The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, February 07, 1902, Image 2

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foed Iftver Slacier.
Iuitiatire and Referendum.
While the election Uw are under di-
friilt Growers Session at Walla Walla.
Walla Walla, Jan. 30. Spokane in to
be the meeting place (or the 10th an
nual convention of the Fruitgrowera' Aa
API atlnn of the Northwest, which closed
lt km oii in thii city last niglit. u nan-
thfl hfxlv decided to meet at
Rnokane next vear. and in addition to
cussion it is a good time to remark that tie regular business a collection of fruit gut100i house soon
we have a proposed constitutional amena- is to be gatirerca ov me rneniuem mm
ment to be voted upon the ming June. STf-
It is the proposal for the initiative tion ,tricty representative of all sections
ami referendum ; anu mougn u 0f tlie territory represeniea in me hsro-
subject is one which possesses for ciation. ' -
mos person, only a faint and nctitiou.
interest, every proposal of this char- w f, fo- ti,e inth time
acter should get attention enough from elected president, by unanimous vote of
the voter so that tie en votf upon r(; 's!n B. Susie Kelly ia quite sick witj,
inlormea oi us purposes aim "u (Wf : Idaho. Ethar Wilson, trouble
Crapper Cropping.
Tl. debate between the Latter Iay
Saints-and the (.'hYwtians closed Thurs
day flight. Opinion is somewhat ( di
vided as to who won me vicyr. win
parlies claimed tiicy were uenenieu uy
the discussion. ,
Rfiv. A. V. Baaluv of Belmont expects
to start a revival ineeUng at the Crapper
Little Lois Frietllv severely sprained
her ankle while coasting on the David
son hill last Saturday Huuday night
M. O. McClellan, while consting uown
the same hill, whs thrown from his sled
and sustained severe bruises nbout the
hip and the small of the back, lias
seems to be a rather dangerous pastime,
especially on this hill, as it is very
effects. Tloise: Montana. 8. M. Emery, Boze- Sunday night Master Fred Cliamllt
. . . . j i . ... i. - i Ti . . t -. i. -t .- i. f
The project is in the iorm oi an amena- man ; Oregon, K. L. smitn, noouiuver; started to cnurcn wiui u sieign u
j .v.- !.,., n;tuh rv.inmhia Hi-ntMutnr Anaersou ; vnuni? io ms. w nen wiumi a nun
...... n .,i i secretary. H. Bolster, Spokane j treas- of the church the sleigh broke down and
.rucie o. me " nnjr w' a Affner. Walla Walla. the occupants had to hoO it the rest ot
offers to reserve to the people power w Tb gggociation renewed its endorse- the way, while Fred went to hunt up
propose lawa and amendments to the ment of the Washington standard apple another sleigh ; but he got around in
" r - I . ... ll . ml ...I ..1, .I..!. .t
i AnnA4 mttmn I rtiv umn mofls nmmHniji hm ltiuuvt a . iu7h unit in u vc iiicm n eiciu.u nun
.a - I I-...: ,1 nn,1 anu.
atthe polls, independentofthelegislative
asembly,"and also to reserve "power at inair,K An ftort win be made to secure
their own option to approve or reject at Lyeneral use of these boxes in the mar-
the pollsany act of the legislative aasem- keta of the Northwest.
. , The association named a committee
. Inn l.-ainlatinn. which with the fruit In
We have here two proposals one is ipectorB mi endeavor to secure leg-
the initiative, or power to originate legia- iolation favorable to the fnnt industry
lation ;and the other ia the referendum,
Fred is all right and know? bow to over
come difficulties. Ikk
or power to pass upon legislation. Eight
per cent of the voters, taking ai a basis
the latest popular vote for supreme
judge, may lodge a proposed law with
the secretary of state. Then this act
Hood River School.
The following wr(! neither absent nor
tardy for month ending January 31st:
Fred Curtis. Roy Samuel,
Riehsrd Yates. Kdiiar Franz,
The committee consists of Professor A.V.I Mona Green, Ethel McDonald,
Pinornf tha Wftf. nffton asTlCU tural AllgllS WCHOnam, r.uim i mmM.v..,
.ha V. T. Smith nf Hood ltiver.Or.. Joe tfyrd,
Tiipnma : Professor Rav Enirv,
Hnrlmnn of the Un versitv of Idaho; narvey now en,
F. Waldron, Zillah, Wash. ; W. L. La
Follette. Pullman, Wash. ; Professor A.
B. Cordley, Oregon agricultural coligge,
Natie MatroniHer,
Everett Rand,
Ray Samuel) -
1-ulu lirannamau,
Freddie Gee. -
Mae Miller,
Aubrey Blowers,
Teddy Button,
Lizzie banlt,
Myrtle Jones,
Anna McCafferty,
Hazel Olinger,
Eva ales,
must be submitted to the people at the I oorvallis.'
next election, and if approved by a ma- At the evening session last night the
jority (not of the whle vote, but of the business of the association was finished
.i. . . . L mi and final adjournment taken. The ses-
votes cast thereon), it must be promul- extendd over two dav9 with the
gated as a law, without any interven- evening sessions and the third day was
tion on the nart of the legislature. eiven UDon account of the cold and
Tlio mfaroniliim ma v h mwnred in the ahort attendance.
