The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, November 21, 1902, Image 1

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    0 " IT'S A coub day" when wb PET LEFT," I " : -r " '
" " ' published Every Friday by ' -
a r. BLYTHB BON, Publisher.
..rnvthe. E.N.BlyUus.
D r '
--(7ub8cription-l. year when paid
Is dvaa.
THE 'MAI1.8.
mall arrives from Mt. Hood at 10 o'clock
. J, Wednesday! and Saturdays; departs the
orCUenowethrieavei at 8 a. m. Tuesdays,
.n.i Haturdavs: arrives at n. m.
1 for White Salmon (Wash.) leave, daify at :45
"lYf'im White Salmon leaves for Fnlda, Gilmer,
.LMki and Glenwood daily at A. M.
VrorBingen (Wash.) leaves ato:4iip.rn.i ar
rives at 2p.m. ' ' ' ' :- ' ,' " - -
pen-do. Meets the Second and Fourth
of the month. Visitors cordially wel-
1Jl i p II IwviN f'rtiintiaimr
jjks. Hbhby McQqibs, Secretary.
- nvo nv WASHINGTON. Hood River
() Onion No. H2, meets in Odd Fellows' hall
Bcond ana lourtn riuruy com
rail o'clock. . C. L. Copple, President.
Diu H. L, Duhblb, Secretary- .
87 1. 0. O. K. Meets Unit and third Mi
' i. ....... .
OS) m e wu""
Mrs. W. O. Ash, N. G.
Miss Ota Walker, Secretary.
.why post. No. 16. G. A. R. Meets at A.
i ii. w. Hall second and fourth Satardays
a7 Mi'h montn ai i ooiuca . m. ii u. a. i.
W v - . 111 n I II
members invited to meet with us.
" J. W. Riqby, Commander,
(j, J. Hayes, Adjutant. . .
flANBY W. R. C, No. 1-Meets first Satur-
Udav of each monin in a. u. v. . nmi
Mrs. B. F. Bhoimakkb, President.
Mbs. 0. L. Stbakahaw, Secretary.
..nun rtvkr LODGE No. 106. A. F. and A
H M. Meets Saturday evening on or before
each full moon. - wu. M. iathj, n. m
C. D. ThompsoW, Secretary.
onn RIVER CHAPTER, No. 27, R. A. M.-
Meets tmra rriuay uiftii i uvuiu.
. . I SMITH, H. P.
"A. N. Rahm. Secretary. :
.rnnn RIVER CHAPTER. No. 25,
O. E. 8.-
H Meets second and fourth Tuesday even
inn of each month. Visitors cordially wel
comed. Mas. Mollis C; Cole, W. M,
, Mas. Mam B. Davidson, Secretary.
QLETA ASSEMBLY No. 103, United Artisans,
-Meets first and .third Wednesdays, work.;
second and fourth- Wednesdays social : aiu
snshall. F. C.-Brobius, M. A. ;
- Mk. E. A. Babneb, Secretary. .--
tttaIICOMA LODGE. No. SO, K. of P.-Meets
VV in A. 0. U. W. hall every Tuesday nUrht
".' . C. E. Mabkhah, c c.
W. A. FiBKBAPOH, K. OF R. and 8.
1-kTVTtRHinE LODGE. No. 68. A. O. U, W.
it Meets first and third Saturdays of each
gonth. 1 Fskd Hows, W. M.
E. R. Bbadley, Financier.
Chester Shcte, Recorder. ' ' -'
IDLEvVILDE LODGE, No. 107, I. O O. F.-
I Meets in Fraternal hall every Thursday
fight. W. 0. Ash, N. G.
J, L. Henderson, Secretary. ;
HOOD RIVER TENT, No. 19, K. O. T. M.,
meets at A. O. U, W. hall on the first and
third Fridays of each month.
Walteb Gebkimo. Commander.
IL HONOR, A. O. U. W.-
-Meets arst ana
third RRtnrriRVB Rt P. M
Mrs. E. R. Bradley, C. 6t H.
Mas. H. J. Fbkdbbick, Recorder.'
HOOD RIVER CAMP, No. 7,702, M. W. A.,
meets In Odd Fellows' Hall the, first and
third Wednesdays of each month.
F. L. Davidson, V. C
. E. R. Bbadlet. Clerk.
b. presby,
Attorney-at-Uw and li. S. Commissioner.
Gcldendale, Waslu.
