3food Iiver Slacier FRIDAY, AUGUST 8, 1002. O. R. & N. TIME TABLE. East bound No. 2, Chicago Special. 11:25 a. in. No. 4, Spokane Klyer. 8.-10 p. m. No. 0, Mail and Express, 11:22 p. m. West IjoiiikI No. ), Portland Sneclal, 2:05 p. m. . No. I), I'orlliind Klyer, 4::K)a. m. . No. 5, Mull ami Kxpress, iyA2 a. in, IJRinP LOCAL MATTERS. Ice for sale at Jensen's, Culing wire at Savage's. Bee supplies at Savage's. ' f I-and plaster at Burtmess'; Royal fruit jars at Savage's. Spray pumps and nozzles at Savage's. Feifer's Union 5c cigar at W.B. Cole's. Money to loan on real estate. A. A.Jayne Write your insurance with Friday & Barnes. . , See our bargain sale of shoes. Bone & McDonald. No. 1 baled hay for sale at the Transfer & Livery Co. Savage's for camp stoves and campers' outlits. List your property with Friday & Barnes. Found A black silk scarf, and left at this office. Bartmeas is closing out his stock of wall paper. . - Tin fruit -cans SOo a dozen, at E. E, Bavnge'a. Sons. :. ' The best 5c smoke in town Feifer's Union, at VV. B. Cole's. Pressed cedar fence posts at the Wau coma Mfg. Co's.factory. For Rent the Langille store building. Inquire, phone No. 151. - Order your extras for your Osborne machinery at Bone & McDonald's. Lost A golf cape. Finder will please leave the same at this oflice. For Sale or trade for hay, fresh Jersey cow. ADoott & Do. Kodak for sale at a bargain at the Glacier olhce. . Broken lota of shoes at lees than half price. Bone & McDonald. t E. E. Savage's sons have electric bells for sale that come nil ready set up. Lowney's chocolate creams and bon bons at Cole & Wright's. Try them. Window screens and doors, just what you need in lly time, at savage s. Girl wanted for general house work. Apply to Mrs. Geo. Nicolai.at Nicolai. Swetland's ice cream served every day at Cole V right s. 20 acres of good apple land 1 miles from town ; price fSUO. Inquire of Fri day & names. W..W. Treat has on hand the best ap proved rural pout box, which he is sell ing for f 1.25 each. 1 logs of the finest breeds in the coun try, from five dollrrs up, for sale on Paradise farm, i mile west of the P. O. F. W. Clarke, practical jeweler and optician ; all kinds of repairing neatly, quickly and cheaply done at the Glacier l'liarmacy. Wanted A man with team and log giiiK Mittit to haul logs to Tucker mill. Call on II. C. Crockett. ' If you want to file on timber land homesteads, call on George T. l'rather, U. S. commissioner, district of Oregon. A package of drygoods, brought to this oltice some time ago, belongs to the finder. If you are about to build it will pay you to call on E. E. Savage's Sons. We have a full line of builders' hardware and our prices are right Two hundred to $5,000 to loan on real ewtate. If your security is good your money is ready, l'rather Investment Company. Now is the time to apply fertilizer to your strawberry field to improve the quality and increasethequantityof next season's crop. See the Davidson Fruit company. ' INSURANCE very important. If you want to carry the best farm policy, written at the small cost of only a few cents a week, call on Driggs,Culbortson & Co. CAN YOU READ THIS? If you can't, your eyes need attention. Call on F. W. Clarke, the jeweler and op tician, lie can fit you out. At the Glacier Pharmacy. G 10 acres, fine ranch property, water in abundance, 45 acres under cultivation, large house and ham, 4 miles from town, at less than 25 per acre. For sale by Driggs, Culbertson & Co. W. 8. Gribble, of the Booth & Gribhle store at Mount Hood, was in town, Monday. Mis Susie Mohr, after a two weeks, visit in Portland, returned to The Dalles last Friday. Harrv Gregory will have charge of the N. W. M. Go's ware house at Moro, during the grain season. Thomas Laoey nnd family and Mrs. Eliza Bil'.en moved up from Yiento hint week, and will now live on their East Side ranch. Harold and Leila Hershner left last week for Monmouth, Polk Co, where they will visit relatives until the open ing of school in September. Friday & Barnes sold 10 acres last week of the L. N. Blowers' place at Bel mont to Mrs. Jennie Jones of Tyith Ridge; consideration, $1,500. Mrs. Jones will move on to the place in a short time. P. N. Skinner, of Springbrook, Yam hill eountv, is visiting G. A. Thomas of White Sainton. Mr. HI; inner is au ex tensive fruit grower in t he fuiiMms "Old Yamhill" country, and is here to see what Hood River is like. S. C. Jackson wont to St. Martin Springs Saturday. He will be engaged for some time in papering the hotel St. Martin. During his absence orders for picture framini: can be left with II. M. Abbott, and they w ill be attended to by Mr. Stone. Miss llatt;e Belle Ilaekett, daughter of Captain Ilaekett of Hood River came up from Portland Saturday and is spending a two weeks' vacation visiting Mrs. George A. McCtirdy. Miss Hackett is emploved in the central office of the Oregon Telephone company at Portland.