The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, April 04, 1902, Image 1

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    3 v li)
sr r -v-
NO. 46.
Published Every Friday by
Term of subscription ll.SO a year when paid
In dvce.
Th mail arrive from Mt. Hood at IS o'clock
a. m. Weiinesdaye and fcaturdaya; deparu the
For Chenoweth, leave at ! a. m. Tuesdays,
Thtirsdaye and Saturday; arrlvea at n. m.
For White Salmon ( aah.) learee dally at :M
a. n.: arrlvea at 7 Mo p. m.
From White Salmon leaves for Fnlda, Gilmer,
Trout Uke and Uienwood daily at A. U.
For Binten (Wash.) leave at 6:45 p.m.; at
rivea at 2 p. m.
i 7, 1. 0. O. F. Meeta tlrst and third Mon
aya In each month.
H. J. Hibsarii, Secretary,
1ANBY POST, No. 16, 0. A. R.-MtaatA.
I O. U. W. Hall aecnnd and fourth Saturdays
of each month at o'clock p. ra. All 0. A. 8.
members invited to meet with us.
i. W. Kiuar, Commander.
C. 1. Bite, Adjutant.
CANBY VY. R. C, No. W-Meett first Satur
day of each month in A. O. V. W. hall atl
p. m. Ms. B. K. hhoimakkk, Praaldent.
Ma. 0. L. Ktkanahan, Secretary.
HOOD RIVER J.OlXUt No. 1CS, A. F. and A
M. sleet Saturday evening on or befor
each full moon. Ki.lf. Yatk. W. M.
C. P. TuuvraoM, Secretary.
Meeu third Friday ulglit of each month.
K. L. smith, U. t.
A. N. Rabm, Secretary.
II Meets second and fourth Tuesday even
li(s of each month. Visitors coidlally wal
couied. M hb. Mollis C. coli, W. M.
MRS. U aiy B. Daviiok, tlecretary.
OI.ETA ASSEMBLY No. 101, United Artisans.
Meets first and third Wednesdays, work;
aceond and fourth Wednesdays social: Aril
ans hall. F. C. Bbosius, If. A.
Fain Cos, Secretary.
WAUCOMA I.ODCE, No. 80, K. of P.-MmU
In A. 0. V. W. hall every Tuesday night.
C. K. Marsham, C. C.
Wat. Haynk. K. oi R. A 8.
RIVERSIDE LODGE. No. 68, A. 0. U. W.
Meete first and third Saturdays of each
month. Frku Howr, W, M.
Uko. T. Prathir, Financier.
Meet in Fraternal hull every Thursday
nilht. I.. E. Mobsk, N. U.
, J. L. HiNDtRSON, Secretary.
HOOD RIVER TEST, No. 1, K. O. T. M..
meets at A. O. U. W. hall on the Brat and
third Fridays of each month.
Walter Ukrkino, Commander.
HONOR, A. O. U. W. -Meets first and
rd Saturdays at 8 P. M.
Mrs. E. K. Bradley, C. ot B.
Lena Evans, Recorder.
OOD RIVER CAMP, No. 7,702, M. W. A.,
meets in Odd Fellows' Hall tue Srst and
tliird Wednesday of each month.
F. JL Davimom, V. C.
X, R. Bradley, Clerk.
A Hood River Lodge No. 10, meeta In Odd
Fellows' hall second and fourth Saturday in
each mouth, 7 :M o'clock.
C. L. Comi, President
1. E. Hamna, Secretary.
Office In John Leland Henderson's residence.
Hood River, Oregon.
JjR. E. T. CARNS. .
Gold erown and bridge work and all kind of
Up-to-DiU Dentistry.
Successor to Dr. M. F. Shaw.
Call promptly answered in town or country,
Day or Night.
Telephone : Residence, 81 i Office, 83.
Office over Kverharl's Grocery.
For It year a realdent of Oregon and Wash
ington. Haa had many years eirieiice I
Real Estate matters, a abstractor, searcher of
titles and agent, satisfaction guaranteed or
so charge.
F. WATT. M. D.
Sure-eon for O. R. A N. Co. Is eaneclallv
qMimd to treat catarrh of no and throat
and disease of women.
Special term for uiltc treatment of chronic
Telephone, office, 125, residence, 41
Eitioafitet furnished (or all kinds ot
work. KepiriD a px:ialtjr. All kinds
o( shop work. Shop on Stat Street,
between tint ana second.
Is the place to yet the latest and best in
l onfrctioneriM, cantuet, ituu, louacco,
Cigars, etc
W. B. COLE, Proprietor.
p C. BR0S1US, M. D.
'Phone Central, or 121.
Office Honrs: 10 to 11 A. M. I to 3
ana I w f r. u.
fnctlcil Tttchmtkar 1 Jewel ir. -
Mt long experience enables me to do
the beet poMible work, which I loll
gnaranter, auu vs iuw im.w.