The following resolution was unani'
way of witn the initiauve, or .. miUn, z, . ..RBM,ivfia. That we
in the present method of submission by emphatically indorse the proposed Lewis Arthur Boniiey
legislative enactment, as we bad, lor ex- and Ulark exposition in lauo.ana lurwier, uny v;'."'"1"
. that we nronose to demonstrate on that Eva Ellison,
ampie, ior iree urm8CB, ...u " - t.'t th. .,Jlt(,. Bmhraced in Roy Neal,
to have in June for the new charter. I ... i-i1,v, irrnWnmwera Association Blanche Howe,
The referendum can be secured by an 8 produce the finest diclduoua fruits known Celestia Metcalf, Eva Cni
I' Petition filed ftf " the cffle ThSiaon. KetUeAb
il.n vAaau tha an t n I . . l
mid icgiBiaiuis wat-piwacu v. i A Point wT Apple Ben. Arthur Cunning
question has adjourned. There is one important point in con
With the general principle ana nection with the apple bnsiness-espe.
pose of tins measure the Oregonian is in . . ml.nection wiln he foreign
full accord, and it will not complain if traje-which the producers of Oregon
the amendment is adopted. The Ore-1 ought not to overlook j and that is the Herbert Searies
crnniun lias lnnonaAf t,havA imnatience disuosition of the buver of fruits to iden- W atson Y ilsinger.
uv..nn,.Hn .w hfnr it tify the thing which haa pleased him Howard Hartley,
"""-v " " " . and to seek t aeain. We say that this Ida Brace,
object to curtail the power ot pout- : especially important in connection Elsie Gabriel,
ical bosses and secure for the people wjth the foreign trade because it is es- Mignon Abbott,
irrpafcir fnpilitu in ATnrfisaionof their will peciallv the habit ot tha foreign Diiyer ihe name ot
. n,1 aroUr far-ilitv in mnllina its w. ueaung m nupvrvxi auwa
ognition. It is readily conceivable that
obnoxious measures rushed through a
legislature by pressure of partisan ma
chines might be beniflcently set aside
through the operation of the referen
dum, while reforms that party discipline assuring no disappointment in
to demand
the snecific brand familiar to him. In
the cases where American fruit products
have found established places in Europ
ean markets and especially in markets
where English is not spoken it has been
anon the basis of brands by which a
Dale Bouncy,
Milo Fredericks,
Arthur Kerr,
Paul Niel, g
Clyde Rand,'
Al'dine Bartmess,
lttio Gabriel,
Earl Hotmail,
Carrie Sjark,
Bessie Bonuey,
Roy Blugg,
Lawrence Gerdes,
Willie McMurray,
louard Miller,
Lillie Thompson,
Freddie Bell,
Virgil Crowe,
Eleanor Coe,
Wallace Moody.
.Garnet Green,
Lottie Jones,
Eva Connell,
Harold llerslmer,
Maudu Parsons,
Lenore Winaus,
Joy Russell,
Georgia Prather,
Herman Struck,
Myrtle Howe,
George Emry,
Charles Sliute,
Edith McKahan,
Nellie Hoar,
Etta Blagg.
Eva Yates was inadver
tantly omitted hint month.
t;. 1). THOMPrioN, rrincipai.
Cecil Greene,
Stella Stuhr,
Edward Byerlee,
Florence Hannn,
Grace Prather,
'' Congregational Tea.
The monthly tea of the ladies' aid of
the Congregational church will be given
at the residence of Mrs. J. L. llershner
Friday afternoon from 2 to 5.
The following programme will be pre
1. Recitation, rrancisCastner.0
2. Song, Florence Brosius.
3. Recitation, Eva Connell.
4. Vocal selection, Mrs. Jayne.
5. Instrumental selections, Mesdames
Huxley and Dunlble and Mies Entrican.
(. Historical sketch, Mrs. Button.
7. Instrumental selection, Nola Atter-
itelreshmenta win ue serveu. ine
public is invited toattend.
The Moentaineer says: "It is UtSieved
that the recent cold spell has had a good
effect in killing diphtheria germs and
that the disease in tins city win now
School district No. 3f of Multnomah
county voted a tax of 3o nulls. How is
that for high?
Curious Literary Production.
The following l a remarkable composition.
The initial let tors spelLrMy boast 1h Id the
glorious eroia of Christ." The words In cap
itals, when read on the len-uanu side rrom
top lo buttomi and on the right-hand side
from bottom to top, form the Lord's 1'rayer
Make known the gospel truth, OUlt Fullier
Yield' up Thy grace, dear PATH EH, from
lllessus vritli hearU WHICH feelingly can
"Our tile ihou ART forlvVKR, iod of luvo,"
Asauae our gnul IN love fott Cliiisi, we
Hlnee'lue prince of HEAVEN und OUHIY
Took u'll'sins and HALLOWED THE display,
iiitlnile IlKing, Itrat man, AN1 then wus
Sluiiciiiious i.iod! THY grace und POW EU
uiiikti known:
In Jena' N AMIS let all J'ilE world n'jolce,
Now labor 111 TIU' heavenly KLSiiUOMown,
Thul biesed KI.SiilJOM, lor ihy saints THE
How vile to COM E to thee IS all our cry;
Enemlt'sto THYself und till t hut's Till NE1
Uruuelvssour V, ILL, wc live Kolt vunity;
Uiiitlilng Hie very liEinjt, EVIL, in design
O Uoil, tliy will uu i)0.iE PHUM earth to
Reclinins uN the gospel let US live.
In EAltlll from sin DELIVER and lorglvon,
ml am ilivsell. BUT tvuch us U loruive;
Unl;s 1 1 'a power 1 EM ITATIi ' doth destroy,
i:n In imr lull 1 N I ll ine dcliltiS oi wuft
Carnal IN nuud, we liuve fiOA' a glimpse of
Iluisuu ngulnst HEAVEN: In US no hope
wu know.
() UIVK ns macu and LEAD us on the wuy;
- u
M i neon us wan my love, unu kivh un
Self, and ill IS sill thul rulscs AUAINB1' us,
Oh, grant each DAY our Tltl'MSl'ASHes
inuy cense:
Forgive OL'lt evil diwls, THAT oft we do;
Convince us DAILY of THEM, to our
shame .
