ZL 65 "ITS A COLD DAY WHEN WE GET LEFT." VOL. XIII. HOOD RIVER, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1902. . HO. 50. HOOD RIVER GLACIER 1'iihlisheil Every Friday by N. K. KLVTHK. Terms ( subscription- 11.50 a year when paiil In advance. TIIK MAILS. The mall arrives fro rn Ml. Hood at 10 o'clock a. m. Weilnesilnys and Saturdays; departs the same days at noon. For Chenoweth, leaves at ft a. in. Tnesilays, Thursdays and Hatnriliiys: arrives attf p. m. For White Ralinnn (Wash.) lea ves daily al6:4.i a. m.; arrives at 7:1' p. in. From White Salmon leaves for Fulda, Gilmer, Trout Lake and (ilenwood daily at A. M. For Biiiki'H (Wash.) leaves at 'r.iii p. in. i ar rives at 2 p. m. StKlKTim. IAl'KKI, KKI1KKAH lii'.MtKB I.OIMiK, No i ST, I. O. (I. V. Meets first and third Mon days in each month. Miss I I'TIK F.ntkicas, N. (J. 11. J. IHubabii, Secretary. 1ANRY POST. No. 16, . A. K -Meets at A. j (. V. W. Hall second and fourth Katurilavs of each month ai - o'clock p. m. All fi. A. K. members invited to meet witii us. J. W. Hii.hv. commander. ('. J. IUyhs, Adiiilam. (UNBV W. R. r., No. 16 Meets first Matitr ) day of each mouth In A. O. V. W. hall at J p. in. .Mrs. B. F. Shckmakkr, President. Mas. O. L. htrakahan, Secretary. HOOD KIVKR I.OIMIK No. 1U5. A. F. and A M. Meets Saiurdny ovenlnir on or before each full moon. Wm. M. Yatks, W. M. C. 1). Thompson, Secretary. li 001) KIVKR CHA1TKK, No. 'J7, R. A. M.- Meets third Friday nlKlit of each month. r. i- smith, n. r. A. N. Rahm, Secretary. HOOD RIVKIt CHAI'TKK, No. 2S, ). K. 8. Meels second aid fourth Tuesday even ings of each month. Visitors coidlally wel comed. Ma. Mi h. I. ik I'. (dl.R, W. ,M. Mas. Majiv 1J. Daviimon, Secretary. 0LKTA ASHKMHI.Y Xo. 103. flniled Artisans, -fleets firs! and thud Wednesdays, work; second and fourth Wednesday social; Arti sans hall. F. ('. Hmisns, M. A. Fbkd Cut, Secretary. TAUOOMA I.OIMiK, No. Ml, K. of P.-Meets in A. O. li. W . hall everv '1 uesdav niRliu C. K. .Markham, ('. V. Wm. Haynes. K. of R. & H. RIVERSIDE I.OllCK, No. lis, A. O. 1', Vt Meels first and third Saturdays of each in i in t h . Fkkii Howk, W, M. (iKO. T. PiUTHEK, Financier. IDI.EWII.DK I.OIWiE, No. 107, 1. O O. F Meets in Fraternal hall every Thursday night. 1.. K. Morhk, N. (i, J. li. IlKNDKitsoN, Secretary. HOOD RIVER TKNT, No. 19, K . O. T. M., meets at A. O. U, W. hall on the first and third Fridays of each month. Wai.tkb (Ikhkino, Commander. IsIVFRHIDE LODCK NO. 40,, DEGREE OF i HONOR. A. O. U. W. -Meets first and third Saturdays at 8 P. M. .Mrs. E. It. Bradley, C. ot H. Lena Evans, Keeouli r. HOOD RIVER CAMP, No. 7,7a!, M. W. A., meets in Odd Fellows' Hall tjio Hrst and thud Wednesdays of each month. , F. I.. Davidson, V. C. . R. Bradley, Clerk. ANOIENT'ORDER OF THE RED CROSS. Hood River Lodnc No. 10, ifieets in Odd Fellows' hall second and fourth Saturdays ill each momh, 7:30 o'clock. t:. L. Coi'i'i.E, President. J. E. Hanna, Secretary. Q II. JENKINS, I). M. D. DENTIST. Ssjciallst on t'rottn and Bridge Work. Olllce In Hone buililing, west of Oleuwotd Home. Hood Hlver, Oregon. j jR. K. T. CAKNS, Dentist. Gold crow ns and bridge work an 1 all kinds ot Up-to-DaU Dentistry. HOOD RIVER OREGON H. L. DUAIBLE, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Buccesor to Dr. M. F. Shaw. Calls promptly answered In town or country, Dav or Mifht. Telephones: Residence, SI ; Office, Hit. Olllce over Everhart's Urocery. , F. W ATT, M. D. 1 Physician and Surgeon. Telephones: Oflice, 2M: residence, at!. Sl'lUiF.OX O. R. A N. CO. J OI1N LELANI) HENDERSON ATTORN KY-AT LAW. ABSTRACTER. NO TARY Pl'BLKl and REAL For 23 ypars a resident of Oresron and Wash ington, 'lias root many years experience in Real Estate matters, as abstractor, searcher of titles and agent, fausfiictiou' guaranteed or no charge. pREDERICK t ARNOLD CONTRACTORS AND RUILDEKS. Estimate furnished for all kinds ot work. . Repairing a specialty. All kinda of shop work. Shop on State Street, between First and Seconil. JHK KLONDIKE CONFECTIONERY Is the place to get the latest and best in Confectioneries, Candies, Nuts, Tobaofo, Cigars, etc. ....1CK CREAM PARLORS.... W." B. COLE, Proprietor. p C. BROSiUS, M. D. ' PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Phone Central, or 121.' Oflice Hours: 10 to U A. M. ; 2 to 3 and to 7 P. M. Q H. TEMPLE Practical Watcbaaker t Jeweler. My long experience enables me to do the best jawsible work, which I fully guarantee, and at low niices. gCTLl R A CO., BANKERS. to a general banking business. HOOD RIVER, OREGON. Q J. HAYES, J. P. Office with Ron Ritbrs. Ituatnesa will he attended to at anv t nie. Coilet'tions made. W ill hea;e on (oud govemmeot lamia, either Usntwr or larmiuf EVENTS OF THE DAY FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS OF THE WORLD. K Comprehensive Review of the Important Happening! of the Put Week, Presented In a Condensed Form, Which It Most Likely to Prove of Interest to Our Many Readers. Sol Smith Russell, the aetor, is dead at Washington. Another revolution has broken out In Santo Domingo. The insurrection in the island of Sanmr is practically at an end. ' The storm in Wyoming of the past week killed from 12,000 to 15,000 Bheep. A magnificent silver service was pre sented to Admiral Schley on the first day of his visit to Memphis. Three of the crew were drowned in the wreck of the steamer (iribbe, of Cleveland, off Point Pelee, Ohio. The furnace men at the East Helena smelter, at Helena, Mon., have gone on strike for recognition of their union. The attorney general of Missouri has begun proceedings in the supreme court of that state in an attempt to break up the beet trust. Five men of the constabulary were ambushed near Manila and one of them killed and another injured. The in surgents were armed with Mauser rifles. Five were killed in a'powder explo sion at Shenandoah, Pa. Illegal recruiting is the cause of much disorder in Finland. Seven bodies have been recovered from the Pittsnurg wreck, Senator Allison says some form of reciprocity will be granted to Cuoa. Hayti has promised to give Germany a naval station at Mole St. Nicholas. Five men in jail at Salem, Or., se cured a saw and nearly gained their freedom. The town of Herkimer, Kan., was almost destroyed by fire, which en tailed a loss of (100,000. It is possible to send a message to a vessel 200 utiles from land by the new Fescenden system of wireless teleg raphy. Chalmer E. Shuff has been sentenced to death at Wallace, Idaho, for the murder of Eugene Klein, at Mace, in that state. The form of the coronation of King Edward will consist of 20 sections and will end with the crowning of Queen Alexandra. The strikers of the Singer Sewing Machine Company, at South Bend, Ind., have lost their strike and gone back at the company's terms. The Marquis of Queensbury has-been declared a bankrupt. Congressman Cummings, of New York, is BeriouEly ill. Saturday was Oregon day at the Charleston exposition. Henry Schwab was hanged at New ark, N. J., for the murder of his wife and child. The Boer agents in America are try ing to induce President Kruger to visit this country. With peace perhaps in sight, Eng land is still sending men and muni tions of war to South Africa. A vigilance committee has been or ganized in Chicago to drive the rougher element from one of the wards. . The majority of the inhabitants of the Danish West Indies are in favor of their sale to the United States. Two New Yorkers have been held for trial under the new law against the dis tribution of anarchistic literature. The petition for an injunction against Miss Stone lecturing under a certain management was denied at Boston. Colombian insurgents have captured Rio Hacha after an engagement lasting many hours. The losses sustained are nnknown. Heavy rains have relieved the situa tion in Kansas. Turkey has released all the suspects in the Miss Stone case. The Northern Pacific machinists at Brainard, Mont., are on strike. The condition of Queen Wllhelmina is changed slightly for the worse. The Cuban congress will convene on May 5 by order of Governor General Wood. There have been 1.217 cases of chol era and 847 deaths to date in the Phil ippines. German nobilitv is shocked at Ej) peror William entertaining untitled business men. Groat pie iteninnt nrnvails at Sand Creek, Mont., over a lich gold strike matte near mat town. A restaurant has been opened in New York where food will be turn shed at one cent a plate. There are 13,958,622'acres"of uncul tivated land in Italy, which might be develop! and made productive by the lpplication of ordinaryenterpnse. Thenomenally mild weather is being frperieneed in Russia. At Kiev the lives are budding, the river Dnieper is clear of ice, while at Warsaw violets are blooming. A census of Berlin, Germany, gives the population as 1,901,567. , Thirty-seven designs have been sub mitted for the proposed Grant statue in Washintgon. The official copy of the Farris elec tion hill, nassed bv the Kentucky legis lature, has been stolen at Frankfort, and the measure cannot become law. toed the bill to prohibit the docking of horses laus, ueciaring icgieiaiiun should be directed at those) who bay . . . . i . 1 1 TRADE REVIEW. American Goods la Great Demand in South American Countries. Washington. April 29. American coal finds a steady and ever increasing market in Brazil, but our export trade to Brazil, it is said, will never reach its proper development so long as our merchandise has to seek foreign bot toms. It is pointed out that if a line of modern steamers were operated be tween New lork and Brazil, there would be no lack of return freights in coffee, rubber and like products. American hardware, also, it is stated, has earned a reputation for quality and fininh which places it beyond competi tion. It is a notable fact that many yonng Brazilians are coming to this country to complete ' their careers ol learning, whereas, until recent years, the better class from that country were sent to Portugal, France or Germany to acquire their literary, professional or scientific training. Now also English is being taught in some of the higher schools of Brazil. In the Argentine Republic the Amer ican goods making the greatest headway are tools, implements, cotton goods, shoes and specialties. A banker of Ho. sario recently reported that for the half year ended JuneJiO, 1901, the increase of transactions between hia, house and the United states had been 131 per cent, and he understood that other banks had had similar experiences. But whilewe are materially increasing the aggregate of our trade with Argen tina, here, also, the absence of direct steamship communication is handi cap. In Chile, where lumbering is the chief industry in its , southern pro vinces, practically all of the wood is cut by mills of American construction. All of the machinery used in the produc tion of flour also comes from the United States'. On account of the political disturb ances in Colombia, imports from the United states have increased only slightly. ,Tl.e imports from all other countries have remained stationary. United States trade with Ecuador shows a gratifying increase, due to pur chases for the Guayaquil-Quito railroad, better and quicker transportation, low er freight rates and the coming of Amercian commercial travelers. FILIPINOS SURRENDER. Pierce Insurgents of Simar Capitulate by the Hundreds. Manila, April 30. General Frederick D. Grant's expedition in the gunboats Baseo and Florida, ' several steam launches and native lighters, has ascended the Gatidara river in the Island of Samar, and has brought the insurgent leader Guevarra and his en tire command down to the post. Guev- arra's command consisted of Rafet Pe- bastin, Abki and 38 other. officers, 189 men and 161 rifles. Three hundred insurgents with 131 rifles are expected at Catbalogan, Samar to surrender formally to the American authorities. Three thousand bolomen, 28 of them armed with rifles, have surrendered at Sulut, alto in Samar. Surrenders in Negros. Captain Kennon, of the Sixth in fantry, reports from the island of Ne- gros the surrender of the ladrone leader, Rufo, with 158 officers and men of his command, together with 12 guns, 140 bolos, seven spears and a few revolvers and daggers. Captain Kennon says this surrender means the opening 'up of the whole of the southern coast of the Island of Negros. The cholera situation in the islands does not show any improvement. Chol era cases are reported among the Amer ican soldiers in Carainea provinces of South Luzon and elsewhere, but so' tar few Americans have been attacked and the disease is confined to natives and Chinamen. In Manila there have been 555 cases and 445 deaths from the chol era, while the provinces report 1,599 cases and, 1,169 deaths. JAILED IN ITALY. Men from United States Cruiser Chicago Get Heavy Sentences. Venice, Italy, April 30. All the members of the crew of the Lnited States cruiser Chicago, arrested for dis orderly conduct here yesterday, have been sentenced to terms of imprison ment, ranging from three to four months each. Captain Robert P. Wynne, commanding the marine guard of the Chicago; Robert E. Ledbetter. assistant surgeon of the Chicago; Lieu tenant John S. Doddridge, of the Chi cago, and a marine named Wilfred Langley are the men sentenced. At their trial in the San Marco po lice court, the prisoners admitted that they were intoxicated when the disor ders occurred, and pleaded that they acted in self defense when mobbed by the crowd. The public prosecutor de manded a sentence of seven months' im prisonment for Assistant Surgeon Ied better, and sentences of six months' imprisonment for the others. It is understood that the prisoners will pay the costs of the trial and com pensate the persons who sustained in juries as result of their disorderly conduct. Two of the injured persons claim 160 pounds each. Richardson Return from Alaska. Seattle, April 30. Captain W. T. Richardson, United States army, who, according to reports from the national capital, was dispatched to Alaska to in vestigate, with Lieutenant R. P- Em mons, the leported destruction of Rus sian monuments defining the interna tional line between Alaska and Canada, has returned from the north. He would neither affirm nor deny that his duties were to investigate matters bear ing on the boundary question. The Sound Farts W.IL Washington, April 30. The Puget sound navy yatd fared better than any other navy yard in the United States in the appropriations that are made in the naval bill reported to the house. The yard got everything that was asked for it. Representative Dayton, rank ing Republican member of the commit tee, said that the committee ha been thoroughly convinced that one of the finest navy yards in the world can be built economically at Bremerton. Consequently the large appropriation for that yard. 1 NEWS OF THE ST ATI ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM ALi PARTS OF OREGON. Commercial and Financial Happenings of lu portance A Brief Review of the Growth and Improvements of the Many Industries Throughout Our thriving Commonwealth Latest Market Report. , Wheeler and Lincoln counties have paid their 1901 state tuxes in full. Mrs. Ann Bowen, a pioneer of Ore gon, died in Baker City, aged 73 years. Cummings & Cole have sold their sawmill at Sandy to two men of Orient. The consideration was f 1,524. 85. Sixty children were vaccinated at Oswego in one day. So far only one case of smallpox has developed there. The board of trustees of the state re-. form school at Salem has awarded tins' tracts tor supplying that institution wfth 200 cords of fir wood. Seven feet of snow is reported in some places on the mountains between i Dallas and the Siletz llv.sni. Hundreds of timber claimants, however, are making their setiii-tinnual trip. Both sides to the strike at the woolen mills in Oregon City continue firm. The employes will not return to work under the present wage scale, and the company still re f rises to make any con cessions, i Marion county hop contracts repre senting 19,000 pounds of the 1902 crop were recently filed at Salem. The con tracting firm was Lilienthal Bros., of New York; Myrtle B. Cole will deliver 10,000 pounds at 12i' cents, and Mrs. M. E. Arms will receive 12. Si cents for 9,000 pounds. The Not tli Pole mine near Baker City is now said to be the richest mine in Oregon. A few months ago the Eng lish syndicate owning the mine would have sold it for $750,000, which would have been equal to the sum expended in buying the mine and improving it. Today the mine could not be bought for 10,000,000. The superintendent of the Golcomla mine, in the Sumpter district, reports the cutting of tliree feet of ore running over'f 70 to the ton. Also that he has the si. me. rich shoots ol ore on the 300, 400 tud 500 foot levels thr.t mcde the mine femous f.1 few yef,rs ngo. The working force lit. sj been increased by in addition of 25 miners. John Burke of Whatcom is under ar rest, charged w ith embezzling $1,000. The weavers of the Oregon City mills are on strike for an increase in wages City Attorney Chane of Sumpter re signed after being reinstated by Mayor Robbing. A rich discovery of a cornier ledue on Snake river, near the mouth of the Imnaha, is reported. The Buzzini placer mines on Beaver creek are attracting considerable atten tion. A strata of very rich gravel has been Btrtiek. The Btate supreme court has decided that when grain stored in warehouses is sold without authority of depositors they may recover from the purchasers. Messenorer II. Leiahton Kellv. of the Clackamas United States fish commis sion station, is distributing 45,000 Eastern brook trout in the streams of Eastern Oregon. PORTLAND MARKETS.' 1. Wheat Walla Walla, 65t)5c; bluestem, 6666e'c; valley, 65c. Barley Feed, $20(321; brewing, $21(321.50 per ton. , Oats No. 1 white, $1.20; gray, $1.101.15. Flour Best grades, $2.853.40 per barrel; graham, $2.50(32.80. Millstuffs Bran, $16(817 per ton; middlings, $19; shorts, $17.50(818.50; chop, $16. Hay Timothy, $12 15; clover, $7.5010; Oregon wild hay, $56 per ton. Potatoes BeRt Burbanks, 1.251.60 percental; ordinary, $1.20(11.25 per cental; Early Rose, $1.502.00 per cental; growers prices ; sweets. $2.25 2.50 per cental. Butter Crearrery, 17,S!20c; dairy, 1516c; store, 1315c. Eggs-15(316c for Oregon. Cheese Full cream, twins, 13 13)c; Young America, 1415c; fac tory prices, 1 1S;C less. Poultry Chickens, mixed, $4.50 5.50; hens, $5.006.00 per dozen, lllliC per ponnd; springs, 11 llftc per pound, $4.00(8,5.50 per doz en; ducks, $5.00(87.00 per dozen; tur keys, live, 12(313c, dressed, 14ai8c per pound; geese, $6.50(3.7.00 per dozen. Mutton Gross, 4! per pound; dressed, 7, Sic per pound. Hogs Gross, 6ic; dressed, 7sa8c per pound. Veal 67c for small; 6i$7c for large. Beef Gross, cows, 44Kc; steers. 5c; dressed, 88Si'c per pound. Hops 124(914 cents per pound. Wool Valley, 13(814; Eastern Ore gon, 9llc; mohair, 23s'c per pound. The steel vessel builders on the Great Lakes are assured a year of great activ ity. The contracts for 1902 aggregate a carrying capacity of 3,000,000 tons. This will be an addition of 10 per cent, to the present lake tonnage. An aerolite fell near Chatillens the other day. The stone was triangular in shape, of a dark gray color, about eleven cmnces in weight. This is only . L - 1 . - . , I me seconu meteoric stone mai is Known to have fallen in Sw itzerland. The German naval budget this year calls for about $50,000,000, while Great Britain asks for about $115,000,000. Dutch fishermen are accused of show ing their pro-Boer seiitinieut by at tacks upon English fishermen in the North sea. Daring the past ten year 249 acci dents have occurred in the Swiss mmn tains, resulting in 313 deaths. Thirty- seven of the victims were guides. Of the whole number 237 deaths could have I wen prevented by the observation of common precautionary rale. THE STRIKE ENDS. San Francisco Street Car Men Have Demands Granted. San Francisco, April 29. The strike on the street railway system of the United Railroads, which went into effect a week ago, it officially declared off. Victory rests with the employes, who are conceded all their piincipal demands. The United Railroads have granted an advance in wages, a 10 hour day and in measure recognized the carmen's union. On the question of unionism the agreement provides that the company will maintain such regulations as will enable full attention to all complaints made directly by its employes; will cause prompt investigation to be made of such complaints, and when it discov ei the same to be well founded will rectify any wrongs found to eixst. It will not, however, deal in matters in volving the management of its own affairs with other than its own em ployes or committees thereof. The company recognizes the right of every person to belong or to refuse to belong to a labor union, and it will discharge no employe because of his connection with such a union. The company agrees to pay a flat rate of 25 cents an hour, or 23, 'u cents an hour, together with a bonus for long service as the employe may elect. A rate of 30 cents per hour will be paid for overtime. All runs are to be fin ished within 14 hours from the time of commencement. The employe are to be allowed full liberty when of! duty. MORTON IS DEAD. The Ex-Secretary of Agriculture and Founder of Arbor Day Passes Away. Chicago, April 29. Hon. J. Sterling Morton, ex-secretary of agriculture, died at Lake Forest., at the home of his son, Mark Morton. For several weeks Mr. Morton has been gradually failing. The nature of his sickness had not been determined, and a week ago he was brought from his home at Nebraska City, Neb., to Lake Forest for medical attention. The change brought no im provement, and he declined gradually until death came. Death was due to cerebral thrombus. The illness of Secretary Morton dates from last November, when he con tracted a severe cold while speaking at the stock show in Chicago. The cold run into an attack of la grippe, and Mr. Morton was in a hospital for some time. When he was able to do so he returned to his home in this city, where he suffered a relapse. After a partial fecovery he left eaily in January for the City of Mexico, accompanied by his son, Paul Morton, vice president of the Santa Fe Railway. Mr. Morton continued to grow worse in the South ern country, however, and six weeks ago he returned to his old home in Nebraska. He then came to Chicago, where it was believed be would have better medical treatment. After he arrived here he improved somewhat, and it was believed for a time he would entirely recovei from his ailment. Last week he suffered a stroke of apo plexy, from which he never recovered. A second stroke proved fatal. His three sons, Paul Morton, Joy Morton and Mark Morton, were at the bedside when the end came. Spotted Fever Kills Eight Missoula, Mont., April 29. The spotted fever scourge in the Bitter Root valley has broken out with greater vio lence than at any time known within the history of the peculiar disease. Eight persons have already died of the strange malady within a week, and the deaths of several more are expected. Today a number of cases were reported to the authorities. The disease is un known elsewhere, and thus far has baffled the physicians. Nearly every victim that contracts the fever dies. The disease commences wi(h a fever like typhoid, and spots begin to show all over the body. The spots increase in size and at death the victim is spotted like a rattlesnake. Bloody Riots at Moscow. I ' Vienna, April 29. A dispatch to the Algemeine Zeitung from St. Petersburg, published today, announces that Bix riots of strikers have taken place at I Moscow, and that the military dis- I persed the riotors with much bloodshed. ! One report pays mat 01) persons were killed or wounded. Revolts of peas antry in the provinces of Southern I Russia, the dispatch adds, are causing a more critical situation," particularly 1 at KietT and Poltava, where the troops were required to suppressthe outbreak Peace Prospects Improving. London, April 29. Cabling from Jo hannesburg, the correspondent of the Daily Telegraph savs that General De- larey, with bis staff, arrived at Klerks- dorp, Transvaal, yesterday. Special dispatches received here from Pretoria show that General Delarey had been in consultation with his commando two days previously, and that the other Boer leaders are still conferring with the burghers. From this it is inferred that the prospects for peace are improv ing. Large Railroad Deal St. Louis, Aptil29. The Post Dis patch says: It was stated on good a a- thority in financial circles today that the Mercantile Trust Company has finally closed a deal by the terms of which it pledges itself to finance the Tennessee Central Railroad to the amount of $15,000,000. This is the largest transaction of its kind that has been made by a St. Louia financial in stitutton. Vetera Packer Sells Out Seattle, April 29. Geoqre T. Myers the pointer and veteran salmon packer of Vnget sound, today closed out his entire plant here, consisting of machin ery, fish traps, seines and other fishing outfits, together with the steam tug "Georve T." and "Sallie S." to differ ent companies on Paget sonnd. It was a surprise to most of the people on Puiet sound, as he i known to be the father ol the salmon cannery business on Paget sound, and ha alway Men ueronfol. TO THE PRESIDENT CHINESE EXCLUSION BILL HAS PASSED BOTH-HOUSES. Is the Geary Law Re-eaacted with Slight Modifications The Operation of the Law in the Philippines, Including Registration of. Chines Now There, Is Placed in the Hands of the Philippine Commission. Washington, April 30. The con fereeson the Chinese exclusion bill have reached a complete agreement on the bill. Their repost was submitted to the senate and house in the after noon, and in each instance adonted without debate. The bill now goes to the president for his approval, which is assured by the Arm stand be has taken for the measure. The bill strikes out that portion of the senate bill limiting the extension of all existing laws to the life of the present treaty, and re-enacts them so far as is not inconsistent with the treaty obligations until otherwise provided by law, and extends the laws to our island territory so far as applicable. It al lows Chinese to enter for exposition purposes and retains the provision re garding certification in the Philippines. r-enator Piatt, of Connecticut, a member of the conference committee, by way of explanation in the senate stated that no definite limitation should be placed upon the operation of the reary law, as re-enacted, but that it should remain in force until otherwise provided by law. He explained that the operation of the law in the Philip pines, including a registration of the liinese in the islands, had been placed in the hands of the Philippine commis sion, but the commission would have no authority to admit Chinese to the islands. TORNADO IN TEXAS. rive Perscns Killed, Forty Injured, and Much Property Destroyed. 1 Dallas, Tex., April 30. A telephone message from Morgan, Tex., says a tornado passed over Glenrose, a small town in Somerville county, between 5 and 6 o'clock this afternoon, billing five persons, injuring 40 more and de molishing much property. The courthouse was badly damaged, a printing office was blown away, 'two saloons were badly damaged, Milam's wareroom was demolished, Lily A Sons' grocery store wag blown away, a black smi h shop was destroyed and four buildings of Hendricks & Son were totally demolished. , One third of the business houses of the town were demolished. Assistance has been sent to Glenrose from Morgan, but it will be morning before anything line uennite particulars are obtainable. New Transcontinental Line. Chicago, April 30. Senator Kearns, of Utah, Perry S. Heath, also of Utah, and R. C. Kerens, of St. I -on is. spent the day in Chicagri, conferring regard ing the affairs of the Los Angeles-Salt Lake railway. Mr. Kerens, in an in terview, confirmed the recent reports that the Goulds have become interested with Senator Clark in this enterprise. and that the outcome of the alliance would be a new transcontinental line. Connections have been secured out of Cleveland to Zanesville, O., and thence to Bellinger, W. Va., from where a connection will be made with Newport News or Baltimore, either by purchase of the Western Maryland, owned by the city of Baltimore, or by the building of a new road. . Harmony Among Cubans. Havana, April 30. President-elect Palma left Bayamo early this morning for Manzanillo. At Yara he met Gen eral Bartolome Maso, the candidate for the Democratic party for the presidency of Cubi, but who withdrew from the campaign and received an affectionate greeting from him. General Maso pledged his support to the president elect. The reception accorded Senor Palma at Manzanillo outdid any thus far tendered him. The entire Spanish colony turned out in his honor. Professor Strong Goes to Kansas. Lawrence, Kan., April 29. The re gents of the University of Kansas have elected Dr. Frank Strong, now presi dent of the University of Oregon, to be chancellor. He will take up his new duties at the beginning of the next school year. The salary to be paid Dr. Strong is $4,500, the same that Dr. Snow, his predecesor, received. Brownsville Bank Robbed. Brownsville, April 30. The vault of the Bank of Brownsville was robbed to day at 12:30 o'clock, while Cashier J. II. Glass was at dinner. The exact amount stolen cannot be given at this time because of the fact that the book have not been posted. President W. P. Elmore places the amount at about $1,500. Increase National Bank Deposits. Washington, April 30. Secretary Shaw said today that on May 1 he would Increase the deposit in national bank depositories by $3,000,000 or $4,000,000. He will designate few additional depositories. It is under stood further that increase in deposits will be made after May 1, as the repeal of the war revenue act is expected to result in a sharp decrease in the gov ernment receipts from the beginning of the fiscal year, when the law takes effect .. ' Thousands ! Peasants Revolt St. Petersburg, April 30. The peas ant in the Poltava and Kharkoff pro virfce, where 18,000 are reported to he participating in riots, have already sacked 80 estates, where they destroyed everything they could not carry off. j The whole region ia terrorized and land- j owner ana steward are neeing lor safety. The fear ia increasing that Kharkoff and other town will be at tacced. Some of the authorities are showing weakneea and pusillanimity, while other are cruelly vigorou aad are causing wholesale flofing. WARRIORS. A Letter Throws Some Light on Gen. Smith's Order Anent Filipinos. Washington, April 26. Adjutant General Corbin has received a letter from Henry C. McCook, of Philadel phia, in regard to the reported orders of General Smith to destroy all Fili pinos found in arms 10 years of age and upward. "Sergeant Brown, honorably dis charged after lull service from Com pany G, Second regiment, in which my son, First Lieutenant Paul McCook, is an officer," gays Mr. McCook, "visited me this week. His company was sta tioned in Tayabas province, and he said he had never seen the water cure practiced, or any other methods of tor ture. I asked him what was the physi cal standing of a youth of 10 years in the Philippines. He answered that a 10-year-old lad would about rate with a 15-year-old boy here. He further lniomed me that boys of that age and op to 12 could bear nrms, greatly to the disadvantage of their opponents; that he had seen youths of that age and two or three years older among the insur rectos and ladrones captured, and he further saij that sometimes there would be a considerable proportion of such boys in the hostile ranks, as rep resented by those who suirendered and those taken prisoners. "Of course, it is most shocking to qjir ideas of what is allowable, even under the extremest exigencies of war fare, to think of children of 10 or 12 years of age as being subject to the severities administered to their seniors. Yet it occurred to me that the above facts, if they be stated, may put a somewhat different color upon the re puted order of General Smith." Successful Wireless Telegraphy. Norfolk, Va., April 28. Tests of the new government system of wireless telegraphy were made today at Roanoke island, Pamlico sound, before a number of naval experts. The tests were in charge of Professor Reginald Fessenden, of Allegheny, Pa., who is now attached to the weather bureau sen-ice, and who is the" inventor of that system. It is aknowledged that the feasibilty and practicability of sending wireless tele graphic messages at sea quickly and ac curately by the new system has been demonstrated beyond doubt. The ex periments were conducted from Cape Hatteras to Roanoke Island, a distance of 60 miles by an entirely Bait water route. Money for Coast Cities. Washington, April '28. The omni bus public building bill, just intro duced in the house, carries $150,000 fer enlarging the Portland postoflice and Federal court building, and $10,000 for the exterior finish of the Portland custom house. The bill also appro priates $150,000 additional for the Se attle building, making the total amount appropriated $900,000. Sixty thous and dollars each is appropriated forTa coma and Spokane for the purchase of public building sites, tho bill stipulat ing that these sites shall embrace an entire city block, and shall be bounded by a street on four sides. Mammoth Drydock. New Y'oru, April 28. Plans which are being prepared by the yards and docks departments of the New York navy yard indicate that one of the JargeBt drydocks in the United States will be built at the local navy yard. It will cost about $1,000,000, and will be built entirely of concrete. When fin ished it w ill be of suffijent size to ac commodate the largest battle ships of the navy, or any the navy may build in the near future. It will be 600 feet long by 90, feet wide at the bottom, with a clearance of 31 feet of water over the sill of the dock. Senator in Street Fight Washintgon, April 26. Senator H. D. Money, of Mississippi, had an alter cation with a conductor on a street car this morning, which resulted in the senator receiving two severe blows from the conductor, and the conductor being cut quite severely in the right hand with a knife. The senator refused to pay two fares and afterwards had hi assailant arrested. Queen Dangerously III. Amsterdam, April 28. In official circles no amelioration of Queen Wil helmina's condition is admitted, and her doctor's admission that she is not sleeping well is taken as a bad sign It is alleged that the dispatches from the royal family concerning the queen's condition differ substantially from the .J: I u..ll: .1 i. V uieuicai uuuuiiue un wie suojeci. Machias Returns Irom Bocas. Colon, Colombia, April 28. The United States gunboat Machias re turned to Colon today from Bocas del Toro, where quiet has been restored. This city was leinforced yesterday by Sou soldiers from Panama. Root Inspects Cuban Improvements. Havana, April 26. Secretary Root bas inspected the schools, hospitals, in stitutions and general improvement made in all departments under Amer ican intervention. fifty Injured In Wreck. .London, April zn. Fifty persons were injured this morning in an acci dent on the Great Eastern Railway. near the Hackney Downs station. As a train from Walthamstown, called the three penny train, was crossing a bridge, an axle of the car nearest the locomotive broke, and ihe coach jumped the rails, dashed into the aide of the bridge and lodged across both tracks. The train was filled with workmen on their way to work. Treaty's Second Reading .Copenhagen, April 28. The lands- thing has passed the econd reading of the majority leport on the treaty pro viding for the sale of the Danish West India islands to the United States by majority 01 32. Twenty-eight mem ber sbstained from voting. The treaty will now be discussed by the folksthing. Howard Acquitted. Frankfort, Ky., April 28. Ben-y Howard, the alleged principal in the assasaination of Governorioebel, wa acqoittod today. YOUTHFUL HEAVY WIND STORM MUCH DAMAGE DONE IN THREE STATES. Joplin, Mo., Suffered