The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, March 07, 1902, Image 3

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3(ood Iftvcr Slacier
FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 190?.
Money to loan on real estate. A. A. Jayne
Foifer'g Union 6c cigar atW.B. Cole's.
Write your insurance with Friday &
For loggers' shoes go to Bone & Mc
Donald's. No. 1 baled hay for sale at the Transfer
& Livery Co. .
List your property with Friday &
Try our 5c Pullman bread at Boyles'
Hanna & Hartley have dry stove wood
for sale. , '
- For flour and feed go to Bone & Mc
Donald's. Ladies' underwear extra sizes at Bone
& McDonald's.
Fresh cows for sale at Tucker's. Ap
ply to B. R. Tucker.
The best 6c smoke in town Feifer's
Union, at W. B. Cole's.
CroHS-cut saws, axes and all woodmen
and loggers' tools at Savage's.
Five acres, set to berries, within
miles of town, for sale on easy terms
by Friday & Barnes.
Davenport Bros. Lumber Co. has good
dry fir wood that they can deliver in
town at $3.75 per cord.
The Langille house is for sale. In
quire up stairs. The store room will be
Kir rent after March 1st."
For Sale. Ten acres, all under culti
vation, 2 miles out on the Mt. Hood
road. Price (2,000. Inquire of Friday
& Barnes.
Sexton & Walther, The Dalles, Or., are
agents for theSMITH STUMP PULLER.
Write to them for prices and circulars
before ordering elsewhere.
Wall Pajier Emporium employs none
but the best artists, paper hangers and
painters. Leave your orders for work in
that line with Jackson & Firebaugh.
Bartuiees is closing out
his stock of
wall paper.
Warren Miller is confined to his house
with a severe attack of rheumatism.
Lots in Waucoma Park addition have
been raised to f 100 per lot $110 for
For Sale at the Emporium One of the
moBt valuable corners in center ot town,
l'rice $2,500.
The Olson place at Underwood has
been rented to 11. C. Huff of Husum
for a term of years.
G. D. Boardman on Monday sold ten
acres of his home place on the East Side
to a stranger for $2,100
G. U. McGuire of Woodburn, Oregon,
brother to Henry McGuire, is visiting
' his relatives in Hood Kiver.
Twirl Flmniiicr. who is working in the
Multnomah box factory in Portland, is
home on a visit for a lew days.
Glass all sizes. French and American
plate glass for large store fronts. Also
common window glass at the Emporium.
Hanna & Hartley are having the
front of their building extended to the
sidewalk. Noble & Eastman are doing
ithe work,
Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Rand are upfrom
University Park. They have tented
their home in Hood River for one year
to Mr. Donaldson.
Everv can of Devoe's ready mixed
naint iruaranteed to give perfect eatis-
diction or monev refunded at the Wall
Paper Emporium.
Some one about town is making
practice of milking other people's cows
at unreasonable hoars. Better stop it
before you are caught in the act.
B. M. Neal.who has been called to fill
the pulpit at Goldendale, moved up
there the first of last week. He has
rented his house and grounds here to
Frank Smith.
Last Friday F. B. Barnes received a
check in favor of Mrs. Ida Crapper for
$2,000 from the A. O. U. ,W., insurance
money on the life of the late H. L.
Oscar Johnson sold his 50 acres cm
.the East Side to Mr. Hill.lately of Iowa,
Jor $.'1,000. This is said to be the test
bargain in real estate made in HoodRiv
r for some time.
E. Bowers of the East Side last week
eold 40 acres to W. V. Johnson for $1,
t)50. About 100 cords of wood on the
iilace cut by Bowers and Robinson was
bought separately.
A. W. King returned last Saturday
fr.,m his trip to California. He went
there in search of health and w is much
improved by his stay of more than two
months in that sunny clime.
Wm. Kennedy will have for sale dur
ing the spraying season the arsenite o,f
soda mixture all ready for the spray
. .i -.11:1: l ...n
Dump, except me atuuuun ui mo noi.
i will stive notice through the Glacier
when it is ready lor Baie.
Farmers in the vicinity of Newberg
nntioinntp pm-ncMiiij in Btrawberry cult-
ii ra nn a lfl.rt?e scale. Col. E. Ilofer of
the Salem Journal, addressed a meeting
u Bu hru. last Saturday, and advised
f.immiu 11 union after the plan of the
Hood River union.
Vriiln v A names made sale, Monday
f H. J. Hibb'ard's home place of 40
acres to John Keating for $tt,000. Also,
to same party, 40 acres belonging to ,.
L. Roirers. East Side, for $1,700. Also,
10 acres belonging to G. D. Boardman,
Kant Side, to C. T. Jones for $2,100.
Hon. E. L. Smith last Friday received
from II. E. Dosch the Wilder medal giv
en to the Btateof Oregon by the Amen
can Pomological society for the best cx
t.iiiitif fruit at the Pan American ex
position. The winning of this medal is
worth thousands of dollars to the state,
t p fil mid family will start next
i...ia f.r t.hfl coast counties of Oregon
to Wink for a location. Arthur Cole.who
while clerkinc in
ti.o Btnr of J. E. Rand, resigned his sit
uation last week and on Monday wen t to
J'ortland to attend business collwge. Sir.
Olo rented his house in town instead of
celling it, and the family will be sure to
Jiave a home wnen uiey come
Several errors crept into our report
4if the sntile erowers' meeting in last is
sue. Mr. Gessline stated that one per
.rent of his Newtown apples were wormy
,put the published report said 10 per
lut Mr. Kennedy said fait, sulphur
.n,i lin.a i nwd iii earlv spring before
.,...,1..;,, hi,riliiT mixture. Also, in
at.ui.l nt iwii nunrts of lime to a barrel of
water, six to eight pounds of lime to
every SO gallons oi water, r.. ' ou..."
