The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, November 07, 1902, Image 2

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    'Kood Iftver Slacier.
The Eugene Register has enlarged its
daily edition to six pages of seven col
umns each. The Register is a bright,
enterprising paper, and the Glacier is
pleased to note this evidence of its pros
perity. 1
The Medford Success is the latest ad
dition to Oregon journalism. The first
issue is bright and newsy, and if Messrs
Meserve & Kershaw continue as they
have begun their publication will -merit
the name they have given it.
It was pleasant to note the normal
condition of things generally in this
neck of woods on the morning of the
initial day of November this year, as
compared to similar dates of past years.
This was due either to a change of
heart on the part of the thoughtless,
frolicsome members of the rising gen
eration, or the fact that the weather
bureau favored us with the most dis
mal, disagreeable night thus far exper
ienced this season. ;
Of all the senseless, anarchical pro
ceedings that are indulged in and con
doned ty our people, that of the dam
age to and destruction of property of
others by the incorrigible youth and
shallow-minded older people on Hal
lowe'en seems to be the worst. It
were not so bad if it went no further
than innocent jokes; but when the
spirit of lawlessness and disregard for
the lives and property of others are in
the ascendancy, it is time for the civil
authorities to take an active part In
the operations. So the people of Port
land seem to think after last year's ex
perience, and they' doubled their po
lice force, and many of their property
owners turned policemen on their own
account in order to protect their hold
ings from wanton destruction. No
one could have the slightest objection
to the young people having a lark and
nlnvlnir nranks. would thev but elim
inate from their operations the element
of danger to life, limb and property of
ineir neiguoors, wnicn is souuiversauy
in evidence on this occasion; and there
is certainly no more valid excuse on
this night, for smashing a man's fence,
cate or vehicle, or tripping him by
means of wire or rope across his path,
thereby placrng his file or limb in
jeopardy, than there Is for committing
these same acts of vandalism on any
other night or day of the year, and it
ought to be met witn the same - rigor-
ous treatment in the one case as in the
other. Our citizens congratulated
themselves, therefore at their escape
, from the deviltries ordinarily practiced
on Hallowe'en and our boys have con
sequently risen a big notch iu their
esteem. It is up to our young folks to
maintain this desirable position by rele
gating this relic of barbarism to the
shades of oblivion.
There is another phase of the ease
which la equally applicable to other oc
casians as well as to Hallowe'en. Those
children who have been rightly brought
up do not resort to lawlessness and
although full of life and vivacity, and
bent on getting all the enjoyment out
of life they may J their sense of justice,
and their regard for the rights of oth
ers naturaly restrain tnem from en
gaging in malicious, lawless acts.
It does seem that there can be no more
heartrending experience, or one more
franght with the keenest anguish and
misery than for a parent to hear from
the lips of a son or daughter, from be
hind prison bars or the shadow of the
gallows, tue reproachful, despairing
woras: "UD miner, motner, lr you nau
corrected me in my childhood and
curbed my willfulness, I would not
have come to this."
Many people say it Is cruel to whip'or
scold a child. II is even so, when other
means will do, but if it comes to be
necewtary to the proper training of
the cnild, it is tne bitterest or seltmli
cruelty to spare yourself the pain of
properly punching your child and en
forcing a due respect for the rights of
others and regard for your commands
and instruction. There is too much of
this laxity of discipline here in Oregon
the same as elsewhere, and the parents
of those children who are habitually
disobedient, disrespectful to their
elders, impudent to their friends and
to strangers, who disregard the rights
of their fellows, are heaping up a load
of misery to themselves and sorrow to
their children. lt us look to our
children. The hope of our nation lies
in tnem. 11 our nation is to ue perpet
uated and prosperous it must tie
through them. If it comes to anarchy
and ruin, it will be through their
hands. Choose, therefore, that which
is desirable, a glorious country, full of
joy, peace and happiness, and let us so
train and educate our children that
when the reins of government shall
fall into their hands, it will be as nat
ural for them to be just, kind and true
as it is for the waters of our own Hood
river to be bright, pure and sparkling.
We begin the training of our child
ren in our homes. At the age of six
we divide that training with the teach
ers in our public schools. The teacher,
then, Is entitled to our siucerest sym
pathy, our most hearty support and
encouragement if capable and faithful,
and if not so, should be as promptly
removed from the supervision of our
little ones. Our Hood River teachers
are deserving of the highest praise for the
active interest they have manifested
in their work and the success of the
pupils in their charce. They ' have
a teachers' association which meets
twice each month, and to these meet
ings they have Invited "every parent
who has the welfare of his child at
heart, and Who wishes to come into
close sympathy and conference with
his Instructors; and any one who has
been, or Intendsto he a teacher, and
who can add, either, by suggestion or
presence, to the interest of the meet
ings." Do you meet with them? Do
you speak a word of encouragement to
them? Do you ever visit the sehool.or
in any other way display the slightest
interest In the success of the teacher or
education and Induing of your child?
