A "I in mil inasiisaamvaiii .iisnsrai.r- - inn una- i .iii.----r-nrii---i1rii-Tiiitiiii..nrt,il,rm(1lll.i,li, .,i nimBi,,,, ww. ' -- v --i " .... ,.,,MMi1sniw ;..-' - ' -'-4t - 6--- - - - V ""'' "i"r . "' t "N gumiimti'iinn'W - . .. j "." -" ' n "" " V - , t ... FRANK An O. R. & N. TIME TABLE. East I fm nil No i. Chlcasro Kpwinl, 11:25 a. m. Nil I, Spokane Iyer, 8:) p. m. No. H, Mull and Expresw, 11:22 p. m. WeHtbiund " No. I, Hortlund Hpet-lnl, 2:0i) p. ni. No. 8, l'orllnd Flyer, 4:30 m, m. No. 5, MaH and Express, 5:42 a. in. BIJIEF LOCAL MATTERS. : v Land plaster at Bartmees'. Flour and feed at Spot Cash Grocery. Feifer's Union 5c cigar atW.JJ. Cole's. Get Bartme8s' prices on shinglea. Write your insurance with Friday A Parneg. v No. 1 baled liny for sale at the Transfer & Livery Go. List your property with Friday & Barnes. ' Bottom prices on doors and windows at Bartmess'. Dressed chickens, young and old, at McGuire Bros. Saturday. If you want to Hie on timber land homesteadH, call on George T. Prather, U 8. Commissioner, district of Oregon. STORE NEWS. We've got ho many new Roods In we don't know where to com mence telling you nhout them; you'd letter come and see 73d SATURDAY SURPRISE SALE. The parting Bhot at our While Shirt Waists. Two months yet to wear them.' We haven't many left, but they're all beautiful, sheer lawn, made iiijlhe latest styles, and you get them at way under cost w bile they last. You'd better come early Any of them 88 cts. China 1i.ati;.s 1'.c tSilk at itched drttm Ktays 10c set, long handled button hooks 8c, pom pa dour C"iil lTx1," Vassal back comlm SOn, velveteen dress binding 50 yd, children's Ik.1i and suspender hose supportem 25c, children's stluMil hose, the very liest, 2 pairs 25e, ribbons, laces, embroideries, i risen i, tinishliig braids and dress braids. Our assortment is very eoiuplete, iiinl our prices very little. Wllifp OnrtHc 'e handle only the best grades of bleached T llltw VJWUiJS 8l,j unblesched muslins, cambrics, double width sheet inir, pillow tubing, etc. Prices always Utile. Flour sifters 1(V, vegetable sllcera 10c, cake mixers 8c, busting spoons oe, asbestos stive mats 5c, cniiin latllts 5(, animal rake cutters 5c, 2-ju:u-t ciis 12., suds dipHr 10c, jelly moulds 10c angel cake pans l."c, xrniiite preserve kettles, large siz-', 53i, H quart granite dish pans GtV, pepper d i edne oc, tlourdivdge 8., dome shupe pot eitvers l.V.cleau cut cake tins 10c, wire broil ers 10c, graiiiteupsl2e,graiiitetepit840c,Kraii ile c. llie ols 4"ie, tin steamers with cover 35c, long brick loaf ratis 12c, biscuit ' ''f rn K.i 1 7. w., uui iv 1 Wali Mirk.ir 4iK We're in to Win. Prices, Courteous Treatment, Our Ptiiieiples. Honest tSoods, I.iUie THE LITTLE STORE Always Up to Date. OUR rfkt '4 -J. New Wraps ARE HERE. Fresh from the most enlightened Garment - Makers in the World. early inspection cordially extended to all. Respectfully, FRANK A. CRAM. The best 5c smoke in town Feifer's Union, at W. B. Cole's. It will pay you to get Bartmees prices on building material. boors and windows Bartmess has the most complete stock in town, Lownev's chocolate creams and bon bons at Cole & Wright's. Try them. Fetch Portland quotations on house furnishings to Bartmess and save freight. Swetland's ice cream served every day at Cole & Wright's. s ( McGuire Bros., is the place you can save money by buying your fresh and cured meats. Butter and eggs wanted at the Spot Cash Grocery. Now is the time to apply fertilizer to your Btrawberry fields to improve the quality and increase the quantity of next season's crop. See- the Davidsou Fruit company. . ' , Special sale Saturday for cash at Mc Guire Bros. Leaf lard absolutely pure. 5 lb pails 75c; 10 lb pa;ls1.45; Rex hams 17c; Rex breakfast bacon 17c; D 8 pork 14c. Blue Bowls 3 and 5o, Dinner Plutes 50c a set, Handled Coffee Cups and Saucers 6oc set, Salt and Pepper Shaket 5c, Lamp Chimneys 5, Glass Sauce Dishes. 40t a set, Cut GIhss Pattern Water Sets fl.00, Glass Cement 15c Dress Shields 10c pair, Kid Curlers 5doz, Piimiili.viuli Pom ill. r l.v. l'nwder Plllls 5c. pans 8c. Lao Tka Kkttlcs 85c Chair seals 10c, web halters 18c, good hand saws 50c, screw drivers 10c. liorseshoe nails 2(V; a pound, shoe nails 5c, bulk carpet tacks 20c a pound, horse brushes 15c, corn knives, useful around lhefarni,.'Uc,pruuings4iears.V!M! chopping bowls 2tK.', 003 s' handled axes 53c, cow bells 20c, axle grese 10c, axe handles 14c, wire clothes lines 1S bucksaws 75c, toi let paper 8c. nail hammers 25c .shelf brackets ... 