Help us Willi heavenly IHtEAD, POIftJIV h
Reeiirreul lusts; AND WE 11 adore thy
In thy POKOIXKncss we AH sulntscan die,
Mime for Vti and our TllE.SI'A.S,sE.So high,
Thy Hon, OUR tsuvior, died on Calvary.
A dispatch from Columbia, Mo., says
the peach crop in Missouri has been
killed bV the iate cold weather. Peach
es are supposed to stand weatlfflr as cold
as 21 degrees below 7.ero, though it is
rarely they can survive more than 17 or
18 dtgree' below unless the air drainage
is beyond the average, o that in all
thoee localities where the thermometer
has dipped downward tiothat exlen
and nearly every point in the state has
experienced tliltj, the peach crop is as
good as goue. .Apples urn unhurt by the
cold. One-Sr two (idler inllneiK-eH, one
of which was the extreme drouth, have
placed somu trt'es in bad shape. The
herrv cron will alio bo reallv injure.
This is nttribulahle' directly to the
drouth. The strawberry plants which
were not properly, irrigated last year will
decrease 50 per eent this season
A sheep herder named John Murray,
who had been einnloved at Xansene
for the la-it 20 years, committed suicide
at The Dalles last Saturday. c..
Boar for Sale.
A fine 1'oland-Cnlna and'Uerkshlre Hoar
for sain by . 1 l.K
Two-VPiir-old heif"r, hiiinded WK on
!de. tfi.5U re ward delivered at my plmw.
News and Opinions
Udell School.
Following is the report of this school
for the month ending January 31st: En-
pSrticular product may be identified.thus roi.n.e n-UoyB, , 8u, - - ,
ssurins no dieannointment in subse- total days' attendance, 8,8; total dajs
absence, 134; times tardy, average
daily attendance, 43.9. Neither absent
National Importance.
Alone Contains Both.
Dally, by nmll
Dully and Hunday, by mall .
..JM a year
8 a year
Davidspn pruit Co
o o :
Tr Drillap
Shippers oi
Hood Eiver s
Hole K. nts for l anion Line Chilled l'lows, Steel Plows. Timber Plows. Har
rows and Cultivators, nil styles. Studehaker WBM and ehlcles, Pomon.
Spmy rump, Land Plaster and Fertilizers. 1 "
The Best is Cheapest.
Hood River
Commercial Co.,
Is the greatest Hunday Newspaper In Hie
Price a copy. l!y mall two dollars it year.
Address THE SUN', New York.
Fresh, and Cured Meats.
In comparing prices do not forget that for SPOT CASH we give
6 per cent rebate checks. These are given to save book-keeping, and
of course cannot be allowed on any transaction that goes on the books.
nor tardy
Grace N yman,
Frank lJethman,
Lowell Knapp.
Clarence Little,
Glen Young,
K. 11
nnent nurchasea. This is the uniform
testimony of those who have looked per
sonally into the trade conditions on the
other side of tha ocean.
It becomea desirable, then, that apples
or other fruit aent into European mar
kets should be so marked that the buy
er can find the same thing again when
he wants it. and that means that the
producers of any given district, or of the
whole state, for that matter, ought to
Rtablish standards and symbols of
quality nnder some system of inspection
that will assure the identitv and integrity
of the goods. This ia a work done by
.. . . ,,f.
me auue in many " ,u Le,ia Newton,
as, lor example, me sunup ui mo 8u, R th. Hordau
Bu,i.. ha Thia niav not y8" l!au 5ani
could defeat in the legislature might be
achieved by the initiative. '
Yet it is also recognized that the
amendment is almost certain of defeat,
owing to the failure of such proposals
always make in an effort to arouse
popular interest. In practice, more
over, the beneficial results of the
roposals would be problematical.
A measure that can command
8 per cent of the popular vote will
never lack for some one to Introduce
it at Salem, and occasions when enough
interest can be aroused to secure a
1 r I t. -I.' 1 ii , 1 ..a an.jitmdtil tftlll
u. .vS.oii.v..v " I certain dwub i-hbjbot. iuia mo " T nnv Ipnkiim
be rare indeed. be practicable or desirable here, but it y,fan pi,,"'
The true and invincible remedy lor Cr? ,X j I.Z Jesse Short,
Edna Little,
Frank Wyman,
Kuby Little,
Herman Dethman,
Wallace Young,
Hartwio, Principal.
liEHNicB Wymas, Assistant.
which will accomplish the same end of .;.,' j.'
bad lawa, and for failure to enact good
1 ..... : .1 mun in nffliu It MIA Mil .I'd, I , .1 . r . . J Jn . i .' . . I "
mno,io duvu moil luwuwi v.. giving lueuuiy w our juuuo 111 luioign Lorana .Short
get our legislature chosen without refer- markets. Zej ijrijres '
ence to senatorial ambitions, men may L ?n!MvjimJ' Pearl Disbrow,
be elected with a view to their fitness niMthat whicl, hag been formed
for makina laws under which we have .mono the hon erowera of Western Ore
" " D t . , , ,
to live and try to do business. Oregon- gon, and which is proving a thing ot
practical value. n nuuut going, iiivo
mattan -.liicli have nroved the undoine
J. Sterling Morton, ex-secretary of 0( co-onerative fruit, associations else-
Ilarrett School.
Following are the names of pupils
who have not. whispered during
month ending January 31st:
lierthel Copple,
lien Clerking,
Gladys Markley,
Claud Jloor, -Elsie
Laura llinriclis,
Ralph llinriclis,
Pearl Crupper,
Mabel Short,
Arthur bhere,
llultla llinriclis,
Room of IIkiwiks.
Advertised Letter Lint.
' February 3, 1902.
Phillius. Mrs John Chamberlain, C J
Thurman.iMrs Mary Roberts, Frank
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1;8.
' United Hlatea Land Olrlce, Vancouver,
Wash., Januiiry at, 11. Notice Is hereby
given that lu compliance Willi Hie provisions
ol tlie ttclol congiiMS ot June a. Ir8, entitled
"An act for tli nle ot liintier hmus lu the
8llc ol CHliloiuiii, Oiegon, Nevada and
Washington territory," as extended to all Hie
public hind slates by act ol August 4, 18!tt,
of Iloqnlam, eouiity of Clielialts, mate of
Washington, lias this day tiled in Ihis oillce
his sworn statement, No. for tlie pur-
ebuseof tliesoutliwestnorUicaHl Yt, south
east northwcsl yt sition No, 1SI, and nortn
etiKt W northwest ,t, and northwest north
east Vt "I section No. ;l, ill townslnp No. a
north, range No.ll east.WM, and will oiler proof
to show tnat tlie land sougut Is more vuluable
for Its timber or sioiim tnan lor ugrlcultural
purposes, und to estabilsli ins claim io saiu
land before the HeKisieriind Uccelverof tills
otliceat Vancouver, Wash., on Wednesday,
the IKlli (lav ol Auill. PJIU,
lie names as witnesses: itooeri r. oi
Pi't!umi, Oregon, and Albert W. Smith,
Claude K. Wilnams und Kred A. Powell, all
of lloiiuiatn, Wushlnttton.
of Hoouiuin. county of ('hehalis, state of
Washington, has tnwday tiled in nils omeo
niH sworn siaiemein. .o. tx. 101 miw uui-
chaseof the uertli smitbeust l4, southwest
4 noriueasl i seclion io. im, miu iiurwiwesv
I souinwest 'A of section No. 20, In lAwnsnlp
No. li uoi tli.ange No. Weant, W. M., and will
oltur proof lo Kliovv Unit me land sougni is
more vaiuauie ior ils uuiuer oi sione umu i.u
ugitcu Rural purposes, and to establisli Ins
claim to said land before the Kegister and
Receiver ot tils ottlce at Vancouver, w asn.,
on Wednesday, the l;ith day of April, IWl.
He names as witnesses: liouen r. i.ox oi
Portland, Uregon, and Charles 1J. Reed, Kred
A. Powell anu Claude E. Williams, ull of Ho
quiam, Wash.
Any and all persons clainiliiK adversely the
above-described lands are requested to tile
their claims In this ollice oil or before said
liiih day ol April, 1SW2.
fimll W. K. DUNBAR, Register.
At my place, on lhe Mt. Hood road, one
mile south of town, I have opened n Flour
and Feed Ktore. No need now to haul your
fred tip the big hill from town when you can
buvof meat bottom prices. .-
ri22 I'. LAMAR.
Administrators' Noiice.
Notice is hereby given that by an order
duly made hv the county court of the stale of
Oregon for Wasco county, the undersigned
have been appointed administrators of the
estate of .lohn Si pma, deceased; and all per
sona having claims agaihst said estate are
hereby notified to present me same, uuiv n-r-Itied,
to the undersigned, at Kuller A Co.'s
bank, In the eitv of Hood River, in said Waaco
count v, within six months from the date ol
this noiice.
Dated at Hood River, Oregon, this lath day
ot January, 11IU2. LESLIE lll'TLKR,
J2HH ' Administrators.
..... tl,a nai U .tin I aihon. thnra is still room forthedoinif of
all onrnl farminir lands that are well many things which would help to put The Dalles papers are severe in their
all good farming lands that are wen binegg q the gtate on a tet. wnmrf of B pilrty of ieii Indiaaiis or
located anywhere in the United btates to hold it there. And whites not known who attempted to
will be worth at least 2U0 to JU0 per n6thing can be more oertain that, with- cross a band of 4;u cay uses on the ice
acre, while those lying close to the mar- out something in the way of concerted from the Washington side of the Co-
kot and the cities will be worth more yet actum on tlie part i inose who are u- luniota to me raim ia cca.
K6l anu Wie ClueH wui oe worvn murr jrci. , . , . in h 9rnMir L,.v .',.rauiimiiln from Yakima to
the advance being due simply to the . .. . -en.,,,.!,,,, 0f the Oregon apple, the cannery at Linton. The poor ani
demands of increased population. neither its character nor its reputation mals huddled together till their com
. . i. . , ,.,
I -.'ill hn nrsKfirvprl. t areless and oislion- nneil wenrht Droke tiirotian me ice
The Mazamas are yet undecided as to est methods will creep in when there is Several were drowned before they could
. . . . . -irmw i no oreauiwsu nrcutv w ucw:l, nuu ...v ue icov;u.-
next summer. They have been invited
to join with the Sierra club of California Sot a Candidate,
and climb Mt. Shasta, but a large num- Hood River, Ore., Feb. 4, 1902. Edi
ber are anxious to go to Mt. Adams next tor Glacier: In order to set at rest any
summer. further inquiries.and on my part, leave
Up to January 30th, only 85 electors
had registered with the county clerk at
The Dalles.
During the late cold snap the ther
mometer went to (i be.ow zero at Moro
and 6 to 12 below at Antelope.
The Paris Fair.
For Sale
Timber Land,
Act June !, IN7d.l
ITnlted States Lund Of!lce,Viineonver,Wash.,
Jan. 17, llHIi Notice is hereby given that In
compliance with the provisions of the act of
congress or June 8, 1K7H, cut 1 1 led an act for the
sale of timber lands In the Slates of California,
Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory,"
us extended to all the public land states by
aet of August 4, WI2,
of Willmar, county of Kandiyohi, state of
Minnesoiji. has this (lav tiled ill this ollice his
sworn statement, No., lor the purchuseof
the east southwest and lots d anu 4
,if awium No. ). Ill township No. fl
north, range No. 10 east, Willamette Merid
ian, and will oiler proof to show that the
land sought Is more valuable lor Its timber or
stone than for agriculunal purposes, and to
establish bis claim to said land before the
iiwruti-r nml U, iver of this ottlce nt Van
couver, Wash., on Monday, the 7th duy of
April, l!Kf2. ;
He nami as witnesses: Robert E. Cox, Al
i,ai-i w IjiIkIi-ii and (,eori?e Slilricv. ull ol
Portland, uregon, aud August .1. wiMcniiz oi
Trout L'ike, Wash.
1 Any and all persons claiming adversely Hie
above-described lands are requested to Hie
their claims In this oitlce on or bctore said
7th dav of April. IMi.
J2I1U28 W. R, HUNHAR, Register.
A large line of plain and fancy Handkerchiefs, laca
edge, embroidered, hemstitched and initial all at
5c each.
Before getting in our spring assortment
of Lace Curtains we wish to close the ones
now in stock, and will give you a bargain in
We have received an auction job lot of
HOYS' HATS. We will sell the fl.23 kind
at 50c ; the Ifl kind at 25c.
A job lot of Boys' Eaton Caps, silk and
satin lined, orth from 25c to 75c each ; w?
will give you your choice at 10c each.
Mrs. Potts' nickel-piatod .Sadirons, while
they last yon can have them for l a Bet.
We cannot duplicate when these are
The snowiau ana com weatner oi we - ... . hnn, -A trimt the hands
past two weeks is hailed as a blessing by c tne republican party, I will say, once
for all, that I am not a candidate, either
present or prospective, for any political
omce ol any kiiio or nature.
farmers and fruit growers throughout
Oregon. The snow will help the grain
and strawberry crops, and it is expect
ed the severe cold weather will greatly
benefit the fruit trees by killing pests
that destroy the fruit.
At a meeting of the Missouri state
horticultural society, laBt summer, Sec
retary Goodman said he had the year I mary 4,1823.
Death of 1. L. Atkinson.
Joeiah L. Atkinson, a well-known cit
izen of Portland, died at his home in
that city January 80th, of heart failure.
He was born in Newbury, Mass., Feb-
He came to Ualitornia in
Dissolution Notice.
The partnership heretosore existing between
O. K. Williams np.l V. 0. liioslus, under the
tlrm name -f Williams 4 Urosins, Is lliis day
mutually dissolved. i.K. Williams contin
nimr the business, will collect all accounts
and pay all debts of tlie late linn of W illiains
dt Itroslus.
Hood River, Oregon, February I. li'J.
. . ;. K. tV I U.l A MS,
K. C. bKliiSILH.
Iiefore used dusting machines in place
of spraying machines on forty acres of
orchard. He used one pound of Paris
green and one pound of dry Bordeaux
mixture to ten pounds of lime. The re
sults were so satisfactory that the com
pany in which he ia interested was then
using the dry process on the whole of
their orchard of 240 acres. Three men
with a dusting machine thoroughly
dusted in four hours thirty acres of ap
ple trees old enough to bear good crops.
1849 and to Portland in 1806, where he
encased in the real estate business and
amassed a fortune. He was well known
in Hood River, where he often visited,
Several years ago he married Mrs. Jen
nie Chamnlin of Hood Kiver, who sur
vives him. He was a brother of the late
Dr. Atkinson, a Congregational minister
well known to the early residents oi
Hood River and White Salmon. J. L,
Atkinson was a public spirited citisen
aud left numerous friends to mourn his
Stallion for Sale.
Voiinur draft stallion Hanson, well bred and
well broke; works single or double. IniUiieof
C. M. WOl.KAItu,
(7 White Salmon. Wash.
Wagon and Team.
A No. I team of horses and wagon for sale.
Weight of horses HM) and llim pounds; 7 and 8
yearn old. ITice lor tlie mum, jio.
I,s . i. ii.y. ii. r lt.-iifivi..
Sheriffs Sale.
Notice is hereby given thai under nnd by
virtue of an execution and order of sale Is
sued out of the circuit court of the slate of
Oregon for Wasco county, upon a Judgment
and decree rendered In a cause pending In
said court wherein CyiHhin Jones and Humes
Jones were plaintiffs and John King nnd
Amelia King were defendants, to me directed
ami commanding me to cell the real estate
berelnafler described for the puriMise of satis
fving a judgment in favor of Cynthia Jones
and against John King for tlie sum of S.VIU.1-)
anilf.ri alloinej's fees and Jhl.iiO costs and
disbursements, I will, on
Saturday, the Kith day of Kebrnary, 19U2,
at, the hour of 2 o'clock P. M., nt the court
house door in liirlles City, Oregon, sell at pub
lic auction to the highest hiudf r foreash in
hand, for tlie purpose of sallstyln-f said judg
ment. Ihe following described real estate, to-
wlt: Hi giunlng al a point IS rods north from
the southeast corner of section :'-4 In township
It north of range 10 cast of the Willamette
Meridian: I hence weal TA rods nnd ; feet;
thence north H rods and 11 feet; thence east o4
rods and ;l feet; thence south II rods and 11
fee! to the place of beginning, containing live
acres of land and situated lu Wasco county,
I 'lilies Cltv, Oregon, January II. l!w,
liOliKKT KKLLY, Hlierltf,
We have a line that shows exceptional artistic skill
and beauty and original designs, and we can recommend
tlieni as tlio latest production of the artist.
Also, if you want comic ones, we have them in neat
folders, entirely new designs. In fact, we have a de
cidedly np-to-dale line.
Yours respectfully,
Timber Laud,
Act June S, liCK
Timber Lund, Act June S, 1878.1
United Wales Land Office, Vancouver,
W ash., Jim. 211, llMi Notice is hereby given
that In compliance Willi the provisions of the
ml of congress of June 8, 1S.K, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands in the Htates of
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory,'' ns extended to afl the public land
stales by act of August!, Ht2,
of Hoiiuiam, county of Chehalis, slate of
Washington, has this day hied In this office
his sworn statement. No. 201), for the pur
chase of the north 'i southeast !4, southwest
y. southeast 'A section No. 2!l, northwest
northeast. ol section No. 32 In township No.
(I north, range No. 11 east, W. M., and will
otter Droof to show that the land sought Is
more valuable lor lis iiuioei or suine man ior
agricultural purposes, and to establish Ins
claim to said luiiti uetore ine itegisier unu
Receiver of this ollice al Vancouver, Wash.,
on Thursday, me lan nay oi April, oik.
He names as witnesses: Kobert r. lox oi
Portland, Oregon, Albert W. Smith, Claude
K. Williams and Charles P. Heed of Hoquium,
of Hoqulam, county of Cliehali", slate of
Washington, has this day tiled in this office
his sworn statement. No. SW), for the pur
chase of the lots a and 4 and east south west
'.of section No. Hi, in township No. li noi ill,
Range No. UI east, W. M.,ana will oner pitMii H1,1hl,.H1 i - ,,, s-thm No. 11 in town
to show that the lund sought, is more valuable, j snj ,, i; noi'li, range No. HI east, W. M..und
for Its timber or stoic: than for agricullura ,,11',-r nro.-f t,, Nhw that the land sought
puriises, and to establish Ins claim Ui saiu jB mmv valuable tor Its timber or stone than
land before the Ih-glstcr and Receiver or this I for ar(.uUim purpo-a-s, ami to establish his
ollice at Vancouver, Wash., on Thursday, the ,CHiioto said land before the Register and
Kill day of April, IW2. Receiver of this ottice at Vancouver, Wash.,
He names as witnesses: Robert h. ( ox or ' Tlll,s,,,v 4nu. i.,(h dav or March, Mt!.
Portland, Oregon, nnd Albert W. Knilth. He names ns witnesses: Albert . W. Isibdell,
Charles P. I teen and Kred A. Powell, H "f ; it,,i,ert I-'. Cox, William llaeh and Joseph V.
riociuliun. Wash. j Rt-t-d, nil of Portland, ihvl-oii.
Any und all persons claiming adversely the j Anv Hllrt n ,,r,ms elaimimr adversely the
ulKive-described lands are requested to file i 9(,ovi--deserl!H-1 lands are re-iucsted to tile
their claims In this ollice on or la-fore said ri-,ins m ihis ort'ice on or before 8. '.id
Kth day of April, limj. 1 r.tli dav of March, l-.J.
I7mll W. R. DUN BAR, Register. ; i:m: W. H. I UN i:rt. Regt tcr
' United States Land Ollice, Vancouver,
Wnsh., Jan. In. 1;HI2. Notice Is hereby given
that in compliance with the provisions of
the net of gress of June ;i, IS7S, entitled
An m l for Ihe sale of timber lands In the
Stales of California, Oregon, Nevada ami
Washington Territory," as extended to all
the public land states by ai l -if August 1, 1W2,
of Hoiiuiam. county of ciu lialls, state of
Washington, has this day tiled in this office
his sworn iiiU lii--llt No. Sflti, lor the purchase
of th-'sotiili 'X )1 and northwest 'J
Attractive Properties
at Attractive Prices.
We have to offer this week, among other tilings, the finest CITY
TRACT in llnod Kiver, containing over 50 acres more than 350 lots
within a few blocks of the business section. Choice future business
locations and handsome, sightly residence places. Gross price, 22,
000, or ifiio. 50 the lot. Fine "buy" for speculative purposes.
Improved orchard tract, 12 acres, 450 trees, 2 acres in strawber
ries ; earliest in the valley ; two miles from town and has its own
water supply. A quick money-maker. Price 2,400.
Unimproved piece 10 acres choice apple land; miles -out;
timber on tract worth more than f 100 ; water convenient. Great
' bargain for n quirk buyer. Price (275.
House and ( acres of hind near Pine Grove school ; 3 acres cleared ;
one acre in apples. F.tisy terms and cheap at $500. Seven-room
house to rent, with ri acr. s; fruit trees and hue well ; close in. Cor
respondence invited. Call on or address
"The new Kent Estate firm,"
XL Hood Sotes.
' During the recent cold weather the
' : i a I. .. i A . t. ; o ..1 ..
The Haasalo club of Hood WwHSWlhthd.
marking out a line of work that will be iour or five inches. All trartic on the
of groat benefit to the whole communi- street car lines was stopped after 10
tv. Although organised and conducted o'clock each evening,
with a view to sociability among the Lewis Tomlinson sold his ranch and
, . ,., ". ... came here last week to make the trans-
young business men of the town, at the ,e(. He then bought 40 acres of his
special meetings the members take hold brother Henry. After getting things
of business propositions In a business fixed up he returned to Ashwood, where
liA'A manner TI, ...,h L llv Hood he is foreman in the mines
Hay for Sale.
No. 1 wheat hnv and clover and timothy
mixed. For sale by K. K. LYONS.
Horse for Sale.
A trentle family hors; will sell on lime or
trade for anything i run make tisoot.
r2s a. o. itr.uNii r. i .
Kiver' s board of trade.
Horticultural Cofltfatlo.
The third annual convention of horti
cultural interests will be held at the Ag
cultural College, Corvallis, on the 13th
and Hth of February. A two days' prr
gramme of pithy, pointed talks, papers
and discussions will be rendered. The
great success that has attended tlie for
mer meetings promises to be overreached
in the coming convention.
