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About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 5, 1902)
A STUDY BY A. CONAN DkYLE. ' CHAPTER VI. The papers next day were full of the "Brixton Mystery," as they termed it. Each had a long account of the af fair, and some had leaders upon it In "addition. . There was some Information in them which was new to me. I still retain in my scrap book numerous clpplngs and extracts bearing upon the case. Here Is a condensation of a few of them': The Dally Telegraph remarked that. In the history of crime there had sel dom been a tragedy which presented stranger features. The German name of the victim, the absence of all motive and the sln ibter inscription on the wall all point ed to its perpetration by political (efugees and revolutionists. The Socialists had many branches In America, and the deceased had, no doubt. Infringed their unwritten laws and been, tracked down- by them. After alluding airily to the Vehm- gericht, aqua tofano, Carbonari, the Marchioness de Brinvilliers, the Dar winian theory, the principles of Mai thus and the Ratcllff Highway mur ders, the article concluded by admon ishing the government and advocating a closer watch over foreigners in Eng land. The Standard commented upon the fact that lawless outrages of the sort usually occurred under a Liberal ad ministration. They arose from the unsettling of the minds of the masses and the con sequent weakening of all authority. The deceased was an American gen tleman who , had been residing for some weeks In the metropolis. He hda stayed at the boarding-house off Mme. Charpentler, in Torquay Terrace, Camberwell. He was accompanied in his travels by his private secretary, Mr, Joseph Stangerson. The two bid adieu to their . landlady upon Tuesday, the 4th Inst, and departed to Euston station with the avowed Intention of catching the Liverpool express. They were after ward seen together on the platform, Nothing .more is known of them un til Mr. Drebber s body was, as re corded, discovered in an empty house In the Brixton road, many miles from Euston. How he came there, or how he met Ms fate, are questions which are still involved in mystery. Nothing Is known of the where abouts of Stangerson. We are glad to learn that Mr. Lestrade and Mr Gregson, of Scotland Yard, are both engaged upon the case, and It Is con fidently anticipated that these well- known officers will speedily throw light upon the maftr. The Daily News observed that there was no doubt as to the crime being a political one. The despotism and hat red of Liberalism which animated the Continental governments had had the effect of driving to our shores a number of men who might have made excellent citizens were they not soured by the recollection of all tbey had un dergone. Among these men there was. a stringent code of honor any Infringe ment of which was punished by death. Every effort should be made to find the secretary, Stangerson, and to ascertain some particulars of the hab its of the deceased. A great step had been gained by the discovery of the address of the house at which he had boarded, a result which was entirely due to the acute ness and energy of Mr. Gregson, of Scotland Yard. Sherlock Holmes and I read these notices over together at breakfast, and they appeared to afford him con siderable amusement "I told you that, whatever happened, Lestrade and Gregson would be sure to score." "That depends on how It turns out." "Oh, bless you, It doesn t matter In the least If the man Is caught, it will be on account of their exertions; If he escapes, it will be in spite of .-.elr ex ertions. It's heads I win, talis you lose. Whatever they do, they will have followers. A fool always finds a big ger fool to ad.mlre him." "What on earth Is this?" I cried, for at this moment there came the patter ing of many steps In the hall and on ue stairs, accompanied by audible et pteslons of disgust on the part of our landlady. "It's the Baker-street division of the detective police force," said my com panion, gravely; and as be spoke there rushed into the roam half a doz en of the dirtiest and most ragged stref arahs that ever I clapped eyes on. "'Tention!" cried Holmes, In a sharp tone and the six dirty scoun drels stood In a line like