The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, May 30, 1902, Image 1

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VOL. XIV. ' r ' ' '' HOOD RIVER, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 30, 1902. . . 1 NO. 2.
. : 1 ' ; - j .
! t
Published Every Friday by
Termi of subscription 11.50 a year when paid
Id advance. '
The malt arrives from Mt. Hood at 10 o'clock
a. m. WeriueKdaya aud Saturday; deparia the
ante day at noon.
For Chenoweth, leaves at S a. m. Tuesdays,
Thursdays and Saturdays: arrives alt p. m.
For White Salmon (Wash.) leave daily at :44
a. m.i arrives at 7:15 p. m.
From W hite Salmon leaves for FHlda, fllliner,
Trout Lake and (ilcnwood daily at A. H.
ForBineen (Wash.) leaves at4:jp. m.; ar
rives at i! p. m.
87. I. O. O. F. Meets rlrnt and third Mon
days lu each month.
Miss t urn Entbicax, N. O.
H. J. Hibbard, becretary.
"TANDY POST, No. IB, G. A. R. Meets at A.
j O. U. VY. Hall second aud fourth Hatur lavs
of each month at 'I o'clock p. lu. All U. A. R.
members invited to meet with us.
J. W. Kiuby, Commander.
C. J. Haves, Adjutant.
CANBV W. R. C No. 1- Meets first Satur
day of each month In A. O. U. W. hall at 'J
p.m. Ma. B. K. Bhobmakkr, President.
Mas. O. L. bTRAKAHAH, Becretary.
rOOD RIVER 1.01X11 No.
105, A. F. and A
Jl M. Meets Saturday evening on or before
K on or befoi
ViTts, W. M.
eai'D full moon. Wm.M
C. D. Thompson, Becretary.
No. 27, R. A. M.
11 Meets third Friday night of each month,
K. L. SMITH, 11. 1",
A. N. Rahk, Secretary.
11 Meets second and fourth Tuesday tven
li'KS of each month. Visitors cordially wel
comed. Ms. Moms ('. Cole, W, M.
Mrs. Mary B. Davidson, (Secretary.
0LF.TA ASSEMBLY No. 103. Colled Artisan.
Meets first and third Wednesdays, work;
second and fourth Wednesday social: Aril
tans hall. F. C. llRosili, If. A.
Fbiu t'oi, Becretary.
, K. of P.-Meeta
in A. O. U. W. hall every Tueday night.
C. K. Makkham, V. U.
W. A. Fihbbauqh, K. or R. and 8,
Meet first and third Bmurdays of each
month. Frku How, W, M.
E. R. Bradley, Financier. ,
CHEiri'EB till urn, Recorder.
107, I. O O. F.
1 Meet! lu Fraternal hnil every Thursday
E. Morse, N. ti,
L. Henderson, Becretary,
HOOD RIVER TENT, No. 19, K. O. T. M.,
J 1 meets at A. O. U. W. hall on the first anil
third Fridays of each month.
Walter Urkkinq, Commander.
HONOR, A. O. U. W.-Meets tint and
third Saturday al 8 P. M.
Mrs. K. it. Bradley, C. ol II.
Lena Evans, Recorder. '
HOOD RIVER CAMP, No. 7,702, M. W. A.,
meets in Odd Fellows' Hall the drat aud
third Wednesday of each mouth.
F. L. Uavidion, V. C.
E. R. Bradley, Clerk.
f Hood River ljxiiro No. 10. meets In Odd
Fellows' hall second and fourth Saturday in
each month, 7:nu o'clock.
C. L. Coppli, President.
J. E. Hanna, Secretary.
Specialist on Crown and Bridge Work.
Office In Bone building, west of Glenwood
Hood River, Oregon.
Gold crowns and bridge work and all kind of
Up-to-Date Dentistry,
Sui'cne-or to Dr. M. F. Bhaw.
Calls promptly answered in town or country,
lav or mum
Telephones: Residence, 81; Office, 83.
Ollice over Kverhart' Grocery.
J F. WATT, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon.
Telephones: Office, 281 ; residence, 283.
For 28 vrars a resident of Oregon and Wash
inston. Has hnd many years experience in
Heal Kstaie manor, as abstractor, searcher of
titles and agent, batisfaution guaranteed or
Co charge.
Ketimatea furnished for all kinds of
work. Repairing a specialty. All kinds
of shop work. Miop on Male (street,
between First and feecond.
la the place to (ret the latest and best in
t'oufectioneries, Crtnlies, Nats, Tobacco,
Cigars, etc
W. B. COLE, Proprietor.
p C. BROSiUS, M. D.
