.foodlivef Slacier. FRIDAY, AUGUST 8, 1902., How to Train Strawberry Vines. Col. E. Holer of the Salem Journal is an enthusiast upon strawberry culture; lias made a study of growing strawberries for yeara.and is competent to give advice to new beginners. We copy below some rules he (rives for propagating the plants, which will apply to Hood River as well as the Willamette valley, except that liere we commence to set plants in July and August: This nionht is the time to train the vines for new plants to set out early in the fall. If properly done, growers of strawberries can gain nearly a year's time on new acreage. It will imv all who expect to grow for the mar ket to look after a good plant supply for next year. A few simple rules aoout raising strawberry plants may not be out of place: 1st The b::st plants are obtainable only from new stock that is plants set out last full or this spring. Plants from older vines have not the vigor and vital ity of growths from the younger stock. 2d Do not make over one to four plants from a hill. By setting the first plants that run out aiid fixing them to the ground with a stone or lump of earth they will root immediately. All secondary runners starting from this new plant should bo removed. By this process you will get large strong plants with great root power and . with a fully formed crown, and if set out as early in the fall as the ground will permit, you will get a profitable crop next spring. Plants grown in this way and set out in the latter part of September or early in October will look like a field a year old and bear nearly as much- It will be argued that this is a great deal of work, and you will ask "Dose It pay?" I have tried both ways and am satisfied a trial will convince you. The old way of making strawberry plants was to let a plant set all the new plants it would sometimes 20 to 50, and often a perfect mat of plants, none of them large and strong, and most of them puny, weak and emaciated. None of this kind of stock ever makes much of a crop the first year after planting. With such plants the rule is to wait a year for a crop. It takes a year to get them on their feet, to grow a crown that will produce fruit in profitable quantities, for all time such plants will never be as strong as it tne vines naa Daen trainea and limited to producing on an average of two new plants to the hill. As the runners have to be removed from each hill after the fruit is off, it is not much more work to train two plants for new stock. After picking, go through the rows vou want to make plants from and remove all weeds, then go through and train the two strongest runners, lay ing a clod on the runner next to the first joint and pinching ott the runner that is just starting. Train them with the rows so that you can run the cultivator through once in a while. One hand can train gerveral thousand In a day, and each plant grown this way, if set out early in the fall, will produce 2 cents worth of fruit next year of the fineBt quality. If siich plants are grown near to where new acreage is to be laid out, they can be removed in the fall with the earth on the roots and never stop growing. It will be said this means work but it is work that pays. We have been pay ing too little attention to getting plants started right and we have oeen growing too much poor product as a result. A weak plant will not only lose us a year in the crop but will never have the vital ity and productiveness of a properly- trained plant. I am satisfied that it will pay any growor to raise his own plants in this way. The nurseryman who grows plants to handle by the thousands at $1.50 to $2.50 per 1,000, is doing it to meet competitive commercial conditions but the strawberry grower for profit must go to the beginning and grow his plants on correct priciples if he would get the greatest results. Will Know Bettor Next Time. James Deltord returned last week from his trip to the const, and hag again taken up his work in the barber shop. Juu went clam digging while at the coast. "A friend of mine invit ed me," said Jim, "and being 'easy' I went. We walked four miles in sand that reached just an inch above mv shoe tops. But I enjoyed it. In course or time we hove in sight ot a long low lying mud flat. Although we were early there were others ahead or us Before going further we