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About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 15, 1902)
Professor Aldrlch of Moscow Here. Professor J. M. Aldrich, eutoraolo gist of the experiment station at the state university at Moscow, Idaho, spent last Saturday and Sunday visit ing Hou. E. L. Smith, president of the state board of horticulture, and in vesti- gating the methods of the Hood River fruitgrowers in fighting the codlin moth. "The methods of the Hood River rruugrowers in dealing with the codlin moth are very effective," said Professor Aldrich. "They are probably more ef fective than the work done at any other place, especially in localities with the same climate. In our country the orchards in the liiirher altitudes enlov a greater immunity from the ravages of me coo im mom man the communities that are less favorably elevated. The principal orchards of Hood River are at a comparatively low elevatiou, hence the small percentage of wormy apples gathered here must be due to the excel lent methods of spraying employed by theorchardists. "In Southern Idaho, near Boise, the United States department of agricul ture has had a man experimenting on the codlin moth for the last three years. Spraying has been carried on very effectively by the use of a gasoline engine, and the experimenter reports ttiat this year his orchard will have but one per cent of wormy apples." Professor Aldrich was driven around the valley by Mr. Smith. He expressed himself as much delighted with the valley, and thinks Hood River one of the best little fruit communities in the Northwest. He left Monday morning by boat for Portland and Willamette valley points and will visit the Oregon experiment station at Corvallis, where he will confer with Professor A. B. Cordley regarding some entomological experiments. Professor Aldrich also occupies the chair of Biology at the University of Idaho. He will return to Hood River next week to visit Cloud Cap Inn and gather some Insect speci mens. Things Lively at Tacoina. "Tacoma has practically recovered from the effects of the boom crash, and things look very different from the last time I was there," remarked Hon. E. L. Smith, after his return, Saturday morn ing, from a nine days' trip to Tacoma, Astoria and coast points. "Building permits amounting to 195,000 were issiiedduriiig the month of July and things look very hopeful for the young city. The people of Tacoma are putting up some magnificent residences, and in this matter they are forging ahead of Portland. Tacoina is second to Portland in wheat shipments, and during the season of 1901-2 wheat to the amount of 10,000,000 bushels left that city. Tacoina is the home port for 21 steamers trading with the Orient, and the city also does a big business in shipping coal and lum ber. The city has a most magnificent park at Point Defiance, where things have been left, to a great extent, in their natural state and large flocks of deer and elk are to be seen grazing along the wooded walks. As a residence city, Ta coma is one of the prettiest and most desirable of Pacific coast towns." Mr. Smith was accompanied by Mrs. Smith and daughter Anna. They vis ited Puyallup, and while there stopped with E.ra Meeker, one of the oldest set tlers on Puget Sound. Puyallup is a great fruit and hop country. Red rasp berries are being shipped from there by the carload, while great quantities of vegetables are raised for shipment to the Sound cities, Montana and Rocky mountain points. Mr. Smith and family visited Shoal water Bay, at South Bend, and spent a day at Ilwaco and Astoria. Mrs. Smith and Anna went on to Goarlmrt Park, where Dr. Watt and family are for the health of their daughter, and will re main there for a week or more. The Waiicoma Manufacturing Company. An enterprise of considerable extent ia the Hood River sash and door factory, or the Waiicoma Manufacturing com pany, located in the old armory building in the west end of town. The company was incorporated last spring with 8. II. Cox, president; Will Graham, treasu rer, and M. A. Cook secretary. The companv have purchased the grounds and buiiding of the old armory associa tion, and with their machinery have about f(i,000 invested in the enterprise. Three floors, 50x100, are utilized the first floor for the engine room and black smith shop; the second for the machin ery, and the third fpr storing moldings and building stock. . i The Waucoma Manufacturing com pany is prepared to turn out all kinds of work in the shape