Kood Jftver Slacier. FRIPAY, OCTOBER 31, 1002. Many of the paper of the state are offering suggestions an to the legislation that it will be desirable to have enacted at the coming session of the legislature, but so far all have overlooked one of the most desirable changes that can be named, and that is some means of mak ing the voter who is called upon to cast his ballot on a proposed constitutional amendment acquainted with the nature of the change in our organic law upon which he is to decide. There is scarcely a session of the legislature which does not pans and hand down to the people for their approval or rejection, some proposed amendment to our state con stitution, and that some of them would be an improvement none can deny, but the method of placing such questions before the people is unworthy of the en lightened age in which we are supposed to live. For instance, a proposed amendment passes the legislature the second time in January, 1903, and in June, 1904, 17 months later, the elect ors of the state, three-fourths of whom have perhaps never heard of it, are called upon to vote on it by titlo only, aa; "To amend section of article " Now it is perhaps to be deplored, but it is nevertheless a fact that but few of our people are in the habit of going td the pulls armed with a copy of the state constitution, and if they did they would still be confronted by the fact that there was no means of .discovering what changes it was proposed to make. The writer has himself Keen voters appeal in vain to u!l the members of an eloction board for information regarding some proposed amendment and then with the remark that ';itis bad enough as 'it is" vote '"no." Why is it that the electors of Oremm are not considered capable of dealing intelligently with a question they understand? Tt appears to us that the average Oregonian Is as capable of acting intelligently upon public ques tions as his brothers elsewhere, if he had a chance to do so, and yet the object seems to be to keep him in ignorance of the laws which he is asked to enact to govern himself. Other states have rec ognized the fact that to get an intelligent expression of public opinion upon a sub ject it is neceseary that the public understand it, and when the question of a constitutional amendment is to be voted upon, posters are printed giving the text of the section which it is pro- 1 posed to amend and aled the changes which it is proposed to make,, in plain terms and plain type, and these posters are sent out by the - secretary of Btate to the several county clerks, who iu turn distribute them in the various precincts where they are posted at the polls so mat an may reau ana understand, rne expense of doing this is insignificant when compared with the issues involved, and it is about time that Oregon wag taking a step forward, and if she cannot keep up with the march of progress, at least make an attempt to fall in line at the rear of the column. The following announcement heads the editorial column of the Wasco News in its current number,and while we agree with the editor in his views expressed, we cannot restrain a smile at the com plexion his paper will present in the midst of a tropical campaign, but here's success to you brother Kellogg: "Be lieving that we can best advance the in terests of Wasco, and Sherman countv. by publishing a good, live newspaper without regard to politics we have de emed to make tne rsews independent it being distinctly understood that dem ocrats, populists, socialists, republicans. or prohibitionists may have the privi- i : .i r lege in prcsciiuiig meir viewB mrougn the News columns over the signatures of the writers, or under. the supervision of their respective organizations." The Chicago Packer of Oct.18. devotes a column to a condensed description of Hood Kiver valley's fruit farms, taken from the Glacier's report of one of the tri ps of its senior editor. It's Our Turn 1o Kick. Tlnn s-,Mountulneer. "That iieiL'hhorirjg towns should live in peace and harmony and each, so far an possible, work fur "the upbuilding and elevation of the other is certainly to be desired. This has certainly been the rcntiment exemplified by The Italic? in the past and it is to he hoped will be in the future. Whenever a favor has been asked by a neighboring town of the peeoploot' The Dalles, it has been granted it in their power. This was plainly show n when the Ilood Kiver people asked The Dalle chorus to give a concert at the former place during the fruit fair. The chorus granted the request and went in a body to the riverside city, gave the best concert they could and no doubt their effort were appreciated, though no member of the chorus was made aware of the fact, for not a member of the managing committee consi.We.l it a sufficient favor to even express his appreciation of the inconvenience to which the singers put themse ves in pre paring for the cancert, travelling 44 miles to give it, and staving nn nearlv all night. Not eo much as a lunch was" offered