The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, November 14, 1902, Image 3

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    Anent Forest Fires.
Oregon Tlmberman.
Springwater, Ore., Oct. 27, 1902. The
iimoerman: n id with pleasure that I
comply with your request of the 25th
instant. The damage done in Clacka
mas county by the tire of September 11
13 is rather hard to estimate. The com
mittee here, of which your correspond
, ent is secretary, are gathering data as
fast as possible. The information I am
giving you in this letter only covers a
territory of about 40 square miles, that
is, a stnpabout ten miles longand about
four miles wile. The strip includes the
settlements of Kickapoo, Ilocky Point
and Springwater, lam unable at this
time to give the losses sustained at Bea
ver Creek, Highlands, Viola and other
points in the county; but I may in the
near future be able to supply the defi
ciency. In the neighborhood of which
I speak. 101 farmers have lost in the fire,
and their losses range from f25.00 to
$2,700. We have estimated the loss so
far at $55,545, but these-figurea will be
revised some, and the total amount Mill
be increased a few thor.pand dollars. We
have not estimated the loss to orchards,
fruits, or timber. The loss to fruit will
be about $1,200, at present pricesof dried
prunes and apples. The total amount
as above does not mean what it will
cot-t to rebuild, but about the cash value
of the old buildings and fences, neither
have we estimated the decreased value
of stock, caused by the forced Felling of
the same made necessary by the total
destruction of hay and grain in many
instances. To be fair with those who
have lost, I will say that $100,000 will
barely put them in as good a condition
as before the fire.
Now a word as to the timber. This
part of Clackamas is not noted for its
first class timber.for, as a rulo, the trees
are short and very limby. I find by
close inquiry that about 10 sections have
been burned over, and with the excep
tions of about two sections, the timber
stumpage would amount to no more
than for cordwood. A good, fair esti
mate of the loss to timber would be
about $7,500 probably 80,000,000 feet,
and this would make fair lumber if
sawn in the next three or four vears.
While the people of Springwater and
vicinity have received considerable aid
from Oregon City and elsewhere in the
way ol clothing, money, etc., for their
immediate wants,yet much suffering will
be experienced before spring. Whilo
losses have been very heavy, int-urance
has been light, as only a very few were
insured, and then for only a nominal
I admire the position you are taking
in regard to setting out forest fires, and
could you see the devastation to the farm
ers here, from the carelessness of hunt
ers and campers with their fires, you
would say that a law-making it a misde
meanor to hunt or put out a camp fire
during the dry senson would be about
the proper thing. Give us more strin
gent fire laws then call out the army
and navy to enforce them.
Respectfully yours,
L. W. Van Dyke.
Sec'y Springwater fire relief committee.
Thanksgiving Proclamation.
According to the yearly custom of
our people, it falls upon the president at
this season to appoint a day of iestival
and thanksgiving to God. Over a cen
tury and a quarter has passed since this
country took its place among the nations
of the earth and during that time we
have hud on the whole more to be
thankful for than has fallen to the lot
of any other people,. Generation after
generation has grown to manhood and
passed away. Each has had to bear its
peculiar burdens, each to face its special
crisis and each has known years of grim
trial, when the country was menaced by
malice, domestic or foreign, when the
hand of the lrd was heavy upon it in
death by flood or pestilence, when in
bodily distress "and anguish of soul it
paid the penalty of folly and a froward
heart. Nevertheless, decade by decade,
we have struggled onward and upward,
we now enjoy material well being, and
under the favor of the Most High we are
striving earnestly to receive moral and
spiritual uplifting.
The year that has just closed has
been one of peace and overflowing
plenty. Rarely has any people enjoyed
greater prosperity than we are now en
joying. For this we render heartfelt
and Bolemn thanks to the giver of good
and we seek to prai-e Him not by words
only, but by deeds, by the way in which
we do our duty to ourselves and to our
fellow men.
Now, therefore, I, Theodore Roosevelt,
president ol the United States, do
hereby designato as a day of general
thanksgiving, Thursday, the 27th of the
coming November, and do recommend
that throughout the land the people
cease from their ordinary occupations
and in their several homes and places of
worship render thanks unto Almighty
God for the manifold blessings of the
past year.