took off our shoes. This I proceeded to do with joy, for it reminded me of (be days when I was a kid and used to wade through the frog pomli, while playing 'hookey trom school. We tied our shoes to gether, slung them over our shoulders mid proceeded to hunt the festive clam. "It was a pleasant sensation to feel the sticky, black mud oozing up be tween your toes like mud through a brick mill," continued DeBord. "Owe and awhile a cold chill would sneak in my back, but I didn't mind a little thing like that. I remarked to my f lie ud there must be a young whale hurrying just a head of us, from the way the water was spouting up. Since men, I've concluded my triend must lie some reiat ton to the meanest man on earth for not telling me different. The spouting young whale looked good to me, so i crept up quietly and stuck my great toe down the hole in the mud. The next Instant I jerked it back with a howl like the bloodhounds on a fresh seeiitof Tracy. I went two or three feet into the air and fell in a half dozen different direction all at once. The more I floundered around the deeper tue mini seemed to gel, ana the clam was clinging to my toe like grim death ton niirirer No siree, I don't want any more clam digging in mine." Oregon Stale Fair. The premium list of the Oregon state iair U uow out and being distributed among the- farmers and breeders throughout the state. It carries $10. (100 in cali preiniu ms on live stock and agricultural products. Kvery farmer and breeder in the state is iuvited to bring something to the state fair this year mid help swell the big exhiliit that is already itrtmnxed. The South ern Pacific company hauls all exhibits to and tmm the fair free of charge, which enables every one to send some thing to help the good cause along. To, i nose w ho wish to taKe tneir families and spend a week at the fair, they will mm our 01 me iiiicsi camp groumis on the cnait, absolutely free. Any infor mation regarding the fair will be glad ly given by writing the secretary at Portulnd, Oregon. If you have not received a premium list, write for one at onee. The bosrd of rejrenU of the state uni versity met last Saturday in Portland nod eleeled Profvr K.'D. IV Cou of liu-wllville, Ky., to the chairof math ematics of the University of Oregon, left vacant by the dismit:ii of Pro-f-vr (icorge Lilly, some months ago. Professor Irving M. (i.n of the chair of early Enylih and oratory, was aim made ib-an "f the svhoul of mui vice V. (iifl.ird Xh, resigned. O. F. Staf Jord was promoted from Instructor in chemistry to an assistant professorship III mat uepuiuiieni, aim wnn nis placed in charge of the department pending the election of a successor to Dr. Arthur iacnman, wno mieiy resigned to accept the position of head chemist for the United States in the Philippine Islands. A. P. McKiniay, agraduate of the University of Oregon, and for seven years professor of Latin at the Portland high school, was elect ed to the chair of Latin to serve during tia (hpuuvMr tpnvj of nliaptlCA obtain ed by Professor F. 8. Dunn, who is at Harvard. The Campers at Maple Dell. At present there are thirteen camps here with a total population of 45. Reverend Hollinshead of the Portland Centenary M. E. church was here las week. John Mahone was with the Wood- worth-Shaffer camp one day, and pitying them because of their lack of fish, he went out and brought in a deer. Messrs. VanHyse, Wood worth. Shaffer, Fleming, Mr. and Mrs Ed Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Noah Bone. J. H. Fergu son, Norman Young, Pansy and Mar jory Baker, Nellie Rogers, Mrs. Reese, Mr. Meldon and Mr. Kelly were at Lost lake fishing for water dogs recently. Judge Henry still holds first place among the fishermen, with David Hom ing a close second. U. 1. woodworth, however, is forging to the trout. His marvelous success is the wonder ot the whole camp. In seven day he has brought in nine fish, tomorrow's catch not included. Henrys, Howes, McGuires, Hunts, Jackaons. Woodworths, Shaffers, Met- calls, Caatners, Hetchers, Holts, Bhaws, and Bakers, besides those already men tioned, are "at home" at Maple Deli. The women went out on a blooming dress parade. A number of snap shots were taken ot the happy crown. 