The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, June 13, 1902, Image 3

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    5f ood Iiver Slacief
FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 1902.
Ice lor sale at Jensen's.
Land plaster at Bartmess.
Ice Cream at Coe & Son's.
Royal fruit jars at Savage's.
Ice cream'at Mrs. Fewel's Sunday.
Hose 5c to 15c per foot at Savage's.
Racine Feet at Geo. F.Coe & Son's.
line fresh cow for sale by J. A. Cook.
Spray pumps and nozzles at Savage's.
Feifer's Union 5c cigar atW.B. Cole's.
Money to loan on real estate. A.A.Jayne
House to rentr-Apply at the Em porium .
Write your insurance with Friday &
See our bargain sale of shoes. Bone
& McDonald.
No. 1 baled hay for sale at the Transfer
& Livery Co.
Home made sauer kraut at Bone &
McDonald's. .
Savage's for camp stoves and campers'
property with Friday &
The best ever at
Lint your
Lawn sprinklers.
Savage s.
McCormick hay rakes and mowers
Bartmess is closing out his stock
wall paper.
Ice cream Friday afternoon and Sat
nrdays at Coe & Son's.
The best 5c smoke in town Feifer'f
Union, at W. B. Cole's.
Dressed cedar fence posts at the Watr
coma Mfg. Co's. factory. '' '
Cross-cut saws, axes and all woodmen
And loggers tools at Savage s.
Jones' rakes,. Jones' mowers YOU
know them for Bale at Savage's.
Order your extras for your Osborne
machinery at Bone & McDonald's
River View. Rooms to let. Enquire
of Mrs. K. K. hrwin.
Kodak for sale at a bargain at the
Glacier otlice.
A large assortment of picture molding
and matting at the wall raper Jbm
Mattine. linoleum, carpet lining,
window shades, cheap at the Wall Ta
per Emporium.
Room moldings half-price. Put up
hooks furnished and all complete at the
Wall Paper Emporium
S. C. Jackson is closing out his spring
stock of wall paper to make more room
for the fall stock. Now is your time to
iset a supply at your own prices at the
Wall Paper Emporium.
For Rent Three Tarnished rooms for
housekeeping at Mrs. Pollock's, two
blocks from the M. E church.
Sam Silliman and Fred Crocket, of
the Fast Side, attended a dance at Jones'
hall Saturday night, and while at the
dance their horses were stolen. They
at first supposed some of the boys had
taken the horses to play a joke, but
Sunday morning, the horses not being
heard from.'they started out to search
for them. They learned3 from Copple
Ilenrich, about noon, that two strangers
had passed through Frankton going
towards the planer on horses answering
the description of the lost ones. Silli
man went out on 1 lie Dalles road to look
after the horses, while Crocket went
towards Nicolai. At Nicolai he found
the horses tied in the brush and took
possession. .A roll of blankets was
strapped on the saddle of each horse.
hen Crocket discovered the horses he
noticed a man on the railroad east of
the spot and another on the road west
of it. Evidently the men who took the
horses intended to wait for night fall to
continue their journey.
E. D. Calkins of Hood River post, a
tne-legged veteran, is down today. He
wasa member of Co. A, btb Wisconsin,
in the "Iron Brigade." His left leg was
Bhot off at Antietam, September 17,1862.
He was carried into, the .historic Paf
fenberg barn, where, soldiers were en
gaged in stowing away the Union wound
ed. Some of the soldiers began to hide
in the barn, when Calkins took up a
loaded rifle and forced them to return
to duty. He saw the sore need of every
man and, with his shattered leg dang
ling, he forced the cowards out until
McCIellan'g orderly came to his rehet
and drove them to the front. Astoria
The Glacier is in receipt of a letter
from Arthur Cole who is at St. JameB,
Minn. He has just obtained a patent
for a necktie frame which he made
while at Hood River. It is made of one
piece of elastic steel wire over which
the tie is made, it fastens to the collar
button and does away with the necK
band which is so hard to work up un
der the turn down collars. A copy of
the patent with drawings can be seen in
the Glacier window. An uncle of Ar
thur's, who lives at St. James, is the in
ventor ol a new washing machine which
washes clothes by compressed air forcing
the water through the clothes.
Emile Frautschy and brother have a
ranch in the upper part of Hood River
Last lall they bought zzo sneep
Just one door east of Bulter a Bank.
Kind t'oe & Hon, the peanut cranks.
Tiiuv n ill wll von erockerv ware and toys:
Also Fruit and Candles lor the girls and boys-
School election next Monday, June
Found. A pocket knife and left at
this ollice.
1 (UlllL' Milk Cow For Sale. Apply to
Bone St McDonald.
The order of Washington has a splen
did sick and accident policy
Lost. Small chatelain purse contain
imr two keys and small sum of money
Reward will be given to person leaving
same at Glacier otlice.
Bert Phelps,a former Hood River boy,
was elected to the legislature irom
Umatilla and Morrow counties.
Wm. Ehrck received his gold medal
from the Buffalo exposition, last week,
awarded on a box of Jeanette apples
F. II. Stanton of the East bide on
Wednesday finished clearing 22 acres
which he will Plant with apple trees
next fall.
V. W. Nason of Mt. Hood received
twn dinlonias. a silver medal and a
hrnn.H medal on apples at the Buffalo
Muster Fred Lyons stumbled and fell
nn a iMiltivator on his father s farm on
Monday and was pretty badly hurt but
not seriously.
John Hinricha brought to the Glacier
r,iii,.. .nt.iirilav. ft Clark's seedling straw
lrrv that measured six by rive inches
in circumference.
ti.o n.iviilsnn Vruit Co. on Wednes- receiverl an order for six crates of
strawberries to go on the steamer
Hong Kong, China.
J, McReynolds and family and sister-in-law,
Mrs. L. Dnvis.and children.came
,l,iu n from The Dulles first of the week
to pick berries and enjoy an outing
T. B. lidding of Groton, South Da
kota, and his daughter, Mm. Perrin of
Minneapolis, and Miss Pearl Belding,
Mich., are visiting the Morse's and Mrs
V. W. Angus.
K. A. Pierce, associated with W. D.
n,i.r..r.iin nliotiiL'raiihv. happened by Jno.
Hinricha' place at the time of the
wedding, and took gid pictures, of the
entire party out in the strawberry patch.
The annual meeting of the ladies' aid
of the Congregational church will meet
,i., i.Vi.lnv. at the home of Mrs. J. L.
Ilors'li'imr. at 2 o'clock. Election of offi
cers. All members expected
Friday & Barnes, on Monday, made
ale of H. H. Bailey's place of 10 acres
to B. F. Mows of Silver City, Idaho,
inrati.m 43.000. Mr. Moses will
uith lii funiirv July 1st. when he
will take posM'scion of his purchase.
C. W. Palmer, night operator at the
O. R. it N .depot in Hood River, sent In
i.i rI.Mintiiiii last week but could not
i r..ii..i...l as there was no one to take
iiiiim. mid he is obliged to remain
in I. la successor is secured. Mr. Pal
mer wishes to go to California.
vi.l.iv A lliirncn made sale of O. B.
...;......r'a lir.ii.ii and one acre of land
C.tnnlaV In M S 1 1 II 1 1 1 f 1 It till . CollsUI-
onitiiin !HH. Mr. Sunderland and fam
ily will move up from Portland at once
and take possession oi ineir new ur-
..ham- rni.l make it their summer home
Wm i lutes of Monument, accom
panied by his sister Mrs. Roche and
Mr. Kline, both of The Dalles, visited
the city Tuesday and took a drive
through' the valley as far as Winans.
Like everybody who ever .saw the punch
1.....1 ..,,,1 "f ills" thev were delighted anil
..r.Ooinis on the East Side made
them sneechlvss.
ii.,.i 1'1,-ur 1'nion of the order of will meet next Saturduy
.n,...ti!,ir .lime 14th. It is hoped there
w ill le a good attendance. Come pre
pared to make vonr payment for June
.....1 t.iLe no vour certificates. Y ou (fan
bring in a load of berries and remain to
I, I...I.T.. Some of the supreme othcers
from Portland may be present.
...i .i;tri.-t No. 3 will have a meet
..... t l..n.I iv. June 111. at the school
lioiise, for the election of one director for
t..,i, r.f tliM'e Vt'lirS. and director for
the unexpired term of one year, and
iu rf l. rk lor the term of one year.
i i..iL.nul.l Inn .fsicned as director
and his successor will be elected a this
........ Tlif term of Capt. Blowers
expires and his successor
The bodv ot Miss Inei Riga.
.i...,.i.i..r ,.f W. Kimfs. shoemaker,
4 Hood River, was found, in the W ll
LimeUe river at Portland, June 5th,
idler rlie had Iven missing for 10 days.
The was identified by a gold watch
foil ml oii her nrsin. In the watch was
her frther's picture. No good reason
could I assigned for her suicide, and
her father and friends are of the opinion
will also be
of a sheep man who gave tbem old
scabby ewes. These old sheep couldn't
stand the winter, and 100 of them died.
They lost 75 lambs this spring, and now
have 125 sheep and 100 lambs. They
paid 12.50 a head for the sheep. After
this sad experience they have con
eluded that the sheep business does not
pay unless you have enougn to employ
a man to stay with the band an tne
G. A. McCurdy last Saturday received
a bronze medal and diploma from the
Buffalo exposition on strawberries. Mr
McCurdy has the reputation of growing
fine berries, and he knows how to put
un a good package. His berries are late
Up to June (tth he had shipped but
21 crates, and these were picked only
from his new plants. His neighbor, J. I.
Miller, whose crop is estimated at i,ow
crates, had shipped only half a crate
up to June atli.
G. F. Gunser, father of Mrs. Harry
Bailey, left on his return trip for his
home at Warrensburg, wo., Saturday
He came to the coast with an excursion
party and was very loth to leave Hood
River when the limit of his ticket ex
pired. Mr. Gunser took home with
him some Hood River strawberries, and
when he came he brought along some of
the famous Missouri cured hams of his
own raising and curing.
An eastern fruit grower made a large
sum of money last year selling apples,
each of which contained an outline of
the face of President McKinley. This
year the apples will bear the imprint of
McKinley's successor. To produce such
prints on apples is not mysterious, or
even a very difficult matter, but some
ingenuity is required to produce uie
effect. The gentleman holds his pro
cess a secret.
O. R. Downs, the pop-corn man from
Forest Grove.and a Grand Army veteran
arrived Monday and will set up his pop-
pr and serve hot popcorn to the lovers
of this cereal, as he has done in times
oast during our strawberry harvests.
J. L. Randle, another old soldier and
adjutant of J. B. Mathews post of Forest
(jrove, came with Downs.
The prohibition ticket in Hood River
ran well. Rev. Frank Spaulding for
congress and Rev. 11. C. Shaffer for rep
resentative each received m votes in me
three precincts, and J. E. Hanna for
sheriff received 104. In West Hood
River the prohibition vote ran ahead
of the democratic vote.
The whereabouts of Mrs. Nellie Still-
well, supposed to be picking berries in
the valley, is wanted by J. M. Sapping
ton, w ho is now in Hood River and
brings the sad news of the drowning of
Ixgan Stillwell, a son of the lady above
mentioned, who was drowned at Tilla
mook June 11th.
Clarence Copple found a purse in the
road on the East Side and brought it to
the Glacier otlice to be advertised. The
purse contained 2.22 and belonged to
Mrs. Strang, of Tucker. The owner re
warded. Clarence with a dollar for his
John W. Hinricha left at this ofhee on
Wednesday a box of Clark's seedling
strawberries that were hard to beat for
size and flavor. He picked two crates
of berries on Tuesday from his little
patch two rods square.