If not, and either one proves a failure,
you will at least be guilty of contribu
tory negligence, and are thus barred
from any just cause of complaint.
IX must be gratifying to parents to
note the wonderful inmrovement in
the attendance and punctuality in the
the schools reporting In last week's
issue of (he Glacier, and the school at
m Cascade Locks mav justly be proud of
their record, prouder of that, than of
the banner which it captured.
It rests w ith us, the parents and
guardians of the young, to at least
manifest as deep and abiding interest
In the intellectual and moral develop
ment of our children as do those friends
we employ to direct and further that
development. Let us encourage a spir
it iu our cuiiaren,or research and studv
of perseverance and punctuality, of
nonesty ana justice toward their teach
er and their fellows. It us attend
tbe iiicctini'S of the association, ami
visit the schools, ami Identify ourselw
with this, the greatest tource of strength
to our nation; it will encourage and
eladden the heart of the teacher; it will
stimulate the children to greater effort;
it will give to both, teacher and pupil,
higher ideals, blighter views of life, and
the reflex action will crown our de
clining years with a glory such as has
never been attained by a previous gen
eration. Whit Salmon Items.
An efforMeTemove the rock from the
school grounds was made by Geo. Per-
cer last week, which was a partial suc
cess, so to speak, He found no uim
culty in securing money to buy the pow
der, but men with drills and hammers
were noj much in evidence at the ap
pointed time. Some work was done,
however. Now let the good work con
tinue. Certainly both the school and
grounds need more attention from the
citizens. . ' ,
The ladies' club met on Wednesday
afternoon. The ladies are quite busy
now getting ready for a fair to be held
some time in December. They have
made arrangements with C. M. Wol
fard & Co. to take charge of their store
for one day during the first week in
Frank Groshong has a force of car
penters at work on his blacksmith shop,
S. C. Zeigler being foreman.
We hear talk ol a photograph gallery,
barber shop and hardware store to be
opened up in White Salmon. Let them
come, there is plenty of room to build.
The local assembly of United Arti
sans will celebrate the sixth anniver
sary of its organization on r nday even
ing, by a social to be enjoyed by the
members and their tamuies.
J. C. Terry now occupies the Lane
house, having moved from The Duties
luist week. He has a contract to cut wood
for Mr. Wetherell.
Politicians of the republican persua
sion were here last Friday night. There
was a fair sized audience In Louterbach
hall to hear them.
- Mrs. U. S. Drake is recovering from
a serious attack of pleurisy.
Mr. Phene will soon have his house
ready for occupancy.
Mr. Wood went to Wind River on
H. H. Jewett is reported to be on the
Bick list this week.
Rumor says that F. Groshong con
templates building a dwelling in. and
moving to White Salmon in the uear
R. Fields is busy getting the roads in
shape for winter.
Mrs. Hunsaker has just returned from
a visit to Portland.
Our city will soon be supplied with
water from a reservoir now being con
strueted by A. H. Jewett and son. X.
Otlell Notes.
The new covered mail wagon is a thing
of beauty and attracts a crowd at Odell
almost every day. Sherman Young, the
new carrier,is certainly entitled to much
credit for this enterprise. He has in
vested at least $50 more than was neceB
sary to deliver the mail, but not iu as
good shape as it now comes. And
it seems to me that a subscription paper
should be circulated among his patrons
along the route, to reimburse him in a
small way, now that the mail comes to
the reader in first-class shape. The
writer will start it with $1.
Davenport Bros., for several days, have
been hauling machinery up the road to
their new mill site near Helmer's store,
at Alt. Mood.
The Dodson Bros, are piling up logs at
the nicker mill. I he logs are being
hauled trom the Crockett place.
The party of young men from Louis
ville Kentucky, who were camped for a
week on Red mountain returned Sunday
and brought with them a deer skin as
a trophy of their week s sport. They
are delighted with Hood River and will
locate here.
Jas. Eggert moves into his house this
week, across from Mr. Winans .
Tom Lacey is now at home in his new
house, ihis is, perhaps, the nicest
home in East Hood River valiey.
Arthur Baird came up yesterday from
Newburg, where his parents . reside.
They are in business there. Art gives
a good report of that section.
F. C. Hherrieb and family, of the
West Side, were guests at the "little
white store"- last Saturday. Mr. Bher-
rieb is a brother to Mrs. Shelley. Z.
Important Land Decision.
Astoria, October 13. Judge McBride
convened an adjourned session of the
circuit court this afternoon and handed
down a number of formal orders. The
most important of these was in the case
ol u. L. Houston and J. t,. Ferguson vs.