'l'hone Central, or 121.
Office Hours: 10 to 11 A. M.; 2 to
and ti to 7 P. M.
Practical Witchmiier I Jerelir.
My long experience enables me to do
tho best possible work, which I fully
guarantee, and at low prices.
Do a general banking basines.
P J. HAYES, J. P. .
Ofdc with Bon Bi other. Ba1n will b
ttended to at anv t Colleciloa
W Ol karat na good governs,! tMda, ott)
Comprehensive Review of the Important
Happenings o! the Put Week, Presented
In i Condensed Form, Which Is Most
Likely to Prove ol Interest to Our Many
Ruder. '
Bubonic plague has broken out at
Majunga, Inland of Madagascar.
Fire practically wiped out the busi-
neH8 portion of Ravenna, Minn. Lose,
All of the Portland strikers but
plumbers and woodworkers have re
turned to work. .
Sixteen students of Northwestern
university, at Evanston, 111., have been
arrested for hazing.
Au entire battalion of Turkish troops
n W YWj n v
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Senator Clark is one of the champions of the policy of national irrigation.
He is a native of New York. His parents moved West at an early day and he
got his higher education in the University
bar and in 1881 located at Evanston, Wyoming, lie declined appointment as
associate justice of the state supreme court, served two terms in congress was
elected to the senate in 1895 and re-elected in 1899. He is a strong advocate of
Western development.
has been annihilated by lebels in the
southwestern part of Arabia.
The Boer peace conference at Vree-
niging is still deadlocted, but may be
broken at any time, either peace being
secured or fighting resumed.
A bill has been introduced into the
senate providing for the promotion of
Maior General Brooke, the senior ma
jor general of the army, to the rank of
lieutenant general, and for his retire
ment with that rank.
The public has come to regard an ar
ticle that 1 advertised persistently u
possessed of real merit. The advertiser
therefore is win who remembers this
fact, and, having a good thing, keeps on
telling the publio he has lt.-1'rlnters'
No more supplies or other relief are
now required at Martinique.
Count Tolstoi has suffered a relapse
and his condition is much worse.
Two cars on the Portland-Oregon City
electric line collided, injuring four
Lord Pauncefote, British ambupsador
to the United States, died at Washing
ton, aged 74 years.
The strike of the different unions of
the Building Trades Council of Port
land shows no signs of an early set
The dead at the Fernie, B. C, coal
mine, where the explosion occurred,
number 151. Forty bodies have been
taken out.
A general strike has been ordered of
all coal miners in Virginia and West
Virginia. It is expected that nearly
90,000 men will respond to the call.
There are not fewer than 40,000
Syrians in the United States, and be
tween 2,000 and 3,000 in Chicago.
The Erie canal, in New York, was
the first artificial waterway begun in
this country. Grcnnd was broken for
thia enterprise July 4, 1817.
It has been found that at the present
price of alcohol in Germany, about lSVj
cents a gallon, alcohol completes with
all forms of motive energy in engines of
less than 20 horse power.
American silversmiths are the latest
to invade the English market.
The United States embassy at London
has heard nothing of the Prince of
Wales accepting an invitation to visit
the United States and discredits the
Engineers have reported favorably'
for a railroad to Port Clarence, Alacka,
onJBhering Straits, w hich is to be one
of the links of the railroad to Asia.
With a line of steel lighters vtojs the
traits, aboot 30 miles, San Francisco
will bo brought within 18 days of St.
Organized In Kanut and Farmer Take
In It
Kansas City. Mo., May 28. Walter
Vrooman, of the Western Co-operative
movement, has closed contracts for the
purchase jf six of the largest wheat
elevators in the Kansas wheat belt, and
two of the largest flouting mills. The
price paid is said to have been $750,
000, and Mr. Vrooman, who has left
for New York, to complete the financial
end of the plan, says the present pur
chase is but the beginning of a move
ment to center farmers of Kansas in a
branch of the Vrooman Co-operative
Company. The farmers are to be taken
into the scheme upon the payment of
$100 each, for which they are to receive
the market value of their wheat sold
to the company, and in addition will
receive one-half of the profit derived,
the other half going to the co-operative
stores, through which the wheat and
flour will be handled.