M. H. Pierce, of Benkelman, Nebras
ka, was a visitor in Hood River part of
the week. He is looking over Oregon
for a location, having recently sold his
farm to W. II. Peugh, formerly of Hood
Chas. Manuel of Los Angeles is a guest
at the Parker House. Mr. Manuel lives
in a strawberry producing country, but
he savs the Hood River berries excel in
flavor and are the finest berries he ever
Ed Cherington of Warrensburg, Mo.,
hrother-in-law of Mrs. Harry Bailey,
who has been visiting a brother in the
state of Washington.came to Hood River
Tuesday to visit Harry liailey and iam-ily.
Th Glacier is indebted to The Dalles
Times-Mountaineer for the use of their
tvpe in the table of election returns for
Wasco county. The Times-Mountaineer
.ipvr fails to nut up a good table of
election returns.
J. S. Hamilton, a veteran of the 4th
Wisconsin cavalry in the civil war, was
visitor in Hood River Tuesday. Hi
home is in St. Paul, and he came to the
coast in aearch ot health.
What about celebrating the 4th of
Jnlvi A good grove can be found in
which to hold the celebration. Isn t it
imnt. tim a meeting was called to
make arrangements?
straws show which way the wind
blows, but if you follow the string from
the highest kite in town it win snow
which way the popular People's Store is
S. H. Cox has the contract to build a
store building for Carmichael Bros., on
two lots they purchased of O. L Strana
han just north of Gill's store.
Th.e who irrigate their town lots
should read the water notice in another
Jos. E. Davenport found a pair of
sees and left them at the Glacier office.
Mrs. B. Jorgensen. of Portland, is
visiting hT brother, A. C. Helms.
List A small silver watch. Reward
will be paid if left at this office.
Hood farm horse for sale, cheap. In
quire of Jayne & Hartwig.
R. Kirbvson returned last week from
his trip to' Michigan and Canada.
Mrs. C. U. Dakin has been quite sic
Mrs. Walter McGuire entertained a
number of children the 4th of June in
honor of her little son 'Willie's ninth
birthday. A long table was elaborately
spread ,and prettily decorated with roses.
"A good time," was the expression of
all. Those present were: Misses Eva
YateB, Bessie Bonney, Hazel Olinger,
Ethel and Venus Monahan, Nellie Blow
ers, Myrtle Howe.Ruth Blowers.Masters
Oak Rogers.Clarence Carnes, Don Allen,
Johnnie Sutherland, Dick Yates, Clyde
Arnold, Frankie Brace, ern Hall, ifon
ald Nickelsen, Loyd, Blowers, Vern YVil-
helm, Paul Blowers,. Willie wcunire,
Mesdames Maria McGuire, Monahan,
L. Blowers, Hall.Cook and Mr. and Mrs.
W. B.McGuire.
Parties looking for colony site will be
interested in the ad of the Emporium in
another column.
Miss Verena Card of Portland is visit
ing the family of H. J. Frederick.
Tlie Strawberry Harvest.
The record for strawberry shipments
from Hood River was broken Monday
night, when six carloads and 600 crates
hv PYnress went out. The yield of ber
ries is more than was anticipated by the
most sanguine. The fruit is ot tne best
quality. Tuesday evening about six
carloads were sent out besides a number
of crates for local points. At about 7
o'clock Tuesday evening the stream of
wagons loaded with berries on ineir way
to the shipping agencies at the railroad
station got blocked on Third 'street,
when 16 wagons were counted between
State and River Btreets. By another
year, when the acreage of strawberries
will be doubled, better facilities for de
livery at the station and loading of cars
will be needed. The railroad company
will need to extend the side track and
give the union at least 200 feet of covered
The union had shipped 10,662 crates
up to Wednesday morning. Monday it
shipped 2,306 crates, nearly all sold on
track, the largest shipment ever iuaue
by any shipping concern in Hood River.
The large force of men employed in re
ceiving and shipping the berries at the
I : i I" .. : i n T I ,m,l T? i ve r
nninn were tired out Monday night and
thankfnl when the last wagon load of
berries was disposed of.
Anion? the heaviest Shippers among irmwers. and who are now shipping
nvr 100 crates a day. are Axtel Rahm,
C. Vaughn, Geo. L. Bikel, D. E. Miller,
O. W. Butts, Burns, Jones and N. C.
Evans. O. W.Butts and D.E. Millereach
picked 152 crates on Monday .There were
picked on tne u, w. onus piace ou mw
G. J. Gesslmg, secretary ot the tiooa
River union, estimates that one-third
nf tlm hprrv c.ron has been gathered
Lower White Salmon has gathered about
two-thirds of its crop. J. W. Morton, at
RiverB de farm. Hood tfiver, is aooui
ftnna nlfikintf.
The managers ot tne uaviuson mm,
Co. and the union are notn empnauc m
declaring that the reputation Hood
Kiver has earnea lor goou uuamy iu
strawhnrriea is at stake this year. Some
few and we are glad to say only a few
crnwwra have to be watched, that is,
their crates must be inspected, and the
shipping agencies are not timid about
making the inspection. The crates are
easily nnened. and sometimes have to
r-Wfiit nvnr and culls thrown out.
Sometimes the boxes are found to be
nnt. morn than half filled. If any diS'
honest grower thinks he can fool the
shipping agencies by giving short weight
nr hv niittinff in culls, he will find out
hia mixtake when his returns come
AND FACING, or topping out of box.
The men who are buying car loads on
track have representatives here and they
are rejecting all poor packs, and such
poor packs will have to be dumped on
some market tor what tney may urmg
Strawberries f 1.75 per crate today
the ordinance printed in two issues of
the Glacier, and that it take effect June
15.1902. Adopted, xne ordinance men
pasged by a unanimous vow ol the
council, every member present and
voting. ' . . :
P. S. Davidson moved that the record-
... . m j , .
er issue a license to naywaru a im., w
data from June 2. 1902. Adopted.
