The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, April 11, 1902, Image 3

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    3food liver Slacier
FRIDAY, APRIL 11, 1902.
Hear the Meneleyg.
Land plaster at Bone's.
Ice for sale at Jensen's.
Land plaster at Bartmessrt
Money to loan on real estate. A. A.Jayne
Feifer's Union 5c cigar at W.B. Cole's.
Langille house for sale. Inquire upstairs
Write your insurance with Friday &
. BarneB.
. For loggers' shoes go to Bone & Mc
Donald's. No. 1 baled hay for sale at the Transfer
& Livery Co.
List your property with Friday &
Try our 6c Pullman bread at Boyles'
Bakery. ?
For flour and feed go to Bone & Mc
Donald's. Bartme88 is closing out his stock of
.wallpaper, ,. ....
Ladies' underwear extra sizes at Bone
& McDonald's.
Soon be time to sow land plaster. You
can get it of Bone. ( T
The best 5c smoke in town Feifer's
Union,, at VV. B. Cole's. t
' Crocs-cut saws, axes and all woodmen
and loggers' tools at Savage's.
Wanted Warren Davenport wants to
buy strawberry plants, enough to set
live acres of ground.
.UK) acres near Mt. Hood post office j
8,000 bearing fruit treesmew f 1,000 house;
new barn. , Inquire of Friday fc Barnes.
Ten-room house and one block of
ground close in town ; fWO worth of
Iruit sold last year. For sale by Friday
& Barnes.
W. W. Treat is agent for the Charter
Oak ranges and stoves. They are the
best in the market. Plumbing goods
for Bale and plumbing work done by ex
perienced workmen.
If you want town lots on the hill
south of and within two or three blocks
i of the post ofhice,8ee Dr. Watt. Heissel
linthe Townsite Go's. lots. The price will
be increased soon. Get in before the
Go to Geo F Coe A Hon
And buy your peanut by the ton;
Eat them hot, eat them cold,
They're the best that ere were sold.
Meneleys, Saturday night.
Uncle Billy Eastman, who has been in
feeble health during the past winter, is
now seriously sick.
Mies Alive Quigg, a teacher in the
Portland academy, was a guest at the
Alma Howe house Saturday.
George L. Davenport of the E. G.
Partridge Co., Portland, made a business
trip to Hood River Thursday last.
Col. Hartley says he lost his mus
tache at the Odd Fellows' blow out at
Bingen, last Thursday night the goat
ate it off.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Sunderland of
Portland are visiting friends in Hood
River. If they can procure a dwelling
house they will remain here for the
Walter Shaffer, who has been visiting
his brother in Hood River since his re
turn from the Philippines, started last
Friday for his home in Indiana. He
servea three years in the regular army
and in all that time has not had a fur
lough home, i
The Davenport Lumber Co. are re-
ceiving orders every day for lumber and
railroad ties to be shipped East. They
now have orders for 200,000 feet or more
per week at prices better than ever.
These orders come through the saw mill
men's association, of which Frank Dav
enport is vice president.
. Mrs. Rose McCoy and Elmer McCoy
returned to Hood River last Thursday.
They spent the winter in Southern Cal-
- ifornia and report having a pleasant
time. But they are glad to get back to
Hood River, where we have plenty of
lire-wood, and where when the weather
is cool we can build a fire to take the
chill off.
At the old armory building now occu
pied by the Waucoma Manufacturing
Company.they have good fire protection.
An inch 'and one-half pipe leads the wa
ter into the building from the two inch
main in the street. With 75 feet of
inch hose and a inch nozzle they can
throw a stream over any part of the
Henry Howe and Bon George came in
from Burns, Oregon,- last Friday. Mr.
Howe is chief clerk in the United States
land office at Burns. He is off duty on a
mouth's vacation. Mrs. Howe and her
daughter Mary arrived from Minnesota
on Tuesday. Her daughter Helen, who
has been with her uncle and aunt, Mr.
and Mrs. W. 11. Bishop,at Warm Springs,
came home also and met her father at
The Dalles.
People sometimes have a sick horse or
cow that needs treatment but the ani
mal is neglected because the owner
doesn't know how to treat it. M. E.
Welch of Hood River is a graduate of
the state university of Illinois where he
took a thorough course, in veterinary
ana is skilled in the treatment of live
.stock of all kinds. Call on him when his
'services are needed. His charges are
i reasonable.
Tbe game of basket ball held at the
gymnasium, iast Saturday evening.drew
a good crowd to witness the game. The
boys played a good game,1 which was
- won by 'Captain Earl Bartmesa' team
with a score of 9 to 10. The gymnasium
Is a great thing for the boysand itseems
to be well appreciated by them. Mr.
Shaffer deserves great credit for the in
terest ii ban taken in the welfare of
the boys of Hood River.
Paul Kruger, the fruit tree agent, is
in the valley selling treeg. He has been
selling nursery stock all over the upper
. country and probably sella more trees
thau any agent in the field. He is very
accommodating and when a man wants
the best he can always get it from Kru
ger. One party asked him for 100 good
strawberry plants. He told him he
conld sell him 100 Clark's Seedling
plants far 2. The man didn't wantanv
seedlings at any price. "All right, '
eaid Mr.Krnger,"I have the Hood River
berries at $10 per 100." He made the
eale at the latter figures.
O. F. Waldo returned last Friday from
a trip to Taeonia, Seattle and Pnyallup.
