The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, July 04, 1902, Image 2

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    ii i -ii- w " 1 w ,(im"v. h i" (. MBM MM M Hl
"'food Iftver Slacier.
FRIDAY, JULY 4, litOi!.
Out at Tucker.
The Glacier junior accepted an invi
tation Su inlay to spend the day with
Joe Wilson, at his fruit ranch four miles
south of town. Mr. Wilson in ft right
good entertainer and will find us coming
out that way again. After showing us
around tho country, Mr. Wilson demon
strated his abilitfeg ir. the culinary art
and set out a feast fit for Epicurus him
self. What Joe doesn't know alxmt the
tine points of cooking isn't worth
The Joseph A. Wilson 80-arre fruit
ranch, four miles south of town, is one
of the best pieces of land in Hood River
valley. The land lias a south and east
slope, lies protected from heavy winds,
and is several days earlier than land on
the hill a quarter of a mile distant, The
soil is a white clay, which, under culti
vation, retains an abundance of, moist
ure throughout the dry season. There
are several perman.'nt springs on the
tract, and being situated but a few hun
dred yards below the big ditch the soil
has the benefit of the seepage. On if
acres of the place there isn't a rock.
Light timber, easily romoved.covers the
uncultivated portion. About 15 acres
are now in cultivation, and perhaps less
than 10 acres are rendered iiontillable
by the stream of Hood river. There are
between 700 and HO0 five-year-old winte
apple trees on the farm, three acres in
straw berries, and the rest of the culti
vated land in clover and garden. Mr.
Wilson has as well-kept anil thrifty an
orchard as is to bo found in the valley,
lie is a thorough cultivator and persist
ent sprayer the kind of fruitgrower
bound to become rich. The chief var
ieties in his orchard are the Haldwin,
Spitzenlierg, lien Davis and Wealthy.
From this orchard Mr. Wilson will be
reaping a. small fortune in a few years.
He refused last week a cash offer for
his farm of 8,000.
Adjoining Mr. Wilson on the west is
William' Davidson's fruit farm of 43
acres. Mr. Davidson is another of Hood
River's many successful fruitgrowers
and has a thriving orchard of lien Davis
and Haldwins that bear heavily each
year, and are big pay. The place pro
duces early fruit, and Mr. Davidson has
successfully produced large crops of
strawberries from the same land for
nine years. From a half aero of two-year-old
plants Mr. Davidson gather -d
this season 10!) crates, which will net
him over $2 a crate. He has several
acres in clover and alfalfa, which yield
abundantly each year.
South of Mr. Davidson, Theodore
' Smith will soon have a valuable fruit
farm of winter apples and strawberries.
Hie land lies under the hill and being
protected from the winds is quite early.
Next to Mr. Smith is the It. R. Tucker
farm and orchard. Mr. Tucker has a
large number ot the Yellow Newtown
apples. His trees are very productive
and produced last fall some of the finest
apples in the valley. One of his Yel
low New towns weighed 18 ounces. Mr.
Tucker won a number of medals at both
the liuffalo and Charleston expositions.
Northeast of Wilson's place is the R.
Pealor farm now in charge of his son
Miltou. Milton has done some hard
work on the farm in the last two years,
and will soon have things in shape to
.' take it easy and enjoy a goi'id-eized in
come. He has 20 acres in driver, which
will yield this year 80 tons of hay. Last
Saturday ho sold 30 tons of his clover
hay in the field at $10 a ton. His mother
Mrs. R. l'ealer is raising a choice lot of
1'ekiu ducks, which she will fatten fi.r
the holiday trade.
At tho site of the old Tucker mill
things are attain assuming a busy air.
The recently 'organized Tucker 1'ower
company is putting in a sawmill where
tho old one stood. This will will have
a capacity of 3!,000 feet of lumber a day
and will bo operated chiefly to supply
the material for the construction of the
various enterprises to be established by
the company, The power house for the
generation of electricity will be placed
just below the county bridge spanning
Hood river. The electric dynamos to
bo installed in tho power house will be
operated bv a 40-foot fall of water from
a Hume 2,000 feet long and 20 teet wide,
The water from this flume will exert a
force of 1,000 horsepower,and by increas-
" ing the size of tho flume this power may
bo increased two or three times. The
cost of the flume w ill amount to 15.000,
The company w ill make immediate use
of only 75 horsepower for the operation
of the' flouring mill, which the company
w ill build in town, and expect to have
in operation by the middle of winter.
This llourine mill w ill have a daily cap
acity of 100 barrels of flour, and will be
an enterprise lor lloou Kiver ol no small
magnitude, li there is a demand for it
tho company will put i n appliances for
furnishing electric lights and motor
power, or will pump water from Hood
river for irrigating purposes. The in
corporators of the Tucker Power com'
pany are It. R. Tucker and W. A. Sling-
erlnnd of Hood River; J. J. Crotut, O
W. Lung and I. H.Uingham of Portland.
Knew a (JimmI Tliintr When He Saw It.
Whiloon tho Southern Pacific train
on his way to Irving to attend the I'. P
conference there, S. E. Partmess heard
the news agent advertising his fruit by
calling out "Hood Kiver cherries, air
Unrtmess said to him, "How about
Hood River fruit? 1 ve heard a great
deal about it." The fruit agent replied
by giving Mr. Hurt mesa a handful of
cherries and saving, "It is one of the
finest fruit sections in the world
Peaches, pears, prunes, apples, straw
lierrios crow to perfection there. Here
is a sample of cherries," and he pointed
to a basket of delicious Royal Anns
undoubtedly a Willamette valley
product for it was too early for ourcher
ries. "That's right, wade in partner,'
said Mr. Martinet., "you can't put it too
strung. I've lived there 12 years and
-know you are tellinir the truth about the
excellent iruit ol Hood Kiver valley
I'm glad to hear vou tell about it.'
"Here, take one on me," said the agent,
"vou men up there ought to pay me a
salary for advertising your truit. A
gnod many pcuple hear of jour place
through me. And he went on with
that familiar call, "HiMid River fruit.
Mr. llartmess thinks the fruit shippers
ouiMit to he willing to mve Imu a tip.
The agent's name is A. IVIasl.ment of
Portland, care of the Southern Pacific
Crupper Cropping.
A rain Tuesday night and Wednesday
morning did much toward improving
tliel ioksol crops and laving the dust
but uiaiiv tons of hav lving on the
gn uiid ill be damaged more or less,
A. T. Dodge returned Saturday from
a lr:p through Wasco, Sherman and
Croix counties. He report the farmers
jubilant over the prospect of a bountiful
crop ot gram and hay. Mr. Jodg
thinks Hood Kiver suits him.
