The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, February 21, 1902, Image 1

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4 -fy.
NO. 40.
FuhlintiKl Jjvery Friday by
8. F. KI.YTHK.
Terms of subscription 11.60 a year when paid
In advance.
The mall arrive (mm Mt. Hood at 10 o'clock
a. ni. Wi'lneclKy and Saturdays; depart Ihe
lime dart at noon.
For Chenoweth, leaves at a. m. Tuesdays,
Ttauiadaya and Hatunl(iy; arrive at 6 p. m.
For White Salmon (W uh.) leaves daily at 6:45
a. m.i arrivea al 7:16 p. in.
From White Salmon leaves for Fttlda, Gilmer,
Trout Lake and tilenwood daily at A. M.
ForBinxen (Wash.) leaves at .::ii p. m. ; ar
rive at 2 p. m.
son Br iic.
J 7, 1. O. U. F.-MeeU Bret and third Mon
dayt In each month.
slim I trTiE Kntkicas, N. G.
H. J. HiyiiRD, secretary.
SANBY POST, No. 16, G. A.' R. Meet at A.
O. U. W. Hail second and fourth Katur lavi
Jt-ach month at 2 o'clock p. m. All 0. A. U.
members invited to meet with us.
J. W. hiuBY, Commander.
V. J. Hayes, Adjutant.
CANBY V R. C, No. 1 Meets flrst Satur
day of each mouth in A. O. (J. W. hall at 2
p.m. Mhs. B. K. Siioimakkr, Pre.ident.
Mas. O. L. 8tkanahan, Secretary.
HOOD RIVER 1.0 DO K No. lt'6, A. F. and A
M. Meets Saturday evening on or before
each full moon. Wm. M. Yatrs, W. M.
C. I). Thompson, Secretary.
Meets third Friday night of each mouth.
E. U Smith, H. P.
A. N. Rahm, Secretary.
XX Meets second and fourth Tuedav even
nigs of each mouth. Visitors coid.miy wal
corned. Mrs. Mollis C. Cole, W, M.
Mrs. Maby B. Davidson, Secretary.
0LETA ASSEMBLY No. 10X United Artisans.
Meets first aud third Wednesdays, work;
second and fourth Wednesdays social; Arli
sans hall. F. u. ISRosirs, M. A.
Fbid Co, Secretary.
AUCOMA LODGE, No. 30, K. of P.-MeeU
in A. O. U. W. hall every Tuesday night.
C. K. Mahkhah, C. U.
Wm. Haynes, K. of R. A 8.
Meets first and third Saiurdavs of each
month. FKD Howe, W, M.
Geo. T. Feather, Financier.
1DLEW1LDE LODGE, No. 107, I. O O. F.
Meets III Fraternal hull every Thursday
night. L. E. Morse, N. G.
, J. L. Henderson, Secretary.
HOOD RIVER TENT, No. 19, K. O. T. M.,
meets at A. O. U, W. hall on the first aud
third Fridays of eneli nionih.
Walter Ukrking, Commander.
HONOR, A. o. U. W. Meets first and
third Saturdays at 8 P. M.
Mrs. E. It. Bradley, C. ot II.
Lena Evans, Recorder.
OOD RIVER CAMP, No. 7,702, M. W. A.,
meets in odd Fellows' Hull the first ana
third Wednesdays of each month.
F. L. Da VI ikon, V. C.
, R. Bradley, Clerk.
Hood River Lodge No. 10, meets In Odd
Fellows' hall second aud fourth Katurdays In
each month, 7:30 o'clock.
' C. L. Coppi.e, President.
J. E. Hanna, Secretary.
Office In John Leland Henderson's residence.
Hood River, Oregon.
Gold crowns and bridge work and all kinds of
Up-to-Date Dentistry.
Successor to Dr. M. F. Shaw.
Calls promptly answered In town or country,
Dav or Night.
Telephones: Residence, 81; Office, 83.
Office over Everhart's Grocery.
For 23 years a kesident of Oregon and Wash
ington. 'Has had many years exefionr in
Real Estate mutism, as abstractor, searcher of
titles and ageuu eatisfuction guaranteed or
so charge.
J F. WATT, M. D.
Surgeon for O. R. A N. Co. Is especially
qtiipiied to treat catarrh of nose and throat
and diseases of women.
special terms for office treatment of ehronie
Telephone, office, lii, residence, 4i
Estimate! furnished (or all kinds of
work. Repairing : .specialty. All kin. U
of shop work. Shop on State Street,
between First ami Second.
Is the place to get the latent ami liest in
Confectioneries, Candies, Nats, Tobacco,
Cigars, etc
V. B. COLE, Proprietor.
p C. BROS1US, M. P.
