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About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 15, 1902)
(eodlftver Slacier FRIDAY, AUGUST 15, 1902. tltMII WH'llei 1(1 It llll tltHl'lSII ninner mail box v lriii'' (jovprnor (Leer I'p Mount Adams. Governor T..T. Gerr furnished the Palem Journal a four-column article tlewriptive of 1iih trip with the Mazanms to the top of Mount Adams, from which we clip the following: Terhapa two-thirds of the ascent was made on rocks rocky ridges, upon one nf which we climbed the last 1,000 feet nr morn as we reached the summit. IIJ you can imagine that a hut?e chimney hod lieen built at the foot of this last climb. 1.000 feet hiah, composed of ttizea from 50 nounds in weiirht to a ton each, and that it had tormled over attaiuat the side of the mountain leaving the stones in a pro- niiacnonfl nimble, vou can the better un derstand what it was to climb over them as we made that last thousand leet readmit? to the first summit. But it made a better footing than the snow and una used in Dreterence. After reaching the top there is a larye mow field of several hundred acres to cross as you approach the base of the middle 'or 'highest summit, which, beinp already exhausted almost to the last endurable limit, seems to present an absolutely nernendieular front. In fact, it lacks just enough of being periiendk'ii .. lnr to barelv make it a sate climb. The otlicial measurement makes the middle summit 800 feet higher than the first. To climb this you have your choice of a ridge of loose, shelly rocks or the snow. Even after reaching the summit there stretches before you another snow field of several hundrwd acres to the farther edge of which you must go before you get an unobstructed view of such a sight as Moses may have dreamed of but cer tainly never saw. In full view were Rainier, St. Helens. Hood. Jefferson, the Three Sisters and two or three others further south, which, in the smoky ha.e, we were unable to name. A heavy sea of continuous clouds had settled over all the country west of the Cascades' through which beautiful Helens had succeeded in thrusting the very tip of her shining peak as it re flected the glory of the declining sun, and which seemed but a stone's throw ftwav. but far below us. Rainier was more successful as, further to the north, the clouds seemed less dense and its proud contour stood out unobstructed agninst the western sky. When our immediate party reached the summit the extremely cold wind that had been sweeping across the mountain earlier in the afternoon, and which caused the first party to remsiii there but a few moments, had subsided, and during the half hour wo stayed we were perfectly comfortable. On the southeast Bide of the mountain its sides are perpendicular for a sheer fall of 5,000 feet, and to within ten feet of the edge of this overhanging bluff of ice and snow we went and beheld in the awful' depths below the Klickitat glaciers. The guide told us that in the month of August it is common for largo sections of this snow to "let go" and as it rushes through the air with temhc velocity can be heard through the surrounding country, causing reverberations resem bling a thunder storm. When they strike the rocks below snow spray is! thrown into the air for hundreds of feet in every direction. As we stood near this precipice while these descriptions of the playful antics it sometimes indulges in were being made, and remembered that August was not far away, we sud denly recalled the fact that it waa much safer to admire Mt. Hood in the oppo site direction. I)esconding the mountain is simple fun. Our party was from 4 in the morn ing until 3 in the afternoon reaching the summit, but we came back easily in two hours. Here is where the primitive to boggan slide is found in its unimproved state. Every well-regulated Manama provides himself, or herself, as the case may be, with a grain sack or piece of carpet, or other article that is supposed to ue waterproof (but which the event proves is never so) and taking your seat on the aforesaid article, you grip your alpenstock tindar your arm with one end in the snow behind you, to be used both as a rudder and a brake, and yon pro ceed to the bottom of that particular slope in less than half a minute, ho mutter how far it is. This is made pos sible, because in the afternoon the mow is bo boH that your tracks are fronn four to six inches deep, and you cannot pos sibly be injured, no matter how sw iftly you go, nor in what position you find