3f ood Iiver glacier. FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1902. BRIEF LOCAL MATTERS. Onion sets at Savage's. Land plaster at Bone's. Ice for sale at Jensen 's. Gardon seeds at Savage's. " Land plaster at Bartmess'. . ' Fresh cow for sale by H. Prig'ge. Fine fresh cow for sale by J. A. Cook. Feifer's Union 6c cigar at W.B. Cole's. Langille house for sale. Inquire upstairs Write your insurance with Friday & Barnes. ' See our bargain sale of shoes. Bone & McDonald. No. 1 baled hay for sale at the Transfer & Livery Co. List your property with Friday & Barnes. Bartmess is closing out his stock of "wall paper. The best 5c smoke in town Feifer's Union, at W. B. Cole's. New house and three lots in town. Bargain. Friday & Barnes. Cross-cut saws, axes and all woodmen and loggers' tools at Savage's. The California right-lap is the best orchard tool made. Get it from McDon ald & Ilenrich. Fifteen acres," mile from town, fine etrawberry land ; good house; $2,500. Friday 4 Barnes. Two hundred forty acres, 4miles from Lyle ; 40 acres in fruit ;fihe large house, all modern improvement. Friday & Barnes. , Ten-room house and one block of ground close" in . town ; $400 worth of fruit sold last year. For sale by Friday & Barnes. ' . ' Fifteen acres miles from town ; 4 :acresin strawberries; new houw and barnja bargain for two weeks only. Friday & Barnes. Garden and grass seeds at Savage's. Home made sauer kraut at BJne A McDonald's. McDonald & Henrich sell the Mitchell wagon, the best made. Mrs. J. H. Koberg has 400 young chix hatched with hens this spring. Order your extras for your Osborne imachinery at Bone & McDonald's. S. P. Brown of Columbus, Wash., was visiting L. D. Blount and the Cunnings ilast week. We have just received a fine line of xarden hats. They are yours while they last, at 25c to 50c. Mme. Abbott. A. A. Boynton, who has been visiting relatives in Hood River, returned to his home in Ukiah, Umatilla county, last Saturday. Mrs. A. A. Jayne has returned from Portland where she had been to visit Iier father and mother, Capt. and Mrs. J. L. Sperry. Win. Froebe, last week, brought 150 lad of cattle from his Sherman county ranch to pasture them on Frank Daven . port's range. . , Mrs. C. F. Waldo and danghter Edris started for San Jose, Cal., last Monday, where they expect to locate again near their old home. Prof. R. R. Allard of Dufur was in town last Saturday. Mr. Allard has been retained for another year as principal ' of the Dufur public school, making his third year. J. L. Mitchell of Portland, supreme secretary of the order of Washington, and Prof. L. II. Roberts of Chicago, will lecture on fraternal insurance Fridav night, May 2d, at A. O. U. W. hall. Miss Agnes Dukes, who has been an efficient clerk in the Hood River i post office for a year or more, will leave .today for Portland, where she will take course in stenography at a business college. Private School. Mrs. Emilie C. Shaw will open a private school in Hood River on Monday, May 5th,and children wish ing to attend should be at the school house at 9 o'clock a. m. Tuition 2 per month. G. J. Gessliug, like W. J. Bryan, has moved into his new barn, where he will entertain his political friends and other callers while his palatial dwelling house is being built on his strawberry tract in Pleasant View. A. O. Hershey last week finished set ting eight acres to strawberries. He '. has 12 acres of old plants and with the additional planting will have 20 acres In iberries. Next year he will double the mimbor of acres of berries. O. A. Rinehart and family on Monday mioved to Sumnierville, Oregon, where Mr. Rinehart has business interests to look after. We hope he may soon find it convenient to move back to Hood River. He is a good citizen. Wm. Shipman, night clerk at the Mt. Hood hotel, got a letter from his folks at Monett, Mo., stating that the straw .berr crop was all right at that place. jMoiiett is near Sarcoxie and ships about ;as many berries as the latter place. , Mr. and Mrs. Frank Noble and their little boy came up from Beaverton Wednesday. They will remain here a week to have some improvements made tto their dwelling houseand will return iie.re about the first of June for good. Eurnette E. Duncan finished planting tea aires of apple orchard on his Last Side farm last week. He set 200 Ben Davis,250 Spitzenberg and 300 Yellow Newtowns. lie is well pleased with his trees bought of 11. C. Buteham and H. S. Galligan. Mrs. C. J. Hayes.last Friday.returned from Portland," where she had been nursing her daughter, Mrs.L. S.Wright, who is badly atllieted with rheumatism. rfrJhe brought her daughter home with tier and the invalid is gradually im improving. J. R. Nickeluen of the City Blacksmith shop, is making extensive improvements. His new building will inclose a part of the blacksmith shop, and altogether he will have a building of 90 feet fronting on Fourth street. He will now have plenty of room for his Increasing busi ness. H. L. Howe returned on Monday to Ids duties as chief clerk in the United ;States land office at Burns, Oregon. Mr. Howe has made good use of his va cation and has planted an orchard of 300 apple tress on his homestead in the Baldwin settlement. His family will live on the homestead this coming sum mer. The