1 hey (the pictures) will be for sale at Bradley g. The little girl of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Shaw of Portland wag drowned Satur day afternoon, while .Mrs. Shaw nar rowly escaped. Much credit is due Walter Mctiuire., Mr. Holt and several sheepherders,- whose names we failed to get, for their strenuous efforts in res cuing Mrs. Shaw and recovering the body of the little girl. Everything pos sible was done and blame attaches to no one. From the human view point it was an accident, but viewed by the eter nal it is possibly a Providence the wis dom of which will be revealed in the coming days. H. C. 8. Rev. J. W. Jenkins, of Hood River delivered a very interesting lecture at theu.U. church Wednesday evening, on the "Island of Jamaica," where Mr. Jenkifcj spent over three years engaged in missionary work, the lecture was replete with information concerning the island, its people,' manners, customs, religion, etc., and wag very interestingly illustrated by a fine lot of stereopticon views. It is to be regretted that his audience was not larger, as all who at tended express themselves well pleased, Dufur Dispatch. The reappointment of W. H. II. Dufur as forest supervisor of the north half of the Cascade reserve has been held up in the department of the interior because ot objections from Itepresentative Moody wno simultaneously recommended the appointment of M. P. Isenberg to the oilice. As Mr. Isenberg is not agreeable to Senators Mitchell and Simon and Re presentative Tongue, this offiice will be held up at a season of the year when there is urgent need of a man to look after the affairs. Shamko Leader Frank 8. Harding, president of the Oregon Presa Association, has issued a call for the annual meeting of that or ganization. The convention will be held at Newport, August 14-17. It wag at IN ew port that the association was first formed. An excellent Droeranirue has been arranged, and there promises to ue an average attendance, A gentleman who hag juBt come up from Collins says bathing at the springs will likely begin tomorrow as the water of the Columbia hag receded so that the springs can be reached. A good many people nave oeen camping at the springs lor some time waiting to take advantage of the curative qualities of the water. Mountianeer. James Bowman of Lexington, Ky., who for several years has been a sufferer from rheumatism, has been cured by ugnining shock, in a storm ligntmng struck the house where he was. When he recovered from the shock he found he could use his legs and began to walk aDont the room for the first time in sev eral years. Petroleum as fuel on the locomotives of the Columbia Southern railway was tried experimentally, last Sunday, with such satisfactory results that the orders have been given forthe equipping or an engines on the road with oil burners henceforth A New York man offered a dime for the return of his runaway wife. and she was so mad at his valuation of her that she came back at once and vowed to stick to him "forever," and now the joke is on him. Tel egram The'offlelal vote for governor at the recent election shows the followinir result: nainoenain, democrat, 41,857; furnish, republican, 41,581; Hunsaker, prohibitionist, 3,583; Ryan, socialist, a,m. una makes Chamberlain's plu rallty 276. The Saint Martin hot sprngs have been assessed this year at $17,000. The only business in the county patronized by outsiders shouldn't complain at pay ing the county's expenses. One of the attractions at the state fair this year will be the Missouri iri antess, standing feet 4 luchea in her stocking feet. She is direct from Mis souri and will have to be shown. The timothy hay market apparently will not be quite as good as last year. Buyers are now offering $9 per ton while the price last year was $10 per ton. rorest urove limes. The mercury registered 102 in the shade at Fred Bailey's residence, four miles southwest of town at 3 o'clock Wednesday afternoon Walla Walla is so "drv" a town late- ly that not only all saloons but ice cream ana soda stands are tightly ciiraeu on suiiuays. Hon. John Michell, who holds government position in Wanhincton. is spending his vacation at his home in I lie Dulles. John Masters of Washington county claims to have raised six tons of timothy nay on one acre oi ground this year, Hugh C. Bellinger of Portland, ton of Judge C. B. Bellinger, has been named as naval cadet from Oregon The Harney County News is