the members- of the chorus, although the committee must have known that their appetites would be whetted before they could reach home at 3 or 4 o'clock in the morning. No doubt the inattention shown the chorus was an oversight, but be that as It may, it will not soon be forgotten by those who took part in the concert." What i the matter with our good friend at The Dalle? Last week our compatriot of the Chronicle put on the war paint because the Origonian did the graceful thing by our little apple show : and now, our esteemed contemporary ,of ine limes-.Mountaineer, comes around with a chip on his shoulder because of a fancied Hlitilit put upon! lie Dalles chorus. When the Oregonian in all the years of the fast hu praised our big sister, ani niauo ner injna sne was " some pnnkins," we displayed no bitterness of spirit, but sat demurely in our corner and let onr little "tootsies hane over and now, that we are beginning to wear notions in our hair and lengthened our Hurt a little, with a rattle or two on it we are wry sorry to pee our big sister thow uch palpable ngnt of jeakiuv hen fonip one sti lus inclined to flirt w ith us a little. Nowhere has the Feline (jlee Club given an entertainment where they have been more highly appreciated than here. We have heard nothing but words of highest praise of their performance. That these expressions are genuine and should give .the chorus and The Dalles people generally pardonable pride in the possession of such an aggregation of singers, is attested by the . immense numbers of our citizens who met to hear them, filling the hall to the utmost limit and overflowing until there were scores of us standing on the sidewalk eagerly listeninir to the music, while inside and out, all Behaved in a manner to do lie n or to our entertainers. The committee appreciated the efforts of our musical visitors we know, as we saw resolutions expressing this fact, and the club is doubtless in possession of the same long ere this. In regard to the lunch, it is possible, and not much to be wondered at, that it was an oversight, and when the committee's attention is called to it by this issue of the Glacier, we feel cer tain no one will experience deeper cha grin than this same- committee,-' com posed, as it was, oi some our most gen ial citizens. Furthermore, if there had been a most elaborate spread, fit for the refreshment of the gods, it would have been a source of disappointment., as the steamer whistled the recall before our guests were through looking at our billy goats and big red apples. If we were rightly informed the Glee Club consented to come down and sing for us provided their expenses vverd paid for the round trip. This was done, and the committee were so gratified with re sult that, they gave the chorus $L'0 addi tional, fit) out of the steamer luud at the time, and later on $ 10 out of the general fund. We are proud of our cousins at Tho Dalles, and always glad to have them Vis.it us, and the only thing ho regretted ;itthe lime was, that there was such a jolly big hunch of thum came dow'ii, so many more than we expected, that it was impossible for us to furnish adequae means of transportation be tween the steamer and the city, on such short notice. .... ; So, ye heroes, comedown, and wc will repair to the. sanctum sanctorum of the Glacier factory, pi a bottle. of tho Hood Diver Spring Water company's best bev erage, drown our animosities and bury the hatchet. We hope too, that our big sisM- will remember that we have our hair done up in a knot with a ribbon in it, nod have let another tuck out of our dress, and that she will not be jeal ous when pcoplu throw bouquets at us. Mt. Hood Notes. Apple picking is about over here and this valley will have about 10,000 boxes of the red beauties for market. Work has liegun on the Mount Ilood Lumber Co.'s mill and they expect to have it running in about three weeks. The King's club held its first meeting for the season,-last week. Any one wishing to become a member may apply to the secretary, with the right number of nickels. " . . , The Lost Lake Lumber Co. have stopped logging with their donkey engine and put in horses, as it pays bet ter in small timber. They are averaging 14,000 feet per day with 'one team and seven men. Some of the people are getting excited over the railroad's coming up through this valley Now it's no use to get scared-because if all the people here should get scared it wouldn t stop the railroad from coming. We can almost hear the whistle now. Hon. W. M. Robinson and wife of Portland were guests of liobert Leasure last week Mr. Robinson owns three fourths of section 20, all good timber land. He came up to see what damage the fires had done, but found that the fire did not get into his timber at all. , . . L. Mr. Tomlinson's new house is com pleted and they now occupy it. He has a nice? comfortable house and is im proving his place with an eye to beauty and comfort. Rev. H. C. Shaffer preached in our school house last Sunday to