1. 1 1.. - . H. V iA iiiumiia tjv, ij iti ir- sum IV. and Hard Rustling are WITH LITTLE PRICES. I CAN YOU READ THIS? If you can't, your eyes need attention. Call on F. W. Clarke, the jeweler and op tician. He can fit you oi!t At the Glacier.Pharmacy. Two hundred to $5,000 to loan on real estate. If your security is good your money is ready. Prather investment Company. Boiling meats from 6 to 9 cts ; mutton, 6 to 12 ; steaks, 10 to 15, at McGuires', Hazel wood and Koberg's butter' at McGuire Bros.. McGuire BroB,. have Koberg's butter for sale. Mrs. J. H. Shoemaker last Saturdav brought the Glacier office a basket of handsome tea roses. Mrs. Hhoeniaker takes a pride in growing ' roses, and has one of the most attractive flower gardens in tne valley, the beautiful roses at the Glacier office were admired by many. O. A. Rinehart and family returned last week from Summerville. Union county, where they have been sojourn ing since the 1st of May last. The Grand Ronde country Is prosperous and a nice place to live, but the Rinehart family are glad to get back to Hood River, Those who expect to take advantage of the baseball excursion to Portland. Sunday, September 14, should purchase their tickets by Friday the 12th, in or der that the railroad company may be prepared to furnish plenty of cars. The citv of Hood River ki nnrphoaail the lot adjoining the K. of P. hall on the north for the purpose of building a city hall and hose shed for fire appara tus. The 60x100 lot was bought of Robert Rand for $000 cash. G. A. McCurdy, Professor A meson. John Kinsey, Jasper Wickham and Charles Reed started Monday for a few days outing on Green Point, where they win angie tor me lesiive iroiu wniie re cuperating. Shoemaker Bros' 20-acre prune or chard, will this year yield 60 tons of fruit. This season's 'prune crop is not heavy In Hood River, but the prunes are of good quality, Hon. M.A.Moody and the Misses Anna and Bessie Lang left this mornins on the Regulator for Lvle. where thev will join the Balfour party on a trip to Cloud Cap Inn. Friday's Chronicle. Several Hood River Elks who are members ol The Dalles lodge are enjoy, ing the carnival festivities in Portland this week. James DeBord took part in the grand strest parade, Thursday. M. F. Jacobs and H. J. Fredericks started Tuesday for Newport, where they will sojourn for awhile. Mr. Ja cobs has seen the Atlantic ocean and now wants to view the Pacific. Dr. I. R. Donaldson and family re turned last Thursday from their outing of a month with the family of Porter McMillan on their claim at White 8al mon. T. J. Cunning began Monday the erection of a 11500 house on his Park hurst property. Contractor J. L. Blount doing tne carpenter work. Contractor J. L. Blount completed last weea a neat sauu wa cottage for Mrs. Ida Crapper, on her home five miles southwest of town. P. D. Hinrichs is busy harvesting his second crop of clover hay. Mr.Hinrichs has A) acres in clover which yielded well this year. Mrs. Geonre Steinhoff and children of C..1 ... ... c-cRnio ro vmiMiig m 11 ooa Kiver witn Mrs. Meinnotl's parents, Mr. and Mrs J. L. Blount. 11 T rr . . . . .urs. j. 1. iwgiey is Home from three-weeks' visit in Eastern Oregon She will leave next week for Portland. John Gavin, an attorney of The Dalles, was transacting business in Hood Kiver, Tuesday. Theodore Dallas spent Sunday and r 1 . 1 . . .uunuay mi vfi-egon iuy ana rortland. Maltie Dukes is fireman on Captain n 1 t . . oagiey s lug aiaja. f ruman T3utler ig in Portland,. Guerts the 'past two weeks at "The Firs" W B Crowe, Minn.) Miss Eva B Duncan, Nome; Mrs Dr C A Nichols, Portland; Miss Florence Ball, San Fran cisco; Miss M J Burke, Mrs C A Brad ley, Ashland ; Mrs u naiaer ana niece, Portland; Hon Malcolm Moody, Miss Lang, Miss Bessie Lang, The Dalles; Mr and Mrs Balfour, Mr Nagan, Lyle; V Strong, Portland; Mrs J E Ewing, New York; Mrs F E Gardner and son, Philadelphia; D C Brown and wife, Col orado; M T Carroll, Tacoma; 8 Caro, New York ; Mrs L H Adams, Portland ; H M Mecblem, Cloud Cap Inn. O. H. Fredenburg of Mount Hood pre sented the Glacier with a sample of his delicious Mount Hood honey. Mr. Fredenburg has 16 hives of Italian bees, which with a good season and proper range are capable of producing fifty pounds of honey to the colony. The bees were secured of pure stock in Seat tle four years ago. Mr. Fredenburg finds it impossible to supply tlievlemand for honey, but expects next year to en large his clover patches and fields of buckwheat, and will then be ready to furnish all the honey the market calls for. Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Dakin, who have been visiting their many friends and relatives in Moro, returned Wednesday to their home in Hood River. They were accompanied by Misses Myrtie De- Moss and Edna Strahl, who intend to try ranching for a few days at the home stead of Miss DeMoss near Mt. Hood. The voung ladies will no doubt "make hay while the sun Bhines" and may in cidentally harvest a crop ot tan, sun burn and fresh air. We wish them a pleasant trip. Moro Bulletin. ihe forest fire which started near Davenport's mill about three weeks ago is still spreading, and doing considerable damage to timber in the foothills. The country burned over is mostly held as homesteads, and D. O. Knlncan is, so far as reported, the heaviest loser, hav ing lost his house and contents. The claims of E. H. Hartwig, Miss E. Sperry, Miss Alvena Hoadley, U.u. Dyer and W. E, Pearson have also suffered con siderable damage to standing timber. W. A. Luzader, editor and manager of the McLean County Herald, of Norman, Illinois, was in Hood River one day last weeK, acquainting himself with the good points of our country. He was driven through the valley by Roewell Shelley. of Odell. Mr. Luzader says there are a number of people in his home town who are looking forward to the time when they can make their home in Oregon. There is a considerable demand in that country for Oregon literature. E. C. Rogers, on his place at Belmont, has about an acre of land planted to garden truck from which he has sold so far this summer $100 worth. This has hardly made an impression on his amount of vegetables, he says. He will have some vegetables for exhibition at the Hood River fair that ought to cap ture the prizes. He has some young parsnips which weigh a pound, A movement is on foot to unite the Methodist Protestant, United Evangel ical, Cumberland Presbyterian, Evan gelical Association, and the United Brethren in Christ churches. In view of this fact, Rev. H . 0. Shaffer will preach a sermon next Sabbath morning on the subject: "Unity". Special sing ing both morning and evening. Doc Winchell lost a valuable horse one day last week. He was hauling wood to town, and in coming out of the woods, in descending a hill, the pole strap broke and the wagon and load was precipitated upon the team. One of the horses was crowded under the wagon. His back was broken and lie had to be shot. W. R. Winans last week purchased the James English 160 acres near the forks of Hood river, and has sold one- half of it to C. A. Lewis and the other toSeaquest Bros., all of Portland. It is understood that the purchasers will erect substantial cottages on the land and make it their summer home. Dr. E. T. Cams and family returned Saturday from a five-days' outineat Carson Landing. The doctor says Car son is a delightful place for a summer outing, and reports that fresh butter, eggs and milk are easily obtainable. Ihe beauty of it all, when people get off the boat, the camping ground is right there. MARGARITA FISCHER CO. AT THE OPERA HOUSE Monday and Tuesday Evenings, Sep tember 8 and 9. Opening Night ' Mabel Heath, English sensational drama. 6econd Night "A BACHELOR'S ROMANCE," Farce comedy full of song and dance specialties. Tickets on sale at Clarke's Drug Store. Admission 50c; children 25c. And time may go, but we will con tinue to do all kinds of plain and fancy Job Printing at the same old stand, satisfactorily and expeditiously. Your orders respectfully solicited E, R. BRADLEY. Spot Cash i Grocery. ' Nothing special this week, only our regular Every Day Prices: Dalles Diamond Flour, per sack 95c Dalles Patent g 85c Dalles White River 85c Wheat per bushel 80c Rolled Barley, per sack 15c Bran and Shorts, per sack 85c Bran, per sack , 60c New stock of the famous Tea Garden Syrup at prices below any store selling goods on credit. If you buy for