The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, September 12, 1902, Image 5

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    RANK A.
Belts, Beaded Chatelaines, Fancy Neck
wear, Trimmings, etc.,
Right Styles.
EaHt bound
No. 2, L'lilrngo Special, 11:25 B. 11.
No. 4, Hpokune h Iyer, 8:40 p. in.
No. t), Mall and Express, 11:22 p. nt.
West bound
No. 1, l'ortland Special, 2:fl5 p. ni.
No. .'1, Portland Flyer, ii'.KI a. m.
No. ."i, Mnll and Kx press, 6:42 a. m.
Land plaster at Harmless'.
Flour and feed at Spot Cash Grocery.
Feifer's Union 5c cigar at W.B. Cole's.
Get Bartmess' prices on shingles. -Write
your insurance with Friday &
Barnes. .
No. 1 baled hay for sale at the Transfer
& Livery Co.
Li-'t your property with Friday &
Bottom prices on doors and windows
at Bartmebs'. .
Preyed chickens, young and old, at
Mctiuire Bros. Saturday.
If you want to tile on timber land
homesteads, call on George T. I'ratber,
U S. Commissioner, district of Oregon.
The best 5c smoke in town Feifer's
Union, at V. B. Cole's.
It will pay you to get Bartmess prices
on building material.
lioors and windows Bartmess has
the most complete stock in town.
Lowney's chocolate creams and bon
bons at Cole & Wright's. Try them.
Fetch Portland quotations on house
furnishings to Bartmess and save freight.
Shetland's ice cream served every day
at Cole & Wright's.
McGuire Bros., is the place you can
save money by buying your fresh and
cured meats.
Butter and eggs wanted at the Spot
Cash Grocery.
Now is the time to apply fertilizer to
your strawborry fields to improve the
quality and increase the quantity of next
season's crop. See the Davidson Fruit
can't, your eyes need attention. Call
on F. W. Clarke, the jeweler and op
tician. He can fit you out. At the
Glacier Pharmacy.
Two hundred to t'),000 to loan on real
(state. If your security is good your
money is ready. Prat her investment
Boiling meats from i to 9 cts; mutton,
i to 12J ; steaks, 10 to 15, at McGuires'.
Hazel wood and Koberg's butter at
McGuirc Bros.
McGuire Bros,, have Koberg's butter
for sale.
BlOSf Q rV I''" Fancv Colored fine gnage hose, tti fancy
" Jf mWru, regular 50 cent values at a big saving
While they last, 30c a pair.
Our notion department is full f little articles that you need
daily, mul the prices are decidedly liltle. Anything you want In
this line you will lie very apt to find here.
try t AXD TOWELING The values we give, sell a great
I nVISIMII)'H'ur Cotton towels in plain white,
v TT v"-and colored borders 5, 8 and 10c each. Linen Huek
towels, hemmed or fringed, la and L0eich. Turkish Bath Towels,
larre ire 20c t aeh. Pure linen toweling 15c yd. Bleached Linen
Crash 11 ; rnbleached 11c yd.
nn , 117-'e add lo your earnings by our
YAf1 C VV Cal money saving prices-The famous double
VW1 Shirt for every day 60c; good quality
socks that wear, 3 pair for 25c. Turkey Red or Blue Handkerchiefs
large size, 8c. light weight gloves, line value 25c pr. Heavier
ones 50c pair.
X IinOriamSCOKS We d,m,t Imitate to recommend
-m2 what we enrry In this line, and our prlcvs -
are jewels of consistency.
Tinware, Graniteware, Hardware, woodenware. Glassware.
Plated-ware It lakrg such a short time to get $2.00 worth of our
trade tickets, then you may take your choice of Cups and Hnucers,
Dinner Plates, Soup Plates, PlatU-rs vegetable dishes, etc., finely
deeoraled ware.
It Pays To Buy At
Always Up to Date.
Latest Novelties
' ' ' - i '
Eiderdown Dressing Sacques
See Abbott & Co.'s ad for Saturday.
Read the ad of the new Spot Cash
grocery. -
Abbott & Co. buy furniture, stoves
and carpets.