" raid the itanana appio -nan "
fairly tested here so as U warrant an
J. T. KoonU, who lately bought a
third interest iu the Tomlinson saw mill
tilt. Hood, moved up on ' Monday.
We understand our old townsman, Kd
Miller has an interest in this mill. They
have a gotxl plant. In addition to a
modern sawmill .they have ft planer,
shingle mill, edger, etc., so thai they
can get out a house complete in short
order. They are at present away behind
their orders'bnl as soon as they get fully
organized will prosecute vigorous cam
paign and endeavor to even up the score
before the time comes to den up in the
The mwt eloquent eulogy upon agri
culture ever delivered in Oregon was
the addrviw made to the students of the
agricultural college at the time of the
recent fruit growers' convention at Oor
vftltln bv Hon K. I Smith of Hood Kiv
er. No man in Oregon takes a
int.'rvxt than he in ftcricnltural
eilnca -
tion, and his address to the students j
came from th heart no less than from;
the head. With ft keen appreciation of i
the fitness of thing, President Uatch j
called noon the choir and students toj
sing "Glorv, 6l,iry, Hallelujah," at the j
close of Mr. Smith's address. Rural j
The lecture bv Dr. Frank Stronir. at
the U. B. church last Friday night, was
a rare intellectual treat. The audience
was charmed by his remarks, and everv
one congratulated himself or herself on
trie good fortune that allowed them to
be present. Dr. Strong is a great friend
of education, and our leading institution
of learning in Oregon, the state univer
sity, is in good hands while he is at its
neau. lie prefaced his remarks by com
mending the work of the Brotherhood
of Andrew and Philip in providing for
the physical and moral culture of the
youth of Hood River in the gymnasium
and reading rooms recently built. Dr.
strong visited ttie public schools in
Hood River. He went from here to
Baker City, where he will visit the
schools of that city and other places in
Eastern Oregon. The Brotherhood of An
drew and Philip deserve the thanks and
liberal support of the Hood River public
for the good speakers selected for their
course of lectures.
A small cottage is being built on the
corner near the nursery by II. C. Bate-
ham, to be used by employes of the nur
sery for housekeeping purposes, and the
land adjoining has been cleared for put
ting in a garden. These changes in that
locality seem to have been the cause of
a multitude of rumors and questions.
But Mr. Bateham informs us that the
land west of the road has not been sold
to a party who is building the house,
neither is it true that Mr. Baker has
bought out the nursery business or even
thought of it. The building is not to be
another country store on the line of the
street and the present road will not be
changed. The fact yet remains that
Mr. Bateham is stilt most thoroughly in
the nursery business at the old place
and expects to stay there ; in fact, has no
thought ot doing anything else.
Old soldiers as well as others should
not forget the date of Captain Shaw's
lecture March 14th, at 8 o'clock, at the
U. B. church. Captain Shaw served
from the date of President Lincoln' sflrBt
proclamation calling for volunteers till
tfie close of the war. He was a member
of the 31st Ohio, one of the regiments
with a good fighting record. Ilia lecture
will be particularly interesting to old
soldiers, and he hopes to see a good
number of them present.
Prof. P. M. Smith is now at Bridal
Veil organizing the local talent of that
place to play the "Irish Duke," Satur
day evening, March 16th. We can as
sure the good people of Bridal Veil that
the "Irish Duke," as put upon the
boards by Prof.Smith,is one of the(most
mirth provoking plays. Prof. Smith is
a good organizer and we hope to see him
back in Hood River in time to open our
new opera house with a play that will
till the house.
Attorney A. A. Jayne was called to
Arlington last week to defend Dora
Sweeten, charged with the murder of
R. R. llaukins. Sweeten was acquitted
and exonerated of all blame. Hank-
ins was removed from the office of night
watchman and Sweeten . appointed in
his stead. Hankins attacked Sweet
en and was killed. Mr. Jayne
is to- be congratulated upon his
successful management of the case for
G. E. Williams moved into his new
store room in the Otten block, last week.
He now has one of the neatest drug
stores in the country. The telephone
office was moved at the same time, and
for several davs the wires were discon
nected from the central office, and of
course there was no telephone service
except with patrons on the same line.
It proved that we can never do without
the telephone in Hood Kivor.
T. Steilhilber, who purchased the
John Sweeny place on the East Side
along with C. L. Rogers, is an old print
er ami publisher. He learned the trade
in Germany and afterwards traveled in
all the countries of Europe, and learned
to set tvue in severaldifferent languages.
He afterwards published papers in Wis
consin and California and Inter the Tilla
mook Headlight, one of the best paying
uewspapers in Oregon.
Rev. Chas. Nickelsen came over from
Goldettdale last week. His family' have
been visiting his parents here for the
past month. Thursday Mrs. Nickelsen
and the eldest and youngest children
started for a visit to Prineville. The
other little girl will remain in Hood
Kiver with her grandmother tor the
summer. :
The Barrett school intends to give a
basket social this Friday evening, March
7th, that will be very unique. The boys
are to bring the baskets and the girls
their pocketbooks. A short programme
will be rendered, alter which the baskets
will lie sold. Come and help us. We
wish to finish paying for the organ.
