The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, September 12, 1902, Image 2

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    'Kood liver (alacier
F.. rnukinl nast command
crof the B. A. R., department of Ore
gon, is mentioned lor senior vice com
uiander of the national department, to
ba elected at Washington City next
month. It is a mistake to mention
General Caukin for this office. He
ghould bo mentioned for national com
mander, and the delegation from Oregon
ghould press his name for this offlce.
There is no lictter material in the Grand
Army for national commander than in
the person of G. E. Caukin. Ho is
looked up to more Uiuo any other man
in the councils of the order in Oregon
and will take his place as a leader in
the national encampment. Oregon del
egates should go for nothing less than
capturing the commander from this do-'
partment for next year. Failing in this,
let them ask for the national encamp
ment at Portland in 1003 and they'll
get it. ' ' J
It appears that Governor Geer has ap
pointed Mr. Dosch to be commissioner
from Oregon to the Japan exposition.
It is not said whether Mr. Dosch will
take with him Jie old exhibit that he
has been hawking around the U. 8. or
not; but his expenses will reach about
15,000. Whether Oregon's big red apple
will induce any more Japs to come
here we cannot say, but we hope not.
We have all the Japs we need. Will
the legislature sanction this proceeding?
We trust not. Salem Journal.
W. J. Bryan interfered between two
men who were fighting at a labor day
picnic at Lincoln, Nebraska. A big
man, crazed with liquor, was pummel
ing a small man. The big man drew a
knife and revolver on Bryan, but the
latter held him in his grasp and clung
to his man till he had him overpowered.
Mr. Bryan has not shaken hands for
nothing all these years. He has a grip
that is said to be all powerful.
A company has been incorporated at
Binghamton, N. W, to manufacture
whisky and wine In a compressed form.
By this process it is said a man can
carry a good sized jag in his vest pocket.
The company incorporates with a cap
ital of $1,000,000, and drinks in tablet
form will be on the market before
Christmas. This invention will prove a
great convenience to theatre-goers who
lind it necessary to go out between acts
to "see a man."
Vermont failed to elect a governor at
tho recent election. The legislature will
elect. The fight for governor was be
tween the regular republican nominee
and a bolting republican who ran upon
a high license, local option platform.
The balance of the republican ticket
was elected by majorities ranging as
high as 50,000.
A stock farm at Trembley, New Jer
sey, occupying 100 acres, has beej aban
doned because the mosquitoes so bar
rasHed the cattle that they ceased to
give good milk, and many of them died.
It is at Trembley that the largest brand
of the insect is to be found.
Increased advertising patronage com
pels the Ileppner Gazette to enlarge to
an eiglit-page quarto, all home print.
The Gazette is a neat, newsy sheet and
Messrs. Wurnock and Michel), the pub
lishers, are to be congratulated on their
prosperity and enterprise.
The Lewis and Clark committee have
finally decided tho location for the ex
position. Tho Guild's lake tract, at the
foot of Willamette heights, is the unani-
inous choice of the committee. It in
cludes an area of 270 acres, 155 of which
are water and 115 laud.
Classification of Exhibits.
The committee on exhibits for the
Hood River fair, of which Henry T.
Williams Is chairman, have prepared
the following classification of exhibits.
It is not yet known what premiums
can oe onered. it Is lliougut the pre
miuuis can be paid in cash.
Class A Sweepstakes.
Best general exbib t of all kinds of
fruit; second best.
Best exhibit of all fruits in boxes for
Best exhibt on plates.
Class 11 Apples.
Best exhibit of apples, all varieties,
general display; second best.
Best collection market sorts, finest
varieties, packed in boxes, fall; second
Best collection market sorts, 5 best
varieties, packed in boxes, winter; sec
ond tiest.
Best collection market sorts. 10 best
varieties, packed in boxes; second best.
Best Mix Newtowiis; second best.
Best Ihix Jonathans; second ttfst:
Best box Spitzenbergs; second best.
Best Ihix Winesnpn; second l-st.
Best Imix Maiinnolli Black Twig; sec
ond ll.
Best box Kings; second best.
Best box (iiaveiisteiiis; second best.
Best box Red Cheeks: second le.-t.
Rent seedling apple; second liest.
Disc elionarv Mwurds for best box of
other deserving varieties may lie given
by committee.
Apples in plates, of other varieties
than ubuvo, diploma for best plate of
ippU.t ( f main market varieties, to
lie t-xliilii'cd generally, parked in boxes.
Other lb in Hie lending market va
rielies lo Ie exhibited on plates.
Exhibitor may exhibit in pollee
ti.iiis, and judges may select from se
lections and give awards for best boxes
of each variety.
Appi.k Packing Contest.
Best and most attractive box of ap
ples of any variety, packed ready for
market; second ust. for ibis contest should
(He exhibit ion tsixes, with 0n or slat
sides, to show os?n view of packing
I nm all sides.
Class C Pears.
Best general display; varieties; best
of each, diploma.
Class D Pe.u hes. Pli ms. Prunes,
Best gest general display; varieth-a;
lies! of each, diploma.
Class E ( rains, N its, Veoeta Bi.ks
Best eciuTal exhibit.
IW s v ial display of tomatoes.