"The plan," said Mr. Vrooman, "is
to eliminate wheat speculators and the
middle men. The farmers are in earn
est sympathy with the. movement. It
of Iowa. He was admitted to the
is the' only way to head of! the talked
of flour trust that is forming in New
It is intended to ship to Great Brit
ain to be sold among the co-operative
members there the surplus product of
Kansas and Missouri.
Some of the Boer Delegates at Conference
Desirous of Continuing Struggle.
Pretoria. May 28. The prevalence
throughout South Africa of the optim
istic feeling in regard to the peace ne
gotiations is hardly based on solid
fucts. The protraction of the confer
ence at Vreenigiug is not necessarily a
hopeful sign. The delegates to the
conference, though they may have
abandoned their hope of securing inde
pendence, still have many points of
difference with the government, while
an obstinate minority continues to re
gard the resumption of hostilities as
the best outcome of the present situa-
t on. and at anv moment these DOints
of difference may be accentuated into a
f.,0.i tin, u, ru.Tntiaf.inna.
t, ... nir-i. , !,.
in favor of peace will throw up the
sponge as long as a decent minority is
,iLi.. t ti,. atrnrol.. .n.l
all these dissonant elements must be
hi kn into account before it is nossible
to give any sort of prediction as to the
issue of the present negotiations.
Forty-six Boers, with their wagons
and cattle, surrendered at Balmoral,
Transvaal yeterduy.
To Push Canal Bill.
Washington, May 28. Representa
tive Hay, of Virginia, chairman of the
Democratic caucus, has issued call
for a caucus to consider plans "for the
passage of a Nicaragua canal bill at this
session of congress," such being the
language of the petition on which Mr.
Hay Issued the call.
French Aid for Sufferers.
Paris, May 28. The statement is
published here this morning that as
soon as parliament meets the govern
ment will present a bill opening a
credit of 5,000,000 francs ($1,000,000)
for the victims of the Martinique disas
ter, and that the minister of the colo
nies will propo-e a ptnsion of 6,000
francs ($1,200) a year for the orphans
diwing their minority, of the late gov
ernor of Martinique, who was killed at
St. Pierre.
Precaution Against Smallpox.
Washington, May 28. As an addi
tional precaution against the develop
ment of smallpox on troopships, and to
axsist the medical authorities at San
Francisco in determining the necessity
of detention and observation of troops
at that point. Lieutenant General
Miles has ordered that troops ordered
to the Philippines shall be provided
with cert ifl. ate allowing that they
weft inspected before leaving their
respective stations, and were protected
from smallpox.
Commercial nd Financial Rippcnings of Im
portance A Brief Review of the Growth
and Improvements of the Many Industries
Throughout Our Ihrlvln Commonwealth
Latest Market Report.
Ex-Senator George W, McBride wae
married a few dayg ago.
Ten horses were burned in a livery
stable fire at Oakland. Loes, (5,000;
insurance, $1,500.
Professor L. R. Trayer, of Roseburg,
has been elected city superintendent of
Salem's public schools. v
The poBtotfice at Ale, Marion county,
was entered and burglarized of the en
tire stock of stamps and stamped en
velopes. , i.v.
' Arthur McEwen, who represents a
wealthy English syndicate, is in Baker
City looking for paying mines that can
be bought.
Harry Granelli, a young man who at
tempted to wreck the Harriman special
train near Roseburg last week, has been
sent to the penitentiary for three years.
The strike of the Cooks' and Wait
ers' union of Baker City, against the
employment of Chinese help, has been
called off, a compromise having been
effected. The union guaranteed to se
cure white cooks as good as the Chi
nese. In the shaft of the Golden Wizard
mine, of the Minersville district, near
Sumpter, a most remarkable ore body
is being developed. It was struck at a
distance of 70 feet from the collar, and
for 50 feet has continued high giade,
with no immediate prospect of going
out. '
The I. O. O. F. grand lodge at their
session held in Newport last weelc,
elected Robert Andrews, of Portland,
grand master. The Rebekah assembly
elected Mrs. Florence Atwood, of Baker
City, grand president. The grand ses
sions will be held in Portland for the
next four years.
About 60 teacheri attended the Clat
sop county teachers' institute in Astoria
last week. s An interesting meeting
was held.
The registration in Clackamas county
has reached almost the figures of two
years ago and it is expected before the
rolls close it will be greater.
Arrangements have been made for
the commencement exercises of the
Eastern Oregon State Normal School,
at West"fl, which will be held June 8
to 12. Governor Geer and State Su
perintendent Ackerman are expected to
be present on June 12.