In witness whereof I have hereunto
set my hand and caused the seal of the
United States to be affixed.
Done at the City of Washington, this
2i)th day of October, in the year of our
Lord, 1902, and of the Independence of
the United States the 127th.
By the President.
John Hay, Secretary of State.
Anfo Plow.
New York, Nov. 4. Diverse as the
plow and the automobile would seem at
first glance, Dr. Uatiing, the famous in
ventor of the gun that bears his name,
has hitched the two together and made
farming a "thing of beauty and a joy
The hardest farm libc-r is thus re
duced to a pastime. One more occupa
tion for the horse is destroyed, and
one man with an automobile plow can
do the work that formerly .required 15
pairs of hands and 30 hordes.
The Gatling motor plow is driven by a
gasoline engine of sufficient power to
propel it t anv desired depth down to
twelve inches.' The truck is built like
the trucks used with traction engines,
except that the steam boiler is replaced
by a strong platform on which is placed
the gasoline engine, which is connected
to the traction gearing by series of
wheels; to this "truck is attached a set
of disk plows, which may be geared to
run at any depth or any angle needed to
gie the liest results when plowing.
With this machine it is estimated that
one mau can plow from 30 to 35 acres in
one day. To plow this number of acres
in one day with the ordinary plow would
require 15 men ami 30 horses, so when it
comes to cultivating one, of our large
Western farms, it is easy to estimate the
large drove of horse and the great num
ber of men required to do the plowing
and the immense cost to the owner to
house lnd feed them.
All that is required to operate the Gat
ling plow is for the farmer to sit upon
the cushioned seat of the truck and work
the controller, which is uot unlike those
attached to automobiles; or, if he hap
pens to be indisposed, his wife can take
his place. ...
It is generally estimated that the cost
of plowing under ordinary conditions is
$1.5i) per acre. Then the further prep
aration ot the ground oy narrowing nnu
rolling costs another 50 cents er acre.
With the Gatling machine the ground
beoomes thoroughly pulverized and the
To'liinr i not rvoilired.
A harrow attached to the machine will.1
do the smoothing, ami a aatA dvitl at
tallied behind this will do the seed in 2
so that the plowing, harrowing and
seeding may all be done with one pas
sage of the machine and at just about
one-fourth the cost of the present meth
ods, thereby enabling the wheat grower
of the United States to compete in the
markets of the world with a profit to
Breath iuir Wells of Nebraska.
In a recent paper published by the
United States geological survey, on wells
and windmills in jNebraska, mention is
made of the interesting phenomena of
the breathing or blowing wells which
are found distributed throughout a large
portion of the state of Nebraska. These
wells are of the driven type mostly in
use upon the plains, but are distill'
guished from those of ordinary char
acter by a remarkable and unexplained
egress and ingress of currents of air
which produce dibtmctly audible sounds
and give the names variously applied to
them of breathing, sighing, blowing or
roaring wells, according to their charac
ters in different places. The air currents
are readily tested with the flames of
candleB, or by dropping chaff or feathers
into the well tubes, there are periods
when these wells blow out for several
days, and equal periods when their air
currents are reversed. It has been oh
served that the blowing occurs with
changes of the barometer. Some wells
are found to bo most audible when the
wind is from the northwest, with a rise
in wuter level ; but with a change of
wind, air is drawn in and the water is
observed to sink. During the nroeress
01 a low-oarometer area over one of
these regions, wind is violently expelled
from the wells, with a noiBe distinctly
audible for several rods. Professors
Lovelandand Swezey, of the University
01 jeurasKa, nave maue observations on
a well of this nature in Perkins county,
and found that its breathing periods
were exactly coincident with the baro
metric changes.
the citizens of the region have at
tempted many explanations of the wells.
Some have reasoned that the blowing is
probably due to the liberation of gas
produced from petroleum, and that as
petroleum is a natural distillation from
great coal fields, there must be an
abundant supply of the latter mineral
beneath the surface. Fortunes have
been staked upon this deduction and
much time consumed in a fruitless
search for coal. Others have noticed
the change of current which some wells
show every twelve hours, morning and
evening, and have thought that this reg
ular oscillation was due to a tidal action
of the sheet of water, erroneously con
sidering the latter as a great subterra
nean lako. The phenomena are most
frequently attributed by scientific ob
servers to atmospheric pressure, which,
though probably exerting great influ
ence, is uot necessarily the whole cause.