Mrs. William Nichols returned to her
home at The Dulles, last Fridav.
Harry Kgtiert started for the Sherman
couiilv lmrvest belds lue.nlsv morning
Several of our Imys are thinking of going
after (he 4th. .Mr. Ikv.
Henri Wattei-Miii tf Lei-lure.
The ninth annual session of the Wil
lamv'te Ct.itiuquA a.csViution will be
held at Gladstone Park, near Oregui
Cilv, Julv 8 to H. The attraction of i
tl.e a t io ill tx tw apw aramv of
C l H'Miry Watter,,, tlio brilliant
nii'l titU'tittsl tvlitor of t lie IMiieville
iv.trior-Jounta!, who will deliver hit
two famous IfCtutvs, 'Alraliaiii
co'n" am! "Money ami Morals," He
will l.vturv July 10an-l 1!. When Hen
ry Vittter!im ielivereJ iiis now faniou?
Uvtare ou tlie life, carxvr "aiui tlt-ath of
A!":ili:im I.imv!n, at the Au-iitrium in
t liUMk '. the l-i h of tcitrnary,lvii,i, un- ned tiin? grand remedy, tor it never dis
I.t tli rtiiiMiV!i of the Lincoln Council. .i-!mih!s. Cure i enaranteeii bv Cha.
National I'nion, in commemoration of
the 8iith anniversary of the birth of the
martyr president, the great hall the
most capacious in tho world was packed
from pit to dome by an eager throng of
enlightened and appreciative people,
who had come from far and near to hear
the distinguished Kentucky orator a
confederate soldier and a representative
Southern statesman lay upou the altar
of American manhood the tribute of
chivalric patriotism. The Hon. Robert
Todd Lincoln, the sole surviving son of
Abraham Lincoln, and members. of his
family, occupied one of the boxes. For
two hours, amid constant and enthusi
astic applause, Mr. Watterson held his
audience, and, at the close, every one
felt that, for the first time, he had seen
and known the wonderful man whose
life story the eloquent Kentuckian had
so vividly told.
Some Strawberry Yields.
Uncle Billy Ellis reports the best
yield heard from this year 4G2 crates
from 2 acres. His patch was well cared
for and he had fine berries.
8. C. Zeigler of White Salmon picked
700 crates from 3g acres. The yield
waa about the same as last year from
the same number of acres. His vines
were quite full and the berries were
smaller than last year. About 50 crates
were left on the' vines for the reason
that they were too small for market.
(J. D. Eatinger, on the Butta ranch,
nicked 1978 crates from U4 acres.
Aaron Butts, on 15 acres, picked about
2500 crate-'.
I). E. Miller, on the Alma Howe place,
nicked 2220 crates from 10 acres the
next average yield for a big patch.
R. Kirbyson gathered 125 crates from
11 acres.
r. Fossberg picked ow crates irom o
acre, ins plants on one acre were
eiifht years old were set by John G.
Wheeler. This acre yielded over 100
crates. Other parts of the patch cou
sisted of young plants.
The Jlarklev brothers set one acre 10
strawberries last July. This year they
gathered over 200 crates from this one
acre. The plants are set very close to
gether, there being tiardly room enough
to wa Ik between the rows, nut tins
shows what can be done on one acre of
land in Hood River. A crop of wheat
could hardly be harvested any quicker
from time ot planting.
William Davidson gathered from half
an acre 109 crates, wlucli win net. mm
over $2 a crate.
E. A. hranz leathered 137 crates trom
4 acres of strawberries set late last fall.
The receipts from this crop paid the
expenses of setting the plants and for all
labor upon them during uie year. lur.
branz has now 15 acres m plants irom
which he expects to gather a good crop
next season.
George Booth's place marketed some
of the finest strawberries of any place in
the valley. In topping his boxes the
packers could gel only tour oerries in a
F. G. Church picked 433 crates off li
acres. This beats the record.
C. G. Metcalf nicked 185 crates of fine
berries from what is estimated to bo
two-thirds of an acre.
A Plea for the Sabbath.
Hood River, Oregon, May 27, 1902,
Kditor Glacier: Our beautiful valley
is indeed a busy place; but as we look
aroiind from time to time we tremble
and are sad to see so many people who
act as if they did not believe there was
a Cod in heaven, or else did not care or
believe what He intent are they
on gaining the praise and honor of men
and the riches of this world. Of course
cares and vexations come along
with it all. Thev foruet they are eter
nity bound men and women and will
before lone stand'at the bar of God to
answer foo the way they have lived .They
have no respect for the Lord s day. Uli
men and women, do vou not know your
souls are worth more than all this world?
Ves, are worth more than you will ever
gain in Hood River valley if you forget
your God, torget to love mm ana serve
11 1 tn , till it is too late. Christ said
VY hat shall it nroht a man if he earn
the whole world and lose his soul?" We
know, of course, it is great temptation
to pick berries and have them picked and
lo lots of other work that could be done
at some other time. The body needs
the rest if vou had no other motive ;and
if everyone in this valley would begin to
keep that day and rest body and mind, I
think none of them would be sorry in
the end. It seems as if it might be
managed so all could enjoy the day in
good reading, or those who wanted to
could go to serve the Lord, and in the
nd we think ail would be as well on.
Seeking fun and pleasure and working
on God s day will surely bring some
punishment, if not right now, in eterni
ty. Them that honor Him he will
honor. Seek first the kingdom of God
and its righteousness and all these
things shall 'be added. And the Lord
may look down and see that you have
turned away from the wrong to do the
right and He will be pleased.
, M. L. C.
Mt. Hood Notes.
Received too late for last week.
E. Henson spent last week in Grass
Valley, Sherman county. He says crops
look tine.
John R. Bird has been building a fish
ladder at the dam this week.
The Honorable I). R. Cooper has be
gun to cut his clover bay. That's right,
Dave; make room for your neighbors to
cure their hay oti your place.
Go way back and sit down, you bear
hunters who have been hunting bears
all spring with dogs. You've let Mrs.
