The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, October 10, 1902, Image 2

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    ."Hood liver Slacier
The Glacier is constantly receiving in
quiries from parties in the East concern
ing the new pamphlets, and it strike!
us that the Commercial clnb should ap
oiiit some one of its members to atterffl
to this part of the distribution, to whom
all inquiries for advertising matter from
persons at a distance could be referred.
Owing to the fact that Hood River's
horticultural fair has only fairly opened
when the Glacier goes to press, it is im
possible to give a comprehensive account
of the numerous and attractive exhibits,
but next week's isaue will contain as
nearly a complete summary of exhibits
as possible, together with list of awards,
comments and impressions and other
interesting descriptive matter relating
to Hood River valley. In short it will
be the aim to make it a number that
the fruit growen of the valley will want
to send to their-frienda in the East.
The people of the burned districts in
Washington have made application to
the agricultural department for grass
seed, with which to seed down the vast
extent of country recently ravaged by
fire, and thug make it valuable for graz
ing purpose a. Orchard grass,timothy and
white clover are the varieties desired,
and it is estimated that 100,000 pounds
will be required in Clarke county alone.
Oregon should join in this movement, as
a liberal distribution of grass seed of
the hardier varieties over . the burned
districts would be of far more general
benefit than the usual seed distribution
by the agricultural department. Even
Hood River valley has several thousand
acres on the eastern slope of Mount De
fiance which if seeded to grass would
furnish a range for all the young stock
in the valley during the summer months,
and be worth hundreds of dollars to our
people. The subject is worthy of at
tention. Mt. Hood Notes.
M. F. Bird has completed his job of
building a barn for Edward Miller, and
will go home on Monday.
The last band of sheep has pulled out
of the valley for this year. They go now
to their winter range east of The Dalles.
There is to be a mill located at this
place in the near future, beyond a doubt,
which will make things lively in this
valley. It will be located on the road
one mile north of the Mount Hood post
office. f
E. VV, Gribblo has taken a contract
to cut saw logs for the Mount Hood
Mill company, and is at work, while H.
II. Meyers is doing the logging for the
same firm.
The Lost Lake Lumber company is
running its donkey engine six days a
week, now, pulling logs to the river.
They get in about 15,000 to 25,000 feet
per "day with a crew of 12 men and one
horse team. They will have several
million feet in the river by Christmas
if the weather will permit them to run
steady. L.
Hood River School Report.
Total enrollment for month 205; days
taught 19 ; days attendance 3,903 ; days
absence 147; times tardy 21; average
daily attendance 209.
Each room having no tardy mark, or
the room having the lowest percentage
of tardiness for the month, has a half
holiday at the end of the month.
Mrs. Reid's room won the prize for
this month, having three tardies.
The following named pupils were
neither tardy nor absent during the
month ending September 26.
Pearl Bradley Emma Miller
Ruth Coon Stella Parsons
Nettie Feugh Walter Parsons
Marjorie Baker Cora Peugh
Florence Coon Ruth Rigby
Elwood Luckey Ilia Rood
John Connell Charles Roberts
Willie Fos8 Amanda Sieverkropp
Nettie Allen Martha Struck
Ferdinand Struck Claude Thompson
Ceicil Green Nona Wheeler
Vera Allen Horatio Wood
Henry Brown Eleanor Coe
Estes Brosius Kenneth Baker
Eva Belieu Howard Hartley
Ruie Iilagg Florence Hmith
Neil Evans Edna Evans
Henry Fuller Lizzie Gault
Garnet Green Eva Yates
Julia Godsey Lawrence Gerdes
Leila llershner Guy Walker
Blanche Howe Hazel Olinger
Florence Hanna Clay Prnther
Willie Mc. Murray Lillian Thompson
Teddy Button Welma Thompson
Ionard Miller Bessie Wheeler
Mabel Hayward Clyde Arnold
Alta Howell Malcolm Button
Etta Blagg Nellie Blowers
Floyd Arnold Harol Cox
Charlie Godsey Susie Emry
Harry Rood Etta Godsey
Alberta Jackson Marian Howe
Virgie Crow Bessie llutson
Georgia Prather Jessie llutson
Gertrude Wharton Maynnrd Humphrey
Earl Donaldson Ma!el Ingulls
Gay Cramer Oscar Jones
Susie Vaughn Maurice Richter
Freddie Bell Russel Vaughan
Fannie Hunt Louise Wharton
Helen Howe Basil Williams
Mable Feak Kenneth Abbott
Carl Filsinger Henry Blagg
Myrtle Husbands Ivan Dakin
Ivy Jones Ray Evans
Glen Melntyre Claude Filsinger
James McCuistion Edgar Fran
Robert MoCuistion Dclbert Hu.son v
Clara Rand Ethel McDonald '
