1 11ERR STEIMRDPS. NEMESIS & ' BY I. MACLAREN COBBAN. - 1 s CHAPTER X Continued. "Manuel," inid he, "is a double dyed villain, if he does aught to harm raul's girl! 1 can see what he's up to, though j he has given no account of Paul's affairs yet, and if he can get Louise to marry Frank he needn't. He may want all the money ne can get hold of oon; the plaintiffs in that pat- was told "at five o'clock in the aftef- noon." So I departed till then, with about six hours in which to tax my in genuity in guessing why Fraulein Haas's demand to rtw Steinhardt had been so urgent j since she' was not dy ing, nor even ill. At five o'clock I called again, and found Fraulein Haas at home, i was asked to come in. I looked curiously at the Fraulein. She was a middle "Certainly," said he; "the scamp! Used woman, of the tbin, nervous type " . Tj . I 1 .w.a nm nnnhonn HIVIBiil. WITH Let him know of it. I suppoee he only married my sister because she had a bit of brass.'fo 8o I palled on Steinhardt that very evening. "Thank you. Mr. Unwin, said he, when I had told him my errand; "but one kind friend has already gent me the turner' ( takina ud a copy of The of German (or, perhaps, Bwiss), witn bright, keener grey eyes. Wie rose, smiling, but perplexed, to receive me, and waited for me to state my business. "I come from England," I said in German. Then.you do not want me to give lessons." said Bhe, pushing away a "nrmnenttis" evident!? laid ready lor ' . . . , ..i t .1 I tflH TlAT ent case have appealed, ana ne n w Ye8 he continued) read,ng presentation ; "my mother thought you to appear ?- ----- - it ovor and chuckling at its compom- htd come for that. ittintr of the court. But h Dlunder the lass. I niuYi fitu """"""J i! .IT l. tl,l,t ol.O m.iat If She S "0n A SUPP""" ""v. ...un. I write .ngiisu lor au jurgjisu pi" who my B.Bi.er, .m """"f fHa laid theDanei down.) "Poor attain." her-and if be be, py in l-oi i luuu ,ta. but I can't to. She JS jrTZ you know. I must go to London about my mm k vu r my lawsuit again. I might send Frank, tisement cuardian as much as him, and if tne ' B,. haro . ii a tVia No," said 1 "I come from Eng land to see you, and then to go back not take her, it." nothing, Mr. Unwin. Would you go for me? You would. vaallv anil trnlv. ln lietter than I should. She thinks she .would like to see me and speak to me, but she wouldn't. She seems to be very ill 1 l. r i ii 1 1 .! l. nan UUli X ICftllJ lass would rawer ome i . yuv. fi, , mditativeW. V' T 1 iui alu-illt. F"cr - ' I Cfl BliUll I UV.., a, rtf.,,r. O I drew his attention back to the ur- irent necessity of doing something in her father's case; had he anything to siiceest? Wen, now ,iei me uiiuk, . ,,, I aim thinks herself. ...... ail n 1 rh,i I I .jv,..-. 7 . w ",'J,pp0' "AT- 7; 11" poor woman-and to speak to people night-late, you think, very late-w P . I'til. 1 A,,.. nnmr 1M n y -- - J CJ - Ills mue uuriiimuuruu mi Sh will lifcn to hear vnn : J T""" " she alwdys liked clergymen; she liked ill It IU UO - uioiKTUiaii. He turned elowly to the fire, took up .1 . I 1 f .. 1 1 l.v.l A.i tltn hrnT!lwl aAes from the bottom of . the grate, the L-d! but there is!" he exclaimed, . . . turning ana catcmng nom OI u.y .u,. - ft d ' . hand; he pulls out h handkerchiet to blow his nose, or hi know the time, as 1 lane, and so he drops that ticket. It's near one o'clock, may be, and there's Kightm tn- ww. compelling him to ask Unwell whether comes bv the pond, he sees th light ,i ;., tua ua i10,i looked bewildered. I took from pocket a copy of the Times adver- . and handed it to ner. ai expression of her face changed ; nale before, it became paler now, and her eves seemed to dilate, as with fear. But you," said she, "are not Em manuel Steinhardt? Perhaps, how nver " she made haste to add, "you are hia srin? lie married. 1 Know. i shook my head. .... v r I am no re at ion at Jill to tlerr Steinhardt. Very likely that will ex nlflin who I am" and I gave her Steinhardt's letter. She was moved when she saw the handwriting. She read the letter through eagerly. It was short, l could see. "He thinks I am ill, and in want of mnnev of his monevl . Ach! This will not do! You must go away sir! Trtt Last camping ground. Bla we revisit the lmt camping ground nf our "Uiy" who once wure tUe blue; Tbey hear not our coming, w sweetly tuey leey . ... Xeath the sod, the suusnlne, ana new. The utt waves ot Lethe have swept ok their dreams And borne recognition away; They rest like their comrades who leu on the held Conteut with the work of the day. Tney hear not the low muffled sound of the drums. Or the Sonus we slag In their praise; hey see not the standard by loving bauds presttcn In mo rv of loiiff-oherlslied davs. So pride or ambition Is mused in the hearts That quailed not while roes were yei seeu; Their hist buttle Is fought the victory won, Their Inurek, are still tresu anu green. No more shall they hear the reveille d:ivn. Or the tattoo scud forth Its good night; he glad news of victory spread. ug inrougn Clllllll And thrilling each soul with