The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, August 08, 1902, Image 1

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I 2 f
I 141 W i
Publlnhed Every Friday by
H. V. BI.VTHK ft HOS, Publisher.
B. K. Blythe. E. N. Mythe.
Ternn of ubscrlitlou tl.&U a year when paid
In advance.
The mall arrlvea from Mt. Hood at 10 o'clock
a. m. Wedneiulayi and Saturdays; depart the
tame days at noon.
For Clienoweth, leaves at 8 a. m. Tneadays,
Thursdays and Saturdays: arrives at 6 p. m.
For White Salmon (Wash.) leaves daily at d:4J
a. m.; arrives at 7:16 p. m.
From White Salmon leaves for Fiilda, (illmer,
Trout Lake ami (ilciiwood daily at V A. M.
for Binejen (Wash.) leaves at 5:15 p.m.; ar
rives at 2 p. m.
PES IH). Meets the Hecond and Fourth
Fridays ol the month. Visttore cordially wel
comed. ('. U. Hakin. tlounsellor.
.Mas. Hknry MclllilUE, Secretary.
Union No. 112, meets in Odd Felluws' hall
second and fourth Saturdays in each month,
"i ;m o'clock. C. L. t'opfLE, President.
H. L. Dumble, Secretary.
I 1)7, 1. O. O. F. Meets flrstand third Mon
days in each month.
Miss l.tmc EKTRitaN, N. 0.
II. J. Hibrard, Secretary.
1 1ANBY POST. No. 16, li. A. R. Meets at A.
j O. U. W. Hall second and fourth Saturdays
of each month at 'i o'clock p. in. All li. A. K.
mem Iters invited to meet with us.
J. W. Kiuby, Commander.
C. J. Hayes, Adjutant.
C1ANBY W. R. C, No. 16- Meets first Satur
) day of each mouth in A. O. U. W. hall ati
p. m. Mks. B. F.Shoemakkr, President.
Mas. O. L. Stkanahan, Secretary.
1IOOD RIVER LOIXiE No. 105. A. F. and A
J 1 M. Meets Saturday evening on or before
each full moon. Win. M. Yates, W. M.
J. U. Thompson, Secretary.
Meets tliird Friday uittht of each month.
E. L. SMITH, 11. P.
A. N. Rahm, Secretary.
Meets second and fourth Tuesday even
ings ol each month. Visitors cordially wel
comed. Mas. Mollik C. I'olk, W. M.
Mas. Maey B. Davidson, Secretary.
OLFTA ASSEMBLY No. 103, United Artisans,
Mecta lirst and third W ednesilays, work;
second and fourth Wednesdays social; Arti
sans hall. F. C. Brosius, M. A.
Frkr ( or. Secretary.
-lirAUCOMA LOIXiE, No. 30, K. ol P.-Mcets
IV iu A. O. U. W.' hall every Tuesday iiijrhL
C. E. Markham, C. C.
W. A. Firkbai'gh, K. of K. and S.
KIVERS1DE LOIXiE, No. 8, A. O. t'. V.
Meeta lirst and third Satunlay of each
month. ' Fred Howe, W, M.
K. R., Financier.
( HB8TKK Slii'TK, Recorder.
1DLKWII.DK LOIXiE, No. 1U7, I. O O. F.
Meeia iu Fraternal hall every Thursday
night. L. E. Moksr, N. G.
J. L. Henderson, Secretary. .
HOOD RIVER TENT, No. 19, K. O. T. M.,
it meets at A. O. I'. W. hall on the first and
third Fridays of each month. i
Wai.tkh (jKrkino. Commander.
HONOR, A. O. V. W. Meets lirst and
third Saturdays at 8 P. M.
Mrs. E. R. Bradley, C. oi II. '
Lena Evans, Recorder. , .
IOOD RIVER CAMP, No. 7,702, M. W. A..
meets in Odd Fellows' llall tne III alalia
third Werinehdavsofeacli mouth.
F. L. Daviihon, V. C.
E. R. Bradley. Clerk.
y 15. PRESBY,
Mtorney-at-Law and II. S. Commissioner.
