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About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1902)
03d liver Slaciei FRIDAY, AUGUST'), 1902.- Follow inur Hood River's Lratl. The Southern Idaho Fruitgrowers' association is sending out circular, to the fruit growers of that state and Kastern Oregon, asking their co-operation in the selling and marketing oi fruit. The southern Idaho association has i.kpo, in enccewful oorat ion for two year?, ami is in constant receipt of let fern from large Inlying concerns of the Kant wanting to know what the associa tion can fnrnich as to quantity, quality, kind and prices. The buyers stnnd ready to send men into southern Idahi to buy the crops, giving cash f. o. b. at shipping point, provided they can be assured of sufficient quantity to warrant them in doing so. They object to deal ing with individuals, as no individual has sufficient quantity to warrant their making any effort to secure it. Hence the attempt of the association to teenre the eo-operation of the fruitgrowers of the surrounding country. Hpeaking ot Hood River, the circular states: "We believe that the Hood Kiver association is as near perfect as has been devised to date. The desiro is to organize after their plan. A copy of their liy-lawsand constitution will be furnished to all w ho desire them." - Storjf Wfth a Moral. The following Btory is told of a San Francisco millionaire who has been dead some years: A. young man came to him one day and solicited pecuniary aid o start him in business. "Do y oil drink?" asked the millionaire. "Stop it. Stop it for a year and then come and see me." The young man broke off the habit at once, and at t e end of tho year came to see the millionaire again. "Do -you smoke?" asked the successful man. "Now and then." "Stop it. Stop it for a year, and come and see me again." The young man went home and broke off the habit. It took him some little time but finally he worried through the year, and "pre sented himself again. "Doyou chew?" "Yes I do." was the desperate reply. (Stop it for a year and then come and see me again. " The young man stopped chewing, but never went back again. When aeked by his anxious friends why he never called on the millionaire again, he renlied that he knew exactlv what the man was driving at. "He'd have told that now 1 had stopped drinking and smoking and chewing, I must have saved enough to start myself m busi ness. And I have. Uses fer $1,000,000. Three workmen were digging a sewer in Kensington. . lliey had shovels with very short handles, and the dirt had to be thrown higher the deeper thev dug, so the longer they worked the more energy had to be expended. One noon hour they were Beated along the fence, eating dinner, when Pat said: "UyeB, do yes know what I'd do if I had amiliyuntioiiargTi'd buytnesiliafobasa portlier on a Pullman car and spend the rest of my days in luxury." Mike removed his pipe Ironi his mouth, sighed S3 he looked at his empty pail and said : "Well, wen now, would yezr id buy mo one of the big corner saloons with all the lookin' glasses, and iv'ry time I took a drink I'd see meself twenty-four times taking it." The whistle summoned them to work, when Jim 'gave his opinion. Holding hie lame old back with one' hand, and reaching for his shovel, he declared, "If I had a millyun dollars I'd add two feet to the bandies ot all tliese shovels. Excursion Rates to Fortlaud. For the Elk's Carnival at Portland, September 1 to 13, inclusive, 1902, the Oregon Kailroad and .Navigation com puny will make low excursion rates to Portland and return, selling on dates named, September 1, 3, 5, 8, 9, 10 and lltli with-return limit 7 days from date of sale. Fare from Hood River, adults, $3.15, children between 5 and. 12 years of age if l.l 15. These rates include one admis sion to the Carnival. On Wednesday, September 3, one day only, the fare for round trip will be for adnlls $2.50, and for children $1.30,same conditions as above. All tickets sold will be of the des criptive form requiring signature of purchaser; so come early and avoid the rush. A. a. Jloarr agent. Iwdiau War Veterans. At an-adjourned meeting of the In dian war veterans of 1H65 and lsots, held at Independence August 16, 1902, Ben 1 1 ay Uen was eiiosen chairman and J. it, Cooper secretary. The secretary was instructed to com municate with -tlL-the county clerks in the state and ascertain the number of Indian war veterans and their depend ent. widows in their respective