The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, February 14, 1902, Image 2

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    'H ood T?iver Slacier. w1? c,erk is re,iuired fur.nUlh, T
I UUU, Ai V i vavwasI vi vjiwrg WithpoU tal receipt,, m blank,
and uhall charge the road iiipervirtM- 3
lor each road poll tax rewijit. llieae
receipt Bhall be of two kinds of forum,
oneof which haU be given when the
tax is paid in money. The receipt shall
lie numbered and signed by the county
clerk and bear the aeal of he county.
The county court of any county in the
gtate may provide for the payment of all
road taxes in cash, .
Want Information.
Logan Wood of Viaeton, I. T., writes
letter of the kind often received by tlie
Glacier. He says:
I saw in the South McAlester Capital
a letter from Hood River, which
caused me to w ant to know more about
your country. "
1. What it the coldest weather you
2. What kind of grain do you growT
3. How is the water?
4. What is lumber worth?
fr. What kind of range have you for
stock? - ' ' .
6. What is the price of cattle ana
what are good mules and cattle worth?
7. Do you have to irrigate to grow
crops? . - '
1 am coming to Oregon in the spring
and want to learn all I can about the
country. -
1. The coldest we have had in Hood
River this winter was ero weather
two weeks ago, when the severe cold
lasted a week, about as long as it usuOfTy
lasts. At this writing the thermometer
is alxtve 40.
2. Very little grain is grown in Hood
River valley, but when it is grown,
wheat, rye and barley never fail to pro
duce good crops. The land is too val
uable for growing crops other than
fruit. We grow apples, pears, peaches,
plums, prunes, quinces, cherries, straw
berries, blackberries and raspberries.
Apples and strawberries are our prin
cipal crops. Our fruit has a reputation
for excellence all over the United States.
We grow the best strawberries in the
world. They have been shipped to the
Klondike and to China and arrived in
fair condition.
The Oregonian showed up the crook
edness of a commissioner of Multnomah
county in selling goods out of his store
to the county without due observance of
1 iw, and now the commissioner has sued
the paper iif the modest sum of $50,000.
Up to January 31st, the state of Ore
gon had paid a bounty of 2 on 84,644
coyote scalps. The law will remain in
force another year, by which time, it is
estimated by Secretary of State Dunbar,
the state will have paid $250,000.
" Why Should I Join the Grand Arm;
of the Republic V
The "above question is ably and elo
quently answered by a leaflet sent out
from the headquarters of the Grand
Army for Oregon. It is well worth the
perusal of every Union soldier outside
the ranks of the Grand Army. We
give it in full :
Dear Sir: The pertinent question yon
address to yourself in the caption of this
note it is the purpose of this little
leaflet to answer. Please read, this care
fully, ponder over its suggestions,
and if you decide, as it is hoped you will,
ask some comrade to propose you for
membership in some post of the G.A. R.
I 1,4 aiiu uvis vuuviuuu wiu
Hood River shipped struggle for God, country and humanity
tutcd the army with itn"tr;.fflc iu ap
nnintmcntH. and mado its list of em
ployes an instrument of support to mule
ami female stiuundiaruw (if its members.
Htlie senate of the United States
l.i h wined out of existence
kinmrrnw. the nu lilic. euiiseieiice would ;
be' quickened ami the inilleniuin brought
imrneasmramv nearer, it renter
than the reliefs to -rmtioiml letiisliitson
nnnlil tiotlui rerfeinntirm of uolitiodinev-1
ery state from the devastating moral und J
material mnuences oi semuuruu cam
paigns -Oregonian. , . .
JltulaU for Hood Rivcry -
Oregonians captured 131 medals at the
Pan-American exposition at Buffalo
more than was awarded any other state.
Of the 131 medals, Hood River valley got
Ml.and tw o honorable mention diplomas.
Following is a list of the awards to Hood
River: , r
Acriculturt Honorable mention, W.
P. Watson, corn.
. Horticulture Gold Medals K. L.
Smith,' collection of apples ; Wm. Ehrck,
apples; George Booth, apples; W. P.
Watson, silver prunes in liquid.
Silver-Medals C L. Itoisers,- apples;
G. J. Oessling, cherries; E. L. Smith,
anules in liuuid: W. W. Nasoni, apples.
Bronze Medals W. J. Baker, Burtlett
pears; Fred Knudsnn, apples; U. A.
McCurdv, strawberries; B. . R. Tucker,
apples; H. C. Bateham, plums; . V
Nuson. Hvde's King of the West apples.
Honorable Mention. Wm. Knudson,
Baldwin apples.
Bargain Sale.
Twelve nacks oi clioiue dried primes at Sc a
The tlek niVKmitly hf iiwrt-hy them.
GtTumns like them luui-Him-mui wim om-
Tiiv liourUfwife Uke Hum Mauve and Mtw
out tlift ch mieii fruit.
In the ritiaw tM-ny camp, tho nHiMit'twr lcu.
nwnat iMHiweor logging cum, tla;y urn iuuis-
. it
Dissolution Notice.
ThcTiartiirrshlp heretowire oxlsunK between
t. K. Williams und t . V. Brosluii, under the
firm name, 'if William & Brosius, Im thin day
uitituallv dissolved. U.K. Wimuuw connn
uimr the tnuinuss, will willed -.-all account
nml pny all d bin of the lulu firm tr vt illtiinis
Jk Jiro.NitiR.
lliKiit Kiver, Oregon, n urmiry i. v.i'i.
li. h., V ll.I.ll M.
Stallion for Sale.
Yutimi draft ntfilliiin Hanson, well bivd and
well broke; w orks single or double. Inquire of
f7 White Salmon. Wash.
We have just received ft full line of
Ladies' Kid Gloves iu all the latest
spring shades at PARIS FAIR prices.
Come and see them. ,. . '
Our stock of Men's Neckwear is com
plete, and we can furnish you a tie for
all occasions in any color or stylo at the
lowest price.
We have a nice line of Men's and Boys' Dress Hats we are selling at a greatly reduced price.
Men's Ores Hats Regular price, 1.50 to $3.00; special price, fl.10 to f-'.2j.
Boys' Dress Hats Regular price, 50c to $1.25; special price, 85c to 65c. ...
Wagon and Team.
A No. 1 teuin of hirseH nd wuton for sale.
Wolirht of horses MiOhikI 11(10 pounds: 7 unci 8
yearn old. l'lee for I hp ouitlt, fcriii.
V3S IHAS. is. 1 II, i n Alt.
Hay for Sale.
No. 1 wlirut twj auil clover and timothy
mixed. For sale by E. E. 1AONW.
40,000 crates of strawberries last year,
mostly going in refrigerator cars to
Montana, Utah, British Columbia,
North and South Dakota and the states
east. Strawberries begin to ripen in
Hood River valley and at White Salmon
about . the first week in May. The
earliest strawberry ground is at White
Salmon, on the north bank of the Co
lumbia. Strawberry land in Hood
River valley and at White Salmon is
worth from $50 to $500 an acre.
3. The water is the best in the world.
It comes in springs and dashing streams
from the glaciers of Mt. Hood, a snow
mountain 28 miles from Hood River
town. Hood River valley and White
Salmon are health resorts. We have a
delightful summer climate.
4. Lumber is cheap. We have sev
eral saw mills that manufacture lumber
for export. Rough lumber is worth $8
per thousand. :
5. 'We have no ranges for stock in
Hood River valley. The country across
the Columbia, in the state of Washing
ton, has some good stock ranges in the
.Trout Lake and Camas Prairie sections,
where dairying is carried on extensively.
0. Cattle and horses are high priced.
, Very few mules here. If you have
mules, bring them along.
, 7. We irrigate here for strawberries and
other, small fruits and for clover and
garden crops. At White Salmon many
strawberry growers do not irrigate.
Tho Glacier gives more or less infor
mation every week valuable to intend
ing immigrants. The price of the paper
is $1.50 a year.
to which you, with the flower of the
young men of the United States, gave
the full measure of devotion in the past.
The problem of life presents itself to
different men in different conditions.
Some men xist solely for themselves ;
others live for the sood thev may do:
The best-deserved monuments are built
for the brave, the unselfish, the devoted.
It is such men whose memories are kept
ever fresh and green in grateful hearts.
Every man who wore the blue should
so live as to be thought worthy of the
respect and honor of his surviving com
rades, and every such man who does so
live should be found in the ranks of the
G.A. R. "Why?" Why? Because the
objects for which the survivors of the
"war for the Union" have associated
themselves in that great organization
are to preserve the memories of those
days an everliving influence for good in
tne nearis oi ineir countrymen ; mo in
culcating in the minds of the rising gen
eration a due appreciation of the noble
heritage won for them ; to show by the
private life and public acts of its mem
bers that patriotism which alone can
preserve the glorious freedom so dearly
won. "Ab, yes, but my loyalty is un
shaken ; I need no organized effort to
keep it alive." True ; so is it true ot
every good soldier ;but If the old Roman
test of strength is applied, the fascine is
stronger than the single faggot.
But this is only one of the objects of
the G. A. R. It appeals to man's self
ish as well as his charitable nature.
The brave men who dared doath at the
call of their country, many of them bro
ken in health, suffering from wounds or
disease, are now dependent on others
or left to want; the widows or orphans
of those who fell in the conflict or who,
having survived it have fallen by the
Death of lion. J. L. Story.
Word has been received from Prine-
ville of the death of Hon. J. L. Story
who died at that place February 11,11)02,
accd 57 venrs.' His death was caused by-
cancer of the stomach and other compli
cations. Mr. Story was lawyer; well
known in Wasco countv and throughout
Eastern Oreuon. For many years he
wai-a resident of Tho Dalles and at one
time in uartnershin in the law with
Judge Bratlsliaw. He leaves, besides i
uife three (luiiL'hte'rs Mrs. Fred Wil
son of Prinevillu. Mrs. Frank A. Cram of
Hood River, and Mrs" James Crossen of
San Francisco. '
7 : The Uhu-kxmitli's Story.
Mrs. A. XV. of Hood River asked in the Sun
day Oregontan for the following verses. They
Were furnished fie Glacier by K. H. Absten,
who had preserved them in his scrap book:
Well, no; my wife ulu't dead, sir,
Hut I've lost her all the same:
She left me voluntarily.
And neither was to blume.
It's rather a queer slory,
And I think you will agreo,
"When you hear I lie circumstances,
Twas rattier rouuh on ine.
She was a soldier's widow,
He was killed at Malvwn Hill;
And when I married her sue seemed
To sorrow for him still:
Bui I brought her here to Kansas,
Horse for Sale.
A gentle family hors" will sell on Hum or
trade for anything-! can make useut.
fJS - A. 11. HKUM11EY
Fresh Cow for Sale.
A good milch cow, years old, for sale for
5'' . cm.. uvl Hlwr.
Cows for Sale.
A few fresh family cows for sale nt. reason
able i.nees by J. A. Ufc.MtKliM.iK,
DliiKec, Wash.
Boar for Sale.
A flue l'olanrt-C'hlua and Berkshire ' Hoar
for sale by rJi.ifJiiii-
Two-vear-old heifer, branded V K on
Hide.- reward delivered at n;.v place
Taken Up.
At the Khenard place, an old tray horse
with small sheep bell on. Owner reuuesled to
'"Conic ut onee, pay for this noilre and for fi i d.
und lake the horse. J NO. w . JOM. .
ide in the march of life, need the
The reader may make up his mind to
be pleasantly overwhelmed by the op
ulence and vivacity of "Around the
Pan," published by the Nutshell Pub
lishing Company, 1059 Third avenue,
New York. The wonders begin with
the frontispiece picture of President
McKinley, drawn in a single line begin
ing at a point on the cheek bone and
going round and round in a constantly
widening circle, with waverings and
downbearings of the pen in the proper
places to secure detachment and shad
ing. Wa are told that this portrait "is
considered the most unique of its kind
in the world," and if there are degrees
of uniqueness we are willing to believe
that this is most the thing of which
there are noduplicates. Of course there
is text in addition to the pictures, and
we should be surprised indeed to hear
from any purchaser the opinion that he
had not got his money' worth (2).