so many dis reputable statuettes. "In future you shall send up Wiggins alone to report, and the rest of you must wait In the street. Have you found it, Wiggins?" "No, sir, we hain't" said one of the youths. "I hardly expected that you would. You must keep on until you do. Here ere your wages." He handed each of them a shilling. "Now, off you go, and come back with a better report next time." He waved his hand, and they scam pered away downstairs like so many rats, and we heard their shrill voices next moment in the street "There's more work to be got out of one of those little beggars than out of a dozen of the force," Holmes re marked. "The mere sight of an official looking person seals men's lips. These youngsters, however, go everywhere and hear everything. They are as sharp as needles, too; all they want lc organisation. "Is it on this Brixton case that you are employing them?" I asked. "Yes; there is a point which I wish to ascertain. It Is merely a matter of time. Halloo! we are going to hear some news now with a vengeance! Here is Gregson coming down the road with beatitude written upon ev ery feature of his face. Bound for us, I know. Yes, he is stopping There he Is!" There was a violent peal at the bell, and In a few seconds the falr-halred detective came up the stairs three steps at a time, and burst Into our sitting-room. "My dear fellow," he crle, wringing Holmes' unresponsive hand, "congrat ulate me! 1 have made the whole thing as clear as day." cross my companion's expressive fare. "Do you mean that you are on the right track?" he asked. "The right track! Why, sir, we have the man under lock and key!" "And his name Is?" Arthur Charpentler. sub-lieutenant In her majesty's navy," cried Gregson. pompously, rubbing bis fat hands and Inflating his chest Sherlock Holmer gave a sigh of re- 9 I IN SCARLET lief and relaxed Into a smile, "Take a seat and try one of these cigars," be said. "We are anxious to know bow you managed it. Will you cave some wblsky and water? - "I don't mlna If I do," the detective answered. "The tretSendous exertions which I have gone through during the last day or two have wonn me out Not so much bodily exertion, you un derstand, as the strain upon the mind. You will appreciate that, Mr. Shor- lock Holmes, for we are both brain workers. "You do me too much honor," said Holmes, gravely. "Let us hear how you arrived at this most gratifying result. The detective seated himself in the armchair and puffed complacently at bis cigar. Then suddenly he slapped his thigh In a paroxysm of amuse ment "The fun of It Is," he cried, "that that fool Lestrade, who thinks him self so smart, has gone off upon the wrong track altogether. He Is after the secretary, Stangerson, who had no more to do with the crime than the babe unborn. I have no doubt that he has caught him by this time." The Idea tickled Gregson so much that he laughted until he choked, "And how did you get your clue?" "Ah, I'll tell you all about It Of course, Dr. Watson, this Is strictly be tween ourselves. The first difficulty which we had to contend with was the finding of this American's anteced ents. Some people would have waited until their advertisements were an swered or until parties came forward and volunteered Information. That Is hot Tobias Gregson's way of going lo work. You remember the hat be side the dead man?" "Yes," said Holmes, "by John Un derwood & Sons, 129 Camberwell road." .. Gregson looked quite- crestfallen. "I had no Idea that you noticed that," he said. "Have you been there?" "No." "Ha!" cried Gregson, In a relieved voice, "you should never neglect chance, however small It may seem." "To a great mind nothing Is little, remarked Holmes, sententlously. "Well, I went to Underwood and asked him If he had sold a hat of that size and description. He looked over his books and came on It at once. .He had sent the hat to a Mr. Drebber, re siding at Charpentler s boarding es tablishment, Torquay "Terrace. Thus I got at his address." "Smart very smart," murmured Sherlock Holmes. "I next called upon Madame Char pentier," continued the detective. "I found her very pale and distressed Her daughter was In the room, too an uncommonly fine girl she is too; she was looking red about the eyes, and ber lips trembled as I spoke to her. That didn't escape my notice. I began to smell a rat. You know the feeling, Mr Sherlock Holmes, when you once come upon the right scent a kind of thrill in your nerves. 