- Roswell Siielley has leased ground of the Odell school district and is erecting a store butjding on the road by the school house, where be will open out with a stock of general merchandise in a few davs. Mr. Iwis was formerly register of the land office at Sitks, Alas ka. He was for 10 years a merchant in the Willamette valley. Hon. E. L. Smith, president of the state lioaid of horticulture, recently is sued Sprav Bulletin No 2. .The bulletin contain all the latest spray formulas for preparing insecticide and fungicides, and has a spray calendar, giving the time and application for using the syrays on all kiiSls of fruit pests and diseases. It is a valuable compilation, and should be in the b inds o! all t-rogressivc fruit growers. Copies of the same have been rfi at the Glacier office for free distri bution. 9 Alfred Ingalls made sale last week of tlie south 40 acres of his place, 3 mile southwest of town, to John H.Gibson and Samuel Holeomb of Portland; corn-id jrat'o.1, tl.CMK). The land is un cultivated and contains $KK or friOO wor:h of standing timber, Messrs. Gib son aim noicomb will as soon as possi ble clear me html and set the same to strawberries and anulu. Mr. Inuallswi immediately ejash five acres of the land and get things ready for the grubbing machine. This loaves Mr. Ingalls 24 acres of his original 80 acres which he bought when be first came to Hood River 27 years ago. Little Eleanor Potter Davidson is coin fined in the Good Samaritan, Portland With tvnhoid fever. The little our hnrl been ill for some time, and her grand mother, Mrs. Potter took her to the oast, wh re Mrj Potter's daughter. Mrs. FranK McFarland was staying, but the ctuid grew g eali-y n one and was finally taKcn to rortiana. iiie doctor in cliarge thinks the chances are favorable for the child's recovery. Her mother. Edith Potter Davidson, died at the same hos pital two years ago. liny. Edward E. Paddock, founder and president of the industrial school at eiser, ldado, was in Hood River first of the week, visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Calkins. Mr. Paddock is a cousin of E. D. Calkins. The institution over which he presides has 45 students. It is a school where boys and girls can work their way through college. Mr. Paddock gained his education at Oberlin by working with a buck saw. Monday night was the regular meet ing for the common council, but a work ing quorum not being present, adjourn ment was taken until Tuesday night when a less number was present. A clause in the city charter specifies that absence from two consecutive regular meetings without a good excuse makes a councilman liable to expulsion. Sanford Peugh of Mount Moriah, Mo., son of 11. Peugh, and formerly a resi dent of Sherman county, has been visit ing his parents in Hood River. He piloted a party of tourists from his home town in Missouri, who bought round trip tickets. The following were in the party: John Doubraskey, Mon roe Hall, Elisha Williams, Mady Mc Querry, Grant Price, William Lewis, N. M. Stoughton and wife. A. P. Bateham came down Sunday from the Davidson Fruit company's ranch at Willow Flat. Mr. Bateham says the colony of Japanese is giving good satisfaction clearing brush land, anil that the little fellows are profitable men to hire. The Davidson Fruit company expect to set 30 or 40 acres to strawber ries this fall. The mother of C. B. Atterbury, who has been here on a visit for the past six weeks returned to her home at Oakland, Cal., Monday. Miss Nola Atterbury accompanied her and will remain witn her grandmother in Oakland and finish her education. Mrs C. B. Atterbury went with them as far as Portland. Jack Binns and family and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dearborn spent three days in camp at Cloud Cap Inn, and two days at the bridge, week before last. They took with them half a crate of strawber ries, which were good as long as they lasted, four days after leaving home. In another column will be found an ad of the Portland Business college. The many Hood River young people who liave taken work under Professor A. P. Armstrong