Marian Sloat Edith Mulkins
Lulu McCuistion Leon Noble
Clyde Rand Ray Samuel
George Struck ' Glen Slnat
Edna Thompson Grace Williams
Richard Yates Esther Husbands
Esther Cox (ireta Gerdes
Mary Godsey Blanche Unwell
Joe Spangler Mdo Fredrick
Jessie Hart Harry Howell
Myrtle Howe Arthur Kerr
Beatrice Mercer Mae Miller
Donald Nit-kelson Roy Samuel
Charley Struck Eddie Struck
Wilbur Walker Aubrey Blowers
Paul Blowers Eldon Bradley
May Case lielia Emry
Orpha Filsinger Earl Fraui
Freddie Gee Ixittie Gabrivl
Elmer Godsey Palma ltsnan
Mabel Hunt Ella McKahan
Bernard Mercer llenrv Richter
Harold Wood Total' 145
C. D. Thompson', Principal.
Crtpptr School Report.
For month ending Ootolier 3, 1902.
Total number enrolled 42; days at
tendance 7t4 ; days absence 30; time
tardy 2; average daily attendance 38 ;
number of pupil neither absent nor
tardv 25. L. 11. Arnmox, Teacher.
A Great Fruit District.
A representative of the East Oregon
iun spent several days here a couple oi
weeks ago and we clip the following ex
tracts from what he lias to say of Hood
River valley; . '
"Hood Ri'-er strawberries have
achieved a well-deserved reputation not
only for their size and flavor, but also
for their keeping and shipping qualities.
They are shipped as far as Winnipig
and Kansas City where they arrive in
fine condition.
"The Western valley of Hood river
is largely given over to the culture of
strawberries, being divided into live, 10,
and 20-acre farms. As high as $300 per
acre is realized from the strawberry
crop'. . '
"The Eastern side of the valley has
only recently had irrigation ditches
completed.; It is largely devoted to or
chards. The Hood River apple bids
fair to become as famous as the Hood
River strawberry. About 200 car loads
of apples will be shipped from Hood
River this year.
"The soif.climate and other conditions
are peculiarly favorable to fruit raising,
the long season giving them the time to
mature. The warm days serve to ripen
them, while the cool nights retard their
too hasty growth and render them firm
and solid.
"The soil is a deep clay loam impreg
nated with iron. The iron gives the ap
ple a rich color the same varieties put
ting on more vivid colors here than
"One of the finest orchards visited
was that of Sears & Porter, about five
miles up the valley from the town of
flood River.
"It was purchased in 1892 for $1,000.
It consists of 152 acres. . Two years ago
an offer of $250 an acre was refused fur
it,. .The trees are in splendid condition
and this year's crop will sell for not lees
than $6,000. There are at present some
what over 3,200 trees set out. The ap
ple trees are sprayed at least once each
three weeks between blossoming and
maturity of the fruit. They are ulso
sprayed twice during the winter.
"To give an idea of the yield, Mr.
Seara says when the trees are in full
bearing thev will yield 1,200 or more
bushels to the acre, for which he gets
$1 a bushel. . . . ...
"Two and three-quarters acres of
Ben Davis yielded 1,414 boxes of apples
two years ago, when the trees were tour
and five years old. Last year the same
two and three-quarter acres yielded 1,960
boxes of apples, for which he received
from $1 to $1.25 a box. This year they
will yield at least 2,500 boxes. "
"It is the coming industry. Already
buyers have come to Hood River from
distant points. Last year a representa
tive of a Paris house came in search of
10 carloads of Newtown Pippins, as yel
low apples are in greater demand in
France than red-cheeked ones. The
Hood Iliver fruit industry has a great
future before it."
How to Open a Cook. ,
In every book sent out by the Saal
lield Publishing company, a slip is in
closed bearing the following instructions :
Hold the book with its back on a
smooth or covered table; let the front
board down, then the other, holding the
leaves in one hand while you openaew
leaves at the back, then a few at the
front, and eo on, gently pressing the
sections till you reach the center of the
volume. Do t his two or three times and
you will obtain the best results.' Open
the volume violently'or carelessly inanv
one place and you will likely break
the back and cause a start, in the leaves.
Never force Mio back of the book.
A connoiseur many years ago, an ex
cellent customer of mine, who thought
lie Know perfectly now to handle books,
came into my office when I had an ox
pensive binding just brought from the
bindery ready to bo sent home; he, be
fore my eyes, took hold of the volume
and tightly holding the leaves in each
hand, instead of allowing them free
play, violently opened it in the center
and exclaimed: "how beautifully your
bindings open!" I almost fainted. He
had broken the back of the volume and
it had to be rebound.
Estljiiatiiigr Idaho's Water Supply.