delight. Sleep on, noble heroes! and sweet be your rem. i?n,'iti..n too never will be: The banner you fought for In triumph still W.1VCH O'er our land ot the brave and the free. There are srnres upon which no tear drops Will fill I, Where many He friendless alone. et n'.ne are neglected, each grave has a flower. No henil-h mrtl Is lettered "Unknown." Each I'fe had a mission and bravely 'twas dure With soli-It both loyal and true; When fie lust trumpet shall sound God will not forget Our brave "boys" who once wore the blue. that burns all night in old Jaques's cot- tai?fil iBirlev alwavs pronounced the name 'Jakes.') "Th' owd chap seldom is put to bed; he usually sits or lies up in that chair of his all night and all Aav. Paul wan ave fond o' th' old rhan: now does he lift latch and go in. inot. to ha v liow-de-do.'' or does he think it is too late, and he'd best go on anrl spa what Steinhardt's up to? If we could only get th' old chap to speak and tell usJ" for all he bad gained since then he had not paid too great a price? "Well," said he, manifestly shaking somethinst off, and turning to me, what do you say, Mr. Unwin.' 1 will, of course, pay your expenses, and you will take Emilie a letter from me, and (To b continued) WOES OF A REPORTER. Had a Hard Tim finding a Good Suit ot Clothti in (lit Family. 'Talk about hard luck running in money I daresay she means she needs families," siiid the Brooklyn reporter CHATPER XI. It is not necessary to detail how we finally succeeded, after five days of hard labor, under the direction ot a physician, in getting old Jaques to un derstand what we wanted to know, namelv. whether his nephew, Paul I croix, had visited him on the night of thn lHth of March. 1882. We did suo ceed, however, in not only getting him it.' I am much obliged to you, Mr Steinhardt." said I, "but Oh," said he, "it is I will be oblieed. but of course that does not matter." It is so unexpected," I continued; I mieht have added, "and extraordi' nary." "Well, yes; I iareeay it is. Hut you know what the Frenchman says about the unexpected." Let me consider it for a day; and if I decide to go I shall be ready to set out at once." Oh. ves: consider it, and consult you do not go l...!- !,!;.- vour irienas. i u ii you uu nr. lanlv imd nobody will go. puu.u.0 cv.um.. . - . :mrnfi(iifltolv fPom J'7H W vssj s.fcv - a package of Birley, and stated at once the tes from the dinary offer I had received, month and a "Gp, lad," said he; "it w him to extraor ill be a had left for the Jaques Paris papers bearing date A.L i... iL. 1 ii 4.U Af mentis nTeJto this rfW w .TgBri P" y ' .uUm.n !, ),H snfricientlv recov- woman, oi uuurso, ered the use of his right arm to sign his name legibly. The anxiety and excitement of those five days had been so great for me that for some little time I was almost pros trated. I need scarce say that 1 was at the city hall to a reporter fc a New York Daner. "Wbv. we get it in chunks." "For instance, when I was told that I would have to handle some ot the functions connected witli the reception of Prince Henry, I dug out my evening clothes, for which I had found no use for several weeks. A (amijy oi neaitny mice had niade such havoc with the coat that it was no longer tit to wear "Savs I to myself, I II step around and . borrow my brother's suit.' My hrother looked pained when I an nonnced the object of my visit. " 'I'm real sorry, old man,' he eaid 'but I'm afraid I can't accommodate vou. iou Fee. i lei a menu nave ii, few weeks auo and he nasn i reiurneu it.' '"What's the matter with asking him to return it?' I said. "'Well, the fact is, said my hrother. 'the poor chap died before he had a chance to send it back and n folks, not knowing that the suit was borrowed one, buried him in it. of course, would rather see somebody f fom 'Manuol than only get a letter from him I hesitated ; I did not desire a holt day then, even on the Continent wheie I had never been, but at the same time some change was becoming necessary ;il Dtnnrj cuv if " "u I . , I'll luni nrrjreniii much encouraaed by our success With -"D'uo,"' V , , babv arrived there was much discussion among the members of the family as to Naming the Child. Now, neefsarily, when the new Jacmes: U for some purpose. I have been finding out something ery uwii, u i noi , . .1 .i- baulked uc"'" " " n I 1 1 K tK h a IDT DOBimHUHU BUIlk SI Knell uouiaraiiuii. nHuomwutwi wuito, .1 1. a . in, ... by Birley and myself, securely locked Usked me only to get me out of the way Dy uirieyu y , j purpose. I think lie suspects away in my ucbk, iuid oiwuw .....w t rrmlated me to, immediate iuriner ... .1 1 ,i,...i. i,i more acuon, aim, 1 i v "Y. ... I ,t,nA -.. tht mnttar?" anhMl have, had I hot been still eaten up witn . , , , , , T . ,."a..,. t what it tiA Birley. "Look here, my lad; I know SS end 'of.ll thi; 1 away about Louise Now it L hope of taking her from the fears ZTL welf Bo a and dangers that hung about ner, 01 tMn iiitnrn . 1 . . . 1 .. .;fnT 1 manual a uAin-tiovi, wu..,u ., ... navinff ner as n v very own. my wnci . . whta if this hope was being while I was thus busy? The mere thoueht of such a contingency was enough to bring my fabri of careful evidence regarding the Lacroix mystery to noueht. If I could only discover where she was! and that she still thought of me, as I fondly believed she had done a little while she was yet in Timperley! still refused to yield to the cajoleries and threats 01 hteinnaidi, and honed I would deliver her I But I had no news, and I was devoured witn anxietv. No news except the confirmation from Birley that she was not with Mrs, Steinhardt. He had written to his what her name should be. We will call her 'Geraldina,' said the fond mother. Whv not call her 'Esmeralda?' asked the first grandmother. "I saw that name in a story once, and always wanted to try it on a baby. "Oh," murmured the second grand mother, that "would never do. Let us call her 'Fanchon.' " "But don't you think 'Eltessa' is pretty name, and so odd, too?" put one of the aunts. "Excuse me, ladies," ventured the poor father, who hat near by, but you seem to forget that we are trying find a name for a human being, and not for a 5-cent cigar." You see, at the same time as you are awav. he is awav. too. iranx must, come back to the works, and there will be no reason for keeping Louise at Blackpool. Take my word for it, he'll briim her home: I shall manage to see her, and if she claims my protec tion as her other guardian, I ;shall tak her home with me, and when he comes hark he can't ta' her from me. iton t you see, lad?" I admitted the force ot ttie reasons he urged, and all next day (which was Sunday) turned them over. My going might certainly be to Louise s advant' aire and to my own. Lven it -Mein W 1, I. I 1.1 v Tlnu. I . . . . . .. i tT..: .J nurai urouini, ner uun w Jimr") jwier wqu.r,.,g .uu.. su onlv for a visit of a few days, there W an werea 10 ,- ',d mlflu.ient opportunity for Bir isieinnarai naa reasuu iur buuijusiub , , n she was In Blackpool, but at what ad- ,11": , r JfT, " LT. ,H of the sending and 1 1 . LI1B UllltJI liniiu. HIT 1 iic-M w aw v w.. . , . . dress sue com u not, say. 1 , ,,,,, ,ui .1 I entreated Birley to go to Blackpool " " " , T nJ if ha vuuuiko. 6 ""vl v - v , .... - I , . . I ... . t Meinnarui uuer girl Old Bill's Last Memorial Day. (IHT did he give you. Bill?" "A hundred dollnrs." "And you're crying about It! Why, fellows, look here. A man made rich for two minutes' work, and he's ac tually snivelling over his good luck!" You don't understand!" quavered old Bill Brad.lock. Maybe he's thinking of the royal treat he'll set up tot the hoys to-night nil day to-morrow, too, Bill. It s a hoiiiiiiy. ' Old Bil! Braddot k's head went lower. Down dropped his hammer all of a sudden. 'I'm not feeling very well, hoys," he muttered utisltcailily. "I gi'ss I'll have to go home." , The scene was a building half-ereeteu, the actors several working.ncu engaged upon the same. Ten minutes previous every man In the place had looked up in startled dis may, as down the street came tearing a team of horses attached to a carriage. In its seat, wildly shrieking and clinging to the side of the swinging vehicle, was child of 10, and she looked death in the face. It was a moment calling for prompt ness, for heroism. Into the Dreacn step ped old Bill Brnchloek. A leap from a window ten feet up, a spring to the road, aud then his horri fied fellow workingmen Saw two beings in peril instead of one. They shuddered as, clutching at the necks of the freniied steeds, old Bill was whipped like a plaything under their feet. Still he held on. Twice, thrice it seemed that he must he shaken loose un der the grinding hoofs, but he clung manfully, and, thirty yards from the deep gravel pit in the course, menacing sure destruction, the horses were brought to stop. When his companion workers came up Bill was limp as a rag. A mint was over bis eyes, for Lis exertions had not been light. Then he was conscious that a crowd surrounded him. He heard such words as "splendid fellow!" "hero!" and a trembling hand shook his own, while Its owner blessed him for saving his child, and pressed something crisp into the pocket of his leathern work apron. Bill's arm was wrenched and he had re ceived one or two bad blows from the MEMORIAL DAY. , v ... . . . . 1 , a whole flock of memories or me uajs when he was a better man. That handshake of a great general had made Bill thrill as it took him buck to the proud hour when, before a whole army, a greater gcnernl had puonciy coiuineuci the list who would stand a ghost of a show beside an "army nurse." -- Smoking Compartments for Women On the Continent smoking Is growing o rabidly in favor among the fair sex ed his heroism in saving the day for his J tliat on some of the Belgian railroads jnioklng compartments are to be pro vided exclusively for women What has particularly served to bring the matter before the officials' notice Is an Incident that recently occurred when a young woman entered one of the car riages on the southern railroad reserv 3d for ladles, and In a few minutes af ter the train had started from Brussels lit a cigarette and began to smoke it Whereupon the other women In the compartment became very Indignant, threatening to eonipluln to the guard as soon as the train stopped. "I am In a carriage reserved for Indies," observed the smoker blandly, "and I am not aware of any law which prohibits la dles from smoking." When the train stopped, the guard was Informed of the proceedings, but was loath to interfere, and the result was that when the wom an smoker arrived nt her destination, she consulted a lawyer, who has now by an action In court raised the Inter esting question: Should railroad com panies be compelled to provide separate smoking cars for women who wish to smoke while they are traveling? Some of the compnnles, however, appear to have taken time by the forelock and stand ready to meet this new want country. ', Well, it was nil over now all except the lonely graves in Belleville cemetery the little neglected mound where his hero brother lay. Poor old Bill's soul was struggling from its shell. All his braver, gentler life had come back to him, and he groped iu darkness. He regarded the wasted years sadlyA He felt like the sin-sick prodigal "I will arise and go to my fath er." But the prodigal had a home in distant view, while poor old Hill had none. And so, through the long afternoon, the think er struggled. But the kiss kept his heart tender, and the general's handshake made him remember he had once been a man. At dusk he stole from the 'house, a mighty resolve in his heart; for one tw-'n-ty-four hours, at least, for one solemn Memorial Pay, no liquor should pass his lips he would comuiune with his better self! He looked like a new man, arrayed in the neat undress uniform of the Grand Army, and he carried a wreath of flow ers under his arm as he struck out from town, two hours later. His companions found no boon fellow awaiting them that night. Bill was traversing the rond to Belle view alone with his soul and God. The freshness of flowers, of soft zephyrs, of happy insect life was all about him. A holy heaven full of stars twinkled peace into his starving heart. And -lie marched forward with new thoughts and grand thoughts, as he had once marched at Gettysburg, at Chau cellorsville, at Manasses Gap. Forward, march! he had been a good soldier then. Forward, march! some stirring voice seemed to tell him he was a braver man to-night, tramp, tramp, tramping it away FIRE HAS RAVAGED FORESTS. The Tremendoua Waate in Forty Years on the Cascade Uange. The report of tbe examination of the "Cascade Range and Ashland Forest Reserves and Adjacent Regions," by J. B. Lelberg, Is a part of the twenty first annual report of the Uulted States Geological Survey, and Is edited by Henry "Gannett, geographer. The region discussed In this report Is In Southern Oregon.' It contains nearly 8,000 square miles, 4,G70,300 acres, comprising the central and up per areas of Rogue and Kluuiath river basins and a small part of the water shed of the upper South Umpqua river and is divided into two nearly equal portions by the main range of the Cua- cades. The eastern and western slopes have many dissimilar characteristics, the country dropping on the west in long spurs to the valley of the Rogue river and on the east In steeper declivities to the Klamath lakes ' and the great plains stretching eastward from them. The mean elevation Is 0,000 feet The character of the Cascade range Is vol canic, the cones and peaks being of different ages, and extinct craters abounding among them, the one con taining the famous Crater lake. The Ashland foreBt reserve consists of Siskiyou peak, or Ashland Butte, nearly 8,000 feet above sea level, and contains over 22,000 acres. The ob ject of this reserve l to maintain the velume and purity of Ashland creek, the water supply of the town of Ash land. The Siskiyou mountain range forms a connecting link between the Coast range and the Cascades. In this region the same general con ditions prevail as in the Mount Rai nier reserve. The crest ot the range forms a dividing line between two widely differing sets of forest condi tions. Upon the west, with an ample rainfall, the forests are fairly dense and the undergrowth luxuriant Upon the east, where more arid conditions prevail, the forests are open, with no underbrush. Fires have widely ravaged this re gion, says the New York Post. Of the forested area examined. In round num bers 3,000,000 acres, Lelberg estimates that 2,075,000 acres or 09.90 per cent are fire marked; and that of this fire- marked area, 587,000 acres are badly burned. That is to say, within the last forty years, ettlement clearings not included. 