The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, May 23, 1902, Image 3

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    3foo& Iftver Slacier
FRIDAY, MAY 23, 1902.
Ice for sale at Jensen'8.
Land plaster at Bartmess.'.
Strawberry paper at Coe A Sons.
Fresh cow for sale by II. Prigge.
Garden and grass seeds at Savage's.
Fine fresh cow for sale by J. A Cook.
Feifer's Union 5c cigar atW.B. Cole's.
Langille house for sale. Inquire upstairs
Money to loan on real estate. A. A. Jayne
House to rent Apply at the Emporium.
Write your insurance with Friday &
See our bargain sale of shoes. Bone
& McDonald.
No. 1 baled hay for sale at the Transfer
& Livery Co.
Home made Bauer kraut at Bone &
List your property with Friday &
Bartmess 1b closing out his stock of
wall paper.
The best 5c smoke In town Feifer's
Union, at VV. B. Cole's.
McDonald & Henrich sell the
Mitchell wagon, the best made.
Cross-cut saws, axes and all woodmen
and loggers' tools at Savage s.
Order your extras for your Osborne
machinery at Bone & McDonald's.
114 acres near town 60 acres in culti
vatior bearing orchard. Friday &
The California right-lap is the best
orchard tool made. Getit from McDon
aid & Henrich.
For Sale at the Emporium Fifteen
acres one mile from town. House and
barn, $200 per acre.
80 acres BO in cultivation, l,UUO ap
ple trees, berries, 8 acres clover. t4,000
until June 1st. kiday & Barneb,
40 acres all under cultivation mile
from town, 10 acres in berries, large or
chard in bearing. Friday & Harnks.
Two hundred forty acres, 4miles from
Lvle ; 40 acres in Iruit ;niie large house
all modern improvemen s. Friday
35 acres 2 miles from town 15 acres
in berries, 6 acres in apples, plenty of
clover modern improvements Friday
& Barnes.
Ten-room house and one block
around close in town : 1400 worth
fruit sold last year. For sale by Friday
& Barnes.
Miss Blanche Blowers Antartalniul
number of her friends at hr hnm
Wednesday evening. Mav nth Mm..
and games were the amusements of the
evening and at a late hour refreshments
were served. The house was beautifully
decorated with cut flowers, the dintna
room being particularly pretty with its
table decorations of lilacs and bridal
reath. Those Dresent
Pansy Baker, Marjorie Baker, Carrie
Abbott, Nellie Irwin, Nettie Abbott,
Clara Irwin, Gladvs Hartlev. Elda
Brant, Olive Sturgis, Eva Yates, Mrs.
Havnes. Mra.F.nrlu anrl Min Si),...,
Jeffs, Sheets, Morse, Isenberg,, Gilbert
uuiger, .Duncan, j!,ari Bartmess, Meigs
Bartmess, Master Rey Early and Sam
Steamboats commenced landing at
the depot May lbth.
1(50 acres fine fruit farm with improve
mentsclose in tBiDAY ot Barnes
Mrs. A. W. Kins returned from he
trip to Missouri last week and is much
improved in health since her return.
Mrs. C. B. Curtis of Seattle is visiting
Mr. and Mrs. B. 1. Shoemaker ana ex
nects to remain all summer. Mrs. Cur
tis is a sister to the Shoemaker brothers,
A buck Indian was seen hoeing straw
berries on the E. B. Clark place with f
pappoose strapped on his back. His
squaw was hoeing berries in the same
Thos. F. Johnson, wife and child and
sister recently arrived from Kingsville
Kv.. and are livinif in Blowers addition
They come to Hood River to make their
liomes here.
L. C. Havnes has purchased the inter
est of his partner, 8. 8. Jeffries, in the
Bon Ton barber parlors. Mr. Jeffries
has eone to Hillsboro. where he has
purchased a barber shop.
Louis Burkhard. who has been rusti
eating on his ranch at Mt.Hood.returned
to Portland Tuesday. He took with him
his big team of horses which he sold
Henry Weinhard for $300.
T). R. Cooper of Mt. Hood was in town
Monday. Mr. Cooper reports the fruit
prospects excellent in his neighborhood
lie lias z.ouu Hearing appie ireee,
loaded with fruit this year.
O. H. Van Blaracon, who lately pur
chased a lot in Hull's addition, is build
ing a small business house and will open
a confectionery. The building will front
on the main road south of II.M.Abbott's
A Christian Endeavor party will be
given at the home of Mr. and Mrs Geo.
T. Prather Friday evening, May 23d.
Ice cream will be served, games to be
played and a general good time to be
had. Come one.come all ; an admission
fee of 15 cents will be charged.
The law protecting Eastern brook
trout in Oregon waters says: "It shall
be unlawful at any time between the
date of the passage of this act and the
first day of April, 1904, to take, catch or
kill by any means whatever, or have in
eastern brook trout or
grayling." The fine is from $20 to $100.
T RiHlinn! Chas. Wallace. Duncan
Martin, D. G Hill, Grant Dyer, Harry
lianlrntt. Alfred Eastman. Charley and
John Stranahan, and T. G. Bishop
cleaned out the Hood River Supply
Co's. ditch and put it in repair
from Dead Point to ditch creek.lastweek
i n four days. They found plenty oi wa
ter, which was turned in last Thursday
of the Relief Corps have
ma.lfi two nnilta that will be on exhi
bitionatthe Relief Corps rooms next
Saturday, and will be for sale. Parties
wishing to inspect the quilts are request
ed to call between the hours of 12 and -
o'clock, on Saturday, May Vtttli. Alter
that hour they will be at F.E.Jackson s
We have just received a letter from W.