The "Irish Duke" play was presented
in fine style by Prof. Smith and his able
corps of local talent. Prof. Smith in
his Irish characters caused great merri
ment. Miss Lulu Anderson is a star
actress. All did well. Artisan nan
was crowded and many were unable to
obtain admission.
Whitehead has bought in with J
E. Wilhelm in the restaurant business,
and together they have fitted up the old
Prather corner, the best business corner
in town, and will run a tirat-claes eating
house. Both men are rustlers and will
give Hood River an up-to-date restau
rant. Last Friday evening a nuinberof Hood
River's society jieople gave Mrs. C. D.
Thompson a surprise, it being the anni
versary of her birthday. Tuesday even
ing they surprised C. R. Bone. . Both
parties, were very enjoyable and deli
cious lunches were served. '
John Cradlebuugh was in town Satur
day, looking on at the hot contest at the
republican primaries.Saturday was a per
fect day March came in like a lamb and
John remarked that it was a shame such
a perfect day should be desecrated by
the republicans.
Mrs. Rose McCoy writes from River
side, Cal., that she expects to reach
Hood River the fore part of April. She
said it had been raining at Riverside for
a week too wet "to pick oranges.
Ranchers are rejoicing over the moist
.The telephone company have put in
night service iu Hood River, and now
we can call up central at any hour in
the 24. This is an accommodation that
will be appreciated by the patrons of
the telephone.
The new real estate firm of Driggs,
Culbertson A Co. moved into their new
quarters in the old Prather block last
week, where t hey have good quarters and
a good place to do business.
Dr. C. J. Senkins left town Wednes
day on a business trip and will return
in about two weeks, lie will open then
in the C. R Bone resilience building on
Oak street.
S. ('. Jackson of the firm of Jackson
A Firebaugh has purchased three lots of
John 1.. llemiernHii on Ilooo. Kiver
heights. - He will build a 1,000 cottage.
Mrs. M. V.. Cook was down town
Tuesdav for the first time this winter.
Her manv friends are glad to know she
has recovered her health.
An umbrella left at the Belmont
church at the time of the evangelist's
meeting there can be found at this
John I.. Hendericn txiuht the Matt
Duty lot) acres on Mosier Creek. It is
now for sale at f 1.0U0 on easy terms.
Twenty acres cf the best land in Hood
Kiver valley, $110. Inquire at theGlen
woisl, Fourth and Oak streets.
The ladies' aid society of the Cngre
! church still meet at the church
on Friday afternoon. Work.
h. I.. Smith on Miimlav sold 40 acres
' of his place at 1'x'iilali Land to Fred Bai-
1 lev ana wife lor s.mmi.
The Hood River bank will pav 45 cents
on the dollar for all Valley Improve
ment stoe presented.
A. O. Hersher is laid up in bed with
an attack of the rheumatism.
Jones the tombstone man is in town.
Dallas has V. S. mail boxes for sale.
A. A. Schenck and wife of Boone, la.,
are visiting Hood River, the guests of
Mrs. A. B. Canfleld. Mr. Schenck is
division engineer for the Chicago A
Northwestern Railway Company. He
has charge of the division from Clinton
to Council Bluffs, employing an army of
men in doing $2,000,000 worth of double
tracking a year. Mr. Schenck has large
land holdings in Hood River. He is
taking a vacation to visit friends at
Hood River, Corvallis and Astoria.
McGiiire-Entrican Knptiuls.
A very pretty home wedding was solemn
ized on Tuesday, March 4th, at the "Olen
wood" the home of the bride's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. D. O. Enlrlcan, the contrartlng par
ties being Miss LnlleEutrican, and Mr. Henry
At high noon, Mtsa Anne Hmltti rendered
beautifully the vocal selection, "O Promise
Me," with piano accompaniment by the
bride's sister. Mm. H. M. Huxley, after which
Mi8s Lizzie Huberts, skillfully executed Loh
engrin's wedding march, with violin accom
paulraentby Clarence Gilbert, to the sweet
strains of which the happy couple, preceeded
by Kurl and Meigs Ilarlmesa, as ushers, Hev.
J. L. Hershner, officiating clergyman, the
bride e sIsler.Mlsg K. M. kutrlcan, as bride s
maid, V. A. Wentwirth,as beBt man and four
little flower girls, Misses Mildred Huxley,
Laura Kand, Kalhryn Hartley and Marie
Bartmess. who strewed the lover's pathway
with roaeleaves, took their position beneath a
beautiful wedding bell, suspended In the large
bay window of the front parlor, where the
Impressive ring ceremony of the Congrega
tional manual was used, which united the
happy pair as husband and wife.
The bride was beautifully gowned In cream
organdie trimmed with lace and ruffles, with
e cream drape of liberty silk about the should-
rs.und carried a boiiuet of bride s roses. The
bridesmaid wore a dress of pink organdie,
and carried a boquet of pink carnations.
The parlors and dining room were tastefully
decorated with roses and carnations.
Mr. McGnlro Is one of Hood KlverU most
imminent young business men, being the
unior member of the firm of McGuire Bros,
'he bride is one of Hood Klver's most popular
young lames, air. ana Mrs. jucuuire leu on
me aiiernoon train ior roruana. aiany use
ful and beautiful presents were received.
Alter the ceremony an elaborate wedding
breakfast was served with Mrs, H. L. Duinble
and Miss Agnes Dukes as attendants at the
ormai table.
