.-,'.". .. . . ' .1 mm Always Up To Date. Linen SALE! ILL TABLE DAMASKS. ALL NAPKINS GREATLY REDUCED. SEE WINDOW. ew Linens Just Opened from New York Importers. Yours truly, FRANK A. CRAM. Warm Suggestions For the cold, wet fall days. You will And our Fall and Winter Goods to be very warm, congenial friends, and our prices are sure to give you that friendly feeling towards us. We have studied carefully the quality of our purchases and bought only worthy goods. We have avoided everything of doubtful quality; Quality is First Consideration With us, and next after QUALITY is price; but we do not sac rifice quality for price. You can always get quality goods at a good stiff price. You can always get cheap, inferior goods at a cheap price. v FROM US you can always get good, reliable goods of un questioned quality at fair, reasonable prices that are in your fa vor as compared with some quality goods elsewhere. We do not claim to have the cheapest on earth, and don't want it. Nei ther do -you. The weather suggests and we recommend our Fall line of Heavy K-toe Hosiery, Wool Hose, Mittens, Wool and fleece-lined Underwear Felt Slippers, Velvet Slippers, Felt Boots, German Sox, Complete line of Rubbers, Men's Wool Hose, Ice Wool Shawls, Fascinators, Circular Shawls, 2v I 1 1 1 m. e r y . SHOES in a Targe variety" of styles, but only oue quality, and that good. Right now 'is Just the time to order your Winter Suit built by the Royal Tailors. THE PEOPLE S STORE. Wool Tarns in great variety, Heavy fleece-lined Jersey Leggings, Men's Gloves, Longley Hats for men, Overgaiters, Ladies' Gloves snd Gauntlets. S3onej 11 all AND TALKS FOR YOUR BENEFIT If you do your trading with us a trial will couviuce you. We want your trade and are willing to make it an object for you to do business with us. '" ' ' Bone & McDonald. GOODS CHEAP, not CHEAP GOODS I CAN DIVIDE The usual profits with my customers, because my expenses are small, and soil WATCHES, ladies' and gents' sizes, of Elgin, Waltham, Hampden or Springfield movements In Faby's Montauk or Boss 20 and 25 year cases with Simmons' 20 year gold-filled chains,' the very best standard goods, for even - LF.SS THAN EASTERN-PRICES. Likewise with CLOCKS; Alarm clocks, Eight- ; v. day striking clocks, as well as the WONDERFUL 400-DAY CLOCK. My stock also Includes RAZORS, the finest made, SILVER and oth er Fancy Tableware, appropriate for presents, useful, ornamental. . SPECIAL BARGAINS in Cuff Buttons, Brooches, solid gold RINGS aud in fact In all kinds or jewelry. JEWELRY REPAIRING neatly . done; watch work a specialty and second to none in accuracy, owing to long experience aud careful study. Satisfaction Guaranteed. If YOUR eyes need attention, I can lit them with the proper Glasses by means of scientific tests, aud furnish you with the beet gold-.,...-,, filled Frames at reasonable prices. Q J TEHIPIjE R. & N. TIME TABLE. C4ix?o Special. 11:29 a, m. ...... i,'siolcane Flyer, 8:40 p. m. -k Mall and Expre8i 11:2! p; tti. unit , , ,.. . i Portland Special, 05 p. m. .v.;-. !',' vnrUand Fiver. 4-10 a. m. , - i,Mall anu rjAyioBo, u.v . " . BRIEF LOCAL MATTERS. flour at Hartley's. lir'i festival ' Thanksgiving night. Vi Union 5c cigar at W.B. Cole's. jiBartmess' prices on Bhingles. ' iite your insurance with,: Friday & . 1 baled hay for sale at the Truster ery Co. " "r'.i. I jour property with Friday feting to PatronB:" Call and exam- jbm goods at uoe eon s. :m prices on doors and windows -aess'. , A ; : . ;vonr material" for Thanksgiving like at 0. B. Hartley's. hi chickens, young and old, at lie Bros4 Saturday. - and Feed at Spot Cash Gro- nav you to get-Bartmess prices .ling material. -'; , aand windows Bartmess has S it complete stock-in town. , . ; . It Portland quotations on .house . i. It S.lDgB W carinieiss unu b vo 1 1 eig u v. want to file on timber land rmis, call on George T. Prather, iiommiesioner, district oi uregon. tiav vou to set our prices ihnviiiir vour wi iner supply or M .jne, BPOl .msu uruuery. are will s-jeL Slocom made a trip to Port iitarday. . , . . ".. . Stoten lost a valuable Jersey it week that laid down and died. I R; B. Lindsay, who has' been jsck with the grip, is improving Robert Kirkland and family recent arrivals from Illinois, aud locate on the East Side. : Episcopal services will be held at A.' O.'U. W. hall next Sunday evening at 7 :30 o'cleck. , . . Read the Glacier's scheme to give away buggy, to be found in another column. . .v .