yourself at the end of the slide. . You always start in a sitting posture, with your feet in front, of course, but no man with a reputation for prophecy he cared to maintain would guarantee any uni formity of position upon your arrival at the terminus of the slide, save that a radical change of some kind will occur in transit. Star Uoiife Box Delivery Notice Is hereby given to the public that the contracts in effect July 1, 1902, for the performance of mail service on the star routes in the states and terri tories hereinafter named provide that, in addition to carrying the mails to the various post olllces, the carrier will be required to deliver mail into nil boxes una hung small nags or satcueis con tui nine mail on cranes or posts that may be erected along the line of- the route, under the follow ing regulations of the department : Any person living on or near the route and not within the corporate lim its of any town or within 80 rods of any post olllce, who desires his mail deposited at a given point on the line of the route bv the carrier may provide and erect a suitable box or crane on the roadside, located in such manner as to tie reaches as conveniently bs practie utile bv the carrier without dismount ing from the vehicle or horse, anil such iierson shall tile w ith the postmaster at the postoltice to which Ids mail is ad dressed (which shall he one of the two post oillees on the route, on either side of and next to the box or crane) a re quest iu writing for the delivery of his mail to the earner lor deno-it at the designated point, at the risk of the ad dressee, the small hug or satchel uliove desert lied, us well as the box or Tne, must be provided by the peison for whose use it is intended without -xjf use to the department. It nhall le Ihe duty of the postmas ter at every such post otlioe, uon a written order from nny person livina on or near the ruute, to deliver to the mail carrier for that route any mail waiter placing in the respective sateh v, w here such are used, the mail for the persons to w horn such satchels be long with instruction an to the proper mail box nrerano at which said mail matter shall be deposited ; but registered mail shall not ! so delivered tin less expressly ren nested by the ad lnesee in his written order. No mail mutter so delivered to the currier shall ieearried past another pwi office on (lie MUt before being oVpmMted into a frmil lxx ur hung on a crane or pot. The carrier on the route will Iv re quired to receive from any'er on the route Miy mail matter or private wail fati'bel liat msy he entrusted It dim outs'de of the usual mall ta, and clisll carry such mall matter or private it into the :t on the proper nihil crane plaevd mt 'Ihtj Y.ih- n! the route tortilla iUrM'se ; sura ser ice bv the carder to he without eJui 'tre T the ntdiesmii-. -" f - -. The mail carriers muM. lie-of i character and of milUelent iuteliiitenee to .properly iiandje. mid deposit, the mail along the route. The department .doc not presenile any particular design of box or sntehel to be used for this service, but (he per son providing either should see that It is of such a cimractcras loaimni nmp. protection to his mail. If there Is a lock attached to the liox a key is not to be held bv the. carrier, as he is expected to deposit the mail without the neces sity of unlocking the box. '1 he box or crane should lie. so located on me. man side that the carrier ,c:t'i deposit the. mail without, leaving; Ins vtlnce or horse, and yet lint where it will obstruct public travel. The carrier is lint required to - collect mail from the boxes, but -there is no objection to his doing so if II docs not interfere with his making the schedule time. The law provides that evcty carrier of the mail shall receive any mail matter presented to him if pro per lv nivtiaid bv stamps, and deliver the same for mailing at the next iiost oilice at which he arrives, but that no tees (hall be allowed him therefor. The box delivery above described is required by the contracts effective July 1, 1111)2, on al! the star routes t.witli but few exceptions) in Avkanwis,- Louis iana. Texas. Indian Territory, Oklaho ma, Kansas, Nebraska, fyqtd Oakotu, North Dakota, MontanM Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, A'ri?oa- Vlulu Idaho, Washington, Oregon, Nevada, California, Alaska and Hawaii, .