of doors, casings, window sashes, moldings, ornaments, trimmings, etc., in fact anything in the building line to be manufactured by machinery. Last week the company built a cabin for Captain Bagley's steam tug, Maja, and also one for the gasoline launch of the Hood River-White Salmon ferry. At present the sash and door de partment is busy making doors for Tru man Butler's new residence. These doors are being manufactured from Cal ifornia red wood. The interior of Mr. Butler's house will be all natural wood finish. The machinery on the second floor consists of a band saw, turning lathe, tenanter, ehaper, sticker, servicer, 2 cui-on saws, rip saw, sasn sucaer, cor ing machine, sand papering machine. Fire hose are placed on e cn floor, and with a 75-pound pressure an effective stream of water can be turned on any part of the building, the company fur nishes employment to from four to six men a day. Charley Shuta is chief en gineer for the company. The Tucker Power Company. "The Tucker Power company expect to have their sawmill in operation with in the next ten days," said Charles A. linker, last Saturday. "The company will first make lumber for a mill shed, and will then get things in shape for building the 20-foot flume for the electric power house. This flume will be 2,01)0 feet Ions and will hnve a 35-foot fall. It will furnish at least 1,000 horse power, which can easily be turned into a like amount of electric power. 1 he power house and genera tors will be built as soon as possible. A mill site has not yet been secured, and it is not known just when the proposed flouring mill can be put up. "There are 20,000 feet of aw logs at the mill now, continued Mr. Tucker "After sufficient lumber is cut at the present site the mill will be removed to the timbered localities on the hill, where it will be operated by electricity. O.W Long is general manager of the Tucker Power company, and George Lee the millwright. To Maintain 9th Grade. The special school meeting, called at the house last Friday afternoon at 2. o'clock, drew but a small attendance. The meeting was for the purpose of vot ing upon the Question of maintaining grades above the Hth in the Hood River public school. Chairman T. R. Coon railed the meeting to order. X. C. Evans immediately moved that district No. S make arrangements to maintain the Hth srade and the 10th if the school board found it necessary. S. D. Garner sec onded the motion, and the question being put it carried unaniously. There being no further business me meeting adjourned. Peter Henninesen of Mosier has bought the Schmidt prune dryer at that place, and is anxious to securu 400 tons of green prunes fordrjring purposes. He will pay $13 a ton for green prunes de livered at his dryer in Mosier. His prune dryer has a capacity of l tons ot prunes a day. Mr. Henningsen has been located at Hosier for the last ten years and is now one of the successful fruitgrowers of that prosperous little community. He owns 160 acres of land, a mile and three-quarters from the Mo sier station. He has also rented the McNeal place, and this fall will gather 30 or 40 tons of prunes. Mr. Henning sen raises but one variety of winter ap ples, the Red Cheek pippin, for which he has been able to realize each spring $1.25 a box. He expects to have some fine specimens of dried fruit for exhibi tion at our fruit fair this fall. John Leland Henderson is preparing an abstract of all the property in Hood River valley. He has been at work on this for the past six months, and when completed it will be a valuable compila tion lor tne people oi nooa itiver. Louis Henderson is at work now in the clerk's office at The Dalles copying the county records. Mr. Henderson's work will comprise a complete record oi an land transactions in Hood River valley from the time the original owners of the land obtained their deeds' from the gov ernment land office. II. C. Bateham, proprietor of the Columbia nursery, presented the Glacier compositorial force with some fine sam ples of choice summer apples, Wednes day afternoon. The apples were chiefly of the Whitney Crab variety, a very choice eating apple and also an excel lent jelly-maker. lnis variety, Mr. Bateham says, grows upright, and is a very prolific bearer. Some large Red Beitigheimers were in the lot. Mr. Bateham will have some extra fine specimens of this variety for exhibition at our fruit fair this fall. Guests the last week at "The Firs": Mr and Mrs Alfred Holman, child and nurse, Portland; Mr and Mrs W M Ladd, family