'Have you heard of the mysterious death of ytur late brother, Mr. Enoch J. Dreb ber, of Cleveland?" I asked. The mother nodded. She didn't seem to get out a word. The daughter burst Into tears. I felt more than ever that these people knew something of the matter, "'At what o'clock did Mr. Drebber leave your house for the train?' I asked. " 'At 8 o'clock,' she said, gulping In her throat to keep down her agita tion. 'His secretary, Mr. Stangerson, said that there were two trains one at 9:15 and one at 11. He-was to catch the first." 'And was that the last which you saw of him?' "A terrible change came over the woman's face as I asked the questlor. Her features turned perfectly livid. It was some seconds before she could get out the single word 'Yes,' and when it did come it wag in a husky. unnatural tone. There was silence for a moment, and then the daughter spoke In a calm, clear voice. 'No good can ever come of false hood, mother,' she said. 'Let us be hank with the gentleman. We did see Mr. Drebber again.' "'God forgive you! cried Madame Charpentler, throwing up her hands find sinking back in her chair. 'You have murdered your brother!' "'Arthur would rather that we spoke the truth,' the girl answered, (irmly. " 'You had best tell me all about It now,' I said. 'Half confidences are worse than none. Besides, you do not know how much we know of It' On your head be it, Alice!' cried ber mother; and then, turning to me, i will tell you all, sir. Do not Imagine that my agitation on behalf of my son arises from any fear lest he should have had a hand in this terrible affair. He Is utterly innocent of it. My dread is, however, that in your eyes and in the eyes of others he may appear to be compromised. That, however, lc surely impossible. His high character, Ms profession, his antecedents would all forbid it" . 'Your best way is to make a clean breast of the facts," I answered. 'De pend upon it, If your son is Innocent Le will be none the worse.' " 'Perhaps, Alice you had better leave us together,' she said, and her daughter withdrew. 'Now, sir,' she continued, "1 had no Intention of tell ing you all this, but since my poor daughter has disclosed it -I have no alternative. Having once decided to speak, I will tell you all without omit ting any particular.' "It Is your wisest course,' said I. "'Mr. Drebber has been with us nearly three weeks. He and his sec letary, Mr. Stangerson, had been trav eling on the Continent I noticed a "Copenhagen" label upon each of their trunks, showing that that bad been their last stopping place. Stangerson was a quiet, reserved man, but his em ployer, I am sorry to say, was far ctherwise. He was coarse In his hab its and brutish In bis ways. The very night of his arrival he became very much the worse for drink, and, In deed, after 1J o'clock in the day he could hardly ever be said to be sober. His manners toward the maid servants were disgustingly free and familiar. Worst of all. he speedily assumed the same manner toward my daughter, Alice, and spoke to her more than once In a way which, fortunately, she is too Innocent to understand. On one occasion he actually seized her In hie arms and embraced her an outrage which caused his own secretary to re proach him for his unmanly conduct.' "'But why do you stand all this? I asked. T suppose that you can get r!1 of your boarder when you wish." "Mrs. Cbarpentier blushed at my jertlnent question. " 'Would to God that I had given jhlnj notltw tha very day he eamo, she said, 'But It was a sore tempta tion. They were paying a pound a day each 14 pounds a week, and this Is a slack season. I am a widow, and my boy in the navy has cost me much. 1 grudged to lose the money. I acted for the best This last was too .much, however, and I gave hira notice to leave on account of It That was the reason of bis going.' "'Welir " My heart grew light when I saw him drive away. My son Is on leave Just now, but I did not tell him any thing of this, for his temper is violent and he is passionately fond of his sis ter. When I closed the door behind them a load seeme- to be