IB. Perry notifying us of his going to
He will be connected with
ithe Washington Recorder. Wherever
Die goes he will have a numberof friends
iin the town of Sumner who will be l,ar nf liia well doiiis. It is
liia hiiainpaa ill Olvmpia will
Drove profitable. Sumner (Wash.)
Lige Husky's dwelling at Mosier was
V...l , in. l,i it innrninir aboUtS O clock.
Husky was at'a neighbor's place a short
distance away when they discovered the
roof of his house to De on nre, mm
those who saw it reached the house it
u ,i a inn lata irt BUVfl it. About halt oi
tua iimnuiiwilil ir,uln were saved. It
supiMised that the roof caught fire from
a Miark from the flue.
T a Priii lnntv vanie and forestry
..,.i., uit'ii iiiifl'iliinarters at The
ii.,n.,o ',, in tlm vallnv Monday. Mr iu l'Mitrim ttftpr the interests of the
Dull tlttfl BUIl I im would have a fish lad
.1.., ..... i,, ot H.n full of Hood river
allow the fish to ascend the river at this
point. Mr. Frit seems to be the right
I ;...!.,( ... ih work. He will
make it warm for all caught disobeying
the game law in hi jurisdiction.
A mm I'nilorwi od. who has been liv
lug along the Columbia river about as
long as any man in uit-en r.,
i,o ri. ...,.l..ri .nil why the
117 HWilll .....-.- ,
io..a i.,i.t alon.t ilnriiw the cool weatn
r, with winds from the west. Hereto
with an east wind
i... I ..nniu ii n r&nitllV. DUl
i i.... ,.f . ...wi a in, I would stop the
ri. It has been snowing every nig!
for the nast week on Mt. Defiance.
Chas. Castner and wife and Will Ran
kin went to their homestead nam
i i .i..u.t-t nn th trail to
in" uuu I'll u, n . . - - - ,
i "i . ..,..( i,r. nr four days last
linr,nn,i r-1 . - ....... - .
..t ti,.. i.iiiml considerable enow
,i.L .i Tl. riven were runnin
" I.. inj the Lake Braiien, tne
n.nn thn lnHII with the horse
while Mrs. Castner cmssed on a big tree
, fellea for a foot 1 he tree omn ,
i. ...... ,...1 an tlm farther side,
and when he neartnl the end it began
to teeter. The bark had been pealed on
tl.i. oml and betwixt the smooth ur-
i t i ... .n.l tl.a iiHilrinii It was
difficult to walk it. Mrs.CatnMP didn
I.m her nrenence oi minu, oiu jp
tlown and cooneJ it the shore
Water was turned into the Improve
ment Company's ditch on Tuesday. It
was raining on that day and not needed.
The water came down with such force
tnat it nearly drowned some of the low-
. , . . ,
er Birawoerry patcnes, wnere they were
noi preparea lor it ana had no means of
snutting it on. l'arties wanting water
can notify M. M. Davenport, and when
it is ordered they must be prepared to
take care of it. He will turn in the
amount needed. The ditch has been
enlarged, braced and has a capacity for
lurnismng an ine water needed this
season. Applications already in amount
to over 1,200 inches. The company has
spent over $3,000 in improvements since
iasi cteptemoer.
The joke was on our genial city record.
er at the council meeting Monday night.
n: -1.1 n 1 1 i .1
ins wuiQwaB wen uneu wiiii oruinances,
petitions, remonstrances, bills against
tne city, etc. Among the bills he read
one against himself for sidewalk lumber.
ISot noticing more than the headings
the items and the totals, the bill with
the rest went to the finance committee.
A loud outburst of applause came when
the committee discovered the mistake
The recorder took a walk around the
room, filled his pipe and treated himself
to a smoke.
Members of the Red Cross who have
not already been examined will please
call at Dr Dumble's office as soon as
possible for examination for the order
of Washington, as we wish to organize
Saturday evening. The Tontine plan,
whereby you get the benefit oi the in
surance while you live, is acknowledged
to be the most practical and popular
plan of insurance. L.H. Roberts.
ueputy urganizer uruer oi vv asmng-
T. W. Lozier, of Los Angeles, Cal.,
and Mrs. Mary E. Stogsdill of this city
were united in tne uoiy oonas oi matri
mony, Wednesday evening, May 21st,at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Fire-
bauKh. Rev. H. C. Shaffer, officiated,
using the simple but impressive ceremo
ny of the U. a church. Mr. and Airs.
Lozier have the best wishes of the peo
ple of Hood Kiver.
Col. Black of Vancouver, a friend of
W. H. Allen'B,was in the city laBt week.
Mr. Allen took him out through the
valley and he was delighted. The colo
nel is a Virginian. Any one who has ever
seen the valley of Virginia knows that
for beauty it is hard to beat. But the
colonel acknowledged, when he saw
Hood River valley, that "This beats
Mrs. J. L. Gordon and son Otie ar
rived here last Friday from California
and are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Amen.
They will go to Dufur to visit Mrs Gor
don's daughter. Mr. Gordon sold out
here and went to California last fall
His family followed later. Now his fam
ilv returns first and Mr. Gordon will
follow later.
The Glacier reported last week that
Hon. E. L. Smith had bought back 40
acres he sold to Fred Bailev for the same
price he sold for, $3,000. "this was an
error. Some work had been done on
the land, and Mr. Smith paid $3,100
when be bought the land back.
