The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, August 29, 1902, Image 5

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    Worn by the
In America.
3food'I$Yer Slacier
FRIDAY, AUGUST 29, 1902.
East bound
No. 2, Chicago Hpeclat, 11:23 a. m.
No. 4, Spokane Iyer, 8:40 p. in.
No. 6, Mall and Express, 11:22 p. m.
Went bound I
No. 1, 1'ortlnnd Special. 2:05 p. m.
No. S, Portland I' Iyer, -.:) a. m.
No. 5, Mall aud Expreew, 5:42 a. m.
Ice for sale at Jensen's.
Baling wire at Savage's.
Bee supplies at Savage's.
Land plaster at Bartmess'.
Royal fruit jars at Savage's.
Spray pumps and noz.les at Savage's.
Feifer's Union 5c cigar at W.B. Cole's.
Money to loan on real estate. A. A.Jay ne
' Get Bartmess' prices on shingles.
Write your insurance with Friday &
See our bargain sale of shoes. Bone
& McDonald.
No. 1 baled hay for sale at the Transfer
& Livery Co.
Savage's for camp stoves and campers'
List your property with Friday '&
Tin fruit cans 50c a dozen, at E. E.
lavage's Sons.
Bottom prices' on doors and windows
at Bartmess'.
Ijjjjjlj AT LITTLE
Last W66 of Onr Mid-Snnimer Sjecial -Stale.
And Saturday is the last day, so we are going to end it up with a
grand pyrotechnic display of bargains by a second hourly sale. ;
You know a bargain wheu you see it; look at these.
Clark's O. N. T. Thread,
white and black
4 4 4 China Howls in delft blue pattern; a very ..,1
10 70 11 serviceable, good bowl at a little prhv-dC WclCil
n-4 Vaestline, 2 oss bottles,
TO JZ hands; a household
4 g Hatchets, good full size, east steel claw, wedged hard-
A TO I wood handle; a big saving at
1 Ladies' Slock Collars, soft
TO stylish effects; all colors
2j Indies' Venus Hose Supporters, the latest, straight front, r j
TO miliiary form; black and colors
4 All of our 50c and 7'c colored
lie sacrificed for one hour;
5 Handled Teacup and Saucers, tood hts aud shape, not 1 .
the stone-wall kind;, so cheap, per set T"OC
6 Hair Brushes, solid back, nine rows clear while bristles; f Q
a i-plendid brush; regular price Soc Z,tSl,
7 Three leauliful patterns in Corded Dimities; the price is
ridiculous; don't miss this number; per yard
8 Kirk's Wash Rjig Toilet Snap; a fine cake of soap with Q
Turkish wash rag attached; regular 10c goods OC
8f Sheet Music, all the late popular songs, two-step and
TOW wait ; these are the late-t publications; per" copy IOC
Wide Awake and Progressive.
Always Up to Bate.
Newly Arrived ,
Yes, and
they are
the Right
struc ted
Kind that
you will
The best 5c smoke in town Feifer's
Union, at W. B. Cole's.
, For Rent the Langille store building.
Inquire, phone No. 151.
It will pay you to get Bartmess prices
on building material.
Order your extras for your Osborne
machinery at Bone & McDonald's.
Bi-oken lots of shoes at less than half
price. Bone & McDonald.
E. E. Savage's sons have electric bells
for sale that come all ready set up
boors and windows Bartmess has
the most complete stock in town.
Lo'wnev's chocolate creams and bon
boiiB at Cole & Wright's. Try them.
Window screens and doors, just what
you need in fly time, at Savage's.
Fetch Portland quotations on house
furnishings to Bartmess and save freight.
Girl wanted for general house work.
Apply to Mrs. Geo. Nicolai,at Nicolai.
Swetland's ice cream served every day
at Cole & Wright's.
McGuire Bros., is the place you can
save money by buying your fresh and
cured meats.
Butter and eggs wanted at the Spot
Cash Grocery.
Flour and feed at Spot Cash Grocery.
Wood taken in exchange for groceries,
same as cash, at the Spot Cash Grocery.