counties and report the -same to the adjutant ueneral at Salem. The secretary was also instructed to transmit a copy of the proceedings of the meeting to all the newspapers w ith- ni tlie state witn reqnest to puonsn me same. The meeting adjourned to meet at alt-m, Wednesday. October 1, lwz, and all Indian war veterans are cordially invited to attend. The Ioir Died Without Sufforhis- Pittsburg, Aug. 20. (Jeorge Mecliou, u coal miner of tSculi (Siding, near Drif- ton, wanted to relieve Ins mangy dog of sutl'eritig by killing him. -Disliking the sight ot blood, lie tied two slicks ot dynamite to the dog's tail last night, lighted a long fuse ami bolted for Uie house. He forgot, however, to tie the dog. The dog got to the bouse, only to tind the dooi' Hlammed in his face, so he crept under the cabin, which stood on posts, ollnng was lt-tl oi the uoir, unit the on I1 a was blown into small pieces. Mecliou and Ills wife were found full of splinters among the ruins. They will be laid up for a month. (Jo Away from Home to Hear the Sews, Considerable talk is current that a pe tition will be offered at the coming ses sion of the statu legislature, asking that Wasco county be divided into two coun ties, w ith The Dalles remaining the cap ital of W asco, and Hood Kiver the coun ty seat of the county to be created John Leland Henderson, the leading at torney of Hood Kiver, is taking time by tho forelock, in anticipation of this oc currence, and is baving a set ot abstract books of the Hood Kiver valley pre pared. Tlie Dalles correspondent to Portland Journal. - Just Look At Her. Whence came that sprightly step faultless skin, rich, rnsv complexion smiling face. She ' looks good, feels irood. Here's her secret. She uses Dr, King's Xew Life pills. ReeuW all organs active, digestion good, no head aches, no chance tor biaea. irv tnem yourself. Duly 25c at Cbas. X. Clarke's. Good Fasseuirer Record. I n the Inst two fiscal years the O. It and N curried on its rail and water lines l,6W,4rt rswueiifcers, id not one was kilted. Ttiis-U regarded as m ex ceptionally good show ing for any trans- portatioit tiNiH'Hiiy. ii is iue to mgn efficiency u the part of rigluenien, trainmen and superintendence, my! it h a win roe of much gratification toithe mews or the company. The world -want to know w hatithe great Inland Kinuire produces, ifonlhe eyes of the world are. on this,, the best country on earth. Ten thousand eople trom aoroad honiewekers looking for ocations will attend the forthwoiinna carnival and district fair at The Dalles. It will therefore lie ..advantageous to exhibit the products of I his wonderful country at that place on .September 30 to October 4. Producers who have credit able products of the oil will do well to make exhibits. Liberal .premiums i are offered. No entrance fee-ubarged. Send to R. J. Gorman, The Dalles, for. pre mium list. An exchange has these two items in the following order: "Our little town is one of the healthiest soots in Eastern Oregon, only one or two cases of sick ness reported for the past six mouths." then comes: "Dr. is kept busy all the time, since locating here. He lias several patients under his care and ex pects several more before snow flies. There may of course be a-number of births, otherwise we fail to see where the health comes in. Moro Bulletin. The secretary of the Oregon Press association at the recent Newport meet ing reported 225 newspapers in Oregon classed as 08 republican, 46 independent, 26 democratic, 9 fraternal, 8 religious, 6 agricultural, 4 school, three mining. 8 socialist, 3 court news, 2 drugs, and one each for the following: medical, litera ture, insurance, teaching, spiritualism. Sunday school, music, Y. M. C. A., liberal, timber, W. C. T. v.. Scand ¬ inavian, Norwegian. 1 While Oregon is stronalv reimbliran it is an interesting fact that a good many of the county offices are lilled by democrats,-says an-observing exchange. Of the thirty-three county judges 21 are democrats and 12 republicans. There are 18 democratic sheriffs and 15 re publican shenfjs. 17 county clerks are republican and 16 democratic. 23 treas urers are republican and 10 democrats. 