I'lW dr-pmy of largest quantity raised
lie plant c
Best diwilav of onions.
htperfcil pwards for exhibits of excel
Class F Preserved and Dried
B't general display.
Bfxt display in canned fruit and veg
Best display of fruits preserved in
glass. ' , .
Best display of jellies in glass.
Best display of evaporated fruits, to
include dried prunes, prepared In best
manner fur market.
Class G Floral.
... Best general exhibit; varieties; best
each, diploma.
Articles of household art, such as
home manufactures, embroideries,
quilts, rugs, butter, etc special award
for euch. . ... (-';
Clash I Pocltky.IIareh.Pet Stock
Best display of hares.
Best display of chickens.
Varieties, best of each, diploma.
Additional prizes will tie awarded in
the discretion of the committee on
awards. ' -
The 11a ry Show.
Entries in this class are in two di
visions. On - at p. m., two
urizea will be awarded to babies over
I year of age und under 2 years, first
prize $2.50; second prize, $1.50.
On at p. in. will be awarded
two prizes to babies under 1 yearof uge;
first prize, $2.50; second prize, $1.50.
Committee on Exhibits Henry T.
William, G. R. Castner, F. Chandler,
A. II. Jewell. .
-Mt. Hood Notes.
Haying is about over in these parts
for this year.
Forest fires are burning all over the
valley at the present time, it being so
dry that it is impossible to control a tire
when it once gets started.
Joseph Pimmick stuck an axe in his
foot last week and Georire Wenner
wouldn't be outdone so lie did likewise.
Be careful, children when using a sharp
We can hear the L. L. L. Co.'s donkev
whistle every day now. They are doing
a good business logging. ;
Jacob Wagonblast has beeir running
his baler the past three weeks, baling
about twenty tons of hay per day. Hon.
I. K. Uooper baled Ins second crop of
1 tons of clover, and David Wishart
baled twenty tons, being his , second
crop. Several otlic,r neighbors intend
oaung some yet,. -
A.U.Thompson made a trip to Mt.
Hood last week, looking after his sheep
interests up here. .
Since Ike aud his friend have been
bruising the serpent's head, his snake-
ship lias moved south and made his
appearance in the valley, where he also
eta bruised on the head, there has
leen. two killed here the past month.
both being large rattlers. It is thought
they would not have made their ap
pearance here had not Ike and his
friend in Duke's Valley formed a part
nership tor the purpose ol bruising mm
on the head the serpent we mean. L.
(Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.1
United States Land Office, Vancouver, Wash.,
tU '. 19, 1IHI2. Notice Is hereby given that In
cnnimlimce wit h the nrnvialons of the ant of
congress of June 8, 1878, entitled "An act for
tut' sale or tinnier hums in the Hiatus ot cal
tfornhi, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory," usexUmden to all the public land
elates by uct of August 4, 1HU2,
Lulu May Aldnch,
of Portliuid.county of Multnomnh.state of ore-
Win, lias (his day tiled In mis office ber
sworn statement. No, 2800, for the purchase ol
the northwest quarter southwest quarter and
south httlf northwest quarter, and
quarter northeaxt quarter of section No.
27, township 5 north, range 11 east, W. M.,and
win oner prooi 10 snow mat me lano songni
Is more valuable for its timber or sUine than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish her
claim to smd laud before the Register and
Receiver of this office at Vancouver District,
on Wednesday, the 12th day of November, 1M)2.
H!ie names as witness: Mary A. Leonard
fin il Krank Melvlnof I'ortluiul, Oregon; George
(iilmer and Alexander Cheney of Gilmer,
Any and all persona claiming adversely the
ithove-descrlbcd lands are requested to file
their claims in this offlce on or before said 12tb
day of November, llHii
s2Ht41 W. It. DUNBAR, Register.
Land OlHce it Vancouver, Wash., August
U, 1WI2. Notice is hereby given that the following-named
setilers "ave tiled notice of
I heir intention to nmke final proof In support
of their ckilm, and that said pioof will be
made belore the Register and Receiver U. b.
Land Office at Vancouver, Wash, on fuesday,
September 30, 1HU2, viai:
heir of John Ijiulerbach, who made II. R. No.
104 10, for the west half of quarter;
southeast quarter of uortlieast quarter and
north west quarter of southeast quarter section
21, township 4 north, range 0 east, w. M. ,
Who names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of iwitd laud, vii:
Howard C. Cook and Jan Nielsen of White
Salmon P. O., Wash.; Gus Fisher and Emll
Wlllard of Chenoweth, wash. And
H. E. No. 0S09, for lots and 7, section , town
shlu 3 north, range 11 east, w. M.. and east V,
southeast quarter section I, township 8 north,
range 10 east, w. u.
Who names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
Howard c. Cook, Rudolph Lanterbacb.W Ill
lam S. iMcke and M. N. Wood, all of White
Salmon P. o., Wash.
a22s2 W. R, DUNBAR, Register.