Prather Investment Company made five sales of real estate last week, among them 40 acres of Chas.Chandler's place to Capt. H. T. Atwood of Boston, lor $3,500. The captain has been a sea faring man and has sailed to all parts of the world. He will build a barn on his purchase at once and later will build a dwelling and make it his home. rink Saddlemier, a friend of F. M. Amen, who ha a band of cattle ou the John Day river has recently had a $300 saddle made by Victor Manlen of The Dalles. The saddle is decorated with large buttons of pure silver and the U-ather parts are beautifully engraved. The bridle that goes with the saddle cost $75 and the spurs $25. The horse that carries such trappings as these should be pardoned for bucking. A photo of the saddle was left at the Gla cier office by Mr. Amen. The bodv of Mrs. Sauer, who die! in October, ltW, and was buried on her land on the Eat Side, near Booth hill, was exhumed Wednesday of last week hv S. K. Bartmess and buried in ldlewilde cemetery, where her two sons bought a lot. It will be re membered that the body of this woman was taken from S. fc. Bartmess un dertaking rooms in the early morning, while Mr. Bartmess and family lept and was taken to th raneh and buried ijr the brother of deceased. Uncle Oliver Bartmess fell in the river while fishing on Tuesday. He went in over his head, but being good swimmer came out all right, and came home with "fisherman's luck." Uncle Oliver is nearly 83 years old but doesn't ask any odds of any one in climbing or descending the bluffs along Hood river when he goes fishing. It was rather a cold day to take a bath in the ice cold waters of Hood river, but a little thing like that doesn't worry Uncle Oliver. Bernard Jakway of Portland was in town Sunday. Mr. Jakway is chief clerk in the store of J. G. Mack & Co. He recently located a homestead in the White Salmon country, near Husum, where he expects to locate and some day become an apple king in that section which will rival Hood River in the pro duction of the king of fruits. M. P. Isenberg has a 13 foot well with an unlimited suppiy of water. He wants to know if he canH build a water tank elevated 25 feet, and from this tank sup ply a water motor to lift water from the well into the tank to run the motor and keep the tank full. Will some one kindly give him the information. A thunder storm visited Hood River last Monday afternoon. The precipita tion came in the shape of hail, and in a few minutes the ground was white. Boys were out coasting on the sidewalks, and an hour after the . hail fell they were snow-balling with the hail that rolled from the roofs. A good many strangers are in Hood River looking for work. They came about four weeks ahead of time. The season for hoeing berries and setting plants is about over, and there will be no demand for labor till shipments of berries commence, which will be in about four weeks. The season is very late. L. G. Pyatt came over from White Salmon, Tuesday, to procure a coffin of S. E. Bartmess for Mrs. John Hoffman, who died Tuesday morning of dropsy at the Hoffman home about seven miles out from White Salmon. The family came from the Willamette valley last fall. H,. S. Richmond of Mt. Hood brought down a load of apples Monday for ship ment to Portland. He left a plate of samples in Crowell's store window that make your mouth water to look at. They are Gano and Yellow Newtowns and are fine specimens. Measuring worms are causing damage to cherry, apricot and prune trees at Vacaville, Cal.' Orchardists there have caught on to G. W. Mcintosh's plan for fighting the codlin, moth and are placing tangle-foot fly-paper around the base of the trees. The first regular meeting of the Has salo Commercial Club will be held .in the club rooms May 6th, at 8 o'clock p. m. All members of the old Hassalo club as well as members of the Hassalo Commercial club are requested to be present. James A. Tate will speak at the U. B. church this Thursday evening under the auspices of the Hood River prohibition alliance. Mr. Tate has a national repu tation as an orator, and wilt undoubted ly be greeted by a crowded house. Free. S. H. Cox, on Mon-iay, commenced to build three cottaees for Mrs. Alma Howe. They will be located in the edge of the orchard, south and west of the main house. The cottages are already rented for the summer. H. C. Bateham left at this office a sample of what he thinks is Reed Cana ry crass that has already in this late season grown to a height of five feet, It grows well on svampy land and is iixea oy an Kinas of stock. Friday & Barnes sold on Monday 40 acres belonging fa C. L. - Rogers on Willow Flat to O. T . Smith, considera tion $800. Mr. Siu ith has leased the Hibbard place r¢ly sold to Mr. Keating. F. Eggert was up from Portland Sat urday and went out to Eggermont. Jas. Parker will manage the farm the coming season, and Mrs. Seymour - will have charge of the house. H. Prieire on Mon dav sold 80 acres of the York place to 11 ugh A. Moore, lately from Kansas, for $1,050. Mr. Prigge bought the 100 at-jrus lost August for $075. A very large audience was present at the U. B. church last Sunday eve.iing. The special music w as the subject; of many complimentary remarks. Mrs. Shelley and Mrs. Park of I'jOS Angeles, Cal., who