Makes a specialty of land office work. Final
proofs in timber and homestead entries made
before him.
Will make regular monthly visits to Hood
River. ' Residence 363 Sixteenth Street,
-:."' Portland, Oregon.
(1 H. JENKINS, D. M. D.
Specialist on Crown and Bridge Work.
Telephones: Office, 281; residence, M. -Office
in Langille bid. Hood River, Oregon.
; Dentist.
Gold crowns and bridge work and all kinds of
. Dp-to-Data Dentistry.
Buccessor to Dr. M. F. Shaw.
Calls promptly answered In town ot country.
Day or Night. .
Telephones: Residence, 81; Offlcss S3.
Office over Kverhart's Grocery.
Physician and Surgeonr
Telephones: Office, 281; residence, 283.
Fnr 9S Ntn a nmldent of Orenen and Wash-
fovtnn 'umm hii BtnT vean exDerienca in
Rri Kitato matiara. u abstractor, searcher of
titles and agent. Satisfaction guaranteed or
ae charge.
Estimate tarnished for all kinds of
work. Rerjiruf( a specialty. All kinds
of shop work. Shop on State Street,
between First ana becond.
I the place to get the latest and best in
Confectioneries, Candies, Nats, Tobacco,
vitsrs, etc
W. B. COLE, Proprietor.
Yt C. BROSiUS, M. D. '
Phone Central, or 12L
OSes Honrs: 10 to 11 A. M.: 2 to 3
. and 6 to 7 P. M.
Bo a general banking business.
I Trie irrigation congress.
Oregon Assoclattoa Meets and Elects Its
Officers Several Addresses.
.Portland, Nov. 1?. The first day's
session of the Oregon Irrigation Asso
ciation convention was devoted, for the
moet part to organization, appointment
of committees, and election of officers.
A few addresses were delivered, but the
work of the convention will not com
mence until today. The following
officers were elected :
President, A. H. Devers, of Portland ;
vice president, W. R. King, of Mal
heur; secretary, J. M. Moore, of Port
land; treasurer, W. T. Wright, of
Addresses were delivered by Geo.
H. Williams, mayor of Portland; J. N.
Williamson, representative-elect to con
gress and state senator from Crook, Kla
math, Lake and Wasco counties, and
F. E. Beach, president of the Portland
board of trade. There are about 275
delegates and visitors in attendance
at tbe sessions.
The great enthusiasm that is being
shown by the delegates to the irriga
tion convention will have its weight
toward securing a liberal apportionment
of the national irrigation fund for
Oregon. It is the desire of the depart
ment of the interior, which has the
matter in hand, to satisfy public senti
ment. Much will depend upon the
surveys and the condition of the conn'
try, but the department will not think
of forcing irrigation upon sections that
do not seem to wish it. A section so
situated aa to be easily and econom
ically accessible to water, and shows
enthusiasm, is probably the one that
will be the most favoied. Lack of en
thusiasm may tend to turn the depart
ment against a section, but any amount
of enthusiasm cannot change the natu
ral conditions of the country.
So Says the State Grain Inspector of the
State of Washington;.
Tacoma, Wash., Nov. 20. State
Grain Inspector Arraamith, in an in
terview, said today: "I believe the es
timate of the 1902 wheat crop, recently
published, is much too low. The pub
lished figures place the yield of the
state at 18,900,000 bushels. I have
no desire to pad the figures of this
year's crop, but I am satisfied that
24,000,000 bushels is a very conserva
tive estimate. I base my estimate as
follows: The acreage sown to wheat
this year was about a 10 per cent in
crease over the acreage sown last year.
The crop this year has been much
lighter than last, but the decrease per
acre will not amount to more than 30
per cent. Add the 10 per cent in
creased acreage, and"We have at least
74 per cent of last year s crop, oi atout
25,000,000 bushels. "I have just re
turned from a trip through the eastern
part of the state, and find that in many
counties the yield was considerably
underestimated. For instance, in
Whitman county the yield was from
30 to 40 bushels to the acre, which is a
verv fair average yield. There are
other localities where the yield has been
overestimated, and where tte crop did
not run over 15 bushels to tne acre, but
those places are nof, many. There is
an immense amount ot wneai neiu in
the warehouses of the eastern part of
the state.,- In many of the towns along
the line the warehouses are full, and
great stacks of wheat are piled up
along the sidetracks and covered with
tarpau!in. There is also a large
amount of tbe crop still in the hands
of the farmer. While east I viaited
many' farms where practically the
entire crop was still stacked up in the
fields or stowed away in tne Darns.