New York Sun.
The Goldondale Sentinel has been re
duced in size to fit its advertising space.
Now that a railroad is coming to Gold
endale, and the public has its eye on
Klickitat county more than ever, the
Sentinel is right when it says every
business house in town should have
some kind of an ad in its columns.
If taxes are paid before March 15th, a
rebate of 3 per cent is allowed. If one
half is paid before the first Monday in
April, then the time for the payment of
the remainder of taxes may be extended
to and including the first Monday in
October. Unless one-half is paid by the
first Mondav in April, the tax is de
linquent and .10 per cent interest is
added. If the last half of any tax is not
paid by the first Monday in October,
then 10 per cent penalty and 12 per cent
interest from the first Monday in April
is addexl.
The Torreus law, for registration oi
land titles, passed by the last legisla
ture, is finding opposition wherever it
has been attempted to register titles.
Charles K. Henry of Portland in a letter
to the Oregonian shows that the' oppo
sition to the law comes from the legal
profession and abstract owners and
companies. He shows that the law is
working satisfactorily in England and
its colonies and other parts of the world.
The registrar of titles iu Chicago says
the Torrens system it moving forward in
Cook county with all reasonable speed.
Certificates of title are bought, told and
mortgaged within an hour or two at
total expense of 3, and give complete
satisfaction. The total cost of register
ing tract under the Torrens land sys
tem is $25. After the registration, the
total cost of transfer is three dollars.
The new road law of Oregon provides
that all males between the ages of 21
and N), unless by law exemptire subject
to road tax two days work or three
dollars in cash. Property .is taxed at
the rate of one day't work (1.50) for
every 1 1,000 assessed. If any person a
tvr three days notice by the supervisor
neglects to turn out to work the roads,
or puts in bis time in idleness after
starting to work, the supervisor hu the
power to collect hit tax in money. No
property is exempt from levy and tale
for delinquent road tax. The u pervit
in? ran designate any part of hit district
V. i.i-i. i 1 i i :..
assistance wiiiun ouiy orgaiuzeu uuurny
a soldier's charity can give.
To the purely Belfiah man the G. A. R.
is not an organiztion to be avoided 1 To
every recruit the most solemn assurance
is given that in the hour of need every
comrade will stand by him and his, no
matter what his creed or politics. If he
honorably wore the blue and is of good
repute the organization is pledged to aid
him by all honorable means.
Death is the unrelenting sneer which
mocking nature casts at life, but even
at the threshold of that bourne from
which no traveler returns, a comrade
stands beside him whose life ie ebbing
away with the assurance that those he
leaves behind to mourn shall be comforted.
Fraternity, charity, loyalty I Would
you realize the full import of these three
words? Join the G. A. R., and they will
reveal themselves to you with added
strength and beauty. Have you been
a member of a post and allowed yourself
to sleep on your arms? Grown indiffer
ent and got on the suspended list? Shake
on the lethargy ana Jor the sake ot - via
Glory" vou followed so faithfully, put
yourself again in step with your com
rades. The boys need you and you
need again to feel the touch of elbows to
make your sluggish blood run treeiy.
That very clever but selfish diplomat,
Tallyrand, on his deathbed received the
consolation of the church, only to hear
a witty French woman present exclaim :
"He dies like a man who understands
living I" .
Don't wait, my friend. The greatest
weakness that besets many an otherwise
estimable man is procrastination. He
never is, but always is to be blessed, aud
as you lay this little leaflet down or
throw it away resolve to unite at once
with some post of the G. A. R.
A Blot Upon Civilization.
Mysterious as are the ways of Provi
dence, there are times when their mean
ing is an open book. No cause - is so in
iquitous, no official is so unfit and corrupt
as not to find ready and impassioned
championship in the senate of the United
States. It is a truth that needs occasion
al demonstration, and for this cause, in
connection with the unspeakable' Noyes,
has Mr. McCumber been raised up.
The senate of the United States is the
most dignified deliberative body in the
world at its own valuation, and at that
only. In fact, it it thecesspool of Amer
ican politics. Thither repair the brain
less rich, the blackguard poor, the con
scienceless rapscallions and the coarsest
clowns that imported strains and native
talents can produce. Such aseiniiiity
on one hand and rascality on the
other as our national life affords pains
takingly erett themselves into an im
posing arch into which as a keystone
the United States senate tits with mir
aculous precision.
The senate is a deliberative body. It
prides itself on its dignity and courtesy.
Its high standards have been set by ruf
fians like Tillman, clowns like Wilson,
ignoramuses like Dubois, howling der
vishes like Pettigrew, screech owls like
Mason, promoters like Hanna and Kl
kins, tricksters like Gorman and Quay,
moneybags without pretense of states
manship, like Clark, Kean and Dryden.
A man of brains and character can hard
ly aspire to the senate any more.. It's as
much at his reputation is worth. Such
it its character that the worst is at once
believed of the man whose name is men
tioned in connection with it. In many
states the extremity has been reached of
c hosing the lest objectionable of one or
more unworthy aspirants Old ideals have
to be abandoned and new ones set up. The
highest moral and intellectual accom
plishments we can expect in a senator
nowadays is that he it six feet tall, pos
sesses the gift of human tpeech, and
has no convictions that cannot be in
stantly sacrificed for an appointment or
an appropriation.
There is not a department of our gov
ernment, nor an institution of our laws
and affairs, nor an establishment taiain
tained by public money that is not
something viler and more dangerous
from the senate's unholy touch. It has
stamped venality upon every tariff law
and dishonor upon every currency law
enacted in a generation. It hat tied
the nation't hands with Cub, fomented
insurrection in the Philippines, proeti.