- ".. . 1 ' The ladies' guild will meet next LvVednesdav afternoon with Mrs. L. C. Haines. , ... iMiss Hattle Hansberry went down to the Locks last Saturday on a visit to fier sister, Mrs. D. Smith. . -. ' Belieu & ReaJiave a contract to build a" dwelling for Mrs.THattie Rogers on her lots' West of the .school house. 1 George D. Culbertson went to Port land Tuesday on a business trip, and incidentally, to attend the irrigation con gress. .- ' Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Wilcox and fam ily of Grant's Pass, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Sherrill for several days during the week. The Salem Cannery Co. has .contract ed with farmers in Marion county , for the growing of 35 acres of red raspber ries to supply its plant. Mr San ford of Cascade Locks, was in town Sunday. He recently had a fall and fractured his left shoulder and now carries his arm in a sling. .; : . Major A.. S,. Cole, a veteran of the civil wa and 'ft member, of the famous Iron ! .Brigade, died at Whatcom, last week, -aged 61. ' y: " The Pioneer says George Udell of Eagle Creek, Oregon, was in Stevenson; last week. He was looking for a loca tion in that progressive section. S. P. Shutt has sold the Granite Gem to H. E. Hendryx of Lawton, and will go with. hiB family to Southern Cali- torma, wnere ne expects to locate. Mr.and Mrs.B.F. Belieu went to Port land Tuesday on a visit to their son Bert,; whom they had not visited since his marriage in August last. Mrs. Julia Harvey fell Monday even ing and severely injured .one of her arms. While no bones were broken, she is unable to use the injured member at present. ' ." - ' STORE NEWS. 83d SATURDAY . SURPRISE SALE. "I MITTEN, DAUBER AND 3 PACKAGES STOVE POLISH JHey're things that you need very much now, at a special price ' : 25 cts. it will give automobile Christmas. ' toy or girl "Jging us the " tickets geU. f "ery one has ime oppor :j,ity to get nic auto- rW... Every one says our premiums are the nicest ii r . the most l.brral. Rem ember, you have your choice of any dish for $2.00 worth f our trade tickets. . T" 1. Wt. T,i.io r.lnths. Nankins, Wot- f. i nan Ksei vm g : .lw cmths. ,f y cths, Covers, Olass Water Seta, Sa.uoe Dishes, -Celery Trays, Cake Plates f BEftUtifuJ Cliina uice goods at little prices. . 'fc New, -pretty styles. The reason why we sell so many belts 110 is that both price ianf style are pleasing. Hih(r Cinnti Pocket Books. Purses, Hand Bags. Chat- oilier .UOOUSelaine Bass, Writing Pads, Collar and Boxw, Bill Books, Music Rolls, Finger Brushes, etc., and the nesi Hlittle prices. . " 'ijcfc Why' not have aWwpretry waist for Th''ks.P'vi".t J are showing some very stylish ones at a price that you ,5fford. " .... Mittpns. Ladies. Misses nnd Cull- j fl'iArcUcs.' You need them when you come to town. "ndkprrhlpfc Our assortment is large; fine values; from UftCrCllIClS 2 cents up.to 35 cents In silk, lmen, lan, 1 will do-Mg'ood just lo'Wb over our stnek of H.Jday Sovel- u certainly won't think of toying until you have seen our On display next week ' J Y.. . ... . . . . . . . !t!N WARE . -HARDWARE L There's Always Something Doing at LITTLE STORE WITH LITTLE PRICES. . The members of the common council whose successors will be elected Decem ber 2, are Clarke, McDonald and Rand. W. H. H. Dufur and his son-in-law. R. Batty, have