The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, April 18, 1902, Image 3

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    3(ood Iftver Slacier
FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 1902.
Land plaster at Bone's.
Ice for sale at Jensen's.
Land plaster at Bartmess'.
Money to loan on real estate. A. A. Jayne
Feifer's Union 6c cigar atVV.B. Cole's.
Langille house for sale. Inquire upstairs
Write your Insurance with Friday &
For loggers' Bhoes go to Bone & McDonald's.
No. 1 baled hay for sale at the Transfer
& Livery uo.
List your property with Friday &
Try our 5c Pullman bread at Boyles'
For flour and feed go to 'Bone & Mc
Bartmess is closing out his stock of
wall paper.
Ladies' underwear extra sizes at Bone
& McDonald's.
Boon be time to sow land plaster. You
can get it of Bone.
The best 5c smoke in town Feifer's
Union, at VV. B. Cole's.
Cross-cut saws, axes and all woodmen
and loggers tools at bavage s.
Wanted Warren Davenport wants to
buv strawberry plants, enough to set
five acres of ground.
Ten-room house and one block of
eround close in town ; tWO worth of
fruit sold last year. For sale by Friday
& Barnes. ,
For the benefit of newcomers and such
ns have no money to burn, Dr. Adams of
Paradise farm is offering nice potatoes
at 90 cents a sack.
W. V. Treat is agent for the Charter
Oak ranges and stoves. They are the
best in the market. Plumbing goods
for sale and plumbing work done by ex
perienced workmen. .
Fresh cow for sale by II. Prigge.
Fine fresh cow for sale by J. A. Cook.
New house and three lots in town.
Bargain. Friday & Barnes.
Fresh chinook salmon at Eureka mar
ket Friday.
Hack and single harness for sale by
McGuire Bros.
Henry Shute came down from Tekoa
Tuesday morning.
Thos. J. Cunning and family have
moved to their homestead.
Mrs. Clms. N. Clarke visited her
mother at Dufur last week
Peaches and cherry trees are in bloom
in the lower part of the valley.
Frank Davenport wants to hire or will
huv four eood teams for logging. Good
Miss Anne Smith returned last Satur
day from a two weeks' visit.with friends
in The ualles.
Fifteen acres. H mile from- town, fine
strawberry land; good house; f 2,500
Friday & Barnes.
5 Reward I will pay $5 reward to
learn of the whereaboatsof BertSweezy.
Canby post, O. A. R., had a full meet
ing Saturday. T. D. Tweedy was ad
mitted to membership by transfer card
Two hundred forty acres, 4miles from
Lyle ; 40 acres in fruif.ftiie large nouse
all modern improvemen s. Friday 6
Barnes. . . .
L. II. Richmond is laid up with a case
of blood noisonina that has bothered
liiin more or less for the past four
A full house greeted the Meneleys at
the CoiiKreaational church Saturday
evening. All who attended
Fifteen acres M miles from town;
acres in strawberries; new houBe and
Irnrn; bargain for two weeks only
Friday & Barnes.
J. La France is nlanninz to build
two-storv brick business house on his
lot adioinina the brick store of A. 8,
Blowers & Son.
J: R. Nickelsen sold his ranch of 35
Bcres at Belmont last week to G. D. Eat
ingerjconsideration f 2,500. Mr. Eatinger
will soon build upon the place and
make it bis home.
Rev. Frank Spaulding, O. L. Strana
ban, Leslie, J. E. Hanna, E. R.
Bradley, Rev. II. C. Shaffer and Joe
Maves were delegates to the county pro
hibition convention at The Dalles.
O. L. Strnmilinn has platted the piece
of land now occupied by his orchard
and will submit the plat to the next
meeting of the council. He already has
bargained for the sale of about a dozen
The Pine Grove literary society ad
journed at its last meeting to meet again
the first Saturday evening in October,
after which date the society will be
ready to meet any society in the valley
in debate.
G. W. Phelps, formerly of Hood River
and well and favorably known here, is a
candidate on the republican ticket for
joint representative from Umatilla and
Morrow counties. Mr. Phelps is now
the law partner of Hon. W. R. Ellis.
Willlsenberg made a flying trip to
Pnrt.lnnd and return Sunday. He was
accompanied as far as Cascade Locks by
liia sister Pearl, who visited her brother
Howard and wife at that point during
the day, returning with V illiam when
he came back.
H. II. Tomlinson, who was struck by
niece of enierv wheel that exploded
while he was operating it at his mill at
Mt. Hood, was in town for a few days
last week to be near his doctor. "He was
so far improved that he went home Saturday.
S. L. Pollock has been quite feeble for
the pat week or two. IjhsX ween his
.ianirl.ter. Adelaide Pollock of Seattle,
fnniM over and her visit seems to have
mvived her father irreatly. Miss Pol
Wk i tirinciiial of the Queen Anne
public school in Seattle.
H. J. Byrkett has purchased the two
lots that have oeen anveriiseu ny i. v.
Barrock. Consideration ftioO. these
lots are situated on the corner of River
and Irving streets. Mr. Byrkett has
rented Flint Bradford's house, which he
w ill occupy while a neat cottage is being
built upon his own lot.
JR. fash, recently from rennville
Indiana, has purchased G. D. Eatinger's
10 acres two miles south of town. Con
sideration tLtBO. Mr. Cash expects his
fomilv tn arrive here from Indiana the
first part of Mav, and he has rented M.