And I never want to see
A better wife than Mary was
(or live briKlit years to me.
The change of scene brought cheerfulness,
And u a rosy low
Of happiness warmed Mary's cheeks
And melted all their snow.
I think she loved me some I'm bound
To think that of her, sir, '
And as for me I can't beg-in
To tell how I loved herl
Three years ago the baby came
Our humble home to bless,
And tnen I reckno 1 was nU;h
To perfect happiness;
'Twos hers 'twas mine)- but no language .
Havel lo explain to you
How that little girl's weak fingers
Our hearts together di ew.
Once we watched It through a fever.
And with each gasping breath.
Dumb, with an awful wordless woe,
We walled for ll.s death;
And, though I'm not a pious man,
Our souls together there,
For Heaven to spare our darling,
Wnt up Iu voiceless prayer.
And when tho docitor said 'twould live,
Our Joy what words eould tell?
Clasped In each other's arms we stood,
And our grateful tears fell.
Sometimes, you see, the shadow fell
Across our Utile nest,
But It only made the sunshlno seem
A doubly welcome guest.
Work came to me a plenty,
Aud.l kept the anvil ringing
Early and (ale you'd Und me there,
A-haiiimering and singing;
Love nerved my arm to labor
And moved my longue to song.
And though my singing wasn't sweet,
It was tremendous strong.
One day a one-armed stranger stopped
To have ine nail a shoe,
And while 1 was at work we passed .
A compliment or two;
I asked him how he lost his arm,
He said 'twas shot away
At Malvern Hill. "At Malvern Hill!
Did you know Itoberl May?''
"That's me," said he, "You, yon!" I gasped,
Choking with horrid doum;
"If you're the man, Just follow me:
We'll try this mystery '(mil"
With dl7.y steps I led him to
My Mary. Hod! Iwastruel
Then the billcrest pangs of misery
Unspeakable I knew.
Frozen Willi deadly horror,
Hhe stared with eyes of stone,
And from her quivering lips there broke
One wild despairing moan.
'Twas he! the husband of her youth,
Now risen from the dead.
But all too late and with bittercry,
Keeling, her senses lied.
What could be done? Ho was believed
As dead. On his return
He strove In vain some tidings
Of his absent wife lo learn.
'Twas well that he was iimoeeiit,
Klse I'd have killed him, too,
So dead he nevei would have nz
Till Ua Uriel's trumpet blew!
It was agreed that Mary then
Between ns should deeide,
And eaeli by her decision
Would sacredly abide.
No slnfer al the Judgment seat.
Walling eternal doom,
Could sutler what I then did,
Walling sentence In that room.
Rigid and breathless there we stood,
With nerves as tense as sl l,
Wliilx Mary's eyes sought eaeli white facs
In piuims appeal.
God! could not woman's duty
He less hardly rceonciled
Between her lawful husband
And the father of her child?
Ah! how my heart was chilled to Ice,
When she knell down and said:
"Forgive me. John! "l is my husband
Hen alive, not dead!"
I raised her tenderly, and trted
To tell her she was l ight,
Bu somehow in inyarhing breast
The prisoned words stuck tight.
"But John, I can't leave baby!"
"What! wife and child!" cried I;
"Musi I vield all! All. cruel lute!
Better that I should die.
Think of the king, sad, lonely hours
Waiting In ghsmi for
No wile to eheer ine with her love,
No babe to climb my knee. -
"And yet'j'ou are tier mother,
And hl sarred mother Rive'
Is still the purest, temlercsl lie '
ThaVHeaven tver wove. - "
Take her, but promise, Marv
For thai will bring no shame
My little girl shall bear ami learu
To lisp ner lather s name:
It may be, in the life to rome,
I II meet my child aad wife:
But yonder, lv mv cottage gate,
We parted for this life;
One long hand clasp Irom Mary,
And my dream of love was done
One long embrace from baby.
And my happiness was gone!
Town Lots for Sale.
Apply to J. F. WAIT,
isee y nooit mver towusne vo.
Money to Loan
On Improved farms and good stock ranchesal
low rules and on long time, n wanted. - isiaie.
partieiilars'nnd lowest umounl tfuniea by
writing or ealhug upon
K 11111. rjs k. nr.Ain,
all 27:; Stark SI, Portland, Or.
And wagon repairthg intended to piomptly at.
my shop on tun Mt. tioou roau.souin oi town.
iiiKid work at reasonable prices.
Rcpl7 U. A. Jl"" Ml.
Chickens ! Chickens !
For a short time t will seil S. I'. White leg
horn and While Wyandotte cockerels at. .lie
and SI.OO each at my Keystone Farm.
J;i M us. u. li. wi iiiw i uti ri
Peanut Roaster.
We have a peanut . Knasler of latest patera
I and can supply our customers with the best
qualllV oi K'UUUIS, iresn roasicu cci uitj,
Sample them. - CUI.Krt UliAH AM.
Strayed. .
A red heifer calf, 8 months old, slightly
hrindle in face; no hri .nd or car marks. Any
person who will take up tins can uuu scnu me
i 1 .1 1, I.' IJ , III'IUMM
worn win uu .cuuioeu. iv, r,. iijuiuiuhi,.
Timber Land, Act June 8. 178.1 "
News and Opinions
OF ' ,
National Importance.
Alone Contains Both.
Wish to call your attentiou to tho fact that they are still on deck
with pure, fresh Confections, the newest and best Stationery, fancy
and staple Crockery. :f
A line of good value t'urses. "'
We now have the Ciold Koso l'encil Tablet. All school children
know what that is.
When yon see it in our ad it's so.
Agents for Union Laundry Co. Phone 104.
Daily, by mail
Daily and Sunday, by moil .
..fil a year
...M a year
Is the greatest Sunday Newspaper lu the
Price 5c a copy. By mail two dollars a year.
Address THK SUS, New York.
Davidson Fruit Co.