At the latter place he found the hop
growers digging np their hop vines and
planting instead blackberry and rasp
lierrv vines. Thev grow the everbear
ing ' blackberry and find it very prof
itable. Mr. Waldo was surprised to
learn of the productiveness of the soil
in the Puyallup valley. Places of two
or three acres are making good livings
for whole families. From one and
three-quarters acres a man took off 800
crates of red rasplierries that sold at
an average price of f 1.25 per crate. The
net price was 83 cent a crate. The
berries are ship(ed to Montaua. The
crates hold 24 pint cups. He found no
Hood River climate there and is back
again in Hood River.
A serious runaway happened on the
East Side last Thursday. Mark Thom
as and two sisters were driving down
the bill from their place when Mark
got out of the hack to cut a switch. He
gave the lines to his eldest sister, but
she soon after got out of the wagon and
in getting out aividenally threw off
the brake. The wagon started onto the
horses and the team started down the
road. I.ett, a child seven years old,
was left in the a ion. Mark ran and
overlook the team and climbed into the
wagon, but just at he had about suc
cevded in stopping It, he was thrown out
by a lurch made by the wagon on a
aide hill. The little girl was also thrown
out or jumped out. The boy's right
rm was broken; the little girl was
picked up insensible and sustained a
cerioua injury to the eye.
An Odd Fellow's lodge was instituted
at Bingen, wash., ltiursday evening,
April 3d. A bin delegation went from
Hood River. District Deputy Gillette
of Stevenson installed the new officers
and members. A supper was served by
th9 ladies, and the delegation from this
Biae the uoiumbia did not return till
Friday morning. The followinsr com
posed the delegation from Hood River:
J II FurgeBon, H J Hibbard, W O Ash,
Geo Thompson, Allen Macrum. Albert
McCamey.F F Barnard, A Decan, O B
Hartley, J W Tavlor, L C Haynes, Jas
Reese, C F Stauffer, S C Jtffkson, O A
Rinehart, J M Lakin.E W Udell, J E
nanna, l h, aiorse, J L Henderson, A C
rarrott, Vt m Uanger, A J Gatchell.
W.K.Nash of Grand Forks. N. D..
wholesale fruit man was here looking
over tne strawDerry situation lor the
coming season. Hig house has handled
nearly half of the berries shipped by
the union the past two years, and with
his connections expect to be abat to
handle three cars a day this year. He
buys the berries f. o. b. Hood River.
After a drive throueh the strawberry
section, he expressed the opinion that
tiooa Kiver had a great future.
The equinoxial storm was a little late
this year and struck Hood River, last
Saturday evening. Since then we have
had rain and snow and wind with an
occasional streak of sunshine. The hills
have been white with snow since Sun
day morning. In the valley where the
snow fell it melted as fast as it fell. If
we don't get severe frosts when the
weather clears up we will be fortunate.
Geo. Gifford of Portland was in town
Saturday, completing arrangements for
handling strawberries the coming season.
He has handled the strawberry Dusiness
in Montana the past two years for both
the union and Davidson Fruit Co., and
has succeeded in getting from 50c to $1
more for Hood River strawberries in
Montana than was formerly received
under the old competitive system.
J. A. Chrisman, who arrived from
Missouri Monday morning, bought ten
acres of wild land of W. P. Watson in
the Frank ton district, paying therefor
$350. The sale was made through
Driggs, Culbertson & Co. Mr. Chris
man will build upon the place at once
and go to preparing the land for strawber
ries. Badly Mixed. S. E. Bartmess on Fri
day received a postal card from Omaha
addressed by typewriter as follows:
"S. E. River Bartness,
Hood, Ore.,"
The fact that the card arrived at its
destination proves the efficiency of Uncle
Sam's postal clerks or else that S. E.
Bartmess is widely known.
A serious accident happened at Mt.
Hood last Friday. II. II. Tomlinson
was using an emery wheel when it
bursted. A piece of "the wheel struck
him in the head laying bare the skull.
Dr. Dumble was called and dressed the
wound. The doctor went up to see him
again on Monday and reports him doing
Amos Underwood was over from the
booming town of Underwood on Wed
nesday. He said he was at Stevenson
the day before and hurried home for
fear he would be snowed in along the
river. He says Bome people forget that
we have had just such storms be
fore in the history of this section.
The Meneley's Trio of Chicago, who
will be here Saturday night, have ap
peared in Los Angeles, Salem, Portland
and The Dalles a number of times to
crowded houses. Hood River is fortu
nate in having such a distinguished
company to stop here. At Congrega
tional church Saturday evening,25 cents.
Frank Caddy finished Betting about
six acres of strawberries on his place
last Saturday. Frank has cleaned con
siderable land during the past winter
and now has his place in excellent shape
to produce something. No better land
in the valley, after the rocks are taken
off, than that in the Frankton district.
Rev. Lord, author of the work "Birds
of Oregon," and for two years pastor of
the First Unitarian church of Portland,
F reached in A. O. U. W. hall Sunday,
ie also visited the schools on Monday
and gave a talk to the pupils. Mr. Lord
is expected to return hero in the near
future and give us a lecture on birds.
The monthly tea of the ladies aid of
the Congregational church will be held
today, April 11th, at the home of Mrs.