George Kaboth, in which a judgment
was given the piaintitt, and the defend'
ant was allowed 60 days in which to file
a bill of exceptions. ' This suit was
brought to set aside a deed to a lot in
the business portion of the city, given
by the county to the defendant, who had
purchased it at the recent sale of prop
erty held by the county for taxes. In
giving his decision the court said that
no amuavii was on nie snowing mat tne
sheriff had made any attempt to levy on
the personal property owned by the
holder of the real estate iu question, as
is required by law, before selling the lot
for taxes, and therefore the original sale
of the property to the county was void.
The court also held that while the sale
to the defendant had been made under a
special act of the legislature, he did not
believe the legislature had authority to
pass a law correcting errors of this kind,
and as the first sale of the property was
void the second sale was also void. This
decision is of considerable interest to
the public, as it will invalidate a large
number of deeds secured at what
is known as the "dead horse" tax Bale.
Jonah's Skull.
A skull 30,000 years old has been found
in Kansas. It must be Jonah's. Ore-
What's the matter with its being
Allam'a If;f lw,v? Jnnalt'd a ..pi
cultural and piscatorial exploits, where
he raised the prize gourd and caught
.1... u .1. i a. i i .
me uig uhii, are Known io nave ncen lo
but who knows where Adam tilled the
soil M e claim lor Hood Kiver some of
the characteristics and adjuncts of prim
eval days; mayhap Adam wandered
from this vicinity over into "bleeding
Kansas" before he "shuttled off this
mortal coil."
Telling; the Troth.
It is said that an editor recently an
nounced that for just one issue he would
tell the truth, the whole truth, uaked
ana unvarnished.
Here is one item from that issue:
"Married Miss Sylvia Smith, to Mr.
james caroahan, last Saturday, at the
Baptist parsonage. The bride'is a very
ordinary girl about town, who doesn't
know any more about cooking than a
rabbit, and never helped her poor moth
er three days in her life. She is not a
beauty by a long shot, and has a gait
like a fat duck. The groom is an up-to-date
loafer and has been living off his
mother all his life, and don't amount to
anything nohow. They will have a
toogh time of it, and we withhold con
gratulations, for we don't beliwe anv
g'Kl can come from such a marriage.''
-The Lyre.
We have a large line of Ludies' fleece lined Vests and Panto, from 20e up. Ladies Union Suits, 25c and up.
Cotton Batting, all grades. Genuine Acme, cork Inner soles per pair 5c ..
Ladies' fleece lined hose - ... - 10c
Men's lay down linen collars, all new clean goods, each 5c
San Silk, per spool - - - - - - - 4c
Do you know that Sad Irons have raised In price? W have NOT raised our price.
A Full and complete line of Shoes, from 25c a pair "tip to the very best. All good wearing shoes at a Small
Price. -
Every Day is Bargain Day With Us.
Land office at Vancouver, Wash., Oi't. Hi,
ma. Not ice Is hereby given Unit the follow-inn-named
settler bus tiled notice of his In
tcntinii to make final proof In sup
port of his i-liiim, mill that said proof will
be made before W. 11. 1'resby, U.S. Commis
sioner for district of Washington, ut bis
office In Ijolilendule, Washington, on Mon
day, December Id, UM2, viz:
alcidk wtllard.
Homestead enlry No. W,M, for (lie northeast
quarter of section 80, township ti north,
ranne 12 eust, f. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous resilience upon and cultiva
tion oi said land, via:
-Mary llaracr aud Jnvld l'lett of flolden
dale, Washington; August fieri; and Thomas
Q,uigley of U leu wood, Washington.
u; d U W . K. D U N B A K, Register.
(Timber f.and, Act June :l, IK7K.1
United States Land Office. The Dalles, Ore
gon, Oct. 24, I!);. Notice i hereby given that
in compliance with the provisions of the act
of congress of June a, ls7S, entitled "An act
for the sale of Umber lands iu I lie stales ol
California. Oregon. .Nevada and Washington
territory," ttfi extended to all tbe public land
states by act of August 4. lMJ'-i,
OllSiN ii. H All I'ljfrY,
Of Hood River, county ol Wasco, state of Ore
gon, has on Sept. 1, MY1, (lied in tliisolllce his
sworn statement, iNo. ltW, lor the purchase of
lot;!, southeast guurlerof northwest quarter,
southwest quarter of north Hst quarter and
northwest quarter of southeast quarter of
section No. 2, in town-hip No. '1
north, range Mo. V east, V. M., and
will oiler proof to show that the laud sought Is
more valuable for Its timber or stone than for
agricultural purposes, and to entablish his
claim U said land before the Register and Ite
celver of thin office at i lie ladles, Oregon
on Thursday, the lath day or January, l'.MJ.
He names as witnesses: 8. W. ijitsnr, James
Chttlte, A. U. Wrignt and James I'iggert, all
nl Vlento. Oregon.