Douglas Kiggs beat all ol yon, and that
without a dog, too. After waiting a long
time for a piece of liear meat to be pre
sented by some of her friends, she got
tired of waiting ; so one day last week,
while her husband was away at work,
she shouldered his Winchester and
started to try her luck. After limiting
two or three hours she came onto a very
large bear lying down, and instead of
running and screaming, she brought her
artillery to bear, turned it loose and sent
a bullet crashing through Bruin's heart,
and it did not get up, Now, then, bear
hunters, sell your dogs to the sausage
man and turn your ritles over to your
wives, and you may find meat in the
Burt Sandman had a barn raising last
Saturday. His new barn is to hold his
clover hay if he can find ground enough
to cure it on.
I. J. Butler and wife of The Pulles are
camped here for the summer. They are
out for their health.
Mount Hood will celebrate the 4th in
grand old style this year. L.
Satisfactory lo the I'mlerwrlters.
1'iirllaiul, Or., June 2S, 1H02. Mr.
A. S. Blowers, Hood Kiver, Or. Dear
Sir: Beg to return herewith ordinance
relating to Hood River ISpring Water
Co. Will state that it is satisfactory in
every resiect toils. Of course you un
derstand that the water works must be
supplemented by a fire department, as
e have heretofore instructed you, to
obtain reduction in rate from tariff
now applying. This information has
also been furnished you in previous let
ter. When plant is completeil-and tire
department installed, inspection will be
made by one of our representatives, aud
if up to the requirements in every re
spert, a reduction in rates approximat
ing 20 to 25 per cent will lie granted.
J. C. Stonk, Surveyor.
SaVC-i YYafNA Life.
ii .
To have given up would have meant
(or -lr- rg ti IHrchester,
Mao!, tor years site una eiuiumi nntnui
niirT from a Bt'vore luntf trouble and
'I oiuil M'irtviy bit'Rthe, and" m
timee could not fjvHk. AU diotor9 and
rt'iiHHiit fm)Hl till 1 uwd Dr. King'f
New Pimvwry for Consumption and
a iuttUtely cured." Sufferer fim
omcfi. colds, thmai and lunt trouble
N. Clarke. 5Mcandl. Trial bottle free. 1
-Straw berry Shipment.
Number of crates shipped to date a follows:
Mny w ....... l'
21 7
- ' nZZZZl iki
ir, suji
u m
2s B
2 t
m - ..?
June 1 40l!j
a.,.. ...275
8 ItiiH
4 WW
t - ....11W
e ...'. '
7... 2U
8 ., Kl5
8 i0
10 41(11
11 WI70
June 13.-
ll ..
.. ..lH4'i
! ............ JM7 .
... "H
.... 2r4
... H41
.. 4
. .. 22H
... 15
... 60
Total to date...54,.1OT
CherrlesKhlpped June !M, 1( crates: 27,
lti8- 2S, 80: 29, 15; 30, 147; July 1, 17 2, 54 total,
If a Man Lie to Yuu,
And say some other salve, ointment, lo
tion, oil ot alleged healer is as good as
Bucklen's Arnica Salve, tell him 30 years
of marvelous cures of piles, burns, boils,
corns, felons, ulcers, cuts, scalds, bruises,
and skin eruptions prove its the best
and cheapest.-25e at Clarke's drug store.
Biennial Meeting, K. of P.
Kor nhnve occasion. August lltli and l'Jt'i,
the O. K. A N. Co. will sell tickets from its
stations In Oregon, Washington and Idaho to
San Francisco and return al rate of one fare
fur round trip to Portland, plusJ'JU by steamer
and2i)l).v ran roruana "n r rnne.iM.-u,
.tenmur rules. Inc uu ng meu nmi nerius.
Dates of wile f or steamers. Jiny mini ana
August 4th; bv mil, AUKiixt 6th, 7th and Mil.
Final limits, September ;iutli. Hloo-overa will
he ulluwed ill Culltoruia In either direction.
Prosneci I ve steamer passengers are reunest-
ed to make reservations In advance, and a
depositor ir will be required on all reserva-
Motis so inuue. .i,. hwah.
White cow with red head and ncek. rough
short norm: hud on bell. Uewnrd for her re
turn to my place. WAl. run.
For Rent.
The building formerly occupied by the Pa-
tiuwid it ikii mciorj. adj wn
be had ot the Davidson 1 run a.
Timber Land, Act June .1, 187H."
l'niled States hand Office. North Yakima
Wash.. Junc2S. 11102. Notice Is hereby clven
that In compliance with the provisions ot the
oi-t of eonirress of June 8. 1S7S. entitled "An
act fur the sale of timber lands In the Suites of
CBlit'ornin, OivKon, Nevada and Washington
Territory, iIb extended to all the public land
stales oy act or Aiigusi i, isik,
of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of
Oregon, has this day filed In this olllee his
sworn statement, rso. n., lor me piirenHse oi
theSK 'i sec. No. 12. In township No. 7 north
range No. II east, W.M., iiinl will otter proof to
show that the land sought Is more valuable
for its timber or, stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish hts claim to said
land before W. B. Presby, li. 8. Commissioner
for district of Washington, at his office at ol
dendale, Waxh., on Katurday, the lith day of
September, IU02.
e names as witnesses: Robert F. Cox and
James F. Cox of Trout Lsfee P. O.. Washing
ton, William Kngelhard of Mill City, Wash.,
and Kmuia H. t'ox of Trout bake P. O., Wash.
of Heatlle. county of King, state of Washing
ton, has this day filed in this offce his sworn
statement, No. 14.(4, for the purchase of the E
ol 8WI-; and SW'4 of 8 W sec. 12, and NE
ol N W of sec. la. In township No. 7 north,
range No. 11 K, W.M., and will oiler proof to
show that the land sought Is more valuable
for Ita timber or stone than for agricultural
nui'ooses. and to establish his claim to sum
land before W. B. Presby, U. H. (Jominiwioner
for district of Washington, at tils olticuat (4ol-
dendale, Washington, on Saturday, the tun
dav of HeDtember. 11102.
lie nanu s as witnesses: Henry T. Johnson
Frank Haggerty, (Samuel H. Starbiick and
Casper W, Iverson, nil of Henttle P. o., wash
of Seattle, county of King, state of washing-
ton, has this day tiled in this olllee ins sworn
statement. No. 14M5, for the purchase of the
south halt of southeast quarter of sec. 11, and
west half of the northeast quarter of sec. 14, in
township No. 7 north, range Nu. 11 east, w. M.,
and will offer proof to show that the land
sought is mine valuable for Its timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to estab
lish his claim to said land before W. B.Presby,
U. M. Commissioner fordlstrlctof Washington
at his onice at Unldenuale, Washington,
Mstiirdav.thetlthday of HentcmlM r, 1U02.
