The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, February 21, 1902, Image 3

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    Koqd liver.Slacier
Money to loan on real estate. A. A. Jayne
Feifer's Union 5c cigar at W.B. Cole's.
Write your insurance with Friday &
A light and a heavy wagon to trade for
wood or sell at the Transfer Co.
For loggers' shoes go to Bone & Mc
Donald's. .'
No. 1 baled hay for sale at the Transfer
& Livery Co.
List your property with Friday &
Try our 5c Pullman bread at Boyles'
Bakery. . .
Ilanna & Hartley have dry stove wood
For flour and feed go to Bone & Mc
Donald's. Ladies' underwear extra sizes at Bone
& McDonald's.
Fresh cows for sale at Tucker's. Ap
ply to B. R. Tucker. . ..,
The best 5c smoke in town Feifer's
Union, at V. B. Cole's.
Cross-cut saws, axes and all woodmen
and loggers' tools at Savage's.
Five acres, set to berries, within 1
miles of town, for sale on easy terms
by Friday & Barnes.
Dallas has U. 8. mail boxes for sale.
M. V. Rand and family have moved
to Portland.
' The lleavener 10 acres for sale at the
Emporium. Frice $1,500.
Fresh Hazlewood creamery butter at
McGuire Bros. Is the best.
V. E. Sherrill and family returned to
Hood River last week to stay.
Dr. C. il. Jenkins will be out of town
on business for about two weeks after
March 5th.
B. Warren has so far recovered from
his attack of the grip as to be able to
walk out again.
The Langille House and lot is for sale
for $3,000. Apply to Prather Invest
ment Company. ;
G. E, Williams will move his drug
Btore, next week, into the room in the
Otten building being fitted up for him.
The family of C. T. Early has moved
up from Viento and are occupying ther
new and handsome dwelling in Hood
The barber shop formerly occupied by
Evans & DeBord is for sale house and
lot for $700. Apply to Prather Invest
ment Co. .
The democratic state convention is
called to meet in Portland April 10th.
Wasco county will be entitled to seven
Matt Russell's house and lot is for
sale at $t00 cash. The house will rent
for $8. Apply to Prather Investment
An effort is being made by some of
the residents along the state road to
have the telephone line extended along
that road to Frankton. -
Prof. L. II. Arneson has purchased 20
.. tit 1 - I . M ... T 1
ucres oi vne Diieparu uiuuo iruui j..
Cunning for f00. lie will have the
land cleared for fruit. .
The young people of Belmont neigh
borhood cave a social at the residence
of F. ti. Church last -Friday evening.
Games and music were the order of the
West Hood River republican primary
will bo held at A. O. U. W. hall at 2
o'clock March 1, 1002. The precinct is
entitled to eight delegates in the county
Ed Berdan and wife, after a protract
ed visit in Hood River, left for their
home in Jefferson on Monday. Mr.Ber
dan has sold his fruit ranch at Jefferson
and expects to return to Hood River soon
to' locate.
Friday A Barnes on Monday sold 40
acres on Willow Flat, East Side, belong
ing to Prof. C. D Thompson to Frank
Douglas of Portland. Mr. Douglas will
improve the iand by clearing and setting
out to fruit.
C. II. Tomeroy of Grand Forks, N. D.,
is visiting the family of F. G. Church.
Mr. Pomeroy is looking over the North
west coast w ith a view to finding a lo
cation. He likes Hood River and" may
conclude to stop here.
Registration blanks at the office of
Fridav & Barnes. When you go to reg
ister he prepared to tell the precinct,
section and range you live in. In town
vou should know the block and lot on
which your residence is located.
Tomorrow being the anniversary of
the birthday of the Father of his coun
try, it is a legal holiday. Therefore,
when you go to the bank or the post
office on that day, by their being closed
you will be reminded of this item.
E. J. Nicholson of East Grand Forks,
Minn., a railroad engineer on theNorth
ern Pacific, is visiting C. Metcalf. Mr.
Nicholson bought the Wm. Boorman
pltiee on Phelps creek last summer and
will some day make his home here.
Mr. and Mrs. James Rees left on the
noon train for Hood River, where Mr.
Rees has accepted a position in a barber
.,l, It una Mr intention to re
main in The Dalles, but being offered a
position there wnicn win anoru a ueuer
opportunity to look after the land he
t..l-u m Bitma tpn milna from Hood
River, he decided to make the change
Chronicle tco.mli.
Robt. A. Lovegrnve anil family arrived
l-'riil'iu of laktweek. Mr.
1ivegrove has received theappointment
of superintendent 01 me larm at me In
dian school at Carson, Nevada.where he
will go this week to take charge. Mrs.
Ijvegrove will spend the summer with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. 8. Wheel
er, on the shite road.
Tl... r.lnAw lout u-uolr rtnlilislipd a fivn-
i lie .wow ' " -
,lu,j ,,f iliu nuit Inun which stated that
the county court of any county in the
state could order all ronu taxes paiu in
.... 1, Vi am infnrined bv Kiutervisor
Sam Harbison of the East Side that he
lias been instructed by the county court
tn rolled nil road tnxesin lusdistrict this
year in cash. It is supposed other su
pervisors have received the same notice
it.m V T. Smith returned from the
horticultural convention at Corvallis last
Saturday. The convention was largely
attended by farmers and horticulturists
. 1 . ll.. II
and nmnv stuuems inm me vuiu-kc.