h Loss of $300,000 in Property and Two Persons Killed and Six Fatally lr hired Number of People were Injured at Omaha and Buildings ' were Unroofed. Joplin, Mo., April 28. Joplin was visited during the evening by the most destructive storm in its history, during which two persons were killed . out right, six fatally injured, a score or more slightly hurt and $300,000 worth of property destroyed. It is estimated that 50 buildings were destroyed. The worst fury of the storm was felt in the suburbs west of Joplin. The wind was a straight gale, but it was of terrible velocity, whipping down scores of houses in the south part of the west part of the city and wrecking $100,000 worth of the finest mining plants in this district. The worst havoc in Jop lin City was in a territory four blocks wide, commencing at the western lim its of the city, at Seventeenth street, and ending at Seventh street, on the east. Within this narrow belt there is scarcely a house building which is not damaged. Passing east from the main poition of the city the storm spent its fury in suburb and mining districts known as Moonshine Hill and Villa Heights. Two persons were killed at Moonshine Hill. Of the little home of Bidwell Hunter not a timber is left standing and the three inmates of the house are dying, all having had their skulls frac tured. Oamaha, April 28. An unusually heavy wind storm, which struck this city in the evening, injured a number of people ' and unroofed a number of buildings. There was a heavy down pour of rain. Street cars were stopped for an hour; wires and signs were blown down in all directions. Bloominston. III.. April 28. A furi ous wind storm, amounting almost to a tornado, struck Bloomington tonight. Many buildings were damaged. Re ports from Central Illinois show that the storm was widespead. MOROS GIVE IN. Show of Force and the Capture of Fort Brought Them to Terms. Washington, April 28. Adjutant General Corbin today made public th following extract from a cablegram just received from General Chaffee respect ing the situation in Mindanao, dated Manila, April 24: "liefore Baldwin could be communi cated with he had taken the fort at Pualo after slight resistance). No cas ualties. Very soon after the neighbor ing town of Ganais opened its doors. hoisted white flags and delivered the red flag. Dato Lampo and others with a strong following asked permisison to call and make peace. Dato Amani Pack, of Gana, who sent threatening messages' in reply to my letter, is one of those who have submitted. The camp is two miles from Gana, whose sultan has asked Baldwin to come there. Have directed him not to move. He is 10 miles from Dato. "It is my purpose'to have an inter view with General Davis. Will go on the Hancock, which leaves here today for Malabang with a battalion of the Tenth infantry. It is our purpose to show a considerable force of troops to the lake Moros, converse with the Datos, then retire the troops by differ ent trails to Malabaifg and Parang; thereafter to send expeditions occasion ally to the lake. We supposed Gana was 35 miles from Malabang. . It is actually a short 21 miles. No fighting necessary to overcome the opposition to advance to present location of troops; 775 men with Baldwin, two troops cavalry, dis mounted, 12 miles in the rear. Every effort will be made to prevent a general war. Davis says the situation at this time is very favorable." Would Blow Up Warship. Paris, April 28. A dispatch to the Journal des Debats from Toulon says a young sailorlias been arrested on board the French battleship Charles Martel for seeking to enlist several comrade in a plot to blow up that vessel. A melinite cartridge was found secreted in a coal bunker. It is believed the sailor's brain became affected by tbo anarchistic Ideas of which he boasted. Treaty with Colombia Signed. Washintgon, April 26. Secretary of State Hay, for the United States, and Minister Concha, for Colombia, hay signed a treaty providing for the trans fer to the United States of the right incident to the construction of the pro posed Panama canal. This treaty is similar to the protocol recently signed, the terms of which have lieen pub lished. low Block Destroyed. Dea Moines, Ia., April 28. Fire at Red Oak this morning burned one whole block, entailing a loss ol $225, 000, of which but one-third is covered by insurance. Flames were discovered in the Houghton block, at the south east corner of the square at 3 o'clock, and before the volunteer fire depart ment could respond they were swept across the street into a long line of frame building", including a livery barn and implement warehouse. Difnt en Exclusion Bill. Washingtop, Apirl 26. The eon fetees on the Chinese exclusion bill bas decided to rejiort a disairreement to each house. The point of difference is the date as to when the law shall ex tend, the house contending! for an in definite period, and the senate beinn equally firm'in insisting that the law shall not last beyond the life of the treaty. The house conferee have held it at the earnest request of the Cal ifornia delegation, but it is believed that when a further conference is or dered an agreement will be reached'. n 1