A. Cook's house in the country till lu
can build one of his own.
Friday & Barnes last week sold G. J
dealing's 15 acres to Bruno Frani; con
aidoration M.000. Mr. Kranx is a broth
er of E. A. Fran. He lives now at
u'ihniiiTnl. Imt will soon move uixm
I, is new imrchase at Belmont. The
-am firm also made the sale of G. D.
Eatinger's place to J. R. Cash.
A big sale of Hood River real estate
whs concluded last week. A syndicate
..f II.mvI Kiver Imeineea men bonirht the
termite iironerty. consisting of 225 lots
tha T.iuiwite Co! was composed oi E. L.
Smith ho held 50 shares: S. J. La
t ranee. 45 shares and Dr. J. F. Watt,
shares. All of the townsite property
was included in the sale. The price
paid was fLLSOO.
The liceme of the two saloons in town: turned
will S'hiii have to lie renewed. A eu-
The entertainment given by Miss
Grace Bonner in the Congregational
church for the benefit of the public
school library was well attended. Miss
Bonner is an accomplished elocutionist
and ventriloquist and pleased her au
dience immensely. Prof. C. D. Thomp
son spoke his "little piece,"in which he
said there are in the school library at
present 350 volumes; about 50 of these
being reference books, leaving300avail
able for reading. This library is the
product of the efforts of -teachers and
pupils a few volumes only being dona
ted by patrons. The pupils have read
during the year 1100 books. The total
enrollment for the year has been 300
making an average of a little more than
books for each pupil. Two pupils
have read 19 books each. Two have
read 18 each. The receipts of the even
ing amounted to 27.
The Electric Light and Power Co. re
cently purchased Captain (Joe s spring
ami tne lanu in me lmmeoiaie vicinity.
The company intends to dig for more wa
ter and enlarge the spring and then build
reservoirs on the hill and pump the
water hiizh enough to siinolv all of Park
hurst additions and the adjoining lots
lying above the water line of the Spring-
waterCo.This will give a supply of water
to ail additions laid out on the nw
above town, which will certainly be
come the residence part of town.
It now has no water except from wells,
and for this reason buildings have not
gone up as rapidly as would have
been the case had there been a supply
of water. The Electric Light and Power
uo. also expect to have to pipe the city.
for fire protection.
All laree manufacturing concerns on
the Pacific coast withdrew allquotations
on box shooks recently, and have ad
vanced prices about 20 per cent, Dut we
Hood River factory announces in anoth
er column that the price for strawberry
crates will not be advanced here to those
who will assume the responsibility of
saying how many crates they will buy,
providing this is done positively on or
before April 20th. To others the price
will be advanced lc per crate. Growers
will do well to attend to this notice
M. E. Welch finds it pays to advertise
in the Glacier. The little item in last
week's paper telling of his skill as a vet
erinary surgeon brought him three men
to doctor their cows, who said tney aia
not know that he knew anything about
treating cows. Mr. Welch was state
veterinary of W iscoiisin for four years
and served as city veterinary in La
Crosse for a number of years. His skill
in his profession is known by all Wis
consin people in Hood River. Call on
him when vour live stock oi any Kinu
needs treatment.
Mrs. 8. E. Bartmess is in receipt of
the Valley Register, a newspaper pub
lished at Middletown. Maryland, m
which is a long article showing that
Miss Nannie Grouse, a pretty 17-year-
old eirl. of Middletown, was the real
Barbara Jbreitclne, the heroine ;oi
Whittier's poem. Nannie Crouse is now
Mrs. J. II. Bennett and lives at Fred
erick. eitrht miles from Middletown
Mrs. Bartiness name was trouse, and
she is a first cousin of the heroine.
First of the Season. Ernest Jenson
was servine ice cream Sunday, the first
of the season. He kindly remembered
the Glacier force and brought in boun
teous dishes of ice cream on the warm
afternoon of Monday. This excellent
diuh as prepared by Mr. Jensen seemed
to fill a loiiK-felt-want with the editor
and the devil. Here's to Mr. Jensen
may he live long and prosper, and our
uutcn devu echoes gesununen.
C. F. Waldo started Wednesday for
California, where he has business inter
ests and where he expects to locate
again with his family. Mr. Waldo likes
Hood River and believes it has bright
prospects, but there are considerations
that take him away from Hood River for
the present. His numerous friends
here will wish him and his estimable
wife success and prosperity wherever
they may go.
The saloon Question is uo again
Hood River. The prohibitionists and
temperance people got to work in good
season this time and are circulating re
monstrances against renewing licenses
before their expiration. From the num
ber of names already on the remon
strances it looks as if the saloon men
miL'ht exnerionce some difficulty in pro
curing a majority of the names on their
Mr. Robert Craig of St. Paul. Minn
who has been BpendiiiE. a few month
looking over Oregon, with a view to re
moving to the state, arrived in iioou
River last Tuesday evening. . He is look
ing for a change f rom the rigors of a
Minnesota winter. The Oregon climate
has already greatly benefited him, and
he looks forward to the time when he
will become a permanent resident of the
The Congregational monthly tea given
at the residence of Mrs. D. O. Entrican
last Friday afternoon was as usual, well
attended. Music on the piano by Lizzie
Roberts, Mrs. H. L. Dumble, Mrs. il.
W. Huxley and Mrs. Henry McGuire
was duly appreciated by all as was also
the vocal solo by Mrs. Huxley and the
duet by Mrs. P. 8. Davidson, jr., and
Mrs. M. Ried.
Thn headoiiarters of the syndicate
that bought the townsite property will
be at John L. Henderson s office. All
real estate dealers will handle the prop
erty and make sales subject to confirma
tion by the head oince, at prices sngnuy
in advance of former prices.
Hood River chickens have been roost-
inii hiirh for the past week. hether ni-Hnna u-pre CRliaOll bv climatic
conditions or by the advent of the min
isterial withering w liich adjourned last
Wednesday evening is dimcuii to ueier-
Rudy Cradlebaugh was in town Tues
day. Rudy is now a bigger man than
his dud. has expanueu since leaving
here ft few years ago in about the same
proportion Hood Kiver lias expanueu in
tlint time.
a' J. Gessling will commence the
Iniiltlini of a 1.&00 dwelling house on
his two acres in Parkhurst as soon as he
receives the plan from the architect. He
n ill cultivate the balance of. the two
acres in strawberries.
Members of the A. O. U. W. and De
gree of Honor are requested to be present
Saturday evening. April l'Jth. Ladies
cA tlm It. of II. are reminded not u ior-
get their neckties. com.
fhnrrh Wedding The friends of Mr.
and Mre.Troy Shelley are invited to the
marriage of their daughter rauune, to
.Mr. Guv lalinage, in tne cniou uiuiui
Sunday.April 20, at 12 o'clock.
1-ewis Davidson had great many
fri.-mU anions the Artisans, and on ac-
,..,i,nt i,l l,is death, the concert- which
the Irn.l nrenared for the 22d inst. has
been indefinitely postponed.
Geo. II. Himes, the veteran printer,
pionet-r and secretary of the Oregon
Historical Society, is in attendance at
the Congregational association meeting
in Hood Kiver this ween.
From the number of beer bottles set
out in front of nrohibitioii headquarters
Tn.iu.luv niomini it looked like the
prohi's'had been ratifying in the good
old-lashioniM way.
Mrs. H. C. Barber and son of Meads-i-ille
Mo., sister to Mrs. F. M. Amen,
arrived in Hood River for visit. Lftter
B)i mill visit her mother and sister at
VV'soinitia Orrt
L. C. Driugs, of the real estate firm of
Driggs. Culberts.ui & Co., is in the city
and exists soon to make his perma
nent Inline in Hood Kiver.
Mrs. J. B. Hunt and son Glenn re-
Moudav. from an extended
visit with Irieuds ana rviaurei
Sudden Death of Lewis M. Davidson.
Lewis Moulton Davidson of the Lost
Lake Lumber Co., died at his home in
Hood River, April 16, 1902, aged 27
years, one month and 14 days. His
death was caused by apoplexy. He
had not been sick, and retired Tuesday
night in his usual good health. Wed
nesday morning, about 2 o'clock, he was
heard to fall from his bed. He had at
tempted to get up but found that his
left side was paralyzed. Dr. Dumble
was called and pronounced his case ap
oplexy; a blood vessel in his head had
bursted. iie soon became unconcious
and died at 6 o'clock.
Deceased was ft highly respected young
man, and in his business relations was
liked by every one. He was a stock
holder and director in the Lost Lake
Lumber Co., and was the office man for
the company at the time of his death.
He was born at La Crosse, wis., Marcn
, 1875, and lived in that city until he
came to Hood River three years ago.
His remains will be taken to LaCrosse
for burial by the side of his father and
mother. His father died in Hood River
June 29, 1901. Mrs. P. S.Davidson, sr.,
and Arthur Davidson will accompany
the remains to their last resting place.
Congregational Association.
The sixth meeting of the Portland As
sociation of the Congregational churches
and ministers met with the Riverside
Congregational church of this society
last Tuesday afternoon and adjourned
the following evening. Rev. 8. M. Free
land of the Portland First Church, was
elected moderator, and Rev. J. J. Staub
of the Sunnvside church, scribe.. Min-
isters and delegates were present irom
ten churches. The sessions of the asso
ciation were well attended, and the pa
pers and discussions were of unusual in
terest, each topic having special refer
ence to some practical phase of every
day life. Kev. rresident renrose oi
Whitman college, delivered one of the
most important addresses, his subject
being "The Church and Citizenship."
Resolutions of thanks were extended
to the citizens of Hood River for gener.
ous hospitality. The next meeting of
the association will be held with the
Hassalo street church. Portland, the
third Tuesday in April, 1903.
Correct Pronunciation of Blngen.
Bingen, Wash., April 14, 1902. Editor
Glacier: A telephone line from Hood
River to Bingen was completed today,
and a few minutes ago a conversation
between Bingen and f ortland took place.
Thus at once Bingen is brought more to
the front, it being the only place ot
western Klickitat county having tele
phone connection with other places.