and nurse, i'ortland ; Miss Bessie Merriam, Brooklyn, N Y; Mrs John Crane, Portland ; Mrs L H Adams, Portland ; Miss M Taylor, Little Rapids, Mich; M S ferry, Ban Francisco; V Chevesich, San Francisco ; O H Freys chlag, Kansas City ; L Lead better, Ca- mos, Wyoming; Irving Langunner, is ew York ; Miss Stella Wilmot, Cheyenne ; W M Chase, Cheyenne. Albert McKamey of Mount Hood was in town Saturday. On his way down he met a rattler in the road. He got on his horse to kill the snake, but it got into the brush. He spent an hour, and had to call on one of J. P. Hillstrom's boys to assist him, before he found his ikeshin and killed him. The snake was a big one, with ten rattles and a button. All those who expect to attend the Hood River school this winter and who would like to do 10th-grade work should notify Professor Thompson at once. Three or four students have signified their Intention to take lOth-grade work, and if a few more pupils can be obtained the board of directors will arrange to have this advanced work taught. Some one stole an ice cream packer from the rear of Ernest Jensen's confec tionery store. Mr. Jensen says he didn't care so much for the loss of the ice cream, but he would like to have the packer returned. If this is not done soon, he will institute means for gaining possession of the same. Dr. Thomas Condon of Eugene and his daughter, Mrs. H. F. McCornack, after a visit with Seymour Condon and family at white Salmon, returned to I'ortland by boat, Wednesday morning. They spent Tuesday in Hood River, and visited with the family of S. F. Blythe. George T. Prather was at The Dalles the first part of the week, attending the tax sale. Mr. Prather made purchase of a number of lots in the Hood River nark addition, near the Odell school house. Ex-County Surveyor J. B. Goit also bought some of these lots. Lafe Little sold his 20 acres at Willow Flat to the Davidson Fruit company ; consideration, $675. He paid $40 for the same piece a year ago last February. He will leave next week for Toppnish, Wash., but expects to return in the near future to Hood River. There will be no services at the Con gregational church next Sunday except- church has given its pastor, Rev. J. L. Mersbner, a month s vacation, ser vices will be resumed the first Sunday of September. ; ' Hon. J. W. Morton cleared $500 over and above all expense! this year on 2 acres of strawberries. Estimating that farming land should produce 10 per cent profit, this would make Mr. Morton's strawberry land worth $2,000 an acre. The Lase-Harbison thresher began threshing for Hans Lang, Tuesday. Aboutouu bushels of grain were threshed that day, it being chiefly wheat and oats. The yields are not very heavy, about 20 bushels of wheat to the acre and 30 bushels of oats. O. L. Stranahan made sale last week of a corner lot opposite the Mooney res idence to James Farley of Cowlitz, Wash.; consideration, $175. Mr. tar ley will at once erect a building and open a dry goods store. Judge L. Henry and wife and Mrs. Fred Howe and children returned Mon day from a two weeks' outing at Maple Dell. The Judge caught 200 fish while on the trip. He says the fishing was not very good this year. Ralph Savage, who accompanied Tom Calkins and party to the Little White Salmon last week, returned Monday. He reports good fishing, and says there is plenty of big game to be had in the mountains. Friday & Barnes sold this week the Donahoe place at Belmont to A. O. Lindisof Perry, Oregon; consideration, $3,300. Mr. Li ml is will move here with his family about October 1. Rev. Mac H. Wallace, pastor of the First Congregational church, Eugene, made a business trip to Hood River, Tuesday, returning to Portlaud by boat, Wednesday morning. Rev. J. W. Crawford, pastor of the Christian church at Heppner, arrived in Hood River, Monday, lie visited tor a few days with Simpson Copple and fam ily on the East Side. Misses Olive and Flossie Phelps of Hood River and Mies Etta Harris of Manor, Wash., are taking a course .of instructions at the Standard Dress-Cutting school. Miss Nellie Clark has charge of Mrs. Baldwin's ice cream parlors during Miss Cramer's absence at The Dalles, where she has gone to take teacher's examina tion. Professor J. T. Neff, who has been an instructor in the Holmes business col lege for the past two months, with Mrs. Neff, returned home last night. Chron icle. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Tavlor went to Portland Wednesday morning for a few dfcys' visit with Mr. and Mrs. George Kifher. J. S. Booth is at Mount Hood in camp with his mother and his sister-in-law, Mrs. L. Booth and children of The Dalles. William Ellison is night operator at Mosier. The Glacier man, junior, was at White Salmon, Sunday afternoon. While there he enjoyed a visit to the Jewett cottage. Mr. and Mrs. A.' H. Jewett were early residents of White Salmon, and selected as a building site a most beautiful location. With a little artifi cial aid they have converted an old In dian camping ground into the prettiest home-place on the Columbia river. The rugged beauty and picturesqueness of the scenery to be viewed from the Jew ett home is equal to the noted scenes of Switzerland. The Jewett cottage is a favorite summer resort for Portland peo ple, and large numbers of them spend their vacation with Mrs. Jewett each year. Mrs. Jewett made no effort this year to secure summer boarders, but the Portlanders were only too anxious to come. She has 18 guests at present, with accommodations for 40. The Hood River Electric Light com pany has moved its office and salesroom into the Bone Bros. warehouse, the ac commodations in the old quarters being too cramped. This week the company is putting in lights for the following res idents on the hill i H.C. Stranahan, H. H. Bailey, N. C. Evans, II. J. Hibbard, D. E. Rand. The stores of J. H. Gill, H. M. Abbott and Carmichael Bros, are also being wired, while an arc light is being hung over the street in front of the stores. The compauy is now using- two transmitting wires from the power house, and when necessary it can put on a third wire. Captain Jack Bagley of the steam tug Maja took a party of excursionists to The Dalles, Sunday. All who went re port a pleasant time, and appreciated the hospitality of genial Captain Jack. A stop of four hours was made in The Dalles, the party leaving there at 4:30 aud getting here at 6 o'clock, after hav ing made a shorp stop at Lyle. The Maja is a well-built little tug, and has a carrying capacity of 25 passengers. Cap tain Bagley is busy these days towing piling from the W hite Salmon to the railroad camp at Lyle. Contractor Richardson has completed a neat cottage for .Charles Jacobson, who .ecently purchased 20 acres of the Galligan place near Belmont. Mr. Ja cobson expects to move here with his family faom Perry, Oregon, about Octo ber 1. G. D. Eatinger harvested 1,900 crates of strawberries on 14 acres on the Butts place. He gave no one-half of the crop for rent of the land. Next year he will farm his own place, he having purchased J. R. Nickelsen's 37 acres at Belmont Rudolph Andrews of Wisconsin is vis iting J. H. Gill. Mr. Andrews was a business partner of Mr. Gill's back in Wisconsin, and his unannounced visit to Oregon was a pleasant surprise to Mr. Gill. Miss Una Wilson of Dufur returned home Tuesday, after a two weeks' vieit with Miss Vera Jackson. Miss Wilson and Miss Jackson are classmates at Pacific university, Forest Grove. Mrs. S. A. Btthb and two children of Howell county, Missouri, arrived last Wednesday with the intention of locat ing in Hood River. Mrs. Bubb is the mother of Frank Gregory. Miss Ethel Tassel of Laramour, N. D., has resigned her position' as teacher in the Hood River public school. The board of directors, fmve offered the posi tion to Miss Grace Earl. C. L. Gilbert, county superintendent of public instruction, left Monday for The Dalles to arrange for the county teachers' examination, being held in that city this week Oleta Assembly, No. 103, of the United Artisans, enjoyed a pleasant evening, Wednesday night, at the hospitable home of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Miller at Frankton. The ladies of Canby post, W. R. C., will serve ice cream at the old Rand store building, Saturday afternoon, from 2 o'clock until dark, if the ice cream lasts. A forest fire raged in the foothills of Mount Defiance last week, west of the Idleman place, but was got under con trol without doing a great deal of dam age. Mrs. C. H. Stranahan and daughter Ida left last Thursday for a visit with friends and relatives in Portland. Mr. Stranahan went down the next day. The protracted hot spell began to mouerate Monday when a west wind sprang up, which by Tuesday morning made things cool and comfortable. The entertainment and dance at Un derwood, Saturday night, nettted some- tiling between 140 and 150 for the ben- efit of the public school fund. Monday night was the date set for an adjourned meeting of the city council, uui ii was impossible to secure