Rev. H. C. Shaffer returned from his
lecturing tour of Sherman county on
Saturday. He reports having met with
a great deal of encouragement in his
canvass and says he has no reason to go
back on his claim that he will be elected.
The Christian church people on Mon
day purchased lot 17, block 9, in Hull's
addition, upon which this denomination
will erect a church building in the near
future. This lot is situated on the old
ball ground on the hill. .
Mrs. Alina Howe has her three
new cottages about finished, and they
are all rented. Mr. Mercer and family
Portland will occuuv one. Mr. aier-
eer has been here for the past three
months for his health.
T.ittlA Vina Frazier recently spent 21
.lava in a Port and sanitarium, where
,a una oneratea on lor biuhjiiuiciuo
Th mwration was successful and the
child is getting along nicely.
Miaa Amie Ancel visited friends in
Hood River during the week. She had
hfin vitritinn in The Dalles and stopped
over here on her return to Eugene.where
her parents now reside.
Tlm Willamette valley Advent Chris
tian conference will be held in a tent on
the hill near W. T. llansuerry s piace.
in Hood River. June 6th, and will hold
over two Sundays.
Captain andMrs.A.S. Blowers and eon
ted in Moro and asco, in
Sherman county.last week Capt.Blowers
wentup to Baker Uity ana aumpter ue
fore returning.
rnr Sain at. the Emporium A five'
vear lease to ten acres good strawberry
land. 1 K miles from town; H acres
strawuerries. i nuc iu
half in work.
.1. R. Crosby's new house in Odell
istrict was finished by S. H. Cox last
Mr. Oosbv was very mucn
pleased with the quick work done.
Knnor ntnniient U I Deri visueu wc
,).iia in tliA mint hern end oi the conn
Dl.lluvia ... "
., ..t, inline Inline last Saturday. He
" P. , 11 .
reports a cold drive ii i"o
nii,ia u makinir irrigating gauges ior
sain. The Butts ranch ordered w. i ney
are an improvement on the iron pipe
avnhnn. and are cheaper,
-j r - ... i
Hon. James A. Tate, who lectureu w
such a large audience in nooa tviver
will be here again Sun.
dav morning June 1st.
For Sale at the Emporium. ine ivup-
lin place at Frankton; 17 acres wen im
proved; tree lrriguuug
ti.noo. Foaahpnr is suttering Willi
blood poison in his left arm as a result
of a fall he had trom nis Dicycie,wuF.c
nf weeks ago
k A. Pierce is at work with his cam
..... talrillir finA VieWS of private residen
Cln nam" -' -----
in the citv and rurui scene
E B. Clark and family came up irom
Fort Stevens, Sntunlay, and will spend
the week in Hood River.
H. G. Sibrav, deputy for the Artisans
. hn .I.. Wailnpmlav
was in town iiireuiij "m -
hustling for his order,
n, v. T Parnes. who is now in Tort-
land,' will return to Hood River tomor
row, May Z4tn.
.- in town Saturday,
getting acquainted with the voters of
Hoot: Kiver.
A M Yallop, representing R. u.
Dunn & Co. of Walla Walla, was in town
Assessor C. L. Schmidt was in u;w
Saturday, looking alter ins F"1
Fred Snow came np on the excursion
train Sunday ana spem j
tirant Evans
coming up with
tram. , ,' , .
The Ungillo house am lot for ale,
lso 3 rooms to rent. Call telephone 151.
IV.rranre Smith came up on last Sat
urday night's train from Cascade Locks.
Mrs. Harry Bailey has a nice baby
K., for aale. riione.suhurbanO X 2.
i rii.a Pner went to Vancou-
.-.., vUit friends.
C. P. Thompson returned, Saturday,
from a trip to Corvallis.
Paul C. Fate. peeial insurance aprtit
from Portland a in town Monday.
J. L. Mitchell, general manager of the
order of Washington and several other
members of the supreme union, Irom
Portland, will be here Saturday evening
to assist Deputy L. H. Roberts to (Insti
tute a lodge of that order. The presi
dent and several members of the lodge at
The Dalles will also be in attendance.
Mr. Mitchell will give a talk to the lodge
on that occasion, lie is a very agreeable
and forcible speaker and' thoroughly
conversant with both the fraternal and
old line insurance. To the members of
the order this will doubtless be a most
agreeable and entertaining session. The
lodge will start with a membership of
more than 100 and will undoubtedly be
the largest lodge of any in the city, as
the tontine plan ot insurance is not only
practical but the most popularinsurance
The Davenport Bros. Lumber Co's.
big mill started up Monday to get out
telephone poles for the East Side tele
phone line. This company has the con
tract to furnish ties for the Lyle and
Goldendale railroad, which will take
120,000, They also have a contract from
the Salt Lake Street Railway Co. for
20,000 ties. They have orders on their
books now for over 1,000,000 feet of lumber.
What is
Special Delivery. Commencing Mon
day, May 26th, I will put on a special
delivery wagon to make daily trips
through the valley. All orders taken
one day will be delivered the next. You
can get anything in groceries, dry goods,
shoes, hats, gloves, flour, bread and
fresh meats. J. E. RAND.
E. H. Harriman.the railroad magnate,
passed through Hood River on the train
Wednesday. He telephoned from Port
land for five crates of Hood River straw
berries, which were delivered at his car
by the Davidson Fruit Co.
Mrs. S. D. Garner was surprised Mon
day morning by her friend, Miss Jean
ette Brandon from Condon.' Miss Bran
don has been ill with pneumonia and
hopes to recuperate with the Hood River
pure air.