Any and all iiersons elaimliiit adversely tbe
above described lands are requested to file
their claims In this oitice on or neiore sum
loth duv of January, 1WI.
n7Jny JAY P. LUCAS, Register.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1K78.J
United States Land Ottlr-e, The Dalles, Ore
gon, October lmtt Not lee is hereby given,
that In compliance with the provisions of the
act of Congress of JuneU, KK, entitled "An
act for the sale ol timber lands m the stales of
California, Oregon, JNcvada and w asntnglon
Territory," as extended to ail tne public land
states by act of August 4, l!i, the following
named persons have on .Sept. 21, lMltt, tiled
In this olllce their sworn statements, to-wlt:
of Hood River, county of Wasco, state of Ore
gon, sworn statement .No. 1 LSI, for tbe pur
chase of the NW'4 or thesWli and lot 4, sec.
84, and lot 1, sue. ;M, T. t N., R. 0 E., aud lot 4,
sec. a, T. 1 N., R. II K., W. M.
of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of
Oregon, sworn statement Is'o. lis:!, for the
purchase of the northwest quarter of section
34, tmvnsnip 2 norm, range p easi.w. m.
Thatthev will otter proof to show that the
land sought Is more valuable for lis timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish their claims lo said land before
Geo. T. l'ral her, U. H. I 'nmmlssioner, at his
office In Hood River, Oregon, on Thursday,
the 15th dav of January ll.
They came as witnesses: W. E. ftlterrlll, M.
A. Cook and Robert R. Krwlu of llMd River,
Oreimr,. and Joseph V. ISatebekler of Portland
Oregon; also C. S. Lowe and L. W.. Jones of
Mood Kivor, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
their claims in this jillice on or before the
said loth day of January, 1!M.
U7jny9 JAY P. LUC A3, Register
iTImber Land, Act Junes, ls7K.
United Slates Land oflieo, Vancouver,
Wash., Sept. 4, Mi.!. Notice is hereby given
that in compliance with the provisions of tbe
act of congress of Juno 8, ls.s, entitled "An
acl for the sale of timber lands in the Htates of
California, Oregon, Nevada and asbtngton
Territory, ' aw extended to ail the public laud
states by act of August 4, IK'.i'J,
of Tront" ljuke, ronnty of Klickitat, slateof
Wasli., has tins day wed In this olllce his
sworn statement, -No. 2s:, tor tbe purchase of
tne east nniioi tne snnmeasr quarter and east
half of tbe not lhe:i! quarter of section 21, in
township No. ti north, r;ini;e No. 11 east, w. M.,
nd will otler proof to slanv that the land
sought is more vahudi.etor its liniberor stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to estab
lish his claim to sdd iand before the Register
and Receiver of this ollice at Vancouver.
Washington, on AVednesdMy, tiie2,;ih day of
novemiM r,
He names as witnesses: William lleringer,
Fred Seoft, Peter tSebmid and Joseph Aerne,
all of Trout Lake, Washington.
of Trout Lake, county of Klickitat, stato of
wasn., nas tins uay mcii in tins olllce Her
sworn statement No. 212, for the purchase of
the west half of the southwest quarter and
southeast quarter of the southwest, quarter of
sec. 20, and northwest quarter of the north
west of see. 2H, in township No. ii north,
range No. II ft, W'.m., and sill oiler pnsif to
show that the land sonlit is more valuable
for its timber or stone titan for agricultural
purposes, and to establish her claim to said
land before the Regisler and Receiver of
this ofliee, at Vancouver, Washington, on
Wednesday, the 2th day of November, 1IM2.
Bhe names as witn. William lleringer,
Fred Hcott, Peter Meh m id arid Joseph Aerne,
all of Trout Lake, Washington.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
shove-described lands are requested to file
their claims in this otiii-e on or before said
2tlth day of November, llnrj.
sl2n21 W, It. DL'XHAR, Register.
Timber J and. Act .IiiiteS, pes.
ti tilted Stati's Land Office, Vancouver, Wash.
October 27, !I2. Notice Is hereby given
that in compliance with the provisions of the
act of congress of June :l, ls7S, entitled "An act
for tbe sale of timber lands in tbe stit-s ol
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
V asbingl la
territory, ns extended ton
states by act of August 4, 1'
of White Salmon, county of Klickitat, slate
of Washington, has Ibis day tiled In this ottice
hlB sworn statement No. 2.'ii I. lor the purchase
of the northwest t of section No. :(,", in town
ship No. ft north, range No. 10 east, w.m ,
and will oiler proof to show tlmt the laud
sought is more valuable for its timlter or
stone than for n'rrienliural purposes, and lo
establish his claim lo said land la-fore the
Reirlsier and Rweiv. r ijt tnisoitb-e at Van
couver, Wasiilirsinii, on I i iibiy, the i.flh dav
of Kebrusry, h-dl.