Ot ldcndale, Wash.
Makes a siwdalty of land office work. Final
nroois in timber and homestead entries made
before him.
Will make regular monthly visits to Hood
River. Residence 363 Sixteenth Street,
Portland, Oregon.
Specialist on Crown and Bridge Work.
I ' I
Telephones: Office, 281; residence, 91.
Office In Langille bid. Hood River, Oregon.
Gold crowns and bridge work and all kinds of
Up-to-Date Dentistry.
Successor to Dr. M. F. Shaw.
Calls promptly answered In town or country,
Dav or Sight.
Telephonea: Residence, M : Office,!.
Office over Everharl'a Grocery.
J F. WATT, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon.
Telephones: Office, 2H1 ; residence, 2S3.
For 23 vfars a resident of Oregon and Wash
ington, lias had many years eiinence in
Heal Estate matiers, as abstractor, searcher of
titles and agent, satisfaction guaranteed or
no charge.
Estimate! furnished for all kinds ot
work. Kepairing a specialty. All kinds
of shop work, Shop on State Street,
tatween First and Second.
la the place to get the latest and best in
t'onleciioiieries, Candies. Nuts, Tobacco,
Cigars, etx.
W. B. COLE, Proprietor.
'I'lione Central, or 121.
OfPee llonr: 10 to 11 A. M. ; S to 3
and 0 to 7 P. M.
Do a general banking busineaa.
CHAPTER II Continued.
"From a drop of water," aald the
writer, "a logician could Infer the pos
sibility of an Atlantic or a Niagara
without having Been or heard of one
or the other. So all life is a great
chain, the nature of which is known
whenever we are shown a single link
of it. Like all other arts, the science
of deduction and analysis is one which
can only be acquired by long and pa
tient study, nor is life long enough to
allow any one mortal to attain the
highest possible perfection In it. Be
fore turning to those moral and mental
aspect of the matter which present the
greatest difficulties, let the inquirer
begin by mastering more elementary
problems. Let him, on meeting a fel
low mortal, learn at a glance to dis
tinguish the history of the .man, and
the trade or profession to which he be
longs. Peurile as such an exercise may
seem, it sharpens the faculties of ob
servation and teaches one where to
ook and what to look for. By a man's
finger nails, by his coat sleeve, by his
boot, by his trouser knees, by the cal
losities of his forefinger and thumb,
by his expression, by his shirt cuffs
by each of these things a man's call
ing is plainly revealed. That all unit
ed should fail to enlighten the com
petent inquirer in any case is almost
"What ineffable twaddle!" I cried,
slapping the magazine down on the
table, "I never read such rubbish in
my life."
"What Is it?" asked Sherlock
"Why, this article," I said, pointing
at it with my egg spoon as I sat down
to my breakfast. "I see that you have
read It, since you have marked it. I
don't deny that it Is smartly written.
It irritates me though. It is evidently
the theory of same arm-chair lounger
who evolves all these neat little para
doxes in the seclusion of his own
study. It is not practical. I should
like to see him clapped down in a
third-class carriage on the Under
ground, and asked to give the trades
of all of his fellow travelers. I would
lay a thousand to one against him."
"You would lose your money," Sher
lock Holmes remarked calmly. "As
for the article, J wrote it myself."
"Yes; I have a turn both for obser
vation and for deduction. The theories
which I have expressed there, and
which appear to you to be so chimeri
cal, are really extremely practical so
practical that I depend upon them for
my bread and cheese."
"And how?" I asked involuntarily.
"Well, I have a trade of my own. I
suppose I am the only one in the
world. I'm a consulting detective, if
you can understand what that is. Here
in London we hare lots of government
detectives, and lots of private ones.
When these fellows are at fault they
come to me, and I manage to put
them on the right scent They lay all
the evidence before me, and I am gen
erally able, by the help of my knowl
edge of the history of crime to set
them straight. There Is a strong fam
ily resemblance about misdeeds, and if
you have all the details of a thousand
at your finger ends, it is odd if you
can't unravel the thousand and first.