The United States Geological Survey
has recently published in its Water
Supply and Irrigation papers, the re
sults of a series of gaugings of the more
important streams of Idaho, together
with information regarding river heights
during different months of the year, and
other data in connection with the
streams, of importance to engineers, ir
rigators, and water users. Streams upon
which measurements have been made
are Bear river at Battlecreek, the Cub
at Franklin, the Snake at Montgomery
ferry, the Malade at Toponis and Bliss,
the Bruneau near Grandview, the Boise
and neighboring irrigating canals, and
the Weisernear Weiser. In addiiton to
the investigation of the surface supply,
the Geological Survey has for the last
few years been studying the geologic
formations of the state for the purpose
of locating artisian basins. Several such
basins were discovered recently
in the southwstern portion by
Professor I. C. Russell, one of the ceolo-
gists of the Survey, which give promise
ot a serviceable yield ot water.
Fossil's ('lieslprfli'lilhin Editor.
They tell us James'Stewart, editor of
the tossil Journal, was in the city yes
terday, but we don't believe it". He
would never be in The Dalles and over
look his newspaper friends. The Dalles
t hronicle.
On bended knees we plead guilty to
seeming discourtesy and beg lorgiveness.
But there were extenuating circumstan
ces. We had considerable business and
only a few hours in The Dalles, and
knew quite well that if we called on the
Chroniele's charming editor the tempta
tion to lose our train would bo very great
i 1 iv ! .1
mueeu. russn journal.
Where Apple Are Cheap.
York, Neb., Oct. 2. Apples are so
plentiful in York county that the local
markets took a decided drop this week,
being quoted at 5 cents per bushel.
Hundreds of bushels have been shinned
west and carloads will be shipped this
nioiitn to western points in the state.
The quality is the very Ix-st, rivaling in
size and taste the apples of eastern
' Want Joint Debate.
I'hlcngo Post.
Aguinaldo is coming to America to
'lecture. Ibis does not sound espe
cially alluring, but if e can obtain the
consent of the military authorities it
would be exciting to arramre a joint de
bate between Aguinaldo and Funston
something that would be as thrilling in
its way as the little argument between
Douglas and Lincoln. Both are bantam
weights we are speaking of the physic
al construction and both are agiresive
and capable of putting up a good fight.
It is hardly fair ti let Agninaldx have
his own way, and we can think of no
opponent sr worthy of his best eff.irts as
Funston. But one condition must be
imposed; Funston must apear as an
American officer, not as a Filipino peasant.
The Leading Dry Goods and Notion House of Hood River.
Y Our Prices ure always the Lowest and our Goods are always the BEST.
It Is The NET Price That Counts,
Not how big a discount you are going to get. We have the best line of Shoes In all the Latest Styles.
If you are economical you must trade with us.
Land Oflice at Vancouver. WasK, Sept. 8,
1002. Notice is hereby given that the follow-InK-named
settler has tiled notice of her In
tention to makecomiimtiition proof In support
of hor claim, and that said proof will be made
before W. 1). I'resby, United Ktates Commis
sioner for District of Washington, at his
oflice in Ooldendule, Wash., on Monday,
October 20, liKK, viz: '
I.lla M. Hartliolumew,
formerly l.lla M , ISlinw, Homestead entry No.
lliiHI, for the totuheast iiunrter of sections,
township 5 north, of range 12 east, W. M.
She names the following witnesses to prove
her continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of.'snid land, vin:
Klulmrd Kelly, Ilulsey I). Cole, Samuel M.
Cole, all of KulJa, 1'. O., Washington, and
Arthur lilotmi'ilfon, of Goldendiiie, P. 0
W aslnnglou. .
JlU W. R. PUsHAR, Register.
Land Oflice at Vancouver, Wash., Sept.. fl,
VHT2. Notice is hereby given that the follow-liiit-nnined
sett lor lias Hied notice of his inten
tion to make llmil proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made
before the U'tfister mid Receiver of the U.S.
Lioid Olllce, at Vancouver, Washington, on
Monday, October 27, Iwtt, vli:
'i'ownsend Slack, '
Homestead entry No. KIMS, lor the north half
norlhweKt quarter, southeast quarter of north
west quarter and northeast quarter of south
west quarter of section 2il, township 3 north,
of mage II east, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
Ids continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of paid land, viz.:
Jacob J. Miller, Oliver P.Dunbar, Johnson
McLmiiuuiiii and William U. Jones, all of
i'lnetlat. Washington.
sl2o2i W. R. PUnHaR. Register.
Timber Land, Act, Juno 3, 1R7S.1
United States T.and Olllce, North Vaalma,
Wash., August 22, 11102. Notice Is hereby
given that in compliance with the provisions
ol the act of congress of June:!, In, H, entitled
"An act for ttie sale of timber lands in the
suites of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territory," us extended to all the
public land states by act of August 4, 1HM,
Louis K Armstrong,
of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of
Oregon, has this day Hied in this oflice his
sworn statement, No. 11117, for the purchase of
the southeast 14 and east southwest
quarter of section No. ti, township No.