ihave been visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Hopkins, returned to their homos Wednesday. The office of Davenport Bros, in town, in charge of Frank Davenport, jr., is in me room aujo.iuttg jviuuuire firos. meat market. John and J. B. Dintmick of Mt. Hood were in town Wednesday on their way home from a visit to their sister at Chenoweth. Wanted A lady clerk, one who under stands book keeping. Good wages. Ap ply to a. v. Jackson, Wall t aper Em porium. Ash & Co. of the Paris Fair store are moving into Judge liyrkett's house, re cently vacated by the family of C. F. waiuo. Robert Craig of St. Paul! Minn., who has been in Hood River for the past two or three, weeks, wont to Portland Tues day. , O. D. Rea went to Portland on Wed nesday to undergo a two-week's treat ment for a malignant sore on his neck. L. Hammond, traveling man for the Tradesman and Commercial Record of Portland, was in town Monday. Miss Martha McLean of Vancouver, Wash., has accepted u situation as clerk at the Wall Paper Emporium. ,V. J. Baker bored a tubular "well on his place, and on Wednesday at ruck a good flow of water at 42 feet. Strawberry growers are hauling out berry crates every day. Looks like our harvest was near at hand. v C. D. Thompson has a 'piece of ground he wants to lease to some one to grow potatoes this season. Mrs. Elixa Billings has had her two houses at Oak and Front streets newly roofed and painted. S. L. Pollock died April 30, 1902. Fu neral tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. Private. Mrs. A. L. Farker came up from Port land Saturday and returned home, Sun- dav. Mrs. Sarah Cline of Bourbon. Indiana. is visiting her niece, Mrs. H. C. 8 haffer. Lost A new silk umbrella. Finder will please leave at the Glacier oft ice. James E. Hanna and daughter Flor ence went to i'ortlanu Tuesday. Hear James A. Tate at U. B. church this Thursday evening. The barber's union publish a price iisi in auoiner column. Good saddle horse for sale. Int uire oi nauue marknam. t ttt i i i i Mrs. Sue Adams is sick with a bad case of grip. Read the marshal's notice ami oav your aogiax. Wm. Orser of Chenoweth waa in tovn ednesday. The Tucker Power Com pair. Articles incorporating tha Tucker Power Company, with its priucipal place of business at Hood Riwr 'aave been filed with the county clerk. The pur posesot the corporation are to acquire and operate water and electric power plants and engage in msjinfacturing business. The capital uc'i is $75,000 and the ineorraU)rH are B. R. Tucker, W. A. Slingerland, J. J. Orofut, G. W. Long and I. H. Bingham. B. R. Tucker has mild his water pow er to the new company, which ill be osed for generating electricity. The new company will be prepared to furnish electricity for light in Hoc River and for all kinds of manufacturwg projects. A flouring mill, to be lor ia town, will be one of the enttryrirs inaugu rated by tha new com pan. Canby Post,G. A. R, Canby post had a good meeting last Saturday. Thomas Goss, who1 recently came from Columbus, Wash., was ad mitted to membership. Mr. Goss served over foHr years in the 14th Wisconsin during the civil war. a committee consisting of E. D. Calkins, S. F. BlDthe. A. 8. Blowers. J. B. Kand and W. H Perry, was appointed to make arrangements for memorial services on the Sunday preceding Memorial day and for the exercises on that day. After the post adjourned the members were invited into the room of the Keiiel corps and treated to a lunch of coffee, sand wiches, pork and beans, bread arid but ter, pies and cake. The loyal ladies of the Relief Corps can serve a lunch fit for the gods. Old soldiers in Hood Riv er who are not members of Candy post, and those members who do not attend, do not know what they miss. The ladies of Canby Relief Corps are doing all in their power to keep up interest in and help the post, and they have earned the gratitude of every member. The members of the post are now agitating the question of going to the state en campment at Astoria in a body. The encampment will be held on the 4th, 5th and 6th of June dates that will con flict with our strawberry (harvest, but most of the comrades have pledged them selves to go and take their wives if noth ing more than business prevents. Can by post has at least one dozen past com manders, who will have a. seat in the en campment, besides two delegates elected. All members who can go to the encamp ment are asked to notify the adjutant. Reduced rates will be secured. Memorial Services. The committee appointed by Canby post, G. A. R., to make arrangements for memorial services met Tuesday afternoon. . , On motion of Blower, Rev. II. C. Shaffer was asked to deliver the memo rial sermon, assisted by all the home ministers, on the Sunday preceding Memorial day, May 25th, at 11 o'clock a. m. The church members are asked to provide the music. The post and Relief Corps and sons of veterans will form at the A. O. U. W. hall Sunday morning at 10:30 and march to the church. Memorial day, the procession will form at the gate of ldlewilde cemetery at 2 o'clock. Everybody invited to par ticipate and bring flowers. Memorial services by the Grand Army will be carried out at the graves according to the ritual. Hon. James A. Tate. The people of this community have a rare treat