ITlniber Land, Act June 8, 1878.1
United Slates Land Ofllce, The Dalles, Ol
gon, Ang. IS, llW. Notiee is hereby given that
in compliance with the provisions of the act
ol congress ol June 8, 187H, entitled ' An act for
thesHleof timber lands in the states of Cal
ifornia, Oregon. Nevada aud Washington ter
ritory," as extended to all the public land
states by act of August 4, 1SW, the following
persona have, on July 14, filed their sworn
statements In this olfloe, towlu
Krank K. Spiuldlng,
of The Dalles, county of Wasco, state of Ore
gon, sworn statement No. 811, for the purchase
of I lie west half southeast quarter, northeast
quarter southeast quarter and southeast
quarter northeast quarter section S, township
1 south, range 11 east, W. M.
Robert Ross,
of The Dalles, county of Wasco, state of Ore
gon, sworn statement No. 812, for the pur
chase of the southwest quarter northwest
quarter, west half southwest quarter section
:ti, township 1 north, range 11 east, and lot 4,
section , township 1 soiuh, range II easl.w. M.
That I hey will oiler proof lo show that the
land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or
shine than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish thelrclainis lo wild land before the
Register and Receiver at this office, on Satur
day, tlrtober 1UO&
They name as witnesses: A. E.Lake, Will
lam kelehum, K. Ross, A. C Thomas and K.
K. SiiauldliiK. ol The Dalles, Oregon.
Any and all ihtkous claiming adversely the
above-described lauds are requested lo file
their claims In (his otftee on or before said
'i'ii li day of October, Istri.
ai!4: JAV P. LUCAS, Reflster.
fTlmber I .ami. Act June 3, 1878.1
United stale Land und Vancouver, Wash
ton, Aug. 2, lwu. Notice is hereby given that
In compliance with the provisions of the act
or congress of June 8, 1878. entitled "An act
for the sale of timber lands In the stntes ol
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
territory," as eitendeo to all the public land
states by act of August 4, ISHJ,
Edward C. Movs,
of Col ax, county of Whitman, state of Wash
ington, has Ibis dav Died In this nlUn hi.
sworn statement No. 2M;t, for the purchase of
iur u"rinM quarter of norm west quarter
seetion i. west hall of southwest Quarter mirl
south at quarn-r of is hi Hi west quarter of
s.-eii"ti No , Jl In township No. 6
norm, range ;n. ii msi, w. M., and
will oiler proorto show that the land sought Is
more valuable for Its timlier or stone than lor
agricultural purposes, and to establish but
claim lo said land before Hie Register aud Re
ceiver M Una oiliee at Vancouver, Wash., on
Saturday, thesth day of November, 1MI2,
He tisincs as witnesses: William M. llumdl,
Ciranl Ellis, Mariii linbacb and James A
Carey, all of loiiaX. Wash.
I Any and all persons claiming adversely the
i " ' ' - v. minis siv l(-l r.1 to Die
; Ha ir claims l.i tins orr..- on or belor aaid
Sth ilav of November, lrni
i saio.. w. K. HI NBAR, R-tjer.
YOU WANT THE BEST The New Idea paper pattern Is the best, regardless of price. Any pattern 10c.
Keep step with progress, and trade with the PARIS FAIR; a chance for a free round trip ticket to the
" 8t. 'Lou is World's Fair with every pair of Heart and Arrow brand Shoes.
ZDo 3Tot 2valre tlie 3ivi3t aire
Of buying your wraps and other winter goods until we "get in our goods. We are not quite ready no,
but will have a full line in plenty of time. They will be the latent in style, highest iu quality and
Land Office at Vancouver, Wash., Went.,
lHua. Notice la hereby given that the following-named
settler lias tiled notice of her in
tention lo make commutation proof In support
of her claim, and that said proof will be made
before W. B. Prosby, United States Commis
sioner for District of Washington, at his
ofttce In Goldenriale, Wash., on Monday,
October ,20, MO, vl '
Llla M. Bartholomew,
formerly LllaM. Shaw, Homestead entry No.
UNtt, for the southeast quarter of section 9,
township S north, of range 12 east, W. M.
She names the following witnesses to prove
her continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, said land, vli:
Richard Kelly, Halsey D. Cole, Samuel M.
Cole, all of Fulda, P. O., Washington, and
Arthur Richardson, of Qoldendale, P. O.,
Washington. ,
12oi; , W. R. DUNBAR, Register.
Land Office at Vancouver, Wash., Sept, ,
I'KM. Notiee is hereby given that the following-named
settler has (lied notice of his Inten
tion to make final proof In support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made
before the Register aud Receiver of the U. H.
Land Office, at Vancouver, Washington, on
Monday, October 27, 11102, vis:
Townsend Slack,
Homestead entry No. 10013, for the north half
northwest quarter, southeast quarter or north
west quarter and northeast quarter of south
west quarter of section 20, township 8 north,
of range 11 east, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said lund, viz:
Jacob J. Miller, Oliver P. Dunbar, Johnson
McI.Hualian and William B. Jones, all of
flnedut. Washington.
12o2l W. R. DUNBAR, Register.
Land Office at Vancouver, Wash., Au gust 5,
IIKI2. Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has (lied notice of bis In
leutiou to make tinal proof In support of his
claim, aud that said proof will be made before
the Kegister and Receiver U. 8. Land Office at
Vancouver, Wash., on Tuesday. Hentember
23, 1J02, vlw
It, E. No. 10I5SI, for (he southeast quarter sec
tion 21, (ownsnip 3 north, range 11 east, w. x:
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
Jacob J Miller, Henry Hwanson, John P.