7 north, range No. 12 east, W. M., and
will oiler proof lo show that the land sought
Is more vnluublpfor Its timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim to said laud before W. li. I'resby,
U. S. Commissioner for District of Washing
ton, nt his oltice at Uolilcudule, Wash., on
Wednesday, the 5t li day of November, 1H02.
He names as witnesses: Charles H. Crouch,
and Klla K. Crouch of Milwaukee, Oregon;
Roller' K. Cox ol 'Portland, Oregon; J n lues K.
Cox of Trout Lake, Washington. And
Charles H. Crouch,
of Mllwaukle, county of Clackamas, state of
Oregon, has this day filed In this office his
sworn statement, No. 1-lilii, for the purchase of
the southeast quarter of norl beast quarter;
northeast quarter of southeast quarter section
1, township 7 north, range 11 east, w. M., and
west half of southwest quarter of section No.
a. In township No. 7 north, range No. 12 east,
w. M., and will oiler proof to show that the
land sought is more VHluable for Its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, and to
eseahllsh his claim to said laud before W. H.
I'resby, V. S. Commissioner for District of
Washington, at his otflceatOoldeiidale.Wash.,
on Wednesday, the 5th day of November, mr2.
He names fts witnesses: Louis I), Ai mstrong
and Robert P. Cox of Portland, Or.; James l.
Cox of Trout Luke, wash.; Prank C. Young of
Portland, Or. And
Klla E. Crouch,
of Milwankie, county of Clackamas, state of
Oregon, has this day filed In this office her
sworn statement. No. U'X, for the purchase of
the southwest J of section No. 7, 111 town
shin No. 7 north, range No. 12 east, w. H.,and
will offer proof to show that the land sought
Is more valuable for its limber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish her
claim lo said land before W. R. Presby, U.S.
Commissioner lor fMntrtct of Washington, at
bis otHce at (ioMcnilnle, Washington, on
Wednesday, the 5th day of November, ItHB.
She names as witnesses; l,oiiis K. Arm
strong and Robert K. Cox of Portland, Or.;
James P. Cox of Trout Lake, Wash.; Frank C.
Veiling of Portland, Or.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested U Hie
their cl'dms in this olllce on or before 8aid
5th day of November. VMtl.
ufMM WALTER J. RKKD. Register.
Land Oflice at Vancouver, Wash., Sept. 12,
I'.KTJ. Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has (lied not Ice of bis in
tention to make dual proof in suport'of his
i'taim. aiid that s-iid proof will he made before
the Register and Receiver U. S. Land Oltice at
Vaueouver, Wash., on (Mober 27, IWi, vii:
who made H. K. No. 117i", for the west half of
northwest quarter and northwest, quarterof
southwest quarter ol section 17 und northeast
quarterof southeast quarter sen Ion Is, town
ship IS north, range 11 east, W. M.
He names the following witnesses toprove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
Andrew Scott, James F. Cox and Oeorga R.
Sellinger of Trout-Lake, Washington, and
Harry W. Bellinger of Hood River, Oregon.
liSi24 W. it, Dl'NIlAR, Register.
Land office at Vancouver, Wash., Sept. 22,
1WU. Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has tiled notice of his In
tention to make final proof In sup
port of his claim, and that said pnsif will
be made before the Register and Receiver of
the U. S. land office at Vancouver, Wash., on
November .1, MB, via:
w'lo made H. K. No. 10,211, lor the west half
of southwest quarter, southeast quarter of
southwest quarter, and southwest quarterof
southeast quarter or secllou 4, towushipil
norlh, range 10 east, w. m.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
Iver Hamrie, Daniel Sat re and Krank Oro
shong of Willie Salmon, Washington, an i
Peter Sather, of I'nilerwood, Washington.
s2iioM W. R. PUN BAR, Register.
iTimber Land, Act June!), 1S7S.1
1'nlted States Land Oflice, Vancouver
Wash., Sept. 4, 1!K)2. Notice Ik hereby given'
that In compliance with the provisions ofthe
act of congress of June :t. lh.s, entitled "An
act fir the side of timber lands in the Slates of
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory," as extended to all the public land
stale by act ol An-rusl 1, ls"J,
CHlUSi I AN lil'LEIl,
of Trout Lake, c uy of Klickitat, stateof
Wali., has this day filed in this otlice his
worn statement. No. '.Nil. I.vr I lie purc.'iise of
the east half of the siut 'lete-: q larierHaU east
half of the northeast qiinrliTuI section 21, ill
township No. north, rune Ni. H eat, w. M.
and whl otter posif to shmv tlit the lanii
sought is more vanish c lor its t,mb ror stone piir- 's, and to etnl
lish tils claim to said land u-lore the Ri-gister
and Receiver of this oftU-e at Vancouver,
Washinirlon, on Wednesday, the i.t h day of
Novemis r, imw.
