i HEUK STEINHARDFS NEMESIS BY I. MACLAREN COBBAN. 55 CHAPTER XIV Continued. . I had much ado to keep quiet, but I did matinee to hold my tongue. I had my eyes fixed on him, however; aa he again turned to go, his eyes encountered mine. and. I thought, fell before uiera. In a moment we heard the door slam behind him. and Louiee ank sobbing into a chair. It took all Birley' efforts and mine to cairn her. I think I must have become very much engrossed with my own efforts, for when, at length Louise sat com poaed and I turned to Birley, Birley was gone. "You will not leave me," she said lavine her hand on mine, "till he conies back?" . That touch precipitated feeling in me, and the confession which I had not intended I should make for some time yet. Considering the highly wrought condition of the nerves of both of us, I do not think it is surprising that we should then have opened our hearts to each other. " " , "I wish," I said, "that I need never leave your side again." On an impulse of shyness she tried to withdraw her hand, butl kept it and she let it stay. "Louise," I said, "do you know what that man meant when he accused me of seeking to marry an heiress?" 1 "Yes," faid she, with hanging head (the beautiful head), "I think I do. lie said something of the same to me at Blackpool." "And do you think," I urged, 'that if I told that heiress how I loved her, how I had loved her and thought of her from the first moment I had seen her, before I guessed that she might be an heiress do you think if I caid that, it would only be because I expected she would be rich one day?" "oh, I do not think that at all! But," she said, looking up with a bright, uncertain smile.(which was so winning! so ravishing!) ' but I am not an heiress." ' "You guess, then, it is you I would say this to? that it is you I love and have ever thought olf She trembled violently (dear fluttered heart!) but I still held her hand. "I did not guess," she murmured. "until be made me think of it at Black pool. Then I understood why you had been so very good to me, and I "What, Louise? What, dear?" urprd. ". hen I I think," she faltered, brpan to Do .not make me say it!" "To love me little?'-' I asked. "Do, do say it." "Yes," she whispered. Her face wai hid against my shoulder, and my arms were about her before she added "but not little very much!" It was some momenta before either of us spoke again. "Do you think," she said at length, 'it is right that we should have said there things at such a timeT when we do not yet know anything certain about njv dear, dear father? "Louife," I answered, "darling, I would, you know, save you the .small est pang of pain. But I think I ought to say at once, dear, that you must give up the hope that you have clung to, 1 know, in secret, that you might after II find your father alive. He does not live, I am sure now indeed I may say I as good as know where he lies buried, though I must not tell you more at present. All we can hope to do then, darling, is to give him a de cent resting place. Then we shall go away out of this terrible region of money grubbing, of horrible toiling and moiling in smoke and steam and poisonous vapors, where the eye cannot test upon one single spot of nature un abused we shall go away to a place where the people are poorer and milder, where we may see clear skies and pure water, and freehand flowers bright and wholesome. Won t that be a wel come cnange? and to get away from the constant talk of 'brass. " "Oh, yes," Bhe exclaimed "that will be sweet. Let us go do let us go as soon as ever all things are settled, and we have done s'imet' ing for our dear uncle Birley I We shall do something for him shall we not?" We were thus talking when "dear Unfile Birley" came in. He probably suppected the understanding we had come to, but, like kind and discreet old gentleman as he is, he said nothing then. "Wondered where I've been, have you? Well, lad, I've just walked down to thy lodgings to tell th' old woman the may go to bed, for tlipu'rt to stay here the rest of this night the last night but one, very likely, that I sha.l be here myself!" A tear glistened in his eye, and a lump rose into his throat; but, after a momentary paute, he talked on, and these signs of emotion disappeared. We coon went to bed, but I think no one of the three slept much, fn the course of an intimate talk with Louise which I had that Sunday I learned how near I had been to losing her while she was at Blackpool, where ber vigilant duenna had been a hard, faithful old German servant of Stein hardt's. It was only gradually that I got to know all the anxie'y, and even terror, of those days of detention and surveillance, but that day I heard to my horror that the poor girl had been so wrought upon by Steinhardt's repre sentations of her duty to her father , of the heniousness of refusing to fulfil what (Steinhardt declared) had been hit frequently expressed wi?h, that she was on the point of accepting Frank for a husband, when he and his father were called away, the one home and the other to London. CHAPTER XV. As I recall the final episodes of my story so far as they concern the arch villain Steinhardt, I am so affected with a shuddering horror that I scarce write legibly. Yet they have such a fascination that I am drawn to the de scription of them, to the risk of omit ting one or two matters of quieter inter est, which are yet vital to my story. These I must dispose of. Wednesday and Thursday passed away, t,nd the Friday arrived, w hich to think of even now makes me tremble. It was a dar ing experiment we were about to at tempt, and so very little would make It ridiculous! I had taken partly to my confidence the big son of the landlady (a eUtin.h Lancashire lad ol the old breed). With him I went through the slices of my story several times, and showed him how to manage them with effect. The evenii g came and I was almost inking under excitement. The place of entertainment was that public ball in which Freeman hid de'ivered his famous lecture The kind of thing rather new in the village, and ihere was a crowded attendance of work peo ple, especially of Steinhardt' own. Steinhardt, with his wife and too, ml right in front, where the reflwtioon from the sheet fell full upon him. W hen the light" were turned, some out and others low, Freeman and I crept up behind the sheet, where I w aited with trembling pulse and sudden creeping chills till the, to me, uninteresting part of the entertainment came to an end. The curate acted as lecturer, and explained with fluency what the views meant, or told something about the places represented. I cannot tell what it was about. At length hit series of views and his lecture were finidhed. There was a moment's pause to me a wild throb of anxiety and then the bass voice ot the manager of the lantern boomed forth the annoucement: "A Lacashire Mystery." Without another word the first picture ame upon the sheet (I crept to its corner to wafch Steinhardt). It was two men in an attitude of quarrel, surrounded by col ored vapors. The second followed quickly without a word of explanation; the same two men the one half suffo cated, struggling to get out of a vat or bath of vapors, while the other, with mouth muffled, held him down. Still no word of explanation. Rapidly came the third picture the man one lying dead aud dyed before the other, and beside an open box. Awf.ul whis pers began to stir among the spectators, who were the more impressed no doubt by the silence amid which the pictures appeared. I ventured to peep at Stein hard; he was gazing fixedly, with part ed lips. The fourth picture culled forth an instantaneous cry of horror; it was, perhaps, too realistic. The dead body lay stripped and quartered before the living man, who stooped over it. I fancied that at this sight I heard a low moan from the front bench, but on glancing at Steinhardt I saw him sit ting as before, as if fixed as much by utter astonishment as by horror. The next picture rapidly blotted out the gruesomenet4 of the vther; the portions of the body lay wrapped in three can vas packages, and the man stood by as if pondering. : Quickly came the next; the man digging near ruined build ing, with the three packages by him. "Th' owd spinning mill!" some one exclaimed aloud ; I had not thought the resemblance was so recognizable. That was almost immediately succeeded by the same view of the mill, with the packages gone, the hole covered in, and the man standing as if pulling a rope which passed over the top of the wall. "The devil!" exclaimed Steinhardt, starting suddenly to his feet. But he recollected himself, and sat down again. At once the last picture of all flashed upon the sheet; the wall lay flat on the ground, and the man stood by with the loose rope In his band! Up started Steinhardt, and strode down the room, amid an ominous silence, to where the big Dick stood by his apparatus. - "W here the devil," I heard him ex claim, "d d those horrible pictures come from? They were not among the lot I bought! Come, nod d nonsense! You must tell me where you got them. Who gave them to you? There was now a wild hubbub of talk. Dick, I was sure, bad refused to tell him anything about them. Ia the midst of this the lights flashed forth again, and the people began slowly to disperse, with huBhed but earnest speech. Freeman and I slipped out by a side door. I went straight to Jaques's cottage. There I found Birley. In low, anxious voices we began to discuss what would he (meaning Steinhardt) do now. Louise wished the had been there, and Birley had just said it was as well she had not, when a heavy foot rapidly ap proached, the latch was noisily raised, the door was dashed open, and Stein hard stood before us. "Soh!" he exclaimed, glaring at Bir ley and me, "I have found you, sneaks and cowards! You think with your fool's tricks and your pictures you will annoy me, and spoil me! Piff! You ate nothing! you are beggars !--yon are dirt! I will have you, Sir Parson, arrested for making calumnious charges against me!" How in his fury had he committed himself! "Herr Steinhardt," said I, at once, "the pictures, so far as I "heard, weie unaccompanied by a single Word of comment, expt what they drew from the people, and no one could say that the figures represented were likenesses. But your guilty, black heart has charged you. As it says, I say: "You are the murderer of your partner, Mr. Lacroix, and his remains will now be found se curely locked, whence you can't remove them, under that fallen wall!" His jaw dropped, and his great body trembled for a moment, then as with a sudden impulse of fury he made as if he would crunch me with a bearish hug, when Birley came between us. "Come, 'Manuel, none of that. As I told you, you'e not yet done with law and Lancashire. You'd better go home, or bo to our experiments." tool!" he cried, still glaring at me. "Idiot! What scrap of proof have you of the ridiculous charge yon make? ' "J'or one thing I have proof that Mr. Lacroix, before he went to you at the works, called here to tee his old uncle." "Soh! Has the old idiot found bis tongue at last then?" We t all amazed, Steinhardt as much as any, at the electrical effect of this upon the old man. I had casually noticed throughout the scene that he had eagerly though painfully listened I was smitten with fright, as if I saw a dead man rise to his feet, when he now rose at once to his full towering height a height which I could not have con ceived he possessed as he reclined hud dled in his chair and, qnivering with excitement, strove to give ntterance. This he could not do, but with light ning gesture he pointed with out stretched crm to the door. Steinhardt stood and stared open-eyed, when he made as if he would himself compel him to go. ' "Go, "Manuel; go, man!" urged Birley, holding the door open. Steinhardt went without a word, and the old man fell back in his chair and was soon rigid in death. ' CHAPTER XVI. -Birley remained that night at cottage. When I left to return to lodgings I was surprised, even for the my the moment terrified, to see lights across the stream, hovering about the spot which I knew was the temporary gruve of Mr. Lacroix. In the moving lights I presently saw figures; 1 heard sounds, to (be sounds of a pickaxe. "They are breaking into the grave!" I exclaimed to myself, and resolved I would go and see. I hurriedly picked mr way round to the place. About the fl!en wall the gigantic tomb-slab of Lacroix, w hich a brawny pickmaa, Baked to the waist. was hewing at there stood, in silent, stolid expectation, a crowd of thirty or forty men and lads, with two or three women with shawls over their heads. Many of the men were in the colored garb of the chemical works. "Pick on that spot where you see the green," I called to the hewer; I had hastily come to the conclusion that since I could not hinder the opera tions I ought to help. When I aid this they all turned and looked at me. "You know snmmat about this, do not yo', paraon?" asked one. "Something," said I. "I'm thinking, Mr; Unwin," said an old man, whom I recognized as the father of the man to whose .death bed I had been summoned months before; "I'm thinking this that you've shown tonight in th' pictures is th' same busi ness as my lad raved about. So my connection with the pictures bad been discovered. In silence the hewer picked the bricks loose, pausing now and then to let a comrade throw the debris aside. Soon a space was cleared, and he began carefully to pick into and loosen the soil. A shovel was brought into requi sition, and the earth and rubbish were thrown aside? And the old ventil ating cowi overhead kept grinding stiffly and slowly about, with painful, long-drawn moans, as if 'it .were op pressed with the spirit of the scene. "I've struck on Bummat!" extlaimed the hewer, pausing abruptly and speak ing in a hurried whimper. Several hands were now tearing at the soil, and fearfully sounding it. "I feel clout," whispered one man, and he began to tug at it. "Ah," I exclaimed in alarm, "yon mustn't disturb them not tonight, at least!" - "Yea, parson," said the man, "but we mun. We mun see which on us it is he's done for like this. There's Jim Riley gone missing, and Job Kershaw." (To bs contlnusd) WANTED TO CLIMB THE GATE, Story of Secretary Meody and Haughty Bol ton Woman, They are telling a story in Washing ton about the new secretary' of the navy. Mr. Moody was riding on one of the Boston surface cars, and was stand ing on the platform on the aide next the gate that protected passengers from cars coming on the ether track. A lady a Boston lady came to the door of the car, and, as it stopped, started to move toward the gate, which was hid den from her by the man standing be fore it. "Other side, please, lady," said the conductor. He was ignored as only born and bred Boston ian can ignore a man. The lady took another step to ward the gate. "You must got off the other side," said the conductor. "I wish to get off on this side," came the answer, in tones that congealed the official into momentary silence. Be fore he could either explain or expostu late, Mr. Moody came to his assistance. "Stand to one side, gentlemen," he remarked quietly. "The lady wants to climb over the gate." New York Times. - Sent to Conference Committee Gen. Grosvenor had just been tell ing a story. When he reached the cli max he paused expectantly, but nobody laughed. They looked at him in a re proachful manner, and the general, with some irritation, tartly explained the point of the joke. They then laughed, but it was an effort, and Sen ator Payre said : "Grosvenor, you are deteriorating. Formerly anyone could see your jokes nfter one application." "Yes," replied the crestfallen Gros venor, abjectly, "and now they havt) to be sent to a conference committee. New York Times. Englmd'i M nL Some striking details of the opera tions of the mint are given in the esti mate foi the coming financial year. The profit on silver and bronze coinage is estimated to be the same as last year, namely, 800,000 pounds, while the loss on worn coins withdrawn from cir culation, is expected to amount to 52, 000 pounds, as against 60,000 pounds last year. The gold coinage represents a loss of 5,000 pounds. The costs of preparing and engraving the king's seals is put at 2,000 pounds. London Daily News. where Bronzs li Weak. An astonishing decrease in the ten sile strength ind ductility of bronze at temperatures above 400 degrees Fahren heit has been reported by Prof. C. Bach of Stuttgart. With an alloy of 91 per cent copper, 4 of zinc mil 6 of tin, these properties were reduced above 6 per cent at 400 degrees, but about 50 per cent at 600 dergees. This discov ery suggests caution in the use of bronze for engine parts in. contact with Miperheated steam. Got Hit Share. "I am sorry, doctor, you were not able to attend the church supper last night. - It would have done you good to be there." "It has already done me good, madam. I have just prescribed for three of the participants." Spread of Civilization. -The first Tagalog-Englisb and Eng-lish-Tagalog dictionary has just been completed. It is the work of Dr. Stomple of New York, who worked on theTagalog grammar before our war with Spain. Max O'Reiri Philoiophy. Life is not worth living unless you can, when thewinterof life approaches, till thoroughly enjoy a game of mar bles with little boys and telling long fairy stories to little girls. Max O'Rell. Diamond! at Cape Noma. Genuine diamonds, varying in weight from one-half carat to a carat, have been found In placer deposits on Golo vin bay, 40 miles east of Cape Nome. Miners found the diamonds while washing out gold. Tine Bust of McKinlcy. Mrs. Emma Cadwalader Guild has just completed a fine bust of the late President McKinley. It is pronounced one of the most life-like productions yet seen. The Skylark, The skylark sometimes sings during winter, and there is Scotch proverb which mns to the effect that if it be heard before Candlemas there) will be bad weather after that period. Cstt al a Pair of Shoes The wholesale price of a pair of shoes represents about 22 per cent in wage, 65 per rent material and 13 per oral minor expenses and profit Timber Land Act June S, 1S7S. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. 8. Land Office. Vancouver. Want!., May. 29, 1W2. Notice is hereby given that In compli ance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June ,- 1S7S. entitled "An Act for the Sale of Timber Land in tbe Slates of California., Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory,"' ax extend ed to all the Public Land States by act or August 4, 1SZ. Alexander E. R narks. of Portland, County of Muitnomah, State or Oregon, nas tnis 'lay nied In this onlce his aworn statement No. Kills, for the our chase of the w!4 nw4, e nv4, and nwS4 sw'A of Section No. 33. Townshln No. 6 north, Range 10 east, WM., and will offer proor to know mat ins land aought la more valuable for ita timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to en tab Huh his claim to said land before the Hrg Inter and Receiver of this oltlce at Van couver, Washington, on Wednesday, the aim day or August, uml He names ns witnesses: Wilhelm F. Stadelman. of Trout Lake, Wash: George O. Kevno ds. or Trout Lake. Wash.: ;d' niund R. Ourney, of Trout Lake, Wash.; James r. cox. or Trout ijme, wash. Any and air persona claiming adverse' lv the Rhove-descrlbed lands are reaueat- ed to file their claims In this office on or before the said 2Uth day or August, 1902. W. R. DUNBAK, Register. Timber Land Act June S. 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. IT. S. Land Office. Vancouver. Wash.. Mav. 29 1902. Notice is hereby given that In compli ance with the provision of the act of congress or June , 1K7S, entitled "An Act for the Snle of Timber Lands in the Slates of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extend ed to all the Public Land States by act or August , isyz. Alexander L. Steward. of Colfax, County of Whitman, State of Washington, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement, No. 2616, for the purchase of the nW ne4. n nw4 of Section No. 27, Township No. 5 north, Ranks 11 east WM., and will offer proof to show that he land sought la more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural ournoses, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register ana Keceiver or this omee at Vancouver, Washington, on Tuesday, the 12th day of August, 1902. ' He names as witnesses: John W. Bar ger. of Colfax. Wash.: Frank-Hull, of Colfax, Wash.; George W. Palmer, of Colfax, Wash.; Fred H. Schrieber, of Colfax, wash. Frank Hull. of Colfax, County of Whitman, State of Washington, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement, No. 2517, for the purchase of the swi of Section No. M. Township No. 6 north. Range 11 east WM., and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural pur- f roses, and to establish his claim to said and before the Register and Receiver of this office at Vancouver, Washington, on Tuesday, the 12th day or August, lata. He names aa witnesses: George W. Pal mer. of Colfax. Wash.: Alexander L. Steward, of Colfax, Wash.; John W. Bar gee of Colfax, wash.; trea a. Hcnneoer, of Colfax, wash. John W. Hunter. of Colfax. County of Whitman, State of Washington, has this day filed In this office his sworn statement. No. 2518, for the mirchase of the nW4 or section No. 23. Township No. 6 north. Range U east WM., and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone tnan ror Agricultural pur noses, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Vancouver, Washington, on Tuesday, the 12th day of August, 1902. He names as witnesses: Frank Hull. of Colfax, Wash.; George W, Palmer, of Colfax. Wash.; Fred H. Hcnrieoer, ot coh fax. Wash.; Timothy Brownhlll, of Col fax, Wash. Frederick A. Schrieber. - of Colfax. County of Whitman. State of Washington, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement, No, 2519, for the purchase of the se of Section No. 22, TownshiD No. 6 north. Range 11 east WM., and will offer nroof to show that the and sought Is more valuable for its timber or stone tnan ror agricultural purposes, ana to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Vancouver, wasnmgton. on , Tuesday, the 12th day of August, 1902. -He names aa witnesses: John W. Bar- arer. of Colfax. Wash.: Frank Hull, of Colfax, Wash.; George W. Palmer, of Colfax wash.; Alexander L.. otewara.-oi Colfax, Wash. Rmnle F. Canutt. of Colfax, County of Whitman. State of Washington, has this day nied in tnis office his sworn statement, No. 2520, for the purchase of the w ne. e nw4 of Section No. 35. Township No. 5 north, Range 11 east WM., and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for Its timber or stona than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land oerore tne negister ana Receiver of this office at Vancouver, Washington, on Tuesday. the 12th dav of August, 1902. He names as witnesses John W. Bar ger. of Colfax, Wash.; Frank Hull, of Colfax, Wash.; George W. Palmer, of Col fax, Wash.; Alexander L. Steward, of Colfax, Wash. Hriward B. Miller. of Colfax, County of Whitman, State of Washington, has this day niea in mis office his sworn statement. No. 2521, for the purchase of fhe ne of Section No. 23, Township No. 5 north. Range 11 east WM., and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for Its tim ber or stone than for agricultural pur noses, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Vancouver, Washington, on Tuesday, the 12th day of August, lvuii. 19112. - . He names as witnesses: Fred A. Schrte her. of Colfax. Wash.: George W. Palmer, of Colfax, Wash.; Timothy, Brownhlll. of The Dalles, Ore.; Frank hum, or coirax, Wash. George W. Palmer. of Colfax, County of Whitman. State of Washington, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement. No. 2522, for the purchase of the se4 of Section No. 2, Township No. t north. Range 11 east WM,, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural pur poses, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Vancouver. Washington, on Tuesday, the 12th day of August, 190. He names as witnesses: Alexander L. Steward, of Colfax. Wash.; John W. Bar ger, of Colfax. Wash.; Frank Hull, of Colfax. Wash.; Fred A. Schrieber, of Colfax, Wash. Any and all persons claiming adverse ly the above-described lands are request ed to file their claims in this office on or before .the said 12th dav of August, 1902. W. R. DUNMAK, Kegister. Timber Land, Act June S, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. V. 8. Ind Office. Vancouver, Wash., June , 1902. Notice ia hereby given that In compll nnce with the orovislons of the act " Consres of June S, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of tim er lands in Bhe States of Califo'-n's, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," aa extended to all the Public Land states Dy act oi August 4. 192. Richard H. H.'hretber. of Colfax, County of Whitman. 8tate of Washington, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No. 2541, for the purchase of the wV4 se4 and aft ne4 of Section No. 14. Township No. E north, Range 11 east WM.. and will offer proor to show that the land sougnt is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Regis ter and Receiver of this office at Van couver, Wash., on Friday, the 22nd day of August, 1902. He names aa witnesses: James A. Stew ard, James H. Ewart. Grant Kills, Nax aire E. Yells, all of Colfax. Wash. James Manson. of Colfax, County of Whitman, State of Washington, has this nay hied In this office his sworn statement. No. 253S, for the purchase of the ne4 of Section No. 22. Townshln No. S north, Range 11 east. WM.. and will offer proof to show that the land sought la more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Re ceiver of this office at Vancouver. Wash., on Friday, the 22nd day of August 1902. He names as witnesses: Natairo E. Telle, Ivan Chase, James H. Ewart, Adam Stoneberger, all of Colfax, Wash. James H. Ewart, of Colfax, county of Whitman. State of Washington, has this dav filed In this office his sworn statement No. 25.1, for the purchase of the se of Section No. IS, Township 5 north. Range 11 east. W. M.. and will offer proof to show that the land aought Is more valuable for Its tim ber or stone than for agricultural pur poses, snd to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office st Vancouver. Wash , on Friday, the lid day of August. 19i2. He names aa witnesses: Nataire E. Yelle, Ivan Chase, James Manson, James A. Steward, all of Colfax. Wash Naialre E. Yelle, of Colfax, county of Whitman. State of Washington, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No 2537 for lhpurchas of the nW of Section No. M. Township I north, Range 11 east, W. M.. and will offer proof to show that the land sought la more valuable for Its Um ber or stone than for agricultural pur poses, and to establish his claim to said laml before the Register and Receiver of this office at Vancouver, Wash on Kriilay, the 22nd day of August, $ut He names as witnesses: James H Fw- 'lin.,rh2T- """an F. 8chr'elber. Richard H. St hreiber, all of Colfax, V ash. Grant Ellis, of Colfax, county of Whitman, State of Washington, has this dav filed n (h om his sworn statement No 2MJ for !hJ"lrrh?f ,n ' Sutton No. '" Townhli north. Rang 11 rant W M.. and will offer proof to show that the land sought ta more valuable for its timber or stone thn for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to s'd land before the Register and Re ceiver of this office at Vancouver Wash on Friday, the 2tt4 day of Annst. imii j Hs names as witnesses: William M. Dumdl, Edward C. Moys, James A. Car- ev, Marian uenuacn. an oi coirax, wasn. William M. Dumdl. of Colfax, county of Whitman, State of Washington, has this day riled .In this onic Bis sworn statement No , ror the purchase of the se4 of Section No. 21, Township 5 north, Range 11 east, W. M., and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its tim ber or alone than for agricultural pur OOBes. and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver ot this office at Vancouver, Wash., on rriuay, tne zzna aay or August, 1902. He names as witnesses: Grant Ellis Edward C. Moys, Marlon Lelnbach, james a. carey, an or coirax, wash. James A. fitewurri of Colfax, county of Whitman, State of Washington, has this day riled In this office his sworn statement No. 2540, for tne purcnase or the sw of Bectlon No. 14, TownshiD S north. Ranee 11 east w M and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for its timoer or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Recelv er of this office at Vancouver, Wash., on rnuay. me tma aay or August. 1902. He names as witnesses: Richard H. Sehrelber, Herman F. 8chrelber. Na zalre E. Yelle, James II. Ewart, all of conax, wasn. Any and all persons claiming adverse ly the above-described lands are rcuuest ed to file their claims in this oiiice on or before said 22d day of August, 1902. W. R. DUNBAR, Register Timber Land, Act June 3, 1S7S. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. 8. Land Office. Vancouver, Wash., June 2, 19U2. Notice is hereby given that in comnli ance with the provisions of the act of congress or j n 3. 1878, entitled "Aa act for the sale of timber lands In the States of California. Oregon. Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, IXWi. Adam Stoneberger. of Colfax, county of Whitman, State of Washington, has this day filed In this office his sworn statement No. 2531 for the purchase of the sw4 of Section No. 22. TownshiD 6 north. Range 11 east. W. M., and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for Ita tim ber or slone than for agricultural pur noses, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver or this umos at Vancouver, Wash., on Thursday, the 21st day of August, 19D2. He names as witnesses: Ivan Chase. Jnmes Steward, Mrs. E. C. Morgan, Miss Jessie is. rreti, all or Colfax, Wash. Jessie E. Frets. of Colfax, county of Whitman. State of Washington, has this day filed In this office her sworn statement No. 2,12, for the purchase of the sV, swi. new swU se4 nwH of Section N,o. 24, Township 5 norm, ttange it east. w. m., ana will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Vancouver, Wash., on Thursday, the aay ot August, iarz. She names as witnesses: Ivan Chase, Adam Stoneberger, James A. Steward, Elizabeth C. Morgan, all of Colfax, Wash. , Elizabeth C. Moriran. of Colfax, county of Whitman, State of Washington, has this day filed In this office her sworn statement No. 2530, for tne purcnase or tne nei4 of Section No 24. Township 6 north. Range 11 east. W M., and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timner or stone than ror agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land before the Register and Re ceiver of this office at Vancouver, Wash., on Thursday, the 21st day of August, 19412. Bhe names as witnesses: Ivan Chase, Adam Stoneberger. James A. Steward, Jessie E. Frets, all of Colfax, Wash. Marion Lelnbach. of Colfax, county of Whitman. State of Washington, has this day nied in thh, office his sworn statement No. 2529 for the purchase of the eH nwand e4nwi, and nw4 ne4 of Bectlon No. 28," Township 5 north, Range 11 east, W. M., and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Vancouver, Wash., on Thursday, the 21st day of August, 1902. i He names as witnesses: William Dum dl, Grant Ellis, James A. Steward, James K, Ewart. all of Colfax, Wash. Herman F Schrelhpr of Colfax, county of Whitman. State of Wash., has this day tiled In this office his sworn statement No.' 2528. for the purchase of Uie wV aw1 of Section No. 13; the eH se of Section No. 14. Town ship 6 north. Range 11 east. W. M., and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Vancouver, Wash., on Thurs day, the 21st day of August, 19i2. He names as witnesses: Ivan Chase, James H. Ewart, Naialre E. Yelle, James A. Steward, ell of Colfax, Wash. Edward C. Moys, of Colfax, county of Whitman. State of Washington, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No. 253:1, for the purchase of the nw nw4 of Section No. 28, wH BVVt and se sw4 of Section No. 21. Township 5 north. Range 1 east, W. M., and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Re ceiver of this office at Vancouver, Wash., on Thursday, the 21st day of August, 1902. He names as witnesses: William M. Dumdl, Grant Ellis, Marlon Lelnbach, James A. Carey, nil of Colfax, Wash. Ivan Chase, of Colfax, county of Whitman, State of Washington, has this day filed In this office his sworn statement No. 2534, for the purchase of the nw of Section No. 22, Township S north. Range 11 east, W. M., and will offer proor to show that the land sought is more valuable for its tim ber or stone than for agricultural pur poses, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Vancouver, Wash., on Thursday, the 21st 'day of August, 1902. He names as witnesses: William M. Dumdl, Adam Stoneberger, James H. Ewart, Elisabeth C. Morgan, all of Col fax, Wash. i Any and all persons claiming adverse ly the above-described lands are request ed to file their claims in this o.1Ve on or before said 21st day of August, 1902. W. R. DUNBAR, Register Timber Land. Act June S. 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. S. Land Office. ' Vancouver, Wash., June 4, 1902. Notice Is hereby given that In compli ance with the provisions of the act ol Congress of Jun3 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sile of tlm'-er lands in the fitnt.i ol California Orornn. Nevnn and Washington Territory, as extended to all the Public Land States by act oi August 4, 1892. Andrew Johnson. of Colfax, county of Whitman, State of Washington, has this day filed In this office his sworn statement No. 2555, for the purchase of the lots I 4 and the ev sw"4 of Section No. 30. Township 6 north, Kange la east, w. m., ano win oner proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Vancouver. Wash., on Tuesday, the 26th day of August, 1902. He names as witnesses: James A. Car ey. George M. Carey, Milton B. Carey, James B. Hunter, all of Colfax, Wash. Milton B. Carey. of Colfax, county of Whitman, 8tate of Washington, has this day filed In this office his sworn statement No. 251 for the purchase ot the eVi sw"4 and lots 3 and 4 of Section No. 19, Township north, Range 12 east, W. M.,.and will or fer proof to show that the land sought Is mors valuable for ita timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Vancouver, Wash., on Tuesday, the 26th day of August, 1902. He names as witnesses: Andrew John son, James B. Hunter, Nicholas Codd, Emerson M. Warner, of Colfax, Wash. t'lvsses 8. Pelton. of Colfax, county of Whitman, State of Washington, has this day tiled In this office his sworn statement no. zao, tor the nurchase of the eU nw1. and lots 1 and 2 of Section No. 31. township t north. Range 12 east, W. M., and will or fer nroof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Vancouver. Wash., on Tuesday, the 2th day of August, 1902. He names as witnesses: tmereon . Warner. Andrew Johnson. James A. Ca rey, George M. Carey, of Colfax, Wash. Nicholas Codd. of Colfax, county of Whitman, State of Washington, has this day filed In this office his sworn statement No. 2558, tor the purchase of the ne' or Section Po. i. Township ( north. Range 11 east. W. M., and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for its tim ber or stone than for agricultural pur poses, and to establish his claim to said land hfore the Recister and Receiver of this office at Vancouver. Wash., on Tuesday, the 26th day of August. 19"J. He names as witnesses: I lysaes . Pelton. Emerson M. Warner. Andrew lohnson. James A. Carey, all or coirax. Wash. George M. Carey, of Colfax, county of Whitman. State of Washington, has this day filed In (his office his sworn statement No for tbe purchase of the e nwV and lota 1 and I of Section No. JD. Township north. Range 12 east. W. M.. and will of fer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purpos-. snd to etaahllsh his claim to said land berore the Register and Receiver of this office st Vancouver. Wash., on Tuesday, the 26' h dav ot August. 