Ordinance 64. vacating part ol Kiver
street, passed second reading and was
dopted. .
nritinonre SS. recnlatins licences on
merry-go-rounds, was road second time
The following bills were read and
ordered paid : S. F. Blythe, publishing
ordinance 51, $4.25 ; F. U. Coe, building
fence, 3.1j).
Clarke moved that the judiciary com
mittee present an ordinance prohibiting
bicycle riding and other nuisances on
sidewalks. Adopted. , . . .
The acceptance of the Electric Light
and Power Co.of ordinance 52 was read
and filed.
In Hood River valley, June 8, 1801,
to Mr. and Mrs. Eben Booruian, a son.
Tn Hood River valley. Jane 6, 1902,
to Mr. aud Mrs. Warren Davenport, a
Laban Austin Prather was born In
Clark county, Mo., June 10, 1853; died
Hood River valley, June 6, 1902.
He moved with bis parents to Kansas
in 1855. In 1815 they returned to Mis
souri, Css county. In 187 he was
married, lu buinvan county, mo., to
Miss Blanche Kerns, who survives
him. He resided in Cass and Jackson
counties, Missouri, with the exception
of two years in Colorado, till became
to Oregon in July, 1890. He followed
farming all his, life. He Joined the
Christian church at the age of 19 and
remained a consistent Christian to the
day of his death. He was a member
of Olive lodge, A. O. U. W., of Lee
Summit, Mo. He was a man of exem
plary habits, uever Having used to
bacco nor strong drink. He was the
father of eight children, five of whom
survive nim. f uneral services were
held In the Valley Christian church
last Saturday, at 10 a. m., conducted
by Rev. J. W, Jenki-is.
John Lauterbach, aged 77, died at
White Salmon, June, 9, 1902. Horn tn
Bremen, Germany, Dec. 27,1824. Father
of four bovs, John, of Seattle, Wash.,
Henry, of f oyburg, Texas, Kudoipn, oi
White Salmon, Wash., and August, oi
Arizona. He lived at White Salmon
for 20 years. Buried at White Salmon,
nne luth.
Strawberry Shipments,
Number of crate shipped to date aa follows:
May 16 June t m
21 7 a.- Jio ,
23.. . 17 .
24 15X 4 W30
25. " Zip, 5 11HN
26 W HH
27 115 7 J4.11
28 302 8 "IS
May 29 ..a 0
30 MX , 10 mi
81 buy, ' 11 I70
Total to date...2o30a
The number of car loads shipped by ex
press and freight up to Thursday morning,
June 1-ilh, wan 31,
that !' fell into the river t ra.e 0j blood poisoning.
nd was drowned: The unfortunate r,. a. Price spent last week visiting
rirl was Li, years oi ag', was a moor m j)rj
Portland and was an expert cutter aim
fitter. Her father has the sympathy of
i4 the Homl Wiver fwnnjunity.
Rone at Willow Flat.
Dr. J. W. Vogel, occuliet, is in tow n.
Electric door bells at Savage's.
Ordinance No. 53.
An Ordinance entitled An Ordinance to re
peal Ordinance rutimoer is, enitiiea an or
dinance to amend Ordinance Number 11,
entitled an ordinance to prevent certain
animals and fowls from running at large
or from being herded upon the streets or
roadB of Mood Kiver, and providing for
the Impounding and sale of such animals;
also, to repeal ordinance Number 15, en
titled an ordinance to amend ordinance
number 11, as amended by ordinance
number lit, entitled an ordinance to pre
vent certain animals and fowls trom run
ning at large or from being herded upon
- ... lj ..... in - .,
Vile Birro'la ,rr iiihub ui iimn. nuu
nriividlng lor the Impounding and aale
of sucb animals. Also, to repeal ordi
nance number 17, entitled an ordinance
to amend ordinance number 11, as amend'
ed by ordinances numbers 18 and 15, en.
titled an ordinance to nrevent certain
animals and fowls from running at large
or from being herded upon the streets or
roads of Hood Kiver, and providing for
the impounding ana saieoi sucnanunais,
The uity ot nooa tuver aoea oraaiu an ioi'
Hectlon 1. No person or persons owning or
being in poiwesslon of any horse, mare or
gelding, mule, cattle, sheep, hog, goator fowl
shall permit or allow the same to run at large
wtintn tne corporate uiiuuioi uieuiiy in mum
River, and It shall be the duty of the marshal
to take up any such animal from running at
inrue as aniresaia Hiiu liupuuua me wiut in
Mime ulace to be Drovlded by the marshal.
At any time thereafter, prior to the aale of
such animal, tne owner or owners, or persons
entitled to possession thereof, shall have the
same upon the payment of all eoeta, charges
and expenses wntcn snau nave accrued up to
the time or such payment
, Mec. 2. All ordinance or parts of ordinances
In conflict herewlta are nereDy repealed.
Passed the Common Council June 1, lCOi,
and approved by me this id day of June, 1Kb,
F. C. BR0HIU8, Mayor.
Attest: j. K. rucKEiJraw, iteeoruer.
Ordinance No. 54.
An Ordinance to provide fbr the vacation of
that portion or tuver street, in me city oi
Hood Kiver which lies east or tne norm
erly extension of the weHt line of block 1
in t he original town of Hood Kiver.
