Image provided by: University of Oregon Libraries; Eugene, OR
About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1902)
ood Ti ver Slacier, - FRIDAY, -LUuftT 29, 1902. Work of the Frnlt Growers I'niw. G. J. Gessling, secretary of the Hood River Fruit Growers' Union, has com pleted partial report of the work done by him as shipping agent for the mem bers of the union during the 1902 strawy berry season. When seen by a Glacier man Mr. Gessling gave out the fol lowing: "A rough examination of the books of the union show that about 20,000 crate of strawberries were. handled this season by the Hood River Fruit Growers Union, and that the collections for the same amounted to nearly $54,000. The inde pendent .shippers' shipped -about 8,010 crates, which brought in an additional $12,000. This makes the total returm of the valley from the strawberry crop foot up to something between 1120,000 and 1125,000." When questioned regarding the gen eral condition of the strawberry business in Hood River, Mr. Gessling said : "There are two things which must be consistently followed out by the growers if they expect the paying returns of tht future as they have received in the past, and these are thorough Cultivation and fertilization and more systematic meth ods in fruit packing. Nearly one-fourth of the strawberries shipped this year were simply second-class berries. The demand for first-class berries was aa above the supply, but there is a very limited demand for second-class goods, at any price. The inability to secure sufficient pickers during the critical point of the busy season is the most se rious difficulty confronting the growers at. th nresent time. There must also h a continuous use of irrigation to pre vent the berries becoming too small for shipment.'! There is every indication that thin year's fruit fuir will eclipse all previous attempts in this line. That it will be the biggest and best collection of apples ever disnluved in the Pacific iNorinwest every one readily adjuits. People over the state Interested in Hood River are already talking about the fair. Many nft.hem have signified their intention of coining, and others will be attracted hv the reduced rates to be offered by the O. 11. & N: company. The fruit fair will be a big -advertisement for Hood River, and the outsiders who visit here then will leave with glowing accounts of our valley's great posslbll- bilities. It therefore behooves those in charge of the fuir to arrange for the proper reception and entertainment of all who come to see trie appie exmuu. The prospects are that Hood River will soon have a system of water works for Are protection w;ell on the road to coninletion. The town has been too long without protect Ion ugainst fire, and the attempt to arrange for a sys tem which would meet the best niter ests of all concerned has proved a hard question for the city council. The question has been thoroughly discussed from all sides and there Is no reason why the city should not gel the lest there was to be had. The present prop osition appears to meet the approval of a majority of the members of the coun cil and Is likely to be accepted at its next meeting. If so, Hood River may rightly expect proper fire protection and reduced Insurance rates w ithin the next year. By act of congress, approved March 11, 1902, in addition to the affidavits already authorized to be taken by United States commissioners.all proofs, affidavits and oaths of any kind what soever required to be made by appli cants for timber and stoue lands may be made before United States commis sioners, or before the judge or clerk of any court of record. Heretofore appli cants for timber or Btone lauds were compelled to go to the land o files in the district in which the land was sit uated in order lo make these affidavit. Secretary Lambertftm of the state board of horticulture estimates that the apple 'crop of Southern Oregon w ill amount to 65 per cent, and that the new acreage will bring it np to 85 per cent. Hood River will ship 00 carloads and the Willametto valley 100 carloads. The entire state shipped 7iK) carloads last year., and it is thought this amount w ill be greatly increased this year. The Newberg Graphic, E. II. Wood ward, editor and publisher, is one of the neatest and brightest Oregon weeklies that reaches our exchange table. It de serves better advertising patronage from the business men of New berg than it gets. ' The eopie of Prineville have pub scribed 749 toward a fund for the pur pose of having a stock and agricultural fair October 15 to 18. There are only five more weeks tie fore the date for the fruit fair. Don't put otT too long the important mutter ter of preparation. Monday is labor day. But most Hood River people will be too ousy tin observe the holiday. The Tabasco column of the Oregon Pally Journal Is "hotxtutT." A bulletin from the land offlee of the dominion of Ottawa says that I'o.iXX), 000 acres in the Canadian Northwest have been purchased in recent yeur by persons In the United States, and 5, 000,000 acres of this area have been sold In 1902. One-fifth of this purchase for the present yeaf has Veil settled upon, i ca.m imet v. r,. t'nti-, r. til l . , ,, , , , , . ' ' c ienM-ionT lor I -isirh-t of vs atiiu,-ton. While the rest of it IS in the bands ofjio, ...t oe Mt Goldendale. Washlimion i American land companies, which are expecting to dispose of a large section . i- of it soon. According to this bulletin, 21,000 Americans have located in the province of Manitoba and lieiirldiorinir ; , . , , i, lerritory between January 1 and June 1 of this year. Canada bus been very a'nV in (illlhK up its wtsite spaces. The dominion ist nl ili! nmiueut, with re-g-U'd to population, in about the same condition uti the United States was in 1W5. It Iibs about the same unuiliei of inhabitants' that' this country bad then, in a territory not greatly differ ent in area. There is an wil derness in the western par! of .Canada which will, at the rate of progress which has thus far been made, require a century to till, lis higher latitude of oourse, mid the comparative absence of gold and silver fields, so far as known, will prevent Western Canada from ever being as productive as the correspond ing section of the United States is. But many iiiilliotis of people will" find homes there, and it will ben compet itor hereafter with our own West fur settler from Europe, and niiiy attract many from this country. The scheme for a w agon road up Hood River looks perfectly leasable. The people have long needed such a road, and will he w illing to substantially en courage the promoters in this worthy enterprise. Would be a Gnod Appointment. Albany Democrat, Among the candidates fur superin tendent of the penitentiary are' J.'A. Doiithil, editor of The Dalles Timee Miiiiutaiiieer, Frank Durbin, Murlon I'oiintv's ex-sheriff, who did not cap ture Tiiicy niiii Merrill but who Is a pretty good fellow just Hie same, tMr. Downing and Mr. Haley Of tliesH the chances ure in favor of Douthit. Eastern Oregon is entitled to recogni tion, and Douthit is capable mid reli nlile. His . appointment would be a jiitiafnctory one to the people of the "tate neneriitly. NOTICE' FOR PUBLICATION. Lutnl Office Bt Vancouver, Wash., August II, I'M. Notice is hereby Kiven Mini, the fol-'owing-nnmed settlers '"ave tiled notice of ihelr intention to nmheflnul iroof In support of their claim, nml Hint said pi oof will he msile before the Register und Receiver If. rt, Lund office nt Vancouver, Wash, on Xuenduy, September!), l'KU, viz: RUIMH.PH LAUTBRBACH, heir of John LHitterliHcli, who made H. K. No. I (MM!, for the west half of northeast qnarler; xouthetott quarter of northeast quarter and northwest quarter of NOittlieuHt quarter section 2ii, township 4 north, nuttfe y ciikI, w. M. Who names the tol lo wing wit ileuses lo prove his continuous residence upon and cultivo Hon of said land, viz: Howard C Cook mid .Tim Nielsen of White Salmon P. O., Wash.; Una Fisher and Kmll Willurd of Chenoweth, wash.- And J AN N1KL8KJJ. H. K. No. Mm, lor lots tt and 7. section 11, town shin ii north, range. 11 east, w. M., ami east A southeast quarter section 1, township 3 north, ranir 10 enst, w. M. Who namcHtlie following witnesses tovrove his continuous residence uiou and culllvo tion of said land, viz: Howard f. Cook, Rudolph Lautcrhach, Will iam S. Locke and M. N. Wood, all of White Salmon P.O., Wash. a:J22ii W. It. DUNBAR, Register. ITlmtier I -unit. Act June 8, 1878 NOTICE FOli PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, The Dalles. Oie gon, Aug. 15, 11102. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of congress ot June 8, I8T8, entitled ' An act for (he wale of limber lands In the states of Cal ifornia, Oregon, Nevada and Washington ter ritory," as extended to all the public land states by act of A latitat 4, 1HI12, the following persons have, on July M, ltKU, filed their sworn sMlcmcul in tills olfice, towit: ' Frank F. fsimtildtng, of The Palles, county of Wasco, state of Ore gon, sworn statement No. 811, for the purchase of the west half southeast quarter, northeast quarter southeast quarter and southeast quarter northeast quarter section 8, township 1 Houth, range 11 east, W, M. Robert Ross, of The Hallos, county of Wasco, state of Ore gon, sworn statement No. 812, for the pur chase of the southwest quarter northwest quarter, west half southweHl quarter section &!, township I north, range 11 east, and lot -4, section tl, township 1 south, rutigell east, w. M. That, they will oiler proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes', and to establish thelreliiims to said land before the Register and Receiver at this otlice, on Satur day October ', I'M. They name as witnesses: A. K. Lake, Will Ifitii Ketehum, It. Ross, A. 0. Thomas and F. F. Kpntilding, ol The Dalles. Oregon. Aytnd all persons chitting adversely the ahove-iles'-ribed lands are requested to file their claims In this oflleo on or before flukl i h day of October, 1H01'. J2o.t JAY I. LUCAS, Register. Tim her Land, Act .luneH, 1878.1 NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. United Stale Land office VancouVer.Wnsh tim, Aug. 22, l!)fl2. Notice is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act ot congress of June 3. 