a quo rum, and no meeting was held. Mr. and Mrs. Guv Wilber of Wvn Nebraska, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Shoemakes, returned uome, aionuay. The threshing outfit of Harbison Lage & Hinrichs of the East Side beean operations Tuesday, commencing at H. LiHge s. Dr. Eliot and family, accoiunanind by Ralph Savage, will leave the latter part of the week for an outing at Lost lake. Lindsley Hall of Portland, who lias been Miss Teal's guest for the past three weeks, returned home last week Thurs day. Dr. and Mrs. Guisendorfer of The Dalles visited in Hood River, Monday, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Cram. Miss Veronique Marsant of Olvmnia arrived in Hood River, Saturday, on a short visit to her sister, Mrs. Harrell. , E. P. Tobin, representing the Pacific Paper comnanv of Portland wo taking orders in Ilood River, Monday. Miss Mabel Carter, who visited two weeks in Portland, returned to her hnm on the East Side last week. Abe Foley is on the Little White Sal mon doing team work for the Washing ton Lumber company. Mrs. Perry McCrory and daughter will start today, Thursday, to join Mr. McCrory at Kalispel, Montana. The Gabriel sisters, Lona and Ethel, are employed in the dining room of the Umatilla house, The Dalles. G. W. Prather visited The Dalles, Sunday, returning Tuesday morning on the steamer Tahoma. Mrs. John Cran of Portland passed through Hood River, Friday, on her way to Cloud Cap Inn. Mrs. McCuenof Portland visited last week with Mrs. Henry Martin, in the Crapper district. Mrs. James Kiser, who has been very ill for several weeks, is reported to be improving. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Barnes leave to day for an outing on the beach at New port, George Stranahan left last Friday for a visit of two weeks at San Francisco. George Slocnm left Monday for a visit with Portland friends. Rarph Shelley visited The Dalles sev eral days last week. Mrs. ryton S. Davidson has returned from Flavel. Elmer Rand and wife left Tuesday for the coast. House Building: and Home Furnishing. AN INTERESTING LOT OF CONDENSED FACTS. Material Department. Begin ning with the foundation, we furnish only the best of its kind at lowest mar ket prices Sttnd, Lime, Cement, Hair, Lath, Shingles, Brick. Sewe- Pipe and Drain Tile. Doors, Windows, Moldings, Brackets and Columns, Newels & Pilasters. Our Front Doors are gems of art. Our agen cy is exclusive and enables us to meet every price and furnish the highest pos sible grade of material. Builders' Hard ware.Direct factory shipments of latest designs places this stock at your command below usual cost, with an endless variety to select from. Nailj), Brads, Tacks and all specialties are sold right. Mechanics' Tools. This new de partment is being enlarged daily. Our aim will be to furnish the latest and best. Paints, Oils and Glass This department iscomplete. The purest and best in Lead, Colors.Ready Mixed Puint, Varnish, Hard Oil, Filler, Enamel, Roof Paint, Fire Proof Asbestos Paint, Carbo lineum, Bath-tub Enamel, Linoleum Varnish. Brushes from 5c to $5 each. Lubricating Oils A good thing for rough machinery at 30c per gallon. Our line iscompletein Castor Machine, Neatsfoot, Engine, Cylender and Black Oils, Sewing Machine and Bicycle Oils. Furniture and Furnishing. Something new every day a live, moving stock of all kinds of Furniture," Carpets, Linoleums, Oil Cloth, Matting, Shades, Couches, Pillows. We do appreciate your help in building this business up to its present standard, and in return shall devote our whole time and effort to its con tinued growth. Buying as we do in the strongest competitive markets for cash, we place before you the newest and best at low cost. WE M. STEWART, The Home Furnisher. PARK AND WASHINGTON, PORTLAND, OREGON The school where thorough work is done; where the reason i always given; where confidence is developed; where bookkeepin. is taught exactly as books are kept in business ; where shorthand i made easy ; where penmanship is at its best ; where hundreds bookkeepers and stenographers have been educated for success ii life; where thousands more will be. Open all the year. Catalogue free. A. P. ARMSTRONG, LL. ., PRINCIPAL McKee's Business College AND School of Correspondence. Now in its 23d Year. Every teacher an expert in his special course. Our courses cover the entire range of business operation. Complete business course, time unlimited, by mail $25 00 Complete shorthand course, six months, by mail 15 00 Complete civil