Two hundred to fo.OOO to loan on real
estate. If your security is good your
money is ready. Prather investment
If you are about to build it will pay
you to call on E. E. Savage's Sons. We
have a full line of builders' hardware
and our priceB are right.
all numbers;
4c spool
Rood for sunburn or chapped A
necessity; per bottle-- T"C
India silk, the latest, most j Q
percale Shirl Waists will
your choice for O O C
can't, vour eves need attention, Call
on F. W. Clarke, the jeweler and op
tician. He can fit vou out. , At the
Glacier Pharmacy.
Now is the time to apply fertilizer to
your strawberry fields to improve the
quality and increase the quantity of next
season's crop. See the Davidson Fruit
If you want to file on timber land
homesteads, call on Oeorge T. Prather,
U S. Commissioner, district of Oregon.
F. W. Clarke, practical jeweler and
optician ; all kinds of repairing neatly,
quickly and cheaply done at the Glacier
Pharmacy. s
where you can order your meats and
get them delivered promptly. ,
W. W. Treat has on hand the best a?v
proved rural post box, which he is sell
ing ior (i.2o eacn.
Boiling meats from 6 to 9 cts ; mutton,
6 to 12J ; steaks, 10 to 15, at McGuirea'.
Hazelwood and Koberg's butter at
McGuire Bros.
McGuire Bros,, have, Koberg's butter
lor sale.
E. R. Bradley, Hood River's job
printer aud bookseller, was awarded a
$5 prize for one of the best window dis
plays of Ladies' Home Journal decora
tions for the month of August. The
first prize was $25. Howard Searles
did the decorating. The window, of
the book store has again been decorated
to compete for another prize. The La
dies' Home Journal finds a ready sale
in Hood River, Mr. Bradley having or
dered 100 copies for the month of Sep
tember. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Morse are home
from a visit to the Palouse country in
Idaho and Eastern Washington. They
returned from Lewiston by steamer
down the Snake to Hi paria, passing
through the great Idaho fruit country.
Mr. Morse says that country can never
hurt Hood River with its fruit because
it is too smull.
Monday being a lepal holiday, school
will not begin uutil Tuesday, Septem
ber 2. The latest school law makes it
unlawful to hold school on leial hol
idays or Saturdays. It was formerly
the custom of some teachers to take a
day off when they pleased and niuke it
upon holidays or Saturdays. The new
law is to correct this abuse.
E. D. Calkins, the Frankton harness
man, will leave the latter part of the
week for Dayton, Wash., where he goes
to see a cousin, Dan Calkins, whom he
has not seen since the civil war. Mr.
Calkins' cousin was a member of the
ltitb Wisconsin, and during a Southern
campaign he earned the title of "Dare
Devil Dan."
Fred B. Barnes has the thanks of the
Glacier for a mess of trout after his re
turn from his trip with Professor C. D.
Thompson ad Elmer Rand to the
east fork of Hood river last week. Mr.
Barnes says he expects to try soon for
some salmon trout. The Ulacies wishes
him a successful catch.
A crowd of 40 or 50 Hood River peo
ple took in Buffalo Bill's wild west
show at The Dalles, Monday. Train
No. 1 divided into two sections as it
passed through The Dalles, the second
section waiting to bring down those
who attended the show.
VV. R. Cole spent three weeks in the
Trout Lake and Camus Prairie coun
try, Ashing, hunting and enjoying life
in the woods. Mrs. Cole and son were
out for a coupleof days, returning with
Mr. Cole Mouday.
Friday & Barnes have potatoes plant
ed betweeu the rows of apple trees oo
their East Side 20 acres. They expect
to harvest 1500 bushels of potatoes
next month.
B. F. Fuller and family, who have
been located on the Davenport place at
Frankton, are moving to Chenoweth,
where Mr. Fuller haa bought land.
Mis Carrie Butler spent Saturday
aud Sunday at Gcir lake, near Steven
son, the guest nf the faruilv of William
Michell of The Dalles.
Miss A. Hoadley is in from the Boue
ranch. She expects in a few days to
take up her residence on uer home
stead. Salmon trout are becoming plentiful.
W. M.Stewart caught five nice ones
i at the mouth of Hood river Sunday.
' Dr. J. V. Watt will gather In two
weeks his crop of Graveustein apples,
. estimated at a carload and a half.
Louis Henderson wag down from The
Dalles over Sunday.