He names as witnesses: Henry T. Johnson
Frank Haggerty, Thomas Htlnson and Cassr
w. iverson, all of Seattle r. o., wasnmgion.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to Hie
their claims In this office on or before said
tith dav of Hentemher. 1U02.
WALifcti j. nnr.iJ, ttegister.
Ijuid Ottlce at The Dalles, Oregon, June 30,
1H02. Nonce la hereiiv given thai Hie loilow
lmr-nained settler has tiled no; Ire of his In
teutlon to make final proof In sup)uirt of his
claim, and that said proof will be made before
fjeo. T. t'ratner, u.H. commissioner, at tuaia
Kiver, Or., on t rltiay, August s, hub, viz:
of Hood River, Oregon, H. K. No. liliO, for the
B KHWk sec. 20. i . 2. N It. 1U r... V . M
tie names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous resilience upou ami cultiva
tion or sail! lauu, viz:
b. D. Blount, V. K. Markhain, Nathan Hack
ed and Clou lea Reed, all of Hood Hivei , nr.
Jj'laS JAY P. l.UC.VM. Register.
Land Ottlce at The Dalles, Oregon, June SO,
I'i02. Notice Is hereby given that the follow-
Ins-named setiler has tiled notice of his intei,
tiou u commute, and make final proof in sup
port of his claim, and that aald proof will lie
made before the Register and Receiver at The
Dalles, Oregon, on Saturday, August ,1W2, viz:
of Mt. Hood, Oregon, H. K. No, 87S,i, for the
NK V. see. 7, T. I R. 10 F... W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous resilience upon ana cultiva
tion or said land, viz:
Fred Knndson, Ilouglas Rlggs, James N,
Knight ami 1'. r . Fouts, all or Jit. It 00,1, or.
Jj'laS JAY P. Lfl'AM, Register.
rutted Htntes Land Office. The Dulles. Ore,
June;!, 11102. Notice t hereby given that the
tollowlng-nameu persons have meu notice ot
intention to make llnal proof on their re-
iective claims before George I. Prather, t . H.
Commissioner, at ills office at Hood River,
Oregou, on r riduv, August s, viz:
of Hood River. Oregon, on homestead Riipll
cation No. ST4 i, for the east half northeast
quarter section 2,". and west half northwest
quarter section 2-t, lowuauip 4 nori:', range
east, W. M .
ol Hood River, Oregon, on homestead appil
cation No. S74,', for the southeast quarter south
east quarter sect ion 22, south half southwest
quarter section j- ana northeast quarter north
west quarter section 2'i, township 2 north
raiiL'e S east. W. M.
Witnesses: Warren Davenport. F. E.Newbv,
Oliver Richardson, Frank fiavenport, Harry
B. Gregory and William F. Gregory, allot
Hood River, Oregon.
Jy4nS JAY P. IXC AS, Register
Unl office at Vancouver, WrhIi., JuneSW,
1W2. .Notice in hereby it t veil that the follow-
iiiK-nmitml nettler has filed notice of his in-
U titlon to imtke niiul comimiiHUou proof In
ftr.lrt ol hiw chitin, and litut kjiUI priMtf will
U' iiiHMerM'iore fci. K. N'lnvtllc, I'. K CommiHu
loiif i', at Meveiimm, Wiwhingtou, on Mon titty,
Augut 11, Isie. via:
II. K. o. ll,), ftr the (SW of NK section
10, township S north, raiie 10 east, V. M.
lie nniio'! the following witnetuten to prove
litH continuouH nisidcnee upou and cultiva
tion ot, wild land, i.:
K. I. ameron, .1. iMarkn, Cii-ortre Tyr
ell and ioixe Thomas, all of White fSalmon,
r. (.. Waah.
JyaH W. R. MTNBAR, Ucglster.
TlmbT Lnnri, Act June .s JSTH.l
Xr nl ted Slates Atd office. North Yakima,
Wash., June '2i, liri Notice Is hereby plvcn
that in cotnpitatice with the provihionn oi the
ad of conjure of June )t, lH, entitled "An
art for the Hale of timber land in the states ot
California, Oivkoii, evade and Wnshington
Territory," a extendel to nil the public land
talcs by act of AuyiMt 4, IV",
of Omnha, emmty of IhnigiaM, aiate of Ne
biaska, bus thu day tiled in thin office htt
itworn slalenicut. No, ltl, fur the purchase of
th NKlj or SK V4f section 14, and N K r
sV v4,nd HK U of the y w of MvtionNo.
li, in ttmnlM Nt. 7 noith, mo ure No. 11 east,
and wilt ohYr proof to nhow thai the land
MitiKht In inoie valuable for iiathnher ornUuie
Uiuii Ur agricultural purioMii and toelau
llli (it c 1 a i ui to aioit bintt m-tore U
H. Prmby.
l . m. txmtniKKner hir iMMrH'i ot wanmjc
ton, at hit ott te at (toldcniaM, Wash., on
Tuetxtay. the :( n dny ol jpicintHr, l.)i.
He nam h as w hueta: Knnna t t'ox und
K 'iert K. t'ox of Trent Lake, Wah.: Albert
U . Lb. lei I ot Portland, -i.; James K. Ktx of
trout ijoxc, wan. aiui
LMM is. ttX.
.if Tr.i-i I .vtiiitt v of k" li.-L- ifil ctnta nf
V avtinton. hat tin dnv r.'-tl hi this oifice
, nT sworn wiminni, i t j, ir ire our-
,.,i.ii n. w of tn? nv ,.r un i t.
and Hit K J,ir l.ifXii1, In uinlii, No. ;
txH-tii. rsnrfo .-no. it pa-, w . .m., tvi win on-r
PUMX toii'iHW thnl tUf iund dona til is imn
vaiuuitle for tt timber or sione tlmn hr icri-
ctiiiural rurpvi. ari't i"ethii,n htr claim
to mill IhikI tw f-.n V. H. Ji.t, I", si. I om-
inisMoiitT for 1 i-jot f W'rtsiunifUm. at ht s
ofUi? at lioiftt-n.tiilf. Wiii., vn 1 aowiav. th j
Wh tiny of f'ilfin'.r. ha
she tut mm a RtNrt F. 0x, At '
N-rt W. l.otxt.-ll and Jamw K. fo. ail of'
Trout IKf. U hi!i.. anl William hUE-i:utrd
of imu ma. Nebrw-Ka.