Those present and invited were: Mr and
Mrs J. L. Hershner. Dr and Mrs Humble. Mr
and Mrs Chas N Clarke, Mr and Mrs D Mc
Donald, Mr and Mrs. W M Htewart, Mr and
Mrs K. R Bradley, Mr and Mrs C K Bone, Mr
and Mis H F Davidson, Mr and Mrs 0 G
Kouerts, Mrana Mrs s E Harmless, Mr ana
Mrs H l! NhaH'tir, Mr and Mrs J E Hanna,
Mr and Mrs J E Kand. Mr aud Mrs D O Entri-
can, Prof and MrsU 1) Thompson, Mr and
Mrs M A Cook, Mr and Mrs H M Abbott, Mr
and Mrs O B Hartley, Mr and Mrs 11 M Hux
ley, Mr and Mrs A A Jayne, Mr and Mrs
Truman Butler, Mr and Mrs W B McGuire,
Mr and Mrs K K Krwln.Mr and Mrs Wllhelm,
Mesdames K U Clarke, L Baldwin, Maria
McGuire, A Price, Misses Nellie Ollnger, Ag
nes Dukes, Nellie Erwln, Mella White, Gloria
Lane, Lula Anderson, Anne Smith, Hester
Howe, Lizzie Huberts, Ethel Kntrlcan, Carrie
Butler, Helen Davidson, Messrs Clarence
Gilbert, Earl Clarke, John Bevins, Grant
McGuire. Earl Bartmess. Howard Bearles,
V A Weniwortb, Meigs Bartmess, Robert
Rand, W Nason, Herbert R. Entrlcan, Del
bert Rand. Ham Blowers. Leslie Butler. C A
Bell, CH Temple, A Bateham, and little
Misses Laura Rand. Knthryn Hartley. Mil
dred Huxley, Marie Bartmess, Mr aud Mrs
P 8 Davidson.
Mr. and Mrs. McGnire will be at home at
the 'Glenwood" after March Vllh.
Council Proceedings.
Council met in regular session Mon
day evening. Present Aldermen Clarke,
H. F. Davidson, P.S.Davidson McDonald
and Rand, Recorder Nickelsen and Mar
shal Dukes.
In the absence of the mayor and pres
ident of the council, 11. K Davidson
was elected president protein.
Minutes of last regular meeting read
and approved.
The mayor's message was rcad,connid
ered in committee of the whole, accept
ed and ordered spread upon the minutes.
P. 8. Davidson, from the finance com
mittee, reported that the committee rec
ommend that that part of the mayor's
message recommending new ordinances
be referred to the judiciary committee
with instructions to prepare the ordi
nances. No action was taken in the
matter of a road tax for the reason that
it is now too late to levy a tax for this
The part of the message calling for
action on the part of the council in re
gard to streets or parts of streets inclosed
by private parties, county roads in the
city and the purchase of a city lot, were
asked to be referred to the committee
on streets and public property. Report
McDonald, from the committee on
streets and public property, reported
that in the matter of the extension of
irst street, nothing could be done un
til a survey was made, and no survey
can be made till right of way is secured.
Report accepted as a partial report.
On motion of P. S. Davidson, the read'
ing of ordinances was postponed till next
Communication from J. II. Gerdes
was read, asking the council to order
the opening of the north side of River
street between First and Second streets.
Referred to committee on streets and
and mihlic nronertv.
McDonald moved that the mayor and
two councilmen be appointed a committee
to ask reeal advice in regard to the city
taking charge of the county roads with
in the city.
F. a. .Davidson moved to amend Dy
makine the committee consist of the may
or and Councilmen mowers jtnd itanu
of the streets committee. AdoDted.
P. S. Davidson moved that the street
. - ,
commissioner be instructed to put in
crossings on State street at Irving and
fourth streets and on bnerman avenue
at the Congregational church. Adopted,
McDonald moved that we street com'
missioner be instructed to remove two
oak tress on the sidewalk in front of II
Pugh's property. Adopted.
Kand moved that the street commis
sioner be instructed to remove the oak
tree in the street at Rand's corner, Third
and Oak streets. Adopted.
Adjourned. '
Born. '
In Hood River valley. East Side, Feb
23, 1902, to Mr. and Mrs. B.T. Young, a
Chnrch Sotices.
Congregational Church. Services at usual
hours, viz.. Stindav ttchool at Wa. m. Preach-
ing service with worship at 11 a. ni.. Junior
C. p. m. C. E. 7:14 p. m. Midweek meeting
eunesilav even nit. Acoraiai inviiauim is
extended to the public to attend. J. L. Hersh
ner, pastor.
Valley Christian Church. Sunday School,
1(1 a. m. a. m. C K.. &3D P.
Preaching at 7:;W P. m. All not worshiping
elsewhere are-cord ially Invited to these servi
ces. J. w. JenKlns,pasur.
United Brethren Church.--Sunday school at
10 a. ui. Preaching at 11 a. in. and 7:.l p. ni
(J. E. at 7 n. in. I'rsver service every Wed
nesday evening st 1:M. Strangers In the city
will he cordially welcomed, u. t;. unaner,
News and Opinions
National Importance.
Alone Contains Both.
Pally, by mail t a year
Dally and Sunday, by mnll J a year
Is the greatest Sunday Newspaper la the
Price le a copy. By mail two dollars a year.
Address THE SUN, New York.
Thadc Manns
. . ,aO DIMM
''lltt ' CorvsnoMTSi Ac
AnwM sradtnf t sketrfc and Sfwnrflr. mmf
qak- y aMwnsin oar otmna frs wbi&r ma
Invention Is prohsMf (uefith!. CHinantt-
thmatnrf KiS4tnnal. naiMinnncoa racni
Snl fr 1IW uwtt for wirmi patents.