purchased the Columbia hotel at The Dalles, and both have en gaged in the hotel business. - A. A. Bonney and family moved to their ranch in Tygh valley Monday Miss Emma Bonney went with them and will spend a short time on her homestead. . . - The home of Mr. and Mrs M. Willis was blessed by the arrival of a son", Nov. 13th. Both parents are doing well. Congratulations are extended by the Glacier. ' : ' The first man to receive a pension un der the Indian War pension bill, passed last June, was Patrick Maloney of Port land, who was allowed $8 per month from date of passage of the bill. The Home Entertainment Circle, was organized at Cascade Locks recently. Mrs. Dorrance Smith is president. Its object is the reading of history, geog raphy, books of travel, card games and debating tor the winter's entertainment. The county court of Umatilla county refuses to pay any more scalp bounties. The judge says scalps are being brought in from Idaho and Washington, and that the law is in the interest only of the sheepmen, who pay aoout one thirtieth of the county taxes. W. A. Slingerland returned Tuesday from a trip to Portland and the Willam ette valley. He went as far Dallas, Polk county, where he visited his moth er and other relatives. He found the rains when he returned home all the same as Webfoot. E. D. Calkins started Monday evenintr for Weiser, Idaho, where he will be em ployed for a while at his trade, by the state, working for the institution of learning at that place presided over bv his cousin. He will furnish the Glacier with notes of his tavels. Mr.and Mrs. Bert Graham returned Monday morning from their Eastern trip. They went as far as Washington City, where they spent three davg dur ing the G. A. R. encampment. They visited in umcago and other cities, and on the way home stopped over a day in Denver and a day in halt Lake city, ' Hood river has long had a reputation as a good stream in which to fish, and the fact that nood Kiver is also a good place to fish was proven oue day last week by a traveling "fisherman1' who used shining rines and chains for bait and caught quite a number, who are now wiser but poorer by a few big silver dollars. There Is great attractions for the lit tle folks at the Langilie house, where Maj. Booth has stored his holiday goods in the front room. The room seems to be chuck full of everything in the shape of toys that the hearts of the young sters might desire. Looks like Santa Claus is going to be generous tnis year to good little Doys and gins. Dr. Watt has been engaged for several weeks looking after his apple crop, of which he has 4,000 bushels in storage. He purchased the lumber in the fair pavilion and ouiu an appie nouse auxoo, but found it too small and had to put up an additional building to care for bis apples. He finished picking apples last Thursday. The president's habit of strenuous life is so thoroughly fixed that he fills in the time between settling coal strikes and spBuions of coneress bv eoinir off on bear hunting expeditions. He might take a contract clearing some land along the Potomac river for exercise before break fast these cool mornings. Olympia Re corder. in in Portland in at tendance at a meeting of the cooncil of administration of the G. A. R., of which he is a member. The council at this meeting will set the date for the meeting of the state emcampment at Portland, and the captain will endeavor to have a j.ia ft.oci timt will noi cuuuiuk 1 Hood River's strawberry harvest. The t hin held near by next l 1 1 V.B " ' I ' r- - .,, time, noou num " want to attend in force. L. Bradlev'i show. "Scenes from all T ,! ti l,oH a tad nkrht (of a CTOWQ, ..Lnni ni h hMW rainfall, but rnnm. of the Old SCllOOl !.. -. .hnnt half filled. The . tUmnmn nrvn the CHUM DT the stereopticon were .11 good, .J I took his audience to an pans phonograph mosic and dialogues were quite t.JJ'V: impersooauoni! m n. he was an artist .in that line, and a ill lam Bradler gave an instrumental OB the organ that was well rendered. John ' Wickham, formerly owner of the Go8S place on Lyman Smith ave nue was in town :Sunday on business. He was surprised to note the many changes in Hood River. Mr. Wickham is interested in the Alameda mining company at Galice, Oregon, and is do ing very well. He has recently bought a home near Portland and will move his family there. ' Barney Cooper came down from Mount Hood to attend the Artisans' ball Fridav nieht. Mr. Cooper was forest ranger at Lost Lake last summer. Later he surveyed the line of the forest reserve near LoBt lake, where a half township had been thrown out. Sheep men had been trespassing on this laud, but now that the lines have been surveyed they can do so no more. Honl John Michell came down yester day from Ontario, where1 he opened a law office three months ago. Mr.Michell will spend a few days here visiting his family, and expects to leave Sunday night for Washington, D. C, to be there on the convening of congress to assume his duties as one of the officials of the senate. Mountaineer. An Astoria woman had the temerity to sleep alone in a house that her fam ily had just moved out of, and the only article of furniture left was a folding bed. i Just her luck, the bed folded up on her during the night, and she had to fight her way througn tne springs aou slats at the bottom. A folding bed seemB to be the only thing that will shut Up some ladies. Salem Journal. L. H. Nichols returned last week from his Eastern trip. - He was gone two months and visited relatives and old friends in Iowa and Arkansas. - He found a good many comrades of his old regiment, the 24th Iowa, still ltviiig.and had a way-up time. He passed through the strawberry country of Arkansas in the neigborhood of Van Bureu. He thinks the country doesn'tcornpare with Hood River in growing berries or apples. Bears & Porter of the East Side will hav about 7,000 boxes of apples. The raiis caught them before they had en tirely finished picking. Of the 20 acres of bearing trees, 2 are Ben Davis. They will have 3,000 boxes of first-class Ben Davis. Sears & Porter could have sold their entire crop for something over a dollar a bushel, but as they have a big apple house, will hold for better prices. E. L. Smith, president of the state board of horticulture, who is engaged in preparing his biennial report at Port land, was home Sunday. The last bi ennial report is considered the best ever gotten out by the Oregon state board of horticulture or any other board. It has been in great demand from all over the United States and Canada, and it is ex pected that the report now being pre pared will be in as great demand. H. B. Miller, consul to Newchwang, Manchuria, was in Hood River Satur day. Mr. Miller is home on a .furlough in hi nost of dlftV Soon, -..mnoninft hv his wife. Mr. Miller v. Smith's predecessor as presi- Aat f fhn utjita board of horticulture. un -till taltBB deeo interest in horti cultural matters and thinks Hood River has great advantages as an apple grow ina section. Mia Cnrrie Butler is visiting her Histfirand family at Centralia, .Wash O. C. Dean has moved up from V lento ,1 nt.nnnvincr his home on. tne nui auu . (, - a ---- . , , ith bis family. He is now engageu hi putting the finishing toucnes uu lim house, and will soon have a desirable k r M Hunt is dieting a well on the place. Mr. Dean has a wuoie block, which he will improve, or he may decide to put some of the lots on the market. Amos Underwood, the old Indian war .oiopon unil httfrocK ueinocrav.r n .n Mnndav from Underwood. He is unable to account for the flop made by Rimmania county in the recent election. Tk. nnnntv has been eoinn about two- thirds democratic uerciuiuio, uu. . time it elected every candidate on the .nnblican ticket. Mr. Underwood says .Aiui manv frriHU iitiw kiw,"".,." Kon n mi ation since tne eieuuuu, but he spurns the intimation that any Skakania democrat wouiu sen u i Tt. nallna avndicate that purchased the Bickel strawberry rancn last weea have retained J. w. moore w uianage it. Mr. Moore superintended the worfc this n aoe lor Mr. uicnei, aim do nlace in the valley is in better shape Vfoo. Tjike. Bolton and Wilson can .ilrA thprrmelves on having got Klwt haraain in Hood River. Of the in strawberries. 