Planet Jr Drills
United States Land Olllce, Vancouver,
Wash., January 2U. Iw.'. Nol ice is hereby
given Ibal in compliance wiin the provisions
of the act of congress of June A, entitled
"An art for lh" sl,i ot timber minis iu me
states of C alifornia, Onyon, Nevada and
Washington territory.' as extended to all the
public land stales by act of August 4, 18tii,
of Ho(ulam, county of chehalls, stale ol
WashlllKUIIl, lias 1.I1IS oily Ilieu ill tins uiin e
his sworn statement, No. 2t" for tho pur
chase of the southwest southeast i, south
east '4 southwest section No, III, and north
east yt northwest ; and northwest 4 north
east. of section wo. , in township Ko. 8
nori. i-ranne -o.i i easi.w ji. a.m in one, iuowi
to show Hint the land sought is more valuable
for Its timlieror sione tliun tor agricultural
miruosi's. and lo establish his claim to said
land before the Iteaister nu I Receiver of mis
olllce at V un:oiivcr, Wasik, on Wednesday
the liith day ot April, unci.
He Haines as wiliiu.-ses: lioliert r, t ox oi
Pwrtlaud, Oregon, and Allien . Hniith,
Claude i:. Williams und Fred A. Powell, all
ot Hoquiaim Washington.
of Houutiuii. co iiitv of Chehalis. state of
Washington, has luis day men in tins omce
his sworn slim uncut, No. ZM, lor the pur-1
oliase of the lit I'th y,t solttneat southwest
li iiurthensl i section iNo. I'.l. auo uoriuwesi
.no. a 111)!
oiler proof to show that tne land is
mole vauiaote lor us iiiuoer oi- some, uuoi er
i-fcullura mirooses. and to establish ins
claim to said land before the Register and i
Receiver of this ul Ice at Vancouver, v asii.,
on Wednesday, the pith day of April, 1W2. I
lie Halm's as witnesses: ivooen r. un m
Pol Hand, Oregon, and (.'tun ics P. Reed, ITed
A. Powell and Claude li. W lltianis, an oi tio
ipiiitm, Wash.
Anv and all persons claiming adversely the
ahuve-described lands me reolleMed to tile !
their claims in uns onn-e on or ueioie saiu
HJtli day of April, ItWJ.
1,11111 W. It. 1M .Nli.AlS,, ucgisiei.
ITliuber l.and, Act June ,1, lsTK.)
At my place, on lhe Mt. Hood road, one
mile south of town, I have opened a Flour
anil Feed rtture. No need now to haul your
feed up the big hill from town when you can
buv of meal bottom prices.
jiai - d. s. IjAMar
Administrators' Notice.
Notice Is hereby given Hint by an order
dulv made by the county court of the state of
Oregon lor Wasco county, the undersigned
have been appointed administrators of I lie
estate of John Mipma, deceased; and all per
sons having claims against sain estate are
hereby notified to present the same, duly ver
ified, to the undersigned, at ituiier at im. s
bank, in the city of Hood Ulver. In said Wasco
county, w ithin six mouths from the date of
this notice.
Hated at Hood Hivcr, Oregon, Hits t5th day
ot January, W& I.KsIdK HDTI.F.U,
J24fll Administrators.
"5 it v
Shippers of
Hood River's
Sole agents for Canton Line Chilled Plows, Hteel Plows. Timber Plows, Har
rows and Cultivators, all styles. Sludebaker Wagons and Vehicles, Pomona
Spray Pumps, Ijind Plaster and Fertilizers.
The Best is Cheapest.
For Sale
Timber I.nnd, Act Junes,-1878.
United Slates Land Oflice.Vancoiiver.Wash.,
Jan. 17, Mli Notice is hereby given that in
compliance with the provisions of the act of
congress ot June :!, IS7S, entitled an act for the
sale of limber lands In the States of California.
Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory,"
as extended to all the public land states by
act of August 4, Ma,
of Willniar, county of Kandiyohi, state of
Minnesota, has this day hied 111 this olllce his
sworn statement, No., lor the purchase of
the east southwest and lols 8 mid 4
of section No. M, in township No. (1
north, rung No. 10 cast, Willamette Merid
ian, und will oiler proof to show that the
land sought is more valuable for Us limber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, and hi
establish his-eliiim to said land before the
Register and Receiver of this olllce at Van
couver, Wash., on Monday, the 7th day of
April, 1!.
He names ns witnesses: Robert F. Cox, Al
bert W. Lobdcll and George Shirley, all of
Port land, Oregon, uuu August .1. W ugnnz oi
Trout 1,'ike, W ash.
Anv and all ix'rsons claiming adversely the
-i i. i. ..i i i ... iu
-,-,'-'-- - - . ,,.,,', I unovc-ucscriiicii lauuw itiu i ruc.vju iu tii':
westHol section No. jl, in tou s i ,h(ll rcjHtms Hits olllce on or beiore said
Till, rang.) .o. tuea.-t, W . M-, and will ! 7h d (). Aprli
i Jjiuia VV. it. DUiNHAK, Register.
I -
Commercial Co.,
Fresh and Cured Meats.
In coniiaring prices do not forget that for SPOT CASH we give
5 per cent rebate checks. Tliese are given to stive book-keeping, and
of course cannot be allowed on any transaction that goes on the books.
Sheriffs Sale.