service course, six months, by mail 15 00 Complete English course, six months, by mail 15 00 Complete select studies, six months, by mail 15 00 These courses are especially designed for those who have not the time nor means to attend college, and especially for those who have been deprived of a common school education. The greatest care is given to each individual student. Di plomas awarded graduates. Bend for particulars and state the course you want. J. B. McKEE, Proprietor. Aueibach building, SALT LAKE CITY, Utah. University EUGENE, The first semester, session 1902-3, opens Wednesday, September 17. The following schools and colleges are comprised in the University: Graduate School College of Literature, Science and Arts College of Science and Engin eeringUniversity Academy School of Music School of Medicine School of Law. Tuition free, excepting in Schools of Law, Medicine and Music. Inci dental fee $10 ; Student Body tax, $2.50 per year. Cost of living from $100 to $200 per year. For catalogue, address, Registrar of the University, Eugene, Oregon. Philomath College Affords excellent opportunities for a youth of moderate means to ob tain an education. It is a first grade institution, with the advantage of GOOD MORAL INFLUENCES. No institution in Oregon has a larger per cent of graduates in prom inent positions as teachers. For information send for latest cata logue. Address, PRESIDENT B. E. EMER1CK. Philomath, Oregon. City Blacksmith Shop. J. R. NICKELSEN, Proprietor. General Blacksmithing and Wagon Repairing, carries in stock a full line of Blacksmith and Wagon Makers' supplies, Wheels, Axles, Poles, Shares, etc., etc. Agency for Syracuse Farm Implements. T. C. DALLAS, The City Tinker & Plumber, Headquarters Fourth and Oak Streets. I SCREAM When yon can buy Ice Cream from JEXSEX just as good as any Port land .cream, and at the same rates you pay for the Portland article. Why shouldn't you buy it here? Why Shouldn't You? The Prather Investment Co., The Reliable Heal Estate Agents. HOOD RIVER. OREGON. itetracts.CaFPEi.llsiEffls.IisytoLoaii.Iismcs. Lots and Blocks for Sale. Taxes paid for non-residents. Township Plats and Blanks in stock. Telephone 51. Correspondence solicited. Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show THE DALLES, OR., MONDAY, AUGUST, 25. 1902. For the above occasion the O. R. & X. company a ill wll tickets, from Hood Kiver to The Dalles and return, at the rate of U5c for the round trip. Tickets on sale August 25, with return limit, August 15. A. X. HOAR, Agent- Nothing adds so much to the beauty of a home as the small decorations. Af ter June 15th we will put on sale at sur prisingly low cost a complete lineofPor tiers, Rugs, ConchCovers, Pillow Covers, Rods and Fittings, Jardenier Stands, In dian Stools, Tahourettcs, Mirror and Hat Racks, etc. It will be our aim to make our Furniture and Decorative depart ments so complete and so constantly re plenished with newest productions that you will call often. If only to inspect, you arp always welcome. Specialty Department covers everything else you might need to make the home a thing of beauty and comfort. Screen Doors, Adjustable Window Screens, Poultry Netting, Screen Wire Cloth, Carpet Sweepers, Carpet Stretch ers, Feather Dusters, Tueks& Hammers. Mattresses, every style, from $2 to $20. Our Elastic Felt at $13 is a prize. Sewing Machines. The days of high prices are over; $18 buys a good machine; $27 to $30gets a full ball-bearing machine and a guarantee for 5 years. In LAWN MOWERS we do not carry toys but the best ball-bearing, warranted. Washing Machines The right kind at correct prices. Paper Sand Paper, Grey Sizing Tints, Dendenning Felts Carpet Lin ing, Tarred Felt. Picture Framing, Furniture repaired. A select line of Framed Pictures. Tents, Awnings and Wagon Covers. of Oregon, OREGON. SPIRITUAL WEDDING. BuBoat W44w at Willi ar mm k wf wUt a fcoatlr BtMt Detroit, Mick., has bean Tatty stirred up in spiritualistic circle by the recent solemnization of wedding ceremony which ia out of the most re markable and unique of modern time. It wm the marriage of Mrs. Sarah Wil liams, a middle-aged and attractive widow, to the spirit of Theodore Com stock, m Michigan miller, who has been dead a number of year. The courtship and wedding has ben conducted under the direction of a band of guardian spirits numbering ten, and the cere mony wot performed at the tarn time jrjeT irrxEi rnm csrbhont. in the spirit world, the dutieeof a elr gyman being assumed by the spirit ot a