published oy airs. r. fc. iiniarth and edited by her husband, F. E. Wilmarth. Henry Hudson, a civil r vetomn died suddenly of heart disease on his larm at Dufur, July 2(1. It may be hot enouirh for you now. but you will forget all about it next winter. The Dalles will have a street fair and carnival this fall. Plans are about perfected for a con densed milk factory at Forest Grove. Will Let Us Down Easy. E. M. Shutt, the well-known Eastern Oregon newspaper man is sending out the following letters addressed to his fellow workers; The Heppner Times has been sold to A. J. Hicks, of Camas, Wash., who will take charge of the business on August 7. By the action .f the voters of Morrow county in electing me sheriff, 1 am obliged to lay dow n the pen and take up tin sword, for a short time at least. The object of this message is to thank you for your uniform courtesy and fra ternal kindness to me during my tliir teen years' newspaper experience in Lantern Oregon, and to bid you adieu for the time being. Should it become necessary for me at any future time to hang you or any of your friends, the memory of happy associations in the past will surely prompt me to let you down easy. But while the scaffold has its mission here on earth, it would pain me to see any newspaper man called up higher through such a medium. May your future efforts be crowned with the success and prosperity which your energy and worth truly merit. Un til my present work is ended and I again join you in the newspaper world, 1 bid you a tond tarewell. , fraternally yours, K. M. Shutt. Hew Xownsite Owners. The original Townsite company, last month, made sale of their property, and the same is now owned by 16 different Hood River people, who, with the amount of their investment, are: J H Ferguson $2,000 Mrs N C Evans..! 1,000 J L Henderson 1,000 M J Henderson 1,000 Chris Dethman 1,000 S F Fonts '. 1,000 J W Morton 1,000 Mrs L C Davidson 1,000 J W Hinrichs 500 AAJayne.. 600 E II Hartwig 500 FC Brosius...... 500 CL Gilbert 500 Fred H Shoemaker 500 Leslie Butler 500 J H Koberg 500 Total $13,000 The new townsite owners paid out $14,000 in buying the property. The new owners do not constitute a corpora tion or company. The title rests in the trustee, N. C. Evans, who has authority to sign all legal papers for those having money invested. Butler & Co. will act as treasurer for the organization and John Leland Henderson, secretary. The townsite property consists of 248 lots and fractions of tots. . Brilliant Electrical Display. The campers at Lout lake during the heavey thunder storm of last Wednes day night enjoyed seeing a brilliant electrical display, seldom witnessed in this part of the country. The storm continued for two hours, and the fre quent flashes of lightning were brilliant in the extreme. Mount Hood was free from clouds at the time, and with eacli lightning flash the sides of the snowy peak were lighted up with a bright amathest, while the lake in front of the camps appeared like a sheet of fire. It was a sight long to be remembered. The ram and hail soaked things about the camp, but a little diaeomfurt'ire like that didn't bother people who could appriate the beauty of the storm. Those of the party camped at the lake were: David Fleming, Rev. H. C. Shaffer, G. D. Woodworth, of Hood River; Walter Holt and L. A. Shaw of Portland, and a couple of young men trom trie panes. II. I'. Crockett's Goats. It is a wonder that more farmers in Hood River valley who have land to clear do not follow the plan of 11. C. Crockett of the East Side. Mr. Crockett has 35 Angora goats. He fences about ten acres at a time and turns in his goats. The goats eat the foliage of the under brush and in a short time make it look like a fire had killed the growth. On young firs too large for them to pull down they will clean the bark if the trees are cut down for them. After the second year, when the bruh will sprout again, if the goats are turned in they will effectually kill it. Mr. Crockett sold his mohair this year for 24 cents a pound in Portland. The average clip is tour pounds to the goat. 1 he goats will leave the best of pasture grass to trim a sapling ot its foliage. Married. In Hood River valley, Friday evening, August 1, 1902, at the'residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Jenkins, Ernest V. Jen sen and Miss