offered them. James A. Tate of Nashville, Tenn., the secretary of the national prohibition committee, and well known as a great leader of the' prohi bition party, is to speak in the U. B. church this Thursday evening, May 1st Of Mr. Tate the Indianapolis, Ind. Sen tinel once said: "Mr. James A. Tate of Tennessee, one of the youngest delegates in the convention, but of unusual prom ise, took the floor and made one of the great speeches of the convention." Our Teachers In Vacation. Mrs. Margaret Reid commenced a term of school on Monday in one of the Mosier districts. Mrs. Shaw is now in Portland, but will return to Hood River tomorrow and may conduct a private school during the Bummer months. Miss Kate Davenport, who is now at her home in Mosier, will visit in Port land till July and then go to the coast for the season. Miss Madge Warren is at her home in Hood River. Miss White is teaching school at Eight Mile. Principal C. D. Thompson will make a visit to hiB old home at Corvallis and will then put in his time on his ranch till the strawberry shipments commence, when he will take his old position with the Davidson Fruit Co. . High Class Short Horn Bull Sale. R. C. Judson, industrial agent of the O. R. & N. Co., having been instru mental in arranging for a grand sale of some eighty high-class Short Horn bulls to take place at Colfax, Wash., May 8, 1002, tickets will be on sale at O. R. & N. ticket offices, May 7th, to Colfax and return at one and one-third fare for round trip. Rate from Hood River, $11.20. This offers to intending pur chasers a rare chauce to make advan tageous selections. A. N. HOAR. Stand Like a Stone Wall . Between your children and the tortures of itching and burning eczema, scald- hetvd or other skin diseases. How? why by using Bucklen's Arnica Salve, earth's .atpHt. heiiler. Quickest, cure for nl- cers, levers sores, salt rheum,cuts, burns or bruises. iniauiDie lor piles, zoe at Chas. N. Clarke's drug store. Expert timber men say that there is yet a vast amount of choice timber lands equal to anything yet taken in the country north ana northwest of uoi dendale. Just why our people fail to take hold of this land is a puzzle. It is easily worth from $800 to $2,000 per quarter section wnen aeeuea, ana costs about $400 to buy it outright. Probably our people are waiting until an Eastern syndicate comes in and gobbles the best of it, as a company did on the Big Klickitat last summer. Another large firm, from the Sound country, is work ing the Cedar valley this spring and it is stated that some 50 or 60 claims will be taken by them during April and May in that section and this side of the mountain from that valley. Probably, after it is too late, our people will take a "tumble,"and realize that they have missed a good thing. One of our citi zens informs us that there is vacant land with close to 3,000,000 feet of good tim ber on some quarter sections. This land can be bought outright at $2.50 per acre; or can be taken .as homesteads. Goldendale Sentinel. An exchange eays that the people who need religion are: The man who left his horse stand out in tha cold all day without a blanket on; the man who growls like a wild beast when his wife asks him for money ; the woman who is not what she ought to be; the minister who is looking for an easier place and a higher salary ; the man who walks the street with his bands in his pockets, while his wife carries the baby; the man who keeps a dog and says he can't afford to take the home paper. It is more profitable to keep a few hens in a large house than to keep a large flock in a small house. Church Notices. United Brethren Church. Sunday school at 10 a. in. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7::KI p. m. C. K. at ":'M p. m. Prayer service every Wed nesday vhhiii at 7::. titrangcra In (he oily will be cordially welcomed. H. V. Hliader, paatnr. Unitarian Service. Rev. W. O. Eliot, Jr., will preach In A. U. IT. W. hall nvxt Sunday, at 11 a. m. Hunjeei, "Life and Work of Kd ward Everett Hale.4' Valley rhrlntlan rhurch.-Sundh.v tfa-hool, 1 a. in. Preaching, II a. m. C K., 7.-UP p. m. Preaching at 8.11 p. m. All not worahippliig elaewtiere are cordially Invited to theae aer vleea. J. W. Jenkina, pastor. Congregational Chnreta. Hervleea at usual hour, vis, Sunday Hchool at 10 a. m. Preach ing service wit h worship at 11 a. m.. Junior K.,.1 p. m. K. 7:14 p. m. Midweek meeting Wednesday evening. J. U. Hershner, pastor. Korn. In Hood River. April W. W0J. to Mr. ai.d Mrs. James W. Taylor, a daughter. , Married. la HiwdKiver. April 24, 1W3, at ItM resi dence 0 M. M. KusM'll, Ix-e T. ( Kiell and Miss Adeline Savers; Kev. Krank R. spauldiim Deiallng. lnlc a numner of relative and Invited gueata were present, and there were anaav present. A wedding breakfast waa ereed. Diesl. Near ai.trnlncstde. Alberta, at the home of WlllMMa Tm ker, on Krtday. March ri. Iwti, frmn mebrnetMis rroup Rdwiv Kveretl, 00 1 v sttn 4 atr. and Mr. C. I. Hayoer. The tluie aVIlov arasS years and month old and wm barn at Monkl.iod, Dregoo. Xear While Salmon. Wsk, April SB, Mrs, John HolTmau. aired ! years, lleceased arm v (Si a auaafeand aad arreral children. STORE Shoes. Late arrivals in newest and prettiest spring and summer styles. Among tbem are our patent kid "'Lewis Heel" and our patent kid Sandal. Patent kid is good if you get the right kind. .Piew stock ot "Julia Marlowe" just in. Dis. 76 always in stock and always in demand. Ladies' Kid Gloves. New supply of the famous Aywon and Sorosis at $1.00. ' Always praised by our customers. They never disappoint r. Hosiery. A complete stock of the well known K Toe brand for ladies, gentlemen, boys and girls. ; . Waists. Ladies' fine White Waists, elegant styles, $1.00 up. THE PEOPLE'S STORE. STORE NEWS. SIXTY-SECOND SATURDAY SURPRISE SALE. TOWELS 18x32 fringed Turkish TowelB 5 cents each. Ladies' fancy lace front Hosiery, very stylish, per pair . . .'