1878, entitled "An-net. tor (he sale of timber hunts in the stateH ot ( :niitoin!n, Oregon, Nevada and Washington territory," us extended to nil the public laud stales by act of August 4. Mr, F.dwanl (,'. Aloys. of Col ax. county of Whitman, state of Wash ington, tuts tins day nied in this office his sworn statement No. AW!, for the purchase of tint northwest quarter of northwest quarter section', west hail of southwest quarter and south at quarter of Houthwet quarter of section No 21 in township no. 6 north, No. 11 east, y. AL, and w ill oiler proof to show that the laud sought is more valuable for Its timber or stone than tor HKiiculturul puriNMCN, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Re eclver of this ottiev at Vancouver, Wash., on Saturday, the Mil day of Noveuuier, 1-KI2. He names as witnesses: William M. Iiumdl, (iraiit K.IIK, .Marlon Leinbach and James A. Caie . nil of Colfax. Wash. Any and all persons claimlna adversely the above described lands uro requested to file their claims In this ofPce on or before said 8!h dnvof November, 1!"02 W. H. lil'NRAR, ReKster. , ITimbcr Land, Act, June :!, pfrs 1 NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. tTnlted States Land office, North Yakima Wash., Aiiaust 22. l0iy-Noti'e Is herebv Kivi n that in compliance wilii the provision's of the net of congress of Jnue.'l, 1STS. eoili led "An act lor the sale of timber lands in Ihe stales of CalifornlH. Oregon, Nevada and Wesi.liiiton Territory," us extended toall the public laud siatea by act of August 4, Isv2 Lou'. K. Armstrong, of 'or. land, county of Multnomah, state of Oregon, tins 1hi day tiled III this office his sworn st.'iienieiit, No. 1-ittr. for the purchase of tin west 1 j southeast Ji "d east southwest quarter of section No. H, township No. 7 north, range No. la east, W. M and w ill oiler proof to show that the land sought is more valuable tor its ti tuber or stone than f ir agricultural purposes, and toestaldNh his claim to saict land before W. B. I'reshv, t". S. Commissioner for District of Washing ton, at Ills ottir? at tioldf-ndnle, Wash on W'eunesduy. tlie .'ith day of November, hurl - He name as witnesses: i liai t-s 11. Crouch, and Klin K. Crouch of Milwaukie, Oregon; Rolu r" K. Coj of Portland, Oregon; James K. Cox of Trout l ake, Washington. And Charles Ii. Crouch, of Milwaukie, county of Clackamas, state of Oregon, has this d y riled in this office his suorn statement. No. itaii, forthe purchase of (lie southeast quarter of northeast quarter: northern.! quarter of southeast quarter section I, township J north, range II east, v. M., and west half ol southwest quarter of section No. H. In tow nship No. 7 north, range No. 1J enst, w. M., and will oiler proof to show that the land s. Might Is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purisises, and to esoiihlish his claim t4 said laud lefore W. H. Preshv, C H. Commissioiier for District of Washington .at his odiivnt tidder.dalo,Vsh., on Wediiesusy, Itie .ith day of November. PutJ. lie nsmesss wiliiesM-s: ljulis K. Aimstrong and UoU-rl K. Cox of lort land, or.; James K. I ox ot Tpait Lake, wash.; Frank C onngiU i'ortiand, or. And Mia E. Cmu"h. f Milwaukie. county of Clackamas, stale of ori g in, has tins day tiled In this oith-e her swot n statement. No. 14v. for Ihe purchase of the soutliwesi i., of scetion No. 7, in lown Miip No, 7 north, ranae No. 12 east, w. n.,and ill ill r proot to slani- that Itie land ;',:ght Is valuable for lis timtter or stone than f, r ugrienitural purixst-s, and to establish her --''-'--;'m. ; k'r""5-' li,l"'T' "i ot rortiand. tr.; 1 J"i'- '"X ol Trout Like, Wu.; Krauk C. 1 oum;r I oi-mmhI or. I ' ,h lr -iit. in inn ort ce on or before said i X ' Noveml-T. IWA waltlk j. reed. Register. y loes, With our prices always marked on a close margin you are Insured of full ralue for each dollar' worth of goods bought of us. Our shoe department is complete, and we guarantee every thliiK we say In regard to our goods in this line. v . Good Ink Writing Tablets, ruled or unruled, Go; Large Penttl Tablets, just the thing for school, 5c; Onion Skjii Writing Tablets, tinted paper, 10c; Good Pencil Holders,, for school use, le each-better grade . two for 5c; Lead Pencils good grade, lo each; Enveloves, Commercial XXX, siws 0J, 4c a bunch. We also carry a fine line of Men's and Boys' Suspenders at very low prices. We have the New Idea Paper Patterns any design, 10c. s " , TELEPHONE TO US, MAIN 125. Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878.1 NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. -United Mates Imd office. North Yakima, Wash., June 24, I'M. Notice is hereby iven that in compliance with the provisions of the act of conuressof June H, 1878, entitled "An ad for the Hale of timber lands In the states ol Callioi nla, Oreiiou, Nevada and WashliiKton Territory," as extended to nil the public land stales by act of A UKUSt 4, 1 !I2, WILLIAM KN'JKLHARI), of Otiiflia, county of Donnlas, stute of Ne braska, has this day filed In this office his sworn statement, No. RHI, for the purchase of thc NKU of HK of section 14, and N or 8W . and SK of t,h,; NW of section No l.'t, in township No. 7 north, ranse No. 11 east, and will oder proof to show that the land MuiKht is mote valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, .nd