Margaret E Richardson; Rev. .1. W. Jenkins officiating. The bride is an estimable young wo man recently here trom Kansas. Mr. Jensen, the groom, is well known in Hood River, as the enterprising and genial proprietor of the Cloud Cap Inn Confectionery. The Glacier joins with friends in extending the happy couple congratulations and best wishes. Born. In Hood River, Or., August 3, 1902, to Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Jones, a son. In Portland, July 30, 1902, to Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Hornung, a son. In Hood River, August 4, 1902" to Mr. and Mrs. 1'. Mathews, a son. In Wasco, Sherman county, Oregon, juiy si, iwk, to air. and jurs. Ueorge Porter, a daughter. Mrs. Porter was formerly Miss Alice Frazier of Hood Kiver. C. L. Gilbert, count y school sunerin tendent for Wasco county, has made his report lor tne year ending June 13, 1902, and finds the total number of persons of school age in the county to be 4939 males and females ; the total number of pupils enrolled was 3199 lbOo males and 1594 females. There are 160 teachers employed in the county 10 males and 120 females. There are 71 school houses in the county, six having ran uuut auring me year just closed. The total receipts of 'the school fund amounted to $78,900.04; the disburse ments, $(16,918.17, leaving a balance of $12,982.25. The estimated value of school houses and grounds is $116,295, with $16. 306.55 additional for furniture. The average male teacher's salary is $47; lemaies, ftu. The death by drowning of the little aauguier ot Mr. and Mrs 1.. A. Shaw.of this city, in Hood river, Saturday even ing, is one of the distressing incident of the summer onting. An accident anainst which, as far as can be judged from the report of the occurrence, prudence could not prevail. the distres-ed parents have tne sympathy ot the large number with whom the summer ennui ins? fever has become epidemic. It was one of those painful domestic tragedies for which no one was to blame. Oregonian. Georgia is the peach state of the Union, having 7,600,000 peach trees. Next is Maryland, with 4,015,000,then New Jer sey, with 2,700,000, and Delaware, with 2,41)0,000. Ten years ago Georgia w as at the bottom of the list composed of these four states. Alabama and Mississippi are also becoming peoh states.The South and Pacific coast will be the fruit regions of the United States, A. M. Potter.originator of the Ancient Order of the Ked Cross, committed suicide in Iowa.last week. Mr. Potter got kit with $17,000 of Red Cross money last winter, leaving some 125 Hood River people the looser therebv. i ri O f"'" ; H ' THINGS TO ADORE. We have a full line of these as well ai other Buildere' Hardwrre. Priceg right. E. E. SAVAGE'S SONS. SPOKANE ATHLETIC CLUB, Street Fair ana Caraval, Held at Spokane August 4 to 14, 1902. For above ocrouilnn the o. R. and N. Co. will tell excursion tlnkets lo Bnoksne and return at greatly reduced rates. Ticket on ssle August utn, one day only, ana koou returning lo and Including August 13th. Fare frotr Hood Kiver, (ti.00. a.-i. nuAiv,. A nv. Farm for Sale. 20 acre well Improved, 2 inilea out; good buildings; 8 acreii In strawberries. A bargain if purchased soon. A. H. UPSBKOW. Notice to Patrons of the Water Supply Co. Water rent ftir 1B02 must'oe uald to the nn dersignad by August 15, 1002. by order board a i rectors, ' cj. j. i,fcSHi.iim, secretary. Pay Up. Indebted to Kolii All persona Indebted to liblinan A Son will jleHse make payment at once, as the money s neeueq. imtij , iuilmah a. sun, Wanted Land Cleared. Ten or fifteen acres of brash land cleared In time for It to be planted this fall. Land alt- uatcd adjoining Arthur Iilsbrow on Kaat f ork Contract all cash. W. 11. M AKHH ALL. Bids Wanted. Bids will be received iid to 7 o'clock Mon r day evening-. August 18. IMI. for bnlldlna an additional room U the Barrett school house, uistrint, . i. nana una kpecincauons may ue seen ai me uiacier omoe. JOHN A. WILSON, Chairman Board Director. P. D. Himbichs, Clerk. $10 Eeward. I will pay the above reward for recovery of mcycie stolen irom uoie a wrignrs store, HuturdHV alternoon, August 2, and for infor million leading to conviction of the thief. The wheel is a Humbler, IDOt, with coi'ster brake; cyclometer holder on front wheel, rlnn red with black line on either side; front