R. A. Calkins of Boulder City, Col.,
and his wife, and Wallace B. Calkins,
wife and daughter and two sons, of Oys
terville. Wash., are visiting their broth
er, E. D. Calkins, and sister, Mrs. E.
About our SHOES that places themi
above the average?
Is it the fit?
Is it the material?
Is it the workmanship?
f It's the blending of the three the
combination of the best! Combines are
the ruling passion now. Some oi them
are highly improper, Mr. Roosevelt says,
but if he should see our SHOES he
would say it is the pwper thing.
Ladies patent kid $3 60
Ladies' Julia Marlowe 3 00
Ladies' Federation 2 50
Men's Patent Oxfords Welt 2 50
Men's Velour calf ...... .$2.50 and 3 60
These are comfortable from the time
vnu nut them on until vou come back
after another pair. If you have bought
here you II surely come again ; it not
well it is never too late to mend.
If you need children's shoes you will
find our Dis. 76 shoes a FRIEND in
Popular Hats for
Summer Wear.
We are still well stocked up on the
best style in outing and street hats. For
dress wear we show the latest Chiffon
and Maline Hats way below Portland
prices. Body hats, children's hats and
trimmed shapes thoroughly up to date.
We save you money on every article of
millinery purchased from us. And you
will notice that we use better material
than you get elsewhere at higher prices.
Why? .
Because our business expenses are so
low. We have no clerks to pay and no
rent to pay ; that's why we sell not only
millinery but everything we handle
cheaper than our competitors
S. C. Brown
0 Leghorfis.
Ravi frnm ncn headed by cock which took
first premium 2 years In auoceiwlon . at Fort
land, Ore. $1.00 per setting of 18 egjjs. flatls
faction guaraiiltwd E. A.TKAKZ.
McGuire Bros.
Fresh and Cured Meats,
Lard, Poultry,
Fruits and Vegetables.
Free Delivery. Phone 35.
Rambler Bicycles, Columbia Bicycles, Royal
Tailor Suits.
A donation nartv and social was riven Turkey Red Table Damask. 47 inches wide, deep border, fast color, pretty
at the residence of Rev.and Mrs. Shaffer pattern just what you will need for strawberry time; we offer it at
Tuesday evening. About 35 persons . fiT()pntiontt, nrtMS of
16 cents per yard, Saturday Only.
were present and a good social time
was had. Lunch was served.
J. B.Hunt's new store on Front street, vv a nnx nnVERS You'll need one for vour hack, to keep the dust off
opposite Bone & McDonald's store, is horriAB? in .luck. 2.7! each.
Kleinert light, Nainsook covered, rubber Dress Shields 20c pair
T nA .fnna T n.liua' X-i nan finu fllialifv Vllaplf 20C '
oii ,nj unvj,i,a Aftuav, u vju,...vj "
Latest color effects, high grade Ladies' Hose 40c (
Ladies' tailor-made light-ribbed Vests and Pants 30c
Marlowe, satin shield Hose Supporters, black and colors. 25c
T aaHia. fnfFa vnu Hnn'f lrnow how hnnriv thev are 75c
Easy Bright Stove Enamel, the best liquid stove polish 10c btle
...?.- CI Tl!l. -l ,.l i;U lunUum 9Sff "
v aier rrooi onoe rousii, manes your onuco no pwu """"i -
This season's prettiest fabrics in profusion, at lowest prices ever
quoted. If you want a pretty dress or waist, we can furnish you with
.1 1 X ! ! I .1 n nil nlllUH M nAttDDAI1! DO
tne material, pauern, inniiiiiugs, uuimjiib nun an umoi ovwoou.
Prices always little. "Light expenses make little prices possible
vou alwavs eet them at
Dallas' Corner.
Will take one'
was in town Sunday,
The Dalles excursion
now open and doing business in all lines
of wall paper, paints, oils, moldings,etc.
F. Eggert came up from Portland
Tuesday and went out to Eggermont,
where he will rusticate for the summer,
making an occasional trip to Portland.
A.L.Newton has lumber on the ground
to build a house on his lots in Wancoma
Park addition. J. L. Blount has the
contract for building.
The ladies' aid of the Congregational
church will meet this week at the home
of Mrs. F. P. Friday, today, at 2
S. II. Cox is building H. J. Byrkett's
cottac-e. on River and Irving streets. It
will be a neat building, to cost $750.
Mrs. E. W. Udell is visiting with the
family of her father-in-law at Eagle
Creek, Clackamas county.
Lost An appliance for an oxygenor
with rubber attachment. Leave at the
Glacier office.
Frank Noble and family moved up
from Beaverton on Wednesday and have
come to stay.
Screen doors and windows made to
order by the Waucoma Mfg. Co.
The Strawberry Crop.
The first half crate of strawberries
as brought over from White Salmon
last Thursday evening, May 15th, and
was boueht by tne uaviason fruit jo.
for $6. They were grown by G.E. Bower
man. S. C. Zeigler of White Salmon
sent in the next half crate.on May ltith.
The cool weather prevailing for the
past week or more greatly retards the
ripening OI Sirawoerries. rroiiavc imu
cloudy weather, but very little rain.The
berries are doins; all right. By our ship
ping agencies this weather is considered
all right. If the cool weather could
keen un anotner week it wouia do an
the better. California berries by that
time will be well out of the markets,and
Hood River will have a cuar field lor
local shipments. No need to become
discouraged over the cool weather. It
will bring more anu oetter oernes anu
better prices.