16 acres have ,w , - . , ku. niolmil nncfl ana tne oaisuce am new olanU set last spring. The plants are in fine condition lor next years pmn. Our devil, like Uncle Josh of Ponkin Tl.l ima h tried to write up the li brary entertainment, and witu his pro yerbial proclivities for making monders, tn note the excellent solos given by MissGladdya Hartley and George al.n on that occasion. The fact is. there was no better work done on the programme than that of these two num- lu... ' MIU IlKr Lie. lU UB ' " iha band, and she sang her prettiest th.t nitrht. and George well (eo.rge a reeular "prima donna,"the devil say a, ..a.w. natn make this explanation and offer bis apologies, so that he may nromenaoe on awk Outing Flannel Ac A lot of outing In all the best oolor-lngs,-pretty Btrlpes, regular and 7c values at 4c yd. A splendid fiannel for quilts. . Blankets $3 .74 pr. Blankets of floe white wool, colored borders, silk bound, 10x4 size. The best blanket of the year at $3.74 a pair. , Umbrellas $1.05 Men's gloria silk umbrellas, paragon frames, steel rod, bulb runner, a good assortment of handles. Big values ' for this week at $1.05 each. Knit Skirts 63c A handsome, lot of knit skirts which were to retail at $1.00 and 1.25,.we will sell at the low price of 63c each, . Night Shirts; 47cJ Men's . arid ' lldifs' routing flannel nightshirts, In a big assortment of the very be3t patterns, which, is a bargain at the extremely low price of 47o. Bed Spreads $1.16 Special large siiie plain white bed spreads' for iron or brass beds ; Marseil les patterns in large variety.' Qreat values at f 1.16 each." ' ' . " Ladies Aprons 22c Ladles' fine muslin apronsi In hem; stitch, -lace trimmed, ' which were to retail at SS and 40c, tfiat we will, put out this week at 22o each., . Diniier Set $4.27 60 piece semi-porcelain dinner sets," great values, this week at fl'.27.' ,100, piece set In same style for this . week'6.00. , " QrocerieSt For this week only: 22 lb granulated sugar. . 1 sack Diamond , flour. . 1 vuf Dalles patent.., 1 "White river:..., ;$f;00 . '05, ; 85 . ,. S5 Arbuck'es or lion .coffee'. . . , . 1 Rv. ft! K. Berrvi editor of the Pa cific Christian, will preach in the taber nacle next Monday evening, at 7:30. Stoves will be put up and the room made- comfortable for the audience. Tuesday evening, Mr Berry will preach in the' vauey unnsuan cuuruu at the same hour. , ,; Robert Leasure of Mount Hood was in town Saturday. He is now logging for the Lost Lake -Lumber company at Mount Hood and reports the company !a out tincr a cond manv Iocs in the river. The good stage of the water has enabled them to set a good many logs to the . ' i v moutn oi tne river. The troubles of the jury are over for this term at least and they have been discharged. This season of the circuit court has been a ngni one, wuu vmj three jury trials and about one half as long as that of last fall.In formeryears the udge always expected to non a vureo- week's term, with almost always a hall dozen criminal cases. It has, however, been a noticeable fact that m tne past few years litigation lias decreased vis ibly in every part of the state. Is this a sign that the state is growing better? Dalles tihronicie. ,. J. E. RAND, Thone 91. Free Delivery NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land office at Vancouver, Wash., Oct- 81, Uioa. Notice U hereby given that the following-named settler lma filed notice or his in tention to niako Anal proof in sup port of his olatm, and thnt mid proof w II be made before WiB.Prnnty, U.H. Commis sioner for district of --Washington-, at .hi office in OnWlenciale, Washington, on Mou. day, December 15, 1(102, vissj Homestead entry No.