tire bad rip about six Inches long, patched with leather. Heturo to Cole A Wright s, or to C. E. MILLER. Hood Kiver, Or, Notice of Guardian Sale Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned guardian of NetaQrodt, Bertha Qrodtand John Urodt, minors, by virtue of a license duly la- suen ny me oonnty court or ine state of Oregon for Wasco county, will on and after the 30th day of September, 1902, sell, at private sale to the highest bidder for cash in hand all right, title and interest of said Nela Orodt, Bertha Orodt and John Urodt In and to the north half of the south-east quarter of the south-west quarter of the south-west quarter of the south-east qnartor of the south-west quarter of section fourteen(l4iin township lwo() north of range ten(10)east of the Willamette Meridian In Wasco county, Oregon. Dated at Hood River, Oregon, this 29th day ouuiy, imu, CHRIS DETHMAN. Guardian of the estate of Neta Orodt, Bertba uroui auu jonn uroul. Notice. Those who are indebted to Dr. J. F. Watt, will please tnke notice that owing to sickness in his family he will be away at the coast lor an Indefinite period, and he has left bis accounts with me for collection. Those who know themselves Indebted to the doctor will Dlease call and settle nromni.lv. Mv win. A. Henderson, will call on those who do not set tle at once, and Is authorised U) receive and receipt lor money on said accounts. JOHN LELAND HENDERSON Notice of Dissolution. The partnership heretofore existing under the firm name of Hanna A Hartley Is hereby dissolved by mutual consent, J. E. Hanna re tiring and O. B. Hartley continuing said busi ness. The said O.B. Hartley owns and will col lect an aenis auesaia nrm ana assumes and win pay on an (lent due by said firm. Dated, Hood River, Ore., July 18, 102. . J E HANNA, O B HARTLEY Team for Sale. Span of horses, weighing 1,250 each, well broken, well matched, sound and guaranteed true, pnro iw lor i lie team. F E STRANG at Tucker's Mill, Notice.' All outstanding warrants against Oleta As sembly, No 8, United Artisans are ordered to be presented for pavment. al N J H KoBERU, Treasurer. Thoroughbred Boar. I have a thoroughbred Red Jersey boar, 10 months old ana weighing 2U0 pounds. Breed ing services reasonable! a2 PETER MOHR. Wanted. flood, competent man lo take charge of the Alfred Boor man rtmce. For particular!! imply tn i'mniv j, uauvu Notice. All persons knowing themselves Indebted to me may make payment of such debts to vnanea lempie. B tJJACKSOiN. For Sale.. Six-year-old mare, single harness and nearly new uuggy, an lorviuu. inquire at BLoWEKS' SToRE. To Lease. Garden trnck and fruit land In & and 10 acre lot on the Watson ranch adjoining Hood River. For particulars see W. P. Wat son or K. K. EKWIN, Care for Your Eyes. Asl have bad 18 years experience, my work will live the very best satisfaction In watch repairing, and as an optician I guarantee to five you a good lit of glasses to suit your eyes. Kin't buy your glasses of cheap, fake dealers who travel through the country with the cheap lenses and charge you four time what mey are worm ana you ruin your eyes using them. I have one of the latest Improved eve- testers and can fit your eyes In the most ac curate manner with the best lenses made.thus strengthening your eyes and ImprovlngVour Kiguu un,i(.Mri.b WflP-rm for Rain V MIQ aMWI Htndebakertiprtnir wagon and ninte har uow si MR), 't will VI auc It ri uat 01 wiaaji A. F. SMITH, On Stranahsn place. 250 Acres for Sale. Two farms one well Improveed; good or chard; 20 tons of bay In the barn; 170 acres .. , II lr.,11 1 ' : . I J 1 wire, near si. Martin's Springs. Land good tor airawarrrlea or other garden truck, uooa water riant and at) acres irood Umber, balance eaally cleared; good market near. Will aell on reasonaoie terms, call on or sin reus OLA THOMPSON. a!6 Hamie Valley, Wash, For Rent. Two rooms suitable for offices or dmnmak Ing. J. H. OERDrX News and Opinions OF National Importance. THE SUN Alone Contains Both. Dally, by mat I .'