The material through which the wells
are driven may throw some light on
their peculiarities. In southeastern Ne
braska a layer of dense limestone about
4 inches thick lies beneath 50 to 100 feet
of subsoil. Below the limestone is found
water-bearing gravel. When the lime
stone covering the water-bearing beds is
penetrated, water under slight pressure
rises about one foot. The water-bearing
layer is very porous and must always
contain more or less air. As the air
above and the air inclostd in the gravels
below are alike subject to the fluctua
tions of the barometer, it follows that if
the surface air is rendered less dense the
air below will pass out through the well
openings until equilibrium between the
rarer air and denser air is established,
the opposite effect will follow during a
period of high pressure. Still, this ex
planation, plausible as it is, hardly ac
counts for the force with which the ail
is expelled from some of the wells, and
a more comprehensive study of the
problem is needed to satisfactorily ex
plain all the phenomena.
l)o Not Sleep on Your Left Side.
When a patient complains of a bad
taste in his mouth every morning on
waking up, says a physician, the first
question I ask him is as to the position
he assumes when going to sleep. An
immense number of people sleep on the
loft side, and this is the most common
cause of the unpleasant taste which is
generally attributed to dyspepsia. If a
meal has been taken within two or
three hours of going to bed, to sleep on
the left side is to give the stomach a
task which it is difficult in the extreme
to perform. The student of anatomy
knows that all food enters and leaves
the Btoinach on the right side, and hence
sleeping on the left Bide soon after eat
ing involves a sort of pumping operation
which is anything but conducive to
sound repose.
The action of the heart is also inter
fered with considerably, and the lungs
are unduly compressed. It is probable
that lying on the back is the most nat
ural position, but few can rest easily so,
and hence it is best to cultivate the
habit of sleeping on the right side. It
is very largely a matter of habit, and the
sooner it is acquired the better for the
sleeper and the worse for the physician.
Another sleeping habit that is inju
rious, especially to the lungs, is that of
curling up, drawing the shoulders to
gether and thus diminishing the capacity
of the chest and compressing the lungs.
Great harm may result from this habit
and it should be carefully guarded
Circuit Court.
Surroundings at the court house this
morning were very favorable to court
ing when Judge Itradshaw opened cir
cuit court. The room having been
thoroughly overhauled and refitted
looked very attractive and caused even
(he Juror to keep (heir eyes open for a
time, while the judge assumed renewed
dignity befitting the occasion. The
docket being read, proved that while a
great deal of business will come up, it
will not he of such a nature as to pro
long the session. Three or four crim
inal cases will be tried and a like num
lerof civil cases. J L Harper and J.
Doberty were tipjHiinied court bailifls,
and (he following J'irors presented
themselves: R Sigman, Hans IJige,
Amos Root, Henry .Maliew, L C Heti
nigan, C C Holiart, F E McCorkle, Jus
l.e Due, I, J Klinuvr, John Mann, C A
Hell, V H Stoiighlon, Newt Patterson,
tl A Liebe, F X Kramer, Charles Koh
ler, J L Kelly, D S Kimsey, Albert
Uineroth. A number of cases have
(.cell settled in luiuilxrs, and among
other matters divorce were granted
Fred Kaulz from Lucy Kaunand Mary
I). Morgan from John Morgan. Dalles
First Spike driven.
Yesterday morning at 9 :0H o'clock the
first spike of the Columbia River &
Northern railway was driven at the end
of the incline at Lyle by Ktifus Mallory,
president of the board of directors.
Slanaser Campbell, Engineer Oliver.
Vice President II. L. Pittock, Albert
Holman, Mr. liewis and W. W. Flack
w itnes!Hl the important event, which is
one indication of the good faith of the
projectors. Later the party made a trip
out over the line, which is making such
splendid progress. The barge, which
will be used to transier t tie engines and
cars on, was brought up Thursday by
the Hercules and is now at Lyle,
And so the Columbia River & North
ern railway progresses, while th resi
dents of a vast territory await with in
terest the driving of the last spike.