-' V. '8. KHAT,I.KN'ilKlK.:i.t," Second Ass't Postmaster ietieral. : What is Meant by a .Miner',! Inch. The 'legal measurement of water In California is the fuinei'Vmch, which is the quantity of water' that will How through an opening of one .square inch tudel' tl pressure of four inches above. thetopot the opening-. A miner siiien is equivalent to a ll.iw of Mint, theoret ically 1.67 cubic feet, or fl,!l-fS gall i:v per minute.' The velocity of nmnii;.r water is measured by the- same laws as that of heivy falling bodies. A Culling body Jacrenses its velocity in proportion 'to the lime it is IViiing; and the distance fallen Jn.iji.. proportion to the square of the number t t seconds of time it is fall tig. TU'.Uieoretical velocity of water fl'twin "ut of an aperture of one-foot is H.Oi' feet per second ; 'experimentally -it is but 5.4 Feet. The velocity of stream of water flowing from a ditch or other source is equal to that which ..a heavy failing Dody would acquire in falling from a height equal to- the distance between the surface of the water and the middle of the orifice. This distance is called the bend of writer.' . The quantity of water issuing from an uppertnre is in proportion to the square root of the head, and the velocity U In piopnrtion to the square root of the head. With an aperture one inch in height the head cif water iibder it fotir-incli pres sure would be four ami- half inches. The,, sumire,, root oi,a fo(U'.nim;ii,.hulf inch head is ii 12 mcUim, and of a tix and a" half inch,' head ,2M inches. Therefore, nr! opening that will allow tliPi'scape .of, 100 indies of water under a foui'-lnch pressure win .in me same length 'of time, snider a six ifich pies sure, discharge 1-0 inches. ' The work which water 'emu -do is in 'iiroporiion to the quantity iiniHiplied bv the square of the velocity : that is, the work is lu proportion to the square root m the eube of the head. By mean f the following -rough-and-ready rule, the Quantity of water flowing in a ditch or stream may no approximately tie tennlned : Select some point where the flow of water is about, the same tor' a distance of say, fifty feet. Then make a numlier of dillurent measurements to find the average width. In like man ner make number of measurements in the middle ami jrlon the slope of the banks of the stream -or ditcii, to ascertain the depth of. the water ; add these measurements toaetiier and divide by the total number, of measHivmeiits made to tujccrlain jlie average depth. Then, to .find the velocily pla;e a piece of heavy wood in the. stream and as ac curately its possible, rate the lime re quired for It to pass over tne distance above mentioned.- Multiply the area by the main velocity and the product is the'volinne In cubic! feet ; didide ihe number of ruble feet by 1 .6" (ind the result; will be the nmiiljt f of miner's inches. -Mining and Scientific; l'res-it Itruwned at I.jle. C. A. Francis and James Gervais of Mount Tabor were drow ned in tlie Col umbia, near I vie, Tuesday afternoon o." last wefe. The Francis family were oimiTiiiL' near Lvlc, accompanied bv the i Cervais boy, ami Tuesday afternoon Mr, Krancis, his son and James Gervais were fishing in Morgan creek. .The boys I wanted to go into the river bathing, and Mr. Francis gave his consent, accompa nying them to the river, hiually the bovs got beyond llietruepin anu caneu for" assistance. Mr. Francis plunged into the stream and rescued his own son, whom lw carried to the shore, then re turned to rescue the Gervais bov. Just as he approached the drowning lad, Mr. Francis was seen to throw up his hands, anil both went down. . The river was dragged all Tuesday and until Wednesday evening, when Mr. Francis' body was recovered and brought to The Dalles for shipment to Portland, but the body of the boy has not yet been recovered. Mr. Francis was 50 years of age and the Gervais boy was 15." Hie parents reside near Port land. Proposed Sew Dalles Portage. .There was incorporated at The Dulles hist week a new company, which pur poses to build a standard gauge rail road between that city ami Biggs, the north ern terminus of the Columbia Southern railroad. The new corporation is com posed of W. II. Moore of Moro, Joseph IT. Peters; and K. M. Williams of The Dalits, thecapital slock being $r00,(KH), divided into shares ot jlOO vacn. ( The.olJ 'cts. of the new corporation re to build astandaid gauge road from The Dalles to liiggs, and to build and 'pi r.i'e s!e:inli"UtH on the upper (VI umbin, connecting with any and al! lincri riiiehiugllie i'iuir. The propesid -o'lte ) f the road is from I he Dalies to ;(; mouth of Fifteen Mde, thence up : hat s'rctim through t'i oper's pus- to Dvs 'lrttts river above Ihe free bridge ami from there in a northerly direction 'o hugs, the northern terminus nf the Coltimtiia Southern. I'll;' route thus outlined will be be tween 20 mid i"i milcsand will 1 on an easy Kt-nde, itmkiui: it available for a .