An) ami alt ier. ni" claim int aJven'ly thr 1
at-tMlt-Tirted Iut1 urr n-vjnt-t-! to tile
tbftrrlHtm In thia orT'fr on or btore khiU
nth dav of sMtitii fH-r. IwcL
WA1JKHJ. KF.KL), KTlter.
HALL PAPER Elffflll,
tvUii ... f I 1
Wall Paper 5c a Roll Up
There is a man in our town,
And this man is a daisy,
He turns the prices upside down,
And drives the merchants crazy.
Ho decorates your walls with grace, .
For dust and dirt he leaves no place,
Crowds all others out of the race,
This brilliant blooming daisy.
Ho keeps the finest stock in town,
- And marks hisprices all 'way down,'
And is a workman of renown,
And to his business freezeg.
Now, shall I give yon this man's name.
Possessor of this enviable fame,
Whose encotiimus are all too tame,
AVhy.Jackson's the man who pleases.
I show a snlcDdlit assort mcnt of choicest.
oaoerH oblaln ible. and my new sprbigitluvk
is complete In nil the latest of new designs
of home and foreign artists.
The stock of Pain'.s, Oils, While iMhi, t 01-
oin. etc, . and tne tineJInnof Mixed Pain's t(
he found al my store ure warrunleu lo siunu
all kinds of weather.
Send for samples or ym wall paper,
roll mi l up. Art liooda. Picture Moldings,
turn shes. Ilrus hes. Glass and pecorunv
Novelties. Everything to b.-antlfy a home at
Painter and Decorator,
Second street, Phone Main 36.
and Builder
Plans and Estimatbs FcRwanisn.
s. n. cox,
McGuire Bros.
Fresh and Cured Meats,
Lard, Poultry,
Fruits and Vegetables
Free Delivery. Phono 35.
,t my place, on lhe Mt. Hood road, one
mile south of town, I have opened a Hour
and Feed Htore. No need now to haul your
feed up the big hill from town when you can
buy or me at bottom prices.
Cow for Sale. ,
A flue Jersey Cow. Kor particulars write
Jyl JAW. J. (JOY US, Cascade lJ ks,Or
Cow for Sale. .
A large, fine Holstein cow, good for family
use. Kor sale by j, .1. Jordan,
jei7 mile west Crni pef School.
Small Fruits Now Ripe
We have a large crop of the following small
fruits ou which we quote very low price.) per
Currant, white or red II 25
Sour cherries. large and tine 1
Raspberries, red, black or yellow 1 ou
orucr bv phone or postal.
At Mt. Hood, July 4th
Every one Invited to "come and spend) the
dnv under the shallow ol the mountain. Arti
san's ball in the evening, with oyster supper,
in the new .Mount Hoou hull.
1 ir ?l
House Building and
Material Department. IVgin-t
nine with the foundation, we furnish I
only the best of its kind at lowest mar-1
ket-nriees Sand. Lime. Cement. Hair.
Lath. .Shinyles. lli ick. i
Sewe Pipe and Drain -Tila. ' Rods and Fittings, Jurdenier Stands, In
Doors, Windows, Moldings, lirackets ' dian Stools, Tabourettes, Mirrorand Hat
and Columns, Newels A Pilasters. Our Hacks, etc. It will be our aim to make
Front Doors are terns of art. Our agen- i
cv is exclusive and enables' us fo meet
every price and furnish the highest pos-
sinle grade of material. .
Builders Hard ware. Direct factory j
-i : i....... a ..i ,
siupuieiiis oi miesi, uesijjiis piuecn uns
stock at your command below usual cost,
wiin tin enuiess variety w select troiu. ,
nilu Itnirla Tnekn and all sneciu ties
" -i
are ruiu rigov.
Mechanics' Tools This new de
partment is being enlarged duily. Our
aim will be to furnish the latest and best.
Paints, Oils and Glass This
department iscomplete. The purest and
best in Lead, Colors, Keady Mixed 1'aint,
Varnish, Hard Oil, Filler. Enamel, Roof
Paint, F'ire Proof Asbestos Paint, .C'aroo
lineuni, Bath-tub Enamel, Linoleum
Varnish. Brushes from 5c to f ) each.
Lubricating Oils. A good thing!
lor rough machinery at ;it)c per gallon.
Our lineiscompletein Castor Machine,
Xeatsl'oot, Engine, Cylender and Black
Oils, Sewing Machine and Bicycle Oils.
Furniture and Furnishing
Something new every day a live.moving
stock of all kinds of Furniture, Car-ts,
Linoleums, Oil Cloth, Matting, Shades,
Couches, Pillows.
We do appreciate your help in building this business up to its present
standard, and in return shall devote our whole time and effort to its con
tinued growth. Buying as e do in the strongest, competitive markets
for cash, wo place before you the newest and b. st tit low cost.
WM. M. STEWART, The Home Furnisher.
Williams Pharmacy,
' Otien Bnildin-r, ' "
G. E. WILLIAMS, Prop'r.-
' Ilciidiinurters Uir
Pure Drugs, Toilet Articles,
Preeerijitioiih my Specially. ,
T. C.
The City Tinker & Plumber.
Headquarters Fourth
TlmtH-r liHmt, Act JunaVlsX j
I'niteiltatljmdOrri.-e.Viinooiiver.Wnsli . '
Ma li l!W!.-Nitl-e l hereby given dial In I
eoiiipli-inoe Willi the piviiitoii of the im 4 i
iimtwunrf .Inn..'!, Irt.x t-iittllej ''An net f r :
the mle of tinitx-r lnnU In the Miiuu of Cl
lloriil., lirexon. NevU hi1 Washington ir
ritorv." a eit.niltHl to ail the p-ihnc IhdJ
states by at ot tif ii-t I, lv'2,
UAttl'.V (I'uKiil KHttK.
of K.-Diltili.. eoutitv iJ f -rrv. ki.-h oi M"nsh- i
invton. ha i lit ltiv r,i t in tlm ntTW
wira KWtlftfcrnt, No, fcr t'n pin luw l
iinntr mxitht qimrtt-r nn-t mi;ImhvI
quarter n'trthwst n;urii'r f r'-tin N. 7 fu
I lwntiii Nrt. ninii, mnfi Nt. II n w M .