22 superintendents are republican and u aemocrats. JNewberg Uraphic. Rev. C. D. Nickelsen of the Golden- dale Mothodist Episcopal church will leave for Colfax next week to attend the Columbia river conference. We under stand he does not desire to be stationed here another year. Rev. Nicklesen is a very able minister and we wish him success in his new charge wherever it may be. Goldendahs Sentinel. A London weekly natwr recently un earthed a quaint army order. It deals wun me maciune guns provided for cer tain volunteer corps, and advises that, wnere possioie, "inuies should be em ployed to draw them." "When a mule is not available, however," it goes on to Bay, - any intelligent non-commissoned officer will do instead." Rev. W. A. M. Breck of Portland. while in camp at Government cimti last week, attempted to climb to the top of Mount Hood wiUwut the asiis tBiiceof a guide. A-now: storm came and the reverend gentleman was loBton the mountain for 36 hours while the storm raged. E. T. Winans has closed out his inter ests at Hood River and will locate at btevenson. He is fast the kind of a man this locality needs and has purchased 80 acres ot land from J. P. Gillette and will engage in strawberry culture. Next week we will publish a very Interesting inter view with Mr. Winans. Pioneer. When a- preacher in New Jersey asked a congregation of children to name "tlie best thing in the world" they all shouted "money!" That shows what environ ment will do for a lot of kids, remarks D. C. Ireland of the Moro Observer. Kodak fiends had their innintrs this morning, particularly those who have the Indian crae. Our Indians had to kadiwa siah when their tvee tillicums chako kupa cnitans. Hias close-klootch man uknk.-Dalles Chronicle. lloswell Shelley of Hood River enoni a few days in the city this week. Mr. Shelley has recently invested in Hood 1 Kiver property and is doinu consider able real estate business. Mountaineer. W. It. Potter, formerly a Hood flive- boy, is now manager ol the bin mer chandise establishment of Minor, Gil liam x company, at Spray, Morrow county. ' The Moro public school will teach the 10th grade the commit school vear. The i school employs five teachers. I Carson, Wash..tadverUes for a school ' teacher. Address the Hilerk, Mrs. A.; Andrews. Do You Grow Apples! Three-weeks turn the Davidson Fruit company mailed 135 reply cards to ap- pie growers, requesting an estimate or the t-roj) for this season, and have 64 replies estimating 25.218 boxes of anole of all kinds. The names of many of uie mrge growers are conspicuous by their absence from the list. Two years ago there were 45,030 apple boxes used, and there seems to tie a larirer ciod thb season, and If so, somebody may have to wait lor apple boxes when picking lime cornea unless these reports are aru l in promptly. Oregon Mate Fair. The atate fair will be held at Salem, Septemlier 15 to 20, 1902. For this oc casion the O. R. & N. Co. will sell ex cursion tickets to Salem and return at greatly reduced rates. Fare from Hood River, $4.75 for round trip. Selling dates September 11, ex piring September lfi; September 14, ex piring Septemlier 19; Sejitember 17, ex piring September 22. A. N. HOAR, Agent. Advertised Letter List. August Garner, Mrs M K Good, Stella Hearing, Tbos Jaxson, II F McDonald, Ralph Hughes, It Shogren, Oscar August Brown, Miss Delia Dunsmore, Maggie Howell, 11 Mrs Kapp, Mrs W V Bargamman, V Bird, John Dock, NilsO Dunahoo, J M Frazier, Mr W. 18, 1902. Fos8. Mrs Lula Waker, Miss Forsythe, J F 2 Johnson, Mrb'smith McDonald, Sam 2 Nowelle, R A Smith, L I. 25, 1902. King, J S I-aurence, John Ixiy, Mr F Markham, II A 2 Mevers, H H Straight, II E Turnball, G Wooley, J A Howe," A L M. YATES, P. M. Born. In Hood River valley, August 23,1902, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baily, a son. Married, In Milwaukie, Oregon. August 27, 1902, A. M. Bclieu and Mias May Oliver. Mr. Belieu is the eldest eon of B. F. Ueliea of Hood liiver. "Now I thf Appointed Time," The ). R. A X. v hM InM IhiH m hand nn'lv llltwtmuyl paniphlel entitled "' Wa.hingloti and lUitho and their Kenncm.' It h:m much to my about HihmI Kiver. People In tho RHt are aniknia for Infcirmn lion ahoitt the t'neitte N.irUiwext. If vou will live the t. U. N. aaent a Hal of mniM of f jiKrm people wtio are naeiy u M IntereM el. the booklet will ba malted free to aoee person THE HAAS iBItQTH&ES Thretof Them Hava Fallen la Lov with Jam Stgw. ,Tw f tk RmaaeM War Mala Witt Blood-Ta Tfclr Mar Happily for Both Brl a tiwa, Jane Segrur, or Baa, tha latter be ing the name oe haa bornt fonnany years, has had two romances, both stained with blood, and her third may be bloodless if the prospective bride and groom get away in time. ' Jane Segur is to marry the third of th Haas brothers. She had previously married the other two, but death in tervened and she became twice a wid ow. 