a good audience who appreciated the sermon. Mr. and Mrs. Shaffer were guests of Mr. Wibhart from Friday till Monday. Miss Allie Koontz, who with her aunt is spending the winter in Hood River, came np home last week for a few days. She. will return soon to attend school in Hood River. louis Baldwin went down to Hood River last week where he expects to re main for some time, as he has work ahead of him which will require several weeks to accomplish. Louis is a rustler. We begin to think the "boom" has gotten out here, when we look around and see the various new houses biing .built, sales of land and tho general im provements being made. S. M. Baldwin's new house is finished and they are happy to be settled in it before the winter weather sets in. He has a very neat little house of six rooms and a hath room. They hope to have a nice little homo in a year or so, though of course clearing land on a new plan" is slow work. M. Eastern Apples in Poor Condition. Chicago Packer. Apples are being rushed into storage at. a fstnt pace. ISo fast, I he storage hous es cannot take them in as rapidly as the owners of space would like them. One film that has apple space contracted for whs given notices tor two days that no ap ples could he taken in. The second day pressure was brought to bear on the storage house to take in more apples as the linn had them on hand and had to get them ,in. It received notice they could start hauling again but in a short time it was given word no more apples could be taken as the elevator capacity was not sufficient to take them away as fast as they were brought in. The driver got in two loads and did not get home until 8:30 in the evening, having to wait his turn the balance ot the time! The prospect is very favorable for heavy losses to holders on account of jKjor condition of apples. r.e firm that had contracted apples at $2.30 r barrel is now buying the same apples at $1.75. The sellers could not pack the grade contracted for and were willing to tear up the contracts aud make new ones. Instead of 90 per cent No. Is as thev ex pected, the apples are 90 Per cent 2s mid they are packing them straight at the lower price. F. M. Upton 4 Co., Hilton, N. Y., is offering Greenings in bulk at Wc per cwt. It advises its cunotnerg that the grvat bulk of winter apples in that sec tion is of this variety, but the apples are so affected witli fungus that the house is advising farmers not to barrel them luit to ship them in bulk, . A. 0. V, W. Anuhersarj. Tl.. r XI- -ll . iuc.vo.1. ii. win ceieurate iheir 21st ninversarv at theirhall next Mon day evening. A very interesting pro gramme is wing prepared. Alter the programme a supper of ovsters and all kinds ot other good things to eat will ta served by the ladies of the l. nf U. All members of he A. O. I". W , both resi dent and visiting, and menilwrs of the D. of II., together w uli their familieo an invited to come and help to celebrate the event and partake of the grusl :!,ing p re pared for the oceasi.m. Mas. II. J. Fbkoemcs, Recorder. . ALL KINDS OF UNDKUWEAR. Our lore U overflnviny: wiili Bargains. We have nearly every thing you want, and we will sell it to you Cilii.Vl'. Outing Flannel, only - - - - 3c yd ALL Kinds of Ulovcs uud Mittens to keep you warm. - - . Mittens from 5c up to - " - 75c We have just received the laigeKt line of Men's a.id 15 y8' Caps that w have ever had. They are marked at pRIS FAIR PRICES. Men's heavy working Shoes, all solid - - $1.10 Our Coats and Capes are marked away down. COME JUST TO SEE Timber Land, Act, June it, T8. NOTICK FOR 'PUBLICATION. United States Limit (Mice, North YhkIiiih. Wash., August, ti, 11102. Notice Is hereby given Unit In compliance with the provisions of Itin net. of congress of June a, ISiX, entitled ".u act for the sale of tiiiilicr lands iu the Males of California. Oregon, Nevada und Washington Territory," us extended Uiuil the public land sliiles tiy net of August 4, ISl'l', Louts K. Armstrong, of I'or.lund, eoiiiil.v of Multnomah, slate of Oregon, bus tins nay tiled in this ollleis his suoin sliitemctit. No. ill),", for the purchase of tho west soul lieu!. 4 ami east yi southwest tinarler 'of seeuoi X.i. 'i, township .No. i north, range 'o. )' easl, W. M.. und will oiler proof to show that, the lend sought Is more vuluunlc lor lia .timber or nh"ie inuii for Hgficultimii purpose.!, und to establish his claim to said lurid beinre W, H. I'l-eliy, t,:. H. (.'ommi.NsloiHT lor l)i-4rlct of W-itshini;-ton. ill bis idllee ul Ijolilendule, Wash., on Wliirtida.V, thefiili day of November, I'. ui He n. lines us wilueses: Cteirles U. Crouch, slid 1011a 10. Crouch of Milwmikie, Oregon; Koljt-r' F. Oox of I'ortland. Oregon; .Tunics K Cuj; of Trout Luke, Wiislihution. And Clmrles It.' Crouch, of Milwmikie, cmmly of Cluckamns. slulu ol Orewn, has this day liled Iu this otl'iee his sworn shiteiiieiit, .No. 11 1, for the purchase oi !he southeast quarter of northeast, quurter; northeast quarter of Aoufheiist quarter section 1, township 