-.o't.-r.'c road around The Dalles and i.VSHo falls, und also an outlet for the Coined la (Southern or any other branch .hat might be built. It is the purpose of the incorporatots to proceed at once with tliestirveysand ecurtiig rights of way and to have tne nmu in operation wiinin iwoyeare. , Salmon trout have begun to enter Hood river, and will be quite plentiful about September 1. The Glacier acknowledges receipt of a reason ticket to the Elks' carnival in Portland, September 1 to 13 inclusive, Sunday was the hottest August day on record lor l'orttand, the government thermometer going up to 1)7 iu the shade. Portland has had a little hot weather, but the citizens of the East will wait a long time before they hear anything of sunstrokes or heat prostrations from the Webfoot metropolis. livening Tele gram. Ira Stnrgis, the 10-yenr-old son of T. N.hturgis of Mosier,' was killed near tlittt, town last Wednesday by the caving in of a sa'nd hunk under which he was working. The parents of the voting man have the sympathy of the commu nity in their loss. . Wilson, a first-class barber from Hood Kiver, recently of Weiser, Idaho, luts taken charge of the tonsoriai parlors in the Grand hotel. His brother Aus tin, w ho enme with him, is an expert eneed engineer and has gone up to the Greenhorn to accept a position. Granite Gem. I ; Ice ('renin Social. The Y. 1. S. C. K. of the Valley Chris tian church will give an icecream social on the evening 'of August 2ti, in the church yard; A short programme will be, prepared., including a iiU-niintiu-sieiu-opticon entertainment. Kverylxaly is cordially invited to conio and enjoy ice cream bv the bonfires. ; Died. In Hood River, August 7, l"0- Ihe in fant child of Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Mathews. . - At Lite Sn'n f r, WahM August 12, 11)02, George Wright, aged about 50 years. Deceased lived with his nroiiier, W. V. Wrhdit. on a claim about three- quarters of a mile from the falls of White rialnion. , . ; , ; In the Good Sani.'.rHan hospital, Port land, August 13, l')02, Eleanor Potter Davidson, aged about two years. The hodv was brought tit) from Portland, Wednesdry night, and interment made in Idlewih'ie cemetery the next day. The child had been sick for some time with typhoid fever and spinal meningitis Expert physicians did everything possi ble to relieve tiro little one's sufferings, but to no avail. Cain. In Hood River, August 8, 1902, to Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Howell, a (laughter AtncrTTSfrt l etter Mst. August 11, f'ai. Illair, Mrs J V Stuard, Mrs Zidella Hong, Mrs Anna ' Brown, S .!' Holt", Mies Ilea twee Kuzer, G M hum sdon. Mrs 1W .Morse,i'.lohn Mackdonal, Miss M Swarthotit, Edward , - v WM. M. VATK8, 1'. M Clinrc1! Notices, Free Metliyiiist Cnmpmivdna. TlH' Krcc McHioiliFls held ciiiniiiiiPiilfng in (he pine uruve on tlu till in Hull a.htiilon, for i lie ten dnys ticnininiit Auk. 21. KW'cr Ach illes will tie lu-e o i:iit charge of tliu meet inns, Hev. I), li. fk li,'e. , P. Y. Friday - F. 15. Hurnes FRIDAY & BARNES, yr a j. School Books I Supplies CALL anil examine o ar new line of Tablets from Onion Hkin to Pencil Paper.' New Hue of School Tablets affd Composi tion l'.ooks. Hy past experience we know your needs and are prepared to supply them. If you do not see what you want ask for it. Remember the place, , . . . One door east of Bank. GEORGE F. COE & SON. PHONE 104, TSie Davidson Fruit Co. If you have Fruit to market, or will need Fruit Boxes, Plows, Cultivators, Fer tilizers, or a Vehicle, r: .,: C:;;vSEE;;US'-:;;;-'...i' We keep nu'r olllce open twelve months In the year, and need your business. - . If we please you, tell your neighbors; if not, tell u's. - ,- DAVIDSON FRUIT CO Notice. At! onNUiidlni: warrant ninilnst e A,T, No :t, 1'i.Ilcd Arilwtns are ordered to lin iircsetiU'd for pnvmt'nl. "Vl J ll KolilCIta, Treasurer. Thoroughbred Boar. moiittta old und welching !M iomut. Ink servient reasmnihle. u-V Itroed- I'KTKIl MOltK. Notice. All persons knowing tln'iiiwlve imlelih'd loimi iiinv make pii.vinent id Rin-h deht" .CUrllni.l. BC JACKSON. For Sale. Klx-vesr-old inari'.siiiKlc hurnessand neorly new bujtKj'.ull fnrtflai). Iiinntri; Ht BboWKfta BTollE. To Lease. (jnrden truck and fruit hind tn 