The cannery is now running on full
time and wants to employ more women
and girls to go to work at once.
Go to Abbott & Co. for fresh, clean
goods and low prices.
W. B. Crapper was a visitor to
Dalles a couple of days last week.
B. F. Moses bought a fine cow of V
A. Lock man, Monday, for (50.
, Mrs. Laura Baldwin filed on a home
stead above the Parker mill this week.
, Apostle Joseph Luff will preach at
A. U. U. W. hall next bunday at 3 p. in.
Professor A meson's school in district
61 opened Monday with 34 pupils in
The bridges iu the neighborhood of
Tucker are said to need the attention of
the supervisor. Some of them are in
bad shape.
E. R. Bradley, Hood River's artistic
job printer, is enlarging his otnee build
ing to make room for his increasing
Mrs. N. S. Moses of Hutchison, Minn.,
arrived in Hood River Tuesday morning
on a visit to her son, B. F. Moses of the
Crapper district.
Mrs. B. F. Flathers of Prescott.Wash
who has been visiting with the family of
Henry Martin, departed for home the
first of the week.
Mr. Hughes, a member of the choir
in the First Presbyterian church of
Portland, sung a solo in the U. B.
church laBt Sunday night.
Charlie Tostevin has gone to Portland
to attend Professor A. P. Armstrong's
business college. He has been taking
in the carnival for the past few days.
Harry Hackett is building quite an
addition to his house and making other
improvements. It is said he will intro
duce a new piano to the new house.
Miss Alvena Hoadley and Miss Eva
Nickelsen went out to Dead Point last
week, where they will spend a couple
of weeks rusticating on Miss Hoadley 's
There is no mistake about the opera
house having a drop curtain. When it
is run down between acts its drop makes
a report that might be heard over in the
next county.,
Di-iirsrs. Culbertson & Co., sold "The
Royal'' bakery, E. J. Boyle late pro
prietor. toT. 11. Williams or Harlow,
Oregon, last Tuesday. Mr. Williams is
here with bis family, and associate, 8
Kreutian, and will take possession at
$3 each.
1902-3 patierns
Mr. and Mrs. James Heatlev of San
Francisco were in Hood River for sever
al days during tbe week. Mr. Heatlcy
represents Schilling & Co. of San Fran
cisco as traveling salesman and often
comes to Hood River, for which he has
a liking. Mr. Heatley savs he will be
sure to come to our fair. He is interest
ed in horticulture and knows that our
display of apples will be something well
worm seeing.
ine jew (jnnstian tabernacle was
not large enough to accommodate the
audience Sunday evening and many
were turned away for want of room
Elder Jenkins has been preaching to
goou audiences during the week and the
meetings will continue over Sunday.
There will be no services Sunday
morning, out there will be special ser
vices in the evening beginning at 7:30
M. P. Isenberg was in town Tuesday
for the first time in just one month. He
has been engaged setting strawberry
plants and irriizatincr 4 acres of berries.
He and his sons will have 8 acres in
berries this fall. They are now shipping
pears, of which fruit they will have 100
boxes. J hey also have a big apple crop,
David D. Garrison, formerly of Hood
River, arrived in Portland from Kalama
Monday, and was interviewed by a
Journal reporter. The Journal men
tions David as an old-time scout who
was with General Howard. Mr. Gar
rison will locate permanently at Sell
wood. W. E. Parker, an attorney looking
alter matters tor the U. K. & n. Uo.,
was in Hood River the first of the week.
the guest of A. I. Mason of the East
Side. Mr. Mason took him over the
valley, and he went home with a nice
box of Hood River apples, fully imressed
witn the tact that iiood Kiver is all
The wood situation here is that there
are no cars for shipping wood, and no
room tor the storing oi wood along the
track or in the yards. 1 he cord wood
industry of Hood River is not its least
industry, and dealers deserve better fa
cilities for shipping.
A. W. Corstons got hurt in the back
while working on the railroad a week
ago. He is now able to be about again.
