The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, October 17, 1902, Image 3

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Many Visitors Come to View the' Wondrous Fruit
Products of Hood River Valley.
Hood River's fifth biennial fruit (air,
which closed Saturday evening wag pro
nounced by all, the moHt successful of
ttie series lietd here. The display of ap
ples was the moat complete ever before
exhibited here, while for size and color
they were such as to defy competition
anil the visitors were unanimous in their
assertion that they had never before seen
etch a l a itiful display of fruit.
The committee on awards labored un
der difliculties in the matter of deter
mining upon the relative merits of the
leading market varieties, there being so
many of each that were of almost equal
meri'c, and many displays that could not
have awards for the simple reason that
there were not enough to go around,
would have been prize winners at any
other fruit exhibition in the country.
Many exhibitors were late in
bringing in their exhibits and' did' net
get them placed until Wednesday, bat
fortunately the attendance on the first
day was not large and all the displays
entered for competition were placed be
fore the crowds began to arrive, although
a number of public spirited citizens later
brought in some fine displays on plates
whirli were not entered for competition,
to add to the attractiveness of the fair.
Friday was the big day of the fair, and
large crowds thronged our streets and
the fair pavillion from an early hour in
the forenoon until late at night, bent on
seeiug our distinguished visitors and
hearing the celebrated Dalles glee club,
rb well as to admire the beauty of the
big red apples.
Saturday's attendance was only a little
less than that of the previous day, as
many of the farmers from the upper
part of the valley postponed their visit
to the fair until that day, and brought
their families along to see what . their
neighbors were producing in the way of
fine fruit, and gain information regard
ing the best varieties to grow, and
tlieir care and cultivation, by compar
comparing notes on their experience,
and the fair will no doubt be worth
thousands of dollars to the fruit, indus
try of the valley from this source alone,
as many of the new comers were furn
ished an object lesson, and enabled to
gain much valuable information from
the experience of others that they could
not otherwise have obtained, that will
enable them to proceed with a better
understanding of the class of fruit re-
Age 10 months; son of
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Harbison.
Winner of 1st prize for babies
under one year old.
charlks milton
marIan Taylor,
quired to uirtint:tiii tlie present high
reputation of Hood River apples and
the lvcnlting advsneed price which they
commaud, and the manner of producing
The following is the list of exhibitsen
tered for con etitiou:
" W. M. Kennedy. Haldwin 2 b 1 p;
8pitzenburg, 2 b 1 p: Newtowns, 2 b 1 p;
Swaar,2 b 1 p; Red Clieek, 2 b 1 p; Rus
set, 1 b lp; Gloria Mundi.l b 1 p; Spiu
enberg, 1 b (at) ; Swaar, 1 b (slat) ;
Orange Quince. 1 p; Pear. 1 p; Graven
ttein, 1 p: Golden Ruwet, 1 p; Red
Hweet Winter, 1 p; Red Seedling, 1 p;
lVn Pavis, 1 p; lteorre Easter pear.l p;
AmeriOin Russet, 1 p.
G. R. Castner. Newtownt, Bear Da
vity 8piteetilerg,s Oregon 1 Red.: Winter,
Nortiiemip;lild.wiiu?Afpfe'of( Com
merce, Canada ROnet; Lawver, Arkan
sas Blast, 1 box each.
Seam A Porter.-New towns,' Bpitxen
berg; Akin Red, Mammoth Black Twig,
Jonathan, Hyde's King,, Red Cheek
Pippin, Lawver, Baldwin Vgnr Ben
Davis, Swaar, Beek-aovFurther, Arkan
sas Black, Northern Spy, Bellflower,
King, Alexander, 1 box and 1 plate each.
C. Dethman. Spitzenberg, 1 b; Bald
win, 1 b; Northern Spy, 1 b; Blue Pear
main, 1 b: Ben Davis, 1 b ; Stark, 1 b. -
J. F. Watt. Newtown, Spitzenberg,
Arkansas black, Black Twig,. Ben Davis,
Northern Spy, XJaao.Starkl box each.