Notice Is' hereby elven that tinder and hy
vti'tneof an execution and order of sale is
sued out of the circuit court of the state of
Oregon for Wasco county,. tiKin a judgment
and decree rendered In a cause pending in
said court wherein Cynthia Jones and Humes
Jones were plaintiffs anil John King and
Amelia. Jvlng were defendants, to me directed
and commanding me to sell the real estate
hereliial'ler described for the puriose of salis
f ing a Judgment In favor of Cynthia Jones
and against .John King for the sum of &VW.15
und Soi attorney's fees und flS.W) costs and
disbursements, J will, on
L -.I.... IK. !-.,. .1.... .' L-nl.v........ lllOO
Fnlled States Land Olllce, Vancouver, I " lu"'' '" " ,' V '
Wash., Jan. if.i, mn!.-Not ice is hereby given i ai me mi.noi i "i..iv " "
that in compliance with the provisions f the I house door In a lies 1 ty Oregon sel li lib-
act ol congress oi jmiu 3, i.s.s, entiiieii .n ; ' r..r ,iV.t,. ,i,i V
el lor t be sa e o tllnhiT lands in ine Mines 01 r"'i". " ""r'- "? j-n
1 ' 1 1 foi'ii la. oretron. Nevada and Washington !
Territory, ' as extended 10 ail the public land
stales by act of August. 4, lsW,
' FRI'.l) A. POWKIJi,
of Unguium, county of Chehalis. stale of
Washington, has tills day h led In this olllce
his sworn statement. No. 'i'Ml, for the pur
chase o t lie north souiueasi !soitinesi
Mint beast J4 section .No. .l. 110rthwe.1t ',4 Oregon,
township Mi. llallei
nient, the following described real estate, to
wil: llei'iiinlng at a point 18 rods north from
the southeast corner of section ;t4 In township
:i north of range 10 east of the Willamette
Meridian: thence west 64 rods and feet;
thence 1101 lh 14 rods and II feet: thence east 54
rods ami :i feet: thence south 14 rods and 14
feet to the place of beginning, containing five
acres ol land and siiuaieu 111 v asco county,
Attractive Properties
at Attractive Prices.
We have to offer this week, among other things,, the finest CITY
TRACT in Hood Kiver. containing over 50 acres more than 350 lots
within a few blocks of the business section. Choice future business
locations and liaiiilsoiiii'.-sightly resident places. Gross price, f-?,-000,
or $(S.50 the lot. Fine "buy" for speculative purposes.
Improved orchard tract, 12 acres, 450 trees, 2 acres in strawber
ries; earliest in the valley ; two miles from town and has its own
water supply. A qtiick money-maker. Price $2,400.
Unimproved piece 10 acres choice apple land; l4 niiles out;
timber on tract north more than $100; water convenient. Great
bargain for a quick buyer. Trice $275.
House and (i acres of land near Pine Grove school ; 3 acres cleared ; i
one acre in apples. Easy terms and cheap at $500.
Correspondence invited. Call on or address
"The new Ileal Estate firm."
1. Lots in Waucoma Tark addition
from $00 to $160.
2. ' Eligible residence lots in Spangler's "
subdivision, near cannon house; only
$80; terms easy.
3. A rare bargain. Tho north 40 acres
of the Henderson farm at $1000 cash, for
ten days only.
4; Twenty-five acres of the Silliman
place, East Side ; 18 acres in cultivation ;
young orchard; $75 an acre.
5. Unimproved and improved fruit
land .to rent on five years lease.
6. For 30 days, the Henry Coe house
and two lots, knowff as the McCrory
property ; price $500 cash.
7. Barrett-Sitmaaddition:$i5 per lot:
$10 down and $5 per month; no interest.
8. The Grant Evans house and lot,
for sale only till Jan. 1st; price $850.
9. Fine homestead of 100 acres on
Rock creek near Davenport's. Price
$1,000 $300 down, balance at 6 per
10. Lots in Hull's addition; each
lot level, 80 x 140 ; center of ball ground j
$150 each.
11. 150 acres about 8 miles from Hood
River on Mosier creek, new house, three
acres in fruit, $700 cash, title perfect.
12. For 30 iliivs. 4 lots lvitiL' east of
the McCrory property; price $175 cash
for the two.
19. The Glover farm, well improved, '
miles from Goldendale; 240 acres;
140 acres in cultivation; bi acres in
winter wheat ; 7 acres in hog pasture, '
with a creek running through it; all un
der fence, with crosa fences; large
new barn and fine honso. Price $12.50
an acre; will take llootl Kiver property
iu part payment.
21. N. S. E. V, S. K N- K.'V sec.
4, T. 3 N., R. 11 E White Salmon ; fine
timber laud ; $10 per acre. .
22. The Emerson homestead, onlvono
mile east of town ; fine range ; $1,500.
28. 529 acres, with much fir timber.
including both falls on Hood river. lie
fer to Butler & Co.
31. At Trout Lake, 80 a.; 3 in timothy.
cuts 8 tons a year; 50 a. in heavy saw
timber, white pine, fir and cedar; west
fork White Salmon river runs through
the place; prico $1,250. -
32. Emma G. Robinson s 100 acres on
hills east of White Salmon, known as
the Dryer place; fine timber; unim
proved; $785.
100 acres of land about 8 miles from
Hood River on Mosier creek, new house,
three acres in fruit, perfect title, $700,
for sale at the Emporium.
House for Rent Coe's new cottage on
the school house hill. Price $7.50 per
month ; well water on the premises.
northeast t 01 section No. ;iz 111 t
li north, range Nu. II east, W. .M., and will
oiler proof to show thit the land sought Is.
more valuable for its timber Or stone than lor 1
agi ieullurat purposes, and in establish his
claim to salil lanM before the Itegisier and
Keeelverof this olliee at Vancouver, Wash , 1
on Thursday, I he tTin day of April, IHOi j
He names as witnesses: uoocri r. o ui ;
Portland, Uiegon, Albert W. Mnltli, Claude
K. Wllllainsanil Llialles v. iiceuni jioiiyimii,
f Hooulnni, county of "T'helialis, stale of
Washington, has lliisduy liled 111 this olllce
his sworn statement, No. ZrM, tor ttie pur
chase of the lots -i and 4 and cast .:, southwest
f section No. Ill, In township .o. ft norm,
Itange No. 10 east, W, M., and will otter proof
show that the land sought is more vaiiiunie
for its timber or stone than lor agricultural
iiurHiscs, and to eslahlish bis claliu sain
land before the Kegisler and lleis-lver of this !
oihceat Vancouver, Wash., on Thursday, the ,
l; Hi day of April, VH2.
