
agreement would be effected at today's
conference, but when tbe meeting broke
up Mr. Darrow read to the newspaper
men in the corridor outside his room
in Wiilard's hotel "a statement which
made it clear that no agreement was
likely. The statement was as follows:
"The conference today was simply
a continuation of tbe conferences held
at Scran ton, and with precisely the
same object that of trying to reach a
basis of hopeful discussion for an ami
cable settlement. Mr. MacVeagh has
not been in Scranton since Thursday,
and some matters have since developed
as to whether a further conference
might be useful before either tbe oper
ators or the representatives of the
miners approached the serious task of
formulating a different agreement for
their signatures."
Mr. Mitchell, when shown the dis
patch from New York telling of the ac
tion of the operators, simply smiled
and said that he had not asked for the
conference, but that when be was asked
if it would be agreeable to meet the
operators he said it would. Mr. Dar
row and Mr. Lloyd, however, were out
spoken regarding the action of the op
erators. Mr. Darrow said it was "now
up to the operators," and that he would
return at once to Scranton and on Tues
day next would appear before the com
mission ready to go on with the hear
ing. Mr. Lloyd, holding in his hand
tbe Associated Press dispatch, referred
to the fact that Friday's conference had
been suggested in order to adjust some
matters on which there was still some
Yet," said Mr. Lloyd, "tbe same
men who only last week wired the
commission their assent to the general
provisions of the tentative agreement,
and upon the strength of which the
commission adjourned for a week in
order to, give tbe parties time to get
together, now go completely back on
their former action and call it all off
We are satisfied to go before the com
mission and continue the hearing."
Found the Army In a Fair Condition The
People Very Poor.
Manila, Nov. 27. General Miles will
leave here for China, Japan and Russia
at tbe end of the week. Discussing the
Philippines with the correspondent of
the Associated Press, General Miles
"I have seen 13,000 of onr troops,
and will inspect more of them before
leaving. I found them to be In fair
condition. This is a hard country for
campaigning. I inspected tbe princi
pal defenses of the islands and some of
the harbors w hich tbe government may
fortify. I fonnd the people generally
impoverished from the effects of tbe
war and the pestilence which followed
it, and I fer some may suffer from
famine. The death of farm animals
leaves the people no means of recover
ing." '
Bread Riots la Russia.
St. Petersburg, N01. 27. Bread riots
are reported fiom the Ural districts,
where thousands of persons are idle be
cause of tbe closing of the iron works.
The students exiled to Siberia have
been granted amnesty, some uncondi
tionally and some are allowed to return
immediately, but are subjected to po
lice supervision. The secret police
hsve been increased by one third the
number of men heretofore employed in
that department.
Mexico Oct ting Tired ot Silver.
Mexico City, Nov. 27. The heavy
advance in tbe gold premium has
eausul great excitement in financial
and bosineee circles. Tbe premium
has' been rising all week, and has
reached 171. It Is generally conceded
that a gold standard cannot be long de
ls ye 1, as silver fluctuate! in value so
rapidly that it cannot be relied on a a
ban's of cixiency. ,
Several Persons Dead and Property Loss
Amounting to (525,000.
Ashland, Wis., Nov. 25. The Wis
consin Central ore dock was destroyed
by fire this afternoon, tbe loss involved
being about (525,000. In falling Ihe
dock carried with it a cumber of fire
men and dock men and a number of
lives were lost, just how many will
probably not be known for several days.
A number of badly injured firemen
were rescued from the burning ruins.
The fire caught about 6.0'clock, pre
sumably from a boat unloading lumber
across the slip, and before the firemen
arrived the entire or j dock, half a mile
long, was in flafnes. An engine was
run on the tramway as near to the fire
as possible, and half a hundred men
began tearing apart tbe timbers con
necting the tramway and dock to keep
it from falling with the dock. Sud
denly the dock gave way, falling with a
crash and carrying with it 200 feet of
the tramway, tbe engine just barely
escaping tbe fall into the bay. Sever
al hundred people were onderthe tram
way, but most of them escaped with
slight injuries. As tbe broken tram
way and tbe burning dock fell, fully a
dozen men were seen to go down in the
ruins. The wrecg fell into 20 feet of
water. The fire is still raging and
Murray's sawmill is in danger. The
dock was valued at (500,000 and the
ore at (25,000; L
Probably $10,000 Taken and Daring Thief
Got Safely Away.