He names an witnesses: William Beringer,
Fred Noott, Peier Schmld and Joseph Aerne
all of Trout iake. Washington. '
And Prtll.OMKN.V liCLKU,
ofTroat Lnke, comity ..f Klickitat, mate of
Wash., has this day filed In this orllce ber
awom statement No. 2i-.', for the purchase of
the west hail of the aouiliwrwi quarter arid
ouiheast quarterof ihr souiIiwcni quarterof
we. 20. and northwest q mirier of the north
went ' of sec. -si, in tow nship No. north
range No. 11 K, w.., ni mil otter pnsif to
show that the land ought i more valuable
lor It timber or Mono than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish her claim to said
land tHf.ire the Register and Rereiver of
thla office, at Vancouver, Washington, on
Wednesday, the 2 Hi day of November. IHU2.
she names an witness,- William lteringer,
Fred SW-..U, Peter Sciimid and Joseph Aerne,
all of front like. Washington.
Anv and all per-nrns claiming advervly the
Ntaive-tleMTltMi Itoi'ls r?i rvHi nt.1 t.. til. i
Ihi tr claims in this oflW on or before Mid
2-lh day of November, l!li
U2u.ii W. K. Di NBAR, Refitter.
On Top of the Hill.
Staple and Fancy Groceries,
, We keep in stock a full lino of the Wasco Warehouse Milling Co's
Feed and Flour. Ait FULL WEIGHT goods.
We buy and sell all kinds of household goods, such as Stoves, Furni
ture, Harness, and in fact anything and everything that haa shape or
form. SPECIAL Prices on Flour nnd Feed iu ton lots.
Established 1802.
Oilers u full line of
General Nru Stock, Dn ml Ti-isrf Apple
And other Fruit Trees, Plants, Shrubs and Vines.
You are Invited
To examine the stock and let us know what you want.
H.C BATEHAM, Proprietor.
Telephone 001,
; Have just received a
Sorosis Underskirts
, Price $1.50 to 5.00 each. Strictly up
to date.
We carry the largest stock of
In this town, and our stock whs never
"more complete than now. When you
want a pair oi snoes
taciioii. come to tteaoouarters. 4
We also have a very complete stock c-rrfT
of men's Hats, Bhirts, Neckwear,-etc. O "y
Dealers in General Merchandise.
We respectfully announce to the public that we have for the
coming planting seasons a line lot of trees of all kinds
Thrifty, Smooth, and True to Name.
Orders are now being hooked as received and varieties furnished
as long as they lust. This season will witness larger plan lings of
single sorts than any in the history of this valley, and to get what '
you want wifl necessitate early orders.
We would also state that wo are prepared to furnish for next
season's planting any number and ANY VARIETY, GROWN
Long experience in the nursery business enables us to guarantee
satisfaction. '
Nursery on East Hide, at crossingof Neal creek. Orders solicited.
RAWSON & STANTON, Hood River, Or.
Mt. Hood Livery, Feed
and Sale Stables.
A. K. FULLER, Prop.
First-elasH, stylish, easy-riding buggies All kinds of heavy team
ing and draying Accommodations for trancient horses and teams.
Tickets Sold and Baggage
Something New.
Owing to the fact that there is plenty of grass cattle on the mar
ket at present, we are buying beef M'heuper than we havefor some
time, ftnd we propose to give our customers the benefit of the low
" prices ; also, for the reason that many of our customers do not care to
bother with cash coupons, we have decided to dispense with them
and give the following prices from date:
Brisket Feef Boil, 7c per pound ; Short Uib Boil, 8c; any of the
best Shoulder Beef Boil, He per pound; Steaks from 10c to 15c per
pound; Pork and Mutton from 7c to 12.e per pound.
We will meet any prices in town on groceries and deliver your
goods. ' Yours very trill v,
For YOU to
Vi"l.e:i yon need anything in the line of
You should call on
The Glacier Pharmacy
large sbiineiit of
mat will give salm-
Checked to Destination.
Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878.
united states winu uhhx, mt . :i:m
on, Aug. 15. llWl-Notice is hereby g r lh
In comp lance wnn me H""'"'"""": " ,,7
,rn7: Oregon, '"ada and WaahlngUu. te.
ritoryV" extended to att the public lam
. a es bvactofAuguat 4, lrttt. the followim
rwms 14,11102. tiled tbelrswort.
iuusmenUi in tills oltice, towlt: h' Hnan d mr.
of The Dalles, county of Wasco, state of Ore
gon,worn statement No. 811, 6r eP"rI
of tlie west half southeast quarter, nort uas
quarter southeast quuru-r iui
quarter northeast quarter section (1, township
1 south, range 11 east, W. M.
of The Dalles, county of W asco, state of Ore
gon, sworn statement No. 812, for the pur
chase of the southwest quarter northwest
- k..i ui.u.1 onurler section
quarter, wi un , , "T iltL a
32, township 1 norm, range n ", " -section
II, township 1 south, range 11 east.w. M.