Phone Central, or 121.
Office Honrs: 10 to 11 A. M. ; 2 to S
and o to r. ai.
Pnctlcil Watchmaker I Jeielar.
My long experience enables me to do
the Del poNtmie won, which 1 mtiy
guarantee, and at low prices.
Do general baokiuf, basinesa.
Q 3. HAYES. J. P.
OPf witk Bon Riuthers, Iturnne will b
ttndd to at anv t ne. Collet-lions aia.1.
W ill luraie on toud goverasaenl landa, etltMC
timber ar tarsaio
A Comprehensive Review of . the Important
Happenings of the Put Week, Presented
In a Condensed form, Which Is Most
Likely to Prove of Interest to Our Many
A mob lynched a negro in small
town near St. Louis.
An Iowa gambling house was held up
and robbed of $2,000.
A crusade is on in New York against
automobile scorchers.
New York has just experienced the
worst blizzard in 14 years.
Death lirit from Shamaka, Russia,
earthquake numbers 2,000.
The senate has ratified the treaty for
the purchase of the Danish West In
dies. By the confession of another prison
er, a man in the Colorado penitentiary
for murder has been set free.
Admiral Dewey was asked to dine
with Prince Henry, but had to decline,
nuiino in the illness of Mrs. Dewev.
... i
The bill to repeal the war taxes was
unanimously passed by the house, every
member voting in favor ot it. it may, '
nowever, be amended in the senate. I
A bill has been introduced in the
senate for the retirement of Naval Con-
structor Hobson. His eyesight Has
been very poor for the past two years.
Portland chamber of commerce trus
tees were severely' criticised for their
recent action favoring admission of Chi
nese by a mass meeting of 1 ,200 citi
zens. .',
Prince Henry is on his way to the
United States.
Fire at Wisdom, Mont., destroyed
$20,000 worth of property.
Martial law has been declared at
Trieste, Austria, on account of riots.
General Bell has stamped out the re-
belllion in Batangas province, Luzon.
The treaty for the Danish West In
dies will come up in the senate this
Because they could not get whiskey,
three Osage Indians in Oklahoma drank
concoction of wood alcohol, vanilla,
cologne and Florida water.
A British force was caught in a Boer
trap on the Klip river and two officers
and 10 men killed and a large number
wounded before they gained shelter.
Lewis and Clark exposition stock has
been increased to $500,000.
The president will announce his de
cision in the Schley case in a few days.
Representative Tongue bas intro
duced new irrigation bill in the
A company has been incorporated in
California to develop the island of
Mindanao, P. I. .
Troons have had to be called out in
France to preserve order among striking
leather workers.
Santos-Dumont's airship burst while
he was making a trial, and the inventor
had narrow escape from drowning.
Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., has passed
the danger point in his sickness. The
president has returned to Washington.
Russia expresses herself well pleased
at the Anglo-Japanese alliance, but
hopes the United State is not a party
to it.
Commander Booth-Tucker, of the Sal
vation Army, has taken the oath of al
legiance as citizen of the United
Lord Kitchener made s concentrated
movement of all available troops against
Dewet's forces, but the Boer leader
managed to slip through the lines.
Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., is nearly out
of danger.
The senate will construct new war
tax reduction bill.
The oleomargarine bill
has been
passed by the house.
The Anglo-Japanese alliance was the
work of Marquis Ito.
The dowager queen of Italy will make
tour of the United States.
Six men were killed and six fatally
injured in a battle in Kentucky.
The work of developing the Philip
pine islands will consume years.
The rebel gunboat Libertador cap-
tured and sank a Colombian gunDoai.
Renewed riots in Spain have resulted
in the death of a number of people and
the injury of scores.
The imperial German yacht Hohen-
lollern has arrived at New York, one
day earlier than was expected.
Northern Taciflc switchmen at Mis
soula, Mont., are on strike. '
Young Teddy Roosevelt is ailghtly
better, although the crisis has not yet
A farmer and wife, livinir near New
York, received a legacy of $5,000 from
a man whom, as a hungry wanderer,
they befriended 18 years ago.
Herbert Bicknese was sent to jail at
Fort Wayne, Ind., for contempt of
court. He persisted in calling on his
wife, who is suing for divorce.
Peter Quinn, aged 35, who inherited
a fortune from his father, squandered
it in high living and has just died in
New York, a homeless wanderer.
TrofesBor M. L. Washburn, of the
Oregon state university, has been
alected to succeed the late Otto Lugge
os state entomologist oLMinnesota.
Steamship lines plying between
America and England have reached an
agreement and advanced freight rates.
A material increa- in carrying charge
fur grain, flour and provisions is made.