Made Claim in Idaho That He Was a Son
of H. W. Corbett.
Snokane. Wash.. Nov. 20. Saturday
nieht Harry Corbett and a pal attempt
ed to hold up a dry goods clerk in the
residence district of Bpokane, were later
captured by the police, and Corbett
made a full confession, ii now uovoi
ops that the young man lived in Ken
drick, Idaho, for two months, and while
there claimed to be a son oi Millionaire
W. Corbett, of Portland, ex-L'nitea
fitatiw senator. Young Corbett enowea
intimate acquaintance with the family
offal nf tha elder Corbett. Corbett
inld the BoDkane police that he was a
hfoh iivar. and his money went fast;
koniv it necessary to do a little
rnnsh ffamblinf.
Alter his departure irom Aenanua
o- o , J i
black sateen shirt was louna in nis
mith tha hack ret out. It ' was
WUJ Hi. , -
than wmatnVinrnd that a bouse Of 111
fern In the lower part 01 K-enuricK nau
been robbed of small sum of money,
tarn tna pfci men holding up tbe in nl 1.m nlace with drawn revoiv-
it relieved tbat young torn
-J" - ....
a t,:. n.l mat a tha nerrietrators oi
this outrage.
Annies Rot on Ground.
New York, Nov. 20. Thousands of
bushels of fine apples are rotung on
tbe ground in this state, says a Tribune
i.r,r, frnm Greenwich, Conn. If
barrels could be procure w
say they might ship large quantities to
. . . J aV a favmArfl
England and even u w
k v,. onnnt nrocure them, tvery
n:-.- v.. .v,.n of a barrel com
A . hioh Drice. ne Blue "-i"
l..: in. sr cents each. Farm
laborers are also extremely scarce.
Ble Haul in Lisbon.
Lisbon. Spain, Ko. 20. -Thieves
,... Wen into the underground
tha banking firm
Pelurinhoand have stolen . wm of
iRsnnn One of the clerks of the
1 l La. tVlAtkaTaffti rnwied in connection
pail un -w1 - - ...
-ith tha robbery. The frequency with
vnhheries have OCCU1
WLIU1 Buvu t
recently is causing great alann here.
Commercial and Financial Happenings of
the Past Week Brief Review of thr
Growth and Development of Various
Industries Throughout Our Common
wealth-Latest Market Report.
mTL 1 1 ...
ino lourcn annual Angora goat
show of Oregon will be held in Dallas
January 14 and 15.
uperations at the Tillamook fish
hatchery have been suspended on ac
count of the recent heavy rains
The freshet on the Siuela river'caused
by the recent heavy rains did consider
able damage to the fish hatchery on
mat river.
A postoffice has been established at
Inglis, Columbia county. An office
has aleo been established at Tiller,
Douglas county.
The safe in the depot atNewberg was
opened Friday night and $1,180 se
cured by a burglar. The crook evi
dently knew his business, as he worked
the combination of the lock.
There were 360 hales of hops sold at
ua lias last Saturday for 27 cents f. o,
b. Ko sales have heretofore been made
above 26 cents, though offers of 26 yt
cents were out
The board of directors of the Wil
lamette Valley Chautauqua association,
at a meeting held in Oregon City . last
week, decided to take some steps toward
reorganization and appointed a commit
tee for tbat purpose.
Two different companies are endeav
oring to secure franchises for operating
street car systems in the city of Rose
burg. -.One company is composed
largely of local capitalists and the
other is made up of Eastern men.
It is expected that the lumbermen
on the lower Columbia will advance
the price of yellow fir logs from $7.50
to $8 per 'thousand.' Yellow fir logs
bring a much higher price than ordin
ary fir, and are in great demand.
During the first two years of his term
Governor Geer granted 15 pardons and
20 commutations, and during his last
two years 10 pardons and 16 commuta
tions Of the 10 men pardoned in the
last two years two were guilty of mur
der, two of manslaughter, four of lar
ceny, one of assault with a dangerous
weapon and one of obtaining money
under false pretenses.
George L. Dillman, state engineer
for the examination of land applied for
under the Carey arid land act, expresses
the opinion that private operations
will not prevent government work, as
the amount reclaimed is small com
pared with the total area of arid land
in the state.