'The third -Haas seams to hava no fear, but. all the good shots In Monte zuma county are not dead yet and there is no telling what way happen. Twice married and widowed, Mrs. Haas is soon to become a bride for the third time, and is willing to run all risks. Thirty years ago William Haaa was a .prosperous young merchant at Mount Uilead, 0.,lut the balm in that Oilead wit not , sufficient -to satisfy the yearnings of his soul for .greater wealth, so he removed his goods and other belonging! to Cortex, Iib.r and set up a trading house. The belle of Cortex when Haas first made his appearance, was Jane Segur, and she was as pretty as a maiden dared be. Two brothers by the name of Siegel were particularly attentive to Jane, and they gave it out that the man who married Jane had better make his will before the marriage ceremony was performed. Now it happened that little Jane had fallen in love with Wil liam Haas, and. accepted hia offer of heart and hand. When the Siegels heard of it they became more than ordinarily atrenuous. They talked to Haas in an unseemly manner until his Ohio blood becoming hot he was Ca ''''; ' Yfv6 f SHOT DBAO FROM AMBUftH. aroused to anger, and he promptly added a full charge of large shot to the weight -of one of the brother, caus ing death almost instantly. When the interest in the death of Siegel had died down, says the Chicago Tribune, Haas led his bride to the altar and continued business at the old stand, not caring tp go away on a honeymoon trip. ' His business pros pered and everything went along smoothly until one night as he was going home from the store he was shot dead from ambush, the bullet fired by the unseen foe entering the heart. The finger of suspicion, as it is sometimes called,, was pointed at the surviving Siegel, 'but ''when he asked the men of Cortez to proclaim publicly that they thought he was the man, not one of' them opened hia mouth. This particular Siegel was the best shot in several counties. John. Hans werit 4o Cortec from Mount Uilead to setile up his brother's business affairs, for the wiclow.was too prostrated to think of anything but her sorrows, but eh e brightened up after John'a arrival. He was not bad looking, and,' being a good business man, soon straightened out all the commercial kinks. He had business to attend to in Ohio, but he length ened his stay at Cortex until it was too late to returp. He Cad fallen In love with hia brother's relfct, and the end of it all was that he married her. He, like his brother William, lived hap pily with Jane, -who was still the most beautiful woman in. Cortez,. until hia sudden death. Whether the Siegel brother still had', vengeance in hia heart or not is not known, but it is said he was in town when William died. There was still another Haaa broth er, named Henry, at Mount Gilead, and it became his duty to go wait and look after the interests of the widow. He was more or less reluctant, but he did not shirk his duty. Ho went to Cor tez, put the business la proper shape, and then began to linger. He hitght have gone back to Ohio again, but he didn't. 'The-widow was not so young as when she first married, but her eyes were still bright and Henry, be ing unmarried, liked her. To all ap pearances she was not averse to hia company, and at last he ventured to suggest that it would not be a bad idea if they became man and wife. As a saving clause he rrn-arked that it were better, perhaps, if they were wed at Mount Gilead and made their per manent residence-there. He thought the climate at Cortes unhealthy. She agreed with hinu and hi a- few days they will go to Mount Gilead, get mar ried, and reside at the old Haas home stead. Prohibition Alliance. The monthly meeting of the Proliibi tion alliance will be held at the United Brethren church Monday eveaing, Sep tember 1, beginning at 8 o'clock. The following programme will Jie rendered Addrcw A Bngle 'Blast to-Vooog Men. iesue miner. lUiildine of the State Florence Hanna. Poem Reveille, Azne Inabritsen. . Business wrens Sentiment -Jo Maya I wo recreta l.Ulie Miute. Address H.C. Shaffer. ' AddreM F. R. Spsrolding. ; Haul out your apple boxes while yon can. it. r. UarrDaox, a joke mm W English Version of One of Mr. 2 pew'B ravorjte Storiti. Chaapl Did Hia Beat EatertaiM tna Crowd, But Nobody taw tho Point ot the Aaredole Bat the . rn4or. VWhen the average Englishman: at tempts to narrate a characteristic American humorous story