Work on the railroad at Lyle is pro
greesinir rupidlv, and the owners of the
road exivect to be moving the fall crop
ot jMickitat county wncai ueiore snow
flies. The incline at the Lyle landing
is fast assuming shapa. A wharf boat
will be bnilt to enable the rapid trans
fer of grain from the cars to the river
steamers. There are a large number of
railroad ties piled near the landing, and
grading 'for the railroad bed is being
rushed through with a large lorceut men
and teams.
Captain Jack Baglcy with his steam
tug Maja took a party of 20 excursion
ists to the Cascades Sunday. The boat
turned in at the Little White Salmon
and ascended nearly to the Hume.
While returning in the eveni.ig the
Maja proved too much in a race with
the Glenoid and reached the Hood
River landing considerably ii the lead.
.Monday, Captain Bugloy took a stna
crowd to The Dalles for the circus.
II. O. Everhart made sale of his gro
cery store, last week, to J. E. Hahna
and will' retire from active business un
til some future proposition presents it
sell. Mr. Everhart has boen in the
grocery business for the past three or
four years, and the many friends he has
made here during that time hope to see
him remain among them and to cast his
fortunes with a greater Hood River.
T. J. Cunning has the foundation and
cellar built for a palatial residence on
the hill near the cannon house. The
bu.ldmg, with a porch, will he 32x50,
two stories. L. Bradley is the architect
ana J. L. Blount will do the carpenter
work. Mr. Cunning will have one of
the best buildings in this pleasant
neighborhood, from which the view is
superb. , '
The Lage. Harbison & Hinriclis
threshing crew finished up threshing for
this seuson on the Malcolm Moody place
last Thursday momma. Thev threshed
930 bushels of wheat and .oats on the
Moody place, of which place H. F. Lane
has charge, ihe wheat on the Moody
place went 25 bushels to the acre and
the oats 50. By weight the oats yielded
at least 00 bushels to the acre.
W. P. Watson sold 300 lots of his nron-
erty at Yamuna Bay last week. Mr.
Watson reports 1000 tents at Newport
and lots of new cottages. He savs the
oatning lauiiuies at rsewport are per
fectly safe for men, women and children.
No one has ever been drowned bathinu
at ixewport.
J. J. Luckey is putting up a black-
smitn snon on the property adioimnu
tiiui tiuiii n inuui, Miup, on rirst bireei.
rreqencK s Arnold are doing the car
penter work. Mr. Luckey will have an
extensive and up-to-date blacksmith
shop, including a steam hammer and
other like appliances.
ur. v.. 11. Jen Kins and family re
turned, Monday, from a three-weeks'
outing on the liiltle While Salmon
and the doctor is a$ain prepired to
meet me wants or nis patrons tor. all
kinds of dental work. The Glacier is
indebted to D, Jenkins for a string of
uig mi trout.
Rev. H. C. Shaffer brought to town
from G. D. Woodworth's place some
berries known as the tree strawberry.
They grow on a bush and seem to be a
cross between the strawberry and rasp-
berry. The fruit is handsome but its
flavor ia something like the thimble
L. ill. Nichols wont' to The Dalles.
Saturday. About the 1st of September
he will start Eat to visit relatives in
Iowa and Arkansas whom he has not
seen for 27 years. , Mr. Nichols is an
old soldier and served in the 24th Iowa
in the civil war. ,
Fred Bailey was in town Saturday re
ceiving the congratulations of his friends
over the arrival of a bounchig boy at his
house last Saturday moruiug.. This is
ro. 3 for Fred, and he is as proud of it.
as ne was ot ins nrst horn.
L. N. Blowers and wife left Monday
morning for a visit with Judge A: D.
Blowers, a cousin of Captain Blowers,
at Seattle. Before returning, Mr. and
Mrs. Blowers will visit Port Townsend
and Victoria. ; . -
Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Stadelmanof Trout
Lakj spent last week in Portland and
Vancouver on business and pleasure,
and gave the Glacier office a pleasant
call while on their way home,..
Dr. J. F. Watt returned last Saturday
from Gearhart Park. Mrs." W att and
daughter Avis, whose health is improv
ing at the seaside, will remain there for
some time.