He names as witn--es: Wil,nm J. Krost
and liennls Carney of Portland, Oregon;
Porter McM Him of Hood l;iv,-i, Oregon, and
Ronald l. Cameron of Y bi'esafmon. Wash.
Any and all prr-us claiming adversely the
above-descrtbi'-i lauds are riqiiestcd to lite
their claims In this cilice ,,, or before said
1:1th dav of Kcbrunrv, IV":!.
odljnn W. R. Id" SUA II, Register.
Timber Land, Act June X, lsrs.1
Unltei stab-s Land firTlee, Vancouver
W,i., OctolH-r 21. I'.SiL-Notice Is hereby
given that In compliance with Ihe provision's
of t he act of concr.-v.oi .lone , H7, entitled
"An act for the s.,ie of timber lands in the
states of California. Orc-on. Nevada and
Vshlni!tn territory," as extended to all the
public land siat.-s bv ai t of Aneust 4, lsii.
ALtLKI. K.xVini, '
of Porllar.d, county of Multnomah, sbde of
Oregon, has tis day tile I iu this oitice
his sworn slab inenl. No. iViV, for tbe pur
chase of the northeast of northwest i;
of section No. in town-hip No. 8 north
nn -No. II cast. w. m., and wtli
Oder proof to show that the land soubt is
more valuable for Its timls-mr stone than for
agricultural purpose, ami to establish ht
claim to said Ian 1 before Ibe Register and
ReoHierof tbisolli.-e at Vancouver. Wash
on Thursday, the l aii day of Ketiruary, lmt.
HenaiiMsss vi'neis.. i. p. cx," iieorge
Streeter. l.eoru'e Kaddrrly and Herman C.
Smith, ail of l'oniii'1. on-con.
Any and all triii claiming .v,.rety the
ahove-descrihd lands are req -tested to Hie
their claims in this oth-u ou or bWore said
linh dav of februarv, l;r;.
oiljaj W.'U. DUNBAR, Register.
Established 1893.
Offers a .full line of
teMHnrsr Stt, One anfl Two-year-oia Apple
And other Fruit Trees, Plants, Bin ubs and Vines.
You are Invited
To examine the stock and let us know what you want.
H. 0. BATEHAM, Proprietor.
Telephone G04'.
We are closing out a lot of Women's Hltoes, consisting of about
60 pairs of the justly Celebrated Miller Make, which
we sold originally at from$2.(Kto $3.50 pur, but to move them
quickly we are making the very low price of
A PAIR FOR YOUR CHOICE. Come in soon if you wish to avail
yourself of this opportunity. These goods will certainly not Inst
long at this ridiculously low price.
We respectfully announce to the public Unit we have for the
coming planting seasons a fine lot of trees of all kinds
Thrifty, Smooth, and True to Name.
Orders are now; being booked as received and varieties furnished
as long as they last. This season will witness larger pluniinps of
single sorts than any in the history of this valley, and to gut what
you want will necessitate early orders. . -
We would also state that we are prepared to furnish for next
season's planting any number and ANY VARIETY, GROWN
Long experience in the uursery business enables us to guarantee
Nursery on East Side, at crosslngof Neal creek. Ordcrssolicited.
RAWS0N & STANTON, Hood River, Or.
Mt. Hood Livery, Feed
and Sale Stables.
A. K. FULLER, Prop.
First-class, stylish, easy-riding buggies All kinds of heavy team
ing and draying Accommodations fur trancient horses and teams.
Tickets Sold and Baggage
Something New.
Owing to the fact that there is plenty of grass cattle on the mar
ket at present, we are buying beef cheaper than we have for some
time, Btid we propose to give our customers the benefit of the low
prices; also, for the reason that many of our customers do not rare to
bother with cash coupons, we have decided to dispense with them
' and give the following prices from date:
Brisket Beef Boil, 7c per pound ; Short liib Boil, 8c; any of the
best Shoulder Beef Boil, 9e per pound ; Steaks from 10c to 15c per
pound; Pork and Mutton from 7c to 12Vjj'c. per pound.
We will meet any prices in town on groceries and deliver your
goods. Yours very truly,
The school where thorough work is done; where the reason i.
a 1 ways given; where confidence is developed; where bookkeeping
is taught exactly as books are kept in business ; where shorthand i
made easy ; where penmanship is at its best ; where hundreds (
book keepers and stenographers have been educated for success ii
life; where thousands more will be. Open all the year. Catalogue free
For YOU to Remember
H'hen you need anything in the line of
You should mil on
The Glacier
Checked to Destination.
. j w., .. T-v... I ,..11. .j rtretmn. ( k'lt ibtT
14, l!tt. Notice In her, by given tlmt tliefol-
Intention to mak final proof In support of
hi claim, and that naiil proof will lie made
Deioreiieo. t. rraiuer, u. o. iuiuui, ...