7 norlh, riiuije It easl, V. M., und west hull' of Roiiliiwest quarter of section No. i, In township No. 7 north, ruuee No. I:! eust, M., inid iviii oiler proof to show that the liin-1 .o.e;ht. is more valuable tor Itst.imher or stone limn for iiirrlculluriil purposes, mid to eciihlish his chiun to said laud before W. It. I'resby, XI. 8. Commissioner for District of Washing! on ,u.t his otl'iceut (iol den dale, Wash., on Wednesday, the&lli dr.y of November, IIKU. He names us witnesses: l,onls K. Aiuistront; and liobert V. Cox of i'ortland, Or.; James K. Cox of Trout Lake, wash.; Frank C. Young of I'ortland, Or. And Klttt E. Crouch, of Milwmikie, county of Clackamas, state of Oregon, lias tins day nieu in nils ouiee ner sworn sinteinent. No. 141ft, for t tie purchuse of the southwest yA of section No. 7, in town ship No. 7 north, ranige No. 12 east, w. M.,und will olfer proof to show tlint the laud nought Is more valuable for its limber or stone than for agricultural purposes, und to establish her claim to snid land before W. 1!. 1'reshy, If. Si. Commissioner lor District of Washington, lit his olfice at tioldendaie, Washington, on Wednesday, the 5th day of November, 11K)2. Hlie mimes us witnesses; Louis E. Arm strong and Kobert K. Cox of Portland, Or.; .lames F. Cox of 'front Lake, Wash.; Frank C Voiiiik of 1'ortlund, Or. Any and all persons claiming: adversely the above-described lands are requested to Hie, their claims In this olllco ou or before said 5tli dav of November, Ittui a'-IMU WAIl'Klt J. ItEKD, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION: Land oftlee at Vancouver, Wash., Kept. 22, tilth!. Notice is hereby given that the following-named setller has tiled notice of his In tention to make final proof in sup- Eort of his claim, and Hint said proof will e made before the Hegisier and Receiver of the U. S. land ofllce at Vancouver, Wash., on November o, V.Vi, viz: MUjHKKT J. K NliTHoN, W'lO ninilu H. K No. 10,'iM, for I lie west half of mil Ih west quarter, southeast quarter of southwes t, quarter, and soulhwest .quarler of soulhetist quarter of section 4, township it north, range 10 east, w. m. lie mimes t ho following wlinessesto prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz: Iver Hamrle, Daniel Katie and Frank Oro shong of White (Salmon, "Washington, and l'eler Snther, of rnilerwood. Washington. KMOS1 W. It. DUN BAH, Register. (Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.1 NOTiCK FOli PUBLICATION. United Slates Land' Olllce, Vancouver, Wash., .sept. 4, liilli Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the aid of coiig: vss ot June, Ji, IM.H, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the SHutes of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to nil the public lund states by act of Auuiisi 4, 1S!I2, caiusiiAN (jci.r.rt, of Trout Luke, eoiimy of Klickitat, state of Wash., lias tills day liled in this oiDce his sworn slati-ment, No. ;V1, lor the purchase of the east half on he souiIm nst quarler and east bull' of the noi Iheast quai ter of seitlon 21, In township No. H north, i oiil'i- S i. II iv.st, w. M.. slid wld otn-r proof to show that the land sought Is inoie vulmib.e lor its tinihi-i orsfone ttuui for em ieulturHl pu- i'os.'s, snd t' esiali lish nlselsliu tossid Innd lu-fore the Register and Recc'er of this otllce in sneouver, ashinu'ton, on AVednoio y, tiie2.Ui day of Novcmb-r, 1112. He loimes witnesses; Willhim I!ei Inger, Fred sicott, lVter Sichmid and Joseph A erne, all of Trout Lake, Washington. And 1'IIIl.OMKSA (JCLKR, of Trout Lake, cuinty of Klickilat, stato of Wash., bus th(s day tiled In this otlice her sworn statement No. a 12, for the purchase of thewet half of the soidhwest quarter and southeast quarter of I he southwest quarler of see. 20, mid northwest quarter of the north west V of sec. 211, in townhlp No. 6 north, range No. 11 K, W.M., and Mil otter proof to show that the land sought is more valuable lor Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim lo said land before the Register and Receiver of this otllce, nt Vancouver, Washington, on Wednesday, the 2 th day of Noveinln r, llr2. Mhe names as wmirs-w: Wtliiam lieringet , Fred Seoti, IVter S.-limld and Joseph Aerue, allnfTrimt Luke, Washineton. Any and all erons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to tile liielrclalnis tn this oitb-e on or before said 2-.lh day of November, l!02. sl2n::l W. R. DUN BAR, Register. Timber Land, Act June 3. Isrs.i NO TICK FOit I'UULICATION - t:nlted states Land Ollli-e, Vnncouver, Wash. OcioIht 27, IH02. Notice Is hereby given lliat In compliance will! Hie provt-ion.of the act of congress of Juno 1S7S, entitled "Aimel lor the sale of timber lands In the states of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington territory," s extended lo all the public hin t states by act of August t. 10'2. JO-KPH M'l.LIVAV, of White Salmon, cnniitvnf K llckit it. stata of Wi'siiington, has ibis ilay Hied in lhN oi!i-e bis sworn statement