Entrican, at the Glenwood, between the
hours of 2 and 5. A good literary pro
gramme in being prepared. A general
invitation is extended to ladies and gen
tlemen. The Waucoma Manufacturing Co. ,in
the old armory building, started their
machinery Monday morning. Every
thing worked smoothly. This company
is now prepared to furnish anything in
the line of wood work for house furnish
ings. Home industries of this kind help
to make Hood River.
J.R. Crosby sold his place on the East
Side, 20 acres, to L. Clark, who recently
bought the John Monroe place.Consider
ation $950. Mr. Crosby had the Monroe
place leased for five years. He also sold
his lease and has moved to his place in
the Odell district, where he has 30 acres
of excellent laud.
Have you seen the picture of Hood
River in Rand's store window? While
you admiringly gaze at the picture, don't
lorirot there are other things in the win
dow that may interest you more than the
picture. v iniiow auverusing is an an.
that is becoming quite popular.
A citizen of Dukes valley tells this on
our correspondent "Ike." Meeting him,
he said: "Hello Ike; how are things in
Dukes valley?" "I left there two weeks
ogo," said Ike. "Any other improve
ments: qnerrieu me unites vauey citi
. The Hood River Commercial Co.
butchered a beef Wednesday that was a
wonder for fatness. The fat hung in
rolls from the quarters as they hung in
the, market. Fred Bailey raised and
fattened the animal.
The Brotherhood of Andrew and Phil
ip is indebted to Mrs. Crowell, Mrs. Dr.
Dumble, Mrs. E. L. Smith, Mrs. J. E.
Rand, Leslie Butler, J. E. llanna and
others for valuable magazines contrib
uted recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. P. Scohee of the
East Side have purchased the Scobee
Bros. 40 acres, for $2,500. This is a good
buy. The place has about 20 acres
cleared and five acres in apple orchard
five years old.
Mrs. Lindsley Hoyt of Portland is vis
iting her father, Capt. II. C. Coe. Mrs.
Hoyt expects to go to the Sandwich Is
lands this spring. Her husband is mas
ter mechanic of the railroad shops in
the islands.
Jack Binns gave the Glacier man a
Jonathan apple on Wednesday that was
as firm and sound as might be wished
for. Jack grows good apples at ins
place, and they are good keepers, too.
For the benefit of newcomers and such
as have no monevto hum, Dr. Adams of
Paradise farm is offering nice potatoes
at 90 cents a sack.
letters are advertised at the post office
this week for Mert Armstrong, Roy Em
erson, Walter Goodwin and Andrew Os-
Win. Orser of Chenoweth was in town
Wednesday. He reports two inches of
snow at his place ednesdBy morning.
C. L. Rogers moved up from Portland
Tuesday. They don't stay away from
Hood River long nowadays.
The Davidson Fruit Co. have flue
displays of fruit from their cannery in
store windows in town.
H. I. Stewart of Portland was in
town Saturday. Mr. Stewart's family
reside in the valley.
Miss Fanline Shelley came up from
Portland on Monday and will visit two
weeks at home.
G. J. Gessling ent to Portland Wed
nesday on a business trip for the fruit
Menelevs, Saturday evening at the
Congregational church.
The Davidson Fruit Co. have straw
berry plants for sale.
Mrs, Rose McCoy, who recently re
turned irom California, remembered
the Glacier office with a fine assortment
of different kinds of oranges and grape
fruit. At Riverside she visited the or
chard of J. S. Kastleman and procured
some One specimens of fruit. Mr. Kas
tleman has 30 acres in oranges, for which
he caid be wouldn't take 15,000. His in
come for one year has been as high as
$1Z,000. lhe expense of cultivating and
.1. i . I f . . ' 1. .Art II. il
gauiering uie iruii is auoui :,uvm a, year.
J. II. Cradlebaugh has come back to
Hood Kiver to live. John always did
know a good thing when he saw it and
of course knows there is no better place
than Hood Kiver. tie has formed
partnership with S. F. Fouts and will
deal in real estate. Mr. Cradlebaugh's
name has been mentioned lor congress
on the democratic ticket, but he says he
couidn t anord to accept the nomina
tion. Hood Rriver would give him
nearly a solid vote if he would be. candi
Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Davidson cele
brated their wooden wedding Tuesday
evening. Whist was played and the
fortunate players were Miss Lizzie Rob
erts and II. i. Davidson. The unfortu
nate players were Mrs. J. F. Watt and
C. A. Boll. A number of presents were
received. A dilicious lunch was served
and everyone enjoyed a pleasant even'
A big slide on the railroad atDodson's
place, below Bonneville, delayed trains
on Monday, and the track was not
cleared till about 3 o clock luesday
morning. The mail and passengers on
the morning overland trams were trans
ferred, and the Spokane train due here
at 8:25 Monday night did not arrive till
5 o'clock Tuesday morning.
A court of Foresters of America was
instituted in Hood River last Saturday
night, with 84 charter members. About
30 members of the Dalles court came
down on the steamer Shaver to assist in
the ceremonies. Dr. B rosins is chief
ranger of the new court, which will be
known as Court Hood River, No. 42,
The Dalles Nursery stock will be in
charge of Paul G. Kruger at the Glen
wood hotel Saturday, April 12th. All
who have ordered goods will please be
on hand promptly to receive , them.
There will be a few extra trees and those
desiring a good variety of trees can pro
cure them of him then.
O. T Smith and family, from Colorado,
are stopping at the Glenwood. Mr.