Professor Charles W. Peanwn, of
Northwestern university in Chicago, in
a proposed book, "The Carpenter
Prophet," reject virgin birth, divinity
of Christ, miraclea in general nd the
Bell Crushes Rebellion in BaUnjat Province
at Expense of Other Districts.
Manila, Feb. 19. General J. Frank
lin Bell has practically cleaned up the
insurrcetion in Batangas province, the
troops under his command having made
a clean sweep of the district." It is
not believed "fiat all the insurgents
arms have been captured or surrender
ed, but that a number of them have
been taken by the insurgents to other
provinces or safely hidden.
The increase of robber bands in the
provinces of Tabayas and Cavite show
the effects of die drastic measures
adopted in Batangas and Lnguna prov
inces. General Bell says the people of
these latter -provinces never realized
the terrors of war until they personally
experienced its hardships, owing to
the closing of the ports and the coiicer
tration of the natives in the towns.
General Bell believes that the insur
gent leader, Malvar, is becoming ex
tremely unpopular with the Filipinos,
and that when the natives cease to fear
his vengeance, many will be found
willing to betray him. What has been'
said of Batangas province applies almost
equally to Lagnna.
The United States transport Wright.
which sank in 15 feet of water, Novem
ber z last, by striking an - uncharted
roc hi wie entrance oi pan jacinio
i.Brhnr .,, .hil,h .. alloufii
rai8ed thu month ,ia8 arrived at Cavite
t ,lf t. llni.nnK
Th. Wriffht haa ui i.(.,a in ,. h(lt.
torn, which have been temporarily
patched. She will be dry-docked irn-
New York's Worst Blizzard Since 1888 Traf
fic Almost Suspended,
New York, Feb. 19. New York City
has borne the brunt of the fiercest snow
storm that has struck this section of the
country since the great blizzard of
1888. Beginning soon after midnight,
the storm increased rapidly, until by
daybreak the whole city was completely
snowed under. The rising force of the
gale piled the snow in great drifts that
for some time almost suspended traffic
except in the main thoroughfares where
the car trackB were kept open only by
the constant use of snow plows and
Communication between Manhattan
and Brooklyn was subject 'to long de
lay. The furry boats with difficulty
made trips across the ice choked rivers
and the work of tug boats, lighters, and
shipping generally, - was almost at a
standstill. So heavy as the snowfall
that the loading of vessels was stopped,
it being impossible to keep the hatches
open. Two steamers which arrived
during the night struggled as far as
quarantine, where they came to anchor.
Several steamers are supposed to be off
Sandy Hook waiting for the storm, to
abate before attempting to enter the
port. -
Orders a New Motor and Will Try Ansln to
Cross the Mediterranean.
New York, Feb. 19. M. Santos
Dumont is already at work preparing
his plans for the rebuilding of his air
ship, wrecked on his last attempt to
cross the Mediterranean, says a Journal
and American dispatch from Monaco.
Efforts to grapple his motor, the sink
ing of which was the most serious loss
of his disastrous attempt, have all
failed, and he has ordered a new and
more powerful one. That he will ulti
mately cross the sea is regarded here as
a certainty, for only his death will stop
him. Though he was near to death
from drowning, from being smothered
in the folds of his collapsed balloon,
and from being burned to death from
the igniting of the oil he uses tot fuel,
his peril seems to have made the least
possible impression on him. The peril
to which he was exposed and the nar
rowness of his escape he dismisses with
a shrug of his shoulders, but on the
subject of the loss of ti is motor and the
'ay m n'8 plans caused by that mis-
loriune ne is desperately eloquent.
Engine Was Out of Order, and Freight Train
Overtook and Ran Into It
Litchfield, 111., Feb. 19. Two per
sons met death and five were injured
today in a a rear end collision near here
between the "Diamond Special" on the
Illinois Central road and freight
tfain The coHjgion was remarkable in
, that the fast passenger train was ahead
. of the freight and that both trains were
The Diamond Special was moving at
a rata of 12 miles an hour when the
freight crashed into the rear sleeper.
It is said the passenger would have
been traveling faster had there . not
been some trouble with the locomotive's
machinery. The engineer on the
freight engine declared that the fog
was so thick he could not see 100 feet
Great Floods in Cape Colony.
Cape Town, Feb. 19. Unprecedented
floods have occurred in the southwest
ern lape Colony, resulting in great
destruction of houses, bridges ami rail
roads and drowning 25 persons.
Four Killed In Head-Oa Colliiior.
Marshalltown, la., Feb. 19. Four
lives were lost in a head-on collision on
the Iowa Central railroad near Gifford,
a light engine crashing into a passenger
Press Censor ss Active.