Mrs. Wilson who. officiated through, the organism of a medium, she eon ducting the ceremony at a minis let) would, only in different word. Mr. Comttoc: is now engaged in thai work of materialization and trumpet bearing around the 'room- and ringing hymns by a concentration of spirit forces. '. "Nearer, My God", to Thee," we sun; at the ceremony, while the medium was entranced. Mr. Comstock war an Englishman by birth, and a chemist, and his spirit bride says that this if why he is a fine subject for materiali zation, chemist being particularly susceptible to that work through good mediums. The band of spirits that guard the bride have taken Mr. Com stock in and will form a spirit lodge controlling the movements of the new. ly wedded pair, iln her picture) Mr, Comstock wears her bridal gown. LIVES IN A HENHOUSE. Haabaa alt HU Home He Wu lMM tr MM of WkUkr tlMk, . - " " "W A correspondent of tat Chic. go la. ter Ocean write' that William H. Pugsley, a contractor of Mount Ver non, N. T., had hie sitter-in-law, Mr. Allie Brown, in the police court the other morning on. the charge of dis orderly conduct and trespassing. The trouble .. began Thanksgiving day, when Mrs. Brown, who is Mrs. Pugsley'i younger sister, came to live with the Pugsley'. A few days later Pugsley, who it a prohibitionist, de clare that be came home and found a half empty whisky flask on the table. That night Pugsley went to sleep in the chickn-coop and has since made it hi home, leaving his bouse to hi wife and sister. He cooked his meals, mad hi bed, and lived, like a hermit in Use ORDBRBD BBR OFT. coop. Then the contractor hired a boy to do the cooking. Monday Mrs. Brown went to the chicken-coop and began to order the boy about. Pugsley ordered her off the premises. When she refused to go he hastened to the police court and ob tained a summon for her appearance. Pugsley interrupted the proceedings in court by Jumping to hit feet and pulling a ten-foot rope from hi pocket. "Say, judge," he said, "pleat hang me. I would rather die now than to think of intoxicating liquor being in my houte." Judge Bennet suspended sentence on Mr. Brown, after warning her to keep way from Pugsley' home. PUBtla; teed la Ea-a-aaella. A French gardener ha adopted a new idea with regard to the trans planting of small shrub. He set the teed in tome earth laid ia half an eggshell inttead of a little pot; the hell, which hat a small hole in it to permit of draining, I plaeed in a box of damp mold. When the time ar rive for transplanting all that need to be don i to lift out and break the thelL Where taiale Caaie Pi Eighty-five per cent, of the quinine product fit jkm KAlli WMl from a...... ft m HMh flesse. Photographer C. C. Harlan, of Eaton, Ch, can do so now, though for years he couldn't, because he euffered untold agony from the worst from of indigest ion. All physicians and medicines failed to help him till be tried Electric Bitters, which worked such wonder for him that be declares they are godsend to sufferer from dyspepsia and stomach trouble. Unrivaled for disease of the stomach, liver and kidnevs, they baild up and give new life to the whole sys tem. Try them. Only 60c Guaranteed, by Chaa. X. Clarke, druggist. For sale cheep and on easy term, one set Encyclopedia Brittanica. D. McDoxald. HE TOOK THE CHEESE. A Terrier Taat Wat tutpoeed to Be a ' Ratter, Bat Proved a DU kpnolatmea. "Willi Sweatnam," taid a friend of that comedian, relatet the New York Sun, "ha an exceedingly fine-bred fox terrier. She has great fame at a rat ter. She had a litter of puppiet, the father of which wat also of royal pedi gree and of fame at a ratter as great as that of their mother, to that when Willi gave me one of the puppiea, a beautiful little ehap, all nerve and blood, I wa proud. " 'I would hat to be a rat anywhere in thi neighborhood.'eaid I, 'when thia pedigreed pup get a few month more age on him.' "The pup grew and thrived. He wa the handsomest dog of hit kind one ever saw rettlesi, eager and evident ly impatient to get among a lot of rati somewhere and chew them up. "I wat equally eager for him tohave the opportunity, but there were no rat at our house, and I couldn't hear of any among the neighbors, all of whom were alive with interest in my pup and anxious to aid him in filling what all believed was his impatient yearning for rats. At last, one day one of tbete neighbor tent me the glad tidings that he had trapped a rat on hit premises a great, big, gray fel lowand told me to fetch out the pup and let him