Now. even such proud cities as Hood
River. The Dalles and Portland will
talk with Bingen I No doubt this con
nection will come very' handy to many
people on this side of the Columbia
river. At this important period in the his
tory of Bingen it may be well to make a
few remarks in regard to the name of
the town, for that is sometimes pro
nounced incorrectly. This, of course, is
not surprising, Bince the letter "g" has
in manv cases the sound of "j." But in
Bingen the rule is not violated, for
in this name the letter "g" has its true
sound, the same it has in the word go
and in so many others which we useev
ery day, such as:begin,singing,give,girl
druggist, gear,geese,finger,tiger, nugget
buggy. Indeed, words in wnicn "g
has the sound of "j" may be called ex
ceotions, for they are mostly of foreign
that is. not of Anglo-Saxon origin. The
correct pronunciation, then, is Bingen
not Binjen or Binyen. It is believed
that most people are quite indifferent in
this matter, and they will therefore use
the correct name it they know it
simnlv because it is correct. It
further believed that the Glacier
reaches so manv people on both
sides of the Columbia, that in a short
time there may be no need for any one
to say Binjen, or Binyen. Of course, it
is desirable, if not necessary, that we all
pronounce the name alike. W. N. S.
s mrm. v tt a I -b w a
Leghorns. Mackintoshes
Raven Brand Hosiery,
For boys, girls, misses, ladies and men. We have anticipated your
spring needs in Hosiery, and have bought liberally of this justly fam
ous brand of Hosiery. They are RAVEN BLACK and wear like
leather. Plenty of styles to choose from at prices to suit pocket
books of various dimensions, but iu every pair an extraordinary
amonnt of value is crowded into every cent of cost. -
Ladies' Hose, from good wearing 10c hose to finest fancy open
work and striped Lisle, at 35 and 50c.
Men's staple good wearing hose from 5c to 40c for first quality
and most elegant colorings.
Misses' and children's hose that will give yon perfect satisfaction,
and boys hose that will give you better service and satisfaction than
anything you ever had.
Orders are coming in' for Royal suits and ladies' skirts, and qual
ity and fit are up to the usual Royal standard of excellence.
Kites from oen headed by oook which took
flint premium 2 years In succession at I'orM
land. Uro. (1.00 per aettliie of 13 eKK". Hntia-
fai-tion guaranteed. E. A. r UAN'Z.
McGuire Bros.
Fresh and Cured Meat9,
Lard, Poultry,
Fruits and Vegetables.
Free Delivery. Phone 35.
t niy-plnce, on 'lie Mb Hoid road, on
mile Miuiii of town, I have opened a Houi
and Feed (Store. No need now U haul your
feed up the big hill Irom town when you can
Duy oi me ai doiwiu prices.
MISSES AND CHILDREN'S HOSE Fine gauge, fas! black, cotton ribbed
Hose, sizes 7 to Q4- We can't say enough about the excellent value
in these stockings; they are simply fine for 15c a pair, but we're go
ing to sell them for 12,'u'c on Saturday. If you want to fit your chil
dren out for summer, don't miss this opportunity
2 Pairs for 25 cts.
50 cts per pair, our Famous Asbestos Tan Spraying (doves. Those
who bought them last year will tell you how good they are.
50 cts each, men's Stanley Shirts, collars and cuffs attached, made of
fancy percale; easy to laundry; a fine summer shirt.
G cts, Ladies' light weight Sleeveless Vests, a well finished, closely knit
garment; good value at a little price.
20 cts per pair, men's fancy Half Hose, all the latest color effects, splen
did values.
5 cts per pair, men's Half Hose, black or tan; you get twice your
money's worth in these sox.
White Linen Handkerchiefs, men's sizes, full soft finish, 3 for 25c.
Dallas' Corner.
Oregon's Superiority.
Hood River, April 16, 1902. Editor
Glacier: In the months of October, No
vember and December it was the privi
lege of the writer to visit nineteen states
east of the Rocky mountains, and to ex
amine with some degree of care the op
portunities for farming, fruit-growing,
stock-raising and dairying. This exper
ience confirms what had been my opin
ion for many years, viz., that, all things
considered, no state in our Union pre
sents as good a chance for successful
operation of these industries as our own
Oregon: Add to these thej fishing, lum
bering ana mining industries, ana we
have a range foreffort that is unparal
leled.The writer took with him a bundle
of Hood River literature,descantingupon
its advantages for the home seeker, and
circulated it all along from Nebraska to
Maine, and it was receivea and read
with great interest. In manv localities
a spirit oi aissausiaciion wun local con
ditions was found, and to the extent
that people are able they will Beek new
fields where they can better their con
dition. The wise setting forth of Ore
gon's possibilities for the benefitof these
seekers after reliable information is the
duty of every resident of our state.
UKO. 11. 11IMES.
r i. H" i
Declines the Nomination.
Hood River, April 16, 1902. Editor
Glacier: I am informed I was nominat
ed as county surveyor on the prohibi
tion ticket at The Dalles, April 14th. I
wish to say the nomination was without
mv knowledge or consent. I have been
a life-long republican, have endorsed its
principles and worked tor tne election
of those who were placed in nomination
to fill positions of honor and trust. I
thank mv friends for their confidence in
me, and I assure them that 1 am with
them heart and action in doing away
with the gigantic evil that destroys man
hood and blurhts the community in
which it exists. C. J. Hayks.
Apportionment of School Funds.
The following table shows the appor
tionment of county school funds for April,
District No.2 M.H.NickelsentJ 533 20
3 Geo. T. Prather 1201 80
4 P. D. Hinrichs 372 00
5 M. D. Odell 2116 60
6 Win. H. Edick 167 40
7Boyd N.Sproat 272 80
32 W. II. Odell 68 20
43 Jos. A. Knox 74 40
61 J. I. Miller 204 60
In Hood River, April 1,
Mrs. H. A. Cunning, a son.