A burglar entered a Junction City
saloon and secured $275. While he
was at work, the bartender, who was in
the back locking up, came to the
front of the building and tried to stop
the thief. The latter shot and killed
the bartender and then escaped.
The new rural free delivery mail
routes to be established from Troutdale
and Cleone have both been approved by
the special agent and will be in opera
tion in a few weeks. They will join
the two routes from Gresham, and will
practically cover all the territory from
the nine mile posts eastward to Orient
lying in Multnomah county. The four
routes will comprise about 40 square
Wheat Walla Walla, 65)66c;
blues tern, 67c: valley, 65c.
Barley Feed, $22(322.50; brewing,
$23 per ton.
Oats No.l white, $1.251.30;gray,
Flour Best grades, $2.853.40 per
barrel; graham, $2.50(3)2.80
MillBtuffa Bran, $1616 per ton;
middlings, $1920; shorts, $17018;
chop, $16.
Hay Timothy, $12(3)15; clover,
$7.50(310; Oregon wild hay, $56 per
Potatoes Best Burbanks, 1(31.40
'percental; ordinary, $1 per cental;
I growers prices; sweets. $2.252.50
per cental; new potatoes, 33c
, 1215e; store, 1012Xe.
Eggs 1515Xc for Oregon,
Cheese Full cream, twins, 12X
13c;YoungAmerica, 13K14Xc; fao-
wry pricw, is t
i Poultry Chickens, mixed, $4.50
-0M hens, $5.005.60 per tJogen.
Htt12c per pound; springs, 11
"Xo per pound, .3-05.00 per dot-
en; duetts, lo.uutgo.uu per dozen; tur
keys, live, 13(14c, dressed, 15 16c per
pound; geese, $6.50(37.00 per dozen
Mutton Gross, 4te per pound ;
sheared, 3?c; dressed, 7Xc per pound.
Hogs Gross, 6ic; dressed. 7H8c
per pound.
Veal 6X8c for small; 6 7c for
Beef Gross, cows, 4Kr; steers.
5 He dressed, 8(38 Jc per pound.
Hops 12X15 cents per pound
Wool Valley, 1214; Eastern Ore
gon, 8(312c; mohair, 25c per pound
Julea Verne, the novelist, though
now in his 86th year, still works at his
desk for four hours a day.
An American syndicate is planning a
steaniShip line that will have a boat
start every day for Europe, thus estab
lishing the first daily service.
Herlrv O. Havemever has just given
2.000 volumes to the library of the
public school at Greenwich, Conn.
erected by himself and his wife a
The Wilson homestead, in Mason, N
II., said to be the birthplace of the
original "Uncle Sam," was sold at
anction for $1,500.
The bureau of foreign commerce bul
letin ravi that if a line of steamers
fro-n New York to Rraiil were started
here would be sufficient freight in rob
ber and coffee.
At Greenville, Miss., Morris Rosen
Hock, a planter, closed a contract with
Thomas R. Morris, of Pittsburg conv
pany, to pick cotton from the stock
the field with machinery, the first
the kind on record.
The British Ambassador Pisses Away Sud
denly at Washington.
Washington, May 24. Lord Paunce
fote. the British ambassador to tb).
United States, died at the embassy th'
morning at 5 :35 o'clock.
The improvement which had been
notod in his condition during the past
week received a sudden chock about 6
o'clock last night, when it was noticed
he was experiencing difficulty in breath
ing. Dr. Jung, his physician, was im
mediately sent for and he decided upon
consultation, 'and Dr. Thayer, of
Johns Hopkins university, arrived
about 2 o'clock this morning. When
Dr. Thayer left the embassy at 3
'clock for Baltimore the ambassador
was resting so comfortably that a cable
gram was sent to his son-in-law, Mr.
Bromley, in London, that there was no
mmediate danger.
8oon after 3 o'clock a distinct weak
ness of the heart developed and his
poise began to collapse. He died so
peacefully that it surprised e.ven his
Aa soon aa it became generally
nown that Lord Pauncefote was dead,
flags were half-masted over the different
embassies and legations. At the Arl-
ngton hotel, where the siting
Frenchmen who had come to witness
e Rochambeau statue unveiling ire
staying, the French flag was placed at
The news of Lord Pauncefote'a death
brought Secretary of State Hay to the
White House shortly after 9 o'clock.
After s conference with the president,
it was announced that the president
would call at the British embassy im
mediately after the unveiling cere
monies to offer bis personal condolences
and ascertain the wishes of Lord
Pauncefote'a family in regard to fur
ther plans. The president also sent a
(etter of condolence to Lady Pauncefote.