Himd River. Oruuon. on Saturday, November
22, 1U02, vl.: ,miBM,
Of Hood Rtver, Ore.: H. K. No. 8748, for the
norm wHn uniHi. y4, wnmi
suction 2J. township 2 north, rane jaHt, v .w
lie names iub hmiwis whubv"!
hU contlnuouH residonce upon and cultiva
tlon of srtid land, viz: a
Newby and Oliver Richardson, all of Hood
Timber I,and, Act June A, f7H.
United Htate Lnnd Offlee, Vancouver,
Washington, oototer 21, 1!2. Nolii lit
hereby K,veu tnat ln compliance with the
t,rnviulnni,f the mM. of cons reH of June 3. 187H.
entitled "An aet for the sale of timber laud
In the states of California, Oregon, rtevuauaiiu
Washington Territory," as extended toall the
public iniid states by aetof August 4, ItiW,
of Albion, county of Whitman, state of
Washington, has this day filed in tills office
his sworn statement No. 2702, for t he purchase
of the southeast quarter southeast quarter,
section 10; south half northeast quarter and
northeast quarter northeast quarter section
iii, township north, range 11 east, W. M. and
will otler proof to show that the land sought
Is more valuable for its timber or stone than
for Agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim to said laud before the Register and
Receiver of this olllce at Vancouver, Wash.,
on Tuesday, the 17th day of February, 11KW.
He name as witnesses: George W. Gibson
of fill I man, Wash.; Henry Krown of falouse
City, Wash.: William Klchardson of Colfax,
Wash., and Thomas A. Hudsou of The Dalles,
Any and at! persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to tile
tnelr claims in this olllce onoroeiore sata
17lh day of February, HH.
oiljll . W. R. DUNBAR, Register.
I.aud Office at Vtmoouver, Wash. Sept. 24,
liiOi Notice Is hereby given that the follow
ing-named settler has filed notice of his Inten
tion to make final proof in support of his
claim ,and thst said proof will be made before
the Register and Receiver, at Vancouver,
Washington, on November IH, 1902, viz:
who made It. K. No. 10JVM, for the of
nw ;4, &'ioi ana tot s, Billion o, town
ship a north, range 11 east, w.m.
ile names the following witnesses to prove
ins continuous resilience upon aim cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
Alois Welngartner of Gilmer. Washington,
G. R. Helliiiger, K. & Wright and William
t oate, all ot trout lnke. Washington.
o:in" W. R. DUNUAR, Register.
Timber band, Act June 3, 1878.
United Hlates tand Office. Vancouver,
Wash.. Aug, 21, lfr2.-Notlee is hereby given
that In compliance witli the provisions of the
ai t or congress or June a, is,. entitled "An
act for t he sale of timber lands In the states of
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory' as extended to all the public laud
suites oy act oi August i, iba,
Maggie Htadelmnn,
ofTroutlake.cotintyof Kllckltat.staloofWash
Ingtoii, has Hits day tiled in this olllce Iter
S"orn statement, No. 2S0B, for the pur
chase of the northwest of northeast of sec
tion No 10, iu township No. 0 north, range
No. 11 east, W. Al., and will offer proof to
show that the iand sought Is more valuable
for Its timber or stone than lor agricultural
purposes, and to establish her claim to said
land before the Register and Receiver of this
olliee at Vuucouver, Wash., on Wednesday,
me lam nay oi jtovemuer, is4
Ml. a union a a wit i,ou,iui- fin, icm f
Alexander K. (Sparks, George R. Hellingerano!
Henry C. Kedenburg, all of Troutlake, Wrsh.
Any and all persons cluimimr adversely the
above-described lands are requested lo file
ineir claims in tins otnee on or before said
12th day oi November, 1102.
aiWif W. R. DUNBAR, Register,
Timber hand, Act June 8, 1878.1
United States Land Oitice. Vancouver. Wash
Aug. 10, UI02. Notice is hereby given that in
compliance with the provisions of the act of
congress or June , 18,8, entitled "An act for
flic sale of timber lands in the States of Cal-
tlornla, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory," as extended to all the public laud
nuiu-b uy uei, til jMigiist
Lulu Wuy Aldrtch,
of Portliind.county of Multuomah.state of Ore
gon, has tills day filed in this office her
sworn statement, No. 28fti, lor the purchase ol
ine norinwesr quarier soutnweiquarter ana
south half northwest quarter, and southwest
quarter northeast quarter of section No.
27. township 6 north, range 11 east. W. M.,and
will otler proof to show that the land sought
is more valuable for its timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish her
ciium io suia tuna oeiore ine Register and
Receiver of this office at Vancouver District.
on Wednesday, the 12th day of November, 1H02.