Smith expects to lease the Hibbard
place for three years. They come to
this country hoping the change of cli
mate will benefit their little eight-year-old
daughter, who has been an invalid
for seven yearB.
The supreme court has sustained the
decision of the district court in the case
wherein the D.P. & A.N.Co.was sued for
damages for the death of Harper Han
son, who was drowned in the Columbia
river August 8, 1898, by his small boat
being struck by the steamer Sarah Dix
on. The steamboat company won the
M. F. Loy, now residing in Clark
,,4.. u;oi. : u,wi p;.,,.. m....
iuuubj', ii aaii.. nag m uuuu iwvti luuu-
day. He had been outtoCamas Prairie.
His son ill is now second mate on the
Bailey Gatzert and holds a pilot's com
mission for service on the Columbia.
Will is a good boy and richly deserves
his promotion.
An interesting lecture is announced,
that of Rev. B. B. Burton at the Valley
Christian church next Monday evening.
Those who can attend should not miss
it. See announcement in another
Miss Emma Bonney, accompanied
her sister-in-law, Mrs. Clyde Bonney, to
her home at Tygh valley last week. Miss
Bonney will remain for a while at her
homestead before her return to Hood
J. R. Rand came up Tuesday from
Portland where he has secured a situa
tion as motorman on the City and Sub
urban street railway. He went to Port
land Thursday.
The friends of Mr. and Mrs. W. P.
Watson gave them a surprise Monday
evening. It, was in honor of Mrs. Wat
son's birthday, she being 67 years of
L."W. Morton, wife aud son of Illinois
are visiting with J. W. Morton. They
are favorably impressed with Hood Riv
er, especially with the spring water.
Miss Lloyd, a sister of Mrs. B. War
ren, arrived here from the East, last
Thursday, on a visit to her sister and
fam-ily and relatives on Puget sound.
Regular meeting of Canhy post, tr. A.
R and W. R. C, tomorrow, Saturday.
A full attendance is necessary, as there
will be important business.
The Davidson Fruit Co. is setting 13
acres to strawberries on Willow Flat,
East Side. 1 hey are also setting 000
peach trees.
Rev. Archer and family of Wasco
have been visiting in. Hood River and
returned home the first of the week.
Notice the ad for Capt. Coe in another
column. He has some of the choicest
lots in town for sale.
The comedy show advertised for Mon
day evening was postponed till next
Monday evening.
Examinations in the Hood River
school commenced Wednesday and will
today, iruiay.
Rambler and Columbia bicycles for
sale or reut at the People's Store.
Strawberry crates at the box factory
now ready to be hauled out.
8. J. LaFrance of Portland has been
iu town during the week.
The Hood River school will close two
weeks from today.
A Happy Birthday Gathering:.
Mrs. Anna Flagg was given a sur
prise "Wednesday. The Canby Relief
Corps, of which Mrs. Flagg is a loyal
and honored member, came in a body
to give her a surprise on her 8th birth
day. The ladies of the corps brought
along good things to eat, and Mrs. lagg
prepared the dinner, making excellent
biscuit with her own hands. About half
a dozen members of the G. A.R.dropped
in about 2 o'clock, when the ladies de
serted their needle work and music on
the piano by Mesdames Jackson and
.tiamn, aim singing in wnicn tne u. A.
R. bovs joined, was in order. A hand
some relief corps emblem, in sold, the
gift of the corps, was presented by the
corps president, Airs. Alida Shoemaker,
in the following pretty little speech :
We have been hearing a great deal
about nobility of late, and some very
naughty things have been said because
there has been a disposition shown in
America to honor nobility. All of which
has made me glad that I live in a land
where we all have a chance to belong to
the nobility.where nobility of character
is placed above the mere accident of
birth. We have come today to honor
one in whom we recognize true nobility,
ana tnougn sne may not be able to boast
of belonging to a long line of kings, she
is no less one of God's noble women. I
think it is not necessary for me to tell
vou today how we appreciate Mrs. Flagg
! 1. l l:i l - . , i
iii uiv wi I'd, mm uae a vaunni soiuier,
we always expect to find her at her post
of duty, and how we miss her w hen her
chair is vacant ; but wishing something
a little more tangible than words to show
our appreciation, we have brought you
tins pin, an emblem of onr order, which
I now present to yon in the name of the
corps, hoping you may have as much
pleasure in rcifivuig as w nave in giv
ing it to yon. You know the good book
says: "It is more blessed to give than
to receive," therefore you have placed
us under obligations to you for giving
us this pleasure. May you be spared to
us many vears yet, ami may voiir lieht
grow brighter even unto the perfect dav
is me wish oi vour sisters in t,anoy vt .
R. C.
Mrs. Flavff was deenlv touched bv the
kindly remembrance of her sisters in
the corps and in thanking them for this
token of their esteem assured them that
the emblem presented would be cher
ished br her while she live! atnnl nnlv
to her grateful remembrance of the
Raven Brand Hosiery,
For boys, girls, misses, ladies and men. We have anticipated your
spring needs in Hosiery, and have bought liberally of this justly fam
ous brand of Hosiery. They are RAVEN BLACK and wear like
leather. Plenty of styles to choose from at prices to suit pocket
books of various dimensions, but in. every pair an extraordinary
amount of value is crowded into every cent of cost.
Ladies' Hose, from good wearing 10c hose to finest fancy open
work and striped Lisle, at 35 and 50c.
ilen's staple good wearing hose from 5c to 40c for first quality
aud most elegant colorings.
Missea' and children's hose that will give you perfect satisfaction,
and boys hose that will give you better Bervice and satisfaction than
anything you ever had. i;
Orders are coming in for Royal suits and ladies' skirts, and qual
ity and fit are up to the usual Royal standard of excellence.
MEXICAN LEATHER BELTS, hand carved, the popular girdle shape;
very durable aud pretty, and the correct thing for style; regular
price, 05 ct6
Special 48 cts.
5 cts to (10 cts each, Shopping Baskets, the latest patterns.
3 cts, Blue Delft Mush Bowls; better get you some.
25 cts to 60 cU, Salad Bowls, beautiful patterns.
50 cts, Handsomely decorated Cake and Bread Plates.
35 cts per can, Potpouri, for rose jars, will perfume the house.
Salad Dishes, Pin Trays, Fancy Bowls, and other Japanese novelty
ware at little bits of prices.
NEW GAMES Ping Pong, Table Croquet, Crokinolo, etc. We keep
abreast of the times in all lines of goods and our prices are depart
ment store prices. .
GARDEN AND FARM TOOLS that we handle are standard goods, and
our prices leave money in vour pocket.
Ladies' Summer Weight Underwear We are showing some sterling values
in up-to-date garments.
Fancy Hosiery for ladies and gentlemen in the latest effects.
R A G stands for quality in Corsets; vou can buy them only of us.
New Battenbnrg, Irish Point and Duchess Lace materials just in. We
are showing some beautiful new
Frontess Pieces, Handkerchiefs,
The UptoDate Store
Is fully prepared to meet every
Onr Shoes
are just fresh
from the fac
tories and are
therefore of
the very latest
styles, con
structed by
scientific shoe
makers with a
view to com
fort, wear and
We carry in
stock every
size and width
which are so
essential to
shoe to the foot, insuring comfort, fit and proper
prices will surprise you. Respectfully yours.
What Are
Don't make a mistake by buying your goods before you call and
examine our stock.
We carry a neat and up-to-date stock of Dry Goods, Shoes, Men's
Clothing and Furnishing Goods, Ladies' Silk and Kid Gloves, No
tions, and
Also, a complete stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries, Grass,
Garden and Flower Seeds.
Hardware, Tinware, Stoves, Crockery, Barb Wire and Nails. In
fact, everything you noed.
Remember the place, and don't forget the trading stamps.
Spring Millinery
We are now evolving charming effects iu Ladies and Children's
head wear at lowest prices. If you wish to look your best, wear one
of our stylish Hats.
The Prather Investment Co.,
The Reliable Heal Estate Agents.
Lots aud Blocks for Sale. Taxes paid for non-residents. Township
Plats and Blank in stork.
Telephone 51 . Correspondence Solicited.
and a call to see us will convince vou that we carry the very best line
of FANCY AND STAPLE GROCERIES. Call" and see our fine
new line of Coffees, Evtracts and Spices.
Free Delivery. Phone 225.
patterns in Kevures, Collars, .Boleros,
demand in the li
ne of Footwear.
and WEAR-
ING qualities
of a shoe. We
earnestly in
vite the public
to inspect our
stock, which
speaks for it
self. Our Shoe
Department is
in charge of
an expert shoe
man. . He is
resp o n s i b 1 e
and compe
tent to fit a
appearance. Our
I -1' A
You Doing?
S. C. Brown
Eeg from pen headed by cook whlrb took
first premium 2 years tn uccexaion at Port
Ihii1, Ore. SI. HO per letting of 13 egg. Bati
fartlon guaranteed. E. A.VKANZ.
McGuire Bros.
Fresh and Cured Meats,
Lard, Poultry,
Fruits and Vegetables.
Free Delivery. Phone 35.
At my place, on 'lie Mt. Hood road, one
mile south of town, 1 have opened a Flour
and Keed (Store. No need now to haul your
feed up the bl hill from town when you can
buy of me at bot tom prices.
mar22 D. F. LAMAR.
(Timber Land, Act J uue 8, 1S78.1
United States Laud Office, Vancouver,
Wanii., Jan. iM, ldOlt Notice Is hereby given
that in compliance with the provisions of the
act of congress of June 8, 1K78, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands in theHtateaof
('Hlilornlu, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory' as extended to all the public land
suites by act of August 4, lsitt,
of Hoqulam, county of Chehalis, state of
w asuington, nun in in a ay nieu in in is omoe
bis sworn statement, No. 2luU, for the pur
chae of the north southeast , southwest
4 southeast U section No. 2S, norttiwest
northeast or Boctlon No. M2 In township No.
A north, range No. 11 east. W. M., and will
offer proof to show that the land sought is
more valuable for Its timber or stone than for
agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim to said land before the Register and
Receiver of this ottlce at Vancouver, Wash.,
on Thursday, lhe Wi ll day of April, IMJ2.
He names us witnesses: Robert P. Cox of
Port land, Oregon, Albei t W. Hmlth, Claude
K. Willluinsand Charles P. Rued of Hoqulam,
of Hoqulam, county of Chehalis, state of
Washington, has this day tiled in this ottlce
his sworn suilement. No. H)0, for the pur
chase of the lots ii ami 4 and east southwest
J-4 of section No. ID, iu township So. H north,
Range No. 10 east, W. M., and will otter proof
to show that t he land sought Is more valuable
for its timber or stone thau lor agricultural
fiurposes, and to establish his claim to said
and before the Register and Receiver of this
olllce at Vancouver, Wash., on Thursday, the
17th day of April, lUUO.
He names as witnesses: Koueri r. uox oi
Ciiarlos P. Reed and Fred A. Powell, ail ol
t..H.l..H .1 A llui.l UT U...OI.
tloqiiiain, w asn.
Any and all Demons claimlnK adversely the
above-described lauds are requested to file
uii'ir claims in mis omce on or ociure Bum
17th day of April, mi.
mill ziit. injjvuAK, itegiBier.
Timber Land, Act June S, 1878.
United Htatea Land Office. Vancouver.
Wash., January 2H. 1IKQ. Notice is hereby
given that in compliance with the provisions
of the act of congress of June 3, 1878, entitled
"An act for the sale of timber lands iu the
states of - California, Oregon, Nevada and
vt asmngion wrruory, as exienaea to an me
public land lutes by act of August 4, Witt,
of Hoqulam, county of Chehalis, state of
wasuington, nas tins aay nieu la mis omce
his sworn statement. No. '&!. for the inir-
chase of the southwest southeast Vt, south
east southwest section No, IS, and north
east k northwest k, and northwest north
east of section No. 80, Iu township No. 6
norm, range nio.ii easi,w, ana win oner prooi
to show that the land sought Is more valuable
for m timber or stone than for agricultural
fuirposes, and to establish his claim to said
Mini before the Kexlster and Receiver of this
office at Vancouver, Wash., on Wednesday,
me loin aay oi April, urk.
He names as witnesses: Robert F. Cox of
Claude K Williams and Fred A. Powell, all
of Hoqulam, Washington.
of Hoqulam, county of Chehalis, state of
astnngion, nas ttns day niea in tnis omce
his sworn statement. No. for the pur
chase of the north southeast yt, southwest
yt northeast H section No. lit, and northwest
U southwest of section No. 20, in township
No. B north, range No. 10 east, W. M., and wifl
oiler proof to show that the land sought Is
more valuable lor its timber or stone thau for
agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim to said land before the Register and
Receiver of this office at Vancouver, Wash.,
on Wednesday, the lHth day of Anrll. 1902.
lie names as wunesses: Kooeri. r . cox oi
Portland, Oregon, and Charles P. Reed, rred
A. Powell and Claude E. Williams, all of Ho
qulam, Wash.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lauds are requested to file
their claims tn this ottlce on or before said
ltith day of April, 11)02.
i.iiii w. it. dujNuak, Kcgister.
Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878.)
United States Ijind Office, Vancouver.
Wash., February 14, 1902. Notice is hereby
given that In compliance with the provisions
of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878. entitled
"An act for the sale of timber lands In the
slnti's of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territory," as extended to all
the public land states by act of AuguBt i, 1802,
of Odessa, county of Big Htone, state of Minn
esota, nas inis aay nieu in in is omce nis sworn
sutti'Uient, No. 'Itil, for the purchase of the
northwest quarter of southeast quarter and
northeast quarter of southwest quarter, and
south half of northwest quarter ot section No.
20. in township No, 8 north, ramie No. 10
east, W. M., and will offer proof to show that
the land sougnt is more vaiuame ror Its tim
ber or stone than for agricultural purposes,
and to establish his claim to said land before
the Register and Receiver of this office at
Vancouver, Washington, on Tuesday, the tlth
day of May, 1WI2.
He names as witnesses: James F. Cox, Al
den Kinurnuin and Hamilton, nil of
Trout Lake, Wash., and Robert F. Cox of
rortiauct, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-descrilied lands are requested to file
their claims In thlsoitlce on or beiore said 0th
day of May, 1D02.
iiuaza vv. n. duinbak, Kcgisier.
Land Office at Vancouver. Wash.. March 13.
I0O2. Notice Is hereby iilven that the follow
ing-named settler has tiled notice of his in
tention to make final proof in support of
his claim, and that said proof will be made
before lhe Rceistcr and Receiver U.S. I-and
Ottlce at Vancouver, Wash., on Monday,
April an, viz:
ot l.yle P.O., Washington, who made H. E.
No. 2i, tor tne lot 1 and southeast quarter of
northeast quarter and east half of southeast
quarter of section 5, township 8 north, range
a e;isi, w , m.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, said land, vie:
James O. L.vle. Paola Rettanl. F. C. Patter
son and James Morgan, all of Lyle P. O.,
n f sningion.
iiiiau rr . IV. I'tnnAn, xvgisi4;r.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, March 10.
1UM. Notice Is herebv given that the follow
ing-named settler has filed notice of his in
tention to make final proof in support of his
claim, and thai said proof will be made be
fore Oeo. T. Prather, U. 8. Commissioner, at
Hood River. Or.,on Satnrdav, April ltLlWivU:
of Mt. Hood, Oregon, H. E. No. ,V70, for the
lot 2, 6, 7 and 8 section M, township 1 north,
range 10 east, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said hind, vis:
8. B. Hess, D. R. Coowr, W. 8. Oribble and
A. B. Billings, all of Mu Hood, Oregon.
ni Hal8 JAY P. LI ICAH, Register.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, March 11,
HUM. Until l hereby given ihat the follow-Ing-named
settler has filed notice of hlslnten
tion to make final prtsif In suport of his
claim, and that said proof wl 11 he made before
lhe Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Ore
gon, on Saturday, April Id. 1H02. vIk
of Mosier, Oregon, H. K. No. 8110, for the NE
section It, ntwnshlp 2 N., range 11 F.., W.M.
He names the following w!tnesesto prove
his continuous residence apon and cultiva
tion of said land, vie:
W. A. Stark, Clarence Densmore, O. E.
Smith and Cba. R. Siark, all of Mosier, Or.
ni 1 4a 18 JAY P. UTAH, Rosier.
Timber Lund, Acl June S, 1878.
I'nlted States Land Office, Vancouver,
Wash.. March 12, Hi2.-Notlce is hereby given
that In compliance with the provisions of the
act of congrensnf June 3, 1878, entitled "An
ft fur tlx sale of limber lands in the states of
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territivry," as extended to all the public land
states by act of August 4, 12.
of Portland, ounlv of Multnomah, state of
Ontron, bas tills day riled In this office her
sworn statement. No. M, for the purchase of
the north Va southeast Vi. northeast south
west li ami southeast north est K of sec
tion So it. 111 township No. 4 north, range
No. 10 east. W. M., and will offer proof lo
show that the land sought is mure valuable
fur It timlier or stone than for agricultural
IturpnM, and to establish her claim to said
and before the Hnister and Receiver of this
orthe at Vancouver, Wash., on Wednesday,
the 2stti day of Mnv, IMui.
She name m witnewfc Robert F. Cox, Al
bert W. LotKlcll, J. K. Cox aud J. V. Peeia, all
of Portland. Omtoa.
Any and all claiming adversely the
alNive-d.-rribed lands are requested to file
Ibeir claims in this office on or beftir said
2m h riayut May, 1MJ2.
m21m23 W. a. DUNBAR, Register.
We are closing out onr stock of mackintoshes at sale prices. See them if
you want Bargains.
Our stock of Ladies' and Gentlemen's underwear is complete. We have
the best values in shoes ever shown in Hood River, andjourjprices are as.low as
the good quality of the goods will justify.
bone & Mcdonald.
I Goodyear
n inncsota ShooCoi stTpaViTbinn.
for sale by
bone &
Waucoma MariufacturingC
F. P. FRIDAY. F. B. BARNES, Notary Public.
Insurance, Abstracting, Writing Deeds, Leases,
Mortgages, etc.
If you have property to sell, list it with us. Office in the brick
store on Oak street.
job printing at BRADLEY S BOOK STORE.
Comprises the Latest Styles and Qualities.
We also have an extensive collection of
Mr. L. Bradley's Magnificent Hood River and
Columbia River Scenes,
than which no more beautiful or acceptable gift could be made.
Your patronage respectfully solicited,
Columbia Nursery's
Large assortment of choice Trees. Especially fine lot of one and two
year old Apple.
WE CAN SUIT YOU. Send in your order early.
H. C. BATEHAM, Propr.
t and i 1't, I v.. ) 1 .... i . .
v.iiw . m .'sun, uituii. mHrcu iu.
lWi Noiloe Is hereby given thai (.lie follow-liiK-named
settler has filed notice of his In
tenlion to make final proof In support of his
ciauii, aim uiaisaiu prooi will oe made before
(leo. T. Prather, V. K. Commissioner, at Hood
Ulvuli i f sin ILtj.s.rt.t .11 liw.l
, ru I'Kniwiiv, n.n II ii, lWi, VIZ;
ITnlranil ftw tia halranr urtliiA.n n r.n A .
H. K. No. 5MM, for the north half southwest
quarter, soul hwest quarter northwest quarter,
and lot 4, section 1, township 1 north, ranue
IV CV, ' . ....
Ilu .... U tl.a l..ll,..n .
.iu iiaiun .no 1.PHU1.111H wiiiivns w prove
bis continuous residence upon aud cultiva-
uuu muu. vis;
i II U.1.H..1. .....I I M t e wt . . t. .
j. ... 11m ucj MU.. a. ill. la-iib VII IKKHl lllVCr,
Or., Paul Aubert and C. P. Knapp of Mount
Hood, Oregon.
nmain Mi r. LiUCAH, Register.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1S78.
United States Land Office, Vancouver,
Wash., March i, WW, -Not Ice Is hereby given
that In compliance with the provisions of the
actof congress of June 8, 1878, en 1 1 tied "An
act for the sale of timber lands in the states 01
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
territory," as extended to all the public land
state by act of August 4, 18V2,
Of Ollmer, county of Klickitat, state of Wash
Ington.has thlsday Hied in Ihlsotlloe bis sworn
statement. No. 'ilU, for the purchase of the
east hall southwest quarter, and southwest
quarter southwest quarter of section No. ,
in townrhlp No-6north,rangNo.lleast,W.M
and will otter proof to show that the land
sought Is more valuable for Its tlinberor slone
than for agricultural purposes, and to estab
lish his claim to said land before the Register
and Kecolverof thisolliceat Vancouver, Wash.,
on Tuesday, the Huh day of May, IHtri.
He nantea as witnesses: Louis Diillnger of
Gilmer, Wash.: Job W. Jones of White Hal
inon. Wash.; Peter Ortrlg of Ullmer, Wash.;
and Herman Palmer of Hilda, Wash.
Any and all peraonsclaiming adversely the
abovelesorlbed lands are requested Vo IS le
their claims In this office on or before said
Juih day of May, lata
mllmltt W. K. DUNBAR, Register.
I.and office at Vancouver, Wash., March S,
IWi. Notice Is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of his In
tention to make Anal commutation proof In
support of his claim, and Ihat said proof will
be made before W. H. Preshy, l"nlt-4 SlnU
Commissioner for district 01 Wrashlngtou, at
hla ultlce in (ioldendale, Washington, on
Monday, A prll 14, Itui, vlt:
Homestead Entry No. 11,472, nw the north half
of the northeast quarter, the southeast quar
ter of the northeast quarter of seel Ion 10, and
the sou til west quarter of the northwest quar
ter of sectloo 11, township I north, range 11
east, W. M.
He name the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, said land,
Luis O. PayetL Jamea C. Wood. Alexander
R. Miller and Edwin C. Olney, all of White
Halmon P. J., Washington.
mTall W. It. PL NBA R, Register
1-and Office at The Dalles. Oregon, March 10,
HW. Notice Is berehy given thai the follow-Inc-named
settler has Hied notice of his Intel,
lion to make final pnsif In support
of his claim, and that said proof will be
made betare ileorge T. Prather, V. M. Commis
sioner, at Hood Kiver, Oregon, on Thursday.
May 1, mi, vis: o
of Mt. Hood, H. K. NO.OHX, for the sontb
east quarter northwest quarter and lots J, a
and 4, ertioa Is, lowusblp 1 north, range 10
eaxt, W. M.
He name the following- witness to prove
Discontinuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, vie:
W. H. Edlck, A. B. Billlnm, D. R. Cooper
and H. H.Tomllnm,all of Mu Hood.Orevou.
mUsdB JAV P. LI CAM, Register.
Equal to tny $5 Shot on tht Marktt
NfdMUr 4om not kMf lhn, Inriil oa hla ntttnf k
(or ru. W oury Uue la 4uck tnm G to KJt Ua U ttM.
Otir shop now has every facility for
turning out first-class work in the line
IXG. We can build a house of any dc
suription, and complete it with all the
latest and improved embellishments.
Estimates Furnished.
Shop back of Glacier office.
The young man loves the young woman;
That's his business.
The young woman loves the young man 5
That's her business.
The young man and young woman get
married ;
That's the preacher's business.
They will need furniture, carpets, wall
paper and building material;
And wagon repairing attended to promptly at
my shop on the MU Hood road, south of town.
Hood work at reasonable prices.
Peanut Roaster.
W have a peanut Roaster of latest patera
and can supply our customers with the best
quality of peanuts, fresh roasted every day.
Sample them. COLKAORAHAM.
Two Lots for Sale.
Iits 1 and 2, block 19, Hood River proper.
Bids wanted. Wish to sell very much. Ad-
iteL , . c- BARROCK,
107 W. Main, Grand Junction, Colorado.
Hay for Sale.
A nice lot of hay for sale at from til to 115 a
ton. J3 O. D. WOODWORTH.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, March IS,
1H02. Notice la berehy given that the follow.
Ing named settler has filed notice of hi
Intention to make final proof In support
of his claim, and that said proof will
be made before Geo. T. Prather, U.S. Com
mlssloner, at Hood Kiver, Oregon, on Bat ur.
day, May 8, 1WW, vl:
of Hood River, Oregon, H. K. No. 8870, for the
southwest quarter section 6, township north,
rwnge 10 east, W. M. '
He name the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, vis:
Allred Ingalls, C. J. Hayes. Geo. Borden
and Frank Davenport, all of Hood Kiver,
niui JAY P. I.UCAB, Register.
I And Offlce at Vancouver, Wash. .March 21,
lWtt. Notice la hereby given that the following-named
settler has flied notice of bis In
tention to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be mad
before the Register and Receiver U. 8. Land
Offlce at Vancouver. Washington, on Tues
day, May 6, IH02, viz:
of Pine Flat P. O., Washington, H. E. No.
lO.IHO (or the east half of northwest quarter
and east half of southwest quarter of section
21, In township north of range 11 east, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of, said land, vis:
John P. Egen. John Egen, O. E. Whit and
G. Rath, all of While Kalmon P. O., Wash.
m2m2 W. R. DUNBAR, Register.
Administratrix Notice.
Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned
has been duly appointed by the county court
of the state of Oregon for Wasco Bounty Ad
ministratrix of the estate of H. L Crap per,
deceased. All persons having claims against
said estate are hereby notified lo present tile
same, verified according to law, to the under
signed, at the olllce of A. A. Jayne, In the
city of Hood River, in said Wasco county,
within six monlhs from the data of this no
tice. listed at Hood River, Oregon, this 25th day
of March, 1W2.
Administratrix of the Estate of ILL. Crap per,
Dissolution Notice.
We, the undersigned, do mutually agree
that the partnership trraed between as by
tne wlloeas and the same is hereby
dissolved, except for the purpose of the final
liquidation and settlement of the business
thereof, and upon sucb settlement, wholly to
cease and terminate.
A. Whitehead to continue the elgar and
fro it and tobacco stand, and J. E. W libel in
continue the business of the restaurant from
and after this date.
W lines our hands and seals at Hood River,
Oregon, on March L 14.
i. E. W ILHfcLM.