Secretary Hay, after bis conference
with the president, proceeded directly
to the British embassy, where he made
formal call of condolence as the per
sonal representative of the president,
preliminary to the call which the pres
ident himself was to make later in the
day. Then returning to the state de
partment, Secretary Hay dispatched
the following cablegram.:
' Department of state, W ashintgon,
May 24, 1902. The Marquis of Lans-
downe, London: Permit me to express
my deep sympathy and sorrow at the
death of Lord Pauncefote. His Majes
ty's government has lost an able and
faithful servant and this country a val
ued friend. JOHN HAY."
Funeral of Piuncefote.
Washintgon, May 27. With the ex
ception of a few details, the arrange
ments for the funeral services over the
remains of Lord Pauncefote are com
plete. Lady Pauncefote has signified
her approval of the arrangements
tentatively made yesterday, by which
services are to be held tomorrow at
noon In St. John's Episcopal church,
after which the body is to be tempor
arily deposited in a receiving vanlt at
Rock Creek cemetery.
Two Storms Joined Forces in South
Una Property Lois Heavy.
Union, S. C, May 28 Six persons
were killed and several injuied by a
tornado that swept over this section of
the state this afternoon.
Two storms, one from the north and
the other from the southwest, met near
here with terrific force. The storm
was preceded by a heavy rain. One
wing of the tornado passed, along Mam
street and blew in several Btore fronts,
doing much damage to stocks,. Knit
ting Mill Hill, south of town, caught
the full force of the tornado, which
blew down the school house and two
residences there, converting them lit
erally into kindling wood. The occu
pants ran Irom one of the houses before
it went to pieces and took refuge in
another near by, bnt this house also
was crushed to splinters.
It took some time to get the victims
from the debris. Every physician in
town was called, and they were assisted
by the citizens in relieving the suffer
ers as much as possible.
Jonesville reports that the storm
wrought much damage there, and that
one person was killed.
Pacolet also reports one killed and
several injured.
Retirement of Wheaton.
Washington, May 27. Major Gen
eral Lloyd Wheaton. who is about to
start home from the Philippines, will
be retired July 15 next by operation of
law on account of age. It was merely
to give him a short vacation before the
close of his active military career that
he was relieved from command of the
department of the North Philippines.
A Grant to Palm.
Havana. Ma 28. Both the senate
and the house have passed a bill grant
ing President Palma $300,000 for cur
rent expenses in connection with insu
lar affairs.
Oermant Want Opium Monopoly.
Pekln May 27. A German firm has
offered to the Chinese government $ 15,
000,000 annually for the exclusive
rights of selling opium throughout' the1
entire empire. The official are die-
posed to regard the oner favorably, as
it ia an easy method of raising revenue
The promoters have sounded several
of the ministers conenrning thejattitude
of the powers. Outsiders consider the
project impracticable, as the tnonoply
is impossible of enforcement.
Ail But the Proclamation.
London, May 27. The developments
in the Sooth African peace negotia
tions today brought out all toe details
cabled to the Associated Press. A
member of the government said today:
"You are perfectly correct in insisting
that everything is practically settled
and that the war Is at an end. It may
be, however, that several weeks will
elapse before a definite announcement
can be made. We want to give the
Boer leaders every chance in their con
ference with their follow e and that
takes time."
Amendments Increasing Appropriations lor Se
attle, Tacoma and Spokane Were Accept
4 Portland Custom House Gets $10,
000 Additional House to Consider Gov
ernment Cable Bill.
Washington, May 28. The omnibus
public building bill, as agreed to by
the conference committee, appropriates
$200,000 for enlarging and remodeling
the Portland postoflice and court
rooms, and $10,000 for the Portland
custom house. The senate conference
endeavored to hold the senate amend
ment providing $250,000 for the post-
office, tut failed, as the house would
concede only $50,000 in addition to
the amount originally allowed b; the
house. The fact that the supervising
architect recommended 150,000, was
instrumental in cutting down the allow
ance for Portland. The committee ac
cepted the senate amendment appropri
ating $200,000 additional (or Seattle,
making the total cost $950,000. Senate
amendments increasing the appropri
ation for sites in Tacoma and Spokane
from $60,000 to $100,000 were also ac
The house has determined to con
sider the Corliss bill for a government
cable to the Philippine islands, but it
will be practically a dead card, as the
senate committee on naval affairs has
abandoned a similar bill at the request
oi us autnor, senator ferkins. The
fact that the Commercial Cable Com
pany, with John W. Mackay at its
head, has undertaken to construct a
private cable line which the govern
ment can use, and which will greatly
reduce the tolls on cable messages from
the far East, means that the senate
will not go into the buoiness of build
ing a government cable. The opinion
of most senators is that as long as inde
pendent concerns will construct tele
graph lines which the government can
use when it needs them, there is no
necessity for government construction.