Superintendent of Public Instruction
Ackerman has derided that as soon as
a parent or guardian moves into a
school district with the intention of
making it bis bona fide residence, a
child of such parent or guardian is en
titled to free tuition from the time he
moves into the district.
Linn county farmers are preparing a
protest to be presented to the next leg
islature against the proposed change ot
the game law, under which upland
birds may be shot from September 15,
instead of from October 1. Upen seas
on befoie October 1 means at a time
when the farmers are busy with har
vesting and they desire to have an even
chance with hunters fiom the cities. .
Twenty thousand of the 75,000 book
lets advertising Lane county have been
printed and are fin the hands of the
advertising department of the Harriman
company for distribution in the Eastern
George Smith, colored, who murdered
bis white wife in Portland, has been
sentenced to hang on December 19.
Fifteen days' time has been granted to
prepare a bill of exceptions to be used
in an appeal to the supreme court.
Wheat Walla Walla, 869c; blue-
stem 73X74c; valley, 70c.
Barley Feed, $21.00 per ton; brew
ing, $22.00.
Flour Best grade, 3.60(33.70; grah
am, $3.003.50.
Millstuffs Bran, $19.00 per. ton;
middlings. $23.60: shorts, 19.5U;
chop, $17.
Oats No. 1 white, $1.121.15;
rav. $1.10(31.12 per oental
Hay Timothy, $1011; clover,
18.00: cheat. $839 per ton.
Potatoes Best Burrows, outgone
per sack; ordinary, 6055c per cental,
growers' prices; Merced sweets, $1,759
$2 per cental.
Ponltrv Chlcltens, mixea, ..ouig
..25: Tjer oousd. 10c; hens, $494.60 per
dowra: per pound, 11c; springs, $3.00
tf 3.50 per doien; rryers, iz.ouiga.uu;
broilers, $2.0092.80; ducks, $4,609
6.00 per dosen; -turkeys, young, 12X
913c; geese, ie.uwso.ou per aozen.
Cheese uii cream, iwins, aois
16c; Young America, Aotaio
factory prices, llic less.
Mutter Fancy creamery, aufflj
per pouna; exiraB, ovm,
. on., m vii
9224e; store, ioi.
Eggs Z5S3UC per aoxen.
Hops New crop, B2926c per pound.
"Wool-VaHey, lX915e; Eastern
Oregon, tUe; mohair, 2928c
Beef Gross, cows, 39SX. .per
pound; steers, 4e; dressed, 69 7e.;
l7a8e. : .
Mutton Gross, Se per pound;
In artd Aa.
Lambs Gross, ic per pound;
Howl-Gross, 663,e per pound;
dressed, 737)e. .
FIRE LOSS $900,000.
Big Armour Packing House Plant at Sioux
City Entirely Destroyed.
Sioux City, Iowa., Nov. 19.Armour
& Co.'s packing plant, which occupied
four acres of the stockyards, and was
valued at $900,000, was totally de
stroyed early this morning by a fire
which started on the second floor of the
fertilizer building, and is thought by
Manager Lennon to have been due to
either spontaneous combustion or to an
imperfect dryer. The loss is partly
covered by $721,000 insurance.. Five
hundred men are thrown out of employ
ment. Within an hour after the flames
were discovered by a watchman six
streams of water were being thiown
upon the flames, which were gutting
the fertilizer building, 120x60 feet and
four stories high, but the pressure was
inadequate. The floors and contents of
the building burned like chaff. The
roof soon fell, and the fire burst through
into the beef-killing house. At the
same time the cattle chute ignited, and
in five minutes fell with a crash.
Once inside the beef-killing house, the
flames began to dance merrily. From
this house to the oleomargarine build
ing was only a step, and when the oils
started to burn the fire 'presented a
most spectacular appearance; ' The
big beef house, containing 500 carcass
es, next caught nre, and tbe whole
plant, except the hog house, was. a lake
of fire.
Tbe roar was terrific. ' The country
for miles around was illuminated.
Suddenly there was a terrific detona
tion, followed quickly by another, and
then another." Twenty-four drums of
100 pounds of ammonia each exploded
before the reserve supply in the am
monia cistern was reached. That ex
plosion almost razed the entire plant.
The flames were blown through the
fire wall which separated the hog house
from the other buildings. The hog
house contained 2,500 dressed hogs and
2,500,000 pounds of pork products.
Steadily the-, fire crept against the
wind and through the office building.