J. W. Morton brought in the first half
eratfl of Hood River strawberries on
Monday, May 19th, and shipped by the
Hood Kiver union.
The Union has received reports from
all car-load strawberry shipping points
of Arkansas and Missouri. Ihese show
that the Arkansas crop is now cleaned
nnnnd Missouri shipped their nrst car
Monday, May 19th. the Missouri crop
will not exceed iw cars an ioiu.
The Davidson Fruit Co. are making
nn AO .mm strawberry crates for this sea-
nn'a croo at Hood River and White
The first lot of Dalles strawberries
were broutiht in bv Geo. Bunn. whose
nlorA ia near the garrison. Home ber
ries are selling at 20 cents and California
at 124c a box. unronicie.
Tlnrro nirkers are arriving every day,
hut thev are too far ahead of time. The
steamboat companies are uvBruiu8
in Portland plipftn rates to berrv pickers.
... v..... - r - , , .
Itprrv nickers will not oeneeaea in nuuu
River for another week or ten days, un
less the weather should turn warm.
Tin, r;u,.ir will publish the number
,.t mio. nf atrswherrics shipped each
day daring the season. The first ship
ment tnis season i umuo .j -
half crates: May 21st, 7 crates totai,
8 crates.
a a rx. a on to nress Tuesday morning,
l,o uipnther is fair and prospects for
ripe strawberries are brighter.
Mr. and Mrs. Shaffer Severely Pounded.
Tiilav evening a laree number of
the members and friends of the U. B.
relv chastised their pastor
n,l his wifn. nresumablv on account of
nnnr sermons and ceneral inefficiency.
They became so earnest in their efforts
to show their dispieasure.uiai mey mu
ioHseseion of the parsonage and used
every known variety of tin cans and pa
mr fift.ckn.ffes as instruments of their in
dignation. The palms of the hands of
both the pastor and his wife are fright
fully lacerated bv the unthoughtful
throwing of large pieces of metal. Later
a compromise was effected and after
luncheon, served by the instigators ol
the sad affair, there seemed to be a
friendlv disposition manifested by all.
No arrests were made.
In Hood River ralley. May lf, 1M2, to Mr.
and Mrs. Kolley I'lielpa, a daughter.
Chnrch 'otiees.
Fpmooiml 8ervl.-Bl8hop Wells of 8po-
kan will be In Hood Kiver on rtunaay even
ii, Mav trah. and will hold aervlcvs In the
A O. V. W. hall at 8 o'clock. The right f
mnnrmation will be adintnlmered nhotild
there be anv candidate. A cordial Invita
tion t extended to all.
Valley Christian Churrh.-Sunday School,
in in irMb'likiiir. 11 a. ra. C. K. 7:00 p.
l-reachln at K.-110 o. m. All not womhlpiiln
elHewliere are cordially Invited In thee er-
vli-es. J. W. Jenklnn, panlor. Asiuey o. .wm
will preach lu the evening.
1-ni.m fhnrrh. Rev. J. W. Jenklna wilt
nnwb In the I nlon church, Kasl Side, Sun
day, at t o'clock.
Ia Lovinir Remembrance of Koj Binns.
He wa a Dower too lender. weet and fair
To live aaxonc the Ihornn of aln and care;
Ho Jesus lk him from thia world of vice.
To bloom anion, the tlowcra of I'aradlae,
Mas. Hi BY Haikih.
At mv nlace. on the Mt. Hood road, one
mile south of town, 1 have opened a Flour
and Feed Htore. No need now to haul your
feed up the big hill rrom town wneu you can
buy of me at bottom prices.
and Builder
S. H. COX.
iosiey Talks
And Talks for Your Benefit.
If you do your trading with us a trial will convince you. We
want your trade and are willing to make it an object for you to do
business with us.
bone & Mcdonald.
Champion and Osborne
Timber Laud, Act June 3, 1878.
ITnliid Slates I.nnd OIHee.Vanconver.Wash..
itirii 9 !iM.Niiilc'ii la hercbv eiven that In
compliance with Hie provisions of the act of
congress oi June a, i(wts enuneu an hui nn mc
sale oi limner lauusiu uiu nutiwm voniui m,
Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory,"
as extended to all the public land suites by
act of August i, ISM,
of Pine Flat.county of KlickiUt,stiile of Wash
ington, lias mis nay nieu in una unite mo
sworn statement, No. 2m, for the purchase of
the south northwest and west South
west ii section No. 18 In township No. i
north, range No. 11 east, W. M., and
wllloil'er proof to show that the land sought is
more valuable for Its timber or stone than for
agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim to said land before the Register and Re
ceiver of this ottlce at Vancouver, Wash., on
Tuesday, the 17th day of June, 1U02.
He names as witnesses: Jacob M. Locke,
Monroe Ijocke, John G. Perry and Edward
Perry, all of Pine Flat, Wash.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested U tile
their claims in thlsoflice on or before said 17th
day of J une, UKJii.
alllel3 W. R. DUNBAR, Register.
The UptoDate Store
I Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.
United States Land Onlce.Vaneouver.WasIi.,
inrii 1. wttl Ncitlm la hereby etven that In
compliance with the provlsionsof theaet of
congress or June a, ii, enuueu -tu m.-, mi
the sale of timber lands In the States of Cal
ifornia, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory," as extended U all the public land
states Dy act oi August . i,,
of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of
Oregon, has this day filed In this olllce his
sworn statement, No. 2-107, for the purchase of
the east southeast yt section No. 1 In town
ship No. 4 north, range No. 12 east, W. M.,
ana will otter proof to bIiow that the
lutiil anllirh t. Is morn valuable for its timber or
aime thuii fur agricultural DUrDOes. and to
establish his claim to said land before the
Register and Receiver oi tins onice at Van
couver, wasn., on weuneeuay, me imu uj
J'.e. ,., ,
tie names as witnesses: vjciukc m. iuwio.