F. Mi Jackson 'NewtOwuy King,
Epkienberg, SnowtNerthenSpy, 1 box
each. "
Geo. Booth. Newtownt Spitseoberg
White Star, Golden, Pippin, Red "Cheek
Pippin, King of Tompkins County, Bald
win, Ben Davis, Northern Spy, 1 pJate
each. ; .
Eastman Brothers. Spitzenberg,
Stark, Gloria Mundf, Fait Pippin, Col
umbia, Lawver, Ben Davis, Gano,
Baldwin, Yadima, each 1 plate, and
Unknown apples and pears, each" 2
Win. Ehrck. Baldwin, Newtown,
Spitzenburg, . Jonathan Bellflower,
Arkansas Black, Genitoa, 1 box each
Philip KoIIuh. Grapes 4 p; Pears, 1
p ; Apples, X p.
C. D. Hinnchs. Oriental apples, I p,
Mrs. R. Pealer. Spitzenberg, ..Grav
enstein, Parlin Beauty, Swaar, Seedling,
Winter Nellis pears, Seckle pear, plums,
strawberries, each 1 plate.
T. Bishop. Northern Spy Baldwin
Spitzenberg Bellflower I.uwver King
Detroit Black Detroit Red Idaho pear,'
1 plate each.
11. C. Henget. KUig Rainbo ' Rhode
Island Greening Minkler Gano Paragon
Arkansas Black Arkansas Beauty Rox
bury . Russet Jonathan Red Cheek Ames
Golden Russet Spitzenberg Northern spy
Ohio, 1 plate each ; Spitzenberg, Rhode
Island Greening Ben Davis Jonathan
Flemish Beauty, 1 'box each.1
Peter Mohr. Kay spitzenberg Yakima
Roxbury ausaet rait pippin Baldwin
stark ortley Arkansas Black Red cheek,
1 plate each; King Newtown spitzen
berg ortley, 1 box each.
J. E. Strang. Red cheek Alexander,
lit I
. c- :
pialrr, age 10 weeks, 2d ,priz for babies under 1 year
aje 22 months, 2d prize for' babies between 1 and 2 years.
spitzenberg King Newtown Arkansas
alack ydes King, 1 boxeaclu; .
A. A. GatchelL King aen Davis,
spitzenberg, 2 plates each.
L. Henry. pears 2 plates rrunea 8
C. S.Lowa.vpaund pear i basket aonne
ile jersey 1 baxaet aaspberrie 1 cup-;
New town i Baldwin ? Tranqmreni orab
aenrre da Ranter pear waison -veedling
pear vicar of ..Wakefield pear, il plate
R E Harbison. Newtown apitzenberg
Ben imlvm swaar wintttt Banana aano
Joathaa- Idaho pear, I box each,
tieorgeKiodan aed cltmk newtow n
shackleford Biureening oano Jonathan,
I phtt each. "
W A Slingerland. King wealthy
Rome Bwauty.l box each.
Mrs M B Potter.-Applee 5 plates Idaho
pears 1 plate Quinces 1 plate.
H C Bateham. 35 varieties of apples,
tight varieties of pears,; 4 prunes, 10
grapes, 1 crate strawberries.
Mrs G W McIntosKr-12 glasses Jelly.
Brnnn FraaZi Baldwin 2 boxes.
L E Clar lc, King spitzenburg Ben
Davis Red cheek, 1 box each.
. Simpson. Copple. spitzenberg oano
Detroit Bed Tallman sweet Newtown
stark Virginia oreening Ben Davis, 1 box
each; King Mother, 1 plate each.
J P Carroll, Mosier. ehackleford
stark Missouri pippin Red cheek spitzen
Jberg Baldwin Ben navis tawver,, 1 plate
each.' 1
i H W Wait 20 ounce Spitsenburg
Newtown, 1 box each.