His place on the railroad is being held
open tor him, but he would prefer a
lighter Job at about faa a month.
A person who attended the meeting
in the tabernacle Sunday night was
heard to remark that he was surprised
to see the devil walk out of the building
at the close of the services. He referred
to the printer's devil of the Glacier.
There will be a dime social given by
the Belmont Epworth league at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Church,
Wednesday evening, September 17. A
Droeram has been especially nreoared
for the occasion, anu every one is cor
dially invited to attend.
The number of pupils in the Hood
River school continues to increase.
There were twelve new pupils Monday.
The new blackboard with a green sur-
tace m Mrs. lield s room is the pleasure
and delight all who have seen it.
The association of teachers for the
western rnd of Wasco county will meet
at the school house in Hood River at 2
o'clock tomorrow. Ssturdav. The sub
ject of White's Art of Teaching will be
Driggs, Culbertson A Co. sold tbe W.
P. Watson 10 acres near Frankton last
Wednesday to Jos Loser recently from
Utah, for 1350. Mr. Loser will begin at
once to improve the land and make it
his home.
Mrs. Entrican was injured one even
ing last week by falling off the sidewalk
on State street Bannisters are needed
there to prevent such accidents in the
Captain F. M. Jackson of the East
Side is marketing his Gravenstein anu
.Maiden Blush apples. He will have 700
boxes of winter apples from 150 trees.
F. R. A bat en, wife and two vounirest
children and R. 8. Andrews returned
last week from an outing in the moun
tains. They report a splendid time..
T. C. Dallas was at White Salmon
several days during the week putting in
hot water tanks and plumbing for the
residence of C. M. Wolfard.
There has been a report around town
that there is smallpox at Davenport'
mill. The Glacier is reliably informed
that the report is unfounded".
The ladies' aid society of the Conere-
gational church will meet this week, on
Friday, at 2 o'clock, at the residence ol
Mrs. P. S. Davidson, jr.
Linn McAlden, solicitine for Rami
McS.ij ot Oo's maps, was in the city
last week.
John I. Hardie of Salt Lake fit. .
the guest of Mr. and Mr. A. C. Staten
last week.
1 1
How's your yellow jackets? House
wives putting up fruit have swarms of
yellow jackets buzzing -around them or
helping themselves to the fruit. And
the person who has not felt the sting of
a yellow jacket this summer has not had
much to do with fruit. One day last
week a lady put up six glasses of jelly
and set them away in the wood shed to
cool. The glasses were covered with
paraffins, but the yellow jackets ate
holes in the pa ratline and cleaned five
glasses as clean of jelly as if they had
been washed. The sixth glass of jelly
was In process of being devoured by the
ii i . . i .. i : 1
yeuuw jaciiets wueii uiwovereu.
W. H. Weiss of Alsea Bay, who has
been sojourning in Portland for the past
month, traded his place at Alsea for 41.
Lauffenberger's place in Hood River
Mr. Lauffenberger went to see the place
at Alsea after he had made the trade.
and found that an orchard represented
to be on the land was just outside his
line. Mr. Lauffenberger returned to
Hood River and on Monday got out an
injunction in the circuit court at The
Dalles restraining Weiss from selling
the place formerly owned by him in
Hood Kiver.
S. H. Soule, representing Rand, Mc
Nally & Co. of Chicago, was in the city
over Sunday. Monday night he went
before a meeting of the Commercial
club and presented a scheme for adver
tising that was well thought of by the
members of the club, but as Hood
River has already gone largely into the
advertising business, it was thought the
expense of Mr. Soule's plan could not
be met. Mr. Soule is a rustler in his
line of business.
Roswell Shelley of the Little White
Store at Odoll, inaugurated a new de
parture for Hood River on his opening
day, Wednesday, September y. lie got
out hand-bills and advertised free ice
cream on that day. He sent a kind in
vitation to the editor of the Glacier to
bring his family and enjoy ice cream tin'
der the pines, but a previous engage'
meut wrestling with the types on that
day prevented his accepting.