Gallagher and Johnson McLanahan, all of
Pine F lat P O, Washington.
a8sl2 W. R. DUNBAR, Register.
Timber Land, Act June ;1, 1878.1
United Htates Laud Office, Vancouver,
Wash.. July 5. 1H02. Notice is herebv
given that in compliance with the provisions
of the act of congress of June H, 1878, entitled
"An act for the sale of timber lands iu the
stales of California, Oregon, Nevada and
w asuinguin territory," as extended to all the
public land b tales by act of August 4, 18U2,
of Albion, county of Whitman, state of Wash
ington, nas tins uay men in tots olnce
ma sworn staiemeiiv, iso. 2,lK. lor me pur
chase of the se'4 m sec 10, ue and nek
ne 01 set: no. 10, in townsuip io. o norm,
range 1N0. 11 east. w. M.. and will
otter proof lo show that the land sought is
more valuable for Its timber or stone than for
agricultural purposes, and to establish bis
claim to said land before the Register and
Receiver of this ofttce at Vancouver, Wash.,
on Tuesday, the 2lst day of October, 1802.
He names as witnesses: Girge W. Gibson
of Pullman, wash., Henry Brown of Palouse
City, wash.; William Richardson of Colfax,
wasn.; i nomas a. nuuson, oi i lie Danes, or.
of Pullman, county of Whitman, state of
wasnington, nas tins aay niea in mis omce
bis sworn statement. No, 2708. for the pur
chase of the eV, i.w and e w W of
section No. 23 in township No.
uorth.range No.ll east,w M, and will offer proof
to show that the land sought is more valuable
for its timber or stone than for agricultural
fiurnoses, and to establish his claim to said
ana before the Register and Receiver of this
office at Vancouver, Wash., on Tuesday,
Ml(3 uh; oi uciuncr, ItAU.
He names as witnesses: John T. Gallowav
or Albian, Wash.; Henry Brown of Palouse
City, wash.: William Richardson of Colfax,
wasn.; i nomas a. nuuson oi i ne tialles, or.
Any and till persons claiming adversely the
above-descrltied lauds are requested to Me
their claims In (his ofllce on or before said
21st day of October, 1002.
jyisum W. K. DUNBAR, Register,
Timber Land, Act, June 8, 1878.1
United States Land Office, North Yakima
wasn,. aukiihl ii. nvt. nonce is nerenv
given that in compliance with the provisions
of the act of congress of JuneS, 18.8, entitled
An act ior me sale or umber lands in the
stales of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territory," as extended to all the
public land states by act of August t, ls2,
Louis K. Armstrong,
of Portland, county of Multnomah, stule or
Oregon, has this day filed in this office his
sworn statement, No. H7, for the purchase of
the west , southeast 14 ana east y, southwest
quarter of section No. a. township No.
7 north, range No. li east, W. M., and
will ofler proof to show that the land sought
Is more valuable for its timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish bis
claim to said land before W. B. Presby,
U. 8. Commissioner for District of Washing
ton, at his office at Uoldendale, Wash., on
Wednesday, the 5th day of November, 1HH.
He names as witnesses: Charles H. Crouch,
and Ella E. Crouch of Mllwaukie, Oregon;
Rober' K. Cox of Portland, Oregon; James V.
Cox of Trout Lake, Washington. And
Charles H. Croueh,
of Mllwaukie, county of Clackamas, state of
Oregon, has this day filed iu this office bis
sworn statement. No. WW, for the purchase of
the southeast quarter of northeast quarter,
northeast quarter of southeast quarter section
1, township 7 north, range 11 east, w. M., and
west half of southwest quarter of section No.
6, In township No. 7 north, range No, 12 east,
w. m., and will offer proof to show that the
land sought is more valuable for its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, and to
eacnhllah his claim to said land before W. B.
Presby, U. 8. Commissioner for District of
Washington .at his otnee at Uoldendale, Wash.,
on Wednesday, the 5th day of Novem ber.ltXH.
He names as witnesses: Louis E. Aimstmng
and Robert V. Cox of Portland, Or.; James K.
Cox of Trout Lake, wash.; frank a Young of
Portland, Or. And
Ella & Crouch,
of Milwaukle, county of Clackamas, state of
Oregon, has tills day filed In this office her
sworn statement. No. HH5. for the purchase of
the souOiwest t section No. 7, in town
ship No. 7 north, range Nn. 12 east, w m and
will offer proof to show that the land sought
Is more valuable for Its timber or atone than
f"r agricultural purposes, and toesiabllsh her
claim to said lund before W. B. Presby, U. 8
Commissioner lor District of Washington at
his office at Uoldendale, Washington on
Wednesday, the 5(h day of November, 1902
Sha names as witnesses: Louis K. Arm
strong and Robert K. Cox of Portland, Or
James V. Cox of Trout Ijike, Wash.; Frank C
Young of Portland, Or.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to Hie
(heir claims in (his odiee on or before said
5lh dav of November, IH01
So3t . WALTER J. REED, Register.
Ijind office at Vancouver, Wash., Aug 12,
1WI2. Notice Is hereby given that the following-named
settler has hied notiee of hia In
tention to make final proof in sup
port of his claim, and that said proof will
be made Is fore I lie Regisier nd Receiver of
I h I " M UnrinniM.i '
rr bxk, r.iA m, 1 . 1 1 . r, ,
Hd. K. No. 10.STH, ftir the nw ,, Tp 4 n.
range 12 east, W. M. ' P 9
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultlva-
u-":v.,rr. """re
l- '7. " ir 01 r uiaa, r. o
M II tall I llf Ah
1 tii
al.isls w. R. DUXBAfL ri.i.
The Best BaTP-nin
In Hoort River v.ll.v 1. n,P -
J , J "il out. t Odell. There are
ri.0 worth of Improvements. 7 as-res of hear
ing oi chard, a acres of meadow land from
Inchem al water deeded wltta the place.
nr particulars aee
Where you pan get tlieia all, and then ymi don't have to wait for
special orders. A full and complete line of tablets, note books,
pens, pencils, inks, etc; in fact, the best supply of stationery ever
offered in Hood River. Agency for Oiewonlun and Telegram.
Don't Read This !
If you want to miss getting , the: best, I i root Ties for the best
prices. We keep an updo-date line ol'
Hirst-class Groceries
and will treat yon rtg'ut
- Phone 225. Free Delivery.
COLUMBIA nursery;
Established 1832.
Offers a
tt, On
And otlier Fruit Trees, IMitntH, Shrubs and Vines.
You are Invited
To exiiniine the Block and let us know what you want.
H. C. BATEHAM, Proprietor.
. Telephone ti(M.
Have junt received a litrge Kidpnient ,of
Sorosis Underskirts
Piice $1.50 to $5.00 each. Strictly up
to date. .
We carry the largest stock of
n3 HH O IS 3
In thin town, and our stock whs never
more complete than now. When you
want a pair of shoes that will give sutia
Siction, coiue to Headquarters.
We also have a ery complete stock
of men's Hats, Shirts,' Neckwear, etc.
llcnlers in General Merchandise.
C. T. RAW80N.,
We respectfully announce to the puhlie that we have for the
coming planting aeasons a fine lot of trees of all kinds
Trhifty, Smooth, and True to Name.
Ordcre are now being booked as received ami varieties furnished
us long as they last. This season will witness larger plantings of
single sorts than any in the history of this valley, and to get what
you want will necessitate early orders.
We would also state that we ure prepared to furnish for next
season's planting any number and ANY VARIETY, GROWN
Long experience in the nursery business enables us to guarantee
Nursery on Eist Hide, at croshingof NchI creek. Orders solicited.
RAWSON & STANTON, Hood River, Or.
Mi Mood Livery, Feed
C2 lA
A. K. FULLEH, Prop. ;
First--lass, stylish, easy-riding bugK'ie' AH kinds of heavy team
ing and diaying Accoioniodutions for iraiic cnt horses and teams.
Tickets Sold and Baggage Checked to Destination. .
Something New.
Owing to the fact that there is plenty of grass cattle on the mar
ket at present, we are buying tieet cheaper than we have for some
time, and we propose to give our customers the benefit of tho low
prices; also, for the reason that many of our customers do not care to
bother with rash coujions, we have decided to dispense with them
aud give tho following prices from date:
, Prisket Beef Boil, 7c per pound; Short Rib Boil, 8c; any of the
best Shoulder Beef Boil, 9c per pound ; Steaks from 10c to 15c per
pound; Pork and Mutton from 7c to 12J2'c per pound.
We will meet any prices in town on groceries and deliver your
goods. Yours verv truly,
For YOU to Remember
When yon need anything in the line of
Yon should call on
The Glacier Pharmacy
full line of
f--n 5'
1 AC!
- Timber Ind,"Ao Junes, 187R.1 " -
TIiiKcfl Wtatc Land Office, North Yakima,
Wax))., Julv 14, 11)02. Notice Is hereby ((iven
that iu compliance with the provMoiisof the
act of congress of June, 1878, entitled "Ansel
Tor the sale of timlier land In the stun ol
California. On'ifon, Nevada aud Washington
territory,'' as extended to all tiie puhlln land
staU) by act of August 4, W4 ;
of Portland, county of Multnoniali, state of
Oregon, hus this day niea in mis tinra nr
worn statement. No. 14S5, for the purchMe
HieBWofHWXiNWWofHKH and the Why
of the SWM of section No. H, In town
ship No. 7 north, ranee No. 11 eswt, W.M.,
aud will offer proof to show that tiie land
umi'lit iu more valuable for IU timber or
stone tfan for agricultural purposes, and to
establish his claim to said land before W. B.
Presby, V. 8. Commissioner for District of
wasnington, am is ulnae hi. wiueuunic, nwi.,
nn Wmlntwdav. the Hl h dav of October. 1)102.
Hhe names as witnesses: Kolatrt K. Cox of
Trout Late P.O., Washington; Krank C.Young
of Portland P. O., Oregon; jaines r . tui oi
Trout Lake P. ()., waKhlngton; William H.
liriiHehel of Portland P. O.. Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-deaeribed lands are requested to tile
thelrclainis In this mce sn or Deiore saiu
8th day of October, 1M02.