7,000,000,000 feet of mer chantable mill timber baa been de stroyed by fire. GEO. P. CROWELL, Succesnor to E. L. Smith, Oldest Established House in the valley ) DEALER IN Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, Flour and Feed, etc. This old-established house will con tinue to pay cash for all its gods; it pays no rent; it employs a clerk, but does not have to divide with a partner. All dividends are made with rustomers in the way of reasonable prices. Lumber Wood, Posts, Etc. Foroo of Example. The Tsar of Russia has the love of simplicity and a habit of It In his own daily life. A certain lieutenant iu St, Petersburg who was in a chronic state of poverty was one day seen riding In a street car. The other officers of the regiment considered this an insult to the uniform. They, were furious, and RETROSPECT. Wlrtltu Telegraphy. It seems that as vet the speed at which the Hertzian currents of wire less telegraphy move has not been de termined. Marconi says he thinks they travel about the same speed as light, 186,000 miles a second. There fore, should Marconi be able, as he pro fesses to believe he will be", to send a message around the world, it would occupy in transmission approximately one-eighth of a second, and the clicks receiving instru ments would be almost simultaneous. to endeavor to snare the time. Birt he needed no en treatv. for he himself was also becom inn anxious about her. "I mun spare the time,' said he "and I mun go and find her. It's, of couree. no use asking 'Manuel where she is." But before he had arranged to set out. something occurred which obviated the necessity of going, and produced re sults of a more remarkable sort; and this I must proceed to relate As I have already indicated, my ex perience of the way in which such evi dence as I had regarding Lacrolx's fate V .1 1 1 1 had rattier come w me man oeen iouuu by me tended to make me what I may call "a waiter upon Providence.' I conceived I may say, I was convinced I should best attain further result, be a indeed, suggestion of Providence? So on Monday morning I called on Steinhardt and said I was ready to set out at once, and in the afternoon I was whirling through beautiful JJerby- shire on my way to London and the Continent. I could not forbear feeling something like delight at the change from terrible Timperley to these bright ... , 1 . 1 1 scenes altnougn 1 scarcely anew wnerr I was journeying, or for what. Could I then have guessed what strange things I would hear when I reached the to me unknown city of Basel on the Rhine, could I have guessed that I was being hurried along by the Divine Vengeance, that I was not so much deputed by Steinhardt to see Emilie Haas as by ihat Overruling Power who was 1111 ' rllins that man on to his doom, what eviueii i, - , , , . . ,i i nave oiteii wuiiuuiru buico, nuum bv keeping myself open to more than l.y ranging .001 ana r.cK- 1)een 1 WM be along ing m brain in search of it. All fear . 6 , , . ,, . : 41... ... ...;mot wuii rusn MU J iwilljj 10 rrov uin wui cajtci imu. uj-u . !.! n.i.Fl.t tiava fatal CT nn. "alnf toward results ( he was now more alert The first night of my journey I rest tl.n Ai-n mriA 4 fan 11 On 1 1 V Q ui P1 in ed ill London writing, fot "the girl"), I had betoken (BaWs) in Great Queen street, where myself to a former habit, and every Mr. uacron nau uv......u.j dav almost went into town to the free his visits to London, but I found notn. llbrwv to lead. Sometimes I read a book, and sometimes the newspapers, I was thus occupied one afternoon with The Times. I turned with a enri osity which was half listless to the "agony column," and my attention was at once arrested by this: "TO EMMANUEL STEINHARDT ia England. Emile Haas in Basel Fend this. Though you me have forgjtten I not yon. I am in very much trouble and fear from you, many times since first, now asain. Come to me, come, before the 'Too late' must be gewrit ten." (A Basel address was ap pended.) Was it not natural that I should at once think this was addrnssed to the Emmanuel Steinhardt I knew? There might be others of the name In Eng land, but surelv no other to whom the implication, which I read betreen the lines of this advertisement, of broken faith with a woman would so well ap ply. And she seemed in urgent dis tress; she begged him to go to her. It was scarcely probable, I thought, that Steinhardt would see it; he read little of newspaper literature, I knew, and his usual paper was the local daily. What, then? In spite of my ab horrence of him, and my wish to avoid him, should I not, ir the woman's take, inform him of this? I pondered this idea all the rest. ,f the day. until the evening, when I tot k it to Birley. ing of consequence, I was wretched, cold and hungry, when, about 7 o'clock in the morning of the third dav, I left the train at Basel. I permitted myself to be taken to a hotel, where I ordered breaktast. After partaking of which I revived, and began to thuik of the errand on wnicn 1 had come. Since my arrival I had been uncer tainly UBing French and German, and I had been answered in either language (I found later that in the hotel, at least, I might as well use my native Emrlish): but on inquiring my way from the Lndwigstrasse to the obscure street I sought, I had to draw exclus ively uoon nav stock of German. I dis covered that Fraulein Emilie Haas lived in one of a row of old tall houses (not unlike tome