to ostao lish hiscluim to said land before W, H. fri-shy, I!. 8. Commissioner for Dmtrict of Washing ton, at his otlice at (ioldendale, Wash., on Tuesday, the lit h day of Mepu-mbcr, IW)'2. He names as witnesses: F.mnia C (Xx and Robert F. Cox of Trout Lake, Wash.: Albert W. Lobdell of Portland, Or.; James F. Co of Trout Lake, Wash. And K.UMA8 . OOX. of Trout Luke, county of Klickitat, state of Washington, has this day tiled in ibis office lier sworn statement, No. RtO, for the pur of the W y, ot I hp NW of section 1.1, and the K iu the NK 'i In township No. 7 north, ramre No. 11 east, W . AI., and will offer proofto siiow that tlie land sought is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for ugri culiuntl purposes, and to establish tier claim to said land before. W. It. i'reshy, V. Uom miioiier for District of Washlmtton, at his ot;i'o at Goldemlale, Wash., on Tuesday, the th day of sieptember, UM. .She names as witnesses: Robert K. Cox, Al bert W. Lobdell and James K Oox, all of Trout Lake, Wash., and William KngeUiard of Oinaua, Nebraska. Any ami all persons claiming udversely the abve-leseribeu lands are requested to file their. claims in this otfice on of before said IHh day of .September, It Jy4s5 WALTKB J. EKED. Register. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. , d Office at Vancouver, Wash., Angnst ii, HKiJ. Notice Is hereby t(lven that the fol low iiiu;.niimed settler has filed notice of his In tention to make tinai proof in support of his chum, and that said proof will be made before the lieKistcr and Receiver U. H. Land Office at Vnncouver, Wash,, on Tuesday, rteptember ill, tlK, vl: CUARLRH DULY, H. E. No. 101W, for tho southeast quarter sec tion AS, townsnlp !i north, range 11 east, w. M: He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz: Jacob J Miller, Henry Hwanson, John P. Gallagher and Johnson McLanahan, all of Pine Flall'O, Washington. asl2 W. K. DUNBAK, Register. fTlniber Land, Act June 3, TS:S.l NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. United Ktates Lrnid Office, North Yakima, Wash., June 11). 1WK. Notlc is hereby given ttuit tn compilanc with the provisions ol the act of congress of Juno 11, IN7S, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands iu the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Terrilory,1' us extended to all tile public land suites by act of August 4, IrMi, LOWKLL A. YOUNG, Of Trout Luke, county of Klickitat, stute of Washington, has this day filed In this office his sworn statement. No. for the purchase of ttie east of the i-outhwcK and west 4 of UK of sec. tl In township No. 7 nort h, range No. II eust, W. M and will oUer proof to show that tlie land sought is more valuable for Its timber or stoue than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his cmim to shHI land before W. If. Cresby, U. S. Commissioner, at his oil ice in tfoldendiile, Wash., on Haturduy the :th day of Aug.,llKU, He names as witnesses: James K. I ox. Ai de!) K ingniau and Jasper K. oung of Trout Lake, Wusli.; Robert K. t ox ot I'oi Hand, Or. Also, JAdfKK E. YOt'NG, Of Trout Iake, ituiniy of Kllcisltut, state of Washington, has this day died in this office his sworn statement No. I I2l, for the purchase of the northeast of section No. ;tl In town ship No. 7 north, range No. ii east, W. M., and will oiler proof to snow that the land sought is more valuable for ii timber or shine than for agricultural purposes, and lo establish his claim to said hind before W. H. I'reshy, II. s. Commissioner, at his oltice at Gohiendiile, Wash., on Siiiunlay, the .Kali day of August, luti. lie names as witnesses: James r . f ox, Al den Uingmati and Ijtuvell A. Young of -Xrout Lake, Wash.; it diert i''. Cox of Hori.iai.d. Or. Any and all persons. ciHimiug adversely the above-described lainis lire leijucsted lo Itie their claims In this oitlcg on or before said 30th day of August, hum. jeg.nai . v ALi J. Kf.ui, Register. ITinitK'r Land, Act Jnne . lSra.l NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. fTniled Ktates Land Office. Vmimnvnr Wash., .Inly 6, Witt. Nolic is hereby given that In compliance witii the provisions of theaet ol congress of June!!. 1H7H, entitled "An act for Ihe sale of timber lands iu the slates of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington territory," as extended to till the public land slaUis b art of August 4, Mb, Ij.ij v; , , . r , nur a v of Albion, county ol Whitman, stateof wnsli- iiiu'ii, lias I'll!, oa.v uieo iu mis omce his sworn Rtalifineut, No. 2.02, for the pur chase of Ihe se'i m"i w 10, t nv' uud neL nei of sec No. 15, in township No. a north. inuK i.i'i. ii east, . n., Hliu w ill oiler proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable lor Its tlmlier or stone Mian for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver ol this olliee at Vancouver, Wash., on Tuesday, the 21st day of October, 1!2. He naihes as witnesses: George W, Gibson nfllii Ihiiu n 1. .lull U.,.....' ll ...... !.., City, wash.; William Richardson ofv'oltux. nanii., i iiuuiiu n, iiuusoii,oi t lie J.1HIICS, Jl . of Pullman, county of Whitman, state ol Urn..l.i l....t.l.t