JygwiM WALTEK J .REED, eglsler.
(Timber Ijmd, Act June S, liffsj
United Htates I4011I Ultlcn, Vancouver,
Wash.. Julv 16. 11102. Notiee is hereby given
that in compliance with tiie provisions of the
act of congress of June 8, 1878, entitled "An act
lor the sale of timber lands iu the states of
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
territory," as extended to all the public land
suites by act of August 4, lsitt.
of Portland, county of Multnomah, stole oi
oreuon.has this duvflled In thlsoince his sworn
statement No. 24.ii for the purchase of the
NE!4 of ISEof section No. 83, In lowuslilp No.
1 north, range No. 12 east, w. M., and will of-
ter prooi to snow mat me lanu sotigui
Is more valuable for lis timber or stone (linn
for agrlcuUiirul purposes, and to establish bis
claim to sin a mini tsuore tne itcgisier ana
Receiver of this office at Vancouver, Wash.,
on Thursday, the 21 day of October, 1IK12.
lie names as wiluesses: Anton Knutson,
Edward H. Button, William II. Hogg and
William J. Ferrell, all of Portland, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lauds are requested to tiie
their claims In this offioe on or before said
M day of October. 1WI2.
JyaasiM W. K. DUNBAR. Register.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.1
United 8tates Land Office, Vancouver,
Wash., June 30, 11102. Notice Is hereby given
that In compliance with the provisions of the
net of eoiiir ress of J une 3. 1878. entlt led "An act
for the sale of timber lands in the states of
California, Oregon. .Nevada and Washington
territory,'' as extended to all the public land
slates by act of August 4, ISiri,
of Pullman, county of Whllman.stateof Wash
ington, has this day filed in this office his
sworn statement. No. &82, tor the purchase of
west yt northwest and west southwest
of section No. 23, In township No. ii
north, range No. 11 east, W. M., and
will offer proof to show that the land sought
is more valuable for Its timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and lo establish his
claim to said land before the Register and
Receiver of this office at Vancouver, Wash.,
on Tuesday the 14th day of October. lWi2.
He names as witnesses: Everett C. O'Nell of
Winchester, Idaho; David Al. (layueso( Pull
man, wash.: Thomas A. Hudson and Tim
othy llrowubill of The Dalles, Oregon.
of Pullman, county of W human, suite of Wash
ington, has this day died In this office his
sworn statement, No. 2tj83. for the purchase ol
the southeast quarter of section No, 15 In
township No. 6 north, range No, 11 east,W.M.;
and will offer proof to show (hat (be land
sought Is more valuable for Its limber or
slone than lor agricultural purposes, und to
esUibllsh his claim to ssid land before the
Register and Receiver of (his office at Van
couver, Wash., on Tuesday, the 14th Uay of
October, 11KU.
He names us witnesses: Monroe Bryant of
Pullman, wash.; Everett C. O'Neel of Win
chester, Idaho-Thomas A. Hudson and Tim
othy Brownliill of The Dalles, Oregon.
of Winchester, county of Ne Perees, state of
Idaho hus this day filed in this office his
sworn statement. No. 2tiH4, for the purchase of
the south northeast y4 and south north
west of section No. 22 111 town
ship No. 8 north, range No. 11 east. W. M.
and will offer proof (o show (hat the land
sought is more valuable for itstimber or slone
lliau for agricultural purposes, and to estab
lish his claim to said land before the Register
and Kecelveroftlilsolllceat Vaneonver,WasU..
ou Tuesday, tlie Hlh day of October, 1UU2.
He mimes as witness, s: Monroe Bryant and
David M. Haines of Pullman, Wash.: Thomas
A. Hudson and Timothy llrownhill of The
Dulles, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands ure requested to file
their claims in (his office on or before said
14th day of October, 1IW2.
Blo W. R. DUNBAR, Register.
Timber Land, Aet.June 3, 1X78.'
United States Land Office, Vancouver, Wash.,
July 17, KI2. Notice is hereby given that In
compliance with the provisions of (he act of
congress nf June 8, 1878. entitled "An aet lor
the sale of timber lands In the states of Cal
ifornia, Oregon. Nevada and Washington ter
ritory ,:' as extended (o all the public land
states by aet of August 4, 18'i2,
of Pine Flat, county of Klieki(a(,s(ateof Wash
ington, has this dsy tiled In this office bis
sworn statement, No. 230, for the purchase of
the south half northwest quarter and west
half southwest quarter of section 13 iu town
ship 4 north, range 11 east, w. M., and will of
fer proof to show that the land sought Is more
valuable lor its timber or slone than for agri
cultural purposes, and to establish hlsclutm
Ixi suid land before the Register and Receiver
of this offiee at Vuncouver, Wash., on Thurs
day, the 23d day of October, 1IKI2. ,
He names as witnesses; Jacob M. Locke,
Monroe Locke, John G. Perry and Edward
Perry, all of Pine Flat, Wash.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
llielr claims In this office on or before suld
23d day of October, 1902.