Do general banking bosinees.
i. w I... Sh.uhAM nm' - --- I
Ul lorai om good gorerBsaaat LaBda, mUt
Comprehensive Review el the hnpertant
Nappenln Ji e( the Past Week, Presented
In a Condensed form, Which Is Most
Likely to Prove of InUreit to Our Many
Reader. 0 .
Flood ft illation in MiHsissippi is
again becoming serious.
Twenty-two men were killed in an
explosion in a Tennessee coal mine.
A tit story building in Wiiladelphia
was entirely destroyed by fire. I-oss,
Dr. Thomas Dunn English is alive,
but his physicians sav he may die at
any moment.
Sin o the outbreak of cholera at
Manila there have been 90 cases and 70
deaths reported.
The house committee favorably re
ported the bill for 20 per cent Cuban
tariff reduction.
EThe plague situation in India is grow
ing worte. Over 70,000 deaths are re
ported monthly.
The senate wiil take up the Nicara
gua canal bill as soon as it has disposed
of the Chinese exclusion measure.
Floods in the South caused Immense
damage to property.
The loss in Tennessee by the recent
flood is estimated at $4,000,000.
Roosevelt declares hlniFelf in favor
of a more stringent Chinese exclusion
A general uprising is being planned
in Macedonia to throw off the Turkish
Fire partially destroyed a Cincinnati
theater, but the audience escaped un
Pension Commissioner Evans has
been given to understand that his resig
nation was deeired.
High wind at Pittsourg resulted in
injuries to many persons in churches
and a heavy projierty loss.
James R. Garfield, son of the late
President Garfield, has accepted the
position of civil service commissioner.
The house has passed the army ap
propriation bill.
Germany will not oppose Russia's
policy in the far East.
The naval appropriation bill carries
$925,000 for the Puget Sound navy
Cecil Rhodes left most of his fortune
to the promotion of his educational
Heavy rains In the South have caused
the Mississippi to overflow ita banks,
flooding many miles of territory.
Resolutions to investigate an alleged
bribery scandal in connection with the
sale of the Danish islands were adopted
by the house.
Senator Mitchell has asked the com
merce committee to increase the appro
priation for the Columbia river and its
tributaries $1,000,000.
The indications are for an early ad
journment of congress.
Cecil Rhodes, "the uncrowned king
of South Africa," is dead.
Miss Ellen M. Stone, the American
missionary, is on her way home.
Thr miv ha some difficulty in the
United States getting coaling station
in Cuba.
A passenger train struck a buggy in
the suburbs of Pueblo, killing its three
Another mounted force of 8,000 men
is being raised in Canada for service) in
South Africa.
Two masked men held no an Em
poria, Kan., hotel, but wero unable to
break into the safe.
The president Is receiving dost as of J
pphcations for the governorshio of the
Danish West Indies, should those
islands be sold to the United States.
Cuba will be turned over to the Cub
ans May 20.
There have been 40 coolera cases and
30 deaths at Manila.
A St. Joseph. Mo., man is under ar
rest for having 13 wives.
Emperor William's new taoht, the
Meteor, will be ready to cross the ocean
in a few days.
Two men, charged with grand lar
ceny, sawed their way out of Mon.
tana jail and escaped.
President-elect Palma, of Cuba, is
confident that the career of the new re
public will oe successful.
Judge W. Van Devanter, ot Chicago,
has been prominently mentioned as a
successor to Secretary of the Interior
A force of Laguna rebels has sur
Santos-Dumont, the Brazilian aero
naut, Is in London and expects to make
ascensions during the coronation sea
Parisians are discussing a plan of
erecting wireless telegraph systems In
that city to take the place of tele
J. A. Alexander, a rich and rearMM-tnl
merchant of Casa, Ark., turns oat to be
James Ilnddleeton, an escaped convict
from Jexas.
The Austrian legation at Washington
has been raised to the rank of an em
Governor McBride, of Washington,
will discharge any state employe wbo
accepts railroad pa-
The Erie Railroad Company has
granted an Increase of wages to the con
ductors, trainmen and switchmen on
the entire line.
Congress will probably authorise the
construction of thre new battleship,
two armored cruisers, six gunboat and
11 other aavsl voeoels.
Blockade Sltattion In North Dakota Become
Serious No Indication of Subsidence.
St. Paul, April 2. Transcontinental
traffic by the Northern routes continues
to be blockaded. The Northern Pacific's
efforts to transfer passengors across the
lake formed by the overflowing of the
sloughs near, N. D., have
proved futile and but little hope is held
out tor a resumption of business in the
near future.
Reports from the Great ' Northern
are to the effect that their transcon
tinental trains, which have heretofore
been able to get through with only a
slight delay, are now held up by floods
in the western portion of North Dakota.