Mr. Smith eayn very effective work was
He sneaks in the
i,;..i,ubt t..rm of the work done bv the
college, which is turning out hundreds
of voting men anil women euucaieu 10
follow farming and horticulture and the
various vocations of life.
The Glacier is indebted to Hon. Mal
colm A. Moody for bulletins from the
agricultural department on the follow
ing snhje.ts: Potato Culture. Grape
Diseases on the Pacific Coast, Standard;..tia nf t'hii'kenti. Some Common
Birds, Fortwtrv fr Farmers, Tomato
Growing, Thirty Poisonous t laiits.liood
The Annie and How
to Grow it, Important Insecticides. If
yon want either of these bulletins, or all
of them, apply to .Mr. .noouy.
The steam ferry boat. J. T. Bagley in
cammaml. is now inaRing regular inns
lietween llutxl Kiver ami line tmi"ii,
Underwood and Bingen. Rowland A
Wright, w ho had been running a ferry
with small lxat under license from the
county court of Klickitat and Waco,
Mid tiieir ferrr privilege to J. T. Baaley
for f;i00. The' purchase was mad Fob.
14th. and next day the steam ferry com
nicnced orntion. The citixens of
1 1 i is,-..- B,licriliei t-72 towards the
purchase of the ferry privilege. Of this
mount Mr. Baglev gave $100. There is
fet ill lacking tJ? to make up the
which amount will no doubt soon be
raised when those of our citixens who
! ln annroached are mveo
chance to su bscn he.
Dr. Frank Strong, "
At U. B. church,
Friday evening, Feb. 28th. '
Free! Free! Free!
The "Irish Duke" and "Scenes from
Robert Emmet." This famous play will
be given by the home talent of Hood
River on next Thursday eveneng, Feb.
27th, at Artisan's' hall. Tickets and
programmes are out already, and it is
expected that one of the largest aud
iences that ever assembled in the hall
will be in attendance. It is the funniest
and most pleasant play ever put on the
stage in this town. The company is
composed of the "Real Gems of Talent"
of this place, so that the public may be
assured of a grand treat at this play.
Keserved seats 35 cents, general admis
sion 25 cents, children 15 cents. Tickets
and plan of seats at Clarke's drugstore.
W. B. Cole, wife and son started this
Thursday morning by their own convey
ance on a trip to Camas Prairie. They
go to attend the pioneer reunion at Glen-
wood, teb. 21st. All old settlers of W
years or more in Western Klickitat
county are expected to bo there, and a
good time is expected.
W. W. Treat, the only reliable plumb
er and tin smith in the city. All work
guaranteed to give satisfaction. I have
on hand the Charter Oak cooking ranges
and stoves, tinware, stove pipe, bath
tubs, sinks, lavators, bowls, water pipe
and fittings, iron drain pipe, 2,-3, and
4 inches.
The Hassalo Commercial club of Hood
River has filed articles of incorporation
with the county clerk. Its incorporators
and directors are G. E. Williams, J. L.
Henderson. D. McDonald. J. F. Watt,
Geo. T. Prather, Wm. Davidson and
Truman Butler.
W. 3. Tinker and family moved to
town during the week. They occupy
the Rand cottage, built by W. J. Camp
bell. . Mr. Warren and family, who
had been occupying this house, moved
into their own house in Blowers addi
tion. C. L. Rogers, 0. L. Stranahan and C.
E. Markham, republican committeemen
from East Hood River, West Hood River
and South Hood River precincts, attend
ed the county central committee meet
ing in The Dalles last Saturday.
That strange steamboat whistle you
hear is the steam ferry boat Felida.Cap-
tain Jack Bagley. Hood River, to be
equal to White Salmon, needs now to
consider building a pier out First street
to deep water on the Uoiuinma.
There will be a meeting of the Union
Church Building Association at the
Odell school house on Monday, Feb.24th,
at 7 p. m. ha id meeting is lor the elec
tion of trustees, and such other business
as may properly come before it.
Valley Improvement Co. have appli
cations for 1044 iiiches of water tor 1902,
and several more who have not. got in
their cards that they know of. Parties
needing water should call on II. H.
.Bailey atouce. '
Just received, another fresh lot of
smoked meats, and wish to say this meat
was bousht before the trust was
formed in Portland and will be sold at
prices that are right. McGuirb Bros.
Ii vou want a sanitary job of plumb
ing properly vented and trapped, prop
er lead connections and joints, also hot
water services, quick heater, call on C
C. Bunnell, now with W. W. Treat.
East Hood River republican primary
will be held in the Rand building, in
the room formerly occupied bv the Den
ver Clothing 2 o'clock p. m Sat
urday, March 1,1002,
Specialties for Saturday trade at Mc
Guire Bros. : Dressed Chickens, Home
Made Pork Sausage, Halibut, Salmon,
Smelt. Everything at the same old
- It looks like spring had come. Boys
are seen playing marbles on the streets
daily. The ground hog is a great proph
et. Hicks cau go way back and sit
When you go to Clarke's drug store to
secure vour reserved seats for the play
of the "Irish Duke," observe work of
artist on the diagram of the Artisans'
Warren Davenport came in from Ida
ho w here he has open for the lat three
months selling his property. He ex
pects to buy more Hood River property.
Wanted to Lease By a reliable man
of experience, a good farm, fruit and
stock ranch in or near Hood River Val
ley. Apply to Driggs, Culbertsou & Co.
Davenport Bros, have all kinds of dry
lumber on hand. It will pay any one
wishing to build to get their special cash
prices before ordering their lumber.
For Sale. Six acres and cottage, East
Side, known as the Chas. B. Prathar
place, will be sold cheap for cash in 30
days, at the Jbmporium.
Davenport Bros, have started their
planer up and will rush out the lumber
now by the wholesale, iney nave wu,
000 feet on theirorder book.
Sexton & Walther, The Dalles, Or., are
fluents for the Smith Stump fuller,
Write to them for prices and circulars
before ordering elsewhere.
Grandfather Ellis has gone out of the
poultry business, Warren Miller pur
chasing his pen oi nue hiiver opangieu
Robert Elmore.the infant child of Mr.
and Mrs. L. E. Crowe of The Dalles,
aged seven months, died January 18th.
Geo. T. Prather sold, on Wednesday,
the west half of his home lot to C. E.
Hemman. Consideration $1,000.
A. C. Wilson, of Mt. Pulaski, Ills.,
father of Mj;s. W. A. Lockman, is visit
ing his daughter in Ugod Kiver.
Mrs. J. N. Teal came up Thursday
morning for a few din visit with her
sister-in-law, auss lleieii leal.
Davenport Bros. Lumber Co. has good
dry lir wiod that they can deliver in
town at li.ia per coru.
For Rent Two-room furnished cot
tage. Apply to Almi Howe.
Mrs. H. J. Frederick will go to Port
land this triday morning.
Davenport Bros, have horses and hay
for sale.
The "Irish Duke."
Teachers' Certificates.
Our nf 97 ftnnlirflntM for teachers' cer
tificates at the examination in The
Dalle last week, t le following were sue-
First grade Hester Kent, The Dalles;
Georgia Bonney, Tygh j Bessie Stakely,
Vt BU11C.
Second grade Lulu C. Rowe, The
Dalles; Bertha M. Hammond, The
ll.ll.w Alhert K Slifllev. ll.kul Uiver :
Louisa Goodnow, Antelope; Annie Hor-
ton, Lascaue ux-ks; v imam rarreu,
Hood Ritwr.
Third grade Grace Mann, Hillsboro;
Bernice Wyman, Hood River; Andry
Markley, Hood River; David Allen,
A terrible accident occurred at the
railroad camps, about nve miles ueiow
the city this niorniiig(Feb.7th). A man
oy lli name oi uieaaon w as engarru i
thawing out giant powder in a tei
in which the txiwdcr is kept, iust bclo
the company's camp, w hen an explosion
n'rnrml. tin had ftlxtut 1M IKKUldg of
powder lving on benches and th terri-
L i '.i .i.- i....:.
DC lurce OI me c.l'iusn'ii chu i-c imag
ined. TU're was hardly enough of the
t.itit aiA ita ikviinnivt left til teil the tllle.
Portions of the body w ere picked up 400
f....t frnm I lie xrene nf the occurrence.
and many meinermil the lwdy were not
found at all. Word was sent tolhecity
and the remains brought to Cranll J
Burget's undertaking nxims this after
mau. Little is know u of the uufortu
nate man other thau that he has beet
working for the company the past tw
months and seeni'd to tie a worthy man
steady and industrious. He'waa abmr
45 years of age. Dalles Chronicle.
It I mi,l thn ire nitrlv 100 rases
i smalhx)X ill and aronud North Yakima.
i Schools are closed, and children
! eren are not allowed to plav the
i .. .
; streets, lu otne, pans oi usimiwun
i tv the disrase is epidemic.
Apple Growers Meeting.
The Davidson Fruit Company have
arranged a meeting for the earnest dis
cussion of the prime requisites for suc
cessful apple growing, to be held Satur
day morning, Feb. 22d, in the A. 0. U.
W. hall, at 9:30 o'clock.
Conditions prevailing in Hood River
valley are in many resperts .different
from other localities, and the occasion
will afford opportunity to learn the ex
perience of practical growers of Hood
River who have passed the experiment
al stage in the business. No subject
could be named that would be' more
likely to call out a large crowd of inter
ested persons than such topics as the
following :
Selection of Varieties for Profit,
How to Set Out an Orchard.
Adaptation of Varieties to Locations
and Soils. "
Pruning, Cultivation, Spraying, etc.
New comers in the valley in particu
lar cannot afford to miss the meeting.
Come, let us counsel together.
Council Proceedings.