5 and 10 acre lots on the Watwai r.nicli adji.liilnn IIimkI Kiver. For particulars see W. V. Wat ,, r . It. It. KKWIn. Keaj ..fcstate. Town mid rv i roperly put Into our liiuidxwill hi- pniniialy liMUKlit to the hnyer's sltention. W'e nisi, do liiiir.inee and Notary i'uhllu work. L. C. llaynw Jiinies K. LieHord ' As Ollierfi See '.'s.., hrn Qoiiti'ibulion to the Stevenson Pionter : Oivemeahanrlout,- Ilotwenlher, 1!)0?. Dear I'M Hon I : escaped -from the sheriff some time asp., anil was kicked otfa freight tniin ii a idace thecitieiis calied It 1 noil ! liiver. NN'ell, 1 saw the igge kipil.of a pile of boxen, tiiat I took to be dynamic, but a fellow say, i'.No. they fire tdruOierries." Anil 1 a-ked Li ii'i .if, they falM the straw on top of fhe'lYin.v -"Xo," he sayi, "thev are nfoyinj tti hin on top of the bill." "It's time," says I, "I see all tj:e peo ple have-one lei; shirt'ef thati the other now, and it sceni to me the tow n could btf eauieMnoveti down the hill if it would slarr titiliile," '.'(to up ami e," s;iid he, "and don't !; so many fool tp.iettlona." Well I went ami, say, they w:m building a lot of stori"? and other t!iiti.M lip ilii'te and there was five or six m-res of land tip there that wasn't more than half pi'ch,-"; Well, I saw a lot of i'ellous Yirining in evcrytltrt ct win, -and one of them had a barU'r po'e on hi-i, sh'iuldc'r, ko 1 stfmik fiiiii foi (i !llave and-luiicut, but he sciys : "You fool, Ih'h i not ji trav eling barber shop ; I'm a surveyor unil we are putt 11114 up some tombstones so that fellow over ilvre will know where to put his tits when he wants to make a town up here if we think we wan' a town tip heie at ail." He nays : "We have biui ,nwed now hi-.-atiKj .he won't e'l hHitim h by the rpiart, and we will hare him t hi af'ertvioi,." Well, I !oo';ed ibiwn the road, and here pome two fellows ih aiis-'inir a piv'co of barlH'U wire fence, and each 0:1c bad a handful of biiskiii:.' 1'i'U't wiiii a piece of red fl'iiion lied to the nei iv ut etn- ,. on s.n, u l"ll' iTI.r,frs.lrc; The board of equalization for Ska mania county has decided not to lower the assessment on the St. Martin hot springs. Judse Bennett appeared be fore the hoard aong with the St. Mar lins and ntfked for a reduction from the $17,000 assessment o $5,000, but their entreaties were of no avail. .1. M, 0. Miller, who has been prinei pal of the Woodstock public schools for the pat two years, wan re-elected at the hist meeting of the school board. Mr, Miller has niadu himself almost indis- vien!ihle to the Coinmiiuitv. His two assistants also were re-elected for the com iii? year. Oregonian. Mr. and Mn. Win. Cornett returned from Hood liiver Saturday, where they spent. tlio lust two months on a very pleasant- ramping trip. W. L. Marker and family, A. W. Sharranl and family and several other Arlington people, were nisei in the party. All enjoyed the trip immensely and were jtreatly benefited in health. Condon Globe. Frank, the 14-year-old son of LPU Hunch of The DallcM, lost a lei;', Thurs day morning of hist week, by being run over by a freight train. It seems that the boy hadjnmped on a moving freight train between the I'matilla house and the depot. He frequently did this, nnd was as often warned of the danger. The boy was taken to a Portland hospital, where the doctors pronounced his case critical, lie was call boy at the Uma tilla house. BON TON BARBER SHOP. The place to get iut easy shave, 'nil up-lo-ilale ,hair fit, and to enjoy tne luxury ot a p ircelaiu oath too. Lost. On the Mt. Hood road, between town and Tuekpr'a mill, n liulv'u Kum tacked: color, dnik red. with while bullous. Please leave tho same at lilaeler nfliee unil ohllje A- J1KS, Ul.ltlCtl. Lost. A hulv's cold wnteh. between tho WlrmnB hotel and Hubert MeKmney's nliico. Kinder will he rewarded hy rulurning tlm same to A. C. HTATKN Pasture For Cattle. On nnd after AnirustiO I will pasture a lim ited iiiiniberol'ciiUle tit il..V) per month. I will not be -rtisuonaible for any kind l bocI- dent or loss. .1. W. MOllTUN . l- M. .si- . . . . ' 1 THINGS TO ADORE. We have a full lino of these as well as other Builders' Hardwrre. Prices right, E. E. SAVAGE'S SONS. yuuivv.i a wit m. tiLii MfliAj We have them, In most any size, state of improvement or lo catimi desired. 