he is al most certain to make a hash of it," remarks a Washi-igton clubman wha spent a good deal of his time abroad, to a. Star reporter. "This fact wa instanced .in -a funny way ,in "tho smoking-room of the steamer upoo which 1 last returned from England. A .middle-aged Englishman, a civil en gineer, I believe he was, was called upon to do hia share of the entertain ing we were making a late sitting of it and he started in to tell a story that he had heard Senator Chauneey Depew narrate at a lhuier in Lon don. Nov., 1 had heard Mr. Depew tell that story, too, and it -went about this way: "A New York lawyer named Strange, noted for. his wit, was upon his last bed of sickness. ; He. knew that his end was near, and ao ho called his wife to his bedside to give her a few final directions. " 'Little woman,' said he to her, 'I know that I am going to die, and I am ready to go. But I could not die in peace if I thought there was going to be a lot of fuss and feathers made over mc after my death. I don't, as you know, believe in ostentation as applied to the dead. Now, I don't even want my name earved on my headstone. 1 wish you'd just have a modest headstone erected over my grave, with these words carved on It;; "Here lies an honest lawyer.'" "The dying lawyer's wife demurred at this. "'How,' she asked her husband, 'will people visiting the cemetery know from the Inscription on tha headstone who lies in the grave?' . '"Oh, they'll know, all right,' re plied the passing man of law, with ad V" M " "HERB LIES AN HONEST LAWYER." a faint smile. They'll read the in acripiiuit, and then theyU say: That's Strange.-" "Now, Xtr. Depew told this story in England because he knew how dear ly the English people love stories that hinge upon a play of words. The story always tickled bis English lis teners iminens dy. -"Well, this-Englishman in the smoking-room of the steamer started off to tell that story something in this wise: " 'Well, y'knaw, I heard one of your fellows man named Depew senator or something tell a deuced , good atory, 'pon me wuird, at a dinner awhile ago deuced good, I declare. It appears, y'knaw, that a New York fellow mau of law, y'know barris ter, I believe was dying, y'see. Don't seem to remember the fellow's name. Let me see, what the deuce was the fellow's name, anyhow? .Well, 'pon me waird, if I haven't clean forgot his name! However, no matter. Well, this chap, y'knaw, was dying, and he was blooming good na lured about it all, y'see, and he wanted to make his wife feel less shocked over it all, y'knaw, and so he called her to his bedside. " ' "My dear," says the chap to her, y'see, "I don't want to have a lot of botheration and kick-up business, y'see, after I'm gone. I don't want my name" deuced annoying that I can't recall that chap's name! "en graved on my headstone. Just put a small stone at the head of my grave, y'knaw, and have carved on it these words: 'Here lies an honest law yer.' " "'Well, y'knaw, the legal chap's wife didn't like the idea of this, and she told him ao. "' l!nt,".yhe said to him, "how will folks, VvitiHW. that read the inscrip tion know who rests in the grave be neath the headstone?" " 'Well, y'see, this legal chap was a deuced humorous fellow, y'knaw, and he was bound to have his final Joke, y'see, and so he answered her: '"'"Oh, don't bother nUout that. They'll read the inscription on the headstone, and they'll say to each other, y'knaw: "That's extraordinary, y'knaw."' Wu Favored ay Mataro. A dignified bishop, while passing along a London street, heard three vegetable peddlers engaged in a rath er blaMihtniPiiK argument. Intending to rebuke them, he said to one of the offenders: "My pood man, where did you learp to swenr like that?" "Lord luv yer. guv'nor." replied the brawny peddler, clapping him genially on the shoulder, "ye can't leva it; it'a gift!" - : Turn Out aud .t ip. The Chris' lan church will enct a tabernacle on their lot on the bluff, Tuesday. September 2. All the friende who are disposed to aid in the good work are invited to be present Tuesday morn ing, at 7:30 o'clock, with faws and hammers ready for work. L. D. Roved will superintend the erection of the building. The Lndies' Aid and their friemls will serve dinner far Uio worker on the grounds. All are invited to at tend the service in the eventBe. J. W. Jenkins, Pastor, L. E. Crowe of The Dalles now sports an automobile. a i f UiiB i i n:: f- i wi'.'.-.t!.