He names as witnesses: Itoberl r. 1 ox 01 r
Portland. Oregon, and Allien W. huiith, .
Charns P. Heed und Fred A. Powell, all of ,
Hoipiiam, W ash. ;
Any am) unpersons ciaiining Hnerei., no-
above-descrilH'd lauds are rciiiicsted to tile j
their claims in this olllce on or beiore said
17th day of April. 11112.
mull ' W. It. Ill, lU'Kisirr.
s City, Oregon, January 14, lfHB,
ltoilKHT KKldii , Hherirr.
Single Rig for Sale.
A ifiwxl trontle family horse and bar news
tun ngm iih k, mr tmie uy
iand Offlt-e at The Initio, Oregon. Vb. A,
Iftri, Notu-e is hereby givpn that the frukiw-tntr-nMiiiftl
net tier hH titod Dotlr of hi
intention to muke final proof in muntort of
his oln tin, ami that sniJ proof will be matie
heroi-e lh Kegistor win Kvt-iver nt 1 tit"
ltalh, Oregon, on Monday, March iil.mU, vii
of Moter. Oregon, H. K. No..rf. for thesoutl
southwest iA wrlion mwth"-t iiortt-
wew cMX'iion t. hihi nortite:ii northe?!
Krrt ion ;U, U'W ii.iinn i uhR, rHie It eHst
W. M.
Ho name the following tt ilne-w to prove
Di(Mmiimiouretf!(icnf'o uii, ml euimauon
Ot, anl Ih'jU, vir: j
George Ireinml, R. Wood, V. Young
aim, a. i ramer, an oi .mh-iit. ur-mn,
tUm'2I JAY V. I ll'AS, Kitrir
Timber Utml, Act June 3, 1SV8.)
I'nited Shite Land OllVe, Vnnconver,
Wash., Jim. in, i!)'4. iolieo ! liereby given
that in euniplianee wit ti t'le provisions of
the net if eontvNs of .June ;t, IK7K, entitled
'An aet f r the sale, ol timber inn in the
Stitt s of Culitornia, Oregon. Nevada, and
Washington Territory," us extended to all
the nubile hind states by net of AugnsM, lH!tJ,
of Hocitihim, county ol 4'ltehnlis, Ktate of
Washington, n this dny Hied in this otHee
bis sworn siiiterin nt No. il'.i, lor tiie pun-base
tjfthewmth .t (stnitht-ast and northwest
MfiutbeuKt li of se.t Ion No. 11 in town
ship No. tf tiorth, valine No. 10 en si, v . M..and
will oder prtfif to slnrw that the land tnitht
is niory valuable lor its tiniher or Mtme than
fr m:rlfui(ural pnrpoM-s, and to establish his
eiaiin to said land tailore the Ketfister and
ltveiverof thtx oil'iew at Vanwniver. Wash.,
on Tnesdny, the i5th dny of Miireh, IViYl.
He iiMinesns wltnessej;: Albert W. Lnbdell,
Hobert K. ox, William Hiteh and Joseph V,
Heed, all of t'ortland, (h-eyon.
Any and nil persons olanninpr adversely the
Hbovt-des.-ribed lands are requested to tile
their ehums in this office on or before said
2"th day ol Man-h, l!tn2,
j 1 1 ini
Fato is still in doubt, but wo know
Picture Moldincs, Vnrnislies,
Everything to beautify a home at the
are in progress now, repairing and
brightening up the ravages that winter
has made on houses, barns and fences.
A new coat of Paint makes your house
look like new: but "All is not Paint
that glistens."
The stock of Paints, Oils, White
Lead, Colors, etc., ami the fine line of
Mixed Paints to be found at our s'ore,
are warranted to stand ail kinds of
Paper Your House.
And before doing so call or send for
samples of our complete line of Wall
Paper. We will sell you Art Goods,
Brushes, Glass and Decorative Novelties.
Money to loan. . ,
At the Emporium is kept a first-class
surveyor g transit, and the proprietor
being a practical surveyor, is well pre
pared to do the work of laying out acre
age property in lots and blocks, and do
ing all kinds of surveying.
N. B. Terms are easy on all the above
lands, with interest at 6 per cent. Per
sons desiring locations on homesteads
and timber claims should apply at the
V. li. IiFNFIM?. H.'irl-itrr.
- 1
For YOU to Remember
When yon need anything in the line of
You should call on
The Glacier Pharmacy
tk e foit rrr.i.icATioN.
Iintl OilW Hi Tli IkMm. iimin, .ImiimrT
27. I'HCi. N'ttii if h.T,'lv tfiveil Ihni ttn'1-ti-
I nA lltl,.. l Tho lull. rirn VVh .V l.lmr-nIIM"l .! 1 1T I.HN II ll IM.-V..f III-
Mni-N.-li.-r i ht-rt-liv iivrnimt m follow-' J nti.i I., iiuikc mill pr,, nn U, , ii n-f-c-In
until m:itu-r liiw 1114 " f hi i v lim "-l"r th !'..-: -i. r nt lt"iwr
Ini. ntion lo mak Bual prt-f In uptmrt T"", Oron. on !miiiM:i-. Msrrh
f hin rlsiin. mil! Hint irt pnmf will j ' ''-. TIK . .,
b mail iw-hir ii. T. Pram-. L'.S.On-! tl.Jlt.ll L Ikhit,
missiiMitr. mt ll.,,l ltivr, ttrcsion, on ?iuii ' if Mior. Ortm. nn honiit.iiil ftHlkiMion
dny, Mrii il. llU, vi; I Nt. .V.M, for llu- .t,nl.pi ' a--1 i. n u 11-
Al.KXASMiK LKliorX. j ""'l1
M Mt Hovl, iiirftMi, tf . F, for Id
lolK 1.2.! Olid . s.vl,)il IT, KWDitlllp 1 DOttll,
mnr Hi.I. . t.