'Five, ten, twenty and forty-acre places, bearing fruit, all equipped, ready to move into, at fair prices. Then ve ofler others, larger, well improved, partially cultivated ami raw lands from 80 to (140 acre tracts lit various prices from JS.00 up ward. Some good generl farm properties and combination fruit iinil stock ranches, many having natural supplies of natural water. This is the place, SEAR OUR GREAT SNOW PEAKS, on our magnificent Hood and Columbia rivers, to FIND "THAT IDEAL LITTLE HOME.", Twenty acres in results here are. equivalent ton quarter section elsewhere; and you have besides a mountain vDmate unsurpassed, WHERE RED APPLES AND DELICIOUS STRAWBERRIES GROW THAT ARE THE PRIDE OF OREGON, timie to see for yourself, or write to us, and we will tell yon all about it. ...... DUIGGS, CULBERTSON & CO., Hood River, Oregon. Care for Your Eyes. As I have hud is years experience, my work will Klvo lim very best mitisliiction in watcli repalrinu, and ns an optician I miarantce to i!lve you a iioi'd lit of ulasses to suit youreyes. , Txm't bov juui Kliissesol cheap, fake dimtent win, iravnl through the country with Ihe cheap lenses und charge you four times what thev are worth and yon ruin your eyes ualiin them. I have one of Hie latest Improved eye tesiers and can tit your ee in thu most a eurute manner with Ihe best lenses mude,thu3 strengthening your eyes "d improving your night? V. H.TKMP1.K. Wagon for Sale. Ktudi baker sprlni; wattun und sliimle har ms lor sale, or ill tmuc for hay or wood. A.F.SMITH, 1 On Stranaliau place. 250 Acre3 for Sale. Twoturms line well tmproveod; RiKid or chard; ai inns of hay In tho burn; 170 acres at Home Viilley. Kiulny uerea, 5 funi;ed by wire, near Mt. Martin's Springs. Land unod for strawlierrli or other burden truck, flood witter 1 ittht and of acrm amid timber, balance wisdy eleared; (loud ma. ket nmtr. Will sell on reaKnnable terms, full on or address lll.A TIIU.VU'.NOIN. alS Home V alley, Wash. For Kent. Two rooms suitublo for oflices or dressmak Ini!. .1. H. OKKDKH. W. W. TREAT. ' -DEALER IX .-,.'.. ' : Stoves, Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware, Bath Tubs, Kinks and levators, Wash Stands and Sink Brackets, Lead and Iron Pipe, Rubber Goods. HOOD RIVER, - ----- --- pRECOX" . . Irrigation Notice. All those who wish to irrigate their lawns and gardens must mnkfc apiltntlon to the collector, PruMier & Jlemmiin, and (rive the number of lots they wish to irrigate and time ill eoninieneinit.. Thu price lor Irrigation thin year w ill bo 50 cents a lot, but all irrigiilmu must be. clone by sprinkling; no other method will be allowed. " 1IUUU KIVKlt KPHINli WATKH OO. Water Notice. All Irrigating must, be done between the hours of ii o'clock p. m. and s o'clock a. ni. The water will be turned oil AT O.Nl'K from any lot where owners fall to comply with these rules. lit MM) BlVEIt SI'KINQ WATER 00. For Sale. At Ihe home of John Kneger nearOdell school house, 1 lineoiik bed room Kiiil.e,organ, t extension tabte, center table, kltehen treas ure, 2 loekers, ,1 sets bed springs, I single bed, wash and stwlng min-hiries, tuiis, wringer, holler, kettles, gmnlteware, pails, lamps, dish ew, fruit jurs. 1 lurge tent, 1 unabridged dietion nry, aud many oilier articles. (Jail any day but Saturday. O. F. KNAl'P. For Kent. The building formerly occupied by ihe Da vidson Krnit Co. as a box factory. Key can be had of the Davidson Krult Co. iv4 - : ' lf' AlIItLETON. Cow for Sale. A lai ge. Hup ftolsUiln cow, (rood for family use. Kor sail' by J. .1. .foKDAN, jei7 jj mile west Crupper School. FURNITURE- Two feed warehouses nt The Dalles, to the Wasco Warehouse com pany, and the center building of the O. U. & i. company's (dockyards, were burtinl at noon Monday. The loss is about i,5,H), well covered by insurance. One warehouse contained about SO tons oi hay, which was destroyed, as were two or three sheep and hos confined in the enclosure. The lire is supposed to have originated from a spark from a passing engine. A Wisconsin farmer purchased from an iijieut a tin rooster, which w hs fjuar: antced to turn red si hours before each and every storm, thus giving him plenty of time to prepare for the blow, sltorms came and went, but the rooster did not change color, and he started to investi gate. He found that w bile the rooster had not changed hit note had. for the was fMO when he came to pay. The mere mention of the rooster makes the whole farm red now. As the Slate agricultural diool turns cit noetic school teachers and hor-e d. etors mid pharmacists and foot1 all tl .f. iir,...,! ..,l,i.. l,.,o I....M...1 "i-!i . u..;.,u,i..r ,., ,;.! i, ..!.,;.'