Mills and Factories Valued at $100,000 Des
troyed by Fire at Grinti Pass.
Grants Pass, May 28. The most
severe fire in the history 'of Grants
Pass occurred here yesterday afternoon,
resulting in the loes of $100,000 worth
of property. The sash and door factory
of the Sugar Pine Door & Lumber Com-
pany, with its lumber yards, and all
the machinery; the lumber factory
and planing mills of Williams Bros,
and six dwelling houses and other
buildings were all destroyed within
two hours' time. The fire started
about 5 o'clock in the afternoon, orig
inating from a pile of sawdust near the
yards of the Sugar Pine mills. A fierce
wind was blowing, and before the em
ployes of the mill were aware of it a
pile of lumber was ablaze, and the
flames swept from pile to pile. The fire
company responded promptly, and all
hands at the mill fought heroically,
bnt to no purpose. To make matters
worse, the water supply in the city
reservoir was low at the time, and withj
the high wind the mills and factories
were soon at the mercy of the flames.
There was 1,000,000 feet of lumber in
the yards of the Sugar Pine Company,
every foot of which was burned.
Nothing was saved from the factory
save a few pf the lighter machines
that could be quickly removed. The
loss of the factory and lumber is esti
mated by II. C. Kinney, president of
the company, at about $76,000, with
$30,000 insurance.
From the Sugar Pine factory the
flames swept to the mills of WilliamB
Bros. This institution is a complete
loss. There was no insurance. It was
valued at $10,000. Surrounding the
mills were a number of residences, the
houses of the employes of the mills.
Six of these were burned.
One man, J. A. Turner, was severely
hurt while fighting the fire in the mill.
He received internal injuries besides
many severe burns. He may die. A
number of others were burned more or
less by the flames.
Funnel-Shaped Clouds.
Fremont, Neb., May 27. A series of
funnel-shaped clouds swept around this
town this afternoon and moved to
wards Hooper, 12 miles west, giving
the people a bad scare. The storm
wnicn followed their appearance was
terrific and blew down several barns
ana small Duiidings, Dut so lar as
learned no lives were lost. Communi
cation with outside towns was cut off
for some time by lightning Interfering
with the wires, and led to alarming but
nntrue reports being sent out from the
railroad offices.
Investigating the Chicago's Officers.
Naples, May 28. The court of in
quiry being held on board the United
States ship Chicago, to investigate the
arrest of certain officers of that cruiser
at Venice, April 25, continues its s
sions, but the strictest secrecy regard
ing the proceedings is maintained
Orders have been recieved from Wash
ington that the findings are not to be
divulged until they are passed upon by
the L nited States government.
Will Attempt to Settle Strike.
New York, May 28. With reference
to recent rumors that there is still
hope of settling the difficulties between
the coal miners snd operators, the
Tribune says: "Another attempt, it is
learned, will be made bv the National
Civic Federation to effect a settlement
of the anthracite miners' strike, and a
meeting will be called in the city with
in 10 days, unless the strike is ended
in the meantime. Both sides of the
dispute will be asked to send represen
tatives to the meeting."
Places Where Deposits Art Found hi This
Washington, May 24. Mineral Re
sources of the United States, 1901, pub
lished by the United States geological
survey, and now in press, will contain,
among other things, the report of Dr.
Joseph Hyde Pratt on nickel, for 1901.
The two principal sources of nickel
are the nickeliferous pyrrhotite, the
most widely spread of the nickel ores,
and gentbite, especially the gamier it
variety. , In this country the domestic
product of nickel has been as a by-product
from the lead ore of Mine Lamotte
in Missouri, since the shutting down of
the Gap nickel mine, in Lancaster
county ,Pennsylvania, about 50 miles
west of Philadelphia, about 10 years
ago. Thia mine was worked from about
1863 to 1880, when this mine was
abandoned because of the abundant
supply of nickel matter from Canada.