. 25c Ladies' tailor-made Underwear, up-to-date garments . ., 25c . The Marlowe Hose Supporter, satin finished 25c R. & G. don't stand for rich and good, but it represents perfection in Cor sets. They are a little bit better than anything else you can get. Ask those who wear them. We have a new lot just in a year's wear for $1.00. SHIRT WAISTS We have our new Waists on display. The newest crea tions in white and colors, in Linen, Lawn, Chambray, Percale and Gingham. They're all tailor made, and are the very latest styles, from 75c to $1.60. Come and see them. Men's Summer Shirts A fine lot of Madras cloth, soft collar Shirts in pret ty pink and blue stripes. They're a mighty fine shirt for the money each 50c. Gents and ladies' Linen Collars, a new lot of the latest styles just in, 10, 15 and 20c. Washboards, Tubs, Fails, Mops, Brooms, Brushes, Baskets, and hundreds of household articles Little prices. ' THE LITTLE STORE WITH LITTLE PRICES. Dallas" Corner tONE r PRICE l ALL. The UptoDate Store Is alive to the fact that now the Underwear season Is on. That is to say, the time when the winter weights are laid by and the average person seeks something lighter and more in keeping with the balmy days of spring. Well, we have what you are looking for. It matters not to us what THAT may be. We show ladies' sleeveless Vests from 5c to 50c ; children's long sleeve and sleeveless garments; infants' sleeveless Vests. A full line of child ren's fine wool garments always here. Muslin Underwear of every de scription; nice, clean, well made, full sized garments, made in well ven tilated modern mills by up-to-date workmen and trimmers. Our line of Hosiery ia something to be proud of; not so much the ' large and well selected variety as the very elaborate reduction from reg ular prices. We guarantee the color of any hose we sell, and we sell them from 5c to 75c. Wis have the right goods, and our hosiery and Un derwear departments have some very complimentary remarks cast at them. We don't want any one dissatisfied, hence our system of always crowding all the value we can into every 5c piece spent here. . Men's Underwear is here in every desirable garment made, from 25c to the fine imported worsteds at $1,50. A glance through our line costs you NOTHING but may SAVE you considerableonyourspring purchases.- We sell good bundle Socka for men, 50c per dog, and all along the line our prices correspond with the ideas of the most economical shopper. A beautiful line of Fancy Socks at prices that will astonish the hardiest. And these goods are pro perl v shaped, colored fast and rightly si?ed. We handle ONLY RELIABLE "goods. , New Neckwear, New Shirts, New Hats, New Hosiery, New Shoes. Respectfully yours, FRANK A. CRAM; Men's and Boys' Clothing OUR specialty. THEGENERALSTORE 18 Pta lo bbj All in iilifiL We endeavor to anticipate the wants of the people and keep our stock complete. . . Our Grocery stock is kept clean and fresh and the quality guaran teed first class. -' We carry Hardware, Tinware, 'Granite and Forcelain Ware, Crockery, Glassware and Lamps, Cutlery, Fishing Tackle and Ice Cream Freezers. , Also, Dry Goods, Clothing, Boot arid Shoes. We pay the highest market price fur Butter, Eggs ami Farm Produce. ALL GOODS MARKED IX PLAIN FIGURES. UptoDate Millinery. We have Pattern Hats unsurpassed in design, unapproached in price. Our stock of ready-to-wear and Street Hats include every thing new and novel. . . 1 Special Sale on Ganleii M, 25 cents. Mme. ABBOTT. SYRACUSE Plows, Harrowsand Cultivators, all styles AT City Blacksmith Shop. J. R. NICKELSEN, Proprietor, You buy the Syracuse you buy the best. NEWS. Men's fine Bilk front ghirts at $1.10. Excellent quality. Bicycles. Rambler. 135: Columbia. 40. Also, first-class cycles for rent at most reasonable prices. If you need a bicycle, we can fit. you out from $25 up. Reliable kinds only. Will give you better installment terms than Portland and always a square deal. Royal Suits. About now is a good time to order. It will soon be time to "git into" a new suit. Fine sunny days suggest it, and your best girl expects it. We have a fine large and growing list of patrons, and we are bound to please you. Know our methods and low prices. Ladies' tailor-made skirts a specialty. They are faultless in workmanship, quality, style, fit, and the "hang" is right. ; a fine towel at a very little price J. E. RAND. THE Am) S. C. Brown Leghorns. KgK from pen headed by cock wlilcb took first premium 2 yeara in succession at Port land, Ore. 11.