-10,60H, for the northeast quarter of section, HO, township north, , He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viiei . . .. - . , ,- Mr Huruer and Dav d Plett of Golden- dale, WashlnKton; August Wrg anaauomas Uulgley OI uieuwoou, wasningu'ii n7dl2 rww. wuniiuiswpiii W. H. UUJSBAK, Register. Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878. KOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. . . .. . . . . nfflu ' v.niwnvar Wash.. Nov. 8, 1802. Notice is hereby given, n.ut I.. raimnllRnce with the provisions of i,.. ot r.t I'nntrrmm of June 8. 1878. entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the Htutes of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington tc rriiory," as exusuueu vj " Fuullc Ijiino ffims uy uutui ftusumii k.ki.'IH) 7.IMMKKMANN. , nt HniiHiuHv. conntv of Marlon, staia oi oreicon, lias tins uay nieu in im ti,,,i,t. Vn. 211X7. ftr the nurchsse of the south y,ot northwest and south of northi-ast of section No. 84, in ton shlp No. 6 north, range No. 12 east. W. M., and will oiler proof to snow inaiwe iauu iuukih is more valuable for Its timber or stone time lor agricultural purposes, and to establish bis claim to said land before the Register and Receiver oi mis ouice a unwmver, r ., Wednssday, tliellth day of March, 1903. in.nii urltnewu-s: Wesley A. Miller or Seattle, Wash.; John Klnti of Hublimlty. Or.; John Wiser and Oeorge U Chandler of Olen- wood. Wash .imrMIA auu ni Hiit.iinit.v. nuntv of Marlon, siaie oi Oregon, hss'thls dsy filed in this oillce bis : n ni no. hm.k for the nnrchsseof the southwest i oi norinwesv, m ?i ssutbwestM and northwest hi f aouinwesi quarter of section No. &, in mwusuip o. o norm, range --"" Jt-- -, -"i .,t,a win ..ii..,. tiroof to show that the land soughr is more valuable for lu timber or stone man ror mricuiiuini STT'. ,.VL establtsb his claim lo saiu iauu . , ttuwiviw nt this olflce at Vsn- ciwver, Waxh., ou Wednesday, the lltb day He names as witnesses: Wesb-y A. wilier of Seattle. Wash.; John Klnls of BUDIimuy, yr.; , . ,. i : , 4 . :.u ,r,, I l -hund i.r of men. jmiu niw "' - - UUU, r.-.... , 1. IV.. Any ana all persons ciaimina above described tends are reqnestea w am their claims In thlsornoa o or oeiurw Uth day of March, , - Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878. - NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, TTMtrt Htnl Land Offlcs. Vanoouvor, uruh m,,v k 10,12.-Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions ' the actor oongressoi juho mo, .... act for the sale of timber lands in the states of California, Oregon, nevaua nuu i '' Territory.'! as extended to all the publio land states by act of August 4, .Wi, - of Trout Lake, county of Klickitat, state of Wash., has this day filed In this offloe Ills sworn- statement, -Nd. for the pur chase of the northeast W of nort hcast yt of seo .,,, x i south tz of soulheastM and northwest'uusrter of southeast quarter of section No. fl, In township No, north, range No. 11 east, W. M., aim win oner pr.su mi show that the lantt sought Is mors valuable for Its timber or slone than for agricultural ......,. ..,1 lo mljihllah his C ullll to Sllld laiidibefo're the Register and Recelv.r of this oillce at Vanconvtr, Wash., on Friday, the th doy of Mairn, wi. . , . u.. :...,. u. ii,. m,i. Christ Guli-r. Will, M. (Jamntleld and 1-red Mooi-e of Trout Li ke, Washington, and Win. Burlnguror rortiuuu. An and alt iii rsons claiming adversely the abovenhiscrlbed Hiuds are reciuested Ui lllo their claims In this oillce on or oeiure sum fth day of Marc i, iwi. ..,.... UiljM W. lv. liunuan, ntn TTImber Land, Act Jnne 8, 1878.) NO'l'lCE FOR PUBLICATION. t?