Just where the trouble is has not been
definitely determined, but telegraphic
reports say that the Moose river is out
of its banks at Minot, on that line, and
that numerous bridges have been swept
away. The Red river is also at flood
tide at Grand Forks, N. D., but so far I
as reported but little damage has been
done there.
The situation on the Northern Pacific
is extremely serious. Reports from
McKennie are to the effect that a lake
30 miles long and two miles wide has
formed and the tracks are 16 feet under
water, or perhaps entirely washed out.
Efforts to transfer passengers across this
lake have not been tuccesxful. The
wind has been so high and the water to
rough that much danger has attended
the attempt to transfer passengers in
small skiffs. A gasoline launch was
put into service yesterday, but even
this large craft was fnund inadequate
to the task. It is thought that an en
tirely new track will buve to be built
around this gap in the road before
traffic can once more be carried on.
Passengers eastbound have been held at
Bismarck, and no westbound coast
traiiiB have been started from St. Paul.
A train reached here tonight bearing a
number of passengers who had been
(Uccejsfully ferried across the lake at
McKenzie, and they report the titua
tion there eitrjmely bad.
As no freight can be moved west
ward, there is fome fear that a famine
in foodstuffs may result in Bismarck
and its vicinity. Some of the Northern
Pacific business has been transferred to
the Burlington at Billings, Mont., and
in that way it is hoped to open an av
enue of communication with the North
Coast cities. The most optimistic of
the railroad officials are inclined to be
lieve that it will be at least 10 days be
fore through traffic can be re-established
by the regular route.
Matters That Were Complained of In Its Re
port to the President
Minneapolis, April 2. Judge Ell
Torrence, commander-in-chief of the
Grand Army of the Republic, just back
from a conference with the president
on pension matters, says the report of
the G. A. R. pension committee was
submitted to the president over a week
ago. At his request, however, it will
not be made public for some time, as
the president has under consideration
the selection of a successor to Pension
Commissioner Evans. Judge Torrencs,
discussing the report said:
"The committee found no fault with
the pension laws as they now exist, lust
rather with the manner in which the
laws have been construed and adminis
tered bv the pension bureau. A desire
for a change in the office of commis
sioner of pensions has been steadily
growing for two years past, until now
it is almost universal among the veter
ans. Conservative Uranrt Army men
believe, and with good cause, that great
injustice has been done to many de
serving and worthy claimants. All the
veteran soldier of the union desires is
that the laws be justly and fairly ad
ministered, and all who are entitled to
receive their benefits shall enjoy them
without diminution or unreasonable
delays, and that every unworthy claim
shall be rejected and every fraudulent
pensioner stricken from the rolls.
'The atmosphere of the pension mi'
rean has been such as to create an im
pression that a great many frauds are
attempted by the old soldiers, but it Is
worthy of note that according to the
last report of the commissioner, out of
159 persons convicted of frauds against
the bureau last year but 10 were sol
diers of the Civil war, of whom to
were deserters. Many convictions were
tor offenses against the old soldiers,
and not by them. The records show
that only one old soldier out of 73,000
has been convicted of fraud against the
government. Certainly that is a won
derfully good showing."
Incidentally Judge Torrence denied
that he was to be made pension com
missioner, or that he was a candidate
for that or any other office.
Six Prisoners Escape.
St. Louis, April 2. By means of a
wooden key six prisoners escaped from
the workhouse early today after 10
hours' work in breaking their shackles
and opening the inner and outer doors
of their cells. The men, three of them
still wearing chains, climbed the rear
fence of the workhnui-'e grounds and
took a skiff to the Illinois side of the
Bill laid Before Senate.
Waohington, April 2. Lodge, chair
man of the committee on Philippines
today reported to the senate the bill
temporarily to provide for the adminis
tration of the affairs of the inlands. He
said in submitting the report he hoped
to call up the measure fr consideration
at an early date. Rawlins, of the same
committee, offered an amendment to
the Philippine government bill, in the
nature of a substitute for it. It repre
sents the views of the minority.
Chinese Mining Regulations.
Pekin, April 2. The government
baa decided upon mining regulations,
under the term of which concession
may be granted to foreigners in any
part of China.
Thett regulation provide that the
government shall receive 25 per cent of
the protfis; 25 per rent of the output of
diamonds and other gem; S per cent
)f the output of gr id, silver and mer
cury ; 10 per rent of the output of cop
per, lead and sine; 5 per rent of tb
output of coal and Iron, boside export
and likia datio.
Commercial and Financial Happenings of tin
. portsnce A Brief Kcvlew of the Growth
and Improvements of the Many Industries
Throughout Our thriving Commonwealth
La tut Market Report
, The supreme lodge of Oregon, A. O.
U. W., will meet in Portland June 10
to 20.
Oliver Grace, a pioneer of 1843, died
at his home at Silverton last week.
He was born in 1829.