Homer W. Moore. William Rethlefsen and
rharlna TWnn. all of Lvle. Wash.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
their claims In this omce on or neiore saiu
18th day of June, lUtti. ,,
alljelij vy. iv. imnrtiv, ivcgiwiei.
ou are
The Davidson Fruit Co.
Announces the arrival of a large shipment of Lace Curtains in the new
est designs at prices unheard of heretofore from 50c upward; every
style a gem.
New Linen Waists, with latest pique stock; strictly up to the minute.
Novelties in Elastic Belts. The cry of the hour, one of a kind; 50c
and up.
Next Saturday we will put on sale 200 pair of desirable Shoes at great
reduction throughout. We are cleaning house of odds and ends, so see
what we offer; it don't cost anything, and may save you a neat sum.
Also, 800 mill ends of Percales, fancy prints and beautiful sheer Irish
Dimities for half price. Pieces contain from one yard to 10 yards and
have to be seen to be appreciated.
There are 800 remnants in this lot pieces for waists, skirts, full suits,
wrappers and doll dresses, half price, and don't buy unless you agree
they are the BEST goods you ever looked at for the LOWEST price.
Trading stamps GIVEN in this sale. We maintain our reputation
for clean, noneat merch indising, and stand ready to do anything to ben
efit our customers, new and old. We are watching for good things for
you always. No trouble to show goods. Money refunded on anything
not satisfactory. Yours truly,
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.
tTnlted Hlates Land Office. Vancouver
Wash., March 12, imi2.-Notice is hereby given
that, in comuliance with the provisions of the
aeioi congress ui juiic o, io,a, vnn,c,
act lor tne saie oi unioer iuuub in me oinitin ui
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory." as extended to all the public land
states by act of August 4, 18112,
of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of
Oregon, nas tins oay niuu in mis umw un
sworn statement, nu. aiw, n,r m iiuiuanc ui
thn w. annthpiiMt northeust south'
westM and southeast northwest X of sec
tion No 14, in township No. 4 north, range
No. 10 east, W. M., and will oiler proof to
show that the land sought is more valuable
for its timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish her claim to said
land before the Register and Receiver of tills
olllce at Vancouver, wasn., on weuuesuay,
the 28th day of May, 11)02.
Sim names as witnesses: Robert F. Cox. At
bert W. Lobdell, J. Cox and J. V. Peets, all
of Portland, Oregon.
Anv and all nersons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to tile
their claims in this office on or before said
28th day of May, 1IKH.
m21m23 W. R. DUNBAR, Register.
Sale !
Beginning today, we open the first of our SPECIAL WEEKLY
SHOE SALES, each sale to last one week.
For this week we have 6 dozen Men'B Shoes of the Jay B. Reyn
olds make in light to medium weight, Vici Kid, Horeehide and Box
Calf stock, Goodyear Welt Coin Toe Tip Bals; regular prices, $2.65,
$2.75, $3.00 and $3.25.
Sale price, $2.25 per pair.
, These Shoes at this price are well worth your attention and time
to call and see them. Don't forget the time and place.
Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878.
TTniinii Kintpa Land Office. Vancouver,
wah . Anrll 24. 1IJ2. Notice is hereby
given that in compliance with the provisions
of the act of congress of Junes, 1878, entitled
"An act for the sale of timber lands lu the
states of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington territory," as extended to all the
public lanu states oy act oi August , ion,
nf Hnnuiam. connty of Chehalls, state of
Washington, has this day filed in this office
her sworn statement, No. 2tJ2, for the pur
chase of the north southeast yA, sout hwest
y. northeast section No. 19, and northwest
V ar.iuiiuiMit U uHctlon Nu. a). In township No.6
north.range No.lOeast.w M, andwill oner prool
to show that the land sought Is more vaiuanie
for Its timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish her claim to said
land before the Register and Receiver of this
omce at Vancouver, nueu., uu iuuiou;,
tUa tilth Havnl .Illlv. 1U02.
She names as witnesses: Charles P. Reed of
Hoqulam, Wash.; James .cox oi rout jjirc,
Wash.; Robert F. Cox and Albert W. Lobdell
of Portland, Oregon. And
of Hood River, county of Wasco, stale of
Oregon, has tnis day filed in this office
his sworn statement, No. 2443, for the pur
chase of the northwest southwest of
section No. 2: lot 1: southeast northeast 4
and northeast H southeast of section
No. 5 in township No. 6 north, range
No. 10 east, Willamette Meridian, and will
otter proof to show that the land sought is
more vaiuaoie ior lu mniror vii nwuD .t.i ....
agricultural purposes, and to establish his
nr..i,n I., auiit land hefora the Register and
Receiver of this omce at Vancouver, wasn.,
on Thursday, tne win oay oi j uiy, on,.
He names as witnesses: William rranaun
of Hood River, Oregon; and Frank Young,
James K. cox ana Aioeri vv . ixiuuen oi rvi-
land, Oregon.
Anv and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
their claims In Hub omce on or ueiure sum
10th day of July, 11W2.
may2Jy4 W. R. DUNBAR, Register.
r j m lit g
g30f This Draws the Oar.
Added Traction.