1H02, to Mr. and
very W ed-
in l
C. Bharier,
lion for the third saloon "
circulated. I'nder the provisions of the
citv charter ami ordinance mji'ires
maioritv ol the smnaiures in mr khi
Eastern states.
If Jim Hanna knows how to work the
saloon element during the campaign, we
mav have a prohibition sheriff.
voters at a preceding election before ft lrs. W.M.Ellis has been very ill with
saloon licence can be granted by the pnCumorsa but is now convalescing,
cmn.-il. Kemorstrances acainst thej JJr ym jijmj ,,( The Dalles was
granting of the petitions are being cir- , '. in ji uiver Tuesday,
culated and are . wV'n Preyed chicken for Sunday dinner
lL?s '.OU-Guire 1W. meat market.
Church Notice.
United Brethren Cliurrh. unty school at
10 . ni. rreacnini! i 11 . in. nu p.
C. K. t 7 p. m. I'myer service every W
ng l i. v.
will be cordially welcomed
Valley Christian Church. Sunday School,
in a. iu. a. m. C. K. 7:00 n.
Preaching t S.-00 p- AH not worshipping
elsewhere are enruiwuy innieu iu mcsc aer-
vices. J. n . Jenkins, pastor,
Kev, J. W. Jenkins will preach at the Crop
per school on hunoay, ai s p. m.
Unitarian (Vrvlec. Rev. W. O. Eliot will
preach In A. O. I'. W. hall Sunday morning,
April II nelock. Subject of sermon:
"salvation hut it Is not, and What it is.
Consres'lonal Chnrch The pastor, Rev J
L HiiThner, will conduct service ai u a n
and 7:4i p m Sunday Khial at k) s m; C
l. iiuo-tintr at 7 : 1 .k Junior I. K. at .1 o
All are invited, si re intent especially, to these
With every boy's suit sold, beginning Friday, April 18th,
we will give FREE a new dime-saving bank. This applies to any suit
we have in Btock, from 75c up. It's a money saver, SURE. Boys, save
your dimes; T5.00 is there almost before you know it.
No shifty prices here. We don't ask 3.50 today because you want
goods on time and $3.00 to your neighbor for cash. A baby is safe with
us. Our reputation is at stake, and IT'S worth more to us than a whole
year's business. Our trade is daily increasing, just because we do right.
We haye everything in wearing apparel for the human race, and our
prices are lower than 1ms ever been known for good, honest, reliable goods.
Every one is welcome to come and LOOK; if you do not BUY we
are satisfied. What we are so anxious to do is to let you know we have
the goods when you ARE ready to buy and show you how cheaply we
will sell them. Following are a few items, with many others justas good:
Men's heavy 9 nz. Overalls, up to date per pair 40c
Men's heavy Goat Skin Gloves per pair 25c
Men's good mixed Cotton Socks 6 pair for
Men's good Tan and Black Socks per pBir
Men's Balbriggan Underwear
Men's heavy Ribbed Sweaters, the fl kind 63c
Ladies' black Fast Color Hose per pair 5c
Ladies and children's Sunhonnets, all colors each 19c
Ladies' Sleeveless L'ndervests each 5c
Ladies' Muslin Underwear in all styles; Gowns 50c, Drawers. .. 25c
Outing Flannel 4c yard Tosclion Laces . 5c yard
Good Calico 4c vard Valenciennes Laces 10c doz
LL. Muslin Mull 5c yard Good Shirting 5c
Beautiful Challies 5c yard And numberless others just as good.
Respectfully yours.
We are closing out our stock of mackintoshes at sale'prtces. Set tham if .
you want Bargains.
Our stock of Ladies' and Gentlemen's underwear ia complete. We have
the best values in shoes ever shown in Hood River, and our prices.ftre ftgjow ftl
the good quality of the goods will justify.
bone & Mcdonald.
rn statement; No. 21011, for ths purchase of i s ri fx fi m y w-aj f-a. www rrl - "V DAVIDSON FRUIT CO.
th, ranne No. 11 east, W. M., and
Tlnibor IHiid, Act June SL 1873.
United states Land Ofrlce.Vaneouvor.Wash.,
April 2, 11102. Not lee is hereby given that in
compliance Willi the provisions of the act of
congress of June 3, 178, entitled an act for the
sale of timber lands in I he States of California.
Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory,"
as extended to an tne puuue. iuuu bluw-s uy
act of August 4, W2,
of fine Klat.county of Kllckltat.state of Wash
ington, nus mis nay nieu in iuib imice ins
sworn statement; No. 2 WO, for the purchase of
nort li
will otter proof to show that the land sought Is
more valuable for its timber or stone than for
agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim to said land before the Register and Re
ceiver of this oflloe at Vancouver, Wash., on
Tuesday, the 17th day of June, 1WU.
tie names as witnesses: jaeon m. ijockc,
Monroe Locke, John (i. I'erry and Edward
1'errv, all of l'lne Klat, Wash.
Any and all persons claiming adversely tne
above-described lands are requested to file
their claims in this office on or before said 17th
day of J unu, 1902.
allj:i lj uuhdaiv, ivegisicr.
itTmbLSnd, Act June 3, 1878.