; und wiii olTvr prnf to i(mw ht t'n' lunJ
"irht t moro ta'hhM for it limb.
stout thAU lor ajri r.tUiml purjis v. nud to
ri;0l;.-)i him clmm to t-nl N -f.-r th1
Kttcttrr and kit-wiver of lht it!.f at V hii
Cfuvr, W.-i,hoo TtofMlay, lh. Vih ilav of
Autrut, lr2.
Me n:ti aa wit FrMi lr.t-Ii' rt of
Mill t'ity. VT.i Waklo il. K-!i. Albert S .ltb
doll an4 K4brt ' l'ri hkI. i in von.
Any atul nl) x roiii. clMfmln ;oicr-!y llT
itNtve-dr-M-r bei Unfit are rr-jptrttMl to H
1 hi ir rlntuia in ttiW oftue on or bw.vro
Tlh flav of Auut, IHXL
myHyll W. Ii. ICNBaR, IUkUIot t
Tl i von want to dress up for the
' Waists, in fact, anything you need
t iv'J hiuew 'nnd colored fancv
that ure dainty but inexpensive.
-'.' ' W' . ,1,;, moment to
Walter X Pratt' s - JPerfunies and
1 X 5 Theiyodsre strict first class
one-half of content., return same and
will mnpeupiDttti irw. . , . .- , 'i
ticket to the World's Fair in St. Louis from all the 6rms handling La Prelle
take, as some one person buying a pair of Shoes in our store will positively
' Jersey, Cow for Sale.
A voiinir JeiM-v cow for sale. Also, cuyuso
for sate or tru.Je lor bicycle. ,,,,.
Water Notice.
AlUirlgslIng must bo done between the
bouts ol o o'elsik p. in. unit s ociocK a. in.
The wiih-r will he lumen on ai n.-it-r, iron
anv lot where ownera inn to v-ohif'j "iv..
these rules. ...
HOOD UlVJ-ai Wl rtK'J jnn
Bids Wanted.
Bids are wanled to fence the school ground
at KraiikUm .school . house, ami ciear ioe
ichonl ground.' .Also, bids wanieit t,'i panu
the school house. HiUs will oe aeccpieu up uj
July l'i, I'.KfJ. I'or fin ther iul'oriiiution cull on
H, tl. Mc;;eisfn iu iieiiiioiii,. ,
jeitl M. II. NtCK KIKS, Ws. Clwrh.
All persuis knoM ln;' tbemselves lo tie In
debted to l. I.. S,ibln, Trustee for U. U. Wood
worth will tlud It d.cldedly to their advan
lagetocallat llntler & Co'a bank al, an early
date. The bnnlt Is authorized to make liberal
discoiin'a to all who pay before Aug. 1st, but
on that dale all claims remaining unpaid will
be placed In the hands of an attorney with
instructions lovollevl the full amounts due.
Stock Ranch for
One of the best stock ranches In Camas
Prairie for sal": well Improved, wltli 25 head
of cattle. A bargaiu. tor particulars. In
quire at W. It.'t 'ole's Htore. m21
Rooms to Let.
Furnished or unfurnished, at the Cox house
on Sherman avenue, near the scnuoi house,
jyll M KS. McM U Kit AY,
And wagon repairing attended l promptly at
my shop on the Mt. lloou rouii.souiuoitowu
Good work al reasonable prices.
8Kpl7 , li. A. HOWELL.
Let Us Spray.
With the win m night come the codlln
moth. Now Is the time to spray. Parties
w ishing spraying done, with prices consistent
with good thorough work, siiouiu see
Land for Sale.
I). Everhart has 5 acres of laud, 2 miles
from town, near Helmont, on which Is 150
hearing iruii trees, zy4 acres oi siraw oerries,
)acre bli.ckberrics, raspberries and clover,
etc. Inquire on premises or at,
Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878.1
United RtaUs Lund OIHce, Vancouver,
Wash., May l.", I'JOi-Notice is hereby given
thai in compliance witli the provisions of the
act of congress of June il, 18,8, entitled "An
act for the sale of limber lands In the states of
California, Oregon, Nevada und Washington
territory," as extended to nil the public land
states by act ot August 4, 1H"A
of I'nrtlnnd, county of Mullnomaii, 8tle of
Oregon, bus this ihiyii led in thisotlice his sworn
siateinciit. No. 2tKI. for Hie inireliase of the
lot 4: south west northwest. yt und west
houihnest. li oi secliou No 5 In town-
shin No. (I north, ramie- No. rl east. W. M
and will oiler proof lo show that the land
sought Is more valuable for lis timber orstone
than for agricultural purposes, und to estab
lish his claim lo said land before the Hegistur
and Receiver ol thisotlice nl, Vancouver, Wash.,
on Thursday, me t" uuy ol August,, into.
He naiiies as witnesses: Lewis K. Clark and
Joseph K. Doherty of Hiilnler, Oregon; James
K. Cox ol 'i loutiiiKe. wash.; iiarry u. Bur
rowsof Vancouver. Wash.
Any uiiil -oil aeiv-ons cliiimlng adversely the
nfcive-desi'i 'ib,il lands are reiiuesled to tile
their claims in 'this otlieo on or before said
7th dav of August, hurt.
myite& W. R DUNBAR, Register.
Home Furnishing.
Nothing adds so much to tlie,beauty
of a home as the small decorations. Af-
tor June loth we will put on sale at but
nrisiiiL'lv low cost a complete lineofPor-
tiers. Kims. Couch Covers, l'illow Covers.
our J'uriiitiire and Decorative depart-
nieiits so complete and so constantly re-
plenishcd with newest productions that
you will call often. If only to inspect,
you are always welcome.
. ..
bpeciaity uepartment covers
every thing else you might need to make
,i10 homo a thing of beautv and coml..rt
1i....H.. a .li l.i tl'l...!....
oiiim ii io,, in) lujuoitt uio
bereeu Doorsi Adjustable Window
Screens, Poultry Netting, Screen Wire
Cloth, Carpet Sweepers, Carpet Stretch'
er.s, Feather Dusters, Tacks & Hammers
.Mattresses, every style, from 2jof20.
uur r.iasuc reit at id is a prize
Sewing Machines The days of
high prices are over; 118 buys a Kood
I machine; $27 to $o0gels a full ball-bear-
i ing nii'.cliint' and a guarantee for 5 years.
I In LAWN MOWERS we do not carry
toys hut the best bull-bearing, warranted.
Washing Machines The right
kind at correct prices.
Facer Sand Paper, Grey Sizing
Tint, Di'iideiming Felts Carpet Lin
ing, Tarred Felt.