Imiu taken thnwsfc Malta a Co. raeatvt)
tptrtm mMiet, wnfcoat ekarta. In Um
Scientific jjinencan.
A kanaanmerr fltaerraual i
fjum etr-
fnlsuoa of a trwnwftf jonm
rw : roar arota. It. 6uU r
Taraa. aj a
all awdaiera.
MUNNCo." New fork
Biaacn OAoa, tt St. Waaattagtua, IX U
1144, BO YEARS'
I FT 1 1 1 1
Saturday, March 15.
' A gratifying success has marked our past six seasons in Millinery.
Our seventh will open with" a larger line, including the latest novel
ties in shapes, braids and trimmings.
' Our policy of closing stock each season enables ua to show ONLY
We are in contact with all the latest ideas, thai insuring LATEST
No house in the state sells Millinery at less expense than we,
hence one of the important factors in our LOW PRICE SYSTEM.
If you object to our prices being low, go to Portland or The.Dallcs,
where you will pay more for the same or an inferior article.
We cordially invite you to attend the opening and will tako pleas
ure in showing you our line at any time.
Royal Tailors. Rambler and Columbia Bicycles.
Ladies, Misses and Children's Underwear, fine Swiss ribbed Pants and
Vests, nicely finished garments in ecru and silver gray, all sizes, reg
ular 25 cent goods. See our window.' Don't miss this sale.
Special Price," 20 cts.
4c each, China decorated Mugs, very pretty.
8c each, German China Pin Trays, finely decorated.
25c, China Cups and Saucers, a variety of patterns.
5c per box, Tan Shoe. Polish vou pay 10c for elsewhere.
5c per box, Vici Kid Shoe Polish, a leather preservative.
10c per bottle, Miller's Shoe Dressing, the ladies' favorite.
15c per box, T. M. French Shoe Blacking, large size.
8c per yard, Shelf Oil Cloth, scolloped edges.
25c, Ladies' Pocket Books, a variety to choose from.
25c, Ladies' Chatelaine Purses, jeweled settings.
25c, Ladies' fine Leather Card -Cases.
Mandolin, Guitar, Violin and Banjo strings and fittings of all kinds.
The UptoDate
Children's Drawers. . ,20c to 35c
Everything else in proportion. These goods are all made by the best
manufacturers, and nothing but sanitary, full w idth, properly shaped
garments are found here. We not only endeavor to secure low prices but
we take special pains to select goods that have the actual value in ma
terial and construction.
See our window display of Muslin Underwear. Compare prices with
Yours truly,
Oliver Chilled Plows,
Planet Jr Goods,
Should be- planted early. We have a FISE LOT OF SETS, and
they will SET the way you set them.
Also have the usual line of Garden Seeds.
"Log Cabin" Maple Syrup and Royal Club Syrup. Tea Garden
Drips. You will find of extra quality, if used. The wheat grains,
with the bran removed, rolled into a flaked wheat and packed in a
two-pound carton tabled "Wheatine." . None better in market.
Largest Shippers of Hood River's Famous Fruits
Stole agents for Canton Line Chilled riov, Stivl Plows. Timber Plow. Har
rows and Cultivators, all styles. Htmlebaker Wan.ins and Vehicles, Pomona
Spray Pomps, Land Plaster and Fertilizer. Sales airrnts for Planet Jr Prills and
The Best is Cheapest.
The Dalles Laundry.
laundry collected Tuesdays and ivttirned Fridays.
Dry Goods Store
We have now ready for
the inspection of the ladies
of Hood River a choice col
lection of Ladies and Chil
, dren's Muslin Underwear
at the lowest prices that
ever such garments have
been offared anywhere. We
have bought these goods
considerably under market
prices, and we are making
v an effort to establish a rep
utation for this line of
'goods and shall make such
prices as are sure to meet
with the approval of the
shrewdest shoppers.
Night Gowns. .60c to 1(3 75
Drawers 25c to 1 25
C. Covers 25c to .
Skirts 7oc to 4
Children's Pkirts. .35c to 1 45c
CO., Agents.
S. C. Brown
Eezs from cen headed bv rock which took
first premium 2 years In succesKion at l'cirt
liind, Ore. Jl.Ou pur setting of 13 eges. Satis
faction guaranteed. E. A. FRANZ.
McGuire Bros.
Fresh and Cured Meats,
Lara, poultry,
Fruits and Vegetables.
Free Delivery. Phone 35.
Administrator's Notice.
Notice Is hereby irlven that the undersiirned
has been duly HpKiinted Administrator ol
theesbiteof Putnam V. ltiail ford, deceased.
All persons having claims against said esuite
are hereby nolitlcd to present the same, nron-
crly verified, to me at Hood Kiver, Ores-on,
within six months from tbedaleot t his no
tice. Dated this 2Uth day of January, 1W2.
P. V. KUAl)F(ihl).
Administrator of the Kstate of Putnam F.
I trail font, del-eased.
ITimber Land, Act June , 1STS.(
United Slates Land Office.' Vancouver.
Wash., Jan. !W, lltli Notice is hereby iriven
thai in compliance with tbe provisions of the
aul of eonKress of June H, 1S7H, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands In the States of
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory' as extended to all the public land
stntes by act of August 4, lrW,
of Hoqulani, county of Clielialis, state of
W asliington, has this day tiled In this office
his sworn statement, No., for the pur
chase of the north southeast , southwest
southeast & section No. 2, northwest M
nort heast of section No. 112 In township No.
t) north, ruiiKO No. U east. W. M., and will
oiler proof to show that the land sought is
more vamauie ior us iimuer or stone man ror
ntrriiuliuriii purposes, and to establish his
claim t Milit lund before the lteglster and .
