11 iiMrH ITS A COLD DAY WHEN WE GET LEFT." - HOOD RIVER, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 11)02. KO. 48. VOL. XIII. HOOD RIVER GLACIER Published Every Friday bT B. F. BLYTHK. Term, ol ubcriptlon ll.jO a year when paid In advance. THE MAIL. Tlit mall arrives from Mt. Hood at 10 o'clock s. m. Wednesdays and Saturdays; departa the aame (lavs at noun. Kor Clienuweth, leave, at 8 a. m. Tuwdajra, Thursday, am) Saturdays; arrive, at S p. m. or rt hite Salmon (U aali.) leave, daily at :44 a. m.: arrive, at 7.16 p. tn. r rmn White sat molt leaves for Fnlda, G timer, Tiout Lake and Glen wood daily at A. M. hot H.iikcu (Until.) leave, at 6:4a p. in.; ar live, at 1 p. m. SOCIETIES. IAt'REL KKREKAII IiEGREB LODGE, No i M, I. ('. O. K Meets first and third Moo day. In each month. Miss I ITlt Entbican, N. Q. H. I. II IBB arc, becretary. (1ANBY POST, No. 1, 0. A. R.-MeeUatA. O. V. W. llali aerimd and fourth Kalur lav, of each month at 2 oVloelt p. in. All U. A. K, member, invited to meet with u. J. W. Kiuby, Commander. C. J. HaYM, Adjutant. CANBY W. R. C, No. IS MeeU first Satur day o! each month in A. (. U. W. hall at I p. m. Mm. B. . hhohsiakkr, President Mrs. 0. L. Htkakah an, Secretary. TTOOD RI Jl M. Meets Saturday evening on or before each full moon. Yt a. M. yatks, w. m. C. I). Thompson, Secretary. II OOD RIVER CHAPTER, No. 27, R. A. M.- Meet, third Friday niKlit ol each montn. c. l. smith, n. r. A. N. Rahm, Secretary. fTOOn RIVER CHAPTER, No. 25, O. S. 8.- JL Meet, aecond and fourth Tuesday even ing, ol each month. Visitors coidially wel comed. Mr,. Moli.ii C. Cole, W. 11, Mas. Mast B. Davioson, Secretary. LKTA ASSEMBLY No. 105, Cnlted Artisans, . F Meet, first and third Wednesday,, work! second and fourth Wednesday, aneial; Artl' ans hall. F. C. Uaoetl'S, M. A. Fred Cue, Secretary. w AUCOMA LODGE, No. SO, K. of P.-Meta in A. O, V. W. ball every Tuesday nignu C. K. SlAKKUAll, C. C. , Haynes. K. of R. & 8. isive.rinii.ic. lAimte., no. do, a. u. v, O. U. W.- Meet, nrt aim third Saturday, or racn month. Fbbd Howi, W, M. Geo. T. Prather, Financier. TDLKWILDB LODGE, No. 107, I. O O. F J Meet! In Fraternal hull every Thunday nignt. i.. e. mount, n. u. , J. U Henderson, Secretary. 11 meet, at A. O. V, VV. hall oil the Drat and Ann nnrvD fcvT v , n v n T- t third Fridays of each month. Walter Uereinq, Commander. fllVKRSIflE LODGE NO. 40, DEGREE OF Ji HONOR, A. O. U. W.-Meets Ant and third Hatnrdav, at a P. M. Mrs. E. R. Bradley, C. oi H. Lena Evans, Recorder. ,nrt niir.a " w r u n rem if w , meets 111 Odd Fellows' Mull the first and third Wednesday of each month. F. L. Davidson, V. C. . I. R. Bradley, Clerk. i KflENT ORDER OF THE RED CROSS. A HoihI River Lodge No. 10, meet. In Odd Fellow,' hall second and fourth Saturdays in each mouth, 7:30 o'clock. C. L. Cupfle, President. J. E. Hinna, Secretary. Q H. JENKINS. D. M. D. DENTIST. ' SiieciaUst on Crown and Bridge Work. Office In Bone building, west of Oleuwocd Home. Hood River, Oregon. jQR. I. T.CARNS. Dentist. Gold crowns and bridge work and all kinds of Up-to-Data Dentistry. HOOD RIVER OREGON J L. DUilBLE, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Sncceuor to Dr. M. F. Shaw. Calls promptly answered In town or country, Day or Niirht. Telephone: Residence, 81 ; Office, S3. Office over Everhart's Grocery. J F. WATT, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Telephones: Office, 281 ; residence, 283. 81RGE0N 0. R. 4 N. CO. JOHN LKLAND HENDERSON ATTORNEY-AT-LA W. ABSTRACTER, NO TARY Ft KMC and REAL ESTAlK AUKNT. For 23 yes rs a resident of Oregon and Wash ington, 'lias hud many years experienc. in Real Estate matiers, as ahktractor, searcher of inks and ageuu baliafaclion guaranteed or no charge. J. F. WATT, M. D. Siireeon for O. R. A N. Co. la especially and throat equip) ed to treat catarrh of nose ami diseases of women. hpecial terms for oluce treatment of chronic casea. Telephone, office, 124. residence, 43, pREDERICK & ARNOLD CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. Estimate! furnished for all kinds of work. Repairing a specialty. All kinds of shop work. Shop on State Street, between r irst and fcecond. THE KLONDIKE CONFECTIONERY A Is the place to get the latest and best in Confectioneries, Candies, Nuts, Tobacco, Cigars, etc. ....ICE CREAM PARLORS.. W. B. COLE, Proprietor. p C. BROSil'S, M. D. " PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Thone Ceutral, or 121. Office Honrs: 10 to U A. M.jJto J and 6 to 7 P. M. Q H. TEMPLE. Prictiul Witcbxrter 1 Jeweler. My long experience enables trie to do the best poaeible work, which I fully guarantee, and at low prices. 