The Western Union Telegraph Com
pany has subscribed $1,000 to the Lewis
and Clark exposition. ,
The Prohibitionists of Portland and
Multnomah county have nominated a
city and county ticket.
About 70 teachers from all parts of
Clackamas county attended the teach
ers' institute in Oregon City last week.
The Tillamook County Bank, of Till
amook, has filed articles of incorpora
tion with the secretary of state. Capi
tal, $10,000.
Preparations are being made to in
crease the water supply of The Dalles.
During the summer months the reser
voirs leach a very low stage.
The retail clerks of Baker City are
trying to secure an agreement among
the merchants to close their plates of
businer on Sunday. Most of the
merchants are willing to agree to such
a proposition, provided it is generally
The creamery plant at Junction City
will soon be in operation.
- A party of about 20 immigrants ar
rived In Yamhill county a few days ago
from Tennessee.
A commercial club has been organ
ised at Freewter to further the inter
ests of that city.
The Goloonda mine, in the Cracker
creeK district, seven miles went of
Sumpter, has been sold for $250,000.
The busine-'s men of Salem, now
that a flax mill Is assured, are working
for the establishment of a linen mill.
Preparations are being made to re
ceive a 10 stamp mill and complete
equipn 'lit at the Maybelle mine, in
the Granite district.
The Grant county delegates to the
Republican congressional convention
are for Williamson. They are not com
mitted for governor.
The noted Roaring Gimlet mine, in
the Gold Hill district, has caused
another sensation in the nature of a
rich strike. The mine was purchased
last week by Indiana men for $10,000,
and since its purchase the new owners
have struck a big pocket ledge on the
main vein, and removed a pan of near
ly pure gold, or about $18,000.
The Prohibitionists of Washington
county will hold their convention April
5. It is the intention to place a full
county ticket in the field. Demo
cratic primaries were held in Umatilla
county March 25 and the county con
vention in Pendleton March 29. The
vote at the primaries was very light,
there being no contest over the elec
tion. A full county ticket was named.
Wheat Walla Walla. 64c: bluestem.
65c; Valley, 6465c.
Barley Feed, $20(321.: brewing.
$Z121.S0 per ton.
Oats No. 1 white. $1.15(31.22;
gray, $1.101.20.
Flour Best grades. $2.80(33.40 Der
barrel; graham, $2.502.80.
Millstuffs Bran, $18 per ton; mid
dlings, $20; shorts, $20; chop,
Hay Timothy. $12(313: clover.
$7.508; Oregon wild hay, $o6 per
Potatoes Best Bnrbanks, $1.101.25
per cental; ordinary. 70(380c percen
tal, growers' prices jsweets, $2.252.60
per cental.
Butter Creamery, i2 25c; dairy,
1820c; store, 1315c.
Eggs 14c for Oregon.
Cheese Full cream, twins. 13(3
13ic; Young America, 1416c; fac
tory prices. K41 He less.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3.50(3
4.50: hens. $4.50(35.50 per dozen. HO
ll)c per pound; spring,llllc per
pound. $d4 per dozen; ducks, $5(38
per dozen: turkevs. live. 12(313c
dressed, 1416c per pound; geese, $6t
(37 per dozen.
Mutton Gross, 4c per pound j dress
ed. 73,74c Per pound.
Hogs Gross, 5Jic; dressed, 6,'(37c
per pound.
Veal 8 8 for small; 77X for
Beef Gross, cows, 8?(34c; steers
4(340; dressed, 6K7c per pound
Hops 12(3 13c per pound.
Wool Valley. 13(3 15c: Eastern Ore
gon, 812Xc; mohair, 2121Kc per
A health report for invalid soldiers of
the regular army is to be established at
Fort Niobrara, in Nebraska.
Overland limited trains are to be
provided with telephone per ice while
ttanding in depots at Chicago, Omaha
and San Francisco. -
The owner of a Chicago tenement
has been sued fo $25,000 damages by
Mrs. John McGinnis, whoa two chil
dren were killed by sewer ga and her
own health impaired.
The name ot Marconi, the wireless
telegraph man, haa been nsed as the
j basis of a new word, "mareonigrams,"
' referring to wireless telegrams.
A dressmakers' union, comprising
rime 300,000 modiMtes, is being formed,
the purpose being to prote-t the mem
bers from d tad beats and to raice stand
ards. j A young Berlin physician. Dr. Lud
jwig Feinberg, has made an important
discovery of independent animal organ
isms in cancer growth. This discovery,
' be says, mean tb diagnosis ot cancer.
Fierce Gale Does Great Danube to Property
In Plttsbuit and Vicinity,
Pittsburg, March 31. One of the
fiercest wind storms ever known in this
lection struck the city yesterday just
before noon. Almost Incalculable dam
age was done to property, and many
people were injured, some of whom may
die. Scores of honses were unroofed,
many trees were blown down, mill
stacks toppled over, and telegraph and
telephone wires generally were dis
abled. - The most serious accident was the
unroofing of the Presbyterian church, in
Knoxvllle, occupied by about 600 per
sons. While the minister was in the
mldrt of his sermon, the wind blew off
the large chimney and lifted a portion
of the roof. Bricks from .he chimney
cfatlied through the roof and carried a
large portion of the hardwood ceiling
down upon the worshipers. A panic
ensued and a frantic rush was made for
the doors and windows. At least 40
persons were caught by the wreckage
and were more or less hurt. Of this
number five may not recover.
As the pastor of the Robinson Run
United Presbyterian church, near Mc
Donald, was raising his arms to pro
nounce the benediction, lightning
struck the church spire and It toppled
on the church roof, crushing it and in
juring a number of worshipers, two of
whom will die.
At Jamestown, a tornado tore out one
end of the United Presbyterian church
while the pastor was preaching. He
was buried under a mag of brick and
timbers and fatally hurt. The congre
gation escaped uuinjured. The Nobles
town Presbyterian church was also un
roofed. The Forest Oil Company had between
200 and 300 derricks blown down in its
McDonald regiou, aud considerable
damage was sustained by its pipeage
Reports from nearby towns show that
the wind played havoc at every town
in its track.
At Mingo Junction, O., two big struc
tural ore bridges of the National Steel
Company's plant, valued at $50,000,
were twisted into shapeless masses of
At Belle Vernon, Pa., the American
Window Glass Company's plant teas
unroofed, several blocks of houses were
wrecked and other damage was done. '
At Greensburg, Pa., nearly 9,000 foet
of roof of the Keeley & Jones plant was
carried away, and the great cupola of
the First Presbyterian church was top
pled into the street.
At Washington, Pa., the new bar
mill of the Griffith Tinplate Company
was completely wrecked, entailing a
loss of $10,000. five residences were
blown down, the Roman Catholic and
the Third Presbyterian churches were
considerably damaged, and many resi
dences lost roofs and windows. It is
expected greater losses will be reported
when the country districts rau be heard
Favors s Sironger Chinese Exclusion Law
Than the Present One.
Washington, April 1. During a con
ference between the president and Rep
resentative Moody, of Oregon; Met-
calf, of California; Reeder, of Kansas,
and Senator Hansbrough, of Nonh Da
kota, on the irrigation bill, the subject
of Chinese exclusion was introduced by
Representative MeUalf, who said he
had heard the president was opposed to
the pending drastic bill.
"On the contrary," said ' President
Roosevelt, I am anxious to see a law
enacted that will effectually bar out
Chinese laboring classes a law far
more drastic in this particular than the
one now in force. At the same time I
believe the Chinese merchant class and
the higher classes generally should be
liberally dealt with. I heartily endorse
the particulars of the bill extending
the exclusion laws to out insular pos
sessions, and preventing the immigra
tion of Chinese now in th inlands into
the United States."
Turkey Mobilizes Troops.
Constantinople, March 31. 'The
Turkish government baa decided to call
to the color 90,000 irregular troops.
This mobilization is ostensibly for the
annual maneuvers, but, in view of the
conditions in Macedonia, considerable
significance is attached to the move
A Photographic Counterfeit
Washington, April 1. The secret
service has annnnnced that a new $5
bank note, the face of which la fairlv
deceptive, is in circulation. It is a
photographic print on two pieces of pa
per, with the fibre between, on the
Union National Bank ot New Orleans
Piper Box Plant Destroyed.
Kansas City, March 29. Fire bas
completely destroyed the building at
tbe foot of Delaware street on the river
front, occupied by tbe National Paper
Box Company, entailing a loss estimated
by firemen and other at $100,000.
Indemnity Riots la China,
1 Pekin, April 1. Chinese official say
that 1,000 people have been killed In
riot at Ta Ming Fa, tbe southernmost
prefecture ot the province of Chi LI.
Tbe riots were due to attempt ot
local ofEial to collect indemnities for
tbe Catholics, a arranged between the
officials and the priest. Soldier have
beep; dispatched to quell the disturb
ances, and a Taotai baa been sent to
adjust tb difficulties.
Railroad Telephoatng.
New York, "April 1. A trial was
made today between thi city and the
Overland Limited train of the Chicago
& Northwestern Railway, over tele
phone wires, which at the western end
were installed in the train In the
Kortbaestern station in Chicago. The
Overland hs this telephone equipment
in use lor the benefit of it passenger
to the Pacific coast, and pas-enger will
be aole to rail up any one they please,
wherever th ordinary telephone eon ice
reach, without leaving thoir seats ia
U ear.
"Fire Men' Shot Blast Befor All of the
Employes Could Get Out Coal Dust and
Gas Became Ignited, Which Caused the
Explosion Bodies of Victims Torn to
Pieces by Force of the Shock.