lifted from my mind. Aias! in less than an hour there was a ring at the bell, and I learned that M?. Drebber had re turned. He was much excited and evidently the worse for drink. He forced his way into the room where I was sitting. with my daughter and made some Incoherent remark about having missed his train. He then turned to Alice, and, before my very face, proposed to her that she should fly with him. "You are of age," he tald, "and there is no law to stop you, 1 have money enough, and to spare. Never mind the old girl here, but come along with me now straight away. You shall live like a princess." Poor Alice was so frightened that she phrank away from him, but he caught her by the wrist and endeavored to to draw her toward the door. I screamed, and at that moment my son Arthur came into the room. What happened then I do not know. I heard oaths and confused sounds of a scuffle. I was too terrified to raise my head. When i did look up I saw Arthur standing In the doorway laughing, with a stick in his hand. "I don't think that fine fellow will trouble us again," he said. "I will Just go after him and see what he does with him self." With these words he took his hat and started off down the street The next morning we heard of Mr. Drebber's mysterious death.' "This statement came from Mrs. Charpentler's Hps ' with many gasps and pauses. At times she spoke so low that I could hardly catch the words. I made shorthand notes of all that she said, however, so that there could be no possibility of a mistake." "It's quite exciting," said Sherlock Holmes, with a yawn. "What hap pened next?" "When Mrs. Charpentler paused," the detective continued, "I saw that the whole case hung on one point Fixing her with my eye In a way which I always found effective with women, I asked her at what hour her son returned. M'I do not know,' she answered. "Not know? '"No; he hag a latch key and let himself In.' "'After you went to bed? "'Yes.' "When did you go to bedf " 'About eleven.' " 'So your son was gone at least two hours?" '"Yes." " 'Possibly four or five? " "Yeg." " What was ho doing during that time?" " 'I do not know," she answered, turning white to her very Hps. (To be continued.) Things Thai May gj Merest You, K In mtaters of great concern, and whfch must be done, there is no surer argument of a weak mind than irresolu tion. Tillotson. . . A Tippecanoe monument will be erected in memory of General William Henry Harrison s defeat ot his savage adversary, Tecumseh, November 11, 1811, at the confluence of the Tippeca noe and Wabash rivets in Indiana. Congress is to be asked to appropriate $50,000. The White Star line steamer Cedric, 21,000 tons, the largest liner afloat, was successfully launched at Belfast a few days ago. Her carrying capacity is 18,400 tons, and the has accommoda tions for 3,000 passengers. It is said the Cediij will be ready for service in the autumn. r Herr Most, the anarchist, who has enjoyed an international experience oi prisons, sums it up in the epigram: The freer the country the worse the jail." "I was first imprisoned in Aus tria," he says. "There I was treated like a gentleman. In Germany they set me to work at book binding. That was easv. In London they made me pick oakum. That was very hard. The first time I was imprisoned in America I had to fire a furnace. That was hades." TO STUDY EARTHQUAKES. teading Nations Of the World Invited by Kaiser to Meet In Conference. An international investigation nl' earthquakes will probably be the next great, inquiry lointiy taken up by the leading nations oi the world. Em-1 peror William is taking the lead in ' this movement, doubtless not dnairino to have the czar of Russia suggest all the propositions having a tendency to bring the civilized peoples closer to gether. N. j Germanv has invited the TTnltwt States, all the European countries, Mexico, Japan, Brazil, Argentine, and i Chili, to participate in a conference fer the study of eeisraoloEical Droblems. The invitation to this government was given directly to the state department by Count Von Quadt. German charee d'affaires. He acted uader instmctions from Berlin. It is Dronosed tn hnM tlie international conference soma time next tpring. , AH the conn tries invited to Tnrtlrint are expected to send