6 UTLF.R &-CO., BANKERS. Do a general banking business. HOOD RIVER, OREGON f J. HAYES, J. P. t-.lf rt ith Bone Biother. oa'n, will ha tn,1e. tn AL.I1T t In.. Collection, ltl.l. ill Iw a-e on pd gornm,ia laud, either jVENTSOFTHE day FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS OF THE WORLD. Comprehensive Review el the Important Happenings of the Pail Week, Presented I Condensed Form, Which Is Most likely to Prove of Interest to Our Many Ruder. Two men were killed in a mine explo sion near Lake City, Colo. Congress will not appropriate the necessary funds to raise the Maine this year. Tne Standard Oil Company has se cured control of its only rival in Went Virginia. One thousand Chinese government troops have deserted in a body and joined the rebels, taking with them their arms, munitions and treasure. Friends of the Chinese exclusion bill in the senate have about given up hope of the measure passing in its present form. The situation throughout Belgium re mains unchanged. Fresh ' outbreaks may occur at any time. During severe fighting in the Trans vaal, 200 Boers were killed, captured or wounded. The British also lost heavily. General Miles will be forced to retire at an early date. The cholera situation is growing worse in the Philippines. Fire in a Louisville, Ky., lumberyard destroyed $70,000 worth of property. The house has passed the bill grant ing Mrs. McKinloy a pension of $5,000 a year. Major Waller has been acquitted of the charge of killing natives of f-amar without trial. Rioting continues in the cities of Belgium. Martial law will be declared throuhgout the country, A now independent steel company is to be incorporated in New Jersey with a capital of 1200,000,000. England is very hopeful over the prospects of peace. The Boer leaders nave been in communication with Loid Kitchener. Burglars entered an Indiana bank and blew open tho safe, but the ex plosion awoke citizens and no money was secured. The damage by the ex plosion was $12,000. The revolutionary movement In Bel gium appears to be spreading. Wade Hampton, the famous South ern general, is dead, He was 84 years of age. Sir niram Maxim, an English capi talist. offers $250,000 for successful aimhip that is not a balloon. The Spanish commission which is to value artillery remaining in the West Indies, has sailed for its destination. Colombian rebels continue to harrass the government troops. They are re ceiving arms from the United States. The Boers have not yet accepted the British terms of peace Conferences be tween the leaders are still in progress, John D. Rockefeller has given I Brooklyn school $125,000 provided that friends of the institution raise an equal amount within one year. Unconfirmed statements are in circa lation in London to the effect that the Boer leaders have accepted the British terms ef peace. The body of Cecil Rhodus has Deen placed in its last resting place. Fire at Columbus, Ga., destroyed property valued at $250,000. Rear Admiral Norman S. Farquhar has retired. His retirement promotes Captains Joseph B. Coghlan and James H. Sands to be rear admirals. While at the Charleston exposition the president declared his intention of visiting the Northwest at an early date. Dr. Talmage is much worse. He is . ,., .i . .v. now troubled tun congestion oi uie brain. Socialists mobbed King Leopold, of Belgium, and he had a difficult time in escaping. The Danish landsthing, or npper house, oted in favor of selling the West Indies to the United States. The treaty will now go to the lower house. Cholera is increasing in the Philip pines. The Manchurian treaty has been signed at Pekin. Fire in New York destroyed a six story building. Lows, $150,000. Fighting between Christians and Turks is reported in Northern Turkey. President Roosevelt received a hearty welcome at the Charleston exposition. The house's first vote on Cuban reci procity showed both parties to be divided. Major General W. R. Shafter.United States army (retired), is a candidate for governor of California. Of the 20 tobacco factories in France S are in Paris. South Africa has ostrich farms con taining over 300,000 birds. In New York city alone there are now about 400,000 Germans. The governor of Finland has ordered the prosecution of the Lutheran pastors who refuse to read the new Kussian army regulations in their churches. ( Among the 24 inhabitants of London lio are over 100 years old are 19 women. British console draw more Interest than United States S per cents., but are at a discount' of 7 per cent., while our 2 per cent, bonds command a premium oi S per cent. Jack What Is the secret'ol your popularity with the ladies Tom I always mistake the society qneent for debutantes and the debataates for ao eiety qoeena. GENERAL MILES MUST GO. Will be Ported by Secretary Root to Retire at an Early Day. Washington, April 16. The issues are fairly joined between the lieuten ant general and the secretary of war. The troubles which began long ago un der the Cleveland administration have finally reached so critical a stage that compulsory retirement of General Miles at an early date is an open secret, and is not denied at the White House. In explanation of President Roose velt's position, one of his close friends, who unquestionably speaks by author ity, sai J: "The question is not a "personal one between General Miles and Secretary Root. At present Secretary Root has on his shouldroa a heavier burden than any other member of the administra tion. No man less strong could carry it all ; and now, at the very time when he requires the most loyal support of every subordinate who wishes well to the armv and the nation, he