Chattanooga, Tonn., April 2. At
4:45 'clock this afternoon an explosion
of gas in the Nelson mine of the Dayton
Coal & lion Company, at Dayton,
Tenn., ignited the dry coal dust in the
mine, and caused a terrific explosion.
Twenty-two men are known to be dead.
Ten bodies have been recovered.
Twelve bodies are still in the mine.
Gas exists in the Nelson mine, and
the men are required to ie safety
lamps. It is a rule of the company for
the safety of the miners to place their
fut-es, ready to be lighted for blasts,
just before quitting work each day, and
there are workmen known as "fire
men" who go through the mine after
all the miners are out, and set off these
blasts. The miners quit work at 4:30
this afternoon. It takes them about
45 minutes to get out of the mine. The
two "fire men" today are believed to
have caused the explosion. They shot
the blasts about 4:45 o'clock, before all
the miners could get out of the mine.
It is supposed that one of the fuses was
defective and resulted in what is known
as a "blown blast." The flame shoot
ing out from the blast ignited the gas,
which in turn ignited the accumulation
of dry coal dust in the mine The) ex
plosion that followed was terrific. , The
flames shot out of the mouth of the
mine, and the shock completely wrecked
the shed at the mine entrance. Three
men were killed while standing outside
of the mine entrance, aud two were so-
riounly and one fatally injured.
The mine has been the Bcene ot two
serious explosions iu the past. In 1889
four men were killed and eight serious
ly injured by the explosion of gas.
December 20, 1895, an explosion of
list occurred in which 28 lives were
lost. This was caused by a miner car
rying an open lamp, contrary to regula
tions. The lorce of the explosion in the Nel
son mine today was terrible. The bod
ies were torn to pieces. The company
states that there were but 75 men at
work in the mine today. Most of them
were out of the mine when the explo
sion occurred.
Reports from Dayton at midnight
how that 11 bodies have been taken
from the Nelson mine. Rescuing par
ties are at work, but at a late hour to-
ight struck a heavy fall of slate that
will delay them for a day or two.
Population of Macedonia Will Endeavor to
Throw Off Turkish Yoke.
London, April 2. In a letter from
Athens, published this morning in the
Times, the correspondent say there
are many indications that grave trou
ble is coming in Macedonia and Albania.
here is no doubt that M. Sarafoff ,
the chief of the Macedonian committee,
las planned a general rising of the
Christian population of European
Turkey for the coming spring. In spite
of his failure to secure any support at
Athens or Belgrade for his project, M.
Sarafoff is continuing his preparations.
The prutei-t of the powers, writes
the corre-pondent, u-ged to action by
the Greek circular, have resulted in
Turkey making energetic military prep
arations, in the face f which it is pos
sible that M. Saraftiff will not venture
to put h'u plans into execution. Still,
owing to Russian machinations and the
jealousies of the power, continues the
correspondent, which prevent the exe
cution of the reforms stipulated in the
Berlin treaty, the outlook is disquieting.
Henry White a Formidable Candidate for the
Vacancy In Italy.
Washington, April 2. Henry White
at present secretary of the embassy at
London, ia the latest and most formid
able candidate for the vacancy in the
Italian embassy by tbe retirement of
Ambassador Meyer. Mr. White is
strongly urged by Senator Lodge, and
has a most enviable record in diph
roatic practice. He was secretary of
the embassy when Mr. Hay was am
liassauor, and consequently ne nas a
warm friend in tbe secretary of state
Bellamy Storer, now ambastador to
Madrid, is going to Berlin as ambassa
dor, to succeed Andrew D. White, when
that officer retires, whicb probably will
be next fall. The only contingency
which may defeat Mr. Storer a aspira
tion in this direction lies in the atti
tude of Ohio senators toward hi pro
motion ; if they are jointly opposed.
they may defeat the proposed appoint
Sultan's Brother Dead.
London, April 2. A report has
reached here from Constantinople,
cables the Vienna correpsondent of the
Daily Mail, that Mohammed Rachad,
the sultan's brother, and bis presumpt
ive successor, ia dead. The report ay
foul play 1 suspected.
Minister Brua Calls an Hay.
Washington, April 2. Mr. Brun,
the Danish minister here, called on
Secretary Hay today, with reference to
the pending investigation by the Iioufo
of the charges preferred by Mr. Oron in
connection with the acquisition of the
Daniah West Indies by the tnited
States. There ia reason to believe that
there ha been received from Denmark
a sweeping denial by Christmas of any
attempt on his part to corrupt American
legislature and newspaper.
Friendship Treaty with Spain.
Madrid, April 2. The treaty of
friendship between the United States
and Spain will be signed a soon as
Lellamy Storer, tbe I nited Mates min
ister here, return to Madrid. Mr
Storer i at present ia the United
Notorious Hon TMeves Cautht.
Missoula, Mont, April 2. Sheriff
James. Davis, of B ackloot. Idaho, cap
tnivd tm) hero today Charles Caret
and Charle Irwin, notortou corse
thi of Boutbara Idaho.