Traces and small amounts of the nickel
minerals , gentbite an3 garnierite have
been found in North Carolina, but not
in commercially sufficient quantities,
though a deposit of nickel ore averag
ing 1.5 per cent nickel is reported from
Morgantown, Burke county. Similar
occurrences of nickel siliate are found
in Oregon, where the per centage ol
nickel is much greater than in the
North Carolina minerals. The Oregon
deposits are on Piney mountain, in
Douglas county, about three miles a
little north of west of Riddles, a station
on the Southern Pacific, and a high
grade cobalt ore deposit is being de
veloped in the Eastern part of the
Nickel ore is reported to occur in
some quantity at the Congress mine, in
Upper Nine-Mile section, about 14
miles north of Keller, Ferry county,
Wash. This section was formerly
worked for copper and gold, but was
abandoned. In the latter part of 1901
the claims were again taken up and are
now being developed for nickel.
Confident Assertion of London Paper Cabi
net Council Summoned.
London, May 24. The Daily Chron
icle this morning claims that peace in
South Africa is practically assured.
This is also the general impression
with the other newspapers and the
public, although the former do not go
bo far as the assertion in the Chronicle.
Cabling from Pretoria the corres
pondent of the Times says the Boet
meetings there is not necessarily final,
and it is believed that the Boer dele
gates, after obtaining certain informa
tion on certain points, will return to
The British officials have given no
indication of the course which the ne
gotiations between Lord Kitchener and
Lord Milner and the Boer delegates are
taking. That conferences are occurring
regarding the basis upon which peace
shall be declared is the sura total of
the information which the war office
has vouchsafed up to the present,
though it is intimated that a definite
announcement of the result, peaceful or
otherwise, may speedily be expected.
The impression that peace is close at
hand has obviously taken ajstrong hold
of operations on the stock exchange.
The buying of consuls and gilt edged
South African shares continues, it is
believed, in behalf of well informed
A cabinet council has been summon
ed for today. While the government
departments are discreetly silent, it is
generally accepted that the summoning
of the cabinet is directly connected
with the South African peace con
ferences. More Trouble at Moscow.
St. Petersburg, May 26. Reports
have reached here of a fresh series of
labor disturbances at Moscow. No de
tails are obtainable, but it is known
that Grand Duke Sergius, governor gen
eral of Moscow, who had come to
Tsarskoe-Selo to be present at the re
ception of President Loubet, left hur
riedly for Moscow last night, without
waitiug to participate in the military
review. The imperial family has
abandoned its intention of visiting
Boy King It Popular,
London, way 2d. ihe Madrid cor
respondent of the Times says the atti
tude of the populace toward King AI
phonso is the happiest omen of the
new reign. Everywhere the appear
ance of the king caused a pleasant stir
prise, says the correspondent, and the
acclamations grew in intensity.
Floods ia Wisconsin.
La Crosse, Wis., May 24. A con
tinuous rainfall of six hours has caused
numerous washouts on roads entering
La Crosse, and traffic is demoralized.
The town of Houston, Minn., is prac
tically under water. Root river, a
small stream in Eastern Minnesota, is
on a rampage, and much damage is
Fatal Powder Explosion.
Redding, Cal., May 24. The plant
of the Deltile Powder Works, located
near Delta, was blown np today, kill
ing two persons and seriously injuring
three others. The cause of the explo
sion has not yet been ascertained.
Kosher Meat Riot in New York.
Boston, May 24. "Kosher tries ."
disturbances broke out in the West End
today. About 300 Hebrews, men,
women, and children, attacked three
meat stores The windows were
smashed and the stock ruined. The
police arrested the ringleaders, two
women and a man. A customer who
was leaving a store with a piece of meat
was assaulted, and a woman waff in
jured during the stampede of the crowd.
Emperor's Gift Stolen,
New York, May 24. A collection of
photographs sent to Harvard university
by the German emperor and presented
in person by Prince Henry on the occa
sion of his recent visit to Harvard is
reported to have been stolen. The col
lection was a faithful reproduction of
the first representative of Germanic art,
which the emperor is having prepared
for presentation to Harvard. The col
lection was removed from the Fog Art
Musetn. Entrance was gained
breaking the skylight.
Explosion In a Cost Mine, Where Between
125 and 150 Men Were Killed After
Damp Retarded Rescue Work Miners
Made Heroic Sacrifices to Recove the
Bodies of Their Comrade.