A Nigger'i Confession. 1
Editor Glacier: I noticed in your last
issue an interesting problem relative to
the stealing of some applet by some
"niggers." You seem to think they
were not Btolen in Hood River valley. I
desire to confess and tell the whole
truth. They were stolen quite recently
from a prominent fruit grower 8 orchard
on the East Side, and they were of the
Ben Davis variety. We made a great
mistake, owing to the reputation of
the grower. W e didn't suppose ttsat we
could find such worthless apples in a
first-class orchard. I have disposed of
my share ol the apples stolen to a sole
leather manufacturer in Portland. I
didn't know my pals had given me away
so badly until 1 read the account in
your paper, but since our actions have
been published, and I confess to the low
act of helping to steal a sack of Ben
Davis apples, I will now tell just how
many we stole :
When we hid the sack in the barn, it
contained just 79 apples. The first nig
ger threw one away and took of the
remainder, which was 26, leaving 52
apples in the sack. The second nigger
found 52 apples, threw one away and
took 1-3 of the remainder, which was 17,
leaving 34 in the sack. The third nigger
(myself) found 34 apples, I threw one
away and took of the remainder,
which was 11, leaving 22 m the sack.
The next morning when all three of us
met to disguise our distrust of the other
follows, we found 22 apples; we threw
one awav and each took seven.
Now, Mr. Editor, I feel awful bad
over the publicity of this whole affair;
more on account of us getting tooled in
the dark and going to so much, trouble
to get nothing but Ben Davis apples, I'll
confess my mistake and will never visit
any more orchards after dark.
Say, Mr. Editor, since I commenced
to write you I have heard from the sale
of my Ben Davis apples. The tannery
company says that they are just what
they want, the fungus and brown rust
on them make the skin very desirable
for leather, and the pulp will be ground
up and compressed into patent shoe
heels. I am lucky after all to find such
an easy market for my Ben Davis. Now
don't expose me for confessing to you, I
have a kind heart and a clear conscience
and could not bear this burden any
longer. Your friend,
A Magazine Thirty Tears Old.
The Christmas (December) number of
the Delineator is also the thirtieth anni
versary mini ber.Todo justice to this num
ber, which for beauty and utility touches
the highest mark, it would be necessary
to print the entire list of contents. It is
sufficient to say that in it the best mod
ern writers and artists are generously
represented. The book contains over
230 pages, with 34 full-page illustrations,
of which 20 are in two or more colors.
The magnitude of this December num
ber, for which 728 tons of paper and six
tons of ink have been used, may be un
derstood from the fact that 91 presses
running 14 hours a day, have been re
quired to print it ; the binding alone of
the edition of yio.ouu copies represent
ing over 20,000,000 sections which had
to be gathered individually by human
Notice to Taxpayers of School Dist. No2.
The patrons of school district No. 2
are requested to turn out on Thursday,
Noverober 20. to clear and iuiDrove the
school grounds at Frankton school house
and the patrons below the bluffs at the
Columbia school house in the same dis
trict. Bring your axes, saws, picks,
mattocks, mauls and wedges along with
Dinner will be served by the ladies of
the district. Come one, come all.
It will Bave an extra mill on your taxes.
By request of the board of
Irrigation Week in Portland.
You are invited to visit Portland irri
gation Week November 18 to 22. .The
Oregon irrigation association and the
Oregon bar association meet in Portland
on the above dates, Reduced rates on
all railroads. Special entertainment
for all visitors. F ree theatre tickets ; a
ball or concert; a steamboat ride on the
Willamette and Columbia rivers; an ob
servation car ride over the street rail
ways; a visit to the Portland cremator
ium, to the $1,000,000 custom house, to
the public library, to the 1500,000 city
hall, the wheat ships in the harbor, to
the rooms of the Oregon historical soci
ety and other places of interest.
An inspection of the armory and gun
drill by Battery A is to be one of the
features of entertainment of visitors.
A cordial invitation is extended to all
to visit Portland in Irrigation week.
Mount Hood School Report.
Report of school district No. 6,Mount
Hood, Oregon :
Days taught, 20; days attendance.
555.5; days absence, '8; times tardy, 10;
average unuy aueuu. lie, ZS.