14. Hs names as witnesses: Andrew John son. James B, Hunter. Nicholas Codd. Emerson M. Warner, all of Colfax, Wash. James A. Carey, of Colfax, county of Whitman, State of Washington, has this day Hied in this office his sworn statemont No. 2557, for the purchase of the ne'4 of Section No. 24, Township 8 north, Range 11 east, W. M., and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its tim ber or stone than for agricultural pur poses, and to establish his claim to said iand before the Register and Receiver of this office at Vancouver, Wash., on Tuesday, the 2Gth day of August, 1902. He names aa witnesses: Andrew John son, James B. Hunter, Nicholas Codd, Fmersou M. Warner, all of Colfax, Wash. Emerson M. Warner, of Cblfax, county of Whitman. Slate-of Washington, has this day filed In this office his sworn statement No. 2556, for the purchase of the se4 of Section No, 5. Township 6 north. Range 11 east, W. M and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for Its tim ber or stone than for agricultural pur poses, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Vancouver, Wash., on Tues day, the 2fith day of August, 19u2. He names as witnesses: Andrew John son. James A. Carey. George M. Carey, Milton B. Carey, all of Colfax, Wash. James B. Hunter, of Colfax, county of Whitman, State of Washington, has this day filed In this office his sworn statement No, 2554 for tho purchase of the seV, of Section No. 24, Township 8 north, Range II east.'W. M., and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuahle for Its tim ber or stone than for agricultural pur poses, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Vancouver. Wash., on Tuesday, the 2filh dav of August, 1902. He names as witnesses: Ulvsses 8. Pel ton, Emerson M. Warner, Andrew John on, James A. Carey, all of Colfax, Wash. Any and all persons claiming adverse ly the above-described lands are request ed to file their claims in this ofiice on or before said 2th day of August. 1902. W. R. DUNBAR, Register Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. IT. 8. Land Office. Vancouver, Wash., June 12, loo;. Notice Is hereby given thst In compll. ance with tho provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, IN?, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the States of California. Oregon,' Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1892. Frank C. Young, of Portland, county of Multnomah. Slate of Oregon, has this dav filed In this of fice his sworn statement No. 2585. for the purchase of the nety of Section No. 11. Township ft north. Range 11 east, W. M.. and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register Bnd Receiver of this office, at Vancouver, Wash., on Thursday, the 18th day of September. 1902. He names as witnesses: Elovd S. Green, of Portland. Oregon; Andrew J. Derby, of Portland, Oregon; Jonathan K. Duck, of Portland, Oregon; James F. Cox, of Troutlake, Wash, Andrew J. Derby, of Portland, county of Multnomah, Stale of Oregon, has this day tiled in this office his sworn statement No. 25S6. for the pur chase of the sw'4 of Section No. 14, Town ship 6 north, Range 11 east. W. M., and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Vancouver, Wash., on Thursday, the 18th day of September, 1902. He names as witnesses: Frank C. Young, Lloyd 8. Green, Jonathan J. Duck, Sadie G. Young, all of Portland, Oregon. Sndle G. Young, of Portland, county of Multnomah, State of Oregon, has this day llled In tills ol tlce her sworn statement No. 2587, for tho purchase of the nw of Section No. 10, Township 6 north, Range 11 east, W. M., and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for Its tim ber or stone thiin for agricultural pur poses, and to establish her claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Vancouver, Wash., on Thursday, tho 18th day of September. 1902. She names as witnesses' Andrew J. Derby, of Portland. Or.: Frank C. Young. of Portland, Or.; Jonathan J. Duck, of Portland. Or.; James F. Cox, of Trout lake, Wash. Sarah E. Brawer. of Portland, county of Multnomah. State of Oregon, has this day filed in this of fice her sworn statement No. 2588, for the purchase of the vt swl,i, seli swV4 of section No. 12 and nWi nw"4 of Section No. 1.1, Township 6 north, Range li east, V. M., and will offer proof to show that the land Bought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural pur pose", ana to esiamisn ner claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Vancouver, Wash., on Thursday, the 18th day of September, 1902. She .names as witnesses: Andrew J. Derby, of Portland, Or. : Frank C. Young. of Portland, Or.; Jonathan J. Duck, of Portland, or.; James F. Cox, of Trout lake, Wash. Any and all persons claiming adverse' ly the above-described lands are request ed to file their claims in this office on or before said 18th dav of September, 1902. W. R. DUNBAR, Register - Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. S. Land Office. Vancouver, Wash., June 12, 1902. Notice Is hereby given that in compli ance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for tho sale of timber lands in the S ates of Cal fornix, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1892. Jesse A. Shields, of Portland, county of Mullnomah, State of Oregon, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement NB. 2592, for t'nu pur chase of the sw4 of Section No. 1, Town ship 6 north, Range 11 east. W. M., and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, aim to establish his claim to said land be fore the Register and Receiver of this office at Vancouver, Wash., on Monday, the 151 p day of September, 19)2. He names as witnesses: Jesse W. Holt, of Portland, Oregon; Frank C Young, of Portland, Oregon; Robert F, Cox, of Portland, Oregon; Elbert C. Peets, of Troutlake, Wash. Clara L. Holt. of Portland, county of Multnomah, State of Oregon, h is till day llied In this office her sworn statement No. 2593, for the pur chase of the sw'i of Section No. 2. Town ship 6 north. Range 11 east, W. M., and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said laud be fore the Register and. Receiver of this office at Vancouver, Wash., on Monuay, thi lDlh day of September, 1902. She names as witnesses: Jesse A. Shields, of Portland. Or.; Frank C. young, or Portland, Or.; Klbert C. Peel. of Troutlake, Wash., and Lulu M. PeeU or Troutlake, wash. Jesse W. Holt. of Portland, county of .Multnomah, Slatt ot Oregon, has this day filed In thU office his sworn statement No. 2594, for the pur chase of the se4 of Section No. 3, Town ship 6 north. Range 11 east. W. M., and wlli offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to estanilsh his claim to said land berore the Register and Receiver of this office at Vancouver, Wash., on Monday, the 15th day of September, 19u2. He names as witnesses' Frnnk C Young, of Portland. Or.: Jesse A. Shields, ol Portland, Or.; Elbert C. Peels, ot Troutlake, Wash.; Luiu M. Peets, ol Troutlake, Wash. Any and all persons claiming adverse ly the above-described lands are request ed to file their claims In this office on or before said 15th day of September, 1902. . W. K. DLNBAK, Register Timber Land. Act June 3. 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. 8. Land Office. Vancouver, Wash., June 12, 1902. Notice Is hereby given that In compli ance with the provisions of the act of Congnsi of June 3. I7 entitled "An act for the sale of t'mber lands In the States of California. Oregon. Nevada, and Washington Territory," aa extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1892. Elbert C. Peets. of Troutlake. county of Klickitat, State of Washington, has this day tiled In this office his sworn statement No. 2589, for. the purchase of the lot 2. sw1 ni V. wVj SC4 of Svction No. 1, Township north. Range 11 east, W. M.. and will offer proof to snow that the land sought is more val uable for Its timber or stone than for ag ricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Vancouver, Wash., on Tuesday, the 16th day of Sep tember, 19ii2. He names as witnesses: Jesse W. Ilott. Jesse A. Shields. Frank C. Young, Robert F. Cox. all of Portland. Or. Lulu M. Peets. of Troutlake. county of Klickitat State of Washington, has this day tiled In this office her sworn statement. No. Zi'M. tot the purchase of the nw1 of Section No, 12, Township I north. Range 11 eant, W. M.. and will offer proof to show that the and sought Is more valuable for It tim ber or atone than for agricultural pur poses, and to establish ht-r claim to aaid land before the Register and Receiver of this office st Vancouver. Wash., on Tue dav. the Klh day of September. IC. She names as witness: Jesse W. Holt. Jonathan K. luck. Jetw A. ShieMs. Rob ert F. Cox. sll of Portland. Oregon Mary M. Shields, of Portland, county of Mullnomah, S'ate of Oregon, has this day filed In this office her awora statement No. !, for the pur-; 'chase of the se4 of Section No. 2, Town shin No. i north. Range 11 east. W. Ai. land will offer proof to show that tho hind sought is more valuable fur lis timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, anil to establish her claim to salu land heroic the Register and Receiver of this office at Vancouver, Washington, on Tuesday, Hit lblh day of September, 112. She names as witnesses: Jesse W. Holt, of PArtland. Oregon; Frank C. Young, of Portland, Oregon;. Robert F. Cox, oi Portland, Oregon; Elbert C. Peels,, ol Troutlake, Wash. Any and all persons claiming adverse ly the above-described hinds are request ed to tile their claims In this office on or before said 16lh day of September, 1902. W. K. DUNBAR, Register Timber Land. Act June S, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. 8. Land Office. Vancouver, Wash.t June 12, lis 12. Notice is hereby given that In compll ance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3. 1:7, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands In Hie Statts of California. Oregon. Nevada, and Washington Territory." as extended to all the Public Land States by act or August 4, 1S92. Floyd S. Green. " of Portland, county of Mullnomah, Slate of Oregon, has this day filed In this office his sworn statement No. 2582, for the put chase of the nwW of Section No. 14. Town ship 6 north. Range 11. east, W. M., and will offer proof to show that the lund sought is more valuable for Us Umber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Vancouver, Wash , on Wednes day, the Lth dav of September, 1902.. He names as witnesses: Andrew J. Der by of Portland, Oregon; Frank C. Young, of Portland. Oregon: Jonathan J. Duck, of Portland. Oregon; James F. Cox, of Iroutlake, Wash. Jonathan K. Duck, of Portland, county-of Multnomah. Slate of Oregon, has this day tiled In this or lice his sworn statement No. 2583, for the purchase of the nVi nw4 and the wVi nel4 of Section No. 11. Township 6 north, Range 11 east, W. M., and will offer proof to snow that the land sought is more vai uable for its timber or slone than for ag ricuHural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Regtsler and Receiver of this office at Vancouver, Wash., on Wednesday, the 17th day of September. 1902. He names as witnesses: Frank C. toung, ot Portland, Or.; Floyd 8. Green, of Portland, Or.; Andrew J. Derby, of Portland, Or.; James F. Cox, of Trout lake, Wash. Mnry Ellen Duck, of Portland, county of Multnomah, State of Oregon, has this dav filed in this office her sworn statement No. 2:84, for the p:ir chase of the Be'i of Section No. 11, Towr- shlp 6 north, Kunge 11 east, w. M., aim will offer proof to show that the laud sought Is more valuable for Its timlitr or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of lliiB office at Vancouver, Wash., on Wedneb day, tho 17th day of September, 1902. She names as witnesses: Frank C. Young, of Portland, Ol. ; Kloyd 8. Green, of Portland. Or.; Andrew J. Derby, ol Portland, Or.; James F. Cox, of Trout lake, wasn. Any and all persons claiming adverse ly the above-described lands are rouuest ed to file their claims in this office on or before said 17th day of September, 1902. W. R. DUNBAR, Register Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. S. Ijtnd Office. Vancouver, Wash., June 13, 19u2. Notice Is hereby g!vm that in compli ance with the provisions of the act ol' Congress of June 3. M. entitled "An act for the s:ile of tlm'er lands In tho States of C llfornia, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory." as extended to all the Public Land States by act ol August 4, 1892. Elsie Mae Dolan, of Portland, county of Mullnomah. Stale of Oregon, has this day tiled in this of fice her sworn statement No. 20HO. for the purchase of the s4 neV4 and lots 1 and 2 of Section No. 2, Township 6 north. Range 11 east, W. M and will offer pi oof to show that the land sought Is more val uable for Us timber or stone than for ag ricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Vancouver, Wash., on Tuesday, the 9th day of Sep tember, 1902. She names as witnesses: Ernest T. Darr, Kate Stampher. Laura Smith, Willis A. Smith, all of Portland, Or. Laura Smith, of Portland, county of Mullnomah. State ot Oregon, has this day filed in this of fice, her sworn statement No. 2ft il. for the ourchase of the se'4 of Section No. 14, Township 6 north. Range 11 east. W. M.. and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for Us timber or stone, than for agricultural purposes, ano to establish her claim to said land before li.e Register and Receiver of this office fit Vancouver, Wash., on Tuesday, the 9t!i la of September. 1902. fihe names as witnesses: Elsie Mae Do lan. Kate Stampher. Geo. St. Clair Segur, G. Gunderson, all of Portland, Or. Kate Stamnher. of Portland, county of Multnomah. Stnle or Oregon, has this dav fi ed in th s of fice her sworn statement No. 2002, for the purcnase or the bV4 nw H and lots 3 and 4 of Section No. 2. Township 6 north. Range 11 east, W. M.. and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more val uable for its timber or itoue than for ag ricultural purposes, snd to establish her claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Vancouver, Wash., on Tuesday, the 9th day of Sep tember, 1902. She names as witnesses: Ernest I. Darr, Elsie Mae Dolan, Laura Smith, Willis A. Smith, all of Portland, Or. Any and all persons claiming adverse ly the above-described lands are renuest ed to file their claims in this oflice"on or before said 9th day of September, 1912. W. R. DUNBAR, Register Timber Land. Act .Tune 3. 