Chicago, Nov. 25. The Chicago post
office was robbed of probably (10,000
today in a most daring manner. The
robber made his escape without leaving
any clew to his identity. Two regis
tered mail sacks containing the money,
which had just been picked up from
two of the down town substations, were
left in an unprotected wagon in fiont of
the Masonic Temple, while the mail
carrier went into the building to gather
mail that bad accumulated there. The
carrier was gone only a moment, but
when he returned his horse and wagon
bad disappeared. While the carrier
had been in . the building the robber,
who had evidently been waiting his op
portunity, jumped into the rig and
drove away. The rifled sacks and the
horsi and rig were afterward found
wheie the thief had abandoned them.
The street was full of people at the
iime of the robbery, but not one seems
to have noticed the thief.
General Suspension of Business Threat
ened by the Labor Unions.
Havana, Nov. 25. The coachmen of
the city struck today, and the street
car men say they will go out this after
noon, thus tying up traffic generally.
typesetters have struck also.
The street car conductors and motor-
men refused to go out thisaftenroon, in
spite of the notice previously given of
their intention to strike, and several
clashes occurred between them and the
strikers. Traffic was not suspended.
The manager of the street railway noti
fied the mayor that the company's em
ployes were willing to work, and de
manded that they be protected by tbe
police. The company being an Ameri
can organization, the manager intends
to appeal to Minister Sqniers, if the
city authorities fail tc grant protection
to the men.
No newspapers were published today,
and it is announced that the cooks and
waiters will strike tomorrow.
Were Overcome by Gas While Battling
with the Flames.
Trinidad, Colo., Nov. 2i Two min
ers have lost their lives in a fire which
started in the Colorado fuel and iron
company's mine at Engleville. Last
night a severe explosion of gns occurred,
which spread the fire over a consider
able area. .. No one was in the workings
at the time. This morning a gang of
15 or 20 men were put to work some
distance from tbe fire, but tbe foul gas
drove them out. Four men were
overcome, one being brought out dead,
and one being carried 200 feet and left
behind dead. Two who were taken out
unconscious have since recovered.
Every available man is fighting tbe
fire, but it is probable the mine will
have to be closed indefinitely until the
flames are smothered.
After Train Robbers.
Trinidad, Colo., Nov. 25. Word
reached this city tonight that Guy La
croix, the man who tbe officers believe
led the gang that attempted to hold np
the Colorado & Southern train near
here, had been seen in the vicinity of
Clayton, N. M., and at 8:30 this even
ing a posse left on the Colorado &
Southern train for the same locality.
Special Agent Reno and Division Sup
erintendent Rainey were in charge of
the posse. Efforts were made to keep
the departure of the officers a secret.
United States Transport Aground.
Manila, Nov. 25. Tbe United States
transport Ingalla, with General Miles
on board, struck on a reef while enter
ing the harbor of Legaapi, Albay,
Southeast Luzon, today, and is still
aground. She is not in any danger,
however. The weather is calm and it
is expected the steamer will float at tbe
next high tide. Communication with
the shore is maintained. Ifthelngalls
does not float at high tide, relief will
be dispatched to her from this city.
French Banks Losing Deposits.
New York, Nov. 25. Tbe quiet ran
on trench ordinary savings banks con
tinues, says a Paris dispatch to tbe
Times by way of London. Withdraw
als since the beginning of the year
amount to (21,000,000.
No Bread or Meat on Sale Carmen Did
Not Quit and They Were Assaulted by
the Other Laborersthe Strike Having
Become General Order Has Been Re
stored by Police.
Havana, Nov. 26. As a result of
conflicts of a serious nature today be
tween tbe police end men on Btrike
here, ' two strikers are dead and 32
other persons are wounded. Five of
tbe wounded, one a lieutenant of po
lice whose throat was cut by a striker,
have very severe injuries. Eight other
policemen are wounded. The police
have the rioters well under control to
night, and every precaution is being
taken to prevent a further outbreak of
disorder, and all the police and rural
guards in the suburbs have been sum
moned to concentrate in Havana.