Khe names as witnesses: Marv A. Leonard
and Frank Melvinof Portland, Oregon;George
tiimer unu Aiexanucr uueney or Utlmcr,
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
their claims in this office ou or before said 12th
aay oi tvovemner. tiHrj.
u2Uolil W. 11. DUNBAR, Register.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.1
United States Ijind Office, The Dulles, Ore.,
October ill, 1U02. Notice is hereby given
that in compliance with the provisions of the
net of congress of Junes, 1878, entitled "An act
for the sale of timber lands in the states of
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
territory," as extended to all the public land
states by act of August 4, 1892,
Of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of
Oregon, has on July 20, 1WI2. tiled in this office
his sworn statement No. 027, for the purchase
of the northwest V of northwest section 211,
west U southwest section 17 and northeast
VjofHK yA section 18, township No. 1 north,
range No. il east. W.M.and will oiler proof to
show that the land sought is more valuable for
its timber or stone tliun for agricultural pur
poses, and to establish hlsclaini to said land
before the Register and Receiver of this office
at The Dalles, Oregon, on Friday, tbe 2nd
day of January, lOrtl
He names as witnesses: E. O. Miller, K. C.
Rogers, R. Norder and T. D. Tweedy, all or
Hood River, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
nbove-descrlbed lands are requested to file
their claims in this office on or before said
2nd day of January, lltull,
o2fd28 J At V. LUCAH, Register.
Timber Laud, Act June 8. 1878.1
United States Ijind Office, The Dalles,
Oregon, Oct. 12, 1U02.-Notice Is hereby given
that In compliance witn 1 tie provisions of the
act of congress of June S, 1878, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands In the slates ol
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
territory,'' as extended to all the public land
states by set of Auirust 4, I8!i2.
Of At lington, county of Gilliam, state of Ore
gon, has on August 15, MI2, tiled In this office
his sworn statement No. 10Oi, lor the pur
chase' of the HK4 of KK section 14, HW'i of
stt'tj section 13, NW, of N WW section 24 and
NF.-i of NK'i e'tinn 21, in township No. 1
north, range No. HI east, W. M., and will otler
proof to show that I he land sought" is
more valuable for Its timber or stone lhan
fur agricultural pnriioses, and to establish his
claim to said land before Georire T. f'rather,
I' s. Conimlssoner, at Hood Kiver, Oregon,
on Friday,- the 2nd day of January, Unci.
He niiniis as witnesses; J. Joss, F. V. Miller,
J. R. Kteel and J. M. Lenz, all of Hood River,
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are rcqiu-NU-d to tile
their claims in Hits office on or before suld
2nd day of January, lmu.
..2ldai JAY P. LUCAS, Register.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, Octo
ber 14, llri Notice is hereby given that the
f.iliowlng-nanied settler has filed notice
ol bis intention to niHkw final proof in
upirt of his claim, aud that said proof
will be made fn-fore the Register snd Re
ceiver at The Ihtlles, Oregon, on Monday,
Dtuember 1, Mr.', vil:
of Mosier; H. K No. K"i8l, for the southwest V,
of tin- northwest quarter of section 24, town
ship 2 north, ratine 11 east, V. M.
He name the following witnesses to prove
n is con 1 1 n nous resilience u pon and cu I tl vat Ii in
of, said land, vn: Charles Cramer, Alex
IVtenon snd Carl Carlson of Mmier, Oregon,
and F. B. Wood of The Dulles, Oregon.
"24a JAY I". LUCAS, Register.
New License,
Manufactured In Hood River by A. White
hea . A belter cigar than Is obtainable else
where for the money.
For Sale
Colony of hoiiieaeekers, take notice :
1500 acres of land, East Side Little
White Salmon, 1,000 acres in one body,
good fruit and grass land, 300 acres tim
ber suitable for saw-logs and wood, plenty
of cedar tributary, seven miles of flume,
900 inches of water to operate same as a
vested right. Ten cubic feet of water
per second additional filed on. No bet
ter chance for an irrigating plant. Flume
ends in lake at Drano landing, Washing
ton, on Columbia river. This landing
and 21 acres, including store building
and 15 or 20 other buildings on land, go
with the property. Only six miles from
Uood Kiver. This soil is well adapted
to raising strawberries, fruit and grass.
Fine rango. Five or ten acres in culti
vation. Finest place to get out wood.
This land will be sold in one body or
in tracts to suit the purchasers at
T15 per acre, including flume, timber,
and water rights. Terms cash. Title
perfect. Patented land. Inquire of
John Ix-land Henderson or J. F. Short,
Hood Kiver, Ore., or J. D. Casey, Hil
gard, Oregon, sole owners.
1. Lots in Waucoma Park addition
2. Eligible residence lots in Spangler's
subdivision, near cannon house; only
$100; terms easy.
6. The Koplin place at Frankton. 17
acres well improved; free irrigating
water. Price $4000-
7. Barrett-Sipma addition; flOO per
lot: $10 down and f5 per month; no in
terest. 8. One of the most valuable corners
in the center of Hood River. Pnce
10. The Clarke 40 acres adjoining city
limits. Nearly all land cleared and
in cultivation. Price 300 per acre.