London, Feb. 19. The pre? censor
in South Africa is evidently active, as
the first intimation that the trial of
Commandant KriUinger,'ho waa cap
tured by General I rench in Dccemlier
last, had commenced, came from the
war secretary, Mr. Bmdrhk, in the
house of commons this afternoon. The
secretary did not volunteer any details,
but he informed a questioner that Lord
Kitchener would certainly see that the
Boer general had every facility lor pro
ducing witnefwa. It developed that
the trial rxgan February 15.
Commercial and Financial Happenings ol Im
portance A Brief Review of the Growth
and Improvements of the Many Industries
Throughout Our 1 driving Commonwealth
latest Market Report.
A company has been formed at Dallas
for the operation of a creamery.
Fifty horses for government artillery
service have just been purchased near
Eugene. -
The Socialist party of Clackamas
county will hold its county convention
March 8.
Clackamas county commissioners are
looking for a suitable location for a
poor farm,
A club has been formed at Joseph to
advance the interest of that town and
Business men of Pendleton are con
sidering a plan for the establishmcn
of a paper mill.
At the annual meeting of the Tilla
mook Creamery company a dividend of
10 per cent was declared.
Umatilla county has been asked to
increase the assessments of railroad and
telephone companies $3,000,000.
The contract has been let for build
ing an opera house in Albany, to cost
$5,000. It will have a seating capacity
of 700.
Republicans of Clackamas county
will hold primaries March 22, and the
county convention will meet in Oregon
City March 2(5.
An Eastern Orecon young lady killed
coyotes enough to secure money to de
fray her expenses in taking the state
teachers' examination.
Oregon is represented among the 10
men of highest standing in the grad
uating class of the United States naval
academy, at Annapolis.
The Wasco county Republican central
committee has selected March 1 as the
date for primary elections and March
8 for the county convention.
A mammoth ledge of cinnabar has
been discovered in the Elk creek dis
trict, Southern Oregon. It , sliows a
width of 300 to 600 feet where it cuts
across Elk creek, and has been traced
for about a mile through the Elk creek
mountains. The big ledge is boing de
veloped and opened up by tunnel.
The new furniture factory at Cor-
vallis has started operations.
Oregon horses have given better
service in the Yukon than any other.
Contractors are at work on the re
modeling of the lavatories in the state
A gasoline lamp exploded at Adams,
causing $4,000 damage in the fire that
Onlv 166 electors have registered in
Yamhill county, out of an approxi
mate total of 3,050.
The Republican congressional com
mittee for the First district will meet
in Portland February 20.
Volume 39 of the Supreme Court Rec
ord will be issued from the state print
ing office in arjout a month.
John A. Johns, an Oregon pioneer of
1851, died at the home of his son,
south of Salem, aged 81 years.
Portland Markets.
Wheat Quiet. Walla Walla,
63c; bluestem,
Barley Feed,
6464c; Valley,
$19 0 20; brewing.
$2021 per ton. :
Oats No. 1 white, $1.1001.25; gray,
Flour Beet grades, $2.8003.40 per
barrel; graham, $2.5002.80.
Millstuffs Bran, $18 per ton; mid
dlings, $21; ahorts, $20.50; chop, $17.
Hay Timothy, $11012; clover, $7
7.60; Oregon wild hay, $56 per ton.
Potatoes Best Burbanks. 90c$l.25
per cental; ordinary, 70085c per cen
tal, growers' prices; sweets, $1.75$
2 per cental.
Butter Creamery, 25 0 27c; dairy,
18020c; store, 11013c.
Eggs 2O021c for fresh Oregen.
Cheese Full cream, twins, 130
13c; Young America, 1415c; fac
tory prices, 101 c less.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $303.50;
hens, $404.25 per dozen, 910c per
pound; springs, 10c per pound, $30
3.50 per dozen; ducks, $6.5007.50 per
dozen; turkeys, live, 11012V4C;
dressed, 14015c per pound.
Mutton Gross, 4c per pound;
dressed, 707 c per pound.
Hogs Gross, 5c; dressed, 6H7c
per pound.
Veal 8 ',40 9c per pound, dressed.
Beef Gross, cows, 3 04c; steers,
44ftc; dressed, 6'47c per pound.
Hops 11012c per pound.
Wool Nominal. Valley, 13015c;
eastern Oregon, 8012HC; mohair,
21021V4C per pound.
The area ol oreater .New lorlt is
now 318 square miles, against Greater
London s "00 sqnare roues
Riveting of boilers and the like is
now done almost entirely bv a com
pressed air hammer, w hich strikes 5,000
times a minute.
The Norwegian council of state has
decided to negotiate for a loan of $2,
000,000, to be used for the construction
of railways and a thorough telephone
system throughout Norway.