Regular meeting of the council was
held Monday eveuing. Present Mayor
Brosius, Aldermen Blowers, Clarke, II.
F. Davidson, McDonald and Rand.
Minutes of the previous meeting were
read and approved.
P. a. Davidson was granted leave of
absence from the meeting.
Ordinance 47 was read second time and
amended by McDonald to read "both
sideB of State street." Passed. '
Ordinance 48, prescribing rules for
laying out additions to the town of Hood
River, was introduced and passed first
reading. . .
Ordinance 4'J, prescribing manner
of improving streets, was introduced
and passed first reading.
of E. S. Olinger tor marshal s sal
ary for December was allowed.
H. F. Davidson requested that the
council grant a permit to move the
armory building down Columbia street.
lo move the armory downthisstreet
to the vacant lot east of the box factory
will necessitate the removal of several
oak and pine trees.
iilowers moved the request be grant
ed, the contractor to get permission of
property owners to remove the trees ;
provided; that no trees be removed till
the armory building has readied the
trees. Adopted.
Blowers moved that the mayor's mes
sage be referred to the finance commit
tee. Adopted.
'roni Our Correspondent on the Hill.
V Tl T Trp0p aoront. tnr iha Wally
' - - ..... , ' '
Varan TvnpAQa Cn PAtvtA in Hnfwt Rli'pr
last week on a health trip and is at Mrs.
Alma Howe s.
W. II. Marshall came in from his
mountain home Sunday and returned
Monday. He is well pleased with the
situation of his place and hones to have
a nice apple orchard set out in the near
future, lie is now clearing his ground
ready to plow it up for that purpose.
Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Stranahan were
both on the sick list with colds luBt
Miss Lulu Anderson is working at the
Dorrance Smith and Harry Hansber-
ry with their families had a narrow es
cape from being drowned recently. They
were out in their little tug boat when
they ran onto a snag. They succeeded in
getting the women and children ashore,
aud then returned to try to get the boat
loose. Just as she came off the snag
she sunk. At last reports, they had
raised the boat and are again towing
logs. "All's well that ends well."
Spring Flowers.
The Glacier is indebted to W. N. Suks-
dorf of Bingen, Wash., opposite Hood
River, lor a box of wild flowers gathered
February 18, 1902. Twenty varieties of
dowers and other plants, eacn variety
neatly packed in parafine paper. Follow
ing is the list;
Buttercup Kanunculus occidentals.
Common chickweed Stellaria media.
Whitlow grass Draba Verna.
Shepherds purs! Capsella Bursa-
isitter cress (jaruamine rennsyiva-
Wild turnip Brassica Campestris.
Filaria Erodium cicutarium.
White flower Sax if ragra nivalis.
Pink Lithofragma teuella.
Wild Heliotrope Lomatium pipera.
Wild coriopsi Gaillardia aristata.
Golden showers Crocidium multi-
Common groundsel Senecio vulgaris.
Blue flower Nemophila Menziesii.
Purslane Speedwell Veronica pere-
field speeuwen eronica agresus.
Dead nettle Lamium amplexicaule.
Purple iris Sisyrinchium grandi-
Low spear grass Poa annua.
A grass Poa vaseyochloa.
Apportionment of Delegates.
The Wasco county republican central
committee appointed March 1st as the
date for the primaries, and March 8th
the convention will be held in The
Dalles, convening at 10 o'clock. Appor
tionment of the various precincts being
made on the MeKiuloy vote in 1900, or
one delegate to every 20 votes or major
fraction thereof, the number ot dele
gates will aggregate 107, which includes
one delegate at large from Shaniko. The
apportionment of precincts is as fol
Antelope, 9; Eakeoven, 2; Baldwin, 3;
Bmelow. 8; rovd, z; uoiumma, z iu.
fur, 4; Deschutes, 2; East Hood River,
7; East Dalles, 10; Eight Mile, 2; Falls,
3; Kingsley, ; Mosier, 3; Mountain, z;
Nansene. 2: Oak Grove, 4; Ramsey, 2;
Shaniko.3; South Hood River,4t Trevitt,
7: Tvgh Valley, 3; Viento, 3; West
Hood River, s ; West uaiies.H; w anuc,3
Walter Thomas Mills, M. A., of Chica
go will address the citizens of The
Dalles at the county court house on
Wednesday evening, Feb. 20, 1902, on
the subject: "Njcial Economy."
Under the new law, the annual elec
tions for district school oflicer8 will be
held on the third Monday in June.
The republican state central commit
tee fixed the date for holding the state
convention m Portland April 2d. March
22d was recommended as the date for
the primaries and March 29th for the
county conventions. vt asco county
will have 11 delegates, based on the vote
for the Mckinley electors in 1900.
Fourth District C. E. Contention
The fourth district (lirUUnn Kndcaror
convention will convene tn Hood Hirer Wed
nesday, February 2ith, when the blowing
programme will be observed:
9::t0. Devotion, Rer. J. W. Jenkins.'
:.. Election of lenixrary chairman and
Ot.W. A ooolutment of committees.
HHO. Kaitlifulneiw lo i'ledge. Mite Jonet, The
lft'JO. Quiel Hour, Mrs. A. U Blielley.
I(kl. Titliinic, Kniiuw llonncy.
ll.-UJ. How lo Lend C E. meeting. Carrie
11:21. tJood Uteratnre, E. H. Merrill, The
1 lanes.
20. Pevollon Subject, Our Common
tirounii, Kfv, Kueney,
1V Kll enll.
Ju. Keporm of xi-leHe". I
Mircniioun l.nik'jvorein. o
2-:iV In I'hureti.iuroline-llooih.
In Kwirty, Jtfc ph MHjm.
Hlo. In UrviVHlH, Jese Knimel.
Jt:il. In Mi-wioHiiry Work. Metg Bart mess.
.;..". Ill lNlitii-, llie duller.
IjU. Kcport of couiHiiltee and election of
4:03. Junior, K v. Klder, MorO.
..'. Iew;loo, led by president.
;::A. Addieiw, Jckuis Hie W orld'n Teacher,
Hey. U. V. ro:lnr,The I (when,
tfclo Artdn-. Jen, Ibe World Kxample,
Brv.J. M. Alexander. The Dalle.
All tbe children of ibeioan are invited to
be present at i clorlt r the Junior exercise,
i All lte young people of Hood Kiver arc re
queoied to be in aliendancw.
Sow fat the Time to (Cackle) Advertise.
A duck which had Iain several doxen
of eggs this season, complained that,
while her working record was better
than the ben's she had books and poems
written in her honor, while no one had
a word of praise for the duck. A wise
rooster standing by said: "You lay an
egg and waddle off without saying
word, while that sister of mine never
lays an egg witout letting everything in
the neighborhood know it If you want
to cut any ice around here you inuBt
Travels of a Box of Apples.
The iollowing interesting history of ft
box of Oregon apples is furnished by Rev.
J.J.Valter,who has just returned from a
four weeks' trip in Southern Oregon.
The box was packed by Miss Delah
Williams September 10, ' 1901. Into it
she placed the iollowing note: "Med
ford, Ore., Sept. 10, 1901. This box of
apples was packed by Miss Delah Wil
liams, of Central Point, Ore. Will the
person purchasing tljis box please write
me, stating price paid for the box and
condition oi the apples, and wnere pur
chased?" The original letter was re
turned to Miss Williams, and she re
ceived it on the 5th of this month, stat
ing that the apples were purchased in
Dawson City, January 17, 1902; condi
tion first-class and cost 18. The writer
also enclosed a dollar bill to the young
lady. Oregon ian.
Church Notices.
United Brethren Church. Sunday
school at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11 a.m.
and 7 p.m. Y. P. S. C. E. at 6:30 p. m.
rrayer service every Wednesday even
ing, at 7 :30. Strangers in the city will
be cordially welcomed. H. C. Shaffer,
Valley Christian Church. Sunday
School at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11 a.m.
Christian Endeavor at fi:30 p. m.
l'reachiue at 7:30 p. m. The subject
in the evening, "Egypt and the Bible,"
will be illustrated by the stereopticon.
Every one not worshiping elsewhere is
invited to attend. J. W. Jenkins pistor.
Conereuational Church. Sunday
school, 10 a. m. Preaching, 11 a. m.,
Subject: "Why 1-bllow Christr Jun
ior Endeavor, 3 p. m. C. E., 7:15
p. m. Leader, Carl Coon. Prayer meet
ing Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock. The
public is invited to all theee services.
Rev. J. L. Hershner, pastor.
Resolutions of Condolence.
Reanlved. Thftt the sincere HvmDathv of the
members of Riverside Indite, No. 40, D. of H.,
be extended to Bister Ida Craiiper und her
children for the great loss they nave sustain
ed In the death of Brother Harvey Crupper.
Resolved. That t lie members or Mils loage
will ever hold In remembrance the fidelity of
Brother Crapperas a good workman ana tne
manv evidences of his rearard for the D. of H.
He was faithful in his own duties and ever
aided Ulster Crapper In the fu Itlllmenl of ner
offices In the sister order.
By his example he has scattered Diess
imn anionir tboNe who followed him and
shown the wisdom of protecting his loved
ones while ills neaito was hum unimpaired.
Mtivthe Good Father comfort his family
and help them to look forward with faith to
a reunion in a Better iana.
. HMlTH,
I.itckktia Prather,
Etta Bakhks.
Advertised Letter List.
February 17, 1802.
Bernnee. Mrs Emma fi Goff. Owen
Calbrnlth. Mrs Ktta llouss, Fred
Carlson, William . '
wm. ii. him, r. m.
For Sale or Lease for
20 Years.
160 acres In section lit, 1 N., 10 K., near dam In
Kcst horn; nas vaiuaoie uniner, sloping
orchard land and about 25 acres of bottom
8. E. quarter 8. E. quarter sec 36, 8 N., 10 E.,
on Hood river,
30 acres in H. E. quarter N. E. quarter, sec. 81,
in K., adjoining iowii, eautJi river.
Has, about 10 acres of bench land; several
acres of slojie available for orchard.
TownshlD road Dasses through this land.
S acres east of Parkhurst along top of bluff, In
8. W. quarter N. E. quarter sec. ill
E. Includes all the frontage of Parkhurst
overlooking Hood river.
Lots 8 and i, block 8. Parkhurst.
LoUi6and , block F, Hood Kiver.
Bottom land along and Including Hood river
and tne Island, in aouin nail i. n. quaner
sec. 81, 8 N., 10 E., adjoining Hood Kiver.
Very little cash required from purchasers.
Income, not ready cash, desired by owner.
Easy arrangements about timber to aid In de
fraying costs of clearing and planting.' In
quire of GEO. T. PEATHKU, Hood Kiver.
Incubator and Brooder
For sale. A 400-chlek hokwater Brooder, fac
tory made, and one hot-water Incubator. 300-
egg size, home made but good and In good
coud Itlon. t& for the two. DAVID UPTOJJ.
S. C. Brown
Eegs from nen headed by cock which took
first premium 2 years In succession at Port
land, ure. vi.uu per selling oi ia eggs, naug
factlon guaranteed. E. A. KKANZ.
Ordinance No. 47.
Entitled An Ordinance to Provide for and
Define the Manner of Building a Hldewalk
on Both Bides of Btate Street, from the
East Line of Lot J. Month Addition, to the
West Line of Lot 7, Block A, Houth Wau-
coma, in tne city of ikhxi mver.
The City of Hood Kiver does ordain as fol
Section I. Said walk shall be built feet
wide, with covering two Inches thick on
three stringers not less than 4x4 inches.
Heo. 3. Said walk shall be built on a gradual
Incline as near as need be to the present gen
eral eround line.
Hec. 8. It shall be the duty of the street com
missioner to see that the walk Is laid In a
proper manner.
Hec. i. ThiB ordinance repeals all ordinances
and pans m ordinances in conmct ncrewuii,
Passed the Common Council February 17,
1902, and approved by me this 17th day of Feb
ruary, imia r, c. tiitorui n, Mayor.
Attest: J. H. NiCKKmnw, Becorder.
A one-year-old brlndle belfer, marked with
a round hole In one ear. Will pay a reward
to learn of her whereabouts,
f!4 O. B. HARTLEY.
Hay for Sale.
Apply to T. J. Cunning, or to
fl4 C. E. MARKHAM.
Ranch for Rent.
The earliest strawberry farm on the hill, In
full sight of Hood River. Ten minutes' walk
to the steamboat; 16 mlnutea drive to the
ferry. Healthy home, beantlhil scenery; well
Improved; good buildings and fences; pas
lures; 8 acres In strawberries, 7 acres 111 fall
wheat, 2 acres lu clover and alfalfa: some
hearing fruit trees. Will rent for 2 or 8 years,
furnished or unfurnished, to earnest, Indus
trious farmer. Address or call on
H AKKY OLHEN, Underwood, Wash.
Cow and calf. Cow red, with white star In
face; white on hind legs; tt years old; crop on"
each ear; branded O R on nip. Reward will
lie paid to learn of their whereabouts.
U 8. KHUALiKS, East Hood River.
Silver Gray Squirrels
Warned. Five pairs (male and female! of
silver HrayjfKiuir
Mjmrren. Musi noi oe mjurea
by catching,
I pay flue a pair for them.
IT 1 L'Dll.lV
For Sale.
Almost new JFarrnnd A Votey organ
Mlngcr sewing machine. Inquire of
Onered yearling steer with right ear split.
No brands. One dollar reward to any one in
forming me of hl whereabout.
Two Lots for Sale.
Ixts 1 and 2, block 1, Hood River proper.
Rids wanted. Wish to sell very much. Ad
dress (. C. BARRiH'K,
107 W. Main, Grand Junction. Colorado.
Fresh Cows for Sale.
I hftve S or ftrh cown ftr rai at my place
S mtl wesl of town Uiversttle Kurm.
TIIK MAW FILER. Flies ill kinds of saw
Hand, buck and cross-cut . Work done
on short notice. Residence H. W. corner Bar
r?tlipiim adililion. east of W. T. Himsberry.
Taken Up.
White i-yce.r-.ilrt heifer, branded on both
hips, lett ear cropped. Owner will lake her
awsy and po charges. J. KXUI.IHH.
Taken Up.
Two colia mi hay about 3-vear-old, with
white hind Kail and nar in ion-head. On
I h-on-s-ray mare about i yeajs old.
Legal Blanks.
A full line of Legal Blanks ar sale at Brad
ley a B- Hlore.
i -ri
No other style has so many points of perfection for the price, $2.50.
We have 110 shop-worn styles; the demand for thorn is so constant
they never grow musty with age. ' -
Royal Spring Suit Samples now in. ' .
Boys' All Wool Sweaters, fine goods, in dark blue and black, regular price
Special Price, 85c.
3c each, Steel Crochet Hooks.
5c per spool, Crochet Cotton.
7o per spool, Crochet Silk, all shades.
10c, Tooth Brushes, a very good brush.
10c per bottle, Orris Root Tooth Powder. ' .
' 10c per box, Talcum Powder, the 25c grade.
25c each, Plush Back Hand Mirrors.
. Basket9, Brushes and Wooden ware at Little Prices.
MUSICAL IXSTKUMENS We have a very nice line of instruments, in
cluding Guitars, Mandolins, Banjos, Violins, Acccrdeons, etc. We
will make you very low prices on them.
The UptoDate Store
Watch this Space
Largest Shippers of Hood River's Famous Fruits
Bole agents for Canton Line Chilled Plows, Steel Plow. Timber Plows, Har
rows and Cultivators, all styles. Btudebaker Wagons and Vehicles, Pomona
Hpray Pnmps, Lund Plaster and Kertlllr.ers. Bales agents for Planet Jr Drills and
The Best
McGuire Bros.
Fresh and Cured Meats,
Lard, Poultry,
Fruits and Vegetables.
Free Delivery. 1'hone 35.
Administrator's Notice.
Notice Is hereby given that t lie nnrtersigned
has been duly appointed Administrator ot
the estate of Puiimm F. HrmlWtd, deceased.
Alt person.1 having cluiinn a.itnt said estate
are hereby notified to pn-M-nl the same, prop
erly ventted, to me i lhsid Kiver, Oregon,
within six months from the dale ot this no
tice. Dated this 28th duv of January, ltJ.
P. F. UltAliKoHD,
Administrator or the Kslutu or Putnam F.
Bradford, deceased.
ITiiuber Land, Act June .1, l.s;.J
United Slates Lund i ifflm .S'snconver.Wash
Jan. a, Ibo2. Notice is hereby given that In
compliance with the pro isions ot the act of
congress of JuneS, lsrs. tnt it ld "An ait for
thesnleof timber l:m I in the States of Cal
ifornia, Oregon, Nevada and Wa-hintton
Territory," ox eTtcieii-d In all the public land
slates by act of Autut 4. ls2,
of Taeoma. connlv or Pierce, stifle of Wash
ington, has tins duv llle i in liiN ortice bis
sworn stHlemenl No. J.i. fur the p.irehaseof
Ilie north j nrt!iwii i, and ,miiIiwi
lirthwest se-lt,,n No. "A end iHrlheMt
northeast W tf sc-lion .. VI. Hi Uwuhlp
No. mirth. rani;e No. 11 cit. W. M., and I
will oiler proof hi b.M i iiai tne land ui;lil 1st
more valuable ft.r li umber r none than air
rrtcu liural pnni. and t establish h:s
claim to said land Is-tore me K.-jifbr aud Ke-r-lver
of this ortiee i Vhicimin . r, Wash on !
Friday, the I no ilav of A -il. laii
H name a wilncw"!.- Henry W. Lnedera
andTilliKlon V.ow.!iud in? Taeoma. tt ash,
Frank It Basaell ol Minneapolis, Mllin and
Frana Tieinnn of i.lencw, Minn.
Anj and all proM claim ina ajveescly the
above-dcserite.l lano art njoeled lo flie
(heir claim In in oiti on or ts-r.irenaidllO
day of April, lwi.
J24m Mf. a DC N BAB, Ketfsler.
It is a great satisfaction to wearers of
the Federation to know they are getting
the extreme limit of all the good qualities
that can be put into
a $2.50 Shoe.
Oak welt soles.
Perfect fitting. ,
Supreme comfort.
Strictly 6p to style.
. Made by union workmen.
Careful buyers come again,
And again for the Federation.
is Cheapest.
Department ef the Interior, United Htatea
Land Office, The Dallea, Oregon, February 11,
lvsK. a sumcieni context amaavit Having oeen
filed In this nrilce by William H. Nelson, eon-
tealnnt, ana Inst homestead entry No. 711,
made March H, 1HH, kr the caat half north
west quarter and east half southwest quarter
section 7, township 1 north, range 10 east. W.
M., bv Kverard Butler, eontestee, In which It
is alleged that aald Kverard Butler baa totally
aoamionea ssia nomesieaa ana nas am De
thereon (or more than one year last past, and
that aald abandonment still exists; and that
said alleged absence from the aald land was
not dne to his employment In the army, navy
or marine corps of the United Htatea as a pri
vate soldier, nmeer, seaman or marine oa
ring the war with Mpain, or during any other
war In which the United Htatea may ba an-
awed: said parties are hereby notified to ap-
nar, respona ana oner evidence loocninf
said allegation at 10 o'clock A. M. oa April f,
lirni, before the Register and Receiver at the
I nl led Mlatcs Land Office at The Dalles, Or.
The said contestant having, in a proper affi
davit, filed January , luiL set lortb. facia
which slaiw that after due diligence personal
service of this notice ean not Be made, It Is
hereby ordered and directed that such notice
oe given aue ana proper puonnauon.
fftmU JAY P. LUCAS, Register.
Department of the Interior. United Mates
rand Office. The Dalles, Oregon. February 11,
Its H A sufficient contest affidavit having
been Died In In is omce by William
H. Nelson, cnntoslant, against home
stead entry No, MHO, niade July U,
limil, war the northeast quarter seetloa
M. township t north, range t east, W. M by
Andrew C. I'offy, eonlestee, in which It teal.