No. 2,.i'i. lor the parehase of the northwest l-l of stvtion No. in town shin No. h north, range No. 10 hsi. w.m . aim will oirer pnsif to show thr.t H e luud sought. Is more valuable for it timber or stone than lor imvlcullural puriniM s. and to establish his claim to said land lief-c-e the UeglMer and Kcis'iver of ihisotttce t Van couver, Vihlntton, i n Friday, the Inn tiny of February, l;i;. He names ps witnesses: Wlltain .1. Frost nrd fvmiis C:irnev of i'oriin'Hl, Oregon: Porter McMillan of Hood !!. er.oregoi. and Ronald H. CHiucri'ii of V idle Hn ne n. T'ah. Any and all erMi:i claiinlni.' adverselv the nhovedcs'ntied lands are iT iiete l lo ijlc theirclalms Iu this oilh-e u .r before said l.tlh davof Febrn irv. putt. oilJuS W. It. Hi: N BAR, Register. Timber I And, Act .lime A. lss.l NOTICK FOU PUBLICATION. Vnited states l.aml mw-t, Vnneonver Wah 0-titKT 21. Iin.'.-No h e W h. rchf given that in sinipll.in--e wiih Hi? provisions of the set r congress of June K,. entilled "An act for the ( of limber lands in tha Knun of California. Onvnn, Nevada ml ashlnifton terriiory." ss extended to all the public land slab-, bv Ki t of ugui.l 1, ISni. Al FUH. F. -Mi l l!, of rortlnr.d, coiiiiiy of Miilinomah. tnte of Oregon, has t lis day ill.-1 In Ibis otti.v his sworn siatemcn'. No 2S i.", for the pur eha of the n"rilieat of northwest ' of Motion No. :i. in township No. a north r" 'No. II ea-i, w. ami mill niter pnait lo show li.ni the land soncht is more valuable f.r its timber or slone iohii f.ir crirnltiirnl rrP"M. d l ethlisi ,is claim to mM iMii.l hefere the Ihnister and H.wver ef tl is,.i;i,,. Hl Vunimivrr, Wsi, on Thuntdnv. ti e plli dnv of Febrnnrv. l'.t;. II nanus as lios.: It. F. ox. George Mlns-ter, loo s' - Kldiiei-ly und Hcminn C. Smiib. all of I or land. irvon. An sad nil t- r.K ehointo dver'ly tb b've-d'-s -l lle'l 'rii.N me r ',esied li ft e llo ir claims In .lim l li e oit belore Mot 1st h dsv of Febrnnrv. Ic, o.iljui W. IU DUNBAR, Blister. DSD jC COLUMBIA NURSERY. SstaHis'isd 18SS. (H'.'i-n it lull )t;o of liloldifeiyji) mi. Uiua-i iu-jdai-da AP Au-I other Fruit Vtoe.-s ''':.n'.. Sin?'..- nod Vine. You, are' Invited To t'xaiuHiP tiie ;ao: k aa 1 !i t: !.;ntw v. Ih-.f Ju v. uuJ. : H. C. BATHAXl, Proprietor.' 1 Te!('iteni.' sit i. : if ?f -' S m We tire closing mil. u (' Vn:in-:i ' ;.,.,., i-T-isi iiitr of ulmut bo puirs of the justly Celebrated J'lilUr Slako, which we solil originally at from" sii.Oo hi ,;', M n j-.ir, I ml. to niove them quickly we are maltiue; 'ihe very low piiee . ;' A PAIR FOR VOUR CHOICE. Come in s ion if you wish to avail youmelf of this opportunity. Tin so jjomls will certainly tiot-liiHt long at this ridiculously low price. A. S. BLOWERS & SON. C. T. RAWSON. HOOD RIVER NURSERY. We respectfully announce to the public that we have for the coming planling seasons a line lot of trees of all kinds Thrifty, Smooth, and True to Name. Orders sire now being booked tit received and varieties furnished as long as they last. This season will witness larger planiiiiKs of single sorts than any in the history of this valley, and to get what you want, will necessitate early ordeir,. We would also state that w are prepared to furnish for next season's planting any number and ANY VARIETY, GROWN ESPECIALLY FOR YOU. Long experience in the nursery business enables us to guarantee satisfaction. Nursery on East Hide, at crossingof Neal creek. Orders solicited. RAWSON & STANTON, Hood River, Or. Mt. Hood Livery, Feed and Sale Stables. A. E. FULLER, Prop. First-class, stylish, Piny-riding buggies All kinds of heavy team ing and draying Accommodations for tranc'ient horses and teams. Office of WHITE COLLAR LINE STEAMERS Tickets Gold rnd D.tggaso Checked lo Destination. Owtni; to tlv.' he.i tint' ii.-r i k 1 . ket nt present, we it re lutvi:,; tit t time, Bifd we propose in. g:vc mr t ; -1 -. . - prices ; n'.ro, lor tho rea:-m ?1;:!t m::t:y of i bother with cash coupon-!, v c !i.tv tli i'i''-' 1 and give tie? follon.irtj; j.rl.-.'. ' i IJrihke.t l'-'i-t IVill, 7o-i .v .nti'i ; !". best Sliouldel-ri.'i f iniii, i . r : "em.! ; . jhiuikI; i'ork and jliit'oii if i t 7 to )'-M-v' ; . We will meet any price" '" tot' :i o;i .:; .gotxls. Yof.rs V:" V HOOD RIVER COMMERCIAL CO. PARK AND WASHINGTON, PORTLAND, OREGON The school where thorough work is done; where the reason i always given; where confidence is dewloped; where bookkeepin. is taught'exactly as books are kept in business ; where shorthand i made easy ; where penmanship is at its best ; where hundreds t Iviokkecpers and stenographers have been educated for success it life; here thousands more will be. Open all the year. Catalogue free A. P. ARMSTRONG, LL. D.. PRINCIPAL For YOU to When you need anything in the line of DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS, Yon should call on CHAS. N. CLARKE, ryorniKTOR of. The Glacier FAIR F. II. STANTON r ' 7 :;: i'.i! ' le on t ho niar .;. we have fur mine !. hi'iietit of the low : n i i v.