(10 per aettiDg of 18 etrsrs. Katia factlun guaranteed. K. A. FRANZ. EDHA MEAT MARKET. McGuire Bros, d DEALERS IN Fresh and Cured Meats, Lard, Poultry, Fruits and Vegetables. Free Delivery. Phone 35. -NEW- FEED STORE At my place, on 'lie MU Hood road, one. nine aouiii oi lown, i nave openea a r lour and Feed Store. No need now to baul your feed up the big hill from town when you can buy of me at bottom prices. t mart2 D. F. LAMAR. Contractor and Builder Plans and EstImatks Furnished. S. H. COX. Timber Livnd, Apt June 3, 178.1 NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. United States Land Oltlpe.Vanconver.Wash., April 2, 1HUZ Nolle Is hereby given that lu complfunee with the provisions of the act of ooiiKresaof June 3. 1878, entitled an aet for the sale of Umber lands In the Statesof California. Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory, aN extended lo all the public laud slates by aet of August 4, 18!I2, FATK1CK RKARDON, of PineFlat.eounty of KlleklUit.slate of Wash ington, liax this day riled In this olilce bis sworn statement, No. 2f0tt, for the purchase of the south northwest and west south west section No. 1:1 In township No. 4 north, range No. 11 east, W. At., and will oiler proof to show that the laud sought Is more valutible for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish bis claim to said land before the Register and Re ceiver of III Is office at Vancouver, Wash., on Tuesday, tlie 17th day of June, 1H02. , He names as witnesses: Jacob M. I.ocke, Monroe Locke, John (1. Ferry and Edward Perry, all of Pine Kl-.t, Wash. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their clHlms In this oltice on or before said 17 th day of June, lwti. all,el3 W. R. DUNBAR, Register. ITiiuber Land, Act June 8, 1878.) NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States LandOltlce,Vancouver, Wash., April 2, 1902. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of congress of J une 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the States of Cal ifornia, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all the public land slates by act of August 4. 1S92, JULIAN SMITH, of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of Oregon, has this day tiled In this office hiB sworn statement, No. 2407, for the purchase of the east x southeast section No. 1 In town ship No. 4 north, range No. 12 east, W. M., and will oiler proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this ollice at Van couver, Wash,, on Wednesday, the 18th day June, 1902. lie numeB as witnesses: George E. Moore, Homer W. Moore. William Reihlefsen and Charles Bacon, all of Lyle, Wash. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims In this office on or before said 18th day of June, 1902. alljel3 W. R. DUNBAR, Register. HOMESTEAD CONSOLIDATED NO TICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at the Dalles, Oregon, Aprils, 1902. Notice Is hereby given that the following-named settlers have Hied notice of Inten tion to make final proof on their respective claims before the Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Monday, May 19, 1902, viz: GEORGE HARRISON, of Mosier, Oregon, on homestead application No 5728, for the south sou 111 we t yt and southwest i southeast section 4, and north west northeast L section 9, township 1 north, range 11 east, w M VINCENT C. YOUNG, of Mosier, Oregon, on homestead application No 54titt, for the south southeast section 28 and south soulhwest M section 27, town ship 2 north, range 11 east. W M GEORGE IRELAND, of Mosier, Oregon, on homestead application No 5M0, for the north northwest section H4 and north northeast . section 33, town ship 2 north, range 11 east, w M Witnesses: George Ireland, John Evans, V C Young and George Harrison, all of Mosier, Oregon. allmld JAY P. LUCAS, Register. Timber Land, Act. June 3, 1878. NOTICE SOU PUBLICATION. United States Ijind Office, Vancouver, Wash.. March 12, 1902. Notice Ib hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the states of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all the public land states by act of August 4, 1892, LOUISA A. LANG WORTHY, of Portland, ooquty of Multnomah, state of Oregon, has tills day filed in this olHue her sworn statement, No. 2:190, for t he purchase of the north southeast northeast south west yA and southeast northwest i of sec tion No 14, in township No. 4 north, range No. 10 east, W. M., and will oiler proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for it timber or stone than for agricultural fiurposes, and to establish her 'claim to said and before the Register and Reccivcr-of this otfice at Vancouver, Wash., on Wednesday, the 2sth day of May, 1902. She names as witnesses: Robert F. Cox, Al bert W. Lobdell, J. F. Cox aud J. V. Peels, all of Portland, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims In this office on or before said 28th day of May, 1902. in21in23 W- K. DUNBAR, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. f Jtnd office at Vancouver, Wash., April 19, 1902. Not ice Is hereby given that the following-named settler has Bled notice of his In tention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before W. H. Presby, United Ktatws Commissioner for district of Washington, at his office In Golrienilale, Washington, on Tuesday, June 21, 1902, vl: CHRISTIAN ECKERT, Homestead Entry No. 9928, for the southeast of the southwest of section 30, and east y, of the northwest and lot 1, section 31, town ships north of range 11 east, W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of, said land, vis: Nels Olson, John Wyder, John Jost and Harry Bellinger, all of Trout fjike, Wash. a26m30 W. R. DUNBAK. Register. Timber Land, Act June 3. 