The railrosds will give the
.lorvsl nrice on the certificate nlan. Ask
vonr local aget for certificate when you I d elected officers for the rest
iuirehiwe vour ticket.
The programme now in preparation
for the occasion will be published shortly-
Every fruit grower is earnestly re
quested to attend and take part in the
This will be a lire meeting lor the live
horticulturist of the state.
The topics fordiscuswon are up-to-date.
The question-boi will afford every one
an opportunity to call attention to the
We understand that Arthur Disbrow
made a 3&!e of his place to Walter Grib
ble. Arthur is one of the earliest fruit
growers of this section and has about 900
apple trees in bearing on the place.
H. H. Tomlinson sold one-third inter
est in the saw mill to a man from The
Palles. They contemplate putting in a
double saw and new carriage, and then
they can handle all the finest timber in
this country.
Roy Henson and A.G. McKamey went
to Hood River last week to have a sleigh
ride and attend lodge.
The King's club met the otlter night
oi tlie
year and to while away the hours during
-Uie stormy weamer.
The literary and debating society is a
grand success and every one enjoys at
tending despite the cold weatlier. All
are subecribers to the Mt. Hood Journal,
one of the spiciest as well as the ablest
edited little newspapers published in
these parta. i
The socialist party of Orecon will hold
state convention in Portland, March
topics in which he may be specially in- ItHh, to nominate candidates for slate
teresteu. otaeai ana canuiuaiee tor cuugrrca.
Taken Up.
At tb Shoparii nlnoo, n old ijrny horse
wtlh smalt hIkvo tMll on. owiu-r rvqtifMted to
come at once, my fortius itoiic' und lorfied.
and Uike the home. J u. . ju.mv1.
Town Lots for Salel
Apply to J. V. WATT,
Sec'y Hood Rtver Towm-lte .
Money to Loan
On lmnrove-1 ftmus an1 ?kI tHk mnehesat
low rui una tm ioiik imir, u ;tui' u. nuiip
pMrtieulHra and loutst aniounl whuUJ by
writing or I lint: upm
Mil 27.1 Stark St, rortlaml, Or
And wairon ivMilrinir attended lo pr-onpttr nt
my .hop on the Ml lb Hid road. Mouth ol town.
Uood work al reasonable pbi-s.
.,,17 U. A. HUW FI.I
Chickens ! Chickens !
Kora'iort time I will wll a. I '. While l-r-horn
nnd While W ynndmte c-kitvl t Voc
and Sl.obearliat my Kcy.t.,n arm.
j: MK.S. i. !. WMoHWuin H
Peanut Roaster.
We livf ik prunnt K"1-r of latwd patrn
and -n supply air cnionn-m wuli the bent
uoalilv of pcaiiulK, frch r-tl rrrrr day.
SampHMhcm t.X)l.K.t OH Vll AM.
A rH hWfir ralf, month old. .Ilrhtly
brlniiir in fv. no bn nd or par mark. Any
pprm wn.i will tke tip tin en'f and wnit me
word wilt lie rt-warded. it. K- H AltlUsnN.
Water for 1902.
rrtM wishin wt-r of the opply Cum
panv of Hi-1 Kivct alb-T nin-t have thofr
Ppiloli-Hi in bv KeK. I, l'L Him j-pll-ration.
run hJ from an; meuibi-r of Ihe
bord nf dirwtorn.
JW I. K. MaRKHAM. Secretary.
For YOU to Remember
When you need anything in the line of
You should call on
The Glacier Pharmacy
1. Lots in Waucoma Park addition
from $90 to $160. -
2. Eligible residence lots in Spangler's
subdivision, near cannon house; only
$80; terras easy.
3. A rare bargain. The north 40 acres
of the Henderson farm at $1600 cash, for
ten days only.
4. Twenty-five acres of the Silliman
place, East Side; 18 acres in cultivation;
young orcnara; o an acre.
5. Unimproved and improved fruit
land to rent on five years lease.
6. For 30 days, the Henry Coe house
and two lots, knowff as the McCrory
property; price $500 cash.
7. Barrett-Sipma addition; $75 per lot:
$10 down and $5 per month ; no interest.
8. The Grant Evans house and lot,
for sale only till Jan. 1st ; price $850.
9. Fine homestead of 160 acres on
Rock creek near Davenport's. Price
$1,000 $300 down, balance at 6 per
10. Lots in Hull's addition: each
lot level, 80 x 140; center of ball ground;
$150 each.
11. 150 acres about 8 miles from Hood
River on Mosier creek, new house, three
acres in fruit, $700 cash, title perfect.
12. For 30 days, 4 lots lying east of
the McCrory property; price $175 cas h
for the two.
19. The Glover farm, well improved,
4i miles from Goldendale ; 240 attres
140 acres in cultivation; 63 acres in
winter wheat; 7 acres in hog pasture,
with a creek running through it; all un
der fence, with cross fences; large
new barn and fine house. Price $12.50
an acre; win tune iioou Kiver property
in part payment.
21. N. 8. E. M, S. N. E. M sec.
T. 3 N., R. 11 E White Salmon; fine
timber land ; $10 per acre.
22. The Emerson homestead, only one
mile east of town ; fine range ; $1,500.
28. 529 acres, with much fir timber,
including both falls on Hood river. Re
fer to Butler & Co.
31. At Trout Lake, 80 a. ; 3 in timothy,
cuts 8 tons a year; 50 a. in heavy saw
timber, white pine, nr ana cedar; west
fork White Kalmon river runs through
the place; price $1,250. '
32. Emma G. Robinson's 160 acres on
hills east of White Salmon, known as
the Dryer place; fine timber; unim
proved; $785.
160 acres of land about 8 miles from
Hood Kiver on Mosier creek, new house,
three acres in fruit, perfect title, $700,
for sale at the hmporium.
House for Rent Coe's new cottage on
the school house hill. Price $7.50 per
month ; well water on the premises.
Money to loan.
At the Emporium is kept a first-class -
surveyor s transit, and the proprietor
Deine a practical surveyor, is well pre
pared to do the work of laying out acre
age proiierty in lots and blocks, and do
ing all kinds of surveying.
N. B. Terms are easy on all the above
lands, with interest at 6 per cent. Per
sons desiring locations on homesteads
and timber claims should apply at the
Fate is.still in doubt, bnt we know that SPRING REXOXATIOXS
--pry-'jua o piv.giuoa now, i uoairing on
JgVl f'KJA l,r'gl'h!"ing up the ravages that winter
.4 i:
has made on houses, barns and fences
A' ' V ' 'V- " Ji" ' Vvfc- .'. lain, juui nuunc
X$mfh' KiUwM k like new; but "All is not Paint
A W lt"Sj1 ' ' ill l' gUatena."
ttUltlnfl Slll Tl,e 8,ock ol Oils, White
t2rZ:?fcmrte Lead, Color., etc., and the fine line of
i -it,
Mixed 1 units to be found at our s'ore.
are warranted to stand all kinds of
Paper Your House.
And before doing so call or sent! for
samples of our complete line of Wall
Pillar. Wowill sell you Art Goods
Picture Moldings, Yiunikhe, rrushes, (ilass and Decorative Xoveltica.
Everything to beautify a home at the
Wall Paper Emporium,
dlzxterc a,2a.d IDecorators
Phone Main 3o.
Second street
. (Timber Ijind, Act JnntS, 187H.1
United Htatm 1na4 Office. Vnnroovur.
Wiu-li., IK-r. 21. lMll.Notloe I horvbv trlven
thill In t-omnliitnce Willi the DrovlMonnof the
net of oiniii-,- of JuneH, 1K7H, enlitletl "An act
nirinimwm tiiniM-r mna in ine mitten or
Culifornlu, Ortmon, Nevuda and W anhluston
territory,'' aa exlroilrd Ui all the public Wild
aialttti by act of AiiKUHt 4, ImU,
of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of
(ireicon.liiM thin daynied In thin omtwhlaiwnrn
nUleiuent No. 2U4 for the purrliaee of the
Lot 7, wiiithrast y, HMilhWMt V aection . and
lot 1, . uarthwiwi u and north ww-t
oraevtion 7, In Uiwnnhlp No.
Vi of norltieaHt
I north, ranire
No, 11 eaat, W. M and
F. K. ISAUNF.S, Notary Public.
Insurance, Abstracting, Writing Deeds, Leases,
Mortgages, etc
Books .
job Printing at BRADLEY'S BOOK STORE.
If you have projvrty to sell, list it with f.s.
Store on Oak etivot.
Oihi-e in the brick
Comprises the Latest Styles and Qualifies.
Wc also have an extensive follet tion of
Mr. L Bradley's Magnificent Hood River and
Columbia River Scenes,
than wliit-li no im-n- lu-auliful r accopuMe gift could I made,
r ji.itroiupp ; rf.-i-ittfully t-nliLited, -
will oiler proof to (how that the land noimht
la more valuable for lu timber or atone than
foraertcuiturHl ptirpoam, and to e-ttahllah liln
rlnini to antd land before the ItetrlHtvr and
Receiver of tlila oltlee at Vancouver, Wh.,
on Tueadur, the lllh day of Man h, ltd
He name an wltneam-a: Holiert f. Vix of
Portland, t)r.; KolierlM. lan forth of Mill Cltv,
Or.; Albert W. Uibdell and Jow-ph V. Keedof
I'ortlaud, Or.
of Portland, county of Multiioiniih, alate of
Oregon, haa thia day tiled In thla office her
worn alatement. No. &, Sir the purchase of
the aoiith northeaat W and eouth i norlh
wetof net Ion No. In lownnhlp No. t
north, ranire No. II eaat,Wlllamet4niertdlnn,
and will otfer proof to enow that the land
aoiiKht l more valnahle for Ita timber or
tone than for agricultural pnrpoar, and to
eHtatiliiih hla claim to auld land before the
1U oiler and Keceiver of thia offl-e al Van
couver, W ab oo Tueaday, the lllh day of
March, WU. '
He name aa wltneaaea: Itohert T. iix of
Portland. Or; Hohe.-t . lMnforth of Mlllllty,
or.; WaUlo B. bucli and Albert W. Lobdell of
Portland, Or.
or Mill ( Ity, county of Marlon, alate of Ore
fn, haa tin. day filed In Uila office hla sworn
aiatemenl No. for the purchaae of the
Urta . northeat i aonthweat aoulheaxt
S nonhweat and souihwaal uorlhewit H
of aection No. 4, In townhlp No. tw1h,
ranae No. 11 Kaat Willamette meridian,
and will oftVr pnarf to ahnw that the land
emit Itl la niira valuable I la Umber or atone
than raarlcultnnil purniaea. and to eatab
llh hn claim to aaid land before the KnrinU-r
and Keceiver of ihiaofficeat Vancouver. H aab..
o" Tiieaitay, the lllh dav of March, IMfU.
He nameaaa aiiimn; Robert r. x, Al
bect W lobdell, J.Meph V. Heed and Waldo
B. Hach. all of Port land. Or.
Any and all peraoue clalmlnf advemely Ihe
alKiveleaerllvd laudu are requested to die
their claim In this offloe oa or before aald
llthdayuf March, dm
WW W. R. M'NBAR, Reflater.