. al 18 W. R. DUNBAR, Register
Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878.1
United Htates Land Offlce, North Yakima,
Washington. July 25, 1902. Notiee is
hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions of the act of congress of June 3, 1878,
entitled "An act for the saie of timber lauds
In the states of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territory," as extended loall the
puunc lanu si-aie oy uctot August 4, 18D2,
of Hood River, county of Wasco, state of Ore
gon, has tills day filed In this office ber sworn
statement. No. 111. for tlie mirehiise of ll.e
north iiulf southeast quarter and north half
souinwesi quarter of section Mo. 2S1 In town
ship No. 7 north, range No. 11 east W.M.,and
will oiler proof to show (hat the land sought
Is more valuable for its timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, und lo establish her
claim to said lund before W. U. Prestiv, U. H.
Commissioner for district of Washington, al
his offiee at Uoldendale, Wash., on ISaturday.
the lSlli day of October, 1902.
Hhe names as witnesses: Albert Levernach
and Frank 0. Young of Portlaud P. O., Ore
gon; Robert F. Cox and James F. Cox of Trout
Lake P. O., Washington.
Any and all iwrxoiia claiming adversely the
above-described luuda are requested to file
their claims In this office on or before suid
ISIh day of October, lmi2,
o3u2 WALTER JREED, Register.
(Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878
United Unites Ijind Office, Vancouver,
Wash., Aug. ft, HML Notice is hereby given
(hat In nnnpllanee with the provisions of the
act of congress 01 June 8, 1878, entitled "An uei
for I lie sale of timber lands In the states of
California, Oregon, Nevada end Washington
territory," as extended to all the public land
itales by act of Angust 1, 1x112,
EMMA T. crsriN,
of Portland, county of Multnomah, stale of
Oregon, has this day filed In (his office her
sworn slalemem, No. 2.71, for the purchase of
Ihe north half northeast quarter and
north hulf northwest quarter of section 22, In
township No.s north, ranse No, II east.W.M.,
and will oiler proof (o how that (lie laud
sought Is more valuable for lis timber or atone
than for agricultural pnriwsea, und lo estab
lish her claim losuid lund before (he Regisier
nd Receiver of Ibis offlce M Vancouver,
W ashon Wednesday, the 22d day of October.
1! ,
Hue names as witnesses: Allrt W. Uibdell
and Robert F. Cox of Portland, Or.; Albert C.
Peels and James F. Cox ot Troutluke, Wash.
Any and all persona claiming advened (lie
above-described landa are requested to hie
their claims in this -ffioe on or Isjfore sal
22d day of October, 1H04.
" W. R. Jpl'NBAR, Register.
...J at '- .1' . . .
her h l'M Voile I. 1, ,........'. ....
- - - ,u,,i i,,r
following-named -ttler has tlli notice
of his intention to make tinal i.r..r in
iipsirt of his claim, and that said urwif
Will ! n,..l. l.f..w tl' 1 . . ..
t oniniissloner for the District of Washington,
miiiiiiiiii iii inii nfiaie, vaaningtou. on
Haturday. o tolr 18, twi. vie
v...,, . .', lor inr aouineasi
quarter of tl northwest quarter, the soutli-
I,,., v.Rioiiisi quunfi, tne
northwmt quarter of the southeast quarter
nd northeast quarter of Ihesnuihwest quar
ter of section M, town-hip No, a uorlh. cf
range No. II easl, W. m.
He name the M lowing witnesses o prove
hie con tin nous rvHideiifv. ii nun nnrfm,itivaiinn
of, -Kid land, via: (nv.rirr Kn-, Bert C
Iiymond, William Hka-eiKhoefi-r and Oliver
P . krepa, all of Fulda P. ., Washington.
For Sale
Colony of liumeseekers, take notice:
1500 acres of laml, East Side Littlo
White Salmon, 1,000 acres in one body,
giiod fruit and grass land, 300 acres tim
lier suitable forsaw-logsand wood, plenty
of cedar tributary, seven miles of Hume,
W00 inches of water to operate same as a
vested right. Ten cubic feet of water
per second additional riled on. No bet
ter chance for nn irrigating plant. Flume
ends iu lake at Drano landing, Washing
ton, on Columbia river. This landing
and 21 acres, including store nilding
and 15 or 20 otlier buildings on land, go
with the property. Only six miles from
Hood River. This soil is well adapted
to raising strawberries, fruit and grass.
I'ine range. Five or ten acres in culti
vation. Finest place to get out wood.
This land will be sold in one body or
in tracts to suit the purchasers at
T15 per acre, including llume, timber,
and water rights. Terms cash. Title
perfect. Patented land. Inquire of
John Inland Henderson or J. F. Short,
Hood River, Ore., or J. I). Casey, Hil
gard.Oregon, solo owners.
1. Lots iu Waucoma Park addition
2. Eligible residence lots in Spangler'g
subdivision, near cannon house; onlv
100 ; terms easy.
5. The Henderson lot in front of Tur
ner's cottages in Oiler's addition, T12.r.
6. Tho Koplin place at Frankton. 17
acres well improved; free irrigating
water. Price f4,000.