I..... ... aPiiuiKii, imnMiiaun; llini lf mis UIUCC his awom statemeut, No. 2 for the pur chase of the e'o i,w ami e', sw y. ol section No. 2S in lownstup No. north, range east, w , and will otter proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone loan for agricultural purposes, und to establish hi claim lo said land before tne Register and Receiver of this olliee al Vancouver, Wash., on Tutsd.iy the 21st day ol October. IU.2. Hi' names as witnesses: John T. Gallow av ofAlbtHii, Wss, ; Helm Uro-All of 1'slotise City, wusli;: William iLchtirdson of Colfax, wssii.; Thomas A. Hudson of The Dalles. Or. Any and alt jiersons claiming tidvci-sely the ahove.deribeil binds are requesled to flle their claims tn this otlice on or bciore said 21t dav ol Oclober, !U2. JT.sia W. R. DUNBAR, Ki'gisU-r. Timber Land, Act June S, 1S7S f N01TCE FOB PUULICAIION. I'll! ted Stales ljind Otlice, Vancouver, Wash., Aug. S 1W12. Notice Is berehv given Unit in compliance wiih (he provisions (f th n-'t of congi ess ol June H, l7s,entliled "An act for itie sale of tliutMr lands in Hie states of Calihnnin, Oregon. Nevii.fa and Washington territory,"' as ext-ndisl to all ihe public land Uile by act of August 4, l.vri, EMMA T. (TXTIS, of Portland, county of Multnomah, stute of Oregon, liiia tins d.i.v itl-si in tu.s ortiiv uer sworn sla'emeiit. No. 2.71, lor the purchase of the north huif northeast quuUr and north half northwest quarter of ss-lion 22. in township No.b nortn.rringe No. II eust.W.M. and will oiler pnsif to show that the laml uighl Is more vinuabl lor in limber or stone than for agricultural piirwsj, and to estali-li-li her claim lo said land b-'fo.-v U'c Kigisier and Risviver of this otfics ,l anrimver W ish. ,on W edncsday, the 22dduvof tetolM-r I'A'L ' ne names a miire-sses: Albert W. Ixibdell aisl ltol ert K.CoXol i'ert land. Or.; AH-rt C IWU still Jlie K. l '4ixol Trout lake, W B.ll. Any and ah personscbiiuiing n the Hhove-di-M-nlied lauds Hrr requested to file their claims in Ibis orace on or tieforesaid 22d da v of t.srub"r Vti. asolU W. 1L UrNBAR, Reflster. ' Headquarters for Goods and Notions. A. S. BLOWERS & 0N Have just received h large shipment of Sorosis Underskirts Price $1.50 to J5 00 each. Swiftly up to' date. We carry the largest stock of r3 ZLHE O IE3 3 In this town, and our stock was never 'more complete than now. When you r?W- want a pair 01 snoes unit will give satis faction, come to Headquarters. . We ulso have a very complete stock of men's Hats, Shirts, Neckwear, etc. A. S. BLOWERS & SON. Dealers In "General Merchandise. C. T. RAWSON. HOOD RIVER NURSERY. We respectfully announce to the public that we have for the coming planting seasons a line lot of trees of all kinds Thrifty, Smooth, and True to Name. Orders are now being booked as received and varieties furnished t as long as tliey last. This season will witness larger plantings of single sorts than any in the history of this valley, and to get what you want will necessitate early orders. We would also state that wo are prepared to furnish "for next season's planting any number and ANY VARIETY, GROWN ESPECIALLY FOR YJTJ. ' ' , Long experience in the nursery business enables us to guarantee satisfaction. s ' ' . Nursery on E ist Side, at crossing of Neal creek. Orders solicited. RAWS0N & STANTON, Hood River, Or. Mt. Hood Livery, Feed and Sale Stables. 1 ' J .f A. K. FULLER, Prop. First-class, stylish, easy-riding buggies All kinds of heavy team ing and draying Accommodations for trancieut horses and teams. Office of WHITE COLLAR LINE STEAMERS. Tickets Sold and Baggage Something , New. Owing to the fact that, there is plenty of grass cattle on the mar ket at present, we are buying beef" cheaper than we have for some time, and we propose to give our customers the benefit of the low prices; also, for the reason that many of our customers do not care to bother with cash coupons, we have decided to dispense with them and give the following prices from date : Brisket Beef Boil, 7c per pound ; Short Rib Boil, 8c; any of the best Shoulder Beef Boil, 9c per pound ; Steaks from 10c to 15c per pound; Pork and Mutton from 7c to 12'c per pound. . We will meet any prices in town mi ismceries and deliver your good. Yours very trulv, j " HOOD RIVER COMMERCIAL CO. Books Magazines Stationery Job Printing at BRADLEY'S BOOK STORE. STATIONERY and WRITING HATERIALS . Comprises the Latest Styles and Qualities. We also have an extensive collection of ' Mr. L Bradley's Magnificent Hood River and Columbia River Scenes, than which no more beautiful or acceptable gift could be made.. Your patronage respectfully solicited, E. R, BRADLEY. For YOU to Remember When you need anything in the line of DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS, You should call on CHAS. N. CLARKE, . PROPRIETOR OF The Glacier Pharmacy City Blacksmith Shop. J.R. NICKELSEN, Proprietor. (iem ral Btackpmithing and Wagon Repairing, carries in stock a full line, of Ciacksmith ud . Wagon Makers' supplies, Wheels, Axles, Poles, Shares, etc., etc. Agency for Syracuse Farm Implements. ' t - ' t F. H. STANTON. Checked to Destination. AGF.Nrrv, THE OREGOIMIAN EVENING TELEGRAM Timber Land, Art Junes, 18T8.1 