-i,i ai.mlinil Office. Vancouver, Wash u a ium Notloa Is hereby (tven that loeompllanc with the provisions of tbj " r ,.r j , i 1K7K. cntlt ed "Ao act ..r i handle at timber lands in tbe statu) of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington terriuTry." aseiu-nded to all tnajmblki land states by act oi swuii u.,miiii counlr of MarUm, staU" of imwiin. hss this day filed in this thi s W5 ' N H f J1-"!d Z Jiib ..i in NKU of section No. Jo, nV lown-hlp No.J north, range No. laeast, W ,M -1 bis S Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878-1 NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. riven hat in ot(rnpllarc with the provlMlong 5f the ft!t of CkinKrwtf of June 8, 1878. entlUel 'Auactforthe utile of timber lumlH In the utaU of Cttliroruia, Ornm, Novadij and v r in iliui ii 14 4 NUitN of Bi(rTiinber,oouiityof. HweetlirafW. ntntoof -I " . l.. ,!... ttl.tM Iti thin iWfUw hr AlUillUIls linn j ' " , "worn sUilement, No. U848, for the purchase of the HX of N WW and loU :i and 4o( st'Cllou No. 6. liii tewnhlpo. 4 north, range No. 1 east, w. m., a m wo. """.'";: ,","""" the lana souguv ," , berorsuiue umu wr r and to establish her claim to ajjd land before the Register anu niw !;.. Wsshlnirton. on Monday, tbe tu day oflembsr.-lWi. ,. - OlenwrKxl, V O, Washington, and Louis Hoder- berg, of Uoldenaai r u, """'"",- Any ana i i f- :irXS. u above-oesenneu miiu - ...... . m thtanfflMinn orbefonwld Mb alvnzl - -v-r t. -. Timber lAild, Act June 8, 1878.1 NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, IThe Patles, Ore., September 1, llWil. Notice Is hereby given that in compliance wuu miw ih-ovib. ut um act of congress of June 8, 1878. untitled "An , act for the sale of timber lands In the states of ' California, Oregon, Nevada and -Washington. Terrltoiy,'.' asexteridedtoallthepubllo Innd stales by act, or August imi, mo lonuwmg named persons have filed In Ibis oillce their sworn tateinnts, Ui-wlt: Nicholas J. Hlnnott ; ofTbe Dalles, County ofWasuo, State of Ore gon, sworn statement N". tiled June 28, 1WH, lor tne pureieww yttv r"i.'--. -i"- , of northeast nuatter, northwest quarter of southeast quaiuur and a4 naif of southwest quarter, section, ItV Uiwosblp 1 north, rang it east, w. ..", . Judd B. Fish of The Dulles, County of Woo, State' of Ore- gon, sworn statement no. ww, nieu juu x, lm, for the purchos ol the northeast quurtar of nbi'thenst quai'ter, section ii, snd southeast quarter Of BOUineast qum ter. nnu uurm iiitii southeast quarter of seotlotl iW, township 1 north, range 11 east, w. M. Theodore J. Hetlfert of The Palles, County of Wasco, Htato of Ore gon, sworn statement no. U51, filed June !W, 1INM, for the purchase of the northwest quarter of northwest quarter, cl,lon 88. and west half of southwest quarter 'Had southwest quarter of northwest quarter, section at, township 1 north, range 11 east, w.-M. . , Charles F. Fulton - ' of The Dalles, County of Wasco, State of Ore gon, sworn statement No, tW, filed June ml. for the purchase ot the southeast quarter of northwest quarter, north tiauor nonnwest quarter and northwest quarter of northeast quarter, section tu, wwubhip i uuii.ii, iiina , 11 east, w. M. Motile M. Fish of The Dalles, County of Wusoo, State of Ore- on, sworn statement no. tm, nieu uiy ii, ii.for the purchase of the north westquurter of southeust quarter, west half ol northeast quarter and northeast quarter of northeast quarter, sc.ctiouxr,wwoiop uunu, iuug 11 east, w. n. ".. John V. M'-tnemy of Tlie Dalles, County ot Wtug-o, Hlate of Ore gon, sworn statement No. 780, filed July 11. IWi, lor tha purchase of the norlb hslf of southwest . quarter, southwest quarter of southwest quarter, section 84, ami soutlieast quarter of southeast quarter, section 8J, town ship 1 north, range 11 east, w. M. Roger 11. Hlnnott of Portland, County of Multnomuh, State of Oregon, sworn