-: ,- do nut cure to itf'iH'iis.i viith tl'.ein !i Ji'iil, .'V; any of the V"tsi lfie to Lie per - .1 -.1 irs ami deliver vour Remember Pharmacy rTlmber Lanil, Art June S, lsTs. NOTICE FOU PUBLICATION. United (Mate l.nnd Offlra. VHiii-oiiver, WimliliiL'ton. October a. llittt. Notice h hereby given I lint In coniiliiince Willi tilt irnvtflcinHf the itctof wmmiMor June:!, WD, Biiliileil "An net for the mile of timber IiiikIk In the statcKof Ciilirdi nlii.OreKOti, eviuin kiui Wellington Territory," a extended to all tilt public land hUIih by art of Atmust 4, lsiti, JOHN T. (iAI.LoWAY. of Albion, anility of Whitman, state ol vviiRliiiiKton, liaa nils day tiled in jma onnf hlNHtviirn aliiteineiit, No. 2702, for the iiiiichiiw nf the WMillirast uuarier southi-aMi iiiiiirler. a'tlou 10; aniitli half northeiist qmirier anil northeast UarU:r norlheast qtiiirli'r wenon 15, township 0 north, inline 11 fust, W. M. and will oiler proof to allow thai the laud Nought In more valuable for It timber or atone than for agricultural ihii hki, anil to entabliah hli eluiiu to Hull land before the lUglster and llecelver of thla olllce at Vancouver, Wash., on Tuesday, the 17tli day of February, ltwi. lie names ns witnesses: tieorge w . tiiiison of l'ullman, Wasii.; llcnrv llmwnof l'aiouse City, Wasli.: William Ulchimlaon of Colfax, Wash., anil Xliouiau A. lUulsun of The Dallca, Oregon. Any mid all persons claiming adversely tlie above-described lands are raiuented to tile their elaiiiia In this olllce on or before Mild 17th day of February, HKTI. olilj'J W. . Jit'XIIAn, IU'ulster. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Ofll cc at Vancouver, Wash. Sept. 21, I!l0i Notice Ih hereby given that the follow-ing-niiincd settler has tiled nolieeofliis Inten tion ti make tlnul proof in support ,of IiIp t'hiini .and that said proot will be niiiile before the Kegi.Ur anil Iticeiver, at Vniicouver, Washington, on Xovember l-'l, UKK, viz: AHMiI.ll ANVID. who iiui-le II. K. No. ltl.."tft, for the HV.)i of N 'v t.'-i ol sv "4 aim lot a, aei'iion , town hlj) i ii.eMi, ri iii- 11 east, w. M. lie niiiiK-K the followini: wilni'sscs to prove hi-i-"iitumoii rebl'leneu upon and cultiva tion of s.'iid liuvl, viz: Alois WelngHiiner of Hilnu-r, "WuHhlnglon, fl. i:. Si II ing.-r, ',. 10. Wright, and William 1'oali'. i.il of Troll l Lake. Washington. o:;iw W. H. lIliNBA It, Hegisier. ITimber J.nnd, Act June 3, 187S. NOTICE FOU PUBLICATION. I'liited Slates I.und Otllce, Vancouver, Wash., Aug. 21, lifcU. -Notice Ik hereby given that. In compliance with the provisions of the not of congress of June S, 1h;k entitled "An act lor the sale of timber lands iu the sbites ol I'nlUoinia, Oregon, Isevada and Washington Territory" (is extended to ail t lie public land states by act of August. -1, 1KJ2, Maggie Stadelman, nfTrotitliilte.coiinly of Klickitat .stateof Wash ington, has this day filed In this olllce her s'orn statement, No. for the pur chase of the northwest yt of northeast ofsecv t!on No lit, in township No. ti north, rang No. 11 cast, W, M., and will oiler proof to show that I lie land sougtit is more valuable for ltn timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, anil to establish her claim t said land before the Register and Itecelver of t li lis otlice at Vancouver, Wash., on Wednesday, the 12th day ol November, IIKI2. She names as witnesses: George O.Heynolds, Alexander ft. Hpsrks, George It. Selllngeriuid Henry U. Kedenburg, allot' Troutliike, W rsli. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to tilt Ibelr claims Iu this olllce on or before said 12t.li day of November, vm. nallotslr W. 11. DUA'IIAR, Register. NOTICE FOH PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, BeptlH, liMli Notice Is hereby given that the follow-ing-niimed settler litis tiled notice of his in lention to make tinal proof in support oi ins claim, aim mat said proor will be miiile before the Register and Receiver at The 1 )u lies, Oregon, on Friday, November 7, 1!W2, vis: ARNOLD W VMM, Of Mauler, Oregon, 11. 1!. No. ,lf. for the NK'4 Sft'4 and 8K! NK'i si.clinn 24, town ship 2 north, rajige 11 ee.st, W.M. ( He names the following witnesses Ui prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz: S. 10. Fisher and tv R. Fisher of Mosler. Oregon, and Mathlas Shorn and 8. WSturk OI Hie Dunes, Oregon. s2i,o;tl JAV P. LUCAS, Register, ITIniber Lund, Act June .1, 1878.1 NOTICE FOH PUBLICATION. United Slates Land Olllce, Vancouver, Wash., Aug, in, iwj. .Miiu-e is nereiiy given that In compliance with tiie provisions of the act of congress of , 1 line :i, 1578, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the 8tntes of Cal ifornia, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory, as extended to all the public lund suites oy act in August i, urn, Lulu May Aldnch, of Portland, county of Multnoiiiali.stnte of Ore gon, has this day tiled In ihis otlice her sworn statement,, No. 2sU7j, for the purchase ol me norinwesi quarter soiiuiwestquiirler and south half northwest quarter, ana southwest quarter noruieasi. quarter ol section ISO 27, townships north, range 11 east, V. M.,and will oiler prisif to show Unit the land sought is more val liable for its timber or stone than lor agricultural purposes, aud to establish her claim to said land before the Register and Receiver ol this olllce at, nnconver District, on Wednesday, tho 12th day ol November. l!t'. Hhe names as w o,,.