Wayland B. Perry, an old-time resl
dent of Hood Rivnr, arrived here Sattir
day with his family on a visit to rela
tives. Mr. Perry is business manager
of the Olympia Daily Recorder, a new
paper that within the past few months
has taken a leading place among the
newspapers of our sister state. Mr.
Perry had not been in Hood River for a
couple of years and finds many changes.
Mrs. Ball, who is in the commission
business in Tacoma, was in the valley
last week, purchasing apples for the
Dawson market, from Dr. Watt and
Chris Dethman's orchards she bought
125 boxes of Ben Davis, Gano and King
apples, for which she paid f 1.25 a box.
The apples have been ' picked and
shipped. Mrs. Ball was much pleased
with the apples she bought. , ;
The Davidson Fruit company shipped
a carload of prunes luesuay evening
The market is good for prunes, and this
company could ship half a dozen car
loads with profit to the growers if they
could find labor to do the work. Laboris
scarce. The prune crop is excellent in
Hood River, and the prunes sell for 35
cents a Crate here.
Arrivals at "The Firs" T. C. Brown-
lee, L. D. Bowers, Albany; Mr. and
Mrs W M Ladd family and nurse, Miss
Stella Mead, Miss Addi on Jewell, Miss
Margie Hoffman, Portland ; L II Hoff
man, Boston, Mass. ; Hamilton Corbett,
J FEwing, Portland ; Miss Eva Duncan,
Nome; Horace M Mecklem, Cloud Cap
Diiggs, Culbertson & Co., sold the
John Ii. Nickelsen blacksmith shop
early last week to John Zeek of Clack
amas, Uregon; consideration 2,000.
Mr. Zeek will remove his family to
Hood River wry soon and take up his
permanent residence with us.
C. A. Bell is laying a sidewalk in
front of his Glenwood hotel property on
Oak street. It is now up to C. R. Bone
to build his sidewalk and make the walk
complete from Front street to Park
avenue. ;
Miss Vera Jackson will start next
Monday for Pacific university at Forest
Grove, where she will take up her school
work for another term. Her mother
will accompany her as far as Portland.
James Parker came down Monday
from Sherman county, where he has
been running a threshing eniiine for W.
E. Tate. He will go to Elgin in a few
Rudy Cradlebaugh was in town du
ring the week. While here he can
vassed some for subscribers to the Port
land Journal and was quite successful.
The familv of Hon. J. W. Morton are
visiting at White Salmon, having gone
over Saturday. Mr. Morton followed
later. . .
Colonel Hartley made the sale of Bob
Wright's place. Another real estate
dealer in the ring!
Elliott, the fisherman, is now catch
ing fish at his old fishing grounds on
tuversiue iarm.
Holman & Sons opened their meat
market on the hill Tuesday morning.
And time may go, but we will con
tinue to do all kinds of plain and
Job Printing:
at the same old stand, satisfactorily
and expeditiously.
Your orders respectfully solicited.
Spot Cash
Nothing special this week, only our
Every Day Prices:
Dulles Diamond Flour, per sack 05c
Dalles Patent P-
Dalles While River r
Wheat per bushel 80c
Rolled Barley, per sack 95c
Bran and Shorts, per sack 8oc
Bran, per sack 60c
New stock of the famous Tea Garden
Syrup at prices below any store selling
goods on credit.
If you buy for cash, why pay credit
prices? e have no credit prices, con
sequently it will pay you to get our
prices on all tbe goods we handle.
Yours for good goods at low prices,
iTimber Land, Act June 3, 1WX.1
United States l,nnd Oflloo, Vancouver,
Wash., Hept. 4, 1101 Notlra Is hereby Klven
that In compliance wlib the provisions ol tin
act of congress of Juno 8, is, K, entitled "An
act for tbe sale or timber lands in Hie states ot
California, Oregon, Nevada and WajhltiKton
Territory," as extended to all the public luuu
states by act of Anu ust 4, 18!ri,
of Tront Lake, county of Klickitat, state of
Wash., baa this day filed in tills oitire bis
sworn statement,, lor the purchase oi
the east half of the southeast quarter and easi
half of tbe northeast quarter of section 21, In
township No. 6 north, ranie No. II east, w. M.,
and will offer proof- to show tlmt the lund
sought, la more valuable ror Its tiniberor stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to estab
lish bis claim to said land before the Kegloier
and Receiver of this office at Vancouver,
Washington, on Wednesday, the iih day of
November, 1802.