ha t0 1 spend much of bis strength in meeting the opposition of the Jcommanding gen It eral. il uenerai wnes is reurea, u will be simply because, after a patient trial, President Roosevelt feels that on the highest ethical grounds his reten- j tion would work grave and lasting in- jury to the army as a whole. "As some of General Miles' friends have said that it would be unfair to per pound for oinor varieties, retire him, it should be said, in the I T))e Q UmXwT Company has first place, that he secured his promo- p,,rcnagej the entire plant and hold tion to a brigadier generalship only , of t)e Beavef Flume Lumber Com. through the similar forced retirement , , Tha flnmn of General Ord. he himself being jump- ed over by a number of his seni r ofn-! cera in tne vacancy inuscreateu ; anu, in the second place, that the only action of the kind taken by President Roose velt since he has been in office was in the case of Colonel Noyes, who was compulsorily retired after reaching the age of 62, on the recommendation of General Miles. In other words, the general has himself recommended and profited by the very action wincii ms ft iends now fear may be taken at his expense. "If he should eo out betore general Brooke is retired, General Brooke, who is General Miles' senior, both in serv ice and in age, and who did gallant and distinguished work as a volunteer in the Civil war, would undoubtedly be put in his place as lieutenant geucral, as it is known that the administration has been very desirous of recognizing General Brooke's long and faithful service." PEACE TERMS FOR BOERS. Details of Proposals Now Under Discussion by Leaders at Pretoria. The Hague, April 16. From those close in touch with the Boer leaders here it appears that the latest secret dispatch from South Africa outlines the peace proposals now under discussion at Preotria. They contain the follow ing details: The Boers are to accept aBritis,h lord commissioner, with a Boer executive, both to be resident at Pretoria; the country is to be divided into districts, with British district officers and a Boer committee chosen by a vote of the burghers', the veto right is to be re served to the British government; the majority of the British officers must'be conversant with the dual language; Jo hannesburg is to be ceded to the Brit ish, with complete British civil govern ment; a war indemnity of lO.OQO.OOO pounds is to be distributed by mixed committees; disarmament is to occur when the first batch of loer prisoners is sent back to South Africa; no war tax is to be levied ; both languages are to be recognized in the schools and courts and in official documents; the expense of the garrisons in Sonth Africa is to be borne by Great Britain; the present Boer leaders are tojse retained in office so far as possible. . Cathedral Tower Falls. Madrid, April 16. At the close of the celebation.of a grand mass today, the tower of the cathedral at Cienta collansed. and destroyed three adjoining houses and part of the cloisters. The remainder of the cathedral threatens to fall. Two bodies and a number of in - jured persons have been recovered from the ruins. The number of persons en- tombed is not known. Texas Suffering from Drouth. Austin, Tex., April 16. Governor Sayres has investigated the condition which prevails in Zapato and has is- sued an appeal calling on the people of Texas to extend relief to that section, "on account of the very severe and pro - a a 1 jAnih taihinh hoa nraro 1 1 fxl ' ' ' tracted drouth which has prevailed. First Catholic on the Board. Washington, April 16. The president has appointed Archbishop Ryan, of Philadelphia, a member of the board of Indian commissioners. He succeeds Bishop Whipple, the eminent Episco palian, who died recently, and is the first Catholic prelate appointed on the board. Thousands of Immigrants. New York, April 16. Immigrants to the number of 4,132 arrived during the day from European ports. The Trojan Prince, from ports in the Mediter ranean, brought 1107; the Statendam, from Rotterdam, had 1,097 acnard; the Champagne, from Havre, brought 1,059; the Hesperia, from Mediter ranean ports, 680, and the Island brought from Denmark 219. Favorable Reports on Pension Bills. Washington, April 16 The senate committee on pensions today ordered a favorable report from the bill granting increases of pensions to soldiers who have lout arms, legs or feet. The in crease will be $15 per month each, and will increase the annual pension appro priation bill $1,300,000. The commit tee also ordered a favorable report on s bill increasing from $30 to $40 pet month the pension of tboee who an totally deaf. This will increase the pension appropristirn $28,000 only. NEWS OF THE STATt ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM ALL PARTS OF OREGON. Commercial and Financial Happenings of Im portanceA Brief Review of the Growth and Improvements of the Many Industries Throughout Our thriving Commonwealth Latest Market Report. I. O. O. F. grand lodge of Oregon will meet at Newport May 21. The elec'tric light p ant at Gold Hill will soon be in operation. The Oregon G. A. R. encampment will be held at Astoria June 4 to o. Work has commenced at Grants Pass on a three story brick Masonic hall. The foundation of the new flouring mill at Condon has been completed and work on the superstructure commenced. The lambing suaron in Baker county is proving one of the best in years and the prospects are good for a large wool cup. Ten stamps and a quantity of nia- 'chinery and equipment have arrived at r- - 1) I . 1. . I" I. ., , : ., ln n ,. 4. v.Va minn in tne fjriggs district, Western Josephine county. - . Kruitrower8. Union 1)at) v .ted to contract its 1902 crop of straw- berries for Z cents per pound for the Jst canning Berries ana u. d cents lndg'BtR 8 the A & c r r; The owners of the Red Boy-Concord mines, Granite district, are completing arrangements for installing near Olive lake a large electric light and power plant. They will furnish power to other mines in the same neighborhood. Polk county is now practically out ol debt. The postoffice at Mabel, Lane county, hag been moved one-half mile to the south. The postolTire at Ridge, Umatilla county has been moved half a mile to the southwest. A postoffice has been established at Drew, Douglas county. The office will be supplied with special service from Perdue. Fruitmen of Polk county predict ai immense crop this year. I he con tinued cold, backward spring weather has retarded the development of buds which are not affected by the present severe cold and chilling rains. Considerable anxiety has been ex pressed by fruitgrowers in the Hood river valley concerning the probable damage to fruit by the severe freeze in January and February. From present indications, however, the yield will be average, unless some further damage occurs. - The Polk county Mohair Association has sold Its pool of 3ii,000 pounds at 25 cents per pound. Mrs. Eliza Jane Wrisley, an Oregon pioneer of 1852, has passed away at her home in Medford. Deceased was born in 1826. PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat Walla Walla, 6364c; bluestem, 6465c; Valley, 6465c. Barley Feed, $2021.; brewing, $zl21.50 per ton. Oats No. 1 white, $1.161. 22; gray, $1.101.20. flour Kest grades, fz.8o3.4U per barrel; graham, $2.502.80. Millstuffs Bran, $18 per ton; mid' dlings, $20; shorts, $20; chop, $16.50. Hay Timothy, $12 15; clover, $7.6010; Oregon wild hay, $56 per ton. Potatoes Best Burbanka, $1.101.40 per cental; ordinary, $1.00(31.10 cen tal; Early Rose, $1.602.00 percen tal, growers prices ;sweets, $2.252.50 ner cental. j Butter Creamery, 20322c; dairy, ll8c; store, 1315c. : Eggs 15c for Oregon. j Cheese Full cream, twins, 13(3 13Kc; Young America, 1415c; fac- j tory prices, 11 c less. Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3.50 j 4 50; heni $5.00(36.00 per dozen, 11 c per pound ;8pring8,llllc per pound $3.50(35 per dozen; ducks, $57 per dozen; turkeys, live, 12rjl3c, j dressed, 14 16c per pound; geese, $8X ! 7 per dozen. 1 Mutton Gross, 4c per pound; dress- ed, 77tc per pound. Hogs Gross, 5Jic; drossed, 6)47c per pound. Veal 7h8 for small; 67 for large. Beef Gross, cows, 3?4c; steers, 44)c; dressed, 6i7c per pound. Hops 1213c per pound. Wool Valley, 13 15c; Eastern Ore gon, 812sc; mohair, 2121Hc per pound. The weekly wages of operators of typesetting machines in Germany vary from $4.28 to14.28. The Commercial Club of Louisville u es advertising space in street cars and on Lill boards to enjoin readers t) patronize home industries. But little notice was taken in Hoi- tlhd of the anniversary of Queen Wil e amina'a wedding, and no reference onit whatever appeared in the leading Dutch papers. King Edward has revived the old custom of nsing snuff. The husband of Queen Wilhelmina is to be given the command of the Dutch army. Senator Hale, of Maine, expressed the opinion that mngresa would be prepared to adjourn for the session by June 10. A crowd of 5,000 Americana wit- nessedabull fight at Joaret, near the Texas line. Two famous Spaniards ly defeated yesterday at Fonda Melon, against tne out granting: me ngni 01 ana lower own u i. u ,n , men waaj eignea a diu appropriating were the matadors, killing six bulls, near Jacmel. General Baptist waa way to the Hawaiian Ditch Company, .toward and deck departments. The $100,000 for a statue of the late Presi Twelv horses were gored to death. I captured and wat Immediately shot. saying the legislation waa unnecessary paint inspector la strickea from the roll, dent McKinley in Buffalo. FIREBUG. Scventeca Incendiary Fjrcs were Started Dur ing One Night Chicago, April 15. After extinguish ing 10 fires yesterday, moet of them close together, and apparently of in cendiary origin, the firemen of South Chicago at daybreak today were called upon to contend with the most serious of the long string of blazes. The first of this morning's fires con sumed a barn containing several horees. St. Patrick's church came next, and was destroyed before the firemen could reach it. Scarcely had they reached the church when they were recalled to fight a dangerous looking fire at Vil lard Sons bell forge works. Aftei a hard fight here the flames were checked. Meanwhile the warehouse of the Wash