-v,cs: Mary A. Leonard and Frank Melvin of I'ortland. Oregon: (ieorire Kilmer und Alexander Cheney of Gilmer, Wash. Any and a II persons claiming adversely the above-described lauds uru requested to tile incir cmiuis in tins omce on or before said 12th any oi November, nuts, tejloil V. R. DUNBAR, Register, JTimher Land. Act June It, IK78.1 NOTICK FOH PUBLICATION. Vnited States Land Olllce, The Dalles. Ore. October hi, PK12. Notice is hereby given that in compliance Willi the provisions of the act ofeiiiiirresK of .lone 8, Is7s, entitled "An act lor th" sale of timber lands In the states ol catitornin, Oregon, cvucln and Washington territory," as extended to all the public land sillies oy act oi August isity, UF.oiiuK T. OALI.HIAN". of Portland, county of Multnomah, stateof i 'wnn, wis on juiv in. imri men in this otlice his Mworn staiement. o. H2, for the purcliase of the northwest U of northwcsl seellon 21), west ' ; southwest '4 seciion 17 and northeast UofsK ; scclion 18. township No. 1 north. ramie No. il east, W.M. and will olfer proof to snow uiai i ne lauu soiigm is more vn inutile lor its limber or stone than for agricultural mir- posrs. anil to establish his claim to said hind before th Register and Receiver of this olllce nt llie Dalles. Oregon, on Friday, the 2nd uu.v oi January, jinn He names as witnesses: K. r. Miller v.. V Rogers, ti. Nordcr and T. D. Tweedy, all of iioou jiiver. iiii-gon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the nlsivcHlescribed lands are required to tile meir claims in mis oinee on or before a Id 2nu nay oi Jaiinarv, i',!e:r. o'Jlda JAY P. LUCAS, Register. Tlmlier Lund, Act June 3. 1878.1 NOTICE FOH PUBLICATION. T'ulted - States Land Office. The Dalles Oregon, Oct. 12, Hiri-Noilce Is hereby given thai in compliance with t lie provisions of the aci oi congress oi .inne :i, ists, entitled "An act lor Ihe sale of limber lands In the states ol I aiilMiiiia. Oregon, i viola and Washington terrilorv. " as extended lo all the public land sicies ny aei oi Aiigusi i,s:.j. t LAHF.NCE A.MirRTK. Of Ailington, county ol Gilliam, stale of Ore gon, mis on August i-i. IHI7, Hied in thisolllct bis HWotn Kl.'ilcmeet No. lt'Hi, tor the pur cliase or ihe s;-.;-j nf km. section 11. SW ol sll j section l;t, KH't, ofNWfe sis llon 34 aod . I-'4 of M-.'i scelioti 2:1. in township o. north, range No. H)ast, W. M., and will oiler liroot to show that, the land sought tp more valuable lor its timber or stone than lor agrleullu nil purposes, and to establish hi eiiiini 10 sum liinil is-ioie i,eoigc I. t ralber. i p. on, in issoner, nt- iiimhi Kiver, ori-gon en Friday, the 2nd tlay of January, lttti. lie names as viiness s: .1. .I.w-. K IV Miller I. H Nteel and J. M. Lenz, all of Hood Kiver, vn-gon. Any and all persons el. .lining adversely tin iitve-ilei-crthit lands Mrc iv.ptesie 1 lo tile 1'ieir eiiiims in tins oune vu or iielorr said 2nd dnv of Jantlai v. liio-l. iCW2B Jay p. LUCAS, Rlster. NOTICE FOU PUBLICATION. I.ai!d Offce at The Dalim. Oregon. Oot.i- ber II, lit 2. Notice is hereby given tout the olhiwiiig-naineit sillier has tiled notice of bis intention to make final proof lu support of his claim, and Unit siiiil nro..! will be made before the K. Ut.-r mii-I i; - reiver ai 1 ue mines, ureg.ni ou Jionmv. lieeemtH'r I, I'urj. viz: C MUlsriAN 'Vyss, of Mosler; H. K. No. (ted. for the southwest 'j of tiie n.,rtliwi(t qnaiter of ms-iion 24, to,ni sl.ip 2 north, raj.te II i-a-t, W. M. lie iiiiiues ttie lotiowin wimsscslri pnve his coin i:.uoi:s residence upon and cultivation ot. said land, vi: i'lMnrs 1'rniiier, AU Ivieix.n and t'sri ( ailson 1 Mosier.ori.goii, and K. U. Wish of The D.-i lies, onvon. o21n2 JAV p. LI CAS, R'Tjinier. THE New License, Mrtnulsctnrwt In I. vl River br A. White hea . A bs'tiT cigar tb.n is obla'inable else where lor ttw tnonev. TRY ONE. UST OF LANDS For Sale AND FOB RENT AT THE EMPORIUM. Colony of liotiii'8et;kerg,' tako notice: 1500 acrc3 ol land, East Side Little White Salmon, 1,000 acres in one body, aood fruit and grass land, 300 acres tim ber suitable for saw-legs and wood, plenty of cedar tributary, seven miles of Hume, 5100 inches of water to operate same as a vested ri(:ht. Ten cubic feet of water per second additional filed on. No bet ter chance for an irrigating plant. Fltinio ends in lake at Drano landing, Washing ton, on Columbia river. This landing and 21 acres, including store building and 15 or 20 other buildings ou land, go with the property. Only six miles from Hood Kiver. This soil is well adapted to raising strawberries, fruit and grass. Fine range. Five or ten acres in culti vation. Finest, place to get out wood. This land will be sold in one body or in tracts to suit the purchasers, at f 15 per acre, including nume, timber, and water rights. Terms cash. Title perfect. Patented land. Inquire of John Ix-land Henderson or J. F. Short, Hood Kiver, Ore., or J. 1). Casey, Ilil garil, Oregon, sole owners. 