can testify as to the good merits of this institution. Miss Mary Frazier is at Wasco, visit ing her si. -tor, Mrs. George Porter. She expectsto spend acoupleof weeksinHood River with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Frazier, before returning to her school work at Portland. , , The oldest straw berry picker in the valley this season was William Cornett, who was camped with tho family of his son-in-law, W. L. Barker, near J. J. Jordan's place, Mr. Cornett, who is 81 years old, picked berries for Mr. Jordan, Mrs. Ben Campbell of Chicago ar rived in Hood River, Monday morning, on a short visit to her children who are staying at Mrs. Alma Howe's. She was accompanied by her eldest son, Hamil ton, ot Spokane. Mrs. L, C. Taylor of Salt Lake is visit ing her old friend Mrs. C.B. Atterbury. Mrs. Taylor has toured the Pacific coast and found no place she likes better than Hood River. She expects to make this her home. Ed N. Kitchen, recently from Mount Pleasant, Iowa, has taken a contract to clear 10 acres for Jack Binns. He gets ten acres of land for clearing the same, and has three years in which to complete the work. Elias Barker, an employs at tho Dav venport mills, while chopping with a hatchet, Tuesday morning, cut open the index finger of his left hand. The finger may be saved but will always be stiff. Mrs. A. H. Holnian and little daugh ter came up last Saturday from Portland for the benefit of the health of her little -girl, who is just getting over a siege of whooping cough. " Charles Richter returned Saturday from Saint Martin springs, where he has been trying to rid himself of rheu matism. He is some better, though not entirely well. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Staten accom panied by Colonel and Mrs. Harry Haine8of Forest Grove, left Wednes day morning for an outing at Cloud Cap Inn. Miss Isabel Jakwav, after a two weeks' visit with the family of S. F. Blytbe, re turned Monday to her home in Portland. Miss Clara Blythe accompanied her. Louis Henderson returned Monday evening from Maple Dell on his bicycle, making the trip in an hour and 35 min utes, a distance of 15 miles. Jack Luckey brought to the Glacier office last week an eight-foot stalk of as paragus, grn .v:i volunteer on his mead ow land at Mosier. Miss Georgia Anderson and Miss Blanche Lane returned from Portland last week where they have been visiting their sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Charles N. Clarke started Sunday for Trout Lake, where they will lie in camp for a couple of weeks. F. L. Wilson and family, from Port land, are camped near Milton Sunder land's place. They are hero for health. M. V. Rand is having his Sher man street residence plastered and reno vated, Joseph Fra.ier,sr.,doing the work. Miss Grace II ibson returned to The Dalles last Saturday evening, aftera two weeks' visit with Miss Clara Blythe. Johnnie Connell is assisting in Wil liams' drug store during the absence of the proprietor at Lost hike. Judge and Mrs. L. Henry and Fred Howe and family went into camp at Maple Dell last week. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Williams and Mr. and Mrs. X. W. Bono went to I-ost lake Sunday. Louis Baldwin came down from Mount Homl Saturday, on Lis wheel, returning Sunday. Mrs. II. Pugh has been in poor health of late and is not much better. E. D. Calkins is doing the harness work for the A. K. Fuller company. i Jlrs. 1 red Howe and ilangf.ters are- I enjoying an outing tit the falls. Mh M I ll tr ou my 'nrow ne 'J ( x!v firt light of scrutiny ,"! on the ' t -V J LONGLEY. LOW & ALEXANDER f Line of Hati i 1 and never find them wanting. It you care for t hat whose material it fadeless, whose shape is faultless, whose stitching is ripless and doesn't grow dingy, come in and look over these Longley, Low at Alexanders. They include the great "ELK" Brand goods. They're guaranteed. . They're modish. They're of long wear. They're honest hats at an honest price, LONGLEY. LOW t ALEXANDER Clove and Caps are excellent goods too. Comef . For the Ladies. We have those Chic Felts so popular for August. Also, the most popular midsummer styles in straw goods. t , - All summer millinery sacrificed to muke room for full stock. ' . A very pretty line of Children's Caps just arrived. Baby Bon uets, 10c and up. We have a bargain for every one In the Hat line.' ' 1 "Yours for honest values, ,A ':.'": THE PEOPLE'S STORE. STORE Mid - Summer NOW IN. Laflies' We were conservative in buying, we bought the right styles, and