12. One hundred sixty acres on While
Salmon. 12 acres cleared, some fruit,
good soil and timber. Price $1,500.
Known as the P. M. Gatchell place.
18. Thos. Shere 9 acres; new cottage;
near Barrett school house ; price $1,500.
20. Fifteen acres one mile from town
on main road ; one-half cleared, house
and barn. Price $200 per acre. Can be
sold iu 5-a':re lots.
21" N. 4rS. E. i, S. N. E. , sec.
4, T. 3 N., R, 11 E White Salmon; fine
timber land ; $10 per acre.
22. The Emerson homestead, only one
mile east of town ; fine range ; $1,500.
32. Emma G. Robinson's 100 acres on
hills east of White Salmon, known as
the Dryer place; fine timber; unim
proved; $785.
Money to loan.
At the Emporium is kept a first-class
solar compass, and the proprietor
being a practical surveyor, is well pre
pared to do the work of laying out acre
age property in lots and blocks, and do
ing all kinds of surveying and platting.
The new company now offers for sale
lots formerly belonging to the Hood
Kiver Townsite company, of which com
pany John Lelund Henderson is secre
tary and the Hood River Hank treasurer.
Cottage for rent down town.
Choice Bargains.
The Geo. Melton lot and cottage in
Barrett-Sipma -addition, $375.
100-acre ranch at White Salmon,
known as the Tenold farm, offered now
for f 1.000. Will cost $1,700 in 30 days
Corner lot in front of school house,
$200. '
The two Macomber lots in Hull's ad
dition east of Abbott's store, $250 each.
The King 5 acres, nil improved, 3
acres in berries, joins Burns Jones'
place. Price $1,000.
1(10 acres at the forks on White Sal
mon, Washington. Price $000, half
cash ; balance, 1 and 2 years.
100 acres 7 miles southeast of Hood
River; joins Jerome Wells; 100 acres
nearly level ; small "house; 3 to 5 acres
cleared; beat apple land; dirt cheap;
$850 for a few days only. .
For Sale The X. 40 acres and the
east 20 acres, in one body, of the Hen
derson 80 acres west of Lvman Smith's.
Free irrigating water for 'the lower 40.
Six acres in apples and cherries just
beginning to bear. Five acres of straw
berries among fruit trees. Price $5,000,
$2,700 cash, balance in five years at 7
per cent Sold subject to McCuistion's
lease,four years to run.
Timber I jind, Act June .1, MTHA
United States Land Office, Vancouver
Wash , Sept. H, lWL'.-Notli-e is hereby elvt-n
hat In compliance with the provisions of
the act or congress of June , 1K7K, entitled
"An set for tin- sale of timber hind in the
Slates of California, Oregon, Neada and
Vi ashliiL'toii i.errllory," as extended to all
the public land slates bv act of Auirust 4. istli
or HiMinlnni. county of Chelmlis, state of
V HshniKlon, has Mils day tiled In this office
her sworn statement, No. Jsj;, f,,r the purchase
of then; of st-'.'i See. IM, the NK(4 of N K'l
iv-c. a), and wv4 of swv4 Mec. -D, In township
No t norm, nintje No. lOeast, W. M., and will
oiler proof to show tht the land sonitht is
more valuable for Its tiniheror slone than for
Hi-'iieiiltumi purposes, snd to e.tabilsh her
claim lo said land before the Reenter and
Receiver of this olllce at Vancouver, Wash.,
on triihiy, the a-th day of Novemlier lurj
-She names as witnesses.- Kred Scott, Chris,
fiuler ami Charles l Reed, of Trout Lake
w ash., and Waldo H. Hsch of Portland or
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
sbove-ilesenla-d lands are requested to Hie
their claims In this oitice on or belore kaiii
2th day of November, inn!
slitiUl W. R. DUNBAR, Register.
I-and Office nt The Dalles, Oregon, Oct. II,
I'.iri. Noiiee is hereby given that the following-named
settler has tiled notice of Ills in.
W-utimito conimiite and make final proof In
support of his claim, and I Mat said proof will
be made before Hie Rexistt-r and Receiver at
The Dsiles, Oregon, on Monday, December 1.
-LtKf, vis:
or Hood River, Oregon; H. K. No. JV, for lots
sand I, section 8, tuwu-hip north, range 10
east, and fouihiwt (, of nortl mst U and lots
I ami 2 , of iweium I. uiwnalup a north, range
t east,
He names tbe following witnesses to prove
his OMiiiinuous residence upon and cuillv-H-n
of. Mid land, vis:
William I "by is. Samuel MccanVry, Charles
R vers and rank Duvemuri, ali of flood
K ver. Oregon.
oSfiiJI j AY P. LUCAS, register