of those in the city of Edinburgh), with little windows in tne steep grey roofs, which gave the im pression of eyes with sleepy, heary lids. Up and up the bare stairs of tbe honse I stenoed. till I think I was on the fourth floor at any rate, I was hiih as I could climb. I knocked at th door of a humble "apartment" of two rooms, and an old wrinkled woman mieared. I inouired in German for Fraulein Haas, and was informed she was from home, "giving her daily let- sons." he was noi. men, 111 r un no. she was not ill she was well. asked when the would be at borne, and Offended by Senator Lodge. Members of the Somerset club, an aristocratic and famous organization of Boston, are much put out because United States Senator Lodge has fitted up some nearby buildings as stores. These are part of an estate which the senator's mother occupied until the time of her death. . In one of the houses Mr. Lodge was born, which fact makes bis conduct all the more flagrant in his townsmen's eyes. ( Knew How to Take Froudc. The late historian, Samuel Rawson Gardiner, used to say of Fronde: Whenever I find myself particularly Dernlexed on any point I look to see what Fronde has to say about it. 1 at ways find his help invaluale, for I can trust implicitly in his unfailing ia Btinct at arriving at false conclusions and the more positive he becomes the safer I feet in adopting a diametrically nppoiste view." About "Max 0'RelL" That most genial of philosophers, Max O Rell," celebrated his 54th birthday on March 2. This year ia an interesting one in his life, for it is the 30th, anniversary of his going to Eng land as the corresponent of certain French papers. It is an interesting charasteric of .his career that all his works, which were first published in France, have been translated into Eng lish by his wife. 1 Tolttol Not Alraid of Death, A Russian journalist relates regard ing Tolstoi and his recent illness that when the doctor told him that be was out of danger, he replied: "It ia a nitv to give up the resignation at the thought of death." What troubled him particularly during his illness was that his physician would not allow the windows to be kept open. For Coronation Presents. King Edward has ordered the execu tion of 100 medallion portraits of him self. These, richly mounted, are in tended for presentation to distinguished! guests at the coronation, including the leading representatives of the colonies and India. His majesty is being spe cially photographed for the purpose. Art Occuykd by Indiana. In IS90 the are of the national do main occupied .by Indians aggregated 116,000,000 acres; today it aggregates 85,000,000 acres, which it about at much land as we ba in the ttotet of Ohio, Indiana and lilinoia. aiiai'iiiitiiiiiiiTriiiit I'liiy1- r rLi--i g-fr rinn -'miaisi nia 11 mamnnwt 11 aitwrnin airilitiiiaaaasiasaaalaiiaaassaasasa carriage pole on the head, and he was confused, hut as a face like that of an angel, aureoled with golden hair, look ed into his own, and a pair of soft, young arms encircled his neck, and a childish voice whispered tearful thanks and a pair of sweet, fresh lips pressed his brons ed cheek, he seemed to thrill back into a life where tenderness had ruled Instead of the reckless riot of late wasted years. He heard some one say that he had saved the life of the only darling child of some prominent general, on his way to lead the memorial exercises of the fol lowing morning at Belleview, the next town. Then he was led by his friends back to the building. "Sort of dazed by his shaking up." commented one of these, as Bill left hia work. "He'll be tt the corners to-night, though. A liberal fellow of the right aort is old Bill Braddock, and he'll just outdo himself with a hundred dollar bill In his pocket. Mark my words." Yes. "a liberal fellow" had old Bill Braddock been til hia life, and that was why at sixty-eight he was without a home, working harder than ever, aud draining the dregs of life. Of "the right sort," surely, for he had not hesitated to risk his own life to save that of an imperilled human being. Everybody knew old Bill. He had come back from the war with a record. How proudly for ten years had he been a f- n iliar figure about the village, obscuring that record by giving all the credit of this deed and that effort in battle to hia brother! Then hia brother died, and his wife followed, and a few years later, the gen tie. v. itching little golden-haired fairy, their child, and then old Bill's poor, lone ly heart broke, and be went to the dogs. as the saying is. "She ki.