delegates, lhey will naturally be scientist of high standing and especially those whose duties bring them in contact with tha . general tonic of earthauakei and din. turbances of the earth's crust. No ac tion looking to the calling of the con vention will be taken until a nonaidor. able number of the nations requested to send delegates has replied to the in vitation sent by Germany. , Officials here are much interested in the proposition advanced by the Ger man government. Its importance is materially enhanced bv reaction of tha recent eruption on the Islands of Mar tinique and St. Vincent. It is expected this covernment will accent tha inviu. t tinn, although no definite decision will I ds reacnea unut ine return oi tecretary Hay. In the event of nartirinatinn scientist will ba designated as dele gate. A &ii Easterner Taught California Land Owners a Lesson. BOUGIITUPPEATLAND This He Turned Into 8 Celery Farm and Staged a Great Industry. ' ' Flint Crop of Celery Raised on Land Which Was Bought for a Bonn Pro duction and Marketing of the Crop Is Full of Intercut-Many of the East ern States Are Supplied and Borne L Heavy Profits Are Made. There Is many a fortune lost by not being able to recognize a good thing wben one sees It Some one, a great many years ago, said that opportunity calls but once upon the same person, lie Is supposed to rap at the door and if he gets no answer be passes on never to return that way. This sounded so nice and fanciful that It became a proverb, but like many other accepted sayings, has not a gruln of truth In it. As a matter of fact, opportunity Is hanging about each man's door fairly aching for an Invitation to come In, but most men are so obtuse tbey do not recognize hi in. :. - When the old man, Hervey found, a few years ago, that a goodly portion of his lands at Smeltzer, Orange coun ty, in Southern California, lay In the big tule swamp, he was sorry be had bought them. A little later, when a valuable team with which he was en deavoring to break up a portion of the peat lands became bogged and , -rr AT VV'UUK l. lllHi went down and down, In spite of all his efforts to save them, till they dis appeared beneath the rich, black, oozy soil, never to reappear, he was still more regretful. He had, nevertheless, a good thjng, but he did uot know It The bog was opportunity, l?ut It took another to discover It ' Eight or nine years ago a man from the East wandered down to Santa Ana and there saw Mexicans nnd Chinese hauling wagon londs- of "dried peat about town, selling the product for fuel. Peat burus very nicely when properly prepared, and coal and wood being extremely scarce In Southern California, a number of persons man aged to get a fair living out of the big tule swamp. The stranger had never heard of the great peat bog, but he asked some questions and learned all about It. Then he went down to Smeltzer and saw It for himself. Next he began purchasing all the swamp land he could buy. Bt ranger's Level Head.' Public opinion was divided regarding the stranger. He must be either Idi otic or Insane, the people thought, and the vote was about a tie as to which was the case. Nevertheless the own era of the swamp lands made baste to profit 'by his supposed mental infirmi ty, and they eagerly unloaded most of the bog upon him. Some of them, Her vey among the number, retained a part of the bog land just to see if the stran ger really had a rational motive in ac quiring the well-high worthless real es tate. They are now congratulating themselves that they did so. Some of this swamp laud brought the owners as much as $10 an acre. The most of It, however, went for less than half that sum. To-day the land Is worth 400 an acre, and off the 3,000 acres which are being utilized the owners will obtain this year a revenue of $300,000. Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Buf falo, Pittsburg, Chicago, Cincinnati, St Louis, and a buudred other cities In the East are eating celery raised In the great tule swamp of Orange coun ty. More than 20 cars a day are ship ped from the fields and the most of It goes east of the Mississippi river. It has taken some work and expense to put the swamp la condition to bring this Income, but nothing compared with the return It yields. The first work was to drain the swamp sufficiently to permit of tha land being worked. In order to do this a huge drainage canal, 14 feet wide and 12 feet deep, was run from the swamp to the ocean four miles away. The lateral drains empty Into this. Chinese labor was employed In digging the ditches and laying the tile through the soft earth and the same labor was used in clearing the .swamp of the tule and other growth and putting the ground in condition to be plowed. Then came the problem, how to plow the land. Notwithstanding the drainage, the lands were still soft and spongy and the danger of bogging the horses was not slight The stranger from the Eaut was aj;ain equal to the emergency, lie had. In the course of his travels, had experlpm-e In navigating uimi snowshnes, and he proceeded to rig shoes for the homes on a modified sium slice plan. Now the horses plow the land, bank the celery, pull the cut ting machines over the fields and car ry away the crop In safety. CIimb Labor Employed. Nearly all the labor employed Is Chl nre and Japanese. Tbla la not so much because that kind of labor Is cheaper than other kinds though that feature of the case is not objected to as it Is that the white men ran not WEALTH stand tha work. The planting begins In June and continues through July and August and the hot summer sun beats down upon the fields and the beat and the rank odors of the swamp, laden with fever and malaria, are more than the average white man can endure. The Orieutals, however, keep healthy, as a rule, and -do not seem to much mind the beat In a week or so after the plants have been set the laborers go through the patch and press the dirt around the plants in such a manner as. td cause the stalks to grow uprightly and close together. This process Is repented two or three times and then the "bankers," as the two-sbare piows are called, are put Into, .the field and the soil la thrown up against the plants, burying all but the tops. As the stalks push upward the banking Is repeated and the stalks are thus kept bleached and tender till It Is time for the cutting. This Is also done with horse power. A four-wheeled 'vehicle fitted with sharp kulves which pass under the rows of celery is-drawn through the fields, clipping the stalks from the roots and leaving them still standing in the rows. So rapidly do these ma chines do the work but five teams and machines are required to harvest the crop from the entire 3,000 acres. Following the cutters come a small army of Celestials" who take the sev- ' -UNffc ici.UCU ilUMji. ered stalks by the tops and lift them from the earth, and with rapid aud skillful motions shake the dirt there from, trim the roots and tops with knives made for the purpose, and lay the stalks to one side of the row where the packers find them and tie them Into j bundles and put them In crates ready for shipment. The harvest begins In October and lasts till well toward the spring." As the rainy season ' begins about November 1, It will be seen that the most of this work takes place at the most disagreeable season of the year. Day after day the yellow men I At, Iwvl- lJ J J i8 l inn i uiuu-iMui-u up ana uown the long rows, and amid the pelting, chilly rains work steadily and uncom plainingly on, receiving at the end of the week a pittance the white man would scorn; and yet, most of these laborers have a comfortable bank ac count. It takes strong soil to raise good celery year after year, and this Is just what the soil of the peat swamp Is. For hundreds, thousands and perhaps millions of years the rains of winter have carried down to the tule swamp the vegetation of the mountains mix ed with the soil borne along with the rushing torrents the rains tend down -a h Z-a j".