..... .. in oi.H r t,i uhnw tliat ttie
land sought Is more valuable for its timber or
Hone than for agricultural purposes, . and to
establish thelrclaims to said 1 nd before the
Register and Receiver at this olllce, on Hatur
day,Oetober!B,lwa. r,,oWlll.
llieyname as wiinraara n. ...
lam Ketchum, K. Ross, A. C. Thomas and r.
K. spaulding. ol The Dalles, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming auveiseij
above-described lands are requested to tile
their claims In this otlloe on or before said
25. h day of October 11!. ;,,,.
r.Hnd Office at Vancouver, Wusli. Sonl. 24,
....... 1.. 1.. ........ ..Iiiui. (l.ut thp fitllow
inn-name.l settler hu tiled notliwof ilia Inten
tion to mime nnw niui .ii...
claim ,aml that said proof will be made before
the Kmtii-ter aua tifceiver. ui
f.i-.t.i ..... .... M n.-an. Kfil I '1 HUM viftf
who made II. RNo. 10.fil, for the HK of
N WA, E',4 of SW'4 and lot 3, section , town
ship o iioi th, ratiKfl 11 east, w. M.
He names the following wltneKscs to prove
hlaconiimioim residence upon and cultiva
tion of (mid land, viz: ... , , ,
Alois Welncartnar of flilmer, WaHhlnfrtoii,
G. B. BellliiKi-r, K. E. Wiinht ftnd WllllHiM
Coute, all of 1'rout Luke. WaHhlngton.
oW W. It. DUNBAR, Keglster.
Tt m ber Land , Act June 3, 187S.
United Mates Land Olllce, Vancouver,
Wash., Aug. 21, lfttL-Notice is hereby (riven
that in compliance with the provisions of the
act of congrcusof June , 1S78. entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands In the suites ol
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory," as extended to all the public land
status by act of August 4, im2,
Maggie Htadelman,
has this day filed In this olllce her
sworn statement, No. 2SU), for the pur
chase of the northwest of northeast of sec
tion No It), In township No. t) north, range
No. 11 east, W. M., and will otter proof to
show that the land sought is more vuluable
for iu timber or stone than for agricultural
fmrposes, and to establish her claim to suld
und before the Register and Receiver of this
oltice at Vancouver, Wash., on Wednesday,
the 12th day of November, liKU.
She names as witnesses: George O.Reynolds.
Alexander K. Sparks, lleorge R. Bellinger and
Henry C. Kcdenuurg, all of Troutlake, Wi sh.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lauds are requested to tile
their claims In this olllce on or before said
12lh day of November, 1I2.
azDoSl W. li. DUNBAR, Register.
Land Office at Tho Dalles, Oregon, Sept 22,
1902. Notice Is hereby given that thefiiilow-lng-named
settler has II led notice of his In
tention to make final proof in support of
his claim, and that said proof will be made
before the Register and Receiver at The
Dalles, Oregon, on Friday, November 7, 1DU2,
Of Mosler, Oregon, if. E. No. 58W. for the
NEV HEX and NEJ4 section at, town,
slili) 2 north, range II east. w. M,
tie names the following witnesses lo prove
ins continuous residence upon and cuillva.
tlon of said land, viz:
8. E. Fisher and K R. Fisher of Mosier,
Oregon, anil Mannas nnorn ana a. w.ntarK
or ine uaues, Oregon.
s2iio31 JAY 1'. LUCAS, Register.
(Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878.1
United Stales Land Oltice. Vancouver.Wnsh
Aug. 1H. HW2. Notice is hereby given that iu
compliance with the provisions of the act of
congress oi dime a, i., enin iea "An act lor
the sale of timber lands in the Statesof Cal
ifornia, Oregon, JNevuda and Washington
Territory," as extended to all the public laud
siaies oy uci oi August 4. isiu,
f .11 1 it lttv AliLiwol,
of Portland.coimty of Multnomah, state of Ore
gon, bus this day tiled in this oflice her
sworn statement, mo. mo, for the purchase ol
the northwest quarter southwest Quarter and
south half northwest quarter, and southwest
quarter normeusi quarter oi section AO.
27, township 5 norlh, range 11 east, W. M.,and
will oiler proof to show that the land sought
Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish her
eiHim to saiu laud oelore the Register and
Reeelver of this oltice at Vanwniver District,
on Wednesday, the 12th day of November, 11KB.
Mhe names as witnesses: Marv A. Leon mil
and Frank Melvln of Cortland, Oregon; Oeorgc
Ollmer and Alexander Cheney of Gilmer.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to tile
their claims In this olllce on or before said 12th
aayoi ftovemner, ma,
a2Uo31 W. R. DUNBAR, Register.