Tbe strike, which at first concerned
only the cigar workers, became general
this morning by the calling out of all
trades in sympathy with the cigar
makers. All the tradespeople closed
their doors this morning, clerks, cooks
and every class of workmen having
obeyed the command of the union, ex
cept the motormen and conductors of
the electric cars, who refused to join
in the general strike.
Trouble began early by the holding
up of the electric cars by the strikers,
whose wrath naturally was directed
against the street railway employes.
Several cars were held up and stoned
in the outskirts of the city, and the
passengers were compelled to walk into
Havana, among these being the British
and German ministers. Several cars
wdre wrecked and some motorjien and
conductors were injured during the
rioting. The carmen, however, con
tinued running their cars until 12
o'clock, when Superintendent Green
wood ordered a suspension of traffic.
The employes were willing to remain
at work, but the officers of the com
pany, in order to protect the property
of the company, deemed it wise to sus
pend the service.
Mr. Greenwood asked for protection
from the civil government, but the
authorities were unable to protect the
public vehicles. The mayor of Havana
and the secretary of government, Deigo
Tamayo, had during the past week
openly sympathized with the strikers
and had given orders to the police not
to use force 111 dispersing crowds, and
under these conditions the polica were
unable to cope with the strikers.
The situation was approaching a
critical point at noon, serious disorders
having taken place in front of tbe pal
ace itself, when President Palma sent
word to the mayor that unless the city
authorities could preserve order and
protect the railroad company the state
would interfere. The mayor then took
drastic measure and issued an edict
prohibiting crowds from gathering in
the streets, and authorizing the chief of
police to kill, if such action should be
necessary, to preserve brdur. -
A similar show of force early in the
morning undoubtedly would have pre
vented trouble, but now the strikers
had become emboldened a id frequent
clashes between them and the police
occurred in all parts of the city.
No bread or meat were on sale today,
and a continuance of the strike will
cause much suffering to the poor. The
police fear that trouble may occur in
the city tonight and a detachment of
rural guards is expected to reach Ha
vana at 2:30 tomorrow morning.
Senor Tamayo has resigned the office
of secretary of the government, but
President Palma will not accept his
resignation until the strike has been
settled. The public blames Tamayo
for his active participation in the
strike, and say he and the mayor are
responsible for today s riots, as he had
openly expressed' sympathy with the
strikers. At a political meeting at
which Senor Tamayo was the ihairman,
he indorsed the action of the strikers.
Heavy Rains In Texas Delay Trains and
Damage Cotton Crop.
Dallas, Tex., Nov. 26. Heavy rains
fell throughout North Jand Northeast
Texas again today, and as a result the
situation is more serious than ever.
Rivers are overflowing their banks in
many places and nearly all railroads
are heavy sufferers. The Trinity river
at Dallas is rising at the rate of one
foot per hour.
Tbe Texas & Pacific tracks are washed
out both east and west of Dallas, and
the Shreveport branch of the Missouri,
Kansas & Texas is tied up. The 'Frisco
is washed out between 'Frisco and
Prosper. The rain has been heavier
in that district than for years. Trains
on the Cotton Belt are seriously de
layed, and the Red river near Texar
kana is on a rampage. Reports from
Tyler say the strawberry growing dis
trict has been seriously damaged. t In
some districts entire fields hsve been
totally mined. County roads have
been damaged to the extent of many
thousands of dollars. From Mallakoff
re potts come that cotton will not be
worth picking.
New Trans-Pacific Steamer.
New York, Nov. 26. The new
steamship Siberia, one of the largest
vessels that has been built in America,
reached this port today, direct from
the yards of the builders at Newport
News. Tbe vessel, which is intended
f ir tbe trans-Facific passenger trade be
tween San Francisco and Hong Kong,
bwsy of Yokohama, Nagasaki and
j Shanghai, was built by tbe Newport
News shipbuilding company for tLe
Pacific Mail steamship company.