He names as witnesses: William Ciunpncld,
William Roof, Peter Behmid and Joseph
Aerne, all of Trout Lake, Washington.
of Trout Lake, county of Klickllut, state of
Wash., baa this day filed In this otiloe her
sworn statement No. 2SH, for the purchase of
the west balf of the aoutbwest quarter and
southeast quarter of the south west quarter of
seo. 20, and northwest quarter of the north
west ot seo. In township No. a north,
range No. 11 K, w.M., and will oiler proof to
show that tbe land sought Is more valuable
for its timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish ber claim to said
land before the Register and Receiver of
this oflice, at Vancouver, Washington, on
Wednesday, the 2Mb day of November, 1002.
She names as witnesses: William Camp
field, William Roof, Peter He h mid and Joseph
Aerne, all of Trout Lake, Washington.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to Hie
their claim In this office on or before said
2Hth day of November, 1002.
12n21 W.R. DUNBAR, Register.
TTImber Land, Act June S, 18:8.1
United States Land Ofllce.Vaneoiiver.Wash.,
August 18, 1U02. Notice Is hereby given
that incompliance with the provisions of the
act of congress of J line a, Is8, emu led "An act
for the sale of timber lands In the states of
California, Oregon, Nevada unci Washington
territory," as extended to all the public hind
slates by act of August 4, lstW,
John I). Hepburn,
of Portland, county of Aluitnomuh, state of
Oregon, baa this day tiled In this offioe
his sworn statement No. 27IM, tor the purchase
of the northwest quarter of sccti'-ii No. is), in
township No.5 north, range No.l'ieaat, W.M,,
and will oiler proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for iis or slone
than for agricultural purposes, and to esiab
llsh his claim to said laud ucioro In; 'li gisicr
and Receiver of this olllce nt Vancouver,
wasu.,on .Monday, me loth oavot November,
1U02. :
He names as witnesses: James F. Mason,
Fred Van Doren and John 1). tiardner, nil oi
riiiiia. wasn.; i nomas j, Nicholson nt Port
land, uregon. Ana
Lucy HrDuiiru.
of Portland, county of iMiilinomnli. state oi
Oregon, has this day Hied in this olllee her
sworn simemeni, ao.2iII7, lor the purchase ol
thesouthwestquarterolHection Mo.l'jm town-
snip no. t north, range No. l leasl, W. M.
aud will oiler proof to show that the
lami sought is more valuable lor in timber or
stone than for agricultural purpoc.a, and to
establish her claim to said land before the
Register and Receiver or this office -at Vun
couver, Wash., on Monday, the- lulU duy ot
nuvejiiuer, iinw.
Hlie names as witnesses: James P. Mason,
Kred Van Doren and John 1). itardner, all of
ruuia, wash,; Thomas J, Nic!iu;s-.,ii of Port
land. Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
uuovv-uescrioeu lunus are requested to file
their claims in this office ou or bloiu said
iota aay or Jiovember, 11KI2.
a2o3l W. R. DUNBAR, Register
Land Office at The Dulles. Orcmm. A
1902. Notice Is hereby given that the follow-Ing-named
settler has tiled notice of his In
tentlon to commute und to iiiaao llnal prool
in suuporb oi nit. ciuiiu, anu mul Kind nruo!
will tic made before Ueo. T. Pmiher. I!
Commissioner, at Hoon River, Oregon, on i'rl-
uttjt oepiAiinoer iw, iisu, viz:
Of Mount Hood, Oregon, Hd. K, No. 8.152, for
se 1-4 sec 18, Tp. 1 8, range 10 e W. At.
tie names ine billowing witnesses to prove
bis continuous resident) upon und cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
L. E. Morse and .1. H. KenrnNnii tf
River, Oregon: J. R. Rees sua 11. J. Gruff of
Mount, iiood, uregon.