C A Shurte, White Salmon. Salmon
peaches 1 box.
Mrs Fred Howe. 1 plate pears.
E Locke Flemish Beauty winter sel-
'V ....
. ; -"I
9 'W?1S:- ' '-'-SiftiSi
lis Beurre d'ahJou pears, winesap North
ern spy oloria Mundi willow Twig new
town spitzenberg-xoxbury sussetBwaar
Bed cheek stark Holland pippin ' Hydes
King Baldwin, 1 box each.
; H Prigge. 20 ounce R t oreening
Arkansas Black sing swaar stark Black
Twig Jonathan spitzenberg Ben Davis
Newtown Baldwin Bartlett pears, 1 plate
F C Sherrieb. Lawver rameuse spitz
enberg Baldwin- Hydes King Northern
spy ' box bury Russet Rauet a s paradise
None such Tulpehocken wagner R i
oreening Ben Davis swaar k Alexander
Newtown Holland Blue jpearmain King
20 ounce, 1 plate each.
F O Church. Hydes King 4 boxes
stayman winesap 1 box ; Grimes Golden
Delicious Black Ben uavi Akansas
Black 1 plate each.
F C Chandler. Newtown Baldwin
Northern Spy spitzenberg Jonathan, 2
boxes each ; k i oreening Blue pearmain,
1 box each; wagner 1 plat .
C H Stranahan. Newtown 1 spitsen
berg Northern spy, 1 box each.
Mrs Sparks. Blue pearmain Bellflower
crabs Blackberries, 1 plate each.
G D Woodworth. Newtowns Bpitzen-
bergs, 3 boxes each ; Ben Davis Lawver
Red Russian seeK no partner Baldwin
Yakima, 1 box each ; Canada Rauet 2
plates grape 2 plates 38 cans : fruit 6
glasses jeuy z jars picKies.
Age 13 months; daughter of
Mr. and Mrs.' W. E. Sherrill.
Winner 1st prize for babies
between 1 and 2 yean old.
F M Jackson. -orimes oolden Red
cheek Ram bo Lawver waxen k i oreeu
ing Ben Davis Baldwin Knraanite Jona
than King ausset aed akia pewauke
winesap Black rwigi 1 hoi each; seed
hngs 2 boxes unknown 2 boxes.
Peter Lents. spitznberg King Bald
win winter Bellflower New town Tulpe
hocken stark Takima Jonathan Black
Twig, 1 plate each. . ,
Ji'lin H&kel. Bo oaria apitaealfrrg
Newtown Boxbury ausset swaar a i
ureem.-i,) ueUvit ael Toinatoea, 1 plate
each ; 1 bundle timothy. ,
Wm. Wendorf. plates apples.'.
O T Smith. !wtown spitzenberg
Baldwin Ben navfe aharkelfdrd aed aus-
sian dci rou aea Kea cneen coos aiwr
LL-J J -i
L; 1 .in1 1 1 1 "
neauty tawver Warren, 1 plate each;
wolf River 1 box. .
Jos. A Wilson. spitzenbarg Hydes
King Northern spy King Black Twigt 1
plate each; Baldwin 2 plates. ,
Wm Davison: Spitzenberg sewtown
Baldwin Ben Davis seedling, 1 box each.
H Seiverkropp. King spitzenberg
Black Twig Red Russian Arkansas Black
20 ounce seek no Further Wagner' O
tley Blue pearmain wealthy, 1' plate
G B Tompkins. spitzenberg 'Northern
Bpy King Gano 20 'ounce b i Greening, 1
plate each ; pears 3 plates.
J N Knight. King Gravenstein, 3
plates; snow, 1 plate; pears 2 plateB.