Foster Will Ask lor an Appropriation lor
Wharf and Prison Wall.
Washington, March 29. Senator
Foster ha prepared a statement whi.h
he propose to offer in support of a re
quest he will make for an appropriation
of $15,000 for the erection of an addi
tional building, wharf, prison wall,
etc., at the United States penitentiary
at McNeil's Island. He points out
that the prison labor can be used in
making these improvements, and that
a large quantity of brick made by the
prisoners is now available for use in the
building and wall.
There are confined In the prieon any
where from 135 to 150 pr ioners, and,
as a rule; these prisoners are unoccu
pied, which is undesirable. This would
be obviated by setting aside $15,000
asked for, and would result in the fur
ther operation of the brick plant in the
construction of buildings, prison walls
and whurveti.
- Major Frank Strong, general agent of
the department of jui-tice, who recently
made an examination and inspection of
the prison states in a report that: "If
it shall be decided to continue the pres
ent pri-on at McNeil Inland it mut be
enlarged at once. This can possibly be
effected by prii-on labor, at compara
tively small expense, by using the
brick on hand, aud those which may
be made hereafter, in construction of
the addition."
Major Strong suggests that it will be
necescary to provide a well built wharf,
at which the regular steamers on Puget
Sound may land. A suitable govern
jisut steam launch to be used for trans
portation of supplies, etc., is needed.
A suitable wall of brick, or strong
high fence or stockade, will have to be
built solid to inclose th buildings and
the prii-on yards. The leasing of adja
cent grounds on which clay for brick-
making is found, and where the manu
facture of brick can be carried on, it-
also recommended.
Will Be on Kopje Near Where Wilson Made
His Last Stand.
London, March 29. In a dispatch
from Cape Town, the correspondent ol
the Daily Mail says that Cecil Rhodes,
when be last visited Matoppo Hills, se
lected the spot where he (lexired to be
interred, and gave instructions to an
architect concerning the memorial to be
erected. The place of interment is be
neath a natural cairn of giant boulders,
on a kopje adjoining that on which
Major Wilton's little force made itr
last stand. The memorial to be erected
will be a prominent featureof the strik
ing landscape. The date of interment
is doubtful, owing to the necessity of the
construction of a special carriage road
from Buluwayo. At present there is
nothing more than a bridle path.
vt orx on this road has already com
menced, but its completion will require
one month.
Continuing, the correspondent savs
that a death mask of the face has been
succe8t-fully taken. The features, which
were distorted as a result of hi mal
ady, resumed their reposeful dignity in
death. After tbe autopsy, which re
vealed an extensive aneurism of the
heart, the remains were placed in a
coffin and conveyed to Grooteschuur.
The body has since been placed in a
phell. It was found impossible to em
balm it, owing to the operations neces
sitated by the attacks of dropsy.
With One Excuse or Another, She Will Not
Give Up.
London, March 29. In a dispatch
from Moscow, the correspondent of the
Daily Graphic gives an interview with
a Russian Maff officer who had returned
from Amur, Siberia. The officer b
quoted as saying that the Anglo-Japan
ese alliance has sealed the political des
tiny of Manchuria, which, say the
officer, will never pas out of Russia's
possession. The brigandave rampant
there will be used as a justification fot
the retention of a powerful Russian
army. After the brigands have been
Huppressed, the Russians will remain
in Manchuria to protect their railway
and secure peace in Northern China.
The correspondent says the officer de
clared that to hi certain knowledge a
fully detailed plan tor the civil and
military administration of Manchuria
has already been elaborated, and will
receive the tsar' approval In du
The President's Veto.
Washington, March 81. President
Roosevelt ha sent to the house a veto
of the bill for the relief of Emanuel
Klanser from the charge of desertion
The president says thi bill, like the
senate bill in the case of James W
Howell, not only authorize the presi
dent to act, but also orders the secre
tary of war to revoke and set aside the
order approving tbe proceedings, find
ings and sentence of a general court
martial and to grant an honorable dis
For a Mint at Omaha
Washington, March 29. The house
committee cn coinage has ordered a
favorable leport on tbe bill of Mercer.
establishing a coinage mint at Omaha,
Neb , and appropriating $250,000 for a
Voting Machines at New York,
New York, March 81. Voting ma
chines may be used at future election
in New York city. The question of
adopting machine was discussed at
length at a meeting of the board of
election commissioner todsy, and it
was announced afterward that the pres
ident of the board, who has hitherto
stood alt ne in opposition, haa given bis
consent. It will cost the city about
600,000 to install tb machine.
Forty Buildings Burned.
Scranton, fa., March 29. Fire In
th village of Peckville, eieht mile
from here, destroyed 40 buildings, with
much of their contents. The loss la
$ 180,000. Thirty of the buildings were
insured. Fifty families are left bome-
lew and are being cared for by tbe
Dare lor Cotnplctioei W Tarawa.