- BANKING llli; Cf-i.l-tH tbelr steep sides, rn this natural sink the vegetation has decayed and' sank beneath the next layer brought down from the "everlasting bills." Thus na ture bas formed one of the 'best soils that could be found for the purpose for which it Is now being used. Af ter the last of the crop has been taken from the fields, the ground la plowed and sown to barley. Just before plant ing time, the barley, which bas by this time attained a rank growth, Is plow ed under and Its luxuriance goes to en rich the soil -and minister to tbe de mands of the new celery crop. Last season's output of -celery from this erstwhile bog was fully 1,200 cars. As each car holds 130 crate and each crate contains six dozen stalks. It will be seen that the product of the swamp reached nearly 13,000.000 stalka. Thla brought In the markets more than 1300,000, fully one-half of which found Its way Into the pockets of the jrew era. Truly a handsome sum to pull from the coxy mud of a pest bog. Wbat Adam Was Doing. It was midnight. Euddenly In the Adam residence there was a cry, then a serle of how la, and ene of the nelgh- ' - ' IrT Hi mkk UOUa SHOES WOUN BY HOUSES. ... KSi.S'i MluSPfl Itep bors. passing by. heard the head of tha house use language that was calculated to loose the thunderbolts of heaven on the whole neighborhood. She stopped, -ran up to ine- aoor, aim, picoamg ic button, listened eagerly at the speaking tube. "WbHt In the world Is your hus band doing?" she asked, as the dulcet voice of Eve Inquired her errand. ' : "Oh," replied Eve, "he Is merely rais ing Cain. "It reqrftres strong lanfuage to 'raise a child like that." And tbus'Bn expression was cotaed which promises to outlast history itself. Portland Oxegonian. DIED OF 8TARVATION. Sad Fate of a Prospector ia that Great Peathtrap, the Colorado Deaeru J. P. Fay recently returned from trln across the Colorado desert -with uews of the death of J. A. Adams, Dep uty County Surveyor of San cBernar- dino County and a grandsonr of John Brown, the abolitionist of national fame, says a correspondent of the St Louis Republic. . - Adams met with a horrible death, wandering away from the surveying camp while temporarily deranged and perishing of -starvation, "We were out on the desert prospect ing for gold,", said Fay. "An Indian, whom we had employed to show us where to find water on the, desert, caught his foot In the stirrup while mounting his horse and fell on hia back. The horse started to run, drag clnir the Indian by one foot As the ground was covered by jagged rocks, the Indian would have been killed had not Adams run up and seized the horse by the bit The animal, wild with fright, reared and plunged. Ad ams was twice thrown upou the rocks, and once the, horse's boot struck him, but he still gripped the bit until Mr. Lanaere and I succeed In releasing the Indian.' . "After all the danger was over Ad ams sat down upon a rock and began laughing, and when asked If. he was hurt replied: "Oh, no; I'm only a little tired, but I guess you will have to help me set this arm:' We then started for Yuma, Adams riding some twenty-five miles that afternoon and never once complaining, though ,we could see by his drawn features that be was suffer ing intense pain. "At dusk we camped for the night, and within an hour the sick man was delirious and raving like a maniac. Some time during the night be left camp. As soon as we discovered that he had gone we made every effort to Snd him, but could not do much until daylight, wben we found his tracks In the sand. We followed the tracks all that' day and until about 9 o'clock the next day, wben we came to a hard, rocky place at the foot of some rock hills. Here we lost the trail, and, try as we might, we could not find It again. "For three days we searched the hills, but not a trace of the man could we discover, though we well knew that somewhere wfrhln a radius of twenty or thirty miles lay the body of one of the bravest men that ever lost big life In that great deathtrap the Colorado desert WAITERS AND EYEGLASSES. Hotels and Restaurants Object to Help Wearing Optical Aids. "Ever see a waiter wearing glasses?" demanded the Inquisitor. No one could remember, although Just why a waiter should not be seen with glasses as well as any other man was not apparent. "It's Just like the wearing of beards," went on the Inquisitor. "The proprie tors of our Important hotels, restau rants and cafes will not permit either beards or glasses to be worn by their .valters. It Is possible that In some old .'ashloned family or commercial hotel the servitors may be found with their noses straddled by optical helps, but you won't find 'cm along Broadway. "Now, this Is a fact worthy of note, because In every other calling In life the number of persons wearing glasses Is on the