Wm Nason. aano Gravenstein Yaki
ma, 1 plate each. -
P F Fouts. Mammoth pippin King, 1
plate each, -s ,
D R Cooper. spitzenberg Northern
spy Tulpehocken crimes Golden, 1 box
each ; waxen Bed Astrachan Yellow' Bell
flower r i Greening Baldwin no Name
2 plates each; -Grimes .Golden Maiden
Blush aartlett pear, 1 plate each.
E L Smith.-Baldwin F.gan Red wealthy
Grimes Golden spitzenberg King New
town Kay Gravenstein, 1 box and 1 plate
of each.
T D. Calkins. unknown, 2 plates,
Northern, spy swaar Newtown Hydes
King, 1 plate each.
.. 8 E Kopljn. winter Nellis 1, plate. .
11 T Williams. seckle pear 1 plate.
A I Mason. Newtown spitzenberg,
1 box each ;aano Lawver King Red cheek
Baldwin Ben Davis, 1 plate each.
Carter fe Son. Ben Davis King spitzen
berg Red cheek swaar Lawver Gloria Mun
di Hydes King Newtown wagner, 1 box
and 1 plate each ; seedling noxbury Rus
set Jonathan Black Twig uano Idaho
pear Northern spy orange Quince Bell
flower vundever white pearmain Arkan
pas nlack yakima r i Greening, 1 plate
Hjiroat Urns. sweets ' King R I
oW'cniti. nine pearmain Tiilnehocken
willow 'i -viy spitzenberg British colum
bia tiM Kiissianiifrldwiii Black Twig at
kuniiw Ji'yck sitiirk Lawver Fall pippin
joikU'Iuiu w;:ner,l box each.
. f.irs John Moore. Apples onions, 2
pltiies eui'li.
Ciins Chandler. Kambo Blue pear
ma:. , hpitzenburg seedling walbridge
Duelii'SH ited - Russian Missouri pippin
Newtown lien Davis Bailey sweet Bald
win j all muter, l-ear winter Nellis, 1
plate each. '
E S Morgan. spitzenberg wolf River,
1 box each.
P llennengen, Mosier. 6 boxes dried
Italian prunes.
The display w hich occupied the east
end of the pavillion while very creditable
in quality was lacking m quantity
and it is to be regretted that moreof our
farmers did not take the trouble to make
an exhibit in this department as the
very small display in this line utterly
failed to do credit to the many fine gar
dens in the valley and tended to give
visitors the impression that vegetables
arenot a success and that only a few
were grown for exhibition purposes.
While the residents of the valley know
that such is not the case, they cannot
blame strangers for getting such an im
pression if they fail to lake sufficient in
terest in the fair to bring in some of
their best productions and thereby show
that not only can three or tour persons
grow vegetables here, but that every one
can grow them, and fine ones at that.
' The entries were;
C S Lowe. Tomatoes, pumpkins
Hubbard squash carrots radishes beets.
W E Sherrill. cabbage cauliflower
Burbank potatoes Yellow nan vers onions
C J Hayes. cncumliers Tomatoes
sweet corn.
H C Bateham. sweet Corn sweet
potatoes parsnips salsify carrots Beets
onions 2 bearing apple trees('?) 1 bouqnet
of Raspberries.
F G Church. 1 pumpkin.'
R E Foley. 2 pumpkins.
I M Wilson. onions watermelons
u. W. Mcintosh. Million Dollar po
Smith & Stranahan. sweet Potatoes.
S. Copple. onions. ;
P F touts. potatoes. ."
H S Galligan. Nursery stock: 2 spitz-
nberg 2 Jonaiian 2 Newtowns 2 Richard
son 2 Baldwin I ir.ntvr Banana 1 Gano
1 Bartlett pear 1 Florence crab.
G D Woodworth. 4 varieties potatoes
Piusnips oxhfcW't carrot Yellow Danvers
onions Rutabagas 3 varieties uquash cab
bage pie pimpkms Bv,ets i varieties pep
pers 2 varieties Tomatoes 3 varieties corn
watermelon. Ground cherries.