8l5sl8 JAY P. LUCAS, Register.
P timber Land, Act Junes, is.s.i
United Stales Land Office, Vancouver,
Wash., July 12, HKJi-Notlce is hereby, .given
that iu compliance with the provisions ot the
act of congress of June 8, 18,8, entitled "Au
act for the sale of timber lands in I Uo stales oi
California, Oregon, Nevada and W usninguiii
territory," as extended to ull the public laud
states by act of August 4, 181)2,
of Hoqnlain .county of Chehalio, stulcof Wash
ington, has tlitsday tiled in tliisuili, c his sworn
statement, No. 2,21, for the purchase of the
ion, aim soumeasi quarter soutnwest quar
ter and southwest quarter souliieast uimrier
section 7; lot 1, section 18, township i north,
range 11 east, and northeast, quurter north
east quarter of section 13, township tj north,
range No. 10 east, and will offer proof to show
iiiai, uie lunu sougni is more viiiutuile tor its
timber or atone than for tumcuiiural nnr.
poses, and to establish his claim to said lund
before tbe Register and Receiver of nils office
at Vancouver, Wash., on Wednesday, the 22d
day of October, 1H02.
He Dames as witnesses: George O'Brien of
Hoqulam, Wash.; William M. Cumpfleld and
Fred tScott of Trout Lake, wash: John Larson
of Hoqniain, wash.
Any and all persona claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested lo tile
their claims In this office ou or before said
22d day of October. 1902.
loa w. K. DUNBAR, Register.
(Timber Land, Act June a, 18,8.1
United States Land Office. Vancoiivnr.
Wash., Aug. 21, l&a.-Notice is hereby given
that In compliance with the provisions of the
act of congress of June 8, 18,8, enuned "An
act for the sale of timber lands in tue states oi
California, Uregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory," as extended to all the public lunu
states by act of August 4, 1mi2,
Maggie Ktutlcluutn,
ofTmutlake.couiiiyof Kltckuai , stale of vVash-
mgum, nas tnis day iiiimi in tins office her
urn statement. No. 2Mjr, tor the pui
chase of tbe northwest oi northeast otseo
uou no jjf, in lowusiup ro. o norm, range
No, 11 east, W, M., and will oiler proof to
show that the land sought is more valuable
for its timber or stone than for agricultural
fiurposes, and to establisU her cmiin to shiu
and before the Register and Keceiverof this
office at Vancouver, Wash., ou Wednesday,
me izin aay or Noveinoer, r,i2,
She names as wit nesses:0orgeO. Reynolds,
Alexander E. Sparks, Oeoige It, itWiiiigerumi
Henry C. Kedenburg, all ot 1'roiuiake, V sh.
Any and all persous claiming auverselv the
abovedescrlbed lands are request. u to Hie
tneir claims in tnis omce on uj' bciore saiu
12th day of November, l!ti2.
ajiloiU W. R. DLMIAR, Register.
fTlmbcr Land, Act June :i. Is.8.1
United States Land Office, Vancouver,
Wash., Aug. 2.1, 1SU2. Notice is hereby given
that In compliance with the provisions m
the .act of Congress of June ,1, ls,s, eiillliet.
"An act for the sale ot timber imius iu tin
States of California, Oregon, ieaiiu, am.
Washington territory," as exieii . i n io all in
Public Land suites by act of Angus- 4, 1ni2,
Susan W. iSiiiitti,
of Portland, county of Muliinmiun, state ot
Oregon, has this day Hipo hi tuts oiln e he,
sworn statement, No. 2M4, for toe purcuse o.
the southwest of stcuoii .o. 2,1, in to'i..
ship No. 6 north, range No. l't easi, ct . M., an,,
will offer proof to snow tout toe lami mitigiii
is more valuable for it- tlinlK-r or sums Uiai,
for agricultural purposes, una toesiubosn ne
claim to said land heiore the Register an
Receiver of this office at Vuiic.uvei, ivmsii.,u1j
Tuesday, the lSthday ol Nuve.ntn r, iMi.