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Tnlii-rl huh 1 And Offire. North Yakima, Wash., July H, IWtt. Nolle Is hereby given that In compliance with the provision of the act of eongrtwitof June 8, 1K78, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the etatwi ol California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington territory," aa extended to all the puhlte land atatea by act of AnenM 4, 1HH3. MATTIK C. MOKrllSON, of Portland, county of Multnomah, atate of Oreifon, ha tbla day filed In this office ber aworu statement. No. !;, for tne purcnane oi the EVi orsWfc; JtWJj of KK1 and the HK4 ot the NW of section No. 14, In town ship No. T north, ranire No. It east, W.M., and will offer proof to show that the land sonaht Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish bis claim to said land before W. B. Presby, U. ti. Commissioner for District of his orn seat Uoldendale.Wash on Wednesday, theHih day of October, l!M)i Khe names aa wttneeses: Hobert K. Cox of Trout Lake H.O., Washington; Frank C.Young of Portland P. O., Oregon; James V. Cox of Trout LAke r. o., wasnington; wuuam tt. Drtischel of Portland P. O.. Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the abovenlescrlbed lands are requested to file their claims In this office an or before aatd 8th dav of October. Jy25slM WALTER J. REED, Register. Timber Land, Act June , 1878.1 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United Btatea Land Office, Vancouver, Wash., May 2D, 1H02. Notice Is hereby given thai In compliance With the provisions of the act of Congress of June 8. 187K. entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the States of California. Oregon. Nevada, and Washington territory," as extended to all the Public iJkna Hiates oy actoi August 4, imj, NELSON ANDKKSON. of Fulda, P. 0 county of K Itckttat, State of Washington, lias tins uay niea in tins omce his sworn statement No WA, for the purchase of the north east quarter of wet Ion No. 28 In Township No. 5 north, range No. lii, E. W. M.. and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable tor its timber or stone than for agricultural purjioses, and to establish his claim to said land before W. tt. Presby, V. H. Commissioner for District of Washington, at his office at Goldendale, Washington, on Thursday, the Uth day of Beptemner, iwi. He names as witnesses: Herman Bertschl, James Murray, Henltman F. O'Neal, Crocket Castle, nil of Fulda P. O.. Washlnirtou. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested U) file their claims in tnisoince on or oeioresaiu llth day of September, 1(102. Je27a2 W. R. DUNBAR, Register. (Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878.1 NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. United Htatea Land Office, Vancouver, Wash.. Julv IS. 11)02. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of congress of J uue 3, 1878, entitled "An act fortbesaieof timber lands In the status of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington territory," as extended to all the publto land states iy act oi August i, if, CHARLES J. WINCHELL. of Portland, county of Multnomah, state ol Oregon. hits this dayfl led In this office his sworn statement No. 2457 for the purchase of the ot Kh;'4o! section No. S3, in township No. 1 north, range No. 12 east., w. M.. and will of fer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to saia tana oeiore tne ttegister ana Receiver of this office at Vancouver, Wash., on i nursuay, me 4iu aay oi uciooer, iwz. He names ss witnesses: Anton Knutson, Edward H. Sutton, William U. Hogg and U'llllu.n 1 L'upull all ntPnHknrf fl.n Any and' all persona claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file meir claims in mis omce on or oeiore saiu 23d day of October, 1902. Jy25s20 W. K. DUNBAR, Register. Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878.1 NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. United Btates Land Office. Vancouver. W ash. J line 30, 1002. Notice is hereby given ttiai in compliance wnn tne provisions or me act of congress of JuneS. 1878. entitled "An act for the Bale of timber lands in the states of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington territory," as extended to all the publlo land states by act of August 4, 18H2, MONROE BRYANT, of Pullman.countv of Whitman .stateof Wash ington, has this day filed in ihlsoffice his sworn statement, No. 2i82, lor the purchase of west northwest yt and west southwest of section No. 23, In township No. i north, range No. 11 east, W. M., and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for lt timber or stone Hum for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before me Register and Receiver of this office at Vancouver, Wash., on Tuesday the 14th day of October. 