Picture Framing, Furniture repaired
A select line of Framed Pictures.
Tents, Awnings and Wagon Covers.
Camp Stools.
. .
and 0k Stit-ets.
(Titii'KT Uind, Act June 3, IS78.f
I'nileil Kmtu Ijintl fifllce, Vnncnnver,
Vtih.. May '1 , 111C Niti--e lit heretiy given
that in , oi,u, uni-e with (he privmlimti of the
net of --ii-.. - 'l June :t, lCv in;iilel -An ct
l-tr h( Mte f tlflilier Imi'lB In the M'nTes l
( ihriil:i. llret; n, Ada hint WR-.nnirlon
t, t r'l.r . ," :.s :. M.iiil to nil the pihllc bind
nlale t,y a,-! ol .iuut 4, IW.
I'KThR U Tf X.
'1 f :
ui. (:: il -MtiittttM'tnli, plate of
It i tiii ft iy tW 'ii l(ilhin olHf bin
, tm
in M. No. Ur Hit' pttrvtmie i(
t tliel hit ti riit-ftl tjimrtir ivi(in 0, and
uit im'i r
trtii .v.tM iiii'ti m wct h 11. in
north. iMitf V. ll -a-i.V.M
:n t ;l o.I. r p-n-if io btjr that Ww land
.n.ifi't ji.ofv- MiiMbif fr Uiittn-T orit4Hu
tbjiii f"T !' .n 'rnitirl ptiii-4H, and tocwtalv
11 E " t'lM.i ioi.-iNi un b-fcre th4 lt-icirr
nr. 1 K tv.-r o( iht oitnt a Vnrini'.iv.T,
Wih.,on Tlno;1 y t-hoTt h1irof AHeut,itt.
il itHituv, us v. i! tii: Abruhmu Y oti nit
it.i I h.-oi .n.lMn of I'ortUn l.ttf.; H-r-lu
tn .-r. iMnfc' oi Ilptnier, ir Harry Har
ront V Mi ur, VV'h-Ji.
Act ri it :til wmr atmlnif advfrfa!j t
S..l.- i !'' l l;li1r. a- rvitHVtyl lo Hie
ttit-i," . in tbi '?ti-e on or bvtttre ail
Biyi It IOBAR, Reg wtT.
We have all
4th? If so, come to ns.
in this line.
colored liee'effect Hose, only 15c per pair.
' " '
offer our trade tliit week-a full and complete line of
in every respect. If the goods are not
we will refund full amount of purchase
. .
ad lat week, that only one person would get
Patnrdtty, June 28th, we commence our
Me" at prices that eak for themselves.
All 6 and 7c Prints
. 2c t-a'wns... '
L L Sheeting, regular price 6 and 7c .
Corsets, worth 65 to 75c each ........
Men 'a Troueera, odd sizes, at wholesale prices.
it fiwT i,oiV lnriiiu
ebrnted Miller make, odd sizes and broken lots, going at COM
Don't miss thene. The cold, backward spring leaves us overstocked
with SUMMEH S11IHT WAISTS. We can save you some money
nthem , A. S BLOWERS & SON
Everything in the house at a great sacriflce'and loss. -All
goods must be sold in THIRTY DAYS.
Now is Your Time for
Bargains !
Don't miss a good thing
lifetime! Call one and call all
Horse Shoe Clothing House.
Opposite S. E. Bartmess' Furniture Store.
Hood River
Fresh and Cured Meats.
In comparing prices do not forget that for SPOT CASH we give
5 per cent rebate checks. These are given to save book-keeping, and
of course cannot be allpwed on any transaction that goes on the books.
Job Printing at
Comprises the Latest Styles and Qualities.
We also have an extensive collection of
Mr. L. Bradley's Magnificent Hood River and
Columbia River Scenes, .
than which no more beautiful or acceptable gift could be made.
Your patronage respectfully solicited,
' E. R.
For YOU to
When you need anything in the line of
You should call on
The Glacier
Those persons who received a CARD ORDER, through the mail,
on II. O. Everhart, ordering the delivery of a 17c package of Force
Food for 5c, are asked to turn them in as soon as possible and to try
this verv excellent breakfast food at
Don't Overlook this Space
Nor forget to call and get our prices, on a full line of
Before going elsewhere. Atrial will convince you of the superior
quality of our goods. A fine line of FKKSII FEUTTS constantly on
Apple and Strawberry Lands
Our "snaps ' tin week are: A good hnmeetead location, and a fine
farm at let than $2ti r acre; nearly half in cultivation, with growing
crops; pleuty of water; orchard n.-arlr ft year old, and buildings and
farm tools. Let us bow von our lift.' We'have tracta of five acres and
up, near town or at any int mit to the foothills. We have quick money
making proportions. Hood Kiver Uiwn lots, from $50 up. If vou are
looking for a business opening, or deeire to rent or purcha a piace, we
ran help yon.
We write fire insurance, draw op legal paper, of all kinds, aud do
type-writer work. We can secure yoo loan on real estate at low inu-rvrt
rates. We can give you up-to-date service. Please drvp in and try ns; if
you do ymi w dl mm Sfaiu.
kinds of Neckwear, Shirts, Shirt
All kinds of Summer Girdles
Toilet Articles.
in- cash. Ladies handkerchitis
a free round-trip
Williams Shoes,
get a .ree ticket.
This is a mis-
annual "Cleaning Up"
, ., 5c
Entire stock of Dress
r nf Women 'a hltoes ot tne cei-
when you see it. A chance in a
and be convinced of the fact.
- - - - Prop'r.
Commercial Co.,
For Sale
Colony of honi'eseekers, take notice:
1500 acres of land, hast bide Little
White Salmon. 1.000 acres in one body.
j;ood fruit and grass land, 300 acres tim
ber suitable forsaw-logsand wood, plenty
of cedar tributary, seven miles of flume,
KW inches of water to operate same as a
vested right. Ten cubic feet of water
per second additional filed on. No bet
ter chance for an irrigating plant. Flume
ends in lake at Drano landing, Washing
ton, on Columbia river, tins landing
and 21 acres, including store building
and 15 or 20 other buildings ou land, go
with the property. Only eix miles from
tluod Kiver. 1 ins soil is well aaaptea
to raising strawberries, fruit and grass.
Kine range, rive or ten acres in culti
vation, finest place to get out wood.
