The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, June 13, 1902, SUPPLEMENT, Image 6

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    (Tapper Cropping. . ' TIiTTi T) 1 TiHTI TIlinfiTiTTTlf
A valued correspond
Tlie Glacier in a Sew Jtole.
A valued correspondent down in lexas r. m nu . m ay en y umea.
tells bow the Glacier made an unprece wit)l nearly a (un attendance, notwith.1
IICIIIU ovi , ,...v.w ftUlUUUlg uicaj;ivi,uuiu .guv
vie ory, as follows: club was brought to order and the quo
Manv of the most wonderful productions tations f rom Hobt.Hurns given. A very
and discoveries are but the evolution- entertaining programme followed. Sev
ary resultsof apparently trivial incidents eral good selections were read, and ired
o accidents. Vhat the Glacier should Taylor sunjf a song entitled ' Twenty
stumble upon untrodden fields of utility Years AgrV'whieh was good. Mr.Hatk
and make its mark away up in . the ett made some sweet 'usic on the haij
clouds, so to speak, and dare its rivals monica. Mrs. Lyons and I Mrs. Kinsey
even to follow suit.wasnoteven dreamed rendered selections from Cerny, T i me
of by its energetic and patient-working Du Pirate de Be lim,- and La Chate
proprietor.much less by the innocent par- laine." Both pieces wre received by
ticipants in an entirely unlocked for in- the sweetest applause that can be given,
cident which involved a crucial test for "a perfect silence. After' the pro
the Glacier and opened wide vistas of gramme the guests took part in blind,
possibilities and stimulus to ambition reading, which was- quite aoiuinj.
' and desire which lacked only the inci- After partners had been chosen, supper
dent to provoke. Many times I've was announced, rulips and columbine
lieen prompted to give the story but ex- decorated the table, and a delicious re
pected only ridicule for my trouble. past was served. The clock struck 12 as
When living down at Myrtle Springs the guests were 'Pating. Our next
several years ago I was sitting on the meeting will be held at the home of Mr.
south porch (or gallery as the Southern- and Mrs. Kinsey, July 15.
er calls a porch,) leaning back against During berry season Mr. McCurdy is
the north wall with the Glacier held up going to start a new fashion of dress
before me quietly reading the news, ttm0ug men, go if any one sees a strange
when suddenly a shower of birdshot looking object coming into town with a
rattled on the pajier in front of me and 1)a(j 0f berries, they will know i.t is only
on the wall around me and dropped to Mr- McCurdy with his Mother Hubbard
the fioor.simultaneous with the business 8tvie Mrs. Ikey and I. K.
report of a shotgun a hundred yards
away. Ul course my aueuuun "
arreBted, aud'as my interest was sud- We are having some warm
clenly arousea in careless snoouiig, i ancj crops look tine,
called to the fellow who missed the f he rattlers and diggerx squirrels are
quail he thought he was aiming at, and on their reguiar mna. j
.lifikiittil him it aim a 1 1 ITU tlirtllKr
1 ' E
ff 1
west next which event he might
miss the house and some of the
chance shot might cripple some of the
worms at that time infesting my garden.
Ho apologized for the affair, and of
course 1 readily accepted his excuses,
Wm. Dodson has moved into his new
house. He will build a flue this time.
Mf J. P. Thomsen of The Dalles and
Mrs. Hansen of Portland were visiting
friends in the vallev litBt week. Mrs.
Thon-iHen is an old neighbor here and
Wall Paper 5c a Roll Up.
There is a man in our town,
And this man is a daisy,
He turns the prices upside down,
And anves tne mercnanis cra.y.
le decorates vour walls with grace,
For dust and dirt he leaves no place,
Crowds all others out of the race,
This brilliant blooming daisy.
He keeps the finest stock in town,
And marks his prices all 'waydown,'
And is a workman of renown,
And to his business freezes.
Now, shall I give you this man's name,
Possessor "of this enviable fame,
Whose enconimus are all too tame,
: Why .Jackson's the man who pleases.
A bountiful home Is a mirror In which Is re
flected ihe refined tastes of the home makers.
Artistic wall paper adds to the beauty and re
finement ol the roomB. We snow a spienniu.
The Mlsael Thrash la Cruel nni l'U
lea. The rohin. Ihnt, "ninus" biro, ifi ve; v
quarrelsome, und it exaapurutiti one .
wuleh hiiu wasting the precious Loa:
in huntiiig- another hungry o . . .
and round and round, till the t i,:u M.u i
.have cleared th board, says im' t im.
iemporary Keview. The blai k'o.rclf . tuo,
are very annoying in the wuy thiu ihi.v
snatch up a lump of breu ui.d M.v ulf
with it, only to be chased about to,- the
rest of the morning by other black
birds, while a sparrow makes u eqtuuv
meal off the morsel fallen meanwhile
under a shrub. Hut, relentless ns they
are in pursuit, the curious fact is that
they seldom fight. If the pursued
turns, the pursuer stops, perks up hi :
tail, nnd, being promptly charged by
the other, becomes in turn the pur
sued. But woe to both when the missel
thrush comes, lie is pitiless in pur
suit, and I have Feen thein pass my
window time after time in the course of
a incndiiar, 1 lie storm cock hard on the
"iK'els" of the" blackbird. And v. he:;
they overt al;e them what luiprci:?? I'"
mvself. I have often said before 1 be
lieve the missel thrush a cnnnilal. At
any rr.te, I attribute some of the tletid
blncl:l'iv(1 :;tid thrushes that one finds
about the rround'sfohiscnielbr-iil'. ITo
watches for birds for hours nt i: lime,
like a bird ef prey, nnd attacl.s like one.
T hove often stopped a chase which
I knew could only end in oneway.
Let Us Spray.
With the warm nl?hu come the cndlln
moth. Nw Is the time to spray. Parties
wishiDK spraying done, with prices consistent
with good thorough work, should see
Cow for Sale.
A fine Jersey Cow. For partlculsrs write
Jyl J As- J- OOYLE, Cascade I H'ks, ilr
Water Notice.
All IrrlttHtlng must he done hctween the
hours of 5 o'clock p. m. and 8 o'clock . m.
The water will be turned oft AT ONCK from
any lot where owners fall U comply with
these rules.
I have a i wagon with heavy crank sprinus
toexchaiiKc for a iP-4 or 8 inch wide track
wagon with high wheels. A. UlUBlloVt'.
llouse to Kent,
A house of 7 rooms, with free water, in
Blowers addition; all plastered and well fin
ished. Apply to
Land for Sale.
One tract ol 20acws, all cleared and part
plowed, on East Side, adjoining Chris. Deih-.
man: also, At ncn s on the north side of Turner
place, near fine Grove school house. Partly
cleared. Cull on the owner. H. II. COX.
Legal Blanks.
A full line ol Legal Blanks for sale at Brad
ley's ll(H)k Htore. .
And plain sewing done at my home on the
hill. luai) MRa. K. C. CLARK.
Pekin Duck Effes.
Meventy-nve cents per setting of II.
irse 1 readily accepted his excuses, Thomsen is an old neignoor nere anu (1 Btofk
but when it gradually dawned upon me her manv friends were glad to see lier lhe Mtestof newdeBlg
t the (ilacier liad saved mv life bv mice more. Come again. artists.
assortment, of the choicest papers obtainable.
IS eoilipiei! iu t"
st of new designs o
;ns of home and foreign So
Kill wnen 11 gradually oawneu upun 10c ner nmuy unuiu no b'
that the G acier had saved my lite by once more, tome again. amsis. ,
the providential interception of the shot yur frieu(j from Klondike seems to'be om etc.( 8i the tine line of Mixed Pain's to
coming directly towards my face and worriej about our school district. Now, be found at our store are warranted to stand
breast, I came very near hunting up the we do not intend to bother Klondike BlHekui(,1frJ s'mpiefor our Wall Paper, 3c a
man who had then passed out of sight to (lintrict; we simply want a district here rol, an(t up. Art Goods, Picture Moldings,
askhim to take back bis apology and join in Oregon, so we will wt have to send Varnishes. to"5J3ZXv
mam aantiiriti niifiwoiiif rnar II r. Ill V illlll 1. .l-nn t.. kl..milu WH IW HVH ' '
the Glacier saved my life but the inci- our friend has got his .district rightly
Ant UaA .i;anl..uuit u mmlitv (A resistant ..1 if m.-. tliM mime alone will
texturi not up o that time suspected and evlain whv the school has not got more
tlian lour or uvc oiiiniiDi.
for the road tg Klondike is a hard road
U travel andur Children cannot climb
this bill. I- K- E-'
Painter and Decorator, .