H ntii.i lh foltowin wltoeww to p?ve I r.on . inwoh'ti n-irtli. rj'i- IU ri. VV M
his ontuiiimi! nHli-ni i.Q au4 cuiuva- Wuiif.'x iit-no am! Irnlt Tl.r
Uon f wni lnn.l, vit: ! t( Tho lnlK r.Hi. nj Ktht Ivoi.
K. M. HmIiIwiii. Iivil !opr. K.i!rt 1 Ki, iwiei? Irtian.t. irt- ,ifH llrrmni iJ
or n1 SHiniifl liro, nil ol Ml. Ilil.iiim. 1 1. J. l'r.iliiiwof M-i. r. uri: n.
fl!m2J JAY I. l.l'C-V. KrtwiiT. JilinT JAY 1'. I.l I'AH, Kgl.trr.
1 north, run 11 t!i. W. M.
. I'HAKI.KS J. I'illl.l.ll's.
. ' of Movl.r. (l.ffHi. on honiilfnil ni'oliil).
I Nil. (or llu- Milh.i i, iiorllM-nl i
Wall Paper Emporium,
3?ai:rrters arid IDecorators
Phone Main 35.
Second street
Job Printing at
Comprises the Latest Styles and Qualities.
We also have an extensive collection of
Mr. L. Bradley's Magnificent Hood River and
Columbia River Scenes,
than which no more beautiful or acceptable gift could'be made.
Your patronage resjiectfully solicited,
t,nd Office t Tt. I mil. Orreon. Jan. 2
l'rj Notion i itrt t.- niVfn that Hie I'm) lit
i.f hi 1 Him. nnl ttl :nd pnxf will be
mwW ( f'Tt f-rx T. IM-Hther. C. Slinnmlifr--toiH-r,
i lb Klvr, trt'ta, on Knduy,
MirilKt. I. STKKiAARD,
.f Vf'titiv Or. zitt'. H. T S. VCI. r the
nonh S FtmiiKutl 4i und Uti U eiitm 35
l(iwrMi.i 3 ori ti. rnk'l rut. W. M.
He f.xiuin llie Minic wirtift- to fmive
hti iHn!in'ii;i!' rft!t-t uim ami cnitiviv
ih'M ff. -hI !:sM. it:
Jiiii: hii'y, X. H. Currun n1 !rtd
f i. a 'J f V i-iUi. Ortts ai.ftiid S. K. Ht U
jim; JAY P. U'CA. Uiitler.
F. B. BARNES, Notary Public.
Insurance, Abstracting, Writing Deeds, Leases,
Mortgages, etc.
lirt it with tii. Office in the brick
If you have property to
store on Oak vtruet.
ITImber Ind, Aet June S, 1M7H.J
(Tutted Htnta lnd OfflMi. VBtimnver.
Waxti., IVc. 21, iTOL Notice Ik hirehv elven
tlnit in compliance with the prnvlHtou nf the
net orcongreHa if June 8, IK78, entitled "An act
or ine sale oi iiiuoer iitniia id llie hihuih of
CalirnrniH, Oreon, Nevada and WaKlilimtnu
territory," an extended to all the public land
states by act of AiiKMst 4, IKH2.
of Portland, oiimty of Mnltnomah, state of
(lr.nun.liH8 this davit led InthlsoltlcehlsBWorn
sialemenl mi, 'tm fur the piinliane of the
Lot 7, southeast wiiilhwext V, section , and
lot I, northeast iiiirihwmt V. and northweat
k of nonheaat of section 7. In Uiwnsliln No.
6 north, range No. II east, W. M., and
Will onef proof lo show that the land eoiurht
la more valuable for lu timber or stone than
for agricultural puniows. and toettuhllHh his
claim to said land before Ihe H'it"r and
Heeelver of this oftlce at Vancouver. Wash.,
un Tuesday, the lllh day of M:in t, luei.
ne names as wiuiesm's; Hotter! K. Vox of
Portland, Or.: Robert H. Danforth of Ml licit v.
Or.; Alliert W. IxbJel! and Joseph V. Ileed of
ruriiiuiu, i ir.
of Portland, unnty of Multnomah, stte of
Onwn, has this day tiled in this ofrloe hep
sworn statement. No. 2H6. for the Diinihae of
the Mint h northeast y, and south north
el section No. in township No,
oonn, ranve .o u easi.w illaiuetla meridian,
nd will ult'er pns.f t.i sIkiw that the land
soiiKht is more Taluable for Us timber or
tone than (or SKricultural pnrsw., and lo
esiiiblish his claim io said land before the
IWisierand Kei'eiwr of this ottl at Van
couver. Wash, on Tuesday, the lllh day of
March, Iwi
tie names as witnesses: Robert K. Yx of
Portland, Or; ItolwtK. Iinrtiirth of Mlllt'ity,
dr.: Wahln B. Bucb and Allien W. Lolslell of
Portland, or.
of Mill Clty.coontv of Marlon, slate of Ore
on, has t his dy tiled in this oftlce his sworn
sialemenl No. SUti, tor Ihe purchase of the
llS.b. liorllieju-t i soulhwest southeast
V, n trthwest and southwest northeasl
of section No. K. In Uiwnhip No. nH1h,
raane No. II East, M'lllameite meridian,
and will offer pns.f to show llisl the land
soiiKhl is more valuable r Itstimber or stone
than for acrlcullursl nurfsss, and to estah
lih his claim to snld land Is tore Ihe twister
and Keoelveri4Uiifiineeal Vannxiver.Wash
on Tuesday, Ihe lllh dav of March. Inrj. o
Henaniesas rt:ne-ae: KohertK.IT AW
bert W. UMell, V. Keed and Waldo
R Bach, all t Pnrtlaud, Or.
Any and all persons ciaimlnt adversely th
ahove-dewcribed lauds are requested to file
ttietrcialms in this omce on of before said
llthdsyof March, ml .
dEf W. R. Dl'NBAR, Register.