Lestrade Is a well-known detective.
He got himself into a fog recently
over a forgery case, and that was what
brought him here."
"And these other people?"
"They are mostly sent out by private
inquiry agencies. They are all people
who are in trouble about something,
and want a little enlightening. I listen
to their story, they listen to my com
mentSj and then I pocket my fee."
"But do you mean to say," I said,
"that without leaving your room you
can unravel some knot which other
men can make nothing of, although
they have seen every detail for them
selves ?"
"Quite so. I have a kind of intuition
that way. Now and again a case turns
up which is a little more complex.
Then I have to bustle about and see
things with my own eyes. You see, I
have a lot of special knowledge which
I apply to the problems, and which fa
cilitates matters wonderfully. Those
rules of deduction laid down in that
article which aroused your scorn are
invaluable to me in practical work.
Observation, with me, is second na
ture. You appeared to be surprised
when I told you, on our first meeting,
that you had come from Afghanistan."
"You were told, no doubt."
"Nothing of the sort. I knew you
came from Afghanistan. From long
habit the train of thought ran so swift
ly through my mind that I arrived at
the conclusion without being conscious
of Intermediate steps. There were such
steps, however. The train of reason
ing ran: 'Here is a gentleman of a
medical type, but with the air of a mil
itary man. Clearly an army doctor,
then. He has Just come from the
tropics, for his face Is dark, and that
is not the natural tint of his skin, for
his wrists are fair. He has undergone
hardship and sickness, as his haggard
face says clearly. His left arm has
been injured. He holds it in a stiff
and unnatural manner. Where in the
tropics could an English army doctor
seen much hardship and got his arm
wounded? Clearly in Afghanistan." The
whole train of thought did not occupy
a second. I then remarked that you
came from Afghanistan, and yon were
"It is simple enough as you explain
It," I said, smiling. "You remind me
of Edgar Allen Poe's Dupln. I had no
idea that such individuals did exist
outside of stories."
Sherlock Holmes rose and lighted
his pipe.
"No doubt yon think that you are
complimenting me in comparing me to
Dupin," he observed. "Now, in my
opinion Dupln was a very inferior fel
low. That trick of his of breaking in
on his friend's thoughts with an apro
pos remark after a quarter of an hour's
silenca is really very showy and super
ficial. Us bad sows analytical genius.
no doubt; but he was by no means
such a phenomenon as Poe appeared to
"Have you read Gaboriau's works?"
I asked. "Does Lecoq coma up to your
idea of a detective?"
Sherlock Holmes sniffed sardonical
ly. "Lecoq was a miserable blunderer,"
he said in an angry voice; "he had
only one thing to recommend him, and
that was his energy. That book made
me positively ill.'"
"The question was how to identify
an unknown prisoner. I could have
done it in twenty-four hours. Lecoq
took six months or so. It might be
made a text book for detectives to
teach them what to avoid."
I felt rather indignant at having two
characters whom I had admired treat
ed in this cavalier style.
I walked over to the window and
stood looking out into the busy street.
"This fellow .may be very clever," I
said to myself, ''but he is certainly
very conceited."
."There are no crimes and no crim
inals in these days," he said, queru
lously. "What is the use of having
brains In our profession? I know well
that I have it in me to make my name
famous. No man lives or has ever
lived who has brought the same
amount of study and of natural talent
to the detection of crime which I have
done. And what Is the result? There
is no crime to detect, or, at most,
some bungling vlllany with a motive
so transparent that even a Scotland
Yard official can see through it."
I was still annoyed at his bumptious
style of conversation. I thought it best
to change the topic.
"I wonder what that fellow is look
ing for?" I asked, pointing to a stal
wart, plainly dressed individual who
was walking slowly down the other
side of the street, looking anxiously at
the numbers. He had a large blue en
velope in his hand, and was evidently
the bearer of a message.
"You mean the retired sergeant of
marines," said Sherlock Holmes.