Heoond street. Phone Main 35.
probably not possessed by any other
paper ever published. The more I stud
ied about the matter the more the awak
ened interest grew. To go into battle
invested in Glaciers would be to bid de-
."Happy Town.
"We felt very happy," writes K. N.
Bevil, Old Town, Va., "when Bucklen's
Arnica Salve wholly cured our daughter
fiance to assault. Wherever there is Hood River, June 10, J-bu,)r f ft bad case of Bcaia head." It delights
i ... 0t,n n-mn vnnrse f in a (ilaeer: In a recent issue of your paper "..... ... .,, i,,
r;Afy0 vou stated that toy transit bad been hifallil
make your bed in a swamp or any kind broken, by a party with whom 1 ., 0 ( 25c at chM N,
..fa storm or where venomous reptiles had entrusted it, in carting it to town "J"J . '
and I insecte hold the fort, there will be This is an error. I left my transit with Clarke s drugstore.
perfect immunity if you are incased in Mr. Norden ori Methodist Lane over t.ttnker worms should attack fiuit
Glaciers. It will not be tiecissary for night, who pnornised to take good care trees jn tie Northwest it is well for
vou to take Hood or any bodv else for that of it. The uett morning 1 called for it growerit to know that experience in
tir"d feeling if you provide Glacier and did not notice it was injured untfl 1 (lher lftUsa lag proved that a strong
wraps for all occasions, as you set it up, five minutes afterwards on the er (lose of poi0 j required in figlitini:
will have such complete immunity from work. I then . found ft' an absolute thege than lg uae(1 ln fighting the
anxiety as will banish all tired feelings, wreck. I have seen Mr. N order three mAVinK lllolh. Secretary Ocoduiaii,
and give you that restfulness and un- times and he "ays he knows nothing ot ()f tl)U Missouri 8tate Horticulural
disturbed sleep as will make life really any injury it received. L found the in- (lo(,iety) advises the use of one pound
worth living strtuneut in the living room at Mr. Nor- )f purj8 KrBell to euch 100 gallons of
In the full radiant view of the debt of der's home, standing on 'hs legs. The wateri witn ti,e addition if f..ur pounds
L'ratitutlu I owe to the Glacier I now instrument, evidently, had fallen on the of lme tQ wvU r)0 gllii,ls f the spray
enclose tU) for a life subscription. I send Door. Now I blame myself for my care- jn ,ixture.-Kural Northwest.
this larae amountextKicting the generous lessness in leaving my transit, but I had
..liter to send me his best chromo. be- dune so twice before and that with Mr. Rales to Mi.meapolis.
sides a free ticket to the St. Louis Norder with no bad results. But I do The annual meeting of the national
world's fair and a thousand dollar life think that Mr. Norder might have been e(lucatjonai association held at Minne-
iiisiirance policy.the mere hint of which man enough to come to me and tell me y Minn f July 7 to U) m-yt the O.
N -ulticientto obtain inese irines. m oi me atumenu, mm
' the event the editor should feel over- it in the way he has done. I lmme
paid beyond the estimated risks,he is at diately telegraphed for a new mstru
...r.'....t lils-rtv tn invest the surplus in ment which arrived today and Bent my
. J. . i ..t .. l.u ..1.1 .....t nlnaiwi A a atMn no. it. re-
OIU UIIC 111 HlHO. . D .,.v... w
turns, I shall have two fine instruments
u- haiinriini all usua airacnmeniB,
Mt. Hood Jiotes. and am now ready for work. I am
Fine weather prevails at present, sorry that I have been compelled to
ti . t:i..i , l.os hniled drv and keep mv patrons waiting so long, but it
busing. 'ib,'1Und
About 85 voters .'" . .1(1 H N I . K 1. A X 1 H K N 1 K R S O N ,
City surveyor, Hood River.
any memorial lund or oinerwise
niav think best.
jidlls. All told Baldwin precinct cast tiS
W. H. (iribble has four or rive men
working on his new store and hall,
which is going to make the finest build
tin on Mt. Hood street
Burt Sandman has begun to build
K. & N. Co. will sell excursion tickets to
xfinnoannlia ami return from Portland
and common points at 52. Dates of
sale June 28th, Julv 1st and 3d. Going
limit Julv 10th and final return limit,
Sept. 1st Stop-overs will be allowed in
each direction within the limit. Usual
diverse routes are available going and
On same dates tickets will also be
sold toother Missouri river points at
same rate and limits and to Chicago fot
f0 higher. A. N. IIoah, agent.