Extras for all Mowers and Rakes: Full line of
Bv Tools, HarQware, Buslb ii Was
Mcdonald & henrich.
If you have not decided to do this IT WILL HELP you to know that
We have advertised and shipped Hood River Strawberries for 10 years.; "'
We always net our patrons the HIGHEST AVERAGE PRICES; and
We intend to continue doing this ; for
In order to support our large and growing industry we must have a
large patronage.
Last season we charged an extra cent for our services and returned the
growers FIFTEEN CTS EXTRA. How would this strike you? Try it.
Waucoma ManufacturingCo
Our shopnow.has every .facility for
turning out first-classork in the line of
4 tJU tW. '4V I'
Ch Us by Phone.
F. B. BARNES, Notary Public.
Insurance, Abstracting, Writing Deeds, Leases,
Mortgages, etc.
Tf vou have cronertv to sell, list it with us. OfficeMn.the.brick
store on Oak street.
The young man loves the young woman j
l hat b his Dusiness.
The young woman loves the young man ;
That's her business.
The young man and young woman get
married ;
That's the preacher's businees.
They will need furniture, carpets, wall
paper and building material ;
That's mv business.
Job Printing at
Summer Millinery.
We have just received a full line of Veiling in all the latest de
signs. Also, anew line of Body Straws, in the very fashionable
Flate. Our Pattern Hats include everything new in Chiffon and
Malines. We make the TAILORED HAT, without which no ladies'
wardrobe is quite complete.
Comprises the Latest Styles and Qualities.
We also have an extensive collection of
Mr. L. Bradley's Magnificent Hood River and
Columbia River Scenes,
than which no more beautiful or acceptable gift could be made.
Your patronage respectfully solicited,
Timber Lund, Act Jane 3, 1878.
United States Ijind Office, Vanconver,
Wash., Mav 10, 19U2. Notice Is hereby given
that In compliance Willi the provisions of the
r ,v.iwrH of .lime 3. 1K7H. entitled "An act
for the sale of timber lands In the states of
California, Oregon, wevaaa anu wnamnguiu
territory," as extended to all the publlo land
stales Dy oi August i, i
of Rainier, county of Columbia, state ol
.i.i.nwnt N.i .2177 for the Durchase of the
north half southeast quarter and south half
norl beast quarterof section No. 8, In township
No. north.range No. 11 east, W.M.,and will of
fer proof to show that the land sought
is more valuable for Its timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim to said land before the Kegister and
Itecelver of this office at Vancouver, Vi ash.,
on Wednesday, the tn day of August, MU.
Me names as witnesses: James K. Cox and
Alden Kingman of Tmutlake, V ash.: Josepn
K. Doherlv of Kalnier, Oregon: and John .
L-amnnf IVrt lAllrt . I ireiTOn.
Pie Timber. -
We shall hT a lanre crop of the fallowing
small fruits on which we quote very low
price per crate:
tireen liooecberrlea, now ready 7S
Kiravberrtm, mixed and new varieties,
no mils
Currants, while or red J
i .. . i..r. lnmiiiil flne 1 all
Kasi.brtTK. red. blur or yellow 1 S
order by pfcon oc pos-l. & mfEIl AM.
Williams Pharmacy,
Otten Building,
G. E. WILLIAMS, Prop'r.
Headquarters for
Pure Drugs, Toilet Articles,
Prescriptions my Specialty.
Columbia River Scenery.
Have just received a new line of Columbia Kiver Scenery, Souvenir
China, assorted avenea. Call and examine.
Plates, Cups and Saucers, Spoon Holders Creamers, Sugar Bowls,
Taays, Vases, etc.
Fruits, Nuts and Confections
Split Bamboo Rods, Bamboo Poles, etc.
One door east of Bank. Agenta Union Laundry. Phone 1CH.
of Portland, county of Multnomah, stte ol
Oregon, has this day tiled In this office his
sworn siaiemenu imi. ., r pu,,.- ...
lots L ' southeast quarter nun new qum
and northeast quarter southeast quarter
of section No. , in township No. 0
north, range No. li easi.w iiimeii menu..,
and will otter proof to show that the land
sought Is more valuable for lis timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes and to
establish his claim to said land before the
, ......... ...,i UMivor of this office at Van
couver, Wash, on Wednesday, the Mil day of
Augnt,l. , .
Alden Kingman of Troutlait?, Wash.: iwi
E. Clark .-Jf-ri ! ?H KY?""""'""
t n.inw nuiniv of Columbia, state oi
Oregon, has this uay meain im. ""
.i.i.msnt No. W7. for the purchase of
i . ... i hull Maim nettjiL 1 1 li n r i. i . ..-.
north Swrtheast S of secUn No. in town
ship Ni!(i north, range No. II east, W .M.nd
will Oder proof to show thai me ihdu .uu.
is more valuable lor lis Umber or stone than
fur agricultural purposes, aud to establish his
claim to said land oeiore me iwiai- u
Receiver of this omce ai iiirom.n,
on Wednesday, the th day of August. Met
He names as wnnesses: James, toy anrt
Alden Kingman of Trout Luke, W ash; Lwls
K. Clark of Rainier. Oregon; and John N.
Kemp of Portland, Oregon.
AnV and all persons claiming adversely the
aboe-decrited landa are requested to tile
their damn in this office od or before said
ath dav of August, liU.
mybjyls W. B.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.