not too many, but we have a few very fine, stylish waists left which we would rather you'd have and enjoy these warm days; w we're going to sell them for what they cost us in ten dozen lots. Better get you one. " SEE WINDOW1 DISPLAY. - Bargains in Underwear. Bargains in Summer Dress Goods. Bargains in Wash Bargains in Tinware. Shelf Oil Cloth, 7o yd; Sticky Fly Paper, lc sheet; Toilet . Paper, 86 , roll; Wax Strings for fruit cans, 8c doz; Brass Curtain Rods, 8c pair; Double Pointed Tacks, 4c pkg; 50 feet Tape Measure, 30o. Remember, we give trade tickets with each sale, and $2 worth of our ueaeis entities you to any or our large pieces ot Crockery your own selection. A COOL STORE V AND A COOL DRINK ALWAYS READY. THE LITTLE STORE FRANK A. CRAM -OF The Upto Wishes to announce to the parents of ' school children that. he has made SPECIAL preparation for the needs of the young folks in every line, and will be prepared to furnish you with reliable goods at more reasonable- prices than have ever been knowu in the history of Hood River. School Shoes, that we have sold for years; Boys and Girls' Stockings, such as give double wear; Boys' Clothing, Knee Pants of the double-seated kind that can be used as a toboggan without ill effect. Boys' Waists, Caps, Shirts, Underwear, etc.; Dress Goods for school girls, Fans, Head wear Jackets, etc. Summer Goods, Such as Straw Hats, Crash Suits, Canvas Shoes, men's silk front Shirts, Summer Corsets, odd linen of Underwear, Hosiery, etc., w ill he saerifleed without regard to original cost. , We have a few Shirt Waists left, and shall run them still at 33' off regular price. , . , , . , Crash Skirts Me, 49c, 63c; not tinny left Excellent Cotton Blankets, such as campers appreciate. 50enair. Trading Stamps Given with Every Sale. ' rnces marked lu plain figures. Respectfully, FRANK A. CRAM. P- S. This store will close promptly at 8 p. rh., except Satur days, on and after Monday, August 11, until further notice. Man Drowned. A telephone meesage from Portland this morning inquired after the partic ulars o! the drowning of a man named trench of Mount Tabor, in the White Salmon, Wednesday afternoon. In quiry about town gained nothing about the matter. Mica Edna. Miriie and Kellin Hirm. brant, Mrs. Joe Tooley and three chil dren and Tom Calkins started Thundav morning by team for a few davs' outinu on Little White Salmon. Miss Georgia Bonnev rnw over from Tygh Monday. Her nchool closed a nioutn ago. Legal Blanks. A fell linr of Legal Blacks in nteat Brad y i Kunk tr. J s& Jff ,'-1 NEWS. Special Sale PROGRESS, SMrt Waists at wiiolesale cost. Bargains in Hosiery. Bargains in Laces. Skirts. Bargains in Men's Shirts. bargains in Hardware. WITH LITTLE PRICES. Date Store For Sale or Exchange. On hunrtrea twr ptr mine, water riKhtff, one mO miners' Inches, mui one 576 minn' inches, on mile ditch, No 1 Honkins tiant, all Hum it, ri tiles and tools; 4 acres in garden, Irenrintf fruit trees. 2f hill of Krape and one-fourth aere Muldoun NtrHwlterrfe; double cabin and addition, itixO; lm flr piaoe, ana neauiiiui gprint? near noor; pounds of no Id taken out lit three months: title clear, and will k'MH' for W a year. Thi Darjrttm I situated on inline creek, ttve miN north of uold Hill, Jackson county, Oftvnn. An owner cannot work it. will neli for $1,500 CAiti or exchange for Hood Ktver alley land, improved or unliiiprwvtd. For further particular Inquire Til K HtATHKR IN VESTMKNI CO. For Sale. A sprlnr of miners' Inch flow, Uirtv .irtln of mile from town, bucrthrr with wntfr po 1 tsprtng ntlii it-iit to push nv IIiiiii ! s null nU ThU it purr wno r, not nuhiM-i to. cntiMinrion now or hrvnpr. Ko nlwurf, prircwill be J. "trod to buy this property u tau time. r T. H. COON. HOMK8TEAD CONSOLIDATED NO TICE FOR PUBLICATION, United Blute Land Ollli e, The Dnlli s, Ore., JuiwillO, ltKN.-Notli'i) Is linvtiy ;iv'ii Hint Die followlim-iiained persons have llli d iioliio of Intention to liittkeuoinimunthm proof on thWr resHH!ilvn('lHiinsbi-fuit UHiri;eT.l'mllitr, U.S. I 'oiniulssionfr, at his ollli-c m Hood Uiver, Oregon, on Friday, AiiauM S, V.w, viz: WILLIAM F. lilil'.lidHV, of Hood LIVi r, orrgnn, on himn-stead appli cation No. 871, for the fst half northeast quarter sertion 27 nnd west half northwest quarter section 1, township 2 norf, ranxu V east, W.M. HARRY H. GliEOOKY, ot Hood Itlver, Orenon, on homestead appli cation No. 8717, for the southeast quarter sou. h east quarter section VH, south hull southwest quarter sectional and northeast quurler north west Milliner section township 2 north, ranife ft east, V. M. ' VVilnesses: Warrpn llavenport, F. E.Newhy, Oliver Klchardson, Frank Davenport, Harry K. GrcKiiry and William F. lircnoty, all of Hood Klver, Oregon. jy-lud JAY P. LUCAS, Register. Keep . cool .by buying an Special Kid Glove Sale For one week only, August 9 to Au gust 17? Regular f 1.50 glove, sale price $1.29. $1.25 gloves,, sale price 99c. $1 gloves, sale price 75c. Creamery and Country Butter kept on ice at all times. Highest market price paid for eggs. Vegetables and produce handled on commission. 