Thi s ' v, :o rinvi- ncfrnnrtc! tlie ;ov
l nave Sent Ttncl rair.K!t.
::-:n sr is (he influence fielded
COVif'deTtcc, and so frequently 'Iocs ir
ctu-R'.' tne vvrontf-doer to atnr.e ior i.i
si.), thiit for the pest 85 yiivs lhe 'o::
F.rii'rce fii.'.d has been oilieially rtro;'
ni.vsd r.s o-.e of the reprtilcr;, ro'
leve uie for the I'nited StnUst -over! -rout,
vrilas Clifford Vovard !-
I.ndi'.'a' Home -.Tournal. Ilurinjr
time the eonseieuees of iho .uv. Ua,
peiple have added to I'nclc fem's nv
wmrcsa at the rate of nboi I r
liiofth. or.n total sum up to the ;-eit
year of something over ?r, lU" 0 th"
i::-..oim1s or the individual tr.c.liilni
tions vnr.vlnjf from a few ecr-tino rcvei
itl tltotisintl dollar?. The smti'lct I o; -trilivitinn
ever nitidc to the i (.: i icr.t"
fund ?.s received in May, V'i'.'., s"1'
eousisted of a two-cent stn:.,.. v h- i
wns ii'idosed in the following letter oi
Av. in'.ii-iliin' "I nice sent ts letter i';
with a photograph (ursctik'ti), vhich
liuvc r,hi(e learned was not lawful. !
it:cU?e r.tamp to make it right." I!y
im-ices coincidence the li:rpe-,t sni.i
ever contributed, reached tin treasury
' department about the same time that
the i-tamp was received. This was a bill
pf c'tuiuf!'e for JU.225.10, which had
been s;o.:t to theneeretary oT state by
the corsul-penernl tit Loudon, to whom
the um:cy had been g-iven by a clergy -iniui
on bel.tilf of a person unknown, no
name being given.
nicniiiiil Meet intr, K. or P.
Kor above occasion, Austust 11th and 1211,
the O. H. & N. (X). will sell tickets from Its
stations In Oregon, Washington and Idaho to
San Francisco and return at rate of one tare
for round trip lo Portland, plusfJOby steamer
andfiiby rail Portland to Han Francisco,
steamer rates, including meals and berths, '
Dates of sale-For steamers. July HUtli and
August 4th; bv rail, August tlth, 7th and Hth.
Final ItmiUcpleiiilarWth. Htop-overs will
be allowed in California in either direction.
Prospective steamer passengers are reuuest
ed to make reservations in advance, and a
deposit of " will be required on all reserva
tions so made. A. N. HOAR.
Peanut Roaster.
We have a peanut Konster o latest patera
and can supply our customers with Hie Pes!
quality of peanuts, fresh roasted every day.
Kample them. COLKui UitAIiAM.
Irrigation Notice.
All those wtio wish to irrigate their lawns
and gardens must make application lo the
collector, IWher & Heiiiinun, and give the
number of lots they wish to irrigate and time
of commencing--
The price for irrigation this year will be aO
cents a lot, but all Irrigation must be done by
sprinkling; no other method will be allowed.
For Sale at Mosier.
tifl acres of land rftf irillec west of Mosier;
posts set ready for the wire all round It. CiiIjmi
on the place. Cheup for cash. Address
jel3 A. M. KHP,JMgder,Or.
Durham Bull.
I have a full-blooded Durham Hull at my
place at Mt. Hisid for service. Hervlce Sl.Ui),
payable at time of service.
jeai LI,lZy.A's-
Stock Ranch for Sale.