7. Barrett-Sipma addition ; f 100 per
lot: flO down and $5 per month; no in
terest. 8. One of the most valuable corners
in the ceiaer of Hood River. Price
9. Fine homestead of 160 acres on
Rock creek near Davenport's. Price
$1,000300 down, balance at 0 per
10. The Clarke 40 acres adjoining city
limits. Nearly all land cleared and
in cultivation. Price $300 per acre.
11. The six acre tract known as the
Prathar place by Pine Grove school
house. Price $500 cash.
12. One hundred sixty acres on White
Salmon. 12 acres cleared, some fruit,
good soil and timber. Price $1,500.
Known as the P. M. Gatchell place.
18. Thos. Shero 9 acres ; new cottage ;
near Barrett school house; price $1,500.
20. Fifteen acres one mile from town
on main road; one-half cleared, house
and barn. Priee $00 per acre. Can be
sold in 5-acre lots.
. ioW- E- s- K N- E- H C.
4, T. 3 N., R. 11 E White Salmon; fine
timber land ; $10 per acre.
22. The Emerson homestead, only one
mile east of town ; fine range ; $1,500.
32. EmmaG. Robinson's 160 acres on
hills east of White Salmon, known as
the Dryer place; fine timber; unim
proved; $785.
Money to loan.
At the Emporium is kept a first-class
solar compass, and the proprietor
being a practical surveyor, is well pre
pared to do the work of laving out acre
age property in lots and blocks, and do
ing all kinds of surveying and platting.
The new enmnnnv nnw r,rr,.D r. ..i..
. . - i j uuwo iui emu
u-8 f?rmerly 'longing to the Hood
luniiBiiei company, ot wtncli com
pany John Leland Henderson is secre
tary and the Hood River Bank treasurer.
Cottage for rent down town.
Choice' Bargains.
The (inn. Melton lot o.I .. i..
Barrett-Sipma addition, $375 if sold
within a few days; after which the price
will bo $400. 1
160-acre ranch at White Salmon,
known as the Tenold farm, offered now
tor f 1.600. Will cost $1,700 in 30 days
Corner lot in front of school house
ITimber Land, Act June 3, 1878.1
United States Land Offlce, Vancouver,
Wash., July 1, lwri - Notice Is hereby
Klven thul In compliance with the provisions
(if the uei of Congress of June 3, 18,8, entitled
"An act tor Ihe sale of timber lunds In the
stales of Calirorniu, Xenon, Nevada and
Washington Terrliory , a. extended to ull
the public land slnin by net of Anirust , 18112.
., W. "''-'AM ii. McLAKKN,
of Portland, count y or Al uitnomult, stule of Or
eijon. bus tiiisuay tiled In Una ottlce lilssworn
suilemeiu, No. 2U, for (he pureiiuse of die
uorlbeast utiarter it j.ti..n iu..
In (owushlp No. 5 north, tango Mo. li
eust. W. M., an.l will tur.-r pr.s.l ut siio that
ine land souni la more vuliiniiiu lor il-s tint
oer or stone tliun for axrlcultural ptirp-ises.
und ju eatuhhaii his claim uisnid iaUli before
llie ReKister and Reoeiver of (his ottic at
Vuuconver, U Hsliimstuu, on Friday, thelsih
day o( epteinoer. lsi2. wiiucaacs: Jl,n D. (Jnrdner.
James h. Muon mid Kredenck Van lsiren
all ol r iilda, WaslK, and Thomas J. R. Nlehi
olson of Portland, (ireiton.
Any and all persons claitnliiu adversely the
slKe-(l,--i ibed lands are re,tiested to me
Iheirclaima in Ihls oili.-e on or belore said Uh
day ot Heptember, lsiri.
Jylisl2 W. R. DCNHAR, Register.
i- TIiiiIht Ind, Act JnneS, lsTS.l
Culled Mtales Und Offlce, Vancouver.
nsh.,July s, liMi.-Ni.tiee la hen by uiven
thai In compliance Willi (he provt-lona of Ihe
act ..r nnareM ol J une S, 18. 8, emu led "An act
for theuuleof (lmi,..r lands in (he stu(e of
California, Orexoii, Nevada und Wuslilnaton
tcrrilory, aae)iiuded Ui ull me public land
suites by act of Atnetlsl 4, sj2
oT ll.Minl.un, tvninly of Cheballs. stale ot
V asbinirion, bus una day tiled In (his office
bia sworn statement. No. 2,1. for the ptir-eh.-eof
the , w NW and w MW H of
..-.lion No. :I4 in township No.S north, rant-
No II east, w. m.. snd win offer pna,f to stmw
that Ihe fund soiidit la moiealiial.le fiw its
timber or sume than for UKiieultural pur
cewea, and lo establish hia rlaiiii lotaid lun.1
la-lore the Reiii-ter ai d Recencr of (his ottie
at Vancouver. Wash., on Wednesday .lhe22d
day of October, lsu2.
u'.'it. n""' . M Kbessc: Kred Bcott and
W illiam M. Camfilleid of Trout Ijike, Wash
J oin trs;in of H.Mjyiaiu. wash, und Waldo
It. Much- of PoitUnd. nridin.
Any and all persona claiin;in adversely the lunds are rcjmrsted to tile
(heir ctaiuia In (hia offlce on or before aa l
22l day ( October, ptri.
J 18-IS W. R. Dl'XBAR, R:l.ter.