ington loo Company had caught fire, and before the flamei were subdued (5,000 damage bhad been done. The Calumet theater came next, sustaining Will OHO iluronirA lifurA tha flrA vm ST. tiDguished. A four story structure, having a feed store on the ground floor, and dwellings above, was discovered to be burning before the theater fire was put out. Two families escaped in their night clothes. The building was destroyed. Meanwhile a saloon had burned down. The total loss of this morning's fires is put at $50,000. As the buildings were not near each other, the firemen declare that the fires were the work of an incendiary. The people of South Chicago were greatly alarmed by the rapid work of the firebug. The financial loss in the fires yester day amounted to $60,000. Evidence of incendiarism was so convincing, however, that citizens joined the police in patrolling the streets in an effort to guard property and capture the incen diary or incendiaries. In spite of the extra precautions, however, today's fires were . started. Citizens were tie wildered at the attack, and daylight was welcomed with great relief. MEAT FAMINE IN ENGLAND. Retailers Determined that Consumers Shall be Made to Suffer. London,' April 15. The so-called meat famine, which has been exploited throughout the British press, has be come a matter of keen interest to Lon doners, who hitherto have not been affected by the prevailing scarcity. A careful canvass of London shows that the retailers at the present time are the sole sufferers by the advance in the wholesale price, which amounts to a penny per pound on all grades of meat. Since January, the majority of the re tailers have been running their busi ness without profit, because lack of or ganization prevented a uniform in crease of prices. A meeting, however, has been called, which undoubtedly will result in a uniform increase in the price of moat on the part of retailers throughout London. OFFICE FOR THE PRESIDENT. New Seven Milllon-Dollar Building Planned for Washington. Washington, Apiil 15. Senator , SOUTH CHICAGO Fairbanks, chairman of the senate com-1 mcnt to the house bill, for surveys and mittee on buildings, has reported favcr- ( estimates as fo'lows: Cape Lookout, ably a bill providing for a building for , with a view of establishing a break the executive, the department of state water; Yamhill river, with a view to and the department of justice. Senator prolonging the period of navigation; Fairbanks consulted President Roose- Yaquina river, from its mouth to Elk velt before the report was made, and found him agreeable to having the ex ecutive offices in the new building. The proposed building is to be erected north of the present state, war and navy building. It is estimated that the new building and site will cost $7,000,000. Senator Fairbanks sub mitted an elaborate report upon the bill, showing the necessity of relieving the White House of the executive offices and the need of more room for the other departments. The building is to be constructed under the direction of the secretary of state' and attorney gen eral, with the approval of the presi dent. Helen Gould's Gift to be Dedicated. New York,- April 15. The now $100,000 building for the naval branch of the Young Men's Christian Associa tion, near the Brooklyn navy yard, built with funds contributed by Miss Helen Gould, is so nearly completed that it is expected the work of the branch can be transferred to it within two weeks. The formal dedication will take place on May 15. Secretary Long will make an address. The building has five stories, a basement and a roof garden, and Is it, the architectural style of the French renaissance. Revolt In the Congo. Faris, April 15. The minister of the colonies has ordered that reinforce ments be sent to the scene of the troubles in the French Congo, as the result of the dispatches he received yesterday confirming the report of a revolt of natives in the Sangha district. The Paris manager of the Sangha Com pany attributes the outbreak to the fact that the fanaticism of the natives has been aroused by human sacrifices which were celebrated recently. He adds that the natives are well armed w ith modern rifles. Brigands Exterminated. Constantinople, April 15. A band of seven Bulgarian brigands has been exterminated in the Vilayet of Mon astir, in Macedonia, by Turkish troops. The brigands captured the tower of the village of Kadi Koi and then fortified themselves. The troops surrounded the place and demanded the surrender of the brigands, who replied with a ftisillade, which was returned by the Turks until all the occupants of the tower were aeaa. War in Hayti Fort an Trlaoe, Hayti, April 15. ine revolutionary lorces, comniawiea by General Nicholas Baptists, which captured Jacmel, April 5, and held ti..i in. m v, . .i M. Hr4 1 thm hiiim to n . if h h. .11 ih..m. .'mmnnitinn .nii.hu. k. .v.. , t commanded bv the minister of war. j General GuUlanme, and were complete- FOR WATER WAYS SENATE IS LIBERAL WITH RIVER AND HARBOR BILL. Columbia River fares Very Well Purchase or CoiuUruction of Dredge Left to Secretary of War $614,000 for Improvements