United suites Land OfIice,Vancouver, Wash.,
A mil 2. 11102. Notice Is hereby given that In
compliance with the provisions of the act of
congress of June 3. 1878, entitled "An act for
me su e or limner anas in me mutes ui m-
li,, mln. Orenon. Nevada and Washington
Territory," as extended to all the public land
states by act of August , in,
of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of
Oregon, has tins day niea in mis omce ins
sworn statement, No. 2107, for the purchase of
the east southeast section No. 1 In town
ship No. i north, range No. 12 east, W. M.,
and will oiler proof to show that the
land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish Ills claim to said land before the
Register and Receiver ot this omce at Van
couver, Wash., on Wednesday, tne iBin aay
June, llltu.
fie names as witnesses: uhhkw ei, wwic
Homer W. Moore. William Rethlefsen and
ciiui-leH Hucnn- all nf Lvle. Wash.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to rile
their claims in this oince on or oeiore saiu
18th day of June, lm.
ailjeu w. it. iiunDAn, ivugiswr.
Land Offlee at the Dalles, Oregon, Aprils,
1902. Notice is hereby given mat tne loiiow-tiur-named
settlers have tiled notice of inten
tion in mRke final oroof on their respective
claims before the Register and Receiver at
The Dalles, Oregon, ou Monday, May 19, 1H02,
vias: . . ,
of Mosier, Oregon, on homestead application
No 6728, for the south y, southwest H and
southwest hi southeast Vi section 4, and north
west norineasi 4 section , wwusuiu i i
north, range 11 east, W M
of Mosier, Oregon, on homestead application
Nooi, for tne soul n y, souineasi m, sectiuu
28 and south southwest section -a, town
ship 2 north, range 11 east, W M
of Mosier. Oreaon. ou homestead application
No aWO, for the norlh northwest W section
M and north y norineusi 54 seeiion , uiwn
uhin 2 mirtli. rantre 1 1 east. W M
.A... - ' Tnl.n v
C Young and George Harrison, all of Mosier,
ure8".. ,.,.0 ......
llmlD JAI 1 . IJtLAD, xveaister.
I5" 1
I ' t.1
with InmiiLi sta?:
Cons Soti
rnnncAt'd Ok 'crn pimrnmn
aailll aal v " W toll
Equal to any $5 Shoe on tho Market .
If jroor dMlr 4om not kMp them, In till hm ninf t
ytlt lor r. W carry km la Hack tnm C to U ik tUl MM.
f! ftnT7UM 4 fid . PiM'ra.
H falinncsota Shoe Co. st. paul. minn.
bone & McDonald.
Shippers of
Hood River's
Sole agents for Canton Line Chilled Plows, Bteel Plows. Timber Plows, Har
rows and Cultivators, all styles. Hludebaker Wagons and Vehicle. Pomona
Kpray Pumps, Laud Plaster and FertillierB. Sales agents for Planet Jr Drills and
Ov -PlilJr Dis
Waucoma ManufacturingCo
i -
Our shop now has everyfacllity4for
turning outnrst-class work in the lino of
Call Usy,Phon.
F. P. FRIDAY. F. B. BARNES,.Notary Public.
Insurance, Abstracting, Writing DeedsJLeases,
Mortgages, etc.
If you have property to sell, list it with us. Office in the'brick
store on Oak street.
ITImber Land. Act June 3, 1878.
United States Land Office, Vancouver,
Wash.. Kebruarv 14. 1902. Notice Is hereby
given that Jn compliance with the provisions
of t he act of Congress of June S, 1S78. entitled
"An act for the sale of timber lunds In the
stales of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territory," as extended to all
the public land states by act of August 4, 18D2,
of Odessa, county of Big Stone, slate of Minn
esota, has this day tiled In this office his sworn
statement, No. 2x17, for the purchase of the
northwest quarter of southeast quarter and
nort heast quarter of tout li west quarter, and
roni h half ni' nnrthwest uuarter of section No.
20, in township No. B north, range No. 10
east, W. M., anil will otter prtsif to show that
the land sought Is more valuable for iu tim
ber or stone than for agricultural purposes,
unit in eutjihlisli his claim to said land before
the Register and Receiver of this office at
Vancouver, Washington, on Tuesday, the 0th
day ot .way, lira,
lie names as witnesses: James F. Cox, Al-
den Kingman and Brad Hamilton, all or
Trout Lake. Wash., and Robert V. Cox of
Pnrtluml. llreffntl.
Anv mid all uersons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to tile
their claims In this office on or belore said tlth
The young man loves the young woman ;
That's his business.
The young woman loves the young man;
That's her business.
The young man and young woman get
married ;
That's the preacher's business.
They will need furniture, carpets, wall
paper and building material ;
That's mv hiiHinoss.
day of May, 11KW.
W. R. DUNBAR, Register.
Ties that Pay to Tie.
A fine line of up-to date Tecks, Bows and Four-in-IIands just re
ceived. We have marked the regular 75c values down to 50 and 60c.
We also have a new and neat line of Standing and Turn Down
Collars, including the new Water Proof Rubber Collar.
White dress, fancy golf, soft collar and working Shirts that wear
and give satisfaction, at prices that suit your parse.
Don't forget that we have a nice line of Slen's Clothing in stock.