1D02. He names as witnesses: Everett C. O'Nell of Winchester, Idaho; David .M. Hsynes of Pnll- man, wasn.: Thomas A. Hudson and Tim othy brownnlll of The Dalles, Oregon. DAVID M. HAYNES. of Pullman, county of Whitman, stateof Wash ington, has this day tiled In this office his sworn statement:, No. 2U83, for the purchase ol the southeast quarter of section No. 15 in township No. II north, range No. 11 east,W.M.. and will offer proof to show that the land sought la more valuable for Its timber or stone than lor agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Van couver, Wash., on Tuesday, the Uth day of He names as witnesses: Monroe Bryant of ruiimau, wasn.; r.vereu c. u weei oi will' Chester, Idaho: Thomas A. Hudson and Tim. othy tirownhiil of The Dalles, Oregon. EVERETT C. O'NEEL. of Winchester, county of Nei Perces, state of Idaho has this day filed in this office bis sworn statement. No. 2084, for the purchase ot ne souiu y, norioeasi yt ana soutn ft norm, west H of section No. 22 In town ship No. 0 north, range No. II east. W. M. and will offer proof to show that tne land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to estar iisn nis ciaun to saia lana neiore the Keglster and Kecelverof thisolllce at Vancouver, Wash., on Tuesday, the 14th day of October, 11102. He names as wltnesss: Monroe Bryant and David M. Haines of Pullman, Wash.: Thomas A. Hudson and Timothy Brownhlll of The Dalles, Oregon. Any and all persona claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to hie their claims In this office on or before said Uth day of Oclober, 11)02. alos . W. K. DUNBAR, Register. NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. Land Office at Vanoouver. Wasr., July 28, 1D02. Notice is hereby given that the foliow-Ing-nanted settler has tiled notice of bla In tention to make com mutation proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register, and Receiver U. 8. Land Office at Vancouver, Wash., on Thursday. September 11, 11)02, vis: ANTON KEIAON, Homestead entry no, 11,720, for the vt, nwU and nw, sw 1-4 and ne 1-4 se 1-4, sec 18, Tp n. range II east, W. M. ' He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of, said land, vir: Andrew stcott and Jamea, F. Cox of Trout Lake, Wih Henry W. Bellinger, Hood River, or., George R.Hellinger, Tr ut Lake, Wash. also W. R. DUNBAR, Register. Timber Ijtnd, Act June 8, 1878.1 NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. United States Land Offlce.Vancnuver.Wash., July 17, Itstt. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the ma of congress of June S, 1878. entitled "An net for the sale of timber lands In the states of Cal ifornia. Oregon. Nevada and Washington ter ritory," , as extended Ui all the public land slates by x-t of August 4, W2, PATRICK REARDON, of Pine Flat, county of Kllckitat.stateof Wash ington, has this day filed in this office hi. sworn statement. No. 2780, for the purchase of me 0UUK1 iihii uuriiiwnsi quarter and west hulf southwest quarter of section 18 in town ship 4 north, range 11 east, w. M., and will of fer proofto show that the land sought Is more valuable lor IU timber or stone than for agri cultural purposes, slid to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Vancouver, Wash., on Thurs day, the 2: id day of October, 1H02. He uames aa witnesses; Jacob M. Locke, Monroe Locke, John O. Perry and Edward Perry, all of Pine Flat, Wash. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims In this office on or before said 23d day of October, 11)02. alo W. K. DUNBAR. Register Timber Land. Act June , 1878.1 NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. Untied Slates Land Office, North Yakima Washington. July 26, IMftl. Notice In hereby glvrn that In compliance with the prov inlnii s of t he act or eong reus ol J n ne 3, 18, 8, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lauds In the states of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Twritury," us extended In all the public land states by act of August 4. Imi. TILI.Ik Fowl EH, of Hood River, county of Wasco, stateof Ore gon, hss tnls day Bled In this office ber sworn statement. No. lull, Sir the purchase of the north huif southeast quarter and north half southwest quarter of wet ion No. 2M In town ship No. J north, range No. Ileas' W.M .and will offer proof to show that tbe land sought Is more valuable for iu timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and loesubllsh her clsi.u to said land belore W. B. Presby, V.H Commissioner for district of Washington at hisntliceat tioldendsle, Wsish., on Saturday the Lull day of Oclober, 1112. She names as witnesses: Albert Levernach and Frank C. Young of Portland P. u., Ore gon; Robert F.cox and James F. Cox of Trout Lake P. o., Washington. Any and all persons claiming adversely the abote-dwcribed lands are requested to flle their ciaims in this office on or before said istli daj of October. 1WB. aio. WALTER J. REED, Register. LIST OF LANDS For Sale AND FOR RENT AT THE EMPORIUM. Colony of honieseekers, take notice:' 1500 acres of land, East' Bide Little White Salmon, 1,000 acres in one body, food fruit and grass land, 300 acres thri ller suitable forsaw-logsand wood, plenty of cedar tributary, seven miles of flume, 900 inches of water to operate same as a vested right. Ten cubic feet of water per second additional filed on. No bet ter chance for an irrigating plant. Flume ends in lake at Drano landing, Washing ton, on ColuVnbia river. This landing and 21 acres, including store building and 15 or 20 other buildings on land, go with the property. Only six miles from Hood River. This soil is well adapted to raising strawberries, fruit and grass. Fine range. Five or ten acres in culti vation. Finest place to get out wood. This land will be sold in one body or in tracts to suit the purchasers at $12 per acre, including tin me, timber, and water rights. Terms cash. Title perfect. Patented land. Inquire of John Leland Henderson or J. F. Short, Hood River, Ore., or J. D. Casey, Hil gard,Oregon, sole owners. 