The agricultural department now re
quires a larger appropriation for it
administration than any other depart
ment except the treasury.
Taking size into consideration, Switz
erland has the biggest foreign popula
tion of any European country, 222,000
foreign residents living within her
A new and effective treatment of
tree scale is in use in Califnnia. The
Ifm ia snravpd with oil. which emnth.
J converted into soap by spraying with
' caustic alkali solution.
He Was Secretary of Slate of Washington
From 1897 to 1902.
Olympia, Feb. 17. Word has been
received here from San Francisco that
ex-Secrstary of State Will D. Jenkins
died in that city Saturday morning.
Mr. Jenkins left Olympia a year ago for
California, where he was interested in
an oil company.
Will D. Jenkins was one of the prom
inent men of Washington. He was a
native of Indiana, being born in Tippe
canoe in 1841. At an early age he
came-West and settled in Kansas, where
at 16 years of age he established
weekly' newspaper called the Clarion.
oti;e few years later he established the
Smith County Pioneer, which is now
one of the leading county papers of that
state. In 1881 Mr. Jenkins came to
Washington and located at Seattle. He
aided in establishing the Daily Chron
icle and helped edit that paper when it
was the leading state journal. In 1883
he removed to Whatcom and with
others established the I'aily Reveille.
Later, he served three terms as mayor
of that city. In 1890 he was census
supervisor for Western Washington.
SJiortly alter the formation of the Pop
ulist party, in 1892, Mr. Jenkins be
came one of its leaders. In 1896 he
was nominated by that party for secre
tary of state and was elected. Since
retiring from office a year ago, he had
interested himself in oil ventures.
About two years ago he was stricken
with a malady that puzzled, the physi
cians, but was diagnosed as an
abcess, and from this he has never re
covered. He leaves a wife and five
children, three girls and two boys.
Big Consolidation Scheme That Is Under
way at Cleveland.
Cleveland, Feb. 18. At three meet
ings held during, the past week, the
preliminary arrangements were com
pleted in this city for one of the most
gigantic bank consolidations in the
listory of money and hanking in Ohio.
In general the plan contemplates the
consolidation of nearly all the smaller
savings banks in Cleveland and will
eventually absorb a number of banks
n nearby towns. The elimination of
the smaller savings blinks means their
absorption into one groat associated
bank to be located somewhere in the
heart of the city, with a capitalization
of more than $1,000,000. At first no
new capital stock will be issued, but
tha capital stock of all the banks going
into the associated bank will be turned
into a pool to form the capital stock of
the combined bank. It is planned to
include in the consolidation from the
start all the smaller outlying banks in
the city, some 15 or 20 in number. It
is not probable that the names of the
banks interested will be announced un
til all have signed the agreement.
Havana Is In Better Condition Than It Has
Been for 100 Years.
Havana, Feb. 18. Major W. C. Gor
gan, chief sanitary officer of Havana,
says the principal work of the sanitary
department for the past year has had
for its object the extermination of yel
low fever, and that he has many rea
sons to believe Havana has been actu
ally purged from the disease. During
the past 100 years, Major Gorgas says,
yellow fever has been epidemic in Ha
vana, and all sanitary measures that
have been taken have had no effect.
General disinfection, as carried out for
other diseases, had been tried to no
purpose, but yellow fever disapeared
upon the introduction of the system
based on the killing of infected mos
quitoes, on the theory that by such
mosquitoes only could the disease be
transmitted. Since September 28,
1901, not a single case of the fever has
been reported, and this condition is so
unusual that, in the opinion of Major
Gorgas, it puts aside all question of
Hundreds Wert Killed
St. Petersburg, Feb. 18. The latest
news received here from Shamaka con
firms the appalling character of the
earthquake at .that place, and adds
that 300 corpses have already been
taken out of the ruins. The piles of
wreckage are so vast that the search is
necessarily slow. Most of the victims
were Mussulmans. . The survivors are
encamped outside the ruins of the'eity
Report Is Confirmed.
. Washington, Feb. 18. The state de
partment has received cable advices
confirming the report that the ransom
money for Miss Stone has been paid to
the brigand captors. It is not known
w hen her release will occur, but it is
understood that the brigands have
made a condition that they shall have
a period of a wek or ten days in which
to make sure . of their safe retreat be
fore the prisoner is given np.
Industrial Commission Expires.
Washington, Feb. 18. The indus
trial commission, created several years
ago to investigate industrial problems
and report on them with recommenda
tions to congress, has expired by lim
itation of law The quarters of the com-mis-ion
have been dismantled of most
of the furniture, but number of the
commissioners, a clerk and a messenger
will be here for several days longer,
clewing np affaira.
Outcome of a Challenge Richardson, ol Ten
nessee, Makes a Request for Unanimous
Consent That the Bill be Put on Passage
After Adoption of Order for Considera
tion Vole was Unanimous.
Washington, Feb. 18. The unex
pected happened in the house yesterday
when the bill to repeal the war revenue
taxes was passed unanimously without
a word of debate. This action was the
outcome of a challenge thrown down by
Richardson, of Tennessee, the minority
leader, after the , adoption, by a0 strict
party vote, of a special order for the
consideration of the bill which permit
ted debate upon it until 4 o'clock this
afternoon, but cut off all opportunity of
offering amendments, except such as
had been agreed upon by the ways and
means committee. The adoption of
the rule had been preceded by a stormy
debate, in the course of which the Dem
ocrats protested against the application
of the "gag," which Hay (Dem. a.)
charged was meant to prevent a free ex
pression, not only by the Democrats,
but by some of the Republicans, atten
tion being especially directed toward
Ba brock (Rep. Wis.) the father of the
bill, to amend the steel schedule of the
present law. They also charged that
such a method of procedure was mini
mizing the influence of the house, mak
ing it Bimply a' machine to register the
decrees of the few men in control
When the rule was ad pted by a vote
of 158 to 120, Richardson (Dem. Tenn.)
to emphasize the fact that dt-bate on
the bill could accomplish nothing, and
deliberation on it would be fruitless.
asked unanimous consent that the bill
be placed on its passage. Not an ob
jection was voiced, and the vote was
taken forthwith. Every vote, 278 in
number, was cast in the affirmative.
Senate Concludes the Deal fur Purchase of the
Danish West Indies.
Washington, Feb. 18. Yesterday, in
a little more than an hour's time, the
senate disposed of the treaty with Den
mark ceding to the I nited States for a
consideration of $5,000,000 the islands
of St. Thomas, St. John and St. Croix,
composing the group of Antilles known
as the Danish West Indies, and lying
just east of Porto Rico, and thus, so far
as this, country is concerned, consum
mated a transaction which has been un
der consideration intermittently since
the administration of President Lin
coln. The treaty and the report on it were
read'at length, and more or less dis
cussion of the Philippines was indulged
in. Cullom, as chairman of the com
mittee on foreign relations,, made a
speech explaining the advantages of the
acquisition of the islands, and Bacon
and McLaurin, of Mississippi, made
brief remarks, saying that while they
could not indorse all the provisions of
the agreement, they would place no ob
stacles in the way of ratification. Ba
con moved to amend the treaty by
striking out the second paragraph of
article 3 of the treaty, reading as fol
lows :
"Cullom explained all the provisions
of the inhabitants of the islands should
be determined by congress, subject to
the stipulations contained in the pres
ent convention."
He based his opposition to this pro
vision on the ground that the constitu
tion should extend to the islands when
they became a part of the United
States. He said, however, that the
failure to accept the amendment would
not prevent his voting for the treaty,
for he believed in the Monroe doctrine.
The amendment was rejected without
British Army Estimates.
London, Feb. 17. The army esti
mates, issued today, show a grand total
for the year 1902-03 of 69,310,000
pounds, which is intended to provide
for 420,000 men, of which 219,700 men
are of the ordinary army service and
200,300 for war service. The estimates,
ot wnn-n 4U,uuu,uuu pounds is re
quired for war, show a decrease under
this head of 23,230,000 pounds, com
pared with 1901-02, In a memorandum
the war secretary explains that the es
timates aw sufficient to maintain a field
force in South Africa of the present
strength for eight or nine months of
the new fiscal year.
Brigands Have Money, Also Miss Stone.
London, Feb. 19. A dispatch to the
Daily Graphic from Seres, European
Turkey, dated Feb. 18, says that M.
Gargioulo, dragoman of the American
legation at Constantinople, and M.
Petit, the treasurer of the Amercian
misison at Constantinople, met the
brigands on the road to the Podrome
monastery and paid thetn the ransom
money, February fi. M. Gargioulo is
waiting here, continues the correspond
ent, and is ignorant as to where Miss
Stone, the cautive American mission
ary, and her companion are concealed.
To Prevent More Wrecks.
Washington, Feb. 19. As the result
of the wrecking of two steamers on the
rocks off Bean's Point, between Seattle
and, Port Orchard, Senator . Foster
sometime ago requested the lighthouse
board to make an investigation, with
a view to providing suitable aids to
navigation. The board has acted on
the senator's 'request and proposes to
take such action as seems warranted in
the premise. Just as soon as the in
formation is secured actionwill be taken.
Strike ot Machine Works.