Hed that aald Andrew C Duffy bas totally
alMieloned aald boniestead and haa not been
thereon for more llian alx mont lis last peat,
and that aaid abandonment still eilsls; and
I hat said alleged absence from the aaid land
was not one to nia employment in ine army,
navv or marine corps of Uie United mates aa
a private soldier, seaman, officer or marine
during (be war with (Spain, or stilling any
other war In which the Cnlted H tales may be
enraged: aald nartiea are hereby aotitted to
apinsar, respond and offer evidence toejcblng
said allegation at 1 o'clock P. M. on April 7,
;sfi. beore the Hegtstse and Receiver at the
United Htatea Land Office in The Dels, Or.
The aaid contestant having, la a proper affi
davit, filed January , Isoi set lorta socu
which snow thai after due diligence pmonaJ
service of this nnttce naa not be aaaoa. It le
brrebv ordered and directed that such notice
t uvea by dne and proper publtcaikaa.
flholt J AT P. LCl'A. Heatatar.
' . s .
. We are closinu out our stock ol
you want Bargains.
Our stock of Indies' an,d Gentlemen's underwear is complete. We have
tho beBt;valttea in shoes ever shown in Hood River, anJJour prices are as low as
the good quality ol the goods will justify.
bone & Mcdonald.
' is?' "
WITH Nlflllltl
r aniifaoturaid by
r.linncsota Shoo Coi sT.PAuV!iiii
bone & McDonald.
T. 0.
The City Tinker & Plumber.
Headquarters Fourth and Oak Streets.
Hood River Pharmacy
Q. E. WILLIAMS, Proprietor.
Headquarters for
Prescriptions Our Specialty.
t :4'iv?flfizrt2bt3 They will need furniture, carpets, wall
') MWJWM Pper and building material;
-aatii'aagj ii in, in r 1 1 That's mv business.
The Prather Investment Co.,
The Reliable Heal Estate Agents.
finvp.vanninor talWfiMnMti
If) WUill WJ UUU1U 11UUI
Lots and Blocks for Sale. Taxes paid for non-residents. Township
Plats and Blanks in stock.
Telephone 51. , Correspondence solicited.
ST"Goods delivered to any part of the CHy. js7
YourJPatronage Solicited.
Are still doing business at the same old stand, and their cash prices
are pleasing their trade. We have no large bank account to boast of
but believe in the old saying that "A nimble sixpence beats a lazy
dollar," therefore we are satisfied with
Quick Sales and Small Profits.
Columbia Nursery's
Large assortment of choice Trees. Especially fine lot of one and two
year old Apple.
WE CAN SUIT YOU. Send in yoor order early.
H. C. BATEHAM, Propr.
Land Offlc at Th Ita I lea, Orqrnn, Krh. ft,
104. Notice is hereby Ivea that II le Mhiw.
Ine as meet settler haa flled notice of his
Intention to make final proof in support
of his claim, and that aaid proof will
be made brftire Geo. T. Prather, I'.H. Com
missioner, at Hood River, Ortsron, on Hatur
dajr, March 22, 14, tIe
at Mt. Hood. Orraroa, U. E. No. Via, lor the
lots 1. 1 1 and t . aeciioa Z7, towoattip I aortn,
range 10 aaat, w. M.
H aamea tbt ftillowlnf wttneaara V prnr.
hla eooUDnoaa restdeoos apon and etilUvar
Uosi of said land, vie
aV M. haldana, Imvld Coorer, Rohert la
esaad hamaei Heaa, allof ML Hotsi.flrecua.
ntrna . JAt f. LLCAH, Kectater.
mackintoshes at sale prices. See them
Equal to any S Shot on th Market v
titf narSulsr m aot kstfi k, Imlit en kl ftUnt
ifpsii fur csrer Ui.n la auk troia U to U la all wsu.
and Builders.
Our shop now has every facility for
turning out first-class work in the line
ING. We can build a house of any de
scription, and complete it with all the
latest and improved embellishments.
Estimates Furnished.
Shop back of Glacier office.
everything you need in
The young man loves the young woman ;
That's his business.
The young woman loves the young man j
That's her business.
The young man and young woman get
married ;
That's the preacher's business.
I .and Office at The Iiallea, Orea-on, Feb. S.
IWt Notice Is hereby given that the IUiw-mt-nained
art tier haa filed notice of his
Inlenllonto make final proof la suppiNrt of
his claim, and that said proof will be made
before the rUflsier and Receiver at Tim
liarks, Oreon, on Monday, March il.lsui, vis
of Mosier, nregiHi. H. K. No.WMS.f.H-the south
t aiHithweat section 3ft, asrthwest nortb
weat aertlou Jt and northeaat H Bortlteast
seruoD M, township t north, ranaa 11 east.
He names the Mlnwltif witnesses to prove
his eonUnooas real denoe upon and cultivation
of, said land, vis:
Oeorge Ireland, O. R. Wood, V. C. Young
and f. A. Cramer, all of Moster, Omroo.
Ilimii JAY f. LLCAa, rUwisatr.