Not a scrap of paper was taved. When1
the last of the ammonia drums was
going off, a burning chute fell upon a
bunch of live hogs, and their Squeals
were added to the appalling chorus.
After the fire got good headway in
tbe hog house, the shops, chicken pack
ing plant, ice houses and ice runways
and smaller" department houses were
consumed in quick succession. ' . ,
Tbe terrible roaring continued un
abated. The high brick walls crum
bled and crashed one by one, and the
conflagration gradually ate its way
through building after building. The
fire department was inadequate. The
pressure was hafdly strong enough to
throw water to the roof of the pork
house,. ' When the walls of this de
partment burst, : the firemen played
their streams on the buildings until
daylight. i. . "'
Tbe fire burned all day and this
afternoon there was another terrific ex.
plosion, which threw bricks and pieces
of iron for hundreds of yards. No one
was hurt. ' '
':)"' r ,
New Work Just Issued by Insular Bureau
of War Department.
Washington, Nov. 19. The Pro
nouncing Gazetteer and Geographical
Dictionary of the Philippines, with
maps, charts and illustrations, which
was prepared in the bureau of insular
affairs of the war department, has just
been issued, and contains a wealth of
information concerning our Oriental
possessions. The gazetteer proper con
tains 264 pages, including the index,
while the geographical dictionary occu
pies 668 pages, exclusive of the maps,
charts and illustrations.
When Dewey's brilliant victory
awoke national Interest in the rmi-
ippines, the obtainable literature , m
Knirliah on the Question was meager,
while the Spanish works were to be
found in but few libraries, so that tne
wnrk of obtaining complete and accur
ate information of the Islands, their
geographical resources, history, etc.,
has been a very difficult one. Bequests
already received for the edition exceed
the limit ordered by congress
Columbus' Ashes Moved.
to be
Seville, Spain, Nov. 19. The cere
mony of depositing the ashes of Chris-
W ro'nmbus in a special msuso-
carried out in tbe cathedral
tia th befitting solemnity. Tbe
.nffin mntaininff tbe ashes of the illus-
nicratnr was borne on the
nf a Dartv of naval seamen
and behind it walked in procession the
.,nhr,ihon of Seville, tne caioeorai
chapter, the minister of marine and
number oi other aigniwneo.
Flagman Made Fatal Mistake. Kn. . 19. One roan was
killed and a dozen men, women and
.iiiiilrMi more or let seriously injured
in a collision tonight between a esv
van ii a eiratrji: - --n-
Burlington & Qmncy ireigni train at
tbe Eighteenth street crossing. The
motor and trailer wnicn maoe op m
.loMru- train were crowucu wu ymw
sengers, and It seems a miracie uias
many escaped instant oaui.
rwrnands on Tw Railroad.
Chicago, Nov. 19. Engineres and
ronrpaentirf the entire St.
Paul system have made a demand for
mmaea and an entirely new
fchedule. The same classes of employ.
have made
!?m,Mar demands, the increase demand-
eWnS IbSSe. 10 and 20 per cent.
on we u"""-
Four Men Attempted to Hold Up Passen
ger Train In Colorado Other Robbers
Took the Dead Man's Body and Ran
for Cover Sheriff and Posse In Close
Pursuit.' ' , 1
Trinidad, Colo., Nov. 20. Four
masked robbers held up a passenger
train No. 7 on tbe Colorado & Southern
road, 12 miles south of here today.
One of the robbers was shot by Express
Messener H. W. Sherwick, of Fort
Worth, Tex. '
The robbers flagged the train, and
as it slowed up tbey ran alongside of
the engine and coveted the crew with,
revolvers. They then compelled the1
engineer, John Guilfril, to alight, snd,
after placing a sack containing dyna
mite under the baggage car and attach-;
ing a fuse to tbe explosive they order-;
ed Guilfril to ignite the fuse. This he
attempted to do several times, but for?
some reason the fuse would not burn. ,
During this proceeding the robbers
kept up a fusillade in the direction of
the train for the purpose of intimidate
ing tbe passengers. ' While tbey werej
preparing to rearrange the dynamite;
and fuse, Messenger Sherwick, after
extinguishing the lights in his car,
quietly opened a side door in the car
far enough to admit a gun barrel, and
fired at the nearest robber. Tbe latter,
dropped in -his trackB. .His startled
companions picked him up and quickly
disappeared , in the woods near by;
None of the passengers were molested,
rhe sheriff of Las Animas" county., imi
mediately organized a posse and is now
in pursuit of the holdups.