Whereas. On the IWtb day of May. lHOi. the
netltinn of the Oregon Railroad and Naviga
tion Company was filed with the recorder of
the city ot Hood Kiver. praying ior tne vaca
tion of that portion of Kiver street lnHood
Kiver hereinafter described, which said pell,
tlon set forth the particular circumstances of
the case, gave a uennite description ot tne
property to De vacated ana also snowea mat
no person, firm or corporation other than the
petitioner owns any property abutting on
the Dortlon of Illver street sought to be va
cated or will be damaged or injured by rea
son or sucn vacation; ana,
Whereas, The Oregon uanroaaana JMaviga
tlon iVinniHiiv has also tiled with the record'
er of the city of Hood Kiver Its consent to the
vacation of the Dortlon of River street herein
after described, and It appears to t he satisfac
tion of the council that no person, firm or
corporation other than said petitioner is In
any way Interested in said vacation, and tbat
It is unnecessary to give any notice oi hucu
proposed vacation to any person,
The City of Hood River does ordain as fol
That the portion of River street In the clt:
of Hood River. Waeco county. Oregon, whlc
Is bounded on the west oy tne wesi line oi
block No. I of the original town of Hood Kiver
extended northerly; on the south by the north
line or said biocK 1 and the said norm line or
block 1 extended east to the east boundary of
t he Coe donation land claim; on the east by
the east boundary of the Coe donation land
claim, and on the north by the north line of
Kiver street, as shown nn the Dial or the town
of Hood Kiver made by Henry Coe and re
corded in volume "U' or iieeas, page im. rec
ords of Wasco county, Oregon, be, and the
same Is, hereby, vacated.
1'assed the common council June a, 1902,and
approved by me this id day of June, 1S02. ,
r. j oiiumun, inayur.
Attest: J. B. Nickelsen, Recorder,
?AVE your clothes made to your
measure by The R.oya.1 TeJlors,
of Chlca-go. eoid guaranteed
RIGHT in quality. RIGHT in fit.
and RIGHT in workmanship.
Royal copyrighted measurement sys
insures fitting perfection.
Mdney Talks
And Talks for Your Benefit.
If you do your trailing with lis a trial will convince you. We
want your trade and are willing to make it an object for you to do
business with us.
Call early and see the NEW Royal novelty
Suitings; the NEW RoyeJ Overcoatings ; the
NEW Royal "Blixck and Whites "five hun-
dred of the handsomest pa-tterns of the
year, we sa-ve you d.uu io on xx
suit or overcoa-t.
DRES8 SKIRTS In figured Brllliantines, Serges, Homespuns, l'lnids,
etc., finely made garments, selling regularly from $1.50 to $2.25.
Ladies and misses' sizes. Special on Saturday only
" ' $1.00. '
25c, Ladies' Belts, new styles, patent leather and cloth.
75c, Ladies' Calico Wrappers, very nicely made garments.
$1.48, Mercerized Sateen Underskirts, black and colors, special value.
16c, Fine quality Percale Sunbonnets, pretty shapes.
Washable Skirts.
. New lot just received, just the thing for dusty weather. Crash
. Skirts, 25c to 66c. Duck Skirts, T5c. Covert Cloth, 75c to $1.65.
1 VfW' nmriA nnt baa triAmantr useful n.rt.iftles.
5c, Tack Hammers, with eluw.
2Sc, Nickel plated Carpenter Hammers, special value.
25, Cast Steel Claw Hatchets, good handles, good choppers.
10c, Dover Egg Beaters.
5c, Tack Claws, bronzed, enamel handles.
; 10c, Brass Padlocks, splendid value; they'll save your chickens. v
5c, Nickal plated cool handled stove iiirters.
j T 1 X given with every purchase.
I rilfie I LKt B beautiful Crockery, etc.
on can
when you
have $2.00 worth, at
A pretty wedding took place at the
residence of John W. Ilinrichs at
Frankton, last Sunday, June 8, 1902
The contracting narties were Carl Larsen
and Miss Leonora Hinnchs, uaugnier oi
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Hinnchs, among
the oldest and best known settlers of
Ilnod River.
Mr. Larson has a position with the saw
mill company at Cascade Looks, where
the happy young conpie win who up
their residence. The Glacier extend
congratulations, and the best wishes of
the many friends of the young couple
go with them.
Council Proceedings,
Regular meeting of the common coun
cil was held Menday evening, June 2d
Present Mavor Brosius, Aldermen
Blowers, Clarke, II. F. Davidson, P. S
Davidson, McDonald and Rand, Record
er Nickelsen and Marshal Dukes.
Petition of llavward & Co., asking for
a saloon license, was read.also affidavits
of four of the persons whose names had
been challenged at a previous meeting
statins that they were legal voters.
r. S. Davidson movea mat me pei
linn he cranted.
T. R. Coon, by permission, addressed
the council. He read numerous amaa
vita and challenged names on the pet
J. E. Hanna and Rev. Shaffer also ad
vtrpcuxl the council in behalf of the re
monstrators, claiming the petition dul
not contain a majority of the legal voters
nt Ifnn.1 River.
J. L. Henderson spoke in behalf of
the petitioners.
The motion was put and carried.
Petition of S. F. Fouts, asking for
saloon license, was read, and it was
moved bv Clarke that it be granted
T. R. Coon challenged 34 names on
Fout's petition.
Clarke withdrew his former motion
and moved that petition be granted
when the bond was approved by the
Clarke of the police committee re
ported that the committee had ap
pointed B.Theyson special policeman at
salary of 50 per month. Report ac
cepted and action of committee approved
II. F. Davidson, from the health com
mittee, reported an offensive open sewer
Marshal was instructed to have it fixed
H. F. Davidson, from the committee
on fire and water, reported that the
had drawn an ordinance in accordance
with the proposition of the Spring Water
Co. Report accepted. Ordinance passed
rlrst readme.
P. S. Davidson moved that the ord
nance be referred to the committee
fire and water to confer with the officers
of the Spring W ater Co., and the board
ot underwriters, ana h ne pian is ac
ceptable to the latter and reduces in
surance rates, the committee to fix
amount of forfeiture bond and make
such other changes in the ordinance as
they deem advisable, to report at the
next meeting. Adopted.
P. S. Davidson moved that the ordi
nance of the Electric Light and Power
Co. pass first reading and be referred to
same committee for same action.