at -The Dalles Willamette Above Portland will Receive $68,000. Washington, April 16. The river and harbor bill, as reported to the sen ate from the committee on commerce, holds for the mouth of the Columbia river $500,000, with contracts not to ex ceed $1,0000,000, exclusive of the amounts in this bill and heretofore ap propriated. This cannot be interfered with in conference. Other items con tained in the bill are: For the 'im provement of tho Columbia river at the Cascades, $30,000, provided that so much thereof as may be necessary shall be used on the obstructive rock in the rapiils of the Columbia near Cascade Locks, for the improvement of the Lower Willamette and Columbia bilow Portland, $225,000, of which amount $15,000 is to lie used at the discretion of the ttw.retary of war for the eon struction or purchase of a dredge to be used in said rivers this cannot be changed in conference; for improving the Willamette river above Portland and the Yamhill river, $08,000, of which so much as necessary is to be ui-ed in revetting the banks of the Willamette near Independence and at Corvallis; for the maintenance of the Long Tom river, $500; for improving the Coquille river from Coquille to its mouth, $30,000; for improving Coos river, $2,000; for improving the Upper Columbia and Snake rivers, $40,250. The unexpended balance of the ap propriation heretofore made for the im provement of Clearwater river, Idaho, is made available for the improvement of the Upper Columbia and Snake riv ers. Of this sum $28,000, or so much as necessary, may be expended in com pleting the improvement of Snake river between Ripari and Lewiston, and $25,000 may be expended in the im provement of the Snake river above l.ewiston. Another new item in the bill appro priates $10,000 for improving the Co lumbia between the month of the Wil lamette and the city of Vancouver. The house appropriation for improving the mouth of the Siuslaw river is increased from $26,000 to $:-5,000, and the ap propriation of $10,000 for improving the entrance to Coos bay and harbor is changed so as to provide for mainten ance and continuing the improvement and repair of the jetty to $75,000. For completing the improvement of Tilla mook bay and bar, $27,000 is appropri ated, and the secretary of war is di rected to cause to be made a survey and nut i 1Y nflk 1 a niof if Dnriiifinni nlinnnnlr 7 7 .' ? ttLiuBn rtiiu unr ji iu aim tu iucb JIJ dopth, respectively, provision is also made in the bill, by way of amend- City; and Willamette river, between Portland and Oregon City. An amendment to the houpe provision in regard to the Willamette river, op posite Albany, provides for an investi gation of the bank of the Willamette, near Albany, with a view to preventing a divenson of the river. WANTS FEDERAL AID. Honolulu will Send Delegate to Present Its Views on Fire Claims. Honolulu, April 10, via San Fran cisco, April 16. The Honolulu chamber of commerce and Merchants' Associa tion have each held meetings to discuss the Tacific cable proposition and the matter of securing federal aid io pay ing the heavy Chinatown fire claims, amounting to more than $2,000,000. The associations decided to send a dele gate to Washington to present their views, and have decided upon J. G Pratt, a member of the court of China town fire commissioners, who will leave at once. The cable proposition is one that greatly interests all here, and there is much anxiety to fee woik started on the proejet. The chamber of commerce wants the first landing to be made on the island of Hawaii, and the line eon tinued through Maui and Molokai to Honolulu. This would form inter- island connections, which the wireless svstem has so far faiied to accomplish Delegate Pratt will present this propo sition to the company. To Give Arizona Land to Utah. Washington, April 16. Senator Kearns today introduced a bill annex ing to Utah all that part of Arizona ly ing north and West of the Colorado river. Restoration of Tien Tsin. London, April 16. The Pekin corre- Ty.u..n :?"J?Z melinite Ul wo iiiioi wiiiuiaiiitcia iiciu in Tien Tsin Saturday it was unani mously resolved to maintain tne pro- j visional government of Tien Tsin until !, tort r. Hestroved. or nntil Julv. ,nd then only to restore the city to China on the acceptance by her. of cer- tai conditions guaranteeing interna- tional interests, such as promising not , fnrtifv nor to rebui id the forts, etc. Dole Favors Hawaiian Bill Washington, April 16. The senate committee on raciue isianus ana lorto Rico today heard Governor Dole and other Hawaiians on two bills now be- font the committee. Governor IMi and State -enator George R. Carter snoke in favor of the bill for the appor- tinnment of senators in Hawaii, and Delegate Wilcox and Edgar Cayples, opposed it. Governor Dole also spoke MISTAKES IN LUZON. Harsh Treatment of Natives in Some Provinces (las Bad Effect " " Washington, April 12. When the senate committee on Philippines met today Senator Lodge, the chairman, aid before the committee the report of Major Cornelius Gardener, civil gov ernor of the Philippine province of Tayabas, to which reference was