One of the best stock ranches In Camas
Prairie for sale: well Improved, with 25 head
of cattle. A bargain. For particulars, in
quire at W. B. Cole's Store. m21
Land for Sale.
D. Kverhart has 5 acres of land, 2'J miles
from town, near Helmont, on which is ISO
KSnilji HUM UtTO, 74 nu, i, i,.n,
acre blsckberries, raspberries and clover,
etc. Inquire on premises or at
And wagon repairing attended to promilly at
my shop on the ML tiisid road, south ot town.
Oood work at reasonable prices,
sepli it-A-'-'if--
Team for Sale.
A heavy team, weighing i:IOor 14rt)mutids.
Will sell one or both. U. D. EAT1XUK11.
Team for Sale.
Team of horses, about liJCO pounds, and .yt
Mitchell truck, good as new. Hee ,.
niyW OKI). T. l'KATHEH.
Cows for Sale.
I have two or three fresh cows for sale, at
Klverside Farm, 8 miles west of town.
jel3 J. W. MORTON.
Costly War for
The "war in South
(ireat Itiitain.
Africa began
Saved From an Awful Fate.
'Everybody said I tiad consumption,"
l tie war in !ouui Airica tiegau uui- ' ; ,' ,, ... . ,, , ni mi,.
dally on Oct. 11, 18W, the date set in writes Mrs. A. M. Shields, of Chambers-
. i..i..jj i,. hurii.fa., "I was so low after six months
Hurt Sandman nas oegun io uu.m - 0f svere sickness, caused Dy nay
ban. on his nlace, near the post 31, HH)2,it therefore continued two years, , uthnia. that few thought 1
" 1... .1 1 .1 1 Iw... l.l... " ,
.. i,a aii'nnii im Li I i ui toe seven moiiiiis aoo zii tiavs. hiiu iid ui-vii,,.. I.,r ilia aecnniniodation Ot Hie
iiiiiv-, i'ji .. 1 ,
siage line and to hold his increased crop
o clover hay.
.John K. Bird is running the last of
his Iocs out of the Kast Fork of Hood
river. When he gets through he will
to the Lower Columbia to log
. i ...i. i ,..,i,i
ul, ......... v.-. aim asinina, inai ic muuguv
seven mouths and 21 days, and has been , jj ijUt j eariied of the marvelons
won liv the Hntish at a cost, which in " nr K inn's New Discovery for
frl... .....l ..t nil D....1" L op tllO . ...
me nunisoi yum i am muKL.., . consumption, useu It,
iransvaai president, lias "staggerea nu- ,,i.,t.,iv rlired
;...' i i ,i. .: ,i oi..i;ii...i P'-V. '
llllllliLi. lie OIHCI1VI liiivunu Diououiio
, Triennial Convention I. S. S. A.
The International tsunday School Associa
tion will hold its triennial convention at Den
ver, Col., June 2H to July 2. 1KB. For this oc
casion the O. R. 4 N. Co. will sell tickets to
Denver and return at rates of 47 from Port
' land and common points. Dates of sale June
22d and 21. Continuous passage going. Re
turn limit July ill, HUB. (stop-overs will be al
lowed on trip within limit.
A. N. HOAR, Agent.
and Builder
S. H. COX.
to april 1st of this year give these losses:
onicers. .Men.
f......l .,.,IKU i.. W.....I. .l 1 IkHl KWV4I
... iimurBiii.',v .,,-.
Homesteaders are liettintf rather hitch Missing and prisoners ;w ,1HI
" .. ; .i . ; l, ul home us Invull.U IH7 HS..I11
has The Britlish have taken about 37,000
Boer prisoners, and of killed and wound
ed on that side there are no reliable
statistics. Nor are there any- statistics
as to the money sent by the two iteer
republics. The cost of the war to the
Hritish. according to the chancellor of
in Anril liau lu.iiii a
IliSI Itritain huu It.i.l IliUl mon ill
the' field. The Boer force at the start
was estimated at 50,000.
this tear, as all of the mountain
'tween the upper and lower valley
heen taken up lately.
li t.. Sibrav has been up here or
cani.inii an assembly of United Artizans.
He organized with alaiut 14 charter
.1. T. Ciatper has sold his ranch, or at
least H0 acres of per acre. Al
so, A. .1. (iraham sold UW acres adjoin
ing Mr. I'ooper'a at the same price.