"Brag and bounce!" thought I to my
self. "He knows that I cannot verify
his guess."
The thought had hardly passed
through my mind when the man whom
we were watching caught sight of the
number on our door and ran rapidly
across the roadway.
We heard a loud knock, a deep voice
below and heavy steps ascending the
"For Mr. Sherlock Holmes," he said,
stepping into the room and handing
my friend the letter.
Here was an opportunity of taking
the conceit out of him. He little
thought of this when he made that ran
dom shot.
"May I ask, my lad," I said, blandly,
"what your trade may be?"
"Commissionaire, sir," he said, gruff
ly. "Uniform away for repairs."
"And you were," I asked, with a
slightly malicious glance at my com
panion. "A sergeant, sir; Royal Marine
Light Infantry, sir. No answer? Right
He clicked his heels together, raised
his hand in a salute and was gone.
I confess that I was considerably
startled by this fresh proof of the
practical nature of my companion's
My respect for his powers of anal
ysis Increased wondrously. There still
remained some lurking suspicion in
my mind, however, that the whole
thing was a prearranged episode, in
tended to dazzle me, though what
earthly object he could have in taking
me In was past my comprehension.
When I looked at him he had fin
ished reading the note, and his eyes
assumed the vacant, lack luster ex
pression which showed mental ab
straction. "How in the world did you deduce
that?" I asked.
"Deduce what?" said he, petulantly.
"Why, that he was a retired ser
geant of marines."
T have no time for trifles," he re
plied brusquely; then, with a amile,
"Excuse my rudeness. You broke the
thread of my thoughts; but perhaps
it is just as well. So you actually
were not able to see that the man was
a sergeant of marines."
"No, Indeed."
"It was easier to know it than to
explain why I know It If you were
asked to prove that two and two made
four, you might find some difficulty,
and yet you are quite sure of that
fact. Even across the street I could
see a great blue anchor tattooed on
the back of the fellow's hand. That
smacked of the sea. He had a mili
tary carriage, however, and regulation
side whiskers. There we have the
marine. He was a man with some
amount of self-importance and a cer
tain air of command. You must have
observed the way in which he held
his head and swung his cane. A steady,
respectable, middle-aged man, too, on
the face of him all facts which led
me to believe that he had been a ser
geant" .
"Wonderful!" I ejaculated.
"Commonplace," said Holmes,
though I thought from his expression
that he was pleased at my evident
surprise and admiration. "I said just
now that there were no criminals. It
appears that I am wrong look at
this!" He threw me over the note
which the commissionaire had
"Why," I cried ss I cast my eye over
it, "this is terrible!"
"It does seem to be a little out of
the common," he remarked calmly.
"Would you mind reading it to me
This is the letter which I read to
"My Dear Mr. Sherlock Holmes
There has been a bad business during
the night at 3 Laurtston Gardens, off
tha Brixton road. Our man on tb
beat saw a light there about 2 "a the
morning, and as the house was an
empty one, Buspected something was
amiss. He found the door open and in
the front room, which is bare ot fur
ture, discovered the body of a gentle
man, well dressed and having cards in
his pocket bearing the name of 'Enoch
J. Drebber, Cleveland, Ohio, U. 8. A.'
There had been no robbery, nor is
there any evidence as to how the man
met his death. There are marks of
blood in the room, but there is no
wound upon his person. We are at a
loss as to how he came into the empty
house; indeed, the whole affair is a
puzzler. If you can come round to the
house any time before 12 you will find
me there. I have left everything in
statu quo until I hear from you. If
you are unable to come I shall give'
you fuller details, and would esteem it
a great kindness if you would favor
me with your opinion. Yours faithful
"Gregson is the smartest of the
Scotland Yarders," my friend re
marked. "He and Lestrade are the pick
of a bad lot. They are both quick and
energetic, but conventional shocking
ly so. They have their knives into
each other, too. They are as Jealous
as a pair of professional beauties.
There will be some fun over this case
if they are both put upon the scent."
I was amazed at the calm, way in
which he rippled on.