The following named pupils were
neither absent nor tardy during the
month ending November?, 1902: Wal
ter Larwood, Clyde Fredenburg, George
Cooper, Raymond Miller, May Cooper,
Leonard Larwood, Hugh Knight. Don
ald Larwood.
Laura Hill, Teacher.
The Youth's Companion Calendar Free.
The publishers of The Youth's Com
panion are sending free to new subscrib
ers to the paper for 1903 a very hand
some calendar, lithographed in twelve
colors, with a border embossed ia gold.
The exquisite homo scene which forms
the principal feature of the calendar is
suitable for framing. The calendar is
sold to non-subscribers for fifty cents,
but to new subsc ibers for 15)03 it is sent
free, with all the issues of the Compan
ion for the remaining weeks of 15)02. the
paper then being sent for a full year, to
January, 1901. Subscription price $1.75.
Ths Youth's Companion,
144 Berkley Street, Boston, Mass.
Sad Case of Suicide.
Kate Downing.a mere child In yearn,
being only 16, having become despond
ent over some trouble that bad befallen
her, took strychnine to end her exis
tence. She was in an extremely nerv
ous condition when she took the poi
son, and after taking it walked some
distance Into the country to the house
of a friend before she succumbed to its
effects. It was three hours before death
relieved her sufferings. Dr. Logan,
county coroner, held an inquest on the
body the next day, Uie jury bringing
in a verdict of self destruction. A cer
tain amount of blamels justly due the
druggists for selling a dangerous drug
to a person in her mental condition.but
more censure is due to (hose who drove
the unfortunate, girl to commit tbe
rash act. They may not be brought to
an account in this world, but ihev will
some day have to answer for it before
a tribunal which knows no favor.
Morn bulletin.
Governor Geer declines to call an ex
Ira session of the legislature. He says
mm. iu lurv quesnon 01 uie iwis and
Clark extMMtitmn imm tu tu..iJiut..
at this time would be at the rik of de-
leaung a measure that has unquestion
able merit, and that more time em
ployed in the discussion of it and its
importance to the state will certainly
result in its popular approval.
$25.00 Or more in Cash, between November 1, and
December 25, with O. B. HARTLEY, he will give FREE
a Christmas Turkey.
Whv not itet one? You will trade fully that much bv then, and
you get your turkey free.
To all who do not reach this amount, we give you a discount on
merchandise purchased, toward a turkey, or in any merchandise in
our store. Call and get a card.
Free Delivery. "
Spot Gash
The above cuts are representations of a few pieces of handsomely
, decorated,, hand painted china, now on exhibition at our store,
which we intend giving away Free to our customers.
Our assortment consists of Cups and Saucers, Pie Plates, Breakfast
Plates, Dinner Plates, Platters, Covered Dishes, Cream Pitchers, Sugar
Bowls, Tea Pots, and everything else which goes to make up a
Fine Set of Dishes.
We earnestly invite you to call and inspect it, when we will
cheerfully give you full information.
We do this to increase our trade, and believe you will appreciate
, this method of doing it, as it gives you something useful at absolutely
no cost to you. Our aim will always be to sell you goods ns cheaply
as possible considering the quality of goods handled by us.
Very Respectfully,
Free Delivery. Phone 53.
Sale Extraordinary
It is going to be' bargain day with us every day for the next
thirty days. , We will give 10 per cent ofT, 011 everything bought
In our store, including
Beavers, Dress, Street and Tailored Hats.
A line of Hat Trimmings such as Birds, Foliage and Pauve
Velvets in all- the new shades. Now Is your chance to get a
Pattern Hat at a very low price.
MAE B. ROE, Milliner.
The school where thorough work is done; where the reason i
always given; where confidence is developed ; where bookkeeping
is taught exactly as books are kept in business; where shorthand it
made easy ; where penmanship is at its best; where hundreds of
bookkeepers and stenographers have been educated for success in
life; where thousands more will be. Open all the year. Catalogue free
Irish Blue Eyes.
Lakeview Examiner.
The eye is what the soul makes it and
like a true indicator it records the char
acter of its possessor. The Irish eye
most elociuently bespeaks the character
of Ireland's people.