1. Lots iu Waucoma Park addition $ 1155. 2. Eligible residence lots in Spangler's subdivision, near cannon house; only $100; terms easy. 6. The Koplin place at Frankton. 17 acres well improved; free irrigating water. Price $4,000. 7. Barrett-Si pma addition; $100 per lot: $10 down and $5 per month ; no in terest. 8. One of the most valuable corners in the center of Hood Kiver. Price $2,500. 10. The Clarke 40 acres adjoining city limits. Nearly all land cleared anil in cultivation. Price $;i00 per acre. 12. One hundred sixty acres on White Salmon. 12 acres cleared, some fruit, good soil und timber. Price $1,500. Know n as the P. M. Gatchell place. IS. Thos. Shere 9 acros ; new cottage ; near Barrett school house; price $1,500. 20. Fifteen acres one mile from town on main road; one-half cleared, house and barn. Price $200 per acre. Can be sold in 5-acre lots. 21. N. S. E. X, . N. E. M sec. 4, T. 3 N., R. 11 E,, White Salmon; fine timber land ; $10 per acre. 22. The Emerson homestead, onlvone mile east of town; fine range; $1,500. 32. Emma G. Robinson's ItiO acres on hills east of White Salmon, known aa the Dryer place; fine timber; unim proved ; $785. Money to loan. At the Emporium is kept a first-class solar compass, and the proprietor being a practical surveyor, is well pre pared to do the work of laying out acre age property in lots and blocks, and do ing all kinds of surveying aud platting. The new company now offers for sale lots formerly belonging to the Hood Kiver Townsite company, of which com pany John Leland Henderson is secre tary and the Hood River Bank treasurer. Cottage for rent down town. Choic9 Bargains. The Geo. Melton lot and cottage in Barrett-Sipma addition, $375. KiO-acre ranch at White Salmon, known as the Tenold farm, offwed now for !r 1,000. Will cost $1,700 in 30 days Corner lot in front of school houee, $200. The two Macomher lots in Hull's ad dition east of Abbott's store, $250 each. The King 5 acres, all improved, 3 acres in berries, joins Burns Jones' place. Price Jl.OOO. ItiO acres at the forks on White Sal mon, Washington. Price $000, half cash ; balance, 1 and 2 years. 100 acres 7 miles southeast of Hood River; joins Jerome Wells; 100 acres nearly level ; email house; 3 to 5 acres cleared; best apple land; dirt cheap; $850 for a few days only. For Sale The N. 40 acres and the cast 20 acres, in one body, of the Hen derson 80 acres west of Lyman Smith's. Free irrigating water for 'the lower 40. Six acres iu apples and cherries just beginning to bear. Five acres of straw berries among fruit trees. Price $5,000, $2,700 cash, balance in rive years at 7 per cent, Sold subject to McCuistion's lea.'e.futir years to run. Timber I jind, Act June S, 1873.1 NOITCK FOU PUBLICATION. lTnlted States Land Office, Vancouver, Wash., Sept. H, mi. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act or congress of June 8, ls7H, entitled "An net f r the sale of timber lands in the .Slates of t'ulnontia, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all the public land states bv act of August 4 lKi A1AKY Sl'AKLlNU, r HiMiul.im. county of I'hehalts, slate of Washington, bus tins day Hied in tills oinee ner sw orn stalemeiu, fio.ist,-, for the purchase ,)f the', of fl-.l4 Wee. lit, the NKk of NKW sec. .!. and SW '., .',,'sWt, Sec. .1), In township No t, north, range No. 10 easl, W. M and will oiler proof lo i,o- that the land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and lo ewamlsh her ciaini lo said laud before the Itcgisb r and itecelver of this olllce al Vancouver, Wash nn ri-.day, Ihe asih day of November, Hue, She nanus as ltiu-s.es: Kred Scott, t'lirls 'inlerjuii t'nailea I'. Keed, of Trout Ijike, Wa-li., and Waldo It. llsch of I'ortland, or. Any an 1 all person, claiming adversely the ahoie-de'Tibfd lands are rciiest.-d to llle ihcireiuiins in th olllce on or bclore said lii day of November, l'.'ii sll'nii w. K. HL'.NIlAR. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Lallim. Oregon. Oct. It li Notice is hereby given that the follow-ing-nnied settler lias hied notice of his In- " .-"ti. ,,,i,i niaac unai proof In support o: li:s cla.ui, and that said proof will be tioi.te before tl... n.. -.4 i Ihe i'sll., Oregon, on Monday, Is-ctniber 1. Itrj, vlK f I . M ' . I, ,, . , .......... . .i..in:ill V..HAIHJ1, of Hood Uiv.f.im-gon: It. K. o. 7;Vn,, for lots i tilt 1 ta.M l! ... 1 . 1 . "ftit. Hii.i Ottllti. :.( 1, ..I' ....Ml ...... . , .... - . t x,t ens) .f nnu nnm I ana i, r i (mhj i, imrntiip 2 nuith. ruuae hi rintinti.ii. fMiul.ii.nu 1,. ti ii ol, iil Unt, via: W U:a:ti lv., Samuel McTRtr. rv, Hmrlr Bw'to-,," ."-r-S .... o. X.OOO. UuU JAY P. LUOAK, Etjlstcr!