T Bishop. Early Rose potatoes.
H C Hengst. Eulalia Grass Early Rose
L Henrv. Tomatoes.
Angus McDonald. cucumber.
lIJByrkett. squash carrier of pota-
Ben Kben, Mosier. 1 box Buckby's
Early Beelfcleak Tomatoes. .
Win Pavison. squash.
K C -tM)'rsi.-squash t u cumber parsnip
lie--! ciirrol.
1 V" Ileiuriehs.-nquash Tomatoes Man
geVw.irt.vl n 'its KArlv Rose potatoes.
A- RijJjmondBurbank pota-toe--
1 eitiY'fr Mweet corn ' Rutabaga cab-ba'-n!
sai'i-t pi(. pumpkin. '
rs ii J Valer. sunflowers.
Ti e front of the stage at the west end
of the pavjlion. was banked with flow
ers, bronght In by the ladies for the occasion.-and.
While the collection was not
large, it consisted of rare and beautiful
varieties that caused one to forget for
the moment the display of mammoth
apples with which thev'were surround
ed. Those who contributed to the col
lection were:
Mrs G P Crow ell. Roses.
Mrs C J Hayes. Dahlias.
Mrs E J Hershey. Roses-9 varieties
Chrysauthemnms Coral Cactus Begonia
Geraajnms, etc
Mrs D Everhart. Oleander.
Mrs D A Turner Chinese Primrose.
- 1 be display in this department was
universally good and proved quite an
attraction to the lady visitors, while
many of the male sight-seen were ob
served admiring the tasty and patient
handiwork- displayed, and wondering
wnat trie uinerein amcies were.
' Those exhibiting in this department
Mrs R Fealer. Quilt made by her in
1854, another made in 1855, 2 craty
patch-work pieces.
Mrs Eliza Hinrichs. Quilt, Poilv.
Cant. J H Dukes. Banner of Effinir-
ham's Hussars, captured by him dur
ing bhefman a march to the sea.
Mrs. G P Crowell Framed painting
i -naraon s norses.
Mrs G E Williams. Photographi
L Bradley. Photographs.
Mrs E J Nickelsen. Battenburg doily
Ethel Churchy 4-in-hand Neck-tie'
Doily, Pin-cushion.
. Vera Allen. Carnation Doily.
Hazel Olinger. Doily.
Eva Yates. (drawn work)Doily.
There were only two entries in this
class, and while limited in numbers,
the animate were particularly fine spec
imens; the goats being registered ani
mals from some of the best herds on
the coast. The entries were :
. J. R. Nickelsen. Guinea Pigs.
Geo. Riordan & Son. Angora Goats.
In one corner of the pavilion the Da
vidson Frail Co; had a splendid display
of their celebrated Hood River canned
fruits artistically arranged, and the
Washington Lumber Co. illustrated the
business in which it is engaged by
furnishing two plank 16 feet long and
38 inches wide, without a flaw of any
kind visible in their surface. These ex
hibits were furnished simply to add to
the list of attractions, as there were no
premiums offered in this class.
For all exhibits of 1st quality of ex
cellence, judges awarded diplomas.
ror all exhibits securing 2nd Mace,
judges awarded to exhibitor one year's
subscription to one ot the toiiowmg pa
pers; The Hood River Glacier, Pacific
Homestead, Northwest Horticulturist,
Oregon Agriculturist.
Approximate Frizes.
Offered by wholesale merchants of
Portland and Seattle.
20 cash offered by A. D. Blowers &
Co., Seattle, Wash. ", for best packed 10
boxes assorted winter apples, awarded to
W. Kennedy.
$5 cash offered by Bell & Co., Port
land, Ore., for best box each of Yellow
Newtown Pippins, Jonathans and
Spitzenbergs Sears & Porter.
$5 cash, offered by Mark Levy & Co.,
Portland, Ore., for three boxes of best
packed apples for shipping; to include
best example in apple packing contest
F. E. Strang.
Clash A Swkepstakes.