-sed meT That was what old Bill Braddock was whispering snftly to himself, in the wretched boarding-house room be called home, all the rest of that afternoon. A spell was on the man. While his friends were discussing how he was rest ing np to put in all that evening and all the ensuing holiday in a "right royal cel ebration" on the hundred dollars, far dif ferent ideas were battling in the mind for so many years daied with sorrow sod benumbed with drink. That childish kisa bad unlocked a door in the past bad let into the knxly soul from reckless companions, into an atmos phere of pure and holy thoughts. "Oh, papa! what a beautiful wreath on this tittle grave!" "And someone lying beside It: Early In the morning the general and his daughter had come to the cemetery, to find the first wreath placed on the grave of old Bill Braddock's brother. "It ia a man how still he lies. 1'apa, Is he-dead?" The old general turned the prostrate form. The child ottered a sharp, half frightened cry. . "It is the man oh, papa!" she choked up "it is the man who saved my life!" The general lifted his hat In reverence, hia daughter clung to his side with . eyes brimming with tears. They could not help but read the story true, for they had taken pains to learn much of the veteran since the night be fore. "He is dead," spoke the general softly, "but oh, what a happy face!" God's aweet morning dew was across It. the smile of God's benison of for giveness and peace seemed to-ilhiminate it. Tfce. spirit of old Bill Braddock that had walked with the angela through the silent night, had gone humbly, pleadingly, repentantly Into the presence of the great Captsin, Just ts the solemn bells were ringing in a new Memorial Day. Davenport Bros. Lumber Co. Have opened an office in Hood River. Call and get prices and leave orders, which will be promptly filk-d. Regulator Line STEAMERS Regulator and Dalles City Between The Dalles and Portland Daily Except Sunday. Leave Dalles 7A.M. Arrive Portland ......4 P. M. Leave Portland 7 A. M. Arrive Dulles 5 P. M. The Wartime I'oiform. All enlisted wen wore the blouse for fatigue dress. It is descrihsd in the reg ulations as "a sack coat of dark blue flannel, extending half way down the thigh and made loose, four buttons down the front." The trousers were -of sky blue cloth, those for mounted men being "re-enforced," snd the overcoat was sky bine, tbe color of the trousers, the cspe of the cavalry coming down to the cost enff. Th capes of the infantry great coat only came down to the elbow. informed the culprit that he might take his choice between sending In bis pa pers and being cashiered. The unlucky young man chose the former alterna tlve. Before he bad time to act upon It, however, the tsar heard of the affair, and without a moment's delay donned his uniform of colouel of the regiment In question. He sauntered out of his nalace, hailed a car, and rode down to the barracks. He asked to have the officers assembled, and when they were before hlm, he addressed them thus: "Gentlemen, I have Just ridden from the palace in a tram, and I wish to know if I am to send In my papers. I presume I have disgraced my uni form." "Sire," said the major, nervously, "your majesty could never do that." "Then," replied the tsar, with a smile, "as I have not degraded my uniform, Lieutenant D. has not degrad ed his. He will retain bis commission In this regiment, even if, like me, he dares to ride in a tram." There are ns many different dialects spoken in China as In Europe. China raises and consumes more ducks than any other country In the world. Titanium Is the hardest metnl. It looks like copper, but will scratch rock crystal. It takes 2,800 silk worms to make a pound of silk, and these worms eat lfkl pounds of leaves before they spin their cocoons. dn Santa Clnra, Cal., there Is a church constructed from the wood of a single oak tree. The building Is thirty feet wide and seventy feet deep, yet when Its,, construction was completed 1,200 feet of lumber remains unused. Many of the fruits and vegetables now eaten In England were almost un known to our forefathers.1 Not until Henry VHI.'a time were either raspber rles or strawberries or cherries grown In England, and we do not read of the turnip, cauliflower and quince being cultivated before the sixteenth century, or the carrot before the seventeenth century. , The Belgian consul general at Chi cago has made 4 report on the magni tude of the commerce of cereals there. from which the following figures are extracted. It Is not every American who realizes the enormous business done. In the first place, the flour Is expressed In terms of wheat by calling one barrel of flour he equivalent of Ave bushels of wheat The figures of arrivals show that 321,000,000 bushels of grain were received In the last sta tlstlcal year. Wheat in bulk was re ceived to tbe amount of 31,000,000 bush els, and maize to the amount of 134,-000,000. Few people have any Idea of the enor mity of the Insurance business of the United States. It not only exceeds that of any other country, but Is twice as great as that of all the rest of the world combined. At the present time tbere is In the United States about $12,000,000, 000 of life Insurance In force, Including assessment business. This means over $100 for every man, woman and child In the country, or $S00 for every family. The annual risks written by the fire Insurance companies are estimated at $20,000,000,000, which Is $250 per cap ita, or $1,250 per family. Thus It will be seen that every family In the