She nainea as witness: James e'. Alusoi,
and Frederick Van Doieu ol fuihu, w ami.
Orson D. Taylor, Jr., of The Dalles, or.; J. 1
Vore Johnson of uregon City, ur. Aud
Preston W. isimlh,
of Portland, county of Muluiuinah, state
Oregon, has this day Died in tuis oltice hi
worn slatviu- ni. No. 28l,i,4or tue purcimseo
the south' of uorilieasl 4. east H i. noun,
east of section No. 9 in iuau
ship No. S north, rauge No. lHea.-t, W . la.
and will otter proof to show Uinl tue lau
ought la more valuable for lis inuiier u
tone than for agricultural purposes, and u
esuiblisb his claim to said hui.1 betore tu
Register and Receiver of this oU'ice at Van
couver, Wash., ou Tuesday, the lain day u
November, lii -
He names as witnesses: James F. Masot
and Frederick- Van Doren of 1 uld , W ash.
Orson D.Taylor, Jr.. of Tue Italics, Or.; J. Im
Vore Johnson of Oregon Cily, Or.
Any and all persons claiming adversely thi
above described lands are requested lo tilt
their claims In this office ou or before aiu
p-lh day of November, I'.'rl
aioi W. R. DLNBAR, Register.
70 Acres for Sale.
Good frolt and bwry Ian I. a. re In
heme. Good orchards, running water ana
well. Ooop honse and burn. All fenced, lty
mik-v from Underwood. Wash. Price ;UX-
Impure at Glacier office.
Olrl tor general housework. Apnif Ii
124t MRS. WM. KASO.
If you do your trading with us a trial will convince you.
Wo want your trade and are willing to make it an object for
you to do business with us.
Bone & McDonald.
Fall and Winter Goods,
On display you will find the most correct si yles, strictly up to
the minute as to fashion, strictly reliable as to quality, and at prices
below those of Portland or The Dalles.
During the past seven seasons we have won a great many
patrons and frieuds by our policy of never misrepresenting goods,
insuring our styles to be correct, and keeping our prices on the
lowest basis that reliable millinery can be sold for.
A continuation of this policy together with a large, well-solectod
stock should merit your favorable consideration.
We extend to you our appreciation of past patronage and most
cordially request your presence at the opening.
Remember the Date Saturday, September 13.
The Peoples' Store.
fr4cy an
ufvi a aim
Paints and Oils,
Furniture, (urpets, WU and IVddiug.
' Otten
G. E, WILLIAMS, Prop'r.
Headquarters for
Pure Drugs, Toilet Articles,
Prescriptions my Specialty.
The Davidson Fruit Co.
If you have Fruit to market, or will need
Fruit Boxes, Plows, Cultivators, Fer
tilizers, or a Vehicle,
We keep our office open twelve months in the year, and need
your business.
If we please you, tell your neighbors; if not, tell as.
School Books l Supplies
CALL and examine our new line of Tablets from Onion Skin
to Pencil Paper. New line of School Tablets aff'd Composi
tion Books. By past experience we know your needs and
are prepared to supply them. If you do not see what you want
ask for it. Remember the place,
One door east of Bank.
PHONE 104.
WaucomaManufacturing: Co
Stoves, Tin, Sheet Iron and
Copper Ware,
Bath Tubs, Sinks and Lavators, Wash Stands and Sink Bracket, Lead
and Iron Pipe, Rubber Goods.
Wt have gone to Portland to attend the Fall Opening and to buy
our Winter stock. We will endeavor while there to copy the latest .
designs for onr many customers.
Watch this space for our Opening ad.
MAE B. ROE, Milliner.
Successor to Mme. ABBOTT.
The City Tinker & Plumber,
Headquarters Fourth
m n
1 am
m (lows.
k HiiCil lull
0:ir iop now hr.s every facility for
ti'n.'n out aVt-das work in the line of
I.'ii.EN.ioN i.I'MBI.'II, Etc.
v'.ui. I's bv Phone.
and Oak Streets.