South Bend, Ind., Feb. 19. All the
employes of the Singer Sewing Machine
works, numbering over l.fiOO, went on
strike today. The strike was started
by about 450 shapers quitting work be
cause of the alleeed exaction of a fore
man brought here from New Jersey.
Bold Safe Robbery.
Northampton, Mass., Feb. 19. Five
men early today overpowered the
watchman in the street railway com
pany's office, blew open two safe and
eenred $ 200 in cash and $ 300 in checks.
Engineers Before the Senate Committee on
Interoceanic Canals. .
Washington, Feb. H. Alfred Noble,
civil engineer and member of the
isthmian canal commission, was before
the senate committee on canals. Mr.
Noble said it would be necessary to
have absolute control of the cities of
Panama and Colon in order to control
sanitation. He thought the conditions
were favorable for yellow fever during
most of the year on the isthmus.
There is no yellow fever in Nicaragua,
as far as he knew.
Mr. Noble said he considered the
price of $40,000,000, asked by the Pan
ama Company for its property, as fair
and reasonable. The expense of oper
ating the two lines proposed would be
practically in proportion to the lengths
of the canals.
"Taking the whole proposition, do
you consider the Panama proposition
better than the Nicaragua proposition?"
asked Senator Hanna.
"I think it is," promptly responded
the witness.
Colonel Peter C. Haines, an engineer
and member of the isthmian canal com
mission, said that neither the Panama
nor the Nicaragua route combines all
the advantages, but that each presents
some good points. The Panama route,
for instance, was shorter, while the
Nicaragua route was moro desirable
from a sanitary point of view. Upon
the whole, he said, he favored the Pan
ama route as combining more advan
tages than any other. He thought, he
said, that the engineering difficulties
could, with the building of the Bohio
dam on the Panama route, be overcome,
but he admitted that some problems
would result in that connection which
never have been solved.
Colonel Haines said, in reply to a
question, that if the p-offer of the
Panama Canal Company to dispose of
the property to the United States for
$40,000,000 had been made before the
report of the commission recommend
ing the Nicaragua route was made, he
then would have been in favor of adopt
ing the Panama route.
President Will Announce His Conclusions in
a Few Days.
Washington, Feb. 17. One of the
principal subjects discussed at the cab
inet meeting today was the reply which
the president will make to the appeal
of Admiral Schley. The president has
given a good deal of attention to the
matter, and it is understood that in
the course of a few days, probably by
the middle of the week, he will be
ready to announce his conclusions.
The president outlined his views of
the Schley case by reading his first
draft of his decision. Some modifica
tions were made in it today, and in
view Ct the fact that it is subject to
further, and possibly important changes
in text, members of the cabinet back
their indisposition to discuss it by the
assertion tlmt it is unsafe at this time
to predict what its exact effect will be.
It is a long document, and one of its
features is the clear and concise presen
tation of the facts regarding the Santi
ago fight as given the president by
the captains engaged in that battle,
who recently were summoned to the
White House to confer with him. The
decision is couched in the president's
usual vigorous tone.
If the United Slates Does Not Build It,
Europeans May.
Monterey, Mex., Feb. 14. Colombia
stands ready to duplicate any conces
sions Nicaragua is willing to make.
There need be no question about the
title of the Panama waterway. The
United States can have it with a guar
anteed title.
Colombia is willing to give the
United States full control of the terri
tory through which the canal passes.
It wants the canal built, and in the
event the United States sees fit to ac
cept the Nicaragua route, the govern
ment of Columbia will take steps to in
terest F.uropean powers in the con
struction of the Panama canal.
These declarations were made tonight
by General Rafael Reyes, Colombian
delegate to the Pan-American congress,
and in all probability the future presi
dent of Colombia, who is among the
visiting Pan-American delegates who
are at present the guests of this city.
General Reyes stated that he had not
fully decided, but intimated that he
would return to Colombia within the
next few weeks and take the presl
Queen of the Navy.
New York, Feb. 14. The battleship
Illinois, which today dropped anchor
off Tompkinsville after its final trial
run from Newport News to New York,
has proved herself the queen of the
navy. In every test she has surpassed
the Alabama, the Oregon, and even her
sister shin the Kearsarge. The test
were rigorous and fully demonstrated
her officers say, her superiority over
other vessels of her class of which the
country can boast. Her maintained
speed was 15.7 knots.
Captured Thirty Bolomea.
Manila, Feb. 15. Captain W Uliam
Swain, of the Fiist infantry, in an en
gagement with insurgent at Paranas,
Eamar, recently captured 30 bolomen
and 4 riflemen. There were no Amer
ican casualties. The enemy'i loss is
not known. It has been learned that
two hours before the fight, Lukban, the
insurgent leader, was with the natives
engaged by Captain Swain'a command.