"Surely there Is not a moment to be
lost," I cried; "shall I go and order
you a cab?"
"I am not sure about whether I shall
go. I am the .most incurably lazy dev
il that ever Btood in shoe leather
that Is, when the fit Is on me, for I can
be spry enough at times."
"Why; it is just such a chance as
you have been longing for."
"My dear fellow, what does It mat
ter to me? Suppose I unravel the
whole matter, you may be sure that
Gregson, Lestrade & Co. will pocket
all the credit. That comes of being
an unofficial personage."
"But he begs you to help him."
"Yes. He knows that I am his su
perior, and acknowledges it to me;
but he would cut his tongue out before
he would own It to any third person.
However, we may as well go and have
a look. I shall work it out on my own
hook. I may have a laugh at them,
If I have nothing else. Come on!"
He hustled on his overcoat, and bus
tled about in a way that showed that
an energetic fit had superseded the
apathetic one.
"Get your hat," he said.
"You wish me to come?"
"Yes, if you have nothing better to
A minute later we were both in a
hansom, driving furiously for the
Brixton road.
It was a foggy, cloudy morning, and
a dun-colored veil hung over the house
tops, looking like the reflection of the
mud colored streets beneath.
My companion was in the best of
spirits, and prattled away about Cre
mona fiddles, and the difference be
tween a Stradlvarius and an Amati.
As for myself, I was silent, for the
dull weather and the .melancholy busi
ness upon which we were engaged de
pressed my spirits.
"You don't seem to give much
thought to the matter in hand," I said
at last interrupting Holmes' musical
"No data yet," he answered. "It is
a capital mistake to theorize before
you have all the evidence. It biases
the Judgment."
"You will have your data soon." I
remarked, pointing with my finror,
"this is the Brixton road, and that Is
the house, if I am not very much mis
taken." "So it is. Stop, driver, stop!"
We were still a hundred yards or so
from It, but he insisted upon our
alighting, and we finished our Journey
upon foot.
(To be continued.)
' A Crushing Reply.
Referring to the "Pulpit and Tew"
question raised by Dr. Horton's in
teresting experiment, a North Loudon
minihter writes:
"I think we ministers rather relinh
criticism, but we got too little of it."
One rcalls in this connection the
story of the young minister walking
home with one of the eldurs ufttr the
deliverance of his first sermon. After
some moments' silence the latter ob
served: "You were not long."
"I am very glad to hear you say so,"
replied the youthful cleric; "I was
afraid I was tedious."
"Oh." was the crushing replv, "you
were tedious." Westminster Gazette.
Speaking of Royalty.
Damocles had been invited to dine
with the King of Syracuse, On taking
his seat he instantly saw the sword
hanging by a hair above his head.
"I suppose," he said to the king,
"yon call that the hair apparent."
Dionyeius, pretending to seo no
humor in the remark, replied:
"I don't know about that, my boy;
but if it falls upon yonr head it will
make some crown prints."
This shows that the ancients weie
not aver e to joking, even under trying
circumstances. New York Times.
"Sectional lins are vanishing. Soon
there will be no north, no south, no
eat-t, no west!"
"Yes; I suppose it's only a queetion
of time until they p-t up a torporation
big enough to own the whole country.
The Largest Dome.
The largest dome in the world is that
of the Lutheran church at Wairaw.
Its interior diameter is 200 feet. That
of the British museum library is 130
Oa the Move,
"Thev have two servants."
"Huh I That's nothing. Ws
usually have two in our house one
going snd on coming." Philadelphia
A Comprtheniivs Review of the Important
Happening! of the Put Week, Presented
In a Condensed Form, which li Most
Likely to Prove of Interest to Our Many
Rumor has it that the king of Siam
has been assassinated.
A cyclone destroyed 42 houses at
Pompri, province of Kurak, killing 22
Senor Sagasta, in an interview,
announces that he is about to retire
from public life.
Rohl, of Munich, Bavaiia, beat the
world's six-hour bicycle lecord at Fried
ran Sunday. He averaged 38 miles an
Commodore Joseph Montgomery, the
Confederate naval officer who nearly
captured Grant during the Civil war,
died at Chicago Sunday.
Dr. William M. Bradshcar, president
of the Iowa State collt ge at Ames, and
former president of the National Edu
cational association, died Tuesday of
nervous prostration.
The circuit court of Cuyahoga county
Iiub dissolved an injunction against the
Cleveland city council, which prevent
ed that body from transacting business
becfuge of alleged illegality and the in
auguration of a 3-cent street car fare.
Former President Steyn, of the Or
ange Freo State, is reported to be in
very bad health. He has gone to The
Hague to meet President Kruger.
An explanatory note "-issued by the
Russian minister of finance states that
Russia will regard as a violation of
treaty the proposed American counter
vailing sugar duties.
At Helena, Mont., a" lone highway
man hold up Samuel Trevis and James
Randall, and after he had robbed them,
compelled Trevis to stop a street car. tie
a handkerchief over his face and go
through the car.
Whitelaw Reid, special ambassador
to great Britain, has teturned.
The Shenandoah collieries may star!
np under the protection of troops
A Chicago woman lias been arrested
for starving nine infants to death.
Striking anthracite coal miners say
incompetent men are being sent into
the mines.
The Santa Fe railroad has it-sued a
circular granting an increase of wages
to the carmen.
There is good reason to believe that
the United States will secure a coaling
station on the west coast of Africa.
Press censorship in Russia has been
vigilant and exacting since the assass
ination of the minister of the interor.
In a collision between a passenger
train and street car at Terre Haute,
hid., three persons were fatally, six
seriously and two.slightly injured.
Therejis strong talk in Jamaica of
annexation to the United States.
Robliers at Astoria bound and gagged
a man on a fishing scow and secured
MOO. '
The Vatican proposes a gradual with
drawal of the friars from the Philip
pines. A Salt Lake mining man shot and
fatally woundedtwo persons and then
killed himself.
The Seattle steamer Jessie Benning
has been sold to the Colombian govern
ment for 08,000.
Troops will remain in Shenandoah,
Fa., where tho recent riots occurred,
until the strike is ended.
A secret organization in Tayabas pro
vince, Philippine islands, has been up
rooted by the constabulary.
The cruiser Brooklyn, which con
veyed the remains of the late Lord
Pauncefote to England, has returned.
An explosion in a colliery in New
South Wales resulted in the death of at
lea3t 100 persons.
The Louisiana Purchase Expositi-'n
company has secured an additional 50
acres of land for use in the St. Louis
A tidal wave in Costa Rica, following
severe earthquakes, frightened hun
dreds of residents aud caused consider
able damage.
$400 Gift for Children at Portland Cirnivil
Children's Day at the Fortland Elks'
Carnival will be Sept. 12, the last day
but one of the great street fair. On
that occasion a pretty Shetland pony
with an up-to-date cart and harness
will be given to some lucky boy or girl
who is present. The pony has been
given by Dr. W. A. Wiie and the cart
is from Studebaker's. Besides this
equipment, it is probable thata saddle,
together with a handsomely embroid
ered saddle cloth will be given with the
pony. Prize lby day will be Sept. 5.
William C. Whitney, of New York,
has given a handsome house and lot to
the physician who attended Mrs. Whit-
' ney in her long illnses.
Turners in convention at Davenport,
I la., defeated a proposition to admit
j women to membership and urged taxa
' tion of churrh property.
St. Louis snd Mstern capitalists have
organized to build a bridge over the
Mississippi at St. Iiuis and a new de
pot in the heart of the city.
Spokane, Aug 6. Harry Tracy is
dead The notorious criminal, convict,
outlaw, deseprado and multi-murderer
committed suicide last evening, after
being shot twice by his pursuers. His
body was found at an early hour this
morning, cold and dead, lying face
upward, and the hands still caressing
the famous 30-30 rifle and 45-calibre
Colt's revolver. The resting place was
in a wheat .field near the Eddy home,
where Tracy spent the last few days,
and whither he had been tracked by his
The body was taken to Davenport,
udner care of Sheriff Gardner of Lin
coin county. Its disposition will be
decided later by the officials in chargp
British Columbia and Dominion Governments
In Serious Controversy.