In fact, we carry nearly everything. Call on U9 for anything you
Land Offle at Vancouver, Wash., March 1.1,
1UU2. Notice is hereby given tnal tne tonow-liiu-nanied
settler has tiled notice of his in
tention to make final proof in support of
his claim, and tnat saia prooi win oe maue
before the Register and Receiver U. H. Land
Office at Vancouver, Wash., on Monday,
April 28, wm, viz:
of Lvle P.O.. Washington, who made H. E.
No. Mttl. for the lot 1 and southeast quarter of
northeast quarter and east half of southeast
quarter of section 5, township 8 north, range
IZ enst, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of. said land, vie:
James O. Lyle. Paola Bettanl, F. C. Patter-
son and James Morgan, all of Lyle P. O.,
m21aii W. R. DUNBAR, Register.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, Mnrch 10,
HXtt. Notice Is hereby given that tne follow
lm. mimed settler bas tiled notice of his In
tention to make final nroof In support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore Geo. T. Prather, L. H. Commissioner, at
Hood River. Or .on Haturday.Aprtl lS,lCJ,vit:
1-.1..V1I.H VV. J. UKlMlbR,
of Mt, Hood, Oregon, H. E. No. &")70, for the
lots 1, 0, 7 and section s, townsuip i norm
range measi. w. m.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion or said land, viz:
8. B. Hess, D. It. Cooper, W. s. oriboie ana
A. B. Hillings, all of ML Hood, Oregon.
mHal8 JAY f. LLCAH, negisier.
Comprises the Latest Styles and Qualities.
We also have an extensive collection of
Mr. L. Bradley's Magnificent Hood River and
Columbia River Scenes,
than which no more beautiful or acceptable eift could be made.
Your patronage respectfully solicited,
Columbia Nursery's
Large assortment of choice Trees. Especially fine lot of one and two
year old Apple.
WE CAN SUIT YOU. Send in your order early.
H. C. BATEHAM, Propr.
Spring Millinery
We are now evolving charming effects in Ladies and Children's
head wear at lowest prices. If you wish to look your best, wear one
of our stylii-h Hats.
Notice to SlraWuBiry Growers
Owlnt to the eonilnued lnrrf in the
prtreol ho lumber, we re compelled to say
thst w cannot furnish berry crates at the old
priec of lor nd lusiime th added rer"ni
biiitvof niskinc sn Indefinite nnmlr f
crates nn kni Hue lieilrr iliey will le um4
or iK.t, m iiiske tlir MUx irnr proposition:
On all crates ordered and aid for nn or b
fiirr April i th tlie price a ll! he IV, tm or
ders won satl-fsetorT settlements other than
rash, an advance at i per cent, on ail orb".
n! rwrlved and accepted on or txlor
April tn, a uniform price of
The Prather Investment Co.,
The Reliable Heal Estate Agents.
I4inrt Offlee at The nallen, Oregon, March 11,
lfltrz Kottiw a hereby given thai the follow-
Inn-named apt tier has (lied notice of his Inten
tion to make final proof tn mipport of his
claim, and that aald proof will be made before
the KiKmter na Keoeiver at l ne imiieu, urw-
gon, on (SBiuniay, Apni i, mu, via:
of Moler, Oregon, H. K. No. till", for the NE
section H, lownanip a r.., raritfe. 11 r... w .ra.
lie nainea tuc ii'ii'i.ii's hhctw ... ..,. u
his cnntlnuoua residence upon and culliva-
linn of aiiiri land, vix:
w A. mark. Clarence Dentmore. O. E.
Smith and C'ha. R. Htarii, all of Moler, Or.
nil4al8 JAY V. licah, Kegimer.
Land Office at The llallen. Oregon. March 10.
lHOi Notice la hereby given that the following-named
aettler haa filed notice of his in
tention to make flnitl proof In support of hi
claim, and that aald pro. if will be made before
Geo. T. Prather, U. K. Coinmlwtioner. at Hood
Kiver, Or., on Monday, April 21, 1MU2, vl:
ur.t, i . o iiM.i.,
Heir and for the heirs of William O'Dell. dee..
H. K. No. 5wH, for the north half southwest
quarter, southwest quarter nortbweat quarter,
and lot 4, section 1, township 1 north, range
IU rjvu w , ot .
He names the following witnesses tonrore
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, vli:
O. B. Hartley and J. M. Leni of Hood Kiver,
Or., Paul Aubert and (J. V. Knapp of Mount
tiooa, Oregon.
m Mais JAI r. L. lie AW, Heglster.
fTtmher Land. Act Jnne S. 11C8.1
I'nited Watea I-and Offlee, Vancouver,
Wash.. March 12, loa-Notice is hereby given
that in compliance with the provisions of the
ei nf congress of June S. 1K".S. entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands in the states of
California, Oregon, evaua ana wasningion
Territory, as extended to all the public land
states by act of August i.
Timber Land, Act June S, 1H7S.
United States tnd Office. Vancouver.