Upon Its Approval by Secretary of War
wont wiu He commcncca. , . 1
Washington Nov. 20. The Port ot
Portland will be required to give bond
beford the secretary of war fill apj
prove the contract - recently: made fo
the lease of one ot its dredges for--oee
oh the Columbia and Willamette belofll
Portland. When the contract recently
made Detween tbe Port of Portlani)
commission and Captain Langfltt was
received here . it - was referred to tb$
judge advocate general, who has just
recommended that a bond be procured
to free the government from liability
for any expenses incurred in the opera'
tion of the dredge. Under this contract
the government can lease either dredge
by paying $165 per day for the old one
or $235 per day for the new " dredge
Columbia. The Port will be expected
to furnish the crew and fuel, and bear
all expenses of operation. The bond is
required as an extra piecaution, such
as is frequently required in government
contracts. The department expects the
bond will be readily furnished. When
at hand, the contract will be approved
and- expenditures can be commenced
under the appioprlation of. $20,000
made last session. !
Now that the government ha the
option of operating a dredge of the Fori
of Pottland, it is thought by some en't
gineers that it will bo unnecessary to
ask for future appropriations for build-,
ng a government dredge for the river
below Portland. , . i
The engineers' office has about com
pleted plans for remodeling the trans
port Grant into n sea dredge for use iu
cutting a temporary channel across the
bar at the mouth of the Columbia
river. : ' : ': -
These plans will soon be widely ad'
vertised, but the work will undoubtedly
be done at San Francisco, where the
Grant now lies.
Five Buildings Destroy ed -Loss, $20,000,
Partially Covered by Insurance.
North Yamhill, Or., Nov. 19. North
Yamhill suffered a $20,000 fire loss
last night. About 9:30 o'clock flames
were discovered issuing from the gene
ral merchandise store of Messner
Vaulheim. and so rapidly did tbe fire
im-ead that all efforts at saving the
buildins or contents were utterly
futile, aud the attention oi the citizens
was directed toward sating adjoining
nrorjertv. The lack of adequate fire
fihtainn apparatus made difficult the
work of subduing the flames, and before
tbe fire bad burned itself out four ad
Hitional buildines were in ruins.
At midnight tbe flames had subsided
and ware nnder comnlete control. The
fire drew a groat crowd of people to the
streets, but fortunately no one was In
inrad. It la not kuown how tbe fire
$10,000 Fire In Hstesa.
Helena. Mont., Nov. 20. Fire early
todav threatened for an boor the com
olete destruction of East Helena. A
fierce gale was blowing, and to protect
the incidences and business buildings
blankets were made use of to prevent
iffnltion from flying firebrands. V Ith
the assistance of a steamer from Hel
ena, tbe fire was gotten nnder control,
after four buildings had been destroyed,
tbe loss on which is estimated At fully
$10,000. ' ' '
British Are Worried.
Pesbatmr, India, Nov.; 20. The
Rritiah exrjedition to put down the
uprising of the Wasiri tribesmen on
tha Afffhan frontier is meeting with
Hatarmined oDDosition. Colonel Ton
nch. in command of the Fourth col
nmn. has been mortally wounded in
SB engagement with tbe - insurgents',
and Major Berwford, the next in com
maud. ha. asked tor reinforcements.
Destruction In Quatemala Greater Than
.That on Islaml of Martinique.
New York, Nov. 18. Astounding
revelations of great loss of life and prop
erty by the eruption of the Santa Maria
volcano are being made daily,, says a
cablegram to tbe Herald from Guate
mala City. Eruptions continue. Many
hundreds of human beings perished and
the destruction of property Js considered
greater than that in the Island of Mar
tinique by the eruptions, of Mount
Pelee. - '.:' ;. v , ; .
All of the estates in . the neighbor
hood of the volcano are buried , under
volcanic ashes, which reach to the topi
of the houses. The richest coffee es
tates are completely ruined. ' The
principal losers are the large coffee
planters, mostly - United States citi-;
sens ' and Germans, whose properties
are ruined. '' s-- f: X v .