Vancouver, B. C, Aug. 6. British
Columbia has started on a battle for
provincial rights against the Dominion
government. The Japanese have caused
the conflict. For many sessions past
private members of the legislature have
introduced bills to prevent the employ
ment of Chinese and Japanese on pub
lic works granted franchises by the As'
sembly. As fast as the bills became
acts, the federal government disallowed
Last session the provincial govern
ment took a hand in the game. It
passed an act based on the Natal act
and perhaps going one better than any
measure of a private member. TheOt
tawa authorities have answered this
defiance in the same way as the others
But this is more serious. The Duns
nuur government ' will not,., it is
thought, consent to be sat upon in this
manner; at all events Joseph Martin,
the leader of the liberal party, will not.
Mr. Martin is demanding that a special
session of the legislature be called, to
re-enact the anti-Japanese legislation,
and he utges that as fast as it is disal
lowed the. members meetjagain and pass
the bill until the federal government is
brought to time as it was in Manitoba
some years ago. Itjis very probable
that the Dunsmuir government will pay
attention to the requests of Mr. Martin,
because he holds the balance of powet
in the local house and can turn Mr.
Dunsmuir out of office if he does not do
as Mr. Martin wishes. The attitude
that the Dominion government takes
on this matter is that the British
Columbia legislation is unpopular in
Great Britain, which country is desir
ous of keeping on the best of terms
with ite new ally, Japan, with whom it
has so recently made a treaty. The
tight, therefore, which British Colum
bia lias started is likley to become fam
ous. How -it will end it is not possible
to forecast, but Manitoba won its fight
for provincial rights against the federal
government, and Joseph Martin was
the leader.
State Supreme Court Makes Some Rulings
of Importance.
Salem, Aug. 6. The state supreme
court, in opinions just handed down:
When a lessee continues in possession
and pays rent after the expiration of a
10-year lease, it is held that this is a
continuance of the relationship of land
lord and tenant from year to year un
der the original agreement.
Sharing profits and losses is not alone
evidence of partnership, but there must
be community of interest and control of
the probity.
The listing of land of the state as
swamp laud does not convey title, and
the secretary of the interior may cancel
the list any time before patent issues.
The state's grantee must contest the
question whether the land was, in fact,
swamp land in the land departmet.
Attorneys for the Barons Have Prepared s
Demurrer Against Injunction.
Chicago, Aug. 6. The attorneys
representing the alleged beef trnst have
prepared for filing a demurrer to the
bill by virtue of which the federal
court issued an injunction to prevent
the packing houses from conspiring to
manipulate the U'arnet. The insuffi
ciency and unconstitutionality of the
anti-tiust law and the denial of the
right of the courts to compel packers to
prodtu e their books for inspection are
alleged, in addition to a general denial
of the truth of charges made in. the
bill. The demurrer will be filed as
soon as it can be verified by the differ
ent defendants.
Great Catch of Salmon.
Astoria, Aug. 6. The greatest indi
vidual catch of salmon made on the
Columbia river in many years was
reported Saturday at the Elmore can
nery, when Julius Erickson, of West
Astoria, brought in 3,548 pounds cf
fish, the result of about an hour's
work. Erickson's net was in the
water less than 20 minutes, and his
haul netted him $141.92.
Timber Deal Closed.
Portland, Aug. 6. Chief Engineer
Kinney of the Great Central Railroad
company announces that an important
deal has just been closed. Several
weeks ago M. J. Kinney took an option
on 97,000 acres of timber land in the
Coos Bay district, and in the deal is
included the major portion of the plat
ted town of Empire City. The land
was owned by the Southern Oregon
company, represented by Prosper
Smith of Boston.
Meeting Held st Davenport Very Satisfactory
to the Farmers ol the Big Bend Country.