Wash., March 4, lUOJ. Notice is hereby given
that in compliance with the provisions of the
act of oongress of June 8. 1874. entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands in the state of
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
territory, as extended to all the public land
states by act of August 4, 1W2,
Of Gilmer, county of Klickitat, state of Wash
ington. has tins aay n leu in iniHomee his sworn
statement. No. itt, for the purehaae of the
east halt southwest quarter, and southwest
quarter southwest quarter of section No. 'A,
in lownrnip No.o north, ran:eNo.lleat.W.M
and will oiler proof to show that the land
sought Is more valuable for I ta timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, ana to esian
lish his claim to said land before the Register
and kecelverof thisofticeat Vancoover,Waab
And wagon repairing attended to promptly at
niy shop on the ML Hood road, south of town.
Uood work at reasonable price.
epl7 O. A. HOWELL.
Peanut Roaster.
We have a peanut Roaster of latest pa tern
and can supply our customers with the best
quality of peanuts, fresh roasted every day.
Sample them. OOLEAORAUAM.
Lot and I'.lockt" (o
SaV. Tt" p.tld f T ii '
rU'.s and lilunk in t-
-nv-idi'nU. Township
Telephone 51.
Corre)ondonce solicited.
of Pwtland, county of Mu ""n; on Tuesday, the wtb day of May, lr2.'
ttregon, has this day filed In this office I her H Mm witnesses: Lou..' Inilir
sworn siaieioeio, ...t r-' --.
the north S "otheasl northeast south
weat i and souiheast 4 northwest of sec
tion No 14, In township No. 4 north, range
No. 10 east, W. M., and will offer proof to
show that the land sought is more valuable
for Its timber or stone than for agricultural
nornose and to establish her claim to said
land before the Register and Receiver of this
otticeat Vancouver, Wash on Wednesday,
liie th day of May, lxri.
she names as witnesses: Robert F. Cox, Al
bert W. Lobdell, J. r. Cox and J. v Peels, all
of IVirtland. I iregon.
tm end all is-rsons claiming adversely the
above-dcserihed lands are requested to file
theircaimsin this offlee on or oeiore saia, risv nf afar. VI.
milnia W. R. DUNBAR, Register.
nirer of
Otlmer, Wash.; Job W.Jones of White Hal
mon, Wash.; Peter Ortelg of Gilmer, Wash.;
and Herman Palmer of Kulda, Wash.
Anv and all persons claiming adversely tne
above-deaenbed lands are requested to file
their claims in this omce on or before aald
butt day of May, IKIA
niMiuin . it. tn II A ft, KCglsUT.
fjand Offlee at The Dalles, Oregon, March It,
WO Notice la hereby given that the follow
ing named settler haa Died notice of his
Intention to make final proof In snpport
of his claim, and that aald proof will
be made before Geo. T. Prather, U. 8. Com
missioner, at Hood Kiver, Oregon, on Satur
day , May 3, 1W2, vis:
of Hood RJver, Oregon, H. K. No. A970, tor the
southwest quarter section a, township 2 north,
range 10 eaat, W. M.
He name the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, via:
Allred Ingalls, V. J. Hayes, Geo. Rordeo
and Frank Davenport, all or Hood Kiver,
matma JAY P. I.CCAB, Register.
Dissolution Notice.
Notice Is hereby given that the cotsirtner
il.ln hereiofore existing bel ween C. t- Miller
sn.l H V. Jensen, ander the firm name of
u 1 1 ler A Co.. is this dav dtsolved by mulnal
consent. H V. Jensen will assume all debt
and collect all bills.
Dated at Uood Kiver, Or., March $1, 12.
E. V. JENsi-N.
lnd Offlee at The Dallea.On'gon. March 10,
lisj. Notice Is hereby given that the follow-tng-named
settler has filed notice of bis lolet.-
tlon to make final pnr In support
of his claim, and that said proof will be
made before George T. Prather, u , H. Commis
sioner, at Hood Kiver, Oregon, on Thursday,
May 1, ', via:
of ML H.svl, 11. t' No. .tm for the annth-
east quarter northwest quarter and lota 2,
and 4, aectiuo U, towusbip 1 norih, range 10
east, W. M.
He names the following witnesses) to prove
his continuous residence npon and cultiva
tion of said land, vix:
W. H. Edick, A. a Billing. D. R. Cooper
and H. H.Tomlinm,ali of Ml. Hood.Oretron.
mliaia JAY P. LLC AH, Keiu.
I .and Offloa at Vancouver, Wash., March 11,
Mil Notice Is hereby given that the follow,
lug-named aettler has Died notice of b la In
tention to make final proof In support of hla
claim, and that aald proof will be mads
before the Register and Receiver U. H. land
Office at Vancouver, Washington, 00 Tueas
day, May, Itsu, vix:
of Pine Flat P. O., Washington. H. E. No.
KViiK) for the east half of northwest quarter
and east half of southwest quarter of section
21, In townships north of range II east, W.M.
He namew the following wttneasea to prova
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of, aald land, via:
John P. Kgen, John Egen, O. E. White and
O. Rath, all of White Halmon P. O- Wash.
niieMni W. R. DUNBAR, Register.
Administratrix Notice.
Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned
haa been duly appointed by the county court
of the state oi Oregon tor Wasro county Ad
ministratrix of tbe estate of H. L. Crapper,
deceaaeil. All persons having claims against
said estate are hereby notified to present lb
same, verified according to law. to toe under
signed, at the) offloa of A. A. Jayne, In tlx
citywf Hood River, In said Wasco county,
within six months from toe data of this no
tice. Dated at Hood River, Oregon, this th day
of March, liML
Administratrix of the Estate of tL L. Crapper,