20 lbs DQ sugar $1. SATURDAY SPECIALS All for ITImher Land, Act June 3, 1R78. NOTICE FOH PUBLICATION; United Stales Land office. Vancouver.Wash.. June 7. 11102. Notice Is lifrehy Riven that In compliance wtt.h the provisions of the a't of comjrcsHof Jimeii, 1STS, entitled "An net for the sale of tlmher lands in the Htntes of Cal ifornia, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory." as extended to nil the puhlie laud states by act of August 4. IKlli, JOHN M. HON I'M, of Davenport, county oMjincoln.state of Wash ington, him tills day tiled In this olllce his sworn statement, No. 'Iu8, for the purchase of the ncrthwestquarterof section No.2uin town ship No. 6 north, range No. 11 east, W. M., ana will oiler proor to show that the land sought is more valuable for Its timber or stone than lor agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at -Vancouver, Wash., -on Wednesday, the loth day of Hepteniber, 1WU. He uames as witnesses: Thomas A. Hudson of Portland, Or.; Ole H. Halre of Davenport, Wash.; waller a. uaviu anu naiuuei i. nui bert of Spokane, Wash. And . WALTER A. DAVID, of Rixikane, county of Spokane, stateof Wash ington, has this day hied In this olllce his sworn statement No. 2-"i71, for the purchase of northwest section No. 24 in township No. 6 north, range No. 11 east, W. M., and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Re ceiver of this office at Vancouver, Wash., on Wednesday, the 10th day ot hcpicniiicr, una il mimes as witnesses Ole .S. Huir and John M. lionds of Davenport, Wih.; Samuel T. Holb rt or BpoKnne, wash.; luoiuas a. Hudson of 1'ortland, Or. And OLE 8. HAIR. - of Davenport,connty of Llncoln.slate of Wash ington, has tins uay nieu in iui oniee his sworn statement No. 2f7". for the purchase of the southwest of section No. 24 In town ship No. B north, range No. 11 east, VV. M.,and will otter proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for lis timberor stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Vancouver, Wash., on Wednesday ,the 10th day of.septemher.MK. He names as witnesses: Thomas A. Hudson of Portland, Or.; John M. llonds of Davenport, VVasn.; waller i. m m nmi mtuiuu ii-"- bert of Spokane. Wash. Any nnd all persons claiming adversely the above-described lauds are requested to tile theirclaims In this olilee on or before said 10th day of September, WUi tTlniber Land, Act June 3, 1ST. NOTICE FOli rUyUCATlON. .T..I...J u.-.t.w. I ntii llflirn VilMli Vttlfimtl Ulllll!U mniro uit'i'i w,..,- , ........ Wash., JunezW, IWl Notice is hereby given inai-in coinjiiirti" c ... ..... act of congress of June :t, ls.i, entitled "An . . i i.. , i... i,.,.. i in ih, ui.itiui ,.r aci ior ine aif " i-'"1 i.iii.i--- in California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory, as extended to ail the public land state by net of Au"sl 4, IWU, r tvcuciviu iv. vii.i .-n, of Portland, comity or Multnomah, stateof I..... .l. flli.,1 In lliiu iMlii.e hlu vjrcgoii, linn iniu j ...... sworn statement, So. UW. tor the purehiise of the SK sec. No. 12, in township No. 7 north, rnilge IM. It eHSl, null in unei mini in show that the land sought js more valuable for Its lliuoer or sione iiiini ior agricuuuiai purposes, nnd to esiabllsh his claim to said r i... I- l- O H..ul.ir IT U 1 '. ..i.niib;uliiiur itinu iH-itii r, . i. i 1 . " ......... .- ..... . for distnet of Washington, at his olilee at ttol- ilenilaie, v asn., on pMinuuay, mt-uiii uay Seplember, llHrl " .. ,1.........L.. I1..1...W I.1 I..v hurl tie uauiei an w iiin-ss, ii'-h .. ........... James K. Cox or Trout Luke 1. O., Washing- .... 1.-., I,.H ..r Mill I'm. VVusIl and Kinma M. Cox ol Trout Lake P. o., W ukii. .... 1-tlnVI W sTIViiilV Mill ,. of (Seattle, county of K lug. slate ol Wnshina:- Uin, liaS I1I1S Uif 11 let. Ill inn. mr i,ion..U . v... 1 IM tl... i.nri.h.w nf Ihe ll". 