Keeelverof this ullice at Vancouver, Wash.,
on Thursday, the l"lli day of April, l'JOSL
lie mimes as witnesses: lvooen r. uox oi
Portland, Oregon Albert W. Smith, Claude
K. Williumsanil Charles P. Itecdof iloqulain,
of Illiquid!!), county of Chehalls, state of
W ashington, has this day hied In this office
chase of the lots H and t and east southwest
1, ..l'uu..l!.. V., 10 In t.....nul.l.. !,. ll.w.-tl.
Uiine No. 1(1 east, W. M., and will oiler prooil
to snow linn l lie land solium is more vaiuaiiie
r its timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish his claim to said
id before me uewlster ana llccelverot tins
otiice at Vancouver, Wash., on Thursday, the
17th day of April, l!tt.
lie names us witnesses: itobert -. cox or
Portland, Oregon, and Albert W. Smith,
Charles P. Keed and Fred A. Powell, all of
Uoquitini, Wash.
Anv and all oersons claiming adversely the
above-described lunds are requested to file
their claims in this otllce on or before said
17th day of April, 1002.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878. .
United States Land Office. Vancouver.
Wash., January 29. 11102. Notice Is hereby
given that In compliance with the provisions
of the actf congress of June S, 1K78, entitled
"An act for the sale of timber lauds iu the
states of California, Oregon, Nevada and
v asniugion territory, ' as extennea to an me
public land states by act of August i, lbfi,
of Hoquiam, county of Chehalis, state of
Washington, nas mis auy niea In nils onice
his sworn statement. No. SW57. for the pur
chase of the southwest southeast yt, south
east yt southwest i section No, ID, and north
east W northwest k, and northwest north
east k of section No. 30, in township No. 6
norm, range o.i i easi,w k, una will oner proof
to show that the land sought Is more valuable
for its timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, anu to establish ins claim lo saia
and before the Register and Receiver of this
otllce at Vancouver, Wash., on Wednesday,
me loin uay oi April, una.
lie names as witnesses: Itobert r . cox ot
PHi'llaud. Oregon, and Albert W. Smith.
Cluude E. Williams and Fred A. Powell, all
of lioquiain, Washington.
of lioquiain, county of Chehalls, state of
vt asmngion, nos itiis any niea in tins oince
bis sworn statement. No. 2158. for the pur
chase of the north southeast ti, southwest
northeast section No. Ift, and northwest
No. (j north, range No. 10 east, W. M., and wlfl
oiler proof to show that the land sought Is
more valuable for its timber or stone than for
agrlcullural purposes, and to establish his
claim lo said land before the Kegister anu
Receiver of this oince at Vancouver. Wash..
on Wednesday, the Kith day of April, 1WB.
He mimes us witnesses: Robert F. Cox of
Portland, Oregon, and. Charles P. Reed, fred
A. Powell and Claude E. Williams, all of Ho
quiiiin, Wash.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described Innds are requested to (lie
their claims in this office on or before said
loth day of April, 1U02.
I711I1I w. u. dunbau, Kegister.
(Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.J
United States Land Office. Vancouver.
Wash., February 14. 1U02. Notice is hereby
given that in compliance with the provisions
of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled
"Au act for the sale ol umber lands in the
states of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington lerriiory, as extenaca lo an
the public lund stales by act of August 4, 1SU2,
of Odessa, county of Illg Stone, state of Minn
esota, has this day filed in this office his sworn
statement, No. 2H87, for the purchase of the
normwest quarter oi soumeast quarter anu
northeast quarter of southwest quarter, and
south half of northwest Quarter of section No.
211, in township No. 8 north, range No. 10
east, w. Ai., ana will oner prool to snow tmil
the land sought is more valuable for its tim
ber or stone than for agricultural purposes,
and to establish his claim to said land before
the Register and Receiver of this office at
V aucouver. Washington. on Tuesday, the tlth
a ay oi iay, iiwa.
lie names as witnesses: jamoa r . cox. Ai-
den Kingman and Hrad Hamilton, all of
Trout 1ake, Wrasli., aud Robert F. Cox of
Fortlatm. Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to ttie
their claims in this office on or belore said 8th
day of May, 19U2.
r.la25 W. R. DUNBAR, Register,
Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878.
United Suites Land Office, Vancouver,
Wash., Jan. 10. !(. Notice is hereby given
that In compliance with the provisions of
the act of congress of June 3, 1878, entitled
"An act for the sale of timber lands in the
Ntates of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington .Territory," us extended to all
the public land states by act of August 4. 1802,
of Hoqulani, county of Chehalls, state of
W ashington, nas tins auy niea in tins oince
his sworn statement No. &tttt, fur the purchase
of thesouth southeast and northwest
southeast V, of section No. 11 In town
shio No. 8 north, ramte No. lOeast. W. M.. and
will otler proof to show that tbe land sought
is more valuable tor its timber or stonfr than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim to said laud lietore the Kegister and
Receiver of this office at Vancouver, Wash.,
on luesuuy, ine iiin nay or March, una.
He names as witnesses: Albert W. Lohdcll
Robert K. Cox, William Bach and Joseph V.
Rei-d. all of Portland. Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
alxive-deecriiHHt lands are requested to tile
their claims In this office ou or before said
iith day of March, 10u2.
J 17mil W . R. DUNBAR, Register,
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.J
United States Ijind Office, Vanconver.Wash.