-:. - .:. ANNOUNCEMENT. - We have gope to Porlhtmihi-r.t tend tlie TaH'Opeifing and to buy our Winter stock. We will endeavor while there to cony the latest dvsigns for our many customers. Watch this space for our Opening ad. Successor to Mine. ABBOTT. Stages to Cloud Cap Inn. Ticket office for the Regulator Line of Steamers Telephone and have a hack carry you to and from the boat landing If you want a first-class turnout call on the HOOD RIVER TRANSFER AND LIVERY CO. Read a few Prices on NEW GROCERIES At O. B. HARTLEY'S. Olives in bulk, 25c per pint; I.X.L Baked Beans, 10c and 20c; I.X.L. Sea Clams, 15c and 25c; Pappricn, 20c per bottle; Best Creamery Bu'ter, liOc; Pie Fruits in gallons 2oc. Full Line of Canned and Smoked Meats Call andisee us. Yours trulv, O. B. HARTLEY. TREAT & HOCKABAY, DEALER IN Stoves, Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware, Bath Tubs, .Sinks and Lavators, Wash Stands and Sink Brackets, Lead nud Iron Pipe, Rubber Goods. HOOD RIVER, OREGON. You Didn't Figure Right If you thought you could buy better and cheaper HARDWARE than can be found at E. E. SAVAGE'S SONS SCREAM When you can buy lee Cream from JENSEN just as good as any Port land cream, and at the same rates you pay for the Portland article. Why shouldn't you buy it here? Why Shouldn't You? T. C. The City Tinker & Plumber. Headquarters Fourth Look Pleasant, Please. Phntoorrrtnli.,. fl ll.irl.iii r.f lAilir, 0., can do eo now, though for years he couiun t, Docause lie atutereu untold agony from the worst from of indigest- All hl.Hn!n!ii .. n .. . .1 niiJi... i.nn ! I J lull. mi fin i Biuinnn mivi iiicui;i ni-n in I icu to help hini'till he tried Electric Hitters, which worked such wonders, for him that he declares they are a godsend to sufferers from dyspepsia and stomach troubles. Unrivaled for diseases of the gtomach, liver and kidneys, they build up and give new Life to the whole sys tem. Try them. Only 50c Guaranteed, by t'has. N. Clarke, druggist. Card of Thanks. We wish to thank the neighbors and friends for their kindness and sympathy shown to us in the dark hour of be reavement. Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Sttbokhs and family. . JAYNE A HARTWIG. Lawyers. (Deutsoher Advokat. Abstracts furnished. Money loaned. HOOD ItlVKlt. QRWiON. Rooms and Board. One nf the nmst iWs: uhlc iitiNitioiis In flood Kiver. Addivs 1. . t". l. Ice for 3ale. I,v from pni-e spr.n vij.trr. .-l.-!f a house to rent- In n desirabio lo'-ulMy. Hood Kiver, August 2'. I! 02. 1 KIXiAit W. WIXANS. Potter Farm for Sale. H0 acres, fan b' boiuiu i.s a whole, or any part of tl In tinu;l Iracls. l'ar p:irlieulni-s call uiKin M. I'.. I'lU'l tK, ol nl IIh.' larin Special School Meeting. i iietnxii-'.yrrwt'f Solrxtl IMslrtt-t N'. t'i, trie new district nct-nlly -ut vtY from n' (intve, are notiiinit t iut niert'iiir will bt- iuMd it t Je rome Walls' VM';ni hoij-i, -,'!- inlr l ', t 2 o'rltM'R, iiM'Urtni:' tin-1 ititriri liy itiv eloe tion nt otlU'ei'M nnd ( iMtn-itt mu-U other btiNlneM mk may mine lu-foit' tiie nit -t)M!;. For Sale. Spun b:iy int rrs: weiulit iibtiut I WOhhcIi; re kind, true nnd well broken; Just whHt you want on the fitrm. AImd, u pluu'tort tn ttint fr!KtK ordei ; nwt .". Also. Ktt tioiible biit nt'j'jt. Will fteil ehe. it. Lt)K. TH K New License, Manafsetnred In Hisid River by A. While head. A belter euarllisu Is obminable else where for the money. TRY ONE. For Sale. The finest trset of all round fruit hind In flood River valley, known as the old rurnni Rlsee, on Nesl creek, a miles south of Hood iver. loan nowotl'er this valuable trsi-t of 01 acres, all of it excellent frml hind, carry Inxvrilh It permanent mater HkIUs. I will sell the entire Irael in a Isidy or In Mibdivls. ions to suit the purcbaaer al a price luwer t nan such similar trncts are scllinif at. full at my oiriee, or address nie at '1 he lialles. Or. sU N. WHKALItI.Hellliit Aitenl. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice Is hereby itlven that the nndeMitned has tiled with the fimnly flerk or Wuwu eounlv. Oron. bis final account and rcrl in the matter of the estate of Putnam K. Krad Ua'd.ttei'eased, and that Monday, the At It day of Coluber, 1H02, at lOo'clork A. M. of said day. at the count y county court nsim in the county court house. In lialles flty, Wasco county, orcein, has been fixed by the court as the time and place Kir hearint said resru Dated al Tlie lialles, (treiron. this Itilli ilay of Auaust. lout P. K. RHAUKtlKll. Jr., Administrator of the Estate of Pulnam F. llr.ilt.ird, decease. i'L. Work Horse, Korsaie cheap. in, a, 7' Acres for Sale. T1 avres gnod stmwbnrry land. miles from tnvo, can be boiiKht Vr an acre, t-il arm no In berries. Hall cash. Inquire at U lacier office. ll iMAE B. KOE, Milliner. DALLAS, and Oak Streets. Notice. Those who are Indebted to Ur. J. F. Watt, will please take notice that owing to sickness in his In ii lily lie will be away at the coast lor an Indefinite period, and he lias left his accounts Willi nie for collection. Those who know themselves Indebted to I lie doctor will please call and settle prnmptiv. JOHN LKl.ANl) HENDERSON. Notice of Dissolution. The partnership heietotnre existing under men nil naiiieoi itniin.iv Hartley is nereliy dissolved by imittiitl consent, ,1. K. Hanna re tiring suit O. It. Hartley contimilnirsaid buia- ni'SH. The ssld Harllev owns mid will nil. leet an aeom one sain nnn and assumes and win pay ott all dents nue by ssld nnn. Dated, Hood River, Ore., .lulv is, 1102. J K HANNA, OB HARTLEY For Sale or Exchange. One hundred sere puiccr mine. 2 water rights, one HiKl miners' iucliea, and one GTS miners' Indies, one mile ditch, No 1 Hosklus (liant. all nunies, rimes and tools: i acres In ttui'den, 4i) bearing fruit Over, i hills of unipcs and one-lotirlli aero Muldisin strawberries; double ci-bin and addition, llixil); has tire place, and beautiful spring near door; 7 jiiiuiiUs oi' gold taken out In three months; iille clear, and will lease fur UK) a year. This baix'sln is slttiHted on t-tardlne creek, five miles north of (told Hill. Jackson county. (begun. As owner cannot work It, will sell forSl.fiOD cash or exchange for Hood River vauey lanu, unproved or unimproved. For furl her particulars Inquire THb PRATHER INVEHTMENT CO. For Sale. A spring of B miners' Inches flow, ithree fourihs of a mile from town, together with water power at spring sufficient to push any thing at small cost. This Is pure water, not subject, to contamination now or hereafter. No absurd price will be required to buy this pi-oHriy at mis time, nee owner, T. R. COON Pasture For Cattle. On and after August 20 I will pasture a lisi ited number of cattle at ffl.oO per month. I will not be responsible for any kind of acci- aeuiorioss. j. w. murium. 40 Acres. Vt miles out, on Neal creek; 820 per acre, Good thing. uii U. SHKLLEY, Odell. Team for Sale. Work team, about l!50eaeh; will sell single or botn, fall on u. II. UAHTLKY Wanted Land Cleared. Ten or llftecT acres of brush land cleared In time for it to be planted this fall. Land sit- unit ! adjoining Arthur liishrowon Kast Kork (JontrHit allcash. W. II. MAltsil Al.I,. Notice of Guardian Sale Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned guard inn of Neta UnMll.HerthaUrodl and John (irodt, minors, by vlrlueof a license duly Is sued by the county court of the stale of Oregon for W imk coiiiuy, will on and afler the antb ilny of September, Wtt, sell, at private sale to the highest tndiler for cash in hand all right, titie and interest of said Neta Grodt, liertha Urmit and .John (trout In and to the north half of the miiith-ast unirterofthe south-west iiuiirter of Ihe south-west uttarter of the south-east quarter of the south-west quarter of section foiirteeiiil-tyin township two(2i north of ranee b-n'liiieasl'ot the Willamette Meridian In Wasco county, Oicgou. Iiulcu at Hissl River, Oregon, this 2Ui day or July, iit f'HRW IiETHMAN. tjuardian of theeslateof NetaUrodt, tlertha lirocll an, l jonnorouu Prunes Wanted. I have bought IheSchmldl prune dryer at Mosier, and am pretiared to dry anynuantity of fruit. I hose desiring fruit shlpMl to the dryer 111 see A. ino iieaii at ihsmi itiver. P. hK.NNlMMKN, Mosier, Or. 160 Acres. Ten miles out on ti e Mount Hood road real cheap. M list go quick. K.mHEI.LEV, Odell. 24 Acres. fine apple land, (I'j miles from town, on Mount It. ski roau. tiargain. . K. MIM.LKY, tKlell. 80 Acres. Eight miles out, nwrhsiklng Kast It's si Itixer valley and I uk"S valley. I. Km crowing friitf tn-es; d acres ot iHTries ; unsortmsia view ; soil that never fails; pl.