The ta.t payers of the new school dis
trict cut off from Pine Grove will meet
at Jerome Wells' vacant house, Septem
ber 13, at 2 o'c'ock, to organi-e the dis
trict, u
Mrs. L. Booth, son Holia'rt and daugh
ter Leah, of The. Dulles, who have leen
camping with Major Booth and mother
at Mount Hood, will return home today.
Elmer Rand, Fred B. Barnes and Pro-
fesWr C I). Thompson went up to the
toll bridge, last Friday, for a fishing
Mrs. H. K. Hines of Portland was in
Hood River last week, the guest of Mrs.
George P. Crowell,
E. A.. New by, state organizer for the
prohibition state committee, was in the
valley last week.
The Prather Investment company are
proud of a new $135 Remington type
writer. fTlmbcr l and, Act June S, ISTs.)
t'nlted Htntes Land OfTice. Vancouver.
Wasli.. Aug. HI. Mtt.-Notice is heii-hv given
that in coiiuiliance with the provlslnns of Ihe
act of congress of June a, Ih.'S. entitled "An
act lor Ihe sale or timber lands in the states of
California. Oregon. Nevada and WHhln--ton
Territory, ' as extended to all the public land
amies uy ai-vui Ac-iusi 4, isi(
Mc-iiiie Ki.-ideiioan.
of Trou 1 1 a ke.cou 11 1 y of K I ic k I tat .shite of Wash-
legion, bus tins day tiled in this odice her
orn slalement. No. lor tiie oin-
chpse of tne nortliwe t 'i oi northeast (..4 of sec-
vi,n i-.ii iy, iti !immisiii .so, 11 noun, range
No. 11 east. W. 11.. and will offer oroof to
show that the land sought is more valuable
for Its limber or sloue limn for agricultural
fiurpoxes, and lo establish her claim lo said
and before Hie Register and lieceiver of tins
ollice at Vancouver, Wnsii., on Wednesday,
me uin nay 01 .s,ovenioer, exr.
She names as Hne.scN:t;eo'-geO. Reynolds,
Alexander K. Sparks, Geo, ;e It. Hi-llln t-renif
Henry C. Kcrteohniv. " of T.outl.'ke, Wi-sh.
Any ami all iiersons claiming adversely the
Rtsivc-descritMii lauds are to file
ineirciaiins in tins oitlc1 on or oeiure taia
l'th day of Noveinlier, pii.
2o::i W. It. DLNHAK, Register.
ITlmher Land, Act Junes, 1ST8.1
United States Uindoffli-e. Vancouver, Wrsh.,
Aug. Id. lw.ti. Notlne Is hereby gut-n that in
coniiilianee with the provisions of the act o!
eonnrcss of June :i, isrs. emitted "An act fo,'
the sale or timber IhihIs Hi the Mimes or Cal
ifornia, Oregon. Nevada and Washington
lerritnry. hs extendeii 10 ell the public wad
stales by act of Autrlist 4. l:r.
Lulu Muv Aldrieh.
of Fort'and.ciHiiii v 0; Multiioiiiah.s.atenf Ore
gon, lias this il:iv Illi-d In this office her
sworn statemeiii. No, 2f.l"i. for the purciiase ot
the lioit Owes, quarter sou: hwesi nu ur and
touth hf iio-t. n.esi qiiA.'ier, Rud u t,iwest
qua.-iiv noHiiast qu;l.ii-r of ;ts-,.(i.i No.
townstiip.i norlti. range 11 ea t, w . J!.. and
w ill otl-r issf 10 show dial lue iet.d
is more vidtmOie fur its lim's-ror si ise liian
for agncuiu-rat luirimMn. and toestiioiisti lier
claim 10 said land oefore the Register and
ltss.iverof ibi it!ief at Vans"i.T-r I'isir'i-t.