Increase, and even In our schools a considerable percentage of very small children will be found wear- mm tm A DULULJS PLOW. lug glasses. And while, as I say, hotel, restaurant and cafe proprietors are op posed to the glasses, still I have seldom found a waiter whose eyes Indicated that be was In the slightest need of them. "Yon may argue that restaurant walt- pr r ironornlltf rnnnv man i"7 . you that lustantly, but, all the same, thousand of men of similar age have to wear them In almost every other oc cupation. "Tike tnajority of these servitors com mence In boyhood, and the demand of their vocation causes no strain on the eyesight Consequently that may ac-' count In a measure for the absence of any necessity for the nse of spec. Moreover, the steam from bot viands would render them useless probably." New York Evening Telegram. Iargst Farm Known. The biggest average farm in the world Is In South Australia, where tha average squatter holds 78,000 acres. There la nothing In the wide, wide world that ao speedily pounds sense Into a foolish girl as marriage to an Improvident man. V ... 1 ' i -aw-' , V V- ff, ,.aWn iiV MB 17.. ifa. a,-r ' -.. Pfe, ' nnnilin I H M'Wjll'JM I Ruerrfwor to E. L. Smith, Oldest KkMblishi-d House in the valloy. DEALER IN Dry Goocte, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, Flour and Feed, etc. This old-established house will con tinue to pay cash for all its goods; it pays no rent; it employs a clerk, but does not have to divide with a partner. All dividends are made with customer in the way ot reasonable prices. Lumber Wood, Posts, Etc. Davenport Bros. Lumber Co. Have opened an office In Hood River. Call and get prices and leave orders, which will be promptly filled. Regulator Line STEAMERS Regulator nd Dalles City Between The Dalles and Portland Daily Except Sunday. Leave Dalles 7 A. M. Arrive Portland 4 P. M. Ieave Portland 7A.M. Arrive Dalles 5 P. M. Leave Hood River (down) at 8:30 A. M. Arrive Hood River (up) at 3:30 P.M. W. C ALLAWAY, General Agent. White Collar Line Portland -Astoria Route Str. "BAILEY GATZERT." Dally round trlpa except Sunday. TIME CARD. Lve Portland .. T:00 A. M Leave Astoria , 7:00 P. at Throwrh Portland connection with Steamer Kahcotta from llwaco aud Long Beach point. White Collar Line ticket Interchangeable with O. U. ii N. Co. and V. T. Co. ticket. The Dalles-Portland Roule STEAMERS "TAHOMA" and "METLAKO" Daily trlpa exoept Sunday. Str. "TAHOMA." Leave Portland, Mon., Wed., Frl 7:00 A. M Leave Tat Dalle, Tuea., Thuri. Bat, 7:00 A. U Str. "METLAKO." Leavea Portland, Tne., Thu., Sat 7:00 A. M. Leave The Dalle Mon., Wed., Fri 7:00 A. M. Landing and office: Foot Alder Street. Both phone Main S6L Portland, Oregon. AGENTS. JOHN M. FILLOON. ..Th Dalle, Or A. J. i Astoria, or 1. 1. Ll'CKEV Hood Klver. Or WOLKOKD 4 WYER9 White Salmon. Waih J. C. WY ATT Vancouver. Wan a K. B. OILBKKTH .'Lvle. Wash JOHN M. TOTTOS. Steveiiion, Waih H KNKY OLMSTED.... .. Camon, Weh WM. BUTLKR Butler. Wah E.W. CRICHTON, Portland, Oregon Oregon Shot Line and Union Pacific PaTitT TIME SCHEDULES Pertltna. Or. Chicago Portland Kecial :wia. m. via Huntington. At'antia Kx press :to p.m. via HuuUngton. Suit Ike, Denver, Ft. Worth.Omaha, Kanea City, 8t. Loui,Chicagoaud Last. 4:30 p.m. Walla Walla lwl- Uin.Ppukane.Min neaimlli, Ht. I'aul, Duliitli. Mllwan kee.e.'h lcago.t tiait 8; 10 a. tn. St. Paul Fast Mail 6:15 p. m. pokana Celt Lake, Denver, Kt. Wiirth.Omaha, Kauaa City, St. l.ini,l'nii njoaud Kail. 7:00a OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE KON fUKTLAMU. DO j.a All tailing date :00 p. m. ubject to change For Pan Francisco fcailev.ry day w rr Ti.Huuclay UU p. an. Saturday Mi.UO p. ia. Celoiokla lr tteniera. To Aitorle and Way Landing. 4 00 p. m. Ex. Sunday 4ie m Mon., Wed. and Frl. Wlllanen. tlwr. Water permitting. Oregon City, N.w her, tiaiain. luda. 4:0 p. m. Ka. Suaday prudence, Corval- inatia ,f .aud Inge. 7:M).m. Tun , Thar. ' and Eat. Willamette an TlB- kUI linn. Water permitting. Oregon city, Day ton, A Way Laud ing. 1:S0 p. m. Mon., WL and Fri. Lv. Rlpaiia 4 06 a. m. Daily eieept Monday. taaks lltar. Ripula to Lewiiton LT.Lewiitoa uu a. m. Daily .xcept Monday. A. L. CRAIG, General Peetenger Agent, Portland, Or. Jk. V. BOAR, A geaa. Bee Blear. mm J