Fernie, B. C, Mity 24. One of the
worst coal mine disasters in the history
of British Columbia occurred at the
Coal Creek mines, at 7 o'clock last
night, when from 125 to 150 men met
almost instant death in mines Nob. 2
and 3. The explosion occurred in the
depth of No. 2, and not a man out of
more than 100 employed in that mine
escaped to tell the tale. From No. 3
workings, which are connected with
No. 2, about 21 men escaped. The
first intimation of the disaster which
those on the outside received, was a
rush of coal dust and fire to a height of
over 1 ,000 feet over the fan. Word
was immediately sent' to Fernie, live
miles from the mines, and inside of 12
minutes from the time the accident oc
curred relief parties were at (work. R.
Drennan, Dr. Bonnel and True Weath
erby were the first to enter the mine.
When about 500 feet into the working
Drennan was overcome by after damp,
and had it not been for his two com
panions, would have perished. On
being removed to the outer air he re
covered and gave instructions to the
rescuing party to commence repairing
thejovercasta. The overcasts are the
pipes which connect the air through
the mine. As they had been almost
completely destroyed, it was impossi
ble to enter, owing to the after damp
which prevailed.
Volunteers were called for and a
score of brave men sprang to the work.
For nearly aix hours thia policy wag
pursued with tireless energy. Every
few minutes the men would collapse
and were borne to the outer air and
their places were quickly filled by new
volunteers. The first body recovered
was taken from No. 3 mine about 11
o'clock. Several hours elapsed and
then tbree more bodies were recovered.
None of the victims gave the slightest
signs of life,' and were removed to the
wash out. At 4 o'clock this morning
relief parties had pentrated so far that
the gas became unbearable, and opera
tions had to be suspended for an hour
or two in order to let the men clear
the after damp.
Ti e mine is free from fire, and the
bodies will be removed as fast as the
after damp is cleared from the mine.
The rescuing parties are working four
hour shifts, and the company is doing
all in its power to assist in the work.
General Superintendent Stockett and
Superintendent Drennan have been on
tho scene ever since the accident, and
are doing all in tneir power for the
comfort of the men who. are working.
The town ia horror stricken and heart
rending scenes meet the eye on every
side. All day the trains to the mines
have been crowded with anxious friends
and relatives of the imprisoned men,
hurrying to the seme of the disaster.
A meeting of the board of trade has
been called to organize a relief fund for
the sufferers. The cause of the acci
dent is unknown, but the opinion of
many of the miners is that it was the
result of a heavy shot from one of the
Another Report of the Killed.
Victoria, B. 0., May 24. W. F.
Robertson, provincial mineralogist, has
lecieved a dispatch from Fernie, in
which it was stated that there were 133
men in the mine and that 24 escaped
and that five bodies have' been re
Sympathy for American Soldiers Killed In
the Islands.
New York, May 26. The house
has adopted a resolution, says a dis
patch from Havana to the World, de
caring May 19 Decoration day, and a
motion expressing sympathy for Amer
ican soldiers killed in Cuba.
Repesentative Lynax withdrew from
the chamber and vowed that he will
never return, because his motion regard
ing honoring the flag of Narciso Lopez
was tabled. Lopes was a Venezuelan
filibuster, who was shot by the Span
iards in Havana in 1851.
Pickpockets are reaping a harvset on
the Pardo, the principal promenade,
and crooks of various kinds are doing a
rushing businees. A policeman who
attempted to airest a crook was killed.
Fifty-nine Nanigos, alleged to be a sec
ret order of assassins, have been cap
ture! by the police, when new mem
best were being initiated. The new
members were in the act of signing
the) ' names in blood when arrested.
TI Nanigos are greatly dreaded in
Trolley Car Runs Away
Easton, Pa., May 26. Two men
were killed and many men and women
injured in a trolley wreck a few miles
beyond Easton last night. An Easton
and Nazareth left this city shortly be- .
fore midnight, carrying 89 passengers.
On a steep hill in Palmer township,
the brakes refused, to work, and the car
ran away, descending the Incline at
terrific speed. At the foot of the hill,
on a sharp curve, the car Jumped the
track and fell on its side.
Cloudburst la Iowa.
Decorah. Ia., May 26. A cloudburst
this morning caused a flood in Dry
Run, a small stream running from
Conover to Decorah, and resulted in
damage exceeding $100,000. Raliroed
tracks, houses and other buildings
were washed away. Two lives were
Philipoie Cholers Record.
Manila, May 24. The cholera record
to date follows: Manila, 1,180 cases
by , and 886 deaths; provinces, 1,692 cases
and 2,604 deaths.
tLaH or iarsLnt