P. S. Davidson moved that anychang
Mminnu.niU hv thi. committee in
I.. tk. shove named ordinances iHbiih hir claim to aald land tfrr th
regard to the a'e nameu orainancesj Kwlwo(lhuomoaiokl-ti-be
made, and that they be allowed tOrtBlei wa.hington.oo Wednesday, Um ih
obtain ,egal advice on the same at tne i d-of auiu.i. mtt
r.i,tt .,f lt, rit. Ailonteil. He oamw aa (Hmk
Ordinance 53, regulating the rnnning
at lanre of stovk and fowls, was read
The UotoDate Store
Is the soeue of rapid retailing, the cause of which is apparent to any
one visiting the store. On every hand are tempting price offerings on
seasonable goods.
"" Beautiful creations in Shirt Waists for' ladies in new ecru effects
with the swell figure stock attachments, dreams in White Waists
trimmed In laces, embroideries and applique effects, as well as count
less new colorings in the swell mercerized materials at prices that for
bid a tired housewife from worrying over the details of dressmaking.
A word as to quality of construction. We do not keep CHEAP
sweat-shop goods; every garment sold is made by professionals who
work iu properly ventilated, well lighted, sanitary work rooms, and
trimming, button-holes and finish are given proper attention. The
cost Is less to you than inferior goods bought in small quantities. We
own our goods right; we have to sell them right to do the business we
are doing, because the people of Hood River are an intelligent, up-to-date
community who cannot be fooled but once. r
Our Muslin Underwear has made wonderful progress, and we have
just opened a large filling-in stock or goods that every ludy either buys
, ready made or makes. We ask your opinion as to the merit of our
materials, trimming and general appearance.
Our Wash Goods department is alive and bristling with snappy,
Striking novelties at uncommonly low prices.
White Goods are here in every desirable material India linens,
lawns, dimities, long cloths, cambrics, organdies, nainsooks, etc., from
6c to as nice as are shown anywhere.
Hosiery, Underwear, Gloves, Belts, Ribbons, Luces, Embroideries,
Collars, Ties, Neckwear, etc., etc., are shown willingly ami with confi
dence in their pleasing you.
Men's Underwear, Shirts, Socks, BelU, Gloves, Shoes, Hats, Col
lars, Ties, in fact, everything man or woman wears is in stock, and
our stock is new and clean and we do not keep "hugs."
Wishing every one as prosperous a season as we have thus fur en
joyed, we are Yours truly,
The young man loves the young woman ;
that s ins business.
The young woman loves the young man ;
That's her business.
The young man and young woman get
That's the preacher's business.
They will need furniture, carpets, wall
paper and building material ;
That s my business.
The Davidson FruitlCo.
If you have not decided to do this IT WILL HELP you to know that
We have advertised and shipped Hood River Strawberries for 10 years.
We always net our patrons the HIGHEST AVERAGE PRICES ; and
We intend to continue doing this ; for
In order to support our large and growing industry we must have a
large patronage.
Last season we charged an extra cent for our services and returned the
growers FIFTEEN CTS EXTRA. How would this strike yonT Try it.
Waucoma ManufacturingCo
Oir shop now has every facility for
urning lout first-class work in the line of
Call Us bv Tuone.
- F. B. BARNES, Notary Public
Insurance, Abstracting, Writing Deeds, Leases,
Mortgages, etc.
If you have property to sell, list it with us. Offlcein.the brick
store on Oak street.
Ordinance No. 55.
An Ordinance entitled An Ordinance to
amend section 10 oi ordinance No. IS, en
titled An Ordinance to Impose and res
n lute license upon certain trades or call
in um and regulating the manner of Issuing
The City of Hood River does ordain aa fbl
lows: Section 16 of said ordinance shall read as
The keepers, proprietors, managers or op
erators of any public swings or "merry-go-rounds"
shall Day a license of ten dollar per
Panned the common council June a, W02,and
approved by me this 2d dy of June, 1WU.
F. C. BKOSIUH, Mayor. '
Attest: J. R. Nlckelaeu, Recorder
T,and Office at Vancouver, Wanti., June 4,
MUM. Notice Is hereby riven that the fallow
ing-named settler has filed notice of hia In
tention to makecommntatlon proof In support
of his claim, and that aald proof will be made
before the Km Inter and Receiver U. S. Land
Ottice at Vancouver, Wash., on Wednesday,
July SU, HXK, vie:
Hd. Nn. 11.5d. for the aoutb half northeast
quarter northeast quarter southeast quarter
and Hit 2. section 5, township a north, range
11 east. W. M.
lie names the following witnesses to prove
hia continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion or, aald mncl, vl:
tieonie RHellinrer. Henrv Selllneer. Frank
Powers and Lewis Powers, all of Troutlake,
Jel jlylH W. R. PrNBAR. Register,
Notice for Publication.
Notice Is hereby given that I, the under
lined, will anDlv to the county court, on
Wednesday, the id day of July, for a decree
chatutinK my name irom jonn nanaon iu
JohnJukku. JOHN MATTStlN
Timber I.and, Act June S, 1ST.
United (Mates l-and Offlee, Vancouver,
Wah.. Mav HI. l1i Notice la hereby given
that lu compliance with the pnivfalonsnf
the art of CunrreM of June S. 1ST, entitled
An act for the sale of timber lands In the
states of California. Cm-con. Nevada, and
t anhlnitton territory," as extended wall the
Public Laud Statea by act of August 4, 1SW,
of Fnlda. P. O., county of Klickitat, State of
'V A!ilnm. in, has this day filed In this office
his sworn statement No 2iV w the purchase
of the north eael quarter of section o. as tn
. . . . . , .. .
lownsnip o. A DOT1U, raniv .o. ia, c- " . .
and will ofler proof to show that the land
nought Is more valuable for lis Umber or
stone than for agricultural parposea, and to
second time, and on motion of Rand,
psed second reading.
Clarke mo.ed the recorder, have
Herman Bert r hi,
James Murrav. Reniiman F. O'Neal. Crocket
i i. n nf Fiil.iA P L W ashtnrlon.