Important Link of Road Eighteen Miles
Long, Which Will Save a Haul of Over s
Hundred Miles Reduction In Rites.
Spokane, Aug. 6. Graian rates will
be reduced from all points in Eastern
Washington, and the reduction will
take place in time to benefit the farm
ers on this year's crop. The amount
of the reduction is yet to be deter
mined, but conjecture ranges from 1 to
2 cents per bushel.
The Great Northern and the Central
Washington branch of the Northern
Pacific will be connected by a cross
road, to run from the terminus of the
Central Washington, in the Grand
Coulee, to Adrian, on the Great North
ern. It will be 18 miles in length,
will cost in the neighborhood of
$350, 000, and will be built as soon as
the surveys can be completed, con
tracts let, and the work done under
pressure. It may be completed be
fore January 1. .
As a result of this arrangement,
the Northern Pacific will cease hauling
garin eastward to Spokane and thence
westward to the coast, and will move
its share of the tonnage to the termi
nus of the Central Washington Branch.
There it will be taken by the Great
Northern and carried to Seattle, in
stead of to Tacoma, as heretofore.
Davenport, Wash., Aug. 6. The
greatset aggregation of railroad talent
that ever came into the west on ona
train pulled into Davenport at 9
o'clock a. m. on special of six cars,
and before the magnates took the
back track to Spokane in the afternoon
they substantially agreed to make a
lower rate on grain to tide-water
points. It was a great day for Daven
port and the Big Bend, but the effect
of the assurances made by the railroad
presidents will reach beyond the con
fines of Big Bend and beyond the Snake
river, for, in the language of President
Mellen, "the transportation interests
of the entire Northwest are so closely
interwoven tbat, like a card house,
when rates tumble in one part of the
country they must come down all along
the line."
As a reason for making the reduc
tion, Mr. Mellen announced that his
company would at once extend the
Washington Central from its present
terminus, at Coulee City, to Adrian,
on the Great Northern, thus saving a
baui of 150 miles. This announcement
created wild enthusiasm among the
large audience of farmers which had
previously listened to a very interest
ing speech by President James J. Hill,
in which the reduction had been
hinted at only in the faintest possible
The big Bend is exclusively Hill
and Mellen territory, and for that
reason President Mellen of the O. R.
& N., when called on, very aptly an
nounced that he was a railorad man
without a railroad, so far as this section
was concerned. The meeting was
very enthuBiatsic,' and the speeches of
the three railroad presidents weie
gems of the first water.
The amount of reduction and the
time of its taking effect will not be
decided until after the meeting at
At the conclusion ol the mass meet
ing, a conference was held between a
committee of farmers and the railroad
men. At this conference, both sides
submitted arguments in support of
their respective claims regarding the
amount of the reduction, and the mat
ter is nnder advisement nntil the rest
of the territory affected shall be heard
In his speech to the farmers Pres
ident Hill vigorously attacked legisla
tion on railway rates, saying: "As well
try to set a broken limb by statute, as
to adjust rates. You can legislate until
the barn doors rot off. The best thing
to do is to act as you have here with
the officials. We will try to act in
such a way that you will realize that
we are doing something fair and in
good faith.
"What yon want is the highest price
from any store. You want a new mar
ket. Yon roust make market. You
must make more people use your stuff.
Statesmen tell us bow to do this;
but they get consideration for doing
so. I cannot find in public acts one
intelligent thing that you have done
to get new markets. I don't know any
place where you have not been left to
shift for yoursleves as farmers. Yon
have crops that keep you busy four
months in the year. You want to do
something the rest of the time besides
whittling and holding down a nail keg.
What you should do is to raise stock.
roots, forage. There is nothing better
than raising stock."
Taylor Denies It
Chicago, Aug. 6. Rear Admiral
Taylor denies the story telegraphed
Irom Washington to the effect that he
believes the United State and Germany
will go to war in 1907. When asked if
he had set a data for a conflict between
the two countries, be said : "Such as
sertions sa ha to been credited to me are
without foundation other than that I
have said our seacoast defenses hould
be well protected against attack bj any
European power."