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, Vancouver, Wash., April 24. 1902. Notice la hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of congress of June 8, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands lu the states of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington territory," as extended to all the public land states by act of August 4, 1802, NELLIE D. WILLIAMS, of Hoqnlam, county of Chehalla, slate of Washington, has this day filed In this office ber sworn statement, No. 2442, for the pur chase of the north yt southeast ti, southwest y northeast section No. 19, ana northwest y. southwest V section No,20,ln township No.S north.range No.l0east,w M, and will otter proof to snow mat me lana Bougat ia more vaiuaole for Its timber or stone than for agricultural lurpoaes, and to establish her claim to said and before the Register and Receiver of thla office at Vancouver. Waah on Thursday, tlie 10th day ufJuly, 1902. She names as witnesses: Charles P. Reed of Hoqularn, Wash,; James F.Cox of Trout 1 .ake, Wah.: Robert F. Cox and Albert W. Lobdell of Portland, Oregon. And JOHN 11. KOHTER, of Hood River, county of Wasco, state of Oregon, naa mis day niea in mis omce his sworn statement. No. 2443. for the pur chase of the northwest yt southwest of section No. x lot i: aouineast 4, nortneasi and northeast southeast of aection No, 8 In township No. 8 north, range No. W east, Willamette Meridian, and will olfer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable ftr lu limber or atone thau for agricultural purpoaea, and to establish his claim to aald land before the Register and Receiver of thla office at Vancouver, Wash., on Thursday, the loth day of July, 1902. He names aa wit nesaea: William Kranklln of Hood River, Oregon: and Frank Young, James F. Cox and Albert W. Lobdell of Port land, Oregon. Any aud all persona claiming adversely the above-deacrtbed lands are requested to file their claims In this office on or before aald 10th day of July, 1902. may2jy4 W. It DUNBAR, Register. For Sale or Lease. 130 att In Motion M, 1 X., 10 K., near dam In frv-M Fork: nan valtitthle timber, nlopin orvimnt Ittnd mid about acre of bottom land, 39 ktn In K. quarter N. K. quarter, wee. M. 8 X., 10 an Minn town, vast f river. Has about tl acree of bem-a land: several arm of nlope available fir orchard. Township Tttmi pauawn through this laud. LoU 5 and , blnrk F, HKd River; M-. Very little cash mjulred from purrhawra. Income, not ready caut, deired by, owner. Ka.y arransremeriU aout tiinuer to aid ka d fraviiMC com of clearing and planting. 1 1 qutr of oKU. T. i'KATHLlt, Hood Kiver, Money Talks' And, Talks for Your Benefit If you do your trading with us a trial will convince you. We want your trade and are willing to make it an object for you to do business with us. bone & Mcdonald. If You are in the Market For a Wagon, a Hack or a Buggy, or anything in the line of Farm Implements, see Mcdonald & henrich. They will fit you out and make you prices that defy compstitioni DAVIDSON Largest Shippers of Hood River's Famous Fruits. Sole asrents for Canton Une ( hilled Plows, wteel Plows. Timber Plows, Har rows and Cultivahu;, all styles. Ktudebaker Wagons and Vehicles, Pomona Hpray Pumps, Iaud Plaster and Fertilizers. Hales agents for Planet Jr Drills and Cultivators. Waucoma Manufacturing) SHOP WORK A1SPECIALTY. r spsf v- F. P. FRIDAY. FRIDAY & BARNES, REAL ESTATE; Insurance,' Abstracting, Mortgages, etc. If you have property to sell, list it with us. Officein the brick . store on Oak street. S. IE. aBaIESTnIESS, FURNITURE ft The young man loves the young woman ) a a at n a i ! -.y f FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER. 8. E. BARTMESS. Books Magazines Stationery Job Printing at BRADLEY'S BOOK STORE. ' rsxacxz ur line of STATIONERY and Comprises the Latest Styles and Qualities. We also have an extensive collection of Mr. L. Bradley's Magnificent Hood River and . Columbia River Scenes, than which no more beautiful or acceptable gift could be made. Your patronage respectfully solicited, EI. R. BRADLEY, The Prather Investment Co., The Reliable Real Estate Agents. HOOD RIVER, OREGON. Aiistracts, Conyeyancing, Real Estate, Money to Loan,liiSuTece. Lots and Blocks for Sale. Taxes paid for non-residents. Township Plats and Blanks in stock. Telephone 51. 1 Correspondence solicited. Timber Land, Aot June S, 1ST8. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United State Ijnd Office, Vancouver, Wash., March 4, mi Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of oonnreaa of June 8, 1H7H, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the states of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington territory," aa extended to all the public land statea by act of August 4, larj, RUDOLPH HEYTINU, Of Gilmer, county of Klickitat, state of Wash Ington.hasthlsday filed In thlsolllcehlssworn statement. No. for the purchase of the east halt southwest quarter, and southwest quarter aouthwml quarter of section No. at. In townrb.il Noiiiirth,rangeNo.llest,W.M., and will oilVr proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for iutlmlieror stone than for agricultural purpose, and to estab lish his -1111111 to said land before the Register and Receiver of thisufficeat Vancouver, Wash., on Tuesday, the anih day of May, mu. Henameaaa witnesses: Louta Dllilnger of Gilmer, Wash.; Job W. Jonna of White Kal mon. Wash.; Peter Ortelg of Gilmer, Wash.; and Herman Palmer of Kulda, Wash. Any and all persona claiming adversely the abnve-dewrltifd lands are requested to tile their claims In this ofQoe on ur before said Juth day of May, mUrahf W. K, DUNBAR, Register. Timber Land. Aot June S, 1X78.1 NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. United Hi a le Ind Office, Vancouver, Wash., April 14, lWi-Notlee la hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of congress of June S, 187H, entitled "An aet for the sale of timber landa In the Hiatea of California, Oregon, Nevada and W ashington Territory' aa extended to all the public land states by act of August 4. Iwrj, KKITZ KNUKLHARD. of Mill City, county of , aisle of Oregon, has this day filed In this oltice his aworn la lenient. No. 241, for the purchase of the kits 1 and i. and Mi of NK and NE of HE'i of s.-4'tion I, In township No. 6 nopih, rinse No. 10 east, W. M and will oiler pnsif to show that the laud sought la more valuable for lu timber or atone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to aald land before the Kegtitcr and Receiver of this office at Vancouver, Wash., on Monday, the 7ih day of July, Imci. He nature as wttnewmK: Rino rt K. Cox and Allien W. lobdcll, of Portland. Oregon; Rob ert H. ltanforth ol Mill City, Oregon; Waldo R. lialchof Pon land, Oregon. Any and all per-ams claiming adversely the above-dearritied land, are requested to file their claims In this office on or before aald 7lb day of July, 10. aljcJU w.K. DUXBAR, Register. Land for Saie. I. Everhart has S aerea of land. S'i mllca from town, neavr Belmont, on which la l.'al tamrinr fruif In.'. -Jlz - - .1 t Sarre bi- rw, rupherriea and clover, etc. Inquire on prvnusmor at al I, v k u u a ni-a wrt . i t- ' -.... a ciuiiU FRUIT GO. Sales Agents fof Planet Jp Drills AND CULTIVATORS Our shop now has everyjfacilityifor turning out first-class work in the line of MOLDINGS, PORCH COLUMNS BRACKETS, BAND SAWING, PLANING, TURNING, DOORS, WINDOWS, SASH, SHlP LAP, FLOORING, RUSTIC, DIMENSION LUMBER, Etc. Cl Us by Phonb. F. B. BARNES, Notary Public. Writing DeedsJLeases, hat a bis Dusineaa. The young woman loves the young man ) - 1 hat s her business. The young man and young woman get married ; That's the preacher's business. They will need furniture, carpets, wall paper and building material That's mv business. AQKHCTl THE OREOONIAN EVENING TELEGRAM WRITING HATERIALSJ Blacksmithing And wagon repairing attended to promptly at my shop on the M L Hood road, south of town. Good work at reasonable prices. aepH o. A. HOWELU Peanut Hciister.- We have a peanut Roaster of latest patera and can supply our customers with the beat quality of peauuta, fresh roasted every day, Sample them. POLE GRAHAM. NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, March IS, 1IKU. Notice la hereby given that the follow Ing named aetller has filed notice of hi Intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that aald proof will be made before Geo. T. Praam-, V. H. Com missioner, at Hood River, Oregon, on Satur day, May 3, 1902, vli: JOHN GIBBOJJH, of Hood River. Oregon, H. E No. WTO, for the) south west quarter aection a, township 2 north, range 10 east, W. M. ' He names the following wltneaaes to prnva bis continuous residence upon and cultlvir tlon of said land, via: Alfred Ingalls, C. J. Hayes, Geo. Rorden and Frank Davenport, all of Hood River, Oregon. mm JAY P. LUCAS, Regl.ter. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Ind Office at Vancouver, Waah.,March 21, WW. Notice ia hereby given that the following-named settler baa filed notice of bis In tention to make final proof In aupport of hi claim, and that aald proof will be made before the Keglster and Receiver U. . Land Office at Vancouver, Washington, on Tuea day, MayS, IWJtt, via: RALPH BUHWELL, of Pine Flat P. O., Washington. H. E. No. UMM) for the east half of north weal quarter and east half of soulhwest quarter of section 21, in townships north of range II east, W.M. He names the following witnesses to prove hie contlnuoaa residence upon and cultivation of, aald land, via: John P. Egen. John Kgen, O. E. White and Q. Rath, all of W hite Salmon P. O- W'aah. rnmi W. R. IH'NBAR, Register. Dissolution Notice. We, the nnderalgned, hereby mutually agree with each other aa lollowm: That we have allied all account between ourselves) pertaining to the buaineaa of the firm of Jack aon Kirehaugh: H. C. Jackson Is to aaaume all liabilities of aald firm and collect all sv eouutadue the firm, and carry on the baal nnat, W. A. Klrebaugh to retire from Ua firm-front this date. Dated at Hood River, Or., April It, lata. ' rJAMUEL ?. JACKMO.H. W. A. FIREBACGH. For Sale. Team of homes, about EH0 pounds, and SH Mitchell truck, good as new. He Ml GEO. T. PRATHER. V