made by General Miles in his correspondence with Secretary Root. This repoit ad been withheld, and this caused the adoption of a resolution at the last meeting of the committee requesting the secretary of war to send the report to the committee. The report is dated December 16, 1901, and is largely a re view of conditions in the province. In the course of the report the eovernor says: "A vigorous campaign was at once organized against insurgents lu arms, with the troopa acting under positive orders to shoot no unarmed nativel and to burn no houses except barracks. Looting was prohibited under the strict est penalties. Comoanv and other commanders were ordered to pay for everything taken for necessity or bought trom natives." The governor in detail tells about what has been done, and then recom mendi that the operations against the nsurgents should be by a force of na tives. He has traveled all over the province, with no other escjrt than na tives. In another recommendation, he savs: 'As civil governor, I feel it my dnty to say that it is my firm conviction that the United States troops should at the earliet opportunity be concentrated in one or two garrisons, if it is thought desirable that the good sentiment and loyalty that formerly existed towards the United States among the people of this province should be conserved and enconraged. Heing in close touch with the people, having visited all the pueblos one or more times, having lived with them in their homes, I know that such sentiment once existed. 'Of late, by reason of the conduct of the troops, such as the extensive burn ing of the barrios in trying to lay waste the country so that the insurgents can not occupy it, the torturing of natives by the so-called water cure, and other methods, in order to obtain informa tion, the harsh treatment of the natives generally, and the failure of inexperi enced, lately appointed lieutenants commanding posts to distinguish be tween those who are friendly and those unfriendly and to treat every native as if lie were, whether or no, an insurgent at heart, this favorable sentiment above referred to is being fast destroyed and a deep hatred towards us engendered. If these things need be done, they had best be done by native' troops, so that the people of the United States will not he credited therewith" OREGON DEMOCRATS. Full State Ticket Placed in the Field, with Chamberlain for Governor. Portland, April II. The Democratic state convention met yesterday in Cath olic Foresters' hall, nominated George E. Chamberlain for governor, named a central committee, with Sam White, of baker county, as chairman; made dis trict legislative nominations, adopted a platform and adjourned for the day. The Second Day. Portland, April 12. The adjourned meeting of the Demociatlc state conven tion was called to order at 10 o'clock yesterday morning and the state ticket completed as follows: Supreme judge, B. F. Bonham, Mar ion county. Secretary of state, D. W. Sears, Polk county. State treasurer, Henry Blackman, Morrow county. Attorney general, J. H. Raley, Uma tilla county. State printer, J. E. Godfrey, Marion county. Superintendent of public instruction, W. A. Waun, Lane county. Congressman First district, J. K. Weatherford, Linn connty. Congressman Second district, W. F. Butcher, Baker county. C. E. 8. Wood, Multnomah county, was endorsed for United States senator. The Platform. The platfom adopted condemns the present state government as extrava gant! and promises an economical ad ministration ; favors expansion of pub lic ownership of public utilities; de mands that valuable franchises shall not be granted except upon the basis of a fair pavment therefor; favors placing state officers on salaries alone, allowing no fees or perquisites; opposes leasing public domains fcr any purpose whatso ever; advocates preparing the natives of the Philippines for self government, and when prepared to grant them their independence; favors the speedy con struct ion of the Nicaragua canal, the pending Chinese exclusion bill, the election of United States senators by direct vote, the enactment of an eight hour day law for all public work, the irrigation of arid lands by the govern ment, and the improvement of the Co lumbia and Willamette rivers. Transport Hancock Runt Aground. Manila, April 12. The United States rmy transport Hancock has run aground in the mud near Iba, Zambales province, about 100 miles north of here. She is not believed to be in danger. Tugs have been sent to her assistance. Transvaal Gold Output Johannesburg, April 14. The output of fine gold for March was 104,127 ounces. Economy la Transport Service. New York, April 12. Orders have tuu.n MaifAH fmm 1 aahmiTtjtn hv Rn. pefjn.ten.dent Duvol to place the army transport service on a very economical basis, savs a World special from San Francisco. As a consequence, all on- necessary employes will be discharged. On all tranports an order has been ia sued discharging the fifth and sixth mates. The orders are that the ships must be operate with regulation crew DISORDER8 SPREADS LARGE REVOLUTIONARY MOVE . MENT IN BELGIUM. Polict Are Forced