011 W eCie dai .the l.ih day of Soveiiilwr, pri
She name a wit(ie-es; Mn. f A. Leonard
and Frank Mel vino, I'.irti.-md.i reon: iieor-:e
(ii'.ne,- and Aleiauder Cuein-y of liniiier,
A and all pcrviiis claiming adversely the's,-ril-' d are re-iui-sie-i 1,, file I
tlieir claims in this oilii-e oaor t lore said Uih
dav of November. lwsL
ixiU W. R. DUN BAR, Router.
iTlmher Lnnrt, Act June S, 1RTS.1
United Htiitwi Lnml oillco. North Yuklma,
Want)., JuneSM, Unit Notice Is hereby given
tliutln compliance wltli the provisions or the
act of congress of Jnno H, 1STH, entitled' "An
act lor the snle of timber hinds in the Ktwtea of
California, Oregon, Nevada mid Washington
Territory," a extended to all the public land
states by act of A inriixt 4, lsirt,
PKEDKltll! 11- OLIV.
of IVirtlflnd, county of Multnomah, Mate of
uregoii, mis mm any mu in this ortioe Ills
sworn statement, No. im, lor the purchase of
mo isii, '4 tee. no. u, in township No. 7 north,
range No. 11 ent, w.M., and will oiler proof to
show that the land nought 18 more valuable
ior us limner or stunt) than lor Hitrlculluml
puriKwiw, and to establish his claim to snld
mild hetore W. H. Piesby. U. H. Commissioner
lor district of-Wushlncton. mi his office at Nol.
dendale, Wash., on Saturday, the dill day of
lie names hs witnessed: Unbelt F. Cox and
James V. Cox of Trout ijike P. O., Washing,
ton. William Engelliurd of Mill City, Wash.,
aud KmniaS. Cox of Trout Lake P. O., Wash.
of Seattle, county of King, state of Washing
ton, mis una ctay men in tins ottce htssworn
statement, No. 1 134. for the purchase of the K K
ol 8WW and HW'iof HW sec. U, and NR Si
of N W k of sec. l;t In towhshlD No. 7 north.
range No. 11 K, W.M., and -ill offer proof to
show that the land sought Is more valuable
loriisuniDer or stone thun ror agricultural
IMll'lMMeM. mill tO LtailltlllMll hill "li.tlll lA unlit
land before W. B. Presby, U. IS, Commissioner
lornisirict or Washington, at Ills oltiee at Ool
dendale, Washington, on ttaturday, the Mb
nay oi wepiemoer, iiarj.
He names as witnesses: HonrvT. Johnson
Frank Haggerty, Kiunncl It. ftarhuek and
Casper W. iverson all of teattle P. ti., wash.
Ana BAMUKt 11. HTAllHliCK,
of (Seattle, county of KIiik. state of washing-
ton, has this day Hied in this office his sworn
btatement. No. HW, for the purchase of the
souin nan oi somncast quarter or boo. u, and
west half of the northeast quarter of see. 14, in
InuniLlih. hlf. p.ii.,... V:.. 1 I . u. ... u
and will otter -proof to show that the lanii
sought is more valuable for its timbcrorstone
than for agricultural purposesand to estab
lish his claim to said lanci before W. U.I'resby,
U. H. Commissioner for district of Washington,
t his otl'iis" st (oUleniiale, Washington, on
Saturday, ihe til h djr ol Weptenibi r, IWtt
1 le on men hh wll I1..SKI-M- lli-in-v'IV .lulinann
l'rank ilaggcrty, T bonus Stlnson and Casper
w. iverson, an oi peniie r. u., waMimgton.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lnnds are requested to file
their claims in tills oil! on or before said
Mil day c: September, UMi
Jy4s5 WAl.TElt ,1. REED, Register.
ITirnber Land, Act June 3, 1S7S.1
Unhed stales Land otllce, Vancouver. W'ash.,
August IS, 1!V2. Notice Is hereby given
thai l.i compliance wlih the provision of the
act of cDO'iiess of June a. ICS. end I led "An act
foi' the isde of duilier lands in the slates of
Cu'iiornic. Oiejou. Newdii mid Wnshini'ton
tin ihfli y," its extended to nil die public land
siaieb ny act oi ai'iih -i, i.vtt
Joli.i O. Ileiniiirn.
of Portland, cotniiy of Multnomah, stn.e of
Oregon, lias wis nay nu-q in this otllce
bis sworn statement io. 2i'!is. for the purchase
of not In west qrutner of seel ion No. .'W, in
towiisiiip No. 5 noi lli, i-aua No. I;) east, W.M..