. Daily and Hundav, by mall . .n a year -J a year THE SUNDAY SUN la the greatest Sunday Newspaper ia tb World. Price Se a copy. By mall two dollars a year. Addresa THK Hf3. Sew York. The Davidson Fruit Co. If you have Fruit to market, Fruit Boxes, Plows, tilizers, or a Vehicle, SEE US. We keep our office open twelve months in the year, and need your business. If we plwise you, tell your neighbors; if not, tell us. DAVIDSON FRUIT CO. GEO. F. COE & SON. Stoneware, Crockery, Stationery and Notions, New Glass Pitchers. Tankards, Tumblers- Plain, Engraved and Banded, Stand and Hand Lamps, Bronze Brackets, Nickle Lamps. FISHING TACKLE New Supply AGENTS UNION LAUNDRY Choice Fruit Farms. We have them, in moat any size, state of Improvement or lo cation desired.- Five, ten, twenty and forty-acre places, bearing fruit, all equipped, ready to move Into, at fair prices. Then we offer others, larger, well improved, partially cultivated and raw lands from 80 to 640 acre tracts at various prices from" $8.00 up ward. Some good general farm properties and combination fruit And stock ranches, many having natural supplies of natural water. This is (he place, NEAR OUR GREAT SNOW PEAKS, on our magnificent Hood and Columbia rivers, to FIND "THAT IDEAL LITTLE HOME." Twenty acres In results here are equivalent to a quarter section elsewhere; and you have besides a mountain climate unsurpassed, WHERE RED APPLES AND DELICIOUS STRAWBERRIES GROW THAT ARE THE PRIDE OF OREGON. Come to see for yourself, or write to us, and we will tell you all about it. DRIGGS, CULBERTSON & CO., Hood River, Oregon. W. W. TREAT. DEALER IN Stoves, Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware, Bath Tubs, Sinks and Lavators, Wash Stands and Sink Brackets, Lead and Iron Pipe, Rubber Goods. HOOD RIVER, ... OREGON. FURNITURE- 0 0 0 art jw. 1 That s the preacher s business. f f j ' il(r7,J tewT They wi" noed furniture, carpets, wall I if) HvlValH paper and building material ; "" """'' ' ' ' " '" That's my business. FUNLKAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALM KR. S. E. BARTMESS. Waucoma Man uf act u r i n g Co .SHOP WORK ? "a .'Jjvj? Williams Pharmacy, Otten Building, G. E. WILLIAMS, Prop'r. Headquarters for Pure Drugs, Toilet Articles, PATENT MEDICINES, SPRAYING MATERIALS. Prescriptions my Specialty. Don't Overlook this Space Nor forget to call and get our prices, on a full line of STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, Before going elsewhere. A trial will convince you of the superior quality of our goods. A fine line of FRESH FEUITS constantly on hand. O. B. HARTLEY, Grand Clearance Sale Of all Summer Millinery regardless of Cost. We have just received a full line of those new Midsummer Felts. Call and get one of them before they are gone. Successor to Mme. ABBOTT. Evidence is benr Talk We can save you fas, E. E. SAVAGE'S SONS or will tined Cultivators, Fer Confectionery, Fruits, of Flies, etc. PHONE 104 The young man loves the young woman ; That's his business. The young woman loves the young man ; That's her business. The young man and young woman get married ; A SPECIALTY. Our shop now has evey facility for turning out first-class work in the line of MOLDINGS, BRACKETS, PLANING, DOORS, SASH, FLOORING, PORCH COLUMNS BAND SAWING, TURNING, WINDOWS, SHlP LAP, RUSTIC, DIMENSION LUMBER, Etc. Caei, Us by Phone. MAE B. ROE, Milliner. money on all kinds of n n n r 4 o rc Notice. Allthnsewiio wish to Irrigate their lawna and suriipnji must mftkfc Hliultcatlon lo the collector, I'm' tier A Hemman, and give the number of lot they wish to irrigate and time of commencing. The price lor irrigation tins year win m ou penis a lot, but all irrigation must be done br sprinkling; no other method will be allow. HOOl RIVKlt KI'lUNG WATKK CO. Notice of Decree Changing Name Notice is hereby eiven that In pursuance of an application to the County Court, a decree lias been granted by said court changing the nsmeof John Mattson to John Jakku, and that the county court will, aftor proof of this publication Ims been tiled with the court, grant the applicant, John MutUoa, a certifi cate under the seal of the court chsnKlnc bla name to John jaKau. JU11N mai imun. Decreed name John Jakan. Jayne A Hartwig, Attorneys for applicant. Notice of Assessment. To the Stock holders of the Hood Kiver Fruit U rowers union: Tbe Hoard of Directors have this day levied an assessment of S1.0U per share on the capital stock, lo oecome aennqueni August li, rau. This is for the purpose of repairing the ware house and putting it In better shape to handle the largely Increased volume of business. Hooif Kiver, Or., July 12. W02. HOOD RIVKlt FRUIT GROWERS' UNION, By G. (JeBsllng. Secretary. Tax Sale. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned will on Monday the 11 tb day of August M2, at the front door ot the County court house. In Dalles City. Wasco county, Oregon, at 10 o' clock In the forenoon of said day, aell to the highest bidder for cash in hand, all of the prop erty to which Wasco county, or any other public corporation lu said Wasco couuty, has acquired til le by virtue of sale for taxes, as shown by the records of tax sales for said Wasco county for the delinquent tsxea of Uwi, , . ko.BEXTON. Sheriff of Wasco county, Oregon. Dated this 7th day of July, Mrl Administrator's Notice. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed by the County Court of the slate of Oregon for Wasco county admin istrator of the estate of John C. Mark Icy, de ceased. All persons having claims against the estate of said deceased are hereby notified lo present them with the proper vouchers to me at the off ice of Jr.yne A Hartwig, In Hood River, Oregon, within six mouths from the Dated this 7th day of July, 1902. JKHHE IMBI.KR, Jyllag Administrator. Water Notice. All Irrigating must be done between the hours of 6 o'clock p. m. snd 8 o'clock a. m. The water will be turned ofl AT ONCE from any lot where owners fall to comply with HOOI) RIVER SPRING WATER CO. For Sale. At the home or John Krteger nearOdctl school house, 1 fine oak bed room sulte,organ, 1 extension table, center table, kitchen trees, ure, 2 rockers, U sets bed springs, 1 single bed, wash and sewing machines, tubs, wringer, boiler, kettles, granlteware, pstls, lampa.dish es, fruit Jars. 1 large tent, 1 unabridged diction ary, and many other articles. Call any day but Saturday. O. K. KNAPP. For Rent. The building formerly occupied by jhe Da vidson Fruit Co. aa a box factory. Key can be had of the Davidson Fruit Co. Jy j. h. middIjETon. Cow for Sale. A large, fine Holstein cow, good for family use. For sale by J. J. JORDAN, J"27 X mile west C rapper School. Young Jersey Cow. For sale. Inquire of 0. H. CASTNER. Notice. All bills due the Mount Hood Stage Co., must be paid as soon as possible. LOCKEY A ALLEN. For Sale. i My entire stock of thorough bred Plymouth Rock chickens and hens. D. Q. H ILL. Ice for Sale. At thlx factory, ; cent a pound. Jersey Cows. Two fresh Jrrsey cows for sale. JOHN KOBERG. For Rent. 10 acres of strawberry land. Also severs good shoats. G, D. Woodwokth.I Oreran for Sale. A good new Cornish organ, oak finish. Can be seen at BOOTH'S. For sale hv a8 JOHN KELLEY, Wanted. A competent man to take charge of a 60 acre farm, (theC. H. Stranahan place) mostly under cultivation; one who Is experienced In apple culture preferred. Call on or address mnm , LAD1) A WARRENS. 810 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Oregon. Stock Ranch for Sale. One of the best stock ranches In Camaa Prairie for sale: well improved, with 25 head of cattle. A bargain. For particulars, in quire at W.B.Cole's Store. m21 Wanted To Rent- Two or three small fruit farms 5 to 10 acres near town. Apply to GOS, CULBERTSON A CO. Land for Sale. D. Everhart has 5 acres of land, 2'4 miles from town, near Belmont, on which Is 160 bearing fruit trees, 2'4 acres of strawberries, X acre blhckberries, raspberries and clover, etc. Inquire ou premises or at EVERHART'8 STORE. Blacksmithing: And wagon repairing attended to promptly at my shop on the Mt. Mood road, south of town. Good work at reasonable prices. ep'7 G. A. HOWELL. For Sale. Ten acres for 1230, 6 or 8 acres of It as good frnit land as there is in Hood' River valley; oneKinarter mile from post office and school, near river .nil nllmurf ------ - - - ...... .nu .uuuunui 15 M R NORf.E. At Frankton, EDM. MEAT MAM. McGuire Bros. DEALERS IH Fresh and Cured Meats, Lard, Poultry, Fruits and Vegetables. Free Dehvery. Phone 35. NEW FEED STORE At mv nine nn th rt uwui mile south of town. I have nnenxt i-i, on lour and Feed Store. No need now to haul your c hj wis: "in irom town wneo vou emu buy of me at bottom prices. P. F. LAMAR. Contractor and Builder Plans and Estimates Fcrnihhkd. S. H. COX. Gerdes Lodging: House. r Murine k J r " " . "MmiB w flimfahtawf mnA itnAia.t..t..J . dMrvst WT er ali B. F. BELIETJT, Contractor and Builder. -Plas amo Estimates Ft Esiaaiir- OSTEOPATHY. Dr. J.E. Anderson, THK DALLEH, ORE. 1 Irr: