The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, April 11, 1902, Image 2

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    f At.- -U.. rmtisin anil 1A fhafA-
. r- - i pave nio vjii-j vpwwi w -
oodlxiver Slacier. L0rtdoSetrpetit,onbe not
Mr. weaning, oy- peruueeiuiu
FRIDAY, APRIL 11, 1902.
How much better we are off in Hood
River when it cornea to growing straw
tierries than other parU of the country.
Here we grow the best berry in the
market, get the best prices, and always
are sure of the money for our crop
whether we sell for eash on the market
here or ship through either of the ship.
eniincil AT hibited a chemical fire ei-
tinguisher.which he said he could sell to
the city for $15 apiece at a ten per cent
reduction. . .
McDona Id said he could furmen as
good fire extiuguishers for the price of
157 a dozen.
Crapper Cropping.
Mr. Editor. Mrs. Ikev says she has
1 . . . I i . . . i . : -. . ..;.
'I'tiA n nnu never inxie ninraa m me lime hiiu again buuih wiiv
out here in the w'nter. In the straw- ing up the social items from this neck of
berrv sections of the Middle West, from theoods. Well, so she has.but I have
. . . i I .1 . TnwMa I . I ll .imtstm I..., ",- trt fall
Iowa ana aeurrtsKa souui w uecn trying, a,-" , v"
plants must be mulched through the me something about the good times
.... i a Tim cold SI1BD aha has heen hsvinff so I could write
. I f I 1," I Ul IMOIIID W 1 V. 1 1 ' O . - . I
i. iw,mhfl killed all strawberry them nn. but not one word could 1 get noon R. A. Emmett, while w asco was a
vi mi - T .... . ., ., j T v
... ai, u.nimn t ii or mm run. I sin r nt iiuk y fill boa i am mil aim cnu- nnir. in rnvnr 111 11. VI UGU1UU1I UIIM u.
L.lched. Last summer's drouth and pled up with the rheumatiz, while Mrs. Burgess. All the delegates concurred in
the winter's cold killed the plants in Ikey is young and good looking, and the selections thus mRde.and there whs
., i aI Miunnri nvcn lhui nn'f tula inv nnA in M 1 Tnitmber nn cnntpat. Whealdon and liurttegg
Hie Hirawueriy Kiuuuo v . ....... -- . .... . ... w - .w ....... . , - - - -.
whom thev were mulched. The pros- of the Crapper District Social Club un- were Moody men in the congressional
rut fnr a lull eroo in Hood River is ex- less they are young and sound in Mdy contest. Mr. Emmett was not partieu
i ' - - r i . i . , i. .
Republican lgiHlatlre 'IICKM. Mem-ley Trio of Chicago
- A most equitable distribution of legie- Tt .1(,wn9g to rention theMeueleys,
lative representation has been made in xhe excellency of their entertainment
the senatorial and representative dis
tricts in the ceutral part of Oregon.
Wasco county is in two joint representa
tive districts, and participated in the
nomination o six representatives. One
district.No. 21, is composed of Wasco,
Crook, Klamath and Lake comities. The
other, No. 28, is composed of Wasco,
Sherman, Gilliam. Grant and Wheeler
counties. In the former. Crook county
has a hold-over senator, J. .Nv William
son, as also has Wheeler county.W. W.
In the selection of representative in
district No.21, it was agreed that Klam
ath and Lake should name one and
Wasco two. Klamath and Lake agreed
is already known wherever they have
given concerts. Knox is positively the
finest impersonator we have ever heard.
They will be at the Methodist church
Monday, April 14th. and will also give
some selections ut the prohibitionist
convention Monday at the courthouse.
PaHi-s Chronicle.
Having heard the Meneleys we, the
undersigned, heartily endorse the above
and urge every one to hear the Meneleys
at the Congregational church Saturday
evening, April 12, at 8 o'clock. Admis
sion 25 'cents. S. Ev Bartmksh,
Leslib Hctlkh,
II. C. Nhaffkr.
i Ms of Lais Itelia ii Sner ffl Mmw,
Quality the best, prices the lowest. Ladies' Muslin Drawers 15c to 75c.
a look at our Dollar Shoes for ladies. Our stock of shoes is complete.
Every Day is Bargain Day with us.
Lecture at Yalley Christian Church
B. B. Burton will deliver his celebrat
ed lecture on "The Passion Play" at the
Valley Christian church on Monday
evening, April 14th. Rev. Burton wit
nessed the Passion Play at Ober Amer-
iraii in Havana and will describe in a
and mind and good looking. So you see larly prominent in a the congressional graphic and eloquent manner what he
I )mvB in atnv at hnm niu tits ana mind fWht. hut is classed in the Williamson Low. Those who heard his lecture "In
The Sherman County lews nas tne wij. nd ci.ew terbacker and study ranks. the Corridors of Aiitmuity" will want
clianued hands. A. 8. McDonald has UD wmU (ew items I can get. Once in a A Wasco county leader said yesterday t0 hear him agnin. This lecture will be
a . I . ... .... f 1 I . ... . t t I1M 11 .1 W.i I 1 t
so d to 1'ounU worris oi I while a neiahbor will drop in lor a cnai that the selection oi n ueaiuou mm jjui- umier the auspices oi ine lames' aid
Mr. McDonald made the best paper gna j n 8n iten, that way some- Igess was not made solely on factional ftIlj christian Endeavor societies, and
Wasco has had for eight years. times. Well, lam mighty glad Mrs. grounds, but since it had been agreed an admission of 15 cents for children
' j u t vnn'll Ikev took 40 ting UP the social items, that the Wasco delegation should name anj 25 cents for adults will be charged
.iweivu reraoui i . I an it tAlten a hii rnanonsi Dilitv on my two ot the reDreseniauveM, u waa unic
liave to hurry. You 11 have to go to ,houldergi j hopei Mr Editor, you will natural that they selected men who had
lots of trouble to vote on election day ,,, i.Br , kefiD Heht on in the .orked with the successful side in tin?
oivwl wnrk ahn hfta heinn. I nrimnries.
o o ii , ..... i ,- ... I
Everybody in this section is very busy In the other oisirici, nsco giwu
i ...: ffim -nrtnatntutl VPS. ha Villi?
Iiuii w iviuuv..vv-( o
in district ?o. 21. bhernian
ted R. J. Ginn. and Gilliam
The Portland Citv & Oregon Electric L. H. Nichols has given up his job as county wanteu y. a.u.ib..,. m
-. - - , ..I. -,i. :. ti, n. u. n, hoa were agreed to DV an concerneu. iiie
raauss to' vcttZhhz ;5n.m ii 0' hd been
vetors are now locating the linethrough stay in Hood River. Heis getting ready structed for G. Thornbnrg. of Gran
th timber section between Mt. Scott some ground to set to berries,
Fred Chandler is going to The Dalles
this week after a bunch oi cattle being
sent down here to range this summer
Prof. L. II. Arnesen closed a very suc
cessful term of school April 4th, giving
an iniereBiuiK eiiierutuiiiieui m i"
. HOOD ElTEIl n.
Hood River Man Produces Sea
Water Out of Spring Water.
to go to
if von a not registered before the reg
istry books close. A man who will not
take the time or trouble to register while
MA&&rirtd at present making garden, setting out not to ask tor
i,Vtoroftto5d.y. strawberry plant, and farming in gen-
and Gresham. Tlie completion of this
part of the road should have an im
nnrtAnt bearins on the wood market,
controlling, in a large measure, the
value of that product. It may seem
singular that with forests in view
from all Barts of Portland, wood
Mil at a higher figure here than at
Doints on the wairies of North Dakota
' sivi miles from timber, but such
cane. The extension of the Portland
City & Oregon should cure this state
things. romana journal
Postmasters sometimes make mis- I was young and spry as any of them.
.-i II . 0 rt na Thanna.
VHKBB US won o vno .cow v k""
tnl authorities, recognizing the liability
ionW Industrial Agent Judson. of the 0. R.
UOXeS, liUVO U1CU jjcimivj' v.
and the delegation asked for his nom
ination. But Thornburg had been a
Williamson worker, and was not satis
factory to the majority of the delegates
in the district. So the Moody people
turned him down and nominated C. P.
Johnson, of John Day, Grant county.
As the matter now stands every coun
ty in these two districts, with the ex-
Church Notices.
fViinrrHiriiltiinKl Cliurrh The nimtor. Rev J
L Hi'ivliner, will coniluct service at, 11 u m
turn 7:lo "i Hiilijict ut morning service,
"1 lie v iKinn wineii w on; ai even
"Lost OiiuortunllH-x" Hunday
in: i; K me.-tl li' ut 7:15: Junior u K at 3 n m
Allure Invited, slriingt'rs ejfpeelully, Ui tliese
United liivthren Cluueli. Sundny Hehoolat
10 a. in. l'nwlilii! Bl. 11 a. in. and 7:'(0 p. m,
0. K. at 7 p. in. Prayer servtee every We(l
nemlay evening at 7:tl. Hlriuinei'8 In theetty
-ll he enrdially welcomed. U. V. Bhalt'i,
pastor. .
Viiliey t'hrlslinn Cliiuvli. Sunday School,
in a. rn. l'leiu liiiiii.ll . in. C. K., 7:00 p. in.
Hreachiiia ut p. in. All not . worahipplng
elsewhere are cordially Invited lo thest) Ber
vlcci, J. .lenkina, pastor.
G. E. Williams of the Hood River
Pharmacy has just received a shipment
of the genuine Sea Salt formed by the
ocean spray along the Mediteranean.
Uv diHsolvine one or two cutfuls in
nll'iTu servi, water it produces a delightful bath.
Kihooiatiua Good as a tonic. Price for this week,
15c a package.
Land for Sale.
P. Kverliart has 5 acres of land. 2'4 miles
frcrtn town, neur Itelinont, on which Is HiO
bearing fruit trees, 24 acres of strawoernes.
Here lilnCKoerries, rawporrien aim ciovri.
eU:. rr ce Jl.riOU. inquire on premises or at
For Sale.
Twenty acres five miles out.fnnr res under
cnltiviillon with rnnnlnir water for Irrigating
purposes: tlrKt-cliuts apple land, four acres
best kind of berry land.
akota A dance was given at Mr. Chand er's ception of Lake county, has a resident WITT TUTJQft DMPOPIIIM
s the Friday night,every one had a good time, representative in the legislature, and HAM, fAfiiil fiMUlUUfli.
,rtland Mrs. Ikey stayed at home that night uke county was agreeable to the se- " iWU lmiJ" iil'" Allium.
t nf and let me go to the dance; so I went iecti0n of Emmett from Klamath. To
BIAS I" I .1, ,1 . V. , . ... AnM n n-htlo .... . . . ,
over and watched them dance a wpe have civen Lake countv one of the rep-
and thought of the good old times when re8entative8 apportioned to Wasco
would have made the representation
more unequal, on the basis ot popula
tion than it is under the present arrange
ment. Oregonian.
Cleaning andRepairing
I will do denning, pressing and repairing ot
gentlemen s clothing; also, Indies' sRIils anc
Jackets at reasonable prices. JANE COATES,
In KK)ins with Mme. Abbott, Milliner.
Oregon Apples In the Orient.
nut mail not. vnur own and not A N. Co.. has been experimenting with Death or Judge Jlitys.
returning it. The law says people must (Won annles in the oriental market, Hon. Robert Mays died at his home in
look at their mail before taking it out and jie nQg that they can be sold t iere The Dalles April 7th. He had been
of the ofhee, and it any oi it aoes noi oe- Bt a goodly profit. The capacity oi that d , lth Ulltil iaBt Thursday, and hit
4 tiov in ii at. rptlirn It lit M.Ln in A thA if Induaa rn I e " .
iu..8 w v.,... v.. ..k s . ..... "-'"r s.l,lBn ,lth was a sumr se and shock
Huccwuu v. v ..fJtir his flcniifiintaiiees.
piesuregon may prouuue. v cuunw . . R . boril in Ten
nessee in 1830. and at an early age he
once. Newspapers are included.
Tozier is "It." The Oregon editorial nnlvthn well-to-do thatbuvthisfruit.but
association consisting principally of our they are eager to get it, and good apples It
genial friend Albert Tozier, wfll soon are not plentiful in that part of the world. "".'I'Lli"
start out on its travels, its next The Oregon fruit sent over was of first- "n." ,n" 'TJmn.ndYaid t Sfou i-
..i ni..n,.n hino Hnt Rnr nofl. i. i:... :. i i ..,!.. u in education and training and laid the tuuu-
IN r
Effsrs for Hatching.
lnre bred Black Mlnorcas, bred to lay,
Eggs 50 oents per sett ing. Local trade only.
H, IVAlrix jn n l.", ueiuionu
Eye Glasses.
f'hns. Teintiie has lust received live gross of
fcye lilasses, nrst quumy iciiwes, aim can hi
any person In need ol rename spectacles,
fall and have your eyes tested and fitted with
glasses. No eliarge U) show gisjds. a 26
Eggs for Sale.
Wlilte Iiegliorn and While Wymidotte ergs,
(iK U Belling. ll 1V. VJ. l, ?? I' 1 vr V' ii a
To hire a buggy and harness for one horse
for about two months. W.J. BA.r,ii.
place of recreation being Hot Springs, ciasg quality, and it found ready sale in
Ark. a pleasant place for a tired man the open market, at a price that paid
to spend a Jew days. leiegram. well for handling.
Mr. Judson sent out w boxes oi new
K. II. VtBUUer, illO xbucb uuiwij- -,., . .. .. J ,,l.oKob n nn nl on
, , , . . i . l T .1 I'll liv ivu-v..avn r'll " "
man, is expected to receive the appoint- Lhe Indrapur8 wnl'cu loft
ment from the Governor as horticul- Portian,i ft8t November. These came
tural commissioner ior ine iounn uis- , d Ri d Dacked
trint in oiicwHil b mil Hcnanno.aeceasea. ., . t. , !t : r.. ..,..:
hn,H f horticulture will meet ".'"..V"""""" V?"f. amid manv hardships and privations,
a u v o . v wo v. v. iini nnnrai.,rFi n roruiriJi tmhi. i iih iruii, m- i . . ... .. 1
:n .nn.l ..inn in Partknit nfiit Man. . ...e;w -ir'.T,'"-:-" thev reached Oregon. He nrst settled
' : ,n ta?".." r. in fienton county and thence removed to
Hatinn for his future success.
At the age of 22 he was married to
Miss Lowdema Fowler, and while quite
young with his wife and their little child
he started the wearysome and perilous
ionrnev across the plains with an o.x
Dv team, leaving McDonough county,
1852, and after travoling six months,
1111 n i ,i..i.:.... -..,1
rived in Japan and China in perfect con'
dition. Twenty boxes of the apples were
put on the Yokohama market and the
remainder were disposed of in various
places in Japan and China. All sold at
prices considerably better than in this
country, over and above the cost of
transportation. t.very euuri was u v , n, i:i
to dispose of the fruit under just the Op egem legis
i:.':. .k ,..i,i K iA elected mayor of It
went as any article would be sold in
the usual course of business. Therefore,
Council Proceedings.
Council met in regular session Mon
day evening. Present Mayor Brosius,
Aldermen Blowers. Clarke. H. . David
son. McDonald and Rand, Recorder
Mckelsen and Marshal Dukes.
P. S. Davidson was excused.
Minutes of last regular meeting read
and approved.
Davidson moved that the committee
on county roads be discharged. Adopted
Marshal reported that he had notified
thn narties on River street to remove
the fences opposite the Mt. Hood hotel, 'though this test shipment was small,
buf they had not yet complied. the result is deemed significant as a re-
McDonald moved that the marshal be liable index of the general reception
instructed to remove the obstructions, that Oregon apples will meet in the
Adopted. oriental markets. The next experi-
Ordmance 49, providing lor tne man- ment will be made with Oregon prunes
ner of improving streets, was reaa sec-1 Oregonian.
oiid time, amended anu nasseu.
Bills were allowed as follows :
Joannh A. Knox, nursing small
pox patient $ 7-00
G. E. Williams, supplies for hos
pital Transfer Co
Ji H. Dukes, salary as marshal
and street superintendent.
J. E. Rand, supplies for hospital.
Lost Lake
Eureka Meat
M. H. Dukes, nursing smallpox
patient 14 days at 5 a day 70.00
Mavor reported that the smallpox
patient had paid the doctor's bill, $75 ;
that H. M Dukes had been sent for from
Corvallis to nurse the patient ; that the
total cost to the city of the smallpox
case was 112.
John L. Henderson asked permission
to address the council in favor of the
payment of the bill of Bonaparte
for nursing J. A. Knox. The mayor
Lane county. In 1858 he came to East
ern Oregon and settled on a farm near
where the town of Dufur is now.
He moved to The Dalles in 1875,where
he erected a fine residence. In 18ti0 and
again in 1874 he was elected a member
ature, and wasthrice
mavor oi rne imnes, me nrst
i 1 1'-?
Wall Paper 3c a Roll Up.
A beautiful home Is a mirror tn which Is re
flected the rcllncd lasles of Hie- home makers.
Arlistie wiill paper adds M the beuuly and re
finement ot the rooniN. Wo show n splendid
assortment of the choicest papers ohlninable,
and our new spring stock is complete in nil
the latest of new designs of home und foreign
The stock of Paints, Oils, White Lead, Col
ors, etc . and the tine line of Mixed Pain's to
he found at our store are wni'i'iinled to stand
all kinds of weather.
Hend lor sniiiplcs of our Wall Paper. 3c a
roll and up. Art Goods, Picture Moldings,
Varnishes, Brushes, Ciluis and Decorative
Novelties. Everything to beuul ily a home at
Painters ami Decorators,
Keeond street, l'lione Main 35.
Money to Loan
On Improved farms and good stock ranches at
low rates and on long time, If wanted, unit
particulars and lowest, amount wanted by
writing or calling upon
all ZiA Stark Ht, Portland, Or,
Legal Blanks.
A full line of L,egal Blanks for sale at Brad
ley 8 Book mora
Stock Ranch for Sale
One of the best stock ranches In Camas
Prairie for sale: well Improved, with 25 head
of cattle. A bargain. Kor particulars, in-
quire at W. B. Cole s Htore. ni21
iin'g in U,e"-re'gu.aY fnj SJi2itff jSSKS of
A reliable man, well acquainted with farm
work, stork m i nn. Don rv or mill growing.
desires U rent a place on shares, or would ac
cept a situation where a farmer, stockman or
iruii grower uesireu a muuiy ui uvw uu mc
nlaee and work for wages. Address
nlS C. M. AKTHUK, North Yamhill, Or.
vears. and was a strong and
publican. He was a very public-spirited
citizen, and was always foremost and
ready to advance his labors and finan
cial aid for the advancement of the city
of The Dalles and Wasco county. He
was one of the projectors ot. that city s
present independent line of steamboats
which are olving between that point
and Portland, the inauguration of which
line had and has solved the question oi
cheap freight rates in that vicinity.
There survive a widow and a number
of children, among whom are Stte Sen
ator Tierce Mavs, ot rortiand non. r.a
Angora Billy for Sale
A tine Angora Billy, blooded stock, H years
old in May, tor sale by
Public School Library Benefit
Miss Grace Bonner, a gifted elocu
tionist and ventriloquist, has been
cured to give an entertainment in Hood
Kiver, rriday evening, lor the Denent oi Mays, deputy United Mates district at-
the Dubhc school library. If you want tornev of Portland ; Robert Mays, a
to be entertained bv ventriloquism, prominent stock raiser of Antelope
character sketches, and lots of fun.don't tirant Mavs. formerly a member of the iHvin
nmi Tn 259 fail to be at the Congregational church big hardware store of Mays & Crowe, of ciiyof h.hkI ither witiiin ti,
leatMarkoi" tZ 7, evening. 'Remember also, TheDalles; Mrs. Thompson and Mrs. ttinObS,1,!!'
mat it is in guou unu wuruiy www. i r., vrowe, aisu oi Limi uiiy.
Following are some of her testimonials:
Miss Grace V. Bonner has made a
specialty of elocution. She is one of the
most gifted elocutionists before the pub
lic and is very popular with her audien
ces. Hon. Henry Houck, state deputy
of cublic instruction. Penn. I We,lnemlnv evening. April 2. 1!H)2. A
Miss Grace V. Bonner is one ot the short programme was one of the features
finest elocutionists that has ever visited 0f the evening. All interested in this
our city. Her entertainment was lar worit are invited to attend a social gath
above the average. .uen8Durg vwasn.nerjng at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Ai
Coe's Addition
I have decided to pint two blocks of land
IvitiKenst of my residence and extending
from State to Lena street west of the new
school house. These two blocks, containing
only ii. i is win oe piaceii on ine mai ae ai- j , d wnh mVsleam saw,
ter the pint is unproved by the city council. ',"" LJr .'rr.7 r..i i.. ii.-.. o
This tract embrace Ihe very choicest por- ,'",' ?i,m., f ii,h nrescnt done onlv on
tlon ot Wnueomu Heights and a number of ','uVdays. " ' K O
be seen nt I lie oltiee of John l.eland Hender
son, who will give any information regarding
prices, etc
Wood Sawing.
"D1 minf Tv Tv.ll
Shippers of
Hood River's
Sole agenb) for Canton Line Chilled Plows, Steel Plows. Timber Plows, Har
rows and Cultivators, all styles. Studebaker Wagons and Vehicles, Pomona
Spray Pumps, Iind Plaster and Fertilisers. Sales agents for Planet Jr Drills and
The Best is Cheapest.
Ns Wfte.
Real Estate Bargains.
WE HAVE THEM Either in improved or unimproved proper
ties, near town or farther out, in Oregon or Washington. CHOICE
the purchaser. Sightly TOWN LOTS in East Hood River at LESS
THAN foO. Two "snaps" this week in relinquished homesteads. If
you are looking for a business ''proposition" in Hood River, we can
assist yon. If you want to rent a house or farm, let us know about it.
While you are thinking of "that increase" or renewal of your fire in
surance, drop in. We always have a pleasant greeting for you.
The Real Estate Hustlers.
From Bait Hook to Creel.
China Crockery, Glassware, Stoneware, Stationery, Notions,
Fruits, Nuts and Confections.
Aldon's Chocolates, Columbia River and Mt. Hood Views.
Peanuts Fresh Roasted.
Yours for mutual benefit,
Agents for Union Laundry Co.
For Sale
Phone 104.
Incubator and Breeder
For sale on easy terms. Also, White Wyan
dotte eggs 7oc a setting.
and council did not see that the bills of
Bonaparte and the Mt. Hood Stage Co.
were in any wy.;""y"7 . , for an evenina's entertainment will
if i : i of. assail iwriiiiHMiuii uj auuress D. .... i
' ' ... I MW.M. 1 1 I,,. BhA .....
: i
the council. He said he wanted to im
prove the street and make sidewalk in
front of his property on Stato-etreet and
asked nermission to grade the street by
tftkinu the dirt from the south side of
the street and placing it on the north
side of the street.
On motion of Blowers, the applica
tion of H. C. Coe was cranted.
Citv Surveyor Henderson reported
that in his survey of State
street, between Park avenue and Para
lit farm, he found that the
the north side of the street encroached
u non the street as much as 22 feet in
N. C. Evans asked permission to ad
dress the council. He asked the council
if the county didn't at one time change
the course of the State road through the
town of Hood River.
John L. Henderson said there was no
record of the survey.
Mr. Evans thought the change was
made ten years ago ; that the width of
the state road was at least 80 feet and
in some parts 100 feet. He said the
proper way to have the road opened to
its uroncr width would be to petition
the county court The court would then
order the county surveyor to do the
work, and the obstructions, if any, would
lie removed.
11. C. Coe said that when he sold the
property to Watson, he sold from the
north line of the State road. The road
was then 80 feet wide.
Itlowers introduced the following res
olution, which was adopted:
Resolved, That a sidewalk six feet
wide conforming to ordinance 49 be or
dered built from curb line on west side
of Fourth street along south side of Oak
street to west block line of block No. 1,
town of Waucoina, as near present
eround elevation as possible, maintain
iiik a downward grade not less than 1
per cent from west to east.
II. C. Coe submitted a plat of a new
addition he has laid out on the south
side of his place south of his house
and lying between Blowers addition and
I ark avenue.
Petition of 53 signers, asking that a
saloon license be issued to C. C. Steub-
lin?. was presented and read. The li'
cense fee of ftiOO was in the hands of the
. The mavor stated that he was still ot
the opinion that under the provisions ol
the citv charter and ordinance 21, it re
quired the signatures of a majority of
the legal voters ot the town to grant a
license. He held that ordinance 25,
amending ordinance 21, allowing a Ii
cense to issue upon the petition
of 20 legnl voters, was void lor the
reason that it had no enacting clause.
Ordinance 25 also lowered the license
fee from 11.000 to lJU. 11- claimed, as
he did when the former license were
Whoever may be fortunate enough
to secure Miss Grace V.Bonner's services
fails to please
her audiences. J. . Oormlev. 1). V.
editor of Pacific Christian, Portland,
Congregational Association.
The sixth annual meeting of the Port
land Association of Congregational
Churches and Ministers will convene in
Hood River next Tuesday, April 15th, at
1 o clock a. m , and remain in session
till Thursday noon, at which the follow-
fence on ing programme will be observed :
Ordinance No. 48.
An Ordinance entitled An Ordinance to lieff
uiutvtlic Laying out and platting Addi
tions to the City of Jlooit Hiver.
Tlie City of Hood Hiver does ordain as follows:
Hei'lion 1. Any person or persons hereafter
out nun inaitiiiK any aaiimou to tne
le limns or au-
le same tn cou-
li of streets to
that liorlloii of tin; eliy slrenily laid out and
libit led Hiliuiviit thereto, and lo lie so laid out
Unit all slrteUt shall com-sHnd with und be a
cont InuaU-m of the streets, roads and high
ways tHreudy laid out or existing in said elly.
i .... ni . v ..t t . . """" '
meeting 01 tne uemiuui tynoi in league ot section t oi tins ordinance snail lorieit ana
was held at the home of Mrs. Potter, ISJ'ltt 'OTv Sf.u'-'S. S r,H.SS
all such plats or additions shall be void and
held lor naught.
iSec. 'A, The pint, shall lie presented to the
council und upproved by It nclore tiling.
I'Hssed the I'oiutnon Council March 17,
l!K2,Bnd approved by me lliis 17th nay of,
March. UHI2. K. V. BKOMllX, Mayor.
A I test: J. K. Nickklhkn, Recorder,
Epworth League at Belmont.
Editor Glacier: The last business
For Sale or Lease.
120 acres in section lit, 1 N., 10 E., near dam In
Krst Fork; has valuable timber, sloping
orchard land and about 25 acres of bottom
land, t;l,0tlU.
30 acres in H. K. quarter N. E. quarter, sec. 89,
!l N., 10 K., adjoining town, enst of river.
Has about 21 acres of bench land; several
acres of slope available for orchard.
Township road pusses through this laud.
Price 2,im
Lots 5 and H, block F, Hood River; lease.
Very little cash required from purchasers.
Income, not ready cash, desired by owner.
Kasy arrangements about timber to aid in de
fraying costs -of clearing and planting. In
quire of (1KO. T. 1'HATHKK. Hood River.
The place where Good Things are Cheap and
Cheap Things are Good.
Douglas Shoes,
Miller Shoes,
Lewis Shoes.
Three of the greatest lines on earth; built on honor. The maker's
name on every pair is evidence that they are O. K. Try them.
We also carry a full line of staple
Dry M, Mi's Fiii lira Ms, is aid Cans.
Hardware and Groceries.
Give us a call, if you want first-class goods at low prices. No
"Cheap John" stuff here.
fred Boorman, Wednesday evening.April
10th. Following is the programme be
ing prepared:
Song : . . .by Mildred Metcalf
Recitation ti.f. uavison
Recitation Ethel Church
Violin and guitar duet
Koy tins, VI alter isennerg
Recitation Flossie Phelps
Essay Walter Isenberg
Song.. Idell Wood worth
Essay Alice Church
r.estiy aiay Boorman
Song .
Kssay "Hi isenDerg
Address '. A. W. liagley
For Sale.
Dissolution Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the copartner
shin heretofore existing between C. K Miller
and H V. Jensen, under the firm name of
Miller & Co.. Is this dav dissolved by mutua
consi tit. H. V. Jensen will assume all debut
and collect all bills.
Dated at Hood Hiver, Or., March SI, W02.
t;. k. Mii.i.r.ti,
Team of horses, about 1200 pounds, and a
3Vi Mitchell Ii in k, good as new. See
Here's a Bargain.
80 acres, :t0 In cnlllvullon, balance easily
cleared. Uood fruit land and good berry land.
Uisid Isrge Imrn, fair house and enough lum
ber to build new house. Three milk iwh, 2
shares ditch stock worth tj'JOO. One-third of
present crop goes wiih place. Not far from
school. Located In Dukes valley, S miles out.
Price .I,(I00; s.k0 down, buliince at K -r cent.
(Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878.J
United States Land Office, Vanconver.W'ash.,
Aorll 1 line!. Notice Is hereby given that tn
compliance with the provisions of the act of
congress of June 8, 1X78. entitled "An act for
tlie sale of timber lands In the States of Cal
ifornia, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory," as extended to all the public laud
states by act of August 4. MH,
J l UA.i rv.1 Jin,
For Sale.
song Barred Plymouth Rock
.tiiri. PmiurH. Seeretarv. t t t. , . Y ........
Tuksbat, April 15 Afterhoo
1:80 Devotional service, led by Rev. Q. A.
Hill The Work In Church as Related to the
Onianliallon of tne women, nev. t. vernon
1 ilscuss on. led bv C L. Fav,
'-The Working Church and Popular
Amusement, Kev. u. a. raggari.
Discussion, led tiv ll. u. n lunanu
8:10 The Working Church and the Lodges,
kcv. u. n. I'rase.
Discussion, led bv r. H. Barnes, W halls the M ission of Congregatlon-
lum in the iUth nentnrvf Rev. D. H. Urav.
4:16 Congregational eunaay acnooi una
Publishing .-lociety, upU H. A. Rowley.
4: misiness.
K.venino 7:30 Praise service.
7:15 Assoclallooal sermon. Rev. F. E. Dell
Our mate Work, Rev. C K. Clapp.
'Wednesday, April 16 Fokrnook,
M0- Devotional servkie. led by Rev. U. S.
4-Tbe Right Kind or a Hearer. Kev. J. J
I Hscuss on. imI bv Kev. 11. H. w Ikon.
l(r.Jt)-rii Right Klud of a Preacher, John
A. Rock wood.
Discussion. le1 bv (Ml h. Hi me.
Ilsju The Value of the Church totheOom-
muniiy, Rev. D. V . IHillng.
iiiHcuasion. lea dv i:. ii. iMviora
1 1:,1& Congregational Church Building So
ciety, Rev. H. U. wikotT.
AtTKH-tooN. luw-Devotionai, wa oj nev.
P. Vernon Jones.
1:40 lnlBrdeoomlnatlonal Co-opentloD In
the Community, Rev. R. M. June.
Discussion, led by t'rea. 8. u. i i-enroM.
t: w The Wonuin hour.
Hvmn Nil els.
A Glimpse at the Woman's Hoards, Him
Nmliii the Heed. Mm. T. R. Coon.
Vocal oloiaelwtedi. Mrs. P.K. Davidson Jr.
K.very Oaovart M isslouary. Mrs. K.Venwn
M lisle
:-Tri Hoorcee of th Chun-h'( Dower,
Sunertntendent C. K. Clann.
4w-CommunHn enru-e, ht. v. n. urmy,
Rev. . M. r reelana.
sitBddrt-i ihe ChureWnd CUiteashlp, Scarborough of Hebron, Ohio, "then be-
rmiaent . b. u rvpni". can an obstinate cough. Kvery remedy
WbaiT Rev.8. M. rreehuid. . known to me as a practicing physician
On account of III health I will sellout my
millinery business MHs II JI ABBOTT
Ethel Church, Secretary
Strawberry Notes.
The union has received reports from
the principal strawberry sections that
come in competition with Hood River.
van Dtiren, Ark. and fcarcoxie, mo.,
and other points in Northern Arkan
sas and Southern Missouri report
about 60 per cent of the usual crop
on account of the drouth last summer
and unfavorable winter. Many fields
that were supposed last fall to be in
fair shape were tound tins spring to be
California reports a much larger crop
this year than last, but as their crop
w ill be earlier than last year and ours
later, it is thought they w ill not inter
fere with us.
The Willamette will have more ber
ries than they had last year and expect
to ship carloads from one or two jioints,
but wholesale houses iu Montana and
farther east are afraid of their berries
and do not seem inclined to encourage
shipments. This will probably curtail
Seattle and Portland markets for us.
Eastern Oregon and Eastern Washing
ton will have about their usual crops
unless late frosts cut them off, as it did
last year, just in the commencement of
shipping season.
Kvervthinif is favorable for a biit crop
of berries in Hood Kiver.
of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of
Oregon, has this day tiled in this ottlce his
sworn stutenient, No. 217, for the purchase of
the east southeast section No. 1 in town
shin No. 4 north, range No. 12 east, W. M.,
end will oiler proof to show that the
land sought is more valuable for Its timber or
sione thiiii for iiifriculturnl purposes, and to
establish his claim lo said land before the
d.'ui.t und ttecelver of this office at V an
couver. Wash., on Wednesday, tlie 18th day
1 rT 1 T, I .IiinH. 11HK.
JngllSn X OrjiSmre JDOar He name as witnesses: George E. Moore,
ntinicr vr . .nil"! . ii mm'" i- -
Im Hncon. all of Lvle. Wash.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-descnoea lanus re reiiucsuru iu ine
their claims in this office on or belore Mid
lulh day of June, UHtt.
Blljel'l W. R. DUNBAR, Register.
KliliS for sale at '. cents a setting
all Titos 811 ERE
Kor sale: nrice si.
nri J N KNIGHT, Mt Hood
To trmle a farm ot IK) acres, wngnn and team,
on west fork Hock creek, 4' miles from Hsd
Kiver. for house and lot in llsd River Will
give or tnke IkhiI (HAW It l'RATHAK
Team for Sale.
A young and well-nuitchcd team. Price
SHO. To be seen on Ihe Butts place,
jnrj E. D. K TINOKR.
Pekin Duel. Eggs.
Heventy-llve cents pi-r selling ol ll.
Jersey Calf.
A full-blood Jersey cult, four months old,
for sale by J. C. Bonus.
and Builder
Plans am K.ktimatkx Fcrnishko.
S. H. COX.
A IlmforN Bad Plight.
"Two vears ago, as a result of a severe
cold. I lost uiv voice." writes Dr. M. L.
Tar bhd at, April 17 Foaasoow,
fcW-DerotkMuU aervktt. led by Rev. R. M.
-S-Th KeraUr loiamu ol the Church,
M. K. Thoio.
RV 16-Th Working Church Id Relation to
Um Young. K. C
urWTIi working mnrrn aan tieiurm
W,k Rev. P. V- I'hllbro..
ILI.S-Th Working Church tn RelatkHi to
the Btiandarie of I be Nation, and Bryund,
J. ft. Hi.hop. M. D.
ll.ti Discus-ton ana baelnm-.
A mistake was made in the date of
for S5 vears failed, and I daily grew
worse. Being urged to try Ir. King s
New Pijcoverv for consumption, eoliths
and colds, I found quick relief, and for
the last ten days have felt better than
lor two years." Positively guaranteed
for throat and lung trouble bv Chas N.
Town Lots for Sale.
Apply to J. K. WATT,
Kec'y KiHMl River Townsite Co,
.ranted, thai a license could only issue I postal notices to members ol tne Ke-a
n . t - a. I It I . l I J t. -. .. I. . I..K
under tne provisions oi oramance zi. vn. enumu u- oiuiuj
Blowers said ne believed me etianer i insteaa w me iin.
land DlHcent the Dalles, Oregon. April H,
(i. Notice is tu n-liy given Ihe Inllow-llw-nemiHi
sclllcrs hnvrnleit notice of inicn
I otii lo wske liitril pnwif m their resjic-tive
claims Iw-lon- ihe lN-,:ilt-r nn.1 H.--civcr al
Tim lllc, iiwi; on Monduy, May la, lnu,
of M-wlcr,, on homestead application
No.,r, lor Ilie soulll l, soulliweM nnd
onitiwc.-l nnl !ie:i:-I mx-iioii 4, snd north
wot l4 noriliiiv-l H s.vtioa V, Uiwnsbip 1
nurili, range 11 east, w M '
INi r.N 1" C. Yut'NU,
of Miv!,. ori-ff-oi. on homestead application
No."iSv for liit-w-iilii sout !i,tisi jut-iltin
Clarke. 50c and 1. Trial bottle. Irx. mm," r hM.Vr ww-
; - I ' I.KiilU.K HIKLAND,
Portland is to have a dug show April ! of Moter. Oregon, on honirsintit apidlcatlon
if,,K No for the nrth ', rerihwi sen km
... , JM and nor-h n..rtli-ai 'i Keiiton ii, Wwn-
W. E. Tate is a candidate on the: n pa n..nb. Ke n ct, w .i
republican ticket in Sherman ronntr for i un.- ir.-.ani. John Evsns. V
aUor. His frieuds in Hood Kiver 1' " of,
will like to see him win. ' aiiiui t V 1. UTAH, Register.
Timber Land, Act Junes, 1S7S.
ITniled States Land Ofnce.Vanconver.W'ash.,
Anril 2. mrl Notli-e Is hereby given that In
compliance with the provisions of the act of
congress of June S, 1S7S, entitled an act for the
sale of timber lands in uie suuwiin vat norma,
iimm SevadM and Washilitftou Terriuirv.
as exU-nded to nil the public laud state by
act of August 4, imri,
of PlneFlnt.oiunlvof KlickitaMUte of Wash
iniriou. has tins dav tiled In this office bis
sworn statement. No. 24IW, for the purchase of
the south h, northwest v, unu mi s, soiuo
wmi V. section No. 1:1 in township No.
north, range No. 11 east, W. M., and
willntfcr proof to show that the laud sought Is
more valuable for IU timber or slone than for
agricultural purposes, and to establish his
ctaiin to said land before the Register and Re
ceiver of this office at Vancouver, Wash., on
Tnrsrtnv the 17th dav of June. l!r
u,numi ns witnesses: Jacob M. l.ncke.
Monroe Isicke. John O. l"erry and Edward
l'errv, all of fine f lal, V ash.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
hovelescribed lands are ftquested to file
their claims in this office on or before said 17 lb
dav of June, llsju.
alljclS W. R. DUNBAR, Register.
(Timber Ijind. Act June S, 1878.
I'nlted Hlntes iJind DrTlce. Vancouver,
Wash.. March 24. l!r Noti, is hereby given
that In compliance with the provisions erf
Ihe act nf congress of June , isrs, entitled
"An act for the sale of tluitter lands in the
state of thforma, Oregon. evaia und
Washington Territory,'" as extended lo all
the public land Mate by act of August 4. 1SH2,
Ji-r I'll A. LKAS,
of rortiand. county of Multnomah, state ot
Oregon, has this dav tiled in this office
his sworn statement No. 2M7. fcr Ihe purchase
of liicS. K. V, N. E. of sw-tion No. II In uwn-
ship o. north, l-Niiife ix loeAsi, w . N.aim
w ill oflcr pnsif to sImiw that the land sought
Is more valuable for tu timber or slone than
for agricnliuntl purpose, and to establish his
claim lo sain lan-i nenire me itegisier ana
Bw'lvrof Hits office at vanrsHiver, Wash
on T.H-ftsv. ihe liab dav of June. lcL
He names aswlinewes: James Coi of Tmnt
Ukr. h.: Alls-rt W.libdeil and Robert K.
rox.of lVnlsnd. or.; and Joseph P. Reed, of
Trout Lake, W ah.
Any and sll persons clalmlnv advens'ly the
.h.,iMlH.'rilird laads mre rvuuesled la hie
' ibeir claims in this oirire on or be lore Mia
Hah day of June. I:a
4je W. K, IU N BAR, Retister.
Oliver Chilled Plows,
Planet Jr Goods,
If Tea is Your Choice,
We have SEVERAL CHOICE BRANPS to select from. FANCY
SPIDER LEG TEA, very early picked, clean, regular leaf, fancy iu
the cup.
EXTRA CHOICE SUN-DRIED TEA, absolutely uncolored, free
from chemicals, and extremely fine in the cup.
Also, the well-known brands of package goods Beaver Tea, Schil
ling's Best, Pride of Japan, Fountain Chop, etc., at
1. Lots in Waucoma Park addition
from $!)0 to flfiO.
2. Eligible residence lots in Spangler's
subdivision, near 'cannon houne; only
$80; terms easy.
3. A rare bargain. The north 40 acres
of the Henderson, farm at 1G00 cash, fo
ten days only.
4. Twenty-five acres of the Silliman
place, Kant ide ; 18 acres in cultivation ;
young orchard; $75 an acre.
5. Unimproved and improved fruit
land to rent on five years lease.
6. For 30 days, the Henry Coe house
and two lots, knowff 'as the McCrory
property ; price $500 cash. t
7. BarrettSipma addition; $75 per lot:
$10 down and $5 per month ; no interest.
8. One of the most valuable corners
in the center of Hood River. Price
'9. Fine homestead of 100 acres on
Rock creek near Davenport's. Price
$1,000$300 down, balance at b per
10. Lots in Hull's addition; each
lot level, 80 x 140 ; center of ball ground ;
$150 each.
11. 20 acres off the C. Dethman place
nown as the Cox 20; all cleared and
ready for the plow ; price $2,000.
12. For 30 days, 4 lots lying east of
the McCrory property ; ' price $175 cash
tor tne two.
13. The Heavener 10 acres. Price,
14. Two eligible residences1 near cen
ter of town. Mtibt be sold in 30 days.
15. Six acres and cottage, East Side,
known as the Chas. B. . Prathar place,
will be sold cheap for cash in 30 days.
10. Geo. Melton's lot and cottage in
Barrett-Sipma addition $400.
17. Five acres at Frankton, known as
the C. 11. Rogers place. Price $1,000.
18. Tho8. Shere 9 acres ; new cottage ;
near Barrett school houHe; price $1,500.
19. The Glover farm, well improved,
4 miles from Goldendale; 240 acres;
140 acres in cultivation ; I3 acres in
winter wheat; 7 acres in hog pasture,
with a creek running through it ; ail un
der fence, with cross fences; large
new barn and fine house. ' Price $12.50
an acre ; will take Hood River property
in part payment.
21. N. K 8. E. M, S. N. E. U sec.
4, T. 3 N., R. 11 E White Salmon ; fine
timber land ; $10 per acre.
22. The Emerson homestead, onlv one
mile east of town ; fine range ; $1,500.
28. 529 acres, with much fir timber.
including both falls on Hood river. Re
fer to Butler & Co.
32. Emma G. Robinson's 100 acres on
hills east of White Salmon, known as
the Dryer place; fine timber; unim
proved; $785.
100 acres of land about 8 miles from
Hood River on Mosier creek, new house,
three acres in fruit, perfect title, $1000,
tor sale at tne hnipormni;
House for Rent Coe's new cottage on
the school house bill. Price $7.50 per
month ; well water on the premises.
Money to loan.
At the Emporium is kept a first-class
surveyor's transit, and the proprietor
being a practical Biirvevor, Is -well pre
pared to do the work of laying put acre
age protierty in lots and blocks, and do
ing all kinds of surveying.
N. B. Terms are easy on all the above
lands, with interest at 6 per cent. Per
sons desiring locations on homesteads
and timber cluims should apply at the
Hood River
Commercial Co.,
Fresh and Cured Meats.
In comparing prices do not forget that for SPOT CASH we give
6 per cent rebate checks. Tliese are given to save book-keeping, and
of course cannot be allowed on any transaction that goes on the books.
For YOU to Remember
Wher you need anything in the line of
You shouM call on
The Glacier Pharmacy
ITlmher Lund, Act June S, 1K78.1
United Htte Ijind Office, Vancouver,
Wdali., Feb. 'M, !! Notice Is hereby given
ttiut in cou!liiihce with the proviKinin of the
act nrcongretw of June S, 1HTS, entitled "An act
for tlie sale of timber lands In tlie Mtttes of
California, Oregon, Nevada and Wahlnitoii
territory," an extended to all the public lund
BlHlen bV Hcl, of AuciiHt 4. 1MI2,
of Portland, county of Multnomah, .late of
Oregon. ha t hi d) tiled In Hi Ik otrk-cli Unworn
atalenient No. 2t71 for the ptirchaHe of tlie
Lol . nouth NW y. and NW HW J of
acclion No. 1, In township No. 6 north,
raiiKe No. 10 caul, W. if., and will of
fer proof tn .how that the land sought
la more valuable for IU limner or mne Iran
for agricultural purpose-, and to extabllHh hla
claim tu km id land before the Kegliiter and
Keceiver of thla olllce at Vunoouver, Wttli.,
on Tueeday, the 1.1th day of Mav, 1MU&
He name as wiliiemfa: Albert W. Ixihdell,
J. Allyn and Robert K. Cox, nil nf Portland,
Oregon, and James K. Cox of Trout Lake,
of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of
Oregon, Iiiik thia liny Hied In this nlnee Ills
sworn mali-mcnl. No. SttTU, for the purchase of
the win 111 '-, aoulheaxt V.. south 'j south
westjof acclion No. :t In township No. 6
north, range No. 10 eaxt, Willamette meridian,
and will otter proof to show that the land
sought Is more valuable for Its timber or
atone than for agricultural purpose, and to
extabllHh his claim tn said laud before the
K-gislerand Receiver of this fn at Van
couver. Waah., on Tuesday, the tsth day of
Mnv, hurl '
He names a witnesses: George O. Reynolds,
Roiiert K. Cox and Albert W. lM,,, all of
INriland. regon, and James K. CM of Trout
Lake, Wu-li.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
abo e-deacri bed lands are requested lo Hie
their claims In this ottlce on or before mid
ttth day of May, lri
rn7n.M W. K. IdJNBAR. Roxtater.
m .,
Land nmceat ttie Hallrs, Oregon, Feb. i,
!(. Notice Is hereby given that tlie follow.
Ing-uamcd aetiler lis-tiled notice of bis in
tention Ui make llnal proof In support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made before
lieo. 1. l'raitier, I;, s. Coinnilisloner, at H.hhI
River. Orr-gon, on Krtdav. A-ril la, l' via:
of H,al Kiver. Oregon, H. r No. it.T. for tlie
n-a-lh nonhcasi i, and kits 1 and i nf ar
tii.n 5, loa n-ditp t n-rth. range IUest, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to pmre
his eonuuuous resHlenoe upon and cultfrra
Uu tti said land, Tir
Conrad R'-pp. William laenlierg, Jovnt,
Frssler and l. N. Hyerlee, all of H-ud Hiver,
Or-gon. '
mlall JAT P. LICA9, Reftster.