Best general exhibit of nil kinds of
fruit in boxes, packed ready tor mar
ket E. Locke.
Best collection in plates II. C. Bate
ham. .
Class B Ai'I-lks.
Best exhibit of apples, all varieties
general display Sears & Porter.
Secoud bestCarter & Son.
Best collection market sorts, winter;
8 best varieties, packed iu boxes F. E.
Best collection market sorts, winter;
10 best varieties, packed in boxes-Sears
& Porter.
Second best Sproat Bros.
Best box Newtowns Sears & Porter.
Second best A. I. Mason.
Best box Jonathans Sears & Porter.
Second best William Ehrck.
Best box Spitzenbergs Sears & Porter
Second best Carter & Son.
Beet box Winesaps E. Locke.
Best box Mammoth Black Twig-Senrs
& Porter.
second beet-Watt & Slocom.
Best box Kings F E Strang.
', second best-Carter & Son.
Best box Red Cheeks F E Strang.
second best-E Locke.
Best box Grimes' Golden-E L Smith
Best box Baldwins Bruno Franz.
second best-William Davison.
Best box Winter Bananas R E Har
bison. Best box Hyde's King-Scars & Porter
second best-E Locke.
Best box Wagners Carter & Son.
second best-Sears & Porter.
Best box Northern Spy-Sears & Porter
second best G D Woodworth.
Beet box Yellow Bellflower-Seare &
Best box Akin Red Sears & Porter.
second best-Sproat Bros.
Best box Ark. Black F E Strang.
second best-William Ehrck.
Best box oloria Mundi E Locke.
second best-W Kennedy.
Best box Blue r-earmain-F Chandler
second best-C Dethman.
Best box Ben Davis L E Clark.
second best-Sears & Porter.
Best box wealthy E L Smith.
second best-W A Slingerland.
Best box Twenty ounce H W Walt
second best H O Sieverkropp.
Best box wolf River O T Smith.
second best-E 8 Morgan.
Best box r I Greening-H C Hengst
Best box Detroit Red S Copple.
Best box Kay E L Smith.
Best box Fall pippin Spront Bros.
Best box ortley Peter Mphr.
Best box Alexander Sears & Porter
second best-F E Strang.
Best box snow F M Jackson.
Best box Egan Red E L Smith.
Best box Talman sweet S Copple.
Best box stayman winesap-FGChurch
Best box seek-No-Fiirther Sears & P.
second best-G D Woodworth.
Best box caiiada Rouet G R Castner
Best seedling apple Mrs. R Pealer.
second lient-F M-Jackson.
Best collection of apples in plates
Carter & Son.
second bost-II C Hengst.
Arn.K Packing Contkst.
Best and most at tractive box of ap
ples of any variety, packed ready for
market Carter & Son.
Special Merit.
J A Wilnon-5 plates apples.
OT'Smiih-10 "
George Booth-plate each white star
and oolden pippin.
C D Hinrichs-plate oriental, a New
Zealand apple.
F E Strang-plate extra Newtowns.
Eastman Bros.-15 platca apples.
F C fherrieb-Sl "
P Cnllas-S " "
H PrigwlS " "
8 Copple-plate Mother.
O T; Tniitb- " coos River Beauty.
Mrs R Pealer- " parlin.
Displays of spec I al excellence in boxes.
F G Church-4 boxes Hyde's King.
F M Jackson-box King 3-tier.
F E Strang- " spiUenberg S-tier.
A Paaacb- " oano.
- F Fggert- " Jonathans box oloria
Mundi 25 apples,
Davidson Fruit Co.-collection of ap
ples of general excellence.
Sproat Bme-20 boxes.
F Chandler-U
V A Sllngerland-12 "
G D Woodworth-12 "
Watt A SIocnin-10 "
: G R Castner-10 '
S Copple- "
R E Hart.laou-8 "
William Davlwn-S "
E L Smlth-7 "
Continued on (north pf.
The Davidson Fruit Co.
If you have Fruit hi tnarkret, or will need
Fruit Boxes, Plows; Cultivators Fer
tilizers, or a Vehicle,
We keep or offke open twelve months in thejyear, and need
yonr business.
If we please yon, tell your neighbors; not, tell us.
Williams Pharmacy,
Otten Building, -
G: E. WILLI AltS, Prop'r.
Headquarters for
Pure DirugSv Toilet Articles,
Prescriptions my Specialty. -
Real Estate Bargains.
Just thei "Snap" you are looking for.
We nearly always have It. For" the man who has a little idle money,
now is lust the time for him to Invest in laud back away from
town, while there lyt a margin'on' prices. You will be GLAD IF
YOU IX), and VERY SORRY in two years1 time IF YOU DON'T, it
is our opinion. TAKE HOLD OF IT NOW, don't wait until the
other fellow sees the opportunity and wisely acta on it.
COE'S ADDITION The Best Speculative Buy in Hood River.
19 Handsome and Sightly Lots overlooking the Columbia and Mount
Adams, finely watered and in the coming most popular residential part
of Hood River, ONLY $200 each.
Our full list of improved and unimproved properties is always at
your command, at prices and locations to suit your fancy and purse.
Stoves, Tin, Sheet Iron an
Copper Ware,
Bath Tubs, Sinks and Levators, Wash Stands and Sink Bra-.'keis, I. ail
and Iron Pipe, Rubber Goods.
Stages to Cloud Cap Inn.
Ticket office for the Regulator Line of Steamers Telephone and
have a hack carry you to and from the boat lanfling If you want
a first-class turnout call on the'
The Heats'
To alt" down while you look over the large line of Stationery;
Books, Magazines,' Perlrfd'lcalir, etc.; carried' at this store. Prices
are right and need give you no unnecessary concern. i Not "go
'way back and git down," but come in to our Btbre and Bit down.
Desire to inform the pubKe that they have formed partnership-in
real estate, and are well equipped for showing Investors Hood River
valley. Mr. Jochlmsen la a pioneer awl knows the country as few men
do, and knowing its past history and its recent rapid advance, has
abundant faith iu its future. Especially do we invite your attention
to the advantages of East Hood River valley. For climate, water, soil
and scenic effects, it stands unimpeached. They already have a long
list of winners In property and desire to Increase it. Everything they
are offering are bargains. CaJl and see them at Odell. They have n
team always ready to show parties the best country in the Northwest.
Manila Blarber Shop
S; C. JACKSON, Proprietor.
Will do Picture Framing in connection. Room Mouldings and all
kinds of Picture and Window Glass constantly ou hand. CALL
and see samples- of Wall Paper.
J. R. NICKELSEN, Pi cprlc to
McKee's Business College
School of Correspondence.
No7 in its 23d Year.
Every teacher an exbert in his' special" course. Our-oourser
cover the-.entire range of business operation.' '
ConSpleU buoineM course, time ooHmited. by tn'atl 125 00"
OompletelMrthajid course, six menthn, mall 15 00
Complets civil service coarse, sis months, by mail.'. 15 Of
Complete English course, sis months, by mail'. 15 00 ;
Complete seleet stadles, six aattntbs, by mail. . 15 00 .
These coarser are sxpeciallv dMtgned for those wh have not
the ti nor meTW to- attead dllege, and" especially for those
wlM have be -deprived of a common school education.'
Th greatesT care Is given to each Individual student. Dr--plomas
awarded graduates.
Bend for particulars and stare
J. B.
Auerbadi building,
T.' a' DALLAS,
The City Tinker & Plumber.
Heanarters Fourth and Oak Streets.
Sfocokn'a !
r. i ;
X2. '1 : i7.
tb Coarse- you want;
HdKEE, Proprietor.