cash, why pay credit prices? Ve have no credit prices, con sequently it will pay you to get our prices on all the goods we handle.. Yours for good goods at low prices, J.E.HAHNA. iTimber Land, Act June S, 1878." NOTICK FOB PUBLICATION. Tnltd States Land Office. North Yakima. Wanh., June 28, liKfi Notice la Sereby given that In compliance with the provlxlnnx of the act of eongresa of June 3, 187S, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the Slate of California, Uregon, Nevada and WaxhtnKtvn Territory," as extended to all the public land states by act of Auirust 4, 18U2, PKEUEKIO R. OLIN, of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of Oregon, has thla day filed In this ofllee his worn Hiatement, no. H,1, lor the purchase ot the HE soc. No. 12, In township No. 7 north, range No. 11 east, W.M., and will oiler proof to bow that the land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or Btone than for agricultural fiurpoaes, and to establish htsclulm to said ana before W. B. Presby, U. 8. Commissioner for district of Washington, at his olllce at Uol dendale, Wash., on Saturday, the ttth day of September, 1D02. He name as witnesses: Robert IT. Cox and James K. Cox of Trout Luke P.O., Washing ton, William Engelhard of Mill City, Waxh., and Emma 8. Cox of Trout Lake P. 0., Wash. And THOMAS BT1NSON, of Seattle, county ot King, state of Washing ton, baa this day filed In this orfce his sworn statement, No. 14H4, for the purchase of the E V. ol SWy and 8W"i of 8 W i sec. 12, and NE V, of NW of sec. 13, in township No. 7 north, range No. 11 E, W.M., and urill otter proof to show that the land sought Is mor,e valuable for 1U timber or stone than for agricultural fiurpoHea, and to establish his claim Ui said and before W. B. Presby, U. 8. Commissioner for district of Washington, at his ollice at Uol dendale, Washington, on Saturday, the Ut.li day of September, 1902. -He names as witnesses: Henry T. Johnson, Frank Huggerty, Samuel H. Stnrbuck and Casper W. Iverson, all of Seattle P. O., wash. And SAMUEL, 11. STAKHUCK, of Seattle, county of King, state 6f washing ton, has this day filed in this olllce (lis sworn statement. No. 14&, for the purchase of the south half of southeast quarter of sec. 11, and west half of the northeast quarter of sec. 14, ill township No, 7 north, range No. 11 east, w, M., and will otter proof to show that till) land sought is more valuable for Its timberorstone than for agricultural purposes, and to estab lish his claim to mild land before W. B.l'i'esby, U. 8. Commissioner for district of Washington, at his office at UoldendHle, Washington, on Saturday, tne otn day ol senienim r, laa. He name as witnesses: llenryT. Johnson Frank Haggerty, Thorns Hllnson and Casper w. Iverson, all of Seattle P. O., Washington. Any and all persons olaiming adversely the above-described lands bio requested to file weir claims in tins om.-e on or ueiore saia 6th day of September, llifri. Jy4s8 WALTER .1. REED, Register. TTImber Land, NOTICE FOR Act June S, IK; PUB LI CAT ION. United States Land (illlee.Vanconver, Wash August 18. 11102. Notice Is hereby given that incompliance with the provisions of the actoi congress oi ,iune, ms, entiu.u "Anacl for the sale of timber hunts in the stales ol California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington territory," as extended to all the public land states by act of August 4, 1S!I2, John O. Hepburn. of Portland, county of Multnomah state of Oregon, has this day Hied In this olllce his sworn stutenieiit No. 27IW, for the purchase oi tne nortnwejit quarter ot section iso. to, in township No. 5 north, range No. l:eust. W.M. and will otfer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or slone than ror agricultural purposes, and to estab lish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this oftlce at Vancouver, w ash.,on Mouduy, the luth iay of November, 1902. He names as witnesses: James F. Mason. rrea van uoren ana ,ionn n. (iaraner, an oi Fulda. Wash.; Thomas Ji Nicholson of Port, land, Oregon. And ? I.uev Henhnrn. of Portland, county of Multnomah, state ol Oregon, has this day (lied In this olllce her sworn statement, No. 27(17, for the purchase of viieaouiuwesiquarieroi section jno.min town shin No. 6 north, range No. Weast, W. M., and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is jnore valuable for Its timber or stone tnun ror agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Van couver, Wash., on Monday, the 10th day of inovemoer, iism. one names as witnesses: James Mason Fred Van Doren and John D. Gardner, all of ruma, wasn.; i nonius j. Nicholson or port land. Oregon. Any and all Dersona claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims In thla office on or before said turn aay or November, inoa. naiMi w. k. DujiuAK, Kegister. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dalles. Oreimn. Ainmst k. hhk. rnoiice is nereoy given mat tneioiioW' lng-named settler has tiled notice of his In. tentlon to commute and to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Ueo. T. Prather. U. 8. Commissioner Hood River, Oregon, on Frl- uay, oepienioer is, oak, vik: WlLilulAM JU tlUClVAUAI, ' Of Mount Hood, Oregon, Hd. E. No. $152, for Be 1-4 sec. IS, Tp. 1 s, range 10 e W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz: L. E. Morse and J. H. Ferguson of Hood River, Oregon: J. R. Rees and H. J. UratTof Mount Hood, Oregon. ' aiosis jax r. iiUUAS, Kegister. Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.1 NOTICE FXR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office. Vancouver. Wash., July 12, 1902. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of congress of June 8, 18,'8, entitled "An act for the sale of 1 1 ni tier lands In the states ol California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington lAFrltni-vllllli.l.ni1uH tr. oil thn nnhlln LnH uttes by' act of August 4, 181)2, WILLIAM J. GORDON. of Hoqnlam (County of Chehalis, state of Wash ington, nastnisuayniea in tnisotneenissworn statement, No. 2721, for the purchase of the lot 4, and southeast quarter southwest quar ter and southwest quarter southeast quarter section 7; lot 1, section 18, township 6 north, range 11 east, and northeast quarter north east quarter of section lit, township (I north, range No. 10 east, and will oiler proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural pur poses, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this ollice at Vancouver. Wash., on Wednesday, the 22d day of October, 1H02. He names as witnesses: George O'Drien of Hoqtilam, Wash.; William M. Campfield and Fred Scott of Trout Lake, wash: John Larson of Hoquiam, wash. Any anu an persons claiming adversely tne above-described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 22d day of October, 1902. lo W. R. DUNBAR, Register. Timber Land, Ael June S, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, Vancouver, Wash., Aug. 21, KVI2.-Notice is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the actof congress of June 8, 1S78. entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the states ol California. Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all the public laud stales Dy act oi a ugust issu, Maggie Sladelinan, of Troutlake.count y of K lick Hal ,state of Wash ington, lias tins uuy meu in tins omee ner worn statement, -No. for the pur chase of the northwest of nort beast ofsec- tinn to I a, in towusiiip xn. norm, range No. 11 east, W. M., and will otter proof to how that the land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Vancouver, Wash., on Wednesday, the 12th day of November, 1X02. She names as witnesses: George O. Reynolds, Alexander E. Sparks, George K. Seillngerand Heury C. Kedenburg.allof Troutlake, W. sh. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described landa are requested to file their claims In this office oil or before said 12th day of November, Hi2. K ajoai W. K. DUNBAR, Register. Timber Land. Act June 8, 1878. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. United State t.and Office, Vancouver, Wash.. Aug. 1. 1902. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3. 