This land will be sold in one body at
$12 per acre, including flume, timber,
and water rights. Terms cash. Title
perfect. Patented land. Inquire of
John Iceland Henderson or J. F. Short,
Hood Kiver, Ore., or J. D. Casey, Ihl-
gard.Oregon, sole owners.
1. Lots in Waucoma Park addition
2. Eligible residence lots in Spangler's
subdivision, near cannon house; only
$100; terms easy.
3. The Macomber lot in Hull's addi
tion, the Martin lot same addition, and
the Thompson lot same addition, $200
4. The Henderson lots in Hull's addi
tion, grubbed and fenced, $200 each.
5. The Henderson lot in front of Tur
ner s cottages in uuer s addition, f izo.
0. The Konlin place at Frankton. 17
acres well improved ; tree irrigating
water. Price $4,000.
7. Barrett-Sipma addition; $100 per
lot : $10 down and $5 per month ; no in
terest. 8. One of the most valuable corners
m the center ol iiooa Kiver. I'rice
9. Fine homestead of 160 acres on
Rock creek near Davenport's. Price
$1,000 $300 down, balance at 6 per
10. The Clarke 40-acres adjoining city
limits. Nearly all land cleared and
in cultivation. Price $300 per acre.
11. The six acre tract known as the
Prathar place by Pine Grove school
house. Price $500 cash.
12. One hundred sixty acres on White
Salmon. 12 acres cleared, some fruit.
good soil and tiniler. Price $1,500.
Known as the P. M. Gatchell place.
14. Two eligible residences near cen
ter of town. Must be sold in 30 days.
16. Geo. Melton's lot and cottage In
Barrett-Sipma addition $400.
18. Thos. Shere !) acres ; new cottage ;
near Barrett school house; price $1,500.
20.' Fifteen acres one mile from town
on main road ; one-half cleared, house
and barn. 1 nee $200 per acre. Can be
sold in 6-aore lots.
21. N. S. E. V., S. H N. E. W sec.
4, T. 3 N., R. 11 E White Salmon; fine
timber land ; $10 per acre.
22. The Emerson homestead, only one
mile east of town ; fine range ; $1,500.
32. Emma G. Robinson's 160 acres on
hillseastof White Salmon, known as
the Dryer place; fine timber; unim
proved; $785.
For Rent The Smith cottage, at the
head of Front street. This is the house
that was built by M. P. Isenberg. It
ias recently been renovated and reuair-
ed and is in first-class condition.
For Kent The Melton cottage, on the
For Rent The Shere place of 9 acres.
in Barrett district, with house.
Money to loan.
Private rooms and board at the Hart
ley House.
At the Emporium is kept a first-class
surveyor's transit, and the proprietor
being a practical surveyor, is well pre
pared to do the work of laying out acre
age property in lots and blocks, and do
ing an Kinus oi surveying.
N. B. Terms nr PRNvnn all HipabnvA
hinds, with interest at 6 per cent. Per
sons desiring locations on homesteads
and timber claims should apply at the
Timber Land, Act June , 1878.
I'nlted HlnU?s Ind Office, Vancouver,
Wnxh.. June , Iftri-Notice U hereby alven
thai in compliance with the proviKlonii of the
net of consresH of June 8, 1878, entitled "An
ai t for the sale of timter lands In the atateaof
California, Oregon, Nnvada ami Washington
Territory," as extended to all the public laud
states by act of August 1, 1KS12,
of Col ax, county of Whll man, stale of Wasli
liiKlon, has this day filed In this office his
sorn stHbHiient, No. 276, for the pur
chaw of 1 lie southeast quarter of sec
lion No 11, in township No. tf north, ranxe
No. lleat, W. M., and will offer proof lo
show that the land sought Is more valuable
for its umber or stone than for uKrlrullural
purposes, and to establish his claim to said
land before the Kiir!"1er and Receiver of this
oilicc at Vencouver, Wash., on Monday,
tie- iih day or AiikuhI, Mri.
iie names as witnesses: Harrv (J. DePlede
nf Colfax, Wash.; W. A. Htandard of Albion,
Wash.; K. K. Kharp and 1. P. Nulllvan of The
Is lies, Oregon. And
of (Vilfax. county of Whitman, state of Wash
ington, has this day filed In tblsofttce his sworn
stuiement. No. 277, for the purchase of the
northeast quarter of section fco. IH, In town
ship No. it north, ranice No. II east, W.M .snd
will offer prool Ui show that the land sought
is more valuable for lis timber or stone than
for Rirrlcnltnral purposes, and lo establish his
claim to said land before the Register and Re
ceive! of Hits oflice at Vancouver, Wash., on
Monday, the Jflh day of Amrusl, IHQ.
He names as witnesses: Oliver I. Kennedy
of Colfax, Wash.; W. A. Htandard nf Alblan.
Wash.: K. K. Miarp and P. J. Hullivan of The
Dalles, Oregon. And
of Albion, county of Whitman, state Wash
ington, has this day filed In this office his
sworn slHleinenl. No. 78. (or Ute piln hase of
the southeast quarter of aei-tion No. &t, In
tiwushlpo. S north, range No. 11 east, W.M.,
and will offer pes if to show that the land
sought Is ni' e valuable lis- iutiiiila-r or stone
than for agricultural purfsises, and tn estab
lish hlsclalm to said lnd before the Register
and Receiver of this office at Vancouver,
Wah.,on Monday.theMhdayof Anut,lwri
He name as H. U. liel'ledge and
O. I. Kennedy of Colfax, Wash.; P. K.Ku Ill
van and K. K. Sharp of The Iinlles, tkregon.
Any and all istmuis claiming adversely the
atNjve-derilcd lands are requested to file
their claims la this office on or before said
liih 'tuv of August, hui.
Jej.i W. R. Dl'NBA, Register.
I -and Office at The Dailea, Oregon, June H,
Notii-e 's hereby given that the follow.
iiir-nain'-d settler has Hied notice of his In.
leniion to make final proof In support of his
claim, and that said pnad will he made before
'int. T. Praiber. I'. H. t .ininilsaioner, at Hwat
Kiver, Oregon. n Krlday. Julv , laui via:
f Hood River. Oregon, H, K. No. ir, the
ats :i and 4 and south i. northwest sectum
; J, lownship I north, raiigetnut, W. M.
He Dmin the tiiloving witnesses to prove
' his continuous residence upon and eultlva
, lion in said laud, vie
1 Nim Wmans. l-ranli NefT, Thomas rolling
; and W ll. R. Wlnans. all of Hood River, Or.
fm JAY P. Ll'CAH. Register.