Deep ana uiue as tne great waves or
the ocean, tender and sparkling as the
light of the stars, brave and fearless ns
Ute Heart ot the steel clad warrlor.peer-
less eyes of blue!The undying patriot istn i
of generations, the continuous struggle
for freedom, the faith in their holy re
ligion, and the matchless wit and hu
mor, the bright optimism, which, how
ever dark the clouds may be, can al
ways see the silver lining all these are
beautifully blended in the azure
orbs of Erin's children ideal eyes of
The laughingeyes of France'sdaugh-
tersare charming indeed, luminous are
the midnight orbs or the sunny Italian
maidens, mild and blue are the light
browed children of the Rhine, soft and
sweet the eye of the golden haired Eng
lish lassie and the hazel brown of fair
Columbia's child, but for beauty and
depth of meaning give to us the true,
honest blue of the Shamrock land,
"Sweet eyes of heaven's own hue."
For In their limpid depths I see
8weet eyes of Irish blue.
Notice to Water Consumers.
This is the last call on parlies that
have not paid the water rentals for this
summer, and any failure to settle in
full before our annual meeting. Monuay
Kovember 17," will have to take, the
last chance for water next season. The
company have bills that must be paid,
and they have no money not credit,
ana in order to. get a tun supply lor
all there should be some repairing
done this fall, and that, you all know,
takes money. Frank Davexpowt, Pres.
Sent to the' Reform School. '
' In the circuit eourti today Dan Fra
ther, a boy who claims he will not be
16 years old uutil the 13th of next
February, was sentenced to the reform
8ehoo? after having plead guilty to for
gery. With another boy, Loss 10 Wells,
lie had undertaken to pass a forged
check for o drawn on Butler A (Jo's
bank at Hood ItiverlastSaturdayeven
ihg. After the boys were arrested Pra
ttler acknowledged bis guilt, exoner
ating the Wells boy, hence he was dis
charged. Mou 11 tai ueer.
Masa. Meeting:.
AU hore1n favor of majority rule
in local affairs are requested to attend
a mass meeting Friday evening, No
vember 14, at 8 o'clock, in A. O. U. V.
hall, for the purpose of nominating can
didates for the following offices: Mayor.
three councilmen, recorder and treas
urer. Signed by 20 citizens.
De eood book sav de meek shall in
herit ue airth; en dey may inherit it,
out Lawd knows dey don t git it: At
lanta Constitution.
Montaug Restaurant.
This rpntnarmm is IothuhS t ITS North Kixtb
trt. Portland, oppo.ll dpo4, and Urn by
a Hood Hirer firm. JLodginftft furnWhed.
Phone 225
T. II .Williams, "Royal Bakery."
Try those nice large mince pies,
home made, at T. II. W's Bakery.
Washington Pie, Macaroons,
Cocoanut Drops, Cream Bread,
Rye Bread, Graham Bread,
Buns, Rolls. Warm, at 4 p. m. daily.
Woven Wire Fence.
Best and cheapest wire fenceon earth
all things considered. Don't fail to see
1). P. liyerlee before buying your fence.
o24tr Phone 414 Sub
Pigs for Sale.
I have tmiiie six-weeks-old Poland China
pigs for 8ii le.
24 Acres.
Fine nnule hmd. UK miles from town, on
Mount Hood rouil.. liHigain. See
Strawberry Plants.
I hnvo for sule A ehuiee lot of strawberry
To hire a man hj the jviir to work on trnw-
oerry lanili; married limn prelrrred. W ill
furnUli Imuw, gui'diu ami fuel. Address
nu a. L.., inis office.
For Sale.
One Ellison's rollloGraphophones. double
trunii't. A Iho :i0 larrrst recordH. t'ost com
plete, s-'.to. 51 cknii, iukps 11, Andreas
O. KlsEU. 1."I N. lith KtreeL
024. Portland, Oregon.
Potatoes for Sale.
A unir i"r' hi 1111 (s,nmr imic i.nuui mux
mituliiue frtr auto ol T"m iu.r lilfi tuuindu 1ullv.
ered any place in the vullt-y.
001 nil n. j. n. iua,
Water & Light Notice
All water and light bills am payable at the
Hood Hlver Kleetne'hl. Power aud Water
fow'a ottiee from the 1st to the 10th of he
month, in advam-e.
oiiltf n. C. EVAN'S, Manager.