Two or three craters have . been
formed on Hke side . of, the-, -volcano,
There was no eruption from the sum
mit. Pumice, and ashes were carried
chiefly in the southern .and .western
directions. .The sea has coating of
volcanic material extending lor' msnji
miles. ' ' ''" ,v ; ..(
The loss! of the coffee crop, which, is
Guatemala's principal export, has com
pletely demoralized commerce and gov-j
era ment finances generally, The na
tional paper currency, whicti is the
only circulating medium, hai fallen to
7 cents gold for one paper dollar. -V"- '
' Prices for all necessities -have risen
to prohibitive figures for many persons
The athorities are trying to foi-ee the
deslers to- send goods at the usual
prices,' but the condition of affairs is
such' that business is entirely paralysed
Violently worded handbills And. posters
are being circulated, : , ...
" " - r :, r.': ., : ; ' . , ;
Americans Discover Prehistoric Cavern In
'. . "... , Mountains of Mexico.
Hermosillp, Mexico, Nov. 18. A re
markable ' Btory, duly authenticated, of
the discovery" of ; hidden Astec trees.
UresV has just been reported to the gov
ernment authorities at Topic, by Rev.
Pablo. Martfho, the parish priest of
Yesca.. . Y ',4,?,,T'
The priest makes a statement. which
is concurred in by several reliable Wit
nesses, that d party of Americans,
beaded by an archaeologlo expert, who
gave the name of Heverick,' arrived at
Yesca several weeks ago, and went
frpin , that 'place' 'into the mountains,
accompanied by three Mexican guides.
The archaeologist obtained hia.bearings
by means of a chart which . he is said
to have "copied from, an, Artec stone
tablot in the National museum in the
City of Mexico. He located a vast
cavern In a mountain near. Yesca. Im
mense stone , images stood about this
chamber. ' In one end was a handsome
altar, above which burned a bright
flame, supplied by natural gas from a
crevice in the wall.' In a chamber ad
joining this main temple was found a
great store of ornaments and utensils
belonging to the Aztecs or some other
prehistoric race. . .
Twelve burros were required to trans
port the articles .to San Bias, where
they were snipped to can Drancisco, ac
companied by the Americana. '
As such articles cannot be removed
from Mexico without tbe consent o(
the government, an investigation is in
progress. -' .. , ''
..:-., ... ; . t
Coat' Attorneys Put Him Through Lively
. -Pace Stood Examination Wall.
Scranton, Pa., Nov. 17. President
Mitchell, of the United Mine workers'
Union, occupied the witness stand
throughout both sessions of the coal
strike commission Saturday.,. For four
hours and. a half be took the cross-fire
of two brilliant attorneys of the coal
companies, a'nd ended the day with few
scare as a result of the battle. David
Wilcox, of New York, of general coun
sel for the Delaware & Hudson com-
pany, and Wayne MacVeagh, of I'hila
lelDhia. who is representing the Penn
sylvania coal company 'and tbe Lehigh
coal and Iron company, were the prin
cipal Questioners, and they . put bud-
dreds of questions to Mr'.'Mitcbell. The
best of harmony prevailed between the
lawyers and the witness. . The mem
bers of the commission took the same
interest in everything, and frequently
interrupted with questions,,, that tbev
might have a better understanding of
what was being said. The afternoon
session was more interesting. Mr.
MacVeagh 's cross-examination was, as
a rule, very keen, and while be assured
Mt. Mitchell be was not radically op
posed to him, he did not miss aa oppor
tunity to place Mr. Mitchell's reasons
for better conditions in the anthracite
coal field in a bad light before the com'
mission. ' -
Storm of Dust and Ball of Fire.
London. Nov. 18. According to I
narial to the Mail from Sydney, N. 8
W., an extraordinary dust storm nas
been experienced in Victoria and New
Snnth Wales. Darkness enshrouded
the citv of Melbourne at noon vaster
day, and balls ot fire fell and set fire to
several buildings. The people were
thrown Into a state of psnlc, as they
thought the world was coming to an
end. A similar cloud of red dust bung
like a p xll over the city of Sydney.
Sow Succeeds Father la Coagre.
Paris. Tex., Nov. 18. A special
election was held today in the Fourth j tha wages of the conductors snd motor
congressional district, Morris Shepard men In their employ would be in
being elected to congress to fill the on-1 creased from 19 to 20 cants an hour,
expired term of his father, recently de- Nearly B.OOO are affected by the in
ceased, crease.
Full Extent of Decision Just Made Known
' Tbe British and Americans Had No
Rights, According to the Views of tbe
Arbitrator, to Protect Life and Prop
erty or Uphold Samoaa Court.