..,!, an lie found nnv us SPOKANE ATHLETIC CLUB, RtFRRt Friir M Mm uuuui iuu tufa uuiiiii ui Held at Hpokane August 4 to 14, 1902. For above occasion the O. R. nnd N. Co. will sell exi-ursion tickets to Spokane and return at greatly reduced rates. Tickets on sale August !ltn, tine day only, and returning tn ami liK'iuithig August tali. Fare from Hood liiver, tsUKI. A. N. HOAR, Ag.nt, FUNERAL DIKKCTOlt AND 0. The young man loves the young woman ; I hat 8 his business. ......... The young woman loves the young man ; That's her business. The young man and young woman get married;' That's the preacher's business. They will need furniture, carpets, wall pnper and building material; That's mv business. ' fiMBALMKR. S. E. BARTMESS. Farm for Sale. 21) acres well improved, 2':, mlf-s out; good buildings: S aei-i hi 8tiawhi-rrie. A bargain if pure li used so m. .JH. liIHHltDW. Notice to Patrons of the Water Supply Co. Water rent for l:(U imel tie iild to the un dersigned by August l-", ifii'-'. I'y order board directors. (i. .1. (ifsisi.lXti, Secretary. "Pay UpT All persons liidel.teil to Iiolmati & Son will please make piii ineat at once, us ttie money la needed. l:") IIDI.M AN. LLN- Wanted Land Cleared. 'IV n or ili'ti't'n acnis tf hrusli l;n(l elcRrff! in timi tor it to he pliUHcrt this full. I-fliul "slt itiilt'd utljuininir Arthur I 'is'titnv on K:t Kork. lmlmct utl rnb. . HV. Jl. MAKsHAhU WauconiaManufacturingCo SHOP WORK A SPECIALTY. 9 r1 " fr rii;iJ:4- if e , ... Our shop now has every facility for . turning out first-class work in the line of MOLDINGS, BRACKETS, PLANING, DOORS, SASH, FLOORING, PORCH COLUMNS BAND SAWING,. TURNING, WINDOWS, SIL.P L.r, RUSTIC, &t m. DIMENSION LUMBER, Etc. Cael Us bv I' Bids Wanted. ih will tf rf-cfi Vfd np to 7 o'clock Mon day t'VPiiir.-', Au-nt I'J. for iMrtMIiu nn addltionitl I'tfjiii to the linrtvtt school house, 1 isf rift N'l. I. I'l mis. an 1 spt lmi'ic it ions may tK(H.'n til tin tdueier i h e. Ji HIN A. Wll.snN, , i 'h.iiniKUi Hum d IHreetors. P. 1. HiMtirns.chrk. $10 Eevard. ' I Will piV td'OV iVie'cie stolt ii h-o;n Sntuniav Hiicneion, luiiliou lending I rt'wiod lor rceov4M-y of foil .(-. W ri 'bi s store, iunsi 2, and for iuttir- iv :.-! ion ot t tie I tnci. fellow sv, "I'm over t h it w ay, as 1 1 1 1 m i . . I . ( s hi't'i-r.ow that was sni. -Is v oi'M si t 't nt un ; tint jtltlheu some one yelled -n I o n: fei-' low htvs : I'll t s tne ei irititvr " Well, "tint j-iv-il nf!i!H-t.r would .tlr-t shake Oiie'tNf :'ui.l t.he'i IheV-ther tt the fellow with the h.irhir pole iind :tvs : 'f Vlrnu., u .iu.. J,, lUn.,i4..tll .....I I am gninu tt find tt If I went a trail a- ! ' " hettken from, the territory on the .Wn m i.n-. tiii. thmn -ii tl.i. tii-n "i Sid" of district No. , . kliowd as "me Then he p.i'itnl n new-f;ini:le.1, lr.w-1 r-f l,".'f ,...,mi..,i ,;.l.rin.F .!.. i -tW t., ' t'lr. ilren in The wheel is a linn. bier. hut. with eo ster brake; i:y:!oun.Stf linlder on iront. m ticel.rints red wiih hiack line on either side; front tire had rip hIhiiii six Inches long, p.iiclied witli lealher. Itetuni lo t'ole A W i i-ht s, or to tV Mil I. KK. flood i:iver, tir. Notice of Guardian Sale Notice is hereby triven that the ne,derigned guard i mii oi Nc!;i ilro.u.llert Iim i irod! and .lohn i iiodi. mi uors, t.v virt ue o a heens.' duly in sect by the e'mmy ooiirl of tdesi oeof t hciron for W.ico eouitlv, wilt oil Hlid afler the :lth day o Seni ..nti. r. p.,.', s. II, el iiriMite twin to lite h:'he! li ildev forcisli in lein.i all riirht, tilic und tniet"-t ot Mint eta tir,Mlt, flerilia t.!-o.',i ntut Julio lir i.ll. in Hud to t tie north I. a J 1' of t iic st, r li-ctisj iiirter of the soul h-wost two-aere H'trawlierrv ,iuarl,'f "ft".' tanner of thr ot ci t-.n f.Mii i. . te !l in low niiii tvr.i' ji norih i.frn-ieeic:) l.i of t!s W illamette .Meridian in V s,t ,-oimi. . i ii . .on. l alediit llo,u llivir, tircszoti, this lh dsy of .liiiv, l-.v.'. rums ri-rrnMAX. Umird! .n ifil "i.ieuf .eiavirodt,ikrlh tnv.u ati.i jotin irin field mi 1 is li:;iif!s and kn"es arnuil w ith a I ".lei. r knife euttiti;; off the runners i-.nd .-!:i-liiiu weeds. Voonhiilary of ' itiiinou wee.'.s will he tanyht, as well as tire e.s oi' luirnyard manure. Salem Jiuin-.a'. 1 A new si1iim tllslrlet h'ls hoe.i firmed 1 t i nee son'.li mi li in . j foil line to tow list.; I i oi U. a:.d 1 north, rai are twenty-seven strict, the Inun- t. Ilnn tliis new ll,r....l..i...l' io.r ;-e,l .t tho H.'iWItJ "1 Wlllfll lin' H IHIIOBS; I tMll- lows wiih the hart-d w ire fen, and I ; '''"':"-' " heast enrnerof the rannwiv.! k ll.ero thmity'i 1 e..rti,est '4 of the northwest U of sec- nnd huv iwoiimirtstT land a nd ' ,!"" ",w '"t!,! '-' i" " h. lane 10 east. iiittnt nrr in straw nnd the otli. r to j.