-ntv of water. R. HHKL.I.KV. odell. Cow for Sale. A goo1 fsnilly cow; will be fresh tn a few days. I'rtve Ml. .A. Illl KNAJ. P. V. Friday K. H. Harm FRIDAY & BARNES, Real Estate Town and country pi-iierty put Intoo'tr haiirix will lie promptly liroiiijlil tothp tuivoi i Hllenlton. Weulwi do IiiMunuve aim . u n ; Public work. U. C. Haj nes EON TCitf BARBER SHOP. The place to get an easy shave, tin up-to-date luiir cut, and to enjoy the luxury of a porcelain bath tub. Notice. All oulRlandliiK warrants H(rnlnst oleta As sembly, No 3. United Arilxiuiii are ordered to be presented for payment. al J H KoUEUO, Treasurer. Thoroughbred Boar. I have a thoroiiKltbied Itcd Jersey boar, 10 months old and welching ax) pounds, breed ing: services reasonable. an PKTERMOIIK. Notice. All persons knowing themselves Indebted to me limy niske payment of sueh debts to Charles Temple. HtJ ACKON. To Lease. Harden truck and fruit lund I n A .nil in sere lols on the Watson ranch adjoining Hood Kiver. For particulars sec V. P. Wat son or It. R. KRWls Care for Your Eyes. As 1 have had 18 years experience, my work will give the vary besl satlsracilon In watch repairing, snd as an optician I guarantee U give yon a good fit. of glasses Umiityoureyes. Don't buy your glasses ot cheap, fake dealers who travel through the eouiitrr with the cheap lenses and charge you four times what iney are worm and you ruin your eyes using them. I have one of the latest improved eye teslers and can tit j'our eyes in the most ac curate milliner with the best lenseamade.thus strengthening your eyes and Improving your "'Kilt. c. H.TKMP1.K. Wagon for Sale. Studebaker spring wagon and single hnr uess for Bale, or will trade for hsy or wood. A. K. SMITH, On Htranahan place. For Rent. Two rooms suitable for offices or dressmak ing! J. H. GKR1IK8. Irrigation Notice. All those wno wish to Irrigate their lawns and gardens must make, iinnllcation in the collector, Pra'lter & Heinman, aud give the number of lols ihey wish to Irrigate and time of commencing. ine price tor irrigation this year will be 60 cents a lot, but all irrigation must be done by sprinkling; no other method will be allowed. HOOD RIVER HI'HINi; WATER CO. Water Notice. All Irrigating must be done between the hours of 5 o'clock p. m. snd Ho'clock a. in. The water will be turned oil AT ONCE from any lot where owners fall to comply with these rules. HOOD RIVER HPRINO WATER CO. For Rent. The building formerly occupied bv ihe Da vidson Fruit Co. as a box factory. Key can be had of the Davidson Fruit Co. Jy J. H. MIDDI.KTON. Legal Blanks. A full line of Legal Hlnnlm for sale at Brad ey'a Book more. Young Jersey Cow. Forsale. lnquireof f.H.CAHTNER. For Sale. My entire stock of thorough bred Plymouth Rock chickens and bens. D. O. HILL. Ice for Sale. At the box factory, cent a pound. Jersey Cows. Two fresh Ji racy cows for sale. John korero. Organ for Sale. A good new furnish organ, oak finish. Can be seen at BOOTU'H. For sale by a JoIlN KELLEY. Stock Ranch for Sale. One of the best stock ranches In Camas Prairie for aide: well Improved, with 25 head of cattle. A bargain. For particulars, in quire at W. H. Cole's Store. m21 Land for Sale. D. Everhart has 5 acres of land, 2!f miles from town, near itclinout, on which Is liiO bearing fruit trees, 2! acres of strawberries, aere black berries, raspberries and clover, ete. Inquire on premises or at lU EVERHA RT'K 8TOR E. Blacksmithing And wngon repairing attended to promptly at my shop on the ML Hood road, south of town. Good work at reasonable prices. seplT . A. HOWELL. For Sale. Ten acres for fiio, 5 or H acres of It aa good fruit land as there is in Hood Kiver valley; one-quarter mile from postolllce and achool, near river and railroad Inquire of alu M R NOBLE, At Frankton, Found. Gold watch andfchaln, owner can have the same by proving properly and paving fortius notice. U. A. KOCKE.n, Nleolai. Pay Up. All persons Indebted to Iloltnan & Hon will filease make payment at once, ns the money jineedi'd; a2!l HOLM AN & HON. ' Lost. On the Mt. Hood road, between town and Tucker's mill, a lady's Eton ackct; color, daik red, witli white bullous. Please leave the same at Ulacicr oltlce and oblige M IIS. ULBICH. IMA MEAT MARKET. McGuire Bros. DKAI.KIM IN Fresh and Cured Meats, Lard, Poultry, Fruits and Vegetables. Free Delivery. I'houe 35. -NEW FEED STORE At my place, on 'he Mt. Hoist road, one mile south of town, I have opened a Flour and Feed store. No need now to haul your feed up the big bill from town when you can buy of meat boliom prices. mart D. F. LAMAR. Contractor and Builder Plans and Estimatkb Fi'knihhku. S. H. COX. Gerdes Lodging House. Furnished and unfurnished rooms to let, IodginK 'If by the day orll per week. Near depot. alS B. F. BELIEU, Contractor and Builder. -ri.ASS AXD K-STIXATK8 Fl R S lull M- OSTEOPATHY. Dr. J.E.Anderson, THK DAU.KH, ORE. t'hmnlc caw a trvclslty. Vinsol:ata n n aaiipU'W(mk Literature fre.