jtau-inPia ro. ti, nieu juiy ..... ul ..rt.H. nroof lo show ma tile sought is more valuable r lutlmber or stone than for agrtniltural ,PW"'J IihIi his claim U said land beMre the Ktur and Keortver of Ihls office at aro'r. W.h, on Tuesday, tha loth day of March, u- fomrs as witnesses: Joseph mannand John Zimimmann y.tmmer- Sablimli l'y. Wesley A. Miller of hwatie, w si. '.. . . . , , . . u Waal. rVi'. i. i li.n.lvr of (Oeowood, Any aud all persons claiming adwly M without I Utrir cisiuis in this office on or twors asld watcniDK iu w uMU W. R. DLNBAJl, ttefmr. him in the back of the neck. Timber Land, Aet Jone , B78. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. i'.iii niatMi I-nd Office. Vanoouvei. Wash, October is. bWi-Notlee Is hereby glv-o thst In enra ullance wtth the pnwtslons of the act S SX?a ol June , 187 VUUel "An t 6 tbesawof timber lands In the states of tat. Iforola, Oregon, Nevada and W ashlngum ter ritory aseitended to all tbe public land states by act of August 4, wok J ill IN YOHT. . I jk M.ntv HI hllCKHSt. saw i l-..ki.l,u. hu this dav flied In this otflce orn siaiemeiiK mi, ei, J r iof annlon No. I. tea nshlpNo.a port b.range N'o.iocasi ,w , no w i i .,, it,. i.ndMmirhl is more valuabl ....... .... .i,.., limn lor agricullura Durpo-. and to establlsti his claim to said bind before tbe Rter ana tWHWiveroi .... ottl.'e at Vancouver, Wash, on luesday, Hm names as wltnK Harry Powers, J nob V. W. Ctattcrbo. Ftrd miir ami .11 ..fl ronl lka. WashiDgl.m Any snd all persons elaimi: adverw-ly tlie SDove-d-s.rlied lauds are rrquled to file ii.irelMiina in this ( on or beiors said 11, TlKM, for the purchase of the norlbesst quarter of northeusi quarter, section m, east half of southeast quarur ami southeast quar ter of northeast uuurter, section t7, township 1 ninth, range U east, w. u. That they will oiler pnsr to show that : tlie land sonuht Is more valuable for Its Umber or stone limn for agricultural purposes, and to establish their claims upon uhj.jmiiu lima In-fore the Register ana Receiver ai'itie Dalles. Oregon, on Suttirday. the -i"d day of . Noveinhur, HKU. . They name as wltnes-es-, Nicholas J. Hlu. nott, Judd M. Pish, Theodore J. Heufert, ChHrles F, Fulton, Mollle M. Fish, John 1'. Mcliicrny snd William Ketchuiu of The I utiles, Oregon, and Roger li. Slnuolt of Port' land, Oregon. Any aud all persons claiming aaversc-iy tne hove-deserlbed lands are reauested to filo their chimin in thU ollloe ou or before Slid 2nd dsy of November, 1WU. , NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lsnd Office at Vanconvr, wain., octoner 10, isui NiHlce Is hereby given that tha tot-towtug-named . tiler bss filed n.nl,-e of his iolsnilm to make final comranutiion proof In support of D is claim, anu tnsi saiuprisn 111-be msae oeioro w.u. rrwny, umi. psstes OoromSssloner mrcisiricioi wasnimi Im. ml hW office in (,ou.enaaie, wasu., ou Tuesday, Novemtwr Wi, VU, via: . J li. a. iJuai, ( tinn,MtM sntrv No. 1141. for the south half of northeast quarter and north half of aoiita- itquarteroi section to, iuusiuf v uw, range 12 east, w. M. ' He names ths killowlng witnesses to provs his continuous residence upon Slid cultiva tion of said laud, vie: Oeorge Snyder of Lyle, P. O., W ash.: Maon T. Wright, Tunis liitishsw and VHillitm u. Harris sll of Uoldeniiale, r. i., aninuion. ol7nil W. R. DUNBAR, Register. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed executor of the lJtt Will of Van Johnson, deceased, by order of the Hon. Oonutv Court of the Canity of Wawv). HlHleof Oregon: and all pema hav Ing claims against said s-lats are hereby notified toprwwnt the same. prnerly veri fied totneonderind,at ths.U.of A. A. Jayoa, in Mood River, Oregon, within six months from th date of firm publication of Uilsnottea. HKNRY PRKKik., Ki'ufrof the last Will of Vaa Joi.ason. Dsted at H iod Kl ver, Or., d.-d. Una lAtt day of October, oi7