1 ' Slllieiiieni.il". ol SW and wW'i of HW t sec. 12, and Nfc W of N W of sec. 1:(, I u township No. 7 north. rnnge No. 11 fi, W.M., anu s in oner prooi ui show that the land sought Is more valuable lor it timber or stone than for agricultural fmriMises, anu to esiaiinsu nisciaiin u sum and before W. H. Pieshy, L'. .s. Coininissioner for district of Washington, at hisotliceat Gol- dendale, WRshington. on Saturday, the ttlh dav of September, 1W. He names as witnesses: Henry T. Johnson, .. . ... ii w.in.ii.il II sit iirlim-U ami rrSUH JllM:KeiL, .......v ... CasiK-r W. lverson, all of Seattle I. ., wash. And SAMCKI. H. STARHLVK, of Seattle, eountv of King, suite of wsslilng ton has this day died In this office his sworn statement. No. for the pun-hase of the soulh half of southeast u,nnncri kt. n, nun west half of the northeast iiirirterot . 14, In township No. 7 north, range Nu. 11 east, w. M., and will oiler pnsif to show that the land sought Is more valuable lor Its timberor stone than for agricultural purposes, and to estab lish Ills claim to said land lietore W. B.Preshy, I' S Coinmissionerfordisirleiof Washington, ...'i.i. .i i:.,liti-miMle. Washinctou. oil Satuidsy.theHth day of SepicmlM r, 1.H. He names s wnneswn: nmij i. u.... Frank Haggenv, TIioiuhs si.nson and t sss-r w lverson all of Seattle P. o.. wastiington. AI1V Blia KM persoiio iii - " . lve-descrlled' lands are requested to hie theirclaims in mis oin -e on ,ir mt nth day of September, hoi Jy4s6 WALTKR J. KKKD, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. . -. - --. . - . ....X U-...-1. T.il,- fi jna nmcem iinT r. " - im.otiee is heishy given that -the following-named settler lias tiled none of his in tention to make final cinnintation proof In snpport of his claim, and that said proof will be nid la-lore the Itiifi-ter and Ke ceiver I'. S, Ijind (iffii-e al Vancouver, Vt'a-sh-lngton, on August 27, MW, vii: HKRMAS C. NORHY. Hd 11 riir the northwest quarter south east quarter eetion i, township nonh range loenst. w. . He names the following witnesses to pnv her rominnous rwudencu uin and cuilivation of. said land, vu: Jon a B. Johnson, Nils inder. I ihiis I'eier n and NiU Olsen, all of Trout Lake, w ssh. JylUlS W. R. lt'NBAl, Register. Idnev Talks And Talks for Your Benefit. If you do your trading with ua a trial will convince you. We want your trade ami aro willing to make it an object fur you to do business with us. . bone & Mcdonald. Ice Cream Freezer arid making your own Ice Cream Ladies'Summer Corsets 75c values C3c ; 40c values 43c. Theee are not ,old Btock but new first-class Corsets. Don't fail to call and see them before they are gone. 1 can of corn 1 can of string beans l ean of peas 1 can of pears 1 can tomatoes . timber Land, Act June 3, 1873. NOTICE FOIl PUBLICATION. United Stales Land Office, North Yakima, Wash., June 111. Wi. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of congress of June 8, 1H78, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the Stales of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all the public land suites by act of August 4, 18AI2, l.owkl.l, A. YOLTNO. Of Trout Lake, county of Klickitat, state of Washington, has this uay niea in tins onice tils sworn statement, No. 1425, for the purchase of the east of the southwest 4 and west of 8K Yt of sec. 82 In township No. 7 north, range No. 11 east, W. M. and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before W. B. Presby, U. S. Commissioner, at his oltice In Ooldendale, Wash., on Suturday the 80th day of Aug., 1902, He names as Witnesses: James V, Cox, Al den Kingman and Jasper E. Young of Trout Lake, Wash.; Robert V. Cox of Portland, Or. Also. JASPER E. YOUNti. Of Trout Lake, county of Klickitat, state of Washington, has tins any nieu to mis onice his sworn statement No. 1424, for the purchase of the northeast. of section No. 81 in town ship No. 7 north, range No. 11 east, W. M , and will offer priaif to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before W. B. Presby, U. 8. Commissioner, at Ills olllce at Uoiuendale, Wash., on Saturday.lheSKh day of August,lH02. He names as witnesses: James V. Cox, Al den Kingman and lowell A. Young of Trout Lake, Wash.; Robert K. Cox of Portland. Or. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lauds are requested to file their claims In this office on or betore said 30t h day of August. 1!)2. Je27a2i) WALTER J. REED, Register. Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878.1 NOTICE FOli PUBLICATION. Tntted States Land Office, Vancouver, Wash., July 0, 1902. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of congress of June 8, 1878, entitled "Anaet for t he sale of timber lands In the states of Calllornhv, Oregon, Nevada and Washington territory," as extended to all the public laud states by act of August 4, 1HH2. OEOROE O'BRIEN, of Hoqulam, county of Chehalis, state of Washington, has this day tiled in this office his sworn statement, No. 2712. for the pur chase of the SWtf NW yt and W SW of sectlou No. 33 in township No. 8 north, range No, 11 east, w. m., and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural pur poses, and to establish his claim to said land before Hie Register and Receiver of this utile at Vancouver, Wash., on Wednesday ,the22d day of October, 1WI2. He names as witnesses: Fred Scott and William M. Camptield of Trout Lake, Wash.; John 1 .arson of HotUlani, wash, and Waldo b. Hach of Portland, Oregon. Any and all persons ctaiin;lng adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims In this office on or before said !d day of October, 11102. Jyls19 W. R. DUNBAR, Register. Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, Vancouver, Wash., July 1, 1902. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878. entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the slates of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all the public laud slates by act of August 4, 1892, william o. .Mi-lares, of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of Or egon, has this day tiled In this office his sworn statement, No. 2iisii, li,r the purchase of the northeast quarter of section No. 80, in township No. 6 north, range No. 13 east. W, M., and will otter proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its tim ber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish Ills claim to said laud before the Register and Receiver of this office at Vancouver, Washington, on Friday, the Huh dav of September, MO. He names as witnesses: John D. Gardner, James F. Mason and Frederics. Van Doren, all uf Flildii. Wash., and Thomas J. B. Nich olson of Portland, Oregon. Anv and all oersons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to tile theirclaims in this office on or before said 19in day of September, r, WU. W. R. DUNBAR, Register. Jyllsl2 Timber l.and, Act June 8. 1878.1 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I'nlted States Land Office, Vancouver, Wash., July 12, 1902. Notice is hereby (riven that lu compliance with the provisions of the act of congress of June 8, is;, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the states ot California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington territory," as extended to all the public land states by act of August 4, 1SM2, WILLIAM J. (iORDON, of Hoqulam .count y f Chehalis, stateof Wash ington, hast his dayti led in Uilsottiee his sworn statement. No. 2721, lOrthe purchase of the lot 4. nnd southerst quarter southwest quar ter and sou lb west quarter southeast quarter section 7; lot 1, section 18, township north, range 11 east, and northeast quarter north east quarter of seel ion 13, township north, range No. 10 east, aud will oiler pnsif to show that the land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural pur- Cmcs, and to establish his claim to said land lore the Register and Receiver m this oihee at Vancouver. Wash., on Wednesday, the22d dav of October, lii. He names s witnesaes: George O'Brien of Hoqulam, Wash.; William M. Camptield and Fri-d i-eott ol Trout Lake, wash; John Larson , of iioqmam, wasn. Any and all perxons claiming adversely the above-described lauds are requested to file their claims in tins onice on or ueiore sal a iid day of October, mi, M W. R. DUNBAR, Resistcr. Don't Foiget That we still have some of those nice cool wash goods for hot days, and the prices, 35c and 40c values now 23c; 25c now 19c j 20c now 13c. All tfiV lUl NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, June 80, 1902. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his In tention to make Until proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Geo. T. Prather. U. S. Commissioner, at Hood River, Or., on Friday, August 8, lWKfclx: THOMAS J. CUNNINtir of Hood River, Oregon, H. E. No. 6430, Ibr the 8 K8WJ4 see. 20, T. 2. N., R. 10 E., W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz: L. 1). Blount, C. E. Markham, Nathan Hack ett and Charles Reed, all of Hood River, Or. Jy4a JAY P. LUCAS. Register. Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878.1 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, Vancouver, Wash.. July 6, 1902. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of congress of June 8, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands lu the states of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington territory," as extended to all the public land states by act of August 4, 1892, JOHN T. GALLOWAY, of Albion, county of Whitman, stateof Wash ington, has this day tiled in this office his sworn statement, No. 2702, for the pur chase of the se1 mt sec 10, ne and neU neyt of sec No. 15, in township No. 8 north, range No. 11 east, w. M., and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish bis claim to said laud before the Register and Receiver of this office at Vancouver, Wash.,, on Tuesday, the 21st day of October, 1902. He names as witnesses: George W. Gibson of Pullman, wash., Henry Brown of Palouse City, wash.;- William Richardson of Colfax, wash.; Thomas A. Hudson, of The Dalles, Or. And -- GEORGE W. GIBSON, of Pullman, county of Whitman, state of Washington, has this day filed In this offloe his sworn statement, No. 2703, for the pur chase of the e nw yt and e sw of section No. 23 In township No. 8 north, range No.ll east.w M, andwill oiler proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for Its timberor stone than for agricultural fiurposes, and to establish bis claim to said and before the Register and Receiver of this olllce at Vancouver, Wash., on Tuesday, the 21st day of October, 1902. He names as witnesses: John T. Galloway of Albian, Wash.: Henry Brown of Palouse City, wash.; William Richardson of Colfax, wash.; Thomas A. Hudson of The Dalles, or. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file theirclaims In this office on or before said 21st day of October, 1902. -Jyl8sltf W. R. DUNBAR, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Vancouver, Wash., August 5, 1902. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of bis In tention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before' the Register and Receiver U. S. Land Office at Vancouver, Wash,, on Tuesday, .September 23, 1902, vi: CHARLES DULY, H. E. No. 10159, for the southeast quarter sec tion 23, townanip 8 north, range 11 east, w. m: He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, vis: Jacob J Miller, Henry Hwanson, John P. Gallagher and Johnson McLanahan, all of Pine Flat P O, Washington. a8si2 W. R. DUNBAR, Register. Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.r NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. T ' n 1 1 ...I Bi.tu t n it V Wash., Aug. 5, 1902. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of congress of June 8, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the states of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington territory,'' as extended to all the public land states by act of August 4, 1892, EMMA T. CUSTIN, of Portland, county of Multnomah, stateof Oregon, has this day filed in this office her sworn statement. No. 2771, Air the purchase of the north half northeast quarter and north half north weat- quarter of section 22, in township No. north, range No. 11 east,W.M., aud will otter proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone tliaii for agricultural purposes, and to estab lish her claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Vancouver, Wash.,on Wednesday, the tid day of October, 1H02. She names as witnesses: Albert W. Lobdell and Robert F. Cox of Portland, Or.; Albert C. Peetsand James F. Cox ot Troutlake, Wash. Any and all persons claiming adversel; the above-described lands are requested to Die theirclaims In this office on or before said 22d day of October, 1902. a8ol0 W. R. DUNBAR, Register. ' Bargains in Real Estate. Two 5 -acre tracts ; Z in berriea ; good house and water. Both good bargains; f2,(KJ0 each. 20 acres, 24 cleared, good house, 7 miles out; f 1,500. 80 acres, 30 in cultivation, good house, barn and water; (4,000. ' 40 acres, 5 in young trees, balance ' easily cleared; small house and fair barn; 4 miles out; 2,6O0, cash. PRATHER INVESTMENT CO. "Sow Is the Appointed Time." TheO. R. A N. Co. has Inst Issued a hand somely Illustrated pamphlet entitled "Oregon Washington and Idaho and their Resources," It has much to asy about Hood River. People In the East are an x loos aw Informa tion about the Pacific Northwest, If you will five the O. R. A N. agent a list of name of lutein people w bo are-likely to be Interest ed, the booklet will be mailed free to sucb, persons. Oc