Washington, Nov. 19. By previous
arrangement between the officials,
there was today published simultan
eously , ia Washington, London and
Berlin, the full text of the decision
given by his majesty, King Oscar II,
as arbitrator between the three coun
tries named, of certain clnima owing to
military operations conducted in Samoa
in the yeri.1899?'. The decision is long
and abounds fn whereases and conclu
sions, i1 and in substance ' it has been
announced heretofore in the cable dis
patches from Stockholm. The preced
ing publication, however, did not con
vey to the officials here a full realisa
tion of the complete victory won by
Germany in this arbitration, for it ap-'
pears that on every point the arbitrator
adopted - the most' extreme German
vlew,; in opposition to Great Britain
and the United States.
The arbitration grew out of claims by
Germans or British subjects or Ameri
can citisond for compensation on ac
count of losses they alleged they had
suffered in consequence of unwarranted
military action on the part of German,
British or American officers iq Samoa,
between the first of January, ,1899, and
the 13th of May following. The ques
tion really at issue wag whether or not
the British and United States govern
ments should be considered responsible
foi the losses. , , ' ' .
The arbitrator recites that tbe United
States ship Philadelphia and the Brit
ish steamers Porpoise and Royalist, on
March 15, 1899, opened nre across the
town of 'Apia, Samoa, directing the ,
same against the forces of High Chief
Mataafa; that the same vessels brought
the newly ; appointed ' king of Samoa,
MaMetoa, and, his forces to Molinun
point and supplied them with arms and
ammunition for the ensuing struggle
against Mataafa. In answer to the
British and American claims tbat
under the treaty of Berlin, any one of
the signatory powers was authorized to
enforce the decision of the chief justice
of Samoa, declaring Malietoa kini, tbe
arbitrator says:
'We have found nothing In the said
general act, or any subsequent agree
ment, .whlcli. authorizes one of the
signatory powers, or a majority of them,
to take action to enforce the conditions
of the act or to make the decisions of
the chief justice binding on the part of
the United States." The decision con
cludes as fellows:
'That, tbe military action In ques
tion, namely, the bringing back of the
Malietoans and the distribution to them
of arms and ammunition, the bombard
ment, the military operations on shore
and tbe stoppage of the street traffic,
cannot be .considered as having been
warranted ; and that, therefore, his
Brittannio majesty s government and
the United States government are re
sponsibly under the convention of tbe
7th of November, 1899, for losses
caused . by said military action; whie
reserving for a future d orison the ques
tion as to the extent to which the two
governments, or each ot them, may be
considered responsible for such losses."
Idaho Land Board Will Dispose of Twrc-
Thousand Acres.
Boise, Idaho, Nov. 19. The state
land board has ordered the sale of
about 20,000 acres mora of Idaho
timber. The estimates place thti
amount of timber to be disposed of at '
160,000,000 feet. Tbe agent of the
Howard land, log and lumber com
pany, of Coeur d'Alene City, appeared
before the board and asked tbat the
tract of timber on St. Mary's river be
sold. He deposited with the secretary
a certified check for $500 as a guarantee
that bis company would bid tbe ap
praised price. ,
After some discussion of the matter
Governor Hunt moved that the land
which is located on St Mary's river
and tributaries in the counties ot
Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone be put
up for sale, and that the white pine
timber 'be appraised at $1.50 per
tbousaud, and 76 cents per thousand
for red fir and yellow pine. A - resolu
tion was passed 1 instructing tbe chief
clerk to advertise the sate of the tim
ber. - The sale will occur in Kootenai
county December 22, Shoshone, Decem
ber 23, and Latah December 26.
Police Were Ready for Emma.
Chicago, Nov. 19. With 200 police
men and two patrol wagons held in re
serve at tbe East Chicago avenue sta
tion, with Inspector Campbell, Lieuten
ant Smith and six detectives in the
ball, and Justice Hamburger in his
court ready to issue warrants, Emma
Goldman spoke before 400 anarchiMta
at Clark and Erie streets lat-t night.
Police precautions proved unnecessary,
howeer, for the carnation in her hair
was more fiery than her talk. .
Increase of I Cent aa Hour.
Philadelphia, Nov. 19. The Phila-
delpbia Rspid Transit company today
; announced that, beginning December I,
-mim'S 1 t t ,T i i him i ii - .- nil- ' "' 1 "T1"'"""J"''J"J " ' J "