to Retreat by Rioters Un til a Squadron of Lancers Reinforced and Charged the Mob Many Were Injured In the Numerous Clashes That Took Place General Strike Threitened Soon. Brussels, April 14. Sharp fighting between strikers and gendarmes oc curred this morning at Bracqegnies, near Charlerol. Several thousand strikers attacked and stoned a body of gendarmes, who retaliated by firing their revolvers. A sharp fusillade fol lowed, and the gendarmes were com pelled to retreat. A squadron of lancers, however, galloped up and dis persed the mob. A semblance of order was restored among the rioters in the Rue Stevens early this morning. The police, who had borne the brunt of the fiirhtinu. were strongly reinforced by the uend- armes and civil guards with loaded rifles. Orders were issued to use all force necessary to drive the mob out of the Maison du Peuple. Just as the or- dor was about to be executed the chiefs of the Socialists offered to evacuate the building quietly. Estimates of the number wounded during the riots vary from 40 to 100. but scores of injured were carried off and hidden by friends. A large num ber of rioters were arrested, and are detained. The burgomasters of Brus sels and suDiirban municipalities have proclaimed that meetings of more than 10 persons are prohibited, and that persons carrying revolvers shall be liable to six months' imprisonment. All centers of agitation are bristline with bayonets. Squads of cavalry are continually patrolling the streets and guarding the shops, which were threat ened with plundeiing by the rioters. A manifesto, signed ay the general council of the labor party, has been idely posted. It demands a revision of the constitution and universal suff rage. POSTAL RELATIONS WITH CUBA Domestic Rates Will be Continued Until Con clusion of a Treaty. -Washington, April 12. President elect Thomas Estrada Palma. of Cuba. accompanied by Gonzales de Quesada, had a conference today with Postmaster General Payne and other postal offi cials. As a result the nostal relation between this government and Cuba, in cluding the domestic rates of postage and money orders, w ill be continued by joint action of both governments until a postal treaty shall be concluded be tween the two governments. A postal convention, probably practically iden tical with those now in force between this government and Cunada and Mex ico, will be arranged about August 1. Postmaster General Payne informed Mr. Palma that domestic rates of postage and other postal concessions would be granted to Cuba when the time come to sign a treaty, provided that Cuba in turn will not grant similar concessions to any country except those which have similar arrangements with this govern ment. This has special reference to Canada and Mexico. President Palma announced his satisfaction with this condition. LIMITING THE ARMAMENT. England Brings Pressure to Bear on Argen- tin and Chile. Buenos Ayres, April 14. The Past says that when it was learned in Lon don that Argentina and Chile were pur chasing additional warships the Enlgish houses and companies having capital invested in South America became alarmed and delegated Lord Rothschild and Lord Revelstoke to call on Lord Lansdowne, the foreign secretary, and ask him to interfere with President Roca, of Argentina, and President Riesco, of Chile, who subsequently re plied that they would willingly accept Lord Lang lowno's good offices in order to avoid further strain on account of the state of "armed peace" prevailing. It is understood that the outcome ill be an arrangement which will pro vide for limiting the armaments of Ar gentina and Chile, canceling the orders for the last warships ordered by those countries and indemnifying the ship builders for any loss which they may thereby sustain. New Pension Commissioner, Washington, April 14. Eugene F. Ware, of Kansas, has been selected by the president to succeed Henry Clay Evans as commissioner of pensions. Mr. Ware is from Topeka, Kan., and ia a member of the law firm of-Gleed, Ware cV Gleed. It was stated at the White House that the president deslnd to appoint some man whom he knew well and that, if possible, he should come from Kansas. He did not consult with the Kansas delegation, althongh Senator Burton who was at the White House, raid the appointment would have his entire and heaity support. Mrs. McKinley'i Pension. Washington, April 12. The house committee on pensions has made a fa vorable report on the senate bill grant ing a pension of $5,000 per annum to the widow of the late President. Meat Famine In England. London, April 14. Telegrams re ceived here font Birmingham sav the scarcity of American meat and the con sequent increase in price have obliged many retailers to close their stores. Postal Receipts Growing. Washington, April 14. The postal receipts for last month, as compared with March of last year, for the 50 largest postofficea in the country show a net increase of 10 per cent. The total receipts for the 50 offices were $5,267, 666. The largest increase was 57 per cent, at Denver. Fee Sutu. ol McKinley. . Albany, K. i .April 14,-Governor Lid. tier or iainiiug