1S7S. entitled An net for theaale of timber lands in the States of Ca ifornia. Oregon. Nevada, ana Washington territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, ISH2, Susan W. Smlih. of Portland, couuty of Multnomah, state of nnvon. has this day nied In thla onice ner worn statement. No. 2814, for the purchase of the southwest or section AO. au. In town ship No. 6 north, range No. IS east, W. M., and will otter proof to show that the land sought la more valuable for Its timber or stone thau Hr agricultural purposes, aud to establish her Claim to saia lanil ueiore me ivi-Ki"ier ami Receiver of thla office at Vancouver, H ash , on Tuesday, the lsthdayof November, Mia. She name as witnesses: James F. Mason and Frederick Van Doien of Kill da. Wash. Orson D. Taylor, Jr., of The Dalles, Or.; J. De Vore Jobnaon of Oregon City, or. .And Preston W. Smith. of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of Oregon, baa this any niru in mis onic nis worn alatenx nl. No. 2S1A, for the purchase of the south S of northeast L east , of aouth east ! ot section No. in town- hlD No. i north, range No. l.leajt. W.M and will ofler proof to show that the land sought la more Taluable for lu Umber or alone than lor agricultural purposes, and to establish bis claim to an id land before the Register and Receiver of this odloe at Van couver, Wash , oa Tuesday, tbe loin day of November. ISAU. He name aa witnesses: Jams F. Mason and Frederick Vau Jsiren of Fulda, Wash.: Orson D. Taylor, jr.. of The Dalles, or.; J. De Vore Johnson of Oregon citv. or. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above dracribed lands are requested to file their claims In ti(a office on or before said lalb day ol November, IKii 1 SnT W. R. DUNBAR, Refiner. Money AND TALKS FOR If you do your trading with us a trial will convince yon. We waut your trade and are willing to make it an object for you to do business with us. Bone & McDonald. MILLINERY OPENING Fall and Winter Goods, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, On display you will find the most correct styles, strictly up to the minute as to fashion, strictly reliable as to quality, and at prices below those of Portland or The Dalles. Dining the past seven seasons we have won a great niauy patrons and friends by our policy of never misrepresenting gowh, insuring our styles to be correet, and keeping our prices on the lowest basis that reliable millinery can be sold for. A continuation of this policy togother with a large, well-selected stock should merit yourfavorable consideration. We extend to you our appreciation of past patronage and most cordially request your presence at the opening. . Remember the Date Saturday, September 13. ,1 The Peoples' Store. Williams Pharmacy, Otten Building, G. E. WILLIAMS, Prop'r. Headquarters for Pure Drugs, Toilet Articles, PATENT MEDICINES, SPRAYING MATERIALS. Preseri ptions my Specialty. The Davidson Fruit Co. If you have Fruit to market, or wll need Fruit Boxes, Plows, Cultivators, Fer tilizers, or a Vehicle, SEE US. We keep our office open twelve months in the year, and need youi business. If we please you, tell your neighbors; if not, tell us, DAVIDSON FRUIT CO. School Books 1 Supplies CALL aud examine our new to Pencil Paper. New line tion docks, ti y past experience we Know your needs ana are prepared to supply them. nsk for it. Remember the place, One door east of Bank. GEORGE F. COE & SON. PHONE WaucomaManufacturing: Co SHOP WORK A SPECIALTY. If' 1 tf ...M w .j . -T-.i FURNITURE 3 5 . XV), i FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER. S. E. BARTMESS. TREAT & HUCKABAY, -DEALER IN Stoves, Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware, Bath Tubs, Sinks and levators, Wash Stands and Sink Brackets, Lead and Iron Pipe, Rubber Goods. HOOD RIVER, OREGON. ANNOUNCEMENT. We have gone to Portland to attend the Fall Opening and to buy our Winter stock. We will endeavor while there to copy the latest designs for our many customers. Watch this space for our Opening ad. Successor to Mme. ABBOTT. T. C. DALLAS, The City Tinker & Plumber. Headquarters Fourth and Oak Street. T YOUR BENEFIT line of Tablets from Onion Skin of School Tablets affd Composi If you do not see what you want 104. Our shop now has every facility for turning out first-class work in the line of MOLDINGS, PORCH COLUMNS BAND SAWING, TURNING, WINDOWS, SHlP LAP, PRACKETS, TLANING, DOORS, SASH, FLOORING, RUSTIC, DIMENSION LUMBER, Etc. Cael Us by Phonb. The young man loves the young woman ; That's bis business. The young woman loves the young man j That's her business. The young man and young woman get married : That's the preacher's business. Thoy will need furniture, carpets, wall ' paper ana Dunaing material ; itia hat's my business. MAE B. ROE, Milliner. o