Timber Land, Act June 8, 187S.I
United States Land Office, Vancouver
Wash., Aug. 5, 1W12. Notice Is hereby given
that In compliance with the provision's of the
act of congress of June .1,1878, entitled "An act
for l he Halu of timber lands in the suites of
laniornia, uregon, nevuda ami Washington
territory," as extended to all the public land
siuies uy act, ui August i, trj,
of Portland, county of Multnomah, stnteof
Oregon, has this day tiled In this oflice her
sworn statement. No. 2",71, for the purchase of
me nonii nan nortneast quarter and
north half northwest quarterof section 22, Iu
lownsnip o norm, range iso. 11 east.W.M.,
and will otter proof to siiow that the u.n.1
sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to estab
lish her claim to said land before the Register
Him iieceiver oi tins win M Vancouver
Wnsh.,on Wednesduy, the 22d day of October
ltntt. ,
Hhe names us witnesses: Albert. W I,hrtoii
and Roliert F. Cox of Portland, Or.; Albert C
Peels and James F. Cox ot Troutlake, Wash.
Any and all persons claiming adverselt the
above-described lands are requested to Hie
meir claims in tins oince on or before said
aa nay oi octooer,
a8ol0 VV. R. DUN BAR, Register.
Ijtnd Office at Vancouver, Wash., Septem
ber 6, 11102. Notice is hereby glvn that the
following-named settler has tiled notice
of his intention to make final iiroor in
support of his claim, and that said proof
n. w ...n... u.i.,c ... i. rn-sov, li. M
Commissioner for the District of Washington
athisothce In ttoldi ntlale, '.Vashingum on
Homestead entry No. in.ou, for the eotithi
quarter of the northwest quarter, the south
west, quarter of the northeast quarter, the
northwest quarter of the southeast quarter
and nortiieasl quHrler of the aouihuesi .,,..
ter of section :4, township No. 6 north, of
He names the foliowins witnesses to prove
,r..,..,i,im..ini.Kii,T HXI!l HIII1 CII It I VBt Km
of. suld land, vie: Oconro knra n,.r. ,
Dymond, Willlani H. liwelghis.fer and Oliver
r. ivirim,, Washington
12ol7 W. K. DUsltAIt, Register.
News and Opinions
National Importance.
Alone Contains Both.
Dally, by mall
Daily and Kunday, by mail
.11 a year
......J a year.
U the greatest tSunday Newsjiaier lo the
Price 5c a copy. By mail twodol lam a yen r
Addresa THE 81N, New York.
New License,
Manufactured In tthnA rik. . .... .
wuer Rr lot mont-jr .
For Sale
Colony of lionieseekefs, take notice:
1500 acres of land, East Side Little
White Salmon, 1,000 acres in one body,
IfiKid fruit and grass land, 300 acres tim
ber suitable for saw-logs and wood, plenty
of cedar tributary, seven miles of flume,
900 inches of water to oprate same as a
vesUid right. Ten cubic feet of water
per second additional filed on. No bet
ter chance for an irrigating plant. Flume
ends in lake at Drano landing, Washing
ton, on Columbia river. This landing
and 21 acres, including store building
and 15 or 20 other buildings on land, go
with the property. Only six miles from
Iloorl River. This soil is well adapted
to raising strawberries, fruit and grass.
Fine range. Five or ten acreg in culti
vation. Finest place to get out wood.
This land will be sold in one body or
in tracts to suit the purchasers at
$15 per acre, including (lutne, timber,
and water rights. Terms cash. Title
perfect. Patented land. Inquire of
John Iceland Henderson or J. F. Short,
Ilood River, Ore., or J. D. Casey, Ilil
gard,Oregon, sole owners.
1. Lots in Waucoina Park addition
f 135.
2. Eligible residence lots in Spangler's
subdivision, near cannon house; only
$100 ; terms easy.
6. The Koplin place at Frankton. 17
acres well improved ; free irrigating
water. Price $4,000.
7. Barrett-Sipma addition ; $100 per
lot ; $10 down and $5 per month; no in
terest. 8. One of the most valuable corners
in the center of Hood River. Price
10. The Clarke.40 acres adjoining city
limits. Nearly all land cleared ar.d
in cultivation. Price $300 per acre.
12. One hundred sixty acres on White
Salmon. 12 acres cleared, some fruit,,
good soil and timber. Price $1,500..
Known as the P. M. Gatchell place.
18. Thos. Shere 9 acres; new cottage;
near Barrett school house; price $1,500.
20. Fifteen acres one mile from town
on main road; one-half cleared, house
and barn. Price $200 per acre. Can be
sold in 5-aore lots.