Any and ail persons claiming adversely the
above nescrioea tonus are raquesimi h u
thrlr claims in this office on at before said
27ih day of Augut, lJ&
JaneJyJS W. R. HCNRAR, Register.
Grand Clearance Sale
Of SUMMER MILLINERY at greatly reduced prices. We have
large stock of lovely Pattern Hats, also the popular Body traw,
which are admirably adapted for mid-Bummer wear.
We are headquarters for Mentholatum, a Japanese snlve that is
quite celebrated as a cure for catarrh and nervous headache, and all
Mme. ABBOTT, Millinery.
Job Printing at
'Agency i
Comprises the Latest Styles and Qualities.
We also have an extensive collection of
Mr. L Bradley's Magnificent Hood River and
Columbia River Scenes,
than which no more beautiful or acceptable gift could be made
Your patronage respectfully solicited,
Columbia River Scenery, China Souvin
ers, Assorted Views.
Wood River and Vicinity Views Turkey and Ostrich Feather nust. rs Racine
Feet China-rCrockery Glassware Lamps C limine) M.m.-wnre.
Candies, Nuts and Fruits.
One door east of Bank. Agents Union Laundry. I hone 104.
The City Tinker & Plumber.
Headquarters Fourth and Oak Streets.
Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878.
United Stiitos Land Oltlce, Vancouver,
Wash., May 15, nm-Notliw Is hereby Klven
that in conipUani'B with the provisions of the
act of confess of June 8, 18iS, enlll led "An
act for the sale of timber lands In the slates of
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
territory," as extended to all the public land
slates by act of August 4, 1SIW,
of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of
Oregon, bast his (iayttled in thlsoltUwhlswnrn
statement, No. I21S1, for the purchase of the
lot 4: southwest northwest and west
sunn Invest i. of section No. & In town
ship No. 8 north, range No. II east, W. M.
and will offer proof lo show that tho land
sought Is more vaiuanie ior iisuiuoerursume
than lor agricultural mirposeR, and to estab
lish bis claim to said land before the Register
and Ueeei ver of I Ii is ollice at Vancouver, W ash-
on Thursday, the 7th day of August,, 1!U.
He names a witnesses: lewis r.. i.,iara hiiu
Joseph K. lioherly of Kill nicr, Oregon; James
r . Cox ot jrouuaae, vvasu.; iiuny u. wm
rows of Vancouver, Wash.
Any and all persons claiming adversely ine
above-described lands are requested to tile
their claims in tills ofttee on or Delore said
7th day of August. 1KB.
ITInibeTliiiiiirAVf Junes, 1878.
United Hlates Land Office. Vancouver,
Wash.. Anrll 14. I KK. Notice Is nereny given
that In rauiinliance with the Provisions of the
ha I of congress of June 8. 178. entitled "An
act ior the sale oi limner lanus iu ine niaies oi
California, Oregon, Nevada anu wasningion
Territory," as extended to all the public land
stales by act of August 4. mu,
of Mill Cllv. county of . slate of Oregon,
has this day niea in mis uiuce iiib sworu
slatenient, No. H4 .'), for the purchase of the
IoIh 1 and 2. and tin w ot Nh. ii and h.
ol HK'i of section 1, In township No. north,
... ... .. 11. 4 1 ...III
range no. io easi, w, m., wiu win i.iiui
proof lo show that the land sought is
nore vuiuttine ior n iiiuoerur .wme man wi
agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim to said land before the lleglstcr and
Receiver of this otnee at Vancouver, wash..
on Monday, the 71 h day of July, l'.Ml
lie names as witnesses: uoneriwr. mix aim
Albert W. tsibdell, of Portland, Oregon; Rob
ert . Dun forth Mill City, Oregon; WBIUolJ.
Ualch of 1'orl land, Oregon.
Anv anil all persons claiming adversely me
above-descrilied lands are requested lo Hie
their claims In this ollice on or Delore said
Hi day of July, IWZ.
jalsJiHI W. 11. DUNBAR, Register.
(Timber Land, Act June S, 1S78.
United Htates Land Office. Vancouver,
Wash., Mav 10, lMri Notice is hereby given
thai in eoinnliunce with the provisions of the
act of congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act
for the sale ol iitnoer lanus in ine ninies oi
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
territory," as extended to all the public laud
slat by act, of August 4, MB,
of Rainier, county of Columbia, state ol
Oregon. has this dayfl led in thiHorncehissworn
ut.ii..meiit P.O. 'Hti ior tne purcnase oi uie
north half southeast quarter and south half
norl heast qllarterol stx-llou 2o.o, in lownsnip
No.nortli,raiige No. 11 east, W'.M..and wllloi
fer proof lo show that the kind sought
Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim to said land before the Register and
Receiver of this oftli-e at Vancouver, Wash.,
on Wednesday, the sib day of August, MM.
He names as witnesses: James V. Cox and
Allien Kingman of Troutlake, Wash.; Joseph
K. Hubert v of lulnler, Oregon; and John N.
Kemp of Portland. Oregon.
of Portland. county of Multnomah, slat of
iiimnn lis this dav filed In tins office his
sworn atmement. No. 2478. for the purchase of
kits 1. i southeast quarter northeast quarter
.ml luirihwui uuarler southeast quarter
of section No. , In township No. 6
north, range No. 11 enst.WIUamelt meridian,
m, I ill i.ii.t iirmif to show that the laud
sought Is more valuable for lis timber or
stone than for agricultural purpose, and to
establish his claim to said land before the
Register and Receiver of this ottlee at au
couver, W ash., on Wednesday, the nth day ol
lie names as witnesses: James P. Cox and
Aldcn Kinginau of Troutlake, Wash.: lwis
E. Clark and Joseph K. I rtvf Ralnier.Or.
of Rainier, county of Columbia, state of
Oregon, bas this day in this olhce his
worn statement. No. 24:. for the purchase of
(tie south half southeast quarter sei-liou 6.and
north norOn-aul of section No. S In town
ship No. north, range No. 11 east, W.M.jind
ill offer pnsif to show that the laud sought
Is more valuable for Its timber r stone than
S.r agricultural purrs-, and to establish his
claim lo said land brfcire the Kegisw and
Rr.-elverof this office at Vancouver, Wi.i,
on W ednesilay, the th day of August, rwt
He nsmea as witricsws:' Jirmes V. fox and
A Men Kirmfian of Trout Lake, Wash; lewis
r lark of Rainier, ongon; and John N.
kempof Portland, onxon.