work off at least a little of hit pent-up longing by taking a whack at thi big rat. "I wa delighted, and yet sorry that there wa only one rat for my pup to tackle. The newt quickly spread that my pup was going to have a chance at lait to kill a rat, and when I took him out to meet ray neighbor with the rat everybody was there to see. "The rat was in a wire cage along with the big piece of cheese that had lured him to his pending ruin. The neighbor who had trapped him tet the trap on the ground. The dog dashed at it, and his eagerness to get inito it just about tiekled our spectators all but be yond holding themselves. " 'He's the stuff!' was the unanimous and delighted comment on his manifes tations of impatience to get to work. 'Too bad there ain't a dozen or two of them big rats for him to get rid of tome of his enthusiasm on.' "AH this time the dog was trying to get iiirto the trap, he wa to eager, and the rat had crouched down in terror at sight of him. " 'He eeee his finish, that rat does, sure enough,' cried the spectators. 'It'll be just a map and a crunch, and 11 over. The neighbor who had trapped the rat wa to excHed that he fumbled and fumbled at the trap and couldn't get it open. I took it, opened it, and turned it up to thake the rat out. The dog danced about quivering in nervout ex pectancy. "'Stand back!' said the tpectators. 'Give the little dandy room!' "They ttood back. I shook the trap. Out tumbled the rat and the big piece of cheese. "The eager pup sprang forward. There wa a nap and a grab, and the pup' teeth fattened on to the big piece of cheese, and a way he went with it for home a fast as his lege could carry him. ! "The frightened rat gazed after him a moment, and then scurried back to the houte of the neighbor who had trapped it, and it there yet, I guest. There wasn't much taid among the pectatort for awhile, but they looked at one another, and at latt one said: " 'Too bad there wasn't a dozen oro of rat inttead of only jutt one. The pup might have got morecheeeel "Then we all went home. And the relation between me and that dog of high degree have been strained ever inc." POOR ENGLISH NOBLEMEN. Maar THled Oeatrr kt Are PuUt to AMead the Core aatioa of ta Klaar. It mutt be bornj in mind that the peerage of England are not, cumula tively speaking, a wealthy body. A goodly throng of them are extremely poor men. All over Great Britain and Ireland are scattered earls, vitcounU, baron, who will feel themselvei "tum moned" to the coronation, who pride themtelvet on "dating back" either to William the Conqueror or the still more ancient Saxon kings, and yet whose incomes are in tome citct even less than $5,000 or $6,000 a year. Thia is the pathetic tide of the grand na tional demonstration, sayt Woman's Home Companion. We American think of it as a gathering of commingled birth and wealth. Butin reality it will be nothing of the sort. It will be a pomp and splendor masking in the main much ardent and pitiful it niggle. Heart-burnings innumerable will traolder unseen during the enactment of thit demonstration. The tmart set nd the landed noblemen who choote rarely to come up to town, yet who own lordly halls in the country, with troopt of servanti and well-filled stable these will treat the whole glit tering manifestation with an eaty at titude of deference. But thete will be mere comparative handful, and hottt of their equal in "birth" and rank will suffer torments of the molt pinching economy to achieve what they carelettly and jauntily carry off. KiBr Kwtrl Leree Peas). No ruler in the world can lurpaia the tplendor of Edward VII.' public appearance. By thia time Londoner are familiar with the magnificence of the itate opening of parliament aad the brilliance of the leveet held by the king. Twice hi majesty ha opeaed parliament in peraon and twice k ha held levee at St, Jtmet' palace. Thete latter function afford a peo taele the brilliance and attraction of which could scarcely be excelled. Chicago Chronicle. Just Look At Her. Whence came that sprightly step, faultless skin, rich, rosy coin pie i ion, smiling face. She looks good, feel good. Here's her secret. Phe use Dr. King' New Life pills. Result all organs active, digestion good, no head aches, no chance for "blues." Try them yourself. Only 25c at Cha. X. Clarke's. The Washington Lumber Co., the new saw-milling concern at Chenowith, have their building nearly constructed and will begin sawing the first of the week. It i located on the old Mill B cite. Stevenson Pioneer.