The ranchers are a little worried about
hou thev will cn-e their clover bay here
this veaf, and what to do with it after
it is cured, as there will be more nay
raised than there is stock to feed it to in
used it, and was cotn-
. ..... ii t i
pletely cured, for uesjierate mruai anu
Ftinir diseases it is the safest cure in the
world, and is infallible tor-cougns, coins
nnd bronchial affections. Guaranteed
bottles 50c and t)l. Trial bottles, free at
Chan. X. Clarke's. ' "
Church Notices.
Congregat ional Chureh.-Rev. J. L. Hersh
ner pastor. Hunday sch.sil at 10 a. m. Prei ch
ing'slrviceatll a. in. Kv'" rvl.-e by
young people at 7:. F. B. Harnes, leader.
M$ nieeling on Wednewlay evening,
u ., i, ..., i.i all who come. Rev. Hershner
win nonrlnci services at Pine Grove at :1 p
At my place, on Mie Mt. Hood rod, one
mile south of town. I have opened Flo ur
and Feed Htore. No need now to haul your
feed lip the big hill from town when you can
buy of me at bottom prices.
niari . V.r, LAMAK.
the exchequer in presenting the budget m. The public is cordially Invltea to tnese-
littleoverfh-'o,- "- '..., fhMn n.nrph.-Kundsv school t
10 s in. Preaching at U a. m. and KM) P. n.
C F " t 7:) P- m. Prsyer service every "Vv 1
nesdsy evening t MW. Ktrsngers In Uie city
will be cordially welcomed. H. C Shatter,
Valley Christian Cliurcn. omiiiny
I'reacmiiK hi i K " "
Card of ThanVs.
desire to thank our iieiithlMirs
rais,Hl thanthereisstkto fe, it to in )to fi)(. te,r ki)() B - m. All nj rh,IHerv,J T.
ZXTto tliesiekneof our depaned husband, lHm,seJ.
h . this winter and feed ,. ,m instead father i
of seiHlinif ineni out iu uuocn i!.- .,
News and Opinions
National Importance.
Alone Contains Both.
Daily, by mail year
Daily and Sunday, by mall year
McGuire Bros.
Fresh and Cured Meats, -'
Lard, Poultry,
Fruits and Vegetables.
Free Delivery. I'hone :5.
Will make regular monthly visits to Hood
Kwildence, Hti!J Mix teen th Htreet,
Portland, Oregon.
.t.rvii. as for cunnii it. would say,
rent your neiuhW field to haul part
of v. iii r clover on and spread it out to
dry. This is a ti.ssl way to tret away
with the first and second crop, and you
can pasture the third crop or build a
children and (leo. T. Pratlier.
Advertised letter 1,1st.
June 9, Vm.
Osrdner, Miss Josle ' Jackson. II
Wslev, Miss Veils Istuhsrher, Fred X
Csmpbell. Colin i Wentwonh. F A
Fourth r Jul)-, 102.
For above occasion the O. R. 4 N. Co. will
ll excursion tickets to .siinw on lts rail and
water line within 200 miles of wiling oftices
a. mte f one and one-tliird fare ;for round
?ri Tickets on sale July M . ml 4t h Oood
Jet'uming up ...and nl.
Is the greatest Sunday Newspaper In the
Price 5c a copy. By mall twodollars year.
Address THK KVN, New York.
ah neruonu knowing themselves to be In
deb tStTn . I Ssbl.i "rrustee for it. U. Vo.d.
worth will Hnd It dici.le.lly to their Kivsn
ti ii.esil at Butler W bsnk at an esrly
date The Sank Is authorlned to make liberal
(late. 1 lie uaiiai Iwl.iro An fat hnl
o , t Z da e a els remslnlng uTipald will
be nlsA in "lie hand, of an attorney with
t?ucI!n. to eollex-t the full amounUdue.
Get your Eyes Tested
By one of the latest Improved and best Instru
ment In America. My glass, are ground
classes of best iinsllfy- Warranted to fit the
veT Will exchsnge sny time during one
vesr" Steel frsmes, with glasses, a; good
goUMt.led rims, ... VeS-JOL"'