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. S. Land Office. Vancouver, Wash., June 13, 1902. Notice Is hereby given that in compli ance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878. entitled "An act for 4he sale of timber lands In the Stales of Callfo-nlt, Oregon. Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Puhllo Land States by act of August 4, 1892. Ella B, Morrison, of Seattle, county of King. State of Washington, has this day filed in this of fice her sworn statement No. 26n4, for the purchase of the e! ne4 of Section No. 26 and the wtA nw'4 of Section No. 25. Town ship 6 north. Range 11 east. VV. M., and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable. for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land before Ihe Register and Receiver of this office at Vancouver, Washington, on Thursday, the 11th day of September. 1902. She names as witnesses: Joseph 8. Landers, of The Dalles, Or.; T. Brown hlll. of The Dalles, Or.; Jnmes Cheyne. of Gilmer P. O., Wash.; Robett Cheyne, of Gilmer P. O., Wash. Joseph 8. Landers, of The Dalles, countv of Wasco, Slrtte of Oregon, has this day filed In this office his sworn statement No. 2C"S, for the pur cnase oi tne nw'4 or section No. 27, Township north. Range 11 east, W. M., and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for Its Umber or stone lhan for agricultural purposes, and to om.'tbiish his claim to said land before the Kepwu-r and Receiver of this office at Vancouver, Wash., on Thursday, the 11th day of September, 1902. He names as witnesses: Ella B. Morris on, of Seattle, Wash.; Robert Chevne. of Gilmer, Wash.; James Cheyne. of Gilmer, wusn., i. nrownniu, oi I ne ualles, ur. Any and all persons clalmlna' adverse ly the above-described lands are.request ed to file their claims in this office on or before said llth day of September, 19"2. W, rl. DUNBAR, Register Timber Ijtnd. A"t June 3. 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Vancouver, Wash., June 16, 1902. Notice Is hereby given that In comull ance with the provisions of the act of congress of June J. 1878. entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the states or t aiitornin. tiregon. Nevada, and Wash'ngton Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1892. Rose R. Young, of Portland, countv of Multnomah. State of Oregon, has this day filed In this of fice her sworn statement No. 26S for the purchase of th sw4 of Section No. 3. Township north. Range 11 esst. W. M.. snd will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for Its timber it stone than for agricultural purnoaes. and to estahllsh her claim to said land Iwfore the Register and Receiver of this office st Vancouver. Wash., on Monday, the 8th day of September, 19-12. She names as witnesses: Elmer B. Col well, of Portland. Or.; Emma M. Ander son, of Portland. Or.; Jacob Frame, of Portland. Or.; James F. Cox, of Trout lake, Wash. Jacob Fravne, of Portland countv of Multnomah. State of Oregon, has this dav filed In this of fice his sworn statement No. 2610, for the nurehnae of the lots S. 4 and sM. nw4 of Section No. 1. Townshln north. Range 11 east. W. M.. and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valua ble foi Its timber or stone than for agri cultural purposes, snd to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Vancouver Wash., on Monday, tne 8th day of Sep tember. ' He rnmcs as witnesses: Rose R. Young of Portland. Or : Emma N. Anderson of Portland. tn: Elmer Ft. Colwell. of Port land. tr. ; James F. Cox, of Troutlake Wash. Any and all persona r'aiTnlnor i-ee l the above-described Isn.'t are request ed to file their claims In this office on or before said 8th day of September li v. K. ui.nbar. Register GEO. P. CROWELL, Successor to G. L. Htnlth, Oldest Established Home in the valley.) DEALER IN Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, Flour and Feed, etc. This old-ertaUislied house wi'l con tinue to pay cash for all its (too-ls; it pavs no rent; it employs a clerk, but does not liave to divide with partner. All riivi'Vmls are made with customers in the way of reasonable prices. Lumber Wood, Posts, Etc. Davenport Bros. Lumber Co. Have opened an oflitv in Hood Kivcr; Call and pet prices mid leave orders, which will be promptly filled. Regulator Line STEAMERS Regulator and Dalles City Between The Dalles and Portland Daily Except ftniday. Leave Dulles ...7 A. M. Arrive Portland 4 P. M . Leave Portland '. 7 A.M. Arrive Dalles .8 P. M. Leave Hood Uiver (down) at 8:30 A. M. Arrive Hood Kiver (up) at 3:30 P. M. W. C ALLOW AY, General Agent. White Collar Line Portland -Astoria Route Str. "BAILEY GATZERT." Dally round trips except Sunday. T1MB CAH1. Leaves Portland 7:00 A. M Leaves Astoria .7:00 P. M Through Portland connection with Hteamer Nahcotta from llwaco and Iaiiik lteach points. White Collar Line tickets Interehangeabls with U. li. k N. Co. and V. T. Co. ticket. TheDalles-Portland Route STEAMERS "TAHOMA" and "METLAKO" Daily trips except Sunday. Sir. "TAHOMA." Lenves Portland, Mnn., Wed:, Krl .7:00 A. M Leaves Tlis Dalle, Tues., Thurs. BaL,7:U0A. M Str. "METLAKO." Leaves Portland, Thcs., Thu., Sat 7:00 A. M. Leaves The Jinl lei Mon., Wed., Fri 7:00 A. M. LandltiK and ollice: Foot Alder Street, both phuuea Alain 301. Portland, Oregon. AGENTS. JOHN M. F1IXOON The Dalles, Or A. J. TAYLOR Astoria, Or 1. i. LVCKEY Hood Kiver. Or WOLFOKD WYKR3 White Malnion, Vah J. 0. WYATT Vancouver, Wash B. B. GILBRKTH I,e, Mash JOHN M. TOTTON.. Bteretiaon, Wash HKNItY OLMSTED , ( arson, Wash W M. BUTLF.R Butler, Wash E. W. CRICHTON, Portland, Oregon OREGON Shot Line -and Union Pacific DirABT TIME SCHEDULES PortUnd, Or. A SSI VI rhlraito iFalt Ijtke, Detirer, 4:30 p.m. Portland Ft. Worili.Omaha, Kaniiaa City, tit. Louia.ChM'agoaiiil Last. Special I t .Wh. m. I via j Huntington. At antio Express t :M p.m. via (V alla Walla Uwln ton, Spokane, Mill. neapolin.Ht. Paul, DiiIiiIIi. tlilwau kee,Chicaiio&Kat 1: 10 a. ox. .Huntington. fit. Paul Fl Mall 1:16 p. tu. via Bpokan fait 'Lake, Denver, Ft. Worth.Omalia, Kainas tlity, (it. Ixui ,Cn Icbko aud 7:00a. t OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE FROM PORTLAND. Jaip.m. All railing date subject to change For Han Frsnclnco bad srerjr days :W p. bl Dally Ex. Holiday 1 00 o m. Saturday Hi U) p. m. Cslumkla Rlr Stsaswrs. 4 no p. m. Rz. 8mtdaf To Alitor la and Way i.uuiiiKa. (:46s. m lion., Wed. snd FtL WMlasnHs Mm. W atcr permltiiris. Oron City. Nw. hers. Hlin, lints- fendenctCorv sl it and Mai Iud-Inrs.- 4:10 p.m. Ks. Hua.lay (a m. Tufs., Thur. s.nd8L aVHtsswHs si Itm- tll Imi. Water rrmifttiti. p. m. Hon.. w4. and Fri. Oreson t'Uj, tf- iou, nay Land- illf. Lt. ftlparlt tasks llvsr. Lv.Lswiaton Ds.ly exaepi Rlpsrls to Uwlston la. I Ixl'u Mou!lr. I Hun,!,, :oo a. m. 7:w a. m. A. L. CRAIG, Ctaaral PssKnf er Aisnt, Portland, Or. A, . HOIR, Agra, Ih4 Bi.r. r