Jan. 17. IlMi. Notice Is hereby given that In
compliance with the provisions of the act of
congress of June 3, 1S78, entitled an act for the
stile of timber lands in the Ktatesof California,
uriijon. Nevada and Washington Territory
as extended to all the public land states by
act ol August , irco,
of Willrrv, couuty of Kandivom, state of
Minnesota, has this day nlcd In this office bis
sworn statement. No. 2:V1, for the pun-base of
the east s souiuwesi yt ami lots s ana
of section No. 30. In township No.
north, range No. 10 east, Willamette Merid
ian, and will otler proof to show that tbe
land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or
stone than for agricnllural purpose, and to
establish bis claim lo said land be lor the
Keirlster and Receiver of this office at Van
eoiiver. Wash., on Monday, the 7th day of
April, iwri.
lie names as witnesses: Robert K. Cox. Al
bert W. Lobdell and Oeorre Shirley, all of
Portland. Orrcon, and August J. Wagnttl of
Trout like. Wash.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-ileserilied lauds are requested lo tile
their claims in mis nrncc on or uelore lata
7th dav of April, IMU.
J24ui28 W. R. DUNBAR, Register.
At my place, no he Mt, Hood roail. one
mile south of town, 1 nave opened a imar
and Feed store. No need now to haul your
fwd up the big hill from town vhen you cah
buv or Die at bottom price. "
ji3 D. F. LAMAR.
A ontvvp-old brtnrt k hHfnr, marked with
a runrt rnlr in on fr. Wilt pay a reward
to team uf ber whrrvabonta.
Taken Up.
White i-vear-old heifer, branded on both
hips b-lt ear rropied. Owner will take her
away and pay charge. J. aJt'uLisli.
We are closing out our stock of mackintoshes at sale prices. See them ifi
you want Bargains. '
Our stock of Ladies' and Gentlemen's underwear is complete. We have
the best. values in shoes ever shown in Hood River, and our prices are as low as
the good quality of the goods will justify.
bone & Mcdonald.
ftTWf I-
with Invi
Conn S
f Minnesota Shoo
bone & Mcdonald.
Hood River
G. E. WILLIAMS, Proprietor. "
Headquarters for everything you need in
Mil Melius, M Drugs, Soaps, Pciis,
Prescriptions Our Specialty.
v . ..
2 ...... .'M W
paper -frvw..
Are still doing business at the Bame old Btand, and their cash prices
are pleasing their trado. We have no large bank account to boast of
but believe in the old saying that "A nimble sixpence beats a lazy
dollar," therefore we are satisfied with
Quick Sales and Small Profits.
Columbia Nursery's
Large assortment of choice Trees. Especially fine lot of one and two
year old Apple.
WE CAN SUIT YOU. Send in your order early.
H. C. BATEHAM, Propr.
Iiand Offli-e at The IxvIIph, Oregon. Fi-b. 5.
llKii Notice U lii-ieby given that ihe follow
ing nniiieil m-ltli-r tins tllid notice of lila
Intention to niHke nnal proof in HuuiMirt
of liiH claim, unit Hint Ntiid proof will
oe mane tit-tore ueo. i . rrutiifr, v.n. uora-
miKHionpr, Ht nooit mver. ureiron. ou Satur
day, Murch '21, VM, vis:
ot Mt. Hood, Oni?n, u. K. No. SS10, for the
low i, n Hnu v, mciioa Z7, lownsliip i norm,
range 10 et, W . M.
He numeH the following witnesses to prove
his contlnuouH residence upon and cultiva
tion of said bind, viz:
B. M. liHiuwm, iihviu rooiwT, itoiieri cens
ure and Siunui-I JIpkm, all of Mt. Hood.Orcgon.
iin'1 x I'WAH, Kl-glBtur.
Deriartment of the Interior. United Htateg
Ijinu OllUe, The Iiftlliw, Oregon, February 11,
11102. A Hiitlk-ient contest, afflilavlt (Hiving
been filed In thin ullice by William
S, Nelson, contestant, agnlnst home
stead entry No. sKIU, inude July IS,
HUB. for the northwuit nuiirter section
'M, Uwiislili 2 north, rangeHeast, W, M., by
Anurew i;. iuuy, i-onieiee, in wnii-n u is ai
liited that said Andrew C. lliilty liiut totally
atiundoned said homestead and has not tieen
thereon for more t hull six months Inst past,
and ttuit said abandon nient still exists; and
that said alleged absent from the siild land
was not due to Ills employment In the army.
navy or murine corps of the trilled states as
a private soldier, seaman, olticer or marine
during the war with ripnin, or during any
other war in which the tniled states may lie
engaged: said parties are bert-hy notitied to
aptieur, n-sHind and oiler evidi-m-e touching
sain aiiegiition ai l o ciock r. m. on April t,
imi-2, iK-liire the lti-glstcr and Kei-elver Ht the
I' ni led suite Land HtHiv In The Jinlles, Or.
The said contcsUiiit having in a proper affi
davit, tiled January H, l'M set foHli facta
which show that after due diligence personal
service of this notice can not be inude.tM Is
hereby ordered and directed that such notice
be fclven by due and proper publication.
JUml4 JAY f. M CAM. Register
Ind Otllce at The Halles, Oregon, Feb. 5,
lwri Noliiv Is hereby given thai the follow-liig-namel
wilier has tiled notice of his
intention to make final pnsif In support of
his claim, and that said prisif will be made
la-fore the Kegister and Kecelver at The
lialk-s, Oregon, on Monday, March 24,VM2, vlr:
of Moiier, Oregon, H. K. No. .Wl, for thesouth
aiMithweat 4 sca-lioii i'll, norltiwest t north
west sei-tlon , and northeast northeHst
section M, township 3 nr:h, range 11 east,
W. M.
He uanies the following witnesses to prove
hiscontiuuousrcMdciii-e upon and cultivation
of, said land, vix:
Ueorge Ireland, (i. R. Wood, V. C. Young
and C. A. Cramer, all of Miwtt, Oregon.
IMm2l JAY P. HVAM, ilegister.
Taken Up.
Two enlts-orte bav about i-year-old, with
while hind fisii and star In forehead. One
Iron-gray mare about 3 yean old.
mi? LI1! kamshm
Incubator and Brooder
Forsale. A -i-hKk bol-water llcm-der, fac
tory made, and one hot-water Incubator, a
egg s!s, home mad but good and In good
condition, sjriforthetwo. DAVID I ITO.V.
Hay for Sale.
Apply to T.J.Cunnl.ig.,or;tOMARKHAM
Cow and calf, row rel, with white star In
tare; white on hind a-gs; rears old; crop off
each ear branded o II on hip. He sard will
la! paid to bum "f their whennlsiota.
Kh. KHOADK.s. tMH His-t Kiver.
Two Lots for Sale.
Iits I and i, bl.s-k IK, Hood Kiver proper,
r.ids wanted. Wish to s.11 very much. Ad-
:drew li.l'. HARKihK,'
1U7 W. Main, Grand Junvlioo, Colorado.
lo any $5 Shot OR tht Marktl
If rour 4m1w ttoM sal kt than, Iniltt ra Ma tWn s
iir Cor Jim. w uxf Is. la .took tnm 0 to Is In all atu.
Co- st.'paul. nihil
C. G0TZMN k CO.. Prap'r.
& cox,
and Builders.
Our shop now has every facility for
turning out first-class work in tbe line
INU. We can build a house of any de
scription, and complete it with all the
latest and improved embellishments.
Estimates Furnished.
Shop back of Glacier office.
The young man loves the young woman;
That's his business.
The young woman loves the young man ;
That's her business.
The young man and young woman get
That's the preacher's business.
They will need furniture, carpets, wall
and building material ;
that's mv business.
Department of the Interior, United Htatea
Ijind Oltlce, The Dalles, Oregon, February U,
lwl'J.-A suniclentcontest affidavit having been
filed In this office by William H. Nelson, eon
Usstant, against homestead entry No. 7111,
made March S, 1KW, for the east half north
west ijuur tor and east half southwest quarter
section 7, township 1 north, range 10 east, W.
M., by Kverard Hutler, contestee, In which it
Is alleged that said Kverard Butler has totally
abandoned said homestead and has not been
thereon for more than one year last past, and
that said abandonment still exists: and that
said alleged absence from the said land was
not due to his employment In the army, navy
or marine corps of the United States as a pri
vate soldier, ohicer, seaman or marine du
riug the war with Spain, or during any other
war In which the United HtaU may be en
gaged: said parlies are hereby notified to ap
pear, respond and offer evidence touching
said allegation at 10 o'clock A. M. on April 7,
WW, before the Kegister t id Receiver at the
Unluid states Land omce at Tbe Dalles, Or.
The said contestant having. In a proper affi
davit, tiled January W, 1UU2, set forth facta
which show that after due diligence personal
service of this notice can not be made, It hi
hereby ordered and directed that such notice
be given due and proper publication.
fHniH JAY P. LUCAS, Register.
, Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878.
United States Land Office, Vaaeouver.WMb.,
Jan. 21, 1MU. Notice la hereby given that In
compliance with the provisions of the act of
congress of June 8, 1878, entitled "An act for
the sale of timber lands In tbe States of Cal
itorula, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory," as extended lo all the public land
states by act of August 4, 1KW,
of Tacoma, county of Pierce, state of Wash
ington, has this day tiled In this office bla
sworn statement, No. ldS, for tht purchase of
the north northwest and southwest
northwest hi section No. 18, and northeast jj
northeast of section No. 2a, In township
No. s north, range No. 11 east, W. M., aud
willotfer proof lo show tbat the land sought is
more valuable for lis timber or stone than for
agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim to said land before the Register and Re
celver of Ibis office at Vancouver, Wash- on
Friday, the llth day of April, ltvi.
He names as witnesses: Henry W, Lnedera
and Tilliston V. Copeland of Tacoma, Wash.,
Frank H. Haawtt of Minneapolis, Mlun, and
Frank Tleman of Glencoe, Minn.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to fit
their claims In this office on or before satdlltli
day of April, IHX1.
Jm W. R. DUNBAR, Register.
And wagon repairing attended to promptly at
my shop on Hie ML Hood road, south ol town.
Otsd work at reasonable price.
sepl7 U. A. HOWELL.
Chickens ! Chickens !
For a short time I will sell 8. C. White Leg
horn and Whit Wyandotte corkereui at 7m
and tl.Uueachat my keystone Farm.
Bargain in Eeal Estate.
KO acres; In meadow- ( In orchard, and
other Improvements; 4 mile from towuuPrie
t i,ttt easy terms. Inquire of
Wagon for Sale.
A Htndebaker wagon, pole, abafta and har
nrs, lor sale ior fju, inuotr of
ttl H. HANHON.
Legal Blanks.
A full line of Legal Blank tor aafci at Brad
ley's Book Htore.
Silver Gray Squirrels
Wanted. Five palm (male and female) of
stiver Oray Honlrrrls. Must not be Injured
by catch lug, W ill pay SOc a pal r r tbefn.