Trade Marks
Anrtm entn a ke4rh and lWTip4tnti may
qnlrtttT aJKpnam fnr opinion fre h hr an
InvfMithm m ont.iT frmntahla. Otmmtintr-a-tt'
ns -nctlj r"nft.iMt'(l. Handbook on Hattu
aent f , i1m arfiiT iW curm pxnta.
I'tm taken through Mann ft Co. rvoclr
9petJ notice, nlthimt cfrffivtt, ta &
Scientific American.
A tndoniT HInmitd w1t. I.armit rtr
rnlation of en (-enHfi' Journal. Trw. $3 a
yw: tv-ur mom ha, it isuid bjr all iwrartalem.
Brand) UHua, S4 F ft, Wuhuilga, D, u
j 4 4 f 44 j f i 1 ; i i - a 4
The Davidson Fruit Co.
If you have Fruit to market, or will need
Fruit Boxes, Plows, Cultivators, Fer
tilizers, or a Vehicle,
We keep our office open twelve months In thejyear, and need
your business.
If we please you, tell your neighbors; If not, tell us.
Williams Pharmacy,
Otten Building,
G. E. WILLIAMS, Prop'r.
Headquarters for
Pure Drugs, Toilet Articles,
Prescriptions my Specialty.
A few good things you
622 acres; 45 acres In cultivation, 14 acres in strawberries, some ap
ples, good house, line springs, 6 miles from town $4,260.
25g acres; 4 acres bearing trees, and berries, plenty of water, 4-room
house, also barn foot).
1G0 acres; 200 bearing apples, 40 acres mill timber, some hay land
$500-house, spring f 1,800.
Homestead relinquishment 150 acres nearly half tillable orchard
land; 2 springs, new house w.hich cost $400, 8 miles from town $750.
19 Handsome Lots in Coe's addition for $200 each.
We always have some bargains to odor. Call on, or address,
Stoves, Tin, Sheet Iron and
Copper Ware,
Bath Tubs, Sinks and Lavators, Wash Stands and Sink Brackets, Lead
and Iron Tipe, Rubber Goods.
Stages to Cloud Cap Inn.
- Ticket office for the Regulator Line of Steamers Telephone and
have a hack carry you to and from the boat landing If you want
a first-class turnout call on the
Hero is a 1
ist of some of
Donovon Pasha,
The Strollers,
Heralds of Kmpire,
The Bky Pilot,
The Virginian,
The Thrall of Lief the
Dry and I,
The Two Vanrels,
Wanted A Chaperon,
Hearts Courageous,
The Cavaliers,
The Crisis,
In Fact
Give us a call
David Harum,
Manila Barber Shop
S. C. JACKSON, Proprietor
Will do Picture Framing in connection. Room Mouldings and all
kinds of Picture and Window Glass constantly ou hand. CALL
and see samples of Wall rajier.
Blacksmith Shop.
J. R. NICKELSEN, Proprietor.
Cor. 4th and Columbia. 'Phone 243
McKee's Business College
School of Correspondence.
Now in its 23d Year.
Every teacher an expert In his special course. Our courses
cover the entire range of business operation.
Complete business enuri, time unlimited, by mail $25 00
Complete shorthand course, six months, by mail . . . 15 00
Complete civil service courxe, six months, by mail 15 00
Complete Knglioh courxe, six months, by mail 15 00
Complete select studies, six months, by mail 13 00
These courses are especially designed for those who have not
the lime nor means to attend college, and especially for those
who have been deprived of a common school education.
The greatest care is given to each individual student. ' Di
, plomas awarded graduates.
Send for particulars and state the course you want.
J. B. McKEE, Proprietor.
Auerlaih building, SALT LAKE CITY, Utah.
The City Tinker & Plumber.
Headquarter Fourth and Oak Street.
can buy for little money
the New Books at Slocom's: .
The Man from Glengary,
Eben Holden,
Amor Victor,
Dorothy Vernon, of Haddcn Hall,
The Speckle Bird,
Alice of Old Vincennes,
To Have and To Hold,
Mississippi Bubble,
The Captain of the Gray Horse Troop,
i riBonern 01 nope,
McLoughlin and Old Oregon,
Tho Tumi Talcmla
All the Up-To-Date Books.
when you need something in this line.