Any and all perwais c unning adversely the
ahovrMlew-ritM-d lands are requesfr-d to Rie
their rlaims in Ibis office on of before said
8th dav of August, lri
myl.jylb W. H. Dl'XBAR, Re;lster.
ITimber Land, Act June 3, 1878.
United Stales Land Oltlce.Vancouver, Wash.,
Anrll 2. 11102. Notice is hereby given thai In
compliance with the provisions of the act of
congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for
the sale ol limner lanus in tne niniesoiuai-
Ifornlu, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory." nsexlendeu to nli the public laud
stales by act of August 4, lKtii,
of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of
Oregon, lias this day tiled ill this ollice his
swoi n statement, No. 24117, for the purchase of
the east southeast y section No. 1 In town
ship No. 4 norlti, range No, 12 east, W. M.,
and will oiler proul to show Hull the
land sought is more valuable for its limber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, and to
estubllsh his chum to said land before the
Register and Receiver of this ollice at Van
couver, Wash., on Wednesday, Uie lsth day
June, 1U02.
He names as witnesses: George E. Moore,
Homer W. Moore. William Keihlefseii and
Charles Bacon, all of Lyle,
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
their claims in this otlice on or belore said
18th day of June. 1HU2.
allJelJ W. R. DUNBAR, Register.
Timber Ijind, Act June 3, 1878.
United Htates Land Oltlce, Valicauver,
Wash., May5, 1IKK. Notice Is hereby given
thai lu compliant Willi the provisions ot tiio
act of congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act
lor the sale of timber lands In the slates ol
California. Oregon, Nevada and Washington
territory," as exh-nded to all the public laud
slauw by act of August 4, Is:i2,
of 548 Hoyt street, Portland, county of Mult
nomah, slate, ot Oregon, has mis uuy Hied In
this ollice his sworn statement, No. 2li, for
the purchase of the lot 8: SE yt N W : V. H W
y4ot section No. 5, lu township No. north,
Range No. ii east, w. in., and will oner proof
lo show that the land sought is more valuable
for lu timber or stone lhan lor agricultural
purposes, and to estubllsh his claim to said
laud before the Register and Receiver of tills
ollice at Vancouver, Wash., on Tuesday, Uie
22d day of July, Ituri.
He uames as witnesses: James F. Cox and
Aldeu Kingman of TrnulLake, Wash.; ltoliert
K. Cox and f rank C. Young ol Portland, or.
Any and all isirsous claiming adversely the
above-described lauds are requested to llle
their claims in this office an or belore suld
22d day or July, 1IU2.
niyMjyll W. 11. DUNBAR, Register.
ITimber Land, Act June 3, ISTH.J
United States Land Office, Vancouver,
Wash., April 80, 1IIU2. Notice is hereby
given that in compliance will) the provisions
of the act of Congress of June 3, 1S.S, entitled
"An act for the sale of timber lands lu the
stales of California, ,Orcgon, Nevada and
WashlngtossV Territory," as extended to all
the public laud stales by ai t of August 4, 1.W'
of Portland, county of Multnomah, slate of Or
egon, has this day tiled In this office his sworn
statement. No. 24ii7, for the purchase of the
northwest of southeast yt section No.
33, in township No. 4 north, range No. 12
east, W. M., ami will offer proof to snow thai
the land sought is more valuable lor Us lim
ber or stone lhan for agricultural purpisie,
and to establish his claim to said laud Is-t'ore
the Register and Reviver or this ottice at
Vancouver, Washington, ou Tuesday, the l.illi
day or July, 1SU2.
He names as wltnesset: Anton Knutson,
Edward 11. Sutton, William II. Hogg ana
William J. Karrell, all of Portland, orison.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to flle
their claims In this oitlceonjr belore said ljth
day of July, 1SU2.
in2Jy . W. R. DUNBAR, Register.
(Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878.
United State Land office. The Dalles, Ore
gon, May 22, 1H02- Notice is hen-by given that
In compliance wilb the provisions of the art
of congress of June 8, ls.s, emitted "An act
Ior tlie sale oi limner tanas in tne stales sT
laiilornla, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
erriiory, as extended lo all the public land
laics by act oi August t. i-rj,
at Hood River, county of W aco, s!ate of Ore
gon, has, on May , l'U, riled in ihisottli his
sworn sialemetu, No. 34u, lor the purchase of
the kt 3, southeast quarter nonhwest quarter,
southwest quarter northeasi quarter and
northwest quarter southeast quaru-r station
2. township 2 norlh, range I nisi, W. it., and
will oiler pnsif U sliow that Uie land sought
is niisre valuable for its tlmts-r or stone limn
fcr agra-ullural purpisies,and toivlablish his
claim to said land cs-ka-e the KvisU-r and
Receiver of this ottice at Tho Dalles. Oregon,
on tiMkitirday. Uie ftsh day of s-pi.noer, i;rj.
He nsiues as witneMns: J. E. Hanna and o.
R Hartley of Uissl River. Oregon, and Jainea
Chilly and Janirs Hudson of Vk-n to, Oregon.
Any and ad persons claiming adversely tne
sbove-dearribed lands are requested to nie
their claims in this orR"e on or beksre said
2"ib dav of heptMiiber, 1SU2. e
my. Hal JAY P. LUCAH, Refiner.