21. N. S. E. M, S. yt N. E. H sec.
4, T. 3 N., R. 11 E Yrhite Salmon ; fine
timber land ; $10 per acre.
22. The Emerson homestead, only one
mile east.of town ; fine range; $1,500.
32. Emma G. Robinson's 100 acres on
hills east of White Salmon, known as
the Dryer place; fine timber; unim
proved; $785.
Money to loan.
At the Emporium is kept a first-class
solar compass, and the proprietor
being a practical surveyor, is well pre
pared to do the work of laying out acre
age property in lots and blocks, and do
ing all kinds of surveying and platting..
The new company now offers for said
lots formerly belonging to the Hood;
River Townsite company, of which com
pany John Leland Henderson is secre
tary and the Hood River Bank treasurer.
Cottage for rent down town.
Choice Bargains.
The Geo. Melton lot and cottage fo
P.arrett-Sipma addition, $375.
100-acre ranch at White Salmon,
known as the Tenold farm, offered now
lor $ 1.(500. Will cost $1,700 in 30 days
$"oorner 'ot iu frout of 80,1001 Il0Use'
100 acres 7 miles southeast of Hood
River; joins Jerome Wills; 100 acres
nearly level ; small house ; 3 to 5 acres
cleared; best apple .land ; dirt cheap;
$850 for a few days only.
For Sale The N. 40 acres and the
east 20 acres, in one body, of the Hen
derson 80 acres west of Lyman Smith's.,
rree irrigating water for 'the lower 40..
Six acres in apples and cherries just
beginning to bear. Five acres of straw
berries among fruit trees. Price $5,000,
$1,700 cash, balance in five vears at T
per cent Sold subject to McCuistion's.
U'ase.lotir years to run.
Timber I,and, Act June S, 1873.1
United Htteg Lund Office, Vancouver-,Nh:,r,,;,Hl','UM'Ii"f'!-N,,,k'e
' hereby givtn
. i ",,n,llla" wllh t" Provisions ol
An ,, r .C.'f'Kre Pf June 8, Ws, entitled
An act fir t lie sale of timber lands in the
Smtes ol California, Oregon, Nevada and
the public- land states by R,. of August 4, 1HM,.
w,.Ji?S .m,iC,,,,!,!yJof '' ball8, state oC
iier sw 'm8tls ly "led in this otnee
iheK. n"'?,i'l,,'n,-No-".rthe,)urcl,ac-
No. norlh. ranSe No. II) east. W. M . and will
',,, ,lL!'r,l,,'f,''J'OW t1U,t th HOUKtlt is
mo e N alua hie for Its tlmU r or sUin. tl iin for
rfii,, 1lirp'r'!'' Hml u ""b'l-b her
lie 'elver ,7f " Tir ""KK,t.r. !"
c-i , i. i . ani-ouver, wasll.,
on rrulny, the tli day of November, Mt!,
iv !.r "U,;U;';1 , ilnes.s: Kred s.-it, eh, Is
.. ,. , ..,,. OI r,-tianrt or.
Alll Hll.l U 1 luiru.n. .....I.... .. i. . .....
Biu,- . I r. .tiiuiiiK auversifiy ine
?heiV?. T'"1!'11. Hn"" f'-tuested toflle
i .i 2''?v0 or betore said
Alh day of .November, I'Ml
o-'i W . K. KL'NBAR, Iteglster.
T....T.lm,Kr ,J,n,. A'"t -'"ne , 1K7H.1
tTflllw.1 Ulu, T .... . ......
u.. V. u . "mi, Vancouver.
n?,1'-"liTN"" hereby given
..,";.' 1'rovn.ions ot the
Zl Y!.?tm? J."ne ? '" em'"l "An act
i vin. , .. ! iu n in ine slates or
Lrli , 0'", Nevada and WahlnKton
territory, as extend..,! .. n n,. ....i.n i.. i
Uilea by act of Almost i, lr.i v
.liMirtiu w . ..........
ofThe llalles. county r W;asco, siale of Ore.
!.Wn"5 "" hl..w"m
rne X... "J.:"" P ''h.
snow ti,. i .iVT i , ' . "'"oner proor to
f.i Tt. . iiJ.'." '"'"J """I" VlilUHl..
Purii"H I., ' .v. 'rv: .",r ?.r,,'u 1 'rH.
Ian, U-i. r.7 W.J""""" " " "mwiSHid
-til day of l.ilM-r, ikju. T""v. '
1,1 Tu a l'""nr: Tiuiothy Brown- u . . " V . 4,w "" Oregon,
li Vi-.-V H"'1'u" "f 'rtland.ireon,nd
BbovI5J l,?7" "" ailversely the
nooiMe-i-rllHnl Ian. Is are reoilesmd tA n In.
tblr claim, in tin. ..ffl etnJl
h day of llecemher, Ixri
v . H. 1L NBAR, Rcjlter,