-;o'e and ra!se in- ere un and U rr e. Vot!rs fci "; In tier. Notice. Tho whi nr- IreieMed to lr. J. F. Vntt, will pk..M' i ike -T-i-ee thai e-vvin t s.oknes in hi f . 1 1 1 1 1 v he n ;.y f t the cwi-t IttTSii tin! tMiMtp jeriiy. n:i1 l.e ha iefl hit KiYWniii with rue tor 'i.'hiM.oti. Tivr who It now iiitiit ive. i'ltl. '(,( I t i h 1iH-T(r will 'e;iM. tL'itll nn 1 i-'tii- m, J )iiS l.t.i.AMi ;iKM'Ki'oN. W Pliarmacv. Inquire of Jersey Cow. YoUn For wtltr1. For Sale. My entire stock of thorough bred Plymouth Knokchiekens Hiid lieu. f. (j. IfU-L. Ice for Sale. JerseyCows. Two fresh Ji rsey cnwi for sate. Jt.UX KOBERO. .Organ for Sale. A Bond new Cornish orrnn, oak finish. Can be seen at liliut II St. f or sate hy n.S JOHN J KK1.I.EY, Wanted. A f.iin)ietent nuin lo take rhanre of a 60 tiere 1'urni, (theC. 11. SHranahan place) mostly under eultiviition; one who is experienced in apple culture preferred, fall on or n. iAllllA WAURKSS. :!I0 Clmnilier of f oiunieree, rortlund, Oregon. Stock Ranch for Sale. fine of the best stock ranches in ramus I'rttlrle for sale: well Improved, w ith 25 head of cattle. A bargain. Kor imrticulars, Iu quire at V. H. fole'sSloiv. m21 ."WantedTo Rent. Two or three small fruit farms 5 to 10 acres near town. Apply l . liftlHtist. CHUiKKTSON A CO. uiiams Otten Ituiklinjj, . t (' G. E. WILLIAMS, Prop'r. lleadnunrterB for Pure Drugs, Toilet Articles, PATENT MEDICINES, SPRAYING MATERIALS. Prescriptions my Specialty. Don't Overlook this Space Xor forget to c.ill and get our prices, on a full line of STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, IWfore feoinn elsewhere. Atrial will convince you of the fiuperior quality of our goods. A fine, line of FRESH FEUITS constantly on hand. O. B. HARTLEY. Grand Clearance Sale Of all Sunnner Millinery leunrdless of Cost. We have jii"t received a full line of those new Midsummer Felts. Call and get olie of ti'.eni heforo tht y are gone. MAE B. ROE, miliner. Successor to Mine. AWiOTT. .I with see-: - Y, i rv fliS: the Ik 'e.' -tli it the y in e!,ei ii.nn en niHid t- o k it co ::.iu.r. .... I, I i a i li- t'e 11 east; tht-nee ixt.een 2: ctico of Dissolution. down Hock j ti e it... ty i.a.'l.'i' tLst more than the ni. -at cr.t wrver. in the ma ki t Moro Ob-1 e to creek ; tie ere, k ti tint Colntiilhtt riter: th-ne il' t1 e ( i li;n l..a rivi-r to v here said rtv.'r crii.- t';" to n-liio line l-etttiH-n t.i.t ii'li'ii- '1 n. r;h and 3 north, raiiire 1 1 t-:; ert mi taid line to Kiint f isgiiinihg. Til" r-;rliie-i : he eioi.e-e rs r.;v titnUi nn i .1 hum A Ihtiv 1 n-r-.iy i v i iMi i-.,!,etii. .1. t-.. Hstina f lurHiil.i I loir- lev e..t;i s 11'. h'.J-l-r. i i .- t t.ii. ll.-;iev o.i n mi.l will mt i.-t alt 't. I.U due - .i I, -oi i.-.nnic nd m !ll wv ,.rr nil .1- li ,ie lv i firm. l.-d. H.k1 fin er, ore.,' J in v Is. l''.'. J K 11 S A. V 11 HAKTLKV vioence is V.'e can save you money on al! kinds of t'i ki i Ni iti VI W W U u E. E. SAVAGE'S SONS I aik H jrn jjan.! Land for Sale. r. Kverhurt lias 5 acres of land, niilen from town, near llelmont, on which Is loO l.earini; ti nit triH'R, 2V acres of strawberries, j acre bli.ckiierrics, rasil.erries and clover, etc. Intjtilre on jireinises or at Jif KVJKH.Utr8BTt)UK. Blacksmithing Anfhwaon repatrlnK nttendedto promptly at my sliop on the. Mt. Hood road, south of town, (iood work at reasonable prices, sipl7 li, A. HOWELL. For Sale. Ten acres for fiV, 5 or (i acres of It as pood fruit bind as there Is ill flood River vallevj oiHMiiai h r mile from post otiii and school, near river und railroad Inquire of ! ' M H NOni.E, " At Friinkton, WEk MEAT MARKET, IlcGuire Bros. IIKA1.KH; fN Fresh nnd Cured Meats, Lard, Poultry, Fruits and Vegetables. Free Delivery. l'hone 35. NEW FEED STORE Al my place, mi 'he Ml. Hood road, on milfionthof limn, J have opened a Flour uad heed store. No need now to haul your f. ed up the bin hill from town when you can buy of me al bottom prices. m'"' P. F. LAM AH. Contractor and Builder I'LAN'8 AX1 F.STIMATK8 Fl'HNIMllKD. S. H. COX. . Gerdes Lodging- House. Knrntsh".! in l unfurnished rooms to let Leluiuu i b Ihedayorsl per nrk. Near depol. 5 B. F. BELIEU, Contractor and Builder. 4 l'l.-.S AMI KVTIVATKK Ft -KVIMNTl.t OSTEOPATHY. Dr. J.H.Anderson. Till.' lot I Iv r.i, ; ..... .-.i.,,,-., L.lir.. i t tin.nle pwiahy. Consultation acfl rxau dilution nee. Literature frv, PCCR FRIliT