a.tdwHI oiler proof lo show dm! the land
nought is moie valuable for usllntberorsione
than for Hgrlcnlltiiiil piti iio-es, and to estab
lish ins cinim 10 stun mini nclore the licsisler
and lieceiver of this oi'-ice at Vancouver,
Wash,,on Monday, llieiuili riayol Novembei',
He titunes as wilnesscs: JnmeiF. Mason,
Fred Van Daren and Joiui I), (hirdner. all of
Kulda, Wash.; Tlioiiias J. Nicholson of Ports
lunu, orcjon.. Ana
I.lli-V Hnhni'ii
of Pottlanif, county of Multnomah, state of
Oregon, baa this day tiled ia this otllce her
sworn statement, No. !i;il7, for (lie purchase of
tiiesoiiiiiwesiquuriero! section AO.iHin town
ship No. 6 north, range No. Weast. W. Al
and will oiler proof to show that the
aim soiigui is more valuable lor its timber or
thine than for agricultural uurnoscs. and to
establish her claim to said land before the
Register and Receiver of III is ollice at, Van
couver, Wash., on Monday, the 10th day of
Hhe iiiuiii'S as wlinesscs: .limipa V. Masnn
Fred Van Doren and Joh.i I). (Mrdner, all of
Mima, whsii.; 'J'lioi.ins J. Nicholson of Port
laud, Oregon.
Auy and all persons claiming adversely the
Hhovt-rtescribed lauds are riuesied to (lie
i.ieir claims in nils oiiii-e on or bcloro said
lum nay oi JNovenmer, I'.nk.
jaawtl W. It. 1 'UN BAR, Bcglttcr.
Land OHlco at Tlie Dulles, Oregon, August (t,
Mutt. Notice Is hereby given that the follow.
lug-named settler has tiled notice of bis lu
tein ion to commute and to make final proof
in support of his claim, and that said proof
win do mane Detore ueo. T. 1'ratlier, u. H.
i..wuiiiiissioiier,Hi rjoon i.iver, uregon, on f IT
day, September 18, lm, viz.:
Of Mount Hood, Oregon, lid. K. No. SXtl, ft
se 1-4 sec. IS, 1 p. i 8, ni nge 10 e Vt . M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion oi aaiu iuiki, v iz: ;
L. K. Morse and .1. H'. Ferirnson of Tlftnri
River, Oregon; J. H. liees and H. J. Oratl of
Mount liisiil, Oregon,
al.wlil JAY T. LtrCAS, Register.
Timber Land, Art June ;i, s;a.
United Slates Land OBlee, Vancouver,
Wash.. July 12. 1U0& Nolle is herehv
tliat in compliance wilh tlie nrovisions of the
act 01 congress 01 ,111110 11, is s, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands in the states ot
Can lorn in, Oregon, isevaila and Washington
territory," us extended to all the public land
slates by act of August 1, lsi
of lloquliim .county of Chehalis, stateof Wash
ing ton, lias this day 11 led in thisolllee his sworn
statement, No. 2:21, tor the purchase of tlie
ion, a.ia soutneivsi qiierter southwest quar
ter and southwe t nnartei' soul nuarter
section 7; lot 1, section is, township north,
range li east, and northeast nua.-ter niirtli-
east quarter of section l i, township tt north.
rauf isip. 111 ?nL, auu will iilll'l proot IOSI10W
that the land sought is more valuable for its
timber or stone than for agricultural pur
poses, and trt estrbllsh hisclnim to said land
before the Regismr and Itiveiver of this ollice
at Vancouver. Wash., on Wednesday, the 22d
day of October, 1IKI2
He names as witnesses: Onorge O Hrlen of
Hoouinm. wasii.; wiillsm .M. Camntle d and
Fred Scott ol Trout Luke, w.ish: Johu Laraon
of Hoqci .in, wash.
Any r.nd nil persons claiming adversely the
abovc-i't' cribed hinds me requested to file
tiielr claims in this oflice on or before said
22d day of OcUiber, llnii
lo3 , W. li. DUNBAR, Register.
Isind office it Vancouver, Wash., Aug. 12,
PI2. Notice is hereby given that the follow,
iug-niiuied settler bus tiled notice of his in
tention to make final proof In sup
port of his claim, and that said proof will
Iw made before the Register and Receiver of
tlie II. H. hind ofiicc ill Vaiesiuver, Wiish., on
T'lursday, October fl, IM2, viz:
MAVUKt. M. tXn.K,
Hd. K. No. 10,!7H, for the nw , s,c 9, Tp 5 h,
range 12 east. W. M.