1. Lots in Waucoma Park addition $135. 2. Eligible residence lots iu Spangler'a subdivision, near cannon house; only $100 ; terms easy. 6. The Henderson lot in front of Tur ner's cottages in Oiler's addition, $125. 6. The Kopliu place at Frankton. 17 acres well improved; - free irrigating water. Price $4,000. 7. Barrett-Sipma addition; $100 per lot : $10 down and $5 per month ; no in terest. 8. One of the most valuable corners in the center of Hood River. Price $2,500. 9. Fine homestead of 160 acres on Rock creek near Davenport's. Price $1,000 $300 down, balance at 6 per cent. , 10. The Clarke 40 acres adjoining city limits. Nearly all land cleared and in cultivation.' Price $300 per acre ' 11. The six acre tract known as the Prathar place by Pine Grove school house. Price $500 cash. 12. One hundred sixty acres on White Salmon. 12 acres cleared, some fruit, good soil and timber. Price $1,600. Known as the P. M. Gatchell place. 16. Geo. Melton'8 lot and cottage in Barrett-Sipma addition $400. 18. Thos. Shero 9 acres ; new cottage ; near Barrett school house; price $1,600, 20. Fifteen acres one mile from town on main road; one-half cleared, house and barn. Price $200 per acre. Can be sold iu 5-atre lots. 21. N. S. E. M, S. N. E. M sec.'' i, T. 3 N., R. 11 E White Salmon; fine timber land ; $10 per acre. 22. The Emerson homestead, only one mile east of town ; fine range ; $1,600. 32. Emma G. Robinson's 160 acres on hills east of White Salmon, known as the Dryer place; fine timber; unim proved; $785. Money to loan. At the Emporium is kept a first-class solar compass, and the proprietor being a practical surveyor, is well pre pared to do the work of laying out acre age property in lots and blocks, and do ing all kinds of surveying and platting. The new company now offers for sale lots formerly belonging to the Hood River Townsito company, of which com pany John Leland Henderson is secre tary and the Hood River Bank treasurer. Cottage for rent down town. Choice Bargains. 2 lots, block B. Barrett-Sipma addi tion ; fenced and iu garden ; 5,000 feet of lumber on the ground $400. 160-acre ranch at White Salmon, known as the Teuold farm, offered now for $1,600. Will coBt $l,70l) in 30 days. Corner lot iu front of school house. $250.' i Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878.1 ICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land OlDoe, Vancouver Wiuth.. Julv I IMM M,..i iu given that Iu compliance wifc the provisions of the act of Congress of June 8, 188. entitled oi iiuiucr lanus In the stales of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as exteudud to all the public land hIiu.s by ai t of August 4. 18M2. of Portland, county of MultnoiuHh.Vuite of Or- s". mcu luiuii onnw mssworn statement. No. :Aiau. for n,u tiN.hUUU t ..... northeast quarter of section No. Ml iu township No. ft north, range No l.i east. W. .M., ami will offer proof to show that ' the land sought Is more valuable lor iu tim ber or stone limn for agricultural purpose miri In Mt..hliuii hlu ..lui.n i..:. j . " ii- , . wwiu ikiiu netore the Register and Receiver of this office at. Vancouver. WttNhlntrlon .,n ... ........ day of. September, iwu ' " n uniii.-s as witnesses: John I). Gardner James . Mason and Frederick Van Doreu all Of Kllllla. U'i.h .n,1 Tl I ,. ..r" otson of Portland, Oregon. Any annau persons claiming adversely the above-described lauds are requested Ut tile theirclalms in this offie. on or before said Uth day of Neplem ber. Ir2. jyllsl2 W. K. DUNBAR, Register. Timber Land, Act June , 1878.1 NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. United Stales Und Office, Vancouver. Wan.. Jn v . Ir2v,.ii. i. ,.k.. .l that In compliance with the provisions of the act of congress ol June 8, Is.s, entitled "An art for the sale of limber lands in the states of (.alikmiia. Oregon, Nevada and Wellington territory,' as ex tended to all tne public land slates by act ot A uxust 4, lsw, -l.'J ill i -1.' iliijlLe of HoqdUm, county of iWhs'lls, state of .. ,...,.., wlla nay n lea in this offir .... -.-.. .-, . s.ii, mr tne pur- enaseuf ll i d, nW W snj W HW of ..... . ... . ,,,,, n, , norm, range -vi, 11 east, w. ., snd will offer pnsii to show tuat Ihe laud sought is more valuable for Its timber or stone I nun for agricultural Dur. IKHHtt. Ulld lllMluhll-l. l.i. -l.i ... . .K . ifore tne Koti.tera. d Kwiverof tin. OIn" i ..miniver, n asn., on Wednesday .Ibt2d day of October, lwi. ' lie nainea aa wnmuw . Willlnm SI. Caniptltfid of Trout iMkr, Witb JiMin Ijtrson of Hoqulsm, wash, and Waldo - i m m oi iiiiiiii, i iregon. Any and all ot.rMiii&eiUi, .a . ,.... V,.T.J Hfl ubow-d.eriil lanus are reqnested to file I netr claims In tln office on or befora sail Xbl day of oclober, livi. jii w. R. llUNBAR, Reflster, o