Wshington, March 29. Th navy
lepartment ha set forward th date of
ompletion for tb protected cruiser
Tacoma to May, 1B0J.
Positively Refuses ti Allow the Records of
the Wer Department to be Changed so ts
to Allow Pensions to Deserters Secrc
tary of War Must Approve Charges Old
Soldiers Much Pleased.
Washington, March 31. President
Roosevelt is likely to gain quite a rep
utation among old soldiers and Spanish
war volunteer by his veto of deserters
bills. The president has made it very
plain, In the short and pithy messages
which he has sent to congress, that he
doe not intend to have the military
records changed unlet-a it, meet the ap
proval of the. secretary of war. Thi
give not congress, but the secretary,
authority to determine whether a de
serter should have his original status
restored. After a few more vetoes sen
ators and representative may come to
the conclusion that it will be well to
have the records carefully examined
before passing bills for the relief of
men who failed to obtain an honorable
discharge in the Civil war. It is not
expected that any Republican president
will veto private - pension bills, but
from the manner in which these bill
are being rushed through, there seems
to be a feeling that something should
be done to check them. The expense
is not of so much importance as the
tact that the pension roll is being
added to by the thousand every con
gress, and that the beneficiaries are
men who cmnot obtain pension under
the law under which nine-tenths of the
soldiers of the Civil war are drawing
pensions. It looks very much as if the
matter had taken a turn where it would
be considered ungracious for a senator
or representative to object or try to de-
leat a bill which another senator or
representative bad introduced.
Th Petes will Commence with Grand Military
Review May 12.
Madrid, March 31. The fetes to bo
held upon the occasion of the crowning
of Alfonso XIII as king ot Spain will
commence May 12 with a grand review
of 15,000 troops at Camp Carabanchel.
There will be a gala operatic perfor
mance and a concert May 16. The ac
tual ceremony of administering the
oath to Alfonso will occur in the cham
ber of deputies May 18. ' Upon this oc
casion Alfonso will for the first time
wear the uniform of a captain general
in the Spanish army.
Alter the ceremony in the chamber
the king and the court will proceed In
tate to hear a Te Deum in the church
of San Francisco et Grande. A banquet
to the foreign envoys will be given in
the palace that evening.
There will be popular and municipal
festivities, bull fights, horse races, bull
and ret ep tit m s during th six day
from May 12 to May 18.
Three Men Are Killed and Ten Injured In the
Joliet, 111., March 31. Three dead
and 10 injured is the result of a col-
ision near Sag Bridge, on the Joliet dc
Chicago Electric Railway, today, which
was tbe worst in the history ot the
The wreck was the result of a head-'
m collision between tvo cars going at
tull speed. A dense fog prevented the
motormen from seeing the approaching
s. 1 here Is a tingle track at the
place, and tbe two cars came together
with terrific force. The cars were piled
in a chaotic state. Tbe scene of th
accident is tbe same spot where a ter
rible wreck occurred on the Alton road
29 years ago, when score were killed.
To Reorganize Consular Service
Washington, March 29. Tb house
committee on foreign affairs bas voted
to report the bill of Representative Ad
ams, of Pennsylvania, to reorganize the
United States consular service. The
commercial organizations of the country
have been much interetsed in a meas
ure of thi kind. As agreed upon, the
bill provide for the appointment by
the president of a committee ot two sen
ators, three representative and one
state department official to assist in the
reorganization ol the consular service,
which ia to be effected within two
Delarey Hal Escaped.
London, March 28. Incomplete
reports ot th resnlt of the combined
movements of the British columns
against General Delarey hav enabled
Lord Kitchener to announce the rap
ture of ovet 100 prisoners, three 1
pound guns, two pompoms and quanti
ties of stock, wagon, etc. General
Delsrey appear to have successfully
evaded Lord Kitchener' cordon.
Blast Foraace Workers' Demand.
Youngstown, O., March 31. At a
meeting of the executive bard of the Association of Blast Furnace
Worker tonight, it was decided unani
mously that notice should be sent to
all blast furnace operator April 6, de
manding an eight hour day at the pres
ent scale of wages, to take effect May 1.
President McMahon says th association
ha the assurance of th employes of
the United State Steel Corporation of
lupport in tb movement.
Railway Repair Plant Bums.
Chihuahua, Tex., March 29. The
roundhouse, carpenter shop and entire
plant Of the Chihuahua A Pacific Rail
road Company have been destroyed by
fire, tb origin of which is nnknown.
The loo i ti mated at $ 1 00,000. A 11
tbe engines, with th exception ot two,
wer destroyed.
Thottsawd Cholera Deaths at Mecca.
Cairo, Egypt, March 29. It I said
here that nearly 1,000 death Inm 0
cholera hava occurred at Mecca sinew
March 23.