He names tlie following witnesses to prove
his continuous resldeiioe upun and cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
Chester Dyi.iond, tlermun Fa'mer, Oeorge
Kreps mid Johu O. Wyers, a'l of Fulda, P. O.,
Washington. ,
Bl islH . W. R. DUN11AR, Register.
Spot Cash
To make room for Fall stock of
Canned goods we make you the follow
In special prices for
20 Ibe No. 1 Japanese I. ice f 1 00
20 lbs Best S. V Beans 1 00
22 lbs Best E. C. Sugar 100
20 lbs Best D. O. Kugar 1 00
1 lb oflkst Tea 40
3 cans Standard, per can . . . 25
1 caii Extra Peas, per .a 10
3 cans Standard Cent, 25
1 cjii Best 15c Corn 10
Many otiicr goods ctjtial'y as low.
Now is the time to buy your winter
supply. We carry a fu'l line of Flour
and Iced. Pitiiter and And all
count- Produce taken same as Ci'sh.
We want your e.nh tilde and are
willing to give y:u mora ooda for
your money than any other store in
town. Yours for quick bale and small
Volley Talks
If you do your trading with us a trial will convince you.
We want your trade and are willing to make it au object for
you to do business with us. -
Bone & McDonald.
Is solved when you buy the District 76.
The District 76 Shoes
are great for wear. Stock, soles, insoles, counters and every detail that en
ters into the construction of a perfect shoe has been thoroughly studied and
combined to produce Qualify Product that is unequaled.
The District 76 Shoes
are low in price, tfhere is absolutely not a line of shoes in the United
States produced and sold on a closer margin of profit.
The District 76 Shoes
' are neat and stylish. To be convinced of this a look at the line is sufficient
We will take pleasure in showing the entire line at any time.
The District 76 Shoes
are endorsed by a million satisfied wearers. We have the exclusive sale of
the District 76 and carry a complete stock in Kangaroo Calf, Box Calf and
Dongola Kid. Every good judge of leather knows a poor shoe is dear at
any price. Our shoe department is full of Good Shoes gold at the lowest
possible prices.
Williams Pharmacy,
' Otten Building,
G. E. WILLIAMS, Prop'r.
Headquarters for
Pure Drugs, Toilet Articles,
Prescriptions my Specialty. i
The Davidson Fruit Go.
If you have Fruit to market, or will need
Fruit Boxes, Plows, Cultivators, Fer
; tilizers, or a Vehicle,
We keep our office opeu twelve months In the year, and need
your busiuefes. , '
If we please you, tell your neighbors; If not, tell us.
School Books Supplies
CALL and examine our new line of Tablets from Onion Skin
to Pencil Paper. New line of School Tablets arid Composi
tion Books. By past experience we know your needs and
are prepared to supply them. If you do not see what you want
ask for it. Remember the place,
One door east of Bank.
PHONE 104.
WaucomaManufacturing: Co
4 i
,. j' tiMifcun. n-Trr.
Choice Fruit Farms.
We have them, in most any size, stateof improvement or lo
cation desired. Five, ten, twenty and forty-acre places, bearing
fruit, all equipped, ready to move Into, at fair prices. Then we
offer others, larger, well improved, partially cultivated and raw
lauds from 80 to 640-acre tracts at various prices from $3.00 up-,
ward. Some good general farm properties and combination fruit
and stock ranches, many having natural supplies of natural
water. i
This is the place, NEAR OUR GREAT SNOW TEAKS, on
our magnificent Hood and Columbia rivers, to FIND ''THAT
IDEAL LITTLE HOME" Twenty acres in results here are
equivalent to quarter section elsewhere; and you have besides a
mountain climate unsnrpaed, WHERE RED APPLES AND
PRIDE OF OREGON. Come to see for yourself, or write to us,
and we will tell you all about it
Hood River, Oregon.
Our shop now has every facility for
turning out first-class work in the line of
Cael Us bt Piionr.-
The young man loves the young woman ;
That's his business.
The young woman loves the young man ;
That s her business.
Jff'J-'fci ne yun8 man nl young woman get
--Cw' " 1 married;
1 hat the preacher 8 business.
They will need furniture, carpets, wall
..,,1 i: .
.paper and building material j
That'g my business.