country on an average has Insurance assets of over $2,000. Leave Hood River (down) at 8 :30 A. M. Arrive Hood Biver (up) at 3:30 P.M. W. C ALLOWAY, General Agent. White Collar Line Portland -Astoria Route Str. "BAILEY GATZERT." Daily round trips except Sunday. TIME CARD. Leaves Portland 7:00 A. M Leaves Astoria 7:l P. M Through Portland connection with Steamer Nahcotta from llwaco and Long Beach points. White Collar Line tickets Interchangeable 1th O. R. & N. Co. and V. T. Co. tickets. TheDalles-Portland Route STEAMERS " TAHOMA" and "METLAKO" Dally trips except Sunday. Sir. "TAHOMA." Leaves Portland, Mon., Wed., Frl 7:00 A. M Leaves The Dalles, Tuei., Thuri. Sat, 7:1)0 A. M Str. "METLAKO." Leaves Portland, Tuei., Thu., Sat 7 :00 A. M. Leaves The Dalles Mon., Wed., Frl 7 :U0 A. M. Landing and office: Foot Alder Street. Both phones Main D61. Portland, Oregon. AGENTS. JOHN M. FILLOON -.The Dalles, Ot A. J. TAYLOR Astoria, Or i 1 LUt'KEY ..Hood River, Or WOLFORD A WYER8 White Kalmon, Wanh 1. C. WYATT Vancouver, Wash R. B. OILBRETH Lyle. Wash JOHN M. T()TTON..... Stevenson, Wash HENRY OLM8TED. Carson, Wish WM. BUTLER Huthjr, Wash E. W. CRICHTON, Portland, Oregon Easily Done. When a traveler In the Grand Duchy of Baden,-Germany, wants to send a telegram while he It In the train he writes the message on a postcard with the request that It be wired, puts on a stamp and drops it into tbe train letter box. At the next station tbe box is cleared and the message sent out The Army Nnrse. If the brave lads, now grown gray and grim, who braved the bsttle's perils snd lived throagh months of hospital experi ence could have their way about it, every woman who ever set foot inside the hos pital doors with a view to comforting snd administering to the sick would be canonised to-day. There isn't a stint in The wormwood plant Is a native of Europe, growing wild In most parts of the continent Tbe plant was known to tbe ancients, and Is extensively used In many parts of Germany In tbe man ufacture of beer, to Impart a bitter fla vor to the liquor, thus taking the place, to some extent, of hops. All parts of the wormwood plant are bitter. Tbe French drink tuOn as absinth ts a preparation of the wormwood. Very few men dote on other men's anecdote. A Kansas Octogenarian. Squire L. D. Chaddon, of Wellington, Kan., who celebrated his eighty-fourth birthday recently, when a boy used to go Into the woods after squirrels with Roscoe Conkllng. He chewed tobacco for half a century, and then quit He Bnds his pipe a comfort He never took a drink of red liquor at a bar. After sixty years of married life, Mrs. Chaddon still does all her own house work, except the family washing, aud the squire says he has to read the riot act once In a while to head her off from doing that English Signs 1st Japan. Here are some curious English signs In tbe windows of shops In Japan: "The all ccuti tries boot and shoe small or fine wares." "Old curios." "Horseshoe mt-ker Instruct by French horse leech." "Cut hair shop." "If you wtnt tell watch, I will buy. If you want buy watch, I wll sell Tea, tlr, we will, all will. Come at my thop. Watch maker." "Hatter native country. "Antematlc of nausea marina." "The house build for the manufacture of all and best kinds of hats and caps." Telegraph Pole In China, Of the teiegrapnic poles set up at Feng-Tal and Chung Usiang In Chihil by the Japanese after tbe capture of Peking by tbe allies, more than thirty at the former pldce and no less than ' ten at tbe Utter place have been wan- I tonly cut off or otherwise destroyed by the natives. Met Their Match. Clarence Well, were your friends, Mrs. Hobba and Mrs. Dobbs, congen ial? Ciara Oh, Clarence, each found an opportunity to tell me that tbe other was the biggest talker she had ever met Detroit Free Press. o 0 VHo tLilSo tii Mo OREGON Shorj Line AND Union Pacific naeaT TI"E MMEDULEI Aaaivs PEFA,T forllsnd, Of. '" Chicago Salt lake, Denver, 4:30p.m. Portland Ft. Worlh.Omaha, Special Kansas l ily. St. 9:tX. m. l,fiit,ClilcsgoRnd via Eait. Huntington. At'antld Walla Walla Urn it- 1: 10 a.m. Express toii,H"kaue,Mln 8:60 p.m. neaxilli,Ht. Paul, via Duliith. Mllwau- . Huntington. kee,Chlcago.tEat fit. Ph1 Bait Lake, Denver, 7:00a.m. Fatt Mall Ft. Worlh.Omaha, tils p. m. Kanvai city, Ht. via Louis.Cak'aguaiid Spokane East. OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE FROM PORTLAND. ISO p.m. all sailing dates' 4:00 p. a. subject to change For San Franclco bail tttrj Oaf a Dally Cahrmsla ti 00 p.m. El. Sunday tlaamra. II. Sunaaf s ou o at. taiurda? To astnrla and Way Hi:UV p. as. Landings. I lli n WllisaieHs ajtor. 4:30 p.m. Hon., Wad. W ater permitting, ki. suadar and FrL Urrfos Clijr, hw. br(, Halaia, Imle- rtndance, Corral is and War Laod Ings. lot am. Wlnasivitt sad Vast- SSOp.m Vara., Thar. xu attars. Mob., Wl and Sat. Water permuting. and frl. Oreson CUT, Kar tell. 4 aj Laud ing. Lt. RIpaDs tasks llnsr. L I-awiiton 4.0a a. m. 7 uu a. an. Honda jr. Monday. A. L. CRAIG, Geoaral Paaaasger agaut, Portland, Or. , X. BOAR, A (ant. H RlTar.