United SUites Land Office, Vancouver,
Wash., May IS, lUUi Notice Is hereby given
that in compliance with the provisions of the
act of congress of June 8, 1878, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands In the statra ol
California, Oregon, Nevada and Waslilnglon
territory," as extended to all the public laud
states by act of August 4, lwtt,
of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of
Oregon.tms this dayflled In thlsoltlce his sworn
statement, No. W4, for the purchase of the
lot 4: southwest yt northwest and west
southwest y, or section No. 6 In town
ship No. 6 north, range No. 11 east, W. M.,
and will otter proof to show that the land
sought Is more valuable for II timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to estab
lish his claim to said land before the Ili gister
and Kecelverof tbisofficeat V ancouver.w ash.,
on Thursday, the 7th day of August,, IMtt.
He names as witnesses: Lewis fcl Clark and
Joseph K. iKiherty of Kalntcr, Oregon: James
r . cox oi irouiiaKe, w asu.; xiarry v. uur
rows of Vancouver, Wash.
Anv and all persons claiming adversely the
above-deseritied lauds are requested to file
their claims in tnis omce on or ociore sa:a
7th day of August, 1W1 W. K. HUNBAH, hv-glster.
And wagon renalrlng attended to promptly at
my shop on the ML flood road, south of town.
Uisid work at reasonable prices.
aepl7 u. a. nutiMiu
Peanut Roaster.
We have a neannt Roaster of latest patern
and can supply our customers with the best
quality oi peanuts, iresn roiv,ieu eveiy uay,
Simple Ihem. COLK U UAH AM.
Dissolution Notice.
We, the undersigned, hereby mutually
agree with each other as louows: iiiai we
have settled ail accounts Deiween ourselves
perUiiiilng to the business of the tlrm of Jack
son 4 Kirebaugh; 8. C. Jackson is U assume
all liabilities of said firm and collect all ac
counts due the Arm, and carry on the busi
ness, W. A. Klreuaugh to retire irom we
tirm from this date.
Dated at Hood Kiver, or., April i, i:rj.
Stock Ranch for Sale.
of the best stock ranches In Camas
&. well iin oroved. with bead
of cattle. A bargain. I-or particulars. In
quire at W. B. Cole store, "
rTlmber Land, Act June S, W78.1
United States I And Office. Vancouver,
Wash.. April 14. Mii Notice is hereby giveu
that In compliance with the provisions of the
aw of eonarens of June 3. IsTS. entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands In the Hlates of
California, Oregon, Nevada and asninguin
Territory' as extended to all the public land
states By acioi August f, iiw,
of Mill Citv. oountv of . slate of Oregon
haa thia dav Hied In this oiti his sworn
statement. No. sf4., for the purchase of the
lots 1 and i, and BK of N K and NK
o(V. of section I, In township No. north,
ranne No. 10 east. W. M.. and will oiler
pnaif to show lhat the land sought Is
more valuable fin- Its tlmlier or slone than for
agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim to said land la-iore ine ihvisht ana
Receiver of th s olllce at Vancouver, wasn.,
on Mnmlav. the 7th dav of Juiv. l!r
tie namas aa Wllllcsse: nois'n r. un anu
II...... I. I . ....1 1 ! . .r l'..rlluri,l llrMrrtn' !..!.-
ert H. Iianforth of Mill City. On-gon; Waldo B.
Ha chof Port and. Oregon.
Any and all persons Claiming adversely the
above-described uud are requested to file
their claims In this office on or before said
7th day of July, lsS
aljej) W. R. DUNBAR. Regbyr:
Land for Sale.
D. Everhart haa b acrvs of land, 2' miles
from town, near Belmont, on wbk-h Is IM
beating fruit trees, i' acres of strawberries,
S acre blackberries, raspberries and clover,
, tl Inquire ou premises or at
a4 - tVtKU.Kra STORE.
Wagon for Sale.
Light spr'ng Mludebaker, fresh painted and
ood as new. Can be seen at intvinaoo s nig
:ted Barn.
Irrigation Notice.
AlUhosewuo wish to irrigate their lawns
ami garoens mnst maae appuoaoou w
oollccUir, Pre her Heminan, aud give the
number of iou they wish to Irrigate and time
oi commencing.
The price for irrigation this year will be fiO
cents a lot, but all Irrigation must be done by
sprinkling; no other method will be allowed.
P.'. Liiiiivl ll.ATI.-U
nuuu niiLaoiniu nni J!
(Tlmlier Ijind, Act June 3, W7H.
United States Land Office, Vancouver,
Wash., April 30, 1HU2. Notice Is hereby
given lhat In compliance with the provisions
of the act of Congress of June , 1K7. entitled
"An act Ior the sale of timber landa in the
stales of t:atihrnla, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territory," aa extended to all
the public land slates by act of August 4, WW,
of Port land, oouuty of Multnomah. la la of Or
egon, has Hi is day (1 led In this office Ins sworn
statement. No. Mil, for the putt-bane of the
north weal of soulhesMl section No.
$1, In lownnhlp No. 4 north, range No. ii
east, W. M and will otter proof u show Uial
the land sought Is more valuable for lis tim
ber or than for agricultural purpoaea,
and lo establish his claim to said land before
the Register and Iteeelver of this office at
Vancouver, Washington, on Tuesday ,tue litU
dav of July,
He names as wltneaset: Anton Knutaon,
F.dward H. Sutton. William H. tt and
William J. Karrell, all of Port laud, Oregon.
Any and all persons cOlnnng adversely the
above-deacrtlwd uuids are reUested to (lie
their claims In this office onwbeSore said lita
day of July, MU1
lufljl W. E. DUNBAR, Register.