Passports lor Islander.
Washington, Feb. 15. The position
of persona residing in Porto Rico and
other insular possessions of the United
States in not being citizens of the
United States, although owing alle
! (fiance to the government, led to favor
able action today by the house commit-
tee on foreign affair on bill framed
by Attorney General Knox, allowing
passport to be isaned to such person
the same as citizen. The present law
mitrict passport to United States
RAISED TO $500,000
There Are to Bt Twenty-Five Directors
Ten Will Be Named Later, la Addition
to the Present Fifteen By-Laws Pat
terned After St. Lovis Fair's Art
Portland, Feb. 16. Authorized stock
for the Lewis and Clark celebration
was last night increased from $300,000
to $500,000 by resolution of the stock
holders, and a full code of by-laws, pat
terned after those of the St. Louis fair,
was adopted. The number of directors
was fixed at 25. The present 15 are
not disturbed, but the additional 10
cannot be chosen except at a meeting
of the stockholders, called for that pur
pose. The intention is to select those
10 from the subscribers of the addi
tional stock, and that cannot be done
until the additional subscriptions shall
have been made.
About $175,000 of the capital stock
of the corporation wag represented at
last night's meeting, while only $140,-
780 was necessary for a quorum. Con
sideration of the by-lawg was the first
business to engage attention.
The by-laws were adopted without
Mr. Mallory offered the following
"Resolved, That the judgment of the
stockholders of this corporation, its cap
ital stock ought to be increased from
$300,000 to $500,000, and,
"Resolved, further, That the said
capital stock be and the same is hereby
increased to and is hereby fixed at
Mr. Killingsworth was in favor of
increasing the capital to $1,000,000 in
stead of $500,000, but several expressed
opinions against having the corporation
filled with either water or wind, deem
ing it better to increase the capital
again, if it should be found advisable,
rather than put figures so high now
that they would frighten people or
cause the public to lose interest. The
resolution as offered by Mr. Mallory
carried unanimously.
Northern Pacific Switchmen Win Their Strike
First Victory for Men Since 1894.
Missoula, Mont., Feb. 15. The
Northern Pacific switchmen's strike in
the yards here was called off late this
afternoon. Superintendent Russell at
o'clock called a conference with the
3 committee of the switchmen. The
meeting lasted until 6:30 o'clock this
evening, but what passed haa been kept
a secret, except the fact that every con
cession asked by the striking switch
men was granted by the railway com
pany. All the strikers have been rein
stated by the company, with no deduc
tion from their pay for the time lost
while on the strike.
Tonight two crews are working in
the yards, and the congestion which
has prevailed for the past few days is
being rapidly relieved.
The switchmen declare this is the
first victory for the men since the fatal
strike of 1894.
Passenger Train Ditched.
Fremont, O., Feb. 5. Westbound
passenger train No. 405, the Pitts
burg and Detroit flyer, struck a broken
rail this morning between Helena and
Millersville, and left the track. The
train, composed of engine, baggage car,
smoker, passenger coach and two sleep
ers, was ditched and several coaches
wrecked. Three persons were seriously
injured. Many others were struck by
flying splinters and jarred, but their
injuries an slight. The baggage and
mail cars landed in a field and were
demolished. Other cars were badly
damaged. Both sleepers are upside
down in a ditch.
SL Louis Fair Appropriation.
Washington, Feb. 15. The officials
of the government board of the Bt.
Louis exposition and number of St.
Louis men identified with that enter
prise were today before the house com
mittee on expositions in relation to the
amount required for the government
exhibit. Congress has heretofore ap
propriated $250,000 as part of the
amount for the building, but the
amount for the exhibit itself has been
left open. Assistant Secretary of Ag
riculture J. F. Brigham, head of the
government board, and his associates,
calculate on $800,000 for the exhibit.
They also desire a building to cost
A Naval Engagement
Panama, Feb. 15. The Colombian
government fleet left Panama yesterday,
met the insurgent warship Padilla off
Agua Dulce, at 4 p. m., andfought her
for one hour. The government gunboat
Boyaca was struck and slightly dam
aged. The Padilla was hit three time
and sought protection from the insur
gent' guns ashore.
Towa Destroyed by Earthquake.
London, Feb. 17. A New dispatch
from St. Petersburg announce that tha
large town of Shamaka, Tran-Caucaia,
ha been destroyed by an earthquake.
Only s few house in Shamaka are
standing. Many live were lost.
Foor Huadrtd Families Homeless.
Norfolk, V., Feb. 17. The town of
Sooth Mill. N. C, near the Dismal
swamp, wa practically destroyed by
fire. Four hundred families are report
ed bonieleea. A rongh estimate place
the losa at $120,000.